Tuioti chat
Because of technical problems, we were not able to do a live airing of today’s Warrior Beat Show. But Tony Tuioti, UH’s director of football personnel (and recruiting coordinator) answered your questions. The taped-delayed version of the show is available on The Advertiser Web site. Apologies for the problems.
* * *
The Rainbow Wahine softball team has to get up pret-ty early to get ready for today’s trip to the WAC Tournament in Fresno, They gathered at 4:30 a.m., the bus departed at 5 a.m. The team takes a flight to San Francisco, then a bus down to Fresno. (Two years ago, they traveled by plane from S.F. to Fresno, but most of their luggage didn’t make it.)
Here’s rightfielder Tanisha Milca, who will write a diary for The Advertiser. Her first entry will appear in tomorrow’s editions.
And they’re off . . .
* * *
Not sure why I always get the same shoe-tying photos of Paipai Falemalu, but here’s another from yesterday’s unsupervised workouts. Falemalu redshirted as a freshman last year because of a shoulder injury. He actually was cleared to train a month ago, he said, but UH didn’t announce it until last week.
Good morning Tsaikos
Numero UNO
Happy Cinco de Mayo
Have a great day.
Off to work.
Tony Tuioti should be a great guest!
Happy Working Day to all working Tsaikos! and Good Morning to all. I guess I woke up at the right time.
I look forward to seeing Paipai on the field for the Warriors!
Good morning to all!!
Top 10!!!
Printable coupon for 2 pieces of Kentucky Grilled Chicken, two individual sides and a biscuit at participating KFC restaurants. KFC says that you can print 4 of these coupons from a computer.
ST & Tsaiko Blog Dogs,
Happy Boy’s Day!
Good morning all and Happy Boys’ Day to the Warriors in Tsaiko-land! Have a great cattle call today. Good luck to the SB ladies in Fresno.
Aloha from the tropical islands of Hawaii on the tropical islands in digital paradise….
Good Morning TsaiKo Ohana….
Hey its Cinco de Mayo!!!! Congratulations to Manny Pacquiao and Brian Viloria on the their winning bouts
Back to the Future(of Lurking)
Happy Cinco de Tsaiko Everybody!
PowderPuff ~ Somebody said you wore your UH football helmet to work yesterday…is that an instigatah ‘stretch’ of the truth?
Eh?…how come you not coming over to call da cattle wit us guys?
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Looking for a big year from Paipai!
Tsinco de Mayo?
Kekoa, mahalo about the reminder about Tsunday.
What a blessing to be on Oahu to pray for Kuuleialoha.
Hey, Kekoa! Howzit going? I don’t wear the helmet everyday to work, but I should. I was all set to go to the cattle call today, but got some urgent legislature stuff to work on…days like this, I feel some of (J)J’s pain. I’ll miss you guys…eat plenty.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
ST – who took the picture of the softball girls for you?? I KNOW you were not at UH at 430am, unless you slept in your car. Also, do you hear the screaming and crying coming from up the street?? What happened to Stutz1??
Liz ~ Thanks for running the photo of Ku’uleialoha again @ #14. She, like some of our other Tsaikettes, have spread the Aloha spirit on the mainland, and as far away as Europe. Many local people who live far away from Hawaii and yearn to get a taste of ‘home’ show up at charity events and enjoyed the dances that sistah provided with her Halau.
Mai Poina…
Let’s Go Wahine!
Let’s Go Wahine!
Let’s Go Wahine!
PowderPuff ~ Speaking of pushing Legislative paperwork, how about placing my House Bill on Aunty Linda’s desk for her autograph?
No fogit tell her Koakane retiring soon, so she goin’ get plenny money fo fund my project. Beer sales will sky rocket, and more tax revenue will help stimulate the local economy!
Good times around da bend!
Well, the bright side bout Paipai tying his shoe is that he’s not still trying to tie the same shoe since last year…bwaaahahaha!!!
Good morning tsai-ko’s…have a wonderful and safe day.
good morning early tsai-ko bruddahs and sistas 8) looking like a sunny, humid and no trades day. better head for a place with ac to keep cool.
good luck to the sball wahines and may they return victorious. safe journey, have fun, play hard and 😈 challenge them
have a supa cinco de mayo, great cc and play nice now esmeeeee whooosh
Happy Boys Day and Feliz Cinco de Mayo!!
Morning, afternoon, Tsaiko-Nation and Tsai-Meister.
Good Luck Wahine !!
Mens BB, get your mojo back !!!
May Ku’uleialoha’s final flight be an extremely blissful one.
Good Luck to the BaseBows in the land of legendary Gael All American… Herman Wedemeyer.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
I hope everyone enjoys Cinco de Mayo today with a shot of Tequila.
Happy Boys Day to Jason and CC – the only little boys here on the blog.
how many scholarships does UH have for next year? i know we went a little over this year and the greyshirts will probably be counted against next year’s total.
Good morning Tsai-kos!!
Happy Cinco de Mayo and Boy’s Day!!
Good luck to the softball, baseball, water polo and tennis teams.
Off topic – I just booked our trip to Spain this summer for $990!!! Had been looking at fares in the $1200-1500 range. Now we gotta book the rest of the trip – hotels, car rental, etc.
i hope we continue to recruit mid year JC transfers. they seem to really benefit from spring practice, not too mention we avoid running into admission problems.
Hope we hear more about Junior Day.
Holy crapballz, Mr C!!!!
You were on it this morning, huh??? I guess you sped into work AGAIN!! Gunfunnit, where are the speed traps when you need um……
Tequila shots anyone????
Or, better yet, some enchiladas and arroz con pollo…..
Wow… It’s been 25 years since I went to Spain. Bet it’s changed.
BTW, enjoy your cc today….I neva’ go there long time…..Eat plenny for me….Wait…did I just say that? What am I thinking????
I’m sure you all will eat more than enought for all of the Tsai-ko ohana who can’t make it!
what’s been the response to hawaii’s first junior day? did we get any verbals??? haha
speaking of speed traps… what the heck is the cops doing out with laser guns at 445am??!!?? good thing I wasn’t speeding. well I wasn’t caught so I wasn’t speeding.
Yup. I learned from Stretch- It’s only speeding when you’re caught.
ST- Is “Tuioti” da new code for “Stutz?”
Gmornin gang!
Good Morning All! 🙂
Stretch: Dey waiting for people rushing to the airport……
Howzit, A-Joe!
Question for Tony:
Coach Tony, What positions will be of the highest priority for upcoming recruiting season? and After one year of experience, how do you think we will improve recruiting this year and years to come?
No questions for Tony, just a comment: Great job so far, Coach, your efforts have provided a tremendous boost to our recruiting. Keep up the good work!
Good morning good people!
Wahine had to gather at 4:30 am??? The Dirty Commish’s clock doesn’t even HAVE a 4:30 a.m… Best of luck to our Wahine!
RIP Dom DeLuise. Dirty Commish loved him in Mel Brooks’ “History of the World”.
Aloha Kakahiaka! Happy Boys Day!
Darwin Award thoughts:
4 people bitten by snakes over the weekend in AZ:
“We’ve seen several people who’ve tried petting the snakes, and even on occasion people trying to kiss the snake. Any of those things usually result in the patient getting bitten,” said Dr. Michael Levine, a toxicologist at Banner Poison Control Center.”
Prayers for Dom DeLuise (#41). I loved watching him on tv as well as the movies. He is a very funny, intelligent, and kind-hearted guy.
Tony Tuioti: so far – whom would you say has been the least likely but most fantastic recruit you have brought to the Warriors? (By least likely, I mean – had lots of offers and could have gone anywhere but chose Hawaii instead of another school.)
Have a GRRRRREAT season!
#34…. 😈
Like when watching the exciting adventures on NatGeo or Discovery viewers often forget that a dedicated, unsung individual was holding the camera that got the shot….Mahalo for the photos this morning Stephen.
We’ll put a kalbi on the bar-bee for you….and catch the WB show on the replay 😉
Softball Wahine,
Enjoy your time getting up early for purposes of loving what you do. As me and my friends agree, ’tis a far FAR better thing to wake up early for purposes “non-work related”. Not to say battling it out in a WAC tournament isn’t “hard work”, but at least playing softball is something you all enjoy.
I get up early and leave LATE to save a billion-dollar bank money on… nevermind… I’m going to shut up now before I say something WAAAAYYYY out of line… 😈
…so aside from Tanisha’s diary will the HA have a writer covering the SB tourney? If the staff can’t go, I’d nominate Kazz!
Kazz – be careful, keep your comments about work in “compliance”, there are spies here watching
Shouldn’t someone be heading back to the airport soon? (So as not to have to be a speeding candidate?)
That’s why I stopped typing… 😆
Coach Tuioti:
Much mahalos for the fantastic job last year!
What is the most important and interesting part of your new position?
Does your position including contact with recruits before, during, and after NLI?
Do you have a master list, by position, of all current and future recruits and how closely it it guarded?
Kazz and Stretch:
3 unconfirmed possible swine cases in Hawaii.
And swine originated from Mexico.
So half off mexican drinks for Cinco de Mayo.
Yes, so call in sick and stay home with da kids….
Cabo Wabo kills all bacteria.
Coach Tuioti,
Could you talk about how UH might expand the plans for Junior Days in the future? Many schools are having two Junior Days, could UH have one earlier (February or March) in addition to the Junior Day that takes place before the Warrior Bowl?
Coach Tuioti,
Could you talk about how UH’s Junior Day helped with the recruiting for local recruits? Has the feedback from parents or recruits indicated that the Junior Day moved UH up on their preference list?
I didn’t want lava’s question to be missed for the WB show, so I figured I would address questions to Coach Tuioti so that they would definitely be picked up for the show.
Nice mention of Bess here in this list of 10 second-year NFL players on offense who are vital to their team’s performance this year.
blockquote>Mr C:
May 5th, 2009 at 9:46 am
3 unconfirmed possible swine cases in Hawaii.
WHAT?!?!?! Well, Herman Frazier left the islands a while ago… Jim Bolla was fired but still in Hawaii so that counts for one PIG… MMK was not there to present the softball Wahine seniors with their plaques, but she could have been on island or whatever so that could be the SECOND one…
Still trying to think… hmmm…
Cabo Wabo
-Possible Side Effects-
Slurred speech
Blurred vision
Impaired judgement
Loss of motor control
Frequent head-splitting headaches the morning after
dead brain cells…
Makes unattractive people look attractive to you
Until the morning after, that is — effect is obviously, temporary.
Although rare and highly unlikely, it has been reported that Cabo Wabo can make you wake up and discover you turned gay the night before.
Hey Kazz…
Night write up on the Wahine Softball team… I enjoyed the read in the SH forum.
Mahalo for sharing your insights!
Mahalo. I also put it up on yesterday’s blog. I hope I did some justice to the team. I tried to do it based on my own memory but needed to go back on some of ST’s articles for some of the earlier stuff.
Question for Coach Tuioti:
When there is a prospect we know personally that has been sought after by PAC 10 schools, how can we help UH remain the top choice on his list?
Any Cali Rainbow fans decending on Fresneck this weekend to cheer the Basebows and Wahine??
Hi Kekoa!
the biggest issue is why is Paipai wearing Nike shoes when UH has a contract with Under Armour?
with the success of Breland Almadova is having this baseball season I see the Iolani product signing with the pros…at 6’2 and batting .457 in the tough ILH, he is a center fielder with speed so he goes for the money and a ballplayers dream to make it to the majors…and UH is in a woeful losing slump- and Trap’s teams normally finish with a winning percentage of about 54-56%.
Good morning Tsaikos….
Happy Boys Day..and Cinco De Mayo…
Did I hear Cabo Wabo??? Should I bring some on Saturday???
Big C????
KAZZ: Not defending MMK but she was at the Scholar-Athlete dinner.
Coach T,
Who’s on the radar locally? Who’s on the radar in Samoa?
California, Washington, AZ, NV, and AK, places where there are sizable Polynesian communities?
Yes, unfortunately that was me who was at UH at 4:30 a.m.
It was tough on this old guy. I mean, movie last night, softball farewell this morning. Oh, wait. I think the 2-hour nap I had this morning helped.
Stutz “de-committed,” as we say in the biz. He had to do work for Mack, as well as two papers for finals. The life of a grad student . . .
#70 Ralph, I believe that the negative you speak to could be a positive to land such a player. Trap could say that his is a team on the cusp of turning with young players, (Kolten Wong, the freshman pitchers, etc..). Mr. Almadova’s addition to the team could solidify the “locals” on the team started by Kolten’s impact in his first year.
The team may struggle next year but as he and Kolten and the other “young guns” mature, the team should contend in the following year.
We’re all unhappy with the slump, but it happens and players know that that does occur.
ST quick question….do you make guests run laps if they are late????
We are having technical trouble with our live video streaming service. We will be taping the show and posting it right after it is done. Tony will be answering your questions, so check back later this afternoon. Apologies to all.
Piper’s Son,
I thought I heard she flew out with the track team.. hmmm, guess I was wrong or maybe she left afterwards, but yeah, surprised to not see her at softball on Saturday.
Last time I woke up around 4am was to watch the Florida game last year.
I couldn’t sleep the night before and I was going to send a photo text message to Midori and Chawan as they were in Florida as I was making my way out the door. I had my face paint on and everything for a televised away game and then I realized I still looked like crap after a cold shower to wake me up so I opted to spare Chawan and Midori the pain of having to see my sorry a$$ before a big game like that! 😆
Hawaii’s 1st Cases of Swine Flu Confirmed
uce2….are you asking tony to violate the ncaa recruiting rules?
dang… had to eat lunch away from my computer and missed the show.
COLT WATCH – PG13 – violence and good makeup
(Cooley is producing an indie movie and had a film crew at the house the last few days.)
(reading back) OMG- I didn’t miss the show after all! Sorry for the technies. Look forward so seeing it laters, Sandee!
NCL one day sale (sail)
Hmm…. 3 cases of swine flu confirmed in the islands. Military couple who went to Texas and an unrelated child, who went to California.
Let’s hope it stays a weak virus.
hi stephen hawaii football team roster did coach mac cut 20 players or there still hanging around the football campus.
any idea when you folks will be telecasting interview with Coach Tuioti?
goodluck hawaii rainbows women softball team bring home the wac championship.
JJ: #71…NO!! OMG…….dangerous…
5-1 Bows in the top of the 8th….
We had to do a tape-delayed version of the show. It should be available on the home page. Tony Tuioti answered your recruiting questions.
can’t locate the link to today’s delayed version. anyone got a URL?
Okay Big C…I’ll bring a bottle….
Happy Boy’s Day!
Sheesh…talk about INSTAGATIN’…….
What is all this talk about mayonnaise?
I: am making some mac/potato/egg salad to go with my beef stew. Does that count for mayo?
Sad to hear about Dom de Louise.
Best of luck to the SoftBows in Fresno!
Go git ’em!!!
Tsai-kos heading to the UNLV game this September!
If you are interested in taking in a performance of the Jersey Boys on Friday, September 18 please e-mail me at wafan at comcast period net. Show time is 7:00 pm at the Palazzo, Venetian.
Here is the address for the Jersey Boys and the Venetian. You will be able to view the floor map and prices by going to the ticket site and clicking “Buy Tickets”.
Tickets are about $65 each in the mezzanine (dark green area on the floor map). Just an effort to try to keep costs down! I would guess the sight lines and acoustics are both great in the theatre.
Of course if we can get a large enough group together to warrant a group discount that would be passed on to you.
We can head over to the Tsai-ko party immediately following the show.
I thought it would be a lot of fun to sit in a group and hum (okay some of us will sing out loud) so as not to disturb others nearby. So, I am willing to order the tickets if you are interested in going. All I ask is that you follow-though and let me know by Friday, May 29!
Anyone interested?
Special thanks to LV for his help with some of the information!!!
Congrats to the Baseball Bows on their win today! Nice to see the bats come alive again.
Can’t wait to start reading Tanisha Milca’s online diary of the team’s progress in the WAC tournament!
I still remember that funny entry Kate Robinson had last year during the regionals in which the team went into a reception area full of refreshments and after they were done it was then and only then they saw a sign that indicated all that stuff was for another softball team. I can’t remember what school but I hope it was UCLA again! 😆
Jack Flash,
May 7th – May 9th is when it will REALLY count of course. But yeah good to hear they won.
Who pitched or who got credited with the win? Probably Kramer huh? Actually I hope not. We’re going to need him to open in Fresno.
TsaiKo Ohana….go to this link for FREE KFC…and print coupon
Hey TwiTTerVille… for those who haven’t heard… Oprah is buying lunch!! Get your free chicken (for real)
. Please RT
Howzit Everybody,
Kazz I think it is either going to be Connor Little or Ryan Davis with the win today. Connor went 4 and Ryan went 3 1/3 i think. Connor started though.
Already got mine and went grind em already. Everyone should print these out, they are good until the 19th I think, but you can only print them out for a certain amount of time.
I was trying to view that re-broadcast of the Warrior Beat Show but nothing comes up. Is there another way to view the show from today? Anybody know
Sadly, it appears that the KFC coupon is NOT being honored by KFC restaurants in Hawaii! Esme’s Mommies found that out, so I feel bad about post #6. The coupon should work just about everywhere on the mainland, but not in Hawaii.
The coupons can only be printed out until tomorrow. The coupons can be used for the next 2 weeks.
Mama C-Ta ~ We made sure that all grilling parties added at least one ono piece of meat or chicken on da grill today in honor of you and Mr. C. Even if Homey hogged da grill again and ate all DPK’s meat when he wasn’t lookin, Aunty Leadfoot when exercise her right to maintain law and order. After several well aimed slaps, Homey had to eat standing up! Plus, he wen switch to vegetarian choices.
Garret and HawaiianKiko-
I took the coupon to KFC in Kailua today, and although they wouldn’t honor the meal, they did give me a free piece of chicken to munch on.
I’m glad to read these types of reports on David Veikune.
Breaking News,
She was -4 after 9…go figure!
Jack Flash,
I’m glad they you at least got something!
mahalo to all those we saw today,
nice to catch up with everyone, the 5 F’s hold true:
Ryan assured everyone today that he is 100% physically ready to bring smoke on the water this season! He looks lean and mean, and was working that eating machine!
Always good to see Mr. & Mrs Bulla and coach Onosai. Pride, Jason, Tom, Stretch, Rob25, Sj & Myki, curveball, DPK, Ralph, and if I left any others out, I’m so sorry cause I have become a Makuli practioner.
Nice gathering of folks just wanting to escape the working world for a bit and just enjoy lunch and hang out with the ohana.
Two more months until Summer Break and real food. Leave some food for me!!!
This is going to take forever.
Yes, it was sad to hear about the passing of legendary actor Dom DeLuise. Some had mentioned about his wonderful film performances with Mel Brooks and Burt Reynolds. But perhaps his greatest role was in a small budget, little-known but grossly underrated movie Hot Stuff. He played a near-retired undercover detective posing as a pawn shop operator trying to catch hordes of criminals in an illegal fencing operation….it was hilarious!
And of course how can we forget his later career as a celebrity chef. It’s unfortunate that he became so obese that he had to cook while sitting down and strangely started to talk in a cajun drawl sort of accent, I never knew he had an affinity for cajun and creole types of food….you know since he was Italian??
It was good to also see d1, hiflyer, Addahknowsports and Jos from the Pink side!
KaluaSwineFlu . . .
I think the chef to whom you refer is Chef Paul Prudhomme. He is definitely not Dom deLouise.
tell Cass good luck and kick okole!!
Was Homey invisable again…….or am I halucinating again…. I thought that was him stealing my food
Paul Prudhomme? Isn’t he the legendary drag racer who once drove a dragster for Hawaii’s own Roland Leong back in the mid 60’s?
That was Don “the Snake”. Paul is the chef. 🙂
KSF, close and almost same as dom, but was don prudhomme. roland’s brother in law is also named don and used to work at sears.
on the second thought he might still be working at sears. ouch!!!!
duffer, how many more days for this championship??
racing cars, stock, drag, etc. somehow hawaii is not well represented in these sports nowadays. those were the days, cherry neves, j pflueger, bobby and jerry unser, roland leong, danny ongais, kupacha, etc.
Go Cassy, Go Kelli!!!
Whoosh — off to Rotary!
Yikes- GO MELISSA!!!
KaluaSwineFlu . . .
Do not know about race car drivers in Hawai’i. But, you might want to visit this site for more information about Chef Prudhomme.
2morrow is the last day, only 36 holes. These kids have a chance at history for Maui and they want to go swimming! 🙁
Roderick Flemings to return for senior season.
Per Honolulu Advertiser:
Wow. Any other UH fans feel like the last kid picked for a game of pick-up basketball.
Anyone else feel like returning to UH was a “consolation prize” for Mr. Flemings? 🙄
Kazz . . .
When I read the article I did not feel as if UH was the consolation prize. I felt more like this guy is neither very organized nor committed to follow-through.
Of course, it may be that he was undecided.
Or he wanted and received the attention he desired.
I see too many of these kids every year. They are confused and need guidance. Hopefully, Coach Nash and the team will be able to help Mr. Flemings.
guess they still got some tech difficulties with the WB show…
wafan, might not only be rf that is unorganized, but the coaching staff for mbasketball may be unorganized also. example would be this past recruiting season. still bothers me that we have a staff who have nba experience, college hc experiences, many contacts, but cannot recruit.
KSF, it is always very sad when we lose our great comedians. i call them great because they don’t have to use profanity and profane gestures to be comedians. some of them just crack you up when they come on stage, red skelton and his seagulls (gertrude and heathcliff), dom deluise, buster keaton, jackie gleason, etc.
ok duffer, how did cassie and the baldwin girls do today???
top 140!!!!!!
Whitey: How about us SCCA guys who raced at Raceway Park? (Sports Cars of America)
WaFan: Don deLouise was also a cook – saw him in a couple of cooking shows – as a guest, to be sure.
Coach Mike yanked a surprised Matt Sisto early, after only 2/3 of an inning in the 9th.
CMT needs to that against Fresno State if we are to win at least 2 games and clinch a spot in the WAC T.
Good to see Morford, Garcia and Montplaisir hitting….but, the ‘dawgs have far better pitching than the Gaels and the bowboyz have to pound to win at Fresno.
I do agree that the days of quality (and legal) automobile racing in Hawaii has seen it’s better days. Guys like Roland Leong and Danny Ongais were super legendary back in the day and many of the younger generation of car enthusiasts do not have a clue as to who they are. These kids are more about style than substance when it comes to their rides. From the days of stock car racing at the old Termite Palace to drags at Kahuku Airstrip to the organized oval and drag racing at the now defunct HRP in Campbell Industrial Park are now becoming distant memories. Heck even the days (well mainly nights) of racing at Sandy Beach seem like a century ago. My parents took me to Saturday Night stock car racing at the 1/4 mile dirt oval when I was 3 or 4 years old and my mom says that’s how I learned to recognize and count numbers….by watching the cars go around the track with their big numbers on the side of them. We owe a lot to guys like Roland Leong who often sought sponsors like Kings Hawaiian Bread, Hawaiian Punch, and Hawaiian Vacations to help promote Hawaii and bring a little Aloha Spirit to the mainland racing community. And now, the Okuhara bros. who are prominent Crew Chiefs and managers on the big $$ NHRA circuit are all representing Hawaii’s racing heritage and legacy.
merkle has to give it away, she is too good, imo
We’ve posted the taped Warrior Beat Show with Tony Tuioti, the University of Hawai’i football team’s director of player personnel. Sorry again for the technical problems today.
Gotta backup the Maui girl! 🙂
Good Luck Rainbow Wahine.
Hit, Run, Score
TomSlick, yup, those days of racing is now very limited. We still have races, various kind, but with the sf shut down, it put the crimps to the oahu auto racers coming to maui.
piper’s son, didn’t want to miss any racing group so that is why i put the etc. i know you had some kind of team racing where you had to meet certain landmarks or check points at a certain time and you were scored according to time. i never had the opportunity to see a race like that, but we had stock cars and only drag racing, karting, motocross have survived. i don’t know about now, but sometimes the guys get crazy and they had a demolition derby.
we were very fortunate to be able to see the hawaiian punch race here on maui. because roland’s sister was living here on maui and her kids were on the swim team, we were able to get jackets, hats, and sweat outfits from hawaiian punch.
cheers and best wishes to the wahine sb.
Kalua pig with cabbage for dinner complimented today’s lunch…ahhhhh.
Good seeing old and new faces today.
Don’t forget, anybody around the Kalihi area on Thursday around 11:30 – 12:00 noon, stop by and have lunch at Richie’s.
I enjoyed watching the replay, but there seemed to be some serious glitches in the video.
Parts of the Tony Tuioti Q&A had the sound really out of sync with the video.
The commercial in the middle of the video stopped completely and the picture was frozen and the sound was silent for quite some time.
The last half or so of the commercial was missed and when the sound started back up Tony Tuioti was there already.
The video also froze when ST asked Tony Tuioti about letting the Florida recruit off the hook.
The video next froze when talking about the recruits they brought in this year that had offers from other schools.
The video next froze right after ST said “long snapper U”.
The video froze right when Tony Tuioti started talking about Junior Day!
I’m glad that the video didn’t have a problem when Tony answered my question about possibly having two Junior Days. I didn’t realize that I left out the part of my question that was supposed to mention how the second Junior Day could be held so that it doesn’t conflict with an athletic competition (this year some players couldn’t attend the Junior Day because of a track meet).
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want to read the off-topic stuff.
This research group sure has big dreams for the gear that future soldiers would have available to them.
Armored car sales are booming in Brazil, where tax incentives make it affordable for their middle class citizens.
Super hydrophobia research advances may result in self-cleaning materials and robots that can walk on water.
It appears that wireless and broadband carriers will start offering WiFi access for free because the reduced churn more than makes up for the WiFi costs.
An art student made this car “disappear” by painting it to merge with its surroundings.
Free play links pau.
I ate way too much today. Buffet at Camellia. Buffet at Hale Aloha cafeteria (they had Mexican food for Cinco de Mayo). Wow.
I was coaching my Math Team kids for the Math Bowl, and there was a girl taking a test or something at the same time. I saw a student ID on the teacher’s desk, and noticed it was Kristina Merkle’s. Then my students remarked matter-of-factly, “That’s her over there.” Whoops, I’m not very observant. 🙂
Speaking of not being observant … I told Bulla, Lyn, and Ryan this morning that I had missed my stop heading over to Camellia. Well, what do you know, I did the same thing heading home tonight. Got off when the bus announced we were at Hotel and Bishop — only to find I was at Beretania and Smith, because of Cinco de Mayo detours.
Thanks duffer — got me checking a bit, although the $100/day marketing/packaging approach for Hawaii is only a “4” on my 1-10 temptation scale. The Bahamas was an “8”, Alaska a “6”.
If I were a retired airline employee, I would look at getting to MIA and cruising the Bahamas and Caribbean for a month for a grand…. 🙂
Just a side note to Garret’s #59 post:
I spoke to one of our next year senior KS-Hawai’i fb players who attended the UH Junior Day, & he mentioned how impressed he was w/ the coaches & ‘ohana concept, being able to play before Hawai’i fans & supporters (if he’s offered a chance), & how he’s reconsidering his options (U-Oregon, UW, & Oregon State are now very interested in him). He’s 6’3″, muscular 300#, quick & agile, & may be a nice fit for UH.
So…maybe a fresh outlook on our Jr Day efforts could possibly change the mindset of some of our sought after local guys. Of course, you’ll always have students who want to get off the rock, to experience other places, people, & things like I did. But, I guess I look at things differently now, try to keep our local talent where they can get a great education + we can continue to follow them.
Can’t wait for the new season! GO WARRIORS!!!
My #162
Forgot to mention he’s also a solid A-/B+ student, academically very solid…
djmitcho 🙁
thats ok, may the best player come out on top. 😀
maui has turned out quite a few good ones.. like sasada,
gammie and ting played for hawaii womens team too i think.
is koshi still playing?
Watching the video…
“we look like the number 10 here” Bwahahahahaha!!!!
Some little known trivia, Roland Leong is my cousin. His Mom, Aunty Miu Lin (sp?) and my Mom are cousins. My grandpa was a good mechanic and Roland used to call the house as a kid and ask him to come over to help him. As my Mom tells the story, they’d go over to Roland’s house and the entire engine would be taken apart….IN HIS BEDROOM.
His sisters Marilyn and Jamie gave me some racing memorabilia a few years ago. Mini replicas of his dragster. Kind of neat.
Sandee ~ I tried to hang in there and suffer thru the replay of the *Wai & Tsai Show.* Too much pilkia! Diana turned off my ‘puter when she heard me screaming at it and throwing things.
Can you go back and clean it up so that there are not so many ‘bullet holes’ in the recording? Tank ewe!
Hilobilly bring the kid with you to a UH game and join us at a tsaikotailgate at cabana A
Nalani, unbelievable that you are related to Don and Marilyn. i thought kevin was going to work for uncle roland and donna finished at whittier, but haven’t seen them for ages. next time you see them, tell them i said hi. small world!!!!!
layson, you played against ryan k or brian s. brian plays on sun with my friends and ryan works as a porter at kahului airport in the afternoon. gail g’s dad, paul, has a medical supply business and he used to swim for me and st anthony school. desiree t is with central pacific bank.
al, did you make money or cd’s for september?????? making cd’s is very important cause it gives you a reason to go back and redeem it.
nalani, forgot to mention, no more any of na leo’s albums at maui costco. sold out, so you need to send new shipment to them.
on the horizon is #200. can just barely make it out.
Goodnight, gang!
So ‘sports tells me she had to fend off Jason at today’s KK.
She said to Jas- “Eh, keep your meat on your side! Your Chicken just jumped my Pork!”
Nalani ~ It’d be great if you could get your cousin Roland Leong to revive his old dragster, the Hawaiian, and put out a challenge to the kids of today to a match race. Would be great to have HRP re-open here in the old Barber’s Point area for something like that. Lots of racing folks still around. Youngsters need a safe place to race their dream cars, karts and even Whitey’s Spaceship!
East coast race tracks like at Darlington, SC – have a great campsite located just outside the grandstands. I went with some of my troopers from Ft. Bragg, NC when we felt a need for speed! No reason why we couldn’t have something like this on-isalnd for the couch potato racing Tsai-ko’s!
actually came home with some coin in pocket.
boss had her rally cap on after the first day’s “indoctrination”. she came home with a smile on her face after visiting the coach store and the seiko outlet.
Goodnight Cindy!
A-Joe ~ I hope your were able to enjoy a tall cool one today…compliments of Kimana. A-Sports prolly told you how that happened.
Happy Boy’s Day Tsaikos & Lurkers; good evening Tsaikettes & Lurkers!
Checking in to say, “Hi !!!”
See I’ve missed much news (more like tons). Hope all is going well in Warrior fb & WB Tsaikoland.
Safe travels and good luck to the Softball Wahine.
Go-o-o-o-o basebows!!!
Sorry to hear, and for my hanai A-House family, that Steele Jantz is leaving. Good luck in your future endeavors, Steele!
(Is Bolla gone yet?)
al, all right. main thing boss got something from coach store!!!!! takai, ouch, ouch!!!!
addahknowjoe: Yeah, dat ONE time my chicken went flip over and touch her pork. Never mind the MANY times she went steal some of my grill space. Geez, HiFlyer was polite, how come she wasn’t?!?! 😀
Re: #176
that video chat has a mind of its own.
it seems to start up at any point it wants to.
the pausing drives you nutz.
is there anyway the user could pause and rewind as desired?
otherwise, i really did enjoy listening to tony.
since, i am at it…..could the video quality be improved?
kekoa, maybe the us navy would sponsor the hawaiian dragster. i know the us army sponsors one and that might belong to snake prudhomme. put both dragsters on board and bring them for the navy uh game.
Kekoa- Not yet, but thank you good man. Kindly extend my Mahalos to Kimana. But to be honest, I’m not sure who’s greenies were in there. The cooler was a Guri Guri transporter to being with.
Hey, who’s UHfan808?
whitey…..i have to buy my $6.99 wallets from the korean wholesaler just to offset the price of her coachware.
speaking of snakes, going to geronimo’s hometown in az this month and according to beware of on course are rattlesnakes and gila monsters. ouch, ouch, ouch!!!!! not too mention geronimo’s revenge.
Whitey- Howz Duffer’s daughter doing? She made states, eh?
asports lives dangerously….there are some americans today who won’t even come near any kine of pork.
ajoe….not his daughter. but, she does get a golf tip or two from the duffer.
al, no need to say more. i walked in the store one day and saw how much the dog collar cost, turned around and out the door!!!!!
WHITEY: The SCCA had road races at Raceway Park. Most people may not know that there were two straight-aways and several turns including “S” at the waikiki end of the main straight-away which is where the drag racers do their thing and turns connecting the two straightaways on the ewa end.
If I remember correctly, you guys on Maui had road racing, gymkanas (sp?), drag racing on the airfield strip next to the road which leads to Kihei.
Hi whitey, cenn, A-joe, & Kekoa!
whitey, I’ll send you and duffer an email soon. Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and going home treats. Haven’t cooked a complicated meal yet so haven’t tried the sausage but the Guri Guri is so-o-o yummy! lol… just waiting for perfect opportunity to try the sausage.
ajoe, by this time tomorrow night, cassy will probably be the state champ. remember when she kicked our okoles at country club?????
rich2176……are you still out there?
watching the idol show tonight, seems like the network is trying to influence the vote by pairing adam and allison. i guess that would make for a more exciting finale.
AL: Missed you at the CC today (Bulla & company). Even TPK was there.
post #194…
oh wow.
just ignore some of us.
Whitey I still have nightmares! Thank God you were there to ease the massacre!
Good night folks! I let the next two make it to 200!
piper’s son, that is now the race park which has drag racing, karting, motocross, and other things. the entrance to the park is at the national guard armory (new) on mokulele hwy (brand new 4 lanes).
piper’s son…..i had great intentions really. but, i am trying to shake this cold and since i have to work the next few days. i tried to do the sensible thing.
um. who is TPK?
No talk of pork, please. Especially not the spicy BBQ pork at Camellia’s that smells and tastes so good when singed…OK, burnt. I had to work and eat a burrito school lunch today while I kept looking at my watch…. 😥
uh808, main thing you had fun!!!
whitey….i once saw a waipahu native purchase a coach dog collar and dog carrier! that’s a lot of adobo i tell you.
stevem….go down to palama market on dillingham and buy there spicy bbq pork. then take em home and pan fry the buggah. serve with hydroponic lettuce leaves(cuz mo big and tender…ask momo).
whoa, broke mout experience. promise. ten times better than camellia’s.
al, you sure you got one cold and not sflu.
TPK = Toilet Paper Kid
eh whitey….you missed number 200 again.
ok gang, need to get my “beauty” rest. g’nite.
whitey….oink. eh no make lil dat. actually one of the companies i work with told me to self quarintine for 72 hours after arriving home from stateside. i guess i pass the test.
i know some folks who took that mexico trip had to be tested for fever enroute home.
tpk=dpk no other newbie there except onosai so had to be dpk
homey you still going to richie’s on thursday?
who’s going?
Eh, Jason! Since I’m usually sharing grill space with Homey, I have never had the opportunity to fend you off. I didn’t realize that you were sooooo territorial that way. Sheeesh! So what if my kalbi took a little walk and my vegetables rolled over. Folks…be forewarned that you are in for a turf war if you sit next to Jason. Hiflyer was very polite, not to mention extremely diplomatic. Now this is a guy you want to share a grill with.
It was very nice seeing everyone again! I was feeling a little cut off from the Tsaiko world as of late. I am so looking forward to Saturday.
Hehehe. Whereas I like my beef still mooing….I like my pork dead dead dead.
Who is Piper’s Son? Am I missing something?
I’m in for Ritchie’s on Thursday.
Al — I’ll try it it, but am dubious about “fry” and the green stuff… 😐
hi ralph.
do you think we should hire a local boy for the men’s vb coach or someone with more national appeal?
i am thinking that a lot of good coaches will apply. since men’s vb is a “dying” sport and only a few programs stand a chance to stay afloat financially during these tough times, the hawaii position becomes a real appealing vacancy since the potential to keep this program in the black is more than a realistic situation. thus, if you want a career in this sport you need to go where the chances of it folding is less of a risk.
what about the women’s bb coach? 75 candidates.
asports girl….you ate with piper’s son.
btw, in the mother country they eat sashimi pork.
okay. so fry in a teflon pan without oil. are you worried about the extra fat? huh? you like eat pork right? no greens? better get some metamucil. har, har.
Addaknowsports — you, jojo and I should share a grill for BBQ pork…you don’t mind if I turn the heat up so the flames come through the grill holes…? 😉
Really layson you play a vital role.
Piper’s son is Jason??
Al go with the best available candidate with experience in coaching, running a program, recruiting, understands the team standing in the community, and realizes it’s also a business, the university has to succeed in balancing the athletic budget. Von Appen and E Bolla, two unsuccessful coaches at UH, did not make fund raising or community outreach a priority.
stevem…what kind of battery backup do you have?
no. jason’s dad was a butcher. bless his soul.
ralph…i expected a more opionated answer from you and not a generic one.
I don’t subscribe to the idea of always going in house or continue the legacy…Riley won at a 54% clip and he was replaced with 2 coaches who coached with him, no improvement expected. Same offense and defense style, same recruiting areas and JC’s, and therefore no expectation of improving to a 60+% winning record and NCAA appearances.
looks like a revival of the night shift.
i guess stevem crashed on his keyboard again.
know if las vegas and ltuh would make an appearance…….
Al you don’t want a generic one, then give us the names of the candidates and refresh my memory of the individuals seating on the selection committee.
I will be there on Thursday. Pride may also be there…if can find parking.
Turning up the heat is not a problem for me. You gotta check with jojo, though. The flames may wilt her lettuce leaves.
Mr C and Big C might be there too.
Al— since I mainly use a 20″ iMac, my power draw is low so I only have a 550VA unit. I always use the smaller inexpensive ones–IF I don’t save and shut down within a minute or am away from my computer for a while without saving, then it’s not that important. 🙂 But the units I get have AVR (auto voltage regulation) — that is more important to me than power duration.
Addahknowsports© — Piper’s Son is a cruiser…been to Seattle a lot.
Good night. I haven’t had a nightmare in a long time…
So al, am I looking for someone whose dad is musically inclined or was a plumber? And is piper’s son an alter-ego of someone I know?
poor nash. so much was expected from him.
some of it was not his to blame…
riley left the cupboard bare.
late hiring by “who the guy” athletic director wasted the recruiting for the first year which made the cupboard even more bare.
it is tough to recruit to hawaii.
those who were to help him establish a recruiting base were of no help.
he had to employ a no star system because he had none, thus the semblance of the old flex offense.
you can’t run a race without thoroughbreds.
i am more disappointed that he could only land two pg’s. although it looks like that they will make immediate impacts. so they won’t be known as the twin towers, but, perhaps they will become the diminuitive dynamic duo or the killer bees buzzing around their bigger opponents. if anything they will be raining treys this fall.
Whitey ~ Don Prudhomme (The Snake) was the driver for the Army sponsored Funny Car back in the day. Times have changed and he and the Army parted company.
…But that still opens up the idea of having the Navy sponsor this enterprise at Barbar’s Point. I’ll check with SailorBlue about the possibility of this happening.
Meanwhile I just sent a Fax to the Dept. of the Navy PR people to see what their plans include for the UH vs Navy game. I know they must have something in the works.
sm…that sounds like what i was gonna pickup. thanks.
asports… be honest. i don’t know either since i wasn’t there.
Even with your hint, I don’t know who it is. I guess I don’t know my Tsaiko trivia that well.
I hope I get to meet Piper’s son at next event.
Good night, guys. My belly is still full from lunch and my brains are on the fried side.
‘sports out.
Time to clean out the keyboard.
Good night everyone!
there were only two newbies at the cc, joe onosai and the fellow that came with him…asports, weren’t you sitting next to him and jason across from him and is there a name you can toss out here on the blog..
Al seems everyone wants to use late hire and therefore late recruiting led to the two losing seasons…well, its spring 2009 and Nash has two scholies open but no recruit on the radar…he should have had a list of players he felt that would fit in at UH and had them on his board of priority recruits…he got two pg’s, then go down the list and get the others on his list he also wanted.
i believe they did have a wish list. but, it soon disappeared.
i heard a big came for a visit this past weekend, but, its wednesday now. so that doesn’t send a good signal.
must have been a short list
ralph….this is why the men’s vb, bb, and women’s vb, bb should go back to the foreign market. sure it will take a lot of effort to screen out the student/athletes but the rewards have always produced great results and great citizens.
okay lights out.
Yeah really i looking for a big year
So, coach Nash and his assistance put there heads together and all they could come up with are two jc-guards?…still can’t fill the what?, two remaining scholarships available?….I’m glad they’re not into fb recruiting, otherwise we’d really be behind the 8ball!!!….cheeeeezez!!
there=their, oooops!!
assistance=assistants, oh boy…too early!!??
Good morning mctruck and everyone else!
So what was the big deal with mayonnaise yesterday?
Kekoa #17 – As you can see I was doing my duty as a TSAIKO – eating!!!
rodneys site MLC did 744 comments recently…real post with real people, no phantom post, like saying first or hi or talking about what you ate for lunch
254 lol
Good morning my friend, Wafan……..just started storming outside, I can hear da tunda, it’s-a-comin.
Have a groovy-day tsaiko’s….haven’t used that term for ages.
Thank you very much for you post #162! It is great to hear that the Junior Day was so effective. Hearing things from the perspective of a recruit is very useful.
sorry…..for ages=in ages. better go back to bed.
mayonnaise, what mayonnaise??
He’s pushing baby strollers instead of golf bags! 🙂
Bad news for the WAC. First, Idaho’s defensive coordinator got a DUI.
The NY Times is ranking the college football teams from #120 to #1 and Idaho is #119. The bottom of the WAC really needs to improve for the WAC to get more respect.
NMSU is #118 by the NY Times.
Article about how Mouton is a candidate for the returner roles for the Titans.
Great Morning All!
Terrific time yesterday at the CC.
Looking forward to Richie’s on Pile ’em High Thursday….only ting is with homey, Pride. and Mrs.C all bringing their monster trucks, where are the rest of us going park?
Have a great day erryboddy!
Jus’ for you:
“Hi!” 😉
dis is comment #307,251…
Aloha Kakahiaka!
TWO cc’s already????
Man, I’m gonna have to do something about missing out on all that fun
New post is up.
Good Morning All!
Wow, you guys meeting at Richies on thursday…I miss that place.
I saw that too..oh well, if I had gotten the job, I would have missed football season.
Really you are doing better.Good luck to the future in Fresno.
Have a nice day. From
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