Sunday specials
OK, OK, time to clean out the In box:
• The Rainbow Wahine softball team today will sign autographs and pose for pictures at the RainBowTique Ward Centre, from 11:30 a.m. to 1;30 p.m.
• Several UH players, including Kealoha Pilares and Spencer Smith, will be among the instructors at the Koa Kid Football Camp this coming week at the UH athletic facilities. It’s an all-day camp, too. For details, go to Koa Kid Football.
• The UH men’s volleyball team’s Youth Camp runs tomorrow through Thursday in the Stan Sheriff Center. For info, go here: Youth Camp.
• Former UH running back Joey Cadiz has started a youth football league, which actually is part of a larger sports program. Check it out at playPono.
* * * * *
Not sure how this happened, but I got little teary-eyed twice this week: Watching Toy Story 3 and the Michael Jackson tribute event.
Darn chili peppers.
I think it’s time for some football.
still no numbers?
what up scotty boy?
what’s the deal with david paaluhi?
is he gonna get the green light to play???
could he be the missing man in the middle?
will young george daily-lyles have enough size, wherewithal, and understanding of the defensive scheme that he will arrive early?
anyway, he’s my pick for newbie of the year. last year’s pick “hot rod” bradley certainly was on his way until that leg whip befell the guy.
Good Morning Tsaiko Nation !
I have a young H.S. Junior Volleyball “STAR” young lady that is highly interested in playing for the wahine volleyball team. She is 6″1″, jumps out of the gym and plays middle blocker for Mission Viejo High School in Orange County. She is a “COMPLETE” player that can dig, pass and when she kills the ball with her TREMENDOUS leaping ability it’s like a rocket missle exploding off the ground !
I play tennis with her Father who approached me yesterday as she has a 3.4 gpa with SAT scores at a solid 1850. I saw her when she was 8 years of age nothing but arms and legs as dad brought her along while we play singles and at that time she was riding a skateboard, running sprints up 15 foot mountain tops, valleys and hills as little did I know she would become interested in volleyball and become an OUTSTANDING prospect as she is gaining attention from several Pac 12 schools, MWC and the east coast as Temple University, Penn University and Penn State are vying for her talents as Dad is from the Philadelphia area.
She has an affectious personality and hangs out with her volleyball friends in Orange County as a “PIPELINE” can be coming of highly touted freshmen who loves her friendship and camraderie as “NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP” is what she dreams about as I have not mention her name in fear of any violations as I don’t want this to mess up since I have been trying to get you good folks ATHLETES for quite some time here in Los Angeles.
I have sent e-mail to Coach Shoji and his staff as she will be playing in the Phoenix Arizona National Festival from June 29th through July 4th representing Saddleback Volleyball Club as Coach knows her name as she is a sleeper who is gaining “FAST” attention with opening eyes from MAJOR volleyball programs. I need you folks help IF you see any of the volleyball coaches around town please have them get back to me or Father as I have left detail information and all they have to do is “Follow Through” !
Wants to go and play in warm weather and what better place then the land of Aloha !
Major is sports medicine as her brother is going to Pepperdine on a full volleyball scholarship as he is touted one of the top 10 juniors in the State !
Mahalo !
“quiet” sports section in this morning’s paper. NO article by st.
Does Aaron Brown count as newbie of the year? Played is less than a game last year. What little I saw of him in that first game, he looked very impressive. Real baller
Rainbow Cliff, Great find! Hopefully coach Shoji and staff already knows about her and what she can do now and in the future. Scouting is such a cat and mouse game with these other big Pac-10 schools. Remind her the ocean water is always above 70 deg. in Hawaii whereas she she already knows how cold the water is in cali.
Top ten!
Interesting article about the multiple awards earned by the Honolulu Advertiser.
6 of 7 awards in the newspaper category.
Swept the internet category.
Congratulations to the HA writers, photographers, editors and workers for the pride in excellence you showed over the years!!!
Good Sunday morning to everyone!
#11, Good morning
Great Morning All!
How has the attendance been at the summer football camps this year?
Wow everybody stay sleeping
Two in a row
Sorry, couldn’t resist….
Foa, okay going back to sleep
Dats alright, whats up
Going back sleep sounds good but gotta
d1 . . .
Tell the boss it is the weekend. Oh wait, it is Mrs. d1.
Never mind.
its sunday? what happened to saturday? is tomorrow monday?
Gee – top 25 or somewhere around that area – without numbers, who can tell? But again, who really cares? 🙂
Good morning Hawaii.
RAINBOWCLIFF: Sent your message to someone at UHF who is a big VB fan.
aaron brown would be my comeback player of the year along with hot rod bradley.
Approximately 24th!!! Can’t tell for sure!
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂 🙂 🙂
I hope they got the police barriers, riot squad and horse mounted police down at the Ward Center for the Wahine. Kazz will be in the area, causing mass hysteria!
Howzit Mr. Al!
A couple of weeks ago i downloaded Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Torrent from and, even though its a really OLD game, its simply the best NINTENDO DSi game ever made in my opinion 😉
adding my good morns on this bright sunday to the early tsaiko’s. al what no sleep?
yes just 60+
odd more days till football season babe whoootahhhhh
kazz must have camped out some place at ward or ala moana to be first bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
dpk neva would have guessed but yea would be great to swap beer with him anytime. gotta catch up and talk stories
pride you went check out all poly camp?
I know who the mystery volleyball girl from MV High School is.Brother is very good also however she must have grown a lot in the last year,5’11 might be more like it.
# 4 or something like that. I can’t count too high. maybe i should count to 4 6 times. public school ting.
Mystery volleyball girl from MV High School
RainbowCliff Says
Dad is from Philadelphia area , Penn State wants her ? Guess what,can you read my mind ?
It feels like we’ve asked countless times to have numbers here! 😉
Yes, that WAS a pun intended!
Da ferd ferd ferd, da ferd got da word!
Interesting column from the ferd today about UH’s prospects for going independant. It certainly gives one pause to think.
Here’s some numbers to keep in mind…
Till UH squares off with USC!
I agree that Ferd’s column about UH going independant was interesting. Made my head hurt, or at the very least spin. Unfortunately, contemplating on this topic led to more questions than answers. Sounds like a logistical nightmare.
Pretty nice pres-season press release regarding the Colorado / Hawaii game..
I don’t know if its possible with the complexities of scheduling, but after reading Ferd’s article, if the WAC brings in these small schools because Fresno State and Nevada leaves, I wouldn’t mind if UH went independent. The Big West has to accept UH in women’s sports, and the men too, but as for football, if scheduling permits, maybe we should go independent. Remember when the football team had only 3 or 4 road trips? Wouldn’t we make more money with more home games and probably have a better record too, with the visiting teams traveling a long way. Maybe we could subsidize the visitors from LA or the west coast with a break on hotel rates too. Our away games could be big payday games with a PAC 10 , Big 12 or even SEC team. We don’t have to play 13 games, although it would be nice. Maybe 12 or 11 if we cannot fill the schedule could be OK. We could develop rivalries with Notre Dame, Navy, and Army on a 2 here 1 there, of course, rotating between the schools, playing them toward the end of the season, to fill in games because of conferences playoffs. Wouldn’t those teams almost be forced to play us because they are independents too?If Hawaii, Nevada, and Fresno State leaves the WAC, maybe it would fold, leaving more D1 teams to play as independents. We could play the teams that are in a conference, early in the season and even add a D2 (still don’t know what they call it) or even 2 D2 teams in the middle of the season to help fill out schedule (I know the second game game wouldn’t count for bowl games, but who cares, as long as we win the majority of the remaining games). Imagine adding BYU, or UNLV or Utah or Washington to the schedule to fill the Aloha Stadium. We definitely will have more bodies in the stadium with these teams than a Utah State or Idaho.This way we would split all national TV games with our opponents and not have to share with a conference, or, get our own TV contract with ESPN, Fox West, or the other smaller cable stations. The bottom line is still the same though,”just win baby.”
Good morning everyone!
papjoe2 — if you was edjumacated like us, you could count to 6 four times. Same thing, I hear. 😯
Read Ferd’s article with interest and it centered on “independent” status which I believe is totally out of the question because of “small market”, no major sponsor with continuous funding, and no place to put the “other” sports as the Big West, I’m sure would welcome back the Wahine, but Commish says NO expansion plans. However, this could be subject to change depending on the ever changing landscape of college sports and the continued weak economy.
Disappointed that the article was “buried” near the back of the sports section. I wish it had been in the “front” section to hammer the point of how fragile UH sports is, can, and will be if certain unfortunate things occur – such as, WAC moves on without UH because of travel expenses or UH cannot be invited to another conference. Front section so all Hawaii can be aware of circumstances that are and will continue to affect UHAD.
For those “no-sports” fans and those who “diss” sports, I ask you to offer a plan, individually or collectively, on how you or yours can generate all the income and taxes lost by businesses, County, and State. It’s easy to flap the lips and degrade sports and UH. Please accept my offer and I will ask the Editor of the Star-Advertiser to post your reply on page 1. This is especially for those “academicians” ( is there such a word or am I a poor speller?) on upper UH-Manoa campus who continually put down sports, but have offered NO plan of their own to replace all the lost $$$ for UH, hotels, airlines, and tourist related business from the small shop owners to major retail outlets where the visiting schools and their fans “drop’ their $$$ each year.
I’m sure that there is a person or persons out there who can generate a plan to make UH sports a most attractive venue that deserves the support of the entire State. We only need to find that person of have that person come forward with his/her plan.
And, perhaps, the UH Athletic Director can change his direction and schedule only D1A schools (shcools that my be in the middle of the pack or even lower in their conference such as the ig 12, Big 10 or SEC) or only 1 D1AA school (sorry guys, but I’m still in the old mold) which may increase attendance at Aloha Stadium. Yes, it’s tough to play an entire D1 schedule, but this is what it will take to move up on onward for the football program.
Consider the fan support of the school invited to increase our revenues.
Morning Tsaikos!
Is it only me?
The “Add a Comment” button on my mobile phone used to take me to the bottom of the blog. Now it does nothing. Anyone else with the problem?
That story makes me wonder if Dan Hawkins will ever get to coach in the PAC-10. 2012 is a long way off.
Here’s a little vocabulary lesson before the start of the new football season. We certainly don’t want people criticizing our erogenous? … exogenous? ermm… erroneous use of a word.
Not a good sign, eh? Even Coach Mack, criticized for his performance, has 13 wins in two seasons.
Last Call:
I hope your “read my mind” means mystery VB female is offered and accepts an invitation from Hawaii.
Coach Shoji, do you have another scholarship to offer for 2011?
Mahalo DPK and Koakane for the “stalker” status, but I cannot be at Ward today for the autograph signing.
1) I hate asking for autographs.
2) I really don’t collect them from anyone in general.
I was contemplating changing my mind late last night as I felt I “should” go, but then to be sure I got a early morning text and I guess I’m filling in for someone at today’s slowpitch softball game.
Ugh…. batting cages yesterday and now a real game today… I’m gonna be sore tomorrow!!! 😆
As I recall, before UH joined the WAC, we played a lot of football games against teams that had “…ville” and “…field” in their names.
I’m afraid that would happen again if we went independent. What big name school wants to fly off to Hawaii in the middle of their conference season? We would probably be in danger of losing D1A status too. It all goes downhill from there. Think NCAA will give a Hawaii exemption that allow games throughout August and December if played in Hawaii?
Maybe I’m pessimistic, but going “independent” probably means going down to DII.
Thank you Rainbow Cliff for keeping a scout’s eagle eye on student athletes.
Dad approached you, eh! That may be a positive sign of family support for her declared desire to play for Hawaii.
When I used to read those reports by Ferd on UH’s finances I’d glance at the comments left by online readers and used to roll my eyes.
You’d get the UH fans on there, but then you’d get a handful of “non-sports” fans flapping their fingers on the keyboard about how UH is wasting money on even having an athletic department and yadda yadda yadda.
Yes you are right, they do NOT see the whole financial picture and are complete FOOLS for not seeing how not having any UH sport, especially UH football will effect the local economy.
Didn’t you say that UH DOES pay for travel subsidies for their non-revenue sports?
Hmmm.. Thinking back on it… If I won that contest and got that $25.00 Rainbowtique gift certificate, I’d probably skip the softball game and head down to Ward. 😆
KAZZ – your “yadda yadda yadda” at 10:19AM
lots of people feel that they should be in an advisory position.
As an old Chinese proverb says:
(Charlie Chan): “Better close mouth and appear wise than open mouth and prove otherwise”
I remember there was a discussion, before all this pre-alignment talk, about Colorado’s feasibilty of joining another conference (PAC-!). It was mentioned by the school’s AD that due to its fianancial dilemma (couldn’t even afford to buyout Hawkin’s contract) and the exit fee of 20 million, if not mistaken, it would not be a good move. Suffice to say, I was a bit surprised that Colorado accepted the invite to the PAC-infinite as it wasn’t even a month prior to the annoucement that they made this statement.
I have to go out to practice gohu, but will be back to discuss going independent in football. I was against it at first for a long time, but after thinking about it long and hard, I would need more information about being in the WAC, such as, besides scheduling automatic games, what would be the advantage of being in the WAC as opposed to being an independent. If any of you have such information, please post. Garret, your timing on cruising is bad for this because I’m sure you have quality opinions and facts. Now I must remember what number this post is so I don’t have to read everything to get back here.
Then they’d be advised to think before they type! 😆
OK, Scott Morifuji, were you toyingwith us when, for 2 days, the post “numbers” appeared and now gone again for 2 days?
Sure miss the #s!
Slugger posted 2 days ago about a player leaving the men’s VB team. Any more info on this?
Mystery VB girl from MV is a 2012 recruit ,Dave should have scholarship for her. That is if they are interested in her,kinda early .
as in Linfield from McMinnville, OR?
btw, they held another successful team camp a week or so ago. Very impressive to see 6-700 footballers spread out over several football fields for their week-long camps!
Some video of the instruction that they receive at
Join us at the 4th Annual Football Scholarship Dinner on July 9th at the Honolululu International Country Club. Proceeds of the dinner help defray costs of the football camps and to fund summer school tuition for the Warriors.
For more information on the dinner:
Warriors in summer school:
Whoa. Where the heck did the numbers go?
The Big West schools are having their Athletic Budgets *squeezed* due to the state of the economy, especially for any public University in California. They take a bus to all of their road games. How will all of those nonrevenue sports afford to go to Hawaii?
The Big West commissioner was being nice when he said that they aren’t expanding right now. If you really look at the budgets for their Athletic Departments (you can get almost all of the budget info for public Universities online), it wouldn’t be feasible for them to add UH without a HUGE travel subsidy. Even then, they would have to worry about class time being lost–many of their schools have much higher academic standards than D-IA schools and they place a significant focus on the academic performance of their athletes.
With a need for a big travel subsidy, how does the financial side work for UH as an independent? Who is going to play UH during the conference portion of the schedule for football, basketball, baseball, softball, and so on? Ferd pointed out these problems, and they *will* be major problems for UH if they tried to go independent.
With SEC and Big 10 schools already offering $1+ million for teams to play at their stadiums, and the Big 12 and Pac-10 probably matching that after their new TV deals kick in, how will UH afford to pay teams to play at Aloha Stadium? Take a school like SDSU–in the future they could get $1 million from USC and just bus to the game or get $300k from UH…what would they pick? The Pac-10 and Big 12 will play each other in nonconference games to increase the value of their TV deals…that makes it even harder for UH to fill out a schedule as an independent.
Schools in the Big West need far fewer women’s teams because of Title IX and not having football. What happens to the women’s teams for UH who don’t have a conference? If they fold, UH might be forced to drop football due to Title IX.
As Ferd points out, Army, Navy, and Notre Dame have conferences for their teams outside of football and they all have unique sources of revenue. Army-Navy is a HUGE money-making game. Does UH have a rival like that who is an independent team?
My opinion is that UH needs to dominate the WAC and move up to another conference. That may not happen this season in football, but it needs to happen soon before the next wave of expansion. I don’t think that going independent is a viable option…and even if it was, a lot of nonrevenue sports will probably need to be dropped if UH tries that route.
Yep, I didn’t have to work yesterday. Instead, me the missus wen to the Michael Jackson tribute thing. That impersonator is pretty good. But, like I said, got a little teary during the “tribute” part.
Good morning Tsaikos!
Re: ivory tower academics wishing for demise of sports, esp football. IIRC, before SJSU hired Tomey, some of the faculty were calling to drop football altogether. Good thing they didn’t get their way.
Dat’s what I like about this blog. You learn plenny stuff courtesy of ST, Garret, pride., RainbowCliff, and the many other Tsaikos gurus.
A-house – I posted the item about a men’s vb player leaving. Haven’t gotten confirmation from ST yet. I think I know who it is and once you hear who, you may not be surprised.
Colorado’s AD openly admitted after last season that they didn’t have the money to buy out the $3.1 million left on Hawkins’ contract. Hawkins has the same number of years and about the same amount of money left on his contract that Mack has.
The exit fee for Colorado is *not* $20 million, they are giving up between $9 million and $10 million. More importantly, they are NOT paying that money to the Big 12…they are just giving up the money that the Big 12 would have paid them for being a conference member. So, *zero* dollars from Colorado is going to the Big 12. To fire Hawkins they would have had to give up $3.1 million to Hawkins…big difference!
The Pac-10 is doing all they can for Colorado’s financial situation. When Colorado joins the Pac-10, they will get a full share of the conference money (100%, just like what USC and UCLA gets). When Utah joins the Pac-10, they are getting just 50% the first year, 75% the second year, and then in the third year they are getting 100% like a regular conference member. Since 50% of the Pac-10 money is *much* more than what they were getting from the MWC, Utah agreed to that deal.
Remember a couple of weeks ago when the idea this blog floated the idea to explore UH going independent in football? That actually came from JJ. I bring this up now only because in Ferd’s article today, he cites JJ for floating the idea several years ago, which he did. But he again floated the idea a couple of weeks ago, too.
I think too often things are presented from UH’s financial side: travel subsidies, how much would UH earn per game, etc.
Maybe it’s time to look at it from the fans’ perspective. Would you want to see UH play at LSU? Florida? Virginia Tech? Texas? Notre Dame? Personally, if I were a fan, that might be kind of cool And three body-bag games probably would generate as much revenue as seven home game does now. So you add that to a late-night TV contract, and maybe UH makes some money.
Or maybe it doesn’t.
But those are things to consider while other conferences pick off WAC teams one by one.
Back to work for me. I’m not on the cruise anymore. I have a major work deadline on Wednesday and have a new project that I might need to start on before then due to its time-critical nature. I also am working on something that might be a great benefit to UH…but all of that is on my “free” time, which has been taking up almost all of the time I normally set aside for blogging and other things.
JD broke down the finances for UH games last season, and it appears that UH makes about $700k per home game. UH makes more for big opponents like USC, and makes other money from parking and other things. Plus, UH gets required donations for extra seats.
The $1 million payments do *not* include travel expenses. That is fine for schools like La Tech that can bus to a game against LSU, but UH’s expenses to fly to Florida or other places probably make a body-bag game much *less* profitable than a home game.
For nonrevenue sports, UH doesn’t have to pay for conference opponents. That would *not* be the case if UH left the WAC.
d1島 — yes, I remember Linfield –and only because we used to lose to them more often then not…maybe that’s why they are still powers today. Wasn’t there a Bakersfield and Fairfield…? I suppose could look it up, but you get my drift. 🙂
I still think given no option or the option of remaining in the WAC. It would be a good idea to remain, even if Fresno and Nevada fly the coup. Say the WAC adds two or more teams, even if half are new to D1. That would at least fill the mid-season schedule. While the WAC may pose a weak schedule, UH could then try their best to balance their SOS by scheduling higher ranking teams for their OoC games. Putting more effort into the quality of opponents for OoC games sounds like a more doable situation than trying to book 13 independent games. As part of the WAC, we may still be able to keep the Sheraton Hawaii Bowl, too.
Morning! or what’s left of it…
I didn’t post nuttin’ about a VB player leaving the team. Wasn’t me!
I did post that Davis Holt, Maryknoll, was going to play on the UH volleyball team as an OH; that’s what I heard at their class night.
Might go to Ward Center. I don’t need to buy anything, but I have a Softball t-shirt that I won at the last Call the Coach show. When I get t-shirts signed, though, I no care about preserving them. I wash & wear them. I wonder how crowded it’s gonna be…
ST — so while I was thinking of the difficulty in finding D1A opponents for home games, the other side is to play the big D1A’s on the road in body bag games, make big money, get TV exposure on the road, and maintain D!A status?
Sound like a total package. 🙁
Not to sound too pessimistic, I’ll add: “The tailgates should still be good…”
Is it me or is Garret like a walking, talking, blogging sports encyclopedia! From posting excerpts from interesting articles to being a source of unlimited information. I dare not ask a question about quantum mechanics as he might overload the server in which the blog operates. 🙂
Sometimes it’s hard to see what you got until it’s gone….
I have heard that Fresno will not be invited to join any other conference due to their academics. I also still like the idea of the WAC and MWC merging to a 18 team conference with two 8 teams divisions.
East: Air Force, Bosie, Colorado State, Idaho, LaTech, New Mexico, New Mexico State,TCU and Utah.
West: Hawaii, Fresno, SDSU, UNLV, San Jose State, Wyoming, BYwho, Nevada and Utah State.
Does anyone think the WAC should hold off on adding more teams? There hasn’t been much discussion on other blogs regarding this option. Considering the teams that are on the WAC list, none seem like winners. Maybe we should wait until better opportunities arise? Just asking, folks.
Was looking at Fresno State’s APR rating this year and their multi-year evaluation. Academically, they meet APR all requirements and they don’t appear to be subject to any penalties like Idaho and NMSU.
Rainbow Cliff: recruiting for Na Wahine is nearly over for 2011
Jane Croson, Los Alamitos, Monica Stauber, Mater Dei, and ?Long from Kamehameha Maui. For 2010, it is complete: Emily Hartong, Los Alamitos, Michelle Waber, Eisinore HS, Kaela Goodman, Mission Viejo, and Mita Uiato, Long Beach Poly.
Someone mentioned that she is probably a 2012 recruit, that year is open for recruits.
Other conferences should take a look at the discipline of Fresno State’s student athletes first.
Damn, it’s too hot to be playing outside. 😡
SteveM – #74 (11:29) – where/when does the “student” in “student-athlete” come into play?
I had to think about this, but if you’re hinting who I think it is then yeah. Not surprised.
If JJ was here I would not mind going independent. You can have the vision but you still have to make it work and I think he could if given the chance and support.
When UH was independent the big games were any D1 teams.
Steve M the only team I remember with a “field” in it was Linfield. I do not recall any “ville”? I remember a lot of “Cals” tho.
World Cup gets so much more exciting in the knockout stages.
Are you saying there won’t be any “chili pepper” moments this coming football season?
…it’s exciting if you’re not from England
…or Mexico
…or the U! S! A!
or France.
Good kine moments = chili peppers
BAD kine = ghost chilis
…although the self-implosion was fun to watch.
Boy, just saw that first Argentine goal… 🙄
and we complain about WAC officials! 😈
I cannot even imagine trying one of those!
Mystery VB girl’s big brother 6’7 committed to UCLA not Pepperdine last I knew.
Whoa, appologies to Slugger for my misstep in using her name as the person who posted on a Vb player leaving.
Thanks, JM for reminding me and I have no idea who might be leaving as I am not too familiar with all the players – I would suspect he is a player not getting much playing time, but could be wrong.
Kazz is already winding the brain on deducing who it may be – me, I’m still kinda blank minded. So, where is Ralph’s contribution to this story?
Mentioning the name of a potential recruit on a forum isn’t an NCAA violation,contacting that recruit is.
So who is this mystery VB recruit ? I’ll go with Sophie Rowe who played with 2010 Wahine recruit Kaela Goodman also from Mission Viejo. Rowe’s brother is Spencer Rowe who committed to UCLA.
d1 . . .
Those are wac’y officials.
losthawaiian, Diognes Sinope, A-House & last call : Thank you folks for your comments and support as lady “sky walker” will be a tremendous addition to Kanani and Amber IF Shoji finds her fit to play in his system let alone recruit her for possible scholarship. Lady skywalker will be a senior coming this fall as her exposure of playing with her Club volleyball team has given her opportunities to display her skills with many Division 1 coaches seeking her up side and potential.
Lady sky walker Father is a GREAT friend as we have been playing tennis for the past 24 years. Father is a career business man and takes care of his son and daughter with kids gloves. Education is a priority and life experiences for his children has him highly respected in his community as he wants the BEST for his boy and girl. Father LOVES Hawaii as he vacation there quite often as both his children LOVE to hang ten and ride the BIG WAVE !
Sky walker can flat out “PLAY” as I seen video clips of her games through Father as she is relentless in the middle, jumping elbows over the net as when she starts from a running jump her upper body is coming down on the ball with fierce velocity as she reminds me of Hawaii Great Rocky Elias who was nothing but skin and bones but a “POWERFUL” spiker !
The schools mention above ALL wants her BUT her Father’s desire is to keep her close to home as USC and UCLA will be at the Arizona Volleyball Festival scouting her demeanor and talent as I stated she is a “sleeper” that is quickly opening eyes to the volleyball purists !
LOVE to see her with you good folks as she can create a pipeline of outstanding players from Southern California to follow her as her personality is AWESOME to be around !
3.4 gpa with 1850 sat scores as she easily qualifies for academic entrance !
With the WAC being so weak and lacking a big name team when Boise State leaves, can you see 40,000+ in the stands? Maybe Fresno State, or towards the later part of the season, if UH has a very good record, but for the rest of the WAC teams, I doubt it. That’s why I’m starting to lean towards going independent in football. With the parking mess at the stadium, can you see yourself rushing from work and fighting traffic to get to the stadium? Then, looking for parking, walking far to even reach the gates, standing in line to get into the stadium, paying unreasonable prices for food and beer, and facing the mess to leave the stadium,only to see Cal Poly, Cal Davis, Montana State, Sacramento State, North Texas State or Texas State(?), all with losing records, to play UH with a losing (hopefully not!) record? How many people do you really think will go to the games? Maybe 25,000 on a good day. Even now, with San Jose State and New Mexico State’s budget cuts, probably reducing their recruiting strength, if any, and Idaho and other WAC teams that are struggling financially, I don’t really get that urge to have to be there at the games, other that being a long time UH fan. Is the WAC getting better or falling down and can’t get up, dragging UH with them? UH might generate more interest at the gate by going independent. With a winning record, they might even generate national interest, rather than being the 3rd or 4th place team in a very weak WAC, with barely a winning record. Who would care for a 3rd or 4th place team in a cupcake conference? Even winning the WAC with a 8-4 or 9-3 overall record will not generate any national interest. If we are still making $700,000 a game with only 20,000-25,000 in attendance, then that might be OK. But, if you add teams like BYU, Utah, any other Pac 10/12 team, an SEC team, or even a former WAC team like Boise State, Colorado State, San Diego State, UNLV, Wyoming, etc., or teams like Rutgers, Pitt, etc., then reaching 40+k in attendance is realistic, thus reaping more money, more money, more money. After a few years of being an independent with a winning record and increased attendance, then maybe a few conferences like the PAC 10/12 or MWC, may inquire about UH joining their conference.
2nd Century!!!
I think.
I hope a lot of folks show up to show their appreciation for the teams!
Arthur Bryant’s dry-rub on baby back ribs, BBQ’d over low coals for several hours. YUM!
Tender, juicy, tasty, perfect.
Ralph, IF that is the case then Shoji don’t have room for her as I will alert Father to explore other options as in reality USC will be a better fit as they were young last year and the addition of sky walker in 2011 will have them in “NATIONAL CONTENTION” !
I wouldn’t move out Penn State just yet as being undefeated National Champion for the past two years is nothing to shy away from but that cold, snow and hawk does not suit well with a beach bum personality and Father who was glad to leave the East Coast !
Mahalo sir for your quick response as what is important in this situation that “sky walker” plays and fullfill her potential as I won’t be surprise one day she will be on the opposite side of the net against Hawaii and that day good folks be prepare to see a high flying 6’1″ jumping jack that plays with elbow and torso over the net and comes down on the ball like a “nuclear missle” as her young talent is that good and will get even better as she matures over the years at a solid volleyball program with good coaching !
re: volleyball.
The player leaving wasn’t on the active roster.
I think if you ask Scott M. to fix the numbers and the blog locator, his mom will read this, tell him to stop playing with his new iPhone and get on it.
That’s what happened the last time.
Re: VB player. If she is a senior to be, then like others have said I think Shoji is about done with recruiting for 2011. They are now recruiting already for the 2012 class.
USC is already loaded with their #1 recruiting class for next season, and most top 50 players have been locked up already for the 2011 class.
ST – ok, i had the wrong player in mind.
and “boom” goes the dynamite.
Well… ended the day with three RBI and a bruised right heel.
Slugger got autographs.
Should of went to Ward…. 😡
Is this sufficient? 😆 😆 😆
Went to Rainbowtique at ward, was not crowded at all. Kazz you missed your opportunity to get a personal group photo with the players that were there.
jm2375: Mahalo for the props as I enjoy reading and conversing with you folks VERY MUCH !
Have a SUPER day and remember to smile and share joy with laughter !
RainbowCliff,if your girl is Ver’leea Hardaway the only 6’1 MB at MV I’m sure Hawai`i knew about her because she played on the same team as Kaela Goodman at MV but obviously wasn’t interested for some reason .
Yes she is athletic and has the grades but in all honesty her stats are not all the impressive,probably a project.
While you mentioned some impressive names that you claim have interest in her I’m suspious that at this late stage in the game they might want her to walk on.
Hawai`i is also kinda loaded with middles right now and no 2011 scholarships that I’m aware of.
Jeff: USC assistant coach Duicie “Cookie” Stevens is flying down to Arizona to personally see her as she is in charge of middle blockers and “sky walker” position is just that as USC is not out of the picture !
Red shirt freshmen year so she can get stronger, adapt to the academics at USC and help add to the strong players that the women of troy are recruiting and signing. Cookie is a players coach who has coached on many different levels as she has been to the home and has recruited many of the talented players that you describe !
All I know Father and I will be rooting her on as her athletic potential is “TREMENDOUS” !
Ladeda: All I know is this young lady will be at a DIVISION l school on a FULL athletic volleyball scholarship !
There is no walk on in any of this late stage as you claim and those East Coast names I mention were all solid as she visited every school with Father right by her side. No problem with you folks already filled as Hawaii was just an option that both her and Father were looking at.
What is best interest for the young lady that she gets a solid education, graduate with a degree and play some GREAT volleyball along the way !
Mahalo for your understanding !
Wishing her good luck.
We know that NMSU is cutting $3 million from the Athletic Budget they had less than 2 years ago and Fresno State having major budget problems and the Fresno Bee speculated that they might have to drop out of D-IA. Nevada is the next WAC school to feel the budget crunch…dropping 2 Athletic teams last year and possibly having to cut another sport soon.
Nevada was the #2 team in the WAC last season and they couldn’t draw fans…if they start to lose they really will be hurt financially.
There’s something about winning.
Even with a watered down WAC, should the Warriors run the table and Win Win Win……you bet there will be 40k people in the stands. Let’s face it, fans Love it when UH wins. We love it when our team is 9-1. We love to see a winning product. No matter who it is, if we win, they come.
Rainbow cliff good luck to the young lady, now more and more coaches are recruiting two years in advance, there are D1 teams with open slots for 2011 but she got to be proactive and start sending out feelers and her video to colleges she is interested in playing for come 2011.
Thank you Ladeda as I will be assisting Father and her on this recruiting journey as he has asked me to personally be an adviser to this process. I am HONORED that they would want me involve as my experience in this process is very valuable to them and I am on the support to her 24/7 !
Father has done a TREMENDOUS job in raising them as being a single guardian has not been easy BUT one thing I can say about him he is ‘FEARLESS’ in raising his children and providing them the BEST that life can offer !
Father is my friend and we will be working the trenches together as I “LOVE” doing this stuff as I have connections and the gift of gab for it PLUS he hooks me up with his VIP friends and clients as Father is “DADDY RICH” !
Rainbow cliff, it’s a numbers game. Shoji has lots of middles, some will move to OH. Tuaniga RFr, Hartong, Goodman and Waber played middle in HS, Hartong and Waber were mentioned as OH possibilities at UH, the they arrive in 2010. Adolpho is a combo basketball and vb recruit, wbb first choice, and she plays the middle-2011 recruit. Hewitt will be a sophomore and Forsythe a junior next season, all in the middle. It’s loaded, unless your friend’s daughter shows promise to play RS opposite or OH there’s no room unless someone from the current roster or recruit moves on like Ferrell did after this past season.
Ralph kind sir WE are in the television studios next week as Father is heavily connected in the Orange County area as I down here in Los Angeles. We have a script writer that will be handling all feelers with a well respected producer that will be editing her video clips !
All this is “pro bono” as Father and young lady are admired and loved by many who wants the BEST for both of them as having me in the picture just adds more wealth to the team !
Thank you for your well wishes as we will see you on the side lines !
Na Wahine VB season ticket renewal deadline tomorrow. UH doesn’t seem proactive to sell season tickets to any sports, they send out renewal notices, H Mail and a short piece on their website but they don’t seem to go after those who aren’t already season ticket holders, newbies, and those who don’t frequent the UH website, and if they don’t check the website I doubt if they subscribe to UH Mail.
We have to put our own numbers on our comments now? Ohhhh, Sco-ott…
Got autographs & a World Series softball t-shirt. Couldn’t resist.
UH has to get the renewals in before they can sell additional season tickets, because you need to know where the vacant seats are.
Wow, Reno averaged 7800 for MBB last year?
…the year before last.
Rainbow cliff, don’t wait until her senior year to send out info, get it done sooner that later and start checking schools recruiting info and roster to see which schools have already recruited for 2011 and if there are any more openings.
I just wish they would calculate & post the season tickets prices earlier. I need to budget on what sports I can support & it would be nice to know at the beginning of the year.
I know slugger, but they got to start the flow of info to the general public that prior season ticket holders are renewing now, their deadline, and when they will start new season ticket sales, single game, etc.
that’s why I posted the info slugger, they are others like you who would like to attend UH games for different sports, but without the info on prices and deadlines, it becomes a last minute decision and the money might be budgeted for other necessities for that timeline.
Ralph, kind sir we are FINE as Orange County is TREMENDOUS for resources with BIG money all over the place. Father is HEAVILY connected as he has offered to fly me up with him watching his girl play at the Arizona Volleyball Festival !
I have been BORN to do this as I recruit for you good folks sending California students to attend UH and they are not on no scholarship only Mother and Father’s money who I assure to both of them that it is well spend money for an Hawaii education !
The ball been rolling since last night as I look forward in talking with Cookie as I’m just adding the chocolate chips !
Thank you for your detail info and support !
USA mercy rules Australia. Kaia came in relief in the bottom third, in 2 and 2/3 innings she gave up 2 runs and 4 hits. USA wins 9-2. USA 4-0, Australia 4-2. Japan beats Canada 2-1. Japan is 4-0, Canada 4-1.
I agree that they do need to start earlier to let the general public know about the upcoming availabiltity of season tickets for the different sports. I just wish they would set the pricing at the beginning of the year and post it on the website. It gets posted piecemeal.
Ralph at 3:51pm – Why does this surprise you? When you have two leftovers sitting in chairs taking up space what do you expect?
If I was an AD that needed a Ass’t AD to be an out of the box thinker and very good at marketing there is a certain DR. I know around here!!!!!!
Mahalo Ralph as I have my pedal to the metal and riding on high octaine !
One thing I know I can do is recognize “TALENT” as you are right it is a numbers game and recruiting on the H.S. and JC level is a sales job to say the least as new and used coaches have all the answers and going to tell you what your options are BUT when you have heavy hitters on the team and you are in the know IT makes an impression to remain calm and collective as you have that student athlete best interest with a team of supporters who will go full bar in making sure that the playing field is smooth and level !
Thank you once again for your info and support !
Rainbow Cliff:
At this time it appears that UH in done with 2011 recruiting, but stranger things have happened along the way as one or 2 of the 2010 recruits “slacked” off in the 2nd half of their senior years and had to go another route to get here.
Lady Skywalker you describe is very similar to Amber Kaufman who has completed her senior year for VB, but has another year for track & field. She won the high jump National Championship this year.
Recommend that her Father still send one of the tapes to Shoji -nothing to lose!!
Don’t forget that 6’4 Jade Vorster is another 2011 MB from Florida who committed to Hawai’i.
It’s the first time I have heard that in Macedonia, obits are an unusual observe. You have wonderfully written the post. I have liked your way of writing this. Thanks for sharing this.
Pomai, I will be adding $ to your wahine bracelet fund as I am due a raise this summer and it will go into effect at the end of July. I know it will be at least a $100.00 possibly more as my mortgage is due BUT I know I will have something left over in which I will send personally to you in HONOR of your care, love and leadership with the wahine softball team !
Please e-mail me at my addy’s address and give me the details of whom the check to make it out to as I will send it DIRECTLY to you !
You kind sir are the VERY BEST and I read your heart felt words to me despite deep lurker rude and insulting remarks.
I will do my best to get it off to you before July as I have just been approved of a $48,000.00 grant from LA84 Foundation as 20,000.00 will go for backdoor outside lights and cover tarp for my gated area to secure Tennis that I am bringing to the inner city !
$28,000.00 will be added to my salary as I continue to up grade my athletic progam and spread the love of ALOHA everywhere I go !
Love you very much sir as I am coming during the Xmas break and my GOAL is to meet all of the local Tsaikos as I will have gifts for “EVERYBODY” !
Mahalo for your GREATNESS !
Lady Skywalker had 6 kills,6 errors in 22 attempts and 5 blocks last year in 16 games as a junior , hard for me to believe she’s all that and a bag of chips.Someone is blowing a lot of smoke around here.
Scott M. . . .
Do you really want your mom upset with you? Remember the guilt and shame when she had to set you straight as a youngster?
Please, for your sake, put the numbers and alternating color band back.
For you sake. Please . . .
Mr. A-House a PLEASURE kind sir !
If Dave Shoji reply to my e-mail last night concernig sky walker then yes will send a tape IF not I and Father are not waiting around as from Ralph and Ladeda comments they have no room for her and IF a scholarship became available she will have to change position and WE are not considering that !
Meeting with USC Cookie is all set and IF that is a dead end we have suitors in the MWC, THREE that will give her a FULL RIDE !
Hawaii only came in the picture because she LOVES Aloha and Father has a time share on the Island as both children are surfing bums !
If push comes to shove the teams on the East Coast are all solid as Father connections runs deep from Bill Cosby to the Betsy Ross Bridge to Penns Landing as he is well known in the City of Brotherly Love !
San Diego State, UNLV or Long Beach State has offered and will remain on the table WE are just trying to get an up grade solid National program !
The Father team is LOADED with movers and shakers !
Poop getting deep around here time for the hip boots.
Is Lady Skywalker’s daddy’s name Tim ?
Fat Checker: who ever you are YOU need to not worry your useless comments here !
You don’t no nothing what is going on down here and it is SAD once again to find negative people who always want to challenge. Go back to your rock where you came from as I know one thing you wouldn’t disrespect Father in his face on his child that he has worked his whole life in bringing her along to this stage !
She’s a young lady that we are very proud of and HOW we see her is our position not your’s !
Blowing smoke is once again coming from an individual who knows nothing about being an athlete as you wish some one could talk about you !
I know she will spike the ball over your head IF you can even jump so go spread your negative remarks some where else as the young lady has done NOTHING to you as IF Hawaii was available I wouldn’t want her to go because of people like YOU !
Why don’t you put your $ where your mouth is and support the bracelet fund as from judging from your remarks you got more smoke on that subject !
You couldn’t even match half my check for the bracelet fund .
FactChecker: You don’t need to know the Daddys name as you petty much insulted the both of us as do you really think we would want to confide any information to you !
Man get real !
How ever I describe her YOU will never know or meet her as she will be on a scholarship, getting a solid education, playing volleyball and graduating with a degree !
She’s a wonderful young lady, respectful and has a charismatic personality !
I choose to give information, talk with respectful bloggers and here you come with your shady comments !
Get A Life Man and indulge others with your comments on Hawaii Athletics and what ever topic you can comment on as I don’t have to prove nothing to you as you are a “NOBODY’ !
Joe Torre is an IDIOT! He let his emotions of playing and wanting to beat his former team so bad that he pitched Broxton yesterday with a five run lead for more than 3 outs!? Then brings him in today with a four run lead and the poor guy has nothing left and gets smashed! Now your closer is out for the next two games against your division rival giants! just had to vent.
“Dave’s not here,man “
FactChecker: GOOD I am glad you gave if you are not blowing SMOKE !
Don’t comment to me no more as we have nothing in common and I don’t get into negative people like you !
I come on this blog to hopefully indulge with good intentions and inquire information so leave it at that as I don’t know you, what you do or how you do it and don’t even care !
You are not an ATHLETE and don’t have a clue in competing at a HIGH level so get LOST and spred your negativty some where else !
All certainly true, but I don’t take that view myself. I will stay the more conventional view. But I without doubt support your right to have your own point of view. Interesting anyway.
I don’t think Dave answers e-mails . I’m not sure he even knows where to find his E-mail 🙂
Good Night All I will not be posting for quite some time as I have Day Camp starting early in the morning to late evening !
Thank you for some good information that you shared to me as I appreciate the conversation !
Always the pleasure and honor to type before you even the negative bloggers as they to have there good side where ever you can find it as I really don’t have the patience to find out !
Thanks RainbowCliff! Hope to see you in December.
Nytal! Long day tomorrow with yet another class to refill my head.
I had trouble seeing in Chrome but it works fine in Mozilla. Anway, the information is good. I am really pleased to have discovered this.
Rainbow Cliff, I believe that an athlete can call a coach at any time he/she chooses, but there are restrictions for the coach to call a recruit. Please call Coach Shoji. Only he can tell you if he could use your friend’s daughter or he could even recommend her to other coaches. As dealing with college coaches in another sport, they do confide in each other. Coach Shoji may call or talk to another coach in her area and get an idea from him/her. He may even be there during the Arizona tournament to check on other potential recruits. When asked by a player to check on “me,” since he would be there, he would keep an eye on her because she is interested in his school. If he would or could not be there, he would tell someone that he trusts that would be there, that a person is interested in UH and ask his opinion on that a person. If he gets any kind of positive feedback, then he would really look into her. He knows his team better than any of us good intention bloggers, and may have room for your friend’s daughter or, if she is deemed worthy, may even make room for her. His job is to bring a winning program to Hawaii and I know he would like another national championship. If it means bringing her into the program to do that, then he will find a way to get it done.
Mahalo to HiFlyer and Slugger for representing at the Wahine softball autograph signing today.
Slugger said it was busier when they started signing autographs, but then the crowd died down afterwards.
I’m personally excited about seeing Hartong in action next season and then Croson and Vorster in the following.
Also anxious to see if Brittany Hewitt can pick up where she left off last year. I cannot recall another Wahine in recent memory just improving at such a great rate in her freshman season.
As you mentioned to me a few days ago, UH already had/has someone that would be an EXCELLENT mind for marketing the programs and thinking out of the box.
One day maybe… One day…
For all the TERRIBLE local commercials produced and aired on local television, a 30-second spot advertising season ticket renewals would be nice.
Speaking of, did anyone see that really bad commercial for one of Oahu’s 1,335 or so storage companies???
It’s the one where some guy jumps in a truck and changes into some superhero. 🙄
I took three bottles of 5 Hour Energy before the softball game that was about 7-8 hours ago…
Still ampin’!!!!! 😆
In watching the Stanford-UH Wahine volleyball game replay last night, I couldn’t help but notice how much Stanford’s Chris McLaughlin kept referring Kaufman’s height to 5’11”.
She’s 6’0″ and has been listed at that height for the longest time.
Please keep the bracelet fund out of any arguments, it’s not how much you give it’s the giving that counts.
nuff said
I will be glad to get rainbowcliff’s and Fact Checker’s donations, please mail them to:
Bracelet Fund
3633 Pu’uku Mauka Dr.
Honolulu HI, 96818
Make checks payable to “UH Foundation” and it is important that you put in the memo section
“Softball Bracelet Fund”
Thank You Very Much
Sorry I forgot: If you happen to donate online at the UH Foundation site, please put in the instruction box “Softball Bracelet Fund” also please send a email to pomai at letting me know that you did and how much you donated.
I was watching Notre Dame HS game with St Paul, in SoCal, who has a very big RB who also plays LB. Wears #34 by name of Mathew Parent. Unsure if jr or sr as announcers have not mentioned his year in HS.
Good blocker, nimble feet, can run over DB/LBs, soft hands, and decent speed. After 3/4 qtrs, has 6 rushes for 68 yards and 2 passes for 69 yards.
Kinda remind you of someone who played for UH?
Concerning body bag away games if Hawaii goes independent. Garret has pointed out many times that those games will not be available during mid season and possibly not at the end of the season either. I just haven’t seen any reasonable plan that makes going independent doable.
So, what is Chris McLaughlin going to do after son graduates from Stanford? Come back and hope to get a job with K5?
Are we getting close to the bracelet goal? Will you be able to post a picture of the bracelet when it is finished?
I hope Brittany gets stronger and becomes more powerful like Bowen.
Old Diver yes almost there, I asked coach Dee to send me a picture of last one and also when the new one is presented I hope to have pictures also. Last time I was still in the hills, an have never seen the bracelet either.
Old Diver maybe I can get the picture to ST and he can post on the blog.
dem hills of West Virginia! listened to the coon hounds all night long, come morning, he worked the farm.
In 2007 I received a Thank You post card from coach and the team with a picture of the bracelets .
Coach Coolen told me that all those who donated to the 2007 bracelets should have recieved a “thank you” postcard from the team based on the names and addressed I presented to him/athletic department.
It was a nice postcard – matter of fact, still have it next to me wallet! hehe.
I don’t really agree, but regardless a very well written post. I’ll link back from my nj dwi facts site, when I get time 🙂 Cheers!
Hot & heavy here this afternoon
…shoulda been @ CK.
Sorry I mis-understood your last e-mail. I sent you another one.
She supposed to be leaner this upcoming season. I guess she wants to be more agile.
She’ll have more confidence this season and will look to be more assertive in her body language which should ultimately result in “fiercer” play.
She’ll be a good one!!! 😉
Also everyone SHOULD have gotten a receipt from Koa Anuenue for their donation.
Of course, if people didn’t leave their names or return addresses then no can.
I still have that postcard too. It’s laying next to my Colt helmet. 😎
Bown was a swimmer, maybe Brittany can cross train and build up her shoulder strength by doing laps rather than lifting iron.
Ah what the heck…
In 2007 the reality of “extra” funding for UH’s non-revenue sports programs was evident. As the 2007 UH Football team was able to afford WAC Championship/Sugar Bowl rings, the 2007 WAC champion and Super Regional team had no money for anything for the players to acknowledge their achievements. However, as a result of the “aloha” of many fans, that team was able to have something to keep for themselves to remember their experience by.
In the year 2010, that very same program took UH softball to new heights and gave us many memories. It is time for fans to respond again, if they are able to.
This is a drive to raise funds for the 2010 Wahine Softball team’s bracelets acknowledging their Women’s College World Series appearance.
The total cost will be $2645.83, that comes to 115.03 per bracelet which falls well within the NCAA regulated “gift” amount to each player set at a maximum of $300.00 per student athlete.
The timeline goal needed to raise the total amount is set for mid-August 2010.
Please make all checks or money orders out to:
“UH FOUNDATION” it is important that you write in the memo part of the check “Wahine Softball Bracelets” by doing so the money can only be spent for the purchase of the bracelets. All funds donated will be tax deductible and you will will receive that in the mail from the Foundation.
Please mail all checks to:
Na Wahine Bracelet Fund
3633 Puuku Mauka Dr.
Honolulu HI 96818
In working directly with UH administrators and the UH foundation, this year’s process will be smoother and the team will be able to receive their bracelets in a timely fashion.
If there are additional monies received, they will be kept in the Koa Anuenue account specifically for the softball program.
If you have any questions please ask or email Pomai at pomai (at)
The first line is already opened to “Women’s Softball”, just enter the dollar amount you wish.
***IMPORTANT*** Further down, you will see a “special instructions” box. Please type: 2010 WAHINE SOFTBALL BRACELETS.
There is NO “appeal code”. Leave that little box blank.
The next page will be where you enter your debit or credit card information. The website is automatically set so that this is a ONE time donation. You would have to manually click on the “monthly” option for this to be re-occuring.
The reason for this is because UH foundation will NOT release the names or the amounts of what goes into that account via online for security purposes and without knowing what the running total is, it will be difficult to see if we are over or under our goal.
I think Annette Wichmann also worked with the Waikiki Beach Boys during the summer paddling and whatnot.
Wichmann was a STELLAR athlete for UH!
Great information! I’ve been looking for something like this for a while now. Thanks!
Wow… lots of strange posts tonight..
toy story 3 was great…. sniff sniff.
Beautiful site, would really like to see a bit more content though! Then again my puppet site hasn’t much either – Great post anyway, added your XML feed! Cheers
# 196
# 197
# 199
# 200
# 201
Did someone say that there were no numbers >
100 people rushed the gates at some rave concert in Los Angeles.
Good to see that stupid headlines are still coming from LA.
What gets me is that it was a rave. It’s 2010. Who the hell “raves” anymore?
Ghost Chili extract for sale here:
I bought some online and with a bucket of Zippy’s Chilli, me and some people are gonna have a contest!!!!!!!! 😈 😈
Shoot. Since LizK is in India, I should have asked her to pick up some fresh Bhut Jolokia for me.
I mean if they hang the Bhut Jolokia (Ghost Peppers) on fences to keep wild elephants away in India, it MUST be the hottest pepper in the world right???
Pomai: Please call me when you get our check. It was returned by the Post Office the other day as undeliverable. I addressed another envelope and checked it twice, but it’s the same as before – and it matches Kazz’s and your posts as to where to send it. If you don’t have my phone number, you can get it from Slugger, Stephen, Protector, or Garret.
Beautiful site and theme, would really like to see a bit more content though! Then again my nj dwi facts site hasn’t much either – Great post anyway, added your XML feed! Love this theme, too!
wassup there is a puuku makai dr. and puuku mauka dr. check your spelling and zip code.
did you know that there is second verse to this infamous song…
d1 & kazz – there’s a guy who sells several types of salsa at the Kailua Farmers Market, one of which contains ghost chilis. I bought a container for the crazies at work for whom sriracha is catsup. They all agreed it was HOT.
…and again i say,
have you seen the numbas????
have you seen them???
bowling tonight with ST & son. Tsai-meister vs clueless wahine – 2-1-1. Dad vs son – 1-3 (or was it 2-2?). Clueless Wahine vs keeeed – 4-0.
d1 & kazz,
One of my garden friends has seeds from someone at the health food store & is going to attempt to grow ghost chilies. I’ll let you know if he actually has fruit down the road. Me? I just want habanero/Scotch bonnet peppers; they’re hot enough.
Letters, we get letters, we get lots & lots of letters….
But numbahs? Nah… Sco-ott…
Hey, there might be unsupervised practice tomorrow?
Night all!
You need to let us know where you are here!
…Or WHEN you are here…next week or this week?
Dan Inouye is now the most senior member of the U.S. Senate.
Senator Robert Byrd dies at 92.
J you’re up in the wee hours of the morning, insomnia, too much Sake. Are you posting pictures of the Sake Festival?
What makes our national anthem an “infamous” song? 😯 I think, or at least hope, you meant to say “famous” instead. That verse that the Marine sang was actually the fourth verse of four. Many music books only list the first and fourth verses or omit the third verse, but there are actually four in total. That Marine singing the fourth verse has a good voice.
I totally love the game FIFA Street 3 can you please suggest some similar games?. I have a Xbox 360 Consolas.
matt….my bust, famous indeed. must be the caffeine rush.
i do want to bring to attention how this country was built with God’s trust.
O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
I used to wake up to this song every Friday and Saturday nights, when my parents let me watch late night television. Then the screen would go blank with white “snow”. Remember falling asleep to the tune playing in my head over and over again.
“America, America!
God shed his grace on thee”
Never knew what that meant back then. Now I do, and am glad that the tune would play again and again in my head.
“America, America!
God shed his grace on thee”
If I’m offending anyone…just delete me.
Good Monday, all.
I believe the national anthem for the United States is the only one of all national anthems that asks a question. The question, of course, being whether or not the “banner yet waves”.
While Americans mostly know just the first verse to the anthem can you imagine having to learn, sing, and stand for all nearly 160 verses of the Greek national anthem?
The ball game would never begin.
RIP Senator Byrd.
Boise St @ V Tech – Sept 6, 2010 – big game expected to end Boise’s BCS run.
Article about how BSU’s players are training hard this offseason, giving 40 times and all the other Pro Day type of drill stats.
The biggest loss from BSU’s team last season was CB Kyle Wilson. Redshirt Freshman Ebo Makinde is expected to earn time at his spot, especially after starring on their scout team last year. He put up some good times in recent testing:
40 yard dash: 4.34 seconds
3-cone drill: 6.39 seconds
Pro agility: 3.86 seconds
Vertical jump: 37 inches
Great Morning All!
You’ll never catch me in one of those hot chili contests! Good Luck widdat, Kazz!
Ugh … Good Monday morning.
Should be a close loss for Boise State against VT. 🙂
Did you know that the words to “America the Beautiful” were written on the top of Pikes Peak in Colorado?
Was done so by Katherine Bates. She was attending Colorado College at Colo. Springs while teaching english for a semester in the summer
She actually hiked Pikes Peak by foot, and was so insipired by the view at the top, her thoughts were scripted to a poem initially, then was published on July 4th., 1895.
Too bad that the Star Spangled Banner is only heard in the condensed version with only the first verse being recited.
The other three verses are just as magnificient…..
“On the shore dimly seen thro’ the mists of the deep,
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream:
‘Tis the star-spangled banner: O, long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion,
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash’d out their foul footsteps’ pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
O thus be it ever when free-men shall stand
Between their lov’d home and the war’s desolation;
Blest with vict’ry and peace, may the heav’n-rescued land
Praise the Pow’r that hath made and preserv’d us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust!”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
I agree re: Sept 6th.
season over.
If the your VB recruit really wants to play for UH then maybe she should request to walk on the first year and maybe earn a scholarship down the road. If her dad is as “loaded” as you say then maybe he can finance her daughters dream to represent the Wahine until she can get a scholarship. Just a thought.
Go Wahine!
I shudder to think of Roseanne Barr or Carl Lewis singing the “whole” song.
Not saying that it will “never” happen, but as 808ike pointed out to me a while back, it seems that there is a history of Wahine volleyball walk ons that never get a schollie offer.
JM, Slugger, and D1,
Actually pure chili extract is the hottest substance. It’s as pure as it gets. They make pepper spray out of this stuff.
If I can find pure Ghost Chili extract, that should be the hottest “edible” substance not currently used by law enforcement!!! 😆
The Florida newspapers carried a story about a LB from California who committed to Florida:
If RainbowCliff’s potential vball player’s father is “loaded” financially, then it would be in *ahem* UH’s best interest to entertain the thought of getting her on the team.
I am sure a new practice gym or renaming the renovated women’s locker room in honor of this player’s father would be nice yeah? 😎
Trouble is, Florida hasn’t even really started their recruiting process with that recruit and isn’t even close to offering him!
Ugh… no sports news today… 🙁
Working on the photos, am a night owl, don’t drink. Didn’t have time to go through the images earlier because had another community event the following day.
The Samoa News has 4 articles about the group that JJ’s Foundation brought to Samoa over the weekend. I’m glad that they are doing so much good for Samoa.
Dem Broncs are going to give VTech some fits. Their fans will travel too.
This opening season is going to be off the hook, with our Warriors providing the shotgun start of Labor day weekend. The entire nation starts fires up the boob tube with the devine pleasure of watching our magnificient islands scenery, along with Hawaii versus that team from S.Kalifornia.
i.e Hawaii gonna give Tommy the Trojan a game.
This is probably the reason why UH wasn’t invited–they aren’t having a football academy this year. However, they are speaking at 3 high schools.
On the reverse side of those body bag games, it should help recruiting. We hear time and agin that recruits want to play on the big stage against the big teams. Well if those schools are willing to pay to play UH wy not. On the point of $1 million to be a body bagt eam. Those folks are getting much more money now so we’ll see those dollars rise, say $1.5 M to be that sacrifical first offering. At that rate, if we can get 4 of those, it’d help recruiting, it’ll help the bottomline and it’ll keep football around. I’d say that if the WAC continues to deteriorate as it has, what can one say is the difference between D-II and the WAC. Certainly does not help recruiting and will definitely put more “buns in seats” when we play Texas State or the others named.
Independence may be difficult, but what else is there, really?
Article about the clinic that was given for coaches and referees.
Nice photo of the group arriving in Samoa.
Is it possible that the postman does not recognize Na Wahine Bracelet Fund being at 3633 Puuku Mauka Dr. without Pomai’s name on top or without it being in care of (c/o Pomai)? Just a thought.
Good Morning Hawaii!
Photo of Jesse Sapolu as he checks in for his flight to Samoa.
I forgot to mention this part of the first article:
Pomai has already received checks made out as requested on the envelopes so “Na Wahine Bracelet Fund” isn’t an issue.
I think Wassup’s labelling could be an issue, everyone else got their envelope delievered properly to Na Wahine Bracelet Fund.
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Regarding the skywalker girl Ver’leea …. I actually spoke with the young lady who was her coach at Festival and they are actually new to the recruiting game. They were asking the coach how to proceed because they were clueless. Arizona and NIU were there but only have walk on spots available but also she has potential. Those top schools that he mentioned are not even involved in recruiting because even though she jumps very well, she is only 6’0 and not as tall as Penn State needs or wants. I do not think she has even been on a recruiting visit yet of any kind. Her coach said that she would actually do better in a small atmosphere because of how young she is.
She is not head and torso over the net as RainbowCliff says, she is very good jumper, but lacks a lot of the fundamentals to play at that high level. I am not sure whose dad you spoke to but her mom is a personal trainer and her dad is a pastor, I do not believe he was even at Festival, her cousin, brother, mom, and grandma were. Her uncle is famous and rich, but not her dad.
She is a very nice girl, if not a little naive but needs a smaller atmosphere or else she will get lost.
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