UH leads competiton for top d-lineman
The Warriors have emerged as the early leaders in the recruiting competition for Aiea defensive tackle Lawrence Lagafuaina.
Lagafuaina said he told the UH coaches: “I’d love to be a Warrior.”
But he stopped short of making a firm verbal commitment. That could come after he takes a recruiting trip to the Manoa campus. The earliest official visit can’t be made until after Sept. 1.
Lagafuaina’s stock is rising because of his size (6 feet 1, 315 pounds) and athletic ability (he plays basketball for Na Alii, and is one of the state’s top competitors in the shot put).
Lagafuaina has been on the varsity each of his first three years at Aiea.
“He was mature for his age,” Aiea coach Wendell Say said. “We expect a big season from him.”
Lagafuaina has strong ties to UH. His cousin is Maa Tanuvasa, a former UH defensive tackle.
Aiea’s defensive coordinator (Mika Liilii) and defensive line coaches (Nalei Cox, George Noga and Ed Ripley) are all former UH players.
Lafafuaina said he has received scholarship offers from Washington, UCLA, UNLV and Wyoming. He has drawn interest from California and Oregon State.
* * * * *
Colt Brennan has fame, fortune and the love of a good state.
But there’s one thing missing in his life …. Stephanie Lum’s autographed picture.
A few years ago, he received her autographed picture from a KHNL reporter. But then the since-departed Compliance Guy ruled that the autograph was considered to be a perk not available to every UH student.
Colt had to give back the picture.
Now that he is a pro player and UH graduate, Colt, who is here through July 23, said he would like a new autographed picture.
* * * * *
Here are the autograph sessions for Colt Brennan and Davone Bess:
• Sat, 7/11/09 11am-1pm @ Pictures Plus, Maui Marketplace 270 Dairy Road, Kahului, Maui, 808.893.0632
• Sun, 7/12/09 2-4pm @ Barefoot League Clothing Company, Avenue Shops at Safeway, 880 Kapahulu Ave, Honolulu, 808.734.0200
Limited Edition T-shirts will be on sale exclusively at both events and the Barefoot League Clothing Company Store.
$30 for men’s and women’s. $25 for keiki L and XL only.
(Colt Brennan autograph not included with shirt purchase)
Limited stock of mini helmets also available for purchase (autographs not included)
Presale tickets for Colt Brennan and Davone Bess autographs and photos can be purchased at www.picturesplus.com.
For more information, visit www.picturesplus.com or www.barefootleague.com.
am I first
any pics from last night’s event
where’s everyone….the ID check must have eliminated half of the night’s debaters and now I’m left alone
fourth 🙂
I didn’t know Robin Roberts holds the mlb career record for HR given up at 500+. He alone with Richie Ashburn and Curt Simmons were favorites of mine back in the day..
Still up…must be because I’m still excited over getting “JACK”ed up about UH football. Thanks to ST and Stretch for your efforts in putting together the Tsai-ko table. Had a wonderful time talking story with Jason and SailorBlue…and meeting the Princess’ mom. Rob25, Stretch and I went on a dessert hunt through town afterwards, until we decided to get oreo shakes at Jack in the Box — and of course, more Warrior Jacks. 🙂
i thought you had to buy a large combo meal to get a warrior jack or did you guys buy them for $1.49
Large combo meal to get a free jack head. You can buy them for $1.49 but they may limit the amount you can buy.
Good luck to the team in getting Lawrence Lagafuaina to commit to UH!
A good time was had by all tonight! Slushie floats and all….
We bought ’em Jack heads. Stretch orders 3 oreo shakes, 1 with whipped cream…then asks for 3 Warrior Jacks. Drive-thru girl says, “Only one per customer…how many in your car?” In the sarcastic tone we all know, Stretch says, “Uh…3, that’s why we ordered 3 drinks.” So, three Jacks, two Queens and a Joker.
Night all!
Pictures are all on Facebook, Ralph.
🙂 good one. the drive thru worker can now worker in the UH ticket office, just ask D1
whose facebook and how do i get on facebook…i’m not a social networker, but i do read tweets
Glad to see the coaches focusing there recruiting efforts on the homefront. I don’t think UH has ever seen this many local talent commits in one year ever. Anyway, keep em coming coach! Just make sure they all sign on LOI day!
Go to Facebook.com and follow the instructions. I saw photos on Rob25’s account, LizKauai’s account.
I’m off to bed, good night.
Nitey nite Ja-SON. 😆
Sweet Warrior Dreams !!!
Lawrence, if you read this, go with da warriors!!!!!!!!!!! how many times do us local boys come home?
how many time do we get the shaft on da mainland?
if you are NFL caliber, den no worries brah!!! they will come for you!
look at makaina, he could have gone to pac-10.
look at stutz last year!! he stayin!
look at the Kahuku braddah coming home from arizona!
look at all this.
da boyz from mililani and leilehua aint gona be SH*$ on the mainland. they tink they too good for Hawaii?? taz give Hawaii da “i too big fo you”
no be like dat…… u one braddah!
(Dragged this over from last post)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CRW ~ If interested I can send you the details. They only have 2,299 openings left because I do believe they are about to hire the son of one of our most prominent bloggers. He just when grad from AZ., and like you, is undergoing the gov’t B.I. check.
I will tell you this, Foreign Service Officers learn to really like their jobs. They travel in style, with Diplomatic immunity. That means no worries about Homeland security or customs checks. Your stuff is sealed, and they whisk you thru the airport security areas. Only time there was a slight delay was whenever I was armed. Plane can’t depart without you anyway, so no matter! Everyone waits for you. Pilot can leave once you get on board.
What will you be doing? Whatever you score high on in the aptitude test. Sometimes they will re-train you to fit their needs. Like I told a certain blogger who graduated with a background in Journalism, they need people like her to chronicle what happens at the American Embassy she is assigned to.
If she shows an aptitude for anything else, whatever her educational certifications say she is qualified in will help her get a leg up. Foreign language skills will be taught to you at the DLI (Defense Language Institute) in Presidio of Monterey, CA. for whatever outpost you are assigned to.
If you are interested in learning more before jumping on the wagon, I can send you the website for you to peruse. I will then notify someone who will keep an eye out for your application. He is retired from the Department, but helps recruit.
These folks retire on a very comfortable salary. Most of them have wives who eventually decide to sign on for something to do around the Embassy. Jobs like handling passports, classified couriers, etc. What the hell, it’s another 35K – 48K pay check to the household right?!
Let me know if you’re interested. For some folks, traveling the world is not their idea of having a good time. If it is…this could be for you, Bubba!
ll would be a great pick up.
Al…I gotta wrestle with my dentist again tomorrow at high noon. Then it’s off to check on my Pops.
Let me know if you find out where Bulla and the beast are hosting the CC.
I’m thinking that the opposition will be feeling the hurt that Ryan will bestow on them this year even more than last!
Oh, and Ralph ~ There are lots of Tsaiko photo albums of recent events available on Facebook, so follow Jason’s advice and register.
I did register for facebook tonight, lots of tsaikos friends, but got to wait their permission to accept my site…the only one that threw me off was Homey Hipolito back of a surfboard, couldn’t see a face but since its homey and there’s a surfboard got to be the one and only homey we all know..
so I can’t view photos on Liz and Rob’s facebook…
I just added you Ralph…g’nite.
Just finished reading yesterday’s stuff.
Yhanks ST for posting plenty good news about recruits.
Yhanks ST = Thanks ST
Congratulations on your job search. If start date is October,
that means funds for the job will be available in fy2009/2010.
Just as I told you, get plenny plenny jobs in the DC area.
It’s just a matter if one’s willing to move there, and put up with
the high cost of living, and other stuff.
Good Luck.
warrior mojo
It’s good to see that you’re getting things off your chest. For the record I’m neither ashamed or embarrassed of what I wrote in regards to UH recruiting. If the end result, according to you, makes me a hater then I can only pity you because you are only making this judgment on the premises of what I wrote. And what I perceive. With 7 months to go before N-L Day, yes, I write bemoaningly because the recruiters should have tested the waters more. There certainly shouldn’t be such an urgency to get recruits that are neither stars in their leagues or ones that put up sub par combine results. I stand by what I say. And if you guys have faith in Coach Mack’s judgement I’d say don’t be too over confident.
One of the things that WF2 said i agree with is that this unique approach will be the foundation for years to come…but to what end is a good question. I think if you look at some of Mack’s priorities you might find the answers. I could be wrong, but just from observations it seems to be more than HI as his base for recruiting but really instilling pride to play for the home team by rewarding early verbal recruits. From that you would get more fan involvement from across the state, eagerness of recruits that commit as juniors to get better, eagerness from the fan base to see future recruits do better, eagerness to grow grass-root level for support, etc.
I think this is the wise thing to do. In any industry, the top dogs may get the pub, but without the front-liners, in this case the fan base, then there is nothing noteworthy. Sure this class may not be heralded but Mack is looking at the future from today’s perspective. To mitigate it seems that he is hedging on the relationships that he’s formed now that they did verbal and the influence he can make on them from the time to get to camp.
#28. keep it kickin and dont worry about the pollyanna w the provincial mindset and esoteric jibberwash…..just a form of narcissistic hot air that is more emotional disorder than it is rational.
Rain delays John Deere.
Its raining at TPC Deere Run, but a tentative restart has been scheduled for 530 am (hst).
Dean Wilson is one shot back at 6-under par of co-leaders lee janzen and darron stiles. Wilson is part of the early draw and when play restarts he will Tee-off on the back nine.
My son told me to check out your blog and I must say I’m impressed, very helpful.
#29. Bingo!
MAC’s recruiting strategy is THE intriguing element in the 2010 recruiting mix.
It has a lot of moving parts but it also has the potential to grow legs.
Like i mentioned heretofore, i like his boldacious creativity.
Indeed, many will question his selections.
That is normal when you put into place a new system that is designed for longterm impact. However, there is genuine potential in his approach and imo, deserves serious pause.
I do see it as a departure from MAC’s initial George Allen type proclamation of the ‘future is now’….perhaps he has re-evaluated and reassesed the homefield, economics and other dynamics. Whatever his motive, it is essentially to keep pace with competition and to deliver a better product.
This system will undoubtably take more time but its foundation is well rooted.
It visibly has tenacles into our Hawaiian community.
Hey, in the past, UH coaches went with the flow, often expressing frustration, unable to buck the exodus trend of local athletes.
I like the attitude of MAC in grabbing this bull by the horns in an intelligent and local manner rather than retreating from a formidable onslaught of mainland poachers….
#27…cost of living in DC is below Hawaii (not by much) mostly the housing will kill you like Hawaii, groceries and gas are about average with the rest of the country, but traffic is the killer. If you live outside the city either take the subway, which is really reliable and comfortable, or plan on driving at least 1 hour for every 20 miles you have to go during rush hour. Hot, humid, hazy – the 3H weather we used to call it. I despised commuting in the DC area after college, but they have the best nighlife in Georgetown, awesome restaurants (not much in the way of Hawaiian BBQ but great sushi, chinese, turkish, greek and italian!) the best shopping anywhere in the city (or Tysons Corner) and if you run or like to walk, can you imagine running every day the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, running in front of the Jefferson Memorial, along the Washington Mall and the Washington Monument. Absolutely beautiful. And Northern Virginia and Maryland have some of the best school systems in the country – well funded, good teachers (many from Hawaii go there to teach) But the truth is, I wouldn’t move back there if my life depended on it! I’d stay about 200 miles away at least and go visit. guess I had enough of it in my younger years.
Update on John Deere rain delay….second round tentatively scheduled to restart at 630 am (hst).
when did UH offer lawrence? unlv and ucla offered back in march, but luckily we still have a shot. hope we can beat out the pac10 schools
viewing satellite images of TPC Deere Run greens and if play resumes the rain-drenched greens will be running slow on the stimpmeter. That usually messes up the leaderboard.
Local boy Dean Wilson got off to a fast start in the first round with 8 birds and 2 bogeys and has been getting good pub. What Wilson lacks in driving distance (269 y) he makes up on the green with his putting magic and is averaging 1.33 putts on the bermudas. His exagerated crouched stance while putting with a short flat iron has drawn Wilson easy recognition on the greens. It has become his trademark.
I hope that UH wins the recruiting battle for Lawrence Lagafuaina!
Mac prefers speed over size for the DL, but size *and* athleticism is a great combination!
One other thing to consider is that scholarships for local recruits cost the Athletic Department a LOT less than scholarships for out-of-state recruits. The emphasis on local recruiting for women’s basketball, baseball, and football reflects a definite trend to get more local recruits than before…which will definitely help the bottom line for the UHAD.
When JD answered the question about how they would reduce the deficit from women’s basketball, one obvious way I thought they were doing it (but one that they couldn’t really state openly) was to get more recruits from Hawaii under Coach Dana than Bolla. Not only will local recruits bring in more fans (even a small number can be a big percentage increase for women’s basketball), but it significantly cuts down on expenses.
Good advice about DC. Groceries seem a lot cheaper there than Hawaii, they have excellent school districts, and I love the Metro system there…but I’d never live there either!
John Deere pushed up to 9am (hst). The TPC Deere Run venue has long summer days and play can continue up till 8 pm, cst (3pm hst). If play resumes at 9am it can viewed on the Golf channel live. Dean Wilson is grouped in the early draw and will start on the back nine.
Pisa was mentioned in this Chicago Tribune article.
UH Women’s water polo player is competing for a bronze medal today.
This feature article on Manti also has a nice discussion about Laie.
#39. In football, UH must recruit skilled players outside of Hawaii, cost notwithstanding. Speed is found over the pond.
wahine basketball is a $1m sinkhole….women basketball is fast evolving on the national level and these gals can dunk now. very athletic, bigger bodies and quick….. if UH hopes to be competitive they must go outside the boundaries. Donovan is hopelessly lost. Lol.
satellite images over TPC Deere Run do not look good–lots of red, yellow and green. Even if the rain subsides, the course is underwater and unlike the army of 150 volunteers I saw at bethpage black–the grounds crew at TPC Deere Run will be severely challenged to drain this swamp….that places pressure on the Tournament organizers as many players are scheduled to depart SUN for the Brit Open @ Turnberry, Scotland.
what is it about people that makes them think they are so smart about things they have never experienced before, that they can put down others while pounding their chests in an aura of self proclaimed wisdom that only a reflection in the mirror can understand?
Good Morning All! Happy Aloha Friday!
Great Morning All!
Sounds like a terrific time was had by the Tsaikos at Luana Hills (Ha! Sounds like a good name for a novel…or a Psych Ward!)
Yawn…another day, another recruit…NOT!
Lagafuaina sounds like another good get. Hope he settles on the home team once he pau looking around.
Howzit djmitcho!
Thanks for reminding me!
What happenned to the Nate Illaoa Interview of Colt . I just seen the video of Colt singin during the ST and PL show replay
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Last night was a dream come true!
Mahalo to the coaches, players, sponsors, fans, Chevron Hawaii, and especially Stephen and Midnight and Slugger for the chance to make memories!
Go!ng to hnl.
Hi Ho!
July- it was at the beginning before Colt came on.
ST: Last night Coach Ron Lee mentioned that he would like to be on the Warrior Beat.
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
Hey Lawrence-
If you are reading here, look at what manakeka sez above in post #18. Stay home and be part of something great, big boy!
Read the Advertiser, not Brand X.
Happy Aloha Friday Tsai-kos ans spambots.
good morning you’all, 😕 weather pretty crapy but hey its aloha Friday gang.
good to hear those attending the gala at Luana Hills had a super time. 😀 nice pics from liz and rob. beeg smiles by all the ladies who had their pics with colt. can any one confirm if rob get her lap dance ? j/k
so we blame jason for ralph getting on fbook 👿 eh remember not rumphy remarks now bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
welcome to all the potential warriors being tagged by the coaches. again only time will tell if things pan out so give some slack and be glad they are making a choice to further their fball careers at home.
Howzit Koakane!
plus good job to all UH coaches on the recruiting of players to UH. keep it up we support the efforts
hey hey hey dpk what shaking my bruddah. in fine health and spirit today
Living that good retirement life,eh? That’s good. Are you all cleared out of your office yet?
When’s your next golf outing with Uncle George and Kahu?
As I asked last night, what was the purpose of the fundraiser? Scholarships? 2010 summer school tuition? Travel expenses? Coaches’ salaries? General operating expenses?
Unfortunately, Kailua pretty much shuts down after 9 pm during the week except for the fast foods places, Zippy’s and Big City Diner. However, if you need a sugar rush and are around before the lights are turned off in downtown Kailua , I recommend Zia’s on Hamakua Drive across from Safeway and the Kalapawai Cafe at the entrance to Kailua Town. Both of them, along with Big City Diner, have fantabulous desserts.
Unfortunately, traffic is really junked up after 8 pm because of the roadway project right in the center of town but that will not last much longer.
Speaking of raising money – if you’re interested in Hawaiian culture, music, crafts, and food as well as hands-on educational and environmental exhibits – do attend the Ulupo Heiau Ho`ike this Saturday from 10 am to 3 pm at the southern edge of Kawainui Marsh just below the Windward YMCA on Kailua Road. Great family experience – free parking and no admission charge. All proceeds from selling the Hawaiian Plate Lunches will go towards the Kailua Hawaiian Civic Club’s scholarship program.
Back to football: When/where is the Second Annual Football Clinic for Women going to be held? When I suggested several weeks ago about holding a coed clinic, several people said that there would be a repeat of last year’s women’s clinic, but I haven’t seen it mentioned anywhere. Did I miss hearing/reading about it?
Off to work – have a good day.
According to the organizers, proceeds for last night’s event would help subsidize the UH football camps for youths. Much of the money would be used as camp scholarships.
Mack said there would be a second women’s clinic. He didn’t specify the dates, but it probably would run during training camp.
yep office all cleaned out.
haven’t seen george and kahu since the cc at thelma’s. but I hear they all good.
working slowly into this new phase of my life. so far plenty of advise from its all good to its not for everyone. just trying to take it a day at a time.
reminder to keep this date. come meet and greet the new additions to the UH staff. should be a good one.
btw stephen any word on Murphy’s pigsking pig out?
Good morning everyone!
ST — I remember the S. Lum picture incident. My thought at the time was that it was a problem because the pix came through a 3rd party. Wouldn’t it have been OK if she (or anyone) personally gave Colt her autographed photo?
You telling me! I love the Jack Ball! Combine it with a UH Jersey Beer Cozy (Signed by Blaze Soares) and you get this:
Well, I thought it was a cute idea… don’t you judge me!!!!
July Jones:
The Nate interview was in the opening sequence. It should still be there.
The solution would be for Stephanie Lum to give every UH student her autograph.
Coach Lee is just playing with you. He’s been asked many times. He doesn’t want to do it.
Neither does Shoji. Shoji says yes, and then darts away. We gave up on him.
If things go well, we’re going to have Mouton and Bess on Tuesday’s show. A week after that, Miss Hawaii will be joining us.
i’d like an autographed picture too. but i am not of colt’s status, so i will sit back down.
Let’s face it: Most of you never heard of the Aiea d-lineman. (And don’t start heading to Google right now.)
Yet I noticed that nobody is critical of UH’s pursuit.
Is it because other schools like him?
Is it because he’s still a free agent?
Do the critics believe UH should even pursue him?
The grass is always greener, isn’t it?
Would you like me to get you SL’s autograph?
ST — if you get one for chawan_cut, get one for Colt too. 🙂
stephen, i think lagafuaina has been known for awhile
Good morning Tsaikos…glad to hear everyone had a good time last night…
Eh, Powderpuff…#10…who were the two queens??? LMAO
Good to hear that local boys want to be part of the Warriors….
I’d like to see Leon Wright-Jackson, Inoke Funaki, or Blaze Soares on the show.
Recruiting is far from being an exact science, but I would have to give Coach Mack and his staff the best benefit of any doubt on their methodology and who they “target” for the team.
To me, it doesn’t matter how many “stars” a player has because it was designated by a human being who is full of likes/dislikes, ideosyncracies, etc. It is how well that player improves on and off the field that will count. Someone once told me, “it’s not how well you did in college, but how well you will do after college”. A brilliant mind with no people skills translates to what?
One thing that jumps out from Coach Mack is his steadfast belief that he will “honor” every scholarship offer. Unlike some “big time schools” that will pull a scholarship if a better rated player decides to accept a scholarship for the same position. I hope the younger players who are being offered by UH strongly consider Coach Mack’s position on offers.
One has to wonder about big time schools like USC or Texas or Florida who signed so many 4 or 5 star high school athletes who never get drafted to play on the next level. This being the case, what good was that 4 or 5 star athlete? I will presume that if he was really good then he would have been drafted of offered a free agent contract. But, did it happen?
In some respects, the playing field may be more level as very top notch players decide to attend the smaller named schools within a BCS conference or non-BCS conference schools.
things to look forward to:
ms. hawaii on the beat.
davone and mouton on tuesday.
st invites sl to our first tailgate
but ST does not come to our tailgates??
ahouse….that’s okay. more for us to eat!
he does meander over after the game on occasion. by then us old folks are on the road home. ten hours plus is too long of an outing.
A house well stated and as usual I concur except when we play cards or majong bwhaaaaaa
i want stephanie lum’s autograph too
Dirty Commish…that’s a CLEAN combo of Warrior Jack! You should be in Marketing.
Contact Stretch, he can always use fresh marketing ideas. The tie to adult beverages is da winnah!
Stephanie Lum looks way younger in person than on tv.
OK, I’ll try to get her autograph for CC, BB and CB.
Hey, that all sort of worked out alphabetically, didn’t it?
That’s the perks of being the AAJA-Hawaii president. I’ve got an extended Rolodex.
Showdown with my dentist at high noon…gulp! Why do they always have to inflict pain? Why can’t we just get along for an hour without anyone reaching for a needle to inflict stab wounds?
With this guy, we hardly get past, “Hello How you?” Bang! he’s stepping into my mouth with both feet and his needle! Not a fair fight, when only one of us is armed.
Tsai re your post #77 I speak on my own by saying I am for all the locals no matter if they stay or go. I know the 808 keeds play with passion and luv for
their sport. I like watching them perform and go all out. It’s imbeded into them. That is why I abandoned the bball team when trap did not go after the locals.
I may not know many of the current student athletes but know many of the coaches. Either coached against them or are past player. I know they carry on the passions of working with youngster we did in the past
Kekoa muph ugah wmah nuff said
i’m not worthy of SL’s autograph…. i’m just a regular ol’ guy. she’ll probably be like, “chawan cut???” thats a lame name.
but if you do come across one, mucho mahalos.
KK ~ Peeps are always amazed that I understand everything you say!
When you get past all the he said she said stuff being spewed on the blog lately, what it comes down to is these are KIDS who want to play football. No matter where they go, they will be happy to get a college education, and play a GAME they love to play. For that, they all have my support and respect. As for the coaches, they are making these dreams come true for these kids. Again, much support and respect from Jack Flash.
The point of the post was that the Aiea guy fits the profile of the other recruits: under the radar, physical potential, plays for not a traditional powerhouse school, few or no stars.
But the critics aren’t harping on the pursuit of him. Is it because he’s being pursued by others? Because he’s not yet committed?
I think there’s a perception out there that the under-the-radar players are taking spots for the so-called multi-star prospects. Thing is, UH has made offers to every top prospect in the state — some you’ve heard of, some you haven’t.
UH wants to lock up most of the class early.
Then if things don’t work out, they can pursue others.
Or as one coach has said: “We don’t want to be recruiting in February.”
Haka ~ Most of the time it’s because they have a Superiority complex.
I don’t have that problem, I am certain that I am Superior to everyone! Bwhahahahaha!
Choosing a college is a big event in a person’s life.
It’s a shame when a kid works really hard to finally achieve a goal of earning a scholarship to his hometown team that he’s being criticized for not having enough stars.
I know the prospects appreciate the positive responses.
i like coach mack’s organized approach at recruiting with tuioti. we will no longer need to scramble each year when we don’t have backups to certain positions. we’ll soon have a continual flow of ready, talented reserves to get their shot when their turn comes to start.
recruiting these guys early is better than scrambling late and hoping they change their mind. you get some, you don’t. like everything in life. this isn’t an exact science.
i think we really need september to come around and we can all see it play out on the field. too much time off in this “offseason”.
ST ~ Doesn’t a CB autograph trump a SL autograph? So it should be an even trade at the very least.
Hiya Liz! ~ I bet you are still smiling from last nite’s encounter with CB and the rest of his crew.
Rob25 ~ I’m thinking your smiley face is still lit up as well!
Midori7 ~ How can you stand being out manuvered by your mom for CB’s attention?
SailorBlue ~ Now that you are pals with CB, forget the Navy game! UH all the way this season, right?!
oh ok, sorry.
You set with your Warrior Jack ?
with my HS grades, people questioned me when i chose to go to UH. i was like, so? what’s wrong with UH? sure i didn’t play sports or have star ratings for me, i was just a regular student. it was still my choice.
its home. family is here. friends are here. heck its still WAY cheaper than any other big name school. i don’t have any student loans to pay off. i had no clue what to major in. why spend $$$$ to take core classes?
its what you make of your opportunity. some people are given the world, yet are spoiled and squander it. others are given a little rougher road and conquer it.
i’m here. you’re here. how’d you get to this point?
this is their chance. their choice. let them live it.
ST- well said. The UH commits should know that we will be supporting them, and our team, no matter what. Yes- coaches are paid employees who i’m sure can handle any criticism one cares to offer. But these kids are really doing something special by verbally committing early on in a public way. They do us all proud!
C_C ~ Remember when the cupboard was bare? Now that coach Mack has turned it around and filled the cupboard, people are sharpshooting what he has in reserve. So not fair. Don’t you just hate Malcontents?
yep, thanks to super duper friends back home, i’m all set!
chawan I don’ wonder about you any more
I actually am kind of in the marketing biz… more on the design side but we all work closely together. You know, maybe 10 years ago I would see a Jumbo Jack and beer and say no problem… nowadays… stomach no can handle. Sad, sad sad…
Well good luck at the dentist. In your honor I present this gem I fondly remember and am SOOOO happy that they have at karaoke:
DC not to worry I know of plenty tsaiko’s who will carry on the beer tradition for you bwhaaaaa
i would like to add that stephanie lum is one of the few local news people that looks good in HD.
st….don’t forget al’s request.
ask sl to come to our first tailgater.
oh, and i promise to control (j)j, homey, koakane, and the rest of those dogs.
bb…..are you saying that robert looks bad on hdtv?
i’m telling.
Reminds me of Charlie Brown on the mound surrounded by Lucy, Schroder, PigPen etc all yelling at him. “People always like to be in an advisory position”.
Whether the recruit is no-stars or 5-stars, the proof will be when the whistle blows and the game starts.
We had players that came in with no publicity or fanfare and did us proud. We had star-players that were complete duds. We will see what we will see.
I have every confidence in MAC and his staff that they are not just picking people off the street and that each potential recruit has been examined under the microscope.
In short – stop sniping.
what were you wondering about me?
c_c…..i heard about it, too.
I agree with your point about the how the criticism can be quite harsh, especially considering that in past years even many of the players who would end up being 3-stars hadn’t even been evaluated yet. There are many players on UH’s commit list that will end up with 3 stars next to their name when the evaluation process heats up. It simply isn’t possible to evaluate all of the recruits at this time, especially those in Hawaii.
However, you picked a bad example to make your point with. Lagafuaina has been known about for a *long* time. A month ago he had offers from UCLA (recruited by Norm Chow), UNLV (Keith Uperesa), and U-Dub. He has 3-stars on rivals and there are only a select group of recruits in Hawaii at that level or higher right now so he’s not “few or no stars”.
But even if the recruiting services hadn’t caught up with him, I don’t think anyone (even a couple of people who were quite vocal in yesterday’s blog) would criticize UH offering a recruit who is 310 or 315 pounds and has a reported 40 time of 4.9 seconds! Nobody with those reported stats can be under the radar…
SMU fans aren’t used to getting commits early and many of them have been quite critical of the unknown nature of their 13 commits. They found a lot of their recruits from their camps–not just on their campus but they also had them all around the state of Texas. The recruiting services haven’t even evaluated many of the recruits in Texas…they sure aren’t going to be able to get around to evaluating all the recruits in Hawaii for some time.
heard what?
al, nvm, i think i know. no need tell.
I dunno… so far, I like all the guys that have accepted. They have the size, attitude, and enthusiasm to be Warriors. They want to play for the home team. And now they have the motivation. Once they enroll, they won’t second guess their choice.
i dont even think robert is in HD…
when watching K5 News @9 you can fully tell who knows how to apply make up correctly for who has a layer of thick bondo on their face. stephanie lum is one of those news people that figured it out.
yes, i have no life.
One key thing to think about is that a player can be a 2-star player in one system and end up playing like a 4-star player in another system. For example, a slot receiver wouldn’t be much use to a power rushing team that uses just TEs and big WRs, but that same player could be a star in an offense like UH’s.
A RB could be 5-stars and an awesome runner, but unable to catch or block…that would keep him off the field in a system like UH’s.
The idea that the star rankings all equally to all schools and all systems is flawed.
This doesn’t even point out the fact that the star ratings do NOT take into account the academic qualification status of a player. Some SEC schools openly talk about how they sign 4-star or even 5-star players that they *know* will not qualify academically. That boosts their recruiting rankings and makes their fans happy….but exposes a flaw in the ranking system.
Looks like the OL will have a good test in the season opener. Central Arkansas has a DT and DE that are preseason FCS All-Americans. The DE was the conference player of the year and 4th in the nation in sacks…a good test for the OTs.
Article from June 12:
“Kekoa: Hiya Liz! ~ I bet you are still smiling from last nite’s encounter with CB and the rest of his crew.”
🙂 😎 ❗
Th show replay starts of him talking about the Cowboy Pitt rivalry and him living in VA. But I still never caught the NI interview on Colt. I almost watch the whole thing but then my boss came in so clicked out now I gotta start from the begining again.
that nasti nate segment is not on the replay from tuesday. unless i fell asleep twice.
We can get all the beef to play OL and DL right here in Hawaii. Good job Coach Mack with the early recruiting! But dont forget to save scholly’s for those that are going to throw it, catch it, run it, and intercept it. Gotta go to the rock to get those fast black dudes to play the skills. Everyone knows that. Go Warriors!!
It’s that time of the year again to think about playing fantasy football! Anyone wanting to join the fun this year can reach me by email. djmitcho at yahoo dot com. We are already half way to 12 teams, including the top 3 teams from last year which were Jason, J and Pauoa Boy. We can accomodate up to 14 at the most if there is a need to, or we can just start another league. If you want in or have any questions, email me.
I love the pre-season commitment of our bloggers here, just a few weeks before camp opens and the Tsaikos are in top shape already! 😆 Others might have different opinions, but the bottom line is we love our Warriors and the kids who play for them.
Jack Flash, I am looking forward to havin’ a cold one with you sometime this year. Your preseason posts show that you are in top blogger shape and would be ready to go if the first game were played tomorrow. 😉 I like the way you’ve stepped up into a leadership role son, keep up the good work! 🙂
The rest of you guys rock, and I can’t wait to read your excellent posts here come September.
And to any and all Warriors, past, present and future who read here, thanks for all the sacrifice and hard work you do in order to represent the way you do.
DPK- or should i say “your highness, the King of England.” Can you tell i’m getting excited for the season to start or what?! I can almost taste it…
Just got a Warrior Jack. It’s cool. Reminds me of the bobble heads from long time ago…UH should bring back bobble heads in baseball and football uniforms.
GO Warriors!!!
Say, was there a Timmy bobble head at one time?… I’ll leave the joke alone on this one!
The video doesn’t start from the beginning. It’s constantly looping, so it starts when you click on. If you click on at the 15th minute, that’s the start. I think we need the fast-forward device.
Pssssst…. ST’s competition mentions early rumblings of not having swap meet on game days. Nothing set in stone yet. But if this comes to fruition… WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
And about #$*%+^ time!
Re#103 – Heck no brother…that game is still on…you get you warrior face on and I’ll get my war face on and my battleship will sink your canoe 🙂
yup, i have been saying this for awhile the video needs a start and stop. rewind, ff, etc.
SailorBlue ~ Ok, I’m working on a project right now that has something to do with the Navy mascot. It involves one goat, one grill, and several Tsaiko cooks coming together on game day.
kekoa #100
i know what you mean. i used to be conceited, but i took a hard look at myself, made the appropriate attitude adjustments and voila! now i’m PERFECT! nyuk, nyuk, nyuk
Dirty Commish ~
Tanks for the video! I couldn’t wait to show it to my dentist. I was all excited and stuff, popped it up on the iphone – unfortunately he was not amused. He swept me in 3 straight and pinned me to the chair. Game over!
I’m enjoying a smoothie right now as the drugs are wearing off. Diana is mixing da poi and opening can sardines and Sockeye Salmon for my dinner. No O’io today, so I’m getting by with that and some Ahi limu poke to go with da canned stuff.
Even with lots of marinating and seasoning, tough old salty goats don’t taste very good. Better to eat some kalua pig, huli huli chicken or nabayaki udon…
…is it dinner time yet 🙂
Haka ~ There’s a lot of that going around. It’s all about attitude alright. But since you got it, you flaunt it!…Right on. It’s hard to be humble when you’re perfect!
Dang. I think the heat is winning. So difficult to stay awake during the day.
Glad to hear everyone had a great time last night!
Did I actually hear you right? There are people around who criticize our current recruiting methods over the former, hid and miss, occasionally get lucky and then kind of panic aproach? Amazing, truly amazing, to compare what’s going on now, with what has happend before, truly goes way beyond apples and oranges.
Things seem to have returned to normal around here. That is always a good thing.
Let those who are paid to do the job, do the job. If you feel you know more then why are you not doing the job?
Hi, F-Ted! How are you doing?
Hey wafan…you up for darts tomorrow?
Aww man sorry to hear that your dentist has no sense of humor. I’m scarred for life (not literally thank goodness) from a bad dental experience.
I was at UH and the dental students were asking people if they wanted free teeth cleaning. And this really really really REALLY cute one asked me – and of course being a living breathing male I had to say yes, right?
Little did I know the horrors that were awaiting me… the dentist is a different kind of pain I tell you. The sound. The scraping. The jamming of shiny sharp instruments into the mouth… Even worse since they were students and we were like their practice dummies. I still cry myself to sleep sometimes…
Rob7 . . .
Still working on the logistics. You know how local families can be.
How to have fun at the dentist.
You guys just have to train your dentist and hygienist.
When they stick their fingers in your mouth gently bite down. Then remind them you can inflict pain, too.
Every so often scream out in pain. No reason than it keeps them on their toes. Besides, their nervous laughter helps to break the tension. Writhing in pain when there are other patients in a nearby room is a nice touch — especially if they are walking in and can see and hear you.
Good afternoon Tsai-kos!!
Getting ready to head home.
Kekoa – Took da keed to see the oral surgeon for a consult the other week. Da chair had straps for arms, legs and torso. She kinda freaked out. hehehehe. 😆
Kekoa . . .
What is going on with Pops? Sounds like he is ill.
What kind of help do you need?
Dinner time!
Coupon for a 3rd entree. Yahoo!
Hi, wafan,
I think I’m doing good.
Kekoa, I don’t need a dentist, I need a sub-contractor.
FloridaTed- great to see you back and match fit in wit!
Hi wafan.
Working late today- make up for yesterday… WooHoo!
Flyin’ Kauaian!
Garret, good points in #120 and #128. That should answer all of the questions that were posed about this recruit.
I think that now with all of the organizations, like PIAA, for example, and with all of the combines and other programs that are now available to high school kids (opportunities that never existed for high school kids say 10 years ago), the ability to analyze talent in the high school ranks and the information that is now available about high school athletes to collegiate coaching staffs is quite remarkable. The existence of unknown and unrecognized quality talent is less and less common as a result. Yes, you may always have exceptions to the rules, but the cream of the crop in the high school ranks will, more often than not, be found and ranked and recruited by more than one school. I wish that every local kid would have a shot to play ball at UH, but with limited scholarships, how often should you take long shot chances on “unranked” players in this information age? I am not sure, but that would certainly be a good question for the coaches the next time they are on Warrior Beat. Good debate, all.
Re: Recruiting
Scout and Rivals are just $$ making entities that use this so-called star rating system as a way to feed the rabid mouths of voracious fans and big $$ boosters who love to keystroke away 24/7 on their blogs and message boards debating whether or not Johnny McSlappy deserves a scholarship offer.
For all the obvious blue chippers and even the above average HS players who attend the buhzillion camps and other football showcase activities we have these days, it’s easy to bestow a grip of stars upon them and accend these players to the top of the recruiting food chain. It doesnt take Mel Kiper Jr to figure out how many stars these players should get.
For the players who do not attend such camps and showcases or who do not have much access to other ways of promoting themselves (recruiting websites or YouTube highlights), it comes down to the old fashion approach to recruiting like it used to happen…sending film to colleges and having their HS coach be able to promote them when colleges come calling. This can also pertain to players from remote HS in rural areas or islolated schools like in Hawaii.
When this old school method of recruitment happens, Scout and Rivals have no clue about these players and thus cannot anoint any stars upon them. And you know what? This is the way college coaches would want it….less attention to their own grassroots recruiting discovery. Then the obligatory star sighting occurs in reactionary fashion by Scout and Rivals.
These rags are no better than Us and People giving their fashion star ratings of the dresses worn at the Oscars. I would much rather trust Mac, Tony and the other fine assistant coaches at UH to watch game film and evaluate in person at the camps they are allowed to instruct, than to trust what I call the “Tabloids of HS Football Recruiting”.
Seeing a player move in person during an athletic activity and seeing his body frame is so valuable to coaches’ evaluations. Talking to a player and his family unveils the players values, character and other intangibles that can go a long way in a player’s recruiting stock.
Lastly, it’s of my opinion that if Scout and Rivals want to be more legitimate and have some integrity to their “star” ratings, they should have a criteria to which a HS players’ academic standing (GPA, test scores,etc) should be part of the recruits rating. If a player can get more stars for 4.35 forty time, why not get more stars for a 4.0 GPA?
Excellent. I give that post 5 Stars! 😉
Mr. Reagan should have said, “Is this thing on?” to test his microphone rather than what he said.
All good discussions. And to think this is only in July about 2010s class.
We should just sit back and enjoy the process and look forward to our next group of football commitments as future Warriors. For every highly touted player that didn’t work out (George Ornellas), we have a walk-on who became a first round draft pick (Ashley Lelie). If I was looking for prospects I would look to speed and athleticism over size. Small guys like Anguay and Lau could be the future like Chad Owens and Jeff Sydner. They key is ability, hard work, and heart. But I do believe that it all starts up front w/ the OL and DL. That’s the foundation. Hawaii has that in abundance. But, in a run and shoot system, the Quarterback is the one who will take us to the dance….come back Colt!!!! Where’s the next Colt II. It’s been fun. Keep it going! It just shows that people are passionate about seeing the Warriors do well. With the Warriors being shown in high definitioin this year, how many programs can say that.
Probably not Fresno St. or Boise St. or other WAC schools. And now, where have they gone and where are they now? Gabe Tuata, Jesse Williams, Tu Tui, Christian Vasconcellos, George Kauwalu, Kainoa LaCount!!!!
I completely agree with this. Schools are penalized by the APR for players who struggle in school and don’t graduate and players who get suspended or flunk out of school cannot help their team. Players who don’t have a chance of qualifying really are in a different category with players who will qualify…but when people look at stars they don’t see any difference. Sometimes you see people wondering why some excellent players who are highly rated aren’t getting offers…and then later the nonqualifying news comes out.
I’m sure that Mac and the rest of the UH coaching staff does their due diligence on each recruit and Mac seems to be recruiting players who are also good students. That is a great thing, as avoiding APR penalties is important…but more importantly, it is my opinion that the dedication and intelligence shown in high school are traits that can be a big help in learning the offense and defensive systems in college while staying out of academic trouble in college.
I think that it is almost impossible for a player who goes to a program like Kapolei to fly under the radar…but a player from Kauai or from a lesser known school on Oahu could still receive minimal attention as a junior. That is where UH’s camps come in, as it gives the coaches a chance to evaluate players before other schools might have been able to evaluate them, getting the first offer advantage.
Wotyobench?: #163
July 10th, 2009 at 7:17 pm
Re: Recruiting
Good stuff……………….
Remember Miami’s training camp in 2007 when the big story was the group of Polynesian players they had just brought in (drafting Samson, Reagan, and Soliai and signing Tala and another player)? Out of that group of Polynesian players, only Soliai is left with the Dolphins and if he doesn’t perform well this season then they will have no Polynesian players anymore.
One thing that I forgot to add to #168 is that UH has gotten quite a number of players that fit the profile for being under the radar…
Here’s a great example of the illegitimacy of the so-called “star” ratings on websites like Scout and Rivals….
Background: Kevin Lustgarten is the person in charge of JCFootball.com which is affilliated with Scout.com. He facilitates 3 to 4 JUCO football combines across the nation each year in the spring to showcase players seeking to transfer to 4 year schools. He collects all the players’ data from these combines and provides them to many universities and colleges all over the country. Though he is not a football coach or master evaluator, Kevin has seen many players (good and bad), many JUCO games in person and has built solid and trusted relationships with college coaches and recruiting coordinators over the last few years.
Below is one message he posted on the JCFootball.com board concerning the “mysterious manipulation” of his JUCO player rankings by the “higher ups” involved with Scout.com:
Posted: 08/10/2008 12:08 PM
Player Rankings
In case you missed it below…
I generally input player rankings for all the JC guys. I’m not the only one, however, who has access to the rankings panel.
Some of you have mentioned that some guys seemed to be downgraded recently.
Couple things…
1. Players are re-evaluated throughout the year and rankings do change.
2. I have not changed more than a couple of my original rankings since sometime in June.
3. Looks like one of the higher ups at Scout has done some moving around of rankings, but I can’t tell which records have been changed.
Just some FYI.
Reply | Quote
So what you saying is that Miami uce2 have plenny polynesians?
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want to read the off-topic stuff.
The Air Force plans to use purple bacteria to enable UAVs to be solar powered. Dye-sensitized solar cells can be produced for a quarter of the cost of silicon cells.
The US will conduct the biggest mass vaccination campaign (against the swine flu) since the polio epidemics of the 1950s, with school-age children getting their shots at school.
Study found that humans can infect pigs with the swine flu, which then spreads quickly among pigs.
The Ebola virus has been found in pigs for the first time, raising concerns that it could mutate and pose a new risk to humans.
Galileo’s notebooks seem to reveal that he discovered Neptune in 1613, 234 years before Neptune was officially discovered.
Free play links pau.
Article about Colt, Bess, and Mouton helping to raise money for Hawaii’s Meals on Wheels program.
Hey Derek! Thanks for keeping an even keel and not taking offense at some of the comments.
In an attempt to keep some perspective on all of this talk on recruiting, I went to the acknowledged (for many folks) leader in the WAC…Boise. It was interesting to see the composition and data on their 2009 and earlier classes. Mixed in among the commits were a fair number of seemingly under sized young men. If you’re really interested, check the recruits from 2006 and their heights and weights in 2009. Bottom line is Boise’s recruits aren’t much different than UH’s as far as size goes. For an offensive tackle, 6’5″ and 250 lbs is more common than 6’6″ and 290. Oh, and 40 times are provided too. What would you think of a 6’5″ 250 lb DE who runs a 4.99? I’d bet a manapua that Boise turns him into a DT after he grown a bit.
Sure nice that Scout.com provides so much available information on Boise recruits.
I have another anecdotal example of the inexact science of the”star” rankings of football players.
Former UH recruit and UCLA QB Kevin Craft had originally played at San Diego St for his father and former Aztec HC Tom Craft. Tom gets fired from SDSU after Kevin’s redshirt freshman season in which Kevin started a few games (so even despite the thinly veiled nepotism angle, Kevin has to be somewhat legit to start for a MWC program).
Kevin then transfers to Mt San Antonio Jr College in LA for his sophomore year and plays one season there again for his father who is now the OC. Kevin puts up ginormous numbers and leads his team to a SoCal championship and runner up in the California State JUCO Final. He has a few schools recruiting him (like UH) but nothing solid. His star rankings at that particular time is like 1 or 2.
All of the sudden he gets an offer from Norm Chow and UCLA and his stars go up to 3. Kevin decides to sign with UCLA mid year and transfers there. His rankings again react and he is now a 5 star recruit.
What’s my point? Ask a UCLA fan if Kevin deserved the 5 star ranking last season. And why was there such a fluctuation in stars when obviously this kid had already played and started at another Div1A program and led his JUCO team to the State Championship game? It’s not like Scout and Rivals had no film on him or weren’t able to compare apples to apples in his evaluation since he already played on the Div1A level. Curious indeed.
Your posts have been spot on!
top 200!
hey Wotyobench….are you a new guy or did you change yo name?
have anyone seen those pictures on metronix.4th of july @ aloha tower.one of the picture has a former UH warrior linebacker
they say he was to small for a linebacker but good enough to play .i think he played in the 80s
Don’t let me get my hands on that poster that’s talking stink about the recruits.
Lotsa mystery and intrigue on the ole blog tonight…
Hey Tsaikos,
Just came back from fundraiser! Was Awesome! Colt is a clown. My friend was taking a pic with Ryan Mouton and Colt jumped in the back of the pic right wen I took the pic. Then he told my friend he was sorry he ruined the pic so take another one. Actually the pic came out great. My friend took him literally so he took another one w Mouton. Food was pretty good and open bar!! Where the heck was Koakane, James and Stretch??!! everyone told me they went the night before…but $40 vs $150?
BTW Stephen, forgot to tell you that I wasnt stalking u at UHM…lol…AND i got an A in Epidemiology (say that fast 3x) curriculum..woohoo! Also Do you know if Jordan Monico is gonna transfer? I coached him in Middle school track. He was a beast in the 50m!
looks like erick lalau
erick lalau i think thats how you spell his name.great athlete,good basketball player.i think he went campbell.not sure athletic ohana.
lalau s,ulufale s- grew up same neighbourhood!
oops neighborhood
lefty wish i was dare garens paina all night with colt dem but drive kaina fah nex time
HST: yeah, far enough that I DIDNT drive…lol. Crowd wasnt that big…so u could have talked story with Colt, Devon and Ryan…Hope he steps it up this year. Campbell sucks…
Thoroughly enjoyed the Hiroshima concert tonight! Sensei Kenny Endo played taiko & percussions with them. Boy, he is fit!
Night all!
mr. tsai…..just wondering.
where are these guys?
tj alofipo
kalani brackenridge (baseball? football?)
alex green
deondre powel
destin stewart
chauncy winchester-makainai
alex dunnachie
scott enos
marcus maleapeai
mike wadsworth
This isn’t from Stephen, but I was told Marcus Malepeai wants to grayshirt.
Jason you’re up late, school days you in bed by 11, don’t get to excited to trigger an anxiety attack… Think good thoughts, think Raider Nation…
Geez, Ralph, you know exactly how to depress a guy right before he goes to sleep. 😀
Where’s my husband? He left a note saying he’s going after the poster talking stink about the recruits. Can someone help me?
new post is up, come on over!
Lee Janzen…
The Warriors have emerged as the early leaders in the recruiting competition for Aiea defensive tack […]…
ST: UH recruiting “should” always be “year-round.”
#44, Garret, regarding Brian Te’o and his “Kahuku factor,” kids playing pick-up games in end-zones are common place at many “other” public school campus stadiums in the aloha state.
[…] The Warrior Beat | UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]
[…] The Warrior Beat | UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]
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The Warriors have emerged as the early leaders in the recruiting competition for Aiea defensive tack […]…
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The Warriors have emerged as the early leaders in the recruiting competition for Aiea defensive tack […]…
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