UH makes it official on Berg, Pestolesi
sorry, apologize for the bad link earlier
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sorry, apologize for the bad link earlier
Great hires.
Yes great hires. Wonder if Dave approached her or Robyn had a part.
2. don’t know the answer. I could see Ah Mow-Santos’ hand in it but, then, I had always felt they would be looking for a female with a setting background who had played at a high level. That pretty much narrowed the field.
Hi Cindy! Would you say that this year’s team could be as strong or stronger than last year’s team? Considering Mags & Castillo coming off well from sand and the addition of some great coaches? Mahalo! Go Bows!
An international player, who’s perspectives and philosophies on volleyball will augment the Wahine coaching braintrust. Moreover, her knowledge of the fast offense used by the USA women’s national team may come in handy.
Had trouble with the link, here’s one to the official UH announcement:
Most recently, Berg served as a volunteer assistant at Dartmouth last season where she trained the setters; helped with the team offense and game strategy as well as leadership development.
FWIW. Kolby Kanetake will join the Cal-Berkley volleyball staff as a volunteer assistant this fall.
So the previous (James Kau I think) volunteer assistant is history. Or can they have two?
5. thanks. fixed it as well.
10. ‘t’s James Ka.
volunteers are volunteers so no limit on them.
The DOVO position hasn’t been posted but there is a listing of DOBO for men’s basketball.
5. i think this will be a very strong team, perhaps better than last year. but much will hinge on health of players. Never can plan for injuries.
Maglio for sure will be much improved. Castillo played sparingly on the beach but she’ll be a year older.
Guess the real question is what they do with the setting position. for the first time ever they have 3 setters on scholarship at the same time.
Really like the addition of both Pestolesi and Berg. I know there are detractors over perceived lack of coaching experience for Berg but as mentioned by Blunite she was at Dartmouth last year. She has very involved with camps and clinics.
Plus I’ve always considered the setter position as another coach on the court.
I remember James ka being a lefty. So it worked out great for blocking practice. Hope he comes back.
Wasn’t Kamanao and Thurlby’s senior year Mafua’s freshman year? Three setters on the same roster.
Sure, Mafua redshirted, but who is too say that one of the current setters will not redshirt?
Perhaps red-shirting Norene would be the best of all worlds. (How good is Norene’s blocking? (at 5’9″ if at that) ) At any rate, the Florida and Long Beach matches highlighted the blocking of Kendra in the front row. Higgins is the choice for a fast offense (Kendra’s sets are way high). Dave will probably let Berg handle the setters (including who should start), so TBD.
Now that the NCAA commentators have revealed Hawaii’s Middle hitting strategy (ISU’s adjustments negated it) a faster offense may be the best alternative.
Throwing this out to those in the know. If you have a scholarship as a setter, does that mean that the person cannot play any other position? I ask this because at the exhibition match earlier this year, Koelsch played what appeared to be outside hitter and she didn’t look too bad! That would leave Higgins and Iosia as the setters and help beef up the left side with Taylor and Castillo on the right. Of course, there’s also Sibley, a possible 6 rotation player. Not sure how Dave will utilize Mitchem since she has mentioned her desire to be a 6 rotation player.
Anyone can play anywhere the coach wants them to.
This team will be special, both the players on the court and the coaches on the bench. What a year this will be.
We need to beat Wisconsin, it will be a huge rpi boost. Hope Mitchem and Granato (or Castillo) make a seamless transition to the starting lineup right off the bat.
14. Also, Carey, Vakasausau and Thurlby were also all on the same team at the same time (2002). So, it won’t be the first time three scholarship setters were on the same team. Unless someone was a walk-on in 2002 or 2006.
new thread up
As for the 3 setter comment. It was something Shoji had said a few months ago about the first time he had 3 on scholarship at the same time. .
Thurlby and Kamana’o were together 03-06. Mafua redshirted in 06. Could be that she wasn’t on scholarship at that point. could have been the deal with Thurlby in 02 when redshirting. But I don’t know.
Shoji might be mistaken and I passed on incorrect info.
Ka is a left-hander and is a really good practice player for the Wahine.
Mitchem may want to play all the way around, doesn’t mean that will happen. But before she got hurt, they were working with her on 3-meter attack.
17- Hope it’s castillo. But history says Granato from Punahou. Castillo upside is hard to ignore. While Granato is probable the best she is going to be right now.
It’s possible Shoji might have forgotten. Pretty sure Thurlby was a ranked recruit who was on scholarship. She and Boogaard made up the No. 9 recruiting class of 2002, per VB Mag. Also recall Mafua being a ranked recruit. Thurlby might have been a walk on in 2006, since she was a fifth-year player.