Summertime and the livin’ isn’t easy
Every returning Warrior and recruit receives The Book, officially the “2009 Warrior Strength and Conditioning Manual.”
It is a day-by-day guide detailing workout drills and exercises. There also is a section for specific workouts based on a player’s position.
The manual includes illustrations.
Whether a player follows the guidlines will be known Aug. 3, the first day of training camp.
For the Warriors, that is the measure of a successful summer.
Some programs trumpet the participation rate during the summer. A few claim 100 percent.
Truth is, almost every Division I program is at 100 percent, if measured by what counts the most: Is every player working out during the summer?
Thing is, economic and other factors make it difficult for every UH player to work out together. UH acknowledges as much, and has morning and afternoon programs to accommodate a player’s work and school schedule.
The summer is one of the few windows where players may work outside jobs to supplement their scholarship checks. It’s a crucial time for walk-ons.
What’s more, some Mainland players often go home for a few weeks; many have been away for more than 10 months.
Almost every UH player and recruit will attend at least one summer school session.
Attendance is not taken during the summer, and progress is not monitored.
But by the end of the first week of training camp, the summer work should be apparent.
* * *
UH volleyball setter Nejc Zemljak was named to the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation’s Academic team.
Here’s the link:
* * *
Congrats to Colt Brennan. He won the family’s fishing tournament off Mexico, landing a 150-pound marlin. Twenty-two family members and friends participated.
easy to be first when no one else is around
Work hard, Warriors!
Nuff said.
How’s the sun stricken WB editor doin’ today? Any updates on RK?
Thanks for the replies last night to the bench press question. Fehoko’s accomplishment is so awesome, I have to keep picking my jaws up from the ground!!!! It’s near the top of the NFL combine numbers as some have mentioned already….at 6′ 211#.
Also wonderful to hear from PB and Takai. They’re 13 hrs ahead so probably hitting the sack for another full day of grinding it out.
Guys, keep posting! Keep in touch!
He’s still in a lot of pain. Think he’s going to take off the next couple of days.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
I hope that EVERY player is following the strength and conditioning manual no matter where they are. It would be ideal to be in Hawaii to train with the teammates since they can push each other. We’ll see what they look like when camp starts.
I recall last season, there were a few players who came into camp and were not in top shape. You can really see it when they are doing their drills.
Tell the WB editor to SUCK IT UP
You Senior Writers and Reporters should take it easy and don’t run with the spring chickens.
The Warrior Workout Bible, let’s see in August who follows it “religiously”.
I’ll be happy if we defeat Boise in our house and have a pass way to the WAC Chshp.
Good points by the Blog Host. No matter where they are, the players just gotta get the job done.
Just a thought…with budgetary constraints what they are, did anyone consider making the booklets available online to the players instead of printing and binding all the copies? #1 and #2 sons were both directed to the internet for their workout books.
Top of the Morning to the Tsaiko Villagers!
Clearing the cobwebs this morning. A phone call from the big island helped confirm that BHF2 is alive and well and hard at work taking a bite outta crime!
Big Hilo is still busy on the weekends paddling his crew of Rubber Duckies to the finish line. He’s looking forward to a big Regatta just over the Rainbow.
Heading out the door, check back laters!
I was talking about RK being in a lot of pain.
The WB editor is in no pain at all. He slept 10 hours.
I think UH probably would like to distribute the info on Twitter. I think it would come out to 2,982 tweets. And that doesn’t include the illustrations.
morning tsai-ko country, 8) sun is out bright again and temp climbing should hit anoddah 90 in a few hours so head for the ac areas and chill out.
dj everyone must be melting so movement is limited, just standing outside the water just starts to pour out of the bodie 😳
he ho patnah, d1, ft, stretch, bg
dpk reading the book wayfinding the storm by daws about the situation at ks from 93-99 good reading and brings back some bad memories but at least the story is getting out 🙂
Okay, I thought you were saying that the WB Editor (Sleeping Beauty) is in a lot of pain from being in the sun.
Interesting point about the demise of GM:
And the two Harvard MBAs who drove GM to bankruptcy — Rick Wagoner and Fritz Henderson — both rose up from GM’s finance division, rather than its vehicle design operation.
Think that seems to be a problem in a lot of companies — baseball teams, universities, Starbucks, news organizations, etc.
I’m waiting for the Tsaiko training manual to come out.
kokane- wannabe or porgot how to spell?
Good project! Where’s Kazz and Mr. A-House?
Tsai-ko Training Manual
Chapter One
1 friend likes this.
Having a manual means nada.
Not even speaking to its quality–that’s an entire diff subj matter.
Monitoring the 8-week summer-cycle gives more assurance–waiting till camp begins to measure results is regretable.
Training together bonds players and makes for better team chemistry.
Like I said, I have toured other programs and will do so again this summer….making allowances for this and dat is OK, perhaps understandable to reason, but than dont grouse when pundits rate your program at 6th place.
Good project! Where’s Kazz and Mr. A-House?
Tsai-ko Training Manual
Chapter One. We Love the University of Hawaii Warriors
Chapter Two. Stephen Tsai- el Maestro
Chapter Three. _____
Good write-up, particularly in defense of the players whose hometowns are so far away. Many of them never lived away from home till they came here. If they can do the drills on their own, that means that they have the kind of self-discipline that you want in your players. The kind of discipline you find in true Warriors.
Remember when Nasti reported to camp overweight?
Appreciate your putting me in the “creating the manual” side instead of doing the workout! – don’t know how long I would last – hehe
Easiest part would be the “eating fuud section”. Any idea who would finish first with the mostiest?
Hmm… Tsaiko training manual…
what else should we include, lemme see..
I quess we don’t have to worry about steroid abuse, eh?
tsai, i know uve mentioned nielsen graves shutter and masch being here for summer session 1. when does green, chizzy and brown get in? hopefully the jc guys are quick learners…
I heard they are being passed out on Wednesday.
I think they have to finish up some JC stuff.
That’s the thing with college schedules. UH actually ends relatively early.
Not all of the schedules are universal. Saint Louis, I think, will have ended its school year two weeks earlier than Punahou.
Good morning Tsaikos….
Good write up about summer training and understandable why some can’t be out there everyday. Still, those that can should be…and the key (besides strength training which everyone seems to focus on and which is important) is the aerobics part of it. The players need to run, run, run, and then run. A player can bench press 225 60 times but if he can’t stay in for more than two plays at a time…what good is all that stregth.
Which programs will you be visiting this summer?
I think it would be good for you to post updates.
The conditioning coaches monitor the offseason program.
The regular coaches don’t. No Division I coach monitors offseason workouts, not even Boise State.
Remember several years ago when Nebraska signed a blue chip offensive lineman out of Kahuku. They sent someone down to stay in Hawaii to moniter that players off-season workout progress. That was the summer before he reported as a freshman. Quite an impressive program.
i sure hope they are all spring AAs and arent planning on getting their AAs in summer school….we all know how that ends up turning out.
Howzit, Tsai-ko ohana!
Geeezzz…I haven’t been here in ages…….
I don’t keep roll, but since I’m the only one out there, you’ll have to trust me on this: Everyone who’s in town is participating in the offseason program. I even see some of the guys who were “cut” working out.
pride, didnt that guys weight balloon in the nfl and was probably why his career got cut short. good thinking on nebraska’s part…
So, wf2, you up to being a stringer for the blog this summer? I think I can even get you a video camera. Just give me a call (256-0223) and I’ll set you up. We’ll work out a schedule.
Lots of question marks for the upcoming season. Which also translates to a lot of new faces enjoying a breakout season. Just about every position offers an opportunity for playing time. If not as a starter, then as a backup. Any player serious about wanting to play will be pumping for the opportunity to represent. No waiting around for the next season, the opportunity is now.
I’m really excited about the upcoming season. Not worried about the wins.. more about who’s going to rise to the top. Those are the stories that make the season special.
good morning tsaikos. rough day yesterday. went to restaurant at waiehu golf course to help barry k celebrate his last day of operation. new owner takes over July 1st.
There was a sorta-sorta funny sight last week:
Abe Markowitz worked out with the UH players, only he wore his red USC shorts.
Laupepa Letuli told him not to wear those shorts on campus ever again.
don’t recollect seeing a warrior workout book and this looks like a more organized training manual. coach mc and his staff are doing things more professionally and it should rub off on the players. i can just picture start of first practice sessions in august and players who do not return in shape lose their positions. helloooooo!!!!!!!
By the way, Abe Markowitz really bulked up.
Off topic…
From Flyin_Hayn at the SH forum..
For all you fantasy college football team players, Ncaa Football 10 Teambuilder has gone live! Go build your fantasy team now. … e_a_school
E-mail me your mailing address.
My e-mail is:
sorry this is the proper link..
How’ve you been?
There are so many bloggers now, I have a hard time noticing when someone goes AWOL until someone else mentions it.
L Letuli got it right. you don’t come to practice w/the warriors wearing another school’s uni, especially one who will be your opponent. players will think that you are trying to show them up or rub salt into their wounds. be humble, blend in, and show respect for your host.
Stretch – Where on Wednesday?
that must have been a funny site seeing pepa pepper lil abe. wait aren’t they cousins?
i’ll bet lil abe gets to 315# in no time.
Warrior workout!!???, o.k., o.k., twenty lb. dumb bell in each hand, o.k., o.k.,…one, ughhhhh!!!, two, ughhhhh!!!, o.k., now how many was that????
ST: Okay. Just busy actually “working”……and other stuffs….
homey: Camillia, I tink.
Howzit, Pride!
will you be in Columbus, OH during your tour of the Big 10 at all? My wife’s family is from there- rabid Buckeye fans. I had the privilege of attending a game at the ‘shoe a couple years ago- OSU vs Mich State- and was completely blown away by all the pregame revelry, pomp and circumstance. For the 100K+ fans or so that actually got into the stadium, there was another few hundred K fans at the neighboring bars and haunts. Even the movie theatres broadcast the games! I tell you- those guys operate on an entirely different level.
ST, email sent as instructed.
homey….jj wanted to cc this wednesday at camellia’s at noon.
Commish hopes these hard working players are keeping hydrated and safe in these oppressively hot conditions. We don’t want to hear about any heat related incidents out there.
Seriously, Commish used to wonder how people died in those heat waves he reads in the news. Now… now he knows. Was actually looking forward to starting work on a Monday because of the A/C.
The feeling has since passed. Blah.
Let me know if you’re going to visit San Jose State.
Lawrence Fan can help you out. Great guy.
So, homey….
Now that you’ve got the D.L. on the cc that JJ planned, did you RSVP ASAP?
Sorry……I couldn’t resist……((((sigh)))) I think I better go to the gym…..
Al, Abe is cousins with Lafu not Pepa…
I wouldn’t want to get Pepa all Salty 🙂
No need RSVP ’cause I don’t speak French.
Mrs. C, no RSVP for the CC to JJ needed. Mr. C need not RSVP for the CC unless he will be a NS.
homey…wednesday, noon, Camellia McCully….I think….
A wise, giant, bird once told me, “Off-season conditioning shows your dedication to the program. How you train affects how you will practice and how you practice will affect how you play. You play like you practice. If you practice wrong, you will play wrong.” It’s a simple theory…but one that holds soooooo true.
WarriorMojo ~ Please check your email.
Do the players all have to turn in their manuals at the end of summer? Or will some end up on Craigslist and Ebay?
no need answer, but does your job take you to all those schools on the mainland during the summer?
why you ask question if no need answer?
bigwave… comment was sort of a joke on barry because he always seems to be related to so many folks.
i suppose, now you got the jest of the ploy.
anyway, tomw south shore expecting some 6-8 footers!
be happy.
Don’t answer that…
Article about how Colt is happy that Washington signed Chase Daniel.
hey, i thought u were on my side?
I hope that the Warriors follow the workout guidelines all offseason no matter where they are and whether they are working or in summer school. There are so many starting positions up for grabs this year and the offseason is the time where hard work can move players up the depth chart and improve the team.
Morning tsaikos.
I porgot sons kinder grad at 9am. So I will try to make it right after. 12pm right? Will bring #6 coloma with me. Same bruddah I brought to Richies.
What time you guys ususally leave camelia’s? And which one there are 2 camelia’s in town.
Hey Stephen any news on Charlie Wade’s possible coaching staff?
this is Funny
Hmm… looks like some believe that the manual is nothing but more “smoke and mirrors”.
We’ll see what players work hard in the off season and if it makes a big difference in the fall, considering Hawaii is predicted to be either 5th or 6th depending in the pundits. There are a lot of questions to be answered starting w/ the defense, especially the down linemen and secondary. Also, the bad offensive line last year, place kicking, punting, and poor special teams. It doesn’t seem too optimistic, but I’m hoping the addition of coaches Shaw and Tormey will make a big difference in their coaching ability. We have to find new leaders on this edition of the Warriors and I hope Blaze Soares will have a big year and stay healthy.
Good luck to all of them. I hope Corey Neilson steps up, even as a freshman.
where u been?–i have mentioned many times other programs i visited and left links….got ridiculed….just recently mentioned it to al….no thanx on the stringer….lol…..i have my own projects and contacts….have been visiting for awhile and have seen at least 2 in every bcs conference, wac (5),mwc (5), usa (4) and sunbelt (3).
Was it just me or did the HA article about Wade’s hiring indicate that perhaps the assistants may not change?
Who ridiculed you?
Honestly, I think this is the first I’ve heard that you’ll be going to other programs this summer.
Anyway, fresh start. So just let us know the dates you’ll be going and we can give you a little promo.
I don’t know of any other program that allows people to watch workouts, so it will be good to have some insider info that you can report.
Anyway, I’ll let our boss know, and we can do some prep work.
Thanks again.
it would be nice, though, it could be awkward for charlie and for tino, should the latter be offered to remain on staff.
a lot depends upon how they can get past the disappointment on tino’s part.
every position is unique and calls for specialties.
as an example, DL and DE, are prone to neck and back injuries.
every player is unique and progress is on-goin and relative.
what about recovery liquids (ncaa permissibles)?
If u believe one manual is good for all than u will love Chairman Mau’s book on communes n utopia.
if u believe athletes do not need to be monitored than u havent listened to Raphael Ieru.
You have address? The one by star or the back of s king and mccully?
I think ST mentioned that the manual includes special work out routines for different positions. But it’s true, while each player needs to work on his strengths while doubling his efforts on his weaknesses. You kind of hope they’ll be able to figure out for themselves what most of those weaknesses are.
hmmmmmmmmm, wonder what that former Tiger had to say?
Not 20lb dumbbell… 20lb roast turkey in each hand… object is to do one handed curls bringing each turkey to the mouth and back.. similarly while on the back.. arms outstretched… bringing turkey to mouth… repeat till turkey is gone.
mr. c
mccully = mccully st/algaroba st just off s. king st. ewa of mccully st.
the other one is in moilili.
Mr C. – You bringing helmet for #6? I usually leave before 2:00p.m.
no need 4 promo … not out 4 pub, in fact that puts me off….but mahalo 4 the thought i will do my thing, OK, that includes reporting from UH camp in aug….
i asked u for proof-of-pics that our OLM are running in the hot sun…..or just running…..need to see evidence of sweat….ill be out most of the summer and need your eyes….
ahouse…..there you go again asking “no need” questions?
i guess you just thinking out loud?
are you talking to yourself again?
okay, no need answer.
your boss already told us all about you.
mr. c
come late okay.
many will be coming late….hawn style.
many will be eating for hours…much to the chagrin of the korean man.
wf2….so where will your travels be taking you?
do you do this for a living?
what schools have you been to?
braddah a house, looks like the heat catching up with you. need to go somewhere cooler, like fishing in alaska!!!!!!!!!
That reminds me, I’ll be there on Wednesday.
Yeah. Can borrow powder puff helmet.
No choosing sides….jus’ order everyting! 😆
d1…you need to do a parts run in two days. maybe #2 can be your shotgun in case you get mugged.
hmmmmmmmmmmmm, your #97……
how come you ask same question as me in your #99? hhhmmmmmm…
no sweat the heat and small stuff – can handle – but you are right, fishing in Alaska sounds GREAT!!!
heard there was a BIG snow storm last week north of Anchorage.
you leaving soon? destination?
“I don’t know of any other program that allows people to watch workouts, so it will be good to have some insider info that you can report”.
tsai u r putting me on?
C’mon, most every program has a summer program or camp. u just need to use personality after that and talk story with the S&C guyz. hell, most of them are in positions to tell the HC who to offer, all things being said.
u build friendships from that and email, text or call to stay in touch. There are also tons of conventions to meet these people. They write articles in mags, etc.–where did u get all this covert stuff from? Lol.
They form the backbone for most d1a programs.
They are the easiest to approach and love to share their theories.
Where u been?
in my case, i want answers!
As usual…game day decision.
Whew! 20 more days ’til Summer but you coulda fooled me! (not really that hard to do)
Toured Colorado in 2001–colt and his teammates and HS coaches were there. as was Ds from kahuku. spoke w doc kriese, he was wonderful.
same year, at usc, norm chow was there, kanani souza, kenny patton and that iolani kid that went to UDUB were there.
went to oregon in 2002, knew only one person who worked in the AD and got a tour and talk w S&C coach….ditto w nebraska, on n on.
been to boise on a tour w a friend. this isnt los alamos and fatboy espionage n drama. lol.
A House, this one better yet.
LOS ANGELES–JUNE 1, 2009– Ticket prices for summer flights
to Europe reached new lows this week as already
intense competition increased among airlines serving major
U.S. cities and most European destinations.
Some fares now are priced 50 percent less than they were at
the same time last year.
Flights from Los Angeles and San Diego now start at $493
roundtrip, including taxes, to major European cities for
travel through September.
Here are just a few of the roundtrip, tax-inclusive routes
on sale (as of June 1, 5:15pm ET):
– Los Angeles-Berlin … $493-$500
– San Diego-Dublin … $493
– Los Angeles-Barcelona … $523-$623
– Los-Angeles-Geneva … $600-$666
– Los-Angeles-Paris … $721-$805ouse, this one is better yet.
Suggestion for Liz’s Tsai-ko Training Manual:
Chapter 3: Fuud Offerings
Chapter 4: More Fuud Offerings
“Madeinhawaii” on blog # 31 brought up good points. She mentioned “Nasti” & I reiterate that it’s a shame Nasti’s not playing on Sundays & the primary reason was that he didn’t maintain discipline re: his weight. Present UH Warriors should pay attention if they have any aspirations to play for the NFL & really get into the habit of staying in condition. Most of the Pro-Bowl caliber players have no problems doing just that. I’m glad to hear that even the “cut” players are staying in shape because they have a chance (as slim as it is) of sliding in there if a higher-rated player backslides or isn’t game-ready.
al. i believe i exchanged w u a partial schedule of my summer–as to the rest….i believe in being private unless we are friends….im just like u guyz n share ur passion for warrior football….try to look for commonalities and shared experiences rather than others–who look for differences and none expansive thought.
i didn’t know that madeinhawaii has come out of the closet?
you mean we are not friends yet?
better come on down wednesday and “break some chopsticks” with us.
and how about amber kaufmann?
rare two sport athlete in college these days. talk about being able to live out her dreams. the best part is that in track i believe she is still a sophmore.
i think she still live in the valley.
mahalo lizk
sometimes type to fast so can get something in before gotta do something else. but at the time eating manapua so had greasy fingas ….. au’we
man don’t know how dem keeds can eat in the cafe, must be 100° in dea then go out and play in this heat main thing they happy and play nice. not to self bring extra shirts for next couple of day if heat waves continues
kk….i feel sorry for the 5th and 6th period teachers. the hauna going fill the classroom, eh?
Happy Birthday Cenn Cee!
Thanks for the updates.
But I think your dates might be a little off. Hey, time does that to all of us. I just spoke with Terry Brennan, and he said Colt never visited Colorado before enrolling. The connection was through a Nike camp held in California. Maybe you were thinking of 2003?
A-House–yes and PGA.
always punch out a d1a program that is close by where i need to go.
i used to do ml baseball and omaha but la capa has placed me on a tether. if army had beat texas, i would be at omaha this june. last year it was great to see fresnecks catch on fire and win the crowd. baseball in the midwest during the summer is apple pie n hotdogs and a cluster of folkz from the south–great stuff to witness. great experiences n grinds at the bbq pits.
….u cant beat summer prices and literally brush up against illuminaries and can for the most part, strike casual conversation.
Leila said it seemed we went from winter to summer this year.
I miss my spring.
nahh…it was 2001 I was in Boulder and MD HS was there–and, i just assumed CB was with them in retrospect by dating the year.
i didnt meet any of the MD players but spoke to one MD coach. Like i said, doug simones was there. I believe he was no longer kahuku hc. if one is attending camps it can get crossed w other years but one can b rem’d by flagging certain personalities or S&C staff.
She’s right. It seemed to transition while we were on OR for the luau; it was nice and cool when we left and just brutal when we got back…
btw, was your niece involved with the luau or the show?
btw, i was gonna mention this yesterday, but, i got too busy with my honey do list.
how many of you read leila’s article on the prep champs for 2008-09? that was some mighty fine sportswriting if i may say so. great job.
you can put your video camera away now.
***Off topic***
Must be a slow sports news day when the Stanley Cup Finals are getting headline attention in Hawaii papers!
No complaints though, good to see “my” Red Wings with the two game lead.
Gonna blab on about hockey here for a bit.. Any other “closet” hockey fans
Still not convinced that newbie coach Dan Bylsma for Pitt knows about matching up his lines against Babcock and the Wings.
Sidney Crosby has had no where near the playing time he needs to excel against Detroit and seems like Coach Bylsma and his staff are more concerned with classic hockey line match ups.
Anyway, a two-game series lead WITHOUT Pavel Datsyuk and top faceoff man and veteran leader Kris Draper is a good sign.
I predict my Wings to drop game 3 in Pitt and then go on to finish off the Penguins in five games.
You got sun-burned yesterday?
Yep, the niece was there.
She said she knows your son, so they were on the same flight back from Portland.
She’s going to Occidental next year. I think the total package is something like $50,000. Yikes.
I was trying to convince her to go to UH.
Has the heat gotten to you? 😈
We want video! We want video! We want video!
It was pretty warm yesterday.
It started at 10 a.m. It went about 90 minutes, which wasn’t bad.
I went to an eighth-grade graduation on Thursday; that almost went two hours.
The GEICO google eyes tells me young Abe is actually taking the lead on the workouts. Maybe that’s what made his cuzn’s cranky, frustrated and so sensitive to his shorts. They couldn’t stay up with him. Nothing to do with the sports wear.
Sum Ting tells me some of these guys won’t be able to run those infamous ‘gassers’ if they are re-instituted in August. Like (J)J suggested, it’s all about running to build stamina. See UH Run!
Anyway, if anyone wants to come down to see our show tomorrow, just give a holler. We’re going to be starting at about 12:15, I think. Princess Leila will be available for autographs.
(I wrote that to see if she’s reading.)
I took video of the entire show and edited it. Let me know if she wants a copy.
#1 son’s former college HC moved to Oxy as the OC so I called him when #2 was looking at schools. He said the academics there are really top notch and he did mention the costs as well 😯
…or as a HS buddy of mine who lives near Eagle Rock summed it up:
“Nice school. Hard studies. Lots of babes!” 😆
what stuck out in 2001 at boulder was they electronically timed athletes on the sidelines and subtracted a fraction (2.4?). also, the buffs were gearing up for their first game against….fresno state…, they would lose.
the s&c trainer, doc griese ran the athletes by groups in the am. sprints on an ajacent field to the stadium followed by weight training, plyometrics and than 7 on 7 stuff at 4;30 or so.
The sprints were based on average yards each play would require in a game followed by breaks=to a huddle and alloted time betw plays during a game. distances were also spaced out to stimulate game time situations.
I returned in 2006 and they had a diff S&C and employed a diff program but with lots of running.
what sticks out at usc is their practice field is sand base and they still look fast.
what sticks out at the cattle calls is….
well, you just have to be there…
Way to go, Colt! Feeshing!
Happy trails to Mouse Davis – and God Bless!
dog gone it, looks like we are headed in the wrong direction!!
we should be thinking of going to Europe; my problem is I have no yankering to visit Europa.
It costs less to fly from the West Coast to Europe than on Hawaiian from Oahu to Vegas. Waddas up wit dat???
Go ABE-50… my fave red-shorted player 😆
i have short term memory so i had to do some research
pardon my cluelessness…wf2…where or what is bethpage, warrick hills, and A2?
i just spoke to the big guy….
braddah can take some pain. he is ‘surviving’ the effects of his replacement part surgery altho he had to endure a surgical procedure albeit without the effectiveness of anesthetics.
said he never felt so sore in his life. “it was like getting beat up by tyson!” were his exact words.
but, as you can tell he is in great spirit. i told him to beef up at the cattle call on wednesday.
Yup was a horrible day to be outdoors yesterday… unless you were at the beach.
Was playing a little pick up game of softball yesterday and I don’t know those players can do double headers in this kind of heat.
Then again athletes are athletes and wannabees are like me. 😆
Hugs to RK!
Bethpage (2002 U.S. Open) and Warwick Hills (Buick Open) are for golf, I believe. A2 looks like Ann Arbor; Barwis is the S&C coach for the Wolverines.
btw….wouldn’t the big guy be an excellent chat guest next week?
he could talk all things warrior and na wahine.
Do you mean McMackin?
I’m kind of surprised Colorado was timing athletes.
They’re not supposed to be timing players during offseason workouts.
Oh, well.
I’ve got a friend who knows all of the Colorado folks. I’ll ask him what’s up with that.
i keep thinking that if the “inoke” works well this year and i have all the reason that the ‘inoke’ aka wildcat position will fit like a glove for us. we actually have two incoming qbs who could transition to the ‘inoke’ real well as both david “take you to the…” graves and corey “please spell my name right” nielsen have 4.6-4.7 wheels.
the big guy = robert k
however, mack will always make for an excellent guest.
somewhere down the line gordie and chris tormey would be welcome earfuls.
and nate, and timmy, and charlie, the bros lee on separate times, stutz1, whew….endless possibilities.
perhaps getting the non football dignitaries done before football is in full swing would be a great change of pace. because come august there is no other game in town.
I like the vision. You got to wonder if this is what they were planning from the beginning.
It costs less to fly from the West Coast to Europe than on Hawaiian from Oahu to Vegas. Waddas up wit dat???
old business theory
supply and demand
Supply and demand. I wouldn’t mind going to Europe, but why help their economy when they blame all the world problems on us. I rather spend my ss check here, the darkside, vegas, alaska, and philippines. At least they appreciate us.
G….lets ask tsai.
whitey and al have simultaneously simular thought processes.
was it the food at tiffany’s or darkside adventures?
A House, the hawaii market would be challenged if southwest decides to find a partner to fly to hawaii. if they do, competition will be excellent!!!
I like this comment about Bess–being their starting slot receiver is great, being the starting wideout would be even better for his contract negotiations.
Another comment about Bess.
Mouse Davis retired…I wonder if Glanville will be looking for a UH-related person to run their offense.
alaska airlines will be introducing oakland-kahului and oakland-kona service in nov. they have seattle-every major airport in hi and also have portland-kahului and kahului-anchorage service.
Report from Pisa’s first practice with the Bears.
Any surprise that Colt stayed after practice to throw?
anyone know the scoop on VJ transferring from farrington to kahuku? heard he had a great bench 31 reps at 225 lbs according to kitv4, but only a 4.94 in the 40.
i thought he was on good terms at farrington….al, any insight?
dang gas companies (oil companies). now at $3.07, yesterday was $3.05. arseholes to the max!!!!!
al…jojo said, don’t forget to pick her up on the corner on Wednesday…
kurdish oil is now flowing to the market. wonder how much impact this will have on the world market???? sometimes i wonder why we worry about “oil” when we are overflowing with it from the county, state, and federal governments.
ST, does the workout and conditioning manual have a personal chart to input and keep record of how they are doing each day????
Every city that Southwest moved in to has enjoyed a drop in fare prices. United Air and others had to chop their prices in half to stay in contention. That is what needs to happen with the Vegas market.
Of course if we had a *choice* in the casino question put to the voters… mo chance. Too many people who feel that it is their responsibility to make those choices for us, will continue.
jj….i hope she is just standing on the corner and walking around. i don’t pickup streetwalkers.
homey, er, i mean hubby…
word is that his grandfather is ill with alzheimer’s and the grandson closest to him is vj. grandfather (in fact, i think the fehoko’s live in laie) is in laie and so vj is doing this for his grandpa’s sake.
does this translate to vj becoming a warrior in the future?
only time will tell.
they were timing camp participants….keep trying.
“…and not walking around.”
oh, boy looks like a vetting process goin on….lol.
priceless….start fresh ugh…..what con.
Nice to see a Warrior getting their dues from the MPSF.
Can’t get over how Sean Carney was ROBBED of an “All-MPSF” mention last season… 👿
Howzit Mrs. C.
wow, we get one buy complaining about the vetting process when he vetts all the time. funny how clueless they are!!!!!!!
your #162 – read my mind – Alaska Airlines would be a perfect match as they also have a direct flight between Vegas and Seattle!!
al – Did you forget who “hubby” really was?
I don’t know VJ personally, or his family. I remember a former high school friend that contemplated opting out of a college in Florida (NOT the University of Florida) to got to CC in Hawaii (his first choice, but was denied originally) because of an ill relative having little time left.
His ill family member told him “don’t alter your life for me”. Basically his sick family member didn’t want him to change his future plans because of his illness.
This seems to happen a lot.
It’s unfortunate to know that a family member is not well. As fans of all UH programs it’s normal we try to find “hints” on prospective top athletes opting to stay home and play for UH as in VJ’s situation or the unfortunate situation with Mililani softball star Courtney Senas (father is ill with a rare form of cancer).
But as you said, only time will tell.
“Vetting”? OR “Venting”?
4 down
7 to go
A House, it might work w/Alaska and southwest stronghold is the southwest. both fly 737, but alaska has charges on first and second bags, southwest none. there is an airline, something blue, that uses regional airports in california and has long range aircraft that might be a possibility. competition will definitely help the uh programs because their fans may be able to go to more away games at a lesser cost.
kazz, not u
Not really an NBA fan and I really don’t follow them throughout the season, but I have always admired Lebron James.
To me, he was a good example of a class pro athlete. He played basketball, left out on the court and no off-court drama…
I am VERY disappointed in his comments about why he didn’t shake the hands of the team that obviously were better than his Cavs. Yes I understand that you are a competitor and it’s hard to shake the hand of an opponent after eliminating your championship hopes, but you do it anyway. If not for you, for your team (as a leader) and for the sport.
It’s ok to believe what he said, but you owe it to your team and your sport, as a leader and a high profile star, to be the bigger man and at least show sportsmanship even if you don’t believe in the little things like shaking hands after a playoff series.
In 1996, my Detroit Red Wings (the regular season champions in the NHL) were eliminated by their rivals the Colorado Avalanche. In that final 6th game. Detroit center Kris Draper was hit FROM BEHIND by Colorado winger Claude Lemieux. Draper had his face broken and jaw dislocated when he went face-first into the boards and glass. In hockey that is a severe penalty when you hit someone from behind as they are in a vulnerable position and cannot defend themselves. Rightfully so Lemieux was ejected from the game (something hard to accomplish in hockey 😉 ). When the game was over and Colorado won the series, Claude Lemieux came back out in street clothes to shake hands. In the post game press conference Detroit forward Dino Cicceralli said “I can’t believe I shook that F**KER’S hand. He gave a dangerous cheap shot to a friend and a teammate of mine, but that is the sport we play.”
Last time I checked I don’t recall Dwight Howard nearly crippling Lebron or any of his teammates.
What’s the problem Lebron? Tsk tsk tsk…
Hi, all!
Hopefully all of the Warriors adhere to the conditioning manual. Else it will be ugly come August.
Doug will get mad if you let Leila sign autographs for the stalkers.
BTW, you a Sublime fan? :wink;
Couldn’t help but ask considering today’s blog headline. Like that line from Sublime’s 1996/1997 single “Doin’ Time”.
Summertime… and the livin’s easy. Bradley’s on the microphone with RAS-MG, all people in the dance will agree that we’re well qualified to represent the L.B.C. …
(sighs) Music really went to hell in 1999 and has continued on a DOWNWARD spin since then… 🙁
Sublime was one of the few bands of their genre (punk, reggae, ska) that actually sounded good.
But I digress…
Speaking of Pisa and the Bears. A scource VERY close to the quarterback situation there says that the new quarterback in Windy City is the “real deal”. Says that the new QB plays with tons of confidence and tosses 70 yard zingers down the field in an effortless manner. Claims that receivers are all breathing real hard because they’ve never run that far downfield trying to get under his long balls. With the addition of people like Pace and Tinoisamoa, the next 2 or 3 years look real promising for Bear fans.
Chawan doesn’t appreciate being called a “stalker”.
I believe he prefers “persistent admirer”. 😆
Found a link at lunch that has some explanation why 0.24 sec is used as the conversion for hand timed to electronic. This is probably only for folks who are incurably curious about wayward bits of information. Click on my moniker.
I’ll be interested in seeing how Alaska Airlines does with their new flights from the West Coast to Hawai’i.
I’ve always contended that it’s hard for an airline to make money flying 737 jets from the mainland to the islands for a variety of reasons. It can be done, but the margins would be slim and carrying bulk cargo is a no no for these smaller planes.
Good topic. Colin of ESPN was talking about this earlier on the radio. I see Lebron’s point of view, where he said, “I just got beat up from my opponent why do I want shake hands with them”.
I’m a mirror image of Lebron when it come to extending a ceremonious gesture after a game . For I hate shaking hands, too.
The ones that don’t want to shake hands are often ostracized because it’s suppose to be gentlemanly thing to do after a match. To wit at the 18th hole, the finish line or at the end of the competition it is commonly excepted that competitors do.
If it’s a friendly match, i can see shaking hands. If it’s has a wager involved and I lose, then I’m not shaking hands. And my opponent sizing up the situation doesn’t take issue of this. It’s understood.
How many times has my opponent pulled a rabbit out of a hat and beat me at the end. And I feel so deflated, like them hitting a double bull’s eye in darts, or making that dog lucky 45 foot putt, or hitting that miracle card in poker’s biggest pot of the night–after this–sorry, I’m not shaking hands. That’s me.
In fact, collectively as a team-in football, basketball and track in high school I can’t remember many times shaking hands with the opponents. The one time I tried to shake hands with a competitor.. as we we’re excepting medals in track–he looked at my hands as it were a snake. Truly. As a youngster, then, I understood.
And that epitomizes Lebron, too. For he said, “I’m a competitor”.
Yet what the media failed to mention, even Colin in his early morning radio show, is that every time Lebron met at half court before every series game–he did shake hands with his competitors.
The media, IMO, is making this out to be more than it should be. In the heat of the battle I think it’s should be forgiven. Lebron competitors probably don’t take issue to this–so why is the media blowing this up..Lebron forwarded congratulatory e-mails after the series,.. enough said.
Re: Timing camp.
Never heard of those.
I do know that players are not allowed to be timed during visits, and certainly not during offseason conditioning drills or unsupervised workouts.
But I like Colorado, and don’t want to get them in trouble, so I won’t say anything more.
Anyway, I think we’re all in agreement that we’d like to see photos or reports from wf2’s campus trips this summer.
Our editor approved, so we can get you a camera and instructions on how to post.
I see where you are coming from. Yes, the media can blow the smallest thing out of proportion, but I guess with that much of a break between the Eastern finals and the first game of the Finals they need something to talk about considering their preparation of notes and stats for the fabled Lebron and Kobe duel is now out the window.
Still at that level of competition and on that BIG stage with the world watching, you need to present yourself as something bigger than the “average Joe”. It is expected.
We, as a society place professional athletes in very high regard and we expect them to be “better” than us on all levels and aspects in life. So by Lebron not extending his hand after a loss it can be a big deal to a lot of people, like me, that have looked at him in such a light.
Is it our fault when these people don’t turn out to be who we expect them to be? Yes. Yes it is.
But when these people are living the life fit for a king, no pun intended, they are expected by the masses to act in a manner above our typical basic reactions to tough situations.
The one thing we can be sure: You can’t catch swine flu from Lebron since he doesn’t shake hands.
I dunno ’bout that…
All that damn powder in the air… The entire first 10 rows behind the Cavs’ bench are at risk! 😆
oooh, good one ST.
i know when it is time to move on.
Also in the subculture of the NBA there’s a lot of bad blood. And thrash talking between the players during the game–and even in some cases during the off season. Hostilities develop. So for these reasons, too, in the heat of the battle I think it’s excusable for Lebron to not shake hands after the game.
You have been put on notice.
Get it together or lose out!
Sweet deal ST. Liz will be jealous. Bet she had her camera bag packed and at the ready.
Basketball, at times, seems like a sport that thrives on “trash-talk” even before the tipoff.
I have never really followed “professional” sports, and the only one I have followed since I was a kid was the NHL.
I’m more accustomed to pro hockey players doing their thing on the ice and then settling their differences via a nice fight to get their squads fired up or to set the tone for a game, or to send a message to the other team.
Not much trash talk in hockey is publicized in the mainstream media as with the other three top national sports. It happens as it does in any competitive team sport, but to me it seems hockey is more of a “play-first before you talk” kind of attitude.
In the NHL, I have seen the most BRUTAL and deliberate physical contact of any of the four North American sports, but I have NEVER seen a hockey player decline to shake hands afterwards.
Again, to each his own on the topic of shaking hands. Lebron didn’t do anything criminal, but from the pedestal I personally placed him in as a pro athlete, I did expect more. That’s all.
I’m assuming some kind of deposit or insurance document is needed when you folks “loan” out equipment?
good debate.
youz on the debate team, no?
Alaska Airlines is primarily dropping routes to Mexico to expand their Hawaii routes. They have also been having Horizon fly more of the loads on their commuter routes (like from Portland to Oakland). Horizon is dropping their jets so I doubt that this will continue. Alaska must be making money flying to Hawaii. They started things up with underserved routes (Seattle to Kauai) and had gone forward from there. They dipped their toes in and it must have felt okay.
I agree with CRW though — it is hard to make money flying 737-700s that far. They just don’t carry enough people. Hawaii routes would be a huge philosophical departure for Southwest. Also, unless they started flying en masse they will not likely have a huge impact on price. Again, the 737s don’t carry enough people — and as CRW mentioned — they don’t take containerized cargo. Hawaiian has great service and they fly a comfortable plane. They get terrible utilization out of their planes though (only flying around 10 hours a day on mainland routes) which is where both Alaska and Southwest can make up some ground.
Hawaiian is going to have to double down and start Chicago – HNL & Denver – HNL I think if they want to continue to stay profitable. Those are routes that only jumbos can fly and Alaska & Southwest can’t even get into the market.
Debate team? Nope.
2 years of yearbook class in high school though… if that counts for anything… 😆
Funny thing though. Here I am “blaming” Lebron for his post game actions, or lackthereof, yet I openly admit it is MY fault for expecting “more” from him “off” the court.
Then again, me and my friends endlessly harp on how OBSCENE it is that these professional athletes get paid the amount of money they do for just playing sports… BUT… at the same time we all agree it is society’s fault for placing such a huge emphasis on sports as a big part of our entertainment needs.
We the fans are the ones willing to pay outlandish prices for a ball with ink on it, or a dirty and sweaty uniform, and tickets for a professional sporting event.
We, as a society, will complain about the cost of attending professional sporting events, yet WE created the demand for it. We expect them to do amazing things with their physical talents that can be considered “super-human”, yet we admonish them for not being more “human-like”.
Heh… it is a funny world we live in… BUT WE CREATED IT!!! 😆
no need the warning.
Don’t be so humble my friend!
It’s only a matter of time YOU will be the one needing to leave the Stanley hidden in laundry carts to avoid being torn apart by the ladies…
I tell ya, it’s that orange jacket.
Ladies love da orange. 😎
i don’t need the jacket to scare them away. ha!
No insurance.
I trust in people, and if someone says he has an “in” at Boise, that’s good enough for me. I don’t know of anyone else who has an in there, not even the beat writers. They’re not allowed to cover practices or workouts, even in the summer. And trust me, I know a lot of people at Boise State, including big boosters, and the WAC commissioner. So getting photos would be like gold. I’m anxious to see them. Aren’t you curious, too?
Normally, yes I think a lot of UH fans would be interested.
Normally. 😉
Speaking of gold… I remember those chocolates that were wrapped up to look like gold coins.
Yup not real “gold” obviously.
So in getting back to post #218, normally I would be interested.
Wanna know it’s “gold” and not “chocolate”.
ST ~ I’m sure Liz could do it. She’s a natural ‘Gladys Kravitz’ boss man! Give her the assignment and the extra camera equipment, and she will be streaming ‘live’ from BS with all the news that’s fit to print!
Hey I was there when she scooped KGMB at the Sugar Bowl on the delivery of the Ti leaves, interviewed and photgraphed Mouse Davis, cornered Vili and Augie T…mugged Willie K, nabbed JJ at the front door of the Marriot…well, you get the picture…she was everywhere.
Put her in coach!
Brah, dats y you gotta wash it.
Bumbai u learn! 😎
looks like i scared away everyone but ST and kazz….
I think Liz K should host “Eh, You Da Kine Yeah?”. 🙂
yah more photos!
i want to see their faciities.
chawan….perhaps i need to pass on some of my jackets your way. orange? maybe one day per year is okay.
ST ~ Is it true that Sam Earl Feheko of Texas Tech is also working out by himself (unsupervised of course) at UH?
Welcome to Hawaii David Graves! Work hard, study hard and play nice. 😀
just came back from an early din din.
i have been eyeing up this item for a couple of years and finally ordered it.
its definitely an “after after” munchy.
oxtail ramen w/(choke) veggies 9.80
(and more oxtail then zippy’s)
david graves is here?
play nice? this is football….
tweedle dum, tweedle dee,
i forgot to check the tweeter tweet.
I do not pity Coach Rolo having to deal with sorting out the freshman QB talent pool.
Graves, Nielsen, and Shutter.
Over the next few seasons, it could be a VERY hard decision to make.
Everything is a bright blue and orange with a “smug” trim. 😎
Your eyes wouldn’t be able to focus for a week and you’d have a headache.
no need. i’m good. thanks.
no you’re not.
not with that orange jacket.
i was thinking…maybe a big fellow who runs well like austin hansen should move to dt?
expat and crw, alaska uses the 800 series which was developed for them by boeing. i not real sure, but think the capacity is around 164. flew with them when they first started kahului, plane was about 60%, but coming home was 100%. service in air is excellent and they have quite a few local transplants working as attendents. i can understand about the carrying capacity, but this plane has no problems with baggage. the aloha 700 was a piece of junk and very few airlines used it. they also have the 900 which holds a lot more and the buggah get speed. i would not be surprised if alaska adds their oakland base to oahu and kauai, then they could consolidate plane in oakland for vegas, reno, etc.
expat, didn’t know that alaska was slowing down service to mexico, but after listening to another person about how they treat non-national airlines in south america, drop in number of travelers, etc, it kind of makes sense. still cannot believe how they are putting more flights to kahului than honolulu. be nice if they had one to lax or sda.
southwest uses the 200 and 400 series.
al – I meant play nice off the field. No like bachi anybody…
Sup Gang, is it just me or is someone blowing smoke…no wait it’s just another sandstorm blowing through, nevamind…
Momma A-House, thanks for the email, sorry never get chance to reply back, internet tends to do funky things out here, so I didn’t get the chance. Appreciate the kind words and well wishes, but no worry beef curry, me and the boys will be au’ryte!
Congratulations to ST for making the Top 3 in the HonAd’s Best of the Best in the media category, second only to Lee Cataluna.
Southwest flies 737-300’s, some -500’s, but most of their fleet are 737-700’s. 😀
I understand the Lebron situation but for me I’m with you on that. Regardless of the trash-talking, physical play, hard fouls, etc… eh it’s part of the game, either man-up or go home. Still though, competitor or not…it ain’t that serious to where a simple high five, pat on the back, nudge, or sometime of acknowledgement to your opponent for being the better at the time is going to kill you. I mean it’s just proper sports etiquette and respect for the game you are competing in. There is always going to be one winner and one loser, so if you’re the latter, lose the ego and give respect where it’s due. If you lose, it’s probably because the opponent out played you or did that little extra to get the win. I mean I’ve had to criticize myself for blaming refs, and cheap shots or whatever, but then I realized…well frikk, if I would’ve worked that much harder, done that much more, I wouldn’t have let the game come down to a refs bad call or an opponents cheap shot or whatever. I’ve been guilty of this throughout the years playing all sports but now I don’t sweat the small stuff cause it ain’t that serious and I give respect where it’s due, but that’s just me…
Well, if wf2 turns us down — which he shouldn’t, because it would be great for all of us — then I know Liz can do the job.
Or Ronnie.
Or Rob25.
Our female bloggers are fearless.
ST – Kudos to you for trying…. Your efforts are appreciated by most…. 😐
brew, you one smart buggah.
#121 – I think Cenn‘s b-day is June 2. But I’ll join d1島 in sending my greetings: 😆
~•~~~~•~ 😀 ❀ ❀ ❀ Happy..(early)..Birthday..Cenn!!! ❀ ❀ ❀ 😀 ~•~~~~•~
and they get 539 planes. wow, their own air force.
Like I said, I don’t know of any outsider who has access to Boise workouts — including reporters or boosters — so if one of our blog regulars can manage that, it would be an awesome thing to share. And we have the camera equipment to lend. (It’s very lightweight; less than a pound.)
Especially if they could go on one of those timing days.
While I’m at it….
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
~•~~~~•~ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Happy..Birthday..Faith!!! ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ~•~~~~•~
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
Faith is Garret & Lori‘s oldest daughter. I think she turns six June 2. Imagine…. six years old and already smarter than most of us! 😆 🙄 😆
I always get thrown off when I try to get birthdays off of Facebook. It seems to be a day off. Or maybe I’m a day off.
Heck – there’s a bunch of b-days for Tsaiko VIP‘s this week! And a couple more next week – and that’s no bull!!! 😆
I use other sources…. 🙄 😀
Lori thinks you have a photographic memory…
Faith is already smarter than me. Someday she will pass Lori…
It’s Jimmy Borges’ birthday today.
Several years ago, when I was covering UH hoops, I wrote a little thing about the WAC. I mentioned that if you had one last day, spend it with Jimmy, because he sings the longest national anthem. Yuck, yuck. Cheap laugh.
Before a Rainbow Classic game, he said: “I dedicate this to my special friend, Stephen.” Then he glared at me. Then he sang the national anthem.
Before one of our fantasy baseball league drafts, he gave one of our guys a tape. It was Jimmy singing the national anthem.
Too funny.
I’m still marveling that you’re related to the Shinsato twins.
Re: LeBron….
A person’s true being shines (or in this case doesn’t) under extreme situations including joyous victory, and humbling losses….. IMHO. 🙄 😯 😐
Mack Brown is traveling to the MIddle East with a small group of college football coaches. He’s blogging about it and I think that the entries provide some interesting insight.
With the coaches visiting the base, a football game broke out: Air Force vs. Army.
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want to read the off-topic stuff.
The Army is looking for portable wind-powered generators–a great idea since hauling fuel to remote bases puts troops in jeopardy and costs as much as $400 per gallon!
Ultrafast laser can make a light bulb as bright as a 100-watt bulb while consuming less electricity than a 60-watt bulb while being cheaper and having a more pleasant light than a fluorescent bulb.
More than half of seniors 65 and older suffer from chronic sleep disturbances, believed to be caused by the disruption of the body’s circadian rhythms. RPI researchers have demonstrated a goggle-like device that delivers blue light directly to the eyes to improve sleep quality in older adults.
Dutch researchers have developed a portable device that can detect within minutes if someone is infected with a virus.
Parrot in New Zealand stole a Sottish man’s passport and escaped into the Fiordland rain forest. The replacement passport could take 6 weeks and cost the man $250.
Free play links pau.
Stephen Tsai:
I didn’t realize this SJSU RB was the brother of Charles Tharp.
Hoo-boy…those blog entries almost make me forgive Mack Brown for pulling outta the UH game….almost.
Nah, really. That’s some awesome stuff!
God bless those men and women all over the world who are taking the fight to those who seek to harm us.
The Oregonian has a nice article about Mouse Davis’ retirement. It sounds like Glanville wants to change to offense, one big factor in his retirement.
Wow, that’s very interesting. IIRC doesn’t Ptlnd St. have like 10 of 11 back on Offense? Hmmm….
I do NOT like how Texas pulled out of the UH game. I do NOT like how the Texas AD schedules football games. However, they both finally came to realize that they needed to take more challenges in their nonconference schedule…after their weak nonconference schedule cost them a shot at the national title game this year.
This offseason they tried to schedule more difficult nonconference games…and nobody wanted to take them up on the game.
I cheered for UH when UH played Texas…the only time I’ve ever cheered against Texas.
I think it has taken awhile for Portland State to get the right players for their system and learn Mouse’s system…unfortunately, it appears that now they have the players with some experience in the system and Glanville wants to stop running Mouse’s system and go to more of a rushing attack.
You were cheering against Ricky Williams? (gulp)
SMU has two openings- never say never with JJ and mouse
One more entry from Mack Brown’s blog. He’s traveling with 6 other college coaches and they all ended up sleeping in bunk beds in one room in one of Saddam’s palaces last night.
The other coaches on the trip are Ohio State’s Jim Tressel, Mississippi’s Houston Nutt, UCLA’s Rick Neuheisel, Wake Forest’s Jim Grobe, the Air Force Academy’s Troy Calhoun and former Auburn coach Tommy Tuberville.
My Gator alumni coworker – was embarrassed to admit that the Florida non-conference opponents for ’09 include Charleston Southern, Troy, Florida Int’l, and FSU. Not the toughest line-up for Tebow and the Gators…. 🙄 😈 😐
Some background on why Mack Brown wanted to make the trip.
I was in Austin and openly cheered for UH in the middle of a bunch of Texas fans! The funny thing is that they knew I had 40-yard-line seats in the special student section that made the most noise during Texas games, so they just ignored me.
When Florida makes more than $5 mil per home game and their University actually takes money from the Athletic Department to balance the University’s budget, you won’t see Florida doing many home-and-home deals for nonconference games…
95 days until football.
Washington State
Pullman, WA
The city’s 27,030 residents are a mix of WSU students, faculty, and staff along with families and individuals employed in education, agriculture, government, retail, trade technology, and services. Pullman is situated on four hills—Sunnyside, Pioneer, College, and Military—that divide it into four nearly equal quarters.
Pullman is located 78 miles south of Spokane and 280 miles east of Seattle
The Pullman School District has been ranked among the top 100 districts in the country. The college entrance exam scores of its graduates are consistently in the top 3% of all high schools in the state.
The area’s focus on higher education is further enhanced by the presence of the University of Idaho, only eight miles away in Moscow, Idaho. Like WSU, the UI is a major teaching and research institution, and the two universities participate in a number of joint educational and research endeavors.
I’ll be interested in seeing if their weak schedule impacts their overall rankings…. 🙄
…weak non-conference schedule. No questioning of the SEC conference games.
Eh, wait a minute….
That would explain all the Troopers “guarding” the highway between the two on any given Saturday night…. 🙄
a picture says a 1000 words here
is that a pitchfork?
…the Travel
babblechannel by d1島…. 🙄 Sheesh… 95 more days of this…. 😯 🙄 😆The outdoor recreation possibilities in the area are exceptional. Opportunities abound for hiking, camping, mountain biking, snow skiing, fishing, boating, and rafting.
Достаточно интересная и познавательная тема
#268 – I thought that was the Tsai brand…. Tricky! 😆
…..and so we no lose Brew.
da fuud options!
Ferdinand’s Ice Cream Shoppe, Washington State University’s gourmet ice cream shop, features old-fashioned ice cream and soda fountain treats, exclusive ice cream flavors, gourmet coffee and espresso drinks and of course, award winning Cougar Cheese.
Oh well… my Greek has been topped by #292’s Cyrillic…. 🙁 🙄 😥
No mo’ Zippy’s but get Zeppoz…
Didn’t you mention that a few days ago…. or was that wafan? 😀
outside of McD’s, Arby’s, one chop suey house and a couple of coffee places…..not much else?
wafan….but he was trying to remember details from memory…
Are you going to Seattle and LV?
I’m waiting for the descriptions and ratings for all the Wash houses of “chance”…. 🙄
Maybe this will help?
Re: #238
sda? Baghdad International Airport?
ST ~ Yep…our Tsaikettes can gather more intell on our opponents than an entire A-team. You just confirmed Liz and Rob25. Your good neighbor Momma A-House is a killer at innocently sweet talking her way into photo ops with players, coaches and media folks!
wf2 ~ If you were going to be here for the 4th of July dinner with Ronnie – our resident intell analyst for all things football, you would be very impressed with her random access memory.
So I would encourage you to take the deal that ST is offering. We would love to see some insider stuff from BS, Freezno or even on the PGA tour. We could share war stories over the making of your travelogue over a CC at one of Al’s favorite eateries upon your return.
Mahalo for the birthday wishes : )
Ain’t it good to be older and wiser!
Pauoa Boy, congrats on your new baby girl; I love her name as we have kids in the family with that name, Kahealani. : )
Cindy Cenn! Why you oldie but goodie! Happy Birthday to you! I hope you were able to blow out ALL 29 of those candles in one breath!
(Carefully avoiding the lead slippah from A-Sports by offering her services to help you with those candles…I remain in my Man Cave).
Pauoa Boy,
Sorry braddah, a belated congrats to the new edition of your family!
I think you’d be better off offering that HA camera for another purpose.
It’s been relatively “quiet” since your offer.
Sorry (J) James no can come to the CC Wed. I will be wrestling with my Dentist as he attempts to pin me to the chair to do a root canal. Best 2 out of 3, (but of course he has the advantage with the heavy artillery he will shoot me with).
Hmm.. I wonder if the “M*****bating Bear” or “Robert Goulet” will make a cameo tonight? It is a long way from New York… 😆
Kekoa, thanks! And good luck at the dentist; I have never had, and am sked of root canals; but I have enough gold on my back teeth lol.
Kazz, I gotta think about that Conan guy; old habits die hard lol.
tonight show?
what happened to johnny carson?
kekoa….no worry i’ll eat your share.
i’ll bet jj offers mouse a job.
Yeah I know what you mean. Don’t worry, just gotta get used to the Tonight Show being funny again! hehehehehehe… 😆
Johnny Carson…
Oh, that’s the guy who starred in those Caddyshack and National Lampoon movies right?
Hehehehehe.. I keeed I keeed…
Give Conan O’Brien a chance!!!
Without Conan O’Brien, would we have this wonderful Hawaii-related moment to enjoy.
(click on the link on my name)
Cindy …cenn, mahalos yeah I like that name for her too, good thing the wife went pick em and not me 🙂
Kazz, no worries bu…I already seen couple scorpions out here pretty nawts. I dunno if you ever watch Man vs. Wild but I would never try eat one of dem things, buggaz is vicious when you piss em off. Anyway, thanks the bebe doing good…
altho the battle for the starting qb seems to have lost its lustre because greg “the great” alexander is the apparent starter. the battle for the backup looms with the emergence of “stone cold” shane austin putting the full court press of onetime starter brent “the crane” rausch.
the intriguing battle will be amongst the three freshmen david “the goliath slayer” graves, corey “spell my name right” nielsen, and cayman “islands” shutter.
they could all end up redshirting i suppose.
with austin’s developement there goes any opportunity for these frosh to make the travel squad because no forget we still got our secret weapon in inoke “the inoke” funaki just waiting for a chance to take control once again. inoke will be the “inoke” the wildcat and the wild card.
johnny carson….it took me 10-15 years to realize….eh, this guy is funny.
al: Chris Berman you are not. 😉
if they go by the numbers then perhaps only one frosh will not be redshirted. that one may be the guy for the future, altho like many things only time will tell as the proof is in the pudding.
jase…i been doing that for three years now. can’t i just have some fun. i think chris’ are more lame than mine.
for example what does chris have for the best basketball player?
kobe bryant….nothing he has nothing.
al = kobe “steak” bryant, make that rare.
Whoa, whoa, with chawan_cut around, we do not throw the word “lame” around so casually.
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