Travel Day 2
BOULDER, Colo. — After staying overnight in Los Angeles, the Warriors were set to arrive in Boulder for a walk-through session this afternoon at Folsom Field.
The weather is Oahu-like, in the 80s.
* * * * *
Our hotel is in a dead-end location. There is a crematorium to the left, a cemetery to the right.
Comments are closed.
Aloha all!
BOOOOM Shakalaka! BOOM!
Ahhh!!!!! Kawikia49, you!!!!!
Dead-end location! That’s too much. Lol.
Big weekend: Waikiki Hoolaulea, Arashi, UH vs. ‘rado. What else? kawika49’s menu, yes?
But, Mr. Tsai, ‘rado certainly can’t be “humid outside”-like on Oahu, yes? Then, again, we’re not legal weed-like like ‘rado either, heheh.
Saturday night — RHS 50th class reunion.
Good morning?
+ kawika49
+ gigi-hawaii
. . . and Mr. Stephen Tsai
Out of 500 or so graduates, 153 alumni will attend the luau.
Remember Karen Ahn, circuit court judge who oversaw the Deedy murder trial?
She will be there at the reunion.
Top 10. Where e’rybody else?
Anyway, I hope the Warriors show some energy on the field.
‘Tis with hearts full of pride, dear alma mater
We rise and sing to thee
And vow to keep thy colors high
Through all the years to be
To thy name we promise to be loyal
Ever faithful, ever true
Roosevelt, to thee our song shall be
All hail! Hail! Hail!
anyone need tix to the game? might have a few extra but wont know for sure until tomorrow
I’m thinking “hail, hail, hail” will replace “ding, ding, ding.”
Karen Ahn …Liked her as a reporter.
ST, thanks for the alma mater song.
We probably will sing it at the luau.
I wonder if the great quarterback, Reid Kimura, will be at the reunion.
He led Roosevelt against Punahou back in the day.
I remember Reid Kimura as Roosevelt’s head coach.
What? Reid lives in Las Vegas.
In our day, when dinosaurs roamed Makiki, the great quarterback was Duke Kim Han. Yes, that’s Duke on some of those Hawaii Five-0 episodes.
I don’t wanna time stamp you, but what year did you grad Roosevelt ST?
Good Morning Tsaiko Nation !
Wishing success to the Rainbow Warriors vs. those Buffaloes. Safe travels to all Road Warriors making the trip as you eat and drink to your heart content. Altitude is always demanding in Colorado as I can still feel my heart pounding and throat gasping for air playing at the fame Mobey gym in Colorado State still a beautiful area with breathing taking mountains and scenery.
Have a GREAT day and Imua Warriors !
Andrew, do the math, 50th Anniversary.
Cliff if ur email is cliffsanchez at gmail dot com. Go to paypal.
Gigi/Stephen: That should be Reid Kimoto; his sister, Lynne, was a song leader while I was there.
As in the Bruddah Iz song.
Clyde, didn’t she work at the Kahala Hilton?
Clyde, thanks for the correction!
Big irony — Hubby’s older brother, Mike, belongs to my class, but he won’t be at the reunion and my hubby will.
Mike lives in Boston and doesn’t want to make the trip.
Rainbow cliff, contact me. kawika49 at Hotmail dot com. About donation.
Hmmmn, Duke Kim Han, the darling of the liberty house high board set (who remembers that part of 70s HS trivia??) but, da bruddhas I remember from RHS are folks like Ray Butler and Bubba Puha……
Thanks. You know I can’t Reid.
Refreshing to have you blogging again Gigi. From your avatar picture, you don’t look a day over fifty. Congratulations on your 50th anniversary.
I thought Dukie Kim Han was living in Florida.
Kawika: I didn’t really know her b/c she was a class ahead of me, but I believe she was in management at the then-Kahala Hilton. Nice lady.
Kifi, thanks.
That avatar photo was taken in 2008.
I have aged and gained weight since then.
Wasn’t Punahou transfer Brett Yap also a quarterback on that squad with Duke Kim Han, Ray Butler, Francis Kalani, and Brian Weisbarth?
Brian Weisbarth started for a few games in 1980 or ’81 at UNLV in front of LB Eliu Elisara, another Roughrider ’77. Delbert Shigematsu from Kapa’a was the starting right tackle on offense.
Was Lynn Kimoto an actress on local commercials? I’m probably wrong as usual.
kawika49 — that pic’ looks like taken in the ‘Nam.
Duke Kim Han is back on the island.
#38 – No worries Gigi. Not all of us can maintain our high school weight. I’ve been blessed with genetics, but also takes hard work, discipline, and dedication
Blain Yap was on that Roosevelt team.
Didn’t realize that was his reunion as well
#42 – Thanks ST.
Kifi you remember about that period Castle had some bullies at guard: Ransen Borges and Zachary Kon?
I will have pictures, and such, when we get to the walk-through. Team is arriving here in about two hours.
Quite bald-ish this Duke Kim Han.
#47 – Don’t forget that same class had Bryan Ramseyer. One year later they had Alvis Satele, Aui Fitisemanu, and Louis Wong.
I grew up playing with Duke Kim Han’s brothers, one was my classmate. Rough Riders fo eva 🙂
Bruddhas were loaded—I think we played them senior year, and they were much bigger than Waianae.
I actually thought, at least when I was at UH, Aui was the most pure athletic DB we had…..all due respect to everyone else.
#52 – You’re right, but Alvis wasn’t too far behind.
31 gigi: Thank you for correctly using the word “irony.” So many people misuse that word, so it’s refreshing to see.
#41 Yes, In Hue 68 w/ the 82nd ABN.
Yeah, too bad Aui had one kolohe streak back then–but he use to amaze me at practice. Plus, he has major hops– I swear to god he was in the high 30s or maybe even 40 on his vert. But, sole, if I recall correctly, went take one time-out in Samoa god a little bit. No doubt he would have been a good one, and we were already loaded with Richie Rich, da K bros, among others.
#40 Yes she was and also a head turner.
Sweet. God bless, man. Thank you for your great service to our country.
Alvin Tokuda – running QB, Hank Kaupiko, Eliu Elisara, Dennis Puha (good linemen)- some Roughrider players I remember.
Good morning ST, Chicken Grease + all WW bloggers. Overslept this morning + needed to sweep lots of mango tree leaves that covered my back yard. Rained yesterday; first rain out here in Ewa for a few weeks. Got my Oceanic sports package to watch tomorrow’s game.
Eliu Elisara is a name out of the past.
Good morning Tsaikos!
Aiyah, you Rough Rider alums. Clyde – when you wen grad? My sister was a song leader back in da day (c/o 74).
Gigi – do you remember my cousin, Rodney Fujii? I believe he was your classmate.
Any way, GO WARRIORS! Breathe!
Truegreen #54,
Hubby says you were his classmate, RHS 1967
I don’t know Rodney.
Alan Tomonori, General Manager of Neiman Marcus.
He was my classmate, RHS 64.
He will be at the reunion.
He used to be so chubby.
Wish I knew how he lost weight.
My oldest sister wen grad 1967 RHS. She just retired on Monday after 42 years at Liberty House/Macy’s.
Good morning hatakeman. That is OK, get your sleep, you oversleeper. Hehehe, it is OK.
Also good morning to (already told “good morning” to Mr. Tsai, kawika49 and gigi-hawaii):
• letsgowarriors
• Andrew
• RainbowCliff
• clyde
• Boolakanaka
• Kifi
• truegreen
• Old School Dave
• tom
• jim2375
Say. What would a Warrior Beat blog alma mater sound or read like?
Through the wilderness
Local cyber-space
We bid each other “good morning”
As the “ding! ding!” takes its place
We giveth most respects and honors
To Mr. Tsai
We like our rice, and meats, and salads
All the noon and night
Hail to the green, black, and silver
Oh, wait, we’re back to the other
OK, what? Enhance that, then, bwahahaha.
#59, Did Roosevelt also have a QB named Stanley Tokuda? He was my 6th Grade teacher, and I heard all of these stories about him as a multi-sport athlete – probably in the 1960’s.
BTW, Ransen Borges and Bryan Ramseyer were my classmates, along with Ikaika Woolsey’s parents.
ST – hope the team is in a different hotel!
Team will be down the street, I think.
I still find myself saying “Liberty House.”
And “Holiday Mart.”
I have broken the “Datsun” habit, though.
Still so young. Did any of your classmates wander down to Hawaii Baptist Academy during school? Several students used outside our music room for their smoke breaks.
Great news: Kody Afusia told me he can play this Sat.
I told him: tell the offense to sustain long drives so that our Defense can stay fresh; especially the 2nd half; if we can do this, then we can win!
The old UH gold helmets (73 was the last season they had them) were kind of “cool” now that I think about it.
Go UH.
Good morning everyone!
gigi — if you are 1964 Roosevelt grad, you must be a classmate of Art Misemer. Art is Gaye’s husband and the “volunteer” Food & Beverage Manager at Club Genji. I don’t think he’s attending the RHS reunion though–too busy volunteering, 😐
gigi-hawaii . . . love your ‘site . . . seriously, love that it is chock-full of humanity, humanity-isms, and, of course, food. Nicely laid out.
ST are you sure that’s a hotel?
Chopsueyboy, #74, thanks. Don’t know about Hawaii Baptist Academy. Most of the kids I hung around didn’t wander off campus.
SteveM, #78, Art’s name sounds familiar.
Chicken Grease, #79, thanks.
Apologies to Stephen for straying off the topic of football, but … Yes, Gigi, I introduced myself to “hubby” at our last reunion.
And to JM2375: I believe I know your “oldest sister” quite well. Small island, huh?
OK, Stephen, get back to work!
Colorado 31-Hawaii 17. Colorado will win because of home field advantage and better head coach. The altitude will certainly affect Hawaii. Mike MacIntyre is a decent head coach.
ST, The Hotel reminds me of the following:
Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
“Relax, ” said the night man,
“We are programmed to receive.
You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave! “
Head coaches don’t play!!! Go Warriors!!!!!
Clyde – if you went to our house, I was the bratty baby sister bothering you guys. 🙄
Get plenny women who are a “class ahead” of me! 😈
I have occasionally wrapped a Xmas gift in an old LH box with wrapping paper just to trow sumboddy off…Got ReGift?
Good news about Afusia
….jus remember
When “Ralphie” makes his entrance, git outta da way! 👿
Want to hear something crazy? Do you know the annual compensation of the NFL commissioner, Roger Goodell? Well, to place some context to my Q, Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan, which had revenues of about 24 billion, made a cool 20 million (stock options included).
On a similar level, the CEO of Wells Fargo, the nations largest bank, John Stumpf, which had over 25 billion in annual revenues, he made a nice 18 million (( he actually took a self-imposed pay cut of close to 4 million).
But our guy, Roger, and no doubt a challenging and complex job, but much smaller compared to Fortune 500 companies; a little under 9b in annual revenue. This Bruddha will make almost 45 million this year–more then the top guys at Wells and JP Morgan combine. In fact, his total comp for the last 5 years is almost 120 million!
Man, I love football, but we got some upside down values at times…
Yeah but those bankers only have 1 owner. But Roger has to kiss all the owners you know what. That’s why he needs the money for all that mouth wash.
My memories of RHS players of early/mid-’60s: Glenn Shea, Mike Lum, Howard Leslie, Peter Haliniak, Warner Wong. It was like playing against men, then!
Not exactly– they both have thousands of shareholders, both individual and institutional, that they must have an accounting to and yield deference. Ever been to a shareholder meeting—not a pretty event at all!
# 94 It sounds like this web site at times, when it comes to Coach Chow and Ben Jay.
. . . a Grease is determined . . .
. . . to get that # . . .
. . . it’s an Arashi weekend . . .
. . . and a UH vs. ‘rado weekend . . .
. . . got Ho’Olaulea also . . .
You see how scatterbrained Goodell is? “Some mistakes can never be repeated.” No, they CAN be repeated, Dr. Hawking. But, they SHOULD never EVER be repeated.
Make a Grease next NFL commish. 🙂
#93. — I think Ticky Vasconcellos was coaching ? and ran the boom boom series …
ST. Don’t be trying to schedule a doctors appointment to get you a medical marijuana card eh braddah? That’s why Peyton Manning owns 45% of PAPA JOHN’S Pizza and most of his successful stores are COLORADO. Pizza deliveries are off da hook in the R A D O ! GO BOWS !!!!!!!!
Good afternoon: This weeks pix’s has a great prize for the winner, two season tickets for the upcoming Na Wahine Softball season…
UH vs Colorado
09 – 38 gobows
10 – 45 Chicken Grease
12 – 36 C-Pop
13 – 41 4-Prong
13 – 24 NotNasti
14 – 28 Tiki808
16 – 27 AlaWai
17 – 34 iwonderwhytheyhateme
17 – 31 SC
17 – 28 JustAsking
17 – 14 tarai
21 – 07 tom
21 – 48 pollypicador
21 – 17 Warrior
21 – 14 Tofuzuke
22 – 20 Lurker #8
23 – 20 BigWave96744
24 – 21 Pomai
24 – 14 kawika49
24 – 48 bowwar
24 – 20 boolakanaka
24 – 14 oldtimer808
27 – 24 3-Prong
27 – 24 Fei Jai
27 – 21 Lawaia
27 – 24 tanman
28 – 24 eMpTy
28 – 27 BigFan
29 – 28 Pcwarrior
30 – 17 kev-1
31 – 17 hatakeman
31 – 28 Masatoshi-san
31 – 27 Haleakala
31 – 28 Whats Up
34 – 31 Andrew
35 – 28 mo808
36 – 23 akuhead2
38 – 21 wafan
38 – 14 Jack Flash
40 – 21 UHfan808
45 – 21 Anklebiters
49 – 28 TChahng
56 – 14 d1shima
73 – 09 kakaako kid
74 – 10 Ipu Man
Our boys can play. Warriors 28 Buffs 21.
Even though Colo is giving 8.5, get chance.
As a CU alum, go Buffs! I really think CU got lucky that Joey is out. I think UH should have gotten out to boulder sooner, it takes a few days to get used to the alttitude. My prediction, CU 28, UH 14
I apologize to all the faithful, but I do think the Bluffs are capable of scoring 9 on the Men in Green.
Heh. Where is Mr. Tsai? Does the “p” in “Stephen” now stand for “puff”? 🙂
A Grease has a great feeling about my prediction — think ‘rado seriously needs to prove their PAC 12-ness by showing the world they are not that sluggish buf’lo on paper. If their defense can stop the Warriors run (ahem, cough), Buf’loes will be giddy. And will score it up.
Can’t wait for my prize.
The Tsai meister, may be sampling the latest herbal elixers; since he can check out, but can’t leave.
hahahaha, kawika49!!! We might see some evidence (yuk yuks) during his at-game twitter tomorrow! 🙂
HiloBilly – went to high school with Peter Haliniak’s eldest daughter. She now lives out your way and is the AD at Laupahoehoe HS.
Hey ST,
I read a persons report that Kody Afusia was cleared to play? Is this true?
Hi Pomai!
JM2375: Funny! I will ask your sis about her “bratty baby sister” next time I see her.
Tomorrow’s game has two Polynesian QBs going against each other in UH’s Ikaika Woosley and CU’s Sefo Liufau (who lived in Hawaii for a couple of years as a kid).
You missed my score but I thing I said that the Warriors would stomp the Buffaloes, 34 – 20. Go Warriors !!
UH – 35, CU- 27
Media created bandwagon -bashing Goodell and owners. Is domestic violence or child abuse the number one social issue our country is facing. Are NFL players more like to commit these acts then any other occupational group? Have any leaders in any level of government, business or religion properly addressed this issue. I glad I’m just a by stander in this one. My guess is the next issue to be addressed is infidelity in the NFL. I’m waiting for someone to come up with a cell phone video of Peyton Manning with “another woman.”
Well, you must needs remember . . . NFL players must needs show up in suit and tie after the game (before, too?) and, well, that should’ve told them that they need to be on the straight and narrow.
Heck, sports in GENERAL have, time and time again, have had enough “incidents” to show the same personal problems — that they share with those earning mere mortal salaries — are exacerbated whether they’re brought forth or not. I guess they have to be role models, despite what Barkley says.
Better to show kids (who idolize these players) — just that; meaning these guys have talent and may inspire them to do well in life, but, your morals need to be in check or else you end up doing worse stuff. Just ask Pete Rose. Just ask O.J. Simpson. Just ask Paterno. All three greats in their respective sports-related fields . . . but, their personal evils, and probably the demons that go with those evils, leave a dubious legacy.
Any definitions needed? 😛
Surprised no one is defending the domestic violence issue with a player’s propensity to suffer a traumatic brain injury during his career. I mean, if people like Chris Nowinski is going to attribute concussions with mental illness or disease without any scientific data from the National Institute of Health, why not domestic violence or anger issues. When you think about it one can say that there is a disturbing trend of violence not only committed against women but people in general.
Uh, good night. 😉
CG. I’m not talking about role models or individual conduct. I understand that part. What I’m talking about is the media’s role in driving social issues in a quazi news format that’s really about entertainment. The old adage sex sells has been replaced by celebrity problems sell. The NFL is studded with “celebrities” be they players, owners and administrators. Airing their problems and how they handle them “sells.” The media always try to milk a story for all it’s worth always trying to come up with additional dirt to keep people hooked.
Cocobean et al….actually Nate Silver who did an incredible job of statistically predicting outcomes in the 2012 election recently took on this exact question. Go to his website three-eight-five, for more detailed reporting.
Last week, the NFL suspended Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice for two games over an incident in which Rice was charged with knocking his fiancee (now wife) unconscious during an altercation in a New Jersey casino. Many have criticized this suspension as too lenient, particularly compared to the usual four-game suspension handed down for violating the league’s substance abuse policy. Whether Rice’s punishment is fair touches on a number of delicate issues, including the NFL’s history and role in punishing off-field conduct, as well as its authority and obligations under the collective bargaining agreement.
But Rice’s offense — he pleaded not guilty and instead will participate in a pretrial intervention program — is indicative of a larger pattern in arrests of NFL players; they have been particularly prone to domestic violence arrests.
Although there seems to be an endless stream of stories about NFL player arrests and misconduct, this is largely because there are a lot of NFL players (and they’re famous). At the league’s peak (during training camps), there are about 2,560 players attached to NFL teams (limit 80 each). As I’ll show, arrest rates among NFL players are quite low compared to national averages for men in their age range — but there are some types of crimes that trail the pack significantly.
This data was tricky to work with. For NFL arrests, the most comprehensive source I could find was the USA Today NFL Arrests Database, which goes back to 2000 and is updated through the present (I calculated rates based on the 2,560 players per year estimate). For national arrest trends, I used the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ Arrest Data Analysis Tool to find the arrest rates per 100,000 for the male population in the 25-to-29 age group (this group is the most similar to the NFL as a whole, where the average team age varies from 25 to 27 years old). The difficulty is that the two sources code offenses differently, so I had to make several grouping choices. There’s a full explanation of my methodology at the end of this piece.
As you would expect from a much more affluent group (e.g. the poverty rate among NFL players is zero), NFL players have much lower arrest rates than average — basically across the board:
The most common arrests among the general public are for drug-related offenses and DUIs. The most common among NFL players is DUI, with assault a distant second. Overall, NFL players’ arrest rate is just 13 percent of the national average. But this isn’t distributed evenly across crimes in the slightest:
Note that murder scores relatively high, but the raw numbers are extremely low (there are two in the database, though a third case — domestic in nature — resulted in suicide). But there are 83 domestic violence arrests, making it by far the NFL’s worst category — with a relative arrest rate of 55.4 percent.
Although this is still lower than the national average, it’s extremely high relative to expectations. That 55.4 percent is more than four times worse than the league’s arrest rate for all offenses (13 percent), and domestic violence accounts for 48 percent of arrests for violent crimes among NFL players, compared to our estimated 21 percent nationally.
Moreover, relative to the income level (top 1 percent) and poverty rate (0 percent) of NFL players, the domestic violence arrest rate is downright extraordinary. According to a 2002 Bureau of Justice Statistics Report covering 1993 to 1998, the domestic victimization rate for women in households with income greater than $75,000 (3.3 per 100,000) was about 39 percent of the overall rate (8.4 per 100,000), and less than 20 percent of the rate for women ages 20 to 34. That report doesn’t include cross-tabs, and it’s a little out of date (more current data is harder to find because more recent BJS reports on the issue do not include income breakdowns), but that sub-20 percent relative victimization among high-income households is consistent with the NFL’s 13 percent relative arrest rate overall (arrest disparities between income levels are probably even greater than victimization rates).
Indeed, perhaps the question of how the NFL should “police” its players is the wrong analogy entirely. This situation may be more akin to tort law than criminal law: If the NFL is capable of reducing any harm its players are causing — whether through harsher suspensions or other policies targeting behavior — it may have a legal (or at least moral) duty to do so.
Methodology: Now, I’m not experienced working with crime data, so I apologize if I grouped things unconventionally:
Assault: The BJS statistics make a distinction between aggravated assault and regular assault (the NFL data does not), but they don’t break out battery, attempted murder or manslaughter (NFL data does). So I’ve grouped all of these under “assaults” on both sides.
Sex offenses: The BJS statistics break down sex crimes into rape and non-rape, while the NFL arrest data is broken down by assault and non-assault. Therefore, I’ve combined those categories on each side into “sex offenses.”
Gun-related: Because the BJS data specifically says its gun data is of the carrying/possession variety, I’ve combined other types of gun offenses in the NFL data with their respective crimes instead of in their own group.
Prostitution-related: The NFL data breaks out pimping and solicitation, and the BJS summary data doesn’t, so I’ve combined these into “prostitution-related.”
Disorderly conduct: In the NFL data, it appears that some “disorderly conduct”-type crimes are listed individually, and some aren’t. I took my best guess and included everything that sounded like disorderly conduct, including: alcohol-related crimes, resisting arrest, criminal mischief, disturbing the peace, evading police and public intoxication.
Drugs: There were 11 cases in which a player was arrested in connection with something nonviolent while in possession of both drugs and guns. Because it was unclear to me whether all of those guns were illegal or not, I grouped these as drug offenses.
Domestic violence: The BJS summary data bunches domestic crimes with their respective counterparts. Because the vast majority of these are assault cases, I’ve broken down its assault data into domestic and nondomestic, based on another BJS report which states that approximately 21 percent of violent crimes are domestic. (How exactly that translates into arrests is very tricky; I tried calculating it from the huge National Incident-Based Reporting System data set myself and got a tentative number closer to 15 percent, but to be conservative, I’ve stuck with the 21 percent baseline for purposes of this analysis).
Finally, note, of course, I’m not saying that all of the players arrested are guilty, and only a small number are ever prosecuted or disciplined (which is also true to varying degrees for the general public).
Sure, sure, yes, I got this from you, cocobean. It’s in the press’s nature to do this. It’s like Alonzo Harris (Training Day)/Denzel Washington character saying, “This is a newspaper. It’s 90 per cent bulls__ . . .” But, I thought it good they brought attention to it. The media can do some good — intended or otherwise.
Not a RHS alum but I gotta add that Lynne Kimoto was a head turner like Kawika said. When she did those Kahala Hilton commercials, you had dreams of going on a date with her. lol. I did meet her brother Reid when he was a teacher at Kawananakoa Middle School (I believe that’s the feeder school to RHS). Tempted to ask about his sister, ha ha. I did get to meet her many years later as the now Lynne Madden at Island Heritage. She was the Woman Executive of the Year.
Is this the right way to play in the 5400 feet elevation–get there the day before and play the next morning? how do the other teams that play there do it?
And is it wise for the team to lay-over in LA; and then board another flight the next day (like taking 2 trips). Wouldn’t it be better to just take one flight non-stop to Denver–unless the previous paragraph is true? People mentioned it takes a few days to get acclimated to that elevation?
#32 Kawika 49: I read your post and sent details to your e-mail account. The floral arraignment For Gary Allen’s Mother will be ready by tomorrow. I can say after I told the floral ladies about the GREATEST running back in UH history they brought in an extra florist making the colors to roses, violets, dandelions and carnations just plain BEAUTIFUL !
Special Thanks to Neil Iwamoto who was recommended to me by Pomai sending me some GREAT action shots of Gary Allen and David Toloumu. Pictures will be framed and signed to the memory of Vivian Allen who drove Gary to all his Pop Warner football games. A WONDERFUL mother who worked continuously making sure that her family was taking care of after Gary Lost his Father early in life.
I am creating a Hawaii sympathy card IF any of you folks will like to have your names added to it. Just leave your name on the blog as I will lurk today and tomorrow as I know Gary Allen will appreciate his fans who know how he ran the ball for UH setting all types of running records. Will be there to lift my Rainbro Warrior up as his heart is hurting and laying his mom to rest has not been easy.
You good folks were there when I lost my mom 4 years ago as your touching posts I will NEVER forget. That is why it is so IMPORTANT I am there for #26 representing our athletic era but also your condolences from you WONDERFUL fans of Tsaiko Nation !
Have a wonderful evening as I continue to show the love and respect to our Rainbow Warrior Heroes who definitely put their heart and soul playing for Hawaii as Gary Allen did just that for FOUR years establishing himself as the GREATEST running back to ever run the pigskin for the 808. May his mom Vivian rest in eternal peace !
I believe were going 2-2 after this game.
RE: #130
tom — The two flights are probably better when flying against the clock. Better on the “body clock” and psych. Red eye flights departing HNL at 10:00 pm and landing in DEN at 9:00 am is tough. I think “experts” say it takes 10-14 days to adjust to altitude so an extra day may not help much.
I recall JJ stating that altitude is not a real factor, so suck it up… and he didn’t allow oxygen bottles on the sidelines. We lost badly and in future high altitude games, there were oxygen bottles aplenty…
I once asked Mack what he thought of an 7-8:00 pm game at Aloha stadium. He replied, “Heck yes, I want midnight if I could get away with it. Get them as far out of synch as possible”. Obviously a midnight game start would be 3-5 am on the body clocks of the opponents. OK, maybe that’s not sporting… how about only midnight their time?
# 129. BigFan September 19, 2014 at 5:38 pm
Lynne Kimoto / now Lynne Madden at Island Heritage. She was the Woman Executive of the Year.
Had the PRIVILEGE to sit next to her, Fust Class, UAL flight SFO-HNL.
Very nice Lady. Very courteous/friendly/unpretentious.
Your better half was on the 5:00pm news. She’s looking great! Enjoy the fame tomorrow!
ICYMI, here’s ST’s video preview of tomorrow’s game against Colorado:
Volleyball pau. Good job Wahine. Time to focus on football.
CLIFF: I remember Gary fairly well. Good guy and good character. He will be sorely missed.
Chow’s m. o. for the 1st offensive drive has been to run plays or use formations they haven’t shown on film before. I hope they come out in a four wide with Pedroza and and Ewaliko in the slots or a formation that spreads the field more.
So where are the Tsaiko’s gathering for the game tomorrow?
Good morning Tsaikos!
WX forecast for Boulder as of 5:40 Mountain Time:
Today: Mostly sunny, with a high near 75. North northwest wind 5 to 7 mph becoming east in the afternoon.
Good super early morning, Tsai-kos!
Before I go back sleep lol just wanted to wish our Warrior Team good luck in today’s game against Colorado! Proud of you all for bustin’ butt!!
Gotta wake up soon to watch the game!
Rainbow Cliff. good luck on your efforts. Just got up for kitchen duty.
Ding, ding, ding.
New post is up.
Here’s the link: