UH's return policy
In February, when Wade Keli‘ikipi called to say he was renegaing on a UH commitment to sign with Oregon State, Greg McMackin wished him well and promised there would be an opening should Keli‘ilipi choose to return in the future.
That return policy has helped the Warriors land Mana Lolotai, Mana Silva and Kealoha Pilares, to name a few, and it recently brought back fomer All-State defensive tackle Kaniela Tuipulotu.
Tuipulotu was a star at Kahuku High and a starter at Arizona.
But he told Kahuku coach Reggie Torres he felt the pull of the islands, and requested — and received — a release from his Arizona scholarship.
He then contacted the UH coaches.
Tuipulotu must sit out the 2009 season, in accordance with NCAA transfer rules, but after that he’ll have two seasons to play for the Warriors.
By then he will serve as the successor to another Kahuku graduate, defensive tackle Tuika Tufaga, who is entering his senior season.
* * * * *
Defensive line coach Dave Aranda and associate head coach Rich Miano have secure summer internships with NFL teams.
Aranda will be with the Denver Broncos. MIano will work with the Cincinnati Bengals.
Both will be back in enough time to prepare for the start of training camp in August.
This guy should be good for us!
Dos, Good Morning!
too slow, good morning anyway.
Good morning and good night!
It was a wonderful evening with Tsaikos filled with golf (okay I didn’t even place), conversation (a lot of it about pics of Ronnie and I from high school), food and lots of fun. Thanks for making it a memorable Fourth of July!
Great news about a player that is returning to the islands to play for UH.
I should go sleep!
Eh, who won the Golf tourney?
got 2 B excited w Kaniela Tuipulotu, he appears 2 B a solid student and citizen. He didnt redshirt at UA so the timing of his transfer is a good fit for his college transition….our DT spot will certainly be a legit D1A trio in ’10 with Haku, Kaniela and Meatoga…..yikes! That trio may develop into our best ever to form the front core MAC has been pursuing to develop a signature D!
Mike Tuiasosopo –wildcat recruiter and DL coach is a good one too–wish he would transfer to Hawaii also…..worked under Chris Tormey at Nevada and coached WAC sack leader Jorge Cordova in 2002 and has helped to re-define Arizona’s recruitment in the polynesian community….aloha and welcome home Kaniela and best wishes as a warrior.
Dean Wilson off to a great start in the 4th round as he just rolled a monster 45′ putt for birdie on the 1st hole at congressional….Wilson now at -1 and T/37…..yesterday he chiped an amzing 30′ birdie from green rough for a birdie….if he stays consistent his career will elevate on tour.
the congressional can play tough and for many cause frustration, including the world’s #1 player, Tiger Woods.
The 11th has been his vintage Clint Eastwood ‘worst nightmare’.
Woods has gone boogey twice and yesterday doubled-bogeyed the par 4 489 y hole, prompting him to say in this mornings press conference w tongue-in-cheek,
“today Im going to T-off the 11th with a wedge….”
Morning Tsaikos!
Great news!! This is why we shouldn’t talk bad about the kids that want to leave out of high school. We should wish them well and eventually some will want to come home. Maybe Mr. Teo will do the same.
good morning tsaikos
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Time to hele back to Kauai.
A Hui Hou!
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Mahalo to Kekoa, Diana & Koakane for organizing the Bay View Bash. Good to meet Ronnie & her family and hang out with the Tsaikos.
Time to make kope…
Mei Ling
Like the good news for the UH Warriors. Kaniela is a presence in the middle.
Tks Liz! Safe travels back to the garden isle. Enjoyed your singing last night…you and Jason need to put together a lounge act.
Mei Ling! Thanks for your support. You ‘slug’ a golf ball as hard as you do those creepy crawlers!
The “return policy” has a lot of up sides. The down side is the recruits can use it as a crutch and instead of committing at the onset they can have the mentally of “trying the other side first because I can always come back”. Then UH will have all these “new” players that will play in the system for only 2 years instead of potentially 5. It’s kinda like that prom analogy…I’ll try this guy first because he’s got a lot of glitz and money, but the girl finds out he’s a jerk and the glitz isn’t for her, comes back to the local guy who’s nice enough to take her back knowing full well he was second choice?
It was a little different with Kealoha Pilares. He didn’t even get to taste the “glitz” but decided he wanted to come back. Because of his immediate change of mind he didn’t have to sit out a year. In his situation, the “return policy” works to our advantage.
Kids should know that if you have NFL you can get there from Hawaii as well as anywhere else. Come back when you are making the big bucks rather than when you are a struggling student-athlete.
Good morning, Tsaiko-Nation and Tsai-Meister.
Looks like a lot of fun was had at yesterday ‘event’. The blog was literally deserted for hours. Hope we get some reports.
Great sportsday today, something for every taste. My TIVO is working overtime. Have a great day, everybody.
there will always be local players goin and returnin.
UH has always had local players transfering back home.
The diff w MAC are the Lee brothers.
When I see transfers coming home the Lee brothers resonate with meaning.
They network constantly with local kids just to talk story.
Been doing the same for decades–before they were at UH as coaches–just their laid-back congenial polynesian style.
These two never push or prod and build continuing rapport with athletes as concerned individuals not as recruiters….. and MAC fits into that mindset–a great compliment to each other in personalty and expression.
Yeah, we will continue to get back some that slipped away but it wont be cuz of a magic moment or new formula or some ridiculous notion that tongue-tied fans will help by not cursin those that leave….not,
it all comes down to talking story w kids and continuing dialogue, long after their playin years have vanished and their fame relinquished into many sunsets.
Post #11,17 and 18
I agree. Nothing for me to add. What I do want to know since I don’t know the transfer rules: Are transfers even though they’re required to sit out a year are they allowed to practice with the team? Can Kaniela Tuipulotu practice with the team, and maybe be part of this year’s scout team that can give the O-Line a good workout?
Florida Ted ~ You’ll be happy to note that one of the senior members of the Tsaiko Ohana (Pops) gave a clinic to the young Tsaiko’s yesterday. I’m not surprised. Pops has earned his stripes after many successful trips down the fairways of the world’s greatest courses.
BG was a prime example of the old adage, “Monkey see, Monkey do!” After observing how effortless and smooth Pops would swing that 7 iron, BG stepped up and nailed a bucket of balls straight and true!
The youngest and most talented of the Tsaikettes, Brie, listened and learned how to hit the perfect 7 iron. She was able to demonstrate her ball striking ability for maximum distance as well as pinpoint accuracy. Her mom, JaM, also proved that you CAN teach a more senior dog new tricks!
…and Brie’s boyfriend, Jordan?…the range is closed for repairs today after his session on the mat! Bwhahahaha!
Anthony Kim’s excitment could barely be contained. yesterday as he finshed the third round at Congressional tied at 10-under with the world’s #1 and AK will be paired with Tiger Woods for the first time.
AK admitted it has been his lifetime dream to play Tiger.
Kim looked like he was ready to jump out of his skin at the thought of playing Tiger this afternoon.
When queried yesterday about his emotional rush or any kind of excitement knowing he was going to play against this really good young kid, Tiger said,
“Not yet. Come tomorrow, certainly, but as of right now, no, not yet. I’m just looking forward to taking the family and watching fireworks tonight and then getting reset tomorrow morning for the round. But that’s when I’ll get fired up. Usually I don’t get fired up the night before.
There’s no sense in wasting energy.
Transfers are allowed to practice with the team and are often valuable scout team members.
VJ making a charge–5 birdies on the front nine to go
7-under, T/7.
Morning folks…
Hey what at Scott Smith?
Is he still coming…
Also Guy Nagy?
Wasn’t there another Kahuku guy transferring?
Go Warriors!!!
Michael Allen turned 50 in January and has been a pro since 1984 and the congressional marks his 337th PGA TOUR event and he hasn’t won one yet….the former Horticulture grad from Nevada is in position at 9-under and one back of Woods and AK when the championship round begins today.
Allen has promised to buy the house a round of champaign if he should win.
“Pretty amazing, isn’t it?”
Tiger said,
“It goes to show you, a lot of these guys are turning around their careers by training and doing things that they normally wouldn’t have done. Normally we see guys in their probably mid-40s kind of waiting, buying time to try to get to the Senior Tour, and instead, we’ve seen from…..Michael….really playing well up into the Senior Tour and even when they could be out there and they’re still playing out here really well”.
There’s hope….even for those who eat before they ball-strike.
tks for the answer garret
July 5th for some reason I have marked in my memory and I don’t know why. I thought I read here awhile back that the JC players are arriving today. (I could be wrong). I hope they do arrive soon. And I hope all new players school work are in order..and they’re ready and eager to play.
Good Morning All! Hope everyone had a good and safe 4th. Great news about the returning of Tuipulotu.
wison fading with 3 bogeys after a startling 45′ birdie on the first hole. the guy goes up n down like a fiddler’s elbow.
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
The return policy is a good one. At the end of the day, as far as culture,climate, family and friends, for most of these youngsters there is no place like Hawai’i. You have to expect that more than a few will get homesick, and if so, Mac is very wise to welcome them back with open arms.
The fact that we have so many prominent recruits wanting to come back also speaks volumes to current high schoolers who think they want to go away.
I feel wf2’s excitement about UH’s future at the D Tackle spots.
Channel 244 FSCA on Oceanic is broadcasting the World Championship of Jr Football Gold Medal game USA vs. Canada. It’s on right now.
“Show me a university that is financially secure and I’ll show you its athletic foundation; show me a championship team and I’ll show you a student body academically driven by the same zeal of excellence.”
Great quotation from the late Gov. Burns in the HA’s Fab 50 article today. This is what I’ve tried to explain to my ASUH friends.
Speaking of the Fab 50 articles—maybe I missed it, but is there a link to a page with all of the stories archived? I know it started on Friday, but I didn’t even notice until yesterday, when I wondered why there was an article about the Islanders. If there isn’t such a page, someone really should make one. I would think this is a series that the HA should feature, but there isn’t anything that distinguishes these articles except the Fab 50 graphic. And since I read the articles on the HA’s mobile site, I only notice the graphic when the Fab 50 article is the lead sports story.
Welcome home, Kaniela. I spoke to your mom Penny before you decided to leave for Arizona to see if you were serious about leaving. I was pretty disapointed to hear you were going away, but glad you decided to come back home and play for the Warriors. I hear your sister Litea is coming back home also. Good to hear. I know your dad Taniela is probably ecstatic about your return. Aloha. Imua Warriors!
First three holes at congressional–ak outdriving tw on fw by 15-25 y and better proximimity to hole when reaching the green than tiger….kim w one stroke lead after birdie on the first.
be concerned w our backside–it sukz!
kaniela bolds well for the future in building our iron front 2 but without athletic safeties we are mediocre and vulnerable to be exploited.
Sup Gang,
Guess the day aftah 4th of July was cherry. Got to hang with the Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleaders today, have breakfast and get up on stage with them…au’ryte. Them girls is so fit and strong boy whew. Anyway, was good times, also had Coach Bill Cowher, Tom Coughlin, John Gruden, and Jeff Fisher.
Congrats to coach Pono Ma’a and his Ka Ulukoa 13 Mizuno volleyball club team for winning gold at the junior olympics in Volleyball.
Also UH setter recruit Arik Metzger and his OC Riptides 18 won gold in 18 Open. Can’t wait to see him play for the warriors.
Stephen when does Mike Wilton leave for BYU? He will be missed.
Good morning Tsai-kos!!
Welcome home to Kaniela.
Hope you all had a great 4th of July, wherever you may be.
Looking for reports from the party last night.
Went with neighbors to watch the Kailua fireworks last night. They put on a good show, hope it keeps going. Went to Yogurt mama afterwards last night. That place was packed!! I liked it better than yogurtland and menchies. Had a better variety of toppings than the other places, even though they have less flavors of yogurt.
Have a great Sunday.
wilson finished at +2 in the final round to t @ 41. wilson hit 4-birds, 4 bogeys and one-double bogey—like i said, too eratic but showing glimpses of talent.
Dateline: Kaneohe Bay View Golf Course
Re: Range Observations.
I must say that after several buckets of balls, ALL of the Tsaiko’s showed a tremendous improvement in their swing. They really did try very hard to go for the gusto!
ST was able to demonstrate total control of his *emotions* as the Blogmeister’s ball sailed consistently out of control down range. There wasn’t enuff room on the shot chart to plot the final resting place of any of his shots!
Hi-Flyer lived up to his name as he tested the limits of the driving range perimeter fence…both left and right!
M/M A-House had a private battle going for range supremacy with their daughter Midori7 as they whacked several dozen golf balls into the wild blue yonder. Midori actually came close to pulling out the win over Ronnie.
Speaking of blue…SailorBlue made a vain attempt at re-capturing his youth and golf skills. Soon he realized that the rust wasn’t just on his irons!
The Addahknow’s were punishing each golf ball they hit as if it had stolen something from them! First time I had ever really heard a screaming line drive!
Midnite hit several practice shots close to the pin. Not so easy when it was time to shoot for record! He walked off the range mumbling about Menehunes moving the pins while his shot was in the air!
Tiger Woods is in no danger of Jason stealing his thunder. Jason did prove the theory that a “a body at rest, tends to remain at rest.”
Rob25 was careful to approach the competition with survival in mind. Her quiet conversations with her ball, as she tried to remote control her shot with hard body language, proved that her ball was not listening.
Liz gave it her all, as her Bursitis handcuffed any attempt at her posting a good shot. Poor ‘ting was in obvious pain after each swing.
Wafan is in the same situation with his aches and pains. That didn’t stop him from the joy of being a world class ‘Kibitzer!’
And that brings me to the conclusion of my observations. Tsaiko’s got game. We need to take it to the next level. Time to get off the porch and jump on the backyard swing!
Ronnie placed the winning shot for the Tsaikettes the absolute closest to the pin.
Koakane never made it out of the confines of the Bay View Bar as he was on a mission to place himself closest to the GIN.
I forgot to mention David Veikune as a bounce-back player.
Scott Smith could have been one — twice — but not it appears he’s headed to a junior college.
furyk imploding on the 6th….
I think a lot of local players don’t realize they can “go away” to UH. When you’re on the football team, you can dorm or live off campus. With the busy football and school schedule, a local player wouldn’t go home much, anyway. Well, except on weekends, when he can get his laundry done. So a player gets the benefit of being on his own but still hanging around family.
ak feelin it on the 5th w his flat iron and misses a 5-footer–the kid has been nearly flawless under 10′ all week…..we r all tied up again @ -10…..hang-on this is goin to get real goooooood!
Help Shane Victorino get to the MLB AllStar game.
No apparent limit to votes allowed. Pound those keys.
Tiger birdies 6th w 15-footer–goes one up on leader board!
AK shows stuff by scrambling 4 par.
off the tee at 7 lookin like the thrilla in manila…..
Good morning everyone!
Sadly, it is only after you leave the islands that you realize how much you miss it. But the draw to leave for adventure and change is strong in your teen years.
the field is fading as mahan bogeys 14 and sam slams at 7.
ak continues meltdown–birdie-birdie for tiger at 6 n 7.
Kaniela Tuipulotu is a huge addition to the Warriors. He is an NFL type talent that we haven’t had in the interior line since Isaac Sopoaga. This is great news.
With respect to Scott Smith, he still needs to still find himself and get focused. Two Pac-10 teams in two years and now headed for a j.c., that is not a good sign. Probably a little too much playing and partying and not enough good old fashioned discipline. I hope he can pull it together before it is too late.
back nine at congression is playing tougher than the front and REM woods is -4 in three rounds at the 11th….dont call the FAT LADY YET….
Why oh, why oh Wie?
Why did she have a lousy round yesterday?
Today she has one hole to go with seven birds!!!
sam lips out at 8th 4 par….mahan rallies at 15th but running out of holes….ak in china-syndrome meltdown….bogey to fall three-back–welcome to the tiger-pairing syndrome.
The budget crisis for Athletic Departments has forced a bunch on non-BCS conference schools to cancel their football media days. The WAC is one of the few non-BCS conference schools that hasn’t canceled the media day. One reason cited was the cutbacks by newspapers, reducing attendance at the media days…the Pac-10 isn’t even sure they will get a good turnout for their media day.
michelle is re-constructing her game and learning the mental aspects of playing within herself while tooling all phases of ball-striking, scrambling and working the flat iron–she needs to keep progressing for improvement and the wins will come–just hope her Ps watch from home….I recall at the sony open when tiger advised her to win first to build confidence rather than competing with men….her Ps didnt listen and now the once prodigious child is just trying to win on the lpga tour.
I think the problem with the WAC is it doesn’t have any celebrity players this year.
tiger is playing the mental game w AK n toolin him….woods is playin conservative and forcing kim to continue aggressive play and make mistakes. witness tiger’s lay-up on the par 5th.
sam birdies the 10th–if he can survive his nemesis (-4) the 11th, alert the fat lady to start warmin up….
oppps….here we go on the 11th, penalty shot for tiger…omg, hell be lucky to escape w a bogey….ak must capitalize.
mahan is in the hunt w birdie on final hole and ties course record w a sizzlin 8-under to finish T/1 at -12 w woods.
the game has changed–everyone is playing against someone in the clubhouse, tiger has to stay out of trouble and shoot for birdie on the the par 5 579 y which he has birdied all three rounds….
pressure on the world’s #1 at the congressional–that putt just inside 7′ on the 13th to save par was huge….that is the mantra of tiger, when he doesnt have his A game he scrambles successfully to keep above water….
tiger has played bogey free from the 14th on in all three rounds….
one birdie in 3 rounds on the par 439 y 15th for sam—all fw shots good.
the par 5, 579 y hole will tell it all–tiger will go for a montrous T shot that will make or break him……squeez time!
Piper’s Son, that’s been her M.O. all year. Make the cut then fade fast in the third when it counts, shoot lights out in the 4th when it does not matter with slim but none chance to win.
In the 3rd yesterday she did shoot one under, but all the leaders shot between 4 to 10 under.
To her credit she had a great round today, hope she can chuck the 3rd round pressure out and just play.
Why is the blog article text size Tiny? broken???
Esme & out…
the gallery is so thick u have to ask what happened.
UN-freekin real!
talk about pops being there tellin sam to shut it off and dial in…..amazin!
Michelle finishes today’s round w/64 and -16
look at her scorecard, she did great on the 16 and 17th holes, par 4 and par 5, she birdied these holes all four days. That’s incredible. Look at the 18th hole, a par 5, she parred 3 times and double bogeyed. If it wasn’t the 18th being her nemesis hole and the par 4 15th, where she bogeyed twice she may have picked up the win. Ending up T3 she’ll relish, but I’d imagine she’d be unhappy at all the strokes she gave up. Hang in there, Michelle.
it will be interesting to see the host present himself the trophy–what spectacle tiger brings to the game.
AK got schooled today by the master but to his credit he came out w agressive play and didnt lay back….u got to like anthony.
the fat lady is bellowing out the song of earl and his son he called sam.
68 victories on the pga tour in 231 starts….amazin!
WF2, mahalo for the commentary. Granddaughter hogging the tv, watching Caillou.
fanny tks for the golf updates
looking forward, too, to your upcoming warrior football updates. I think I speak for all the tsaikos that appreciate your posts.
Most memorable moment of the TW tourney was when he took his ball from the 18th and gave it to the veteran in the wheel chair with one final fist bump for the day. TW is in a class of his own.
back to the lap top where i can pitch directly to the blog….i know warrior fan interest is so intense we tend to see things naturally, thru rose tinted glasses….. and that is not neccessarily a fault and can be a direct blessing to our team….but, for those who have the luxury, circumstance or means to observe or visit bluechip college football programs nationwide it offers defining perspective of what is in place with teams that produce success on a yearly basis or fall short.
First off, let me say, MAC n staff r doing good things,
such as recruiting, that in my opinion, exceed his predecessors, including Tomey and JJ.
It’s not so much the talent level of his yield as much as it is the manner in which MAC has set up his approach to incorporate all the pluses of being isolated from the continent and leveraging its uniqueness and culture to the fullest extent for his advantage.
Secondly, his staff is efficiently organized and closely directed to avoid rogue contact by any coach(s).
A problem area in JJs tenure.
MAC is in total control.
Lastly, empowering the Lee brothers in their familiar community was a no brainer and common sense, yet hadnt been done de facto.
next–off season training……….xxxxs n oooos to la capa…..ciao for now im pau.
Safely resettled in my familiar routine of laundry and dishes and dinner thoughts.
What a great week, topped off by another Tsai-ko gathering- add to the F’s, golF.
Kekoa and Diana with the usual suspects – Betty and BG, Koakane keeping the evening interesting and wonnerful.
Midnight and Barbra are still my favorite couple- dapper, dancing, duetting and NOT duffing the little white ball! WOW, what a team!
Mahalo, Midnight, for my most excellent, special present last night. Miraculously, my work schedule worked out so that I can actually use it!
Best of all, Ronnie and ohana were able to enjoy themselves – with many strolls down good memory lane and plenty of ono kaukau and good cheer.
And Jason- what can I say? Without d1 and James, I was lost. And then there came Jason.
Woo Hoo!
Good times last evening!
Thank you to Mei Ling for the ride and Liz for the front seat (I get car sick).
And, I did not forget about Mrs. A-House and the lei I got from her!
Okay, you guys get your minds out of the gutter. That is spelled L-E-I. Geez.
Duffer ~ Cassy is doing great! She qualifies for any further Tsaiko events. We can spot her a few strokes. Maybe let her get in the front of the buffet line.
Yea Cassy!
duffer – thanks for keeping me up to date. Okay, I don’t feel so bad now that she kicks my okole
First the bad news- we had to put our White Sugar Kitty, Kopa`a, to her final rest early this morning. A few hours later, we did get the good news that Saturn The Dog’s lymphoma is still being held at bay and is no worse than it was four months ago. Still, his endt time is coming as well.
Mahalo to the folks who coordinated last night’s get-together at the Bay View Golf Park. We stopped off for a big bowl of frozen yogurt & toppings on our way back home. Somehow, I really don’t think we saved any calories even using non-fat yogurt.
Last night, someone – I think it was Ralph – at our table said that the first game this football season is on Thursday, September 3rd. According to the UH Athletic Department’s website, it states that the Central Arkansas game is Friday, September 4, at 7:05 pm. Has the day/date been changed,and the official website has not?
Whether it’s Friday or Saturday, that game, along with the LaTech away game on Wednesday, September 30, will make it challenging to have a T-Gate or Away-Gate Party. Any ideas?
Whoops!! Whether it’s THURSDAY or Friday, that game along with the LaTech game on Wednesday, September 330, will make ti challenging to have a T-Gate or Away-Gate Party
Sheesh!!! Wednesday, September 30.
if you get a cancellation on Aug 9th, no need ghin card
Central Arkansas game will be played on Friday, Myki looked it up in her calender at Bay View, you must have missed the conversation when the correction was made.
Where is everyone?
Talk about a slow day and night!
Are people still recovering from yesterday’s celebrations?
Just about nothing worse than a slow connection.
Nice mention of Bess in the Palm Beach Post.
See all y’all tomorrow!
RGM’s coach defended his starting QB by kind of throwing RGM under the bus.
Not a big shock–the US won the world’s junior football championship. What surprised me is that Canada was the #1 seed in the tournament.
Another article about the football championship game.
It was great getting to talk story with Rich today and get my UNLV ticket! Rich really is doing an amazing job with distributing the tickets and doing the seating chart at the same time. I’ll be sitting next to UKU, with Ronnie’s group in front of me and the A-House family behind…great spot!
I just got an e-mail from NCL letting me know about this offer from NCL…free 6 category level upgrades for 2010 and 2011 cruises!
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want to read the off-topic stuff.
Utah has apparently been overrun by a swarm of grasshoppers. Seagulls (flocks have been brought to Utah because of the grasshopper buffets), chickens, and poisons cannot keep up with the hordes of grasshoppers.
During breeding season the male hummingbirds dive about 100 feet, soaring by female hummingbirds while pulling up to 10x the force of gravity (385 body lengths per second is about twice what the space shuttle can do and much more than 2x the fastest fighter jet can do)…and they orient their dive so that the sun shows off the dramatic pink plumage on their heads.
Two baby flamingos at the London Zoo have an unusual phobia of the color pink! Hopefully they will get over soon because they will change from gray to pink by the time they are 1-year-old.
Despite bans on sending text messages during class, 1/4 of all text messages sent by US teenagers are sent during class. Only 23% of parents think that their teens use their cell phones during the school day, but 65% of students say that they do.
TV gameshow tries to convert atheists–putting a Muslim imam, a Christian priest, a rabbi and a Buddhist monk in a room with 10 atheists.
Free play links pau.
I think Wade committed to OREGON not OREGON STATE.
kaniela bouncing back is like getting a jc 4star recruit coming in.
so technically is he a transfer student and won’t count against the annual 25 and only the 85?
I went to a wedding party tonight…and Elvis was in the house!
Slugger — was this Elvis your brother-in-law? 😕
Anyway…good night everyone! Long day on the farm and I’m broke again. Back to the office job tomorrow.
Hiya Slugger!
Where is curveball????
Nope, it wasn’t my brother-in-law…
Looking forward to seeing the guys on Thursday!
slugger…glad you like your new name.
btw, have you tried using milk as and alternative to beer?
aloha tsaikos,
seems as if all have recovered slowly from the celebrations of yesterday. tuipolotu coming back will be much needed relief, and the timing will be good. we will see soon enough regarding the secondary, but that has always been a challenge of late for the warriors. hey, 54 days and counting…but who’s counting, haha!
Hiya, bulla!!!
hey liz,
so you were here but now you’re there? how was the 4th? lyn and i was playing taxi for Coach Mcbride from Weber State since his flight was delayed from 9 pm to 3 am. We picked him up at honolulu a/p at 7 pm, brought him back to waikiki, then picked him up at 1245 am to get him for his 3 am flight home….so we got to see a lot on the 4th, haha., and i was at work protecting the natives from the tourists….
Hi bulla!
I was on Oahu for a week and just got home today.
The 4th was a great Ronnie kall – all the F’s and more!
Nah, don’t need to pour any drinks for the slug-a-bugs. They like it in the cool shade of the cups. All I need are hashi. The Tsaikos get the beer.
“A rose by any other name…” would smell like feet… nah, wrong rhyme… It’s definitely more of an anonymous name. And I like baseball…it’s all cool.
Nitey Nite and Sweet slugless dreams!
Can you protect us natives from the drivers in Waikiki? It’s sometimes crazy out there.
Night all!
See ya Thursday, MsLiz.
New post.
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In February when Wade Keliikipi called to say he was renegaing on a UH commitment to sign with Orego […]http://inkjetinksalenow.info/?p=976 […]…
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In February when Wade Keliikipi called to say he was renegaing on a UH commitment to sign with Orego […]…
Mini Cooper Car Cover…
In February when Wade Keliikipi called to say he was renegaing on a UH commitment to sign with Orego […]…
Genuine Hewlett Packard (cb277an) Hp 78+ Color Ink Cartridge With Vivera Ink…
In February when Wade Keliikipi called to say he was renegaing on a UH commitment to sign with Orego […]…