Hawaii drops to 32 in RPI, stays at 6 in poll
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UCSB is gonna be crazy good for the next few years.
megan rice is such a special player and I was hoping she’d decommit and decide to play with norene at hawaii. a healthy lindsey ruddins and megan rice on the outside is gonna be lethal in the big west.
sorry but having computer issues and need a new power cord. might not be back until after 3 p.m.
People won’t want to hear this, but the change in rankings do, for the most part, make sense. If we do well in the remaining games and in the tournament, we will be holding on to a better RPI next year. But the bottom line remains the same, at the end of the day, you have to win. Win 3-0, especially those games you are expected to win.
No big west honors this week:
Nominated: Maglio
Defensive: Kahakai
Hoping the Wahine gets rest, good practices, whatever they need to get to top form as they were earlier in the season when they beat Florida. Right now, they seem to be sliding to the level of their competition in the Big West. Get out there and stomp the competition. No mercy. And please….no service errors. No freebie points. Got to be in that mental zone. That’s what its going to take to be ready for the NCAA tournament and get to the Sweet 16 (and beyond).
Ahhhhh. Shucks. I think there goes our slim chance of hosting. I am glad this wasn’t known last night. It would have made walking out of the SSR that much more difficult. I am going to miss Olivia and Tai. You could tell that aside from being good athletes that they are also good human beings–beloved teammates and friends.
From what I heard, the Olevaos stepped it up in helping Olivia and her family have a good senior night also.
Here’s my two pennies on the starting setter. When our coaches scout their next opponent, they should be doing everything they can to give the team the best chance of winning. That means they max their strengths offensively and defensively, and, exploit opponent weaknesses. That also factors in team discipline, where everyone should know their role. Tough balancing act imo, because every player brings different strengths and yes, weaknesses, to the table. So coaches face every week keeping players motivated, with good attitudes, which usually then translates to players playing their best. Whoever the setter, the team has to win the last six games. When you get to the tournament, you have to win. No game is easy. Every opponent is good. Every point is important. You cannot give up easy points. Good teams use pressure as motivation to play their best — because they can. And as Shoji said, good teams don’t have swings up and down. You have to win. National championships are won by winning.
The RPI’s deficiencies have been pointed out previously by Coach Shoji, Cindy, and many of us who post on this blog. Still it kind of amazes me that USC loses and moves up to number 1 in the RPI while UH wins twice and plunges to 32nd.
oh gosh more RPI banter.
do what you guys do best, email the source and b*tch and complain. maybe they’ll change their rules. yes we all don’t like it but it is what it is.
and FYI usc lost to #5 ranked UW. we beat two teams who would have easily been ranked in the 100s. there’s a HUGE difference.
You can’t expect to move up in the RPI when two “bottom feeders” play you tough.
Plus, UCF held the #1 ranked blocking team to only 4.5 blocks, none in the third set.
The Wahine still seem unprepared whenever their opponents do the “slide.
The Wahine seem unprepared whenever their opponent (whoever they may be) do the “slide”, and with LBSU looming on the horizon, I hope Dave pays a little more attention in stopping that play. In their first match, LBSU was almost unstoppable and kept running it over and over again with success as was UCF. If Greeley and TMO stay focused, they can do it. Wishing the ladies well in their last six games on the road.
9. Done..Posted to the NCAA Volleyball Facebook feed about the disparity of the RPI as an overall metric for the post-season. They must’ve gotten the ‘computer’ that generates the RPI from the defunct BCS committee…
10. What is the measure of ‘play[ing] someone tough’? Holding an opponent under a certain points per set? I find no where the computation of the RPI and the metrics used for its derivation.
#1 Totally totally agree. Watch out for the Gauchos as they will have an excellent team.
Nice match last night and congrats to Olivia and Tai. Great to see Emily hitting the slide more. More importantly, hoping the team is working very hard to defend the slide as it is seems to be an increasingly effective and successful attack against us, and is definitely used big time in the Big 10, assuming we get that far. Go bows!
There’s a shot UH can shoot up if they can beat No. 47 LBSU on the road, and another road with with CSUN. A win at No. 81 Cal Poly could help too.
In essence, six road games and their non conference winning games an help.
But it doesn’t matter. just win!
10. being manini here but it’s CSUF, not UCF. That would be Central Florida. ‘-)
They didn’t hold UH to 4.5 blocks. It was just how the match went. The Titans had 12 SEs which plays into opportunities for blocks. UH should have had at least one more block, that one was negated by a questionable net call.
Also Titans had 11 hitting errors, many caused by trying to avoid the Wahine block.
Like many, I’m done with the RPI discussion. That said, hard to justify USC losing and moving up in the RPI. Just as Riverside and Fullerton moved up in the RPI, benefiting from having lost to higher rated Hawaii.
nice match last night. shar tai manuolevao sang beautiful and played remarkably. olivia ended it on a couple slides. fair winds and smooth cruising to tai and liv as 2 outstanding wahine.
now when are wahine going to besiege the beach and the rest of the big west? no later than wednesday i hope? its time for wahine, forget rpi, forget hosting, but to crush everything in their path including up to penn st.
My next to meaningless prediction: we’ll hear about improvements to RPI early to mid next year. Just my view and nothing else. And the last time I will ever comment on this subject again.
Mahalos in advance to the SoCal UH fans for supporting our girls this weekend!
sharene 6: Mahalo for that tidbit. That ties in well with the two things I noticed during the Senior Night celebration: 1) The Manu-Olevao clan were giving leis to Magill. I realize that it’s not unusual in the 808, but it’s still a classy gesture and 2) even more touching was watching Tai’s mom turning to the four sides of the SSC and gesturing her mahalos to the fans. Very classy family, and it all starts with the parents.
With the knowledge of what I have learned in the last few weeks about Tai and her family, I am embarrassed to have been so critical of her.
Mahalo, Tai!
Any confirmation on Patrick Gasman’s injury?
I tell you what…I for one, who has criticized Tai for her inconsistancy, especially in the backrow and serving…will certainly and definately miss this young lady A LOT!
I guess only now that I realize she is not going to play next season for the Rainbow Wahines has suddenly hit me….I will surely miss thes “MANA” she brought on every attempt to get the kill….She represents the Wahine’s and the Hawaiian/Polynesians with her MANA at the net…I will miss that!
As for Olivia…all I can say is thank you for coming to Hawaii…When Vorster(sp) left we all were like, oh no…But then we heard you decided to come to Hawaii and it was a blessing for all Wahine fans that you did.
Olivia you are perfect fit for these islands if you ever decide to make it your permanent home…We all wish you and Tai the best in the future and know that you both have left a valuable impression on the young Wahines we have now on the team as well as ALL the ones who still dream of one day becoming one.
Aloha and Thanks for all the Awesome Memories…..Now, lets bring back that NCAA Title!
Keani Passi doing well at Chaminade, season kills and service ace leader for them. There was a short blurb about their match win on Monday, in today’s SA .
Aloha Cindy,
Got back from my staycation in Waikiki. Just wanted to say that it was nice meeting you at the Sunday match at the SSC. That really takes a talent to be able to watch the match and write your article at the same time. Kinda of like the way I play drums, gotta do a bunch of stuff all at the same time. Anywayz, mahalo for all you do to keep us bloggers entertained!
16. You’re right, my bad.
21. yes, out for the season. if you were at the arena Sunday, you saw him in a cast-like wrap on his left leg (i think it was left). he was using a walking and propping the leg on the seat to roll around as the men’s team came out on the court.
23. she has done well and I fell bad that we have dropped our DII coverage, something I did for a few years while Ann was the main Wahine writer.
24. nice to met you too. one of several posters who dropped by to say hello Sunday. Thanks for coming down.
new thread up for Tuesday