Hawaii No. 1 in preseason VB poll
2015 Big West Women’s Volleyball Preseason Coaches Poll
1. Hawai’i (8) 80
2. Long Beach State (1) 68
3. UC Santa Barbara 56
4. CSUN 53
5. UC Davis 50
6. UC Irvine 39
7. Cal Poly 32
8. UC Riverside 15
9. Cal State Fullerton 12
( ) Denotes first place votes
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Hope they are #1 in postseason too.
I have strong faith and hope……GO WAHINES!!!!!
I guess Dave voted the Beach #1.
Too bad ur way out of Seattle by now.
Mitchem is now on the 2015 roster
Great news about Annie.
4.5 I thought this person with a gazillion names had been banned, how did he make it back on the blog???
With Annie there are now 11 players over 6 feet, has to be one of the tallest wahine teams ever.
#5 Wow, wasted is such a strong word -and often misused. Yeah, Annie may be coming in less than ideal – but we all know it is what you make of it that counts. I believe new hanai families will make this Texas girl feel at home fairly quickly. After all, it is all about the ohana.
Nice to have players from different parts of the country. Just hope they adapt
to this place.
Annie has been living in Irvine, Ca for the last two years, she will be fine.
Cindy, besides the Tai decision, what is Megan Huff’s schedule as far as playing for the VB team and since she’s now on a BB scholarship, will she stop playing for Shoji when the practice starts for the BB.
Make it 3 for Annie, she had a redshirt year.
thanks saw that on the roster a couple of number of changes as well. will put up a new thread in a bit.
4. i’m about 2 hours northwest of the AVP tourney. would have been nice to drop in because three teams with Hawaii players were in Friday’s main draw. But priority was seeing mom and then getting back for Monday’s first day of practice.
5-7. not the same person who was blocked but did put the last one in pending. It’s not my decision to block people. the paper has a protocol.
9. with the one post being put in pending, sorry that it makes yours not relevant. not sure why the person thought Mitchem would be put in an uncomfortable position. None of the newcomers were on the Europe trip, neither were Ponce nor Guinasso.
but yes, agree with you that wasted was not the right word.
11. she’s been at IVC for 3 years, which is why she doesn’t have a redshirt year left.
12. no idea. that will be worked out between the coaches. All Beeman said was that she’d like to have Huff some of the time during volleyball season. However there is a limit to how many hours players can practice in a week, doesn’t matter if they are playing multiple sports.
new thread up for Friday