SandBows 3, Arizona 0 Play UCLA
UH-UA match time is at 8 a.m. HST. No TV. TruTV coverage is 9 a.m.-noon on OC 119. First match should be the Pepperdine-UCLA elimination match.
Florida State-USC at 10 a.m. HST
The winners of the UH-UA and UCLA-Pep match play around 11 a.m. but given how late everything ran Friday, no guarantee of how much will be on TV has the live stream
Bracket at
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On Ct. 5, Homayun-Rooks win Set 1 21-13
On Ct. 3 Long-Tucker win Set 1 21-13
at 1, Spieler-Maglio down 19-16 in Set 1
Spieler-Maglio lose Set 1 21-17
to watch individual matches
Long-Tucker win at 3, 21-13, 21-16
Ginger Long and Hannah Rooks are soo good, reason why flights 3 and 5 have been so good for UH this season UH up 2-0, Wish Ginger had another year she really shines on the beach and I enjoy watching her play.
And Nikki is just dominating out there against Arizona.
At 5, Rooks-Homayun win 21-13, 21-17
Taylor-Schucht clinch the dual at No. 2, 21-5, 21-18
Maglio looks tired out there.
I would love to see Rooks play a season indoors. What are the rules on that? Isn’t if she plays a full 2 years with the sand team, she can play indoors without taking up a scholie? Or would she have to take an indoor scholarship because indoors would be considered the “higher” sport.
I thought I remember something about a 2 year rule, though??
Rooks is really, really good.
Our #4 team needs to get it together and take some pressure off of #2 and #1 because UCLA, FSU and USC have very strong #1s. I almost feel like our 5 and 3 are locks at this point. I know they aren’t, but they sure play like it. Homayun is good, too.
She always looks that way . But Got to remember Emily and Katie are playing the best of the best at flight 1, those Witt twins are probably the second best pair in the country after Claes/Hughes of USC.
9. I’d love to see Speiler indoors, she would be a terrific DS, super exciting too, but I know it won’t happen.
And I agree Homayun is really good for a true freshman and Mckayla Tucker is too, and we do need Zalopany and Schrieber to step it up.
Mags does look a step lower than she has shown this season, though. Not sure if the pressure is getting to her, but I agree that she does look a little more worn out than normal.
I wonder how Kendra Koelsch would be doing on the beach team. I know she initially committed to them and then switched indoors. Makes me wonder if she would make a difference on one of these teams. has an iOS app to watch streams as well…works great if you are away from a computer…
I think Koelsch would be good always nice to have a versatile player with height but doubt we will see her on the beach.
Looks like pepperdine and UCLA will go down to the wire.
H.crossfitter, Your comments about Rooks reminded me that her mother has been taking Hannah to the Wahine games for years. It would be great to have a late “bloomer” join the Wahine and show the crowd how she has blossomed. The way she is playing now she might contribute on the left but I am not that knowledgable about crossover .
Wish Kendra would play sand. She would be a perfect fit. Writings on the wall already indoors. Shoji won’t start her even when Higgins leaves. Look at how Ginger Long blossomed. She saw the writing on the wall.
But Ginger was always good at the beach though, we don’t know how Kendra would be. Kendra is an important part of the indoor team as a blocking settter sub and on the beach playing time will be harder to come by.
Remember the beach team is soo deep, They are only losing two seniors ( that are playing) and gain a very good and 6 deep recruiting class plus Indoor recruits Emma Smith and Kirsten Sibley (possibly even Norene Iosia) who are very promising on the beach. Plus Casey, Huddleston, Baby G and Clare waiting in the wings, it’s gonna be a battle just to make the top 5 pairs.
Rematch with the Bruins, winner plays tomorrow loser season ends, lets go wahine!!
USC’s coach seems so arrogant.
Kendra was recuited for beach. Isn’t USC coach Stein Metzler. He has alway been full of himself.
Yea But a beach Insider on volleytalk ( geddyleemarvin) said Koelsch was better indoor than beach.
No Stein coaches UCLA, Anna Collieer is the USC coach and she was acting like FSU hadn’t beaten them before lol
Man Claes hits the ball almost harder than Nikki, they are the hardest hitters on the beach.
I have a feeling it was the USC coach that objected to UH moving Spieler/Maglio down to flight 2 lol or stein.
24 Believe it was but not confirmed
UCLA wins 3-2
Disappointing Nicki and Schucht really let down after set 1, and flight 4 was a liability all tournament, need a stronger pair there next season.
Disappointing end to the season. Flight 4 needs to be a lot stronger next season, they were a liability this tournament and too bad Nikki/Schuct and Long/tucker loss the matches after winning the first sets. bummed.
I will miss seeing Spieler and Long. Great seniors. But really excited about UH next year. I think Morgan Martin and Emma Smith two highly regarded high school beach recruits will step into their spots and maybe some surprise grad transfers?
Will be interesting to see who Coach Hall pairs up with Emily Maglio next year. Assuming Shucht stays with Nikki Taylor, maybe a super tall pairing of 6′ 4 Maglio and 6′ 1 Morgan Martin or possibly with Mckayla Tucker.
what was the score when the Maglio/spieler match got cut. I know they were ahead toward the end of the third.
Really wanted to see them play tomorrow on TBS to get more national exposure, really disappointing loss.
Cindy, how likely do you think it would be that Mitchem plays Sand after she completes her indoor eligibility? She did played Sand for IVC. That would be a nice boost.
29, yep they were about to win it was timeout UCLA Mags/Spieler were up like 13-10 on the twins.
Any grad transfers joining the team next year?
play* Aarghhh
31. Would love to see Annie play one year for the sand bows, but there’s ALOT of competition for the 10 spots on 5 pairs not sure if Annie would make one of those 5 pairs.
I also hope next year Coach Hall just puts his best pair at flight 2 all season long, just to stick it to Anna Collier lol
Hughes and Claes will be even more unbeatable next season, and quite frankly it would be good strategy if UH wants to win the national championship.
I would also keep Rooks and Homayun at 5 even though they might be good enough to be in flight 3. I remember when Long Beach won the avca championship they had their second best pair playing at the 5th flight lol
Meant to say Long Beach had their second best pair playing at the 5th flight all season long, even though they could have easily been moved up since they were unbeatable something like 40-0 all season at flight 5.
Catching up now that I can
9. Rooks is dedicated to sand. She cannot be on sand scholarship and play indoors.
11. nope, won’t happen. Spieler is done with playing at UH, grads next Saturday with her master’s
13. Koelsch chose to concentrate on indoors. Originally a beach commit but with Kyra Goodman retired, they needed a second setter. Koelsch moved over.
32. Don’t know if Mitchem is interesting in playing beach next spring.
35. They have 10 players coming in for next year. Don’t think there are any grad students. They want more than a 1 and done.
I think Mitchem would break into the top 5 but much depends if she wants to play.
36. Hall doesn’t try to game the system. The rules were supposed to allow for the switch but the NCAA yielded to the protest. Same thing happened at the Aloha Invitational. UH wanted to switch its pairs the second time they played SC but the organizers at the last minute said they couldn’t. Even though the tournament packet said they could.
final result
#4 UCLA 3, #5 Hawai’i 0
(Order of Finish: 4, 3, 2)
1. Katie Spieler/Emily Maglio (UH) vs. Megan McNamara/Nicole McNamara (UCLA), 21-18, 14-21, DNF
2. Ivey Schmitt/Kamila Tan (UCLA) def. Nikki Taylor/Ka’iwi Schucht (UH), 18-21, 21-12, 15-12
3. Elise Zappla/Izzy Carey (UCLA) def. Ginger Long/Mikayla Tucker (UH), 20-22, 21-19, 15-11
4. Zana Muno/Jessyka Ngauamo (UCLA) def. Lara Schreiber/Hannah Zalopany (UH), 21-15, 22-20
5. Hannah Rooks/Ari Homayun (UH) vs. Julie Consani/Reily Buechler (UCLA), 17-21, 21-18, DNF
UCLA moves on to play Florida State in Contenders bracket final Sunday. That winner moves on to title match vs. USC.
new thread up to continue the post-mortem