UHVB: 8-25 practice, Adolpho tweaks ankle
Very early practice but the norm as they start school, 6-8 a.m. then lifting
Back in Gym 1. Three nets, a lot of by-position drills.
Kalei Adolpho rolled right ankle stepping on someone’s foot. about halfway through practice. we joked that it was the new ice bucket challenge as she was icing it laying down. didn’t look serious. she was able to put weight on it and walked out.
Asked Shoji about starting lineup. He said probably tomorrow. But givens are Higgins, Adolpho, Magill.
Said he was still undecided about libero. Mendoza and Kahakai, but who ever didn’t play L would be on the court as the first DS in there.
As for outside … likely Passi on the right and then Manu-Olevao, Long, Greeley. not in that order. said Greeley one of the best passers on the team and could see time in the back row. She hits well from the 3-meter. Obviously Greeley will start Sunday, along with Long and Passi since Manu-Olevao and Taylor are out.
Ljungquist dropped by again. She is here through Saturday and will be at first match. She went golfing for the first time last Saturday, went out with former assistant coach Kari Anderson Anbrozich. And then she and Ah Mow-Santos were hiking Diamond Head this morning.
How long did kalei ice her foot for? Can she still run?
Cindy, do not forget to get a pic of Angelica.
Dave mentioned the same thing about Greeley, on BC show this morning. Said he would not hesitate in subbing her into the back row. He also mentioned that they will try to set Magill whenever she is in the front row, even if they are setting her from back of the 3 meter line. Magill will be the GOTO player until Taylor returns, and quite possibly even after that.
Forgot to mention, Dave is also pleased with Tai Manu-Olevao’s progress this year. Said, she has really stepped up her play, and leadership.
The starting lineup will be announced when the tv lights come on at the introduction of the players Friday, like last years, so don’t hold your breath.
I’m really rooting for Long, hopefully her serve is getting better. I remembered a few times when she hit the ball into the net.
hollycow — i would say that last year, part of the reason the lineup was held back for as long as it did was strategy… to maybe not reveal too much and catch texas off guard a bit. this year, it seems like a large part of the reason a lineup may not be set is that there’s healthy competition for more open spots.
I’m still waiting for Long to break out. I thought it was going to be last year but it never happened. Four more days.
I would not hold my breath on Long, she has not proven she is a DI player. I see her more like an outstanding DII player. I do not see her getting much playing time, once the Freshmen get some floor time experience.
What? Long plays on a D1 team in both volleyball and sand volleyball so yes, she has proven she is a D1 player. 🙄
So what if she is not a starter or does not meet your expectations. She busts her butt day in and day out and gives her all to be a Wahine volleyball player.
9, 10. Just saying she is not a DI starter type player. Not saying she cannot be on a DI team.
Hey Volleyballfan, stop it. Don’t be so negative about Long. Not necessry on Volleyshots.
awe, I think Vbf contradicted himself in 8 with 11. lol
1. ice and elevation for about the last 15 minutes. Took the ice off at the end of practice. ankle taped. she was walking on it without a problem.
2. don’t know if I”ll get a picture of Ljungquist. But she will be at the arena Friday and I’m sure you’ll see her on TV.
and I heard Shoji this morning with Scott hosting. Shoji said the reason she was chosen assistant team captain was her growth. Shoji said that her selection wouldn’t have happened last year.
4. Shoji said he’d probably have a lineup Tuesday. Don’t think he held back last year because of Texas scouting. He really didn’t know if he wanted to start Taylor.
8. Long is a DI player and she’s proven it by making the team, both indoor and sand. She hasn’t seen the court much indoor because she’s been playing behind some pretty good players. Only 6 players can be on the court.
12. agree. Not sure why VBF/Steve/Steven/Laura has to pick on players. It was Manu-Olevao last season.
I’d prefer he stays on VT if he’s going to be negative.
it’s odd for someone to say long is “not a D1 player.” long would start on a great many D1 teams. it just happened that she was recruited and chose to play for a very good one, which has had a lot of competition for starting spots. she will be a better player for it, if/when she earns a start for Hawaii.
Cindy, I am not being negative, just speaking the truth. Long has not beaten out anyone for a starting position, in her 2 years here so far. In fact she has seen very limited court time. I do not see her breaking into the starting lineup and staying there, in the next 2 years, either. She is what I would call a good practice player, but when the lights are on, something happens. All teams have those kinds of players. Also, all teams have those kind of practice players. What I would call, tweeners, would make excellent DII players, but not quite good enough to start on the DI level. Long is not the only one like that on the team, and she will not be the last. Dave had his share of those kind of players in the past. So this is not something new.
15. agree. She had a lot of offers from very good programs but wanted to stay home and be a Wahine. Sunday’s lineup will be interesting. Much depends on how Passi does in earlier matches. But I can see Long starting Sunday with Greeley as the LS.
Ohio is not going to be a pushover Friday. They have a lot back from their conference championship team and return two who have been POYs in the conference in each of the last two years.
15. Cubicle, what you say is true. Long could start on some BWC teams, just not the upper echelon of teams, in the nation. So I take back, that Long is not a DI player, just not for the upper echelon DI teams. I just hope she is not on a volleyball scholarship, cause that would be a waste. Volleyball scholarships should be given to those that are capable of starting. Otherwise, it would be a waste of a scholarship.
17. Cindy, according to Shoji, Ohio has 5 of 6 starters returning, including those CPOYs as you mentioned. This will be a very challenging weekend, cause SDSU is no pushover either, especially with the Wahine missing Taylor, and Olevao. I see Megan Huff playing quite a lot, on Sunday, against SDSU. I do not think Shoji can afford to go that small against SDSU.
The negative rant has been going on for a long time, Mafua, Satele, Scott Wong’s recruiting, Uiato, Olevao and Long. A waste of time battling words on this blog. Best to ignore the ignoramus.
18. enough already. Long is on scholarship. She is on a top echelon DI team.
scholarships are the decision of the coach. Let it go.
19. I don’t know if Huff will play a lot Sunday.
The Aztecs are rebuilding, picked fourth in the MWC. two starters back.
They will be young, too. We’ll see how many of their five freshmen see the court.
The Wahine can afford to go small but it will be predicated on the passing.
Great insights from everyone. Still, baffling without seeing the team perform.
Coach Shoji must be enjoying these moments–to have so much selection options.
Indeed, it will be an intriguing season as it plays out to the roster subgroupings: the Frosh, the Proven and the Marginal Improved. To be sure, this season portends a blogosphere of surly commentary and unremitting controversy.
Cindy, did they re-evaluate Nikki’s status from 35%. just curious cause their 3 weeks prognas ends this week.
I say ban volleyball fan, aka Dedicatedfan,Laura/Steve already, it’s only gonna get worse once the wahine lose…so better now than later.
22. Cindy, I do not believe they will be as young as the Wahine. They have 5 incoming Freshmen, 4 Redshirt Freshmen, 1 Reshirt Sophomore, from UCSB, and a Transfer from South Florida. Their Middles average 6’3, and they do not have an OH under 6’0. Hawaii, without Taylor, and Olevao, have only 2 starters returning also, in Adolpho and Magill. Actually you could say 3 starters returning for Hawaii, cause Mendoza did have extensive playing time last year. With Taylor and Olevao in the lineup, it would be no contest. Now the match will be a toss-up without them. If the Wahine can come away from this weekend being 2-1, that will be good, 3-0 watch out, 1-2 coaches have work to do, 0-3 start praying for Taylor to get better really, really quickly.
Hey, it will not get worse, cause I am not expecting much from the Wahine this year. They are just to young, and inexperience in a lot of positions. This will be a learning year. I already know it will be a battle for them to win the BWC. If they do get into the Tournament, not expecting them to go far. The only time I get crazy, is when I expect them to get to the Final Four, like next year, and the year after. I just want to see the Freshmen get as much playing experience as possible this year, cause it will pay off in the next 2 years. It will be Shoji’s next 2 years that he will have a legitimate chance of winning a 5th National Championship. I am keeping my fingers crossed that UH wins the Bid to Host a Regional in 2016.
This is my first time leaving a comment, but as a die hard UH football and volleyball fan (win or lose) from Maui, I usually just like to keep up with this blog for all the good info and updates. But who ever this “volleyballfan” is is a scrub and needs to go. Everybody is entitled to their opinion but don’t forget how hard these young women work to get to where they are. Keep it positive
24. she was going to see the doctor this afternoon after class. I will know more after tomorrow morning’s practice.
26. Yes, I can read the roster, too.
for those who also want to: http://www.goaztecs.com/sports/w-volley/mtt/sdsu-w-volley-mtt.html
Never said they’d be as young as the Wahine. But they will be young.
If you’re going to count Mendoza then you have to count Higgins, who also played in all 30 matches. But I’m not going to. UH returns 3 starters in Adolpho, who started all 30, Taylor (26) and Manu-Olevao (27).’
Regardless of how they do this weekend, it’s not going to speed up Taylor’s recovery. My thought is she’ll miss the first 6 matches.
If they go 0-3 the only thing that will hurt is the RPI.
Shoji feels they need to win 8-9 of the first 11 or it will be hard to stay up in the RPI.
“Hey, it will not get worse, cause I am not expecting much from the Wahine this year”…then why don’t u just leave this blog and check back next year?
28. Cindy, but Taylor and Manu-Olevao will miss the SDSU match. Also, you definitely have to count Magill, who started all matches with UA. If people start praying you never know, God can do wonders, when it comes to Taylor’s recovery, unless you do not believe in the Almighty.
First, I am concerned about the RPI this year, it does not mean anything, not with this team. This year comes down to the Freshmen gaining experience, and the team coming together. Second, winning 8-9 out of the first 11 will be a challenge without Nikki Taylor. If they can do that, they will be OK in the BWC. Otherwise, who knows how well they will do in the BWC.
What scares me is Nikki Taylor’s arm problem. Who knows if it will flare up again during the season. I keep thinking back to Hewitt and her back issue. How it kept her out of some matches. The same thing could happen the Nikki Taylor, during the season, I hope not, but never know.
I am surprised to hear the negative comments on Ginger Long. Anyone who attended the scrimmage on August 23rd would say that Long has made tremendous improvement this coming season. She is hitting really hard and well from both the front and back row. Her defense is also much improved. She will be a strong contender for a starting spot, particularly on the Sundays when Manu-Olevao will not be playing. Admittedly, she has tough competition but that is understandable for a perennial top contender as is Hawaii. Also, her height will always be a disadvantage for her, especially on the right side where blocking skills are so valued. Actually, I am looking forward to see what she is capable of doing this season.
Cindy, aside from VBF’s singling out Long’s lack of playing time last year, I kind of see his point about a player on a team, i mean, making the team and receiving a scholie and not playing all that much. I read his words and the points he make. While it can be chaotic and scattered, he has one constant theme. UH currently is without its newly minted go to player and the opponents not only knows this, but has the weapons to defeat UH. So his concerns are that the UH will not be as good as previous teams. He is basing his view on the evidence he accumulated from the past couples seasons specifically regarding Long’s performance. As to Long’s ability to not make the starting line up. Obviously the factors as to why a player does not make the starting/playing line up is not just about ability. So for me, I also have reservations about this team because i don’t know what to expect. Unlike the past few seasons where I knew for the most part the UH was going to be good. This years’ situation currently is a big question mark until preseason starts.
I have heard how well Long has hit from both the front and back row, during practices and scrimmages, but have yet to see her do the same thing when the lights are on. What I want to see her do, is duplicate what she does in practice and scrimmages, when the lights are on. As for her height, the Wahine rarely have tall RS hitters. But so far this fall practice, I have heard her only playing LS, not RS,
31. no, I don’t have to count Magill as a returning starter because she didn’t start for UH last season.
33. It’s not the singling out of Long, it’s the continued negative singling out of a player every season. This constant harping has been going on for a number of years.
It led to this person being banned several times on this blog. The new website allowed him to start posting and he’s promised to behave. But it is getting old.
34. I have said that Long has hit from the right in practice, as well as from the left. While the Wahine are going to a more traditional RS, still means that one of the Lefts will hit Right in one rotation. Greeley can also play right. Huff is more of a RS player, although she mostly played MB before coming to UH. Huff has more than decent hands for a tall player, capable from behind the 3-meter.
I would like to challenge VBF from writing negative comment about any players on this blog. This is a positive blog about our rainbow wahine volleyball program. We understand you already. We are celebrating Dave 40th year and 20th year of the SSC. No need to grumble so much.
Vbfan seems to delight in managing to ruin this blog all by himself. He has absolutely no class. How about we take a vote Cindy to ban this disturbed individual. His attacks on the student athletes are cheap shots that really should not be featured on a blog that is the only local venue for Wahine fans put together by a journalist from the only newspaper in this town. Enough is enough. His rants have very little to do with sports. Somehow it’s personal with this character. Let him go elsewhere for therapy or at least stop responding to him.
Cindy, you keep saying the Left Outside Hitter, hits twice from the left, and once from the right. But if you go over any of last year’s tape of matches, you will see that when Nikki Taylor, moves over to play the Right Side, she switches over to the Left Side upon the Wahine serve, so in actuality she never hits from the Right Side, only the Left Side. So your comment is really not a true statement, except for the fact that she does move to the Right Side, when the opponent serves.
Also, I can just see Dave saying to a player who is doing badly, great job, the team is behind you. Cause that is what all of you are doing, right now. Instead of pointing out what that player is doing wrong, and trying to correct it.
Finally, every year Cindy, or someone else, says this player is doing great, or well, in practice, but when it comes to match time, and the player goes in, what we see is not what happens in practice. Why is that? Is it because the player knows no matter what, people will still root for them, no matter how badly they play. I wonder sometimes. Is this the reason why Shoji cannot win his 5th National Championship, complacency not only amongst some players, but also amongst most fans. Meaning the status quo. Is this why UH, and UHAD is in the shape it is in today? I ask you. People need to start looking at the BIG PICTURE. Like what will it take for Dave Shoji, to win his 5th National Championship, or what will it take for UHAD, as a whole, to belong to one of the BIG 5 conferences. Just upgrading a facility a little hear and that is not it. UH built this new facility with stands, for the Ching Field, but will the stands ever be used regularly, the answer is NO, wasted money. On top of that, there is locker rooms only for the Women’s Soccer Team, who does not even play their matches at UH. Whereas, you have a Wahine Softball Team that plays their games right across the street, but have their lockerrooms at the old complex. Does that make any sense, I ask you?
But all you get is a lot of cheering that UH built this lovely facility with stands, that no one will use, speaking of the stands. All that money could have been used to build a new Wahine Softball Stadium instead. Have offices in that new softball stadium etc. I can go on and on, but I will stop here. Thank you.
35. Cindy, but she started every game for UA, so she has all that DI experience. Not to mention starting for UA, for 2 years, that counts for something. If you are going to count Nikki Taylor, and Tai Manu-Olevao, as returning players, even though they will not be playing against SDSU, then you have to count Magill, who will be playing, and has more experience then Nikki Taylor, and a little more the Tai Manu-Olevao.
Cindy, I said I was going to behave, I did not say I was going to be this rah, rah person just for the heck of it. I will always be critical, cause that is how I watch the matches, very critically. I do not watch a match of any kind just for the heck of it. I always look at any kind of match very critically. What could that player have done better, always better. What did that player do wrong in a certain situation. I do not just watch a match, or game, just to cheer. That is not me. I really study what is going on, try to get inside a coach’s head, why is he/she doing this or that. Try to understand why a certain coach is making this move, or that move, etc. That is why I love women’s sport more then men’s sport, cause in women’s sport it is more strategy, instead of just brute force.
big fan waiting for the start of season–whatever happens–GO BOWS ,GO WAHINE and THANKS , DAVE!!!!
I saw Nikki actually taking swings from the right side in matches last year, besides the left.
Try the forum below for your views, you might find some similar and also opposing views :
Anyway I am glad, Dave is making Olivia the number one option . I really hope the passing holds up so that Higgins has opportunities to get the ball to her, if not, I would like Dave to move Olivia to the left (ala Maja Gustin) with her vertical, and arm swing, she would definitely be able to get a lot of points. I think Emily could definitely hold her own in the middle.
Wahine volleyball team is the driver of this car and VBF is the back seat driver. I would go crazy if someone questioned everything with a fine tooth comb. Why she did that instead of this.
40. I think you need to contact Dave to be a volunteer on the team. Why not get the recognition from the team and break down the plays for them. You can tell them in person how you feel.
volleyballfan — not everyone on here is completely “rah rah” all the time. some are, of course. but there are more than a fair number of fans who post here asking critical questions of the team.
i think what many take issue with is your fixation/obsession, often directed at a single player. the sheer volume of your posts sometimes directed at a particular player is exhausting. for me, i don’t mind the criticism. but i’ll defend someone who i think is being unfairly attacked. just sayin’ …
43. Magill not going to move out of the MB. You’ll see her hitting slides.
46. it is exhausting.
we all agree with you that vbf is annoying, redundant, illogical, and just down right “pilau”. coming from a non-athlete such as he with no life makes it even more disgusting.
the way i look at it is, you have two choices that would please us all.
one, ignore him completely and totally. that goes for all of us to turn the other cheek by not responding to this lonesome cowboy.
two, have scott m. block his i.p. address for life. end of story for this sorry (bleep bleep).
…nuff said
48. options
1. yes. thinking of the Allstate commercial and Mr. Gold’s funeral.
2. maybe. have done it previously.