Hawaii Beat: Extra workouts

Cornerbacks coach Abraham Elimimian works with freshman Kai Kaneshiro. / Photo by Stephen Tsai
As a bonus for qualifying for the SoFi Hawaii Bowl, the Warriors were granted 15 practices leading to the Dec. 22 game.
The extra work has been beneficial for the offensive and defensive lines. During today’s practice, tackle Ernest Moore and guard Gene Pryor got ample work with the first-team offensive line.
On defense, Justus Tavai has been honing his skills as a hybrid at nose tackle and 3-technique.

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Good afternoon!
They’re practicing. Getting back to fundamental I see. It’s great. I think it is important to get back to basics and fundamental in anything.
I don’t play football. I just give comments and advice on the blog. Getting back to fundamentals is important. So they can start over again.
Ever consider blog fundamentals?
Haka you made my day!!!!
Would love to see Moore as a factor! Would be a wow shift to the lineup.
Foi Shaws’ calves are Travis Simms like. Gotta cut da jeans brah.
Practice, practice, practice! Nice reward for the team.
Have a great day Maddog50!
I’ve had one thanks to you!
Quote from 69. prior day post: “we’ve got University and legislature that doesn’t understand the importance of college athletics ”
Upper campus and the state in 2016-17 provided $19 million to UH athletics.
For Fresno, that figure was $16.2 million, Boise $9.4 million but they had a lot of “Contributions” about $6 million more than UH.
For SDSU, $13.2 million and $11 million in student fees, Wondering if that student fee figure is accurate.
(USA Today NCAA Finances)
But i think the UH figure above of $19 million shows that the upper campus and legislature are doing their share.
Keep in mind also UH does have more operational expense due to travel plus the added expense of having to pay their opponents travel as well.
#9 Andrew – In addition, the cost of living in Hawai’i should be a factor for deciding how much help UH Athletics should receive from the legislature. We need pay scales for UH coaches which are competitive and facilities that are at least comparable to our competitors.
Love to see the young ‘uns getting the work in. Winning this bowl bid is a huge boost to the program in many ways – exposure, money, and recruiting to name a few.
Got my tickets for the Aloha Bowl! Can’t wait!
Blog Fundamentals 101
No “ad hominem” attacks on other bloggers. (Know how to debate civilly. The art of debate is so, so, so, so, so, so dead because of the comments sections on various websites. What passes for debate now is, “You’re an idiot.” “No, you’re an idiot.”
No “non-sequittahs”. (Nobody wants to read about Maryland basketball and Yoko Ono.)
No need to point out other people’s spelling errors. (And if you do, know the difference between a spelling error and a typo.)
I really think before I post anything now. I do not want to offend or bore the crap out of anybody.
So I apologize for blogging about Hong Kong director Wong Kar-Wai. I was just really excited about seeing a living legend in person.
Go Hawaii athletics, even men’s volleyball, which I have no interest in.
cappie – I almost feel like I know you! Well and gently stated! Mahalo!
9. Utah St had a smaller athletic budget than UH in 2016-17.
$34.3 million in revenues compared to $47.8 million for UH.
They have 6 men’s sports and 8 women’s sports.
UH has 7 men’s sports, 12 women’s and 2 coed.
UC Irvine’s athletic revenues was about $19.9 million, and their support from their university was “only” $10.6 million, compared to $19 million for UH.
They have 9 men’s sports and 9 women’s . No football.
islandman –
Read this and weep – I do every time I look at it. Look at Honolulu’s ranking in the US, North America and the World. https://www.expatistan.com/cost-of-living/honolulu
Now, consider the same stats for Provo, Utah. https://www.expatistan.com/cost-of-living/provo-utah
Irvine doesn’t have a football team, so I am not comparing them to UH.
Economies of scale apply here. And if the legislature is providing adequate funding, then why do we rank so low in coaches pay and facilities compared to say Utah State?
I am truly interested in your thoughts, my friend.
14. One website says Logan, UT cost of living index is 97, Utah as a whole is 118. Provo is 110 , while Honolulu’s is 201.
Okay, besides that, Utah St has less men’s and women’s sports so they have less overall operating expenses.
Fresno’s index is 108, San Diego’s is 178.
For 2016-17, Fresno’s support from the school was $16.2 million, SDSU’s was $13.2 million, while UH received $19 million from upper campus and the state.
Fresno had $5.4 million more in contributions than UH, but $3.1
million less in Rights/Licensing.
SDSU had $4.6 million more that UH in contributions.
So UH should get more in contributions possibly.
( The figures do not show Capital outlays by each school, only operating revenues and expenses).
As far as the legislature providing more to UH athletics, due to the extreme cost of living in Hawaii, it has to provide funds to lessen the homeless problem in the state.
Also the state is moving ahead with a new stadium which is funded by taxpayers, i think.
Mahalo islandman!
That helps to put a perspective on our situation. So in essence, more aloha in contributions? Very telling is the cost of living index. We are nearly double those of Utah.
Your rigorous research is helpful. What are your remedies for the situation if any? Mind you, I am not one of those “throw tax payer monies” at the things to fix them. We both see the problems, but what are the solutions?
Meanwhile, I hope we see a full house at the bowl! That is the quickest and meaningful thing we Warrior fans can do!
I really don’t comprehend UH having to pay travel subsidies. I know the reason but it’s very stupid. The schools mentioned
have increased contributions over the years and should be able to handle it. A hostage move by Mountain West imo.
I have no solution just an opinion sorry but had to rant.
story line:
person calls wanting auto insurance — quote made and passed on to caller who responds, ” why so expensive, i only paid $300 a year in Wyoming
Look. Everything evens out. Mainland? You pretty much gotta worry about (let’s admit it) armed gangs, armed people. For starters.
Try getting away with talking pidgin even in the most casual of settings. Good luck finding a can of spam that hasn’t BEEN in an establishment for decades, even.
How long do you think you can walk around in sleepahs all the time on the mainland.
Wanna pay for heat in your home? Wanna know what it is to have to change the type of clothes with each season (heck, even the ol’ local man wearing jacket but shorts and sleepahs is contrived).
Some of you are overthinking this. Proof: you are free to leave the islands at ANY time. How inclined are you to do so? Some will. Some are lured by the $50,000-$100,000 sizable homes with much more properties and that’s fine.
Next election, watch CSPAN. They’re great at showing debates for ALL contests, including Hawaii. Wanna know what the common denominator seems to BE in these debates? High cost of living. Education. Wages. High home prices.
Right. Sound familiar?!??
You really wanna make a difference? It’s not necessarily moving from place to place around the same planet you’ll live on for the rest of your life, HOLD YOUR OFFICIALS accountable. How many of yiu have contested your property tax? I have! And it started out as reasonable anyway. Now it’s at an amount that’s MORE reasonable. How about THINKING before you spend?
How about stop living beyond your means. Yeah. It’s not just a Hawaii thing. You think debt consolidation firms (not yo mention debt collection agencies—let’s hear from some of you) stay in business with a majority of their customers as being from Hawaii? If this is the case, I got a bridge to sell you. BONUS: it makes airplane noises.
Make it work. Raise for your voice. Complain—that’s how you make change for yourself and if we cared a little more, out local politicians, at least, will hear us. But we don’t seem to care. “Politeeks too complicated.” It is our responsibility (it’s not a choice!) in a representative republic to “it’s on!!!!” whenever life tries to feed you things that you don’t want to eat. Don’t just sit there.
THAT’s how you live. Not by moving.
Ah what’s the sense. If it’s not in a UH football game, part of a tailgate, or arrives in a dark auburn bottle, none of you are paying attention.
Hey thanks! 🤗 🇺🇸
Would love to see something other than Special teams come of Pryor Graves or Moore. Bernal-Wendt will contribute next year I believe. The youngsters who played OL this year will be bigger and stronger. Let’s not forget Vanterpool. Some of these guys will move to guard spot with size and agility. With a little better execution and second level blocking Miles Reed will be a joy to watch, he’s quick fast and has a power burst for his size! GoWarriors!!!!
And intelligence on what happened to Kumoku Noa this year? He certainly has the pedigree to be a very productive starter and he had more than a couple of splash plays in 2017. With the incoming transfer coming in from CAL, it appears we have four very solid receivers in the first unit….so, anyone know what happened to this promising kid?
Where are the recruits? Only 6 verbal commitments so far. Early signing period upcoming in 3 weeks. Is Rolo and staff keeping things under wraps so poachers won’t come in to “steal” some away? I think to have a good class you need 2/3s of the recruiting class early. Most schools have their needs filled early. You can get some steals late, but not many. Focus should be on stopping the run and playmakers, and ball hawks. Also, good to find a kicker with a strong leg, and a punter too.
Also intelligence on Malachi Mageo, who quietly dropped off the roster. Petitioning for another year, left the team, left school, or what?
With some hard work off season the offensive line will have depth like we have never seen before here. Real deep. Enough to (theoretically) make a base unit, power running game unit, and “finesse” (like Navy and Rice) blocking unit. Anything you can imagine actually. Vaipulu would be in on every unit. Work starts now, then awesome next year.
Oline, QB and receivers are the heart of the team next year…
Kumoku Noa’s you tube video show cased his big play ability when he was at Kamehameha. When the coaching staff translates his game to D1 college level (like it was on track to do) he would be like Dylan Collie but with much better, dependable “hands”. Perfect compliment to the group.
Sharsh was that guy this year but had his difficulties (similar to Collie) in finishing the play. He was open a lot though so he has the route reading ability. Kind of like Komine route running wise. There will be a role for that kind of ability some packages.
Got two guys with similar dimensions to Armstrong-Brown. Rooks kind of looks like him on video (hudl) but not as fast (or explosive?) yet. Mardner has a more angular but modest frame. Not real explosive (yet) either. One potential receiver with size, explosion, wiry athletic frame, and good knowledge of routes is starting at quarterback right now. This group can be so awesome next year too. Unreal.
20. On Call the Coach, Nick mentioned Noa as someone in the mix next season
I think (my opinion) the key position on Batoon’s defense is the “Sam” LB. That LB has to be able to beat a one on one block and pressure the passer. Has to disrupt and draw the double team. Jahlani made a lot of plays from there, making tackles all over the field. Weather he was chasing down the weak side run, the short middle passes or being ran straight at, he would make a lot of tackles. But he did not disrupt the pocket as good as he disrupted the line of scrimmage. I think this is the answer to Batoon’s scheme success. I don’t know if a candidate exists (right now) that has these abilities. Ritner has the motor but not ready yet. Mautautia has the side to side ability to disrupt the line of scrimmage but can he disrupt the pocket? Paul Scott has the motor but he may be more comfortable at “Mike” or “Will”. Next year someone should emerge. Lots of work to do but so many options for Batoon to mold. Awesome here too (at LB) believe it or not. So good.
Our newly elected Gov 4 yrs ago said he was going to help the UH athletic (foots program I beleive). Havent seen much that he has done recently. Whats up Gov?
Sorry. Whether not weather. Looked weird so I had to check. Blog fundamentals. I wish had google when I was in College, way better than thesaurus.
ESPN has much Aloha for UH—predicting they will win their bowl game by 10!
Kumoku Noa redshirted this year. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe 2016 was his grayshirt year, making 2017 his “true” freshman year. Malachi Mageo was on the sidelines for all the games. I do not believe he was ever medically cleared to play.
Noa is gonna be a play maker no doubt. Great bloodlines that guy. We have a lot of good young players coming back. It sure would be nice if we built up a big enough lead to let some of them see action in the Aloha Bowl.
Counselor, mahalo nui for your always sound edification on the matter. Your sage wisdom is only exceeded by your exceedingly natty demeanor and objectivity.
might be old news … found this in MWC news.
JUCO LB Vic Viramontes was offered by Hawaii
JUCO DB Korey Perry was offered by Hawaii
Viramontes was also visited by Colo State.
Interesting … Hamilton Tiger Cats have promoted Orlando Steinauer to head coach with June Jones remaining on staff as associate coach and OC.
Maybe the Hamilton organization is looking for a team with better defense. Steinhauser was Fresno State’s DC in 2017 where orchestrated the biggest turnaround in NCAA history from double digit loss to double digit win. The defence was big time last year. Still great this year and no doubt using the same scheme Steinauer installed.
mr. winning: I couldn’t believe he won the primary by a somewhat comfortable margin. I voted for the woman. It took what, twenty minutes to announce that it was a false alarm? I really believed we were all going to die. People at work were so cool, acting like they knew it was a false alarm. I thought it was completely plausible. I still think it’s plausible. Just let DT do whatever he wants. I would prefer to live.
Never trust a politician.
On both sides.
As a Hawaii fan, we root for our Rainbow Warriors. But, now, I want to make the case for Tua. Bobby Curran said that he thinks Kyle Murray will win the Heisman based on his performance against Texas and Tua had a bad game against Georgia. To that, I say, NOT SO FAST, MY FRIEND!
1. Murray – great stats, excellent rushing yards too. He was like a one man team, but his “bad” game was against Army when he passed for only 165 yards in an overtime game. Not to mention, the Big 12 overall doesn’t play very good defense and thus Murray’s stats get inflated and he played just about the entire game. He had to, because his team’s defense was so bad and gave up a lot of points. No question, he played well.
2. Haskins – he was sort of under the rader, but his stats are excellent too. His suppporting cast was top notch with playmakers, but he lost badly to Purdue 49-20 so he takes a fall there. I think he’ll finish 3rd.
3. Tua – Tua was so good all year, and was the main reason Alabama was blowing teams out by the end of the first half and many times he hardly played in the 3rd quarter, and even less in the 4th quarter if at all. Tua didn’t perform the best against Georgia, but he got hurt early. He still led the team to 3 touchdowns and 4 of his passes were clearly dropped. On one play TE Irv Smith dropped a wide open pass from Tua that could have gone for at least 30 to 40 yards. That was shocking. Then he got hurt again and eventually couldn’t play anymore. Things happen. Do you knock a guy for getting hurt, in this case, I don’t and I give Tua a pass. The SEC has a tougher conference than the Big 12 with better defenses, nobody questions that. Do you penalize Tua for not playing entire games? I don’t. If Saban wanted to, Tua would play more in games to inflate his already gaudy touchdown to interception ratio, but Saban doesn’t do that.
To me Georgia is clearly the 3rd best team in the nation, except for Alabama and Clemson and I would reason Georgia could beat Clemson too. Georgia would beat Notre Dame and Oklahoma too. So, it’s not hard to see that Tua could struggle a bit against Georgia. They are tough. Based on the overall body of work that Tua did, and he could have done more if he played more, I would still give it to Tua, who after all was the leading the Heisman by a wide margin. Tua had 1 TD, 164 yards, 2 ints. and 4 big drops against Georgia. It wasn’t his finest hours, but he didn’t stink the joint either. He was injured. Considering the competition, his injury, his ints., he still made plays. I hope voters saw that,, and I hope Tua wins it because he surely convinced me that he’s the best in the country this year.
P.S. My opinion, Alabama will blow out Oklahoma by at least 20 or more points. Something like 63 – 30. Take Bama and the over.
Spot on analysis. I am also a big Tua fan and supporter. He is my Heisman winner!
Oklahoma had possession for only 15:19 vs Army in regulation. Murray threw for two touchdowns and had a 33 yard touchdown run in the regulation. He did throw one interception. If that’s his most inefficient game then it may be hard to hold against him. He must have had one worse that this. Tua makes his receivers look like first round picks by putting passes in spots that highlights their athletic superiority. Nothing more (or less) than that (superior talent at Alabama). IDK, too close to call. Both deserving in different ways.
I wonder if Drake Stallworth is available for defensive duty. Watching his junior season hudl he had one nice play on a deep ball one on one as corner. His recovery speed looks nice (although some footwork technique may need to be polished). But the recovery and play on the ball was textbook. So crowded at receiver right now but so thin at coverage. I think he has the ability to one day be a “ball hawking” CB, FS or man coverage nickel.
Oklahoma has 7 national titles to their credit. I think they can make room for one more. 1980s with Barry Switzer. And the Big 10 conference
Clemson vs. Oklahoma, for the national title. January 7, 2019. Finals championship game.
Why I think Clemson will win over Notre Dame. Their quarterback is 6-3 tall and commanding. He will command his ship. Clemson has been there for the last 4 years. And I think they are due to win one more title. The last play on their national championship game was from Deshuan Watson to Hunter Winfrey #13. TD. Last seconds of the game over Alabama. I think they can do it again.
New post: http://www.hawaiiwarriorworld.com/?p=47687