Sunny-side up

It was overcast on my side of the island this morning, so I have to assume the sun came up.

* * * * *

Where do the Warriors go from here?

Well, literally, it will be to Nevada, where they will face a Wolf Pack team that rolled up 70 points on Idaho.

But who will be the quarterback? Bryant Moniz was said to have suffered a concussion. They won’t rush him back if he’s not completely OK. Maybe Brent Rausch gets cleared this week? And if so, how ready will he be? His next pass in a game will be his first this season. Shane Austin shows promise, and he was the co-No. 2 guy before suffering hand abrasions from a moped accident this past summer.

The defense had its moments against Boise State, despite an 11th-hour decision to start Mana Lolotai ahead of Jake Heun, who had practiced all week as the No. 1 middle linebacker in the base package. And it did succeed in the two times it ran the new scheme involving eight defensive backs (cornerback Lewis Walker played middle linebacker and defensive end Fetaiagogo was the nose tackle). But there were a lot of mistakes, and everybody is accountable when a team is on the short end of a 54-9 score.

On the plus side, running back Alex Green is starting to get into the groove, and wideout/returner Jovonte Taylor is exciting to watch when he gets into space.

* * * * *

Happier times . . .













  1. royvic October 25, 2009 9:00 am

    Carried over from yesterday’s blog

    # royvic:
    October 25th, 2009 at 8:42 am

    no cry!:
    October 25th, 2009 at 6:53 am

    this is a blog, and a blog

    You’re right. Thanks for speaking up.

    Want’s noticeable is that even the professionals are teeing off.

    So I agree state your opinions, too.

    Listening to 1420 and RK analysts after Boise scored a touchdown against UH defense. He said something like this, “This is D-1 football, not hopscotch.”

    That’s true.

    In the other paper the columnists wrote something like this, in jest, “The WAC commissioner, who was in attendance, should have stopped the game.” And goes on to say, “If this were a boxing match it wouldn’t never had been sanctioned.”

    That’s true, too.

    Personally, I think UH would probably lose to the Weber and Portland State football teams. That is how far backwards this team is going. In fact I would welcome switching the game w/USC in next year’s opener with a team that UH can be competitive with, like a D-2 opponent.

    I think the reason people are venting are similarly reminiscent of movie and restaurant goers when they read reviews stating how great the movie or cuisine is and it turns out in being a flop.

    I mean if someone says they make the best cake in town and it turns out in being the worst cake in town there is going to be an unfavorable reaction.

    Before the season started the coaches, including Coach Mack, were circulating these observations about this team–the wide receivers are the fastest (if not the greatest UH has ever had), the offensive line is one of the best, team speed is the fastest UH has ever had, special teams will be aggressive, and get this the punter should be the greatest UH has ever had.

    …and we’re not seeing this…and…

    Before the season started, prematurely, the coaches elevated and exalted the players. Some of his players it seemed Coach Mack anointed as being the best he’s seen at any level, including the punter.

    Along the way Coach Mack characterized this team as a very special group. Team chemistry and leadership was great he often said.

    So after all this buildup and windup by Coach Mack before the season started you believed the team would be performing at a higher level.

    You expected in seeing a well oiled machine. And it’s been a let down that we haven’t.What we’re seeing instead is big plume of white smoke coming out of the exhaust pipes.

    Coach Mack’s over glorification of his players, team and coaches are probably the reasons as to why people are venting venomously when what he professed isn’t what the fans are seeing on the field.

    The boo birds, fans leaving the games early and the malcontent of some of the fans are all reactionary impulses directed solely at Coach Mack’s head coaching internship and his over glorification of his team.

  2. rasu begasu October 25, 2009 9:00 am

    go warriors!

  3. lil's October 25, 2009 9:00 am


  4. whitey October 25, 2009 9:01 am

    good morning tsaiko

  5. lil's October 25, 2009 9:04 am

    I saw that too with the 1 down lineman and the other 10 defenders up. It was successful near the goal line. Maybe we should play that package more often.

  6. whitey October 25, 2009 9:06 am

    first of all, on behalf of duffer and me, we want to thank the Tsaikos for making our visit a very good one. Thanks to al and son for the transportation, to all of the tsaikos for the great fuud and fun, and most important, we both want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to Annodah Dave and his daughter for being great host at the game. Was good to see bolohead and his gang also.

  7. whitey October 25, 2009 9:08 am

    Hard to say anything about the game right now except ouch, ouch, ouch!!!!!!!!

  8. Matt October 25, 2009 9:09 am

    The Advertiser website and the Hawaii Athletics website both have Billy Ray Stutzmann returning a kick in yesterday’s game. Did he really play yesterday? If he did, they just burned his redshirt. I guess it gets him ready to make a bigger impact next year, but why only now? Why wasn’t he in playing receiver where game time experience will really help him?

  9. whitey October 25, 2009 9:09 am

    almost porgot, lots of thank yous’ to ahouse, mrs ahouse, and midori for the good snack. am munching on some now as i post.

  10. Maverick October 25, 2009 9:11 am

    Don’t understand the indecisive, changing of the mind with Lolotai and Huen.
    All the hype of Jake the Moose starting this game, then Whoooosh, the rug gets yanked out below him.

  11. Stephen Tsai October 25, 2009 9:14 am

    Before the season started, I thought the Warriors would go 8-5. I think we all sort of did.
    I figured they’d open 3-0, beating Central Arkansas, Washington State and UNLV.
    Thought Louisiana Tech would be close.
    But I figured they would beat Fresno State at home, and Idaho on the road. So that’s five victories.
    Then, I’m thinking, they should beat New Mexico State, Utah State and San Jose State. So that’s eight.
    But I never thought they’d get blown out by LaTech, and I think that beating really took an emotional toll, especially on the fans.
    So, why the optimism? I figured the offense would be very good. Rodney Bradley had a great spring.
    What I didn’t see was the loss of Malcolm Lane. I think UH hasn’t been as successful on the right side.
    And last year, David Veikune and Fetaiagogo Fonoti were complementary ends. I don’t think Fonoti is 100 percent yet. Without either early, UH never was able to get the pass rush going. And UH really misses Adam Leonard and Solomon Elimimian.
    But some things are correctable, like delay-of-game penalties … in the seventh game of the season.

  12. koakaneβ„’ October 25, 2009 9:15 am

    brought over from last post

    koakaneβ„’: October 25th, 2009 at 9:13 am

    good morning tsaiko country and warrior fan

    no need say anything about last nites game it speak for itself. I have resolved my issue and can move on with little grief.

    want to say this, I agree with bhf2, misguided sometimes, but I see his passion for the university and the team. he blogs, talks with sincerity while always using his own name so we know who it is, he’s a show me no tell me kinda of guy as exhibited by two incidents to make the team better (helped getting the jugs fixed along with gets bikes needed for rehab) so nuff said.

    he may speaks loudly but with spirit (no not that kind) so again I say I agree with him on certain issues.

  13. Stephen Tsai October 25, 2009 9:19 am

    But as my friend, Deb, always says: What can you do?
    This is their lot. Alexander, Lane, Satele aren’t coming back this year.
    They need to improve because next year they’ll have to rebuild the offensive line, and the 2010 schedule is a beast.

  14. Stephen Tsai October 25, 2009 9:23 am

    No, Billy Ray Stutzmann didn’t play.
    Stutzmann is on crutches and a walking boot because of a high-ankle sprain. He’s redshirting this season.

  15. Da Punchbowl Kid October 25, 2009 9:23 am

    Good Morning Gangeez! πŸ™‚

    No disrespect, it isn’t what you say, but how you say it. That’s true for you, me or anybody who posts here. It is possible to criticize the team or the coaches with out coming across as harsh or judgmental. The posters who are like that are the ones I read and learn from. Sometimes that includes you. But if the guys on the team and their parents were standing in front of you, would you tell them that they couldn’t beat Weber St. and Portland St. ? Think about it. The good rule of thumb is not to say anything you wouldn’t say in person.

  16. kauaiwarriorfan October 25, 2009 9:24 am

    i follow uh football very closely and last night made me realize that the warriors are the most poorly coached team in the country or recruit players who can’t grasp the rules of football. its not even embarrasing anymore, its comical. i could sympathize being overwhelmed by superior talent, but the bonehead mistakes that we are making week in and out is mindboggling- from not wrapping up the football to taking a touchback- don’t know where to go from here. its so very unfourtunate that it took june years without support from the state to build this program to a wac champion to see all this go down the drain. its not only macs fault but the state should realize that this is mainly their fault to being reactive in running this program rather than proactive. if it was the latter, june and mac would still be here and our team would no doubt be better. and how can it get better with the budget crisis we are facing with the state? i like to think positive but uh will have its work cut out for them in the upcoming years.

  17. Stephen Tsai October 25, 2009 9:25 am

    I always use my own name, too.

  18. Pomai October 25, 2009 9:27 am

    I just wonder why they didn’t start Jake, when he did get in he did a good job ;of plugging up the middle. Also my boy Alex had a bad night, but he will continuie to make a big difference in the punting game. Other than having a major letdown it was a good day with all the food and friendship and did I say food. Enough to feed everyone ten times over.


  19. Pomai October 25, 2009 9:29 am

    To all of the Warriors from the top to the bottom, keep your heads up an keep on truckin.


  20. duffer October 25, 2009 9:32 am

    A shout out to Anoddah Dave,

    Those were AWESOME tickets. Too bad you and your daughter has to sit by a couple of disappoint Warrior fans!

    Good to see the Tsai-kos at the t-gate even ST! Thanks KAZZ for putting everything together.

    One of the highlights was getting to meet PP. I wonder how all that energy come from that petite little body!

    An bolo, fashion, tip leave our hair alone. Stretch’s mom is a gracious lady who’s proud of her son and righteously so.

    Missed Pops at the t-gate.

    Got to also meet Frank, so Rob25 was behaving. Maybe because C_C wasn’t there! Thanks Frank for doing what you do!

    To all of you Tsai-kos, Love you guys! You make life interesting and takes the sting out of losing! My life is much richer knowing all of you!

    Hope to see all of you soon!


    Thanks A-House ohana for the munchies and Al and #2 for the ride.

  21. Jack Flash October 25, 2009 9:44 am

    posted late on the last blog:

    Heal up Warriors! We still have a lot of tough games coming up. The team looked good in the 1st quarter, but started beating themselves in the 2nd q. Salas needs to tuck the ball in tighter when he’s fighting for those extra yards. Wrap 2 hands around the ball. The effort is appreciated, but the fumbles gotta stop. Get Inoke in the game! Platoon the qb’s or something from this point on.

  22. Jack Flash October 25, 2009 9:45 am

    The Haka was cool. My family who moved here from the mainland and came to the game were stoked (up until the 2nd quarter anyway.)

  23. Jack Flash October 25, 2009 9:46 am

    ST- was there a reason why Mana started ahead of Jake Heun? I guess we’ll find out in a couple days.

  24. JUST SAYING October 25, 2009 9:54 am

    Once again the press conference was a “what comment will Coach Mack screw up on next?” kind of deal.

    He blamed the score on the 9 turnovers (actually it was 6 coach)

    He blamed Shane Austin’s performance on “he doesn’t get any reps in practice as our 4th string QB” (actually, he WAS your 4th string QB, and is now your 2nd string QB and has been getting reps for quite some time now)


  25. madeinhawaii October 25, 2009 10:06 am

    Hope Moniz is okay.

    Every injury that knocks a player out for the game or more must really be taking it’s toll on the rest of the players. The psychological effect of seeing your fellow teammate go down one by one, has got to make one heavy-hearted.

    Leaders gotta regroup the others.

    Hope Moniz recovers, but gotta get Shane ready, Rausch warmed up, and get back out there. Tame fear and discouragement, and come out fresh. Gotta treat the rest of the way like a new season!


  26. cavewarrior October 25, 2009 10:11 am

    Who’s accountable? Of course it is the head coach for the fb team, and the AD for the fb head coach. And the players for executing on game day. Always been that way. So why the question?

    The coaches have a tough situation this year with the numerous injuries. Are the injuries their fault? Is the experience level of the second, third and fourth teams their fault? Ahhh, so it must be that the recruiting level of talent entering the program is not blue-chip-level. Always been that way on this rock in the middle of the Pacific. Will not change, no matter who the coach is. We’ll get a couple every now and then; or the stars align with a Colt, Bess, Rivers, RGM, Satele, Ilaoa season..but rare.

    A state university is primarily intended to serve the local population. UH is recruiting locally and we get good island high school fb athletes. The AD’s scheduling offers them the opportunity to compete against the BCS teams – a GREAT experience for our kids!

    So, do we wish for a Peterson, Meyer, Saban? Or a Hill, Hawkins, Neuheisel. Or a Bowden, Tomey, or Glanville? …definitely not John L Smith.

    A head coach at UH has got to be THE toughest D-1 place to recruit and coach football. Small population base, timid alumni base, long distance, and many time zones away. Only the rare occasional blue-chip. An AD at UH has got to be THE toughest D-1 place to work. One word – legislature.

    June and Wags had it right. For the athletes we have and are able to recruit, an atypical offensive scheme (system!?) offers the best competitive chance against BCS competition. Run and shoot, or triple-option. What does BSU call theirs? (the considered typical offensive schemes, power I, TE, 2 wides, may be enough to compete against WAC competition, but would not match up against BCS athletes, or even the BSU scheme) More importantly, these were head coaches who WANTED to be here, in the middle of the Pacific, recruiting our local athletes, bringing out the best in them – long term and forever even. And I believe Mack has the same want. Not easy to find that Want for a place surrounded by ocean.

    GO Warriors!!!

  27. A-House October 25, 2009 10:25 am

    Obsevations from last night’s game:

    1. Bosie kept making “wholesale” changes within their Oline exchaning freshmen and sophmores for like kind thus giving the “underclassmen” a tremendous start for the next year or 2.

    2. Their line is NOT overwhelming big, but disciplined and always fresh.

    3. Their ball carriers always cover the ball whenever they head into traffic and about to be tackled.

    4. A player who make an unsportman penalty is immediately pulled from the game and “rests” to contemplate their error.

    5. Someone mentioned that Bosie St has 51 freshmen on their roster so I will assume that’s counting the true freshmen and “redshirts”.

    6. UH runs a pass to the flat and gets maybe 3 yards. Boise St runs a similar or exact play and gets 10+ nearly every time. Had this feeling that Coach Peterson was “rubbing it in” to UH.

    7. Kellen Moore played the entire game. Guess Coach Peterson needed to impress the pollsters to maintain their high ranking since TCU trounced BYU at home.

    8. Bosie St DB were blanketing the UH receivers and very quick to react to playes when they were “off” the line of scrimmage.

    9. Bosie ST receivers were very effective blocking for teammates on/near line of scrimmage or down field.

    And, lastly, as someone mentioned earlier, it was a commical game watching UH.

  28. mk October 25, 2009 10:25 am


    Just a few observations and questions from a non-expert. On Austin’s first offensive series, alternating passes to the flats, seemed to be working until the interception in the end zone, in tight coverage. Can someone explain the play calling?

    I thought that the fake field goal and subsequent touchdown after Boise’s challenge was totally predictable. I thought Boise was going to do it before the challenge.

    Boise’s DBs closing time on our receivers were amazing, and so was their double coverage, — in the second half, our DBs seemed stuck in their zones. Is that a result of the Defensive scheme?

    It also seemed that once a Boise play made contact with a UH defender, the defender was out of the play. (with a few exceptions) Boise’s precision blocking was deadly. It seemed like they never missed their blocks. And UH was unable to avoid the block. you could see it on nearly every play. Except for the screens, as soon as the ball was snapped, every UH defender was tied up in a nano second. Is this just good coaching on Boise’s part? I know our guys are good, smart athletes. This seems pretty basic.

    A couple of years ago, Oregon lost their starting QB (Dixon?) and that killed their season. Maybe that’s where we are right now. So it’s really no use in getting upset or angry at admin, coaches or players. The injuries are certainly unforeseen circumstances.

    Aloha to all the players–thanks for playing hard to the end.

  29. A-House October 25, 2009 10:28 am

    From a fan’s perspective, I would rather see Chizzy start a rather than Wright-Jackson. There is NO place for seniority in football!!!

    If you say you will play the best, then do it!!! There should be no popularity contest in sports.

  30. buffoman October 25, 2009 10:36 am

    #26 true.

    Dick Tomey was an assistant noone really knew about before coming to Hawaii. He wanted to be here. But he matched his want to be here with a leadership style that brought forth the a winning result in the stands and on the field that has not been seen since. JJ won on the field but did not match Tomey in the stands. JJ won bowls, Tomey did not. When Tomey left, his assistant Wags took over and brought forth winning in the stands and in a bowl. JJ left and Mac stepped in and what have we had?

    Yes, Mac wanted to stay. Yes he recruits local boys but so did Tomey and Wags (Noga bros, Taase Faumua, Satele, etc..).

    What I’m saying is that they “wanted” but they performed. Mac wants and he has yet to match those before him.

    I agree with royvic, what we are seeing is much disarray, indecision, inconsistency, overhype and frustration due to expectations unmet.

    I’ve said it before, I have yet to see leadership on display. The victims in this case are our young men.

  31. madeinhawaii October 25, 2009 10:37 am

    I think we’re just seeing the effect of having a lousy recruiting budget in the previous years (2005-7). We don’t have athletes playing at quite the same levels we had in the past. We have good players and athletes, but we don’t seem to have the 5-6 NFL or near NFL hopefuls on either side of the field this season. At least, not just yet.

    We are just going to have to wait and see how well the new recruits will do next season or how watch this year’s younger starters develop into the players that they can be.

    Season/career ending Injuries as well as nagging injuries have also been taking their toll. Even when the O-line stands firm and our Defense gets the ball back, our offense struggles to get in synch with the loss of Alexander, Malcolm, and Bradley. While we have individual standouts in Pilares and Salas, we don’t have enough consistent players to spread the wealth and keep the other’s defense back pedaling. Nor do we have a quarterback that is in complete synch with them.

    But I still have hope in Medeiros, Taylor, Pollard and the rest of the receiving corps and our running backs. They will have to step up and create opportunities for the offense to get those first downs, keep our defense off the field and score some badly needed points.

    In the meantime… we should just enjoy the plays that they do execute well and encourage our team to do more just like that.


  32. chawan_cut October 25, 2009 10:39 am

    last night’s news

  33. madeinhawaii October 25, 2009 10:47 am

    Once again. Over the course of the next three games, the Warriors will have to once again determine who their starting QB will be to lead them the rest of the way and into the following season.

  34. hoops October 25, 2009 10:48 am

    cavewarrior, your post sounded a lot more excuses.

  35. warriorfan4ever October 25, 2009 10:49 am

    looking at the positive…a new QB stepping in and going 5 for 5 right out of the gate and almost 6 for 6 with a TD if Boise hadn’t ripped it out of our hands in the end zone…could of been a great momentuem building game changer…boise was agressively going after the the turnovers and was very succussful in that – but going for in over 60% completions (22-36) during his first outing against a team ranked #4 in the nation is pretty good stuff to build on…

  36. madeinhawaii October 25, 2009 10:50 am

    Well… I’m off to Central Oahu Regional Park… wherever that is… gotta take the kid to his tennis match.

    Everybody behave… !

  37. Da Punchbowl Kid October 25, 2009 10:51 am

    Some excellent points made in the above posts. The only thing I might add is that it was probably easier to get Hawai’i’s best athletes in Tomey’s days. Since then, with advent of the internet and digital video, good athletes here get much more recruiting exposure than they used to. I also consider OC16’s broadcasts to have helped build the level of play here by giving HS Football more exposure and more prestige. Look at the OIA and even the ILH playoffs this season, lots of talent spread around.

  38. madeinhawaii October 25, 2009 10:57 am

    The biggest difference I see between our quarterbacks, besides how tight their spirals are or how fast and far they can throw a ball, is in the number of interception per pass ratio which is predicated on their vision and decision making abilities. The ability to scramble is nice but not as critical for the RnS as it can lead to greater injury. Better to learn how to dump that ball effectively.

    During the last two recruiting periods many of us wondered why we were recruiting so many quarterbacks and receivers … now it seems like we don’t have enough.

  39. Hitman 24 October 25, 2009 10:58 am

    This is on the Breaking News site. Even the Advertiser sports staff is feeling the effects of last night.

    Breaking News/Updates
    Updated at 8:21 a.m., Sunday, October 25, 2009

    DONT PUBLISH/TOUCH! – stanleyPrint this page
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    Advertiser Staff

    Punahou and Hawai’i Baptist earned the top seeds for this week’s New City Nissan/Hawai’i High School Athletic Association Girls Volleyball Championships.

    Punahou, the Interscholastic League of Honolulu champion, is the top seed in Division I and opens play in Thursday’s quarterfinals against the ___ at Radford.

    Division I matches will be played at Radford and McKinley from Wednesday through Friday. Saturday’s matches will be at the Stan Sheriff Center. The championship match is at 7 p.m.

    Two-time state champion Hawai’i Baptist is the top seed in Division II. The Eagles, the Interscholastic League of Honolulu champion, play the winner of the ___ in Thursday’s quarterfinals at Farrington.

    Division II matches will be played at Kalani and Farrington from Wednesday through Friday. Saturday’s matches will be at the Stan Sheriff Center. The championship match is at 5 p.m.

  40. labrat October 25, 2009 11:08 am

    buffoman it took Tomey 3 seasons to get to the payoff in the 4th. Even after that he had some bad seasons. Even Wagners career was filled with some highs and some very lows.

    The “disarray, indecision, inconsistency, overhype and frustration due to expectations unmet”, you mentioned happened on Tomey’s and Wags teams at times too.

    It is when the big teams saw the local talent on the Tomey teams that they started to recruit heavily in Hawaii. Before the local good local talent wanted to play for the home team. Now they rather go to the mainland. Mack is up against a bigger recruiting wall than Tomey was. JJs lack of local recruiting hurt too. Mack is trying to rebuild the bridge. It takes time. Von Apps local recruiting did not help too.

    Hard to maintain continuity in a program if you have to rely on so many JC players to fill the holes on your team. Mack is trying to fix this but again it takes time.

    I too am not happy with the way things are going but I do think it is too early to judge.

  41. whitey October 25, 2009 11:32 am

    it is hard to understand how boise uses a 4 men dl and drops 7 into coverage to be able to pressure our qb. j estes is the best at what he does and thought they would use more running plays off of him. boise’s running plays off the edges looked too easy and hopefully we can correct this by the next game.

  42. bstunna2002 October 25, 2009 11:38 am

    Hats off to the “d” they were doing their job but it’s hard when your on the field so much to continously at that same level,IMO if the offense scores it helps to hype the d up even more, but constant 3 n outs and turnovers didn’t give the d a chance to rest, what I saw from Boise is that they are beatable but in order to beat them you have to make them make mistake and capitalize, they fumbled I think like six times but we never recovered any of them. Offensively I wonder if shuffling Pilares to LWO was a good idea, i wonder why they didn’t give Avery a chance on the outside and leave Pilares in the slot?

  43. duffer (iPhone) October 25, 2009 11:38 am

    An as a fan and being somewhat realistic, L A Tech, Fresno Boise, Wisconsin, Navy are much better teams than we are. UNLV we could have won .

    But my loyalty to the team has never waivered! Losing is part of life and makes one a better person. It’s also a great motivator, not reveng.

    Plus all these wonderful people I’ve meet is priceless

  44. lava October 25, 2009 12:15 pm

    Brent Rausch starts, and Inoke is back-up.

    Shane Austin’s problems have always been apparent from practices – he throws picks, he throws high, and he drops snaps. That’s the book on Austin. Last night, he threw 3 picks, often threw high. Add to his book that he forces balls. He did get a string of completions late in the game when the secondary was replaced by the band.

  45. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 25, 2009 12:31 pm



    1) Was very surprised to see even their freshman play well on the line.

    6 + 9) Boise St. receivers and their line know how to block….I don’t know if it was just me and the people around me that mentioned why the heck our receivers don’t assist/block when we run the flat and throw to the outside…I saw them just watching the ball carrier.

    7) Boise St. only has 3 QB’s…their backup got a concussion on his one play where he ran for 7 yards and they didn’t want to activate their redshirt QB.

  46. AWP October 25, 2009 12:35 pm

    Watching BSU organization/activity on the sideline is watching a very well coached, organized team that has a plan for every down. Watching Rolo on the headset talking with Ron Lee, supposedly, while the O team sits/resting without any coach nearby is disheartening. Rolo should be with the O team, reviewing what happened, correcting and planning for the next series. I seems like the whole team and the coaches need a lesson in management. I’m still a crazy fan(atic), and behind the team, but we need better organizational skills.

  47. dittohead October 25, 2009 12:42 pm

    “Where do the Warriors go from here?”

    $3 m buyout for starters.

    ya mean, where does JD go from here???

  48. Stephen Tsai October 25, 2009 12:53 pm

    As I understand it, the players are given a quiz before the game. Mana scored higher on it.

  49. Ralph October 25, 2009 12:56 pm

    I agree with Koakane’s #12 post, BigHilo is a passionate Warrior fan and he speaks from the heart and wants the best for Hawaii, he speaks straightforward and that’s okay too. We know who he is, he isn’t merely BigHilo, a blog name. But for a fellow blogger to “shout” out her disagreement with him, at him, and for everyone there, majority of whom were over 40 in age, was too condescending, demeaning, and unnecessary. Everyone else took the high road and did not jump in on her attack and did not take sides. Then to go over an give him a hug won’t erase the “forgive and forget” part for me. I’m wondering if it is going to happen again and when. Slugger put it in a tone that is more refreshing and the message is similar without screaming. See last night’s slugger post 446. We are all fans of the warriors, we should be able to speak up, and we should respect other opinions, its just the tone that I think needs to be tempered.

  50. Jack Flash October 25, 2009 1:07 pm

    ST- what?!
    You mean like a written test or oral exam? That just seems weird. Either way, one would expect the person that practiced all week in that position to at least start right? It sounded like Jake Heun was all fired up and ready to knock heads, only to get benched right before kickoff. NOT good for morale! Please… someone help us all understand just what in the world is going on in Manoa?!?!

  51. lil's October 25, 2009 1:08 pm

    I think they should play Chizzy more. Ne1 see that frog leap over the defender late in the game!? That to me was almost worth the price of admission…

  52. postmanke October 25, 2009 1:09 pm

    forget tickets sales at this point. I am wondering if it has gotten to the point where it’s not worth the free ticket to go see a Warrior game. I guess the Utah St game will be a good indication. Already under a cash strapped budget, operating under a leaner budget next fiscal year will be tough for everyone. “hey anyone see the soap?”

  53. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 25, 2009 1:09 pm

    Stephen Tsai,

    I just watched a replay of the post game conference. I asked this in yeterday’s blog but maybe no one has an answer.

    Coach Mack said that Austin is our 4th string QB and DID NOT GET ANY REPS and was just sitting and watching in practice.

    Why was Austin not getting any reps if in fact he is our “2nd string QB” behind Moniz?

  54. FloridaTed October 25, 2009 1:15 pm

    I don’t think all the BYU fans are any more happy then us right now, most likely, they’re more in the dumbs then we are, after all, they had much “loftier” aspirations. Only 50 % of fans can possibly be happy on any given Saturday.

    Besides, show me one single team that can sustain the same kind of losses to injury as we did, ESPECIALLY the #1,2 and 3 QB’s, and still be successful and I would say your are fantasizing. We now have lost at least 10 players, on both sides of the ball, that we counted on. Even USC would be a different team.

    Everybody has such illusions about JJ, just like Rolo, McMackin or Wagner, (not counting Tomey, his offenses always stunk), he failed or succeeded with his QB’s. Robinson was smart and played way over his head, Timmy Chang, well, we all know how his ups and downs were also the teams, Rolovich had a short, but amazing run, I would have liked to see him over a season or two,(even then, we gave up 45 points to BYU).

    But the only QB JJ has had here, who was always consistent at a high level, was Colt. Well, if given the chance, Colt could make a lot of coaches look good. Under JJ we lost every game against REALLY good defensive teams and lost almost every game on the road until, once again, Colt. Lets stop worshipping and be realistic.

    JJ became a Saint, because he followed VonAppen and won his first year. McMackins misfortune is following JJ and the suddenly outlandish expectations of Sugar Bowls every year. Had he followed VonAppen, nobody would say a peep.

    2010 is my ground zero year, then I will start judging, 2011 I will have great expectations.

    Right now, I’m looking at the Warriors like I have a son, who’s going through some serious growing pains. Would I dump my son? Hell no !!

  55. postmanke October 25, 2009 1:21 pm

    what if your other son had an offense called the Triple Option? …just wondering =)

  56. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 25, 2009 1:24 pm

    what if your other son had an offense called the Air-Raid? haha =P

  57. chawan_cut October 25, 2009 1:31 pm

    thats a bad pic of me.
    i was yelling at the boise players.
    TCU! TCU!
    as TCU, #6 beat up on #16 BYU.
    not to make any excuses either, but they also beat us up with our 4th string qb. i also yelled, “Do your 4th (and even 2nd) string QBs even know what a football looks like???
    frickin peterson leaves in Moore and most of the starters to try to run up the score on us. i was yelling, watch out for BACHI!!! someone gonna pull a hammie with all that heat!

    our RPI must be horrible, and it won’t help boise any. lets look at remaining schedules
    @la tech
    @ utah st
    lets look at tcu:
    #18 utah
    new mexico

    not much better, but its much stronger than the wac. and there’s #18 utah in there.
    here’s the rankings so far
    tcu is sneaking up on em!!! and if i recall right, they’ll only let one non bcs school in there.

    also, nevada is playing like a beast (which is also not good for us next week, but they’re dangerous) and can beat boise.

    can you tell i don’t like boise???

  58. Stephen Tsai October 25, 2009 1:32 pm

    No, coach Mack mis-spoke, as they say.
    Austin has been getting the No. 2 snaps β€” one-third of the reps β€” the past month. He knew the game plan.
    I also think Mack mis-read the stat sheet. He counted all of the fumbles as lost fumbles. In fact, UH lost three of six fumbles, so the total turnovers were six, not nine.

  59. Stephen Tsai October 25, 2009 1:33 pm

    Chawan was hysterical.
    And he was saying stuff that had the Broncos puzzled. Was he making fun of us?

  60. postmanke October 25, 2009 1:38 pm

    iwonderwhytheyhateme: =)

    Yeah but what if your son with the triple option offense has the network of friends in place to get all the necessary local top tier div 1 recruits to come play at his house instead of leaving to play at the neighbors house. a son who can instill pride to his top talented friends to stay home and play for UH like it was when we he was here. a son who can get the state to rally around, to turn the program around…

  61. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 25, 2009 1:41 pm


    As I mentioned before Moore was left in because Boise has 3 TOTAL QB’s….The backup who ran for 7 yards got a concussion (i thought i saw him hit a helmet on the way down) and their other QB is a redshirt that Peterson didn’t want to burn.

    They were rotating 2nd and 3rd string in by the 3rd Quarter for sure. By the fourth you could see the play calling from BSU’s side going much more conservative. Bye the last 10mins or so of the 4th they were running the EXACT same plays up the middle with 3rd and 4th string players.

    Needless to say we still had troubles stopping them.

  62. chawan_cut October 25, 2009 1:41 pm

    thanks Stephen.

    i was trying to give them something to think about on their plane ride back to lovely sunny boise.

    giving them a reality check. tcu will pass them. just watch.

  63. postmanke October 25, 2009 1:43 pm

    I am wondering if we go “Boise” on Wisconsin and pull out a win would the strength of schedule matter enough to keep TCU out of the BCS? Just wondering if any WAC team can help BSU at this point?

  64. chawan_cut October 25, 2009 1:43 pm

    thanks for the clarification. still. imagine if boise had to play their 4th string qb. they’d be screwed. they don’t even have one.

  65. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 25, 2009 1:47 pm


    anyone who can get top tier div-1 recruits regardless from where they are from will be awesome. just as an example IF you had someone like Steve Sarkesian here, div-1 recruits would come.

    second, any coach even more so a big name coach whether from hawaii or not will get the fans to rally around them if they are successful. unfortunately and fortunately thats how hawaii people are.

    not to mention the air-raid offense is one of the most exciting to watch. haha.

  66. Matt October 25, 2009 1:51 pm

    TCU just leapfrogged BSU in the latest BCS standings.

  67. gomouton October 25, 2009 1:52 pm

    tsai, can you for once post something real and stop posting things from your fantasy world? Defense had its moments? what a joke. Alex Green hitting his groove? Are you sure Boise wasn’t giving us the runs considering they whooped us so bad? I cant wait till we get our next top recruit because I know you will say top Linemen from California or wherever he is from commits to Hawaii. Our team should be a lot better with all of these top recruits you report and 4.4 40s I see every time.

  68. al October 25, 2009 1:54 pm

    austin throws the high ones simply because his elbow is below his shoulder when he uncocks a medium to deep throw. thus, he is launching the ball upwards. he will always throw high if doesn’t correct this.

  69. postmanke October 25, 2009 1:54 pm

    run shoot, air-raid, kool-aid whatever.. maybe i’m a little old school. I love that smash mouth style football that just rams it down your throat. not little elfs running around looking for open space.. but that’s just me..

  70. chawan_cut October 25, 2009 1:57 pm

    haha! bcs standings out.
    and guess what? TCU leap (horned) frogs boise in the poll!
    what did i warn them last night??? it can only get worse from them.

    oh, and didn’t TCU beat boise last year in their bowl game too???


  71. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 25, 2009 1:57 pm


    i know what you are saying. one of those things about Peterson and BSU is that their RB’s are pretty darn good and wouldnt be surprised if all the backups are in good standing. Losing out on a QB they could have gone to a running game and still do some damage as was apparent last night.

    I know that Peterson likes to throw the ball just a little more and runs kind of a modified spread sort of thing. They had a lot of success on the run so I was kinda surprised they didn’t do it a little more

    They have a billion different formations and their hand-offs and misdirection kept even me with my binoculars guessing at times.

  72. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 25, 2009 2:04 pm


    thats cool that you like the triple option. its just the spread offense with passing is the name of the game now imo. the spread-option is also something i like. Rich Rodriguez did a good job with it and enjoyed watching WV.

    i not against running the ball, in fact i would love a balanced offense. i just agree that it’s hard to find a complete set of players to run that kind of system.

  73. wafan October 25, 2009 2:16 pm

    ’75. That is a good number.

  74. wafan October 25, 2009 2:17 pm


  75. wafan October 25, 2009 2:18 pm


  76. westsidesview October 25, 2009 2:20 pm

    gotta luv ken niumatalolo….me thinks HAW would have to make a strong offer, navy has a pretty retirement program—one thing for sure–he doesnt owe anyone on the current staff a damn favor–he would clean house–literally–and he is clean and known to be a work-a-holic.

  77. chawan_cut October 25, 2009 2:32 pm

    but if boise has the year that they want, i think peterson is gone. there’s many teams out there with much more $$$$ than boise can afford that’ll lure him away. you can say everything about loyalty to the school, but when $$$$ come into play, hard to say no. look at JJ. peterson would then probably take his staff with him. and then what boise? you were lucky to keep peterson when hawkins left. that kept your smoke and mirrors offense going to give you your shot now. what will you do with your players that committed to play there? will you still get the 100% participation during the summer? it is boise.
    btw, i also was “asking” the boise players in front of me what they do in boise? because it is boise. the kicker had a smart response. he said football. the lineman on the other hand, made the drinky drinky motion with his hand. and my response…. no wonder you guys are all cramping. to which he laughed. and then on the next series he goes and has a personal foul for late hitting austin. got in his head. mind off the game. that’s what i do.

  78. postmanke October 25, 2009 2:34 pm

    It would have to be really strong offer. Navy has made the commitment, he is vested interest on the east coast personally but always says he is an Island boy. I think he will come home and I really believe JD believes in his system.

  79. postmanke October 25, 2009 2:38 pm


    I think Washington was ready to paint the Huskie stadium field purple last year for him. And with a hefty payday – wasn’t it around a $2.8 million per year package on the table? wonder why he didn’t leave?

  80. chawan_cut October 25, 2009 2:44 pm

    no clue. hmmm. didn’t say the man had common sense.
    boise or seattle….. wac or pac 10…
    something to prove? you can only say no so many times to offers like that. i’m pretty sure his wife was thinking, WTH?!?!?!
    or maybe he realizes he can only get away with that offense in the WAC. he’s also benefiting (like us in ’07) of a weak schedule. catching oregon off guard that first game of the season. (i don’t think they’d have a chance against the current ducks team). who else is anything on their schedule?
    he wouldn’t be able to do this in seattle with the huskies schedule. he’s definitely making the most of his situation and location.

  81. postmanke October 25, 2009 2:53 pm

    Yeah I like Peterson, couldn’t believe he didn’t take the U-Dub job. If you squint your eyes a little bit you see a Urban Meyer monster emerging from the sub division.

  82. A-House October 25, 2009 2:53 pm

    Run ‘n Shoot:

    Great “system” provided you have the staff with knowlege/experience and players who can learn and execute the system.

    Where does UH stand?

  83. Garret October 25, 2009 2:55 pm

    Click on my name if you want to read the quotes from the game…though I think most people will want to just put the game behind them and skip the quotes.

  84. Garret October 25, 2009 2:57 pm


    UH could sure use the $500k that it would get if BSU makes a BCS bowl. Since BSU already played UH, I’m going to hope they win the rest of their games and make a BCS bowl.

  85. wafan October 25, 2009 2:57 pm

    Garret . . .

    How is the family doing?

  86. royvic October 25, 2009 2:58 pm

    Ask any football player at any level of competition-high school up to the pros-of what the repercussions are for missing the team bus to the stadium on game day and the answer they’ll say is usually that they are punished in some way.

    Most head football coaches wouldn’t tolerate this.

    And the offending player would usually face the wrath of the head coaches anger and is most likely benched.

    For Greg Salas, as was reported in the heading of yesterday’s blog, did exactly that-didn’t show up for the bus departing for the stadium.

    And he started the game and did a very good job.

    Not unless there’s a valid excuse as to why he wasn’t on the bus with his team mates it’s another scratch your head moments on Coach Mack’s watch that begs the question if the head coach has control over his players.

    For people on the outside looking in it get’s to a point of what’s going on up there. Because discipline is important to a team’s makeup and morale. And where selective enforcement it’s interesting to note can dwarfs the team’s morale, too, especially if they see nothing happening to Salas.

    Maybe I’m premature in trying to figure out this, and maybe there’s a different side of the story. But I can’t fathom a reason how a player can miss the bus.

    When Coach Jone’s was here I bet he wouldn’t have tolerated this of a player missing the team bus on game day. In fact I remember Timmy Chang appearing at practice, like 30 seconds late, and he got a great tongue lashing from Jones that I’d imagine that left him in tears.

    Coach Jones was always after his players, particularly Nate and Travis, too. He wasn’t soft on his players. Or assistants. He didn’t make public announcements, either, of how he loves his player or assistant because he knows that his job is to keep challenging his players in doing a better job. And surely he was advocate of instilling team discipline.

    That was then. This is now. A big difference all the way around. Sad.

  87. Garret October 25, 2009 2:59 pm

    ST mentioned yesterday that Greg Salas missed the team bus to the game, which normally doesn’t happen to any player when the team is staying at a hotel together. However, it looked to me like Salas started the game and played the entire game, even in last drive for UH.

    There must be some story behind Salas missing the bus and the seeming lack of punishment in the game. I’m hoping that story comes out sometime.

  88. Garret October 25, 2009 3:01 pm

    Wow, I typed my #87 post up as royvic was posting his…

  89. Garret October 25, 2009 3:03 pm


    Lori had the chills today and actually was shaking uncontrollably this afternoon. Mika vomited for the first time and needed lots of cuddling when she cried out at the end of her nap. Faith is crushed emotionally that she will have to miss the first field trip of the school year (it is tomorrow).

    I have body aches, a sore throat, fever, and I’m the healthiest in my family (or at least that is what I’m telling them). This has not been a fun weekend…and the next few days probably won’t be much better since both Lori and Faith are worse today than yesterday.

  90. Garret October 25, 2009 3:07 pm

    We also have houseguests that arrived today and I’m the one that will need to entertain them while Lori and the kids go to sleep early. This couple had my kids be the flower girls at their wedding–one of them is Lori’s close from from Castle High. Her husband is nice too, so if we were healthy it would be fun having them stay with us.

    Our houseguests just moved to San Diego from the Bay Area, so they will be staying with us indefinitely until they find a place to live. It could be a few months, and it is unfortunate that everybody is sick when they arrived.

  91. Garret October 25, 2009 3:07 pm

    “from” should be “friend”

  92. Garret October 25, 2009 3:08 pm

    I should go offline now…

  93. wafan October 25, 2009 3:10 pm

    Garret . . .

    Please get Mika and Faith to the doctor tomorrow. It would not hurt if both you and Lori saw her/him, too.

    GHoping you all get better soon!

  94. wafan October 25, 2009 3:12 pm

    Visiting family friends could be a blessing for all of you.

    Go to bed!

    Dang, I am sure they will understand.

  95. Ralph October 25, 2009 3:12 pm

    Raiders lose, it’s all quiet in Hawaii Kai, a trip to Dallas is canceled by the Jets, 38-0. Consolation, Dallas beat the Falcons, but it would have been much better to see a game in Dallas in person. Maybe Frank will put the Raiders up again for another shot at Dallas.

  96. Bulla October 25, 2009 3:38 pm

    great seeing everyone at the tsaiko gate….despite the heat and humidity, it was still awesome.

    yes, got our butts kicked, warriors didn’t play well, BSU looked good, we’re on a losing streak……..yada yada yada

    ‘………grip your shorts………’ as mr frank b. shaner would say……we can complain, whine, argue, do some name calling, and continue to rant and rave…….but why? for what????? unless you’re some sort of masochistic individual, inflicting more pain into the wounds is painful

    what about being solution oriented and looking for workable solutions for the team? well, that’s fresh….instead of everyone wanting to have a ‘hang the coach’ show, haha…..

    all i’m saying, and it is Sunday……it’s just a game, people are getting paid good money to do a job, so go do it…..we still have a roof over our head, food on the table and furlough fridays……so it really isn’t that bad. and when did the UH win/loss record affect our livelihood (all members of Gamblers Anonymous be quiet….)

    let’s support the STUDENT ATHLETES that are still on the field every weekend and pray for their success for the rest of the season. AMEN, AMEN, AMEN.

    have a restful day………..

  97. whitey October 25, 2009 3:41 pm

    Garret, no 1, take care of yourself and family. Sounds like you got the whole kitchen kaboodool. Definitely go to family doctor. On another note, was great to see your dad at the tailgate. He looked great. Uncle Kana is doing ok too.

  98. whitey October 25, 2009 3:43 pm

    bulla, you looked great and see that you not getting enough sunshine. hahahahaaa

  99. Bulla October 25, 2009 3:43 pm

    #1 royvic,

    although i would support a rematch with Weber State, it would be purely self motivated on my part of saving air fare. HOWEVER, we do have Out of Conference slots available and I think the administration would seriously entertain that option……but it comes down to the UH Athletic Department. They would have to decide if Weber would be a worthy opponent; D1AA opponent, Big Sky Conference Champ last year, and on the road to repeat again if they win their next 2 games……..there are a lot of other teams out there that would be viable…..but thanks for the props…..and IT WOULD be a great game.

    Last year at the half, WSU leading UH 17-7, there were a lot of heads turning at the stadium. Funaki is informed by the training staff that he has a concussion, hmmmmmmmmmmmm, Graunke gets the call, and the rest is history.


  100. Bulla October 25, 2009 3:50 pm


    i’m looking more like your name, haha, my office is not on the 12th hole like somebody i know…haha

    good seeing you guys, despite the game, all was good…..everyone looking healthy with a smile on their face. food was ono, and the laughs were plenty.

    if i get any lighter, Pillsbury is going to hire me for the holiday season to do some commercials…won’t help next week, heading to Montana for some cold weather and praying for a victory!!!

    be safe and be blessed!

  101. al October 25, 2009 4:00 pm

    on the bright side….

    this past saturdays tailgate had some of the best ono kine grinds ever. i couldn’t believe the spread.

    mahalo, to j/j who was grillin’ for over six hours. yeah, he the marathon man.

    good to see the domed one and his better half. its been awhile.

    the maui boyz brought some rare stuff. krispy kremes, home made portuguese sausages, and whitey’s home made misoyaki salmon bellies was unreal.

    808ike’s makisushi was better than george’s on beretania st. snuck some home to the boss and she said come over for thanksgiving ike.

    the comfort food of momo’s beef sukiyaki was awesome. too bad i forgot my raw egg at home.

    the topper of the evening though was slugger’s now famous corn chowder. best i’ve had ever.

    yeah, inspite of the play inside the aloha stadium, once again the festivities found at the tailgates on the outside makes the season so worth while.

    …nuff said

  102. whitey October 25, 2009 4:06 pm

    al, i will second that, the fuud that the tsaikos bring is ono licious and not too mention, huge. for some having roast duck may not be much, but for me, it is a major treat. hooooo, that was guuuuuuuud!!!!!

  103. whitey October 25, 2009 4:07 pm

    but like most know, having to share fuud with the Tsaikos is priceless.

  104. Slugger October 25, 2009 4:09 pm

    #96 ~ Good outlook, Bulla. These players are students, like your sons, nephews, grandkids, neighbors, friends’ kids, the boys you don’t know. They are playing a game that is their passion. Whether they win or lose, they deserve to be supported by those of us who are UH fans.

    One nice Boise touch: the players walked around the perimeter of the field thanking the supporters from Boise who came to the game. One boise fan said they do that at all of the away games (win or lose). Something that UH might want to take a look at, since there are usually fans who make the trip.

    Another observation: The Boise fans used a short cheer that could be yelled at a sustained volume. Some of the cheers that the UH cheer team uses contains too many syllables and loses volume. I don’t know what the Boise cheer was, but it sure had more impact than our cheers. Can anyone from that endzone recall what was being chanted?



  105. whitey October 25, 2009 4:09 pm

    ok, suggestion for offense. if d going rush 4 and drop 7, run off j estes blocks on the inside.

  106. whitey October 25, 2009 4:12 pm

    bulla, porgot, i think hunting season is open in missoula, so when going outside, wear orange so they no mistake you for one polar bear. hahahahaaaaa

  107. Ralph October 25, 2009 4:15 pm

    Coach Dana is looking for a few good men, must have basketball skills, to serve on a scout team to challenge the Na Wahine. She is holding tryouts for the guys with talent, she needs commitment, not a one time deal, got to be able to offer your time to spend scrimmaging the Na Wahine.

  108. whitey October 25, 2009 4:16 pm

    most of you are too young, but watching the run and shoot is very, very similar to the single wing except that the qb in single wing neva gets the ball. he is the lead blocker. the warriors could use some of the running plays from the single wing.

  109. al October 25, 2009 4:19 pm

    thanks whitey.

    i may show up on the waiehu shores this week.
    thanks for the fish.

  110. cocobean October 25, 2009 4:21 pm

    Run n Shoot

    When Paul Johnson was OC the offense was called the run n shoot. Same with June Jones. In reality, the offenses were the PJ offense and the JJ offense. At one time they were both “grasshoppers” learning from a Master. PJ from the HC at Georgia Sothern, JJ from Mouse. Now they are the Masters of Their Offenses. They took what they learned and wrote their own books on the run n shoot. Their books contain their philosophies and their diagramed plays. Unfortunately, it doesn’t contain sections on how to teach the offense, play calling and game time adjustments. They must have omitted those sections figuring if you are a paid coaching staff you should be able to figure those things out. Those are coaching points not offensive philosophy points.
    Now to my point. Rolo is still a grasshopper, not a Master. He’s still learning. He needs time to grow. It’s too late to make radical changes. We invested too many scholies to QBs and receivers. As Rolo “grows” the O will improve. As the O improves, th D will definitely improve. I label this season as ” The Season of Rolo’s Growing Pains” Give the kid a chance.

  111. Slugger October 25, 2009 4:22 pm

    Repeating the kudos: Mahalo nui loa to all who joined us for the T-Gate! Awesome fuud!!! Always tons of food, so much so that I didn’t even taste half of it before I was full. That’s why I made Dr. Shintani’s healthy corn chowdah; low fat, unless you added some of the bacon.

    It is always a joy to hang out with Tsaikos: people I see all of the time, those who can come once in a while and brand new people (Hi, Kauai folks! Loved the poi.). It’s a football family. Good to see ST before & after the game.

    New week, new game, TV-Gate, and practices start Monday!

  112. whitey October 25, 2009 4:26 pm

    cocobean, how true, but might be more like before can hop, one must learn to take small steps carefully, so no get eaten by mynah bird. you know, rolo might also insert variations to insure small steps become bigger.

  113. Slugger October 25, 2009 4:29 pm


    My brother Tony said he used to scrimmage against Coach Dana when he was going to UH. He said she was pretty fast, hard to guard.

  114. whitey October 25, 2009 4:31 pm

    duffer said he was going watch the replay of the game today because he no believe that we lost. he thinks he was watching a halloween show in his dreams. i neva like tell him the truth, but he may have a point. he going watch the replay, fall asleep while watching, us going win, then he going wakeup after replay all pau.

  115. lava October 25, 2009 4:31 pm

    Ralph, re 107, how do you know?

  116. whitey October 25, 2009 4:34 pm

    brake time!!!

  117. Slugger October 25, 2009 4:34 pm


    Thanks for bringing the tickets over. Sorry you weren’t feeling well. Kekoa’s friend, Tom, used one of them. Gave the other to Koakane.

    See you this Saturday!

  118. whitey October 25, 2009 4:35 pm

    lava, cause ralph wen volunteer to play the low post position.

  119. wafan October 25, 2009 4:37 pm

    Cool pix!

    Okay, why would you wear Cowboy gear to a game between the Warriors and the Broncos? Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

    Thank you for not putting up food pix. That would be way too cruel.

  120. kymrykauai October 25, 2009 4:38 pm

    #104 slugger: the boise end zone fans were chanting “boise” “state” over and over. I was all the way across the stadium and could hear it clearly and loudly. I was thinking the entire time they did that we should do something simple and similar like “go” “warriors” over and over…would be just as effective I think.

  121. labrat October 25, 2009 4:42 pm

    The single wing makes me dizzy. Oh wait Chizzy will do that too. That pass to him in the flat. I would keep doing it until they stop it.

  122. Ralph October 25, 2009 5:45 pm

    Lava its for real, its posted, call her if you are interested, I’m not setting you up. But she wants real competition, not a rag tag pickup game. She is doing what Pat Summitt has done at Tennessee for a number of years. I read somewhere that a few other SEC wahine teams practice on occasion against men to hone their skills and physical play.

  123. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 25, 2009 6:15 pm

    What McMacking said about Boise not really having much NFL draftees yet being a well coached football team etc made sense last night.

    It seemed as though Boise could stand to lose players or pull them out but still have the entire team and backups running at full throttle and executing. No real standout players on the team…rather a real team effort.

    How do we get ourselves prepared for that tough schedule next year which look to be pretty brutal so that our backups are just as capable as our starters to play.

    It is an unfortunate given that we will probably suffer more injuries next year so I would like to see our team prepared with the 2nd even 3rd string.

    How do we do this?

  124. westsidesview October 25, 2009 6:15 pm

    TCU leaped ahead of Boise State in the BCS standing after their convincing victory at Provo. Boise remained ahead in the Harris and Coaches polls.
    The Hornedfrogs are expected to move further ahead of the Broncs with a win over #19 Utah @ home in 3 weeks.
    A win over the Utes should propel TCU past BSU across the board in all three polls (BCS, Harris and USA) by virtue of their SOS.
    Their remaining games are against UNLV, SDSU (road) Utah, WYO (road) and NM. barring a meltdown TCU should finish their regular season schedule in full stride.
    BSU chances may be enhanced if Oregon beats on USC and takes the PAC and remains unblemished with their sole loss coming to the donks early in the season.
    That deserves pause–but it would represent the only big win on Boise State’s schedule.

    It could get interesting if both midmajors run the table and Q for a BCS Bowl game. Only one is required to participate if it Qs. Last year, Boise State ran the table in regular season competition but were bypassed and Utah went BCS bowling.
    Interestingly, the Broncs lost to TCU in the Poinsettia Bowl, 17-16.
    Another remote scenario may evolve if CINN, IOWA, Texas and USC lose. That would thrust either TCU or BSU in contention for the National Title.
    If you love to wreck havoc on the BCS wheel, that unpredented circumstance would represent the classic “monkey wrench”. Lol.

  125. Nalani October 25, 2009 6:26 pm

    Our defense is running on fumes due to major injuries to starters. But the Offense, despite, some injuries, hasn’t been hurt as badly. Yes, we love #1 & #2 QBs, but Moniz has played very well and it’s been the dropped passes and fumbles that have killed us, not QB play. So in all honesty, the Offense should be scoring more points and keeping us in the game. We’ve had very few touchdowns all season. That is proof of a bigger problem.

  126. labrat October 25, 2009 6:34 pm

    Gotta go look for my Yankee ball cap.

  127. whitey October 25, 2009 6:35 pm

    Hey Nalani, no time no see.

  128. whitey October 25, 2009 6:36 pm

    so ralph, you neva answer whether you going play the low post position or not against Dara’s Wahines.

  129. bighilofan2 October 25, 2009 6:39 pm

    Hiya Tsaikos everywhere.


    howzit howzit. tanks bruddas, but no need da cajoling. i deserved summa da raps LizK was handin out, in my mind being honest with myself. but tanks for stickin up for me. imagine, stadium security wen “86” my bannah. πŸ˜† 86. πŸ˜† crack me up tickin about it.

    but you all also gotta know this; I got tick skin. not afraid of standing my ground and also not afraid to say i made a mistake.

    but wat i was saying last nite, posted below, i ain’t backing down.

    This is my honest opinion.
    “what we have here is a failure to motivate.”

    There is a book at the State library by John Grisham. Its also on audio CD. Its called The Bleachers. Its a fabulous football tale, all about coaching. Its all about the players perception of coaching; even though their coach was brutal, they talked about what they learned and their winning teams.

    I would recommend it to Coach.

    I spent the day paddling off Keehi Lagoon, downtown. plenty of time to reflect. I’m not quitting on our team. Encouraging Coach Mack to keep trying to put together the winning formula. And don’t quit on us.

    Go Warriors.

  130. SteveM October 25, 2009 6:40 pm

    October 25th, 2009 at 4:34 pm

    Thanks for bringing the tickets over. Sorry you weren’t feeling well. Kekoa’s friend, Tom, used one of them. Gave the other to Koakane.

    Sorry we didn’t get them to you 15 minutes earlier before everyone broke camp. We were waiting until the last minute if our tummies would feel better…was marginal but then Peaches’ knees were hurting again and she did not want to climb that first hill from the cabana.

    We did find a place with convenient restrooms to watch the game, though. πŸ™‚

  131. buffoman October 25, 2009 6:41 pm

    Seems like a whole bunch of folks are saying it’s not coach Mac’s fault that the team is not performing (notice I said performing, not winning). That is a weak recruiting budget, that he was left with not much to work with, etc.

    The problem is really that here in the middle of the Pacific where it costs a lot to come play and that there’s talk of BSU jumping ship and other schools not happy about paying so much to play UH, we loose our cache when we are not competitive.

    We also have a problem with our own economics in Manoa when people do not show up at the stadium. Call the fans whatever you want, but people here want to see competitive football. As even when we are competitive, peopel still don’t really come, but they come in greater numbers than when we look bad.

    So, yes, you can all say give coach a chance and I will watch and will support the team, but I still cannot have full confidence in the coach. The players play hard, but the coaches have still not shown me that they have “it” together. Peterson took over after Hawkins left and BSU didn’t look like the were hurt too badly, not like what we’re seeing here.

    I am not expecting Bowl type turnaround, I am simply looking for a much better organized operation where the effort by the young men are not in vain. Loosing is not where we want to be, but the way we are loosing is not validating the effort by the players.

    Oh, BTW, if coach turns it around next year or the year after that, I’ll be the first to say I’m wrong regarding leadership. Until then, I reamin a skeptic. As I said, I sat through the entire Von Appen years so I can sit some more.

  132. labrat October 25, 2009 6:47 pm

    Whoever volunteers to play low post Dita da tita going to kick your butt so bring your towel.

  133. Derek October 25, 2009 6:47 pm

    As the only Division IA football team in Hawaii, the people of Hawaii are passionate Warrior fans. We deserve better…but we have gone backward, evidenced by last year when we ended up 7-7 when we should have finished 10-4. We below 2 home games against San Jose and Cincinnati because of sloppy turnovers. We blew the Utah State game too. And now this year, all I san say is this is not P.E. football. People have the right to vent. People are frustrated, angry, and in disbelief as to how this bad this football team is. The coaches has to take most of the blame. I have to ask this question….If the Boise St. coaching staff was coaching the Hawaii team would the result be different or the same? I thought so. I rest my case. There is no imagination in the play calling. There is always 4 wide receivers. The same thing over and over again. There are no different sets, man in motion. The running plays are all the same. Lately, I haven’t even seen the shuffle play either. Without an effective QB, we’re dead! A newspaper reporter from the Advertiser said for the first time QB Austin “did OK” in his debut. Give me a break! Is 3 picks okay? There is a reason why he’s a walk on. No offense to him, because he is trying his best for sure. Sean Connery in a movie said “your best! Mediocre people are always trying their best.” Unfortunately, when the stakes are high just okay is not enough. People will say we should be patient. So I ask, what is patient, this year, next year, the year after? Again, this is Divsion I football. If you don’t win, you’re outta there. I also don’t like how we’re playing. We’re sloppy with the ball, special teams are not good, and tackling continues to be a major problem. Boise St. plays a lot of underclassman and they’re doing just fine. We have a lot of seniors on the OL and DL and we can’t perform like a senior. Is it the talent level? If it is, then the coaching is poor. If it isn’t, then the recruiting is bad. Either way, we have a major problem, Houston! As a football junkie I would be more than happy if the team played rock em sock em football, hitting people, throwing their bodies around. People know what I’m talking about. It’s a sad situation. How long can it go on!
    P.S. Navy is 6-2 now. Is Niumatalolo around the bend?

  134. jm2375 October 25, 2009 6:49 pm

    Howzit Tsaikos! Hope you all had a great Sunday, the day after…

    wafan – #119 – just go look at Liz’s pics on her blog… πŸ™‚ bwahahahahaha

    Been out all afternoon – how did the NFL Hawaii guys do?

  135. Kazz ("Shoji" in Japanese means "1000".) October 25, 2009 6:49 pm

    – Congrats to senior Ambree Ako for surpassing Natasha Kai as one of the top assist leaders in Wahine soccer! :mrgreen: With about 20 minutes left in regulation the senior already has two goals and is looking to end her UH career at home on a high note.

    -Our defense can only do so much in the beginning, they held us within striking distance for most of the 1st half. Anyone without their head up their okole could see that. The defense made their stops. The offense needs to finish. Same story since the UNLV game. SAME.

    -Shane Austin reminds me of a Tyler Graunke with his body language and gunslinger mentality. Just saying that over 75% of Austin’s UH career thus far has consisted of nothing but mental reps… Not an excuse, but a simple FACT. That’s the way it’s been this season, the season, before, and the nine other season before also.

    -It’s been said and mentioned, but to see our coaching sideline and the interaction between the players and their coaches… well, it PALES in compairison to what BSU does on their sideline. They may supposedly have over 400 plays and perhaps it’s a necessity for them, but still, the offensive coaches should really have the ears of the offense when they are not in the game.

    -Such BS about our “bad punting” when people refer to it as a collective oberservation of the entire season thus far. Not gonna dispute the fact that Dunnachie had a so-so punting game in the beginning and a horrible game last night, but all of our players and coaches had a horrible outing last night. Dunnachie is good. I invite anyone to argue otherwise for the rest of the season and the next three.

    -Not sure I personally agree with having Mana Lolotai start at MLB over another player that has practiced the same position all week apparently based on a pre-game quiz score… 😯 It’s NOTHING against Lolotai and I have NO true “favorites” but it’s the simple principal of the matter. I’d feel the same way if it was Lolotai practicing at the MLB spot and Heun starts last minute due to him getting a higher score on a written or verbal “quiz”.

    -Really missing Aaron Brown, Rodney Bradley, and Pepa even though I can’t recall the offensive line giving up a sack last night… Depending on how the rest of the season goes, I think the coaching staff needs to look down the bench to see who can do what. We have a future to look out for, whether it’s the near future, the near/distant future, or just the distant future, the coaching staff needs to look out for it if they want to be a part of that future.

    -No Dave Shoji will NOT coach football… πŸ™„

    -Don’t care what anyone else does. I’m never betting on college football and never putting money against MY Warriors… I have to look myself in the mirror everyday.

    -I sit in the north end zone, orange UU, the mood was one of “acceptance” in a way… I stayed till the end, the very end, and fist-bumped some fans that were on their way out, some my age and some older. I think the mood is really one of reluctant acceptance of what our plight is this season. Less boo-panties out there as opposed to when we were undefeated with Colt Brennan and Tyler Graunke had to come in since Colt was hurt. A lot of Hawaii people get spoiled very easily.

    -In order to sleep last night I just had to shake some hands of the visiting BSU fans. All of those I met were, gracious and never rubbed the beating in my face. I figured that if some of them could extend their well wishes to us in 2007 after a closer game, I could do the same after a beat down… Too bad the BCS system is about to screw them over again this season… I’m sorry, but TCU can finish #2 and BSU can finish #3 and BSU is STILL not getting into a BCS game. The reality of college football does not allow this.

  136. lava October 25, 2009 6:49 pm

    Buffoman, nice post (131), I generally agree with everything you mentioned.

  137. lava October 25, 2009 6:53 pm

    Not sure how it factors into the BCS, if at all, but Boise St. does play one more game than TCU.

  138. labrat October 25, 2009 6:56 pm

    Must be BSU and not the coaches. Hawkins went to Colorado and look what happened? Or maybe Peterson was the real guru behind the scenes.

  139. Kazz ("Shoji" in Japanese means "1000".) October 25, 2009 6:59 pm


    October 25th, 2009 at 6:47 pm
    As the only Division IA football team in Hawaii, the people of Hawaii are passionate Warrior fans. We deserve better…

    I agree… If by “we” you mean the fans that actually go to games, support the team no matter what financially and/or spiritually, and support the student athlete… then yes, we do deserve better.

    People that sit on their hands and haven’t shown up before or since 2007 don’t deserve a damn thing and I don’t personally care if they went to New Orleans or not.

  140. Kazz ("Shoji" in Japanese means "1000".) October 25, 2009 7:04 pm


    October 25th, 2009 at 6:39 pm

    but tanks for stickin up for me. imagine, stadium security wen “86” my bannah. 86. crack me up tickin about it.

    The big yellow banner with the “H” and “RESPECT” on it??? I thought you left before the end of the game as I looked across the field and I couldn’t see it around the 4th quarter.

    So did they give you a reason as to why they acted like a bunch of no-fun Nazis? Was MMK around? πŸ™„

  141. whitey October 25, 2009 7:08 pm

    kazz, glad you brought up the subject about Boise fans. duffer and i checked out this morning and there was a dad with his 2 daughters. they came in fri to watch the game and were on their way home sun morning. not once did they say anything derogitory or put down uh, they just said they had a good time, and kind of wilted in the heat.

  142. Whodathunk October 25, 2009 7:09 pm

    “TCU has passed Boise State in the Bowl Championship Series standings, putting the unbeaten Horned Frogs in position to be this season’s BCS buster.
    Boise State dropped from fourth to seventh. The big swing between undefeated Broncos and Horned Frogs came after TCU won 38-7 at BYU (6-2) and Boise State won 54-9 at Hawaii (2-5).”

    UH took one for the WAC fo’ nuthin’???

  143. whitey October 25, 2009 7:12 pm

    bhf2, hope you neva wear yourself out paddling today cause tomorrow you got to go see da judge. have fun, but know you always do and no make da judge mad. guud rucku!!!!!!

  144. bighilofan2 October 25, 2009 7:12 pm


    wuz classic.

    2 securities came down, tell me take my bannah off the railing.

    wasn’t da bannah day wuz afta. wuz me. πŸ˜€ cuzzz wat i was telling da policeman. πŸ˜€ i was politely asking him πŸ˜€ to go tell da coach πŸ˜€
    a piece of my mind πŸ˜€ and da next ting you no, da security sargent was flexing. πŸ˜†

    yu’da been proud of me Kazz. I wen REPRESENT!

    coach Mack gotta know this, no mo Mr. Nice Guy frum dis nice guy! πŸ˜†

    I believe in Coach Knight’s philosophy: throw the table! πŸ˜†
    do what you must to avoid 7 losses.

    btw, I’m changing my prediction. I don’t think we’ll win 10 games this season, too much of a longshot. πŸ˜†

  145. bighilofan2 October 25, 2009 7:15 pm

    i’m still holding out for 8 wins. πŸ˜€

  146. Kazz ("Shoji" in Japanese means "1000".) October 25, 2009 7:16 pm

    Was good to see the haka again. I believe the name of the haka is “Tika Tonu”. Even though I couldn’t make out the words, the movements looked like the ones used for “Tika Tonu”.

    In the past UH used “Ka Mate” in 2004 and “Kapa O Pongo” in 2006 and early 07 before the Ha’a was crafted.

    The Kahuku Red Raiders have used “Tika Tonu” in the past and may still use it today. Not sure if BYU does it.

  147. Kazz ("Shoji" in Japanese means "1000".) October 25, 2009 7:21 pm


    I’m going to make this in bold and in caps, just to be sure if any Staduim folk reading this. I already e-mailed Scott Chan about this two seasons ago, but anyway…



  148. Kazz ("Shoji" in Japanese means "1000".) October 25, 2009 7:23 pm


    I think if you throw an Aloha Stadium usher down the stairs and he bounces more than three times, you get three wishes! πŸ˜†

  149. Kazz ("Shoji" in Japanese means "1000".) October 25, 2009 7:29 pm

    Last night, saw something in the Under Armour tent that caught my attention. It was a black shirt with “Hawaii Football” on the front, but above it was a new sort of UA logo.

    One that has gone… tribal.. like Hawaiian-tribal.. tapa…

    Hmmm… where have we seen this UA hybrid logo before???? 😎

  150. Kapolei Doc October 25, 2009 7:32 pm

    Now that the Boise/Hawaii show is said and done we have to move on. I will not be surprized if we are taken to task by several of teams left on this years schedule. However I do expect our players to try and put up a reasonable showing. In any case I am a 22 year season ticket holder and will be there to cheer them on.

    What I would like to see for next year is for coach Mac to take on coaching the defense and bring in an experienced and proven offensive coordinator. I think that Mac is a proven defensive coach and without the distractions of having to continually answer to our offensive problems our defense could re-energize. As far as our offense, I think a little fresh blood in the way of a new OC it would go along way in motivating us for next year.

  151. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 25, 2009 7:35 pm


    i agree…while i haven’t given up on Mack as the head coach there are a lot of reasons I am *cautiously optimistic* read: skeptical about him but more so maybe some assistants.

    Believe me, Mack’s a great defensive coach/coordinator and that is one thing I could never argue against. I just think that he is maybe spreading himself too thin having to worry about some of the other coaches

    I have noticed that there hasn’t been a single game where clock/game management didn’t leave people scratching their heads. If you listen to Curran & Kekaula you would hear the same analysis in almost every game. An example from the last game would be when we did the QB sneak but failed to get 1 yard, coach calls a timeout to discuss what to do, then we call in for a measurement…wait huh??

    some of you may think lesser of me as a fan for not putting blind faith into the Coach but i have been supporting this team both with my attendance (never left until the clock read 0) and financially. If that makes me a bad fan, I am fine with being a bad fan.I have no problem continuing my support of the program regardless of who is leading us and regardless if our W-L record, I just don’t take things hook, line, and sinker that easily, its not my personality.

  152. Ralph October 25, 2009 7:37 pm

    Whitey the low post I play is too low, Dika is 6’1 and the two reserves are 6’3. There is potential with the Na Wahine, chance for a front line in the 3, 4 & 5 at 6′ or better. Kuehu at the 2 at 5’10, and don’t know who will run the offense. But I hope coach Dana goes tall, find a combination with the 6 footers, to compete at the NCAA regionals she needs experience with height otherwise she won’t be competitive against the pac 10, big 12 and SEC that sends at least 6 teams each to the regional.

  153. Ralph October 25, 2009 7:47 pm

    Labrat I think it has to do with competition, Hawkins won in the WAC where he did not have to have the talent level as in the Big 12, and now he has to build up his program at Colorado to be competitive in the Big 12 North. This year is his 3rd, he is struggling as his son who is the starting qb, so next season should be his money year where his recruits would make up a majority of the players on the roster.

  154. Nalani October 25, 2009 7:57 pm

    Hi Whitey. Sorry, I have been a little MIA this season. With Pono now on Varsity and Aulani playing soccer every Saturday and Sunday, we’re barely able to make it to the UH games in time for kickoff. I haven’t seen a warm up yet. Oh well, maybe the next home game.

  155. Peter October 25, 2009 8:08 pm

    Valuable thoughts and advices. I read your topic with great interest.

  156. whitey October 25, 2009 8:15 pm

    ok ralph. i thought you could dazzle the wahines with your talent at the low post and show them your globetrotter dribble moves. i guess kazz will have to take over. you heard that kazz?????

  157. whitey October 25, 2009 8:16 pm

    i wonder if the replay score was different for duffer?????

  158. whitey October 25, 2009 8:19 pm

    like rasu said, our brain cells are less, so finally it comes to me. Mrs A House, you one lucky mom, cause you get 2 good (looking) daughters, Midori and UH808.

  159. Kekoa October 25, 2009 9:05 pm

    whitey ~ duffer’s replay went into overtime!…nah, j/k! ha ha!

    Anyway, thanks for all the goodies you and the duffer brought over from Maui. Next time you guys come over, I promise to make you some of my lomi salmon. Several of the others will attest to the generous size of the indgredients, and the fact that it is indeed *Lomi* salmon!…not ‘micro-dot’ salmon.

  160. Kekoa October 25, 2009 9:11 pm

    Duffer, didn’t get to tell you how great the trip to Vegas was despite Hawaiian Air’s reservations people. Their attempt to make things difficult for us even included a last minute seat re-assignment so we couldn’t sit near A-joe & A-sports as planned.

    We took it all in stride and managed to have a great time with the attendants in our section. We had a great discussion in the galley about the Warriors. They were trying to schedule their work around game time. Lots to consider being an attendant with no seniority!

  161. XxFaithxX October 25, 2009 9:15 pm

    This IS P.E. Football, Mack.

    So what now?

  162. whitey October 25, 2009 9:16 pm

    kekoa, was great seeing you and it is always our pleasure to do something for the tsaikos.

  163. dittohead October 25, 2009 9:23 pm

    “Dunnachie is good. I invite anyone to argue otherwise for the rest of the season and the next three”.

    …..of course no one can argue about the future only the facts of the past. lmfao.

  164. Slugger October 25, 2009 9:37 pm


    Great pics of the T-Gate showing all of the fun we were having. Did the Princess get some video of the haka? I’ll go look…

  165. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 25, 2009 9:40 pm


    Luncheon tomorrow?

  166. expat October 25, 2009 9:42 pm

    Re Boise State — look to the AD and the way they have built their program. Hawkins, but also look at Koetter. Both Koetter and Hawkins have struggled in their move up to the respective BCS conferences. The Broncos don’t miss a beat though. Peterson has only lost two regular season games in four years as a head coach. That is not too shabby.

    The formula obviously isn’t just the coaching. Playing in a weaker conference helps. The smurf turf might even help. The truth is that it is just a well run program from the top down. You don’t go through 4 head coaches in 13 years that they have been FBS AND have the success that they have had without a solid program with great fan and booster support.

    Remember — in ’04 it was 69-3 up in Boise. That was with Timmy Chang and June Jones along with guys such as Chad Owens and Jason Rivers. That also featured 6 turnovers against nil for the Broncos. That was the biggest margin of victory that Boise has had since joining the FBS — even including FCS games — and including a game where they hung 77 on SJSU.

    So, it isn’t the end of the world and it is premature to the point of being silly to call for Coach Mack to be sacked. He and his coaches have had only one full recruiting class and most of them are redshirting. It is tough to go from the high of the Colt’s last two years to five straight losses — but compare how Boise State managed the transition of their last two coaches (and both Hawkins and Peterson were hired from within) to the utter chaos when JJ left.

    I can’t argue that there have been some head scratching moments. But I do know one thing for certain: every single one of the Warrior coaches knows more about football than I do. I also know that even though some fans think they know more or better than Coach Mack they don’t. If they did they would be Division 1 coaches with stints in the pros on their resumes. Nuff Said.

  167. chawan_cut October 25, 2009 9:46 pm

    my schedule of schedules is updated

  168. whitey October 25, 2009 9:54 pm

    going call it a night, but before I do, we truly want to thank all of the Tsaikos for making our trip to HNL a most enjoyable one. Seeing old friends and meeting new friends is something one always cherishes. Thanks again and good night.

  169. will-i-am October 25, 2009 10:03 pm

    I think our defense actually did great.
    Our offense handed BSU the game.
    Our defense didn’t let at top team convert on 3rd down for most of the game.
    They were probably just worn down by the end of the game emotionally and physically they couldn’t hang anymore.

    Boise had to punt more than coach Petersen would have liked or expected.

  170. will-i-am October 25, 2009 10:07 pm

    I think a player that causes a penalty should hit the bench for at least one play and have to sit by himself for that next play.

    I don’t really like seeing a guy get a personal foul and then go to the sidelines and start talking to other players about it. One snap and clear. There does need to be ramifications for actions.

  171. labrat October 25, 2009 10:11 pm

    I hope coach Dana can cure the turnover problem. 22 per game too high.

  172. will-i-am October 25, 2009 10:12 pm

    phenomenal at catching and YAK. but I can’t count the times he has dropped the ball. I know he fumbled it twice on the goal line. When I see how far he holds the ball away from his body I start bitting my nails. I am already out of fingernails, what do I do next week?

  173. labrat October 25, 2009 10:14 pm

    So Ralph you are saying we should wait for Macks money year before we judge? I agree.

  174. Ralph October 25, 2009 10:22 pm

    labrat the Na Wahine must have averaged more than 22 TO. They had multiple 30+ TO games last season. It was brutal to watch although I got to admit I watched them on the TV,I took a lot of breaks, but they had no coaching and I fault the committee who hired him and the HR people who said it was okay to hire his wife.

  175. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 25, 2009 10:24 pm

    I can definitely agree to give him another year to truly see what he is capable in terms of the teams performance. We fire a coach now and what coach would want to take our job…Don’t want to be the Al Davis of the college football hahaha.

    What I cannot wait another year for is the game/clock mgmt. He isn’t new to coaching football and those mistakes/oddities are amateur at best.

  176. Mad Dog October 25, 2009 10:34 pm

    Comments filled with frustration, criticism, and suggestions are good for the program. They are just as good as kudos and praise because they show that the people care about the Warrior program.
    We all have to worry when these comments stop. That’s when we know the people have given up.

  177. Slugger October 25, 2009 10:35 pm

    #53 ~ idkwthm,

    The coach in his interview referred to Austin as being down to their “fourth quarterback”, not the “4th string quarterback”. I don’t know what he said in interviews on the field; did he do any? [Greg Alexander, Brent Rausch, Bryant Moniz, Shane Austin]

    Watching the Coach Mack show right now and have to go back to the game recording.

  178. labrat October 25, 2009 10:35 pm

    Ralph I got the stat from the UH website. It is a little over 22. but I too was surprised when they hired the wife.

  179. Slugger October 25, 2009 10:38 pm

    Na Koa lunch tomorrow? IDK, maybe

    Practice at 4 pm? Maybe…gonna be hot ‘n humid.

  180. labrat October 25, 2009 10:46 pm

    I agee with Mad Dog. When people stop complaining is when they have given up.

  181. Slugger October 25, 2009 10:57 pm

    The storage commercial was just on TV & reminded me that SOMEONE should tell the Aloha Stadium Jumbotron operator (or whoever does the programming) to STOP playing the storage (E na toa e) ad during the UH team’s play-calling & just before the whistle to start play. That was totally the WRONG time to play that ad. That happened twice during the game!

  182. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 25, 2009 11:03 pm


    The post-game conference ( i think you can still catch it on the advertiser as a on-demand replay) is what I was referring to.

    He referred to Austin as not getting any reps and just sitting out and watching.

    Steve Tsai said McMackin made a mistake and that Austin was in fact taking snaps.

    Mack did seem pretty adamant about making that point but I will trust ST because he has probably seen Austin at practice.

  183. Kekoa October 25, 2009 11:18 pm

    BHF2 ~ So what did they do with your bannah? Did they take it away for good? Did they tell you to pick it up at the lost & found office aftah da game? What? 😯

    ➑ Don’t they know that that bannah has history written all over it?

    ➑ Don’t they know that it has been to America’s finest stadiums?

    ➑ Tell me you are preparing a brief.

    ➑ Tell me you will be filing a law suit against the Stadium Authority for misapproriating a historical document.

    …and btw. You treading a fine line when you mix it up with da Kauai Klan. Remembah dis. Aunty Lead Foot is from Kapa’a. She is Homeland Security on dat island. Slippahs start flying when you don’t behave! So promise me you goin’ check your guns at da Cabana when you ride into town again.

    Good night. Eh…No fogit, off da lite!

  184. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 25, 2009 11:21 pm

    for purely entertainment purposes only.

    Opening line for Hawaii vs. Neveda

    Neveda – 25

  185. Mad Dog October 25, 2009 11:22 pm

    What got me riled up with Coach Mac’s post game comments is when he mentioned that several players were playing exhausted.

    Being exhausted and depleted at the end of the game should be expected. That’s a sign that the players have left everything on the field. Playing exhausted and staying in the game is selfish. Selfish for the team because what are the replacements doing? Are the replacements sitting on the bench with their helmets in their hands? They should be on the field giving their brethren a breather.

    Hopefully, I was simply misinterpreting his statement.

  186. Ralph October 25, 2009 11:23 pm

    Kekoa but sista leadfoot was neutral, neva stir the waters, kept her composure. And no botha her, she just starting to enjoy coming to football games, she has more important issues like driving A/joe home and carrying him upstairs after the game.

  187. Ralph October 25, 2009 11:34 pm

    it’s bad enough that the Raiders loss to the Jets, but ESPN shows Sanchez eating a hot dog while game is going on.

  188. norm October 25, 2009 11:42 pm


  189. Mad Dog October 25, 2009 11:48 pm

    Several fans sitting near us at the game also commented they missed Nate.

  190. Kekoa October 25, 2009 11:48 pm

    Shoots!…cannot go sleep without thanking my T-gate pahtnaz for having the Cabana all set up by the time we got there with the coffee maker and hot malasadas.

    Now that Koakane is a retired DOE administrator, his experience with the cafeteria workers allows him to help set up an exceptional food line. Thanks for your extra effort KK!

    James (Jesse) was slaving behind that BBQ grill for many hours. Thank you for your due diligence Marathon Man. You done real good!

    No mention of the *Cut* man, Ralph. He arrives early enuff to set up his array of carving knives and cutting boards. Then, he very deftly cuts the meats and sausages as they come off the grill and places them in the aluminum serving pans.

    Lots of good stand around help always available to keep the home fire burning. With Pomai in charge of worrying about when the coffee will be done, that leaves the rest of us time to sneak our cups in ahead of him!

  191. Kekoa October 25, 2009 11:56 pm

    Our Senior Drill used to tell us that the troops weren’t happy unless they could complain about things. So if you wanted to keep them happy, let them unwind every once in awhile. We did. It worked.

    Everyone should be real happy by Monday morning!

  192. Stephen Tsai October 25, 2009 11:56 pm

    All I can say is, it sure was humid.
    It was hard to focus.

  193. postmanke October 26, 2009 2:04 pm

    You can complain but we’ll have none of that whining!

  194. postmanke October 26, 2009 2:16 pm

    I was having breakfast at a Waffle House in middle Tennessee last week and a guy walked in with the coolest t-shirt – The front said “I know Jack Schitt”

    The back of the shirt explained Jack Schitt…

    Jack Schitt is the only son of Awe Schitt.

    Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married O. Schitt, the owner of Needeep N. Schitt, Inc. They had one son, Jack.

    In turn, Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt. The deeply religious couple produced six children: Holie Schitt, Giva Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins Deep Schitt and Dip Schitt.

    Against her parents’ objections, Deep Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high school dropout.

    After being married 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced.

    Noe Schitt later married Ted Sherlock, and because her kids were living with them, she wanted to keep her previous name. She was then known as Noe Schitt Sherlock.

    Meanwhile, Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt,

    And they produced a son with a rather nervous disposition named Chicken Schitt.

    Two of the other six chidren, Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt were inseparable throughout childhood and subsequently married the Happens brothers in a dual ceremony.

    The wedding announcement in the newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens nuptials.

    The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Horse.

    Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world.

    He recently returned from Italy with his new Italian bride, Pisa Schitt.

    Now you know Jack Schitt!

  195. Zane C. Patterson November 14, 2009 8:57 am

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