Texas sweeps UTEP

Wasn’t there but scores are 25-13, 25-19, 25-21. Closer than I would expect. but hard for Texas to come back from last night’s loss to play early. And likely is more concerned about the 6 p.m. match vs. USD

complete stats at



  1. LC August 31, 2013 1:47 pm

    So I’m watching the replay of last night’s match on Big West TV and in set 2 Jim Leahey says…Ginger Long, from Kihei on the island of Mawho, is in the match.

  2. Lina August 31, 2013 1:56 pm

    That’s nothing, according to Leahey in set 4, Ferrell somehow had a kill attempt or a block attempt.

    He’s really gotten worse.

  3. LanaiBoy August 31, 2013 2:26 pm

    It has been a popular pastime to knock Jim Leahy on these boards. Yes, he does make some mistakes but they are relatively few. He still is a legend; he still has the ability to create excitement with his voice. More important, he is not a homer; he tells it like it is and he sounds professional and smooth and has a likable personality.

  4. Dedicatedfan August 31, 2013 2:35 pm

    People, please realize, the only reason Jim Leahey is doing the play-by-play this year, is due to the fact that his son Kanoa, is tied up doing other thing. Otherwise, Kanoa would have been doing the play-by-play. Would not be surprised if Kanoa does the play-by-play next year.

  5. hossana August 31, 2013 3:03 pm

    LanaiBoy …you are so right in your assessment of Jim Leahy……..Kanoa is good but he lacks the verve or excitement that his father has in describing a sporting event…i would take jim leahy any day to broadcast a sporting event than his son…..but, the bottom line, both are great announcers……

  6. jmy August 31, 2013 3:05 pm

    I agree with LanaiBoy…Yes, he makes mistakes & maybe most of the negative comments are true, but he adds personality & charisma to the broadcasts, and I still like him: mistakes & all…and, no, I’m not related to him…

  7. haleiwacrossfitter August 31, 2013 3:15 pm

    Hearing Jim’s voice is very nostalgic for me. It brings me back to the 80’s and my beginnings of watching UH sports on TV. His son is good and yes, Jim makes funny mistakes sometimes, but I would pick him any day. And no, I do not think he is on tv by default this year or any other year. He is a legend in Hawaii TV broadcasting, much like Dave is a legend in volleyball coaching.

  8. Dedicatedfan August 31, 2013 3:26 pm

    7. Jim mentioned at the beginning of the broadcast that Kanoa was suppose to be in his place, but was busy with his pending wedding and such, the reason he is doing it again this year.

  9. Lina August 31, 2013 9:18 pm

    Jim, give it up, it’s time to let Kanoa take over!

    If mistakes were so few there wouldn’t be as many comments as there has been up until this point about his mistakes. I’d say 5 per actual set.

  10. hossana August 31, 2013 10:37 pm

    I would like to comment that Lina, whoever you are, plez take a HIKE!! There is no way Kanoa is any where close to providing the color and insight and anecdotes that his father provides in describing a sporting match….its boring watching Kanoa on OC12 broadcasting the OIA or football games on that channel..he lacks much verve or emotion or description as he tries to emulate his father in trying to describe sporting events or calling a game and he falls way short…waaaaaay short in filling in for his father……his father is much smoother and has more connection to the fans ………..nothing more and nothing less…

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