Walk this way
The Rainbow Warriors conducted walk-on tryouts yesterday on Ching field, and one thing was noticeable: There was little walking.
There was running, core drills, running, mat drills, and more running.
Strength/conditioning coordinator Gary Beemer offered this advice: “If you’re gonna puke, go ahead and puke.”
Nobody did.
But when it was over, each of the 20 participants was told to expect a follow-up call. There is hope a few will be invited to participate in spring training in April. Then Beemer told them to sprint off the field.
The participants had to be full-time UH students in good academic standing and in good health. UH made available athletic trainers and water. Just in case, there was this:
Here are some of the stories:
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Terrence Sayles was a Schoefield soldier when he developed a persistent football fever. The remedy, for Sayles, was to request an early release to train for football. He also decided to remain in Hawaii rather than return to Dallas.
“I asked to get out early,” Sayles said. “I lost half my benefits.”
He was credited with running the fastest 40-yard dash yesterday. Sayles said he aspires to be a UH receiver.
“I gave up everything to try for this,” Sayles said. “Hopefully, it pays off.”
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In pursuit of a goal, Ian Johnson looked to the stars.
“What made me come out here was I heard UH had a good astronomy program,” said Johnson, who was raised in Moreno Valley, Calif.
He added: “I thought I might as well try out for the football team.”
Johnson said he is 5-8 and “about 225.” He aspires to play fullback or linebacker.
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Matt Hiyakumoto, who was trying out as an outside linebacker, had prepared for football-related drills. But Beemer’s workout, Hiyakumoto said, “showed us who was trying the hardest for this. There was a lot of mental-toughness stuff.”
Hiyakumoto is a former Marine. After nearly four years in the service, he said he “did the early-out program to go to school.”
This is the first UH semester for Hiyakumoto, a graduate of Franklin High in Elk Grove, Calif.
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As a Lakes High freshman, Darrien Shealy was the primary backup to cornerback Dee Maggitt. He hopes to become teammates again with Maggitt, who is entering his senior season as a Warrior.
Shealy moved to Hawaii as a sophomore. After his Leilehua High graduation, he attended Atlanta Sports Academy, a prep school.
Shealy, who is 6 feet and 175 pounds, is open to playing receiver or corner. He made the day’s best play, leaping for a one-handed catch, drawing oohs from several Warrior players in attendance.
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Did mention there are 38 days until these guys — Joey Iosefa and Scott Harding — are on the field for spring ball?
Top 3
first five rows
2. Elua..What did the bruddha run in his 40?
Oh to answers Pu’uwai’s query of Hawaiian punch or falsecrack?
Pu’uwai, its gotta be the falsecrack. I was on the receiving end of more than a couple of those growing up–mainly, cause I was a punk.
Went to summer classes at the buff n blue school one year. Well, I wore a puna-who t shirt to the first day of class to public school. Walking all dan-ta-dant in the hallway, blame, dis real bullie, smacks me square in the jar and says: ” take dat piece of ki’o shirt off”—message received loud and clear.
ha…me too. i took a false crack from one 300 lb samoan who was drunk. catch me just between the nose and the cheek.
i flew across the restaurant. but, me so lolo back then. i was so po’d i chased him out the door. good thing for me he was faster.
Boolakanaka #4 – Might get the same treatment wearing a “Y” shirt at Harvard Square/Palmer Circle, if not a look of disdain!
I remember we once had a washing-machine repairman who, when he began to work on the machine, appeared to be wearing a thong.
Now that’s a false crack.
7—Your Honor, except at Harvard, they would want to debate you and give you a condescending phssssaw.
Al, that is a great story. Oh, about 13-14 years ago, I was in Brazil in Rio, at a club, and was on the first floor of a two story club. Well, not on purpose by all means, but this bottle of champagne falls from the 2nd floor, and hits me square on the nose, broke it in two places, blood everywhere.
Well, my first thought was that I got false-cracked by someone, not knowing it was a bottle from above, and so, I cracked this guy in the jaw who was closest to me–thinking he was the culprit. Lucking thing it was a actually a manager, and well they comped me for the week–good times.
ST that’s known as delicate plumbing–get it???!
There may be some bright lights out there. Best wishes to all the walk-ons.
Guud Morning Tsaikos…looking guud today..SB tournament time…Warrior Run out Mokuleia way…too much cars..
some of them walk on’s look pretty fit….can play ball?
ST too funny…..
Y…talking about the one between B & U…???
Miano used to do alot with walkons…Maybe, there might be a keeper amongst the group.
True, Miano, Tresler among others were walk ons.
Sam Moku and Ricky Saunders, who started, were walkons.
Ian Johnson: 5’8″ 225lb… If he’s got a little agility and athletic ability, that’s a scary looking fullback.
Chow didn’t run that many 2 RB sets last season so not sure if an extra FB is really necessary, but he could be useful in short yardage situations.
#4…Boolakanaka. Sorry I brought up band memories. The other guy sounds like the punk.
Imua Rainbow Warriors!!!
Ono or some good?
Thanks to each and everyone of you who tried to walk on today.
Walk on. Walk on. With hope in your hearts. And you will never
walk alone. At least you can always lurk…
Pu’uwai. No apologies necessary, just the usual of growing up in the hood in Hawai’i. That said: sorry or e kala mai?
Underworld or organized crime?
Syndicate or Mafia?
charles marsland or keith kaneshiro?
al: from yesterday’s post
UH men’s BB was involved in a milk and car commercial which eventually led to NCAA sanctions – Bruce O’Neil was the HC and Rick Pettino was an assistant – Pettino became acting HC after Bruce left and really wanted the HC job bad – didn’t get it so he moved on quickly and to this day refuses to acknowledge his time at UH
same can be said of Bette Midler and Al Michaels – both refuses to acknowledge their tie to Hawaii – one of her teacher says can’t blame her was the only Jewish family in a Samoan village ( now Aloha Stadium ) – also had bad time in school because of her “assets”
wonder why Al Michaels does not acknowledge – always changes the subject when it is mentioned one another sports caster
must have been really hot n humid today in the quarry – bright sun out early with no clouds in sight
da “kotonk” looks really buff!
hope they impressed to be invited
mentioned by – not mentioned one
What’s an early out from the military? Is it hard to get?
I pissed dirty and got an early out from the military. Wait, that might be a different type of discharge.
LOVE the stories of the walk-on try outs, ST. Thanks!
Warrior Dave:
Not sure what’s an early out but I met two walk-ons who got them.
There were more people trying out in the past. Then it turned out half weren’t students.
some pretty good looking walk-ons, but the proof is in the pudding i guess
Howzeet Gangeez! 😉
Good luck to the walk on prospects. Dream big, work harder!
Iosefa and Harding – two of da best!
8…10 points for that one. did he tell you where he kept his pencil?
I hope this process is more because it is a tradition and less a reflection that we have so many holes we need the Math majors to jump in and help
walk-on tryout – hmmmmmmmmm, no OL or DL type?
back in the late 60’s, early out for school had to show acceptance letter from a school of higher learning before the Army would grant it – ah, but things change as the years go by!
I was surprised that the Na Wahine SB team lost last evening – guess St Mary is not a pushover – UH has a young team with limited experience – gotta allow them to grow in “pre-season” and be most fruitful in conference play.
Earlly outs are pretty common, at least in the army.
The most common reason is declining an assignment. The real reason is actually declining to reup.
For example if a soldier comes down on assignment to korea, he/she would need at least 1 year left of service upon arrival at the next duty station in korea. If they have less, than they are can either opt for an immediate reenlistment, or decline the assignment. Once they decline the assignment, they can opt to get out early. Well thats how it was when i got out in 93.
Coach Chow:
sign Rivers to a scholarship NOW provided he has applied and been accepted into a “masters program” at UH
if not, encourage him like heck cause Wittek will take a vacation here at your expense and sign with Texas or Louisville.
Great to see Darien Shealy getting a tryout.
I remember him wanting to be a Warrior 2 years ago. Heard some great things about this dude
Hiyakumoto is one chiseled kotonk
Didn’t Blaze Soares decleat Boise St’s Ian Johnson
TCU is also on Whittek’s wish list
seems to me.. a while back… many at op took an “early out” n jump
the fence…n sumone suggested putting a sign there to alert motorist ….warning them
that there was as a “prisoner crossing” ahead n to slow down…
I’m trying to think of the last walkon Warrior who joined and was on the team for more than 2 seasons, after serving 4+ years in the military. I’m thinking RB Alonzo Chopp III. Anyone recall any others?
Every year there are some talented and well conditioned Vets who tryout but don’t seem to make it. Maybe this year we will get some gems
Way back when, Gary Spotts was a Vietnam Vet who later walked on and eventually became a starter on the defensive line for UH back in 78. Spotts was into his late 20s then. Before him, Charlie Sutton was a Marine stationed at Kaneohe, who enrolled at UH when he finished his hitch and became a starter at linebacker under Larry Price.
I don’t expect any walk-ons from the this tryout to make the team. However, I expect a few preferred walk-ons to be invited in the fall. These are high school players who are incoming freshman in August.
I’m also not excited (yet) about the possible QB transfers. I don’t recall that Rivers had any playing time at LSU, and if he did, very little. I think Wittek is better, but we’ll see where he ends up. The JC All American commited to Boise St. on 1/17/14, well before signing day. Chow could have offered earlier, but he probably felt signing one QB (Tuileta) was adequate for now. Since Tuileta changed we ended up with Beau Reilly who I think will prove to be a very good QB once he learns the position here. In the end, maybe we got the right guy. Heard the JC guy had issues.
Dana Directo served in a war zone – he was a prison guard before returning to school.
It looks like our Wahine Softball will have a long year if our pitching does not improve.
On last years Pro Bowl Telecast Al Michaels acknowledged to partner Cris Collingsworth that he used to live in Waikiki and they even showed the picture of his building which may have been the Sans Souci or next to it. Chris was teasing him because Al Michaels said that he would get up at the crack of noon and go for a swim in the ocean. Cris was envious!
Regarding graduating QB’s looking for new homes, wouldn’t it make sense to say for one to accept gets it? I haven’t heard anyone say that one is way better than the other. Would Chow be happy with either one of the 3? Personally I like Graham but diesnt hurt to have an insurance proven back up.
Already got football fever, it’s gonna be a long off-season. Sigh.
53. You mean “Tsigh.”
Saloon Pilot or Ritz?
Shealy’s HS highlights…..
Damn, Iosefa is a big dude.
He’s going to be the horse that the offense has to ride in hopes for a bowl berth. When healthy, he was very effective even with a shaky OLine. If the redshirt freshmen step up the competition level for the OLine, as expected, Iosefa could be in for a big year.
53… At least we have the underpants Olympics starting up today to feed your football hunger…
Underpants Olympics = NFL Combine
Kanoa doing the play-by-play right now on ESPN2 for the MWC’s MBB game between San Diego State and New Mexico.
me is kinda curious… how much announcers get paid to do games….not big time ones like michaels n costas.. but like kanoa.. must be sum pretty good perks also huh.. first class hotel n plane ride.. limo at airport maybe..or just plain taxi ?? ne one know ??
Anybody stand out from walk on try outs? Any QB’s in that pack yesterday?
a-house, re your #25 comment that Bette Midler does not acknowledge her Hawaii roote, I have seen her talk about those days with some aloha on tv. In addition, when Loretta Ables Sayres was starring on Broadway as Bloody Mary, she told us Bette Midler came by to congratulate her as one local girl to another.
Das Iolani No Ka Oi! Fight Team Fight!
IMHO the use of the label “kotonk” is not appropriate in any context. Some view its use as derogatory just as other labels for ethnic groups. What locals may view as terms of endearment and acceptance can be interpreted differently. Thank you for being sensitive to others feelings. http://encyclopedia.densho.org/Kotonk/
62…I’ve heard her publicly applaud her local roots, too.
just read this… is kinda funny.. n a good trivia question…who was the offensive coordinator n later head coach who told his QB ..elvis grbac…to throw a foot ball at the head of oakland raiders owner al davis…???
My father and uncles from WWII used “kotonk” instead of “American of Japanese ancestry born in continental U.S.”. I never heard it in derogatory context although sometimes in a teasing drinking-buddy manner. Of course, they were in the 442nd in Camp Shelby where the word seemed to originate.
The movie, “Go for Broke” even mentioned it at around the 2 minute 40 second mark…
As 3rd generation, I’ve seldom used the word, but it is not surprising nor meant as derogatory from someone whose father was in the 442nd or 100th Battalion.
yea steve m… depends on how u use it.. i seen “popolo” in here the other day.. guess how it is used n the context it is used…married a 3rd generation, n she used it .. n thought nothing of it…her dad was 442….
as 4 ala wai…that definition…link you posted was ok …but completely irrelevant to many other races here…who don’t see it as derogatory…at all…but can see how it may offend sumone who is not so thick skinned…as many are…but thank the blog host.. at least we can all post our opinions…
sum of us carry the words…popolo…jew…pake…podogee…packpack…padre…borinke …etc into our adult life… cause..for me ne way…me was lucky to have friends of all those races.. n to this day.. sum on maui still call me “german” (german-hawaiian-portuguese) and at my age… happy they are all still alive to call me so…
Good morning!
I think on the mainland you’re supposed to say “Asian” and not oriental.
Conflicts between local “buddahheads” and Kotonks are legendary. Kotonks look at local AJAs as unsophisticated, loud, and crude. Local AJAs look at Kotonks as uppity, snobby, and calculating. I remember one local old timer AJA saying, “Whoa, I can’t stand those mainland Kotonks. They all act like those Japanese who went Punahou.” 🙂
where is king kotonk???
st. anthony trojan: email me at: tomkitaguchi@yahoo.com or give me your email.
seems like we have a lot in common; I am a Lahaina boy, who has been to Manila many times as my wife is from the PI.
tom-warriornation, just out of curiosity, what year u grad from l’luna?
With regard to the term kotonk, like anything else, deference should be held in either the community or individual for whom the remark is made in reference to, despite benign or innocuous intentions. Long story short, some are cool with it, and others not–if that is the case, decorum dictates we should yield respectfully.
Now that said, we had some African American brothers that use to hang with our “dollar-dollar” gang in Halawa, and one of them went by, and of his own choosing and selection, the name “Meuli”–literally, black thing in Samoan.