We're still alive
Yep, we made it.
The Warrior Beat is 5 years old today.
They say most businesses don’t survive five years. We’re fortuante that we’re not a business.
We’re a bunch of ordinary folks who got together — and for many, stayed together — because of our interest in Warrior football.
And food.
Which is why it was a good thing that the proposed blog name, Tsai’s Matters, was nixed.
Through the years, we made some good friends. And we lost some dear ones, like Florida Ted, Long Time UH Fan, and the wives of Curvelball and Pomai.
We’ve had fun. We’ve been charmed and bossed around by the Pink Side. (Don’t ever mess with Esme’s dearest mommies.)
We had a few, uh, breaks, but we never really went away, thanks to the lifeboats.
We’ve had arguments — mostly over softball, for some reason — but in the end, everything works out.
One snap and clear, as June Jones always says.
Special thanks:
• To the blog’s creators, Sandee Oshiro and Mark Platte, We did a month of test runs before they agreed to launch the blog on the public.
• To Dennis Francis, Dave Kennedy, Frank Bridgewater and Paul Arnett for giving the blog a new home.
• To sportshawaii.com, uhfootball.blogspot.com, and warriorsportsnework for creating the market and setting an excellent tone.
• To the technology staff, led by Scott Morifuji, and among many who helped along the way, such as John Garcia, Brien Ng and Andreas Arvman.
• To Dayton Morignaga, Stacy Kaneshiro and “Ferd” Lewis.
• To Virginia Hinshaw, Jim Donovan, Greg McMackin, June Jones, Colt Brennan, Adam Leonard, Davone Bess and Derek Inouchi for allowing acess to the football program.
• To SteveM for serving as archivist.
• To brother Mike, Lei Colburn, Debbie Sokei Sorenson, Devon Tsai, Kortney Kikiloi, Wena Tsai, Christie Lee Williams, Jim Leahey, Robert Kekaula and Kay Miyabe for serving as creative consultants.
• To Avis Yasumura (one of Kaiser’s nurses of the year) for running our contests.
• To Midori7 for serving as office administrator.
• To Myki, SJMacro, Rick, Slugger, Craig Kojima and Jason Kaneshiro for filling in the blog host after he shows up tardy for practices.
• To Princes Leila, who came up with the nickname and drew the audience.
• To A-Joe, A-Sports, Mr. and Mrs. A-House, Al, Annodah Dave, Anthony Pollard, BG, Big Hilo Fan, Big Wave, Brew, Mr. and Mrs. Bulla, Calvin from Kona, Chawan Cut, Coloma, Curt, Curveball, D1 Shima, Darren, Derek, DPK, DJMitcho, Duffer, Esme, Garret, Gigi-Hawaii, GMA Honey, G-Nalo, Hiflyer, Homey, J, Jack Flash, JaM, (Jesse) James, Jason, Jojo, Jm2375, Kama Crab, Kevin/Kazz, Kekoa, Kinda Shy, Koakane, Liane, Liz Kauai, Kymry, LK, Mark Takai, Midnight, Myki, Oldie, Pauoa Boy, Powder Puff, Pride, Protector, RainbowCliff, Ralph, Rich2176, Rob25, Ronnie, Sailor Blue, SJMacro, Slugger, Sleez, Stretch, Terry Brennan, Tom Mui, UH Fan 808, Warrior Mojo, Wafan, Wassup Doc, Whitey, WreckinEyez.
SteveM said there are about 2,800 “credible/plausible” names that have posted. Here are a few:
702warriorfan, 808ike, ai-eee-soos, aiea boy, Ala Wai, Anfield, Ankle Breaker, Ballpicker, Believe808, Beowulf, Big Isalnd Kurt, Billy V, Bleeds Green, Bob Lundy, Bobo, Bowman, Brian Kajiyama, Bryson, Bstunna2002, Buffoman, Bugaz, Bungahead, Cheepono, Chicken Grease, Chopsueyboy, Coloma Ohana, Cool Ethan, Craig Stutzmann, dabowman, Darren, Don Weir, Duster, ewagirl, Guava, Haka, Hank, HawaiianHawkeye, Hawaiian Kiko, Heineken, Hoohiki, Inokea, Irse, Island Girl, isleboy, Jay, Jeezy, Kama Krab, Kapakahi, Kawika49, Lava, Loa, Lopoka43, Lupchong, Manoa Mist, McTruck, Nalani, Peaches, Pearl City Fan, Rage, RainbowCliff, ScottSportsHawaii, Seasider, Spike, Sweety, Taebo, Tanks Ah, TK, Tombo Ahi, True Green, Ty-Aiea, WSF, Warrior Sun, VB fan, WarriorMama, UkuLA.
Apologies for those I failed to acknowledge. Blame it on me being freakin’ old.
Thanks again, everyone.
And in the words of the Flintstones . . . Happy Anniversary song.
Start of today’s blog…Happy Anniversary!
I know you didn’t read the entire post. It took me about 30 minutes to go through 2,800 blog names.
Then again, you are freakishly fast.
I is fortuante to post.
Actually, I did and was wondering about Oldie. Been thinking of him the past couple of weeks and his generosity with providing Warrior classics on beautiful DVD’s to those like me who have poor taping skills! If you’re lurking, Oldie, continued thanks my friend!
Happy anniversary!
Gud morn’ K49!
And there’s Oldie.
Gud morn’ Jason!
ST when is Hafa Adai coming for a visit?
Happy 5th, Mr. Tsai……U deserve all the acknowledgements.
What I like most about WB is the insights of UH athletics and the students who give so much to participate in a sport they love. Thanks ST for bringing us together.
Kevin would like to know.
Gotta get some wood roses for the AnnY…Congrats ST.
2,800 credible handles…wow!
God Bless!
Love to all!
Isn’t this another special day, ST???
5 years old enough for kindergarten!
we go eat!
Top 20, by golly!
Happy Anniversary – and ST, hip hip hooray!
From the second anniversary:
From a long time reader but first time commenter, Congrats on 5 years Mr. Tsai. You give us guys on the East Coast updated on everything. Congrats, here’s to 5 more years, sir…
I’m usually still asleep, but I a nightmare woke me up. I dreamt I went to a breakfast buffet , but could not get any eggs, hash browns, and my favorite breakfast sausages. For a Tsaiko, that is a nightmare. Now I’m still in bed with my iPad because I don’t want to wake my wife, who is a light sleeper.
Coach Bulla and the Legislature said it best:
I couldn’t wait to share this oratory that was delivered with grand eloquence last night by one of our bloggers, (Coach) Bulla:
Tsaiko Culture, what is this Tsaiko Culture?
This thing we call Tsaiko Culture as an anomaly, an enigma if you will. It is not just a blog, it is not just people writing about UH Warrior Football, it is not about telling jokes, it is not about trading recipes, it is not about going to a Tail gate, it is not about singing karaoke, it is not about going bowling, it is not about going to the movies, it is not about helping worthy causes, it is not about traveling across the United States to cheer for the Warriors at New Orleans…it is more, it is bigger than that, it is bigger than life itself.
In no way, form or manner, did Stephen Tsai ever imagine that one day, he would be standing in the Stan Sheriff Arena, in the Wong Hospitality room surrounded by a group of maniacal Warrior foot ball fans…. No way.
So, what is this Tsaiko Culture? For Kekoa, his Hawaiian flag that he carried with him to New Orleans, he took it everywhere with him and whenever the photo opportunity presented itself, he proudly displayed his Hawaiian Flag; his flag was his shield of faith he took into battle. But it’s more than just a flag, it represents everything we stand for.
A Tsaiko once told me, ‘I never thought at my age, I’d still be making friends, and not just friends, but really good friends…’ No, DPK did not tell me that, but think about that, that says so much about this group of people called Tsaikos. We welcome all into our group, the passion we have for our Warrior Football Team is the thread that weaves through all of us that brings us together like a sweater. Like one of those Bill Cosby sweaters, you know, very warm, cuddly, like a security blanket with sleeves.
The Tsaiko culture has evolved into an entity that no one had any inkling of. We have our benchmarks, you know, what we consider ‘cornerstones’ of the group, where a certain item or event is entrenched in our memories forever. Just look at the memorabilia that everyone brought tonight….incredible. We could talk for hours about Gigi’s muumuus, Homey’s forearms, Homey singing to Elvis Pressley, Homey’s pretty hair, hey wait a minute, that’s enough about Homey.
Then there is ST’s world famous rendition of ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’, which is mind boggling. James singing about his horse with no name, addahknowjoe belting out about his American Woman, Stretch going Sailing, Lyn showing off her boots, Esme being a Heartbreaker, Pride bringing out the cole porter in all of us, Jason crooning love ballads to his auntys, DPK upsetting Donald Duck, Wreck being a gigolo, Steve M. aka VITO, VITO, VITO, Liz K. bringing the phantoms out of the Opera for us, and Kekaula bringing it home with Kanaka WaiWai.
Or how about our mainland counterparts, Rich2176, Ronnie, Garret, WA fan, Las Vegas…they never stop to amaze me
Our outer island ohana including Whitey and Duffer from Maui, these 2 guys are the mayors of Maui, with their office located in the back right corner of Tiffanys in Wailuku. If you want to know about what is going on in Maui, they are more hooked up than you would want to know. On Kauai, Aunty Liz…she holds down the Garden Isle for the Tsaikos. On the Big Island, let’s see, could it be Big Hilo Fan? Not only is this guy funny, but almost pretty smart too. For an attorney, he is pretty likeable, I don’t care what DPK says.
The common thing is the Warrior Beat, and every day, day in and day out, ST brings out another story line, and the banter begins. True, we might go off topic just a little some times, I still don’t know what kim chee soup, and mabo tofu have in common with Warrior Football, but hey, we always come full circle, and bring it back.
Tsaiko Culture, to sum it up, it is a feeling, it’s not the shirts, the glasses, the banners, those are just what I would say are memorial stones…to signify an event or a moment. Much like the stones that God had Joshua place in the River Jordan as Joshua led the Israelites to the Promised Land, these items are our memorial stones. The real Tsaiko culture lives in all of us…it is that warm and fuzzy feeling we get when we open the blog and see a familiar name, it’s that feeling we get when we’re laughing by ourselves at work or home when we read a good joke from Las Vegas, it’s that tugging at our heart and the tears from our eyes when we read about one of our fellow Tsaikos going through a tough time, it’s that heart throbbing ache when one of the Tsaikos has lost a loved one…..like I always say….make memories, make memories, make memories. When I say what are the 5 F’s….football, food, family, friends, fun, and soon to be the 6th F….FISHING…..haha.
I thank all of you for being who you are, I thank our committee members and organizers, I thank ST for his tireless efforts, and I thank Akua for watching over all of us. We are and will be forever more…THE TSAI-KOS
The CERTIFICATE issued by the Hawaii State Legislature states:
WHEREAS, the State of Hawaii is proud to recognize those select individuals and organizations who use their God-given talents to share the spirit of Aloha; and
WHEREAS, an avid and long-time University of Hawaii sports fan, STEPHEN TSAI began his sports reporting career as a writer for Ka Leo O Hawaii, the newspaper of the University of Hawaii, and continued his sports writing endeavors with the Honolulu Advertiser, covering various University of Hawaii sports since 1987; and
WHEREAS, STEPHEN TSAI, who according to the Honolulu Advertiser, “knows University of Hawai’i sports, down to the last decimal of a 40-yard dash,” brings to his readers a fresh perspective on the University’s athletic programs; and
WHEREAS, his tremendous knowledge and understanding of the complex issues and stories surrounding athletics at the University of Hawaii led STEPHEN TSAI to create a blog known as “The Warrior Beat” on the Honolulu Advertiser’s website, furthering insight into the local sports scene, particularly the Warrior football program, and allowing fans to become interactive through the submission of comments, sharing their knowledge of the game; and
WHEREAS, a small number of individuals began to regularly submit comments on the blog, which averaged 30 posted comments each day, and on December 28, 2006, a group of twelve bloggers finally met in person at Murphy’s Bar and Grill, marking the momentous occasion that led to the establishment of the TSAIKOS, a term that incorporates the dual meanings of the crazed sports fans of the University of Hawaii and the children of Tsai; and
WHEREAS, under the leadership of STEPHEN TSAI, the TSAIKOS, whose mottos became “Make Memories” and “Family, Friends, Food, Fun, and Football,” formed an inexplicable bond that resulted in away-game trips together (including travel to Las Vegas and the Sugar Bowl that included over 100 individuals), tailgates, and karaoke and other get-togethers; and
WHEREAS, the TSAIKOS also launched efforts to support University of Hawaii athletics overall, and have already made an impact with the purchase of championship awards for the softball team, equipment for coaches, and fundraising events for the Warrior football team, and will continue to contribute their support in any way they can; and
WHEREAS, on July 10, 2008, STEPHEN TSAI, along with his TSAIKOS, will be celebrating the 2nd Anniversary of “The Warrior Beat” blog; now, therefore,
The Twenty-fourth Legislature of the State of Hawaii hereby congratulates and recognizes STEPHEN TSAI for his outstanding sports writing, as well as his TSAIKOS for their dedication to supporting University of Hawaii athletics, and extends to them its warmest aloha and best wishes in all future endeavors.
Happy 5th Anniversary TWB
Belated birthday wishes to Princess L and LK.
41 more days till med. rare buff burgers.
ST and everyone else, congratulations on five years of blogging with hopefully many more to come!
2008 Blog Bash Highlights
My favorite- from Papa Leahey:
Yep – Oldie is hiding again – probably waiting for the season to begin – or on the Mainland visiting the kids
Good morning, Tsaikos!
Happy 5th Anniversary!
ST, Nothing wrong with being freakin’ old.
BG, I’m still around. Mostly lurking. Except I go away when there are heated discussions.
For anyone who needs a football fix, I just got a VHS copy of the 1999 Oahu Bowl from lurker Dim Sum. If you want a DVD copy, email me. It will take me about a week to get the copies out.
Game features Oregon State, Dan Robinson, Avion Weaver, Shannon Harris, Jeff Ulbrich, and June Jones’ first year.
Five years later, this is all pretty surreal.
Mad Dog… that IS a nightmare!!!
OK… gotta run. Have a blessed and wonderful day, everyone!!!
Hi Tom Mui!
No, we haven’t been to California lately. Waiting for our daughter who’s returning from Japan after teaching English there for five years. Anyone who has a kid just getting out of college, the JET program is an excellent way to experience Japan.
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
Happy Birthday Warrior Beat! Hugs for everybody!
We need Brew to light the place up!
Congrats and thanks to our fearless, peerless leader for a job well done!
Congratulations on 5 Years!
Hi ST and Tsaikos!
If I wasn’t so busy babysitting, I would have organized a big party.
Here are pics of the 2nd anniversary party at the SSC:
Happy Anniversary! Thanks for all the years of updates, photos, and everything else.
Happy Anniversary, Master Tsai and the Tsaikos. Glad to be a part of the gang.
Hiya Oldie! Are you capable of translating VHS to DVD? While cleaning cabinets, I ran across a recording of the Wahines final 4 vs. Illinois and Stanford. Don’t know what year it is although I’m guessing it’s around the ’88-89 timeframe. Also have found another one about the Wahine vs UOP in a regional championship. Do you already have those?
If you can’t go VHS to DVD and don’t have the games already, I’ll take them to Costco and put them on DVD to send to you. Let me know…
been lurkin from da start….. congrats tsai man!
Congratulations, especially to ST the mighty and beneficent leader of the WB Blog, and also to all the regular posters who make this such a great cyberplace to hang out.
I’ve been lurking since before the 2007 season, occasionally gurgitating a comment of questionable importance, but mostly just reading and enjoying feeling connected to a fun community of UH football fans. I contributed some money to the exercise bike fund drive, and some photos from the recent Big Island Scrimmage, and joined the ‘aha ‘aina afterward in Panaewa where I had the distinct pleasure of meeting several of you.
I’m hoping to be able to fly in for the Colorado game, and if I do, I’ll try my best to get there in time for the pre-game get-together.
Til then, keep on keeping on, another 5 years at least. I’ll be lurkin’.
Job well done ST.
Good Morning and a Happy Anniversary to ST and all the Tsaikos!!
RE: #19 (yea, no spam this morning!)
LizKauai is the second best reporter on the Warrior Beat! Certainly the best photographer and videographer today. The following is my archive, using many of her photos…
Oldie…big OOPS…the tapes are in BETA. I hope Costco can convert. Now that I’ve found them (again), I’d like to see them. Also found some documentaries on the 442. I’ll get those converted too to share with bloggers who are interested.
Congrats to the Warrior Beat and all those associated with the blog. Thanks ST for keeping it going with your special humor and informational tidbits on a DAILY basis. I enjoy it thouroghly even when it goes off-track.
Here’s to another 5 years and here’s to Warrior football.
Congratulations, ST and the rest of the Tsaikos! WOW…time flies when you’re having fun! Don’t forget to tune in or set your DVRs for Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. on KFVE: “28 Years of Chasing Rainbows.” Some great moments and memories in UH Athletics on your TV.
Think I might need to look around for some possible blog prizes again?!?!? 🙂
Who’s got the cake and candles?
Na Koa has a full slate of events scheduled for this season. Hold these dates:
Omedeto, Taisho-Tsaiko
BG, Thanks for the offer. I do have equipment to convert VHS to DVD. I don’t have many old games, but I’ll occasionally get one from Dim Sum.
If any Tsaikos are interested in the games, then I don’t mind doing the conversion.
I recently found the 1997 Rainbow Classic final featuring Hawaii and Kansas. Anyone interested, let me know.
Happy Anniversary ST!
Wasn’t it Mark Cuban who first came up with the idea of a blog? That’s what Coach Wallace told my kid anyway.
Here is the 1st Anniversary Blog party when an amazing 50+ Tsai-kos tried to squeeze into Murphy’s corner. Some never made it past the restroom lobby as Cattle Call “Tsai-ko-size” redefined space requirements. 😐
I dont’ know about you guys, but I think we need a Tate Forcier comment here. 🙂
It all of our anniversary. Without everyone, this is just a twitter account.
BG, BETA tapes. I have some stuff that I wanted to convert. Bid on a unit on eBay. Did not win the bid, but I raised the price to double of where it was before I started. Must have made the seller happy. Still looking for a unit.
Anyone get Sony-Hawaii to repair an old unit? Do they do a good job?
Is that me that made the post? HEINEKEN or Heineken or is it the same as in me haha?
My non-online paper finally got delivered…heartfelt thanks to Lyn/Bulla (aka “Bully” in the article, section B) and their church for leading the way with the “Convoy of Hope”. FANTASTIC
Gonna finish reading the paper and hele on to softball…bbl
I second your #58 BG.
Wow five years already, I started lurking from the first day, and that lasted about a week before I just had to open my big mouth LOL. I would like to thank ST for starting the blog, for a lot of guys who resided on the mainland it was the fix we needed for UH sports maybe the only fix for some, was hard to wait up to 1 or 2 in the morning to catch a game on espn when they were, more worst for us old futs, cause pretty soon da TV watching you, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
So to all the tsaikos Happy Anniversary
Good Morning Tsaikoland!
Happy 5th Anniversary to ST, the Blog and all the Tsaikos! It seems waaaay longer than 5 years. A-joe said it’s because we’ve all done so much in that time. Looking forward to many more years.
Have a great day friends!
Happy Anniversary to ST and the Tsaiko family
Our little Tsaiko baby is growing. 5 years old already. Das wat- Kindergarden, yeah? Seems so long but it’s still in it’s infancy.
Looking forward to many more wonderful years to come. Mahalo, ST for all that you’ve shared and done with us. And a big mahalo to each and every one of you for making the Tsaiko Nation possible with your friendship and aloha! Malama pono
your #9 – i thought al put that to rest yesterday? No?
OK, he may the holy grail that al ( sorry, meant to say Indy) seeks?
Howzit Tsaikos and congrats to ST. Here’s to the next 5 years!
Forgetting garret’s name is like forgetting your suitcase to the airport.
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The best thing about having the Warrior Beat for 5 years is that we don’t need a new collective bargaining agreement!!!!
Saw Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade last night, for the umpteen times and they searched for the “holy grail”. The old wise man said, “choose wisely.”! So I hope Mack and Rolo choose wisely and get the real holy grail for our program. It would be great if we can find a true freshman, ala Kellen Moore from Boise St., who is a 4 year starter and a big winner. I admire Boise St., not so much winning big, but the fact that they have won so “consistently” every single year. They obviously are doing something right, not to mention that they don’t get the big recruits like the BCS programs, and the fact that they are in the state of Idaho. Are you kidding me? Idaho! Boise! But, you can look it up. A lot of Boise St.’s players are from California and more are coming from the state of Texas. Kellen Moore is from a little town called Prosser in Washinton (Tri-Cities area). And I’m sure they don’t have a lot of Division I players from Idaho either.
Congratulations Tsaikos! Hard to believe it’s been five years! I lurk a lot and can’t post from work while most of the action goes on, but I always appreciate the informed dialogue.
ST, you must not forget GARRET.
There was no pre-announcement of the significance of this date, so I assume most readers are here as usual… please post today!
A “blast from the past” post by me in the first year of the blog. Still gathering the data today…
Hi βρεω808… 😎
On this auspicious 5th anni of the Tsaikos, we extend our happiness to our gracious neighbor and all the special friends we have made via the Warior Beat.
Also, we are proud to announce that MasaBoy has attained the status of Sous Chef at the Prime Steakhouse in the Bellagio.
Oh, Couch Potato, his newly created Tangerine sorbet was a hit with the Executive Chef and Executive Sous Chef of the Bellagio Hotel and Casino.
Happy 5th Anniversary Tsaikos! Small time commentator, Long time lurker, Always Warrior fan! thought I’d step out and wish Stephen and the Tsaikos happy anniversary! Here’s to a winning season! Go Mighty Mo!
Hiya Brew- Long time no read. Don’t hold back the graphics. 🙂
Hey Brew! Thanks for putting the candles on the cake! Dey you go, ballpicker! 😆
A-house –
Congrats to MasaBoy!
wafan, too. Traveling light?
morning gang!
happy anniversary!
Brew and Garret have been added.
Of course, I wouldn’t have forgotten except Brew only shows up for the awards show.
Don’t be a stranger.
Congrats, MasaBoy!!!
Hiya Brew!
Thanx BG for noting the Convoy of Hope story in the paper and the “Bully” Eastman reference. The number of people who showed at Aloha Stadium far exceeded the number anticipated by more than double.
The Windward Homeless Coalition will be doing a community service outreach this Tuesday at Kahuku Hospital starting at 9 am. One of the service projects will be the distribution of gently-used books, games, toys & sporting events for kids of all age including teens. Most of the clients are not homeless but low-income families & individuals, but they still need help. We’re also serving lunch.
Please note that the WHC is not affiliated directly with any religious/faith group although we do work with the Family Promise & FACE programs whose members are Christians, Jews, Buddhists & Muslims, and a number of Roman Catholic parishes around O`ahu.
If you’d like to help us out at future service projects, come to the Kaka`ako Makai Marketplace’s Grand Opening this Saturday and look for the tent where we’ll be accepting donations.
After spending the last two-plus weeks watching the first seven Harry Potter movies, we’ll be going to see the Deathly Hallows Part Two at 5 pm so it’s time to go do some household chores.
Have a good day & Happy Anniversary – I first started reading the blog in the spring of 2007 and posting in September of that year while recovering from a car accident.
ST, wafan?
Great effort by the Convoy of Hope, especially Bulla and his wife.
Big debate in my home:
Best saimin? Shiro’s, Tanaka Saimin, or Zippys?
happy belated anniversary from tomorrow!!!
Thanks, Gigi.
Wafan is acknowledged.
Thanks again for the water buffalo picture, Chawan.
yesterday, traffic next to aloha stadium was really congested due to the convoy of hope.
great cause!
Happy 5th Anniversary
Mr. Tsai – Please allow me to add Happy Birthday wishes. While I am mostly a “lurker”, I take daily visits to the Warrior Beat and I appreciate both yours and your bloggers contributions.
Thanks, Pooh.
Might want to change your name, tho.
Reminds of that kid’s joke:
Q; Why did Tigger look at the toilet?
A: He was looking for Pooh.
imagine starting a world famous blog on one’s wedding anniversary!
ST, was yours a civil ceremony or a church wedding?
Today is going to be a lot of people’s wedding anniversary in New York.
OLDIE: I have a Sony Beta SLV-N50 that has been gathering dust for the last several years – it’s yours, if you can use it.
Best to Peggy.
#100. Not sure how to answer that since a pastor presided over a wedding in a restaurant. But it was a very civil restaurant, well, at least most people were well-behaved.
ST, hahaha
A wedding Anniversary ST and WENA? Well, congratulations.
Happy Anniversary, Tsai-meister! As well as to the members of the crew here!
Hawaiianbod, glad you are here with us!
I was also wondering about Oldie. He would never give me his address to send him a Thank You for the copy of a game. Hope he is doing ok.
Must be the time for reminiscing…went to the HS all alumni dinner last night…Touch of Gold provided the entertainment, talk about oldies…and more planning today for our class reunion next month…”MHS” is not for McKinley… 😀
ST, chinese restaurant?
reception followed there?
how convenient.
Give a hand to Brew for the creative design.
That’s not easy.
One wrong move, and it’s like somebody shaking an Etch-a-Sketch.
Haiku Gardens.
400 guests, including Mayor Fasi.
Happy Anniversary, Stephen and Wena!!!
. . . And Cayetano.
Ouch! I think I hurt my foot dropping names.
ST, I miss Frank.
I attended his daughter’s baby shower at her home, and he and Joyce were there.
Frank: “Not enough cheese in the lasagna.”
Cayetano — Hard to believe he wrote a popular autobiography. Did not think he was articulate.
During a TV show with Leslie Wilcox, all he said after each contestant was “Terrific.”
Hardly ever post. I’m constantly in lurker status. Just coming out today to wish the blog a happy 5th. The amount of knowledge and diversity on this blog simply amazes me. Congratulations everybody and may you all still be here and posting for the next five and beyond.
By the way, SteveM, I’m a classmate, Tigers ’67.
Hi, Oldie! Finally read the earlier blog entries and saw you post. Thanks so much for the copies of games!
I betta get my okole in gear and go do some chores before my meeting.
Thanks for joining us.
Aloha to all and Happy Anniversary to Mr.Tsai and Tsaikos everywhere! Although I lurk more than comment, I thank you all for all the informative, intelligent and yes, sometimes caustic “conversations.” What is amazing is that no matter where in the world the bloggers are commenting from, it is evident that this blog “resides” in Hawaii Nei because in the end, someone steps up puts everything back into focus, peace returns, and Aloha reigns supreme.
To all of you — Mahalo Nui Loa.
Wow…it just started out as wanting to talk about Hawaii football…
Hilo Moon:
Well said about the peace part.
well, thank the tech crew. they know how to ban trolls and spammers.
Big uproar over the SA charging to read online starting Monday so big that they shut down the comment section. So much for freedom of speech .
Happy Anniversary Wena and ST!
Thanks again ST!
41 days.
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Happy 5th.
Happy 5th ST and TWB! Best source of Warrior news and great commentary about football, the community and local life. Mahalo Oldie! You are the man. I’m getting super excited about the new season and the Mac Attak. From the StarAdvertiser lead article this morning I hope they don’t mess with this!
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~~~~•~~~~• ★ ★ ★ ★ Wena & ST ★ ★ ★ ★ •~~~~•~~~~
~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ The Warrior Beat!!! ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~
•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~• 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 •~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•
•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~• 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 •~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•
~~~~•~~~~• ★ ★ ~~★ ★ Wena & ST ★ ★~~ ★ ★ •~~~~•~~~~
•~~~~•~~~~•~~ ★ ★ The Warrior Beat!!! ★ ★ ~~•~~~~•~~~~•
•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~• 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 •~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•
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did you know —
you can open a beer with
your wedding ring?
an empty beer bottle?
with your teeth?
things hubby learned at a grad party last nite when the host forgot to bring a bottle opener.
also a doorknob, or a lighter
happy 5 years! woot woot!
Happy Anniversary to Stephen and Wena.
Happy 5th Annivesary to TWB and all those that made it possible.
Howzit Tsaikos from Miami!!
Happy Anniversary to the WB and all my fellow Tsaikos!
Happy wedding anniversary to the Tsais!
BG – I should introduce you to my classmate who is the president of the 442/100th Veteran’s Assn. She is the first of the 2nd generation to be president, since the vets are all getting up there in age. If they don’t already have copies of those documentaries, I’m sure they’d love to have it. Let me know…
Went to Miami Beach this morning. Lucky we live Hawaii. No beach in the US can compete with any beach in Hawaii. BBQ tonight and on the ship tomorrow for the cruise. Will check back in when we are back on dry land on Friday.
Waiting for the first Warrior depth chart and the 105 roster for training camp and the synopsis. Stephen, are you having a big article next Sunday prior to training camp?
#96 well said… I have been Lurking from the start too. My youngest child was born just after this blog started. I read the blog almost every day. If I miss a day I always read the day I missed.
I enjoy reading all the different points of view expressed here on the Warrior Beat… although some of the arguments go on way too long and make me wince.
ST your humor and wit always brighten my day and make me smile… except for the entry you made when your daughter went off to college… small kine well up da eyes…
Happy Anniversary Warrior Beat!!!
A-Joe ——- “Our little Tsaiko baby”
I guess that’s a face only a mother could love huh?
Happy 5th to one and all!
Hi Slugger! Yes, I’m still around. Just lurking most of the time. I hope to be able to DVD the games. May have to go underground though if Oceanic tries to police copies. That’s why I do it just as a service to Tsaikos and won’t charge for copies.
Hi Tom! You got me excited until I Googled the Sony that you have. It’s a VHS unit. Sony finally had to give in and go with the VHS crowd. I think I can find something on eBay. I’m not in a great rush.
Florida State v. VT on ESPNU right now.
Lite Tsaik (o) — please send me an email: stevem.hnl (at) gmail.com
…ASAP. Don’t be like hawnstln (Ed– who I saw daily at school) who sends me an email a year later and says “Oh, by the way, I’m hawnstln on the blog”. Wait a minute…if you know I’m MHS ’67…. 😕
Happy Anniversary!!!
Wow! Has it really been 5 years?
I can’t wait to see what the next 5 years brings.
Go Warriors!
Go Warrior Beat!!
I didn’t watch the VT/FSU game last year…high scoring game pass happy game.
Grand slam puts team USA up 8-0 over GB so far.
Another homer puts USA up 9-0. One more and have mercy.
Another homer and team USA wins. What a game. USA 10 – Great Britain 0. After a scoreless start USA scored 10 runs in the bottom of the 4th inning.
5 years is nice. Feels like home.
Governor Cayetano’s articulation was “mo betta” than Governor Ariyoshi—da buggah was harder to understand.
But, putting words down in writing, I’d say both of ‘em shouldn’t have any problem communicating to any reader, ‘cause both of ‘em have a Juris Doctor Degree, Ben from USC and George from UH.
Aloha, Tsaiko Ohana!
Happy Anniversary, ST, and thanks for creating this blog. Dropping by to see what is going on is a daily ritual for all of us. What an amazing group of people have joined with you to create great memories, as Bulla says. I never found any place like it elsewhere on the Web.
Once somebody on here described it like being at a tailgate party at Aloha Stadium with a group of friends, talking story and enjoying the barbecue. Well, I’ve been to tailgate parties at Aloha Stadium with the Tsaikos, and the food is a lot better there than here!!
Thanks to all the Tsaikos for your great spirit and generosity!! Looking forward to seeing you all at the Colorado tailgate party.
am trying to upgrade my binocs – 15 years old and getting foggy – any one know where I can go to purchase Bushnell binocs?
went to Sports Authority on Ward and they had 1 which i cannot use.
hello to Indy, aka al!
McCully Bicycle
Aloha eery-body from LA!
err..umm…how do i become a Tsaiko? Been lurking lately and not posting due to some serious health issues. Living one day at a time.
Congratulations to ST and the WB!
Also, Happy Anniversary to ST and Wena!
congrats, stephen. who’d a thunk it, huh? to sustain this 365/5 is testament to your hard work and dedication. people can’t fathom what it takes to keep up that pace. good job … back to lurking.
Happy Anniversary Stephen! Thanks for the SportsHawaii shoutout. Was good to meet you at the Hilo Practice!
Happy 5th Anniversary
Been Lurking from the beginning. Kind of addicting. Been to the first 2 Anniversary Parties. When is the next one? Stan Sheriff Center Hospitality Room was a good place.
RE: #149
A-House — I have been looking for a second pair of binoculars for my seatmate at Aloha Stadium. Currently use 7×50 marine binocs–waterproof, floats and under 2 lbs. Field of view 342′ at 1,000 yds. Should show you almost the full width of the field from your end zone seats. Cost around $170 without compass….but they can get real expensive. 🙁
Congratulations Mr. Tsai! Have enjoyed this blog from day one. Here’s to five more years, at least…
Cabelas online is also a good place for all kine gear.
did the new screen at the SSC go up yet?
I started by following Kevin and Colt but it evolved into a way to connect to the Islands in a non-commercial way.
My love for college football gets refurbished daily by my fellow tsaikos and I really appreciate it.
I feel this is going to be a sneak up on you year and our depth has never been better.
Look forward to our chats and the late nite football on the computer
Keep up the great work!
Also a loyal lurker and glad to have been at it for the 5 years. The Football Season always makes my life more interesting and have been a fan since the Termite Palace Days. Keep up the great work Stephen and thanks for the first five years. It’s nice to see a fellow Roosevelt Grad on a roll.
Happy 5th ST and the WB and all the regulars who make this blog so enjoyable. Back to lurking mode till the start of the FB season, rite around the corner.
Who blew out the candles…. DPK? Thanks Mr. Brew.
If every one of the 2,800+ Tsaiko’s would drop a line today on this fifth anniversary, it would blow away our previous record of posts. It’s nice to see all those who support this site.
Happy 5th Anniversary everyone
Congrats on 5 years. Many more happy years to come. (I’m glad I’m still a credible name.)
happy anniversary tsaikos and tsai!!!
i am most grateful for all the friends that i have made from this blog.
Congrats on the first 5 yrs. Hope for many yrs to come. I’m a long time lurker residing now in Ariz. Hope to post more in the future.
where is the 5 year celebratory cattle call going to be?
Five years, funny I don’t feel five years older.
Congrats ST and the WB…started lurking last year and having lots of fun. Keep it UP!
Mad Dog:
If every one of the 2,800+ Tsaiko’s would drop a line today on this fifth anniversary, it would blow away our previous record of posts. It’s nice to see all those who support this site.
Repeat this post again on Monday when more people lurk on this site and you would get a bigger response.
I might be new here but the Warrior Beat is a great place to talk Warrior Football, 5 MORE YEARS!
Happy . . .
Anniversary to the Tsai’s
5th anniversary to us
Happy belated (?) birthday to the Princess and LK!
Whoo-hoo, 2x!!!
Izzy, too!
Does not post often anymore but lurks a lot.
Is a 5th anniversary cc planned?
Where and when?!?!?!
The beauty of this blog is seen through the eyes of those that it affects.
What resonates on here, mostly ST blog entries, pictures of the players, and some post, debates, dialogues, fuels the players and coaches passion. It’s this passion that gives the players and coaches the drive into getting better, making the fans happier and reflecting well on Hawaii.
Henceforth, the players and coaches are the recipients of the beauty of the blog. And not only in football, but in all UH’s sports teams.
The beat of the drum, the chants and the war cries, mostly derived from this blogs, others, sport’s shows and message boards, the players and coaches hear all year round
It grows on them. It pushes them onto winning, toeing the line, both on and off the field, and in the classroom, well.
Hawaii, compared to other states, is smaller in numbers. But it has to rank high up there in passionate fans supporting it’s sports teams. The WB is a big precipitator.
This blog hatched five years ago. To some people they see the essence of the blog differently than I. For I see clearly the ST effect it has on the players, coaches, incoming recruits, fans and the next generation of Warrior players from the islands. And for this I graciously applaud ST.
I think a team plays better when it receives a lot of feedback.
In the not-so-old days, the players felt the support through games, and newspaper and TV stories.
That was largely filtered by the reporters covering them.
With blogs, Facebook, Twitter and radio call-in shows (which is relatively new to Hawaii), the players can feel the support (or criticism) from fans year ’round. That has to make a difference to a player who commits, then is greeted by messages and calls from fans.
The connection between fans and players is greater than ever, and that has to be a motivating factor for players. Even walk-ons are stars now.
I think players realize they’re playing for fans across the country.
You play harder when you know more people are watching.
Happy Hawai’i 0-5!
Congratulations and many thanks to the akamai, witty, hard-working Mr. Tsai, and to all the personable, generous-spirited Tsaikos who make this one-of-a-kind blog so warmly communal, and so endlessly lively.
Aloha kākou, and best wishes for many joyful celebrations to come.
(Santa Fe,
New Mexico)
P.S. Please excuse the generic apostrophe in Hawai’i … this keyboard can’t conjure up a proper ‘okina.
Per Dayton, Victor Bermudez has committed to UH, big IF, he can get cleared with his academic transcripts. If he does, he can join the Warriors in the fall semester and play in the 2011-2012 season and has 4 years to play. Thanks, Dayton. Things are looking up! Hope Blakes and Biggs can hurdle their entrance admission. I also heard on Artie Wilson’s show in Friday that Arnold said he expects Vander Joaquim be back with the team, although he did say that Vander has made the Angola National Team roster. Congratulation to him.
I hope this rubs off on the Huskies:
Mariners set franchise record with 15th straight loss.
Dropping in before dropping off… ST what you getting Wena for letting you do this?
Garret, they passed out more of those pins yesterday, of course, the one day we weren’t at Comic Con… People stood in line for an hour. What some will do for free (and not even pake).
Hawaiian Bod –
Great to see you posting! Prayers for you brother.
victor bermudez is another gib template–all-around the hardwood, up n down the floor, shoots, passes, handles-on-the-ball….and, looking to Q. im neither complaining nor bragging–like most others–just waiting for the barnyard door to shut and await the opening whistle to usher in a new season for whomever is playing in 2011-12.
Happy 5th Birthday, Warrior Beat! Everyone’s said it all, so I will just add a wish for many more 🙂
idn about playing harder when fans are watching. hawaii has lost more than won on national tv. scores were watching. however, idk that players play better when they are coached better. with or without a multitude of eyes in the stands….yes, a huge fanbase will tilt the field to the hometeam in a close contest, but as we saw in the 2006 game @ aloha against oregon and the hawaii bowl last year vs tulsa–there is no substitute for sound coaching and execution.
@ oldie — Sony repair in Mapunapuna is excellent for cameras. Maybe they would find fixing a Betamax machine a fun challenge.
#187, oregon=oregon state
Happy Anniversary to the Tsai’s andTsaikos!!!!!
Well, much like the T shirt I supposedly won,
I have been completely ignored again.
Oh well, some of us were born to toil in anonymity
Happy Five Years!!!!
Rasu Begasu, its ok. I was left out as well. I can understand why I was left out but not you. You are a liked and well known karaoke star! =)
That’s what happens when you dont write about food. lol. j/k
zip min is better than tanaka saimin.
but shiro’s saimin is da bestest.
Happy Anniversary Tsaikos. To think that I first stumbled upon this blog by mistake while looking for Warrior football updates while stationed in the Middle East. Now five years and three moves later, I still get my Warrior information right here. Hopefully, I’ll be able to make it to a road game or two this year. Here’s to a great next five years.
green thumb,
Thanks for the tip. Debating whether I should try to fix my old Betamax or buy a used one on eBay. I guess I should find out how much Sony-Hawaii would charge if they still repair.
I just found a Beta tape from the 1980 College World Series, Hawaii vs Miami. Sure would like to see how good a copy it is.
aw shoots.
Happy 5th Anniversary to the blog and to Mr. & Mrs. Tsai!
Honored to have stumbled on this blog 2 of 5 years.
Also, thank you to all the tsaikos who have welcomed me! BIG MAHALO from a guy who bleeds green.
gigi, Sorry. I didn’t know you were counting to 200.
So, who’s the fastest Warrior now?
Aloha to all Tsaikos!!
Got a phone call from DPK telling me it’s the fifth anniversary (isn’t that like 35 in dog years?), then another email from a lurker telling me that some old friends have visited the bolg today.
It’s truly been nothing less than a tireless effort from our blog host – Mr. Stephen Tsai. Quite a feat for something he receives no compensation for. It shows the kind of guy he is -Well respected by all of the coaching staffs and players (past & present), and very generous with his time. He’ll pick up the phone and call bloggers, or give out his number in case someone has a beef with him.
I’ve met some really wonderful people because of this blog and hope to see many of you soon.
Rasu-begasu sumimasen des ke domo…Never met you; but would like to hear you, some- day. The funny thing is, we are all on different Islands. Other than the ones in HI, there’s the Island; Rasu Begas, Wahington, Oregon, Guam, Michigan, and many more. I have enjoyed your posts, and appreciate and am envious of what you are doing for other Tsaiko’s fortunate enough to be able ro go to your Island. I have lived vicariously through the adventures of all of you in the recent past. And appreciate the shenanigans, that all on this board, have provided me the enjoyment; although not physically there. As the blog master has said, I am fortuante (a new word for our lexicon…thanks to TS [see 1st para beginning of blog]), to have attended your functions. Again, you may not have been mentioned; But you are not forgotten
To see what Rich 2176 looks like as well as other photos, click on the following link:
Dang finger futs! Bolg=blog.
Ragu – You can never be ignored!
Congrats to Masaboy!!
I give up Ragu=Rasu.
Too much golf this weekend. (Along with greenies.) Tune up for Rob Fukuzaki’s charity tournament tomorrow. (Which is acually a golf tournament that turns into a drinking contest. LOL)
Thanks Gigi. Reminds me not to forget my sunscreen tomorrow.
#191 btw, told the red shirt, brown pants joke (that you posted) to some of my vet buddies….That’s a keeper. And till today will be in my joke library.
😳 …“Rasu Begasu” was not among the 2,800+ names I gave ST. “las vegas” was but the new fangled Japanese syllabary one was not. 🙁
Yay! I made the cut! Even though I’ve reverted to lurker status the last couple years!
Woo hoo, and had to be post 215 since that’s my birthday! 🙂
Happy 5th Anniversary!
kawika49 –
Anyone who’s met Rasu Begasu can tell you he’s unforgettable. Definitely one of a kind.
Had the consecutive post record at 20 once. Don’t know who has it now…
Happy Blog-iversary!
HAPPY 5th to WB. Much Mahalo toMr. Tsai and SteveM for making it happen. Also, mahalo to all tsaiko and non-tsaiko, lurkers or just beinga warrior fan anywhere. OK, Lets make it happen this year and support UH. Peace. Go Warriors!!
#218 agree, that’s why I typed what I typed.
At times, as in battle; the ones mentioned least contributed most. Why; it was assumed everyone knew.
happy belated BD to djmictho and happy BD today to Izzy!
see you in Seattle on 9/10/11.
Happy Anniversaries ST!
Five blog years!
BTW, oama fishing is going strong at Haleiwa. Saw around 50 people standing knee deep in the ocean with poles…zoning out looking at the water reflection.
Happy 5th Anniversary Everybody…
I don’t blog as much anymore but only because I rather just talk strictly sports and don’t care much for the rest of the chit chat that goes on. Regardless, I read daily like always and have also visited the other sites covering anything UH sports. Anyway, can’t wait for the season to get crackalackin so we’ll have much to talk about! Go Warriors!
By the way, the new UA jersey design is okay with me… it doesn’t look all that bad… although I wish UA and Coach would take some suggested designs from players, fans or whoever… Should have a contest to design the next Warrior uniform and have the players vote which one they like then have UA make em…
Also, oldie mahalos planny for the DVD’s. I like check out what else games from the past you get stashed away… I collect a lot of previous games myself but some of the collection has been borrowed, stolen, or lost throughout the years. Anyway, email me at pauoaboy31 at yahoo dot com… Mahalo again…
Thank you for the birthday wishes yesterday and today.
Espcially al, dpk, loa, Slugger, SteveM, A-House, Kekoa, djmitcho, BG, tom mui, 702WarriorFan, wafan who took the time to send their greetings.
Kekoa, I’ll try to make a replacement when I get a chance. If I can’t get it to you sooner, I’ll find you at the first game.:)
Happy Anniversary Stephen and Wena!
Happy 5th to the Warrior Beat!
It always makes my day when I log on the WB and look for and find your tidbits of information regarding Warrior Football.
You give us an insider’s perspective on the Warrior Football players, coaches, families, alumni, recruits and administration. That gives us a greater appreciation of the amount of work that everyone involved puts in order to give us fans a team to cheer for on fall weekends. It makes us fans part of the ‘Ohana.
The bonus has been meeting some of the wonderful people that make up this blog community. People that would give so much of themselves to help others here and elsewhere (Pomai-spearheading the softball team championship bracelets, Rich2176, Rasu Begasu and our mainland Tsai-kos organizing road trips, Stretch and Jason fund-raising for good causes, Bulla and Lynn and their prison ministry, numerous others that think about others before self)
It’s the Tsai-ko culture as Bulla put it. That’s the kind of world I want my child to grow up in, not the me and I world of entitlement some of our younglings’ live in.
So for that Stephen, I thank you for providing this community that Tsai-kos can participate and play in.
We are, Tsai-kos!
Happy Anniversary Tsaikos and a big Fa’afetai to Stephen Tsai!
Go Warriors!
So far, I have won 3 bets.
I beat SteveM when I bet that ST was more talkative than Ferd on the L&L show. Prize: He treated hubby and me to lunch at Camellia’s.
I beat Stretch when I bet that the Celtics would beat the Lakers for the championship. Prize: He bought me dinner at Genji’s for Rich2176’s birthday party.
I beat Al when I bet that the Mavericks would beat the Heat for the championship. Prize: a gift card to Chili’s or Romano’s.
BTW, these guys challenged me first.
I’m compiling a list. Will post at midnight… 99 different posters so far. Who’s going to be 100?
#232 Koa ma h
I bet you a lunch that you will wear a muumuu sometime in the next 6 months.
If I win, you buy me lunch.
If I lose, I buy you lunch.
#234 Analyzing her posts over the past. There is no way, that she can go 2 weeks without eating anything that is not prepared at home. That’s why the Muumuu.
Kawika Kuulei Kabalas out of Hilo will be playing for K State this fall in wvb as a libero/DS
right on!
the below is for all the Tsaiko’s.
Guys, actually, you are right. I wear muus night and day.
Want to know a fact?
Corona (my beer) tastes better than Blue Moon (daughter’s beer).
Happy fifth, Tsaikos.
Have seen many of you at football, mens’s and women’s basketball and women’s volleyball. Sports that I attend.
Being one of the lurkiest of the lurkers, I appreciate all the “personalities” that have kept this blog going. You all are my main fix to satisfy my addiction to anything related to UH athletics.
G’nite, all.
SteveM, cocobean is your 100th poster.
And here’s to LK – who kept my cameras alive…
Not to mention the gifted, generous ones who made and distributed BONAFIDE TSAI-KO logo items – name tags… stickers… tee shirts… shot glasses, coffee containers, candy jars, etched glass…
A-Joe and Ohana… Mahalo!
Here’s to the lurkers we met in the dark streets of NOLA during the Sugar Bowl…
ST congrats on the Big 5! Looking forward to next 5.
Late again to the party as usual. 8) Congrats to ST and the Warrior Beat for 5 great years and to many more!
Well it’s been a great day of celebratory congrats for the Warrior Beat.
So consider this, like any anniversary or birthday or say a mark on ours calendar that represents an import at date.
I’m going to make a “New Years”‘resolution.
And my resolution is to take some vacation days on football Saturday’s and to meet those responsible for this fantastic gathering place.
By the way,’Gigi-Hawaii, good call on the “cocobean” being the centurion. Maybe I bot that in correct. I’m sure someone will “help” me out with that statement.
StevenM thanks for all the hard efforts to update everyone. Thanks to Garrett that is just fantastic with all the straight “dope” . cop talk sorry.
Thanks to Liz Kauai for all she does for that islands chapter. It has become one of my favorite islands,
to BIK and Big Hilofan for how they represent
To the mainland ohana that have moved for many varied reasons, for ur support and incredible content
towards the WB and followinthe warriors around the continent.
I will say that DPK got my interest piqued at some point as I read the blog, and by what was being said and without making behind the scenes contact figured out it was a classmate. ( not that smart)
The rest as they say is history.
Thanks once again to EVERYONE for what happens here.
It’s been a long Saturday and Sunday at what I call work.
Oh! and Happy Anniversary to Stephen and Wena too!
Happy 5th Anniversary, ST!!! Thank you for remembering me even though I don’t post as often. I have been reading the blog since 2007 and looking forward to more reading. Aloha, from Maui!
Happy 5th!!!!!!
One last thing before the night ends, I think I’m in the plausible category that StevenM sent to ST.
🙂 goodnight
Had to make sure I got that congrats in before the day is over!!!
Being that I’m lurking here pretty much most of the day and all
I just rarely ever post…….but I definitely enjoy the info on our warriors!!! That’s why I’m here
Congrats again!!!
Tim Brando of CBS tweeted:
“Back on the radio next Monday. Next weeks Big12 Media Days will be entertaining. Dan Beebe’s job not easy. A&M, Okie St,OU, and Mizzou to SEC”
This is going to be huge if the Big12 gets hit with those schools moving to the SEC.
Texas would have no choice but to go indy and/or Dan Beebe will have to poach CUSA/MWC for 4-7 additions to B12. (Boise St, BYU, Houston,E. Carolina, Tulsa, SMU, Central Florida)
What is the NCAA continuity rule requiring x-number of schools in a conference not be “new”.
MWC needs to be really really smart about this if B12 goes down in flames. Schools like BSU need to remain committed to the MWC and look at the long term benefits.
This could give us an opportunity to bring in Texas Tech, Baylor, Kansas, and K-State to bring us up to 14. Or any 2 to bring it up to 12.
CUSA will probably look to do the same.
I don’t know if Big10 would be interested in going to 14/16 schools. I doubt it.
So…who was browsing the blog on a quiet Sunday and have checked in since midnight? (remember, there was no pre-announcemnt of the Blog’s 5th Birthday)
In order of appearance:
99club (TX)
losthawaiian (CA)
Midnight (TX)
whitey (Maui)
djmitcho (WA)
Da Punchbowl Kid
tom mui
Mad Dog
kawika49 (Big Island)
mctruck (TX)
LizKauai (Kauai)
bigislandkurt (Big Island)
darshn22 ????
702WarriorFan (NV)
dee ohhgee welcome to the blog!
Unkamesson (Big Island)
Old Diver
Na Koa Mike
duffer (Maui)
βρεω808 (CA)
Jack Flash
clowns nose
Big Aloha
chawan_cut (working in Guam)
Lite Tsaik(o)
Hilo Moon (Big Island)
el burro sabio
jm2375 (vacationing in Florida)
Ronnie (CA)
Guy in the office
Manoa Mist
Dennis Halloran (CA)
Ainbama (AL)
Papolo_Loco welcome to the blog!
wafan (WA)
Kepola (NM) welcome to the blog!
J (CA)
Warrior Dave
Rasu Begasu (LV)
Matt (CA)
Rich2176 (CA)
izzy (WA)
Pauoa Boy (CA)
Cheyah! (CA)
Hoohiki (Maui)
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
Total = 104
we now return to continue blog year 6…
Congrats…been lurking for a year…
lost in Lakeland Florida … this blog and SA online is my connection to home.
this could be a potential 2 division split. assuming that the texas schools would have interest in the MWC.
Texas Tech
Plus we get a championship game.
Baylor doesn’t do much for AQ status but T-Tech will add value.
#1 🙂
emptyeye — welcome to the blog! Listing you in Lakeland, FL.
All known mainland & international posters are listed at:
you’re welcome for the buffalo pic. it was just perfect timing. i’ve seen the guy walking it but never had a chance to take a pic until that parade day when traffic was slow. and it was even better as it and the two dogs were all dressed up to party.
i wonder what will be considered premium content.
Probably my well thought out and dearly loved posts on this blog. lol jk jk.
hope erryone had a happy fith; or two, or three …
on to year six …
Congratulations, WarriorBeat and Tsai-Kos on a wonderful 5 years!
One supporter who deserves mention is Jeff Reinebold, a.k.a. Sun God, who really embraced this forum and even attended one of the first gatherings!
Other supporters who deserve recognition are Heather McMackin, along with Bianca Tokunaga, who help Coach McMackin to be aware of what YOU are saying and wanting to see from the Warrior program.
Here’s to another great 5 years and more!
Go Warriors!
Brian K.
Aloha Kakahiaka…wow, five-years already???
Congrats to the WarriorBeat, ST and GO WARRIORS!
ST & Tsaiko Blog Dogs:
Better late than never – Happy Anniversary to all of you blog dogs!! Is it time for football?
Go Warriors!
Well, tried to subscribe to the digital SB and even with one-on-one personal help with customer service…..they can’t find my zip code which works in concert with my billing???
“WE” will call you back on dat??????
Howzit Everybody,
Sorry couldn’t get on yesterday but gotta say Happy Anniversary.
Wow time flies when you having fun. To another 5 and beyond.
Morning folks!
Happy 5th! Had no idea that the blog had been running for five years already.
Have a good day…
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Hau`oli la hanau WB!
Great job ST!
Go Tsaikos!
Go Warriors!
Go Wahine!
Let’s Go Bows!
Let’s Go Bows!
Let’s Go Bows!
Belated Happy Anniversary! wishes to Wena and Stephen, and a belated Happy Birthday! to Izzy!
It’s such a superb feeling to see all the ohana in the house. Reminds everyone of the quality and reach of our clubhouse. Fantastic!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Holy smokes has it been 5 years already? Keep up the great work!
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Congratulations Warrior Beat! 5 years! This is my first posting here, but I’ve lurked to read information about my beloved Warriors many times.
I really appreciate the stories and news provided by all. You make it easier to be so far from home. I’m looking forward to the upcoming football season and hope to continue my road and home game attendance streak, been to many away venues to cheer on the Warriors in enemy territory.
I would love to subscribe to the online version of the paper, but the site won’t recognize my zipcode in Maryland. We are a military family and only need the online version. In other words…”eh Advertisah, how come I like pay you money, but you no like take my money?”
Happy anniversary!
This is a great website to pick up information on UH sports.
Thanks to you and your contributors.
Keep up your good work!
I am a lurker. I only make comments when I am compelled, like now.
Please join the boycott of the Star Advertiser.Please DO NOT PAY to read articles.
hmmm. stevem…you need glasses. you missed some of us on your list.
279…so i guess this is your “last call”.
What’s wit subscription site not recognizing zip codes on the main-island???
and to make matters worse, no-mo access to the SB after August 3rd……is this connected to Washington debt. talks???
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Congrats on the 5th year anniversary. ST, can you use your substantial reporting skills and connections to find out how much the UNLV tickets will cost. Called today and the ticket office said to call closer to the sale date which is next week Monday….huh? You would figure they would know by now. Are they trying to determine a premium price for that game since they only have 5 home games and no BCS team visiting?
Congratulations, Stephen! I still remember the days I used to help monitor the comments for your livestream show. Can’t believe how fast time has gone by. Good luck on your next five years!
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Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.
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I’ll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)
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This is getting a bit more subjective, but I much prefer the Zune Marketplace. The interface is colorful, has more flair, and some cool features like ‘Mixview’ that let you quickly see related albums, songs, or other users related to what you’re listening to. Clicking on one of those will center on that item, and another set of “neighbors” will come into view, allowing you to navigate around exploring by similar artists, songs, or users. Speaking of users, the Zune “Social” is also great fun, letting you find others with shared tastes and becoming friends with them. You then can listen to a playlist created based on an amalgamation of what all your friends are listening to, which is also enjoyable. Those concerned with privacy will be relieved to know you can prevent the public from seeing your personal listening habits if you so choose.
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Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.
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This is getting a bit more subjective, but I much prefer the Zune Marketplace. The interface is colorful, has more flair, and some cool features like ‘Mixview’ that let you quickly see related albums, songs, or other users related to what you’re listening to. Clicking on one of those will center on that item, and another set of “neighbors” will come into view, allowing you to navigate around exploring by similar artists, songs, or users. Speaking of users, the Zune “Social” is also great fun, letting you find others with shared tastes and becoming friends with them. You then can listen to a playlist created based on an amalgamation of what all your friends are listening to, which is also enjoyable. Those concerned with privacy will be relieved to know you can prevent the public from seeing your personal listening habits if you so choose.
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This is getting a bit more subjective, but I much prefer the Zune Marketplace. The interface is colorful, has more flair, and some cool features like ‘Mixview’ that let you quickly see related albums, songs, or other users related to what you’re listening to. Clicking on one of those will center on that item, and another set of “neighbors” will come into view, allowing you to navigate around exploring by similar artists, songs, or users. Speaking of users, the Zune “Social” is also great fun, letting you find others with shared tastes and becoming friends with them. You then can listen to a playlist created based on an amalgamation of what all your friends are listening to, which is also enjoyable. Those concerned with privacy will be relieved to know you can prevent the public from seeing your personal listening habits if you so choose.
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