Post-marathon tips from Jerold Chun

Dr. Jerold Chun is a cardiologist by trade, but he does know a thing or two about running since he’s finished all 41 Honolulu Marathons. He did today’s in 4 hours, 40 minutes and 49 seconds.

Dr. Chun shares these tips for post-run recovery, but stresses that they should not be considered official medical advice.

> “Once you get in, definitely keep hydrating, lots of fluids.”

When you put your body through extreme stress like a marathon fluid gets trapped and is not processed as efficiently, causing you to need more water to repair your body.

> “Keep moving, you don’t want to just stop and park yourself.”

After hours of constant motion it is not good for the body to stop moving all of a sudden. At least a few minutes of walking.

> “Go easy on pain medications.”

Some, like ibuprofen, can cause stomach bleeding even under normal circumstances. When your body goes through the trauma of a marathon it is even more vulnerable.

> “Beware of the sun.”

This goes for during the run, as well, and if you begin to experience symptoms you can’t explain such as lightheadedness, check it out and be safer rather than sorry

> “Jump in the ocean.”

Chun says this is one of the best ways to begin soothing the aching body right after a marathon.

> “Be patient while getting back into running. Young guys feel like they can bounce back quickly. But everyone should just walk or swim for the next few days weather than run.”