Warrior Beat: West Point is motivating point

Defensive linemen Eperone Moananu and Blessman Taala take a break during this morning's defensive drills. / Photo by Stephen Tsai
Before today’s practice, quarterback Cole McDonald called over several of his teammates.
McDonald reminded the players of the feeling following Saturday’s 28-21 loss to Army, their first defeat of the season.
“Remember how that felt,” McDonald said he told teammates. “I know I don’t want to feel like that again. I don’t want to let the team down or let Hawaii down again.”
The Warriors had an upbeat and seemingly determined practice today.
Duquesne is set to arrive tomorrow on two separate planes.
Comments are closed.
How many cockaroaches can exist on Stephen’s Blog?
My only expectations out of this year’s team was to play better than last year and so far “hell yeah”. With 2 senior starters on defense and 1 on offense we are young. These guys will get there, still some rugged games ahead but feel like our boys are up for the challenge…
The 8/17 Na Koa lunch report is now up:
i understand tavai playing on special teams to impress the scouts,but i also saw blessman on punt team.too much.
Hey you know everything?
I would tell McDonald, YOU remember how that felt. And that he should have tied that up. And that Chevan should have been put in because Cordeiro would have MADE that score!!!!!!
So it’s McDonald that has to remember. Oboe desu yo!!!!
Why listen to you? You dunno notin’.
I’ll have a chocolate Napple, please.
Sorry my earlier post (5) was meant for dat roach that got squashed wit won slippa!!
Gesser had to resign as assistant AD at WSU
Thanks for this, Inyoface. Woah. Gesser. Now that’s a name from a local/slightly possible HIsMan past.
Didn’t figure him to do be associated (pardon THAT pun) with something like that—but there is due process, and Gesser certainly deserves to gave that
There are several deluded personalities on this blog.
I’m not a robot, hence the reason I cannot dance like a robot. For that matter I can only do one dance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9X0u1mmdvc
burro sabio, I would love to live in Kapahulu.
I live in Mililani.
If you’re a vegetarian, it totally sucks.
I’d rather they remember what it felt like after the win at Colorado State.
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania: home state to Carpenter’s hall where they the founding forefathers had the first legislative session in 1775, 1 year in the making to signing the declaration of Independence. The cities look in Philadelphia is classic pre-america buildings. Are they all football maniacs in Pennsylvania? Of course i do. Only one football college team in Hawai’i.
These bananas drive away the regulars. Like walking into the wrong bar. Cant even hold a decent conversation about any topic before they hijack the whole thread with unintelligible blabber. These guys are taking the joy out of the best blog in Hawaii.
As tough as the Army game loss was, it was good experience for the coaches and players.
The defense did play almost the entire game and gained valuable rough & rumble game experience and extra conditioning. Hawaii Defense has shown so far that it’s not going to easy pickings to run the ball for huge plays against them. Duquesne is a RPO spread type offense that will add winkles like using multiple tight ends to pound the rock as well, the Hawaii defense will have its hands full.
The Hawaii Offense gained valuable experience by seeing great Army defensive schemes in game speed. The Hawaii Offense has a chance with the coaches to improve, so if any teams try to replicate the Army defensive schemes they will be able to recognize it and overcome it.
Nothing beats actually having real life game/work experience… after this sour taste of defeat to Army, The Hawaii Warrior Coaches and Players has a chance to learn and use this as fuel to never be satisfied and keep striving to be improve every game.
Work Grind/Earn Respect
Live Aloha/Play Warrior
Play Swag/Go Warriors!
Second idea for a UH Football TV ad (the first was posted on Sept. 12). It uses humor as its base.
In the first scene three friends (guys) are at Joe’s house sitting on an outdoor bench in his yard. Joe is wearing ankle weights (on his ankles) and is trying to carry five red “solo” cups while pinning other various items to his body with his arms and still other items stuffed in the front of his board shorts while walking briskly.
In the second scene another friend walks in on them and asks the group on the bench, “what is Joe doing?”. One of them answers, “I told him UH was going win last week but he never believe me”. “So now, at the game on Saturday, he gotta grab all the stuff we like from the concessions for us” “Don’t bother him, he gotta practice”. (Joe walks by again, briskly still).
In the third scene the friend (that walked in) asks “hoo, can go game with you guys or what?”. And one of them answers, “yup, we go”.
In the next cut the voice over gives specific information on how to obtain tickets for the game.
In the final scene the guy on the bench says to Joe, “eh brah, I aint’ eating my saimin with this ‘armpit’ chopsticks”. And then another guy says, “and I’m not using those napkins” (while pointing at the napkins stuffed in the front of his shorts). An exasperated Joe rolls his eyes and loudly sighs, “huuuuuhhhhhhh”.
The caption reads “University of Hawaii Football”. “Live Aloha/Play Warrior”. I hope they infuse local humor in some of their ads if possible.
16 like your sense of humor and approach. Absolutely no doubt marketing for the program is important. Would love to see a solid turnout for this weeks game. Should be a good crowd with hopefully former players and family along with “Ring of Honor” inductees and a homecoming theme. Would love to see 30K! On another note, Jahlani Tavai is about to climb the list of all time tackle leaders and surpass Dave Dworsky-many of my former teammates are in that top twenty Levi Stanley, Dworsky, Randy Ingraham Bill Letz. Although it was a different time and place these guys did not typically play four years and only played a max of 11 games. Just like Jahlani they were fierce competitors whose prescience was felt the minute they hit the field. Dworsky is a highly successful business owner in California owning and operating a commercial landscaping firm. I see him every couple of years and for a guy with two metal hips and close to 70 years of age he looks 20 years younger and is fantastic shape. Hope we never forget the pioneers of this program, they helped Governor Burns launch his dream! GoWarriors!!!!!
#6 Chicken Grease
I think you’re way off the mark my friend. You have no idea what Chevan would have or could have done…because he wasn’t playing. It’s actually quite unfair to place that pressure on the young man. His time will come, and we’ll all support him when it does.
I’m as excited as anyone to see him tear it up when he gets his chance. The race between him and McDonald was close, and McDonald is playing better than any redshirt sophomore with less than a year in the RnS has any right to be. Cole has earned his spot.
On Monday Night Football the Bears ran a pretty clever RPO shovel. So I broke it down and noticed it could do well against the BYU defense when they play their base 3-4 (observed in the Wisconsin game).
There are notes on the image for assignments, but I’d like to add that I’m sure that Rolo and Stutz could get pretty creative with options routes and alignments to fold this into the RnS2.0.
You’re assuming Chevan would be “under pressure.” You ever see these St. Louis QBs under pressure in college games?
Think you’re off the mark. All we needed was someone with the courage to tie up the game. I dunno if McDonald had his family watching him on his mind distracting him.
A St. Louis QB would have scores that short TD.
Read a book.
I appreciate the response Chicken Grease, but I have to say…. you’re just not making sense. You DO know that Quarterbacks don’t block on the line right? The quarterback doesn’t exactly get to pick and choose when they’re under pressure. Maybe you could read that in one of your books.
Did anyone think they were going run a
pass that involved a rub with two recievers
to the outside..
I’m too sexy for my bud or I’m too sexy for my body.
This is the second time you’ve mentioned “pressure.” Yes, I might be pro-Cordeiro with that last play (by the way, Army kept putting in fresh guys . . . you think Hawaii might have been clued in on that?) but none of our QBs are made of sugar.
I hope you can end up seeing the forest for the trees here, kind sir. Overscoring this weekend or even making the game a “challenge” with Duk-quesne-eskee? Either would be MUCH too contrived. And if they lose to the top hats? I actually have no response to that. At least not right now.
Goodness. Pressure. They could have used a bunch of plays so close to the endzone and they chose . . . THAT particular one. Getting as fictional as NFL sometimes. Pressure. You like the Billy Joel version? Or the Queen/Bowie version? Or both?
We need more rushing yards.
Some people really believe they always have the truth. Well, it’s always the truth when it’s your opinion. But questioning Cole’s “courage” and the possibility of him being “distracted” in that situation lends more to a ridiculously biased opinion than one based on intelligence and truth.
I appreciate the level headed addition Haka
Maybe you two beed to exoand your horizons in terms of analysis.
The Army game was at least one where it should have been tied up. If the Warriors lost in OT but made an effort, fine. That FIRST effort would’ve been that easy score. If you didn’t have CBS Sports Network dig. Ch. 1247, then that’s mot my fault. But watch that last play, gentlemen, then tell me if it’s more Hoomeamea than it is Hawaii.
CG..you’re going off on tangents that don’t make any sense. Your original point stated that *if* Chevan was in the game for the last play there wouldn’t have been any pressure on the QB and he would have made the play, but the line isn’t going to magically change simply because Cordeiro is in the game man….
I’m going to venture a guess that explaining a logical fallacy to you in terms of what is “certain” is a waste of time. So I’ll just say, as Haka did, you’re clearly just biased to former St. Louis players.
Your horizon seems to be limited to one play. There were many more plays during the game. Who got them to be in that position of which your one play horizon sinks your sun? It’s your character I question. If your analysis is so worthy of note, maybe you should unmask your anonymity and voice your vision to the coaches and indeed, Cole himself. We all want to win and we welcome your help.
“First of all,” he said, “if you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view […] until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”
Words spoken by Atticus Finch in “To Kill a Mocking Bird”, one of the greatest American novels of all time.
It serves no great purpose to criticize players on a blog which is here to support them. Another good rule of thumb is to never criticize a player or a coach anonymously on a social media or a blog unless you would say it face to face to them. In any scenario, if you can’t look a person in the eye and say something about them, you might be better off not saying anything.
I appreciate all of the coaches and players. I have looked Cole and Chevan in the eye on a couple of occasions and found them to excellent young men and great representatives of our Warrior Football team. I pray for their success and appreciate their efforts.
I pray for the success and happiness of every poster here.
I didn’t attend St. Louis. So no bias here.
Ahem. Cordeiro would have been the magic (your words). Coaches (not Rolo, not Stutz) understood this. I did. And maybe others—perhaps WE’RE the ones who should apply for coach if Rolo leaves (don’t want him to, even with his football blunder).
Sometimes (many times, judging by the “discussion” I am having here) one has to get his or her head out of the game (and a non-biased “coaching staff can do no wrong, GO BOWS!” head at that!) to make an objective analysis. Try one today!
Thank you.
We’re going to have to agree to disagree because you clearly have zero idea what you’re talking about, and at this point I’m pretty sure you’re just a troll.
Enjoy the rest of your day man. Clearly you’re in your own little world.
What do you think I am doing when I’m advocating how that last play shouldn’t logically or credibly have happened?
We all saw the tied up score. 28-28. Maybe even 2-point conversion. Would’ve ended. Look at the amount of times team succeeded on 4th down conversion this season. Astronomically low penalties, compared to years past. “Had the tools, had the talent,” as Ernie Hudson’s character said in Ghostbusters.
Just was not a credible loss. And you all know it.
I’ll give you gentlemen the last word. I have shown that I am right:
#32 Da Punchbowl Kid: Couldn’t have said it any better. Mahalo.
As Maddog said , Duquesne has many Div I transfers. Their QB played at FAU last season when Batoon was a coach there.
They also have some transfers from Power 5 schools.
O.K. justbone more thing.
I welcome Mr. Tsai’s analysis of our own offerings here (I’m brave enough to say that. I noticed you didn’t say it first). So easy to call someone a troll—joke’s on you from this brother who incorporated a bit of Aristotelian argumentation (I know. SOME “troll” no? 🙄).
There. Now I am even a gentleman enough to give you gentlemen the last word:
If not biased, then your analysis of the play in question is flawed without all information taken into account. In the play, Army dropped what appears to be eight into a crowded end zone. It appears that the chaos caused at least one of the slots to route into bad spacing. It seems Cole locked in on his receiver. If Cole could have done anything better in my analysis, it would have been to look off or progress his read to the right wideout as the middle of the endzone was stacked. Anyway, the game is done. I am glad they look to learn rather than point fingers. We don’t need that again. Aloha.
islandman –
All the news reports and interviews seem to indicate UH’s strength versus Dusquesne . Even their own Coach alluded to as much in an interview. They play out of Pittsburgh which has a lot of top notch players. I just pray UH comes out firing on all cylinders, so we can give some of our back-ups a chance to play. I know that the Duke’s coach and players a very excited about coming out to play us.
I have zero issue with Mr. Tsai weighing in, it’s his blog and we’re all just fortunate he puts in the substantial amount of time and effort it takes to bring us the information he does. It’s not his job to referee two adults having a debate. Even if one is borderline incoherent.
Now, you can check the comments, no one is saying you can’t have your opinion CG. It’s that your opinion doesn’t hold water. A. No one can actually know what “would” have happened B. You’ve yet to lay out a single specific thought that relates to anything remotely close to “football analysis” C. Football is a TEAM sport and a game is comprised of dozens and dozens of plays, all leading to the end result D. Your obvious disrespect to Cole doesn’t go unnoticed here, I can assure you that.
Lastly, since I’ve generously been “given” the last word, I’ve noticed the usual spam posters on this blog have been suspiciously absent while you’ve been focusing on our discussion…..I think that says all it needs to.
Sigh Tsai]. You guys LIKE making me return, nov [omae wa Chicken Grease no kaetai, ne?
So now even YOU seem (being VERY conservative in specifying “seem,” here) to be saying the opposite (and thusly agreeing with me) what you colleagues are saying here. Namely that there WAS a way to win or tie up the game. There WAS an option. How coaching staff missed it IS puzzling. 🤔
All right, all right. Have the last word and I hope Mr. Tsai can weigh in our discussion here.
Would like to see how Oklahoma stops Army’s option this weekend.
Um. If you are inferring that I am that Zippy’s person, you’re wrong—and Mr. Tsai’s blog staff and/or Star-Advertiser staff can confirm that. I only post under Chicken Grease.
Thanks for discrediting yourself. What analysis CAN we believe from you. Re-read my game analysis. Everything I mentioned is possible for win or tie before OT at least.
O.K. I will just watch and read now. I know Mr. Tsai is quite busy.
Please point me to the comment in which you gave anything remotely close to analysis on the game….
Your allowance of the “last” word is not truth then? But your analytic contortioning seems to be.
Howzit Tsaikos!
Rolo took the blame for the last play. He thought it would work but Army defended it perfectly. Can’t change history. Learn from it and move on. Would’ve, could’ve, should’ve. Easy to second guess after the fact.
Concentrate on Duquesne and get the win.
And btw, Mr. Grease, my take on the last play in no way reflects my opinion of any man’s character or focus. I have the utmost respect for Cole, the coaches and the team. Go Warriors!
Quite, quite, haka, yes, I certainly understand as I did not commit similar disparaging. I just wanted to point out to the naysayers of my analysis that those on their side agree with me. And we just received a current comment about how Rolo took the blame for the okay—VERY 1940s-Imperial-submarine-found-sunk-near-Pearl harbor implications! If Rolo takes the blame, then Hawaii coaching staff WAS aware and could have had McD/coaching staff crafted another play!
Thank you.
You did not? Geez, go back and clear the grease.
……again…..what analysis? Show me anywhere where you’ve mentioned specifically what you would have done.
“put Cordeiro in the game because he’s from St. Louis” isn’t analysis….
Ok, off for golf and a couple brews!
September 19, 2018 11:33 am
Just like Hawaii. More brave than Hawaii.
#41 (via #45 as validation)
The comment count keeps rising thanks to Chicken Grease.
BTW, welcome back, Chicken Grease! Seems that ST has allowed you out of SMU-ville.
My personal opinion of Chicken Grease is that sometimes he makes good sense or good points, Other times I just shrug and move on…which I suggest to everyone.
Yeah “BINGO!” (which you probably play anlot of). Loke I said—Star-Advertiser blog staff will EASILY (they’ve done it over at Prep World) to admonish ANYONE using multiple screen names and will tell people to stop doing so.
You know, I dunno what the heck this “SMU-ville” nonsense is about. But leave me out of it. I CAN tell you that I’ve always been able to post here at this blog successfully. I think I am reasonable.
I know there was one time long ago where Tsai (when this blog generated hindreda upon hundreds of posts without my help) told me to “take a break, have a beer” because my posts seemed to bother one person who I see is no longer here. I complied. I respect Mr. Tsai’s words, it is HIS blog. I took a LONG break (which is probably why I don’t understand this “SMU” nonsense!). I was habut. But I complied—there is no denying that. Took a break.
Thank you. My points ARE sound.
Steve, your advice is well taken
justsomeguy, you don’t have to name-call me. Call me a “troll.” Tell me to my e-face that I dunno what I am talking about when other poata here basically say I have a pint (the dave one, where he says “Rolo took the blame” [maybe he can cite a source] was my checkmate to you and other naysayers]). Took Steve to show that I have gold points. Just read my brilliance next time. Thanks, Steve.
It’s funny. You seem familiar. I know I have friends like you. Knee-jerk reactions.
The ultimate fan is the one who questions. Keep that in mind.
Two months ago idunnonuttin made sense and had some good points too…… I know Chicken Grease as the eccentric distorter that has a curious view of things and (I think) is most times interesting. And is also the uniform Gestapo. I love any discussion on UH Athletics so carry on. Except Savich (or should I say “as Savich”)
BTW, Bingo is a term used to express surprise when something is unexpectedly confirmed (as in this case). It is also a popular game among Seniors, especially when prizes are involved. I got your point.
Maybe we will hit a hundred today. C’mon Mr. Grease, if you keep not giving everyone the “last word,” we can do it!
New post: http://www.hawaiiwarriorworld.com/?p=46868