Chow on verge of being next UH coach
Barring a glitch in negotiations, which began last night, Utah offensive coordinator Norm Chow will be named the next Warrior head football coach.
UH higher-ups had a meeting last night, at which time AD Jim Donovan was authorized to begin negotiations with Chow.
The sides were close to an agreement this morning.
To paraphrase Robert Kekaula: “It’s Chow time.”
Comments are closed.
Time to be first?
Good cause I hungry
Like MJ would say: Hee-heeeee!
Hungry for breakfast, Warrior coach, and recruiting info
Go Chow! Waialua boy! My hometown.
Top Five
Morning Bugaz!
ok, maybe not.
Morning to ya
top ten
Time to close out the deal and declare today a Hawaii holiday!! Lol
I’d say three days, max, the deal is finalized.
I can never disagree with Chow time! He’s got the resume, that’s for sure. And it will be nice to see a local guy at the helm.
chow fun friday’s
two for one
golden duck restaurants.
So the deal is finalized, and you lean to Kekaula’s prediction. Now would that mean it is in fact Chow Time then
Now that’s the news we need. Let’s say that is the case, what do ya’ll think would happen with the current staff?
The deal should be finalized.
I hope RK’s hunch is right. Norm Chow’s main motivation isn’t money anymore. He’s put away some $$ from his USC, NFL & UCLA coaching stints.
Guess the future in Norwood shall have to wait… 🙁
Time for the present.
With all.. And I mean ALL the hype and build up of Norm Chow over the past two coaching searches, a top 25 ranking on a consistent basis should be expected right? I mean… just going by what people have said and expect out of Norm Chow FINALLY getting his first big gig.
It’s a new day indeed!!!
Some stay, some don’t.
But the deal isn’t finalized yet.
Hey Nalani! These are interesting times no? Waialua… …the cradle of greatness! 😉
Hawaii is back to NORMal!
Aren’t you from, uh, Punchbowl?
Chow fun Fridays to allow for ESPN televised games
yup, Norm Chow is my choice,
I’m very comfortable with that.
I would have ranked the final three:
But a Norm Chow hire should generate some new season ticket sales and our first home game of 2012 should be a well-attended one.
chow grew up in palolo.
It will be great to have a coach that can speak well in public.
The only thing Im regret about what seems like the eventual hire of Norm Chow is just all the BAD puns… and I’m not talking about Punahou.
Chow time?
Chow FUN times???
REALLY? Really… really.
I only hope that whoever makes the decision will own up to it. Just because the UHAD announces the new hire doesn’t mean he made the decision.
It will be great to have a new start PERIOD.
So… it’s time for some people to get up off their arse and start 2012 SEASON TICKET RENEWALS AND SALES JAN 2nd 2012!!!!!!!!!!
Utah is very worried about Chow leaving the program but their CHOWCON level only at 3?
Media is hinting at Koetter as a front runner but he has no ties to Hawaii.
Very Important Deal to have ties here. Hawaii is a very unique place to live.
Don’t lose hope for Chow time… It’s coming… Believe me….
Chow has deep root to Hawaii! Born and raise here and more importantly, knows lots of football contact here and all over the country!
And 3rd time is a Charm!
Chow started his football coaching career at Waialua. WAIALUA! where a power house not
but if you can start in deep roots of Waialua and Win? You can win anywhere in the country
Go Chow now… It is Chow time… and for some Chow Fun!
Go Warriors!
By the way, Rush was one of the first eliminated. I suppose I should have mentioned that before letting everyone make picks last week.
Coach Chow + 2 or three new coaches + couple linemen + most of the original staff= fun times I predict
I would be the first fill out a season tickets if it’s Chow Fun Time!
I also hope Chow brings home another assistant coach from Utah would be a nice plus too.
OK, now I’m going to re-read yesterday’s posts to find out who believed a tweet from another entity.
It ain’t over till its over.
I’d renew now! That is definitely a change that needs to be implemented. Too many 1 step forward 2 steps back. Need to jump on the hype and sell the program!
38. Bon Jovi?
And i’ve also watched Jacksonville Offense last 2 weeks.
It’s lame and needs work? Do we really need that?
Koetter has been the OC since 2007 that’s 5 years in the making.
He has no ties to Hawaii. Closest thing was he came to Hawaii as BSU Coach!
At BSU Koetter had a fantastic year but I feel it was the Bryan Harsin as offensive coordinator who left for Texas after 10 years as BSU Staff and five as OC/QB coach that did the job.
Please no Dirt Koetter as Warriors HC>>>
Chow would bring attention to UH as he has been in the National spot light and has wanted to be HC for a spell. Light it up and win some big games and he could do for UH what JJ did, too.
i think chow already has a staff either in mind or one that is confirmed already.
i have to believe that he has his mainstays to help him rebuild this program.
i think he’ll keep at least three guys from the current staff.
probably rolo as qb coach or wr coach, tuioti for dline, and cal with lb’s. all three would be essential in recruiting.
miano is an outside shot, but, perhaps as the new recruiting coordinator.
Parking still has its problems at the stadium. Lots of parking still at 4:30 and they chasing fans away if they don’t have a pass. We don’t want your money and don’t want fans in the seat…other changes need to be made
Wasn’t Peterson the OC for Koetter and Hawkins?
is that roseanne barr singing?
Utah is hoping both Chow and Sitake remains at Utah.
Let Utah CHOWCON go up to Level 5 Now!
Just don’t want Hawaii to become second chance player city and last chance coach town type rep… so I hope he succeeds and sticks around long enough until a more familiar face is ready to take the helm and lead our Warriors forward and beyond the MWC.
i think peterson was oc for hawkins.
44. Exactly what I hope for
#23 –
Technically, I’m from Puowaena, Ka’a’awa is my hometown. Humble little place. I see your point. Har. I guess somebody wants a lump of coal in their stocking.
When’s showtime?
Sitake would be DC right? Any idea of who he may utilize for RB coach, oline, and would Chow use a Tightend
Why would anyone assume Sitake would come here to be DC?
al that sounds nice to me too
I can live with that and coach Sitake from Utah.
#45 Re: Stadium Parking
People gotta know which gates to enter, or at least READ the signs. I enter thru Gate 1, which is a pass only gate. Get CLEARLY written signs before you even enter the intersection. Cops are chasing out those that dont have a pass, cause they NOT suppose to enter the reserved parking areas without a pass.
why would anyone assume chow is the hc?
Helfrich was OC under Koetter.
Was Koetter coaching B$-You when they lost to Hawaii the year before they joined the WAC?
Be careful what you ask for, Santa may bring UH a lump of coal. Many of my associates are major donors to both UCLA and USC athletics and not one of them ever considered Norm Chow to be HC material. His strength lies solely as an offensive coordinator, think Norv Turner. Remember, there is a reason why he didn’t get the Stanford gig; please don’t mention the race card. Chow simply does not poses attributes required to be the top guy. According to my sources who have met Chow he is not very personable with new recruits, the media, as well as boosters. He is headstrong in his ways which has caused dissention among coaches and players. He would be a serious detriment when it comes to recruiting, which would set the program back for years to come.
There is no denying Chow’s success at BYU and USC but did you ever wonder why he couldn’t develop a single QB during his tenure at UCLA? And to all you sports fans, do you know where Utah ranked this year in total offense? Try 110 out of 120 FBS teams.
Hey folks don’t be enamored by Chow’s past accomplishments. His time has long passed.
As much as I love UH football, sure hope I’m wrong on this one.
Will Chow would keep parts of the R&S in place or will he go to a completely new offense? Any chance of Rolo being retained as QB coach or OC?
Mahalo, cp and RZ
Oahu’a, Oahu’a
Punahou, our Punahou . . .
But I would welcome some Chow Fun. Will it be a handshake or a sign on the dotted line agreement?
Stephen –
The sleigh rolls in at 10am. A little “Alf” at the reins. World’s biggest elf and others will provide the music.
Prolly the parts that use a guy who throws the ball and some guys who catch the ball.
BC has just said that a source has said it is a done deal. A decision has been reached.
Norm Chow next HC.
BC also reporting a source has told him Norm Chow to be next coach… probably ST :0)
Who doesn’t want to come home to Hawaii?
No One.
Wow, he didnt train wreck the interview.. good For him! Chow time, Lets go!
Good time for Bright to bulk up, we need a TE
re #69.
yup – heard that too.
said that source is USUALLY reliable.
no need the schedule to start accepting season ticket renewals or take deposits for new season ticket buyers. let’s go uh, start the ball rolling already.
We have a schollie offer for Bush-Loo.
hope the source wasn’t that duane guy.
morning and an exciting one its turning into and just like to add
Making your way in the world today takes everything you’ve got.
Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.
Wouldn’t you like to get away?
Sometimes you want to go
Where everybody knows your name,
and they’re always glad you came.
You wanna be where you can see,
our troubles are all the same
You wanna be where everybody knows
kope time
Verrrrrry interesting.
Crossed the ts? Dotted the i’s? Assistant’s can afford to buy diapers and milk for baby? Wive’s no need work? So that daddy can concentrate on football? Mommy can take care of the chillin?
“What is, is” “What was, was” “Now is the time of the Warrior” ( Lord of the Rings )
jus go n sahpot da Warriors!
#60 – UH beat Koetter’s Boise St team 34-19 in 1999. (UH also beat Koetter’s ASU team not too long ago as we all remember.)
All the radio guys quote ST.
They should pay him.
is that whitney houston singing?
They say Norm Chow is now UH head Coach
It depends on how negotiations go.
Dont’ anticipate a problem.
But this is UH, and so anything can happen.
Let the Norm ‘Wow Lau Lau’ Chow era begin!
I see some transfers in the near future.
Brian Norwood was part of a staff that helped Baylor get relevant.
Norwood would have more to prove and more motivation this stage in his career as a HC.
Yeah I’m a young guy so I want the young guy too.. That’s part of my BIAS… (at least I admit it), but Norwood has more potential for an upswing than someone in the twilight of his career to take on an endeavor he’s never done before.
No one is going to remember, but I was VERY enthused and relieved that McMackin was our HC four years ago, BUT I did question what kind of learning curve a 60+ year old life long coordinator would encounter. After I said that, a prominent fellow blogger regular assured me that all this time in the coaching business should be no problem for McMackin…. Fast forward to a few weeks ago.
So.. If you start weighing things out.
I would have preferred Norwood.
dont know why everyone is excited about chow. did crap on Offense at UCLA and worse at Utah!!! he is trying to run that read option crap!! i hope he keeps 4 wr set!
Kekaula is definitely sure Chow is the guy.
I’m mostly sure.
I gave myself wiggle room because I know how UH works, and nothing is a done deal unless it’s a done deal. Exhibit A: Gib Arnold.
But Koetter is not the guy.
Whew. What a relief that Koetter is not the guy. Chow wasn’t my first choice but I can definitely live with him. Koetter on the other hand….no way.
The winning TD is a yard away, UH please don’t fumble it now . . .
Lots buzz being created by the possibility of Norm Chow coming to UH, both locally and nationally.
Kalani Sitake as UH DC would be fantastic. He’s an up and comer and will no doubt get offers from other schools, but the possibility of 2-3 run with the UH defense under him would still be a positive thing.
Hiring a good O-line and secondary coach will also be keys to success. It will be fun to see a tight end once again at UH.
echoing #61, king katonk.
Chows offense at UCLA was pretty dead in the water, also with the Titans and with Utah.
Don’t expect anything too great at UH. Probably the Punahou connection got him in.
Who was the local UH defensive line coach under McMackin who was so happy to be coming home to coach and then bolted for another school as soon as the season ended?
Good morning, gang!
Chow would be ok. Koetter, not.
Have a good day, gangees. It’s still raining here…
Kevin, people can change no matter what their age. just didn’t work out for coach mack.
Half empty, half full. A positive anything is better than a negative nothing.
If this is true our families Hanukkah prayers have been answered.
i’m trying to figure out what a negative nothing is. 😕
re # 90. Stephen Tsai:
December 20th, 2011 at 8:49 am
Kekaula is definitely sure Chow is the guy.
I’m mostly sure.
” … But Koetter is not the guy. …”
THANK YOU ST !!! … what a relief – said all along – he doesn’t belong.
chow fun is spoiled already, 65 year old chow fun, not good, unless he brings all young assistants who can be organized and focus on one gameplan and recruit players to run a pro style offense, hopefully chow will bring the offense he used at NC state………lets not have the coaching staff all collect social security
any of these would have been my choice norwood, akina and chow.
like kev was hoping for the youth movement.
2 hc with ties to punahou. Hmmmm.
Excited finally got our guy. So looks like giod bye to rolo and the rns? What did utah run last season? Pro style offense maybe?
the little birdies are chirping the same.
believe that robert and tsai have it right.
RainbowFan #94 – aided and abetted by a Roosevelt grad, a Kamehameha grad and a _____ grad.
As I said in previous posts, IF Kalani is coming with Chow as the HC in training, he may decide that that is good enough reason to come. That would be a good two fer deal for UH.
To the folks who have said Chow’s gamepland did not work at UCLA, Tennessee or Utah, that’s very true, BUT it worked at USC, NC State and BYU. On balance it may go either way, but he’s coming home and there’s that intangible element that may help put some weight on the up side.
Regarding his rough edges, well welcome back JJ. June was not exactly “Mr. Pleasant” but he was our guy and we loved it when he beat ASU, BYU, Fresno so much so that we accepting that. We look with anticipation for some of that in the MWC from what we hope is our new coach.
Someone in an earlier post said winning cures all.
Brian Norwood would be my choice because of his youth and other tangibles, but Norm Chow appears to be the flavorite of the day..
Let’s see how things play out.
Iosefa and leaf at fb, jackson at hb. Sounds like a.good line up there.
#94 Rainbowfan
I agree with you. I don’t expect anything spectacular with Chow. I was hoping UH would hire a “young gun” full of enthusiasm and drive. I see this move as a nice cushion for Norm’s retirement. He really has nothing left to prove.
banker is out then. guess his birds stopped chirping long time ago or was shot by some pellet gun toting winter break student.
Good morning Tsaikos!!
Wet morning. Hope everyone is staying dry.
Clueless wahine has no opinion on the next coach. I will be at the home games next season.
Congrats to the Wahine.
Don’t forget Warrior volleyball opens their season on Jan 5th with MPSF conference game against USD. Get your tickets!
Will Gregory at hb would be better than Jackson at hb in my opinion.
kden back to reading all the thoughts going into the selection of Norm Chow
play nice and be nice now
Chows recent deficencies as an OC are more alarming than his past success, can’t be living in the past….but it looks like thats where we’re heading
He has a good first name.
jj wasn’t exactly a successful winning coach before he became hc at hawaii.
It should have come down to Akina and Chow. I can live with Chow but how in the world did Koetter even make the interview phase?
Hard to “bete” that, eh? 😉 😆 🙂
a little diversion…
Scott Harding on ESPN Australia
What time is it?
Does anybody really know what time it is?
Does anybody really care?
If so I can’t imagine why
We’ve all got time enough to cry
Hope we’re not crying when they make the announcement
Chow is the one who has the most experience with going into MWC venues. Hopefully that translates into some confidence in playing at altitude, unlike the trepidation that may have been the case previously.
Although it not official yet, now the debate on his assistants.
Although it not official yet, now the debate on his assistants.
Good Morning Tsaikos….
Obachan, #123, there is one man who knows what time it is….If ya smell what the Rock is cookin’….MWAHAHAHHAHA In honor of Kevin….
So, when do we start making Chow Fun t-shirts???
Ya that’s who I was thinking bout. I forgot his make. Will Gregory.
I can Live with that!
Don’t know where this source of poll from?
Ohio State gets nailed with 1 year bowl ban and 4 lost scholarship losses over the next 5 years. Is that 4 scholarships a year or 4 in the next 5 years? Small penalty, I think.
If it’s Chow, so be it.
One thing for sure the national sports media will give his hire more air time than they would have if Norwood or Koetter were selected.
Free pub is a good thing.
Anyone else think Chow looks like Kumar? Anyways I’m not too fond of this hire, he’s been on a downward streak lately, And probably doesn’t have much left in his tank (65) I don’t really see the benefit in Chow as head coach, can someone tell me why he would be so great here?
How strange, though that Akina is lost in all of this when he has the most votes. Is it $$?
Duane Akina (46%, 4,210 Votes)
Norm Chow (41%, 3,730 Votes)
Brian Norwood (6%, 533 Votes)
Dirk Koetter (4%, 377 Votes)
Mark Banker (3%, 217 Votes)
Total Voters: 9,067
When I look at OCs I check to see who their HC is. Some times they can’t always do what they want to. Now as HC it will be a different story. I am willing to give him the chance.
I hope us fans don’t think that we’re going to a BCS game in the 1st year. It will be a transition period with players (although I think they are good) that he didn’t recruit and assistant coaches that will be new to his system.
Sorry, Ohio State’s lost of scholarships are over 3 years.
my theory on why the committee went with Chow….
Chow will run his style of offense and keep Rolo on staff as a QB coach. Rolo is able to expand his playbook and gain valuable experience. Chow will not be around a “long” time so he grooms Rolo to be the next head coach. From the coaches on staff now, I think Rolo has the most potential as a head coach but just needs experience. If they brought in a “younger” coach, Rolo wouldn’t have an opportunity to be a UH head coach for a while, unless the younger coach screws up.
If we lose the RnS, I kind of feel sorry for the QBs and Slots who put so much time into learning the reads and routes.
Well, only if the MWC gets AQ status! 😆
hey. Great post and a amazing blog
SA breaks the story on Chow.
You may be right, but I not sure that I’d want Rolo to learn from a younger coach that screws up! 😉 Maybe from Chow, Rolo can learn what worked and what didn’t work from his past and blend all that he has previously learned with this wealth of new information to make a name for himself.
The ability to read coverages and adjust routes should be easily transferable. Accuracy and quick release are universally desireable.
Running ability and escapeability as well.
#102 Ditto and good. It’s official. Chow is Da Man. Meanwhile, for those pointing at UCLA & Utah, no one except Neuheisel blamed Chow for Prince’s inability to stay healthy & thus fulfill UCLA’s offensive promise. Likewise starting QB Jordan Wynn and other offensive starters who went down at Utah, prompting close observers to characerize Chow’s first (and heavily improvised) Ute season as “one of his better coaching performances” [ ].
If he brings in the BYU offense it will not be too difficult for the players to learn.
Apparently its Chow Time!! See SA headlines
#138 madeinhawaii
I just hope the new Warrior HC that buys into the “Run and Shoot” or at the very minimum “Spread Offense” philosophy. Through the years UH has built its reputation on being an offensive powerhouse. Sure, any football fan will tell you that defense wins games but offense is what draws the audience; including television. Isn’t the goal of the program is to gain consistent attendance at Aloha Stadium? That is what’s going to pay the bills.
In other words, if UH fans want excitement then don’t trade in a muscle car for a hybrid.
Just keep Rolo!
Howzit Tsai-ko Nation!
Been watching and waiting from my lurker position over here. I’m with Koakane, I’d be happy with Norwood, Akina or Chow. If it’s Chow, I’m a classmate of his from a different school – I hope he’s got more motivation and energy than I have at this advanced age…
Good luck to whomever it is! I will support him and my alma mater no matter what!
Any recruiting news?
If I was a high school tightend I would be jumping up and down right now.
recruiting news tomorrow.
True, but the offense could probably use a JC TE (or two) next year.
Actually, ppj2 has it right…
at this point, everyone coming in next season is a freshman.
An article on Norm Chow on how he adapted to injuries.
129. Mikey
sorry about that – its the start advertiser webpage poll
pretty amazing the number of new votes since 10 PM last night
but the poll is not got and BREAKING NEW HEADLINE
we need run blockers asap!
not = now got = gone (now gone)
OK, stick to new coach stuff today.
Does NC like to start “work” early in the day?
#151..Redzone… Yep, tightends will be back in the UH offense. Rumor has it that Rolo was thinking about using TEs in the offense this year.
The TEs of today are nothing like the TEs of yesteryear. Big, fast, strong, and agile….
I say keep Rolo and Tuioti, at least.
Now we sit with bated breath…
For Chow to pick his legionnaires.
What fools or tools might he unearth?
Or will he bring a force to bear
and tear a path for all to see
in our first year at MWC!
I can’t get excited over Chow, he reminds me of Abercrombie.
Koetter to me has ethics issues.
I would gamble on Norwood.
By Ferd Lewis
POSTED: 09:46 a.m. HST, Dec 20, 2011
Aiyaaah….now I’m hungry.
give him a couple of roosters and it’ll be just like Waialua. so i guess he’ll start work before sunrise.
Chow Fun time…
Can we please concentrate on SUPPORT for the Warriors here and rag on our new Head Coach somewhere else?
At 65 years of age, Chow’s resume is all about being a QB coach and Offensive Coordinator. Has anyone bothered to find the reason WHY there’s no “Head Coach” in his resume?
IMHO I feel Brian Norwood should be the next HC for the Warriors. LOL…there must be a reason Penn State has his name as a candidate for the Nittany Lions.
From that link above… I hope he has a few he can haul over to Hawaii, too!
Undoubtedly, the path between Manoa and Koolauloa will be well worn before too long.
PSU is looking for “Mr. Clean” who doesn’t command too many Benjamins at this point
#151 – redzone
#160 – JJ
Are there any Gronkowski-types in the islands?
Remember, the 49ers use Isaac Sopoaga as a receiver on certain plays.
When I was really into tennis and in my early thirties, I used to hit the ball regularly with a guy who who was in his late 70’s who could beat me any time. He was the owner/founder of Tamura SuperMarket and one of Hawaii’s premier sponsors and promoters of Tennis. He was energetic and sharper than anyone I knew. For many, age is just a number. And Chow looks like he’s in good physical shape.
If Norm Chow is selected it will be most interesting who he will hire to stock his staff.
Sure we know all about his relationship with the Lee bros and the sentimentality UH fans may have for former players like Rolo,Tony and Miano. To be sure, these four will draw special consideration, if not by agreement with UHAD Jim Donovan.
Norm Chow has been a bridesmaid for 38-years and if anyone has experienced the feeling of rejection, it has been Chow. This is his time in the sun to shine and he needs to design his staff with his personal choices to carve out the legacy that has evaded him for decades. Chow is fully aware that his assistants are not only essential to energize his mission, but also to define it. If he loads up with consensus picks, he places himself in the same position MAC did when he took the reigns in 2008. The reasoning then was to maintain the continuity. In retrospect, it revealed our weakness.
Chow’s staff selections will provide a quick glimpse of what lays ahead. He needs to be resolute and firm in his convictions. No baggage or entitlement. Everyone pulls their weight. Hopefully, those optics will bring with it– program success.
Josh Pacheco is on as they interrupt regular non-local programming on ESPN 1420.
king katonk UH offered this kid.
All the talk about his ties to Punahou giving him an edge into the position.
Will it lead to a reversal of fortune when it comes to keeping more of their players here?
Morning gang..Been so busy with a bunch of family stuff, helping my brother move some things for a new job he just got the other day.
Anyway, good to see Warrior Nation ready to appoint its new leader.
I hope Tuioti, Rolovich, Lee are retained. Tomey in that na koa recruiter position maybe?
Question is……can Chow open up the pipeline from Punahou to Manoa?
I’d hate to think that “race” had anything to do with Norm Chow not ever being hired as a head coach, but sad to say, it may very well have been to some point. Opportunity and where he wanted to be and who he competed with, played into his cards as well. BUT, he’s been with some very good teams and had undoubtedly been in demand enough to warrant employment.
Welcome Norman Chow!…
Of course, all this may be the cart in front of the horse as now it’s in the hands of “his people” and “UHAD’s people”
I can kick in an extra Benjamin or two if it helps. Who’s with me?
BTW…whose “hire” is this going to be credited as?
#181, d1,. eh, eh d1, you get change for dolla?
I see the NCAA finally did something and banned Ohio State from a Bowl game in 2012 and stuck them with an additional year of probation. Also lowered the number of scholies they can offer.
I the NCAA does lower the number so scholies that can be offered across the board at a later date, how will it affect Ohio State?
I’m sorry, but 38 years coaching and never a head coach? Doesn’t that strike anyone as odd? If you’re head coaching material, it would’ve happened by now. I’m sorry, but this hire sounds like the last one…a career assistant with his first chance to be a head coach…at 65!
I think people naturally have second thoughts about Chow being a first time division 1 head coach at his age considering what happened with McMackin. I feel the situation is a little different with Chow because he has been involved with the development of so many quarterbacks as well as being a key designer of the offensive systems that current day pass oriented offenses have their lineage in.
There are a lot of doubters out there but I believe Chow will prove a lot of these detractors wrong. It is something he knows and is going to prove that he does know what it takes to be the leader of a division 1 program.
The best part is he probably did sell the committee on the idea that he wanted to return here to also mentor younger coaches. If Chow retains Rolovich in some capacity, Rolo would learn a heck of a lot from Chow; that would groom him as the heir. That is what has me excited.
This is also going to bring us some positive national media coverage that money can’t buy. Welcome back home Norm Chow!
King Katonk #172 – Of that I’m not sure but Gronkowski came to mind when I think of the new bread of TE. Even Gonzalez….and Gates
Oh…and Welcome Coach Chow!!!
#178 IWWTHM….So, how are your brother’s new digs in the North??? MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
We’re now officially at CHOWCON 1 – he’s gone.
Not the time to be naysayers. Time to back Chow, and give him a fair shot. Don’t expect immediate miracles. Now more than ever, we gotta stand up and back the team, and the coach(es), whoever they may be.
So the five star defensive tackle who decommitted from Penn St and commit to Ohio State must be scratching his head right now?
Howzit, everyone!
Nervous excitement and enthusiasm is how I’ll describe my learning of Coach Chow’s selection.
So many folks are already giving their expert advice as to why this selection will fail miserably. Open mind! I say again, keep an open mind. Let the process play itself out and give your 100% support. We don’t even have a finalized and executed contract yet, let alone positional coaches named, and already people are making excuses for failure. So many possibilities on offense, defense, and special teams. Can’t wait to see how everything develops.
Coach Chow wasn’t my first choice, but he’s our new coach, so where he goes, so shall me and my ‘ohana.
And with that, Welcome home, Coach Chow! Good luck and God speed!
Wishing all Tsaikos a Merry Christmas, a happy and safe holiday season, and a very prosperous New Year!
Go, Warriors!!!
This season, Utah and Hawaii had a lot in common… from injured Offensive linemen to a backup Quarterback. At that point, it wasn’t a matter of putting up a lot of points on the board… it was a matter of wins. Chow was able to make the necessary adjustments on offense to put just enough points on the board to win the number of games they needed to, to be in a bowl game, in the Pac 12. That’s what probably sold UH.
Welcome home coach Chow.
ST was right on it!
Terrific job Stephen!!
I guess you still on the inside!!
I like that he’s a pass first coach who isn’t afraid to go to a running game if that’s all the personnel he’s got left. That’s a coach who will use the talent he has around him to get the best he can out of the team. And we can’t really ask for more. We will need the same from our Defense, too.
Completely agree with 193
Utah plays Georgia Tech on Dec. 31 in El Paso. Now what with Chow? Will still coach Utah? Or will he start immediately at Hawaii? Will Utah let him go because of his hire? I’m sure that is why he flew in for the interview and flew out right after. Only 10 hours in Hawaii. Had a team to coach with his new position not yet assured.
YAWWWWWWN…huh, waaaaah? We got a head coach? What a great way to start off the morning!
#167 – LizKauai
I totally agree with you.
Although I have deep reservations regarding Chow we must all bond together and support the new HC.
They say 60 is the new 40; so Norm show us what you got.
Good luck leading our young Warriors.
Gut feeling is Chow wants to be here. Not just because its a head coaching gig, but he wants to return home.
I can’t be sure of this but I don’t think he applied for HC positions with SDSU, UNM, CSU, UNLV, Fresno or any of the other mid-majors looking for a new guy. Maybe he did, but aside from rumors that maybe SDSU was interested at one point it doesn’t seem he looked to jump at those chances.
Welcome HOME Coach.
This could work out well.
I might not have to work Sundays.
You heard dat? king katonk like see wat you got. 😆
Just waiting for UH to assemble a committee that will handle the press conference, but I think we need to wait on the bids to go out as to what company will make the tables, chairs, podeum, and the PA system.
…speaking of which, how did that work when he was with the Titans?
Welcome to Warrior Nation Coach Chow…Go Warriors!
Maybe Chow can find a Itula Mili type.
At least the Chow Fun era will start off with a bang.
No doubt ESPN will televise next year’s opener with USC as Norm returns to L.A.
“Shaka da world” and beat the Trojans.
Hopefully, one or more of our QBs will be to Coach Chow’s liking. I just hope they are all savvy enough to pick up his schemes quickly. It seems that Coach Chow’s greatest success was whenever he could find QBs that bought into and thoroughly understood what he was preaching. The RnS training for receivers and QBs should work in his favor.
When Chow was at USC he turned down an offer to be HC at Kentucky.
ESPN no kea. dey neva show nutin about oua nu coach.
Ugh… Party like it’s 2004… Maybe the parents of recruits will share some of their VHS tapes from the last time a Chow led offense was relevant. All we did was replace the jovial grandpa with the grouchy grandpa.
Welcome Norm Chow. Good luck this year and I wii be behind u all the way.
I say keep rolo qb coach, miano defense/recruiting, tuioti dl/recruiting.
king katonk:
I can see Coach Chow really getting into that game and preparing like hell to give our Warriors their best chances. Too bad it’s a game that’s on the road. Hopefully he’ll prep two QBs for road games and play the one who’s body is better in synch on those days.
d1, could he be koa m…? nah, just joking.
My guess on the contract:
$775,000.00 for three years with the usual incentives.
Yup the job was Chow’s to lose. He was by far the most qualified applicant, just lacking HC experience. Interested in UH football again.
#193 yep, “nervous excitement” is a great way to describe it. I can imagine the feeling Chow has too…first gig as a HC. That’s got to put some pep in his step. I’m really hoping that Miano and Rolo fit into Chow’s scheme, but if not I know those guys will use their next step as building blocks to amazing careers in the pros and/or college (so they can come back!).
Please don’t compare Chow to McMackin. I don’t think Mack’s age or lack of head coaching experience was his downfall.
If our “Jovial Grandpa” was a little more “grumpy” we may have won another game or two each season and he’s still be our head coach having lead us to 4 bowl games in 4 seasons. So, fill your half-empty cup and think positive!…
Well, at least one former UH player I know is totally excited. Of course, he went to Punahou. 🙂 He said, “Chow is AWESOME!” Congratulations, Coach Chow…and ST, you DA MAN!
dang .. too many typos there…
If all goes well, Welcome home Mr. Chow!!!!! High expectations comes with your return to the islands!!! Let’s make memories!!
JD as many of us requested, “Start the season ticket renewals ASAP and soon after 2012 SEASON TICKET SALES!!!
Woooohooooo, come on recruits, the times are a changing!!!
My guess is $850,000 plus performance incentives.
A “miracle” in game #1 in 2012 would be especially nice all the way around. Hopefuly, but not expecting and we will all back our new coach, his staff and players.
#193 = a true warrior fan, well said especially when you were touting another. Well done.
I’m looking forward to a whole new way of practices and, hopefully, more organized clock management during the games. I wonder if coach Chow will be laid back like the previous hcs or will he be more disiplined? I like the way some coaches take players out of the game if they make a “mental” penalty.
now we can have more cc’s during lun-chow-wah…..just saying
So what is/was the controversial aspect of this decision?
ST- Do you think bifoccal contact lenses are in NC’s future? Disposing of the reading glasses may go a long way in addressing people’s perception of his age.
Contratulations, Coach Chow!
We will support you and the Warriors!!!!!!!
Yep, gotta make that change in spelling. 😉
Hey, I’ve got tri-focals. He’s higher up on the food chain.
How do you address Norman Chow?
Norman, Coach Chow… or Dr. Chow?
interesting story…
i think he’d bite for $750m plus, plus, with a minimum of at least three but shoot for 5 year guarantee….
should make for interesting times in Lower Manoa, lot of coaches will be scrambling, but change is good……transition is the pain in the butt…..GO WARRIORS
good morning tsaikos. congratulations to coach chow on his appt as hc of da warriors. best wishes.
decisions, decisions???????
should we go to the USC game????????
yea, still get time to tink!!!!!!!!!
230 Buffoman, I remember before this past season, a lot of the bloggers were predicting an unbeaten or 1 or 2 lost season, even if we knew that 9 offensive players from the previous year used up the eligibility. I hope we don’t do that again. We all have to take a step back and look reality in the face. Transition is almost never easy. But, that said, we all can HOPE for a great season and cheer on the new coach and “our” team.
do you see an increase in season ticket purchases from the esteemed home of the buff/blue now that we have a new HC?
also, was considering more support from downtown Chinatown to off set the supposed Mafia from that noted ILH institution….I could see a press conference for Coach Chow by the old Wo Fat, or maybe Char Siu Hut, or Royal Kitchen……bring some ethnic diversity back…..hmmmmm
$650,000+incentives to post $1M would be my guess.
If Chow does well after this upcoming season, people should expect a raise to hug the 900K-1 million mark again.
Congratulations to Norman Chow. Word of advice, never promise the fans anything except to try your best.
#240 lol $750 million seems a little out of our range.
haha just kidding. 😛
#217 sooooo, you’re not happy and I am guessing you’re just waiting for him to stub a toe, make a mistake just to say I told you guys he was just a grumpy old man.
Hmmm, sorry we could not get that young vibrant, guy whoever was your choice.
If Coach Chow does not make it (like Coaches Mack and Nash) it was just not a great fit, move on, support he next “right” person whoever that person may be. I don’t think JD went into the selection thinking he wants anyone to not find UH success, and he knows he’s not going to make everyone happy. Just wants support for the teams.
255 days ’til UH plays USC.
king katonk:
BUT, it might be the BYU games that really get Coach Chow’s adrenaline and synapses fired!
Much has been made of Coach Chow’s disagreements with other coaches along his career.
Reminds me of something an old Commander told me when I was stationed in Korea back in 1983…
I even remember the goofy eyeballs he made at me when he said it. When my wife and I became small business owners and opened our first store, his statement echoed in my mind.
I’ll give the benefit of the doubt to Coach Chow and see how things pan out. We are his team now. All of us. We all need to pull together to succeed… at every level.
Now, will someone please get marketing to push UH (brand name and merchandise) harder, please? Thank you!
And did I say, “Go Warriors!!!” Cheeeeehoooooo!!!!!
Sorry about them exclamation point thingies, ST! Ready to move onto the next chaptah!!!
Old Diver,
yes, good point. this is one area that Chow should be ok with.
Hard to say. Seems like much of the success there lately is coming via the “free ride” mode. Not sure if that would translate into available $$$ for the “other” part of Manoa.
Chow is getting his chance to give back to the aina…Let’s hope it all works out for everyone in the State. Given the choices, he was probably the “safe” bet although Norwood would have been intriguing. I wonder what took Akina out of the final three…
OMG Great news!Lets see if he can bring in some of his o- line
recruits from Utah and maybe one of those 6’5″ Qb recruits
from So Cal high schools.Bring Tim Davis O-line coach at
Utah too.
A-House… that USC game sounds real good, yeah? Wish I could make it out there. Kids here already in school by that time. Exciting times, my friend! Love & aloha to da ‘ohana!
Congratulations to Norm Chow. Props to JD and the hiring committee. You’re always going to have unhappy people with the selection decision, but time to move forward. Seems to be a feeling of optimism and excitement with Chow’s hiring.
I think the fan base will have to be patient, though. Give Chow 2 seasons to get his schemes in place and running. Needless to say, there will be some player turnover in finding the right type of athletes to run the respective offense and defense. Goes with the territory.
Do a search on “ode to norm chow”
There should be 4-5 entries.
Some really good reading there… more reason to applaud the selection committee’s decision.
Hope they are able to have the spring game at Aloha Stadium. A large crowd would be a great show of Aloha for Norm Chow.
Against MWC competition, I think we have the right players for Coach Chow to navigate a successful season. Hopefully with a little more recruiting depth at the Oline, and defensive backs from the JuCos, we should be in good stead.
After all this, it better be Chow as HC or ST is going to have a lot of explaining to do. Heh!
Looks like Duane “poop in the bathtub” Shimogawa needs to check his sources.
Any chance Chow keeps the run n shoot?
Coach Norm?
I hope we get a three tight end set………….aka………..stanford?
Maybe televise the spring game. Create some excitement and interest once again.
The sun came out today.
Lol that guy who wrote on here that he is going to cancel his 8 tickets if a certain coach was or was not hired just got mentioned by Gary on Pacheco’s show.
Fans hopefully should have been mentally prepared to accept that the R&S may be gone with anyother HC hire than Miano and even then Miano too said he wanted to add a TE at the least with the current scheme.
Very leery of a pro-set having an immediate impact for 2012 and even 2013 as it will take a few seasons and a few transfers in and out of the current roster to pull it off combined with the kind of recruiting people are expecting with Norm Chow, BUT if that’s what it’s gonna be, then so be it.
Great move
There has been a lot of good news the last few days. I am happy for both Chow and Hawaii. They are both getting a great deal here in the consummate win-win situation. Chow can finish off his career as the head coach for his home team, and Hawaii is getting a better coach than a team in their place on the food chain usually does.
It is very seldom that a coach gets to end his career on his own terms, or coach for the home team in his 60’s. It is also very rare for a team like Hawaii to get a head coach with a resume like that of Chow. I hope both get the storybook ending they deserve in this situation.
first game….Chow versus USC….should be a SELL OUT!! GET YOUR TICKETS!!!
Despite the so called five year window you normally give coaches to win, fans will expect to have a winning product on the field immediately. I’m not talking Sugar Bowl, just a winning product.
Old School:
I think to create excitement, you make the spring game an event.
First BEST Hanakkuah gift ever!
Second buying 4 extra PREMIUM seats to home games.
Any haters…stay home. This is an exciting time for Hawaii football. Boys are relieved. And happy to have someone who believes in them. Best decision ever made at Manoa.
DOW bumped up to +300points…………..Chow NAMED new Head Chow………ya think???
Call out to Jake Heaps in the works? Nah, he wants to play for a BCS school. However, I’m sure a number of high school and JUCO QBs are now paying attention to Norm Chow’s hiring.
In the end guess I should be glad Brian Norwood essentially fell 2nd place.
I didn’t think a young guy like him with his recent success would have lasted as long in this search.
Thought the committee might have ousted Norwood a long time ago and the finalists would have been Koetter, Chow, and Akina.
Was at the local Walmart to buy some UH Football tees for X-mas gifts. Heard the news of Chow’s hiring while shopping and bought a UH Football tee for myself!!
249 If you say so, but take out the whole “Chow’s from Hawaii” aspect from the equation and I guarantee you people would be taking a lot harder look at where his offenses have ranked in his multiple stops post USC. I don’t like the choice and I hope for the best but it’s hard for me to ignore that we’re hiring someone who has been on a down slope of his career rather than a current riser.
waiting like everyone to see who makes the “chow line”
Give Coach Chow a chance to succeed (or fail) on his own merits. I’d say that he has a few more tricks up his sleeve. Chow also is one to mentor younger coaches. In addition, as others have pointed out, Chow probably did his one of his best coaching jobs this past season by his adjustments to a Utah offense crippled by injuries, including the starting QB.
well………….at least……………..after all this………………our future coach……WONT BE NAMED CHOW…………… ya think?
Chow signed a two-year deal with the Utes in January that pays him $275,000 in base salary.
A three-time national Assistant Coach of the Year, Chow has served as the offensive coordinator for three national championship teams (BYU 1984, USC 2003 and 2004).
Chow is not only respected for his offensive coaching abilities, but for his recruiting ties to Hawaii and California.
Those ties have helped the Utes land several sought-after recruits, including Travis Wilson, a quarterback out of San Clemente, Calif., who has committed to the Utes for 2012.
The five Ode to Norm links…
last two
Off-topic, but still related to UH football … saw this tweet by 49ers president/owner Jed York (bold added):
I hope Aloha Stadium is like this some day soon … especially the quiet on offense. That’s been a pet peeve of mine for a while … :-p
speaking frankly………….the run and shoot is a hard offense to learn and run……….takes qbs 2 years to learn………..receivers need to read and react to dbs, and the qbs needs to know what each receiver’s gonna do…….limited to 2 -3 running plays……..all that said…..
lets hope chow can bring a new insight to our offensive philosophy…..need to utilize our speed, whereever we have it….create mismismatches….have playmakers make plays…..
A Chow vs. Kiffin showdown at USC to open 2012.
I believe Lane Kiffin took Chow’s place after he left for the Tennessee Titans?
and the wait and beat goes on!!!!!!!
he’ll be coming round the mountain when he comes, hell’ be coming round the mountain when he comes,
he”ll be riding 6 four star OL when he comes, he’ll be riding 6 four star DBs when he comes
OK, back to the normal programme.
I hope that JD is able to work out the contract. Norm Chow has a few big upsides, not the least of which is that he has a doctoral degree. That is not particularly common for fb coaches at any level. That has to be viewed as a plus by upper campus and it certainly would indicate a personal dedication to higher education.
Hawaii almost always has a few players on the roster from Punahou. Currently they have Shutter and Ostrowski — both of whom were standouts at Punahou. I don’t think Chow is going to have any greater or less success getting Punahou kids to stay home any more than any other head coach. I do hope that his long years of recruiting in Kahuku pay off.
Exciting times.
oh…wait…………………WHO’S HIS STAFF GONNA BE???????????…………..big topic of discussion soon to follow…………..??
ya tink!!?
Ferd Lewis announces that Chow is the new coach News conference pending for Thursday
Spread offense coming to UH. VERY exciting.
Guess Miano is packing. Sent the boys a text saying it was a pleasure being their HC for 14 days. Have to wait and see. Guess he was counting the eggs before they hatched. Oh well. Would love to see Akina be the DC. How great would that be?
Funny how Chow with no head coaching experience was slected yet having no head coaching experience was why Miano was not interviewed. Just like always $$$$ talks and BS walks, pretty bad when they can buy a head coach.
To be interviewed, one must actually apply first.
from ESPN
Norm Chow has been offered and is expected to accept the Hawaii football coaching job, a source told ESPN’s Joe Schad.
We can start planning the Friday UH v USC pregame reception in LAX now.
Coach Miano is still young and can beef up his resume perhaps by coaching at a BCS school (position coach) and then moving up to a coordinator position. Another option would be for him to use his NFL contacts and land a position coach job there and then work his way up to coordinator. After he proves himself, then he’ll have a much more attractive coaching resume. Most people understand that “Associate Head Coach” is merely a title for a higher pay grade and usually nothing more, except in times when the Head Coach is absent.
The normal progression is GA, assistant, coordinator, and then head coach (if you’re lucky).
Then again, I’ve read that Miano is also a successful business owner, so it may not be in his best interest to take that coaching route.
#295….The initial criteria was head coaching experience or coordinator experience. Miano had neither.
congratz to Norm Chow. No one in America gave him a shot at HC, i’m glad his home state did, it’s all up to Chow to prove folks wrong…or right. Good Luck to coach Chow and his/my Warriors.
Nothing against Miano, personally, but he does need to prove himself as a DC calling the shots first. Anywhere.
Bobby Curran did claim that the committee was looking for HC or coordinator experience at the least.
Miano’s tag team with Lumpkin that one year doesn’t count.
While Rich Miano is disappointed he was not selected HC he is happy for the program. If it wasn’t him his two choices were either Norm Chow or Duane Akina. He feels both are good people and great coaches.
Go Warriors!
blurb on CNN SI … some national exposure.
Should be a ingesting recruiting season.
He’s 65 yrs old. Probably has 1 HC contract in him. It’s not going to be another Joe Pa. Seems like UH went for the day trade. Like the stock market, no one invests anymore. It’s all about taking the small quick profit. The COMMITEE knows Chow’s name alone will put 40,000 plus fans in the stands. That’s alot of beer and nachos! Long term future? That’s the next commitee’s problem.
[…] it appears, with multiple sources reporting, that Norm Chow has now become the leading candidate to land the Hawaii […]
link to espn blurb ….
link to cbssports blurb …
Strict discipline? Easy take off the helmet rest on one knee practice? What will Norm Chow bring to UH?
some more national exposure – espn radio, blurb on Norm Chow.
It’s great for Hawaii to get national exposure.
Rich Miano needs to earn his stripes if he wants to be a HC, he’s relied on the Hawaii good ol’ boy network for too long. Miano has to to be a position coach at another D1 school, work his way up to defensive coordinator, apply at a bigger school for a DC position and only then think about applying to be a head coach. IMO Miano should of tried to hook-up with Dick Tomey when Tomey was HC at Arizona or SJSU.
more national exposure = blurb on msn sports
returning players reaction to new HC selection? – private kine.
$600-$800k salary range.
It’ll be interesting to see what the negotiations are for the AC’s
wonder what the Utah recruits, committed or otherwise, will do now?
what about local players?
for sure, certain ones already made their mind and committed to schools on the mainland – they are the ones who had no interest in being a Warrior – just don’t burn any bridges as you leave.
btw, NC is currently the OC and the TE Coach at Utah.
(I actually thought he is a BYU Alum)
Next thing Coach Chow will need to do is focus on putting together a staff, recruiting, evaluating the returning players, putting in an off-season conditioning program (will Chow bring in his own S & C coach?), planning spring ball, and again RECRUIT, RECRUIT, RECRUIT.
#252 – Wes’side- I was in Korea at the same time as you. Another CC quote: “We get paid to defend democracy, not practice it!”
Is it too early to send out prayers for the poor guys that are going to run into a certain lead-blocking FB? Oh, I can’t wait to see those collisions.
Miano should look to the CFL to beef up his resume. Other UH assistant have gone to the CFL and done well as assistants/coordinators – for example Duane Akina, Rich Ellerson, Adam Rita, Darryl Edralin, among others.
Eh Don We-ah!
Seems like it might be a good reason for jumping on USC and bringing them down off their high Toejam horse. That would be hysterical!
Starting to look into the possibility of going to Lala land for this one. Even if I didn’t travel to this one, I bet this would be one hell-uva-tvgater here at home.
If Miano really wants to be head coach at Hawaii, I think he needs to spread his wings and spend a couple of years on the road. A bit of a sacrifice, but he needs that on his resume as well as the contacts such an experience would bring. Ideally, he should go to an area where Hawaii typically recruits.
No.. not Australia.
Hope there is a “all jobs are up for grabs” announcement this off-season leading into spring ball. Nothing like healthy competition to stir things up in a positive way and to motivate players. Hope the weight room and Ching Field is crowded with players working out hard this winter.
So will the Monday luncheons at the Willows be renamed to “Chow-downs with the coach”?
and.. it’s going to take me a while to get used to hearing.. “The Coach Chow Show” without snickering…
Norm Chow has been named the head coach of the Hawaii Warriors
by JazzyUte on Dec 20, 2011 1:00 PM MST
The Honolulu Star Advertiser is reporting that the University of Hawaii has approved Norm Chow as their next head coach. A press conference could be held as early as tomorrow. Chow, a native of Hawaii, will become a head coach for the first time in his career. The University of Utah graduate spent…
Norm Chow once again appears to be Hawaii’s guy
by JazzyUte on Dec 20, 2011 12:21 PM MST
This is a soap opera. One day he’s the contender and the next he’s not. But it appears, with multiple sources reporting, that Norm Chow has now become the leading candidate to land the Hawaii job. Clearly anything can change and, as we’ve seen the last 48 hours or so, it has, but it seems a…
The announcement about Norm Chow is hitting the LA area airwaves. The crew at KLAC 570 have all liked him and have good things to say about his hiring. That being said, they are all not sure how he will do as a HC but feel that he is due and that he is a good fit for Hawaii.
hmmm… still not a done deal?
I vote for anyone with coaching experience named Harbaugh…
Might be like the MWC deal…
Done deal.. just the “minor details” to be hammered out.. like.. PPV revenues…
Petros Papadakis (KLAC 570, FOX Sportnet, etc) – “Our dear friend Norm Chow accepting the HC position at UH, I knew he had interviewed for the job but it must have been tough for him because he was happy at Utah. His family texted us and they are estatic!”
OC Warrior – yep, no one blames him for the mess at UCLA. He was the scapegoat as evidenced by the team’s performance this year. Big ego means big pride – it’s his first and only HC job – and a long time coming. At 65 and with $$ in his pocket already, I’m thinking he’s out to prove wrong everyone who passed him over. I’ll take an emotional motivation over monetary any day of the week. I’m sure the bump in pay from the Utes doesn’t hurt either though 😉
Be exciting to see some TEs in our offense…
Better Book now before sell out!
USC here We come!
Is it September 1st yet?
For those saying age 65 is too old to be a football coach, Tom Coughlin of the New York Giants is 65 (born August 31, 1946). Nobody I know of is saying he’s too old to coach at the NFL level. Dick Vermeil was 63 when he led his team to the Super Bowl. Joe Paterno is 85 years old and, up until the recent scandals, I would say he was doing pretty well, having coached top 25 teams year in and out at the BCS level. Ronald Regan was president at 69 and I would say running the most powerful nation in the world is somewhat more challenging than being the head coach of a mid-tier Division I football team. Well I suppose the age of the coach is is only important to certain types of people in Hawaii. Also, for those saying that there should be concerns because Norm Chow was never offered a head coaching job before, I understand he was offered the job of being head coach of Kentucky, but he turned it down.
MattO – I do think UCLA was due to a dysfunctional family and changing to a run/option oriented offense was just career suicide for Rick Neuhisal, all of the media here have scratched their heads as to what he was doing with that especially when Norm was on his staff. I know for a fact it was not Norm’s choice to change. If he can create a similar offense to what BYU used to run with some updated wrinkles, that would be interesting. Most people don’t realize that Mike Leach’s offense is more like that offense than the run n shoot, only the formation is similar. The offense is predicated on mis-matches, crisp routes, and timing. If you are old enough to recall, BYU used to be like Boise St, never had to really re-build, just plug in the new personnel and never miss a beat. That is the one frustration with the pure run n shoot, always a re-building period whenever key skill players graduate. June Jones somewhat compensated that with his extreme football acumen but if it takes one or two years to develop in that system, that makes it tought to have consistently good program.
Chow time?
if Chow takes us to a BCS bowl….DO WE GIVE HIM AN EXTENSION??
ya tink?
this is the start of the Chow Dynasty.
gotta make new soup headgear and call the fanatics chowder heads.
mascot going be a chowchow.
Better not jinks it…
It’s not official till tomorrow…
#331 – Liz – love and support the man that is going to be OUR coach.
87 yo man just got 5 years for crystal meth promotion. see, age no matter.
I’m just glad Dirk Koetter didn’t get the job. 🙂
my 97 year old grandma could skill kick my arse…..
Thanx for the air scehdule to LA, Mikey…got things to do, people to see. Will stay longer to take care of those things. I’m excited at the prospects!
I hope we continue to run and Shoot. I love the passing game, with RBs and the QB option. Hope everything works out in the negotiations.
CP ~ I had Chows before. Fiercely loyal. Might be reason to get another.
jinks? what dat? 😆
Sooooo… Punahou triumphs?
OK gang, Pau. Let’s all come together as one. Let’s rally and get this double hull canoe movin’ and give coach Chow all the support he needs!
We, as fans, have allot of work to do! Don’t sit back and wait. Get involved! Support our athletes and our program!
Go to as many home games of the winter and spring games as you can! Every bit helps. Both monetarily and spiritually!
Volunteer where ever help is needed! Every effort moves our program forward and that much closer to being a formidable powerhouse!
George Halas Sr. and Marv Levy both coached in the NFL until they were 72.
Age of the head coach is not an issue in the NFL, the only thing that counts is winning; but apparently in Hawaii it is, when it come to certain people.
Kekoa, plus chows get purple tongue so would look menacing while they do the haka. 😀
Any word on where the majority of the fans will be staying? I’d like to start looking at a central location for the Friday reception in LAX.
As I was flying into Honolulu about an hour ago, I see this big rainbow out of the plane window right near Pearl Harbor and Aloha Stadium. Then I land and get on the Star Advertiser website to see Norm Chow selected as next UH coach. A good omen?
CP ~ The Deeper the color purple…aiyah!
why use NFL coaches that are older as examples of coaches that can still coach at an older age?
NFL coaches dont go on recruiting trips…..they sit on their cushy leather seats and bark out orders for their 30-40 year old assistants to do.
would we want 72 year old marv levy?…+80 plus Joe Paterno??….even 65 year old Tom Coughlin???…
can you envision they guys doing the recruiting thing at a wanna be mid-major university?
sometimes age matters…..
ya tink?
Will be very interesting to see who he will name as:
DC and OC come Thursday Offical announcement time: TBD
guessing he’s interviewing who will be the prospects right now till tomorrow.
Stay tune… don’t change that channel…
I have a feeling the staff will
Matt, not sure if that is a harbinger of good things to come. a blogger saw rainbows before the byu game and we know how that turned out.
It’s going to be an interesting first few games of Norm Chow’s Hawaii coaching career. Both USC and BYU. Too bad both are on the road.
Some people in Hawaii think coaching in the NFL is easier to coach than in college. Funny how some local people think. They also think age is more important than having a long term tradition of winning and coaching excellence. Funny huh?
Oh? Is BYU early in the season?
Reading comprehension….. where art thou??????
The issue some have with Norm Chow’s age is NOT the age itself. But the time spend in coaching without the position of HC.
At 65, if Norm Chow had been a HC for even a fraction of the time, I don’t think some that question his hiring would even be saying anything or thinking anything… myself included.
Not withstanding, there were WORSE possibilities before today anyway, so today IS a good day, not perfect for some of us, but a good day regardless.
Hopefully he gets to keep that bye week open before BYU. Could make all the difference in the world.
Last time we played USC stayed near Koreatown on Wilshire Blvd and Vermont Ave.
Lots of cheap and great food…
Wait? Are we short a game?
…ask Dick Vermeil
…or Chucky
As the saying goes, Norm Chow has forgotten more about football(offensve) than most of us will ever know. Pretty sure he’ll craft his system to fit the players he has now.
Don’t want anyone grumbling if by chance Shutter ends up as our openning day QB.
hope your sighting is better than mine when I saw 4 rainbows in Nuuanu Valey before the BYU game and then————————-!
Wonder which one of our qbacks would score highest on the Wonderlic?
methinks we have a more than better chance at recruiting the state defensive poy in benneton fonua and more players from laie.
#371. The Punahou grad.
It’s Food and Football for me…
That’s all I live for 🙂
UH v. USC will be an epic game this year with Chow in the saddle…It will be an interesting match-up although we’re definitely undermanned.
gotta start somewhere whether sooner or later.
Maybe we should change our fight song?
#371? Thank goodness, QB you ain’t…. 😉 That would have been an interception.
So Kevin, it’s not about age huh? It’s about experience. You’re making my case. Thanks.
What do you mean Norman Chow was never a head coach? He has a PhD in Psychology! Doesn’t that make him a “head” coach?
Not too old? Jo Pa almost got canned a few years ago because to program was going down hill. Then he had one good year which saved him. Ronald Reagan!? The guy was going senile in office! Nancy was running the country reading the zodiac. That was scary.
Congratulations to Coach Chow for finally getting a head coaching job! I hope that he has great success with the Warriors and can show that so many other schools missed out by not giving him a chance.
No matter how much anyone supported Mack or how much they supported one of the other candidates for head coach, now is the time to support the next coach for UH. Coach Chow has all of the credentials that UH said they were looking for and I can see him having great success here.
For the bargain-basement price that UH was looking to pay, they got someone with excellent credentials and a name that will attract national media attention and the attention of recruits.
as long as one is physically and mentally able then what is there to question?
Change our fight song?
**** NO.
We don’t change our fight song for ANY one man.
fight song? someone teach it to vili, please!
Green Machine:
There’s a good reason why it’s illegal in America to discriminate by age when hiring someone. Apparently, you don’t comprehend this fundamental American right. You should read some history books or do some Google research to find out why.
The story lines will be AWESOME early in the season, which will bring great national attention to UH. Coach Chow starting his head coaching career at USC…against the Coach Kiffin. Wow, that is just meant to be. Coach Chow bringing a team to face BYU in Provo…automatic ESPN game (with BYU’s ESPN contract).
It is also nice that the only time that UH will play SDSU in the MWC will be in San Diego so Coach Chow will have an extra opportunity to get the attention of recruits in Southern California. Having games in LA and San Diego in the same season could pay dividends in recruiting.
I hope that Coach Chow and his entire staff hit Southern California hard in the final 1.5 months of the recruiting season, since they have those games to talk to recruits about as well as the excitement of selling a new coaching staff.
My only worry is that it appears that UH only has a few scholarships left to give out for this year, which could severely hamper Coach Chow getting the types of players he needs for his system.
#387…..if Im not mistaken, scholarships are renewed on a yearly basis. IF Chow wanted to…he could start releasing current players from their scholarships to free up some.
I think ST stated earlier that most coaches dont do that, but I do know that JJ did release some scholarship players his first year here.
Interesting read from Coach Chow’s heydays at USC. So it was at least one prior known chance, and it’s not like it was from some FCS school. Funny note about that “cheaper” Utah coach…
I havent been this excited about a TE since Russ Francis
I could care less that Chow is on his back 9 age wise. I do care that his offenses have gone double bogey, double boogey, boogey in his last three holes before making the turn. Right now he is Tiger Woods 2010, not Tiger Woods 2006.
Here’s Chow hot list for Christmas wish list:
Go Waialua!
Age? Who cares….Norm Chow has seen enough, been there enough, local ties, national ties. You do not do what he has done without being very special. The Warriors need something very special to enter the New Age of Warrior Football. I applaud the university for making a logical choice for someone to escort the Warrior Nation to a new place…a place thye deserve. He will surround himself with the best available talent for his staff whether it be existing or new……this may be a bumpy ride bit it will finish just fine…..congrats to the Warrior fan base of which I am a strong and dedicated proud one. Go Warriors!!!!!
Age? Who cares….Norm Chow has seen enough, been there enough, local ties, national ties. You do not do what he has done without being very special. The Warriors need something very special to enter the New Age of Warrior Football. I applaud the university for making a logical choice for someone to escort the Warrior Nation to a new place…a place thye deserve. He will surround himself with the best available talent for his staff whether it be existing or new……this may be a bumpy ride bit it will finish just fine…..congrats to the Warrior fan base of which I am a strong and dedicated proud one. Go Warriors!!!!!
Technically is it really safe to assume that Chow will even want to retain his offensive philosophy?
Odds are YES. A life long OC doesn’t let his philosophies die out, especially now he has the keys to the program, but there could be a chance he’ll allow for some tweaks or whatnot.
They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, well… he can try to prove us wrong.
That’s a laugh of the day GM
You should sign up at Comedy Store!
PS Since Regan was one of the Best President ever to run our country this era, guessing Nancy was the Key X Factor…
Regan made me change the Party
I agree with Garret #387:
“The story lines will be AWESOME early in the season, which will bring great national attention to UH. Coach Chow starting his head coaching career at USC…against the Coach Kiffin. Wow, that is just meant to be. Coach Chow bringing a team to face BYU in Provo…”
In the last 5 games at Utah, they threw the ball less than 15 times a game. Their new QB wasn’t up to it, but they won 4 out of 5 games against PAC 12 teams. Indicates to me that the “old dog” already knows some new tricks.
I had more disposable income under Reagan and I was in grade school.
Oh happy day!
Congrats Norm…you did good.
Now, win, win, win!
And bring back the rainbow unis…
Go Rainbows!
My partner is making a template in dreamweaver for joomla site and we are not to sure on how to upload it to it. We appreciate the help, thanks in advance..
Tweets/Marc Pouvave, Ute OL commit: “Norm Chow was a big reason for a lot of us O-lineman that chose Utah. It’s the Coaches that sell the program and as an athlete you go where you feel comfortable. [Chow] was a big influence.” Ute’s incoming OL for 2012 ->
He was the drug store truck driving man.
I don’t like watching a whole college football game unless it’s UH. So Utah, under Chow’s offense won those games because of the offense.
Stay home soft verbal.
Some things we need to know about Norm Chow:
Notable names that either played for or coached under the Chow coaching tree are Mike Holmgren, Steve Sarkisian, Ted Tollner, Andy Reid and Brian Billick.
The cornerstones of his Hawaiian heritage are faith, family, friends and integrity.
Upon finishing his education at Utah, Chow turned to his moral cornerstones and moved back to his homeland of Hawaii. Shortly thereafter he was named head football coach at Waialua High and Intermediate School. This was his first coaching job.
We will be hearing more about Chow Time in Hawaii.
Go Warriors! It’s Chow Time in Hawaii!
#399 It was even more challenging than that. Chow lost his starting QB (Jordan Wynn) 4 x games into the season (just as he survived injuries to Kevin Prince @ UCLA) and still cobbled enough offense for a winning season (7-4) plus a bowl game (Sun Bowl).
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So, what are the names on the list of assistant coaches applying for jobs at UH?
Not to mention injuries to his starting Oline. Just like Hawaii, except they played their inaugural year in the Pac 12 and won 7 despite having to give up the passing game. I really like that Coach Chow was able to put his traditional play book aside, adapt to the remaining strengths of his players and utilize that to eke out those wins.
Stephen Tsai jus coined the term…..CHOW FUN OFFENSE.
I posted the five “Ode to Norm Chow” links way up on the blog… in case you missed them, here’s a link to the links…
Well worth a read before judging Coach Chow on his recent outings at UCLA and the NFL. It cleared up a lot of misunderstandings I had.
AS long as he doesn’t call the players.. “Chow Men”
AS long as he doesn’t call the players.. “Chow Men”
#414 Exactly. If it weren’t for coach-killer Vince Young & Tennessee’s insistence on drafting him, Leinart & Chow might’ve taken different trajectories in their NFL careers.
chow offense look fun.
Yep Young was forced on Chow.
Not to forget our Wahine on this highten Chow Fun day.
Wahine Down Denver,78-64; Play For Tourney Title Tonight
That’s two wins in a row; tonight will be 3rd in a row against UC Davis and Rainbow Shootout Championship Title.
Promotions: Chevron, the tournament sponsor, will be giving out 250 seat cushions at tonight’s game. Fans can enter at the marketing table at Gate A to try to win Chevron gas cards totaling $600.
I think I go and collect one of $600 gas card…
Go Wahine! Wahine is Hot Tonight!
Deseret News: Chow overcame challenges for “exceptional” year as Ute OC [ ]
Stephen Tsai jus coined the term…..CHOW FUN OFFENSE.
whoops!…not ST….that was DAVE REARDON on the radio….dude sounded kinda like ST.
oh my…..old ears dats why……sorry.
Get hot Wahine tickets here: for tonight
Don’t get me wrong I will support our new coach, but just not so happy with the system, to be honest I don’t want Jim Donovan to be blamed if Coach Chow fails and also don’t want him to get credit if he wins.
Chow will kiss his offense.
From ABC affiliate in Salt Lake City…just a rumor???
I don’t think JD had much say as the $$$ was well above the base ceiling.
Chow fun… Chow time…
Who writes this stuff??? Frank DeLima? zzZZZzzZZzzzzzz
From the SA:
A person familiar with negotiations but not authorized to speak for either party said “the salary for (Chow) won’t be the hold up. Talks are more about what the assistant (coaches) will get. He’s focused on trying to put together a staff.”
I like the sound of this. Putting together a strong coaching staff is an essential part of the picture. No hiring of coaches already living here because they’re affordable.
That would be a interesting grab if Sitake would come along for the ride.
Wouldn’t mind Rocky Seto at least getting a phone call to gauge interest.
Maybe Chow is insisting the AC’s salaries get a bump in order to get what he needs.
somebody should have that restaurant at the hyatt reopened.
i recall its name was “the ciao mein”. perfect for the call the coach show.
Old School Dave,
#428 Not a rumor: Ute media already talking about promoting Sitake to “Associate Head Coach” to bump pay, keep Sitake from leaving, i.e., a typical defensive measure to hold talent, not just about Hawaii/Chow.
I’d be more comfortable with Chow or ANY new HC getting:
875,000+ for three years
As opposed to:
600,000 for five years.
Pomai, regarding the system, from what you know can you explain the procedures and criteria used in vetting the applicants.
talked to several chinese restaurants today about hosting a
“chow fun friday”
“chow mein monday”
after or before every uh game. they all were ready to buy in until i mentioned a buy one get one free offer. darn buggahs…anything but free they said.
kevin…they need to do a five year contract. its standard, however, this time a buyout would exist in paragraph 12.
Lovely, congratulation – Bruuuummmm
al no forget he is also Hawaiian
Sitake as heir apparent, DC/Associate HC (higher pay grade than just DC) , might be enticing enough for him to come. Right now he’s making BSC coordinator money.
I like 99 club #86 comment:
“Let the Norm ‘Wow Lau Lau’ Chow era begin!”
one guy said,
“so solly. no can do. i tell you it cost sooo much to lun one lestaulant these days. its so had to make one plofit. i have to wok so hald to make just one penny. oh no. so solly. no can. no can do. maybe i give extwa mustad, that all i can do. so solly.”
Couch it’s not about the procedures and criteria used in vetting the applicants, it’s about transparency in who is hiring the coach. If it’s JD, well let us know if it isn’t let us know that too!
Don – is this with Na Koa or you planning something different?
al if I had a Chinese restaurant and/or chief
I’ll name it Chow Fun Restaurant and have the call the coach show there…
I can just see chow fun flying of the kitchen everywhere…
#435 Of course, nothing — except $$$ — to stop Hawaii/Chow from doing the same, i.e., hiring Sitake as “Associate Head Coach” in charge of defense so any conceivable exit from Utah would be considered a promotion. However, according to tweets sourced to Tsai, the $$$ to get Sitake could be a problem in Manoa.
Utah fans are getting nervous over the possibility that Chow may lure Kalani Sitake with him to UH. In fact, many would be very pissed off (can I say that?) for lack of a better term. Coach Chad, the D-line coach, may also be hearing calls to return to Hawaii
Pomai, isn’t that part of the procedure?
DAVE REARDON mentioned on the Animals show today…….Chow’s gonna look for energetic assistant coaches that will be aggressive and get out on the recruiting trail……….or something like that….sorry…memory lapse….age matters i guess…..what’s that saying….senior…..uhhhh….
Puamamane: Good point about luring Sitake to UH. A salary of $200K goes a lot farther in Salt Lake City than here in HNL. But I like the fact that Chow is trying in spite of the obstacles.
Since when is a five year standard minimum? Coach Dana got three to start , Bob Nash and now Gib got three to start. Pretty sure Charlie Wade and Coach “Bud” Nakamine are three year deals, not sure about Coach Wade though.
I’ve heard FIVE years is the max. Coaches Coolen and Shoji are five’ers but they’ve been here a while…
Something in UH or state policy says football MUST have five year deals?
More tweets: Chow may also try to bring along Tim Davis — Ute OL coach — with Sitake to Hawaii.
#452 Noticed you made similar a observation re Miano upthread. Just piggybacking.
When/where did ST say anything about Sitake being a possibility?
The Sun Bowl on December 31st Utes vs. Geo Tec should be interesting to watch.
We’ll be watching ‘Paul Johnson vs Norm Chow MMA Fight Night’.
Also maybe able to watch a future Warrior defense in DC Kalani Sitake on top of that.
Now at least there is some bowl game worth watching.
Go Paul… GO Norm… Go Kalani… What a game it will be…
i’ve seen and been involved with interview panels or selection committees and they are the ones who interview, grade, score, and recommend to their superior(s) the best applicant. it’s up to the superior(s) to either accept or reject their recommendation.
Five years makes sense, actually. He’s 65 now but he can max out his social security monthly payment by waiting until he’s 70 to start collecting.
Can’t wait for Big Day Thursday…
tomorrow’s another waiting day
#456 I’ll leave it to Tsai to say it (here) for himself but it’s all over the Twitterverse (Ex. Check Ben Bagley’s timeline; Bagley covers the Utes for KFAN).
So let me ask this. The current contracts are up in March with Lumpkin on a 1 year contract. When does his contract expire. I would think the same time because thats when he took the job, when Tony moved to DL and if Tonys contract expires in March than Lumpkin too? I only ask this because, yes Lumpkin is a nice man and all, but he sucks as a recruiter and thats basically his job.
looked for Norm Chow twitter account… No more!?
A day or so ago I speculated “what if Chow told the committee that he would look at mentoring a HC in waiting and referenced Kalani.” If the tweets are true I may not have been too far off. Dreaming is good.
If Kalani and Tim come…”wow, no fool around.” Off to a very stable start with a good direction regarding philosophy and succession. Keep Tuioti as he may also be able to climb the ranks of the coaching ladder.
Change will take time. Change looking good thus far and I hope it rubs off on the young men here and those who may now come to become warriors.
BIG thing to remember but hard to do. Chow hasn’t signed anything yet. Sitake didn’t seek out the job; Sitake said he was approached to apply and obliged. So committee was definitely interested in Sitake — perhaps as much or more so than Chow (as a younger, up-and-coming prodigy). Chow’s selection/commitment could be contingent on Sitake, e.g, a package deal.
Wonder if fans can bring in those rubber dead naked chickens
to wave instead of white towels???
#463 I don’t know if Chow has a Twitter acct. But if you have Tweetdeck, u can create search columns for “Norm Chow” and “Kalani Sitake” to follow the latest tweets.
THE END…..of the JUNE JONES ERA…………….finally……………COMES TO AN END……….bye bye RUN N’ SHOOT……………its been a FUN RIDE………………….all the way to the SUGAR BOWL……………..bye bye asst coaches………………aloha…………..
WHO’S the head coach of Utah?…………he must be freakin out…………ALL his assistants are gonna get RAIDED!!!
Norm Chow is the only coaching candidate that could bring national media interest to the Hawaii program. He is also the only coach that could possibly bring additional television revenues to the program that might offset a portion of his salary. This is one reason that Norm Chow is a good choice to fill the UH coaching vacancy.
Norm Chow could only get a Head Coach job at Hawaii. Does anyone think he couldnt get one outside of Hawaii, because of his nationality? ya tink?
Puamamane: Along with Kalani Sitake, if Coach Chow can bring OL coach Tim Davis, that would be a major coup. Davis has extensive OL coaching experience at BCS schools and in the NFL. Utah HC Kyle Whittingham must be a little concerned.
Tweets/ESPN700 (covers Ute athletics): “Defensive Coordinator Kalani Sitake tells @ESPN700 that he is NOT going to Hawaii and will remain on staff at Utah”
#472 Yeah. It’d be great. But everything is so fluid right now. Just trying to keep up. Twitterverse going crazy.
Rocky Seto deserves a phone call or text.
Coach Chow must be looking forward to the Hawaiian and Chinese food back home compared to what they have in Utah.
#469 Kyle Whittingham is Ute HC. Gave Chow his blessings to pursue Hawaii HC. Probably give him something else if he stole Sitake and/or Long.
There is absolutely no way sitake will the the dc at Hawaii. He would be taking a huge pay cut.
re # 471.
Norm Chow was offered the Kentucky job, but he turned it down.
“… if he stole Sitake and/or [Davis]”.
interesting…. looks like JD wanted Koetter…
From HawaiiNewsNow
According to sources close to the situation, UH Athletic Director Jim Donovan pushed hard for Jaguars offensive coordinator Dirk Koetter, as did three members of the search advisory committee.
However, UH President MRC Greenwood was not satisfied with Koetter’s background at Arizona State which involved numerous student athletes being charged with crimes, and thus, the committee moved towards the hiring of Chow over another finalist, Baylor offensive coordinator Brian Norwood.
Im interested now. So how exactly will Chow increase TV revenue in the MWC?
how do you amicably work with your boss knowing he wanted someone else for your position?
Reagan is the reason why there should be an age limit for President. That last year the ” ‘Great Communicator’ was forgetting his thoughts. I voted for the guy but hey, the fact is he was losing it but that’s for another time. Also standby my Jo Pa comment. Penn St would have been gone had he not been Jo Pa. They were trying to figure out how to ease him out. TS probably remembers. Speaking of history, the biggest influence on UH football was the farewell speech by Larry Price. He was the one who brought to light how pathetic the athletic dept. was. The weight room had 1 olympic weight set. The players spent there own money to go to the Nautilaus. (that was like 24 HR Fitness for you youngsters).
Ha. Everyone in Utah retweeting ESPN700 blurb that Sitake will stay. Collective exhale triggers snowstorm in Colorado.
That press release makes Donovan and the unnamed committee members look callous towards values and ethics at UH doesn’t it, while making President Greenwood look like Mother Theresa at the same time huh?
Another great observation!!! Some people are just lining up all their bottles and cans while they reach for the bb gun.
I wasn’t born for the Kennedy Assisnation, but I am witnessing the setting up of a patsy here.
Sitake not coming?
Oh well, Next!
What’s Seto’s phone number?
WOW! That press release REALLY makes Donovan and the unnamed committee members look callous towards values and ethics at UH doesn’t it, while making President Greenwood look like Mother Theresa at the same time huh?
Ditto. better go back sleep and dream again. The first one was better, but reality no unexpected.
#485 Yeah. Darnel Henderson (the alleged rapist) wasn’t Koetter’s only pride and joy. Loren Wade, another Koetter standout, actually murdered a teammate (Brandon Falkner) and was convicted/sentenced to 20 yrs [ ]. Makes you wonder WHAT “they” actually vetted beyond Koetter’s NFL cred.
As Garret and others pointed out, just the opening game
next year against Norm’s old school, USC, will create lots
of excitement, especially IF UH wins…
i hope jd can put aside the fact that he didn’t want norm and give him full 100% support. a divide between head football coach and athletic director could really hurt the program…
in any case, wish nothing but success for the next chapter of warrior football season! 9/1/12 can’t come soon enough. go warriors!
The only thing transparent at upper campus is how badly they want someone gone.
Congratulations Norm Chow.
God bless you and your family.
If Donovan truly wanted Koetter, then whatever. The point is, what is the PURPOSE of divulging this info publically?
The answer:
People are running on a high right now off the Norm Chow hire and the seeds of manipulation and dissension have been planted against the AD.
Some things, as high stakes as is should be kept private if true.
Besides, who’s to say that just because Donovan didn’t supposedly want Chow he’d give Chow a hard time??? This is Jim Donovan we are talking about and if anyone doubts his sincerity to do what is best for UH athletics then you should have said so years ago!!!
See, as I type this, people here are probably wondering…
The press release did it’s job per those that wanted the “info” out there.
#492. JD is a company man with capital C. Working with Chow won’t be a problem.
JD working with Chow WONT be a problem. But already the seeds have been planted in the field of public opinion with hopes that those seeds turn into redwoods.
Oh those sneaky bastards up there…. Sneaky… but not sneaky enough.
#480 – what press release in Hawaii News Now? And who was the source?
I hope it was not the same professor that spread the story about JJ and LK or send the unsigned letter alleging unnamed players point shaving.
JD and Chow will work together fine. Everyone has preferences, but the program is bigger than any one person, opinion, or committee.
OK I found the story by Chris Tanaka BUT …
Again, I hate “sources close to the situation” without naming names. To my mind it becomes a method of slinging mud without getting caught.
It becomes a matter how does one of “consider the source” without knowing the source.
I live about three blocks from the Lower Campus – can I be considered a “source close to the situation”?
It would probably be advisable for any assistant currently preparing his team for a bowl game to wait until that game is done before showing interest in another coaching job.
If the HawaiiNews account is accurate, I think Donovan’s support of Koetter is red-flag problematic. Koetter displayed extremely poor judgement as a head coach accountable to his University AND community. It makes me wonder if Donovan even understands the word. Who or what does Donovan feel accountable to/for? During the WAC WVB tourney, Donovan said his ultimate goal was top-50 placement in the Learfield Director’s Cup, which ranks athletic programs according to won-loss records. Really? So it doesn’t matter how you get there as long as you get there? Does Donovan remember “Bruce O’Neill”? Does he care about Manoa’s standing as Hawaii’s most important institution of higher learning? What about NCAA probation? Clean programs? Does Sandusky, Paterno, Penn State ring any bells? Duh.
I’ve been given the green light by the Letterwinners Club to put something together for both LAX and SAN. We have the contacts for successful events in both locales.
PolyMom and I started to work on a fundraiser several years ago in the greater LAX area but for a variety of reasons nothing panned out. This time around, with proper planning and advertisement, UH could put together a fundraiser to be inclusive; so many fans on the mainland want to be part of the Warrior experience and it is time to give them the opportunity.
San Diego’s Little Italy is a past haunt of mine and several of the restaurants there have already indicated they would help us out for a fundraiser.
I have invited Na Koa to join the Letterwinners in this cause.
I have let Kim of Na Koa as well as Scott Kaulukukui of the need to start planning early.
We will keep this blog informed of progress.
You can read Tanaka’s story for HawaiiNewsNow here ->
The situation at Penn State shows that University presidents can lose their jobs due to misdeeds/crimes committed by the football coach or his assistants. Sign of the times.
I thought the very thing, why did Chris Tanaka report, “some contentiousness behind the scenes in the selection process.” As I read the rest of the article, I remembered that he is not from Hawaii and just because Tanaka is local, he is not. Maybe his position is a stepping stone to ESPN.
It wouldn’t be the first time Hawaii was used as a stepping stone.
Makes me wonder when asked in his Q&A:
What is the best thing about being a journalist?
“The best thing about being a journalist is the access to the story. We serve as a conduit from athlete to fan, and it’s our responsibility to do so with integrity.”
Besides, if they want to make it publically known why Donovan supposedly favored Koetter, wouldn’t it be prudent to allow for him to say WHY? Give his rationale???
The only rationale given was that of Saint Greenwood.
If Tanaka reported accurately, he reported EXACTLY what journalists should. The press has the privilege and obligation to provide informed consent. If Manoa leadership — upper or lower campus — is “diseased” in any way, taxpayers, parents, students have a right to know. Who ultitmately pays for lawsuits, settlements, damages or penalties arising from AD negligence, HC irresponsibility, student-athlete criminal behavior?
Congrats to Coach Chow. It would be nice if he accepted the position at $200,000 or so to take a new kind of leadership to save college football. But head coaches work hard so I don’t deny him a right to a good salary.
Must get into Hawaii Bowl
Looking forward to some offensive changes while expecting UH to maintain its passing leadership. Hope the NFL hasn’t dulled his creativity.
So, why are some of you Tsaikos angry?
UH has a new coach.
JD and committee did what they had to do.
Shouldn’t you be happy that UH can now move forward
with a distinguished coach and gentleman?
@Don Weir, calling on the SoCal Punahou Maffia to help with the party. My girlie is over the moon. She just loves her Uncle Norm. No worries selling out. My Norm Chow event was planned in three weeks. Sold out in a couple of days.
255 days to get a plan together to BEAT USC. Let me say this…the UCLA fans are thrilled for Hawaii. And USC is beatable. Lots of kids leaving early to go to the NFL. Yah!!!
IF they make his weekly shows name “ÏT’s Chow Time” I’ll die from laughter
An i’m glad we got chow I HOPE in some ways we keep a spread pass first type offense or maybe still run from the kiko formation like he did at ucla but besides my pickiness ill settle for some wins! 🙂
Go Warriors!!!
#508 Koetter’s tenure at ASU isn’t make-believe and neither are the crimes committed by his players. If Donovan really wanted Koetter, he was either a) unaffected by the Koetter’s apparent lack of judgement b) uninformed of same. Neither bodes well no matter what Donovan “says” for public consumption.
#512 Hey. I’m VERY happy it’s Chow time. And VERY relieved we didn’t welcome back Koetter (no thanks to Donovan).
Ok pua mama, thanks for the clarification.
@Don Weir you look great on TV. I feel gutty like a school girl today!
Congratulations to Coach Chow on his selection. I hope the contract process proceeds quickly. (Recruits are waiting!) My concern is for the bright and capable assistants and staff members that will be sweating out the retention process over the holidays. Anxiety is not a pleasant thing over Christmas and New Years. I believe Rolo is versatile enough to work with The Coach on whatever scheme is selected. Little has been said about Dave Aranda since the process began. He is bright and a great young talent and I hope he is retained. My biggest concern is for the admin staff in the football office and the locker room. I hope they get serious consideration for retention. They are the front line offense and defense for the coaching staff.
Go Warriors!
SANTA…my last request is to get Rocky Seto here from the Seahawks. Thank you Santa.
re # 520
Advise Rocky to put in his application – it’s posted on the UH web site.
As the sun sets into Hawaiian waters and the green flash ends another day in paradise, let us be thankful that we live in the greatest place in the world. We have a new head coach, given the opportunity to lead the greatest of young men with the support of thousands of loyal fans. He is a head coach with the experience of ages with strong roots in the aina. He is of sound mind, body and character. He finally gets the opportunity to turn his “vision” and “dreams” into reality. We resolve to support him and his charges. We pledge to be loyal fans at least until the next 6 and 7 season. Amen
# 520 PolyMom
Send this info to your friend Rocky.
Def Coord; position # 0080515; closes 12-21-2011; hurry up.
I know. Send to Rocky at Seahawks.
Just got call from mainland…DL Coach position taken.
that was fast.
KHON: “Business leaders and UH boosters like Chow pick” [ ]
#524:PolyMom…is the DLine Coach on the current staff or is it someone from outside?
so instead of big mac mondays are we getting Chow Fun Fridays?
What I got from the Tanaka article is that Greenwood is a smart lady, a very good UH president who has the best interest of the entire institution as top priority. She did not seem to favor Chow or Norwood, she just apparently made the decision regarding Koetter based on what his record was on and off the field at another educational institution.
It may have been conservative, but she had to consider the entire institution. Good call.
Sitake is making $170k/year at Utah. We could’ve offered a little more and given him a “head coach in waiting” title…
How now. Norm Chow?
Welcome home.
Agree. If the report is accurate it was poor judgement by the committee and Donovan.
Well said. Just because I was in favor of someone else doesn’t make me any less excited for next season. Anybody know when spring training begins?
Let’s not make the mistake that because someone was in favor of someone else that they didn’t want the other guy.
It appears only Greenwood reads the blogs.
I wouldn’t believe everything you hear from the media (I.e., Donovan’s purported desire for Koetter). Remember Shimogawa’s hot scoop on “new HC Koetter?” Media reports are full of half truths, quarter truths, or no truths. Tell a reporter what he wants to hear or something juicy and they go nuts – and that’s no lie.
We need a chain of Chow-da houses…
I suppose we can call the O-line or D-line
Chow Line and
Chow Hounds
Hmmm I didn’t know Coach Chow’s daughter Maile Chow is a teacher at my alma mater.
Nice to see that the family is happy and shedding tears of joy to see Chow come back home.
Utes’ Sitake staying with Utah
First things first, Utah defensive coordinator Kalani Sitake isn’t leaving Utah to go to Hawaii with Norm Chow.
This is how rumors get started. There was a big group of media members at Utah’s football practice today waiting to talk to Chow and several asked to speak with Sitake who also had applied for the Hawaii job but wasn’t granted an interview.
Sitake took off right after practice to pick up his kids so he could be on time for a team bowling event and didn’t talk to media members.
His quick departure, plus coach Kyle Whittingham acknowledging that yes, there is a possibility that he could lose both coordinators this year, apparently caused some to leap to the conclusion that Sitake could be headed to Hawaii with Chow. (Whittingham also said there is the possibility Chow could stay, emphasizing that anything can happen in college athletics, which was his main point in acknowledging that sure, Sitake might get hired away too).
Sitake, who didn’t even know he was the main figure in a college coaching rumor mill, now is reaching out to media members assuring everyone he is not leaving the Utes for Hawaii.
As Whittingham said, there always is the possibility that Sitake could be on a school’s radar, after all he is a respected defensive coordinator. However, worries that he could be leaving with Chow currently are unfounded.
Now, have you heard the one about Jon Bon Jovi…
– Lya Wodraska
chow this and chow that
UH big offensive linemen need to eat so nickname instead of the O-line now: “The Chow Line”
#538 Obachan…mimasendeshitaka?
#543 Ipu Man
My eyes no so good anymore – “gomen nasai”
i am not surprised department…
so it is chris tanaka trying to create havoc on the selection. should this come as a surprise to any since it was this same reporter who only a day earlier was proclaiming dirt koetter as the new coach only to have “egg on his face” when it appears that chow is the chosen one.
i detest spiteful reporting.
and by the way chris tanaka is not his real name…go ask him.
ie, daijobu
@527 Bryson. NO not from UH.
@536 Shadow…you are correct! Even ST has had the wool pulled over him. He wrote something that was not correct. One of the current Coaches fed him a bunch of things not true. When that Coach is gone I will sit down and break bread and tell him the REAL truth. Something’s are better left unsaid. Karma can come back to kick you in the okole.
Neil Everett this morning told Bobby Curran that: “We all
have warts including you…”
Polymom, how is it that you are privy to so much information? First the Poly ban in the SEC and now who the AC’s will be. You somebody, eh?
Lots of friends who are Coaches both in college and NFL. So that is why I know lots of folks. But like I said in the past…college football is my passion. Has been since college. Football is a family. My husband and I have helped lots of kids get to the college level. We love all of our boys who have gone on to do big things.
Did you send that email up to Seto?
i am happy that boosters and big donors are pleased with the selection. I hope that the contract negotiations that concern assistant coaches pay will not fall through and that if needed the boosters will step up to the challenge.
Time to fire Jim Donovan and make Poly Mom the new AD. She knows more and is not told what to do by Hugh Yoshida. Reading the blog is better than USATODAY.
Not only “big” donors are needed now. ALL donors are needed to help the program. Every single donation, no matter how small, helps!!
Do you have a son on the team?
palolo, you got a problem with hugh yoshida??? introduce yourself to him and tell him.
Just so you all know, the behind the scene drama with the higher ups was caused by the fact that Norm Chow was not the choice of JD and the committee. JD and the committee recommended Dirk Koetter. The president vetoed that and made Chow the 2nd choice. Why even have a committee? I am indifferent on the issue, but what a bogus process. Does everyone really want a guy who stated that he wants to retire at this job? Does he have the energy to get on plane after plane, rent a car after rent a car, and do home visits on the mainland to close out recruiting deals? UH just got rid of a senior citizen who did not have the energy and we are all paying for his buyout retirement plan.
If Chow does not win a lot of games will he get the same treatment that Mac did? And if UH has to buy him out, will JD and the committee get blamed for a “bad” hire or will the President get blamed? Isn’t the president retiring too? Or leaving?
It will be an interesting next couple of seasons. Get your pop corn ready. I hope it works out for Chow because from the sound of things, all of the folks in here that say he is the savior of Warrior football will have to eat their words if he does not win, and all of his supporters in here will be the first to turn on him and he will be destroyed, it will be sad.
Yoshida was good. Fire Wagner and hire Fred Von Appen. Retire from UH and work with Donovan pulling in the bucks with ESPN’s Hawaii Bowl.
558. What an odd sort you are.
560. Who uses “odd sort”? maybe you are odd.
Any point in wishing that Joe Seumalo is the guy that has been named DL coach? Can we bring Doug Hire in from Linfield to coach up the O-line? Ken Norton Jr to be the DC?
Yes sent email to Rocky Seto. Would be a dream for him to come to Hawaii. The other person I would love to see back here is Abu Maafala. He knows how to recruit from those big five year east coast college football high schools. Like the one where Colt Brennan went to after he graduated from Mater Dei.
No we do not have a son on the team. But we did mentor a child who is not ours who is on the team. When he lived with us…we just connected. And I love him like one of my own kids. We are so proud of him! He listens and behaves like a fine young man. Let me say this at the football banquet I was so impressed at how the other players treated him. And how they treated me. He has done everything we asked of him. Good grades and extra work outs to keep in shape. Today when he called he was very happy. Sometimes it takes a village to raise a kid. Well we are their village. Our hale is their hale.
Na Wahine falls to UC Davis. They lead most of the game, lost it down the stretch in the last 2 minutes. UH out rebounded UC Davis by a 41 to 29 margin, had 22 to 14 advantage at FT opportunities, stats that would make you think we should win the game. Nope. TO in my opinion is hurting the play of the Wahine, 19 TO to 8 for UC Davis, and again the opponent is took a lot more shots than us, 66 to 46 in FG attempts, and in the 3 pt shots, 27 to 15 in favor of UC Davis.
Petersen’s motion offense costing the Wahine in TO and lost opportunity to shoot- too much dribbling and bad passes.
palolo, you sure he didn’t fire Wagner, hire Von Applen, fire Von Appen, and hire June Jones?? if he was good, why are you bringing hugh’s name into this blog. same thing, if you get a problem with JD, introduce yourself to him and tell him. both are easy guys to talk to and you can explain your problem with them.
#539 – Go Owls! Maile Chow teaches English and journalism.
I don’t know if Ken Norton Jr. would leave Seattle but that would be an interesting hire. I think he is pretty loyal to Pete.
Joe Seumalo doing a lateral to Hawaii might be a tough sell. Impressive in videos though.
While it’s possible everything you said is true, we have a coach. Let’s back him and the team.
#558 mikesmith
I assume you did not read AL’s #546 before you shot off your message?
558 mikesmith…I think he was the best candidate. He has proven over the years to be a fantastic Coach. He is respected by Coaches and players all over America. His roots are deep here. Have you ever been to watch the All Poly Camp? The inspiration he gives players is incredible. What is wrong with coming home to end your career? I am at the end of my career and was just meeting with UH Foundation today. Is there a problem to give back to our community? Look let me say this in a polite way, just because we leave the islands for our brass ring…our hearts are always here in Hawaii. We go away to make our mark! To show folks on the mainland we can do everything they do…and sometimes much better then them!
No one is expecting miracles from him. We just want the best Coach that we can afford. We don’t have 4-5 million like USC. You got kala to bring to the table? Bring it…you know what they say, money talks.
have you tried mini garden’s new lobster special yet?
567 Yeah wishful thinking on Norton. A name guy may help sell some recruits on coming here.
Totally forgot about Tony Tuioti, it would be logical to keep him if possible.
My goal is to state my opinion. Not make Whitney mad so he gets one heart attack.
It’s time to serve pancakes from the Warriors Offensive “CHOW” Line….. Welcome aboard Coach Chow.
No – usually I avoid eating too much lobster. Got the Chinese disease (gout).
But the tofu fish dish is pretty good.
As long as we’re raiding the Seahawks’ staff, how about Jeff Ulbrich? Read Rocky Seto’s bio; as impressed by him as a person as much as a coach. For some reason I always thought he was Polynesian; not too many Asian-Americans named after Rocky Marciano. PolyMom: Don’t you think he might stick with Carroll; the USC roots run deep.
The strength of this past season’s team was the D-line. With all of the McMackin assistants scheduled to be interviewed as a courtesy gesture, I would hope that Tony Tuioti will be retained based on his coaching and teaching ability.
#558. It’s easy to see why Koetter may have been the recommended candidate. His resume begins at age 24 with a two year stint as a high school HC, then a year at a small SFO college, then UTEP, Mizzu, BC, Oregon. At age 39 HC at Boise. At that time, talk about a young up and comer. He was Chirs Petersen before Chris Petersen was Chris Petersen. Throw in HC ASU, OC Jags.
IT’s not about the places he’s been or the titles he’s had. It’s about his ability to sell himself to those doing the hiring. He’s obivously good at it. It was no secret about the baggage he carried way from ASU and yet he emerged as the recommended one.
That being said. Greenwood was with in rights to use her veto power. PSU and Syracuse. No further explanation need.
Utah’s prized recruit QB Travis Wilson committed to the Utes primarily because of Norm Chow and the opportunity to play and learn under him. Wilson is scheduled to graduate early from High School and enrolled in time for spring practice.
Tom Mui……My Filipino friends thought it was a Filipino disease. My Hawaiian friends swear it is a Hawaiian disease. My part Hawaiian friends say it is a part Hawaiian disease. This I do know: Gout is a MALE disease, with different triggers for different people. I am a B.I.G. — Brother In Gout. Not fun.
Did someone say GOUT? It is not just a male disease…I am yours and Tom’s S.I.G.!
Tom Mui, BIK and PP –
I feel your pain. Not so much anymore, but yeah, the big G is a royal pain.
That being said, thanks Tom. It was a pleasure to actually dine on Chow Fun today. 🙂
@Guyintheoffice– you just never know? Rocky Seto would be a dream. To the poster who wants Ken Norton…hell NO! Heck he lied to the NCAA to try to cover up for the Reggie Bush scandal. We don’t need any cheaters on our Coaching staff. He got busted big time. I do hope they keep Coach Tony for the D line.
tommui, send Chinese food please to Hilo. Duk Kee is good. But I know you guys love Maple Garden. Hope you connect with Don Weir soon.
And what good Chow Fun it was! 😆
Mostly male, but some women have it also.
Wow! for real? PP is a S.I.G?
I swear, you are the first I have met.
Given all the food that gets consumed by our blog mates, I gotta believe there are more than a few more BIGS and SIGS.
I understand that the basic selection criteria was being either a coordinator or head coach. That being said, I support the fact that they overlooked Rich, although I hope they keep him from the local recruiting standpoint.
Everyone needs to support the new coach, especially since he comes from a poor Palolo family that would on occasion even need to resort to eating rice and lard. From meager beginnings to a celebrated coaching career, he is finally getting his HCing shot, and it is coming from his hometown. Good Luck Coach, Welcome Home……. Go Warriors!!!
It has been stated that the type of players UH gets for their team is not deep in the type of athletes to compete weekly at the highest level. I believe if they were in the PAC they would be able to be deep in those level of athletes. Results making them competitive in many sports and even rankings in the top 20.
That being said it will help the PAC to recruit those extra needed athletes by going a little east. If this all can be made possible with the help of ESPN and Fox the Saturday time slot of UH being the last game can make it a much watch game and pay dividends for the PAC, the networks and UH. The PAC should take a chance and look how that will bring greater exposure to their conference. They could kick it up a notch. Like they say you got to take a chance in life.
Fuud…I went to Mini Garden for lunch today after dropping off da kaa for an oil change. Good brisket & tendon over rice. Not low cholesterol, but yum! We should have a CC there…
Nitey Nite and Tsweet Warrior Dreams!
king katonk: #61
And so it begins, people taking sides instead of coming together . . . we so fickle! Makes me wonder if we really deserve anyone worth their salt . . . Well get the salt shaker ready mamma, Norm Chow has the ego to put us all in our place when we step out of line. He won’t be taking notes when Moki and Kailua-boy call the coach to suggest how he can tweak his system. Hope Miano and Rolo are winners in the staffing selections.
Congrats Norm Chow – not my first choice, but he’s now the Warriors’ Head Coach.
Gib Arnold spent a few minutes watching Na Wahine tonight. What a disappointing loss UH had the win secured, but aain, a different team showed up in the second half. They played like little kids in the second half.
Will be at the Capitol in about eight hours and will see how many folks down there are ready to show up at Aloha Stadium in September 2012.
Online article…
I just saw this really great post today….
Online article…
I just saw this really awesome post today….
Online article…
I just saw this really great post today….
Online article…
I just saw this really great post today….