Two walk-ons hope to catch on
The addition of slotbacks Corey Lau of Kailua High and Samson Anguay of Campbell High is helping to jump-start the 2010 recruiting class.
But two walk-ons — Bennett Nicola and Niroby Dingle — are hopeful of providing more immediate help.
Both are enrolled in UH.
Nicola, who is 6 feet 2 and 165, is a 2009 graduate of Colorado’s Glenwood Springs.
Dingle, who was raised in Alabama, recently completed a stint in the Army. Dingle, who is 6 feet and 202 pounds, is friends with former UH slotbacks Davone Bess and Ryan Grice-Mullins.
Nicola projects as a wideout; Dingle as a slotback.
Both would be willing to redshirt or grayshirt.
Here’s Bennett Nicola:
And here’s Niroby Dingle:
* * * * *
Today’s sports-bar argument: The best nicknames.
Here are mine:
1. Torpedo Head (Niko Vitale).
2. Freak (Alika Smith).
3.(Tie) Nasti (Nate Ilaoa), Addaknowjoe (Robin Gomes).
* * * * *
A reader offers this softer side to Blaze Soares:
* * * * *
With the caption, “Crazy Kid!!!” Bill Stutzmann offers this picture of his son Billy Ray Stutzmann’s new tattoo:
* * * * *
Greg Alexander is Tuesday’s guest on the Warrior Beat Show. Princess Leila has a new video of Alexander, which can be found in the video section of our Web site.
* * * * *
Don’t forget we’re honoring Rich2176 and Garret tonight at Genji’s. It starts at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is invited. Be nice to Rich2176; he’s walking around with 220 tickets to the UH-UNLV game.
Good evening Stephen.
Nicola’s lanky. Looks like Joe Avery; get them both some plates from Rainbow Drive-In. 🙂
Avery is getting bigger.
Another thing: Both have awesome names.
You gonna make it tonight, Jason?
Of course I’m going to be there. I’m preparing a song for Rich2176 … 😉
top ten
It’s about time someone else joined us. But why does it have to be Ralph? 😉
Jason I’m sure Rich is just waiting for you to serenade and swoon him…
Niroby thank you for serving our country and now you are a UH warrior…
He loved my rendition of Three Times a Lady last year. He promised he’d have Simon call me, but I guess he lost my number …
You do have a nice voice.
you should have kissed him, then he would not have forgotten you…
Geoduck has to be the best nickname ever. *cough* 😛
But it’s very raw, I can’t sing anything hard or tricky … And it’s gotta be something that matches my low voice …
Man, Stephen, you’ve set the expectations high. We’ll have to see what you bring tonight. 🙂
Seriously, one of my favorite nicknames is Mighty Mouse. But maybe I’m partial cause I had a Mighty Mouse toy as a kid.
Okay, time to go to bed. Good night Stephen, Ralph, and anybody lurking.
Those buying tix from Rich no forget to give hime an extra
$2 per tix (ttl $27.00)
The man flew all the way to LV just to make sure we all sat together
and waited in the sun for an hour and a half for me to pick him up.
Seems to be getting a little broke backish in here…what da heo???
Aftermath of root canal pains late this afternoon…now, no can sleep!
Made me think of what Kazz sed about his sky dive experience. It shouldn’t have been too painful because of it being a *Tandem* jump. What both he and A-house described was what was commonly referred to as the *Nut Cracker!*
Many paratroopers in training have fond memories of hanging in a huge warehouse in the harness. It was designed to give you a taste of what it is like to hang for 5 minutes in your chute. You found out after the 1st minute they hoisted you up how good a job you did adjusting your harness. You can only imagine the sounds of freedom after 3 minutes.
The reason for tightening the seat harness is so that it doesn’t slide suddenly up your thigh as the ‘chute ‘canopies’ That sudden jolt as it fully deploys will help make your voice range high enuff to sing Hawaiian Falsetto!
A properly angled body position with your feet together will also help lessen the impact. This applies mostly to the T-10 Military chutes used in mass jumps with a static line attached.
Civilian chutes and body harnesses are far more forgiving as the technology has improved and evolved into much more dynamic canopies and control toggles. Special ops teams use these types of chutes on critical missions, and the controlled ride w/landing is vastly smoother…kinda like the difference between a Volkswagon and an Escalade.
Yet, still…I salute you Kazz!…It was your moment of truth when the door opened and you looked down at the landing zone several thousand feet below. What a rush, huh?! Many others cannot find the courage to jump out into the unknown and put their trust in their equipment. You have tested positive my friend! Fear is not a factor in your life.
BG/A-House ~ Should we pin some *Blood Wings* on him?
Pain meds kickin’ in…kona try go back sleep. See most of you at the Rich/Garret reunion tonite.
PB ~ Peace on you and Frank. Rock steady.
Good Morning All! I hope everyone has a good saturday ahead of them
good morning to all,
have a great weekend, and for those going tonight, sing as if no one can hear you!
Best wishes to all the players who wish to walk on to the Warriors! Unfortunately, as Mac and the rest of the coaches have success in building UH’s depth, it will be harder and harder for walk ons to earn playing time and scholarships. The two incoming slot recruits will make it that much harder to walk ons to earn time at slot in the future.
There will be walk ons that succeed in earning their spots, get playing time, and get scholarships. I applaud all who try their best in earning their shots.
Shawn Withy-Allen has a chance to lead his team to a playoff spot tonight.
I should have stayed on the blog last night to see ST’s post shortly after midnight…could have discussed the walk ons with him and ST. Too bad I forced myself to work.
Good morning everyone!
preparing my stomach for this evening’s cc with wafan….
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Hiya- wafan and c_c – have FUN!!!
Fave nicknames:
Tsai-meister, Tsai-ko
Mighty Mouse
From yesterday:
Ralph- Gary’s bowl was full of bones and dishes in the last pic. He finished a good 5 mins before me!
c_c . . .
Thought about skipping meals until dinner. But then I woke up from the nightmare in a cold sweat and promptly had breakfast.
Gary is a true Tsai-ko. He gave up golf in Hanalei to join the cattle call yesterday!
Greetings, Liz!
Next time use a straw to drink the soup. HA!
Welcome to the Warriors, Bennett Nicola and Niroby Dingle!
wafan, where are you guys meeting up tonight?
Whoo-hoo! Two more Warriors for 2010!!! Corey’s mom said it right about staying home to play.
Liz . . .
We are meeting a couple of Tsai-ko Tsized friends at the Snoqualmie Casino just off I-90. It just opened earlier this year. Good buffet (important) and really a nice place.
This is the place I am recommending we go after the WSU game in September — if the game is played in the morning or early afternoon.
I think Junior Day did pay off.
And so did the camps.
It will be interesting to see the Big Man’s Camp this week.
Hi Stephen!
Great Morning All!
Good Luck to all the walk-ons this year….keep the dream alive!
Hey, Liz.
I’ve got this quickie interview with Jett that I haven’t typed up yet.
I guess Billy Ray Stutzmann has now met all of the requirements to be a Warrior.
Nice mention about the Corey Lau-Craig Stutzmann connection from SLS. I was sitting next to his Dad at a game early in the season when Corey got “shaken up”. His Dad excused himself to go check on him because he said his son has such a high pain threshhold that he wanted to be sure he knew what the injury was before Corey talked his way back into the game.
Sure enough, it turned out to be a season-ending injury that he was trying to “shake-off”. Tuff keed!
Haha! Saw that pic, too. Needless to say, Dad wasn’t too thrilled.
btw, hope others will encourage him to post. I know Bill lurks. 😉
d1島 is everywhere.
When you’re a Jett, you’re a Jett all the way from your first… errr… never mind.
Stephen- did you know that his sister is going to be a freshman at UH? She is a multi-sport dynamo!
The mother of the kid in the Blaze picture also is a lurker.
I like J-E-T-T. Very friendly guy.
It would be interesting if Bill Stutzmann got a tattoo for Father’s Day.
Well, I’m not at Bethpage Black!
….although I understand they are one camera short there this year. 🙄
ST- did you see the setup Jett’s folks have at their restaurant?
True that.
But I’m hopeful of our man capturing some blue-field moments.
hmmm. I guess it’s time for kope and golf on tv???
Morning, gang!
Just saw Stretch and someone in his truck…if that was Rich….Man! Kekoa…why you neva’ tell me he had THAT much tickets!! I would’ve sic’ my keiki to mob the truck!! hahahahaha…
Beeeg mahalo, STRETCH for the goodies…gonna make some for my gang for lunch…I’ll catch some of your beers tonight!
See you all lataz…
Kekoa, hope you feel better….
Golf on TV?
Maybe we can see Stretch!
Gee….Stretch seems to be on a lot of people’s minds.
Wassup widdat?
Mr. Tsai . . .
Hopefully we see a lot more effective and efficient use of camps on the neighbor islands, too!
Can you imagine? With just a couple so far? WOW!
Stretch and Rich2176 are our travel guides this season.
Well, except for Ruston.
I hope UH goes after defensive ends next.
You can never have enough DEs, cornerbacks and offensive tackles.
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
Welcome walk-ons!
Thanks for the video, Princess.
I wonder if the QB’s will try to aim for Billy Ray’s left shoulder? 😈
Howzit DPK. You Genji-ing tonite?
Favorite nic? Hmmmm… Addaknow, hard to say… 😆
Nah nah! If you put up addaknowjoe’s name, then he’s an automatic winner in my book. 😉 It’s kinda funny to recall how he picked that nickname.
I just love ya blog!
Hey D-1
Yeppers. Will I be hearing your silky baritone?
Best wishes to Samson Anguay….
FINALLY! Campbell represent, bay-bee!!!
oooh boy, fuud and fuun and what “F” word can i use with casinos & gambling…. hmm…..
And congrats to Corey Lau, too!! 😉
Oooo!! chawan_cut…ME! ME! I know..I know!!!!
prolly…in between slurps of Nabeyaki Udon! 😆
Good morning Tsaikos and everybody!!! Love those weekends when can get up and check the blog instead of going to work!
My favs (in no particular order)
“Helicopter” Galloway
Mighty Mouse
“Terminator” Willoughby
Iceman and Ice Cube
“The King” Satele
tanks, DPK. So- you and Sweety comin tonite????
Eh Kekoa…they must’ve given you the supah roto rooter job! Hope you’re feeling better when you get up!
Still sending well wishes to JJ’s mom and Mrs KK….get well!
Not sure about Sweety yet. She’s been pullin’ long shifts at work and might just rest tonight.
KAZZ is certainly deserving of his wings, but the buggah has so much spirit that giving him blood wings might have him doing HALO next!!! Auwe Still, am happy for him that he not straight-leg anymore! LOL
Hey A-House! “All the way….”
OK…bbl…time to take Betty shopping!
Psycho Tresler and Mento Maeva
Good morning Tsai-kos!!
Hope you’re all having a great weekend so far. Have fun at Genji’s tonight.
Kekoa – hope you’re feeling better.
I’ve been up since 6, puppy was playing with squeaky toy. grrrr….
Ok, finally got the cruise pics uploaded.
el guapo – Yesss! Those 2 guys are among my favorite UH players.
jm2375- what, you not coming???
el guapo- haha- I know MT post- Warriors. I’ll call him that next time I see him…
I guess Billy Ray wants to make a STATEMENT! yikes!
Haha, I just saw Stretch, Rich, Powderpuff, and the other guys at my 2nd job…
they are golfing right now.. 🙂
Aloha Kakahiaka!!!
Wreck, you should join us tonight at Genji’s. Haven’t seen you in ages.
K, off to go pick out slugs from the beer… Esme & whoosh…
Nice prelude to the Alexander the Great show on Tuesday!
BG ~ Feeling much better this AM – thank you very much…and a good morning to all the Tsaiko sons and daughters.
(Thank gooness Colomaohana sez it all in one name). Oddawize would take me all morning just to say ‘morning’ to her and her keiki!
Mama C-Ta ~ No make gangsta raid wit da keiki on bradda Rich! He’s like one ‘made’ man in da Hollywood Mafia! More importantly, he’s connected to the Tsai man thru his lovely wife Margo. They carried Roosevelt High on their shoulders back in the day befoah had cell phones!
Hi Wreck! Ditto MeiLing.
I know that is what everyone is saying… been real busy… haha Wedding Planning for some clients too.
will try for real though.
Hi Kekoa!
#2 son wen thru the root canals, teeth-pulling routine a few weeks ago… you have my sympathies. But kona ket moah bettah moah fastah now!
jm2375 ~ I guess this means we not goin’ have da slide show and lecture series spread out over the next 4 CC’s…tsai. Go play with your puppy, I’ll be all nuha ovah here da kona.
Wreck! ~ Diana was hoping to see you at da Genji spot this eve. We missed having you out at the Hacienda! Please come.
Liz ~ Thanks for the words of encouragement. I’ll see you out at the club. Great photos of your CC yesterday! I remember when your very 1st CC was just you and Stretch. I hope the word gets out to the many lurkers we know are out there on the Garden isle. Where’s “I Believe?”
Kekoa . . .
Geez, after all the stories about how you endured endless pain at the hands of your captors and how you excaped on one badly shattered leg carrying with you the plans for ultimate victory, you mean to say you were broken by a 2″ x 1/16″ piece of stainless steel and a small piece of bone?
Diana just headed out the door to a “Red Hatters” breakfast & crafts event. I’m left here trying to figure out which it will be, oat meal or cream of wheat. Not my ordinary faves, but all I can deal with this morning.
cream of wheat
good stuff!
re: Helicopter.
This is how he got the name. When he committed to UH, his JC head coach noted that Galloway jumped like a helicopter.
Dennis Anderson, who was our copy editor at the time, wrote the head line: ‘Helicopter’ commits to UH.
And that’s the rest of the story . . .
top of the morning to everyone up early on this sleep in sat. shout outs to all the 808 at heart living on the continent plus chawan.
to my wessai/EIS patnah auweee, adding get well to jj mom and finally a welcome to rich (see you l8trs ….. second, third beers on me), no beat up stretch to bad or he going be habut all night.
Trevor Ruffin got the nickname “Real Deal” because Chris Walz said, “he’s the real deal.”
Phil Handy was “Noodles and a Mustache” because he had thin legs.
Arlen Bento gave Riley Wallace the nickname “HBO Head” because he has a SpongeBob-like head.
There once was a football player nicknamed “Pali” because they said he was so ugly that after he was born, his parents wanted to jump off the Pali.
hey wreck whats up buddy, long time, things moved from genji’s to shin sho tei so see you lattas bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa na j/k but pride not laughing so be careful jj already got his.
David Hallums once nicknamed a player “3-2-1” because the guy came into blowout games with three seconds left.
We already addressed the “Terrorist,” who once beat up a teammate in a Waikiki elevator in the week leading to a bowl game.
Fave Nicknames:
1. Da Throwin’ Samoan – Jack Thompson, Cincy QB
2. Ben ‘Da Tuna’ Apuna – NY Giants LB.
3. The Hammer – F. Afalava, KC Chiefs, LB
4. The Rock – D. Johnson, Da Acktah.
5. DZ (Drop Zone) – The new nick I’m awarding Kazz!
The Throwin’ Samoan is a great nickname.
Good nickname: The Teflon Don.
Bad nickname: Sammy the Bull.
if I recall wasn’t niko noga also known as the samon sack man
Good nickname: J-Lo.
Bad nickname: Mimi (Mariah Carey).
Terrible nickname: Madge (I think Madonna’s English years are pau).
Psycho and Mento
Good nickname: Needless Markup (Neiman Marcus), Four Bucks (Starbucks).
Bad nickname: Wally World (Wal-Mart).
Hey, those were great nicknames.
Dennis McKnight to a blog host: “IF YOU EVER CALL ME McNUTS AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU!!!”
I forgot- the Flyin’ Hawaiian!
Mickey Dees, Golden Arches
112- 😈
How could I forget my fave team matey from my Army Division football daze back in ’65! Sam Huff was nicknamed *Buffarilla* because he was stronger and faster than a rampaging Buffalo on kick coverage…and uglier than a Gorilla as a DE.
At 6′ 7″ 305 lbs, from inside his ‘cage’ mask he could give you da extreme ugly look, and you would see guys back off…waaaay off! We each told our fave Buffarilla stories after each ball game. They all started with “Did you see the way he?”…and usually ended with…”destroyed so and so, or such ‘n such. He feasted on QB’s.
… the Governator?
… Sir Charles?
… The Donald?
… Wacko Jacko?
… The Big Aristotle?
… Chicken Little?
… Eminem?
… Slim Shady?
Fave Beer nick – FallFlat = Falstaff.
Fave Bourbon was P & M, more commonly known as Puke & Moan.
Maybe Oldie can verify this nickname. University of Iowa basketball team had a player on its roster in the 80’s by the name of Al Lorenzen. His nickname was the “Vanilla Gorilla.”
That’s what we need in the middle of our Warrior BB lineup! A Vanilla Gorilla!
Growing up, my fav nick – Akuhead Pupule (Hal Lewis).
Although Capt. Honolulu and PogoPoge were pretty popular, too.
Not much ado with sports, though.
how about the truck drivers stops call the choke and puke
We affectionately Call Sam’s Club and Walmart “Clam’s Sub” and Malwart respectively. Our favorite eatery, the Hungry Lion, is lovingly referred to as “the Greasy Lion.”
Heavy Drinkers are called, “koakanes”
Former UH basketball coach Bruce O’Neil coined the phrase “Power of the Pacific” to describe his goals for the basketball program.
Other nicknames of Hawaii basketball players.
Jimmy “Bad Boy” Baker
Melton “Leaping LIzard” Werts
Henry “Puka Shell” Hollingsworth
Tom “Rolls Royce” Henderson
“Jeep” Kelley
Clarence “Pop” Dickerson
Rodney “Slim” Jones
Forgot to mention 5’6″ USC basketball transfer Victor “Tiny” Kelly. Played his senior year for the Warriors.
Good morning everyone!
Received an email from Art at Genji acknowledging my note that nabeyaki udon and shrimp tempura could be very popular tonight, so they shouldn’t run out until very late. Food orders taken until 11:30 PM. The kitchen is small so expect food service delays (we are not doing the buffet this time).
We only have large parties there twice a year so some may not know that Korean karaoke is also available besides Japanese and Hawaiian. They are listed in separate books. Gaye told me once they have 8 languages, including Filipino, but I have not personally checked.
Genji was burglarized a few weeks ago and the smaller 42″ TV on the King Street wall was stolen. Art may not have replaced it yet, but the two 50″ sets on the opposite walls are OK.
See you all tonight!
Eh Wreck…not true anymore! KK lost weight recently!
KK ~ There’s a big truck stop at the interchange northwest of Sacramento that is nicknamed, Pany Hose Junction for obvious reasons.
Talking about top High School seniors in Hawaii, my reliable sources tell me – JEREMY HIGGINS – QB upon Kalaepohaku has been offered scholarships from Mountain West power – UTAH Utes, and the upstart Utah State Aggies, and also the home team UH Warriors! Congratulations to Jeremy, he should have a “great” senior year.
One of my favorite names played in the Rainbow Classic. Not for UH.
Grasshopper Smith. They gave him that name because they said he looked like a grasshopper. And he really did.
From Niroby Dingle’s
From his MYSPACE page…
copo…..add weber state to that list.
Back from shopping! Great to see the usual suspects on the blog! LOL Howzit Wreck?!! And Kekoa making his recovery for the big partee tonight.
COPO – tanks for the scoops on Jeremy!
samoan sack man was al noga
…fab five
…chocolate thunder aka darryl dawkins
…bullet bob hayes
another tiny….
nate archibald, who almost became a rainbow warrior
and that other tiny tim.
lucky luck
john “hurricane kid” bird
stan “the man” harrington
Wafan and C_C … do the Tsaiko thing and have a great time!!!
I was always partial to A.C. When you’re known by just your initials, you’ve made it big time. Although nobody in my church who watches basketball knows who I’m talking about when I say A.C. But they came from the Philippines after his time here, I guess. 😛
lord jim “tallyho” blears
curtis “da bull” iaukea
the masked executioner
“tosh togo”
handsome johnny barend
killer kowalski
the ultimate warrior
hulk hogan
okay nuff already but the best nicknames do belong to the wrestlers.
say goodbye to pampero firpo da missing link.
Have fun tonight tsaikos. Love seeing the old nicknames from players past.
Our family favorite for places are…
Taco smells
Burger Queen
Pizza Sl#t (sorry :-))
Milk lady (dairy queen)
The list goes on and my kids will forever be the ones who don’t know the right name of anything.
Have a good one gang…back to lurking.
Oh yeah, wasn’t Tim Shepard known as Dog?
and i never thought fabulous moolah to be so fabulous.
and i used to see sky low low a lot in waikiki. he was an accomplished chess player on the beach at waikiki.
hey hey now when we can do some of it again my bruddah?
Speaking of nicks….I remember Ingemar Johansen (sp?) who named his left hand “Lightning” and his right, “Thunder”. Can’t remember if it was before or after he knocked out Floyd Patterson.
the alltime beverage nickname for us, er, older folks.
horsepiss = primo beer
al how about the missing link ( ohhhhhhhh yeaaa), billy white wolf, classy freddie blasey (sp?) (wonderful francis wonderfu) , rippa collins (to all my fans in moi), bwhaaaa dem where the days.
can you name some of the roller derby starts?
Gorgeous George – no finer nick!
mih- thanks for the scoops on Niroby Dingle!
au’wryte lizk got one gg
reading your post on N Dingle, #130, how many years of eligibility remain?
seems like he has run out of time.
Have fun tonight everyone…wish Gary.and I could make it but maybe next time.
Lizk mahalo for picking up our tix for unlv! Can hardly wait for September to get here and yesterday’s cc did get us all hyped up! There are a lot of lurkers on kauai so hopefully they’ll come out next time.
your #115 – that guy reminds me our cook in basic training at Fort Ord in 1965 – we called him “cookie” because one could throw his cookies against the wall and it would richoet and hit you on the head without losing a single crumb – even soaking it in milk did not help!!! – he would come over to a table and ask “what’s wrong with my cookies?” – response was, “nothing Sarge, it’s great” – “OK, then eat it”. – very difficult to eat “rock”.
maybe not same guy as he played on the offensive line
A-House…he could have 2 to play 2 since he started in 2007…if he’s had a redshirt year.
al (#143)= my dad explained to me when I was a pre-teen that Primo was very green and had to be filtered through a horse first before it was drinkable! Bwaaahahahaha
Word problems were my complete down fall in math, but, if he attended UH in 2006 or part of 2007 BEFORE moving back to Alabama to play in 2007 and he spent 3 years in the Army, seems to me that his clock started when he was enrolled at UH back in 2006 or 2007.
If so, then he has used up 3 of the 5 years. Yes? No? Will he have to “red shirt” for transferring from Alabama St?
Of course, thea bove wuld not apply IF Dingle played only 1 year at Alabama St thus giving him 2 to play 2 years.
You need a Ph.D. or two to figure out NCAA eligibility rules, so I’ll leave that to the Garrets of the world. 😀
Al, yes Weber State will be waiting in the wings for a miracle, the original “coach Mac” Ron McBride has done a great job of recuiting the Islands, especially during his Utah days ( Ma’afala’s to Olevao to the biggest gets from Hawaii – the Kemoeautu brothers, so we should never count out the wily old veteran, he knows all the tricks and he will be lurking to get a “steal” from the islands. Coach Mac knows how to fill up the “canoes” for the trip to Utah.
Jeremy’s big bro Cameron was such a “steal” may be best QB ever at WSU and is top QB or one of top in D1AA football.
correction on spelling of Ma’ake and Chris last name – Kemoeatu.
RE: Niroby. Kind of confusing ain’t it? I suppose he gets an exemption for being in the service. Chaminade doesn’t have football and his time at UH? Maybe he was here part-time only?
What erybody.
Almost pau work. C U all at Genji’s.
Wow, slow today. Errybody must be resting up for the KK tonight.
copo… forget the beast will be entering his 2nd year at weber st.
also, higgins has the nfl watching his every move.
Craig “Ironhead” Heyward
Anthony “Pig” Miller
Lloyd “Swee’pea” Daniels
Dikembe “Jumbo” Mutombo, the Fear of Zaire
and my favorite Chris Bermanism: Eric “Sleeping with” Bieniemy
and may we never say Niroby Dingle(berry)
Golden Richards
….oh wait! Das’ his real name!
Which brings to mind:
Maybe this should be a separate water cooler discussion but howzabout favorite all-time roster names?
Blessing Bird
Datsun Nihipali
Golden Richards, Sterling Richards….should have named one Titanium Richards- titanium tough…
blessing bird was as tough as they came, afterall he had to follow his older brother the hurricane kid.
A little bird says that Jeremy’s backup is getting looks from bigger names.
Off Topic Alert
While not in the realm of the super deals the Garret and his family get while dining out, New Eagle Cafe get one mean special this month: two complete Prime Rib dinners for $29.99. Mrs. d1島 and I feasted on that buggah last night…some ono! Going on all month for dinner.
Knew a guy named Sterling Silvers.
OK…time to clean up around the house and get ready to PARTEEE
May the BEAST feast on the BIG SKY, another islander McBride got to board his canoe.
As an Alumnus of Kalaeohaku’s rugged slopes, anytime a Crusader gets an opportunity to continue his education, through athletics or academics, I’m stoked!
Remember also JEREMIAH MASOLI, former Crusader, rode the bench behind CAMERON HIGGINS, I believe both were seniors, JM transferred in from LA area, no takers after HS, JM went the JC route, he had a great JC year at CCSan Francisco, one of my sons played against him, my son played defense against him or tried to, during our weekly pep talks before and after games he mentioned “hey dad theirs a QB at CCSF, he absolutely killed us, he looked like Michael Vick on the field.”, I asked who he was, he said I don’t know him but he looked polynesian and mentioned his name, it was JMasoli, no surprise he ended up with the QUACK ATTACK, they like running QB’s that can make plays, and pass when needed.
Go Saints! 🙂
Bows…..UH rainbows
dynamic duo….ac carter alika smith
dread heads…bess, gm, rivers, hawethore, colt
Kramer,,,,Cosmo Kramer
d1 – Go Saints indeed!
Vince Carter “Half Man-Half Amazing
Steve Francis “The Franchise”
Allen Iverson “The Answer”
Kobe Bryant “The Black Mamba”
Andrei Kirilenko “AK-47”
Kevin Garnett “The Big Ticket”
Gilbert Arenas “Hibachi”
Bob Cousy “The Houdini of the Hardwood”
Dominique Wilkins “The Human Highlight Reel”
Shawn Marion “The Matrix”
Manu Ginobli “Obi-One Ginobli”
Rafer Alston “Skip To My Lou”
Bernard Hopkins “The Executioner”
Andre Rison “Bad Moon”
Reggie White “The Minister of Defense”
Christian Okoye “The Nigerian Nightmare”
Walter Payton “Sweetness”
K das nuff
Cameron Higgins should be playing QB at a D1 school. He was really impressive against us last year and played well throughout the season. How he slipped through the cracks is beyond me. He’s a pretty good QB.
I wonder if Blaze Soares stayed around 259lbs. would he be experimented at Defensive End? He was the size, strength, speed and tenacity to pound guys. Although I like seeing him in at LB abusing everything in his path… Hope he stays healthy this season and kills people!
the best ref in pro wrestling, Wally “Blindman” Tsutsumi.
Article from down under featuring Warrior Olineman Adrian Thomas.
When NIKO NOGA played for the Rainbow Warriors his primary position was defensive line, he played some linebacker his senior year but he is known for his outstanding defensive line play at UH. In the NFL with the St. Louis / Arizona Cardinals, he played exclusively at ILB or OLB and was a solid starter for years. Niko was an athletic phenom, 6’1 230 in HS track and field, ran sprints, won the shot put, in the sprints only Mike Akiu (UH / NFL speedster) edged him out in the sprints.
BRASHTON SATELE, is an outstanding athlete, very explosive and powerful, and can run, his move to the defensive end position will allow him to be more “hands-on” with offensive linemen and more of a “one-on-one” situation for him, he will not be at ILB where a lot of traffic / bodies come at you from all angles, Brashton should stay healthier on the perimeter of the defense as compared to the middle. The prescription for playing the defensive end position at a second round NFL draft level is on UH video shelves – David Veikune’s play from the past 2 years. Brashton has all of the physical measurables and the mental make-up to succeed, if you look at Niko in College and in the NFL, two different positions and successful in both levels. Look forward to watching Brashton embrace the position change and make a great impact for the Warrior defense in his senior year.
just wanted to say thanks to wafan for his generosity tonight for dinner. nothing like a buffet to get you ready to gamble….
lets just say i donated a lil to their tribe.
hope everyone is having good fun with rich and garret. drive safe!
Not to nock these two guys but is this really the best we can recruit to UH?
5 feet 8 155 and 140!
Anguay, who is 5 feet 8 and 155 pounds, was named to The Advertiser’s 2008 Division II All-State first team.
At the Hawai’i Athletes In Action combine, Anguay ran 40 yards in 4.4 seconds.
Anguay also finished fourth in the 100-meter dash (11.1 seconds) in the state track meet.
Lau, who is 5 feet 8 1/2 and 140 pounds, had a breakout performance at the Pacific Islands Athletic Alliance combine.
Lau placed first in the 40-yard dash (4.44 seconds), L-drill (6.60 seconds) and T-drill (3.91 seconds).
Getting two young slot receivers with that kind of speed is good. They will have time to bulk up, develop more speed, route running ability, and improve pass catching with Coach Stutz and Coach Lee. Speed is what we want on the field and speed is what we’re getting. I’m sure the coaches have a method to their recruiting madness and are looking for not only great athletes and good students, but ones who they can develop and fit into the system they are running. We have some pretty good young slot receivers with Miah Ostrowski and also Deondre Powell coming in…add these two recruits and the JC’s…the more the merrier.
The Snoqualmie tribe made some money tonight. Shucks.
Dinner group was great with lots of noise and laughter. Good to see C_C, Izzy and some other good friends there. C_C, hope you were not too shocked at some of the conversation!
Next time we have to withdraw rather than deposit.
Hope everyone has a blast at the R/G KK!
Yes, having a blast!
What was that?
Wow. And a fine how do you do to you to.
KK second shift in da house- Wreck and Kama Krab.
Many many mahalos to everyone who came to Genji!s. Special thanks to Mrs A-House in helping distribute tix, thanks to all for helping off-set my expenses and for keeping my jar full for green bottles.
Rich, you are a true Tsai-ko. Have a great round!
Rich. Jason says what about me?
Mojo is holding down the fort!
Yes, it was a fantastic time together with Tsaikos!!! Betty and I had to leave early, but we thoroughly enjoyed the company of good friends and yummy food!
There’s not enough that can be done to thank Rich enough for his efforts again. Not only going all the way to Vegas to pick up the tix, but then transporting them to Hawaii and then patiently giving them out with the outstanding help of Mrs A-House! Mahalos Rich!!!
All the basic ingredients for success were present…delicious food and cold beverages, cool vocals, and the very best of company! Besides Rich and Garret from Cali, folks showed up from all parts of the island! Mr and Mrs North Shore Fan were there as well as the A-House clan, and Wessai contingent of Kekoa, Diana, Keokane, Homey, and D1 with Juliette. There were also Ralph, HiFlyer, SJ and Myki, SteveM and Peaches, LizK, DPK, Mr and Mrs C, Mei Ling, JJ, Pride, Stretch, PowderPuff, and many more that I just can’t think of right now.
Betty and I were laughing on the way home cuz I told her that ST told me that my wife was waiting for me as I said my “goodbyes” and that I stuttered a little when ST called me a “cradle robber”. I stuttered cuz I almost blurted out Betty’s age and that would not have been a good thing! LOL. Betty asked me “what you mean cradle robber” and I explained. She knew that ST was just kidding so we burst out laughing. She was happy for the ego stroking!!!
Time to get some sleep…nite all
This is Niroby addressing the eligibility questions….I never attended college….I let someone update my page at one point because I didn’t have a computer..I need to remove some of that stuff. I have all my years left because I never played a down of football ever in college and I thought about attending alabama state when I moved home after my military career but because I didn’t feel comfortable with the school and the way the coaching changes were happening I never enrolled. I never attended UH….I used to hang out there with all the guys and I used to date a girl who was attending while I was stationed in the Army and the Chaminade thing is a no too lol….I came back after Davone and Khevin Peoples supported me walking on and moving back. So I took advice and follow dreams cuz I know I can ball. The questions was do I move back here where I have no family and its just me by myself? But I have great friends so the transition has been a lil easier.
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