SEATTLE — The Warriors conducted a 1-hour walk-through at Husky Stadium today.
But that was merely for show.
They returned to the hotel in Bellevue, then conducted a practice in two ballrooms.
Here are pictures from today’s field trip:
* * * * *
The Husky Mobile:
* * * * *
Grumble all you want about Aloha Stadium, but UW fans have to sit on Husky Stadium’s wooden bleachers:
* * * * *
Give UW credit for thinking green. There are separate recycle bins
next to the visiting benches:
* * * * *
Between the stands and the track, there is a drainage area known as the “Moat”
* * * * *
When the stadium renovation is competed in 2013, the field will be lowered by 5 feet, and this will be the new front row of the stands:
* * * * *
Look here, it’s a potty in the USA:
* * * * *
The 240-member Husky Marching Band will play UH’s fight song during the pregame show while spelling out the H:
* * * * *
Love this UW T-shirt: Beat $C:
* * * * *
OK, OK, it’s still the “Warrior Beat,” so here are some Warriors — Chris Gant, T.J. Taimatuia, Miah Ostrowski, Levi Legay and Joe Avery:
* * * * *
Offensive coordinator Nick Rolovich and receivers coach Mouse Davis:
* * * * *
Former UH running back Nuu Faaola:
* * * * *
Former UH defensive end Pat Richardson was a member of the 1973 Warriors that beat Washington, 10-7:
* * * * *
The haka:
* * * * *
Bringing back the 80s — Leroy Lutu Sr., Nuu Faaola and Rich Miano:
* * * * * *
The Warriors will not need a wake-up call this week — even though they will receive one each morning.
Of all the road games, this one best fits the Warriors’ schedule. In Hawaii, the Warriors practice from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. four times a week. Tomorrow’s kickoff is at 9:30 a.m. Hawaii time.
By remaining somewhat on Hawaii time, the Warriors actually were able to sleep in yesterday, with the wake-up call coming at 8 a.m. Hawaii time. Today’s wake-up was at 6 a.m. Hawaii time (or about 90 minutes later than when defensive end Paipai Falemalu usually awakens on school days).
The Warriors’ walk-through practice today is at noon Pacific time, roughly the same time they will finish wam-ups tomorrow.
* * * * *
Between evening meetings, each member of the team receives a pizza pie. Here are Tank Hopkins, Kawika Ornellas, Leroy Lutu Jr. and John Hardy-Tuliau:
Kaniela Tuipulotu, Sterling Jackson and Mike Sellers:
Go warriors!!
UH vs Washington
17 – 14 kev-1
21 – 17 localboy18
21 – 20 Old Diver
23 – 20 Derek
24 – 10 sean
24 – 20 Haleakala
24 – 21 ballpicker
24 – 23 (J)J
24 – 31 Pride
26 – 00 Ipu Man
27 – 10 papajoe2
27 – 17 Midnight
27 – 24 Unkanesson
28 – 07 tommui
28 – 10 uku @ LA
28 – 14 Liz Kauai
28 – 17 RedZone
28 – 24 Jack Flash
28 – 27 808ike
29 – 19 A-House
30 – 17 Hilo Moon
30 – 26 PowderPuff
30 – 28 CRW
31 – 10 mikey
31 – 13 Shoko
31 – 17 MP
31 – 17 Wade
31 – 20 Bowwar
31 – 24 Buger
31 – 27 Bryson
31 – 27 Glenn
31 – 27 MattyBoy
31 – 28 HawaiiMongoose
33 – 24 Mrs A-House
34 – 13 Jomar808
34 – 14 ms momo
34 – 17 clowns nose
34 – 20 gmahoney
34 – 21 djmitcho
34 – 22 Konaboy
34 – 24 eagle
34 – 28 3-Prong
34 – 31 sports for fun
35 – 14 kawika49
35 – 20 Bowwar
35 – 24 EastManoa
35 – 28 jm2375
35 – 30 longdistance808
37 – 13 madeinhawaii
37 – 16 MasaBoy
37 – 17 UHfan808
37 – 21 momo
37 – 26 roygbivs
37 – 27 Curt
38 – 20 walter
38 – 24 IWWTHM
38 – 31 Isaac
41 – 20 BG
41 – 31 Wes’side Warrior
41 – 34 wafan
42 – 00 Pomai
42 – 21 Claud Sutcliffe
42 – 21 DPK
42 – 24 NYUH
42 – 31 Tyaiea
45 – 10 azwarrior22
45 – 17 WarriorNY
45 – 20 krump1
45 – 21 BleedGreen808
47 – 09 mctruck
48 – 14 Rasu Begasu
49 – 14 Tchahng
49 – 21 chopsueyboy
50 – 00 AlaWai
56 – 13 Kekoa
56 – 14 d1shima
ST & Tsaiko Blog Dogs:
Bite da dawgs!
Go Warriors!
Again pomai, who is powserpuff?
His morning! After last weeks game,
Warriors 20 Huskies 17
Go Warriors!!!!
Good morning to all, especially those that made the trek from Hawaii to Washington for cheer on the Warrior’s. Have fun and be safe.
Great article about boat-gating @ Huskie Stadium by Ferd this morning. What a sight that must be during the games.
Thanks ST for all you do in reporting back to us guys who cant go along. 🙂
Go Warriors!!!!
Go Warriors!
g’morning erryone!
top 10!
i’ll have my pie with anchovies please.
Good morning to all! Go Warriors! Pulehu da Huskies!
Go Warriors!
Hope Sterling Jackson is Okay I see he’s sporting an ice Pack on his wrist…
Harsh the Huskies and Bring the Pain to the PNW!
Jackson’s fine.
A lot of players wear ice packs.
Wearing ice packs is the latest, cool thing to do. ha!
Morning, everyone!
Each team member receives a pizza! Not enough for the linemen! They gotta make buddy buddy with the kickers.
oh GREAT, josh pacheco is filling in for BC. well, at least scott robbs is co-hosting.
clock is slooow!
ST – ‘hit’ the casinos, yet? consider it your birthday present.
Great Morning All!
PPJ: Thank you for calling PapaJohns, can I help you?
Mack: I wanna order 66 pizzas.
Hope all the Travellin’ Warriors Fans have a great time in Seattle.
Coaches also get pizza.
Thing is, that’s just the snack.
Anyone else impressed that Mike Sellers can make a shaka sign while holding a bottle of water?
Good morning Tsaikos!!
Best wishes to all traveling to watch the Warriors smash the Puppies in person.
ST – don’t forget to take your meds. 🙄
Na Koa’s Warrior Party on September 16th in Las Vegas will feature a slot and video poker tournament, entertainment, food, drawings and more! For more information, click on the link:
Shaka Watah!
I’m one of the more technologically-challenged of those on the blog. Can someone tell me how to post a music video link?
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
Packing my bags and looking forward to the trip to Seattle.
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Krump1, you can paste the url into the blank that says Website orpaste it into the body of your message if it is not too long.
Go Warriors!
Have a good trip, Stretch!
Go Warriors!
Make Adawgbow!
Beat Washington!
alojah Friday everyone
safe journey to and back who are making the warriors games … enjoy
congrats to wahines on frying rice
UH 31
Go Warriors!
Steven, I want to buy a ticket. for you to raffle at a Tsaiko evetnt, can you make it happen?
ST, who of these are on the trip: Alo, Gomes, Poueu-Luna? Cofer, Dean, Matagiese, Toilolo?
kden time
37-24 bowflex
Pomai ~ Please put me down for 38 (UH) – 17 (UW). Mahalo
#25 Nakoamike email me at kawika49 at hotmail dot com
Hey mebbe top 40! Lol
— UH vs Washington Tsai-ko TV-gate Announcement —
Not traveling with the team but wanna watch the game with fellow WarriorNation fans?
Come join TsomeTsai-kos and cheer on the Warriors! Details below —
Location: Ige’s Restaurant and 19th Puka (ph: 486-3500)
Date: This Saturday, September 10, 2011
Time/Instructions: Doors open at 9am; come early for game that starts at 9:30am HST
Food: Order from the restaurant menu
RSVP: If you can’t be there as early as us (~8:30am), email to [tsaikotvgate (at) gmail (dot) com] the number in your party so that we can reserve a seat(s)/tables for you.
Bring your voices and See you there!
I am impressed with the water-bottle shakas. Damn, my hand is so small, I can barely the bottle like that, ler alone a shaka to go along with it. Have a super time to all of those traveling to the Emerald City. And yes, hush those puppies in their own house.
You know what they say about guys with big hands?
Big Gloves
# 41 > I grew up wearing hush puppy shoes, Buster Browns. They were very popular then over the more expensive converse sneakers
Good morning, gang!
Thanks for the pictures, ST. I’m sure Sterling’s Dad will be happy to see his pic.
hawaiianbod, I like fishies on my pizza pie, too!
Yesterday #145 – K Koakane, I got you and J(J) down for two at Ige’s. Thanks!
Yesterday #129 – IDK Kekoa, I like frequenting other TV-gate locations and spread our Tsaikospiritandpositivity. Altho guud fuud IS important to me, I’m really only going for the game and the spirit of cheering together, to get moral support thru the guud and not so guud times, otherwise I’d just stay home cook rice kinda thing. Lol 😉
Thanks again, Pomai! Boy, that’s a lot of picks! 🙂
ST – Wow, if that’s their snack, can you describe their din-din portions???
Safe travels, Tsaikos! Yell for me at the game.
mornin, Go Warriors!!!
Safe travels to our Warrior fans as well!
Thanks ST.
Heu, UHfan808! Hooooowwwwww youuuuuuuuu? as Gramps would say…
Good morning Tsaikos and Tsaikettes, and Lurkers and Lurkettes!
Have a good day to you all!
Warm up those cheering voices!
Go Warriors!!!
Heu = Hey! but you know what I mean… 😀
Made it to Seattle. Current temperature is 71 degrees. Low today is 55 degrees, high is 83 degrees.
Hope is stays like this at game time.
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
Great post and pics Tsenor Tsai. You gettin’ better and better at providing us fans with backstory on the team. The pizza thing – what a great “slice of life” story. Or should I say “slice of life, slice of pizza” story. 😆 Keep up the good work Tsenor.
Does the Rainbowtique not sell Warrior football jerseys anymore. Checked online and didn’t see any.
Safe travels to you, Strech and all the other fans who made the trip, Kapahulu.
Does any one know the website for the UH streaming video for the game and by the way UH 38 Washington 14
Hi UHFan808! I’ll be with you in spirit. Have Sgt.@Arms duty at gametime at the Rotary Conference at the Sheraton Kauai.
Will try to listen in on the game.
Hey Liz!
How’s the Tsaiko cruiser doing today? Did you have a good time on the ship?
No. Koakane can flash a shaka AND peace sign while holding 2 green bottles.
And his fingers never leave his hand!
Personally I think that it’s a terrible idea of giving the players that type of pizza at all! They need to be getting some GOOD nutrition. I understand that UH has resource limitations but I’ve lived in seattle for 2 years and there are a lot more healthier options than papa johns for the same price range.
I dunno why it’s not online since the new replica jerseys are at ALL Rainbowtique locations and even the tent at the games.
If you want one it’s 65.00.
#s I’ve seen are 81 (Pollard), 80 (Ostrowski), and Moniz 17. Supposed to have R. Torres #19 but haven’t seen it. Sizes run SM – as much as 5X, but anything above 2X isn’t a guarantee.
Unless it’s online soon, I can pick you up one contact me via email at ukazzh (at) gmail (dot) com.
oldtimer808 –
Ben A Lurker:
September 8th, 2011 at 8:22 am
repost from prev blog, #145 ST re: watching game UH @ UW stream
…worked for me last week
shaka signage to # 60 # 61
Papa Johns is soooo SWEEEEET. Too sweet. I like Pizza Hut
much much munch better. Mmmmmm…pizza!
So excited, just landed in Seattle this morning (first time). And this is the first time I will ever see a UH football game away from Aloha Stadium.
C’mon Warriors, I know this isn’t going to be easy, and I know the passing was a major disappointment against Colorado, but if the “home boys” can hang on and survive, who knows what could happen.
Kevin thanks for the offer. It’s alright my son was wanting a personalized one with his football number on it with his name. He is 6 and already talking about being a Warrior. I love it!
I just added this site to my google reader, great stuff. Cannot get enough!
Stoked for tomorrows game.
Hawaii Wins 55-31.
UHfan808 ~ It’s just a matter of choice. I’ve always been in favor of trying different locations.
We’ve tried Windward side (Bay View). We’ve done the east side (Hawaii Kai). The Wessai Chaptah (Nancy’s). Lisa’s near Byron’s. Imua Lounge in the Central zone and Ige’s was on the schedule a few seasons ago.
Club Genji’s has always been an easy option. Art and his staff serve us well, and provide a comfortable, and private setting. They appreciate our attendance.
Like you, I like to enjoy the experience with as many people as possible. We spoke of the prizes I provided once to help bring out the Tsaiko in all of us.
I gave them out as door prizes during the TV timeouts. Good fun, good food, good time for all. It was great to hear and see the excitement in everyone’s faces!
So, throughout this spread of *Tsaikospiritandpositivity* – as you call it, how did we splinter the solidarity we once shared?
We spoke of putting up a TV-gate schedule for the season. Ok, I’m in. Lead the way!
I bought mines at the game last week they had #17,#19,#81 I didn’t see #80 though…The new jersey is mean I’m glad they decided to sell one that looks like the actual playing jersey….
On several occasions I’ve seen Coloma Ohana simultaneously flash two shaka’s while palming two cases of Greenies, feed 7 hungry kids and conduct two Zumba classes! All with her patent beaming smile!! Once she even did her in-laws and neighbors taxes while doing all of this- juss because can! (fricken show off!!) =)
Good morning everyone!
I watched a DVD of the UH-Colorado game last night. It was more intense than I remembered! I woke up early today. I’m really excited to see tomorrows game….so I’m gonna say it…
Is it Saturday yet?
Was gonna grab a #19 but when I was ready to buy, only had #17, #81, and #80. Grabbed #80.
the run game last saturday was by design checkout this website:
gonna see another offensive adjustment once again…hey its the “Run and Shoot”
the run game last saturday was by design checkout this website:
gonna see another offensive adjustment once again…hey its the “Run and Shoot”
No Ack A-Joe!
I seen you flash 2 Supah Shakah’s while playing da bass gitah n’ downing a Tsaiko-sized jigger of Patron!
#74 A-Joe…..MWAAHAHAHAHAHAHA u fricka….LMAO..Spit my coffee all over my computer screen….
Good morning Tsaikos….Safe journey to all traveling Warriors and fans….
Since our attention is directed toward Seattle and the state of Washington, I posted a list of current and past known bloggers yesterday. Those in bold post daily/recently or have dropped in to say “hi” with a post…. please post if you have not… would like to “see” you again!
Bentofan (Seattle),
Boyhowdy (Seattle),
ChrisinSeattle (Seattle),
Dani (Bellevue),
djmitcho (Spokane)
Doug in Spokane
gambit_808 (Seattle)
Izzy (Ballard)
jjinseatle (Seattle),
kkobi425 (Seattle)
kshakak (Pullman)
manoa (Seattle)
Seattlezz (Seattle)
Sleepless in Seattle (Seattle)
uhfanatseattleuniv (Seattle)
wafan (Lacey) — Tsai-ko Area Chief Instigator
ynut (Seattle)
anyone attending the UH-UNLV game and have time to join the Tsai-ko events there (and wafan’s post-Udub game gathering) should check…
Right on BGW. New experiences is da bestes….Enjoy for all of back here.
Go Warriors…morning DPK
All of US back here
Lets go Warriors!! play smart with few or no penalties and turnover and our Warriors
should be ok. It’s a long season so take care of your okole. WARRIORS 42 – them 41
#4 Kawika….dats what gramps calls PP after a few….and just before he tells me to shoot him, stab him, and then run him over 30 times because he is depressed from the Warriors output….LOL
24 hours~!
UH vs Washington
17 – 14 kev-1
20 – 17 polywarrior4life
21 – 17 localboy18
21 – 20 Old Diver
23 – 20 Derek
24 – 10 sean
24 – 20 Haleakala
24 – 21 ballpicker
24 – 23 (J)J
24 – 31 Pride
26 – 00 Ipu Man
27 – 10 papajoe2
27 – 17 Midnight
27 – 24 Unkanesson
28 – 07 tommui
28 – 10 uku @ LA
28 – 14 Liz Kauai
28 – 17 RedZone
28 – 24 Jack Flash
28 – 27 808ike
29 – 19 A-House
30 – 17 Hilo Moon
30 – 26 PowderPuff
30 – 28 CRW
31 – 07 Candy
31 – 10 mikey
31 – 13 Shoko
31 – 17 MP
31 – 17 Wade
31 – 20 Bowwar
31 – 24 Buger
31 – 27 Bryson
31 – 27 Glenn
31 – 27 MattyBoy
31 – 28 HawaiiMongoose
33 – 24 Mrs A-House
34 – 13 Jomar808
34 – 14 ms momo
34 – 17 clowns nose
34 – 20 gmahoney
34 – 21 djmitcho
34 – 22 Konaboy
34 – 24 eagle
34 – 28 3-Prong
34 – 31 sports for fun
35 – 14 kawika49
35 – 20 Bowwar
35 – 24 EastManoa
35 – 28 jm2375
35 – 30 longdistance808
37 – 13 madeinhawaii
37 – 16 MasaBoy
37 – 17 UHfan808
37 – 21 momo
37 – 26 roygbivs
37 – 27 Curt
37 – 27 koakane
38 – 14 oldtimer808
38 – 17 SailorBlue
38 – 20 walter
38 – 24 IWWTHM
38 – 31 Isaac
41 – 20 BG
41 – 31 Wes’side Warrior
41 – 34 wafan
42 – 00 Pomai
42 – 21 Claud Sutcliffe
42 – 21 DPK
42 – 24 NYUH
42 – 31 Tyaiea
45 – 10 azwarrior22
45 – 17 WarriorNY
45 – 20 krump1
45 – 21 BleedGreen808
47 – 09 mctruck
48 – 14 Rasu Begasu
49 – 14 Tchahng
49 – 21 chopsueyboy
50 – 00 AlaWai
55 – 31 Hilo-Warrior
56 – 13 Kekoa
56 – 14 d1shima
Good morning folks! Less than 24 hrs to game-time. Expecting an exciting game and hoping for the Warriors to pull it out in a big way. Represent!
DPK #59 – I loved the cruise… surrounded by the generations, and got to see my own kids and grands… bunk with mom… get lots of family secrets… 🙂
The ship was clean and spacious and the food was out of this world. There was something for just about everyone… an example of what a peaceful world could be like- even for 3600 people!
Made new friends on the outings – appreciated the wonders of countries I have never visited before…
But if the country is the home of the soul and the city is the home of the body, a cruise ship is the heaven for the body. Everything is about the body. Even the health and spa is directed towards the body.
I loved the experience because of the people I was with.
I hope to cruise once more to see Alaska…
But at this point in life, I am more interested in the soul than the body and don’t see myself cruising for cruising’s sake alone.
Bruddah Pomai…looks like more than a few duplicate picks. What an impressive list! Tanks for all the work you put in!
Final score prediction:
38 points to be scored by the team that improved the most since last Saturday.
LizK @ 9:39am
Yep, I totally agree with you. The physical trip is good, but it’s what goes on on the personal level that can make it great!
Either way….
Not concerned with being correct. Just a fan…
Huskies 21
BG – 😎
Can’t believe the discrepancy between the number of votes for MO and Coach Mack… Voting for both brings the spot light to our entire Warrior team and program.
Please Vote for Coach Mack!
Vote Moniz for the O’Brien Award
RE: #91
Liz: I note that cruising has two aspects: (1) the destinations (port/countries) and (2) the venue (ship) itself.
At this point in life, I focus on the venue more. I see a cruise ship as one heck of a venue for a crazy but safe 24/7 Cattle Call. I’ve cruised much with Peaches and family too–but imagine a bunch of Tsai-kos in their place. Could be interesting and we should take sweep the karaoke and most contests. Food’s good. 🙄
ST –can we say “Blog Cruise” someday? That’s why I try to find and gather the cruisers. Some day…
Known Tsai-ko cruisers and their voyages at:
BigWaveDave reports a 6.7 quake off Vancouver Island.
Warriors bring da 808 to ROCK the show!!!
6.7- That’ll do some damage!
I hope everyone in the Northwest is OK.
I dunno now, some people said they didn’t even feel it.
from NOAA as of 9:46 am (Hawaii time)
The guess the score list seems to be getting longer. I imagine if the Warriors are victorious tomorrow, it will grow even more longer. Hoping for a Warrior win and a dog smashing performance.
another earthquake….
they’re appearing all over the globe. i just envision this egg that is cracking in numerous locations.
We’ve over-stayed our welcome.
Guess Washington will have to put a “spy” LB or something on Moniz. Something that Colorado failed to do according to several CU forums. Should make his run game not as easy compared to what he did against the Buffs.
Then again if our timing between QB-WR are spot on then everything should be ok.
For us, pay attention when the Aleutian Islands start to rock and roll. We’ve got four hours till the waves hit.
OR when that shelf on the southeastern side of the Big Island eventually falls into the Pacific. Honolulu will have 20-30 minutes.
Good. Talk about football…. distractions are good considering the inevitable. 😆 😆 😆
earthquakes are common, nearly 1/2 a million occur every year.
102. Kevin- It all depends on where you’re located in proximity to the epicenter.
I’ve been through numerous earthquakes on the Big Island. I’ve been through a 7.2 earthquake on the Big Island. It’s epicenter was in Kalapana; some 50 miles away. Then I’ve been through a 3.2 earthquake; its epicenter right below us. I swear both felt the same. Both tossed everything and moved our house off its foundation. Crazy.
e kala mai Curt u waz first so Pomai change mine 37-24 bowflex
challenge them
ajoe…that’ll wake anyone up.
i was in norcal years ago and the quake evolved miles away and i remember my legs feeling like i was walking on jello.
All this hype about our new running twist in the Offense might be planned.. Maybe that’s exactly what the UH Coaches want the other side to worry about. It makes sense to hype it up big time and let the other side really focus on that aspect and then go bombs away.
back to regular programming…iwwthm, it would be ideal if uw had designated spy just for moniz. that’ll give us one less defender to worry about.
i’d say that rolo may run with moniz from the get go just to see what they are doing. it is going to be a chess match tomw.
I spent 8 years in Japan.. I experienced an average of 1 earthquake a month. Some pretty big ones too. The ones I felt here in Hawaii feel like a truck laden with gravel is driving by and hitting potholes compared to the ones in Japan.
who here has walked on jello? 😆
Yikes! It’s a sad day when we let Chris Petersen beat out Coach Mack in the Coach of the Year poll…
Kev how about this as a dog of reckoning 9/10/11
bleed green
You’d sink into it.
Now, I’ve tried to walk after numerous jello shots.
UFlub sends six and has a Safety spying QB1; that leaves Man up on the 4 receivers.
I like that!
Best response I’ve heard from someone when they were asked why so freaked out about earthquakes:
“The ground moved. The GROUND. It just moved… a lot. NOBODY bothered it, IT JUST MOVED.”
would sure like to see the rb’s have a great day running through the UW defensive dog sleds.
#120 Kevin…same experience/feeling that al had when jello shots are done numerous times….
#108 Kevin….Lucky I live in Chinese heaven then… 🙂
#121 D1…Yep, that’s why if Mo and the receivers are in better synch….it could be a good day….
d1shima, o-yeah! send six and get that quick pass out in the flat to the rb. gone baby!
al # 113 it’s called to much beeru just ask jj, Iwwthm, homey lol
pregame stuff
This oddsmaker picks Hawaii
LIZ #91 and STEVEM #98
I go along with Liz. The destination is most important for me. I have to admit that I have gotten to the point where the ship SIZE is important to me. The BIG ships – you might as well stay home if you want bowling, surfing, rock climbing and Central Park!
In the last 6 years the first road game against unranked teams were victories for the Warriors. Warrior lost to Alabama (victory vacated by Alabama), USC, and Florida. Beat LaTech, Washington State, and Army.
Because of all the criticism they had to endure, I’m counting on Washington to overreact…jump the count… over play and make miss tackles and other mistakes from overcompensating for last week’s performance.
Hope our Warriors really prove this guy wrong!… then I’d like to see what is prediction for next week will be like.
As optimistic as I am, I wouldn’t discount the difficulty that UFlub had against EWU last week. They are, after all, a defending NC in FBS.
FBS brings to mind:
Appalachian State over Michigan
Portland State over Hawaii
Florida Atlantic over Hawaii
Pomai: Since no one is brave enough to pick UDUD, here is my pick:
Warriors – 10 UDUD – 31
This time Coach Mac’s back-to-back-to-back time outs cost him dearly.
MIH- Good links. Mahalo.
jello shots…so if you are making these jello shots with hot boiling water…doesn’t the alcohol burn off?
i wonder if that’s how mom made our jello?
j/j…don’t you mean that you are in-sync?
laura…going for a two game streak eh?
although uw seemed to struggle against eastern wash last week, what we must realize is that ew is a national powerhouse in the d1aa.
it could also be true that uw is over rated.
strong finish in 2010, marquee program, marquee head coach, big bucks, etc.
being the home team, pac12, and all that stuff means that they should be favored over poor little hawaii who must travel 2700 miles.
yada, yada, yada…
Another Oddsmaker picks Hawaii
al (#139): Most definitely. 🙂
Receivers save the dancing for the stars.
catch the ball twitch and go.
Go Warriors
Hush da Puppies!!!!!
The Prediction Tracker..
Don’t ask me how, what, why, cause I don’t know.. but if you like numbers..
Physically, both teams match up well. What will be the difference is which team handles the psychological ebb and flow of the game better.
Which senior leadership will instill confidence in their younger squad to fight on under any adversity.
Who will falter.
No Jake Locker.. and like Colorado.. not many 3rd down conversions.
Latest CFN prediction.. Washington by 1 point…
As I said previously, this is a very big “get respect or shut up game” for the Warriors. They win, they will get a different level of respect, even if the naysayers will point out that both CU and UW may not have been the “elite” of the Pac12.
If they loose and loose badly, it will be quite a different story. Back to square one.
Since the Warriors are playing another BCS team, we know that no matter the score, the Warriors will not win this game.. but rather… the Huskys will beat themselves.
Since we haven’t had any Special Teams performance to speak of in recent memory, it seems like a lot of these prognosticators seem to be overlooking that part of the game. I believe that the Special teams under Tomey will again be the straw that breaks the Husky’s back.
Interesting quote by Leroy Lutu Sr. in today’s SA. As some on this blog have said in the past few months, Tomey will have a big impact on local recruiting. Can’t help but agree with that statement.
Proof again that’s it’s not always the student athlete’s decision, but his/her parents often have a greater say.
Would have been great to have Lutu on our Warrior roster.
Green: 38
Purple: 35
Warriors continue steak of being the only undefeated team at Husky Staduim vs UW and extend record to 3 and 1 against the dawgs.
We’ll also have the longest win streak in Husky Stadium for the season. Bwaahahahah!
I should’ve said. be tied for the longest win streak…
Hawaii will have the longer season win streak LEAVING Husky Stadium . . .
looks like there will be a replay on OC12 at 12, Sunday.
Q: How may Huskies does it take to spell “H?”
A: 240
“The 240-member Husky Marching Band will play UH’s fight song during the pregame show while spelling out the H.”
Wow, did you guys see this? Tomorrow, SMU will wear on its helmets the names of the NYC firefighters killed on 9/11/01. http://ow.ly/i/h3iB
Hawaii will have the longer season win streak LEAVING Husky Stadium . .
Oh yeah! Dat too.. dat too!
143…so you predicted a colorado win last week and now you are picking uw. a two game streak of the negative kind. hmmmm
al, no forget Pride. is going for the two-fer too.
#157 tks for the info mih
( 0 0 )
Kaleo article on the game
what you making clowns nose?
looks like a nose with some snot hanging out the side.
Automotive Center provides discounted automotive parts from car care supplies, interior acccessories, oils & fluids to replacement parts, performance parts, wheels & tires and paint, body & trim. Please visit http://www.buyautopartsonline.org
UH 38/UW 28…go warriors “O” ; “D” ; “ST’s”; imua!
here.. you can borrow my nose..
Warriors 34-24
Move the chains +26 times vs sloppy dog defense. Eye spy on Moniz this game means Piroshky Piroshky for someone else. Should be fun watching Moniz making them pick their poison. Have a feeling something special is brewing on special teams.. What? no game film on Sterling with this O Line? Perfect!
Win every Pac12 game no matter what!
maybe like this?
( 0 0 )
Not sure if anyone has sen this or not..
Met Nuu on the golf course in 03 a week before the USC
game. Really nice guy gave me his number and told me to
come over foe dinner. Never took him up on it. At the time
he was coaching h.s. football. Beat the dawgs! As I was leaving
work today a coworker who is a husky alum told me “bow
down!”. Thats one of their lame slogans.
For someone who was a much respected Defensive Coordinator, Charlie Strong sure forgot how to play defense today.
Pretty pathetic looking performance so far.
UH vs Washington
10 – 31 Laura
17 – 14 kev-1
20 – 17 polywarrior4life
21 – 17 localboy18
21 – 20 Old Diver
23 – 20 Derek
24 – 10 sean
24 – 20 Haleakala
24 – 21 ballpicker
24 – 23 (J)J
24 – 31 Pride
26 – 00 Ipu Man
27 – 10 papajoe2
27 – 17 Midnight
27 – 24 Unkanesson
28 – 07 tommui
28 – 10 uku @ LA
28 – 14 Liz Kauai
28 – 17 RedZone
28 – 24 Jack Flash
28 – 27 808ike
29 – 19 A-House
30 – 17 Hilo Moon
30 – 26 PowderPuff
30 – 28 CRW
31 – 07 Candy
31 – 10 mikey
31 – 13 Shoko
31 – 17 MP
31 – 17 Wade X
31 – 20 Bowwar
31 – 24 Buger
31 – 27 Bryson
31 – 27 Glenn X
31 – 27 MattyBoy X
31 – 28 HawaiiMongoose
33 – 24 Mrs A-House
34 – 13 Jomar808
34 – 14 ms momo
34 – 17 clowns nose
34 – 20 gmahoney
34 – 21 djmitcho
34 – 22 Konaboy
34 – 24 eagle
34 – 28 3-Prong
34 – 31 sports for fun
35 – 14 kawika49
35 – 20 Bowwar
35 – 24 EastManoa
35 – 28 jm2375
35 – 30 longdistance808
37 – 13 madeinhawaii
37 – 16 MasaBoy
37 – 17 UHfan808
37 – 21 momo
37 – 24 koakane
37 – 26 roygbivs
37 – 27 Curt
38 – 14 oldtimer808
38 – 17 SailorBlue
38 – 20 walter
38 – 21 Kevin
38 – 24 IWWTHM
38 – 31 Isaac
38 – 35 izzy
41 – 20 BG
41 – 31 Wes’side Warrior
41 – 34 wafan
42 – 00 Pomai
42 – 21 Claud Sutcliffe X
42 – 21 DPK
42 – 24 NYUH
42 – 31 Tyaiea
42 – 41 J-FORCE
45 – 10 azwarrior22
45 – 17 WarriorNY
45 – 20 krump1
45 – 21 BleedGreen808
47 – 09 mctruck
48 – 14 Rasu Begasu
49 – 14 Tchahng
49 – 21 chopsueyboy
50 – 00 AlaWai
55 – 31 Hilo-Warrior
56 – 13 Kekoa
56 – 14 d1shima
Nice Photos!
It’s amazing what facility deficiencies can be covered up by a sold-out stadium for every game!
Noted several years back when I saw a game at Husky Stadium (on the big TV screen, btw, cause no can see field from Row 2!) Many “seats” had seat back/cushions attached to them. Husky Stadium version of “Premium Seating”
Tsaiko Cruise – Not everyone has the spare change to pick up the cost of tickets. I can’t even afford a plane ticket to Lihue, let alone Seattle, Las Vegas, San Jose, Reno, Ruston, and Moscow (Idaho).
Pray for a 16+ point UH win tomorrow. Back to work.
I know my NCAA ’12 prediction for last weeks game was off by a little (70-13)… But I’m sticking with my video game measuring stick! This week’s NCAA ’12 score was slightly more realistic…
UH – 56
UW – 24
Hahaha that HuskyMobile is the best thing ever!
the only thing Im a little worried about is the early start time and the pizza’s..
If we lose tomorrow, it aint gonna be because of one pizza a piece or the start time.
Getting finished up at work and then the drive over da mountains to da westside for tomorrow’s beat down of UDub. Go Warriors!!
laura should help clown adjust his nose
85 degrees today. The goal post at the field warriors practiced
at yesterday wilted and sagged. Tomorrow will be a hot one. 87 degrees
thats hot for Seattle in September.
The guy who drives the Husky Mobile is a Punahou graduate — Brett Nagamine.
Very nice guy.
All of the UW students I met are nice. Then again, I bet most are from Hawaii.
Would prefer that OUR fight song be played by members of OUR UH Marching Band or NOT played at all, but of course we’re not made of money so they are limited to the UNLV game, but that’s just me.
I’m sure there are others that will appreciate the “gesture” towards UH from UW.
My nephew is starting his 2nd year at UFlub. He left today for Seattle intent on getting back for the game. I forgot to ask him for whom he will be cheering.
I wonder if UFlub’s mascot will suddenly appear and start leading individual sections in cheering in opposition to the playing of Co-ed? 🙄
Looks like the uniform number subterfuge continued during the walk-thru.
forget the 16 point win, i’ll be satisfied with a 1 point victory. A ‘w’ is a ‘w’ in any language.
Wouldn’t that be a sight???
The UW marching band playing our fight song while the entire stadium boos.
But of course, I am sure that wasn’t the intention anyway…
God, I hope that no one from UH “asked” UW’s band to do this.. Just setting yourself up.
ST if you guys are staying at the bellevue hyatt theres
a top pot donut one block east. Thats where
Goldwn tate got busted for trying to get a maple bar
before they opened. Also the president got some top
pot donuts the last time he was in town.
D1 #190…Subterfuge??? That’s not done in CFB….LOL
Should be the same ting as the home games.
Nobody going be singing along….jus plenny “Ainokea, I do wat I like”
D1/Kevin #195… It’s not that nobody cares about the coed….They just screaming cause Vili is egging them on….MWAHAHAHHAHAA
Two hundered????
Not yet???
Almost there??
Woo Hoo
I have yet to see a home team marching band get boo’d on the field. UDub band deserves a Piroshky Piroshky!
way to go!
I would think he would be cheering for UW. I mean I grew up big time on UH football but if I went to SC or something I’d be wearing red and gold yelling “Fight On” next year at the Col. Then cheer for Hawaii for all other games. 🙂
I probably wouldn’t boo our marching band if they played the opposing school’s fight song, but I for SURE will stand up, cross my arms, and turn my back to them.
CU fans were clapping/cheering for the UH band after all the performances. I think majority of UW fans will show the Aloha. After all this is a highly respected institution of higher education, not Fresno St.
A lau lau stuffed piroshky i might add..
ok i take it back, yes Fresno State fans might boo their band.. you’re right!
Someone should send Charlie Strong a note asking him if he is ever going to cover TY Hilton. Good *effen* grief.
Eagles fans boo’d Santa Claus.
…but I digress.
So thats the secret of getting whatever you want from Santa. Like every single fabulous free agent in the USA.
ST, no Travis Sims? does he live in the PNW?
There is a difference between cussing out and starting fights with opposing fans and showing my DISDAIN for the situation I mentioned.
Now, if THEIR band showed up and played THEIR own fight song then I’d probably just sit there, not gonna applaud though.
Again, I was referring to OUR band playing the opposing team’s fight song.
I stood and paid respect to Navy’s alma mater performed by their band in 2009 following the game. Mainly because they represent an institution built on defending our country and they deserve all of our respect.
Now, UW is a BCS institution and we know the level of arrogance nurtured their especially with their athletic programs. Are the majority of UW fans “humbled” by their down years as of late??? Doubt it, ESPECIALLY when UH from the WAC comes into town and UW isn’t a 20+ point favorite.
I could care less there are so many Hawaii kids attending UW.
I’ve seen my fair share of Hawaii UW alums cheering heavily against UH in 2007 completely disregarding what a BCS Bowl invite meant for the whole state in terms of acknowledgement and overall pride and morale.
I have my reasons. No one has to like them.
re: 210 I thought Travis was on the Big Island.
Are they going to play Hawaii 5-0 when UH comes on the field.. and then again each time they score?
I can see that you are putting a lot of time and effort into your blog and detailed articles! I am deeply in love with every single piece of information you
Hope the coaches have time to scout the bellevue vs. Skyline
game tonight. Two WA powerhouse football programs.
Are the Cheerleaders going?
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I wonder if 2011 grayshirt recruit Ellis Henderson will be attending the game or has been attending practices?
I remember when those golf cart helmet mobiles were very popular and lots of teams had them, including NFL teams.
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When we wake up tomorrow morning.. it will be like Xmas Day…
SUNBELT beats the Big East. HAAAH!
Someone mentioned that Ellis Henderson is enrolled at Manoa and is part time student…
Go Warriors 41 – 21
After the UH/UW game some of us are heading north a bit for some dinner and gaming (if you so desire) at the Tulalip Resort/Casino. Nice place, good food, good friends, . . .
The link takes you to the Tulalip site directions, dining, etc. If you have the opportunity to stay a night the rooms are super and rival some of the large resorts in LV.
Plan on meeting at the Eagle Buffet at 6:30 in the evening. Surely, the Warrior fans will be easy to spot! We will be the ones who are happy and sporting some fine Warrior wear!
Sark is saying UW will be playing man coverage tomorrow.
Forecast high tomorrow is 85. No clouds.
Yeah. In Seattle. In September, no less.
Warriors need to work on their hydration!!!
Finally read Ferds story, “Huskie Fans Arrive in Style –by boat” in today’s paper. That fires the imagination– moorings rented out like tailgate parking spaces and the school runs a shuttle boat to get everyone on shore 500 feet from the stadium. I visualize friends tying up their boats side by side around a mooring to to crate a small island and tailgate party. Larger open deck fishing boats like tunaluvr’s make great platforms if you don’t have a 50′ yacht. I visualize kawika49 the boat-gater. 🙂
Then the larger boats from Bellevue that KymryKauai’s friend (lurker Joy) and my sister told me about last week, and the Ivar’s brunch cruise that chopsueyboy mentioned (linked in TsaikoVegas#3 page). Kinda neat and Lake Washington is calm (right now).
Makes me think about a stadium and the Ala Wai… 😐
wafan — got your 6:30 pm meet time change posted.
BTW– just kidding about the Ala Wai. Too small for a boat-gate. But shuttles and water taxis possible from the Prince/Ilikai and Convention Center…
Geez. That is a huge shaka while holding a water bottle.
Figuring the bottle is a Kirkland brand bottle and that his thumb and pinky fingers are not fully extended.
WOW! What the heck is his hand width?!?!
As a former UW season ticket holder and three time resident of Seattle, I was really looking forward to this week. Tough that there is no way to watch it in So Cal and Gametracker will have to be do.
Wail on them Warriors!
SteveM . . .
Thanks for keeping track!
Maybe we could use the Ala Wai for the visiting team? A cool way to experience Hawai’i just before they would enter the stadium. Barge up the canal from Waikiki. Of course, they will have to endure the accidental splashing of the “special artesian water”.
In the meantime, the Warriors could be catch their regular bus.
Arizona St. QB is 6’8″….Yowzers.
Dennis Halloran:
They tell me the ROOT network used to be part of Fox Sports Northwest, or something like that, so it must be on somewhere.
By the way, the Husky Band is really awesome.
They play well, and they look like they’re having a lot of fun.
Hey, it’s football season. This is a fun time.
ROOT Sports is the old Fox Sports Northwest. Same announcers. They just renamed it this year. Dunno why.
ASU uniforms are hot. I can’t help but love these new matte finished helmets that Nike is doing.
I wonder why UA doesn’t do a similar paint job on some of their helmets. I can’t imagine that Nike has a patent on it.
Yellow/Orange/Red against black just goes so well together.
What if a couple of cheerleaders had bass drums and the rest led the fans into a “pa – pa – pa – pah – pa – pah” version of Hawaii 5-0? It may sound silly if only a few sang along, but if the whole section started to sing along ?
Last email sent just before classes let out today at school . . .
I logged out soon after that. The Coug fans have been making some noise about how the Warriors are going to win. I am sure my mailbox is going to be full on Monday.
Funny stuff.
Here come the blitz.
Where ever you folks are going to satellite TG tomorrow please have a plate of yummo-licious food for me, too!!!
Awesome History Channel program on the Segway.
Tempting as that sounds, I think I’ll stick with this ASU game. Its a really good game so far. haha.
#246 . . .
Been flipping back and forth.
We have so many connections to Arizona football programs now. McMackin – Erickson (ASU), Tomey – UA.
I hope we can get ourselves some H-H series with them soon.
Their QB is bigger than our entire O-line and most of ASU’s. lol. Buggah is 6’8″!
6′-8″. Still gets sacked. HA!
Bigger they are, harder they fall.
Though I can imagine he must have a good field of vision and seeing over his O-line isn’t a problem lol.
Read somewhere UW won their game last week on an interception of JUMP PASS. Maybe if EWU had a 6′-8″ qb?
Whew. Good massage today. Feeling like a limp noodle.
Long day tomorrow.
Go Warriors!
Definitely going to bed.
g’night wafan! see u in da a.m.
Anyone know what wafan is doing tonight?
FIU over Louisville
I’m gonna assume Dennis left out a comma there! 😯
How could you do that? Normally the blog sw ids duplicate posts…
I like both. Lived in Mizz-oo-rah and Arid-zona.
Hey wafan –
What ya doin’ tonight?
Thanks for these infos. Hurray! someone who is really showing the core issue.
Diggin’ the early start to the game. Like mih sez its like wakin’ up to Christmas.
Got the pancake mix, turkey bacon and turkey sausage on stand by! 🙂
College football world is gonna know about the Warriors after tomorrow.
…this is not good…
abrader pad…
Such a type of blog post will definitely click to numerous viewers. A good article and useful for its written content. Many thanks for sharing it up!. Thank you for posting this, Its just what I was browsing on bing. Id very much rather hear opinions f…
Cause UA doesn’t produce the football helmets.
Right now the only Under Armour branded helmets are softball or baseball I think.
The designs on the helmets are obviously an extension of what the program and the outfitter decides.
I am going to try Rudy’s down the street for possible Roots NW coverage of the game and also robplaytv
Any other so Cal Ideas?
DPK.. all that turkey bacon… turkey sausage… ..
They say that substitute turkey stuff is actually worse for you than the real stuff… more salt.. possibly even more sodium nitrate and hydrogenated oils…
It doesn’t do a company any favors to do it “like” the competition.
BUT it doesn’t do a company any favors to go overboard and have a team dressed up like a walking abortion.
Personally speaking, Under Armour should NOT have tried to do what Nike does to Oregon. Nike can get away with selling dog crap on a stick because of their name and I still think the Oregon uniforms, with the EXCEPTION of their throwbacks, all look like arena football CRAP.
Under Armour should have continued what they were doing and not tried to mimic Nike.
What UA does to another school is that school’s business.
What UA has done for the University of Hawaii football, softball, baseball, women’s basketball, and soccer programs speak for themselves considering the SHORTCOMINGS from the other past outfitter….
Re the Fresno State Welfare Fraud info, I believe Fresno CC was caught up in this a few years back
Thanks, Bryson! That’s news to me.
Good to hear Ellis is enrolled.
insert comma as required
good editorial catch
Dennis – I’ve got DirecTV and get Ch 683 & 687. But, I’ve noticed I don’t get all of the “live” programming. For example, on Ch. 683, the Mariners game was blacked out (said I didn’t subscribe to the package), however on Ch 687 there was a post game show from another game. Just checked both channels and there are sports wrap-ups. So, I guess the “live” games must be subscribed to.
For those in the So Cal area and have Cox cable, the game will be shown on Fox College Sports Alanta ch 332. This channel is part of the sports package. Check you cable stations in your area for this station.
UH 45 Udub 24
I’m on TWC cable in Newport and it does not carry the former Fox, now Roots, 3 regional networks
ASu= Missouri is a doozie!
to screw with opposing defensive heads, i think we should start using picture placards to signal in the offensive play too. I could see defensive players losing concentration, peeking at a quadrant of images codes. They’ll be like “wth” with images like Bu La’ia, Checkers and Pogo and Kono in a g-string… fo real, Kono in a g-string could wreak havoc on the opposing defense!
In the Las Vegas area and Cox subscriber for some reason the game is on Fox Sports Atlantic ch 330 – weird but awesome!
What a great day! Toured Seattle for the first time. Did the Space Needle, Pike’s Marketplace, boat ride, etc. Lotsa Hawaii fans everywhere we went. Weather is beautiful!
Then to top it off, ended the night at the casino and surprised to see Jasmine Trias there performing with SOS.
Excited for tomorrow! Go Warriors!
wonderful short article. I are unable to feel it is the ten year September 11th anniversary date by now. I don’t treatment what the press states, it’s rather evident it was a false flag assault from the USA authorities. Osama Bin Laden was initially the blame puppet. All the things the USA federal government states as fact is full junk. Time most of us pray for our misplaced acquaintances and family.
In re: DirecTv coverage, last year I ordered the “Sports Pack” and got pretty much EVERY UH game… I think the only game I had to order was the SJSU game… I was pretty surprised because I thought I needed to have ESPN
Gameplan to watch the more obscure games…
297 from Poipu!
article on superconferences and greed
st…what time does your pre game show start?
Wait…. Seattle has been known as a hub for emerging NEW and innovative musical artists, yet…
Nevermind, I shouldn’t say anything. 🙄
Howzit Tsaikos!!
If you’re on the Windward side, Windward Mall food court will be showing all UH fb games (and some Warrior basketball games). Not the greatest place to watch, though. Screens are not that big and no sound, just closed-captions.
If you’re on DishNetwork, you must be subscribed to the Multi-sport package to get RSN. 🙁
Will be attending the tsaikotvgate with my family, hopefully we’ll be able to meet up with UH808fan and other tsaikos.
And then HI HO
BEAT the huskpuppies!!
checking what is out there re: root sports and found this:
ROOT SPORTS is your regional sports network and supports the home team just as you do. We are connected and grounded to the teams and communities that we serve. We are on the inside. We are ROOT SPORTS and we are available to our fans if you have any questions or comments.
Please e-mail any inquiries to: northwest@rootsports.com
Link on my name above is a 9/8/2011 promo video for the game.
The media portal where that promo link goes maybe they stream there?
They sell DVD of (amost) all games for$50.00 each:
Viewers interested in purchasing a broadcast aired on ROOT SPORTS must contact us at northwest@rootsports.com. All requests are not a guarantee and all broadcasts are not available.
doesn’t look like they stream just access via local cable
robplay should work but i will (trying to) find something if it don’t
okay here’s a plan B for streaming – this was my go to site last
season but it went down atdhe dot net, changed names and now changed names again….looks like links are posted last minute
Dear users, atdhe.me is now http://www.chanfeed.com, with our new name comes a new website design. We’ve made no major changes your still only 1 click away from free watching live sports. More sports then before with schedules and more streams available, feel free to explore and see what has changed! Remember to bookmark and save our new address. On the day of the event you can use the menu to find the sport you want to watch, using the schedule click on the link to the match you want see. Once you found the sport you want links will appear 5 minutes after it has started for you to watch it. Chanfeed is sport stream aggregator, so usually more links are added to the feed to give you more choices so your always able to watch it live for free.
this is where the college and pro games are listed
Happy birthday, Saui Matagiese!
Tsweet Warrior Dreams!
interesting link.. go here and search for “Hawaii” on the page.
For those of you who like Hawaii 5-0 and will be in town on Saturday, September 17, and you have Wahnie volleyball season tickets – or are willing to buy some – all of us in The Stan that night have been invited to stay after the regular match with Pepperdine to watch another match which is going to be part of an upcoming episode in which one the coaches gets offed.
Wear green tees/sweatshirts/hoodies and/or H logos on youir your black or white tops. More info forthcoming.
Another issue that day: The UNLV game starts at 4 pm here and the volleyball match at 7 pm. The football game is not on the PPV schedule so on what channel will it be shown? Or is it even been shown live on tv here in Hawai`i?
Again – $15K
No definitive word from Oceanic yet about the UNLV game.
I’m sensing an important bit of info…..
I just got off the phone with OCEANIC and they said they have been experiencing problems with channel 255 and 1255 (HD) since Thursday. They are still working on the signal so they said to do the following:
1) Tune in to channel 256 or 1256 (HD).
2) If you set your DVR, you MUST set it from it’s original time from 7:30 to 1pm.
3) Alter the end time to 1 hour later (should the game run into overtime)
If you don’t do the following and leave it on 255 or 1255 you may either get a weak or NO Signal. Also if you try and set your DVR to start at 9:30 (kickoff) it will probably not record.
Finally if you want to record future Warrior Games, the earliest you can set your DVD is on Thursday or 36 hours prior to the event.
Also Oceanic is being bombarded by folks having problems ordering or tuning into the UH Game. I wanted over an hour to get Customer Support on line. That time will only get longer as kickoff time draws nearer.
There will be a lot of angy people tomorrow who will tune into their DVR and find snow or a black screen instead of the Warrior game, so Please pass the word
ooop wanted over an hour = waited over an hour
Mahalo BigWave96744!
BigWave96744: Hopefully, they will not have problems on 256.
Channel 256 is their fall back channel and it’s been tested already.
I first found out the problem because I went to 255 and tried to record it from 9:30 and the only option I got was to BUY or BUY and RECORD. When I clicked BUY and RECORD it said a $65 charge was going to be charged to my account. I have the Road Game package, so I called Tech Support then got the info above.
Good morning Tsaikos!
#293- postmanke, mahalo for that info! My cable listings show a HS football game at that time but the FSN website shows the UH game. My cable listings are often wrong so I’m going with the FSN website.
Thank you for the information
UH vs Washington
10 – 31 Laura
17 – 14 kev-1
20 – 17 polywarrior4life
21 – 17 localboy18
21 – 20 Old Diver
23 – 20 Derek
24 – 10 sean
24 – 20 Haleakala
24 – 21 ballpicker
24 – 23 (J)J
24 – 31 Pride
26 – 00 Ipu Man
27 – 10 papajoe2
27 – 17 Midnight
27 – 24 Unkanesson
28 – 07 tommui
28 – 10 uku @ LA
28 – 14 Liz Kauai
28 – 17 RedZone
28 – 24 Jack Flash
28 – 27 808ike
29 – 19 A-House
30 – 17 Hilo Moon
30 – 26 PowderPuff
30 – 28 CRW
31 – 07 Candy
31 – 10 mikey
31 – 13 Shoko
31 – 17 MP
31 – 17 Wade X
31 – 20 Bowwar
31 – 24 Buger
31 – 27 Bryson
31 – 27 Glenn X
31 – 27 MattyBoy X
31 – 28 HawaiiMongoose
33 – 24 Mrs A-House
34 – 13 Jomar808
34 – 14 ms momo
34 – 17 clowns nose
34 – 20 gmahoney
34 – 21 djmitcho
34 – 22 Konaboy
34 – 24 eagle
34 – 24 postmanke X
34 – 28 3-Prong
34 – 31 sports for fun
35 – 14 kawika49
35 – 20 Bowwar
35 – 24 EastManoa
35 – 28 jm2375
35 – 30 longdistance808
37 – 13 madeinhawaii
37 – 16 MasaBoy
37 – 17 UHfan808
37 – 21 momo
37 – 24 koakane
37 – 26 roygbivs
37 – 27 Curt
38 – 14 oldtimer808
38 – 17 SailorBlue
38 – 20 walter
38 – 21 Kevin
38 – 24 IWWTHM
38 – 28 niho mano
38 – 31 Isaac
38 – 35 izzy
41 – 20 BG
41 – 21 Kamaaina94547
41 – 31 Wes’side Warrior
41 – 34 wafan
42 – 00 Pomai
42 – 21 Claud Sutcliffe X
42 – 21 DPK
42 – 24 NYUH
42 – 31 Tyaiea
42 – 41 J-FORCE
45 – 10 azwarrior22
45 – 17 WarriorNY
45 – 20 krump1
45 – 21 BleedGreen808
45 – 24 Mario
47 – 09 mctruck
48 – 14 Rasu Begasu
49 – 14 Tchahng
49 – 21 chopsueyboy
50 – 00 AlaWai
55 – 31 Hilo-Warrior
56 – 13 Kekoa
56 – 14 d1shima
56 – 24 Shannon
Shoot, I thought I was the only one picking UDUB to win, just notice Pride picked UDUB to win also. Oh well, there are 2 of us now. Maybe, Pride and I know something no one else knows, could that be. 🙂
got my fingers crossed for our wr’s to stay the course and watch out for the puppies trying to disrupt their routes….that being said, our running game needs to remain a viable threat to keep them off-balanced.
Finally caught up with the blog, just in time for the game!
My wife’s parents were with us from Sunday through late yesterday and I gave a huge presentation Thursday. I would have caught up with the blog after I got home Thursday night, but all of San Diego didn’t have power then.
My score prediction for today–UH 32, U-Dub 28
#322 ~ Pride is authorized to use the Reverse Analytic Tsaikologic Scoring Strategy (RATSS!).
You are using the old skool technology. It involves the Wild A$$ Guess System, or (WAGS).
Good game day Saturday morning!
Ready to get a nice tan (darker brown?) at Husky stadium.
Garret ~ Will we see you and the family in Vegas?
Btw, I have to say that the pan lau lau was the talk of the tail gate. My cousin looked up from his plate and told me to ‘try’ it. Hahaha…little did he know that it is always a treat for us!
Last time . . .
After the UH/UW game some of us are heading north a bit for some dinner and gaming (if you so desire) at the Tulalip Resort/Casino. Nice place, good food, good friends, . . .
The link takes you to the Tulalip site directions, dining, etc. If you have the opportunity to stay a night the rooms are super and rival some of the large resorts in LV.
Plan on meeting at the Eagle Buffet at 6:30 in the evening. Surely, the Warrior fans will be easy to spot! We will be the ones who are happy and sporting some fine Warrior wear!
Go Warriors!
d1 . . .
hehehehehe . . .
d1 . . .
hehehehehe . . .
d1 . . .
hehehehehe . . .
d1 . . .
hehehehehe . . .
d1 . . .
hehehehehe . . .
d1 . . .
hehehehehe . . .
d1 . . .
hehehehehe . . .
d1 . . .
hehehehehe . . .
d1 . . .
hehehehehe . . .
d1 . . .
hehehehehe . . .
d1 . . .
hehehehehe . . .
What the heck?
Wafan ~ I’ll be watching from my hideout in a/c comfort.
Go Warriors!…
Make *Road Kill* out of the Mushpuppies.
Updated forecast is near 90 today. Low 90’s tomorrow.
Finally cools off on Friday — liveable temperature of low/mid 60’s.
Kekoa . . .
Sometimes I wish the King Dome was still around. A/C comfort year round. Oh well. Still cannot beat being there live! But, you already knew that.
Off to Seattle.
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Great Morning All!
Nerjous night, hard fo’ sleep.
Tinking about Warriors Husking da Huskies.
Tinking about #2 and the Wildcats’ season opener.