UH hits recruiting trail

The one upside to UH’s early exit is that it gives the coaches a jump-start on recruiting. Half the staff is on the road. It also should be a busy time here with the upcoming all-star game.

* * * * *

The commitment of Mililani High’s Zac Quines is in line with the Warriors’ strategy of pursuing multiple-skilled athletes. Quines played middle linebacker for Mililani. But with his frame (6 feet 3) and speed (sub-4.7), he eventually could develop into a perimeter pass-rusher.

* * * * *

UH middle linebacker Jake Heun is as tough as advertised. He played the entire second half of the Wisconsin game with a broken foot.

* * * * *

Our thoughts and prayers go to former UH basketball player Cliff Sanchez and his family. From Rainbow Cliff:

Morning Tsaiko Nation, I write to you with a HEAVY heart as my mom Grace Sanchez died last night peacefully in her sleep up Northern California. My mom was 81 years of age and all I can say she was a “TREMENDOUS” Mother who allowed me the opportunity to play “SPORT” in which she had no car, living in Compton, California raising myself, brother and sister as a SINGLE parent.

Mother Sanchez was STRONG as we walked everywhere as she had bad eye sight and couldn’t drive BUT her WILL for us to make it and put EDUCATION as a priority was deeply rooted as she graduated from USC with a bachelor’s in secondary education as a bilingual teacher who taught ADMIRABLY in the LA Unified School District.

cliffWhen I decided to sign with you good folks my mom was right there as she endorse her signature for me to become a Rainbow Warrior and she visited me my Sophomore year as she stayed with the Carrol family of Oceanic Cable and your “ALOHA” was priceless to her as you treated her as a “QUEEN” as I thank you for that !

During the Rainbow Classic when I had my best game vs. Stanford she was in attendance at Blaisdell with a court side seat as the camera lens put her on the television screen and had a caption writing of her being “Cliff Sanchez Mother” as many fans in attendance came up to her to greet and meet her.

I am flying out Friday to San Francisco to lay her to rest as I and my wife Rhonda are so SAD of her passing. I could not ask for a better Mother who cared for me and MANY along the way in which she “GAVE” unconditionally as my HEART is so sad as I lost my truly “BEST FRIEND” !

Please pray for me during this time that I may remain “STRONG” as her wish to carry out her last will and testament I must over see as her executive to her estate. I have my Dodger Xmas Party for my children of the Center this morning as I will complete this event and then prepare for my journey of laying her to rest.

Mahalo for your time in reading my post as I remain.

* * * * *

This is why people should never bet:



* * * * *

This would have been a popular T-shirt if UH advanced into the postseason:


* * * * *

Don’t forget to catch Dr. Elizabeth Ignacio, one of the Warriors’ doctors, perform as part of the “Four Doctors, a Patient & a Sweetheart” concert tonight at the Blaisdell Center Concert Hall.



  1. whitey December 10, 2009 6:54 am

    Good morning Tsaikos

  2. bighilofan2 December 10, 2009 6:56 am

    Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.

    Rainbow Cliff,

    Deepest sympathy and condolences to you, kind Sir!. I read every word of your last
    post, twice.

  3. Bulla December 10, 2009 6:57 am

    Top 3 🙂

  4. LizKauai [iMac] WARRIORS! IMUA! December 10, 2009 6:58 am

    Aloha Kakahiaka again!

    Prayers for the Rainbow Cliff Ohana.

  5. LizKauai [iMac] WARRIORS! IMUA! December 10, 2009 6:59 am

    Get well soon, Jake and teammates… Good Luck, COACHES!!!


  6. ai-eee-soos December 10, 2009 6:59 am

    Jake Heun: Looking for great things from you next year.

    Good luck.

  7. Jusin December 10, 2009 7:01 am

    I hope he stays at linebacker. I know Mack loves speed on the field, but the size of a player is an important aspect as well. Too many times have I seen UH linebackers get bullied and pushed around at the point of attack.

  8. bighilofan2 December 10, 2009 7:02 am

    Coach McMackin has to have a plan going forward. Our early exit from the post season hoopla gives him a chance to mull his future.

    sum Tsaikos said a coupla years ago, give him 3 years. The third year has officially started; the recruiting wars are on. Give it your best shot, Coach!

    y’all wanna know what I want for XMas? Brent Rausch to put on 20 pounds of muscle mass for next year, 5 pounds in each arm. 😀

    Please Santa, PLEASE!

  9. Bulla December 10, 2009 7:04 am

    Rainbow Cliff,

    My condolences and prayers to you and your family. Your mom had done her job here on Earth, and is now in Heaven smiling upon you and all that you do. Her spirit will live on for eternity, and one day we shall all be together again as one happy ohana sitting next to our Lord and Savior.

    Although there is sadness in her passing, there is joy in knowing that the angels are rejoicing in Heaven with her arrival.

    Christmas, I mean the purpose of Christmas as explained by Rick Warren is 3 fold. Celebration, Salvation, and Reconciliation.

    We celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
    We insure that we are in perfect vertical alignment through our Salvation.
    We reconcile all our relationships, first with God then with all others.

    Know that you are in my prayers and as proud as you are to have a mother like yours, I know that your mother’s smile is lighting up the clouds as she is so very, very proud of you. Blessings my brother.

  10. bighilofan2 December 10, 2009 7:06 am

    Yah! Blessings Rainbow Cliff. Your mother raised a class act!

  11. whitey December 10, 2009 7:16 am

    morning bhf2, one of your office boss said that they will be back at work on Monday. hahahaaaaaaa

  12. bighilofan2 December 10, 2009 7:21 am



    but you know, luck can change. 😀

  13. Pomai December 10, 2009 7:23 am

    Brother Cliff, you and your family has all my prayers.

  14. bighilofan2 December 10, 2009 7:27 am

    I’m looking forward to when the coaches’ projection of who day going offer schollie matches up wit actuality. so many walk-ons on the field tells me some past schollie offers were a feel good as day not playing like wuz projected.

    but just maybe, Coach has now gotten things in order. Hoping. Hoping.

  15. bighilofan2 December 10, 2009 7:28 am

    have a great day, Tsaikos.

    Have a greatest recuit season ever, Coach.

  16. qbwarrior718 December 10, 2009 7:29 am

    Here are some clips of 2010 UH Recruit (Slot Receiver) out of Temecula, CA
    Luna, played QB/DB for the Wolfpack, he will be missed!

    Christian “Bubba” Poueu-Luna 2009 Senior Highlights

    Track Highlight Video, 2009 Arcadia Invitational 4x100m Lane 6 (anchor)

  17. Kekoa (iPhone) December 10, 2009 7:35 am

    Rainbow Cliff ~

    So sad to start this day hearing of the loss of Mother Sanchez.

    Diana and I offer our very deepest sympathy to you and your ohana, Cliff. May she rest in eternal peace.

    Mai poina,

  18. chopsueyboy December 10, 2009 7:37 am

    My condolences and prayers to you and your family.
    Reading your post these past few months, your mom
    must be very proud of the person her son has become.
    She has a great view to continue to watch over you and
    your family. God Bless You.

  19. I Love Pecan Pie December 10, 2009 7:40 am

    My prayers and condolences for the Sanchez family.
    Every one of us who lost a Mom know he has a big hole in his heart now.
    And if your Mom is still alive, give her a phone call, letter
    or better yet, a big hug. And talk with her about some of
    your interesting times you remember with her as a youngster.
    Jesus said, unless we become as a little child, we cannot
    get into Heaven. Makes me wonder if we all will be
    Angels around 3 to 5 years old flying around with
    our grandparents and parents and eventually with our own
    children—all the same age. Can’t have all “old” people
    in Heaven.

  20. Pomai December 10, 2009 7:41 am

    #8 bhf2 –

    If I had to pick the two things I want coach to find is two of the baddest bookend DE pass rushing fools. The thing I noticed this year we had no outside pass rush.

  21. Pomai December 10, 2009 7:50 am

    bhf2 this is what I am talking about, two DE going against the entire o-line an still get the sack……


  22. Da Punchbowl Kid December 10, 2009 7:52 am

    So sorry to read of your loss Brother Cliff. Your mother leaves a wonderful legacy which shines in you. May you and your family find peace and blessing in our Lord, Jesus Christ. She’s in a better place, but she will always be with you in your hearts.

  23. mctruck December 10, 2009 8:07 am


    My heartfelt condolences….I know how it feels to lose your mother.


  24. Stephen Tsai December 10, 2009 8:17 am

    I think UH’s d-ends could do well against this Florida State lineman:


  25. uhwarriors December 10, 2009 8:30 am

    Na Koa Football Club Lunch Report for 12/7 is now up:


  26. rog December 10, 2009 8:36 am

    ST, Mack mentioned Rodney Bradley is going to be hosting a friend on a recruiting visit, is this guy a DE?

  27. Slugger December 10, 2009 8:40 am

    Aloha Kakahiaka!


    My sincere condolences to you and your ‘ohana on the passing of your GREAT Mom.

  28. Stephen Tsai December 10, 2009 8:49 am

    It should be interesting to see what happens with Aiea defensive lineman Lawrence Lagafuaina. He made a verbal commitment to Washington, but wants to visit UH this weekend.

  29. Pride. December 10, 2009 8:52 am


    My condolences to you and your family on the passing of your Mom.

  30. (Jesse) James December 10, 2009 8:52 am

    Good Morning Tsaikos…

    Prayers and Condolences for Rainbow Cliff and his Ohana….God Bless you and your family during these difficult times. If you need anything, please let us know.

    okay..have to pull an esme. Hope to see many tomorrow night.

  31. Nalani December 10, 2009 8:53 am

    i believe UH will be in better shape next year than some folks think. Coach Mac knows what he’s doing. There are good DL players coming in spring. Shaw has greatly improved OL and has a lot of depth, even though losing lots of Srs this year.

    Looking forward to spring

  32. madeinhawaii December 10, 2009 8:55 am


    Our condolences and prayers for you and your family on the passing of your Mom. A safe journey to SF and back.

  33. Dan-O December 10, 2009 8:56 am


    My prayers out to you and your family.

  34. Slugger December 10, 2009 9:07 am

    Hope Jake and all of the hurt Warriors heal well.

  35. RedZone December 10, 2009 9:16 am

    I too like taller ILBs who can see over olinemens pads. Especially when teams bring those little rbs.

  36. royvic December 10, 2009 9:19 am


    It seems like an eternity, but I once responded to one of your posts with how you’re a good steward to the community and a surrogate to your students. From your writings and messages I posted a post, once, of how I envisioned how you reminded me of the warden in the movie Born Free. I think I even said at that time that every time I hear the song Born Free I think of you and your students. I still do. I offer these words of comfort as you privately think back of the snapshots and dialogues you’ve had with your mom from beginning to end. I can sense that you’ve had a lot of good memories of your mom. My condolences and prayers are with you and your family at this sad time.

  37. Hawaiianbod December 10, 2009 9:21 am

    RainbowCliff – my prayers and condolences to you and your family, my brother. Your mom was a strong and loving woman. Cherish the memories.

    May God give you the strength as you prepare to lay your mother to rest. And, may He send His Holy Angels to comfort you and your Ohana.

    Rest in Peace Ms. Sanchez.

  38. djmitcho December 10, 2009 9:21 am

    Good Morning All!

    Prayers and condolences for the Sanchez Ohana. May God comfort you and your Ohana in the your time of grief.

  39. Hawaiianbod December 10, 2009 9:41 am

    looking at the pic of Dr Ignacio reminds me of that Huey Lewis song ‘Doctor Doctor’ :shock:.

  40. koakane™ December 10, 2009 9:41 am

    Deepest sympathy and condolences to Rainbow Cliff and his family. Prayer go out to yours in this time of need.

    good morning tsaiko country and warrior fan. sunny and chilly day but still a lovely place to be enjoying the time we have together with family and friends.

    good hunting to the coaches as they search for personable young men who will turn out to be good students. highly athletic so that they will become true warriors who will battle for the UH.

    good fortunes to the wahines on their quest on friday. congrats to cnash and the bballer team for a hard fought win against little bro chaminade (the tested UH) who did well.

  41. madeinhawaii December 10, 2009 9:43 am

    Congrats to Shoji and the 4 Wahine VB’s for the Regional recognition they got and well deserved.

  42. BG December 10, 2009 9:43 am

    Hawaiianbod…it’s truly a pleasure to see you again on the blog!

    It keeps me grounded to witness our ohana meet personal challenges this year and past years. Florida Ted, Curveball, Pomai, LTUH Fan, W-Doc and D-Doc, Hawaiianbod…just to name a few. I am humbled to see near strangers (not too long ago) reach out to enfold, hug, and support our blog-friends. It humbles me to see the good things that are right in front of me. Blessings and good cheer to ALL…

  43. madeinhawaii December 10, 2009 9:47 am

    Hmm… looks like Jeff Ulbrich is looking for a job as an assistant coach on defense… we got any openings? Then again, he seems to be leaning towards San Jose… maybe he has reasons to stay in that area.

  44. BNS December 10, 2009 10:03 am


    Prayers and condolences to you and your ‘ohana on the passing of your Mom.

  45. Ralph December 10, 2009 10:04 am

    My heart felt condolences to Cliff and the Sanchez Ohana with the passing of your best friend, mother and counselor. May your journey to the Bay area be a happy one full of cherished memories of your mom and let your trip be a safe one.

  46. Kazz December 10, 2009 10:10 am

    Mr. Sanchez,

    I am sorry for your loss, it’s never easy regardless of the time, but during the holiday season it must take more of a toll on anyone losing a family member.

    My heartfelt condolences to you and yours during this time.

  47. Garret December 10, 2009 10:19 am


    Deepest condolences to you and your family. I was so depressed to hear about your loss. Your Mom must have been an amazing woman to raise three kids like she did and you are living proof of her excellent work.

  48. Garret December 10, 2009 10:21 am


    Ulbrich doesn’t just “maybe” have some reason to stay in San Jose, he has no plans to move because he doesn’t want to uproot his 3 kids. It does not seem to be the time for him to coach at UH. In fact, he appears to be already planning his career at SJSU.

    Ulbrich, 32, said the decision to retire was obvious, as there was too much at stake for the rest of his life. He is married (Cristina) with a daughter and two sons – ages 8, 6 and 4. The family resides in his hometown of Morgan Hill.

    Ulbrich said his short-term goal is to be a defensive coordinator, linebackers or special-teams coach. Eventually, he said he wants to become a college head coach.

    “I think the opportunity to work with young, impressionable kids during their first time away from home and acting as a surrogate dad excites me even more than the coaching part of it,” Ulbrich said.

    And Ulbrich has plenty of enthusiasm for the coaching side, too.

    He already has a blue print of the defense he plans to run as coordinator.

    He said he has tailored his defense specifically for the kinds of athletes San Jose State is able to recruit. The university is expecting to hire a head coach next week to replace Dick Tomey, and Ulbrich hopes to be considered for a spot on the new staff.

  49. al December 10, 2009 10:22 am


    my heartfelt sympathies to you and your family. from your description your mom had a wonderful and fulfilling life. no regrets. i am sure that she is at peace and now looks upon you with a great smile.

    carry out her will proudly. you have already become the great example to others that surround you.

    God bless you and your family in this hour of grief.

  50. Garret December 10, 2009 10:25 am

    There have been 47 BCS Bowl games televised, and *all* 4 games that non-AQ teams have played in are among the 10 lowest rated games for TV. That is a major reason why the TV networks want the big-name schools from the big conferences…

    In the 11-year, 47-game history of the BCS—the group of major bowls that includes the national-title game—teams from smaller conferences have participated on four occasions. All four of those games were among the 10 lowest-rated BCS bowls ever, according to Nielsen Co.

    This Fiesta “will be a real tough sell,” says Neal Pilson, president of Pilson Communications and the former head of CBS Sports. “Cinderella teams just don’t rate well. There’s just no real loyalty factor there.”

    If history is any guide, the most reliable measure of a game’s popularity with the public is the reputations of the teams. Even that famous 2007 Boise State-Oklahoma game managed to draw only an 8.4 Nielsen rating, the eighth-worst all-time for a BCS game.

    If the Fiesta Bowl is a ratings dud, or if the stadium is significantly less than full, it could very well call into question the viability of a playoff format, which would periodically involve little-known schools playing early-round games in neutral locations.

  51. Kazz December 10, 2009 10:29 am

    My goodness what a close call last night!!! I expected the Bows to come out a little flat catch up quick and then control 30 minutes of the game.

    Well… the nagging 3 point shooters came out. This tends to be the case with DII schools. They possess a lot of team speed, lack in height, but plenty good shooters with great fundamentals.

    I think we saw two things last night:

    1) Adhar Mayen is possibly the most consistent shooter from the field we have right now. Not just because of what he did last night, but through out his career at UH. At times he’s had “intensity” issues and foul problems, if he can control those things, he will be a great go-to guy off the bench or starting, especially with Amis out.

    2) How do you piss off Rod Flemings? Well if someone has the answer, then we should do it 5 minutes before the start of every game. Braddah needs to keep his foot on the gas pedal. Reminds me of Julian Sensley in that he too turned on his game in streaky fashion and was not always 100% aggressive. Only thing is, Sensley was a better pure shooter and you could rely on his shots outside the paint and even beyond the arch. When he’s on, it’s on, when he’s not, the team just isn’t as explosive. Maybe Johnny White can pop in some tapes of Matt Gibson to show Flemings what consistent intensity and aggression is… well, sans fouling out with 15 minutes left in the second half! 😆

    Hope attendance peaks beyond the 3,000 mark on Saturday, which SHOULD be another win for the Bows. The past two games mirror the stretch of games our Warriors had against Utah State through San Jose State. Those were pretty much hard scrimmages before the real tests against Navy and Wisconsin. In the case the Bows aren’t in a “playoff” situation. They need to remain confident they’ll win the game, but remain steadfast in their practices and in game execution to actually pull it off before facing stiffer competition in the Diamond Head Classic.

  52. GRM December 10, 2009 10:39 am

    Rainbow Cliff, sincere condolences on your Mom’s passing.

  53. curveball December 10, 2009 10:40 am

    My deepest sympathy and condolences to Rainbow Cliff and his family

  54. al December 10, 2009 10:55 am

    the aloha prep bowl events happen this weekend.

    the highlight is the hawaii/mainland game featuring many invited polynesians. certainly there are a few good men visiting the islands this weekend. the other running back will be here, too.

    he is built like “ram-man”, you know one of the “heroic warriors of the masters of the universe”.

    hopefully, come sunday or monday tsai’s recruiting headlines will be:
    EUREKA! I have found it!

  55. LizKauai December 10, 2009 11:04 am


    HA has a sale going on. I just made my res’ for Portland to attend the birth of my new grandson this April!

  56. letsgowarriors December 10, 2009 11:12 am

    he was supposed to be playing, but hes not anymore bc CIF, as well as Oregon, do not allow you to play in bowl games if the season is still going on. regardless of whether or not you are still in the playoffs.

  57. Garret December 10, 2009 11:13 am

    Looks like JJ is sending a letter to SMU fans trying to get them to donate 2,000 Hawaii Bowl tickets to those serving at Hickam Air Force Base.

    One of the things I love about SMU is its patriotic spirit and its loyal support of the United States Armed Forces. Hawai’i is a special place – the home of numerous military installations. This is why I am writing you today. I am proud to let you know that SMU will lead an effort to provide complimentary tickets for the courageous men and women and their families stationed at Hickam Air Force Base to attend the Sheraton Hawai’i Bowl.

    I ask for your consideration in purchasing as many tickets as you can so these dedicated troops can enjoy a college football bowl game on Christmas Eve. As our guests, they will be seated in the SMU section at Aloha Stadium. In recognition of your generosity, SMU will provide each donor with a commemorative t-shirt for every two tickets purchased through this program.

    We have set a goal of selling 2,000 game tickets, based on our discussions with Hickam Air Force Base.

    Tickets are just $40 each.</b.

  58. Derek December 10, 2009 11:18 am

    Recruiting needs:
    1. Defensive Linemen – especially pass rushers
    2. Offensive Linemen
    3. A really good placekicker
    4. At least 1 good receiver, a freshman, when we need the following year when we lose a lot of receivers.
    5. A running back who can break tackles, yet has some speed
    6. Linebackers
    7. Corners – you always need good cornerbacks
    8. Safeties
    9. Quarterbacks – we have too many in the program right now at least for the next couple years.
    10. Punter – supposedly, our punter will get better every year the for next 3 years.
    11. Athletes – ideally, you want to find somebody who can excel in the kick return department, both kickoff returns and punt returns.

    The first priority for next season is stopping the run. Period.

  59. Garret December 10, 2009 11:21 am

    Feature story on Davone Bess.

    Work hard. Get better every day. Stay humble. Be patient. Be thankful.

    Those are the five mantras that hang prominently on a sheet of notebook paper that sits on the left wall of Davone Bess’ locker.

    These daily instructions have been there since he made the Miami Dolphins roster as an undrafted rookie last season, and he constantly goes over them.

    They serve as a constant reminder of where he’s come from, and what’s enabled this former Hawaii standout to find his niche as an NFL slot receiver.

    Bess said most of the routes he runs are based on the coverage that he sees after the snap. Henning said Bess he has a good feel for understanding when opposing defenses are in zone or man coverage, which often dictates the route. And that sense is getting better.

    Bess admits he’s starting to get better at making the right read adjustments, picking the appropriate route, and it’s depth, and quarterback Chad Henne is beginning to get on the same page.

  60. Kazz (blkberry_storm) December 10, 2009 11:27 am

    Dunnachie will have all of spring, summer and fall. As opposed to just the fall to get aclimated like this past year.

    If he continues to have shanked punts next season then I’d be concerned. Right now I’m not convinced he’s a lost cause.

  61. Masaboy December 10, 2009 11:27 am

    Rainbow Cliff:

    A-House family sends our deepest sympathy and condolences to you and your entire family for the loss of your Mom who was a very special person.


  62. Masaboy December 10, 2009 11:29 am


    Are you back in paradise or still at Fremont?

    We are still freezing our okoloes, but leave on the 2:30am flight tomorrow.

  63. Kazz (blkberry_storm) December 10, 2009 11:36 am

    I guess the assumption of the Aiea player wanting to still visit UH for a free trip to Hawaii is an inaccurate one?

    Here’s to a last second “hail Mary” for us!

  64. wafan December 10, 2009 11:41 am

    Kazz . . .

    That is funny. Free trip to Hawai’i. HA!

    Too bad he is not visiting UW now to freeze his butt.

  65. Kazz (blkberry_storm) December 10, 2009 11:42 am

    Jake Heun didn’t break his foot.

    His foot couldn’t handle Jake.

    Get well soon sir! Get ready to KILL next season!!!

  66. bstunna2002 December 10, 2009 11:53 am


    Is Jack Sula enrolled at a JC and if he is does he still plan on attending UH?

  67. Pomai December 10, 2009 11:55 am

    Kazz IMHO we are set at the punter position, but I would like to see Dunnachie stay here an continue to work on strengthening his leg. I think one of his problems was that he doesn’t practice his punts with an all out rush, I think that was throwing him off. I really don’t know how you could practice that, It seems to me that it makes a big difference having seven or eight guys coming at you versus just taking the snap an kicking the ball like he does in practice an warm ups.

  68. LizKauai December 10, 2009 11:56 am

    A-House family- hope your withdrawals at least matched your deposits 😆
    Safe Home!

  69. al December 10, 2009 11:59 am

    #56 wow. that would be a critical error on the part of those planning this event.

  70. al December 10, 2009 12:01 pm

    the word on the street is aiea boy still visiting.

  71. Kazz (blkberry_storm) December 10, 2009 12:01 pm


    Agree. Dunnachie will be fine.

  72. al December 10, 2009 12:03 pm

    oh my.
    i guess i’ll have to break a leg so i can go see my new orthopaedic surgeon.

  73. chawan_cut December 10, 2009 12:04 pm

    New UH schedule PC desktop wallpaper out for basketball, golf, tennis, track and field, & sailing


    Thanks Jim Donovan!

  74. LizKauai December 10, 2009 12:07 pm

    #73 – Yea! Squeaky wheel finally pays off!!! 😆

  75. wafan December 10, 2009 12:11 pm

    Considering the season perhaps a squeeky mouse (Nutcracker) rather than a squeeky wheel?

  76. Kazz December 10, 2009 12:24 pm

    Looks like the usual wear and tear of any athletic season is getting to the Wahine, but seems to be overblown more than anything. I had no idea, until the WAC championship tourney game that Kaufman was playing all season with a back brace. I remember Aneli missed a match or two because of a bum knee and of course Danielson had that sprained ankle from the early match against UCLA.

    Keys remain in the passing game for the Wahine and Mafua will have to play the best match of her college career tomorrow. Illinois apparently has a solid block on the right side, which I assume is opposite our LEFT side in which is our bread and butter, unless the middle gets set a little more often. I think at this point Hewitt has shown she can hit from the middle and her height allows her to see the backcourt well for that open kill.

    Steady as she goes for the Wahine tomorrow night. Hope to see them on ESPNU on Saturday night against either Stanford or Michigan.

    They still need to carry the “**** YOU” attitude from here on in.

  77. SteveM December 10, 2009 12:36 pm

    Just got on the blog…

    RainbowCliff — deepest sympathies and condolences from Peaches and I.

  78. Calvin from Kona December 10, 2009 12:37 pm

    Rainbow Cliff,

    My condolences to you and your family.

    Much Aloha….

  79. al December 10, 2009 1:08 pm

    today’s good news

    just got off the phone with mrs. ltuh.
    longtimer is recovering steadily and improving each day.
    the nature of his surgery requires him to be still while his body mends from the arduous procedure.

    he remains in the intensive care unit and should be there through the weekend. he is still groggy as the sedatives are still a part of his daily doses.

    please continue to keep him and his family in prayer.

  80. LizKauai December 10, 2009 1:11 pm

    Thanks, al,
    Love and ((((hugs)))) to the LTUHF ohana!


  81. Garret December 10, 2009 1:18 pm

    Feature article on Leonard Peters.

    He may be a rugby novice, but his skills on defence are already “beyond exceptional”, according to his coach Al Caravelli, which is a relic of his days playing as a safety in the NFL. It was the destructive side of rugby which first attracted him to the game.

    “I was done with the NFL and coach Al gave me a call to see if I wanted to give rugby a try,” recalled Peters, 27. “He said that there was a lot of running and a lot of hitting so I said, ‘OK, sign me up’. It looked fun to me so I wanted to see if I could pick it up.

    “For our team there is not a lot of money in it, but for some of the others there is. I didn’t do it for money, I wanted to do it to learn a new sport.”

  82. Garret December 10, 2009 1:19 pm

    Peters will play against Samoa in the last game of this tournament.

    For Peters, the last match in the group, against Samoa, carries the most significance. Peters was born in Fagaalu in American Samoa to Samoan parents, who moved to Hawaii when he was nine.

    He has not forgotten his roots, as evidenced by the fact his body is decorated by pe’a, or traditional Polynesian tattoos. The masterpiece has taken 179 hours so far, and is still far from the finished product.

    “Each symbol represents a generation of my family,” said Peters. “I am not finished, there is still a long way to go.”

  83. Garret December 10, 2009 1:19 pm

    Some background on why Peters has black nail varnish on his thumbs.

    Then there is the black nail varnish on his thumbs. Nothing to do with his Pacific heritage this time, but a reminder of his gridiron days when he and his teammates were signing autographs for a group of sick children.

    “One of the children had cancer,” added the 6ft 1in Peters, who scored a try on his second day as an international rugby player at The Sevens on Saturday.

    “At eight-years-old he was going to pass away. We were trying to sign autographs for them but they were very, very shy. I saw the mother’s nail polish on the stand, so I asked him if he would prefer to paint my nails.

    “From then on, he started to talk to us and he painted my nails. Now I always paint them to remind myself how lucky I am.

    “When you are eight-years-old and you are going to pass away from cancer, it shows that us people who run around playing football are extremely fortunate, even if we do get some nicks and dings.

    “If I’m sore or I don’t want to practice or I’m having a bad day because I don’t have enough money for gas, if I wave to someone, or whatever I do throughout the day, and I see it I remind myself how lucky I am.”

  84. King Katonk December 10, 2009 1:59 pm

    Rainbow Cliff,

    I am sorry to hear of your mom’s passing. The testimony of her life is truly inspiring. She exemplified the power of the human spirit. Remember, her love and legacy will live on through you.

    Take care.

  85. kama krab December 10, 2009 2:06 pm

    Prayers go out to you Rainbow Cliff and your family. May god bless you and your family in this time of sadness.

  86. the nene December 10, 2009 2:06 pm


    Our prayers and comfort to you and all your family in this time of your loss. Truly the ALOHA land has been blessed by your family in some way.


  87. kama krab December 10, 2009 2:12 pm

    It will be interesting to see what happens this weekend when 4 kids come in for th official visit. 3 will be from Washington and the other is the big fish himself Lawrence Lagafuaina. It would be an interesting ending to the weekend if all four commit.

    Looking forward to some good news come monday. The only thing that concerns me now is that we still need a Running Back for this class and if all four commit then there will be no more scholarships left to give unless the coaches now that some of the early commits will not make it.

    We’ll see.

  88. kama krab December 10, 2009 2:16 pm

    It would have been nice to see one of them Kapolei boys on our commit list but it looks like it may be to late. If all four do commit this weekend then all I can say is good look to those Kapolei boys and feel free to come back if it does not work out for you guys where ever you guys decide to go.

  89. kama krab December 10, 2009 2:21 pm

    Oh and since some of the coaches are on the mainland recruiting, somebody better go pay a visit to what’s looking to be one of the top recruits for 2011 Colt Lyerla out of Oregan. The big dogs are already on him but it seems that he has some interest in the islands. Better start showing him some love now.

  90. LizKauai December 10, 2009 2:23 pm

    Garret- thanks for the nice article on Leonard Peters. The complementary experience to that of our punter and just as inspirational!


  91. al December 10, 2009 2:36 pm

    kama….i believe that the kapolei kidz are on an official trip but not sure if all or any of them have been given an offer. scott smith is also high on the list at arkansas.

    don’t forget we have greyshirt jon lister officially entering the scene in january. he looks to me like a larger/faster travis sims of old.

  92. al December 10, 2009 2:37 pm

    hopefully the wash cb will enjoy his trip.

    we are running out of scholies approx 4 left unless the early ones bomb out or we get creative.

  93. al December 10, 2009 2:39 pm

    it looks like recruits will have to own up early before the well runs dry. we may also have some surprise guest or two by way of return tours of duty.

    always got to keep the swinging door swinging.

    never burn the bridge behind you.

  94. Kazz (blkberry_storm) December 10, 2009 2:47 pm


    Does the four left include taking into account the schollie Moniz will be getting in the spring?

  95. kama krab December 10, 2009 2:48 pm


    Looks like we may start having to grayshirt some kids if none of them bomb out.

    Eh and what you know in #93. Sounds kind of fishy.

    But eh you never know with these public school kids. They gotta want it in the classroom too not only on the field.

    Oh well

  96. whitey December 10, 2009 2:50 pm

    saw on ESPN that Brian Kelly will be new hc at nortre dame. NOTRE DAME HAS ABSOLUTELY NO CLASS regarding this hiring. Cincy is scheduled to play in one of the BCS bowl and notre dame uses pressure to hire kelly before the game. I wish I was the Cincy school pres so I can fire coach kelly and tell him NO, WE DON”T NEED YOU FOR OUR UPCOMING BOWL GAME AGAINST FLORIDA!!! You have till tomorrow to clean out your office. To ND, up yours!!!!!!!

  97. kama krab December 10, 2009 2:51 pm

    Oh and that John Lister looks like the bruiser we are looking for in a running back. Hopefully he can live up to the billing.

    But we still would need one more running back for this class or else we will be srambling again next year.

  98. al December 10, 2009 2:56 pm

    i assume so.
    didn’t mack say that he had about three guys to take care of???
    that should be one for tuipulotu, too.

    not sure if they count towards the 25 or 85.
    don’t we also have some greyshirts from last year????

    cup runneth over.

  99. whitey December 10, 2009 2:57 pm

    This is similar to JJ, before the Sugar Bowl. He knew he was leaving, didn’t tell the team till after, but the one major fault with all of that was he never prepared the team for the game. See the same situation for kelly, so might as well dump him now and hopefully he neva sees another big game.

  100. al December 10, 2009 2:57 pm

    consider lister this year’s recruit since he is a greyshirt.
    we all good.

    although i wouldn’t turn down the running back should some miracle occur.

  101. tommui December 10, 2009 3:01 pm


    Deepest sympathies to you and your ohana.

  102. kama krab December 10, 2009 3:12 pm

    Al but aren’t we giving the Eureka kid a schollie to be a middle linbacker rather than a running back or are you talking about Josh Quezada (sp?).

  103. kama krab December 10, 2009 3:15 pm

    Kazz #94,

    I think BC had said a couple of days ago that we actually have 24 schollies to give out this class but that got dropped to 22 because Coach Mack will be giving one of the 2010 schollies to Bryant Moniz and the other will go to Luke Ingram if I heard him correctly.

  104. Aw Business December 10, 2009 3:24 pm


    “February 28th, 2009 by Stephen Tsai

    Bryant Moniz will be given a serious look at quarterback this spring. He’s down on the depth chart — Greg Alexander, Brent Rausch and Shane Austin enter 1-2-3 — but he’s displayed good arm strength and footwork in unsupervised drills.”

  105. whitey December 10, 2009 3:27 pm

    al, just back checked the 2009 class and you are absolutely correct that we have a lot of grayshirts or scholies that did not play this year. I can see many of them either becoming starters or backups within the next 2 seasons. Add in the 2010 class and the warriors will be loaded.

  106. BIGWAVE96744 December 10, 2009 3:30 pm

    The Thompson Twins sang “Doctor Doctor”…
    Heuy Lewis just wanted a New Drug

  107. kama krab December 10, 2009 3:34 pm

    Looking to the 2011 class in Hawaii. It looks like we will be heavy on the DB/Safety position.

    We will also probably have one of the top Tackles in the nation again in Paulay Asiata.

  108. d1島 December 10, 2009 3:47 pm

    This just in

    You got your wish…Kelly not going coach Cincy in the bowl game.

  109. d1島 December 10, 2009 3:53 pm

    Cincy WR Marty Gilyard is not happy.

    Gilyard said in an interview before the banquet that he was upset Kelly had accepted the Notre Dame job after telling him and other players before their last game that he was staying.

    “I don’t like it,” said Gilyard, the Big East’s top receiver and kick returner. “I feel there was a little lying in the thing. I feel like he’d known this the whole time. Everybody knows Notre Dame’s got the money. I kind of had a gut feeling he was going to stay just because he told me he was going to be here.”

  110. wafan December 10, 2009 3:53 pm

    d1 . . .

    Snow in Portland starting tonight — that is the forecast anyhow. It will spread northward getting here by Saturday.

  111. d1島 December 10, 2009 3:55 pm

    QB Tony Pike also feeling betrayed.

    Quarterback Tony Pike said Kelly told them last week, before their title-clinching win over Pittsburgh, that he was happy in Cincinnati.

    “The Tuesday when we were practicing for Pittsburgh, he said he loves it here and he loves this team and loves coaching here and his family loves it here,” Pike said.

    Hmmm…where have we heard that before?

  112. d1島 December 10, 2009 3:56 pm

    …and for whitey.

    Offensive coordinator Jeff Quinn will coach the Bearcats (No. 3 BCS, No. 4 AP) in their first Sugar Bowl game against Florida.

  113. d1島 December 10, 2009 3:58 pm


    Thanks. I saw that.

    ….and then again, it’s 6 deg in Madison, WI with a -15 wind chill 😯

  114. Cindy cee December 10, 2009 3:59 pm

    Rainbow Cliff, I offer my deepest sympathies. You and your family will be in my prayers. HUGS

  115. wafan December 10, 2009 4:00 pm

    The betrayed Cincy players might feel loved in Hawai’i. They should send in their applications quickly because the NCAA and UH compliance person will take years to make a decision. HA!

    From a Bearcat to a Warrior!

  116. Buffoman December 10, 2009 4:04 pm

    If all of the returning players and coaches (this is not one sided) on the team took devone’s approach to the game, we’d whip up on the schedule (maybe not USC) in 2010. The problem is that kids are kids, people are people and it is next to impossible to have that level of drive and determination by all.

    We have smart people coaching, but they need to step it up. We have great kids playing, but they all need to “just do it”.

  117. protector December 10, 2009 4:25 pm

    Rainbow Cliff – My heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to you and
    your family at this difficult time.

    whitey – I wonder if the Cincinnati Prez / Athletic Director made any kind of
    run at keeping Kelly there (e.g. a raise / extension, etc.) because
    only blind fools wouldn’t anticipate that Kelly & perhaps Harbaugh
    were the leading candidates for the Notre Dame HC opening.
    The timing of the offer could’ve been better, but they’ll rationalize
    that they wanted a big name in a timely fashion for recruiting
    purposes & as you say showed no class by doing this before
    conclusion of the Bowl Season. Louisville also didn’t wait to hire
    Coach Strong (the DC for Florida) as their Head Coach before its
    (Florida’s) Bowl game & rationalized that they didn’t want to
    remain “polite”, only to have Strong be hired by another school.
    Money, expediency & Big-time programs often dictate protocol /
    policy , so showing respect / class / collegiality often falls by the

  118. protector December 10, 2009 4:39 pm

    I wish we could have Notre Dame-level (quality) recruits for just a couple of seasons to see what the coaches could do with them. I’ll bet this staff could do a better job with that level of talent than what Notre Dame has done in the past 3-4 years.Unfortunately, they have to make do with what they have / get & hopefully we get at least a couple of 6th year seniors back & avoid the injury bug like this past season.

  119. bighilofan2 December 10, 2009 5:05 pm

    Betrayal! Talk about players getting their Irish up. How are you, a recruit, or the parent of the recuit, gonna have faith in the word of the Irish coach?

    and when i consider all the failings in our ohana, I say that I am really glad to have Coach Mack. He may be a kool aid kinda guy, but he’s a good guy, a great guy!

    Thanks for being our coach, Mr. McMackin. Now go get us some killaz!


  120. tommui December 10, 2009 5:11 pm

    Greeting from a legal type

    Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral, celebration of the winter solstice holiday(tm), practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all . . . and a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2009, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great, (not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country or is the only “AMERICA” in the western hemisphere), and without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith, choice of computer platform, or sexual orientation of the wishee.

    By accepting this greeting, you are accepting these terms: This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It is freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for her/himself or others, and is void where prohibited by law, and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wisher. This wish is warranted to perform as expected within the usual application of good tidings for a period of one year, or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first, and warranty is limited to replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the sole discretion of the wisher.

  121. wafan December 10, 2009 5:15 pm


  122. Hawaiianbod December 10, 2009 5:17 pm

    BigWave – good catch.

    i can’t help it, my life changed ever since i attended King Intermediate 😯

    anywho, i still need a doctor 🙂

  123. wafan December 10, 2009 5:29 pm

    tommui . . .

    And, a very Mer . . . um . . . Seaso . . . uhhh . . . Happy . . . DANG.

    Good/Fine/Bad/Indifferent day/night/morning/evening to you/everyone/no one in particular, sir/ma’am.

  124. madeinhawaii December 10, 2009 5:30 pm

    ermm… ah.. so how much we owe you for that dissertation?

  125. Hawaiianbod December 10, 2009 5:52 pm

    Whitey – welcome home!

    although it was chilly in vega$, at least you ‘froze’ your okole instead of ‘losing’ your okole.

    did you ever hook-up with rasu?

  126. al December 10, 2009 5:55 pm

    kama sama….

    all i is saying is lister will make them blister (while falling on the field turf).

    i would try that eureka guy at running back first. at 6’/250lbs going 4.65. ouch, ouch, ouch. now if he can learn the betty crocker shake n bake from the nasti one watch out.

  127. TYaiea December 10, 2009 5:55 pm

    Raibow Cliff, condolences to your ohana. Your mom was great.

  128. Hawaiianbod December 10, 2009 5:55 pm

    ST – email sent last night.


  129. al December 10, 2009 5:55 pm

    yo whitey….
    back in maui?

  130. 808ike December 10, 2009 5:55 pm


    Condolences to you and your family

  131. TYaiea December 10, 2009 5:56 pm

    Tom Mui, best wishes to you too. I…ahhh…think so….

  132. al December 10, 2009 5:56 pm

    shoots gotta go cook rice.

  133. 808ike December 10, 2009 5:56 pm


    Get well soon.

  134. bighilofan2 December 10, 2009 5:59 pm

    call 911,,,

    Tom has gone Muuu EEEEE. 😆

    muss be da season.

  135. (Jesse)James December 10, 2009 6:18 pm

    Hey Tom…what was your hourly rate for that??? MWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHA

  136. 808ike December 10, 2009 6:40 pm

    All Wahine vb fans :

    Game is at PAC 19 Stanford.
    Have not found a web site that is telecasting the game.

    This is what is available.

    PAC 10 web site——-Nothing
    Stanford web site——-Only the Stanford game

    BIG 10 web site——-Nothing
    Illinois web site——–Radio and gametracker

    Wac web site——Nothing
    UH——Radio on 1420

    NCAA sports web site—–Radio and gametracker

    HELP!!!!!!! Will continue to surf the net.

  137. 808ike December 10, 2009 6:41 pm

    Sorry PAC19= PAC10

  138. Kazz (blkberry_storm) December 10, 2009 6:57 pm

    To quote BG:

    “Whitey, tell us how you really feel.” 😆

    I hear ya though. Well no sweat on our skins! That’s Cincy’s problem! 😆

  139. 808ike December 10, 2009 7:06 pm

    Channel surfing has no info for tomorrow. There is a spot to watch NCAA

  140. LizKauai (iPhone) December 10, 2009 7:15 pm

    Tommui- Greetings and Happy Holidays to you too!

  141. d1島 December 10, 2009 7:19 pm


    Can also watch the Wildcats’ game on Saturday at that site 😉

  142. LizKauai (iPhone) December 10, 2009 7:19 pm

    Tommui- make that 2010. 😆

  143. jm2375 December 10, 2009 7:20 pm

    Good evening Tsai-kos!

    Condolences to Rainbow Cliff and the Sanchez family.

    Best wishes to all the Warriors with owies. Heal up quickly and correctly.

    Go WAHINE!!

    Re: bb team – I still haven’t seen the team play at 100% the whole 40 minutes. Someone needs to light a fire under their okoles and keep it lit!

    Er, tommui, at the risk of getting billed… Happy Holidays to you too!

  144. RainbowCliff December 10, 2009 7:42 pm

    Good evening Tsaiko Nation, THANK YOU ALL for your sincerity, kind words and prayers that you so GRACIOUSLY wrote on behalf of my mother Grace Sanchez. I was so “MOVED” with your “COMPASSION” as it brought heartfelt comfort of your prayers and tributes to my “BEST FRIEND” and “WONDERFUL” mother.

    Your prayers of ALOHA was felt as I can’t thank ALL of you enough for your time and consideration to my lost as I get ready for a much needed sleep. Losing any love one is not easy BUT when it is your Mother who went through SO much to make your “LIFE” better the only thought is to repay her back by making her “PROUD” of what you have done and become in life as I am of grace, kindness and sincerity to carry on her “LEGACY” of compassion and honor to others !

    I start this journey tomorrow as your prayers and kind wishes go with me.

  145. whitey December 10, 2009 7:45 pm

    I guess col A House missed my post. got home early yesterday am, tired, a little lighter in the pocket, but heavier in the opuu, but very much in the Christmas spirit. Ho ho ho!!!!

  146. whitey December 10, 2009 7:51 pm

    d1, thanks. somehow in a rush to do things that can wait, notre dame rushes coach kelly and coach kelly has no guts to tell notre dame, can we wait till after the bowl game. after all, there is still a bowl game to be played and why not wait till it is over. not going hurt his image, his players feelings, the school, as much if he waited till January. I wonder if the NCAA has the balls to put in their rules and penalties for recruiting a coach under contract during the season. They have for athletes, so why not for coaches???????

  147. whitey December 10, 2009 7:52 pm

    tommui, this is America, so Merry Christmas and may Santa bring you plenty of presents!!!!! Ho ho ho!!!!

  148. whitey December 10, 2009 7:55 pm

    imagine if you live in the philippines, where they truly get into the Christmas spirit, but have no Santa Claus. i don’t know if not having Santa is good or bad, but for me, it is very sad and bad if there is no Santa Claus.

  149. whitey December 10, 2009 7:57 pm

    my friend is planning ahead to next season’s trip to Army and Colorado and he said that he would probably have 4 couples in his group. told him, go for it!!!!

  150. bighilofan2 December 10, 2009 8:11 pm

    Colorado sounds good to me.

  151. 808ike December 10, 2009 8:13 pm


    Checked it out yesterday. it is the Stanford game.

  152. bighilofan2 December 10, 2009 8:26 pm

    Coach Mack can take a lesson from Tennessee’s coach Kiffin. Look at how he deftly sidestepped the verbal traps.

    Kiffin: Not aware of any recruiting violations

    KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) Tennessee football coach Lane Kiffin said Thursday he was not “aware” of any recruiting violations committed by himself, his assistants or support staff regarding the university’s student ambassador program.

    “Myself and our staff take the rules and the bylaws of the NCAA and SEC extremely serious,” Kiffin said. “We work extremely hard to follow those. In this situation right here, I don’t know of any wrongdoing of any members of our staff in this, or of the kids that are being questioned in this.”

    Tennessee confirmed Wednesday the NCAA is looking into the activities of members of the university’s Orange Pride group in a statement.

    Kiffin and Tennessee men’s athletics director Mike Hamilton spoke Thursday at a news conference held at Neyland Stadium originally scheduled in connection with the Vols’ berth in the Chick-Fil-A Bowl. Both said they had received no official inquiry from the NCAA and didn’t know whether one would surface.

    Several Orange Pride’s “ambassadors” traveled nearly 200 miles to a high school football game where three players are being actively recruited by the Vols. Highly touted defensive lineman Brandon Willis and Corey Miller have committed verbally to Tennessee, and Kiffin’s 2010 class currently is ranked No. 5 nationally by Rivals.com.

    Some Tennessee recruits have been questioned about the program’s recruiting practices, and more anticipate being interviewed.

    The fathers of Willis and Miller said they hadn’t noticed any irregularities in their sons’ recruitment, or with the Orange Pride members’ visit. They described the female Tennessee students as friends of their sons who promised in the summer they would drive down for a game.

    But the visit could be interpreted by the NCAA as an illegal recruiting trip off campus by non-sanctioned Tennessee personnel.

    Kiffin said he was not contacted by The New York Times for the Orange Pride story. A Tennessee spokesperson said Hamilton was approached Tuesday night, hours before the story was published on The Times’ Web site.

    Kiffin compared this situation to the whirlwind surrounding the recruitment of Tennessee freshman tailback Bryce Brown.

    One of the nation’s top prospects, Brown signed with the Vols but later had the NCAA review his recruitment, particularly regarding his relationship with adviser Brian Butler. Brown missed a few practices but was cleared before the season started.

    Kiffin said he was “very aware” that The Times reports made Brown and Orange Pride national stories, but he didn’t elaborate when asked for a reaction. The coach also declined to say whether he knew who contacted the Times about potential violations regarding either story.

    “Any time you’re operating at the level we’re operating at in recruiting, people are going to come after us, and so they’re going to question what we’re doing,” Kiffin said.

    “It’s my job to make sure we’re doing everything by the rules. And we are. We’re excited about the direction we’re going. People will always try to take shots at us, and they’ll always try to bring us down, but it won’t matter.”

    Hamilton expressed concern about accuracy and balance in the rush to break news on television, Web sites and social networks. He said Tennessee doesn’t minimize anything relating to running the program properly.

    “But I think it’s very easy on the surface to read a ticker line, or read a little bit of a blurb in the newspaper, and start thinking about what that may mean, and making it perhaps bigger that it may be,” Hamilton said.

    Kiffin noted an investigation into Brown’s recruitment ended up with no wrongdoing found.

    “I look for this to be the exact same situation. A lot of stuff being said, and in the end, when the research is done and conclusions aren’t being made, the same result will happen.”

    Tennessee has other potential distractions. Eddie Gran and Frank Wilson, two assistant coaches and established recruiters, left for Florida State and LSU within the past week after receiving large raises and title promotions. Other Vols’ assistants, particularly linebackers coach Lance Thompson, are reportedly up for positions at other programs.

    Kiffin said Tennessee will find the best replacements possible. He noted he promised the best staff when hired a year ago.

    “We’ll go out and do it again,” he said.

    That my friends is deft.

  153. whitey December 10, 2009 8:32 pm

    bhf2, on the other hand, if you neva do no wrong, why do you have to explain anything???? hahahhahaaaaa

  154. whitey December 10, 2009 8:34 pm

    but why do you need these news conferences. be like ST and go get the story everyday. why wait?????

  155. d1島 December 10, 2009 8:37 pm

    808ike, go to the guide. Get the Hawaii game, too.

  156. bighilofan2 December 10, 2009 8:58 pm


    when i read that, i heard their coach say a whole lot… of nothing. he never gave the ncaa one inch. make them do all the work. i got a feeling his compliance guys go right to the edge. at least they know enough to keep their mouths shut.

  157. bighilofan2 December 10, 2009 9:02 pm

    i’m sure all the key players, meaning the cheer squad, had somebody in the group that knew a friend who knew a friend who was a personal acquaintance of so and so from the old days, who was a friend of the brother of a friend, and so it goes… and everybody is the friend’s friend. not the actual target recruit, but a acquaintance of the target who is on the high school team too. and they are sticking to their story and not crying about it. 😀

  158. Garret December 10, 2009 9:20 pm

    Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want to read the off-topic stuff.

    Virgin Mobile announced a government-funded program to offer free cell phones with 200 free minutes per month to poor or disabled people in certain states. That beats out their main competitor (TracFone) which only offers about 60 free minutes per month.

  159. Mrs. LTUHF December 10, 2009 9:21 pm

    Rainbow Cliff

    Our deepest sympathy to you and your family.

  160. Garret December 10, 2009 9:21 pm

    Stanford scientists are taking regular sheets of paper, coating them with ink (made of carbon nanotubes) and silver nanowires to make instant, ultra-lightweight bendable batteries and supercapacitors!

  161. Garret December 10, 2009 9:22 pm

    Public-safety answering points around the country are upgrading their operations to accept text messages, photos, and videos from wireless 911 callers. It has been found that people feel more free to send in tips via text messages because they go through a 3rd-party server and arrive completely anonymous to the police.

  162. Garret December 10, 2009 9:22 pm

    Military researcher has been infected with tularemia (rabbit fever) while trying to develop a vaccine for the disease.

  163. Garret December 10, 2009 9:23 pm

    The Atlantic Rowing Race is a 3,000 mile rowing competition where 2-person teams row for 15 hours per day for 2.5 months and only 7 all-women teams have ever completed the race. This year there are 30 teams and one team is made up of two women…who will be rowing for those 2.5 months naked!

  164. Garret December 10, 2009 9:23 pm

    Free play links pau.

  165. bighilofan2 December 10, 2009 9:35 pm

    Yah for the Atlantic Rowing Race !!! 😀

    Did you guys see Jay Leno show tonight? Matt Damon’s inspirational speech in the movie clip. inspiring his South African team to glory in rugby. for the country.

    might as well have been talking about Warrior nation.

    our Warriors talked about Mack like that for the Navy game. That was good.

  166. bighilofan2 December 10, 2009 9:37 pm

    so, who you think is gonna be San Jose State coach?

  167. bighilofan2 December 10, 2009 9:58 pm

    I hope those two Issaquah HS players have a great visit this weekend.

  168. bighilofan2 December 10, 2009 10:00 pm

    Coach Tormey must have something to do with this. Maybe Shaw too.

  169. bighilofan2 December 10, 2009 10:04 pm

    hop and a skip from Issaquah to the airport for the Seattle Hnl flight. 😀

    weather is just right in Issaquah for the Hawaii no ka oi clincher 😀

  170. bighilofan2 December 10, 2009 10:11 pm


    any thoughts on who Coach really has his sights on for OL recruit?

  171. labrat December 10, 2009 10:14 pm

    What are our chances at landing the huge OT recruit that will be here this weekend?

  172. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc December 10, 2009 10:37 pm

    Mahalo for all your good wishes – just a glitch in my personal “list of things to do” – I’m good to go for another try this coming Monday.

    Quick updates on a lot of stuff:

    1) HI-5 donations – last two checks sent in earlier today. Total for the entire seven-game T-Gate Season – $230.. That’s around 4600 bottles & cans of liquid refreshment.

    If we decide to T-Gate at the SHB on December 24, who should get the $$$.

    2) The University of Hawai`i has submitted its budgetary requests to the upcoming legislative session which officially starts on january 20.Will report on the requests as soon as my eyes can tolerate small print again – probably the week before Christmas; however, the big push is to “sell” all state capital improvement projects as stimulus spending by putting all kinds of construction guys & gals back to work.

    3) Look for media updates on the Aloha Stadium upgrades and remediation projects sometime during the next three or four weeks.

    The NFL will be contributing $200,000 towards the turf replacement project, but there will be a major drive to generate significant private sector donations since the total cost is expected to be around $1 million. The balance after private donations are totaled up will come from state funds which are to be placed in the 2010-2011 Capital budget – the request has already been submitted with the dollar figure left blank.

    Other issues related to Aloha Stadium include transit-oriented development. That will be a significant issue during the upcoming 2010
    election season.

    4 I read in The Other Downtown Daily that Friday’s match will be on the Stanford website. I’ve never watched a live webcast before and won’t be around a computer in any case so we’ll just listen to it on the radio. Still, I have a lot of difficulty imagining it – particularly given the lurching & jerking when watching webcasts of prime time tv shows I failed to record.

    Saturday’s four matches featuring the Exciting Eight are at 11 am, 1:30 pm, 4 pm, and 6:30 pm Hawai`i time. The finalists of the Stanford regional have the last slot. All four will be seen on ESPNU and, according to TODD, also broadcast on ESPN 1420. Guess there’ll be no radio coverage of the basketball game which starts at 7 pm.

    5) If you’re out & about this Sunday between 11 am & 2 pm and are looking for a place to donate your HI-5 cans & bottles, then please drop on by. Click http://www.waa-hawaii.org/waaclndr.htm for more information.

  173. Slugger December 11, 2009 1:44 am

    Good to hear that LTUHF is doing ok in ICU. Prayers & ((HUGS)).

    Back from salsa dancing & ready to hit the hay.

    Esme & out…

  174. […] The Warrior Beat| UH football, University of island competition … […]

  175. THEKID-WI December 11, 2009 5:09 am

    Dr. Elizabeth Ignacio….Wow! Brains & Beauty (I hope my wife doesn’t read this…).

  176. Mrs. LTUHF December 11, 2009 9:03 am

    I can’t thank you all enough for your prayers and hugs. Have a good day.

  177. papajoe2 December 11, 2009 11:23 am

    #158 eh, no worry about da Tennesee recruits. they probably all related anyway……. to auntie Nellie.

  178. rasu begasu December 11, 2009 2:53 pm

    Rainbow Cliff,
    Deepest condolences on the passing of your mother.

  179. rasu begasu December 11, 2009 4:26 pm

    Best wishes to a speedy recovery for Mr.LTUHF
    Take care.

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