Tight situation
Every scrimmage-like session last week, tight end Jordan Pu‘u-Robinson caught a touchdown pass or made a sensational play. Twice, he made sensational plays on touchdown catches.
All of which the coaches kept mum.
Pu‘u-Robinson is smart, works hard and is well-liked. But similar to the silent treatment given to a pitcher throwing a no-hitter, nobody wanted to jinx his seemingly good health. Because of injuries, he had missed all or parts of 22 of 24 games since transferring from Washington State in August 2012.
Pu‘u-Robinson suffered a broken finger this week and is expected to need four weeks of rehabilitation. Spring training ends April 26. Pu‘u-Robinson’s injury prompted Tui Unga to end his tryout at defensive end after one practice and return to tight end.
Still, the Warriors should be in good shape this summer at that position. Pu‘u-Robinson will be healthy. Harold Moleni, who recently became a father, has experience as a starter. Unga has played well there at times. Josh Long has recovered from injuries that forced him to redshirt in 2013. Justin Vele also can play tight end. And Dakota Torres joins the mix this summer.
good morning tsaikos.
why no posts – computer tells me that I have the same post, yet nada!!!!
OK OK, now, hello erry bodi!
hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work we go!
Good Morning Tsai-kos!
We owe, we owe, it’s off to work we go.
Belated but happy birthday WAFAN!
they should give puu robinson the travis laboy treatment, only let him practice on fridays (no pads).
Pu‘u-Robinson’s father is my friend and fellow Mauian; GO WARRIORS & TSAIKOS!
Good Morning Errybody!!
Chopsueyboy- long time no see! Hows you and the Missus? Wut you folks up to these days?
Had the chance to meet Jordan’s Grampa for the first time the other week at practice. Nice guy, Proud Grampa. We were both wishing good health and no injuries for his grandson. Hope Jordan’s all healed up in time to make some big plays come fall.
As always, a pretty interesting and truthful opinion Portnoy conveyed on his blog about Shamburger’s decision to transfer. But, being appointed to the UH Board of Regents, I would think a little more discretion would be used when criticizing former players (or the program in general), especially since he’s assigned to an entity that’s part of the decision-making process of the university. Just my two cents.
Keep well, Warriors!
Good morning Tsaikos!
Fast healing to Mr. Puu-Robinson.
At least 4 UH games on national/regional TV next season:
Great Morning All!
Go Warriors!
Shoko #11:
very disappointed in Portnoy’s action on Shamburger’s decision.
being an attorney, he should know better and now as a UH Regent commenting on miniscule things is unforgiveable! – as Lucy says, “aarrgh”
UH now stuck with another what-u-might-call – like those high mucka mucka heads of companies or highly placed individuals who will be making decisions
15. Whats wrong with his blog? He gave his opinion on the situation… Not every opinion has to be positive.
Didn’t he break his finger before?
ST, 22 out of 24?
I think that is wrong. profile shows he played both years, 1st at DT, last TE? Also didnt he get activated late too?
2pm start for the Washington game? I guess though it could have been worst like a Friday game or something.
Are all TV games away games? Embarrassing again on national TV? I hope not.
16 jeezy – so what’s the difference of 15 giving his opinion of portnoy’s opinion as is so of your opinion irregardless of positivity or negativity?
What did portnoy say that was in question? I didn’t hear the show and would like to know.
Looks like it will be a breakfast t-gate and dinner post-game for the UDub game. 😆
21. Well I’m asking him what was wrong about it… Its Jeff blog… when someone says something is disappointing, there should be some valid reasons why.
Does anybody know if we recieve any money from televised games this year?
i commented that i agreed with jeff 100%.
i also tip my cap to portnoy for his recent work with the bor regarding the h-zone stuff and their needing to targetthe aloha stdium next.
That also means beer for breakfast
20 see 13
1st 3 games are at home. 2 pm start not good for hawaii.
Does UH get the full payment from Oceanic with CBS taking 4 games?
Go Michelle. -3 (-5 total) through 9 today. Currently in3 way tie for 2nd 1 shot behind leader.
Well I had to read Portnoy’s blog after seeing the comments above. Here it is:
He doesn’t hold back his opinions about the player and possible effect on the program.
But I agree with Shoko, that he is now in a decision maker on the BOR and personal opinions about student-athletes or on UH programs are better left unsaid by a regent.
#16 and al:
Portnoy is now a UH BOR and should be held to a higher standard on comment(s) made about a player or the program – how will this new appointment affect his radio contract with 1420?
I do not question his right to make statements, but he needs to recuse himself when it comes to UH matters; yes, he may be speaking as part of his radio contract, but he now has to make a choice of continuing or break away.
IMHO, he should terminate his contract as his “glass house” will be full of cracks.
One can argue that this is his part-time job and he should continue as other BOR have jobs – difference here is that Portnoy does the “color” for UH MBB whereas other BOR members are not in this position.
IIRC, the UH BOR has a “code” about NO direct interference with any person or program – that became very evident in the Legislative hearing on the wonder Blunder fiasco – BOR chair admitted in the hearing that they violate this all the time and would take steps to correct this situation – will the new “chair” do something now that his predecessor resigned?
How’s about another “controversy”?
L&L mentioned that none of the Upper Campus Admin and the AD department people attended the Women’s basketball banquet.
Why not?
Virginia Hinshaw was the only “notable” present but then, Virginia is one heck of a person and booster – but she is “only” a professor in the med school and not a member of the AD Department or an Administrator.
Thank you Virginia!
yes, it would be nice if UH can get the concessions mentioned, but they can only ask/recommend to the Stadium Authority over which they have no control and UH relationship with the Legislature after the Wonder Blunder is not exactly tosies, tosies in bed situation
plus what about the contract with whomever has control over nearly all the concessions, etc. at the Stadium? if UH wins, someone will have to pony up some big $$$ to pacify that company. if not, be prepared to see a “breach of contract” suit against the Stadium Authority and the State.
this situation should have been addressed when the old contract was set to expire – how many years with the current contract?
I know that the public schools get to use the stadium for free and presume that part of the ticket sales and concession sales are split up – was told once that the OIA or participating schools have to pay for clean up and security – is this correct?
that is very sad when NO higher up in the UHAD did not attend the banquet – says something to the coach and players
upper campus personnel are revolving in their own little world until the football team is selected to attend a BCS bowl then there is a rush to be added on the “free ride” train
I was told that Virginia was the decision maker on who goes on the gravy train and for this, if true, I am very disappointed as I admire her grit and attendance at so many UH games – always introduce myself, as a Tsaiko, whenever I see her at functions and she is quick to thank the Tsaikos for all their contributions to UH.
24 jeezy – sorry, didn’t know opinions had to be validated.
No administrators attended the MVB banquet, either. No matter, they weren’t missed.
36. A and B conversation…. C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
38 jeezy – hmmmm… I guess that’s why I just lurk… I’m an invalid.
There was a MVB banquet?
#33-tommui: I once had a glimpse of Dr. Hinshaw dealing with an administrative issue on campus, and came away very impressed. She seemed to have the ability to listen, feret out the facts, and make up her own mind. To me, her passion for, and support of, UH athletics bespeaks a person with her heart in the right place on so many things when it comes to the learning community that is UH Manoa.
I disagree with the criticism of Portnoy. I didn’t think his column was malicious, just true. Maybe, however, now that he is a UH Regent he SHOULD give up all UH extra curriculars for the duration of this term. Why stir the pot.
and your explanation is the very reason that the past UH President did not like her and wanted her out!!!
… refer to SA article, if you haven’t yet …
At least 4 UH football games to be shown on CBS or ESPN
By Ferd Lewis
POSTED: 07:43 a.m. HST, Apr 17, 2014
LAST UPDATED: 11:52 a.m. HST, Apr 17, 2014
Contracts normally contain a “termination for convenience” clause. There may be specific terms defined in the contract for early termination. It cannot be assumed a breach of contract will exist.
upper campus will only show up if they get something in return…remember the sugar bowl.
wow uhad’s didn’t show. where was marilyn?
Aloha all! I have to say I was disappointed by Mr. Portnoy’s remarks. Having done a great deal of work in the area of corporate governance, his desire to weigh in such a matter was most inappropriate. BORs, are destination, compass like navigators, that ensure that the institution has the necessary resources and assets to achieve their core mission. And they do it with the overlay of fiduciary responsibility.
While it is probable he had the best of intentions, to identify such a granular issue comes off as being petty and pedantic.
Number of national broadcast each Mountain West school scheduled.
Boise State – 11
San Diego State – 8
Utah State – 8
Nevada – 7
Fresno State – 7
San Jose State – 7
Air Force – 6
Colorado State – 6
UNLV – 5
New Mexico – 5
Wyoming – 5
Hawaii – 4 <<<< !!
Lots of pressure on Boise State to live up to past success. The whole country will be watching.
ST – #40 – biggest MVB banquet in recent years. Many of the parents came this year, whereas, in past years, they didn’t.
I like activist regents. I wish portnoy would speak truthfully about the football program. A regent should take an active role in the uh, including demanding more accountability from those who work for the uh. The highest paid state employee should produce. He hasn’t. Time for portnoy and the rest of the regents to speak up.
Sorry, but regents are not activists. They govern the university by setting up the broad policies and objectives-commenting on any individual athletes is not within the scope of any regent, at any university.
Then rewrite the scope, counsel.
A hires b to run x. X sucks. A should be able to say to b, hey, b, x sucks. Do something to x or we do something to you.
Fei Jai with, every living breath you have; you would never have been in my, squad or platoon. Never evaluate; until you see the outcome of the excersie.
An 11b4pH
bmxr: shut your mouth. everything i say is right. I’m an expert. don’t ever question me. I’m awesome.
#56 yes you are and still unemployed
Platoon leader David. Take it easy, brah. At the very least, you will need to have run at least a battalion before calling me out. Stick with the platoon and do your best at all times. Carry on.
Bylaws, are written by the university and outline the responsibility of regents. I have never seen a rewrite of bylaws to include the ability to make personal commentary on individual athletes….so, hopefully you were just joking.
where was Marilyn? No tv cameras present so no incentive for her to go.
40…surely you jest.
56. Lol.. someones bored..
must agree with your statements regarding a BOR and its members.
IMHO, Portnoy has a decision to make regarding his position on the UH BOR vs his radio “contract”. One has to go!
Not sure that what Portnoy wrote was that harsh. Having said that, as a regent it’s his responsibility to call out UH administrators, in public if necessary, if he has a problem with their actions. But never, never, publicly criticize students – without students there is no university.
Looks like Wittek is down to USC and UH. Guess we’ll know soon enoughhttp://www.mwcconnection.com/2014/4/17/5624146/
Robinson is injury prone and won’t last half a season. Coaches stop being in denial and find a another TE. QB position better improve from the last 2 years or this is going to be one long season.
matty boy…when we going lunch? i owe you still.
a bet is a bet.
matty boy….double or nothing?
i pick wittek the warrior.
11b infantry
4 Sfc
P airborne
H ???
Is that an ASI? Looks like you left off a digit.
Who is the beat reporter for mens vb at the UH?
st is
Hmmmmm….. Yup. Double or nothing. I say he goes Texas. Even with their starting QB out, something tells me he still wants a shot with the “big boys.” Mmmmm! Lunch is going to have “double” the flavor!
You think Wittek can do anything for Hawaiis offense?
Those of us who can, do; those who cannot, they teach.
The theoretical world is just that.
Should a regent make disparaging remarks about a student athlete? Not a good idea. Agreed.
Can you stop him? No.
Should he instead focus on the circus that is norm and our program which norm has basically destroyed? Yes.
Fei Jai do you know anything about how to coach or have you ever played the game? All you do is say nothing but negative ugly crap without saying anything meaningful. So are you as you are with your screen name..a fat boy.
agasiva is a great pick up.
Do we still talk about JJ? He had his own problems with switching conferences.
#40 Is JJ saying he is in favor of an easier schedule so he can have a better chance to go undefeated?
I think JJ always believed in a balanced out-of-conference schedule. I think most mid-level college coaches do, too. As mentioned in story, every mid-major school who has gone undefeated in regular season was a mix of middle to lower tiered teams with one or two ranked, or on the fringe of the top 25. Fresno State had a similar schedule last season, but obviously couldn’t make it happen.
Anway, I thought it was interesting that JJ is expanding his recruiting zones to Africa. Specifically looking for that rugby-type player that can transition to football with some development.
On another note, I think this is the first time there was no Big West senior player invited to the Portsmouth Invitational where there are NBA and overseas scouts in attendance. The exposure would have been a positive for Standhardinger.
Is it me, or does the blog format look different than yesterday?
a Regent, IMHO, must look at the GREAT picture – focusing on the football program in way below what he should be commenting on
perhaps discussing the athletic program with the Chancellor is the “lowest” he should go
in Nam, we had General officers flying overhead and reliving platoon leaders on the ground – that is absolutely absurd!!!!!!!!! it’s the company commander’s responsibility – no wonder why our troops has such low morale
I am told that several General officers even recommended themselves for a Silver Star because they were in a chopper observing a hostile action.
agree, you have a 1st amendment right to your comments, but observe and realize that a UH BOR must have lofty aspirations for UH-system statewide; not comment on a sports program – like you, just my opinion
my font is bigger if thats what you mean.