DPK wins the football tickets
Congratulations to DPK. (My son drew the winning name.) Give me a call so we can work out the pickup details. And, no, we’re not car-pooling.
* * * * *
• Defensive end Fetaiagogo Fonoti did not attend practice today.
• The Warriors will unveil a new version of the haka Friday.
• Cornerback Lewis Walker practiced after missing the past two workouts.
* * * * *
A Kailua lawyer gave Na Koa president Don Weir an 8 mm film of a game between UH and Colorado in 1937.
* * * * *
Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at today’s Leahey & Leahey television show:
Comments are closed.
to fi’
Just 2 more days before kickoff – GO BOWS — I mean WARRIORS!!!
top fi’
top 10
Please, let me enter the football contest.
top 100
and I read the post.
Please, let me enter the football contest!!!
Do the tickets come with air fare? If so, I’m in…
Please, let me enter the football contest
OH BTW Tsaiko’s, Kamehameha Children’s Choir will be singing as part of the half time show. Look for Aulani in there somewhere. They’re practicing w the band today at UH. You’re gonna need really good eyes to see her on the field amongst all the other little kids.
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
Congrats to the A-houses for winning the field passes.
A-house, do you and the Missus have your green hair dye and your black and green face paint ready to go? 😆 Seriously, congrats, you guys are quite deserving and will look great on the sideline. (With or without dye and face paint.)
Please let me enter the football contest.
Happy to read that Fonoti’s injury isn’t serious. We NEED that guy on the field!
Please, let me enter the football contest
Tickets? Okay!
You must be PLEASANT to win!
Please, let me enter the football contest
Please, let me enter the football contest.
(so i can give it to duffer/kid)
How cool Nalani. All 3 of your keeds gainfully employed down on the field friday nite!
Please, let me enter the football contest.
carrying it over from the previous post….
September 1st, 2009 at 11:45 pm
it’s so quiet before kick off you’d think some one was putting some where, or the warriors are lined up on the goal line with seconds ticking away. okay. back to listening to duane eddy and his guitar.
September 1st, 2009 at 11:53 pm
duane eddy?
duane eddy???
September 2nd, 2009 at 12:23 am
duane eddy? who?
September 2nd, 2009 at 1:09 am
now the Eagles, more current for you Al and HiFlyer? maybe you guys don’t listen to instrumentals! Duane’s a great guitar player
False Cracks:
September 2nd, 2009 at 7:38 am
Eh Ralph,
easy tigah on Al and Hiflyer, not everybody get one photographic brain like you….i thought duane eddy was a river in da mainland, haha
false cracks thanks for defending hiflyer and me.
the thing is, hiflyer and i don’t even know who duane eddy is because we are too young to remember or even know who that guy is/was. whereas, ralph…….
opps morning to all, have a good day and be nice to your co workers
bringing this over from last post
check the blog for any new changes. thanks
thanks to wdoc for understanding about the change jar.
Good morning everyone!
Re: #25
Al — l thought even had electricity for the electric guitars when we were kids… 😆
Howzit Everybody,
Our prayers have been answered in regards to Big John. Hopefully he can fully recover and be back for the Washington State. As for the Central Arkansas game, I would not bring him in unless we really need him. I would rather see him in full strength for the next game.
Please, let me enter the football contest
Oh and by the way,
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Caarried over from yesterday’s blog
Once again there’ll be HI-5 recycling drives at the home game T-Gates. The first recipient at the Friday, September 4, game will be the Na Koa Equipment Fund.
The bin(s) will be set out no around 10 am and all the recyclables will be stored during the breakdown before the opening ceremonies at Aloha Stadium. Most of the time, there’ll be additional collections at the post-game parties as well.
Bring eligible bottles and cans in any quantity from home to donate as well as what you’ll be drinking this Friday.
Remember, we’ll pick up quantities in excess of 250 containers anywhere on O`ahu on Saturday provided that arrangements are made no later than the Friday afternoon since we’ll probably have to borrow a truck.
I was told not to set out a donation jar in which to drop your spare change because it will conflict with another drive going on at the same time. Therefore, we’ll make sure that information sheets are available for those of you who want to make a contribution to any of the seven different funddrives or organizations on your own.
ALL of the redemption fees will be made on behalf of the Tsaikos & will be sent to the designated recipients within 48 – 72 hours of each T-Gate. Mahalo in advance for supporting these youth, high school, and UH athletic programs.
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Love the look of your site – are you having fun with it? Keep up the good work and good luck with your site!
Please, let me enter the football contest
If da uso wen fall off da roof, den da uso cannot p hurt!
Please, let me enter the football contest
howzit bruddah al,
no worries, jus sometimes guys get all trippin and lippin, so we gotta do one crack attack for da moronic chronics…all good
ralph is da kine auryte most of da time, shoots, some time da buggah stay blogging to himself before bhf2 come play wit him in da early morning
he just like share all his mana’o wit everyone, da kine for make us say now and den………wow…laulau and he go make big body inside, because da time i saw his pitcha…he no can make big body outside
nuf dis kine opala makin, mo bettah we stay gettin ready for some fooootball dis friday….hope coach mac ready fo rumble, da oddah guyz not coming for maitais, dey like win so dey can get some props in da FCS division
so, wit dat, i stay goin ala moana and look for my classmates, da tigahs from da ’60s and talk story and drink coffee…..das why hard, most da guyz no stay, but da steady ones, we get’em
a hui hou…..GO BOWS…..ah, ok, GO WARRIORS…..i still like da oddah one
Kekoa – gainfully ‘volunteering’ is more like it. UH Fans all of dem!! Raised them right. =)
Please, let me enter the football contest. We’ll draw the winner’s name tonight.
stevem….i googled and found out that duane eddy is a real person. the electric guitar was invented by him. no wonder it is not in my days.
false cracks….thanks again bull. btw, i always show respect to my elders and that is why i be nice to uncle ralph.
okay gotta run.
just got a call and i got a date with a 2lb hammer at tsukiji’s at 1130.
everyone is welcome.
Please, let me enter the football contest.
oh..and…please, let the football team stay healthy the rest of the week (and season)…
welcome back sailorblue. when did you return and will you and the mrs be ready for friday tgate?
wow time flies by real quickly
gotta to some list stuff be back in couple hours
be nice, play good and have a fine lunch
bye now
Howzit and long time no see, all!
Hello…..howz youuuuu?????
Gotta catch up wit da’ scoops for Friday, but….
Please, let me enter the football contest
Oh and only 2 days to football and tailgating…wahoo!!!
Please, let me enter the football contest
Please, let me enter the football contest. We’ll draw the winner’s name tonight.
Duane Eddy – a GREAT guitar player of the 50s/60s time frame. One of the best. Also Tony Mottola of Roman Guitar fame.
I do!
Here I am!
dpk you are funny, you copied too much
Please, let me enter the football contest
Hey Al and False Crack, weren’t you guys at UH in the 60’s
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Just thinking out loud…
With First Hawaiian Bank sponsoring this Friday’s game, certain First Hawaiian Bank employees should be more PRIDEFUL of it. Especially when speaking to customers about the game.
Christ… 🙄
Please, let me enter the football contest. We’ll draw the winner’s name tonight.
Good morning Tsaikos….busy busy
Great news about John Fonoti….ST, can you please say his real name again…MWAHAHAHAHHA
Can’t wait until Friday…woooo hoooo….
Good Morning Mrs. C…eh, I sent you an e-mail….
al…u sure that hammer is only 2 pounds???? LMAO
Please let me enter the football contest. Yayy
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Do i get 2 chances
Hi, you guys dont know me but I enjoy football, gardening, getting coffee for the boss, watching reruns of SportsCenter, and entering contests twice.
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Please let me enter the football contest
Since the Na Koa website is under construction, the Na Koa Lunch Report has been posted on SportsHawaii.com:
c’mon LADIES from da WAHINE CLINIC… I know you stay lurkin… ENTER DA CONTEST and GET TICKETS!!!
Aloha Kakahiaka!
I went doctah… now gotta
Hi Ho!
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Please, let me enter the football contest
Giddy Up
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Please, let me enter the football contest. We’ll draw the winner’s name tonight.
Mahalo to the UH Letterwinners Club for the laptop donation! That will help all UH athletes (especially on road trips) and is a nice way of past UH athletes to support current UH athletes.
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Can someone repost the info on cheap rooms at the Stratosphere in Vegas? I think i read that on the blog yesterday.
This is amazing to me, especially considering all the ranked teams that have played at Aloha Stadium. Oregon will be the *first* ranked opponent to play at BSU! No WAC team has been ranked when they played at BSU?
Garret – #73 – hope they use the planners correctly and often. My keed had a year long course in Study Skills in 7th grade and is issued a planner every year, but does she use it? Noooo! Only if made mandatory by a teacher and only for that class. She says that class was a waste of time… 👿 She tells me this after she totally forgot to do a homework assignment this weekend…
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Because i am poor.
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Because i have plenty kids.
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Because i am psycho.
I’m sorry to hear about your keed and her planning. College athletes have such a heavy load with practices, weight training, road trips, and meetings to fit in with classes, homework, and exams…I think they have to be good at time management to get everything done.
Do I think that they all use the planners? No, I was an academic advisor for too long to think that. However, I’ll bet a fair amount do use the planners…especially after the first wave of classes/practices/meetings hit the freshman and they realize everything they have to get done.
The super surfah one was mostly in school. IF this is the original False Cracks, the next decade… 🙂
(I was there too, standing in the Grace’s lunch wagon line daily)
That does sound remarkable. Of course, Boise State has played many times on the blue turf as a ranked team…
That isn’t much of an advertisement for the WAC as it probably is rare to have more than one team ranked at the same time. Boise State and UH were both ranked when they played two years ago at Halawa.
Posting for the season opener tickets…Go Warriors!
Please, let me enter the football contest. We’ll draw the winner’s name tonight.
Good morrow, good people
Please, let me enter the football contest
Please, let me enter the football contest
C rM – #81 it should be because i am Tsaiko.
Grace’s Lunch Wagon had the best plate lunches at UH in the early 60’s. Used to sit on the stonewall and eat the lunches.
Please, let me enter the football contest
Please let me enter the football contest. 🙂
Please, let me enter the football contest
Koakane ~ re#45 ~ Mrs. SB and I returned last weekend…drank plenny wine and shipped more home… we are definately ready for some tailgating… went by the Cabana yesterday and saw they were painting it…wait for it…brown…of course…can’t get UH green…hmmm…have to work on that…stopping by the store to pick up the last ingredient for our contribution…whip it up tonight and let it sit for a couple days and get good a marinate…see you there…
I am psycho because of crazy people.
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Please enter me into the football contest!
Nah, I think he had it correct.
You are the best employee of the advertiser.
Please, let me enter the football contest.
2 more days people!
Please, let me enter the football contest
I deal with psychos, so i got to be psycho.
Please, let me enter the football contest.
CrM…hey, that’s one entry for all your kids already…so you maxed out…LMAO
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Welcome Lurkers & Lurkettes! Good to see you join in on the prize offer. Stay tuned and stay with us.
Mid-day Greetings to Everybody!
To Don Weir, ST and PL –
A-House and I are both deeply grateful for the sideline passes. I love the “feel” of the UA apparel and we’ll do our best to comply with your request to wear/advertise the merchandise. To Duffer, Whitey, LizK, Kekoa and others who kindly offered advice re “on-the-field” behavior, your concerns are taken seriously. I will do my best to not bring shame on the noble Tsaiko title/ohana.
My total energy/attention can now be focused on this Friday’s tailgate and season opener. There have been a few distractions these past few months that permitted me to lurk only on a daily basis. Checklist of things to do and places to be are fewer now. Our favorite Korean drama series, Princess Jamyung is done (final episode was last evening), and I can focus all my energies on supporting the Warriors as they do battle on the field this Friday. (Any Tsaiko who followed the series…would love to hear your comments.)
To Coach Mack and his coaching staff/assistants and every one of the players – This family thanks you very much for all the sweat/toil/hard work and dedication you put forth toward getting ready for the season opener. Win is what we fervently hope for, lose is what we will accept, but just know that the fan faithful will never desert you…never forgetting your valiant efforts to do your very best every game..one game at a time. That’s all we will ask of you…and the faithful will not be disappointed…ever.
So with that said, onward we march together…IMUA WARRIORS!
What up JJ
Here’s one more for good luck.
Please, let me enter the football contest.
ST –
Please do NOT let me enter the football contest. Good luck to all who have never won a prize on this blog. ST is another very fine gentleman who delivers the goods as promised.
In regards to Garret’s post #76:
Since their move up to Division 1-A in 1996, Boise State hasn’t had many opportunities to host BCS opponents on the blue turf. Despite playing Oregon tomorrow and Oregon State scheduled to play them in Boise next season, there have only been five (5) BCS teams that have played Boise on the blue:
Washington State (x2): 1998 (L), 2001 (L)
Oregon State (x2): 2004 (W), 2006 (W)
Boston College (2005 Humanitarian Bowl, L)
There are a variety of factors involved, but I think it’s gonna be much harder for Boise now to schedule home-and-home with BCS opponents, especially against some of the better BCS squads. BCS teams can easily pull the “economy” excuse to decline a home-and-home with them, pay them an exhorbitant sum of money for a one-and-done, or feign the “we want a cupcake game” excuse.
Would like to see how Boise fares at home against good opponents, but kind of hard to judge that if the so-called “good opponents” won’t give them the light of day in arranging to play them in Boise.
would be nice to go with the honey….
My wish for the upcoming Warrior season.
For all the coaches and especially to Coach Mack: Put those Richard Simmons impersonations into quarantine.
Having self love and that cheer leading spiel might be well intended. And it may help someone lose weight. But this is football. Extracting as much from the players via challenging them and motivating them is the sensible way to go. All that rah, rah stuff dwarfs them.
The players listen to the show, they hear what’s being said.
Save all the talk of which players are potentially going to be playing in the pros for the end of the season banquet.
Save all the other narcissists praises for your memoirs.
For now let them grow. Let them look up at great leadership. Canonizing them doesn’t help.
Not to digress from da football talk BUT anyone read the homegrown report in the Advertiser today?
As if beating the #2 team in the country isn’t enough motivation already…
Please let me enter the football contest!
Please let me enter the football contest.
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Please, let me enter the football contest.
I haven’t seen wafan post here yet today. Strange…..
However, I was wondering if the folks bound for the Wazzu game had any Saturday night post-game plans in the works.
I’m contemplating whether or not to rent a car for Saturday’s festivities…..
does the fridge work?
Is ST gonna be on L&L tonight?
Please, let me enter the football contest.
What I’m lookin forward to this Friday night:
-Driving out of Aina Haina by 6:30 at the latest.
-Getting to me seat in time NOT to miss the first UH touchdown of the season.
-Laughing and cheering at “drunk man” with his UH flag/cape sans t-shirt three rows in front of me.
-Staring in amazement at Shannon Dresser’s skills.
-Hearing the cannon go off at least 5X.
-Confetti/trash raining down from the yellow sections.
-Beachballs-a-plenty in the North end zone orange section!!! 😆
-My first haka down the steps after a UH touchdown.
Ahhhhh… I smell kalbi, honey roasted macadamia nuts, and garlic fries in the air…. FOOTBALL IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Would there be another reason for ST to be on the L & L set? Nah… get your DVRs ready!
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Good afternoon all!
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Back to catching up.
Mrs. A-house! ~
My spirit has been renewed by your words! Please enjoy every minute of your sideline experience. I know that your infamous photo album will be full of extra special snapshots of the boys at work!
Maybe you could show your keed how to use her planner to see a week’s worth of activities in order to help her schedule herself. I was a mentor in a program at NAU and one of the problems I saw with the student we (me & the other HAPA club advisor) were helping is that she used her cell phone to type in reminders. That is a very narrow view of one’s time. Esp. w/ athletes, they have very full schedules for months on end and need to know when they can schedule time in to work on papers, projects & study for exams, besides practice, games & meetings. Perhaps using a pgm. on the PC might help your keed; it’s more the media they’re used to. I found using a Palm (pilot) didn’t help me as well, since all you see are little blips on the days of the full monthly calendar. She needs a ‘big picture’, extended view of her time.
OK, back to football….
GO DUCKS! My son graduated from UoO; I’ve always liked the Ducks, even tho you think their unis are ugly. At least they have Donald Duck for a mascot.
I see a bottle of Deb’s BBQ sauce in the fridge. That is some goooood BBQ sauce. It’s sold at costco.
Jim Leahey is looking more and more like santa.
He only looks like Santa but will never be a Santa, he’s too grumpy.
nothing like a contest for tickets to bring out all of the lurkers.
you know before you can win you must tell stevem where you are blogging from.
kazz. you are right on point with your post #118.
however, i do need two things clarified………..
“-Laughing and cheering at “drunk man” with his UH flag/cape sans t-shirt three rows in front of me.”
i didn’t know koakane was in the north endzone.
“-Staring in amazement at Shannon Dresser’s skills.”
please provide a picture so i can agree with you.
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Kazz i thought Shannon graduated last year per ST
How much would it cost me to spell out my own message with the letter magnets that are on the L/L fridge?
Kazz ~ Was that really Ms Dresser we saw at practice that day? I thought she was graduated and gone!?
ralph & Kekoa,
Shannon was twirling at the WVB game this past weekend.
I sure would like to see that Colorado game.
Welcome to all our lurkers!!! Come join in…it’s easy!
Mrs A-House…I know we gots some “nobility” on the blog…but, then I picture KK…guy’s definitely a blue collar kine. Jus keeding!!!
Papa’s head looking more like a peanut.
al: i’m at joe mama’s house.
Mr Koakane
Bruddah, you bringing your leaf blower ? Bet that thing would get the grill charcoal going in no time!!!
I no no about you guys, but i’m excited to see what Bradley and Taylor can do.
What’s the word on wonderboy Colt Brennan? Last I heard, he was battling for third string, three a bunch of interceptions in a preseason game or two, and was about to be let go by the skins. Liz, you follow Colt’s efforts, what say you?
Please, let me enter the football contest. We’ll draw the winner’s name tonight.
Gotta a non football event…so no read if you want football stuff.
This past monday nite I went to my first MBA class (management) and was blown away by the incredible experience. It was 40 years since my BA and I had some trepidation. But, when I walked in the classroom, I saw cookies and a bottle of water for everyone. On the bottle of water, it said, “Congratulations on your first step towards graduation. Have a great evening!” AWESOME. My instructor and classmates were beyond any expectations I had as we zoomed through 4 hrs with only a 10 minute break! Didn’t need any more. Just lovin’ it…
Oregon will rule this year.
Masoli will do a great job leading his team. Knew when he played for the Crusaders he would be a great QB at the college level, especially if he played on the mainland instead of at Hawaii.
#130 – wow, al…no kidding about the lurkers. Imagine what’ll happen if ST starts giving away REALLY big prizes?!?!??!!?
Please, let me enter the football contest
RE: Baton Twirler Extraordinaire
I thought she was pau too but at the last two-a-day practice, the UH marching band took the field and so did the “baton girl”. In the distance it appeared to be Dresser, but wasn’t sure. Then she busted out her patented stuff from years prior and voila… SHE’S BACK!!!
Maybe she’s continuing with her schooling?
Either way she also was at the volleyball game against Santa Clara.
Go Bow’s. Hopefully everybody stays healthy.
Uce #2 Back again in another alternative identify? Going by the tone of your words, you read and can form your own opinions. Why do you feel a need to bait Liz? Don’t you have better things to do?
Folks, I expect an attack back and will not respond to people who use the blog for personal attacks. I suggest you do the same. People who come here to provoke can’t exit in a vacuum.
Please, let me enter the football contest.Thank you
w/morrison as QB coach he would have had chance
w/rolovich no chance
if morrison was here now coaching the qbs alexander would be further along
mack says he assembled the best coaching staff when he hired smith and rolo was too laughable
powderpuff…no forget to stop by the tailgate on the way to “work”.
papa jim uses makeup? i thought he was naturally good looking.
so what, st, did you have makeup too?
i always wanted to know if the rice cooker was a panasonic or a matsushita?
hey, i think the leahey’s stole my grandmother’s kitchen chair.
al – can you e-mail me a map of the t-gate site? I do have to remain “dry” before “work.” I can do a good job of counting the green bottles…
Welcome back! Hmm… maybe you never really disappeared from the blog anyway… but regardless.
I’ve always wondered.
Is it true that YOU can actually tell the flavor of a lollipop just by sitting bare okole on it?
willing to bet the “uce #2” or “uce 2 be a man” or whatever he is doesn’t show up to a tsaiko event. name should be “uce 2 have a life”.
probably tastes guuud dat lolipop.
uce2 be a man, tell me what roses really smell like oh oh ohhhhh
Do I have your e-mail? E-mail me at tsaikotailgate (at) gmail (dot) com. I get the link from SteveM with the map of the tailgate site.
Uncle Bob back to being a lurker.
Snap yo fingers, do the stare, you can do it all by yourself yeahhhhh
Just for Uce #2:
kazz…i just checked stevem’s website and the map is no longer on his site.
Please, let me enter the football contest.
found the map and sent it to powderpuff.
Alright- great news about Shannon Dresser!
hey, wait wasn’t uce2 and not uce #2?
there’s another imposter around here.
Not taking sides. That’s the stupidest piece I’ve ever read on here. Just disappear what don’t you.
how can we get to watch that film?
Hmm. Take that back. D-1 arkansas jokes were the stupidest piece I’ve read on here.
Please, let me enter the football contest
Hey thanks Kazz and al. Got it al…mahalo!
never thought i’d say this, but, gonna head into the game early to watch the punting practice.
tks kazz, tks kazz
you read his #159?? sound like he’s a pervert to me
so am i gonna hear you from where i sit?
already got tix so i won’t enter the contest. i’ll see all of you there!
c_c, I am as quiet as a mouse at the games. Am I going to hear YOU?!?!?
Kazz: didn’t Shannon Dresser graduate? If she did, I too will miss her batan skills. She was great. BTW, thanks for the detailed account of the Call the Coach Show the other night. I enjoyed reading it.
Sorry, Kazz. You already answered my comment. That will teach me not to post a comment without refreshing the screen first.
for some reason i don’t believe you….
you might, but you’re way up high in the good seats. i’m way down low in the cheap seats.
Robert Kekaula is going to attempt to lay the 8mm onto a digital format so we will have it for posterity. It depends on the quality of the film at this time.
First look at this video will be at the Centennial Dinner on December 2, 2009 where Robert is going to give a presentation on 100 years of UH Football.
Na Koa members will have access to the video via a secure log on as soon as the video is ready (post 12-2-2009) and the website is up.
pp will we see you make a small appearance at tgate this friday. at least one cup of cheer, lunch and plate fuud to eat at half.
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Go Warriors.
Please let me enter the football contest. No really I’m broke but want to go!
correct me if im wrong but i don’t think Masoli played qb at St.Louis?
PleAsE, LeT Me eNtEr tHe FooTBall CoNTesT….
Your fixation with inserting objects into the rectum is interesting. I take if from your description you have expertise in these matters, including smelling objects of this sort, as inserted in the manner you described.
I know several therapists I could refer you to for treatment of your condition. They do excellent work. I regularly refer clients to them. Let me know if you need a referral.
You should at least make people work for these contests if you are going to subject the rest of us to these mindless posts.
Masoli graduated 06 or 07 from St Louis. Great athlete. Good basketball player too.
Uce#2, are you saying that you are a patient and therapists treat you regularly, so you can recommend one for kazz. me, i don’t know any, but if i do need one, i will definitely call you for recommendation.
You all need to stop taking the red pills and instead take the blue ones, especially you Kazz.
I wrote what I wrote. If you are having a difficult time understanding what I wrote, ask your son or daughter to read it and explain it to you. After that, get back to me if you need further assistance.
dang, Uce#2, are you a pharmacist too??? don’t know what is a red pill and blue pill, so if you could enlighten me as to what they are and what drug store carries them.
Uce#2, took your advice and asked my son what you wrote. He said that to make recommendation on proctologists, one needs to have experienced it and gone to more than one. So, I ask him, was I wrong to write what I said. He said “no”.
I can’t really help you. You are going to need more help then I can provide at this point. Your problem is that you have difficulty understanding what you read. You will need a referral to a literacy program, where they teach adults to read. Call Aloha United Way and ask them for the number to a literacy program. Start there. Once you have basic literacy, come back here and reread what I wrote. If you still do not understand what you are reading, then I recommend a GET refresher course for you, to help you relearn what you should have learned a long time ago. I’m actually quite surprised you know how to use a keyboard given the difficulty you are experiencing with understanding basic English. Good for you, though, Whitey, that you are trying nonetheless.
Please, let me enter the football contest
You might want to take your son with you to the basic literacy course I recommended for you earlier. Seems he might be having some trouble too. Better take him with you just to be sure.
Colt gets a lot of trash… but some love too…
Uce #2: stfu
Uce#2, thanks for the advice for me and my son. Just so you no feel bad, me and my son are rolling on the floor. Got You!!!!! hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa
good afternoon LizK.
is the skins game gonna be streamed online anywhere tomorrow?
Classic. First class. You win. I will not stoop to that level.
The contest is the babble
That’s great! I am truly happy for you and your son. Really. I have been rolling on the floor since I first read your post. You, Kazz, Liz: you guys take the cake.
best you don’t get involved. stop stooping low like kazz
you know better go drink your beer
to refresh your memory this is what kazz wrote
why are you sheltering him? he’s a pervert
Kazz (13 more for Coach Shoji):
September 2nd, 2009 at 3:55 pm
Welcome back! Hmm… maybe you never really disappeared from the blog anyway… but regardless.
I’ve always wondered.
Is it true that YOU can actually tell the flavor of a lollipop just by sitting bare okole on it?
Good article on Colt. I don’t have the patience to see if anyone else posted it.
Ok right about now we have about 60 people who want the two tickets for the game. So that means that there is about 120 people who would go to the game if they had free tickets. Now that leads me to think that one the ways to get more people in the stand is to lower the ticket price? Notice I said one of the ways, there are many if you look for them.
Am I to late for the drawing , hope not
Bears on da rock!
Tweet from Coach Conque about 2 hours ago:
It’s football time!
Strap it up! 😀
Good Luck to the drawing entrants!
Eh, if you no ween, come anyway!
sure wish KGMB would ditch that video clip of Fonoti burning our LT off the edge. 🙄
masoli grad from st. louis, he played qb. 2nd string behind cameron higgins.
He also had classic matchups on the hardwood vs. Miah O.
guest, you asked a great question and had to think what you meant, “why am i defending kazz”?? Do i know him, no. Have i met him, no. Do i see him at UH games, no. Do I know where he lives, no. So basically, I don’t know kazz except thru this blog, but the question was why are you defending him??? I was not defending kazz and you missed the entire point, I just wanted Uce#2 to shut up and see how useless it was to carry on personal opinions that had nothing to do with this blog. Did he stop, yes and now we back to normal.
Looks like it will be windy on game day, too.
ayy ima lurker shootz?
But tickets dem i like
Please, let me enter the football contest.
and #202
not for sound like one stalker, but dat stay unclassy fo a poster like u
look who threw out the first volley. again, it’s a tsaiko.
at the rate that the tsaikos are going they truly will become white elephants. not in a thousand yrs would i join this group. and i cant see why any one else would either. like ive said they weird. kazz is one example. (refer to #159).
good stuff tonight!
Is it too late to enter? I would like those tickets!
guest, but you got to agree that we back to talking football.
One more try folks…as we’ve said before…but, it is hard to follow…”Don’t feed the trolls”. If we stop responding to these inflammatory remarks, they will go away. If we keep responding, it goes on and on. Stop already.
football = WARRIOR FOOTBALL. my error.
BG, good evening. did Wayne K retire from the DOE??? he still in Hilo??
Let me read the whole post first!
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Please, let me enter the football contest.
ST, if I win, give the ticket to guest cause I not going be here.
From our conversations, Wayne is retired from the Army and DOE although he still seems to have a lot of irons in the fire. Betty and I will be seeing them again in October at a reunion at KMC. Amy and I are classmates. They’re still in Hilo, but they sure keep the airlines busy!
please let me win the football tickets
please let me win the football tickets. my bad, let me enter the football contest
BG, thanks.
Please let me win the football tickets! This from the wife.
I understand that there may be 200 or so UCA fans here for the game. Went over to their site and invited them to tailgate with us. Sure hope some of them respond and bring some local southern recipes…yum! Haven’t had sweet potato pie in years!
OK…time to hit the books…bbl
malcolm lane was on Dog again. wish he would have been on the field instead.
Hi everyone.
Logging in.
Tis the season.
See you at the T-gate.
Please, let me enter the football contest. If I win, I get to keep my anonymity, right? ; P
Please let me enter the football contest.
Go Warriors!!!
Hi, 808ike!!!
Hi everyone!
Will be glad to see you and all the Tsaikos on Friday.
This week the message on the fridge said “Wiseguy Tsai”
#206 – stfu = Stand Together Feel United
I win? You would not stoop so low???? What do YOU think it meant?
Subsiste Sermonem Statim ?
I only say stfu when my friends are being picked on… to remind them we are Family… yes we are.
Some predictions:
1) Blaze Soares will be a monster game.
2) UH running game will be very good.
3) There will be at least one long touchdown pass by either Bradley or Taylor.
4) The defense will surprise a lot of people, considering how few they have returning starters.
When they put make-up on ST, I noticed they added that ‘unshaven’ look. They also darkened his usual bar room tan. On camera, he looked like a grandpa, and that’s a good thing ST.
Go get ‘um Warriors!
Cleveland still hasn’t figured out where they will use David Veikune.
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want to read the off-topic stuff.
Boeing successfully tested their airborne tactical laser–soon the US military may have the capability to cause a cell tower to stop working, a vehicle’s fuel tank to explode, or a single person to be incinerated…all completely silently and tracelessly without anyone knowing what happened and leaving no evidence behind!
Study found that people who regularly golf have a 40% lower mortality rate than those who don’t, with golf estimated to add about 5 years to someone’s life. Golfers who walk 36 holes per week burn 2900 calories.
16-year-old in the UK won a $3 million lottery prize…she is now 22-years-old and all the money is gone and she is back to living at her Mom’s house! She blew the money on cocaine ($400,000!), clothes, and fast cars and tried to commit suicide 3 times. She had two kids with her drug-dealer boyfriend, the first when she was 18 years old.
DirecTV pulled the Versus channel right before the college football season begins (among other things, VS has the first choice of games from the Mountain West Conference). What I found interesting with this is that the day DirecTV customers lost the Versus channel, Dish Network started a *3 month* free trial giving Versus for free to all of their customers (including the channel in HD).
Pennsylvania man said that he robbed a bank to go to jail and get away from his wife! He actually asked the bank tellers to call police and asked for updates on their efforts to reach the police, and he pled guilty and went to jail.
Free play links pau.
Was this study on golfers done among people with the same level of income?
talk about mindless babble….
Derek ~ Blaze, Heun & Mana will have some key plays on defense. The rest of what you predict is spot on. The corners and db’s may make some picks as quick as they are!
I’m looking for Greg Salas to make some tough catches for maximum yardage. Don’t forget Inoki and LWJ!
It’s like waiting for the wraps to come off of a much anticipated gift that should start us on to a winning season.
Garret – #251 – sounds suspiciously like the movie “Real Genius” (my favorite). Popcorn!
Hi 808ike! Long time no see. Welcome back.
So, when Stretch goes marketing, does he walk or run for his life? 😆
Watch out! 808ike is dusting off his t-gate utensils! It’ll be good to see you again…good to see everyone again!
Just finished making Kalbi sauce for Friday.
Please, let me enter the football contest.
Chawan, got your messsage. But yeah, just wait, Dunnachie and L. Ingram have yet to play at real game speed against different opponents, but the same can be said for everyone else on punt protection, but as long as the guys take what Tormey has taught them into heavy application on game night, then we’re looking at a vast improvement on special teams this season as compared to last.
Only thing is, the KICKING game is a question mark. Scott Enos has been here and there. Hopefully we won’t need him to step up against UCA of course as I cannot really see this game coming down to a field goal, but yeah…
I dunno about you guyz, but listening and watching Coach Miano on yesterday’s show left me feeling that the coaching staff has improved their overall presentation to the athletes. and while I may have some reservations about Rolo and Smith, imo Coach is listening to all his coaches in making some of his coaching calls. great achievements take time. great job, Coach Miano.
you said the right things about the new coaches, without mentioning names. I got your drift.
Go Warriors!
One would think that the golfer sitting on a nice chunk of change and has the luxury of golfing and counting it as a “business expense” is going to most likely live longer than the golfer who can go on his days off, but still has a mortgage.. or a 2nd one and is trying to figure out why the same banker that SNUBBED him last week is shmoozing with the person that cut in front of him in line at the bank… 🙄
Or live longer than the guy that has to cut the grass, trim the hedges and still can’t afford to put the same variety of good food on the table as the weekend golfer with disposable income. BUT, what about against the weekender that plays tennis or sails, or skis or plays softball, etc?
Woo Hoo! I just got my Kenny Estes #37 supporter shirt!!! This is a big game for us Kauai folks!
THREE Kauai boyz this year!
I think the optimum phrase is:
The Warriors will UNLEASH a new version of the haka this Friday. 😎
Congratulations, DPK!!!
Cheer loudly (but appropriately) for the rest of us!!!
Just put the books away for the night and thought I’d check the blog before calling it a night.
bhf2…I like Rolo and two things caught my attention. One, Alexander was actually practicing THROWING THE BALL AWAY during the summer. Two, Alexander said he was practicing moving the db’s with his eyes to clear throwing lanes. Colt got real good at that and Rolo was too. With the tremendous improvement from last year to this…technique, decision making, and throwing motion…in Alexander, Rolo should get some credit. Oh yeah, and the improvements in the other QB’s too.
Way to go, DPK!
Somebody wake up DPK!!!
Congrats, guys!
Mahalo, Stephen and Devin!
Whoa! Must be time for bed. I looked at Liz’s #268 twice before I saw the word “shirt” 😎 Been reading intently (textbooks, not the blog!) for about 4 hrs and my eyes are crossed.
good nite!
Hey! Good for you DPK!! You deserve it! Congrats.. Enjoy the game.
Congratulations DPK!
I think the thing about the young coaches are they know the system, but there are other things they need to learn. With Rolo, I know Ron Lee talked about him being able to develop the skills to game plan with the defense in mind, seeing the whole field and being able to process all of that instantly. Rolo supposedly knows the system well enough to be an OC someday, but he needs to learn how to be an OC; it’s not enough to only know the system. Another challenge is learning how to impart his wisdom onto others; it’s just like teaching, and teaching has its challenges. Just because you have the expertise doesn’t mean your pupils will automatically get it. If it were like that, everyone in college would be a genius, and all my students would be passing their math class. (Well, with me teaching, they’d pass with at least a C!)
And with Brian Smith, I liked that John Estes acknowledged how Smith taught him how to read the defense and make protection calls. But when you hear talk about Gordy Shaw, the emphasis is on fundamentals. Maybe Smith wasn’t able to teach those as well as Shaw can; after all, Shaw is a veteran coach, while Smith is still young and learning. Maybe it’s easier for Smith to teach blocking concepts in a filmroom where he’s a “lectuer” who can observe everyone, versus on the practice field where attention may be divided or biased towards certain people. Just as students have different preferred learning styles, teachers and coaches have different preferred teaching styles.
When Mack talked about building a quality staff, I think he was talking about the long-haul. That is, he wanted to get guys he could help develop as young coaches and keep here in Hawaiʻi because of their ties to UH or the islands. Stutz and Malloe left for greener pastures, but I’m sure Mack appreciates the sacrifices Rolo and Smith have made to stay here. Now he’s supplemented these up-and-coming coaches with veterans who can act as mentors in various ways; Shaw can help Smith mature, and Tormey can help both Miano and Mack in their DB/associate head and head coaching positions, respectively. So I like where this staff is going. I just hope they overcome some of the gameday challenges that plagued them last year. But Mack has a year of head coaching experience under his belt, and the staff is (hopefully!) more in tune with each other now.
whoa…i see that my very, very best friend dpk won two tickets to the game. if memory serves me right those tiser tickets are near the 40yd line.
DPK, congratulations!!
Congrats to DPK for winning the tickets!
Amidst the mindless dribble drabble, it looks like the question(s) from my post #114 is going to go unanswered:
Congratulations DPK!
I think IIRC there was discussion about heading off for some gaming (and a stop by the buffet) after game watching. (click on da name)
be ready for the bears….their coach is ready and so are the bears.
Congrats to DPK
Colt and his choco milkshake… welcome to Jag country!
congrats dpk! have fun at the game.
d1 #281:
Thanks! The location rings a bell. Would definitely need to rent a car to get out there, though, but that’s fine with me.
A little drive out of the city won’t hurt…..even better when we win!
Darn brushfire across the freeway makin’ it pretty smoky ’round here!
Nitey Nite and SWD!!!
whitey…good luck!
hmmmm. halibut makes great misozuke. come to think of it so does a king salmon.
catch a few please.
Corngradulationes, DPK – probably most of the entries came from season ticketholders.
Will be dropping off the recyling stuff by 10 am and then heading back into Honolulu to work. DrDoc and I should be back at Cabana A sometime after 5 pm – when we’ll get there depends upon how quickly the bus we’ll be catching moves through traffic – to help with the breakdown.
Don’t forget the Wahine volleyball team will be playing Thursday, Saturday and Sunday..
Congrats, DPK!!!
Night all!
DPK! Wake up!
Remember, you must claim your prize before the midnite hour, or another name is drawn.
Hmmm…what other rules can I make up for DPK to worry about. How about void where prohibited by law?
Mmm, I had some awesome halibut in Portland. It came on a bed of ratatouille with some tapenade to give it some flavor.
kekoa….if dpk does not announce his acceptance of said prize then the prize is awarded to the blogger who posted subsequent to his first post three years ago.
al – soooo, that would be you?
hmm. searched the nation for a spread on friday’s opener.
if i were a betting man i’d lay out a line of hawaii – 8 1/2
Nah!…just making fun. Congratulations DPK! Please bring Sweetie by the t-gate 1st, before claiming your seats in the Presidential Suite.
that number 2375 must be your iq.
interesting that the coach for central arkansas mentioned in one of his twitter comments that his team needs to “pay attention to detail”.
i heard that at lunch today. i heard how important that very creed played a significant part in a particular “successful” person’s life.
i’d say that i hope our team is prepared for friday’s game.
if not, we’ll be in for quite a rude awakening.
Chawan_cut — Don’t know if you’re still online, but just wanted to say mahalo for your daily posting of the Warrior football news from the evening newscasts! I’m working 3 nights a week now, and don’t get home in time to watch them live. It’s great to be able to catch up with the coverage of our Warriors!
Anybody know what K5 plans to do as far as re-broadcasting the games? I plan to watch the WVB re-broadcasts, and hope the football games will be available too. I don’t have access to PPV out here in the sticks.
Howzit Tsaikos.
i am excited about this season and am pulling for Rolo to get credit for some big wins.
and planning ahead, wish Rolo make a big inspiration so Rausch put on 30 good pounds this year, 6 in each arm. 😀
hoping Blaze has injury free season. Want this bradda to be happy! 😀
RE# 251 Garret, I think we used it on the nKorean missiles this year and a few years ago. 🙂
Hey large hilo fan #2 ~ Will you be bringing your roomie, the rabid ‘Skins fan witchu? She can work out a deal with Wilbert Lee, Bail Bondsman. He’s married to my cousin Ulu. If you no pay…he sends her after you!
All I can says is, you goin’ look funny wearing your canoe instead of paddling dat buggah! Bwahaha!
Oh so sorry! Auwe…I had you tried and convicted of abusing the stadium security officers already! Just tell the A-house ohana to call ’em off!
looking forward to spock you tomorrow at TGate
an da referee coming with me. 😀
great recaps on da video at Tombo Ahi’s place.
hopefully Pride shows at the TGate. been missing that great guy.
had the pleasure of harassing his brain last week, teasing him about his prediction UCA ova us. can see why tho, Conque talks a good fight and it seems like he got his guyz believin.
only put them down for 13 points fo da huggybears cuz i expecting planny katooshin from Geordon, Liko, John, Jake, Blaze and Mana, and some quality small kine time from da sofa unmentionables. 😀
okay, nitey nite and Sweet Warrior Dreams.
Da Katoosh factor is not to be taken lightly. I believe our defense will disrupt their plans & operations in several ways. Special Teams will create opportunities to score. The offense will have fun using all the plays they’ve practiced many times.
aloha, I finally came out of the dark…lurked since the begining of the dream season, july 2007….wanted to win free tickets, so the tsai master got the intended results…will leave my 5 cents on the beat every so often…congrats dpk!
Congrtulations DPK!
The study found the health benefit of golf adjusted for all income levels. It actually makes sense–if one person is walking the golf course while the other is watching TV, there will be a big difference in calorie burning.
morning gang!
congrats to Da Punchbowl Kid !
Koa1 – howzit and welcome aboard
Al – #300, totally agree with the “attention to detail”
applies not only to the gridiron but also in one’s professional life
Garret – so will you be slingboxing the game tomorrow?
does anyone know anything about the kid Gabe Tuata, SB/RB?
Regarding your #297, I’ve seen point spreads between 10 and 14 for the game on Friday.
I’m paying for streaming video for the game. Since my parents are season ticket holders and do not pay for PPV, they won’t get the game on their DVR until the free replay.
Garret – #320, cool, i’m glad the out of state gang has that option this season
from what i’ve seen at practice, i think the fans will be pleasantly surprised with some new wrinkles
Great Morning All!
Well the brushfire seems to have been brought under control. At least the smoke has cleared. 🙂
It’s CFB today! Yesssss!
UCA Coach Conque on with AR station at 6.
….wonder if he says anything different than when he talks to BC?
Wassup! 😀
Thanks for the heads-up from practice. Glad at least one of us made it!
You going be able to make it to a TsaikoGate this year?
How does that “Annie” song go…. something about….
★ ★ ★ T O M O R R O W!!! ★ ★ ★
d1島 – howzit! seen the fire yesterday, at first i thought homeytown was burning, still had the smell this morning
Didn’t DPK say he and Sweety were getting a late start and would watch the game from home? 🙄 😀
~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Happy..Birthday..Ferd!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~
~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Happy..B-day..Coach..Miano!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~
d1島 – #325 – game day decision – busy with vb and futbol
βρεω808 – howzit! yep, one more day, come on now, its time for bust out your awesome graphics
ok, grace pacific time
everyone have a safe and happy day
Aaron Brown is an outside LB now and won’t play safety anymore? That was a pretty big tidbit in ST’s article that I hadn’t heard before.
~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Happy..Birthday..Ferd!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~
~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Happy..B-day..Coach..Miano!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~
Happy Birthday Ferd!
Happy Birthday Coach Miano!
Hope you can work it out to be there!
🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆
🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆
Howzit βρεω808!
That was for Loa…. 😀
Good Morning All! ONE MORE DAY!!!!
Bear Coach on the air now from the Waikiki Marriott
Sad Bear… (boo hoo…)…boo-boo Bear… 🙄
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Oh – Congrats to the A-Houses (A-homes?)!!! I think it’s even money on whether Mr. runs out and makes a tackle or charges a ref, or if Mrs. gets scolded for chasing after players & celebrities as she seeks … autographs! (& hugs)….
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
Wea’s homey? 😯
Hope John Fonoti gets to personally introduce himself tomorrow!
Hi Liz_K! .¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸><((((º> 😀
Good morning! One more day till….
Howzit brew!
Da homester’s been MIA lately. Kekoa, C rM, gotta send out the da search party!
“And the Cult of Colt is sleeping on the job: in a Redskins Insider poll, as of 4,000 votes cast, 53% would keep Chase Daniel over Colt Brennan. Beat writer Jason Reid doesn’t agree, putting Brennan on the roster. I have to say, given how vocal Brennan’s fanbase is, I’m genuinely surprised by those numbers.”
Playing in front of 40 to 50k is a concern for them….
Playing in wind…..
Ball control…..
Bear Coach’s older son is at USMA
They going to Arizona Memorial today.
We shoulda had a pre-tailgate and invited them!
Word on the dirt road is that homey’s been busy farming.
Good Morning Tsaikos one more day to go. I think this years d is gonna surprise some people and with Taylor and Bradley we have the speed to stretch the field. As for A. Brown Mack has to find a way to get this guy on the field cause he’s most definetly a Baller jus from seeing him in practice it has been a long time since we’ve had a safety like him.
Interview pau
Have a terrific day erryboddy!
enough with colt
Wasn’t homey on the mainland?
Brennan’s Visor Is a Game Changer
Awesome photo of Amber Kaufman! What a joyous expression! I hope there are many just like that throughout the weekend and season!
Thank you Rebecca Breyer! 😆
I suppose offering a scholarship to a 2-yr old would be a bit too much…. 🙄 😀 😆
Sounds like Aaron Brown would make a good “Rover” person on D – a hybrid db/lb…. How quick is he on blitzes? 😀
…kind of bummed that there’s no Ronnie at the Wazzu game…. 🙁
Wazzu matter Ronnie….? 😥
congrats DPK, if i had won, i would have given the tickets to you and your bride 🙂 Warriors need to come out and kick some serious arse……build on this victory so they can have a good road trip.
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
Isn’t DPK the one who wins then makes some kind of excuse why he can’t make it? Lose money! Should give it to a person who will not waste everyone’s time.
Happy Birthday Ferd!
Happy Birthday Coach Miano!
I do remember DPK saying that Sweetie works till 5:30 pm, so they weren’t going to make it. Hope that changes now that they have sideline tickets. Come on, DPK!
you kidding me, right?????
Hiya DPK and Sweety 😀
listen, if you need a ride, I’ll come get you, take you home too. 😀
you just gotta let us no wat you stay doing. 😀 cuz if you gonna waste doze 2 tix, insteada dat 1, you can give em as a prize at da TGate. 😀
now no make me have to come chase you down. 😀 you goin get all sweaty and stuffs. 😀
come to da TGate, and den you an me we go get Sweaty 😆
Happy Birthday Coach Miano.
You’re a class act!
I’ve often thought that it would help Greg to use a visor since he wasn’t able to throw off defenders on his scans for his receivers. Reports from practice say he’s doing better this year, he says he’s doing better this year. Perfect practice makes perfect. (C. Ripkin)
ST great article.
I hope get planny off island peeps come watch da game. Summa my Hilo friends gonna make it too.
Don Weir,
I’ll be calling. 😀 Thanks. I’ll Weir my UnderArms. 😀
been practicing pushups, Vili style. 😀
Sad to hear about the layoffs of Dashefsky, Ako and Shima. They’re the veterans…should’ve been kept instead. Times a changing…sigh.
Hiya Slugger,
kinda nice livin dat neighborhood this time of year, yah? 😀
envy you for sure most days. 😀
see you at TGate.
our players sounding awfully exciting to me. can’t wait to see them in action. especially looking forward to watching GA read the coverages
and completing bubble passes to open up da outsides.
YES HE CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi ho esme woooossshhhhhhh>>>>>>
8 days ago the revised defense roster looked like this:
Left end: 1. Elliott Purcell. 2. Paipai Falemalu. 3. Victor Clore. 4. Cameron Allen-Jones. 5. Tua Mahaley, Earvin Sione, Aaron Rink.
Left tackle: 1. Vaughn Meatoga/Rocky Savaiigaea. 2. Chris Leatigaga/Geordon Hanohano.
Right tackle: 1. Tuika Tufaga. 2. Haku Correa. 3. Zach Masch.
Right end: 1. Fetaiagogo Fonoti. 2. Liko Satele. 3. Alasi Toilolo. 4. Michael Maracle. 5. Alema Tachibana.
Strong linebacker: 1. Corey Paredes/Blaze Soares. 2. Josh Rice. 3. Art Laurel. 4. Tim Brown.
Middle linebacker: 1. Mana Lolotai. 2. Jake Heun. 3. Cory Daniel.
Weak linebacker: 1. R.J. Kiesel-Kauhane. 2. Po‘okela Ahmad/George Daily-Lyles. 3. Joseph Malabuyoc.
Left corner: 1. Tank Hopkins/Lametrius Davis. 2. Chris Black. 3. Kawika Ornellas. 4. Darius Ward.
Left safety: 1. Spencer Smith/Aaron Brown. 2. Aulola Tonga. 3. Kamalani Alo.
Right corner: 1. Jeramy Bryant. 2. Lewis Walker. 3. Steven Stepter.
Right safety: 1. Mana Silva. 2. Kenny Estes. 3. Richard Torres. 4. Jordan Gomes/Michael Wadsworth.
Nickel-1: 1. Aaron Brown. 2. Spencer Smith.
Nickel-2: 1. Richard Torres. 2. Aaron Brown.
reading ST’s article, ABrown got moved in closer, more speed and coverage close to the line.
it’ll be interesting to see exactly who the starting D unit is tomorrow.
exciting exciting exciting!
Good morning Tsaikos. Have a great Thursday and may my friend, sunshine, make you all feel gooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!
predicting UCA going try ram/run down our right side D
looking forward to seein Tufaga, Correa and Masch’s replays on da Jumbotron. Also predicting Cory, Blaze and Jake making da smackdowns alongside da bruuzaz. but da key for our great D gonna be the right DT.
what happened to Ikaika Mahoe? woulda made Hilo proud.
hi ho gang!
If anyone going to the UNLV game still needs a ticket in the Tsaiko zone let me know ASAP. I have one available since I cannot make it now. If no one wants it I’m gonna send it to LV to use however he wants
Ikaika Mahoe is back on the team. HI ho Hilo!
Tsai-ko Donators- this just came up on fb for consideration:
Anyone know of people who might want to donate comfortable chairs for the Verizon Academic Center? We’re in need of 8 comfy chairs so the players can use the computers and not worry about falling over. E-mail me at kajiyama at hawaii dot edu if you know of anyone willing to donate. Mahalo, Brian Hawaii Warriors, Academic Manager
wow, for a moment, the blog got nasty last night.
DPK = cheer the Warriors on for me! Best wishes!
congrats DPK,
now would you like to scalp it for $20.
we can negotiate at Tgate.
ha ha ha.
where is this article that ST wrote that everyone is talking about?
CA head coach just finished on 1420. He was humble but you could sense the quiet confidence, I was impressed. Team’s OL very tall from G to T, 6’5″ to 6’7″, with a nasty bulldog C @ 5’11” that started as a freshman. Front line players on both sides are talented & experienced. Based on what I heard I think the game is going to be a lot closer than what most people think.
Can’t wait till 7:00 pm tomorrow, GO WARRIORS!
shall i awaken dpk?
does he know he won?
shall i tell him he won but since he didn’t claim it by midnight that it is now mine?
Hauoli Lahanau – Coach Miano and Ferd!
SOMEBODY please wake up DPK 😆
Called the Kid and left a msg. Now, we wait….
kekoa…i called earlier also. he may be back on his morning walks routine again.
aaron brown’s move to olb was reported by mack on his talk show and by miano on tuesday on the chat.
does that mean that the coaches have much confidence in silva, smith, and estes?
does that mean the coaches are concerned about the already thin lb’er corps?
does that mean we may evolve into a hybrid defense utilizing his speed in a more flex defense?
while brown is still the nickel, i think his uniqueness has predicated this move.
Al ~ Mike Chun might have called him back to service to help straighten out that mess up on Kapalama heights. (Even Coach Bulla may have to check his Bat phone while up there in America).
khs incident, a huge black eye. wasn’t it just a few years ago similarly alleged episodes were reported.
Good morning Tsaikos….can’t wait for tomorrow….FOOTBALL…AWWWRIIIIIGGGHHHHT!!!!
I thought they had confidence in Mana starting at MLB…at least that’s what it sounded like on the news last night…
Just got off the phone talking to the K5 programming department.
Friday night’s game will be re-broadcast on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, at 1 pm.
The re-broadcast situation is very different this year – probably in part due to the consolidation of KGMB & KHNL/K5, but that’s just a guess on my part..
Each game will be handled differently so I was told to check on a weekly basis. Also, accorfding to the staffer some games – especially the road games – may not be re-broadcast if a sponsor isn’t found.
Stephen – would you please post the re-broadcast information each week on a regular basis starting around Wednesday? Mahalo.
Off to work and three meetings plus Wahine volleyball. Hope everyone has a great day and that Kazz can change his header in about 12 hours.
Just got off the phone talking to the K5 programming department.
Friday night’s game will be re-broadcast on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, at 1 pm.
The re-broadcast situation is very different this year – probably in part due to the consolidation of KGMB & KHNL/K5, but that’s just a guess on my part..
Each game will be handled differently so I was told to check on a weekly basis. Also, accorfding to the staffer some games – especially the road games – may not be re-broadcast if a sponsor isn’t found.
Stephen – would you please post the re-broadcast information each week on a regular basis starting around Wednesday? Mahalo.
Off to work and three meetings plus Wahine volleyball. Hope everyone has a great day and that Kazz can change his header in about 12 hours.
Whoops!! Sorry for the double post. Need to replace my sticky keyboard.
Yay DPK!!!
So who’s gonna win tonight? Boise or Oregon?
j/j….brown is going outside. lolotai is mlb.
Eh…. we stay playing on the next blog already…. 😀
Boys State moving on Oregon. Can’t believe the score still 0-0.
Ducks uniform looks like a duck that got flattened by a car. BSU? Well, they accept they are ugly.
Please, let me enter the football contest
When Mack talked about building a quality staff, I think he was talking about the long-haul. That is, he wanted to get guys he could help develop as young coaches and keep here in Hawaiʻi because of their ties to UH or the islands. Stutz and Malloe left for greener pastures, but I’m sure Mack appreciates the sacrifices Rolo and Smith have made to stay here.
I want to be a Waikoloa Warrior
Wahine will bounce back Thursday!
While I believe Brian Smith and Nick Rolovich are quality people, if we want to consider UH to be a major college football power….then we cannot be a farm club developing coaches for the major leagues.
Coach Mack didn’t have a lot of time to put together his because of the abrupt departure of Coach Jones and some of his staff…but, at the end of each year he has to evaluate his staff to insure they are at Division I caliber or have them go back to JC, NAIA or IAA…etc.
This is the same message they give to some of their players…nothing personal…just business.