Tuesday checkin, Ma’a update
Back in the gym for a 6 a.m. practice. Very cool this morning in Gym 1, pleasant compared to other steamier days with the humidity and occasional mosquito.
Usual routine of drills and skills. Some mini scrimmages with mixing up lineups.
Do not be surprised to see Magill or Maglio run a slide this week. Something they worked on today. They usually add a new thing or two as they get closer to postseason.
Nothing new about Passi other than she wasn’t there. Nothing for anyone to say other than she was a great teammate and is still a friend and wish her well.
Agreement that the timing was odd.
Players focused on winning two and then see where they are headed. Think I mentioned earlier that some thought UW would be nice just to take Magill and Huff ‘home’ and that southern California would be good since they know they’d get a lot of support there.
Thank you Cindy!
Can’t belive that the regular season is coming to the end already.
Thanksgiving is a day away and hope that the team members will all enjoy themselves. Unfortunate for the mainland girls they can’t be with their loved ones at home.
Any way Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, have a safe turkey day, and most of all good luck to the Wahine this weekend. Win two and hope to get some good news on Sunday. Go Bows !!!
By the way Cindy, do you have any idea on the program for Sr. night?
UCLA woud be the best sub regional to be sent to IMO but gotta beat UC DAVIS first, can’t overlook them.
I think there would definitely be more wahine fans than UCLA fans in attendance as well.
anyone going to the warrior exhibition tonight? I can’t go would appreciate a report, especially on the setting and new players, I know averill,Brook and siki will be good.
A haku by the girls would liven up the fans.
2. sorry, no idea about the program. it’s going to be late since it’s an 8 p.m. start.
Know that the Adolpho family will be out in full force with T-shirts saying Molokai Slide. Don’t think Mendoza will have miniature horses ‘-)
5. believe you mean haka? They have done some pretty cool things in the past. Nothing tops Maeda’s proposal.
Spoke with Ma’a’s mother today. Misti has left the Miami volleyball team but is remaining in school. She is graduating in three years and will be done in May.
Mom said nothing has been decided about the future. There’s a lot of options out there. She’s been given her release, has one year left indoor if she wants. Apparently is interested in playing sand and eventually go on the pro beach tour. She also has her modeling.
Regarding Ani, nobody but Ani and her family know her reasons why so everyone should just leave her alone. Ani is a personal friend of my daughter and she is a kind and wonderful girl so please everyone just stop with the mean comments….
Cindy, at what time can we volley ticket holders enter the arena to both the Friday and Saturday scheduled 8pm matches?
Yes haka, these old fingers punched enter just the moment these old eyes saw the u.
9. answered on previous thread. Sorry, don’t know. in the past they’ve let VB ticket holders in for BKB. open seating. then asked to move to regular seats for VB
8. thank you for that perspective. She is a very nice young woman and I’m sorry to see her go.
4. I won’t be at the match either. Tsai wanted to cover it.
9/10 — partial answer on previous thread.
Agree that Passi leaving before the end of the regular season is unusual, but Waber did the same thing when she left. I remember seeing her in the stands for the last couple of matches.
14. Wasn’t Waber redshirting that year?
Is any write up on the three recruits forthcoming? Read, there was a possibility for this past Monday, since team was on the Road. Just curious…
I started reading “Wahine Volleyball”. First up is Diane Sebastian Pestolesi, 1978-1981, she is telling her personal experience with UH volleyball. Really interesting inside story.
I had no idea. I was there in Klum Gym in those years, now I am getting the background story….fantastic reading…hard to put down and take a break. I highly recommend it.
Hi Cindy, If Hawaii ended the season today, would they be in and if so which three teams do you believe Hawaii would be paired with in the subregional and which regional would they fall under?
well whatever it is, passi has moved on. and na wahine needs to put away the horse steed of davis and raise all hands for adolpho and mendoza. equipping magill and maglio with a new weapon should add into the attack but dont let davis scout what it really is while dealing with riverside. both including davis is a ‘weakling’ so forward to victory wahine!
18 they are In RPI 30 Looking at the teams ahead of them 9 would win their conferences UH would be 21st at large No idea where they get sent or who they’d be with Depends on how regional the NCAA wants to be west coast sites likely Stanford UW Arizona Oregon Colorado state maybe UCLA
14 Waber was red shirting and when she told shoji she was leaving She no longer was part of the team and not practicing
The men won 4-0. Everyone looked a little rusty which is to be expected. I thought Franciskovic played well. He out up good hittable balls and distributed his sets well. Jones looked competent. I’m not worried about the setting.
Though he played fine in the front row (he had several really nice kills), Fey’s passing is further along than his hitting right now. I think his defense is what’s going to earn him that starting position. With Mol as backup that 2nd OH position should be fine. Leung also did a really nice job at opposite.
The only position that worries me is that 2nd middle. Holt was the starter but he stills looks a little slow in his movement along the net. Radner played and he looked okay. They must be planning on redshirting Owens because he was there but wasn’t suited up.
Also not suited up were Pukahi and Namahoe. They have another player number 23, an OH, who must be a new walkon because he’s not listed on the roster and the announcers weren’t even sure of his name at first. He looked like he might have game though perhaps not enough to replace any of the starters.
I think the second middle could be their weak spot this season.
Thanks for the update Rayson. Kind of disappointed Owens is redshirting probably? Was hoping he would be able to start at MB2.
Also did Brook not play??
Two big ones today: Stan at UW, NU at Ill…
parking at uh basketball game. if you have a parking pass for volleyball, will you be able to park free for the wahine basketball game?
22. rayson: Mahalo for the color on the local freshmen! I was hoping to see that in this morning’s article.
How did the back row look?
22. appreciate the recap.
26. don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to use it. just don’t park in the designated Koa Anuenue spots. unless you are with Koa Anuenue.
26/28 Don’t know how strict the parking guys are, but the pass does state on the back of it (or at least it used to; I’m just going by memory now) that it is good only for two hours before and two hours after the event for which it was issued. So if you’re driving in at 4:00 for the 4:30 WBB game with a WVB pass and the WVB match isn’t scheduled to start until 8:00, they could be strict and say you’re too early; come back at 6:00 or pay the $6.00 charge. I’m not saying what they will do because I don’t know but they could do that.
Just a quick last minute note. Ginger Long is a graduating senior and will be participating in the Senior Night program on Saturday with Sarah and Kalei, I want to make sure she gets the appreciation she deserves for her contributions to the team.
30. Thank you for posting that Adrienne, I’ve heard talk about Ginger graduating and was wondering what she wanted to do. Great for her. Wishing Ginger, Sarah and Kalei the best.
30. That answers the pending announcement of the status of another player due the end of this week.
That also explains a little about the scholarship questions for next year (sorry Cindy, I know you don’t like who gets a scholarship as a topic).
Glad Ginger will get a senior night send off. Hope she gets to play a lot against Riverside.
Cindy will Ginger Long be part of the Senior night festivities since she will be graduating?
Ok Warriorfan you answered my question Mahalo.
ginger graduating eh? awesome. now its time to eliminate davis.
UW leads Stanford 2-0…
Thanks Adrienne. Was getting to that. See new thread in a minute. Was getting a comment from her at practice. She had told me last week that it was a possibility but hadn’t completely decided.
32. yes it does. Was waiting for her to make her decision.
33. my issue is with people needing to know who is on scholarship and who isn’t.
Long wasn’t going to be on scholarship next year if she came back. She was told that when she redshirted.
Washington defeats Stanford 3-1… Stanford’s 1st loss. I still think Stanford can beat them if they played again. Wow that is what you call high caliber West Side Volleyball. Great teams like the both of them play at a very high level in every aspect of the game….wow
Darn arizona just lost to USC. USC is in the tourney. I wanted them out.
You know that NCAA loves pairing them up against UH, so won’t be surprised if UH faces them.
41. have it on the new thread.
and Agree that Stanford should still be the overall top seed. UW with 2 losses. Stanford is the Pac-12 champion unless Stanford loses at Cal Friday
quirk in the schedule had them only playing once this year.
42. only way that UH sees USC if both get sent somewhere like CSU or Texas That would be. fitting since Haley coached at Texas and defeated Hawaii in 1988. They won’t put USC in a subregional with a Pac-12 host. But don’t see that as an early matchup. USC and UH too close in the RPI. SC at 23, UH at 30.