New tournament
Ferd Lewis and Dayton Morinaga are reporting this new basketball tournament, which will take place during the holiday season.
Your thoughts?
* * *
• Think Greg McMackin will be asking the WAC for some “clarifications” of some of the calls in last night’s game?
• The need for, uh, clarifications was supposed to have been reduced with the combined WAC-MWC-Big 12 crews.
• Of the play in which he hurt his fingers, wideout Malcolm Lane said: “(The cornerback) was holding me. I was trying to break on the ball. I was trying to break back and make a play on it.” X-rays did not show a fracture.
• I’m too lazy to check. But when was the last time the Warriors had nearly twice as many rushes as passes?
• That was pretty gutsy of punter Tim Grasso to rush into the pile in chase of the blocked football. He said he felt like “live meat.”
• While the halftime show was splendid, a more spectacular performance was in the blog’s pregame tailgate party. Nalani Choy sang. Her opening act was Homey. If you wish to attend the next tailgate, just ask Liz Kauai, Addaknowjoe or Koakane for directions.
• Too bad the game did not allow for a situation to play Greg Alexander for a series or two. Heading into this week’s game at Boise State, it would have been nice for some of the backup quarterbacks to get more game reps.
close to being first
go warriors
Seahawks up 10 – 3.
so whats the playbook name of the new offense?
Mr. Tsai . . .
You survived the post-game TGate!?!? Wow. 3 in the morning? That must have been a serious conversation or just a great time!
everybody watching replay; Leahy–fire your spotters ❗
and whats the story of the family that donated the 2 million bucks?
top 10!
I think we all had problems identifying the UH kick blocker last night. UH initially credited Veikune before giving it to Watson.
No doubt the Warriors did their ha’a prior to the game. Was LA Tech on the field at the time?
And, what is the deal with the other team practicing kicks and stuff while the band is on the field. If one of the band members is injured or the instrument is damaged/ruined who would be responsible?
Just seems kind of classless and chicken-poop to do that. I wonder what would happen if the UH did that on their field? Or do they?
I think in a battle between LaTech kickers and the band, I’m taking the band.
I just do not want another Stanford band type incident. It would definitely be embarassing for the kicker to get injured after a big kid steps on his toes — how would he explain the injure to his coach?
“Honest, coach! I was doing just as you asked and this huge flute player came up behind me and just mashed my toes.”
good morning tsaikos…
thanks to ajoe,asports,d1,pride for helping me get my truck started last night.
I have to give props to the la tech offensive coordinator who called the fumbleruski for their last touchdown. that was definitely a surprise play for everyone, including them
Good to hear Washington’s hand/finger is not broken. Will he be available at BSU? Guessing the injury is not too serious since he was back in the 3rd quarter.
I wonder what new wrinkles the offense will unveil in Boise. Looking forward to that game!!!
Oops. Lane, not Washington.
How many years since we heard the cannon after a TD? Wasn’t aware of it during the telecast, that’s why it’s so much better to be there and catch what isn’t shown on camera.
Hey Tsaikos. Good job to the Warriors last night. If they can limit turnovers, Boise has something else coming.
Couple observations:
-Nice to have the cannon back although it may have been only for that game.
-Defense is playing great.
-Special teams is much improved.
-I told my friend it would be awesome if the whole student section did Rah rah ree with the band. All of the big schools get their student section involved in the game. The whole section would look awesome if they jump up and down with the band. Maybe you guys saw it too. Here is the song:
Jim Bolte is a kaamaina retired insurance salesperson now retired in Nevada.
He called me one day to set up an irrevocable charitable trust and UN(Reno) was to be the beneficiary.
I said that as he inherited Hawaii property and made his $$ in Hawaii, why not leave it to UH? We talked about it and I suggested Na Koa -after all I am a Tsaiko!
Why Na Koa? The initial conversation was during our late lamented AD and I didn’t want him to get his hands on it, take credit and whatever.
By the time JD came on board, the paper work was fairly well done.
Sorry I was not able to see the presentation and the *(*&Y)*% PPV didn’t show it.
By the way AL, thank you for your #359 on yesterday’s blog. Didn’t realize the yardage prediction is right on the $$ – sorry, you can’t withdraw your prediction – so we are both tied! (Is there really a prize?)♠
Besides keeping an eye on the trooper, I was watching the coaches during the ha’a. Team was in the locker room, but seemed like they were trying to find something to gripe about. Ha’a was done in a circle, not facing deserted visiting section–sorry LA Tech coaches there was no taunting or unsportsmanlike conduct.
wafan: kicker/punter shouldn’t have been on the field during half time. It’s not the large flute player they have to watch out for but the 6-8 pilipino tuba tiniklingers 😀
Top 20!
Great Morning All!
….not the # of my comment but another Top 20 team on the road…
but that can be discussed after the 48-hour rule lapses for last night’s game :-D.
Awesome game Warriors!
Be back after I catch up on yesterday’s stuff…
I got another “When was the last time question”:
I have a couple of “When was the last time questions”.
UH did not have a passing touchdown in the Oregon St game. When was the last time that happened?
UH also did not have a passing touchdown in the San Jose St game. When was the last time the UH did not have passing touchdowns in back to back games?
By the way, I don’t know the answers.
Ok my iPhone got my last post a little screwed up, but, hopefully someone knows the answers.
I hope the cannon stays too. It was loud from our end zone but my friend sitting in the lodges said it sounded weak, and I’m watching the replay now and it did sound a little soft in other areas of the stadium.
As for that long dance/drumline routine the band did during time outs, I think they are trying to get the students to do it along with them. It doesn’t seem hard at all and after a while it looks infectious and unless someone is “dead” on the inside with no spirit how can someone not feel like joining along.
I did see a lot of students kinda looking over at the band trying to figure out what they were doing and maybe as the home games come along and the band KEEPS DOING IT, more and more people will join along…
Howzit gibu. Thanks for that video link. Good stuff. So, when are you going to grace us with your presence at a Tsaiko event? Kelli has already attended a karoke kall and a tvgate.
Worst rip off at Stadium concession stand: 16.9 oz. Menhune bottled water for $2.50…That’s equivalent to approximately 7.5 bottles to a gallon or $ $18.75 a gallon…more than the price of a gallon of gasoline…How you figgah?
tommui – thanks for your assistance with the financial donation from the very generous Mr. Jim Bolte.
Afternoon Tsaikos!
Congratulations to the winners of the UH/LaTech contests!
UH total passing yards: WINNER – warriorsanddolphins
al, TomMui & warriorsanddolpins got exact # – 224
al withdrew, warriorsanddolpins name picked randomly
UH total rushing yards: WINNER – UKU@LA
attendance: WINNERS – Calvin from Kona & TorranceDude
sorry for the confusion, but UH does announce tickets sold
& turnstile. Therefore, 2 prizes awarded.
combined score: WINNER – Committed Road Warrior
Committed Road Warrior & Ralph got exact # – 38
CRW name chosen randomly
Please send an email to ST – sstsai at hawaii . edu & we’ll get your prizes to you.
UHfan808 & I thank you for participating in the contests. Many thanks to Ultimate Hawaii Gear Enterprises for the awesome prizes!
LizKauai and Kekoa,
Congrats of winning those sideline passes. Can you describe your experiences on the field?
Congrats to all the UH/LA Tech contest winners!
And many thanks to Midori7 and UHFan808 for running the contest.
And a big MAHALO to Ultimate Hawaii Gear Enterprises for donating the prizes.
Many thanks for your legal expertise and assistance in making that charitable remainder trust in favor of UH!
Howzit LTUHF! Hope all is well with you. Soory to hear that you had to walk up the spiral walkway. Next time, ask an usher to take you on a cart. Safety first.
Re the concession stand prices – LOL. I miss those days when you could *sneak* in bentos, musubis, snacks, et al in your bags. Of course, that was before they hired the gestapo rent-a-cops.
Weber State beat Montana State 35-12…How did The Beast do?
Hawaii might be suffering from bad calls/non-calls from the refs sometimes, but one thing it can do is minimize its own penalties. 13 penalties for 127 yards (though a couple were in garbage time) really needs addressing. I’m no expert I admit, but it can’t be all the refs’ fault that Hawaii’s in the top 3 for most penalized teams in the FBS.
Morning Midori7 – what’s up with our Dodgers? Are they going to make a comeback and win today?? I would hate to lose a *friendly* bet to kokane.
Thanks to you and your sister Uhfan808 for your efforts with the contest!
Howzit Hawaiianbod,
Yeah, when we were sitting in the North Endzone, there were 4 guys who sat in the row in front of us who sneaked in a 12 pack of beer each. And when they ran out they used to buy some more at the concession stand. They were never “drunk” or offensive. Only thing,the older guy, well older than me, used to keep repeating over and over….Murray, Murray, get the ball to Murray (Walter) …and then he dropped the TD pass in the BYU game… Memories!
d1 – how did #1 son’s team do and what is there record?
did #2 son’s team win the showdown with djmitcho’s alma mater? is his injury healed?
Good afternoon Tsai-kos!
A wonderful day in Hawaii Nei. As I watch da replay of last night’s win, I wonder if da idiot who called for Mack’s head after the SJSU game is EATING HIS SHORTS!! Aaah, probably not. Da loser probably lost more money on da next 2 games. 😈
Congrats to Linfield and your son for beating Whitworth!
Condolences to you and your family.
Ooops. Condolences to Garret and his ohana on their loss.
Bula – congratulations on the Wildcats victory! This win should catapult them into the Top 10. What’s the stats on the Beast? and who is the next victim?
Just got caught up from Game Day post.
Concur with you. As I was sitting in the stands I commented to #1 son, “They do know they are down by 3 scores, right?”
First time I’ve ever seen a team behind try to run out the clock so deliberately. 😉
Thanks! Yep #2 son’s Wildcats pulled out a nail-biter over Whitworth, 31-28 with a 4th Q FG. Was a back and forth affair. The good news is that it looks like they seem to have found an Offense to go with pretty good Defense and Special Teams Units.
#1 son’s team won as well to finish 3-1 in the ILH (6-1, overall) and win the JV championship.
All-in-all, a great day…3 for 3 for teams we cheered for! 😀
YAY! Make that 4 for 4 yesterday. 😉
Go Wildcats! X2
SJ . . .
Thank you. So, if I were the director: 1) I would come up with new routines; and 2) I would design the nre routines to be purposefully on the entire field endzone-to-endzone and sideline-to-sideline to squeeze the kicker out. Maybe even have the drumline perform off-center at that end of the field.
In the olden days the field would be filled with high school bands for the Shrine Game. Do they still do that? I would be cool if they did it with a couple of other bands in the endzones waiting for their entrances into the show.
Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Would the opposition beg for an unsportsman-like conduct call on the bands? That would be funny to see. Ohhhh, so intimidating.
I was also wondering about subbing the QB in the 4th Q but the dilemma must be, “What kind of variant of the Offense do they run with GA in there?”
Of course, that leads to a bigger question that we don’t want to go down that road to explore!
Good Morning Tsaikos and Tsaikettes!
I had a great time yesterday. The PBS was good! I didn’t get to try and oyster pie, maybe next time! Nice to see even more people at the tailgate yesterday…got to meet jm2375…hope to see her at future tailgates.
I will be in Texas for the next home game so it will be quite a long time before I get to see another UH game in person.
I will be seeing a Dallas game (they are not doing good today). Special thanks to a very special group of people (you know who you are!).
Frank and I would just like to take a moment to say how amazed and blessed we are to become a member of a very special family. It is amazing to meet a group of people who are collectively and separately some of the most thoughtful and generous people. We are truly humbled by the example that you are to the rest of society. It’s people like you that make the world a better place. Thank you for giving us a haven to spend a few precious moments of our lives. We are so very grateful for that. It’s very nice to see this family grow! Welcome to all who strive to find a place where they can belong!
Congratulations to all the winners…on the blog and on the field!
Thanks to Mrs. AHouse for the pic and musubis!
Nalani – We get CDs? Wow that would make me a winner twice in one week!
OK on the downside….my picks for this week are killing me! AHHHHH!
Mmmmmm….found some long johns from Tip Top Bakery in the fridge.
Wonder how those got there?
Rob25 . . .
Tom Mui,
Awesome job on the donation to Na Koa! Even better that you convinced your client to donate that to UH instead of Nevada! That money will make a difference…
We probably needed one more TD to give Alexander some 4th-quarter reps. I’m sure there’ll be other opportunities.
How about 5 for 5…our Govs beat Kaimuki and clinched No.2 seed in the first round of OIA playoffs. It was a great day! 🙂
Hope you have a great trip. Give our Aloha and Mahalo to Frank
Yea! TD Dallas!
GO Warriors!
GO Wildcats! X2
1st tings 1st on dis day aftah da night befoa. I goin’ check da playhouse for damage control. jm2375 has thrown down the gauntlet. She is sworn to creating even more unruliness in da hale. I’ll have to upgrade my supah secret surveillance equipment on a budget of only $1 dollah, 2 ninety-seven. (Jason check my math).
Thank you everyone for the condolences, but please I don’t want to bring down the blog with them anymore…that is why I thought I was burying the note at the end of yesterday’s entry. Thank you especially for the note about how my parents weren’t seeming too down at the Tsaiko-gate. My Dad’s brother lived until he was 81, cheered for UH until his final night, and passed peacefully in his sleep. He had been staying at my parent’s home for other health problems, so at least he was with family.
The sad thing about having my Dad be the 18th out of 19 kids and my Mom being the 9th out of 9, is that they have a lot of older siblings are in their 80s and 90s.
Anyway, back to the Warriors! This game really is for the WAC title–if the Warriors win, they have a clear path to at least share the title (Fresno State and BSU will play each other still, so one of them will have another loss). If BSU wins, they will either win the title outright (and possibly a BCS game) or share the title (if Fresno State beats them).
So, UH and BSU will play once again for the WAC title! Too bad that the game is so early this year, especially since the Warriors seem to be getting better with each game.
Our condolences and deepest sympathy to you and your family on the loss of a loved one…
By the way, the Slingbox is just an amazing device for sports fans away from their home markets…
Tough loss for Miami, but at least Bess has nailed down his role in the return game. He had 1 catch for 10 yards, their only punt return (he got 25 yards), and 4 kickoff returns for 113 yards (28.3 yards per return).
Sorry to hear about your uncle. Loss of someone close, especially family is always hard to deal with. Take good care of your parents.
Please give our Mahalo to Frank and all those who are serving our country in these difficult times…from one veteran to one who is serving, a big salute!
Have a safe and pleasant journey to Texas…
I think Dick Tomey might have a bone to pick with you about your pre-game evaluation. 😳
Never heard Travis Laboy’s name mentioned so many times….
In a word, “AWESOME!”
It was like being the fly on the wall at a high level strategic war council. We were allowed inside the inner sanctum for the enitire game!
Defense ~ As the defensive players come off the field, being able to listen to the coaches very quickly provide an assesment of their play as they gathered around on folding chairs to listen intently was very interesting. Players were very actively sharing their immediate thoughts and ideas with each other and the coaches. Really great exchanges of important game information in this format.
Offense ~ Same thing held true for this unit. The main thing is, your also have coach Rolo sharing his knowledge and experience with the QB and the o-line. The RB coach was also adding his insight on the different run option opportunities being available.
Special teams ~ The kicking team work horse is Jake Ingram as the long snapper. What an athlete!…his size and professionalism at his position is very telling. I mean you can tell in the very intense way he practices his craft, that he is very serious at getting his snap to the kicker quickly and accurately.
BBL…gotta break for lunch awready. Me and Ukulele boi hongry again!
Timeout Backfire!
I thought there was an NCAA rule banning turf colors other than green, but BSU’s field is allowed to remain blue under a grandfather clause..darn!
I’ve wiped out that game from my memory bank! The “new” Warriors showed great improvement against Fresno State and then won convincingly vs. Louisiana Tech. Since the SJSU game (which is how I should have worded the statement), the offense is a lot better, the defense is getting a lot more turnovers, and the special teams has recovered a fumble and blocked a FG in each game.
Hello everyone! What a great day yesterday! If the Tsaiko-Gates keep expanding and diversfying, we are all going to be to be late for the game. Of course, next step is doing this on a non-game day… 🙂
Met some new people yesterday, over ate, got some trump playing time (Coach Diana put me in), and made it to my seat with minimal leg cramps (getting a ride up the first hill helped). Peaches thoroughly enjoyed herself.
…and the Warriors WON convincingly! Next showdown: Boise
As much as I’d like to wipe that game away, too the fact is that SJSU is still undefeated with Boise and Fresno at home – open the water valves; flood the field!
Thanks for sharing your sideline experiences. Awesome for sure!
What a finish and win for AZ Cardinals.
Hope McBriar didn’t get hurt; he was on the turf clutching his ankle.
Wow, Texas has an incredibly difficult stretch of schedule! Looking at the AP poll, they play these games in a row:
#4 Oklahoma (which was #1 when they played them)
#11 Missouri
#8 Oklahoma State
#7 Texas Tech
Great game last night, but just checked the WAC standings and dang it…too bad we gave up that game to SJSU. They still have Boise and FSU, so I am sure they’ll be knocked out of the #1 position then and Garret’s predictions in post #61 end up right!
I heard a good one last night…it’s no longer “the run and shoot” it’s now the “dash and shoot.”
I think the crowd is starting to get it…the cheering while we were on defense was great!!! I still wish everyone was in the stadium for kick-off, but it’s getting better!!!
Go Warriors….is it Friday yet?
I didn’t realize that SJSU was still undefeated in the WAC, even after your hint! Oops, I guess that UH doesn’t control its destiny in the WAC…we can never underestimate a Tomey-coached team. However, I do not think that SJSU is very deep (especially on the OL!) and as the season goes on their APR losses (costing them players like Calvin Roberts) could show up.
How did that happen?
Boy! I need a Tip Top Hotel Long John Dispenser installed in my fridge too.
Where they sell that kind?
howzit everybody. Good fun yesterday. Mahalo everyone.
Now, that was an incredible impromptu performance by Nalani and her daughter. Pretty obvious the talent fruit didn’t fall too far from the tree! Ho da chicken skin! Did we witness the beginnings of future mother/daughter duet albums?
And ukuleleboi. Wow! There’s some unreal hidden talent on the Garden Island!
Homey, I gotta give props to you. It truly takes a allot to come up in front of a live audience and sing. It takes even more balls to tell the house band to play in the key of C and then turn around and belt out the song completely flat!
Good News Bear Repeating:
1 Wahine volleyball at 5 pm – against New Mexico State. Cheer loudly no matter where you wen’watch.
2. For those of you who don’t know what a charitable remainder trust is, most of us will never make that kind of money, it’s a great way to do good and do right by everyone concerned.The income is given to Na Koa while the donor remains with us. Then when he shuffs off this mortal coil, the principal goes to his heirs. Even in today’s sucky markets, that’s about $100,000 a year.
3. On Tuesday, October 14, at 10 am, there will be another Very Special Event open to the public and, in particular, Tsaikos, is tentatively scheduled to be held at a certain location at the University of Hawai`i at Manoa . Specific details out tomorrow.
For those of you going to Boise, remember that there are curses you need to heed. If you attended the Sugar Bowl AND the Florica AND the Oregon State games, maybe you should re-consider since clearly you bachi’d the outcomes. Why not pass your travel package along to some of the other Tsaikos whose karma has not been compromised.
I guess it’s okay if you only went to one or two, but still……
Mrmttffrem hmmgrretefhh rrrmmftdg fjjddrg…
I’m guessing WassupDoc is up now…
I guess I’m karmically-cleared…the last road game I went was UNLV!
Tom Mui:
Thanks for your stewardship in guiding the Bolte family in their most generous contribution to Na Koa.
I remember a time back when you were describing, in general terms, of a friend who would be making a large donation, but it would not be in Fumbler’s tenure.
Now, that has come to pass and contributions to UH Athletics is blooming. After HF got fired, I remember posting how nice it would be that parties who held back donations would start donating and assist UH make dreams come true for UH and its student athletes.
Something someone promised to deliver, but, as far as I know, did not get anyone to make a donation the UH, be it athletics or otherwise. Individual had very little or no people skills in dealing with the general public and keeping his word.
What a wasted 5 years!!
That sounds vaguely familiar to ‘sports, “Liliha Coco Puff” lingo this morning.
Jet be ready for some pain. Mack was not happy.
Great to see playmakers making plays. Good job Warrriors.
C’mon Wahines and show us how a 6th ranked team plays today.
Hey, Addahknowjoe is just kidding about homey’s singing 😆
I’ve attended a few Tsai-ko karaoke calls and was very impressed with homey yesterday…usually I am too distracted watching him dance to hear him without a mic… 😯
Nalani and daughter were great! I would like to hear another duo with her and Liz. Along that theme, too bad prideperiod arrived afterwards. Tsigh, no BIG karaoke call until the regular season’s over, right? But tailgate kanakapila is fabulous too, along with ukuleleboi!
Most of the times when donation presentations are made and there’s a ceremony and all it’s usually a check for a few thousand or more, some smiles and photo ops and waves to the crowd. This was 2 million plus! In these tough economic times scoring 2 million is huge. Cooke Field was renamed for 5 million…2 million has to be worth something on the campus. At least rename something in this family’s honor. For example you could take the green signs that have the creative and honorable name of “Lower Campus Road” and put Bolte’s name on it instead. Each fan that enters through Dole Street on their way to the arena would be reminded of the generosity.
Also, working with JD instead of HF was probably beyond crucial as well.
For some of your “entertainment only”, Hawaii is currently about 25 point underdogs for Friday against Boise. I can’t remember, but what happened the last time Hawaii was 20+ point underdogs on the road against a ranked team???
Whoops!! Sorry for the mis-identification and the junk syntax in my earlier post. Das why read out loud before pushing the Submit Comment button.
BTW – did anyone else see BHF2 holding his banner on the Channel 8 10 pm news last night? I recorded it, but I kept falling asleep while watching it around midnight.
Forgot to add this in the two earlier posts. If anyone wants a DVD copy of last night’s game, let me know. I’ll be glad to make one for you and ship it to you.
That’s something to “take” notice of… 😉
Perhaps chawan_cut will have it up later
Let’s just hope that this time it will the Warriors with 4 picks that led to 28 points in Gainsville.
Otherwise the score could have been 17 to 28. Don’t forget the pass over the middle in the first qtr with a wide open Salas or Lane which would have been a TD, but turned into an interception in the end zone. Rausch over threw the ball right to the Florida player standing in the end zone.
Eh, you sound like you drumming up “business” 😆
24 – 21 UH
Boise is a shoo-in. I will be at work in Kalaheo.
Bbl- gotta work on videos.
Btw- one thing is louder than the cannon. It’s the sound of Grasso’s helmet hitting the table when he’s ticked off.
Actually, I would like a copy, please. (forgot to set the DVR)
If you can bring it to the next tailgate that would be great!
Me too! I would like a copy of the game.
Email: tonychahng at earthlink dot net.
Go get your copy at the next tailgate, too! 😉
not drumming up business, but thinking of what could have been – a loss, but to the #5 team in the country.
hope to see you guys at the next tailgate!
We gotta remember, McMackin has good insights into Boise’s playbook. Few coaches can say they are undefeated against Boise.
Wow! Because *another* QB for Washington State got injured, the guy they got from the student body tryouts is now their #2 QB! There are a lot of games before Washington State comes to Aloha Stadium and they could conceivably start a QB who was a student not even on the team when the season began, backed up by another QB who isn’t even on the team yet!
They ended the game with a freshman walk-on QB, with his backup the guy who was the best from the student body tryout. However, things aren’t as bad as it seems because they are redshirting a QB and could use him if they had to. Also, some of their injured QBs could be back before the UH game…but with their bad OL they are in danger of being reinjured.
Eh Koakane – <DODGERS – 6 phillies – 1 2nd
I can already taste my *free* meal.
WUDoc . . .
If you would be so kind. I would like a copy of the game, please.
wafanat comcastperiod net.
Thank you!
40 runs vs. 26 throws is hardly “twice as many rushes as passes.” Although 40 runs to 14 completions is an interesting ratio.
Against Fresno State last week, UH had 33 rushes to 17 completions — almost a 2:1 ratio there. Nothing compares in the June Jones era — a couple times where the run/completion ratio was around 3:2, but nothing close to 2:1.
November 14, 1998, UH had 35 runs to 19 completions in a loss at Fresno State, 51-12. Same game, UH did not throw a TD pass (Dan Robinson ran one in, and Joaquin Avila returned a fumble for another).
Okay, here’s the clear-cut winner. November 7, 1998. UH loses 45-17 to SJSU. 60 runs to 16 passes (7 completions).
October 29, 2004, when UH lost at Boise State, 69-3. And October 4, 2003, when UH lost on the road to Tulsa, 27-16 (West Keli‘ikipi ran for two touchdowns). And September 23, 2000, UH lost at UTEP, 39-7 (Matt Wright recovered a fumble in the end zone). And September 4, 1999, when USC beat UH in June Jones’ coaching debut, 62-7 (Quincy LeJay returned an interception for a TD).
September 26 and October 3, 1998, when UH was shut out in both games, 20-0 against Arkansas State and 28-0 against SMU.
* * *
Wow, that was really cool stuff to research.
* * *
I’m excited about this reported new basketball tournament involving UH. Can’t wait for Dayton to get us more info.
Garret: My condolences to your family.
John Madden must really like Colt. He called Phillip Rivers “Colt Rivers” during a play in the game.
aloha one and all,
mahalo to LTUHF #35, hawaiianbod, D1 and all the other uncles and aunties in Tsaikoland.
The Beast morphed yesterday into ‘Snowflake’, along with the other hawaii boys. In the second half, it looked alike a green bay packer film, or Chicago Bears. a snow blizzard, and the field was all white
Weber State on top 35-12, the beast had a tackle for loss and a few assists. the big showdown for the big sky conference is in two weeks with weber state playing northern arizona in flagstaff. the good news is that it is in a dome, and our offense should do real well on a dry field with no mud and no snow, haha
cameron higgins had 4TD passes, each to a different reciever, and 379 yards.
mahalo for asking,
Jason . . .
It is not surprising the “records” you researched in response to Mr. Tsai’s comments took place predominately in 1998. They were part of the Nightmare Era 1.
Nightmare Era 2 being the five miserable years someone’s best friend was the AD (Arrogant Dolt). Interestingly, it coincides with the Era of Enlightenment.
lab rat, I heard Madden say that too. Pretty funny stuff.
Bravo to all the Hawai’i guys and gals playing and representing the home state!
thank you for getting the $2 mill for UH!!!!
long time uh fan,
you can bring in water bottles to the stadium now, so i don’t pay for that $2.50 piece of plastic no more. i just grab one from our tailgate and leave it in my pocket.
good luck to your dodgers today!
Good to hear about “Snowflake”.
oh, and what a coincidence today. i went off to seattle to go watch the Seahawks lose to the Packers. the game started at 1, so before that i went to the Safeco/Mariners ball park tour. because it was football game day, the tour group was super small. there were only 7 of us.
i was wearing my green Hawaii sweater. one older gentleman asked,
where in hawaii are you from?
i said honolulu.
he said, do you know my sister Virginia?
i was like, Hinshaw?
he said Yup.
i was like NO WAYS! (in my head). anyways, we talked on the tour. he’s a cool guy. i told him that we’re thankful to have her as our Chancellor now. he said she’s always been a nonstop worker and loves what she does.
what a small world eh?
Saw them confiscating waterbottles at Gate 8 yesterday. Da guy was asking, “Any umbrellas, water bottles, food?” Thought about asking him if he was “a little down on his luck” but was close to kick-off already so nevah need da grief 🙂
You should have told him, “Yeah, I saw her hanging out with a bunch of Tsaikos recently!”
chawan_cut: Yeah, since when they let you bring water bottles?
C_C . . .
Awesome story! I hope you invited him to a TGate the next time he is in Hawai’i!!!
they no pat you down do they?
just have big pockets.
or carry a purse. thats why the ladies have em. to bring in the tailgate leftovers hidden somewhere in the jackets/blankets/ponchos and female “items”.
actually, i think it depends on what gate you go to and what guard/ticket person you got. we’ve actually walked in with water bottles in our hands before.
ssssh!!!! no let the secret out!
Hmmmm, the Gestapo at No-Aloha Stadium still doing their water is a dangerous item bit. They should look a lot more closely at the beer sales. They are still thinking small-time rather than big-time.
Like I said before, the major stadiums allow munchies and water from outside.
At Reser Stadium we took in our water but then ended up buying more water at $3.75 each bottle. And, yes. The caps were still on the bottles.
Chargers D was AWESOME!!! Pats had 1st and goal on the 1 yd line and was DENIED on four straight plays!. On first down the NG blew the C five yards off the ball. OUCH!
yeah, going into today’s game, you were allowed to bring your own water bottle in, as long as the cap was steal new and not broken. you could also bring in your own food in. there’s tons of dog, kettle corn and peanut vendors outside. but there’s still tons of food sales done inside. funny though, they took the caps off of all of the Jones soda plastic bottles they sold. i didn’t look at the beer prices, but i’m sure they’re outrageous.
Rob25 the pokies go down again..maybe Jessica Simpson can console them by singing a lullaby and tell the team to lighten up..
Back from mid-day Sushi break at Genki’s with Ukululuboi and Mrs. K. We had to do a balancing act with the excessive number of plates of sushi we ordered! Was ono.
Back at the Hale listening to Ukuleleboi do some very melodious pickin’ and grinnin’ on his finely tuned Uke. Good stuff!
Wait until you see the photos and videos that Liz shot on the field last night!
So I wonder which of the Waipio LL’ers will be in the NFL in 2022?
LL = NFL? Huh? Must have missed something in the translation. HA!
C_C . . .
Is that a beautiful stadium, or what? So loud, too.
SNF showed Matt Cassell in the LLWS in 1994 vs Venazuela. He was a 1B
You get mail
So I notice the BS-U Fball booster org is called the Buckaroos.
Wow, people used to (maybe they still do, for all I know) tease my last name with something like that.
LT is having a tough time with his bad leg
One time, a guard had me empty my pants pockets, cause I had lots of stuff inside (radio, wallet, etc.). Never mind that he’s not supposed to do that, but I don’t want to deal with overzealous guards.
(Although I actually was sneaking a couple bottles of tea in my jacket pockets, which they did not check. But dang it, that herbal tea was medicinal, I didn’t want to have anxiety attacks during the game.) 😛
I just got back from LA and I see I won something. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for the late response. E-mail to the proper persons will be forthcoming.
Attention Homey!
My apologies in advance for stealing the hearts of all the Rainbow Wahine dancers at the stadium yesterday. They were all very anxious to provide me not only with their kisses but also with an autographed poster of themselves.
I know that you were hoping for a chance to trade for a 2008 model, but I’m sorry to have to be the bearer of sad news – they’re all spoken for!…tsai!
d1 . . .
Ahhhhh. Okay. That makes sense. Well, then, the statement is sometimes true: LL = NFL.
Jason . . .
It would be interesting to see if they do that with everyone or just the younger people. It would also be interesting to see them “search” Tommui, BHF2, or WarriorMojo. HA!
Nap time…gotta stay up for Coach Mack Show!
On second thought, I will yield my prize to Ralph. Is it too late to do that?
Aloha kakou,
It was a great Tsaiko-gate & UH game yesterday! Enjoyed meeting more of the Tsaiko ‘ohana. ST, saw you at the women’s VB game but missed getting over to say HI! Thought I would see you at the tailgate, but you working… Next time…
tommui, Mahalo for working with Bolte in getting his donation to go to the UH!
Garret, sorry to hear about your uncle. My condolences to your ‘ohana.
Rob25 & Frank, Safe travels to both of you. Enjoy the time in Texas! That was ono watercress soup, now dubbed “Bulla soup.”
yes, thats a loud stadium. loud when they boo too.
jason, see you know what i mean,
d1, you got mail now.
D1 – no take nap! time for volleyball vs NaMaSU. 😀
Super job with research!
I figured it would be either you or Garret coming up with answers.
OK, The Twins are officially handling all contests.
My neighbor came over today and showed me her notes. Pages and pages of very detailed stuff. Very impressive.
FINAL: Dodgers 7 phillies – 2
Your neighbor’s dream car is a Lexus, in case you would like to compensate her!
do you know how we lost the national tv coverage for the Rainbow Classic? the Kraft Rainbow Classic used to be always on ESPN. and then all of a sudden it went to Maui to show Chaminade???? who at UH let that deal slip through? that was the end of the big names coming to UH. i’m still upset about that. we used to have all the guys come down. i remember we had a preview of the final four for a couple years there.
don’t like that this new tourney will compete with the Classic, but it’ll be good to get on national TV more and play big name teams again. and hopefully this new guy is the real deal and this is the beginning of a new era for UH basketball by Nash.
ok, my english in my last post wasn’t the greatest, but you understood me i hope.
man, the wahine aren’t playing their best against nmsu.
I wonder if the new tournament can “purchase” the Rainbow Classic tournament and name?? No sense Hawaii have another tournament, it should build back up the Rainbow Classic.
good point.
so when do you get to boise?
jamie houston……
that’s all i’ll say.
wow, Wahines down 0-2.
Where’s da Evil Twins’ voodoo when we need it?
CC – I get in there Thurs morning about 940am. I leave Saturday afternoon about 2pm. Let me know your schedule.
jamie houston….
Congrats to Jason Elam. I’m glad that Matt Ryan got them in FG range.
Re: ESPN/Kraft
ESPN had wanted to continue doing the Rainbow Classic only it wanted to set it up like the Maui Classic, making it a made-for-TV presentation for the Mainland. The exchange for national exposure meant early starting times — sometimes 9:30 a.m. — for UH games.
Riley Wallace fought that, believing the Classic was made for the UH fans, and that the home team deserved to always play at night.
Well, times have changed, and the Classic is having difficulty filling the field. That’s when, like most college teams, turn to ESPN.
I think I did better with my nap than WVB is doing 🙁
Stephen, thanks. i do recall that now. i just forgot. it was a good idea at the time for us, but its hurt in the long run. now we get the teams that aren’t just good enough.
money talks. big name teams draw fans, both us and from there. everyone watches espn.
IIRC Coach Nash was assigned the responsibility of scheduling the Classic by Riley Wallace. If he is continuing with that I’d think it must take a lot of time and effort.
Maybe with ERT taking over that it would leave him more time to concentrate on the team
How is this years basketball team doing?
It sure would be nice to go back in time, say, to 1992, when teams like Kansas and North Carolina are in the Rainbow Classic, and big-name football teams wanted to come here to play, and when we could go through airport security without a body-cavity search …
Whoops, digressing again.
Then again, I think The Advertiser is still paying us 1992 salaries …
Re: Hoops.
A-Joe, nobody knows. UH has some sort of a rule where the players are not allowed to be interviewed until after the first practice of training camp.
You mentioned that it was unfortunate that Greg Alexander didn’t get some game reps. Is Alexander now the official #2 QB? Is Graunke still hurt or is he being punished for doing something wrong again? With his option background, Graunke is the only other QB on our roster that I think can effectively run the new offensive system that has been designed around Funaki. Inoke is getting better every week and I support him as the starting QB since he is the QB the coaches chose, but we still need a reliable backup with all of the running that Inoke does and some of the hits that he has been taking. Just curious as I’m sure others are as well. Thanks.
What time will the team be practicing tomorrow? Will it be open to the public? Thanks
So with the short week plus travel, is it a 24-hour rule? Or maybe even less?
I sent your #116 to Virginia Henshaw.
Her reaction:
“Mahalo for sharing the news Tom. That person is my brother Bobby who lives in Sequim, Washington. It truly is a small world and this story shows how you can meet nice, interesting folks if you wear Hawaii attire! Mahalo – Virginia (Glad you were able to enjoy the Saturday victory up close!)”
Anybody know if Blaze Soares is going to be back for the Boise game?
Congrats to #2 son for beating my pirates. What a wild game to listen to, especially the first half. Look forward to meeting you this friday!
I just reread an e-mail I sent to Stephen about yielding my blog contest prize to Ralph, only to see this:
I didn’t mean to address our dear leader as “Steve”! My apologies. I guess my public flogging will commence shortly. 😳
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off topic stuff.
Study found that arthroscopic knee surgery for arthritis actually doesn’t reduce joint pain or improve knee function. 200,000 to 300,000 of these operations are done each year in our country and they might be wasted procedures!
University of Central Oklahoma students bragged on MySpace about their party planning business…and were hit with a HUGE tax bill ($320,000) when tax officials visited their MySpace site!
The world’s oldest man celebrated his 113th birthday last month. His hometown is Miyakonojo (560 miles southwest of Tokyo).
Pretty amazing photos when the world’s smallest man posed with the lady with the longest legs. He is 2 feet. 5.37 inches tall and her legs are 4 feet, 3.9 inches long:
The drop in the value of the dollar has resulted in US colleges being more affordable to students from other countries, once factor in the increase in foreign national enrollment–now up to 582,984 foreign nationals attending US colleges. I wonder if this will mean that more students from Asia will attend UH now?
Free play links pau.
Will send e-mail about Friday soon.
Finally came out from under the spell I was in. I now realize it was that potent “STRETCH” beer I drank at the T-gate.
Whoa, talk about after market additional marketing ploy! Stretch managed to hit every major T-gate party around the entire stadium, and put the entire crowd under his spell. It’s no wonder the thunderous applause from the fans was rocking the stadium!
Look for that famous green label at a Mom & Pop grocery store near you. (Not a reference to *Mama Stretch* who graced us with her presence at the T-gate)
howzit going tsaikos,
good game and good win. stephen made digressed to point out that back in the 90’s big name schools wanted to to come to Hawaii to play us. That leaves me with these thoughts and please do comments.
What would you rather have and what do you think benefits UH more…Do we try and take that “anytime, anyplace” attitude and schedule some of the big hitter schools i.e. Florida, LSU, Oklahoma, USC etc etc etc every year, even if we cannot compete? OR do we schedule beatable teams like the bottom feeders of the Big 10/12 Pac-10 etc etc.
Go Warriors!
go warriors
Other observations made at the T-gate yesterday included:
~ That “Fricken Awesome PBS” served up by our own UH Fan from the 808 area code was Fricken OUTSTANDING! after the ball game. Mahalo to the lady with the Colgate smile!
~ Will the owner of the bean bag game please report to the T-gate sports office?
~ Congrats to the winners and so far 1st place Trumps Team, SteveM & Mrs. K (Diana). There will be an announcement forthcoming of a Trumps Tournament at the next T-gate.
~ Yes the buzz is true. Pride is looking for a ‘good’ Trumps pahtna. His former pahtna is presently on waivers for a stress fracture of the brain. There’s talk of rookie sensation *Hi Flyer* moving up the ranks as a possible contender for the position.
~ Big shout out to my pahtna Koakane for he and Homey spearheading the organizing of the T-gate yesterday. Koakane personally took care of supervising the set-up and clean-up of Cabana A. The BG will be proud to resume command of the T-gate spot upon his return.
Iwonderwhytheyhateme ~ We’ve already thrown out the challenge to these big bad football factories. They’ve wimped out making up sorry excuses of travel stress on their Prima Donna 5 star stable of horses. Now they can add to that air fares. It’s a matter of economics.
That reminds me, will the owner of the maroon-colored chair please step forward? I’m sorry for breaking it, and I’m willing to pay for a new one.
It was innocent, I swear, I am not a kolohe troublemaker like some other people. So this little girl (I said little girl, not homey) from Cabana B is playing with her friends, and their ball comes flying our way, so I pick it up and toss it back. When it comes again, I start playing keep-away with this little girl, making small kine trouble (as uncles do). So she scolds me, tell me I’m a bad boy, and she goes on to “handcuff” my wrists behind my back, and she forces me to sit down in the nearest chair — the aforementioned maroon chair. Now, I am hardly the heaviest Tsai-ko, but I guess I sat in that chair too hard the second time she locked me up (I’m a really bad boy to be scolded twice), cause some plastic piece snapped. When I got out, the girl told me to sit back down! I had to break it to her that playtime was over, cause the chair broke. I think her mother was calling for her that time too …
Anyways, that’s the story of the broken chair. I’m still looking for the owner; I saw someone had thrown it out with the rest of the trash, so I assume it was not salvageable.
Jason – likely story.
Jason – reminder that this is a family blog.
Shush, you fraud! And double shush, beer man!
Wow. 1992 Rainbow Classic final. . . Michigan w/the Fab 5 against North Carolina, who had Eric Montross & company. Those two teams would meet again a few months later in the National Championship game when Chris Webber made the infamous timeout call.
Jason – come *play* with a big girl now. Come to mama!
jason – no forget the “handcuffs” when going to see Koa-mahu.
Get your mind out of the gutter, Stretch. You’ve had too much of your beer.
Jason – if you tutor me in math, i will *tutor* you in biology 101.
COLT sighting!
Still working on my vids… uploading the halftime homecoming performances to YouTube….
Jason ~ Don’t be so shy. Go ask one of the Rainbow dancers to come to the Na Koa Luncheon with you. Just tell “Moani” Uncle Kekoa sent you as her personal body guard/escort.
She told me that the young men of the UH are intimidated by her ‘looks’ and are afraid of asking her out. Now that you are free, white and 21…it’s time to prove to her that you are the stud muffin she is waiting for.
Go Warrior!
Yikes, Jason! TMI !!! You are feeding fuel and fodder to those who would make you to be a buffoon in the face of millions. Er, thousands… hundreds? Perhaps a few bloggers…
OMG- what did Kekoa have to drink tonight – or is that leftover “stretched” beer speaking????

Hiya Liz! ~ I spent the better part of the day learning how meticulous a shopper your son is. The UA garment he finally chose was battlefield tested under his own strict standards. Each thread went under his microscopic exam. He even had me visualize what it should look like over a 5 year wear period.
Liz – aren’t you supposed to be keeping an eye on Kekoa?
Howzit Kekoa! Wassup!
Haha, loved the Kenny Mayne bit.
And I am totally innocent, I did not intend any double entendres in my post above. There really was a little girl with a yellow beach ball. 😳
Coach Mack show on now.
Aloha Gangeez!
Busy day today, just getting on the WB now. Great game, steady improvement and the offense is looking more and more confident. Defense surely bent, but never broke, great heart at the goal line especially. Pilares is awesome. ‘Noke is growing leaps and bounds in the still evolving “O”.
Watching their coach made me appreciate Coach Mack even more. He can make a QB change without throwing any drinks! Dooley looked like a haunted man by the end of the game… Karma?
UH 35 them 24
The “Curse of the Blue Turf” will be broken!
Sorry, I was away.
Yes, Greg Alexander is No. 2. Not sure where Graunke fits in the mix.
Practice is from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m., I believe. They’re on a Tuesday schedule.
I’d like to give Coach Mack a great, big hug.
He’s one big teddy bear.
I feel sooooooo much better now.
Who’s next? Where’s homey???
I need the name of the dance group that performed Kung Fu Fighting at homecoming last night!
Hi Stephen!
Koa-mahu, nice hug!
Coach Mack hugs everyone. How come he doesn’t hug Liz Chun. Maybe it is the pearls. That was a pearl necklace wasn’t it. I have never seen a sportscaster wearing pearls before.
WAC needs to do something about Lou Tech. This is the second game in a row that they got caught chop blocking. WAC refs need glasses. I feel bad for them. Do they have a health plan?
Just woke up from a nap after what seemed like a BAD DREAM… (Did I just come from Manoa after watching the Wahine get SWEPT by NMSU?!?!?!?!?)
Alas, here I am watching the replay to validate what I THINK I saw in person a few hours ago…
and I missed the Coach Mack Show.
whaaaa???? 😯
The Iceman does not practice while we are on the field, only the opposing team does.
If a band member were to get hit, the other team’s kicker wouldn’t need an ambulance, only a hurst.
Liz ~
No worries, Jason will find his dream date soon enough. Uncles just offer him more variety to choose from…and yes, da Stretch beer has had a lasting effect! Plus I just got back from my neighbors party.
The 2 boys came back safely from surfing. Now watchin replay of UH game.
Aunty Diana treated us to some sushi at Genki’s in the Waikele Shopping
OK work tomorrow. Nitey nite. See ya latas.
See Liz, Kekoa, I was good tonight. hehehehe.
Mike Wedge! Loved Homecoming!
Aloha kakou!
Been away from the computer for a couple days, just getting caught up (meanwhile I spaced on the Coach Mack Show. Will have to catch it tomorrow).
I came close (guessed 27-13) vs. LaTech. Congrats to d1!
This one at Boise will be tough. I’m hoping the Iceman can work his wonders again.
POMAI — UH33, BSU 30.
Time fo’ hiamoe. A hui hou!
Is the cannon staying for good? I hope so!
… unless someone were to throw a newspaper at it complaining “it’s too loud” 🙄
I was never in marching band, but I have a pretty good idea where you guys can shove a flute into the body cavity of the opposing kicker.
I’m sorry but I swear those punks are aiming for our marching band or our Rainbow Dancers for s***s and giggles.
Well it’s time for the WAC Championship game
24 – 21 Pomai
24 – 21 HiFlyer X
27 – 21 d1shima
27 – 24 Hawaiianbod
30 – 27 Hank
30 – 28 LizKauai
31 – 27 Pauoa Boy
33 – 30 Unkanesson
34 – 28 wafan
35 – 24 Da Punchbowl Kid
35 – 28 TChahng
Jason if your still around, where did you do the research for those stats?
24 – 20 UH
USA Today’s Web site.
BTW, congrats to … nobody … for getting the 100,000th post.
Yeah, chawan_cut’s post at #157 was 99,999, but Garret’s post right after was 100,001. I bet #100,000 was spam. 🙁
UH – 37
BSU – 35
Penalties on Hawaii (P.I., running into the kicker, etc)-10
Penalties on BSU-0
Karl Benson resigns later that evening.
20 – 17
Go to the WAC site. Benson explains about the WAC refs.
Seems like if you got crappy refs you are stuck with them thru out the season.
Refs are scored after each game. Maybe Benson should post the scores.
Okay – I’ll be the one to ask: What is a hurst? See #211. Since I had to ask DrDoc what’s a beaver – see the Rex Johnson Chronicles – my scatalogical vocabulary is not very deep. Hopefully the answer can be posted on a family-oriented blog.
Time to go to bed – see some of you tomorrow at the Na Koa luncheon if I can get everything requiring a computer done before I head into town. Unlike some of you who can upload photos onto websites from your cell phones, my $30 analog phone bought in August, 2006, just takes care of the basics. Still haven’t figured out the texting functions yet.
Those of you who are out of town and want a copy of last night’s game, I’ll be sending you an e-mail shortly. BTW – there’s no charge – the next time you come to Honolulu, you can take me to nearest Ben & Jerry’s for a treat.
Kazz ~ Go to Miss Lizzy’s site and check the photo of me pounding on the Officials locker room door after the game and calling them out!
I think Mike Wedge meant a hearse.
Fannie Hurst (1889–1968), was a U.S. novelist and short-story writer.
Hurst is a city in north Texas.
Hurst makes shifters. (Learned that from a Cheech and Chong movie.)
America’s Number One Shifter
It would be painful to give a Hurst to a kicker or punter in the you know what.
They were First Priority and Drill Team Hawaii.
Good nite to all!
I think that I had a bad day…first the Cowboys lost as did the Redskins and then the Wahine lost to NaMaSU! Yikes!
Ok- SOME pix up on Picasa:
Thanks, Rob25!
Nitey Nite, Ka Kou!
bighilo expecting a report from you on Loeffler….you finally got your wish, a big island recruit for ’09
bighilo are you up
i’m *up!*
morning gang!
Welcome to the Warriors Jordan Loeffler!
here’s the last 2 nights worth of news
dang, always so close, but yet so far…
Good Morning Gang…
Welcome to Warrior Nation Jordan Loeffler…good job Coach with recruiting so far…nice to see a young developmental, big body guy, who can move…a project I’m sure that will reep benefits in the future. 16yrs old…Senior, bruddah may be raw but can have choke upside since he may not have developed too many bad habits at his age. Plus he gotta have good head on his shoulders for Graduate at 16. Good luck Jordan, work hard, get biggah, dominate!
Recruiting is solid so far…I give Coach Mack and Tony Tuioti a C+ grade so far. Still got holes to fill and a few more lineman to commit…but wow, we probably will be done recruiting in December…when has that ever happened???
Great Morning All!
Short week this week.
Homey should feel right at home 😉
Beat BS-You
So what’s the scoops on Jordan? Plus, isn’t there another kid you was talking about, Gabe Perez from around your area? Anyway, we all like know the 411…mahalos.
Have a great day erryboddy!
Re: Travis Laboy
With the way Laboy is playing this year, maybe he’ll return home to the islands for the Pro-Bowl. He is doing awesome for the Arizona Cardinals. Saw him put Tony Romo on his arse a few times, and got in on many assisted plays. I think he may be inline for a Pro-Bowl caliber year IMO…
aloha gang,
great weekend with the Warrior victory and the Wildcat victory, about a 55 degree swing in temperatures at game time, but hey, the boy wanted to play in snow, so he did. glimpses of the game made me remember of the old green bay packers games where you couldn’t even see the yardage markings/lines. whew, what an experience, ‘snowflake’ loved it. said the worst thing was frozen boogers, and frozen fingers…..ouch. how can you pick your nose if you can’t feel either?
Boise State will have their hands full if our defense continues to play like ‘rabid dogs’, and that is what they should be doing.
31-28 victory
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
What the heck am I doing up at 6am?? It’s a damn holiday!! It should actually be a worldwide holiday since it’s KEKOA’S BIRTHDAY!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEKOA
Time for me to take a quick nap before heading out for a busy day. Practice in the morning, Na Koa lunch then Monday Night Football this afternoon. hmmmmm… sounds like a regular work day. hahahaha
Happy Birthday Kekoa!
Stretch – i was thinking the same thing 😆
at least you can get the practice report first hand today
Good Morning everyone! Only a 3 day work week for me this week. WooHoo! Can’t wait to get to Boise on Thursday.
Garret – my condolences to you and your family
My Little Pony Smurf Turfers…
I would like to apologize in advance for the disheartening loss you will receive from the Warrior Boys. We hate to spoil your BCS run and outright WAC Championship hopes as we did to another WAC foe, the Fresno State Puppy Dogs. Sorry, although we would love to have more WAC teams in the Top-25 we cannot allow you to think you are the team to beat. Sorry Pony Boys but the trophy is still in our house and looks like it has been permanately settled into the trophy case. If you would like do everything in your power to try and get it back I have a suggestion for you. Please contact Mr. Benson and have him pay off the refs a huge sum to call the game in your favor. Have him expect no less than 15 penalties totaling at the least a 100-150 yds. against the Warriors. Ensure there is at least a running into the kicker penalty, a couple past interference calls, numerous holding penalties, a few offsides/false starts, and maybe a couple of personal fouls just to make things perfect. After all this, hopefully you will win but I doubt it. Good luck and sorry for your loss… GO WARRIORS!!! CHEE HUU
Happy Birthday Kekoa!
Happy Birthday Uncle Kekoa…
So I heard you got one early gift from the Rainbow Dancers ah? Hope Aunty no find out or else slippah damage 🙂
Pauoa Boy – had a chance to see Travis yesterday too, must be the polynesian hairstyle, hehe
oops past = pass #252
Laboy is awesome, he looks a lot bigger than his UH days and a lot faster too. Not sure why the Titans let him go as he would have made there defense more dominant. Anyway, he’s a Pro-Bowler in the making and glad he’s on the Cardinals…
Pauoa Boy – i hope aunty’s slippah no mo the metal bottle opener underneath, ouch, that would hurt
PB – continue on the other side, ST up early today
Great news about ESPN and Hawaii basketball.
Can’t believe it took me until this morning to figure out why they aren’t taking over the Rainbow Classic. No can. KFVE owns the TV rights
Good morning Stretch & Loa!
I tried to defer my bertday ’till my 401 was ripe and ready for extraction. Now, neither will be worth the effort. The tax man will prolly send me an NPD notice instead.
I’m spending the day thanking certain Tsaiko’s like Liz & Stretch for giving me the opportunity to be on the sidelines with the Warrior team. A very liberal double shot of Crown Royal will be dispensed into the official Tsaiko shot glass, and downed post haste! (I might venture to say that *several* shots may be entertained by days end!).
Good Morning Tsaikos and Tsaikettes!
Is it really Kekoa’s birthday?
Or it it like Mrs. d1shima’s birthday last week….merry un-birthday?
If it really is Kekoa’s b-day…
See you at practice.
PB ~ Minor slippah damage. New military avoidance system from BG being deployed.
Yes Aunty Tita leadfoot it really is my born day. Hehehe..S’time for one moah shot! Okole maluna!
I want you to know how much I enjoyed the vidio of the Drum line It was GREAT!!
your’e such an arrogant bunch of warriors. We will see who wins friday. Remember how many years we have held the title. Came to WAC 2001. Won WAC title 6 years. Our receiver Jeremy Chlids wasn’t on the field last year. No excuses, you won it fair and square. But look what happened to oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl. Look what happened in Georgia. I think we both know who the better team is, Don’t we. # missed field goals in fresno. You got lucky. I believe we can take that arrogrance out of you Friday.If not, you can always say the refs rigged the
x-rays arthritis in lower back
I must have somehow missed it! Guess I should do some other research before coming to a conclusion.
holes in a finger bone and arthritis
I found your post interesting and share most of your views, but just dont get your second point.
arthritis in toes women
I cannot agree on everything you say in this article, but perhaps I missed some of the points you were trying to make.
arthritis in toes women
After reading your article I am left with the feeling that there is more to this topic than I originally thought.