MW Media Summit: Hawaii’s turn

"Britney Spears" and John Ursua

Oops … he did it again.
A year after bringing “Elvis” to the Mountain West Conference’s Media Summit, head coach Nick Rolovich invited “Britney Spears.”
Slotback John Ursua and Zeno Choi offer greetings from the Mountain West Media Summit: John Ursua and Zeno Choi
Fans outside of Hawaii may watch Spectrum’s streaming of UH football games on their cell phones and tablets (but not computers) this season.
All for free.
Here’s the story: UH streaming


  1. islandman July 25, 2018 6:41 am

    Mainland fans can watch UH football home games for free on their cell phones and tablets this season. But only on those devices and not on your computer.
    ” Last year, the Mountain West pulled the plug on free streaming because viewers in Hawaii were able to circumvent Spectrum’s pay-per-view barriers and receive the free transmission intended for mainland fans. ” (staradvertiser, July 25)

  2. Inyoface July 25, 2018 7:33 am

    How do we see it on our tablet? Do you need an specific app or something?

  3. tommui July 25, 2018 7:34 am


    Glad that UH fans on the Mainland will have some access to watching the Bows in acgtion.

  4. SEARIDER-DOGG July 25, 2018 7:52 am


  5. 808SEC July 25, 2018 8:12 am

    So last year I was able to watch UH games on the Stadium app living on the mainland. Maybe it will be the same thing this year.

  6. Bulla July 25, 2018 9:02 am

    It’s amazing how many naysayers run rampant regarding UH football… it’s the only game in town, the players train hard to win NOT lose and we should be more encouraging to them and the coaches. 12 years ago the ‘Tsaikos’ began their journey of loyal fans across the world. The one thing that wove the blanket of friendship be it virtual or physical, was our love for our team from the coaches to the players. Did we have disagreements and lively discussions over the years on various levels? Of course we did, but we were civil and respectful for the most part. It’s a sad day when those that find the protection of anonymity behind a computer screen use that as a launching pad for their dribble. I’m just praying that we can do a better job of supporting our team in the days and months to come! IMUA LANAKILA

  7. Na Koa Mike July 25, 2018 9:44 am

    Attention Warrior Football Fans! In just 2 weeks, we’re kicking off the 2018 UH football season at Murphy’s Pigskin Pigout on August 9th. Come for a night of fun with lots of food…drinks…great store and live auction items…plus meet the entire coaching staff. When you hear it’s time for Pigskin, you know football is right around the corner!

    For more information go to

  8. 808WarriorFan July 25, 2018 9:58 am



  9. ai-eee-soos July 25, 2018 10:05 am

    “Britney Spears.” is a much, much better choice than “Elvis”.

    Rolo, you are on the right track.


  10. suckkabooya July 25, 2018 10:06 am

    Mainland coverage is so vital so this resolution is a good step in the right direction. UH will earn more TV coverage sooner than we thought in my opinion. Hopefully we can reach some international viewers in the future. I think the product will be interesting and desirable.

  11. Stephen Tsai July 25, 2018 10:09 am

    You have to download Stadium App to get the free streaming if you’re out of state .

  12. tommui July 25, 2018 11:04 am


    Great to see you posting again!

  13. Unkanesson July 25, 2018 11:45 am

    Howzit from another longtime lurker from 2006! Still checking in daily for the latest and best info and opinions on everything pertaining to UH sports. Congratulations to all on this auspicious anniversary, and a special tip of the party hat to Blog-Master Tsai!
    I wish Spectrum would allow neighbor-island fans (like me) to have access to the Stadium App! With UH major sports events happening primarily at 6 or 7pm, most of us can’t afford the costs involved with an overnight trip to O’ahu. If I lived there, I’d be a season ticket-holder for all of them, as my dad was back in the days the termite palace, then the new place at Halawa.
    So I’ll be streaming ESPN 1420 Saturday evenings again this Fall. Hoping for better things this season, especially for a healthy, full season for John Ursua!

  14. suckkabooya July 25, 2018 12:06 pm

    Neighbor island fans should have PPV at a very discounted rate ($7 maybe, same as parking fee). Maybe no free app though. Not fair for them. We need them all.

  15. Isleboy July 25, 2018 12:48 pm

    Old days…neighbor islands could view games free/live on pbs stations…Oahu
    Viewed 4 hr delay

  16. SteveM July 25, 2018 12:55 pm

    RE #6
    Well said, Bulla!

    Here was the unique start of the journey: Blog Party 1 Dec 2006

    Much still remains at my small Tsai-ko web site at:

  17. SteveM July 25, 2018 12:58 pm

    hoops, looks like the Blog Party 1 link failed.
    But it can be seen through the old Tsai-ko Photo (and video) page at:

  18. Casual Observer July 25, 2018 12:59 pm

    Having a winning season, upsetting heavily favored teams along the way, should certainly boost attendance and renew interest in UH football. However, winning in any competitive sport is not an easy thing to do especially if you want to do it consistently. All other teams have the same mission and pressure to win. Without physical superiority, the onus falls on the coaching staff to find a way to win.

  19. seewhy July 25, 2018 3:20 pm

    RE: #15

    I really miss K5.

  20. ai-eee-soos July 25, 2018 3:25 pm

    The California Hotel is pledging $450,000 to the University of Hawaii at Manoa Athletics Department, for

    the volleyball court naming rights of the Stan Sheriff Center.

  21. ai-eee-soos July 25, 2018 3:30 pm

    link for # 20.

  22. kalua pig July 25, 2018 4:03 pm

    how much did rolo pay for the look alike.

  23. Stephen Tsai July 25, 2018 5:15 pm

    On Facebook, there was a guy from Hawaii complaining that the Stadium app wouldn’t be applicable to him. So I told him the options: Buy PPV, go to a theater that shows the game, go to a bar, go to Aloha Stadium.
    He said: It’s not free.
    And we’re all thinking: Not even shopping bags are free.
    And neither is content in your favorite newspaper.
    Of course, this blog is always free. Well, as long as you own a computer, tablet, cell phone and have access to WiFi.

  24. Stephen Tsai July 25, 2018 5:18 pm

    What did that comedienne say?
    No matter how much money you’re making, you’re still using sister-in-law’s Netflix account.

  25. seewhy July 25, 2018 5:19 pm

    RE: #23

    How is he paying for his internet to comment on Facebook then? Bumming off unsuspecting neighbors? Getting it “free” from Starbucks? 😂

  26. burro sabio July 25, 2018 7:08 pm

    I know of someone who started a Facebook account and didn’t even own a computer or device. People who saw him complained that he didn’t respond to their Friend requests.

  27. Old School Dave July 25, 2018 9:04 pm

    Rolo makes national news. Many don’t realize what UH has with him being here and will probably won’t until he moves on to a bigger and better job.

    “The old days was mo bettah like when the H-1 Freeway went from Cartwright Field to Old Waialae Road.”

  28. islandman July 25, 2018 9:43 pm

    How many people wanted the H-1 freeway at the time ?

  29. Stephen Tsai July 26, 2018 3:48 am

    For all the problems with the H-3, the biggest was a lack of foresight. Each direction is two lanes. Populations grow. The fastest highway will slow with time.

  30. Stephen Tsai July 26, 2018 6:24 am

    New post:

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