Win-win situation?
Doris Sullivan and Tony Tuioti are the top candidates for a non-coaching position in the UH program, a job that essentially will serve as a recruiting coordinator. Both, of course, are talented with great connections locally and on the Mainland. The word on the street is UH is looking into whether it is possible for Na Koa to pay for a second non-coaching position. That way both Sullivan and Tuioti could join the program.
* * *
While the “skill” guys are out in the humidity, the big guys are in the sauna known as Klum Gyym.
Here’s Raphael Ieru:
Here’s Joey Lipp:
Here’s Levi Legay:
Here’s Clarence “Lafu” Tuioti-Mariner:
Here’s Sila Lefiti:
Here’s Tui‘atua Tuiasosopo:
* * *
Give players, such as Dylan Linkner (pictured below) and Dan Kelly, for supporting cancer awareness programs:
Love that Tuioti kid, great family, nice cousins.
Tony is going for his 2nd Masters Degree. He is the type of person that UH should hold up, not only as player who gave it all on the field, but one who has led an exemplary life…a perfect role model and example of what UH can do for the seriously committed. Doris has obviously got her stuff together too, and is a proven performer year after year, with virtually zero resources. She would thrive in a UH environment.
ST ~ Do we have JD & Coach Mack locked in as attending the bash? Who else is a lock?
Havng both of these hard working, connected, talented and very intelligent people in the house would be awesome!
Go Doris!
Go Tony!
Hahaha! Love these O-line guys sweating away in the hot box. LOVE ’em! For all the love that the pretty boys get for their pretty passing and fancy dancing, NOTHING goes down without the O-line knocking heads first. A great QB or RB behind a mediocre O-line is a recipe for three and out all day long. An average QB or RB behind a great O-line means you have a chance to win every single game. The smartest, toughest, and most unselfish guys on the team play O-line.
And, ST what’s the story with Jon Manu-Olevao? Coming? Going?
I’m really curious to see what Raph Ieru can do at RG. He showed some promise at times last year, but his weight was clearly an issue. If his weight loss translates into more power and explosion, he just might be a great drive blocker. Couldn’t really tell much about his feet, though.
very interesting…..
Doris has done an outstanding job for Hawaii fb players….if she becomes a UH recruiting coordinator I would think that would leave a huge gap for athletes not attending UH without her services…difficult situation having a UH recruiter pitching fb players to other schools..
Al what you eating to keep you up this late
WarriorMojo ~ I had a legal question pertaining to the blog bash. May I ask for your assistance in answering a blog bash liability question? Not over the blog, but by email.
Please contact me at kekoa22 at aol dot com.
just curious. has the offseason workouts always been in klum gym? i thought they were on the grass practice fields and only chose klum on rainy days.
or was klum chosen because of its heat and humidity to prepare for florida?
ST is Hanahano, Leonard and Leatigaga in summer school and working out…are the spring grey shirts working out?
Kekoa, I responded to a question from Stretch with a cc to you about an hour ago. Try check that one. If you get another question besides that one, let me know at that address.
Ralph, ironically I was consolidating my external hard drives a few minutes ago and I came across a few classic photos of Coach McMackin coaching Geordan Hanohano a year ago at the UH Speed & Quickness Football Camp.
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
61 days to the day.
love your post at 1:03
A tough decision. Hopefully things work out and BOTH are hired.
Fla Ted
or anybody else in Fla.
or wit family in Orlando/Gainesville.
leaving Kona 6:30pm on 8/28, arrive Orlando 4:30p 8/29.
attending AHouse’s Orlando cc. arr. Swamp early am 8/30.
I can deliver special kine fuud stuffs for you, family or friends.
wat you like? trade fo gaytah queeezeeen. hehe
Good morning everyone!
What a dilemma — Doris or Tony. Tony or Doris. I agree both would be nice to have. How about a Toris or a Dorny?
And as Ralph has pointed out, what happens to PIAA?
Warrior Mojo,
good morning. first time i was walkin around in da kiawe bushes just outside Kailua Kona as a kid, I thought that wuz the hottest place on earth. den wen i joined da Navy an wuz on the tarmat at Barbers Point, i remember tinkin at da time dat wuz the hottest place on earth. den I went on da tarmat at Glynco NAS, Ga., dat wuz da hottest place on earth.
now I read dat day invented Gatorade at UFlorida. an I’m tinkin dat da big braddaz practicin indoorz,
therez a difference between sweat an heat stroke. our guyz gotta practice 3 hours in da sun sometimes.
get used to da sun for 3 hours, get used to Gatorade. imo
bhf2 . . .
Hoooo, you no can make one fas da kine to drop off some stuffs up hea in da Nortwes? Aie-ya! I feelin so lef owt.
Good ting I goin com bac ova hea aroun dat time from Hanalooloo. Das auryte. I godda bring my own stuffs wit me.
Auburn, Tennessee, LSU, Florida State, Georgia, Alabama.
All picked to finish top 25 this year. These other SEC teams are Florida’s competition. Auburn beat em last 9/13, 20-17 in Fla., Da mind, its all in da mind.
Go Warriors!!!!
PIAA should be severely punished for doing an extraordinary job, getting so many Hawaii kids scholarships in colleges outside UH. we should steal Doris for ourselves, shut down the education pipeline. 😯 make the kids fend for themselves. 😯 👿
heh heh
just kidding. :
Does Doris get any financial help for her job? Does she give any kind of seminar so off island high school ADs/coaches/well wishers can get a quick tutorial on how her job works, how to make contacts, forms from schools, etc?
those of you who have kids who went through the system have a head start. guyz like me tryin to help off island schoolz can use da tutorial. no like call her up an waste her time askin questions solo. she too important for one at a time kine stuff.
Both Doris and Tony would be HUGE additions to the UH program! They would be great for the student-athletes and for the team. The only problem for not having Doris with UH would be that nobody else would probably be as willing to work so hard for Hawaii athletes for so little money…but from a UH perspective Doris would be great. Texas has a “Director for High School Relations”, which would be a perfect role for Doris and SMU has someone at a position titled something like “Director of Football Operations” that Tony would be perfect for. I don’t know if UH can have both positions, but I hope so as both would do a great job!
Thank you for spotlighting the OL in their workouts! The OL will determine the success of the offense–WarriorMojo did a great job discussing that above.
This political commentator is probably going about this the wrong way in his attempt to get tickets to the USC-Ohio State game. This is from his nationally syndicated show:
Does Doris work PIAA by herself? Or does she have assistants (paid/unpaid)? She does phenomenal work and certainly does an outstanding service for the parents and students.
Hopefully, someone is waiting in the wings to step-in and continue the work of PIAA.
Article about how non-BCS conference schools were penalized a LOT more than BCS conference schools by the APR.
BSU’s President and others think that those with bad APR scores should think about dropping out of D-IA if they cannot find the resources to fix their APR scores.
I get no financial help for my job. I have been turned down by the state for grants. Many big business always seem to be low on funding. I get help for the PIAA combine and the AFCA conference (which I am desperately seeking funding for now so we can distribute 5000 DVD for 100’s of athletes)…however, I am under the impression that if I helped 100 violin players or 100 artists I would receive the money, but because these are athletes, I get nothing. Ive been told – sometimes to my face – that because I am not “local” or because “she’s a women”, that I would not receive donations. Its sad but true. I receive receive very few donations (thank you to the two of you who made donations recently who are Tsai bloggers) even though PIAA is a 501(c)3 non profit and donations could be tax deductible. I guess people feel that if I’ve been doing it for free all this time Im ok financially. Im not.
I have been doing seminars for years and I have offered this to all the schools for athletes, parents, coaches and counselors. Many take me up on it regularly, some dont.
You can always call, it is never a waste of my time . The more questions you ask the better it is for the athletes you work with. The more people willing to give of their time to help the athletes for free the better. (I dont believe in recruiting services, they are just there to make a profit with their $2500-$4000 fees and are limited in what they can do by the NCAA, Im not because PIAA is not a recruiting service. Remember, there is nothing a recruiting service can do for you that you can not do for yourself for free. Period.)
No one can help all the athletes but those with the knowledge can all help some.
Another article in the USA Today brought up an interesting stat: BCS conference schools were twice as likely to be able to avoid punishment (via getting a waiver) than non-BCS conference schools.
Do you have plans for what would happen to PIAA if you take the UH position?
I do not understand how schools that should be negatively affected by not meeting the APR get away with not being affected. What are they doing that is so different than, say, the UH? Is it the NCAA protecting its own? Is it money? Or is it that the big school can ignore it because they now nothing will happen?
oh, and often Im asked why the parents dont donate/pay…first because many of the m are low income, second because if they do then the NCAA would consider PIAA a recruiting service thus I would be limited in what I could do and the contact I could have with coaches. As it stands now, I can have full contact with any college coach in the nation as often as I like (or as often as they will take my call! ha) recruiting service can not.
Warfan: no one is paid at PIAA, not Darnell, not Eddie, not TJ. Danny went back to school at LMU to take a GA job in the athletic dept because of the experience he got with PIAA but he couldnt afford to stay with us anymore. I am the only one who has direct contact with coaches to recruit players, except Darnell and Eddie of course can promote kids from their schools.
Some people think that coaches should be personally accountable for APR penalties. This would be an interesting addition to the APR, as it would give parents a way to measure how much a coach really values academics.
With the economy getting tougher, I would speculate that donations would be even harder to come by now, making it that much harder (and much more work) to keep up what you are doing. And the sad thing is that the need might be even greater at the same time that donations decrease.
Doris . . .
I cannot donate much but I pledge to send you a cheque this week. I am guessing I will find a mailing address on the PIAA website — would that be correct?
I think that part of it is that the big-money programs can show that they will respond by spending a ton of money to beef up their academic support. The NCAA loves to see that the schools are responding to problems, and might suspend punishment while they see if the new funding helps improve the APR. The smaller-budget schools cannot do that type of thing…
100% correct Garret. I received considerably less this year for the combine, which can usually sustain our phone and gas bills after the combine is paid off. Its very difficult now to raise the funding for the AFCA conference, which has proved to be a windfall for the local athletes. If anyone is interested in what the AFCA conference is all about, please go to the PIAA website. This is the one event that we cant miss, and even small donations pay off in a big, big way. I have about 1/4 of what we need at this point.
PIAA was one of the first 3 nonprofits I had on my list once I actually had money again instead of burning up my savings (and home equity line) to fund my company and take care of my family. I guess we’ll know about Doris’ situation and PIAA soon, probably before I would be positive financially again.
Warfan..thank you. Thank you for anything you can give.
P.O. Box 280
Kailua 96734
The address is of course on the site as is the ability to donate via pay pal, information on what we do, the AFCA conference and more.
Certain things might happen late this year for my company…but I’m guessing that is too late for funding for the near-term PIAA financial needs. I could hopefully be able to help out in a limited way later this summer, but November might be big…
Well Garret, if November proves to be big for you (I hope it is!) we do have the AFCA Convention in January…..:-) thats what I am looking for funding for at this time. email me and Ill give you a breakdown of costs so you can see what Im looking at. (anyone can)
I just finished breakfast with the kids. E-mail will be sent right now!
Not sure on Manu-Olevao’s status. I know they’re holding a scholarship for him.
I have not seen Hanohano or Leonard out there. I saw Leatigaga at the airport last Thursday.
Good morning Tsaikos and looks like it is going to be another ho hum day in paradise.
PIAA DS, thank you for helping all athletes from HI. Your committment is beyond words. All I can say is “thank You”.
You know, a few years ago, Doris was a candidate for a similar opening at Texas-El Paso.
Wait, I’m still reelin from the post that said that UH doesn’t recruit from the outer islands? What?
Levi Legay is from Kona.
Aloha Kakahiaka!
thank you! are you coming to the 7/10 Blog Bash at the SSC?
Great Morning All.
Hoping things work out best for Doris and Tony.
Great pics of OL. ditto WMojo’s comments.
Have a great day everyone.
Mahalo Kekoa and Diana.
Good times.
Funny pics 🙂
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
Liz – is gigi and the hubby still alive??
Just my opinion.
I don’t expect Hanohano to play this year; he is stuck in the system.
As long as Jervis is in limbo, Hanohano/SLS4 is in limbo. the PR will take a nose dive at trial time. good decision GH stay off UH playfield for now.
the best move is for Seitz & Carlisle to sit down and look long term at the welfare of the State and the peoples’ involvement in this case. The police did their thing. Cunney will not let Jervis take the hit, no care how many power points the prosecutor takes to court and makes nice to the jury. the jury will letta go Jervis’ neck when they see the size of the four men, pikcha their mentality and size at nite. To do that Cunney will destroy the SLS 4. I don’t want UH in the way when he does, and thats how it looks like its shaping up. Hope I’m wrong.
The 4 got the same aspirations that Gerard and Peter had at their age. I hope these two give these young men the same break they got along their ways to the top. But I know I would defend Jervis without blinking if push came to shove, and that would mean not giving them a break because I wouldn’t be given a choice.
good morning tsaiko nation
beautiful and hot day in Hawaii Nei again
whitey now I gotta check al real good. da Maui bruddah’s memorabilla will be one of the bestest. mahalo plenty.
man, its hot here in s. carolina.
hi ho hi ho
see you laterz
good morning Tsaikos,
sad commentary bhf2 on the Hanohano situation, but probably closer to the truth than we all know.
mahalo garret for your generosity to help PIAA. good luck to all. hey, the Bash is coming up sooner than we think…do we get a preview of the people attending ST? inquiring minds want to know, haha.
Another picture of buddy Ralph. Thanks Stephen!
VOTE for Hawaii being back in contention this year.
good photos of the linemen, Tui looks good…..but in red again….better get that boy some green and black workout clothes, haha.
klum is a sauna, who can remember when Shoji used to have games in their, now that was back in the day…….
Aloha Doris,
Here’s wishing you all the best as this thing plays out. If anybody has shown the passion for doing such a job, it would have to be you. Thank you for all you do for the youth of Hawai’i.
I don’t know know much about Tony Tuioti at this time, but from what I have read and heard about him, he seems like he should be involved with UH athletics some where. I know that JD reads here, let’s hope there is a win-win situation in the end.
Stretch, I think we should be proud of gigi and Mr. gigi. Mr. gigi wore his Tsai-ko shirt and they both survived the golf and the barbecue! I’ll let gigi fill in the details. In the meantime, I have a link to the photographic evidence on my blog
wafan- we should be good on Izzy’s ticket.
More later.
Was this in response to my question about recruiting on the outer islands? Was he recruited? What would be a fair definition of being recruited?
From Stephen,
Levi Legay is from Kona.
I sent my donation through paypal, but I think you should put a little paypal icon at the home page. It would make it easier to donate. Also, I clicked on the Jamba Juice ad to hopefully make you some money, but the link doesn’t work.
Great pics of the big guys. They’ll get lotsa sun come August, and ya can see by the pics that there is no shortage of sweat at their work outs. Keep bangin’ big guys,
you guys light the imu for kalua ‘Gator!
Good morning all! 🙂
Yep, Levi Legay was recruited.
Hiya Tsai-ya! 😆
Alojahz to the morning gang.
Re: NI recruiting.
Like I’ve said before, there are only so many scholarships for so many players.
I’ve heard talk that UH never really pushed for Kaluka Maiava, who’s now at USC. I know that’s not the case because a nephew of one of the UH coaches was Maiava’s coach at Baldwin. UH made him an offer, and pushed for him. But, you know — and this was the case with a certain basketball player — you can only show so much love in recruiting. It’s dangerous to go further because it makes for a difficult situation when a recruit is no longer treated the same when he joins the team. That’s why it’s never good to promise a person a starting job.
When it comes down to it, are you happy with the team? I’m sure we’d all agree that the fab five of Brennan and the four receivers is as good as it gets.
That was then, this is now. Love the one(s) you’re with. 😉
warriormojo au’ryte I agree o-line is a big key to team success.
Re: Recruiting
Not to beat a dead horse but at this point I trust Coach Mack and the rest of the coaches on their efforts. The guys they are bringing in this year already proves that UH is stepping it up in the right direction. I’m sure they will keep bringing in the talent to help our Warrior team become the Top 25, national powah it’s supposed to be! Although we would all like to see our big name local boys stay home to play, I really don’t care anymore if they come or go they will obviously make that decision on there own. Either way the Warriors will still prevail with or without them.
I’m with DPK.
Love the ones you’re with.
Coach Mack, JD, VH, the whole crew- We re WITH YOU!
WarriorMojo, I agree 100% that the key to success on either side of the ball begins in the trenches. They are on the front lines handling business so the others can do there part to be successful. If the line ain’t holding it down, then ahem, we all know what can happen…a SB rerun. Like I was saying yesterday about the Dline determining or success on D our Oline will determine our success on O. I like the fact that the OLine has changed a few guys around to better suit there abilities. The fact of having Estes, Lafu, and the Bear in the interior, I can envision huge holes being made for our RB’s to fly through. The Tackle spots are deep and I hope they’ve been working on quick footwork and technique to keep the speed rushers away. Can’t wait for fall camp to begin so our boys can gel and be prepared for the season. I envision big things happening from these big men in big ways…GO BIG OR GO HOME…GO WARRIORS!
The next Nike?
Stretch – easy tigah before you get heart attack 🙂
Just remember, when looking at the photos, to consider the photographer. I don’t know how to shoot action, so let’s not be too judgmental on a player’s form. It might be a bad camera angle.
I’m glad UH signed the contract with UA. Can’t wait for the new style jersey to come out. Hope they have an aunthentic version and not just replicas. Just wondering when that will be? Was told once by Rainbowtique that they should see shipments coming in August sometime? Hope to have one before the season begins.
“Stephen Tsai:
June 30th, 2008 at 6:15 am
You know, a few years ago, Doris was a candidate for a similar opening at Texas-El Paso.”
Darn ST, you’re good. I dont remember telling you that. I dont remember telling anyone that!
ST – No pilikia, your photos are great with the blog. It gives us something to talk about as pictures are worth a thousand words, uh, or more…
“Darn ST, you’re good. I dont remember telling you that. I dont remember telling anyone that!”
Doris- he never ceases to amaze, eh?

Das why he is da Tsai-Meister and we are but humble Tsai-kos…
Yah Tsai, dem pics is fine. You ARE getting better and better at framing and timing etc. Main ‘ting you give da big boys equal opportunity. The pics with the back stories are the best, however.
I know Mack is very impressed with Doris’ work.
And, as Mack always says, this isn’t P.E.
He wants the best around.
Aunty Doris – Thanks for your contributions over the years to all our student athletes. I remember when I was in high school and you had a hand helping some of my buddies get there foot in the door with your connections. You are a great asset to our high school athletes and Hawaii in general. I know here in California I’ve had a couple coaches take a look at your website and ask about certain players. We all appreciate your efforts. Would love to see you at UH in the recruiting coordinator position. Anyway, thanks again for all that you do.
ST – make sure when taking pictures, you don’t get in the way of the players. If not, you gonna get run over with the camera planted in your face.
To follow Garret’s train of scientific thought and interesting news from the rest of the world…
Interesting that the suit to stop was filed in Hawaii.
Good morning gang. Good times yesterday at the committee meeting. Thanks again Kekoa and Mrs. Kekoa. Also good to hear that we’ve got a large turnout for the BLOG BASH….man with the line-up, it will be serious fun that people will be talking about for a long time……
Good to see the O-Line working out in the conditions of Klum….that should help deal with some of the humidity issues when we get to Florida.
I also have to agree with Warriormojo, et al, about the O-Line being a key to our success…..
When is the next combine? I would like to sponsor another student/athlete. You know what my ctriteria for a candidate is.
lab rat aka RedZone
Pauoa Boy,
being that you are a Marine, I’m the ones who should be thanking you. But thank you for your kind words, always appreciated. (Im a scorpio too!)
Hey LabRat/Red Zone..not till May 2009. However, we will be looking for sponsors for some of the low income athletes to help with duplication costs for the AFCA conference. I found a company that will duplicate and make 50 copies for $100. Thats only $2 a copy! Though I have to bring in 100 athletes DVD’s at the same time to get that discount. The information on this is on our site and any athlete can take advantage of it in any sport, but there will only be one collection period for this or they cant get the discount. These athletes do not have to be with PIAA, its good for any athlete (girl or boy) who wants to take advantage of this low price opportunity. I will be distributing girls and boys VB DVD at this event as well, even though its a FB conference, the coaches gladly take it and give it to the other coaches.
So if anyone would like to help sponsor an athlete or two for this please indicate it on the donation form online or on a check. You can pick the athlete if you know him or her or you can let me assign one to you when the time comes.
This whole industry, Logo, branding and merchandising was started by a Hawaii resident.
Duke Boyd started this all by putting two feet on surfer’s trunks thus Hang Ten.
He is my Brother in Law who lives in Kaimuki and follows the Warriors!. He is in the Merchandising Hall of Fame
First I thought the pictures were of a new exercise, now it looks like they are prepping for the ha’a/haka. Good, clear pictures!
It’s great to awake in the morning, take a glance at the blog. And see the gratuitous efforts of some of the members in helping Doris and PIAA. If in the future if I see where citizens can nominate people in their communities that make a difference, you’ll know who’s name I have first on the list. Good job all around Doris.
Na Koa needs to step up! It has disappointed some people in the past.
Just a friendly suggestion…
Day after day I notice on the Warrior Beat the BCS and Sugar Bowl stuff is still displayed prominently. I know it was a wonderful thing we all shared last season, but don’t you think it’s time to start getting pumped up for this season? I would like to suggest that this stuff be replaced with the new schedule and although I LOVE Colt, let’s give the “replacements” their due exposure! They are going to need all of the pumping up we can give them come August 30!!!! don’t forget, we are the defedning WAC champs!!!!
wafan- please email me – lizkauai at gmail dot com
I do not deserve your mahalo (yet) for helping out PIAA, but wafan, rage777 and many (but not enough unfortunately) others here and outside of the blog do.
I agree with your suggestion, but that would entail the web folks to fix or update something…that is a dangerous proposition and they haven’t been fast with that kind of stuff in the past.
Former UH recruit just transferred to a D-1AA school.
I know this article is pretty old (June 4), but I don’t think it was posted here. I don’t know why the news about Shawn never showed up in my Google searches, but I had to specifically search for his name to find this article. Shawn was the starting QB in 2007 for this team and they went 12-0 in the regular season! That is a nice parallel to UH’s season.
Reminder of the “Call the AD” show this evening at the Hukilau, starting at 6pm.
Shawn’s team still has a chance to make the playoffs.
This is Shawn’s website, which hasn’t been updated since last season.
I’ll google Shawn’s name each day to see what pops up. I just wondered how he was doing today and found those links.
Stretch: Regarding call AD- Is Hukilau the place on Bishop/Hotel. Happy hour prices?
Having Doris and Tony working for UH football would be great. At the same time, that could be a huge loss for PIAA, but hopefully someone is waiting in the wings to continue Doris’ great work.
BTW, I noticed Kelli Miura has a new HA blog in the works, “Campus Life 101.” If you’ve ever read her work, you’d know that she stands out as a quality reporter amongst the general mediocrity that is Ka Leo. I’m looking forward to reading her blog. 🙂
I’m also looking forward to Call the AD tonight. If I have memorabilia to drop off for the blog bash, can I bring it tonight?
bonar: Yep, Bishop and Hotel.
Thanks, ST, for the pics! Pictures are worth a thousand words. Getting me all hyped for the upcoming FB season. I hope 2 positions open up for both Doris and Tony. Recruiting will definitly beef up with those two.
Jason, I should be touching down on the homeland the end of this week. I will email you my contact info in case your friend wants to talk while I’m there. Like I said I can go with him to talk to the other recruiters so he feels more comfortable. Don’t worry I’m not going to be biased and steer him towards going into a certain direction, that is his choice. I would however like to give him the inside scoops on how it all works from beginning to end so he knows exactly what to expect. I’ve got experience working in the MEPS station, and have learned and researched from all branches, so like I said I will let him know who’s been hitting the pakalolo a little too much.
Thanks Jason!
Thanks, appreciate it too.
Mack arrived back in town today. He’s at the camp at Aloha Stadium right now.
good afternoon gang!
Stephen – what camp is that?
Doris – thanks for stopping in today, appreciate all your efforts in helping out the kids not only for fb but the other sports as well
If anyone has a few seconds to spare today, please visit my Warrior Quotes blog. I have never posted a request like that here before, but I need to pad my stats for the month since someone is asking for that information. It is too bad that their request comes at such a dead time for UH football news…there was a lot more traffic during the season!
O-men working hard! Yeah baby! BTW, Mrs, A-House, did you notice more orbs in the pics?
Hello DORIS!
Mack is sure a busy body.
This Idaho LB sure enjoyed his status as the last pick in the NFL draft.
The A’s just gave a $4.25 mil signing bonus to a 16-year-old from the Dominican Republic.
Mack sure is working hard at his job! I hope that he had a great time in Samoa and that UH finds a long-term benefit from his (and the other UH assistants) efforts there.
I’m melting … melting …
My desk is under what management wants people to believe is an A/C vent. It’s not. It makes noise like an A/C vent, but no air blows out. And because I’m in a windowless area, I’m baking.
Then at 5 p.m. every day — gurgle, gurgle — the A/C comes on and real air blows. Very strange, but I guess that’s when the managers leave and don’t need the A/C. Then again, not sure if I need A/C at 5 p.m.
I bring this up because one of the managers asked about not being invited to the blog party. I said everybody is invited, and the info is on the blog site. Manager admits to not visiting the site, although the manager is using the site in sales pitches to advertisers.
Anyway …
I’m melting … melting …
Note to DORIS: Help is on the way!… Hoping the best for you in being named to the Recruiting position. I cannot think of a better person for the job.
I am discussing your support issues with some of the Tsaikos. I’m certain that we will be able to help you. We just need to put the package together as best we can to maximize our effort and minimize your problems. Stay tuned.
Auwe Mr. Tsai!
All I can tell ya is that it is like a nice steamy sauna outside and our little AC runs day and night here up at Puowaena. Our electricity bill has taken on a life of it’s own. Sorry to hear of your suffering and anguish, but on the bright side, you’ll be ready for the heat and humidity of the Swamp. It’s a wonder that you still do such a great job while working in a “sweat shop.”
ST ~ Tell manager that all he had to do was send an email to stretch. We gotta have his name/rank/serial no./date of birth – info. We got room on the wait list now, since he’s good at waiting.
As with the other Special Guests we haven’t heard from, we need some assurance that they are coming. Like the coaches…otherwise they can watch ‘game’ film of the party the next day.
coach mack…..yah, he sure knows what he is doing.
he is opening every possible door, now, to improve the university of hawaii’s football program. now is the golden opportunity for such because of the past success, and lets face it, like june jones said, his leaving will open doors and create a sense of urgency.
but, give mack such credit for seizing the moment. developing a great plan of action. jim donovan is also in a win-win situation. i mean after the fumbler, one can do no wrong for the moment.
ask now and you shall receive. come tomorrow it will be, “….. too late baby(carole king)”
yup, coach mack coupled with new ad donovan is just what the program needed in these times..
…nuff said!
Stephen – grab your laptop and head across the street and practice darts
maybe manger no like ante up and was waiting for someone for treat’em when he says “invited”
By the way, manager is a “she.”
Your 12:31 post is a Dilbert classic. 🙂
Hey, jojo’s alive! Is your ear itchy?
Garret- for what it’s worth (manini bit) I hit your blogsite and linked to it from mine too.
Go Garret!
ST – thanks for lighting a fire under a few okoles today.
what you stick in her ear to make it itchy??
ST — maybe a blogger A/C engineer can help, but in my experience as someone who needs A/C in computer labs, there is a shut off valve near your vent in the ceiling. This vent is controlled by your local thermostat, which opens and closes the vent to regulate temperature.
Perhaps some malfunction–OK, definitely a malfunction– is closing your valve. I have seen maintenance people go up there and tie down the valve lever in the open position… not that I advocate that or anything…. 🙄
ST – maybe your manager is getting your ready for the Florida game. We don’t want you to get heat exhaustion there.
Garrett: “16” in the Dominican Republic is really 18-20!
How can you market a product when you don’t know anything about the product. Heck, even hermie attended UH sporting events, albeit incognito.
Kekoa, can you email me? I have a little idea
The Tsaiko Party will be something to remember.
Bring Cash (or your check book) and bring your camera.
We will have Liz do the first prayer and maybe homey will do the prayer to Elvis before we go home…
Stretch – instigator! BTW, I placed my order for the Asian one. I’m pretty certain Wreck ordered the weightlifter one.
Hey Homey, long time no see!
Mack is at the Education 1st Football Camp at Aloha Stadium..someone above asked, cant find the post again. 🙂
Thank you for those who visited my blog already! While I appreciate the comments also, I would prefer any Warrior-related comments to be put on this blog–a link to my blog is totally optional when making comments on this blog.
The reason I made the request is that this startup sports site has gathered a list of blogs that they want to put ads on and put through feeds. I signed up awhile back and forgot about it, but they gave me a request today to report my blog stats for this month.
100% of the revenue generated by the ads from my site will be donated to UH Athletics.
A year or two ago, I exchanged emails with Doris about setting up a scholarship to be used by athletes who needed to go to HPU (or reasonable facsimile) for one year in order to gain admission to UH the following year. As I understood it, the school needs to be a four year school without a football team to allow the player to transfer to UH without sitting out a year or without getting a two year degree from a JUCO. This was all inspired by the path that Blaze Soares took to UH and the thought that George Kauwalu (really sorry if I misspelled his name) might also have been considering that path at the time.
Anyway, I was supposed to follow up with Doris and basically never did. But what about that for a possible Tsaiko undertaking: the Tsaiko Scholarship fund? As I understand it, as creators of the fund we would be entitled to place limitations on the possible recipients. Any interest in helping secure the next Blaze for the Warriors?
Gotta run. Be back in a bit.
Since James has not ordered one, he will stick (to) what he already has at home.
OK Garrett: Done.
homey – 😕 beer mugs?
It is horrible to hear about the AC situation you have! And you have a manager that never visited your site? That is strange when the stats showed your site gets so much of the traffic for the Advertiser blogs!
My old company moved into a new building and the first time it rained during the work day (which is rare in San Diego) I found out that there was a leak in the roof right above where I sat! Luckily they fixed the problem quickly…
bonar – you thinking of joining us at the Call the AD Show??
Loa – how come you never RSVP for the party??
WM – Sounds interesting. Keep me in the loop.
Stretch – The money James used to repair it with duct tape could’ve been used to buy a new one!
I agree with Al that Mack and JD are what the UH program needed.
I also agree with ST that the coaches know far more about recruiting than fans like me. Much that goes on is behind the scenes and we may wonder why a player has not gotten an offer from UH when he actually already has an offer from UH that we just haven’t heard about. This has happened many times in the past.
Mack has done a lot already to reach out to the high school coaches, plus making home visits, which will pay off big for UH in the future. I am behind him and the rest of UH and do not want anything I’ve said to be considered a criticism. I just try to monitor what other schools do and post them here as suggestions.
For example, I would love for a Junior Day and a camp to be held at UH next year, if they do not happen I trust in Mack that they will eventually when the funds and resources are available. It is quite possible that the new people that UH hires (such as Doris and/or Tony) would be in charge of making these things possible anyway, so things are being taken care of already by Mack and JD.
Loa’s not going to the party? Beer mugs?
wafan, UKU@LA, izzy and Calvin from Kona, I called the UH boxoffice and left a message to see if they would allow me to add 3 more tickets (they said no changes when I made the first order). Will let you know if they call back.
is gigi still out there looking for her lost balls?
why is lizk so mum on the golf tournament?
al- I posted gigi golf info on my blog- and lots of pics are linked from there!
al – they are still in shock of that purple muumuu.
Stretch – shhhhh, laying low since i heard one yakuza member attending 😉
Homey – no. 145 – thought was for mugs not jugs
why check book? what is being sold? what did I miss?
will the committee put out more info on the bash? I like swimming, but it’s terrible in the dark!
How do I get in on this?
Did you check Gigi’s choice of footwear? tsk, tsk.
Homey/Stretch – I actually placed an order for two…asian and eatern european versions….
al – Liz reported that gigi only lost two balls…hope hubby is okay….mwahahahaahahaha
My sister who lives in D.C. said that the Redskins shop there was not selling Colt’s replica jersey, but eBay was selling it for 80$. Does anyone know where I could get one?
If I lost 2 balls I’d be a…eunuch.
A-House…don’t worry, just bring your check book…Mrs. A-House knows all about it….mwahahahahahahaha
You never know… Just in case you run out of cash for some of the things. Remember Raffles will be sold for one dollar each. With some of the prizes up… let’s just say I think $50+ dollars on raffles might be a worthwhile investment. 🙂
I thought you were going to get those two… I know you have the Tongan Rock Wall Builder, the China Town Street walker, and the Country Auto-mechanic. Is the O Triple C prison guard the one with all the duck tape?
A few updates for the party
1. We are at the max but if you would like to be put on a waiting list in the event someone can’t make it, email me at tsaikoparty at yahoo.
2. I will be making nametags for everyone. It will include your blog name (if any) and your real name. If there is anyone who has a problem, please email me at tsaikoparty at yahoo.
3. We will have “Tsaiko” logo items for sale. Glass mugs and stickers. There is limited supply but if we run out, we will take orders and make more. Proceeds go to UH/Football
4. We will be giving one raffle ticket to each person attending for the prize giveaways. Additional raffle tickets can be purchased for $1 each. All money goes to UH/Football
Justincase you didn’t get a response back – yes, you can bring your Tsaiko-mento to the Hukilau tonight. I’m bringing the Ching/Cooke Field specs so we can decide if the drawing needs to be re-sized and maybe mounted.
Note to anyone going to away games: We’ll be glad to purchase game tickets for you – as long as you pay us for them – although we’re not going on the road ourselves.
Back to work – major report due at 4:30 pm.
hoohiki…I believe ST said they were available at a sports store in Windward Mall…not sure though.
Wreck/Stretch/James – Just for the heck of it I ordered the pygmy one.
garret… have been a proponent of ‘junior day’ for some time now. i believe that mack will get that implemented from the next year. you are right that you can never be too early in recruiting.
on another note:
what many fans and supporters need to understand is that,
for one there is a limit to the number of scholies available every year, 25 is the max, providing the apr is in line.
two, a strutured recruiting process is being put in to place now and until all the parts are in line, only then will the coaches know exactuly what they need every year, four years in advance for each and every position.
third, the biggest thing is, ‘don’t believe everything you hear’. a kid may say he was offered by a university, when in fact he wasn’t. a kid (or a parent, uncle, aunty, friend) may say he wasn’t when he was but didin’t take action in a timely manner and therefore, the offer no longer was avalable. rumor, exaggerations, also come in to play.
fourth, if a kid wants to be part of this program then he should emphatically state such. don’t say i kind of would like to go to the mainland or want to listen to more options or want to get off the rock. that puts you back to the middle or bottom of the barrel. if you want to be a warrior say so! vaughn meatoga (kauai boy) said so and was offered and committed before the summer of his senior year, for example.
fifth, for the neighbor island kids, if you have the talent, academics, and the desire to be a warrior. go call the coach as often as you can. go ask your coach to call as often as they can. don’t sit there thinking that they have to come calling all the time. pursue your dreams.
what better place to play than for the warriors? you get off the rock (and away from family), yet, you can go home for the weekend or holiday, your family can fly over or ferry over for every home game at minimal cost, you eat the local kine stuff, you experience all college life in familiar surroundings. no better situation than that but you gotta go out and pursue it. don’t sit at home thinking they going to come get you.
good example, is kalua noa he kept pursuing his dream of being a warrior and finally albeit in the eleventh hour it did happen for him. he made it happen.
Stretch: I might make it. Are you accepting stuff to raffle?
bonar – are prizes are welcome and will be raffled
koauka…..i am sure she donned her tennis shoes prior to hitting the course.
i am wondering, this photo was a before tournament shot, are there any after tournament photos. i wonder if the smiles are the same.
how many lost balls????
hom many strokes????
well, i am sure that the purple muumuu was a first and the talk of the town.
i am sure she is happy with that.
Will one of the raffle prizes be dinner with UHfan808 and midori7?
Capitol -ist/WassupDoc
last i heard, wreck was looking for some tickets to the boise state game.perphaps, you could help him out.
homey…..that would be a great prize eh. kind of like double your pleasure with the twins.
Also will have the Tsaiko T-shirts Manoa Poi Company ones for sale as well. And like Stretch said, if we run out, I can always order more. I am just bringing leftover stock…but will take more orders if need be…..
al – or maybe the other twins..chawan and Jason.
we will hold an auction for those two.
I hope I don’t go to work on Kauai tomorrow and hear, “You know you Oahu people, don’t know how fo dress fo golf. At least look good if you no play good. And if you no play good, play fast!”
hey now. no twin-ing me with a math major…. and one from moanalua too. heh.
hey, its dirty dancing on showtime. shows you how much times have changed. that’s not very dirty compared to stuff on the dance floor nowadays. although you can’t really consider today’s stuff as real music or real dancing.
How about a raffle prize of a Camellia lunch with Al, Bulla, and DPK sharing the same grill?
holy moly,
that movie came out 21 years ago. damn. i’m getting old.
chawan – what is real music and real dancing? examples please.
bonar…if you have things to donate for a raffle, contact me at
wreck – actually, the chinatown one is more of the asian flower rather than lady of the evening…and the OCCC one not only has duct tape but also furry restraints….mwahahahahahaha
homey – Jason and chawan are twins??? I would have never guessed….
at least the other twins, UHFan808 and Midori are the same height….mwahahahahaa
i think we’ve seen examples of this on youtube….
I was just watching some highlights of the US Olympic track and field trials and noticed how nice the facilities are at the University of Oregon.
homey…yeah, Nike donated $100 million for their athletic complex. I read that it was better than a lot of NFL teams’ facilities.
go warriors! ST great pictures! sweat-box working on them lineman!
LizK, mahalo!
aloha errybody o hea sta hot plenny too!
SteveM – With DPK there I wouldn’t call it sharing.
James – Have you seen Jason with glasses?
chawan – youtube is not explicit enough.
SteveM…that prize would need a disclaimer about possible dangers of sharing the grill with those 3.
James – If only UA would donate big bucks like that to UH.
How about an auction for a personal karaoke serenade from Jason? Not that I would win the bid but I would start it off at $10. Let me tell you ladies that young dude is a swooner!
well if under armor is the new nike….then who knows. if we can help brand this company you never know. we might even get refrigerated water coolers.
Favorite quote from Mac at today’s camps: “… We screwed up at the Sugar Bowl, but we’ll kick their ass when we get back there.”
as long as i am opposite of dpk….get chance fo eat.
chawan and jason, huh? who would have ever thought that?
stretch…..while you are on it….how about auctioning a round of golf with the gigi’s?
Me and chawan? 😯
Stretch – can you describe the ambiance of the party…the sounds, the festivities, the visuals…etc. Looks like there’s gonna be big bucks dished out for the raffles and Tsaiko products! What you say, around $50 a person? All for a good cause!
Homey, I will let you know what happen at the blog bash if you should ever retire early to pray to elvis…
Now if we could only get Koakane to paint himself and beat some drums screaming…
“July 10th!!!”
“Ed Wong Room!!!”
“Be There!!!”
After 8 events Bryan Clay leads the decathlon qualifying over Tom Pappas and Trey Hardee.
7321 – Clay
7189 – Pappas
7090 – Hardee
actually you could enjoy watching three grown….over grown men …..beefing over a few square inches of grill space.
sort of like the modern day three stooges, yah.
bulla as curly joe
me as moe
dpk as larry, well a big larry.
nyuk, nyuk,nyuk…..
Homey…$20 bucks for heavy pupus and drink. Lot’s for sale, T-shirts, mugs, shot glasses….Tsaiko stuff we’ve seen before. Tsaiko culure items on display (i.e. your chopsticks)…some sports items like the new UH uniforms that were on display at the Ohana Game… well as great entertainment….
Some of the prizes to be raffled include gift certificates for local eateries; California hotel room packages; and sports items.
Gonna be great. And like you said, all for a good cause.
Speaking of getting old…
Ukuboi was torturing his nephew the oddah night with this ringtone, See if you can hear it.
I KNOW I am old now!
boom boom, boom
“July 10th!!!”
“Ed Wong Room!!!”
“Be There!!!”
XLiz – youtube broken, no can hear anything!
I also picture koakane singing, “It’s fun to stay at the YMCA!”
i heard that song before too.
My ear ain’t itchy. Just my eyeball.
The party is full? Whoa, I thought the SSC gets full on volleyball.
Oh boy…KK got up…now you’ve done it Wreck… more peace and quiet for the rest of the day….MWAHAHHAHAHA
late afternoon meeting…..grrtwwennrrfth…
in trouble……….zzzzzzz…..
no can stay awake……….bttyoppltthhff….uh oh…zzzzzzzzz….
what are you saying? i’m not the same weight as jason??? he does have a couple of years and CC’s to catch up!
Hi jojo! Sorry about the eye.
After 9 events, Bryan clay increased his lead. Last event, 1500, not his favorite points wise but he still should win the overall point total and represent Team USA at Beijing.
chawan – I think you and Jason are around the same weight. in the 170-ish range.
Mack himself said that he wants a Junior Day. One nice thing about my blog is that I can look up a quote when I need to see what was said:
homey – I think the top three guys go so if Bryan Clay is in the lead with one event, he should make it to the games…maybe bring home gold this time…but silver wasn’t bad…
James – yup, I was just being redumbdant. 😆
dang, i gotta go hit the hotel weight run and treadmill now!
i meant hotel weight room and run on the treadmill now!
All the lies and misrepresentations being spread about me here… So sad. And to think that the liars are the very ones who robbed me blind at Buffet 100. 🙁 Worse yet, the word big is used on me in the same sentence as bulla’s name.
Lizzy Dahling,
Love the pics at ya blog. I think that i would have worn that exact same muumuu if I were playing golf too. BTW, those are some fine looking lads o’ yours. Some tall lean buggahs yah? 🙂
DPK’s here, time to go…
* Reverend DPK puts his hand on homey’s forehead and in a loud booming voice declares: “Lyin’ instigator BE GONE!!!” homey falls bacwards onto the floor and strats floppin around like the lil tilapia he is…* 😆
170? Heck no, I’m in the 150-155 range. I need to lose 20 pounds…
“starts” I meant to say…
I was just about to say the same thing, Jay Boy. 😆
A Hawai’i boy (Brian Clay) can become the world’s best athlete. They can land rovers and science labs on Mars. Why can’t they find the numbers on here any more?
“backwards” too…
It’s fun to be H O M E Y….have cr with H O M E
d1 was going nap afta lunch but forgot about call AD tonight so staying up or going miss da event.
tsaiko nation going be very exciting at anniversary party. Fiji oh mean wreck putting some good tsako’s together making a most excellent band.
kekoa and diana great time yesterday mahalo for bringing back old time memories playing card, listening nahenahe haw’n music, then swatting termites. wow like small kids days already.
and jessie tah dahhhhhhhh you were the winna 😉
KK – Oh no you di’n’t….mwaahahahahahahaha
chawan…what hotel are you staying at??
Eh, KK, where Koa-mahu stay??? I think she would be da winnah and would want to check out da buffet line for all da beef…..MWAHAHAHAHAHHAA
haven’t heard from koma since you neva ask her to da movies, wrek no retrun her call and stretch neva live up to his name. wonda if she trying to make move on homey? 🙄
Jesse James, thanks for your reply about Colt’s replica jersey. I read the post you were referring to earlier but I think they only had XXL. I thought CB’s jersey would be more ubiquitous, especially in a redskin store at D.C. at that, but either it’s not that much in demand there yet or it’s sold out.
Al, who’s Kalua Noa? Kaulana?
For some of the local recruits who wanted to explore the mainland schools first, thanks for realizing that home is where the heart…i.e. Pilares, LaCount, Veikune.
Hey, I have in my possession the Oldie-produced UH Warrior DVDs. Very nicely done. He even designed his own cover. Or as Curtis, our boss said: “I’ll bid on it.”
I had to break it to him that it’s a door prize.
Kekoa and Diana
Huge thanks for opening up your hale to the Tsaikos again! Great venue for any kine get-together. Betty was so happy to learn to make a beautiful lei and hold a uke in her hand 😀
More information on Designated Drivers program tonight when I get home.
There was a gathering yesterday?
I’d better check my mailbox for the missing invitation.
Hoohiki call champs at pearlridege, I saw his jersey folded in a small frame with his name and number visible…I did not inquire if there was a rack with his jerseys
I will probably get in trouble for supporting Dylan’s T-shirt. Uh, I mean, I support the cause! Yeah. Uh-huh. I support the cause.
OK, guys, hubby and I made it home around 2:30 pm today. Go! was delayed 40 minutes! damn!
Yeah, I wore a purple muumuu and wore sandals on the course. Sowwy, but I hate sneakers. You know, das why I hesitate to get golf lessons cause da teacher going tell me change clothes and shoes! No way, sir!
Anyway, Al, take a look at my pic of SLAVONIC STEAK at JJ’s Broiler Saturday nite. Sooo ono! Jes click on my name!
Chow’s offensive genius makes Bruin No. 1
In college football’s 138-year history, a comparative handful of quarterbacks have been able to kneel at the throne of the 62-year-old master. Three of those chosen few have won Heismans (Ty Detmer, Carson Palmer, Matt Leinart). Detmer was the NCAA’s career passing leader for 13 years until he was passed by Hawaii’s Tommy Chang four years ago.
Aunty Gigi – WOW that steak look mouth watering, buggah look onolicious, whew no can breathe I just like inhale dat dayum ting
What the heck happened to my pictures?
Uh get Poltergeist in here or what?
Some pictures show then when refresh they vanish, what da heo?
Can see all the OLine but no can see Dylan picture
Gigi ~ It sounds and looks like you’ve had a *Happy Anniversary* weekend. My spotters at the golf tourney tell me that you and hubby represented the Sports branch of the Tsaikos very well.
Congratulations for only losing 2 golf balls as I had predicted. The final score for each of you mysteriously disappeared from the official scorer’s tent, which might hinder your establishing a run for the Golf Hall of Fame Rookie of the year invitation.
Many of the Tsaikos jammed the ESPN switchboard trying to find out why there was no TV coverage of this historic event. Our thanks to Liz for keeping us informed with her ‘live’ on the course reports via cell phone.
Good afternoon Tsaikos. just going over a few players who participated in this past weekend’s “Just Win” on Maui. The camp had 290 players attending and coaches from various west coast teams. some of the “name players” are:
Mana Rosa, de, baldwin hs, 6’3″, 250, runs 40 in 4.8.
Jordan Puu-Robinson, te, kamehameha hs, 6’3 1/2″, 240
Makana Hoopai, g, baldwin, 6′ 3″, 260.
Just some of the players who will be seniors in the MIL this year. Good chance that Puu-Robinson will be transfering to baldwin, but it is not firmed.
Probably true what al is saying that the kids should initiate contact with UH, but i know Bulla was here last year and has a better insight to this camp. Last year coach reinbold was in camp representing UH, but looks like none of the UH coaches was there as there is no mention of anyone representing UH.
Rage777 ~ Please shoot an email to me at kekoa22 at aol dot com for a thread concerning Doris Sullivan’s needs. I will keep you informed of what we are planning to do to help her.
Hi Esme ❗
Yep, Kekoa, that is true. Hubby and I lost 2 golf balls each. Of course, our drives did not go very far, sometimes just a few inches! LOL.
However, our group of four people shot just 1 over par on a 9 hole golf course! yay! Liz’s group scored 1 UNDER.
Yep, Kekoa, that is true. Hubby and I lost 2 golf balls each. Of course, our drives did not go very far, sometimes just a few inches! LOL.
However, our group of four people shot just 1 over par on a 9 hole golf course! yay! Liz’s group scored 1 UNDER.
hey, Liz!!! how are you? still at work?
Awright, gigi! Glad to see you made it home safely!
Now I have this craving for escargot for some reason 😆
This blog refreshes very slowly for some reason. Anyone else have this problem right now?
BTW, sorry for the double post up there but I did not do that.
Hi gigi- I am at home… installing software and having dinner 😉
yup- it is very slow- we’ll call it the plog…
Yay for Clay!!
Bryan Clay headed to Beijing
Good evening everyone!!
Liz & Gigi – nice pix.
Liz – can’t believe you have a son that’s 37! So, you were like, what, 10 when he was born? 😉
Figure I spent half the day in the car, going back & forth between Kailua & town. Hubby, of course, leaves me with no gas when I drive his car!! 😈 Had to get gas before I got gas at Costco this morning.
Congrats to Bryan Clay and all the other UH/Hawaii-born athletes headed to Beijing.
Gigi, you had no problems with sandals. When I used to golf, shoes is a must. I used to have astro-turf shoes, the bottoms had hundreds of these rubber nubs. It gave good grip, but kinda slippery when the grass is wet,
And yes the WB is refreshing rather slow. Think I’m gonna use Firefox.
Koauka, these were SAS sandals — 3 levels of cushioning and RUBBER soles. No slip and fall on the grass.
JM — gas on Kauai $4.51… sheesh! worse than on Oahu!
Yay 4 Bryan Clay!
Braddah is on his way!
Whaddaya gonna say!
Hey hey hey!
Let’s make way!
Go all the way
With Bryan Clay!
Yep, awfully slow loading.
and no mo’ piccha of Linkner and Kelly
OK, saw the Linkner pics.
Give credit where credit is due.
Love the Linkner picture. Glad to see the younger ones getting cancer awareness out there.
Cute T shirts that the guys are wearing for breast cancer awareness. Too bad it’s not at Kmart. Hubby bought a generic Surf Hawaii Tshirt at Kmart in Lihue last night cause he didn’t pack enough. Also bought underwear at Macy’s cause he FORGOT to pack them, period.
I think he’s losing his mind. What will he be like in 10 years???
Funny, problems with the blog. On my blackberry, i get pictures loaded pretty quick and there are numbers to each post.
And, interestingly, when I go to the advertiser address inthe drop box, it says “Under Construction” as the title.
Cool photos of Linkner’s shirt!
stacyj, it is so funny that the title says “Under Construction” for this web site! Judging from the loss of number, the pictures disappearing for no reason, etc., that is a good term for this web site.
Miami has a LOT of problems at their guard position. I wonder who will end up lining up next to Samson…
North Texas just scheduled 6 games with Army, 3 at their place and 3 at West Point.
stacyJ this site has been under construction for three months, they are paid by the hour, no rush…
I am amazed that Tiger won a major tournament given his condition. I’m more amazed at how long he was dealing with it!
SMU JJ and Rheinbold just inked their 10 commitment for 2009…lots of folks mentioned that JJ didn’t get an early start in Hawaii, maybe he did but the kids did not commit and JJ couldn’t discuss recruitment per NCAA or did not want people knowing who he was recruiting.
Mac is having the same problem, 18 offers, mostly local, 0 commits unless Kalua Noa is a ’09 recruit and not a ’08 grey shirt.
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off topic stuff.
As of June 21, the new rules makes it easier for people to board planes in the US without an ID. You no longer need a whole-body pat-down and a full luggage check…now, you fill out a form and they check you out with the public databases to verify your ID. Including an interview with a behavior-detection officer, the process is supposed to take just 6 minutes!
This airless tire invention could literally be a life saver for our troops.
Nice explanation of the new GI Bill. My Dad was able to afford to go to college due to the GI Bill, but these benefits seem like a big upgrade over the original GI Bill.
Amazing that iPhone users in Canada will have to sign THREE-YEAR contracts and will NOT be able to get unlimited data plans. iPhone users in Canada are upset and they are petitioning Steve Jobs about this.
Looks like they are going to start enforcing the size limits on carry-ons. The airlines say that this is because of crowded overhead bins, but I think that it is no coincidence that they are doing this now that they charge for the first bag! Every carry-on bag that has to be checked in means more money for the airlines.
Free play links pau.
I looked at the commit list and found it interesting that 3 of the 10 commits have the last name “Frazier”. I think JJ had someone at UH with that last name that helped get him to SMU…
jm2375- haha, thanks for the “look young” comments. the only problem is that one day we wake up and we are and look ancient.
I hear you about the gas. I am looking at my gas guage and estimating how much it will take to get me back to Costco. But even Costco is up to $2.4X something now.
Barry’s former team just lost a commit to Abe’s team.
Off topic:
In anticipation of possibly moving to Mac platform at work I got an iMac and am noticing lots of incompatibility issues.
We use Outlook now.
MS Entourage 2008 for Mac does not sync to Palm (we use Treo 680 pda/phones) – heck, it does not even sync directly to iPhone.
I use my little camera a lot for pix, movies and audio recording. Mac apps that I have bought will not recognize the video or audio formats.
more incompatibilities-
Oh yeah, my outboard MyBook HD is read-only on the Mac. I’m sure there is a way to change that but I’m getting tired and cranky…
Liz – no kidding about looking old. I’m now getting kinda vain about my appearance. When did I get those forehead wrinkles? 🙄 I kinda feel old everyday at work since I’m in upper 3rd age-wise. And of course, on Sat I will be attending the UHS Alumni Association dinner and see all the young whippersnappers (Stretch??).
BTW, hubby is talking to his friend right now about TVs and is looking at an ad. “Am I going blind or is there not enough light?” BOTH!!! Too macho to admit he should get an eye exam.
Sounds like you & GIgi had a great weekend.
Have a great evening and good tomorrow. Can’t believe half the year has gone by.
kalua noa, kaiser hs ’08 poy football and basketball in d2 OIA will be an ’09 greyshirt. his scholie could count for ’08 or ’09 depending on our final numbers. his dad is henry noa, former warrior wr.
Some swear by macs, others hate them. Good luck Liz.
Al, is Kalua for sure attending UH? I’ve heard rumblings of other things but nothing from Kalua directly. You know how family rumors travel and being that I no longer live in “the valley” (Kuliouou), I only know what I hear from coconut wireless…which isn’t the best source.
It wasn’t really over in our family despite the loss of Max Tuioti Mariner to Colorado. Small kine news from Lafu’s Tuioti Mariner’s 2nd cousin in Topeka, Tomasi. Abe just called and said his 1st cousin, Tomasi Tuioti Mariner was just offered by Kansas State. Tomasi is going to be a senior this year at Washburn Rural High School near Topeka (6′ 5″ 280 lbs, who plays both ways). So this means exactly what I told “UH Reinebold” last year, that I expected Tomasi to be a recruitable quality athlete and that he would look favorably upon following in the legacy of his cousins Lafu and Tony Tuioti-Mariner, Mel Purcell III, Jessie Sapolu, the Satele’s, etc., in maintaining our family tradition in Manoa. Obviously my wife’s brother (who starred as an o-lineman for El Camino JC and then Fort Hays, Kansas in the 80’s), is happy his sister Taffy is here if UH is a viable option. But its another younger first cousin on the same team, Movesi Tuiloma, who will really rock this season. He is 6′ 4″, 275lbs and will only be a junior this year at Washburn Rural. He purportedly has a 3.8 gpa, and only arrived two years ago direct from Savaii, Samoa. Chris Fetters alerted me to Movesi’s cousin at Long Beach Poly, an undersized tough LB named Kenny Tuiloma…both are related to Kaluka & Kai Maiava. So since we all know that UH peeps read WB, you have the scoops first and the UH coaches will eventually know. I personally believe that the presence of Brian Smith as o-line coach will enhance UH’s chance if they want these kids…the presence of Tony Tuioti in some administrative capacity will really make things special, because our family trusts and respects him. I don’t think SMU will be in the mix, but nothing to do with Reinebold.
Caring Tsaikos to give other Tsaikos a ride home. More volunteers are needed in case rides are needed to the Windward and East sides of the island. Someone may just need a ride. Others may be drinking and having a good time. We just need to take care of our own and make sure we do everything in our power to get everyone home safely.
Volunteer by emailing me at Tsaiko808 at yahoodotcom. Provide your blog name or real name and a contact number.
LizK good excuse to up date all your equipment…hope the company pays for it. Give your hand me down to Ukuleleiboy
Congrats to Brian Clay. Did you also know that there is a young man from Moku Nui headed to the Olympics for swimming. He has dual citizenship and will swim for another country. According to my daughter’s swim teacher at the community pool, he is supposed to be pretty good.
Got you on the list of volunteers for Designated Drivers along with JaM.
Garret I notice SMU staff has a director of fb operations, director of High School relations and an On campus recruiting coordinator…I guess the NCAA limits the number of coaches but allows a lot of non coaching positions..Tuioti and Sullivan ought to be hired for UH to get to the next level or at least try to be on the same playing field as other school of its size…
Gigi ~ Now, that next level of golf is to get out there and practice harder and longer at striking the ball with that photo finish swing. You now have a better idea of what challenges are on the course. Time to practice to improve your overall game.
Take that DVD player and set your favorite golfer in a slow motion mode, and try to imitate that same swing when you get back on the driving range. Video tape you swing and compare. Show hubby his ‘real’ swing, and not the “chop chae” one he thinks is winners.
Practice, practice, practice!
2 graduate assistants along with Tuioti and Sullivan will help recruitment and overall fb operations. Let the coaches coach and let others do the administrative work. I think this year the will have a full time fb secretary or did they have one last year?
Spoke with Doris today, and was glad to hear that she has a plan to have others carry on the work of PIAA. Obviously the one caveat remains, no matter who replaces her, the non profit still needs financial resources just to do the basics of the National Coaches Conventions, the phone calls to coaches & parents, and of course the annual combine which will be huge in the next ’09 edition. I anticipate that Doris will conclude financial discussions with grant entities and other private donors prior to her and Tony’s, hoped for, agreement with UH. I am personally praying for the agreement, because it will result in the most incredible bang for the UH buck anyone has ever seen in Div 1 College Football.
Just sent you an e-mail using my other e-mail address which is the one I’m now using.
Rich, my favorite Valley Boy, will one of your vehicles accomodate a mountain bike from Woodland Hills to Downtown? (at your convenience, no rush….roof racks?) I don’t want you to put the new Mini at risk. Mahalo.
Those that didn’t join us at Da Hukilau for Call the Athletic Director missed out. Lots of pūpūs, good company, and we all said Hi to JD. Sad to say that Kinda Shy couldn’t make it, she wasn’t feeling well. Hope she starts to feel better in the next few days.
After the show, most of us went to Hungry Lion for some dinner. (midori7 took a side trip to Dairy Queen.) Mmm, that food was good. I had the Super Min, and it was out of this world. In particular, the roast pork was excellent. I think next time, I’ll get the roast pork saimin. 😀
Good times were had by all.
Your 10:10 post, I agree whole heartedly.
DPK- thanks!
I gotta sleep.
Nitey nite and sweet dreams!
Sorry for the incomplete sentence above.
Just sent you an e-mail using my other e-mail address which is the one I’m now using for both business & personal e-mail.
gigi… slavonic steak. now really, did you think that it would be nothing short of excellent. how many bad recommendations have i ever made to you?
stacyj…..last i heard he was flying as high as kite about following in dad’s footsteps. also, just a week ago i spoke to his great aunty who confirmed.
Jason – sorry to say, Hungry Lion’s days are numbered. Walgreen’s bought the whole center and will put up a store there. Not sure of the timeline. PriceBusters Kailua recently closed to make room for a Walgreens. I think the Kaneohe store is supposed to open sometime towards the end of the year.
ralph….unfortunately, i believe that the ncaa restricts and limits the number of grad assts to two only. briank is one and stutzmann is the second in charge of wr’s.
having two ft recruit coordinators is a huge step in the right direction considering we never had any at all ever nor did we even have a coach in charge of recruitment.
can you imagine a large corporation which changes personnel every four years without a human resource department?
tks barry for the reports.
psst ralph if you are still around….what’s your email btw?
howdy al! 🙂
jm2375: That’s too bad. This was only the second time I’ve been there, the first was way back when I was a little kid. Shucks, that was some good roast pork.
Liz — I have never used Outlook or Entourage in either the Mac or PC side–so my experience is limited in this regard. I also have 5 email accounts using everything but…
➡ my suggestion is try using the Apple Mail program that is on your dock. It will import Entourage and Outlook setting. Choose File –>Import Mailboxes.
➡ Anything Microsoft not syncing to an iPhone is not shocking– however, an iPhone not syncing to the Apple Mail and Calendar programs is highly unlikely. Migrate.
➡ I am not a PALM user either, but I know Macs have had palm-synching software built-in for the past 12 years (Steve Jobs used to use a Palm) and I have been disabling it on older computers who don’t use Palms. So I think that it is also unlikely that there is an compatability issue outside of M$ programming.
➡ Your external “MyBook” hard drive must be reformatted in order to be read/write on both PCs and Intel-Macs. OS X is read-only on NTFS volumes. One solution (esp. if it only holds data) is to format the drive as FAT32 using either a PC or your Mac’s Disk Utility. Another solution is to reformat the drive as one GUID Partition… you will need to use Mac Disk Utility for that. BTW, most PC USB 2.0 externals I have bought have been formatted FAT32, probably for maximum compatability.
➡ As for AVI video conversions–maybe someone has a solution or utility that does not require a full feature $$$$ pro application.
re: carryon limitations. naturally as you say, if they start charging for stored luggage people would load up on the carry on stuff. i find it a great relief that they will limit the carry on’s as well. sometimes people bring aboard as much as they can carry thus occupying more space in the overhead bins.
sometimes i cannot even put my laptop and stuff up there.
bottom line is that the airlines can no longer worry about price wars. otherwise they will become victims of the industry and fuel rates. the government needs to get proactive with tax breaks and other incentives or risk the loss of air travel/cargo.
we have already felt the impact of the loss of aloha air. who’s next? its happening statewide, worldwide. the feds need to take action immediately.
hiya kid.
how’s the misses? tell her i said, “hello!”
remember when there were only a few of us?
Hey al….. 🙂
Jason 🙂
Al mahinaula at yahoo dot com
Al some of the passengers carry huge duffel bags, cross country and mountain backpackers bags, totally unacceptable. Limit size to the stewardess carry on, every thing else ban. Takes so much time to load and unload passengers trying to get their bags out of the stuffed bins
Al you sending me money, doesn’t work with e mail..
Hi Al, Ralph, duffer, Jason, Kid… I’m up. I now start my summer break as of NOW.
What’s this about Hungry Lion closing?
Okay how come no report on AD call in at the Hukilau, only mention of what Jason ate after the program
SteveM Walmart is expanding, the entire block on which the Hungry Lion sits will be Walgreens, no announced closing date… Walgreens will have to go through the permit process, etc.
better go and eat your fried rice, etc soon.
Ralph — I think Al wants your addy for Cattle Calls. I wanted it for karaoke. Maybe there’s a compromise coming up… 🙂
Is this the “night” shift?
Wish I had a summer vacation!
Sweety sez hi al-san. Yep I remember them days… It’s nice to see how big our little virtual ‘hood has become, and da neighbors is all cool… 😉
Steve-O- Yah that’s too bad about the Lion, huh? Maybe if I finish da deadline early we can go have a JJ special on friday.
Well it’s snuggle time wif da Sweety. Night night all.
Whoa… the pressure’s on… gotta round up DPK and get the first official Midnight Cattle Call at Hungry Lion going before it’s too late. Wonder much time we have left…
I like the Triple M and the Aloha Bowl is good but filling.
Merv Fox sports on 6/30 has a photo gallery of UGA IV, 10 pix…saw it via USC site
DPK — our posts crossed in cyberspace– yup, great minds appetites think alike. 3 BBQ sticks and a saimin for Al…
Yeah duffer — the night shift. All we need now is las vegas and Long Time UH Fan…. and WarriorMojo with some music… 🙂
It was kind of hard to hear what JD was talking about, because there was some talking and JD kinda mumbles. I remember one person asked about getting the $99 road PPV package if one person bought all the tickets; I think the guy that called had purchased 19 tickets for 4 families. And another caller asked about the premium parking at Aloha Stadium.
Hasiak enjoyed his USC visit, heading for Cal visit…no commitment..Did UH offer him, SMU did…
hi duffer! did you see my email to you????
ST is there a list out of all recruits offered by UH for 2009…Big wave guys usually post but don’t know how accurate the list is…lots of hoping and wishing going on…
ralph……i agree about the oversized carry on stuff. gets ridiculous. i commute often interisland and many times no more room for the komoda bakery and crispy creme donuts.
btw, never call a flight attendant a “stewardess”. thats grounds for a mean “stink eye”. i know i have one in the family.
duffer….hahaha. you had a permanent vacation. was your choice to work for one slave driver.
yes, this is the night shift. see what you miss when you go sleep at 8:30 pm
heard hasiak was offered along with ten other local kids.
Yep, got the email. I guess only a few Tsai-ko going get to savior the Maui goodies. Although I gotta feed the boy before we get to the party.
gosh dpk no need get so graphic.
“snuggle time”
bum bye jason start asking questions.
If I have a large carry-on, it’s usually a medium duffel that I try to keep it under the seat in front of me, or under my feet (covered by a blanket) if it’s a little too large.
bring the boy to the party.
let me know what the plan is.
OH, if you mean that ebay scam thing, yeah luckily I got that before my son opened it 🙂
stevem…..that would be three yakitori and one large won ton min.
and maybe one side potato salad.
I mentioned that eBay scam e-mail tonight at Hungry Lion; the girls, of course, didn’t know what we were talking about. 😀
I’m sure I was added to that list by mistake. My virgin eyes! 😉
I’m so sorry I didn’t get to talk to you at Ryan’s party. Hopefully at the blog party, but please don’t serenade me, I’m older than al!
no, no, no not that one. re: blog bash. no outside food permissable.
however, some items could be raffle gifts.
two pordagee sausage from the infamous ah fook’s market.
can yah? make em raffle ticket stuffs.
good idea, al.
did anyone listen to JD tonight…JD now knows that Jason thinks he mumbles when he speaks….Kind of Shy and he both read this blog…
JD should come to the bash and promote buying of season tickets, altho the bash is meant for fun and togetherness. one line, “eh, help me sell season tickets to your friends and neighbors if you really want to help the fb program.” nuff said as Al would say.
I got the outside food part, whatever we bring going be omiyage for the Tsai-kos!
Sorry Stretch, the girls at the KB busy that night, so said whitey!
Can make a “gift” basket for the raffke…
G’nite Al, Jason, Duffer, SteveM, Ralph and any lurkers on duty with the night shift. See you all at Genji’s.
Kekoa has left the building…
Al — so after the yakitori appetizers and soup course, what are you going to have with your potato salad?
Jason — did you see Lethal Weapon 2 or 3? Which wire would you cut? Concentrate! This is a test… 🙁
if i were at genji’s i would most certainly order the u.s. choice spencer steak teriyaki style. something i always wanted to try.
maybe some poke too.
BTW al, how were those cream puffs from Komodas, better than Liliha?
kekoa…..always lurking eh?
its the nature of the beast.
Gonna restart my mostly-free vacation in the morning.
Good night everyone!
the cream puffs are always “da bomb” coming from komoda’s. the boy and i love those long johns.
g’night stevo.
gee, when was the last time i had a summer vacation?
lights out folks!
SteveM: I… I… I don’t know, there are too many distractions!
I’m off to bed, too. Good night.
Good Morning Tsaiko Family!
I miss home! But at least I have my air conditioning now…. I’m working on getting back for the Washington St game.
I wish football season was here now!
Have a great day everyone.
Hiya Ronnie!
Missed having you at band practice. We need something from the woodwind section for the “Tsaiko All Star Band!”
Good morning Tsaikos.
Hi LizK. got my mail back. 🙁
Wrong town. dummy me. 🙁
I’ll call this am wen I get to town,
make sure I get it right.
anyway, see you next week.
60 days to go.
June 30th, 2008 at 10:24 am
I agree with your suggestion but that would entail the web folks to fix or update something…that is a dangerous proposition and they haven’t been fast with that kind of stuff in the past.
k den,
Linkner and me, we related. 😆
nah, but at least we get da same taste.
going see if da fix is on today on JUGS1.
suppose to.
Wow, these guys did a LOT of work for this! They studied the nonconference schedules for the last 10 years for every D-1A college football team.
Hi Kekoa!
I wish I could have been there for band practice…. But did I mention how I only played the flute so I could be in the Color Guard?
I wish I could be there on the 10th. Two words: Streaming Video 😉
Gainesville Fla Sun reporting 60 days to go.
they got a pikcha of Tebow in a superman outfit….
tellin him and Harvin on da Maxwell watch list
NY Times did a feature story on this DT…Texas is saving a scholarship for him and desperately needs him since they are not deep at DT and this guy would be an impact player. From what I’ve read it is between LSU and Texas for his choices. This article says that Oklahoma has a good chance too, so their coaches must have done a great job of bonding during his visit there. His Mom wants him to go to Texas…Mack Brown doesn’t just recruit the athletes but he also recruits the parents, as convincing them is often the key.
Arizona found a very interesting place for their camp. I visited Ft. Huachuca awhile back because one of my groomsmen and his wife were stationed there. I wonder if UH could practice at one of the bases in Hawaii?
Aloha Kakahiaka!
bhf2 – you get my business card, eh?
SteveM. Mahalo for da tips. My Book is 1TB. I gotta put da files on da mac before reformatting, eh? yikes.
fat32 it is, I guess.
time for a nap- woke up w/ a headache… dang vog and no breeze.
Oregon State got us posted on their big board.
9/13, 1 pm PST after Stanford and Penn State.
gotta make noise!!!!
morning gang!
looking forward to today’s bio,
nice shirt dylan
have a safe and happy day!
That’s a good suggestion to have UH practice at a base here. it would give them time to bond and also be totally focused on football only.
Didn’t Wags or VonAppen practice at one of the army bases one time? I can’t remember.
Wait, I did a search and yes, VonAppen did have the ’96 fall camp at Barber’s Point (when it was still open) this was because the grass fields were being worked on. Sen. Inouye helped out to get it. They also considered Schofield and Kaneohe.
i would link to the story, but its to the other paper, and i don’t want to get smu’d. (i don’t think this paper had an online version in ’96 yet).
Can a Tsaiko lend this bradda a hand re scheduling. the 1st game in 09, i think thats where the opening is. howz about the last 2 games in 10? am I readin things wrong?
Morning BGF2 –
Reply to your question –
10 – 4, those puka’s still need to be filled.
Hopefully ’09 will be an OOC game, as we already have 4 scheduled ( In order…Wash. St, UNLV, Navy, Wisconsin)
’10 is Open for 2 more, as now, USC is our first(Sept.4th) , but hopefully that changes soon. We need a game in front of that match.
At least we have our trust in Mr. Donovan for handling this matter, but what is happening with the travel industry and costs “Running Amuck” could curb the venues? Fill it with the Pac-10 makes the most sense, or the Armed forces, preferably Air Force.
Great Morning All.
Boy is it humid, o’ wat dis morning! 🙁
Looking forward to a great bio today.
Have a swell(tering) day everyone.
hey gang, go check out the widescreen on the other side!
Garret ~ Back in the day when we played Football in the Army, there were football facilities at every large Army base. Even overseas in Korea where I played during the mid 60’s in the 8th Army Football League.
Here in Hawaii, Football was very popular out at Schofield until the mid 70’s when DA stopped the program world wide and shut down ‘varsity’ sports. The only sport they continued was boxing. In the 1980 Olympics, I believe 9 of the 11 boxers that came from out of Ft. Bragg, NC medaled. The best known of the bunch was Sugar Ray Leonard.
No reason why we couldn’t ask the Command Staff. They are always looking for community relations opportunities. This would help the morale of the troops if they did.
I believe that we have the connections we would need to gain support from the Army or Marines to use their sports fields and facilities. The troops would welcome the team on their early morning ‘warm up’ run from the sports field to Kole kole pass and return at 0500 AM. It would be a morale booster for both the soldiers and the student athletes.
I can just picture a crusty old D.I. running 105 players in a military style formation. I can hear the cadence and ‘Jodi’ calls reverberating around the old quad as they run past singing at the top of their lungs, “I wanna be an Airborne Ranger, and not be like a Rainbow Warrior!”…try wait…is that BHF2 at the head of the formation doggin’ ’em at every step!! Bwhahahaha!
Good evening Tsaiko’s!!!
Looooooove the OLINE pictures…especially that mighty handsome kid in RED…Bulla, I know…gotta burn all those red clothes.
Whitey- Most of the UH Coaches were at the Education 1st “Game Plan Football
Academy/Camp” at the Aloha Stadium these past couple of days!! In attendance were a lot of Great Coaches from the Division 1, 2 & 3 level…including several great JC programs! Also, a lot of great, great kids from both the ILH and OIA! It seems the Boys are getting bigger and better every year! There was this awesome, most beautiful personality/attitude of a kid we’ve ever met (well we met him several times)… he won the Overall MVP Player Award and it was none other than Mr. Stan Hasiak of Kapolei High School, you talk about the most humble kid ever, with the most beautiful attitude…it’s Stan Hasiak! His Mom and Dad raised a fine young man. O.K. gotta throw this one in…one of Saint Louis’s Finest “Tytan Timoteo” took home the MVP OLineman Award. Tytan plays a mean Left & Right Tackle for the Crusdaders and he’s only 6’1! Kawehi Sablan of Castle took home the MVP Linebacker Award & he also took home the MVP Linebacker Award at the Nike Oregon Football Camp. Trevor Iosefa of Punahou took home the MVP DLineman Award and also at the HAIA Combine in April. All the boys were awesome! Coach Mack stole the show at the Education 1st, Game Plan Football Academy Camp…Coach Mack is truly a CLASS ACT! Coach Lumpkin is DA MAN, he Coached my hubby and will now Coach his sons. Coach Cal Lee…U R DA MAN…lol lol…This Coaching Staff will do great things for our UH Warriors!
A huge Fa’afetai tele lava to the Mentors of the Education 1st, Game Plan Football Academy, who were our very own University of Hawai’i Football Players, with Rocky Savai’ianaea leading the way with Blaze Soares, Keith Ah-Soon, Brashton Satele, Tuika Tufaga…even Mr. Handsome himself, former Warrior and now Chicago Bears “Leonard Peters” with several other UH Players mentoring our Future UH Warriors:) Education 1st, Game Plan Football Academy had 2 unexpected special guests come and speak to the kids also…Former UCLA Great/Seattle Seahawks/San Francisco 49ers “Manu Tuiasosopo” and his son…Former Washington Husky and now/again Oakland Raiders “Marques Tuiasosopo”…what a wonderful, wonderful treat for the kids! Wish more of the UH Warrior Greats who have gone on and accomplished great things would come back and give back in their very own special way! Hey Tsaiko’s…Keith “The Bear” Ah-Soon is one of the most nicest guys ever!
Sorry guys so long, but so much to share. The 250 kids in attendance had a great time in spite of the heat!
Guys/Gals…A lot of hardwork was put into this wonderful camp…a HUUUUUUUGE Mahalo to Mr. Asai Gilman and his beautiful wife Keawe for having this awesome camp for the kids! The many volunteer’s who gave of themselves so unselfishly…FA’AFETAI TELE LAVA!!! Education 1st’s Gameplan Academy and Football Camp and various programs have blessed the lives of many, many kids here in Hawai’i. As Doris said…there are many out there that help the kids…but you still may not be able to help all in spite of the gargantuan efforts you give! Doris…are you in Las Cruces? If you all have some spare time on your hands, go Check out their website at
Finally…Bighilofan2- Who are you doing your reservations with for the U.H./Florida game? Did you get a package deal? We were told to go through Panda Travel? is that who you used?
Fa Soifua-
U.H. Warrior Football Mom
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Doris Sullivan and Tony Tuioti are the top candidates for a non-coaching position in the UH program […] […]
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[…] The Warrior Beat | UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]