Subscription prescription
We’re giving away four 1-year subscriptions to the Star-Advertiser’s on-line premium section.
Management said one must go to LizKauai.
We’ll have a drawing for the other three subscriptions. If you wish to enter, please post: Gimme the free stuff.
Avis will choose the winners.
* * * * *
Mouse Davis is back on the island.
* * * * *
If you’re scoring at home, running back Josh Gonda and defensive back Tim Adebayo are on the training-camp roster. They’re reporting this morning. Adebayo and Lorne Bridgeford, who also is on the training-camp roster, were Fresno City’s starting safeties last year.
* * * * *
Happy birthday to Rob25. And we know who you’re rooting for in the battle between Cowboys and Aliens.
Gimme the free stuff.
Whea everyone?
Good morning Strechie and Tsaikos
Gimme the free stuff
I stumbled across a sports memorabilia store yesterday. Bought some Salas, Pilares and Green rookie cards. I guess they’ll be prizes in the coming days.
Gimme the…
thats ok, i have subscribed already to support the SA.
Gimme some UH sports!
Go Warriors!
Go Wahine!
Mouse back in da house!
LizKauai’s always positive attitude and loyal fanship is well deserving!
Mornin Stretch! Me too…Gimmie the free stuff…puhleeeeeze!!! Actually, I have a subscription already so I would pass it on to the Tsaiko who does daily battle with his physical body using an amazing heart and strong faith to be a WINNAH…Hawaiianbod!
Gimme the free stuff!
“give me the free stuff” and give it to BIK, I jumped the gun and subscribed already. Just adding my 7 cents.
Gimme the free stuff
Gimme the free stuff
Gimme the free stuff.
Alex Green
Gimme the free stuff!
morning early one’s
August already here so just a month away from warrior fball bring it on
supa happy birthday to rob25, more sunny day to you when whooshing around the isles
Wow! Way cool!
Mahalo, management!!
Have a great Tuesday, everyome!
Thank you Mouse Davis, go warriors and gimme the free stuff.
Gimme the free stuff!
Welcome home, Mouse!
Happy Birthday, Rob25!!!
Good morning, gang!
Yay! Mahalo to the management for giving LizKauai her own subscription. Good deeds, good vibes rewarded.
Hurrah! Mouse is back in the house.
Did I really hear/see a commercial for NFL pre-season ball soon? Wow, football is really in (and on) the air. Happy Tuesday, everyone. And Happy Rob25 Day!
Good morning, everybody
Gimme the free stuff
Gimme the Free Stuff
Gimme the free stuff.
Gimme the free stuff
And congrats to Liz, most deserving!
Gimme the free stuff.
HB Rob25
I’ll try and post ticket info later this afternoon when I get to the office. Leaving Vegas in an hour.
Gimme the free stuff.
Josh Gonda is a beast…
gimme the free stuff.
Gimme the free stuff. I’ll pass it on to some deserving person like AL – whom I’m stiffing today as I can’t make lunch! (Workmen coming earlier than they previously stated).
And LIZKauai deserves it – woohoo!
Gimme the free stuff.
Congrats, Liz! Well-deserved!
Hau’oli La Hanau, Rob25!!
Gimme the free stuff.
Gimme the free stuff.
Too bad Cory Nielsen has left. He was a 4.0 grade average student. He wanted to be a UH warrior way back in his High School days. Of all the roles James Caan has played. portraying football player Brian Picolo was my favorite. “Brians Song”, was a memorable movie. He can emote feelings without saying a word. His son Scott can do the same. And who can forget Charlie Wedemeyer? Lou Gehrigs disease claimed his life last year. What a brave, gutsy human being. Brian Picolo, Charlie Wedemeyer, these are true American heroes.
Gimme the free stuff.
Gimme the free stuff
Gimme the free stuff! Go Warriors!
A good Tuesday to everyone!
Top 40, too.
Morning folks!
Does anyone know if they fixed the problem of subscribing to the online edition for mainland folks?
Huzzah for LizK!!!
Most deserving. Nice job SA management!!!
wafan morning meet up this week?
Congrats Liz!
Happy Bday Rob25!
I don’t need a subscription. I don’t have a tv.
Gimme the free stuff
Gimme the free stuff.
It is officially R25 Day!
Next year R26 Day?!?!
Gimme the free stuff.
Good Morning Everyone…
“Gimme the free stuff.”
Hey, that KFVE special on UH sport was great (I finally saw it on Sunday). Okay… I just got out of the cave…
Rememebered the moments… the faces.. and some of the names… Those were GREAT times and I hope there will be more to come!!!
KK . . .
Later this week works well.
KK . . .
Mrs. pau give backhands to the lolos?
Amazing. One day they will realize their errors. I hope. HA!
Gimme the free stuff.
Please, Avis!
Gimme the free stuff.
Gimme the free stuff.
Gimme The Free Stuff
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
Fiddy sixt!
Gimme The Free Stuff!
wafan fridays good
Good morning, everyone!
Gimme the free stuff.
Very good LizK, you should be put in charge of the Hospitality Department at the SA!
Happy Birthday to Rob25! See you at the PTG.
Good morning Mauiwarrior! How are you today? Ready for some football?
Good fer ya Ms. Lizzie!
Happy Birthday to Warrior Lady Ronnie! Imua!
Try wait LizK! I fogit…you wuz already hospitalized last month! Nevamine…
Gimme the free stuff
Good piece on HawaiiNewsNow last night on Chad Owens and his adopted home in Toronto…It’s good to see Chad feeling the love and success in Canada, where the team and city has embraced his talents on/off the field. Kinda wish this would have happened to Colt, but that’s another story.
The other week in the letters to the editor comment section a bunch of people were complaining about paying for an online StarAdvertiser subscription. I posted that the back and forth comments were fun and if I don’t see their comments again good luck to them. Being the owner of two SA subscriptions I told them I would still be here. Lo and behold anyone who even mentioned the SA web site going subscription has been banned from making comments since that day. If from tomorrow I am unable to comment on this blog, the back and forth was fun (especially with Garret) and I wish the best to you all.
Go Warriors!
Gimme The Free Stuff
Good luck to Cory Nielson…Don’t know where Saint Francis is located or what level of football they play, but I’ll be sure to look into it on occasion. This is the type of student-athlete you wanna cheer for…It’s too bad he couldn’t break into the rotation at QB for the Warriors.
Gimme the free stuff.
UH actually has had a couple of transfers from Saint Francis.
Just noticed this morning that the new UH channel ( Ch 12 ) is up and running.
Yes the SA pulled all the comments unfavorable to the new charge. The Canadian owner is against freedom of speech.
Happy Birthday Rob25!
hey hey patnah howzit going
sorry going miss ptg but know all attending going have fun
be back in a flash kope pau and toast up for buttering yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ST, How many personalities can win the prize? Or enter to win the prize?
Gimme the free stuff.
Happy Birthday Rob25!!
KK . . .
Time? Same place?
Thing is I made no unfavorable comments about the SA going paid subscription, I already have a subscription.
gimme the free stuff!
love your work, mr. tsai!
Gimme the free stuff, yeah wu Ty LizK
Gimme the free stuff, yeah to aunty LizK
You probably can enter as many times as you wish.
Avis picks numbers, not people. (We needed a non-relative, non-co-worker, non-sports fan to choose numbers.)
wafan we go breakfast somewhere instead. what you think
When the original article about the new SA charge appeared it was written by a reporter and it drew a ton of unfavorable replies. A few hours later the comments were removed and the comment section shut down.The next day it was replaced with an announcement by Francis with no comment section.
KK . . .
‘k. Gotta be 8 or later, though.
Gimme the free stuff. Please!
Did I mention that I’m off on Friday.
Gimme the free stuff, n josh gonda and Tim Adebayo look good!
Gimme the free stuff.
But I to jumped the gun and signed up for the year. So if I win I will give it to a tsaiko who has not, McTruck did you sign up yet???
Once the SA goes to a paid site, I’m hoping they keep the loophole that I use for other paysites that allow me to read articles. If that’s the case, then I don’t really need the free subscription.
what’s the big deal about paid online subscription? if you already subscribe to the hardcopy you get the online free. the blogs are free. if you need more get KHON, KITV, KGMB, KHON, MSN, and many other websites where you can read the news.
Gimme the free stuff.
Don’t make me pay..
Let me get it free, just to make my day
and let me … read away…
Gimme the free stuff.
monku monku monku
Gimme the free stuff.
Where is al?
It’s always a difficult transition to be charged for something that used to be free (like the zoo, UH sportscasts).
But it costs money to run a news operation. It also never made sense to give away a product that also is being sold, especially since contents appeared online hours before the paper was delivered to your doorstep. So totally free online content wasn’t going to go on forever.
I hope you do subscribe, but I can understand if it’s not affordable. While the amount is relatively low, we all have to prioritize how we wish to spend our hard-earned money.
But the blog will be free, and I’ll continue to work hard and try to provide comprehensive coverage of UH football. That’s all I can really say. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.
Gimme the free stuff
Gimme the free stuff.
and i’ll give it to poor stretch.
and people pay money to put air in their tires and vacuum the car. and buy water in a plastic bottle.
i figure if we pay for online subs, that revenue could just be enough to save one or two jobs.
say a football beat reporter’s salary for example.
Gimme the free stuff.
Good morning everyone!
Welcome back Mouse!
Dunno why Mr. Tsai feels the need to apologize. Prices are going up everywhere on everything. Besides it was not his decision. Contact the publisher if you really feel the need to vent.
I wouldn’t mind paying if I was reading a lot of articles. Since I hardly read any article, I don’t really want to pay. That is the biggest reason why I never got into World of Warcraft. After coming from Diablo which was free to play online, I didn’t want to pay for something that I would occasioanlly play. Same thing with a cell phone, why pay for all those fees when I hardly ever talk on the phone anyway. People can call me at work or at home, or send me an e-mail.
happy birthday robbie!
Gimme the free stuff.
I agree, no need to apologize. That is what happens in a free market economy. You are free to charge whatever will make you money. Of course it might be better if the SA called it a “donation” like UH sports does.
Gimme free stuff!! I would pay, but I’m on an allowance….
Gimme the free stuff.
Gimme the free stuff.
Aloha, Pomai…..
Well…I think it was like atleast a week ago that I tried to subscribe on-line and when trying to close the deal, as they say……the response I got was, “system unable to recognize your zip-code.” Everyone else, ups, banks, on-line business’, usps, etc., don’t seem to have any problems locating my zip?….so go figure?? and I order alot of stuff on-line.
In speaking to two different csr’s, I was told that they would call me when the problem/situation got resolved…….still no call, and I will try again to subscribe on-line on the 3rd(tmr), and see what happens???
Does anybody know the list of “invited” walk ons and where they last played?
Gotta know!!
Gimme the free stuff.
My only complaint is that you have to sign on every time you go to the website, they need to have it where you sign in and you are kept signed in until you log out. I know picky picky.
Gimme the free stuff.
Can’t wait for the season to begin!!!
Hi Tsaikos!
Still babysitting and reading the Warrior Beat.
Have been subscribing to the SA print edition since day one, so no worries for me at this time.
Interesting to see all these new nicknames show up on the blog when something free is being offered.
WarriorNY — Welcome to the blog! What city in New York do you reside?
WarriorFanInIN — Welcome to the blog! Do you reside in Indiana? If so, please tell us what city.
I’d like to add you to the mainland & international Tsai-ko listing at:
Gimme the free stuff.
Only 32 days ’til kickoff! Go Warriors!!!
Just wondering what with your blog following, why you can’t set up a site like Dayton Morinaga,(Warrior Insider),??????
Might be good to test the waters…..or is it a conflict of interest where u can lose ur job??
Gimme the free stuff!
Gimme the free stuff.
If I win in Vegas 9/17 I will subscribe untill then gimme the free
Gimme the free stuff. Please.
The S-A is very happy with the blog. Views are valued more than comments, and the views are very high. So, thanks, lurkers. By the way, some of the players’ parents have been stopping by in recent days. So be kind to their sons.
Good morning Gigi/SteveM, same to all Tsaikos. Likewise Happy Birthday to days born date.
Gimme the free stuff!
Gimme the free stuff.
Just viewing. No comment. Lurking.
hi mctruck! psssst, you know where most Tsai-kos will be in Vegas in September…maybe slip in there to meet everyone? You can fly in with 99club and maybe no one will notice… 😆
Gimme the free stuff.
Gimme the free stuff.
Gimme the free stuff.
How is a view defined?
Each refresh?
Each opening in a tab/window?
Welcome home to Coach Mouse!
Gimmie the free stuff.
i was wondering where josh gonda was going. last year he may have been the best football player in the state.
Gimme the free stuff.
Gimme the free stuff!
Happy Birthday Rob25!
Gimme the free stuff.
Go Warriors!
(did I mention that I have the same schedule as Pomai on Friday?)
Stephen Tsai said on August 2nd, 2011 at 8:46 am:
Gimme the free stuff!
Did I mention that I like going out for breakfast? Friday would work.
Gimme the free stuff.
gimme the free stuff!
gimME the free stuff!
Gimme the free stuff!
Gimme the free stuff or else I’ll cry
Gimme the free stuff!
Gimme the free stuff.
Gimme the free stuff.
As one of the banned, it’s odd to see free subscriptions given away where free discourse was stifled.
It wasn’t about the charge, it was the lack of ability to offer feedback to a liberally slanted newspaper.
That the Draconian measure of banning people was taken shows what kind of cutthroat operation the SA is.
Midweek is sold and delivered and free online.
Same publisher.
If Customer Service won’t answer emails, I doubt contacting the publisher will work either.
Gimme the free stuff
Gimme the free stuff.
Imua Warriors! Aloha!
Gimme the free stuff or else!
doesn’t hurt to try.
Good Morning Tsaikos…
Happy Birthday to my sistah Rob25…..May you have many more!!!
KK…what breakfast??? Where??? LOL
Ok..back to the convention…
Good morning Tsaikos
Gimme the free stuff.
Gimme the free stuff.
I agree with the mentioned that many things used to be free. Well that was until ‘they’ figured out it could be profitable. This is not surprising. UH sports, football in particular was a huge blow..especially since the level of competition actually dropped as the PPV ramped up….the WAC became a real milk toast league with the defections of the original members with the exception of Boise St. and the two or three other schools who were formitable from time to time. But PPV in my opinion has ruined the attendance at the games, at least until now. Perhaps we’ll see it build back up although in the present economy I have my doubts. I simply cannot afford it any more, and will turn my attention to other things that don’t plunder my bank account.
Gimme the free stuff
Give me the free stuff.
Mouse in da house! I personally treasure every day he coaches with us. The Jedi Master brings the force to everyone around him, enjoy it UH fans!
al –
I see what you mean about Gonda.
Yay lurkers!
wow, never realized the level of commitment UH fans have. Enjoying the blogs and enthusiasm- and we are excited to see Josh become a WARRIOR! practice in 2 days, cant wait!
Gimme the free stuff!
31 more days!
gimme the free stuff
Gimme the free stuff!
Thanks, but I don’t need the free stuff. I don’t to miss anything and have already subscribed.
Welcome to the WB, GondaOhana!
That #10 is quite a football player. I bet Mouse would love him as a slot. With 4.4 speed, that might be a nice spot for him.
gimme the free stuff – PLEASE
Gimme the free stuff!
Discount tickets (50 yd line) for San Jose St. road game.
I have 50 yard line seats in Section 130; about 20 rows up, behind our Warriors bench, at $25 each; group rate–and I have 6 tickets left–but can get another whole row of 25. All together we will have 200+ Warrior fans sitting in these 10 rows, from row 12 to 21. You can’t get these kine seats at any other stadium. Watch them perform the haka right in front of us–a definite chicken skin moment! This will be the last game at San Jose on Oct. 14, 6pm–a friday nite game!
Email me at:
ps: The UH sections will be in the corner end zone (section 134 and 135) and those were $45.
RE #156
You probably noticed that all the markets advertise in Midweek and seldom and not with the big pages as in Midweek.
If you don’t have advertisers paying big bucks for ads, Midweek would not be free and delivered.
Judging by the new names posting today, the SA must be doing something right with its online version. Plenny folks interested.
Welcome aboard.
Incidentally, you know those foreclosure ads in the legal section of the SA? Small print and small amount of space?
They cost about $1,300!
And, in case anybody wonders, I pay for my own subscription, too.
tom-warriornation. Can’t join you but you are Number One!!! Thanks for your efforts!
Some things I use are still free:
Yahoo Mail
My blog
Warrior Beat
I bet you could add to this list. Lots of stuff are free.
The wonders of Ibuprofen. I was in pain. Now the pain is gone.
Yes, Welcome, GondaOhana! If you think this is good, come join us for the Tsai-ko-Gates before the games!
The blog is full of real people.
As the SA evolves so, too, should the UH’s on-line athletic site and campus newspaper.
The SA is (or was) a great recruiting tool for UH. A potential recruit (athlete) or student could gain a picture and pulse of the team and the community by reading the SA on-line edition.
A potential recruits (or students) courtship begins with the school (and it’s curriculum) and coaches (and teams) but I see the SA on-line newspaper as a great aid. In other words the SA, by it’s many articles, features, archives, allows the potential recruits and students (and their parents) a view of the terrain.
This is important. And, now, I think of the effect it has on both the potential recruits and students of being left in the dark (without the SA as a great source of info and homegrown reports of UH’s teams and pulses of the community) as they search
the terrain and gain a picture of what Hawaii has to offer.
This is where I hope UH steps in, and evolves, too. And steps in up a notch in their on-line news reporting, sports reporting (and athletic site), features, exclusive articles and interviews so that potential recruits (athletes) and students don’t feel a void and emptiness in their search of what is going on over here..
gimme the free stuff
Gimme the Free Stuff!
Don’t you have to pay a service to get onto the Internet? Or do you hang out at Starbucks?
ST, yeah, I pay Oceanic for Roadrunner.
But, another thing is free:
parking at Ala Moana Center.
Also, I babysit for free.
Finally got my 1-1/2 yr old grandson to take a nap.
Now I can blog for a while.
gas to drive to Ala Moana is free? wea da free gas?
hmmm. so are you implying that nothing is free?
how about the air we breathe?
Gimme the free stuff. I’ll give it to someone on the outer islands since I am a subscriber the SA if I win.
Air is free… lol
Gimme the free stuff.
Welcome, welcome!
I am at work and our IT person does not allow us to view youtube items during working hours, but will look at it tonight at home.
To you and all parents of student athletes at University of Hawaii, thank you for allow your sons and daughters to represent UH in whatever sport they participate in.
In turn, let us, the people of Hawaii, display the many facets of “ohana” and allow your child to explore Hawaii — its people and places and especially friendship.
I hope your child will embrace the “ohana feeling” and carry it with them always!
Gimme the free stuff……………PLEASE!!???
Old Diver,
I hope that you and everyone else will still be on the blog after the SA paywall goes up. At least the blog is free and shouldn’t be affected much (hopefully) by the paywall.
Gimme the free stuff
SteveM, someday my friend….thanks for dat, you have always been very generous with welcoming me to become a full-fledged Tsaiko. Appreciate ur friendship with no-bounds.
Gimme the free stuff
Gimme the free stuff!
Conference dominoes may be starting up again since the Big East is openly considering expanding to help them get a bigger TV deal.
For those curious about Corey Nielson’s new team, St. Francis (PA) plays at the Division 1 Football Championship Series (FCS) level, or what was once called Division 1AA. That’s only one level below the Football Bowl Series (FBS) level that UH and other major universities play at. Schools like Appalachian State, Montana and Portland State also field FCS teams, so it’s still a high caliber of football. Having said that, St. Francis has struggled recently, going 1-10 last season. The “Red Flash” play in the Northeast Conference against schools like Duquesne, Robert Morris and Wagner.
Gimme the free stuff
Gimme the free stuff.
GIGI #195 – You mean you did not pay the 4.5% user tax for the air?
I hope the tax people don’t read the blog!
lol, Tom!
I wouldn’t be surprised.
Gimme the free stuff. x 2
Hey I would subscribe to SA if I lived in Hawaii still, so for us out-of-staters, on-line access is our only option for current news.
Air nis free…puhio slight fee.
nis = is
part of my resin crown broke off so I have to see the dentist tomorrow, my only day off from babysitting.
did somebody just say: KA-CHING!!! (cash register)
ESPN has an exclusive 60-day contract renegotiation window with the Big East that begins in September of 2012. After that the conference can open up TV contract negotiations to other bidders. Although Marinatto has previously said that expansion decisions should be made before the negotiations begin, I could see the Big East ultimately deciding to wait on expansion until late 2012 or early 2013 when negotiations with multiple TV networks are fully underway and it can find out with certainty which expansion candidate(s) will yield the most monetary value. There’s no gun to the Big East’s head since the next contract won’t take effect until the 2014 season, giving the conference until as late as June 2013 to issue invitations.
I think porcelain is sturdier than resin crowns.
Gimme the free stuff.
oh, also 1st time post but long time lurker… looking forward too vegas…
If the Big East expanded, I wonder which teams would be their top candidates. Villanova? Another Texas team?
welcome to the blog, newbies!!!
not free to make the air cold in the house.
Welcome, GondaOhana! Looking forward to seeing Josh running out of the back field.
Gimme the free stuff.
Gimme the free stuff!
…to give to Stretch
Gimme the free stuff.
If I win, I’ll give my award to Garret who contributes much to this blog. I always find his postings interesting and informative. In fact, the SB should at least give him a free subscription if not pay him. On behalf of the Tsaikos and lurkers, mahalo Garret. U da bomb!
Watching Wahine Sofftball is free.
GiGi if it is a molar you are better off with a gold crown if you want sturdy, porcelain can crack too…
Gimme the free stuff.
Back to lurk mode.
Wonder what’s happening with Colt.
K Kid,
gold is soft, though.
dont want to look like that evil guy in Goldfinger when I laugh.
d1, don’t you show your bottom molars when you laugh?
well anyway, you get da picture
A lady wouldn’t
at the rate this blog is going, it will hit 400 posts by midnight.
aiyah, ignorance again. it’s a gold alloy. not soft at all.
Isn’t anyone going to give Colt a shot? Besides going to the CFL for two years, I speculate that one of the few ways he can get back to the NFL is if JJ leaves SMU and takes on the job of NFL head coach of a rock-bottom team. Would he do it?
congratulations to Liz Kauai.
i don’t see the articles enough for me to want to purchase the SA electronic site. But I am thankful that the blog is still free.
Gimme the free stuff
Curt, that’s the sort of challenge JJ would welcome – bottom feeder in the NFL.
He gets bored easily.
Rainbow Wahine Soccer is also free and coming up soon. 😉
Aloha Kakou:
Gimme the free stuff.
If JJ and SMU could win Conf USA this season and the right situation poses itself, who knows?
Donations to the program are accepted tho.
Gimme the free stuff.
When it comes down to it, we’re all ignorant about many things. There are alot more things I don’t know than do know. It’s more important to be nice.
You probably noticed that all the markets advertise in Midweek and seldom and not with the big pages as in Midweek.
If you don’t have advertisers paying big bucks for ads, Midweek would not be free and delivered.
Kmart, Safeway, and Don Quiote (sometimes in MW) have ads in both.
I don’t know which circulation is larger, the copy to every home MW or the SA.
I don’t know the rates, but maybe you have to pay per piece, so even if the SA goes to another island or mainland location, you hae to pay to have a dead insert, so that’s why they advertise in MW, where the bulk of their stores are as opposed to SA.
Is this is a revenue arugment, then wouldn’t it be on the online advertising salespeople, since this is a new online subscription fee?
I get tailored ads when I’m on sometimes.
I do like the Honolulu Club 3 Day “Trail” offer.
So, if they can’t generate enough online ad sales with a free online presence, will they when traffic may get reduced by having a fee?
As far as legal ad space goes, it’s probably some antiquated legal system matter that may go the way of cursive.
Sorry, can’t post in the main board; the comment police won’t let me.
gimme the free stuff
Mahalo and Aloha!
Gimme the free stuff
“You probably noticed that all the markets advertise in Midweek and seldom and not with the big pages as in Midweek.
If you don’t have advertisers paying big bucks for ads, Midweek would not be free and delivered.”
Kmart, Safeway, and Don Quiote and Longs (sometimes in MW) have ads in both.
I don’t know which circulation is larger, the copy to every home MW or the SA.
I don’t know the rates, but maybe you have to pay per piece, so even if the SA goes to another island or mainland location, you hae to pay to have a dead insert, so that’s why they advertise in MW, where the bulk of their stores are as opposed to SA.
Is this is a revenue arugment, then wouldn’t it be on the online advertising salespeople, since this is a new online subscription fee?
I get tailored ads when I’m on sometimes.
I do like the Honolulu Club 3 Day “Trail” offer.
So, if they can’t generate enough online ad sales with a free online presence, will they when traffic may get reduced by having a fee?
As far as legal ad space goes, it’s probably some antiquated legal system matter that may go the way of cursive.
Sorry, can’t post in the main board; the comment police won’t let me.
Post about Austin Hansen’s situation on WSN.
Garret, that story sends chills down my spine.
I must warn hubby not to take any supplements whatsoever, because of random testing at his office.
Wouldnt want him to lose his job.
Curt, think of it as educational. nothing about it being un-nice. it’s not like i posted ignoramus.
“misdiagnosed”? 🙁 😡
Had Hansen not been “mis-diagnosed”, the rest is pointless.
Again, IF this story is 100% ACCURATE.
#253 gigi niagra no count.
aiyah again. lol
If the Former Coach were to interview with an NFL owner, how far would he get when he reveals a plan that includes a 28-yr old rookie QB who never took a regular season snap?
Gimme the free stuff.
Gimme the free stuff!
mahalo nui
my DENTIST told me that gold is SOFTER than porcelain.
He recommended gold on the bottom molar because it would be less rough on the top molar than porcelain would.
Couch potato
Sounds good to me.
So has anyone seen “Cowboys and Aliens” yet?
d1, it got 2 stars by Associated Press reporter in the paper.
He called it a mediocre movie.
d1shima (Aria’d)
#260 You’re right. Mums (sp?) the word. And next year, Colt would be 29 if that scenario were to happen. His other choice, go to the CFL; don’t they have a 2-year minimum contract requirement?
At this point, I’m not sure that Colt will get to play anywhere.
d1sima –
Excellent source of both fan and critic reviews. Search any movie title for same.
That story on Hansen…
…terrible business.
soryy – d1shima not d1sima. d1sima is somebody who’s a lot like d1shima… just missing an “h”.
I no trust the AP or rotten vegetables. I trust Tsaikos! 😆
sorry not soryy dangit!
What the “H”!
It will also be interesting to see the effect of the SA paywall will have on other sites.
Much of what is discussed on football/sports message boards is derived from the sport’s articles from the SA. All that is required is both a link to the story and author of the article.
For the Warrior football sport’s message boards (like WSN and Sports Hawaii) the SA sport’s articles, commentary and featured stories creates a lot of debates. It also drums up a lot of interest in UH football. And some of the poster’s comments are entertaining, informative and fun to read.
Once the SA paywall goes into effect are these message boards that follow Warrior football allowed the freedom in continuing posting sport’s articles and links from the SA? My hunches tell me no. Why would the SA allow the message boards to milk the cow for free?
The Tourist got 2 stars too… but I enjoyed it very much.
Sometimes ya just gotta take a chance with movies 😉
whew- what a whirlwind morning.
Browsing through the local paper for work- there is my girfriend’s obit and her funeral was starting! She passed away yesterday. WOW! Her son passed away last week so they had a double service.
God Bless!
Gimme the free stuff!
***Off-Topic, kinda long***
You guys like watch a movie, go because you want to. Don’t rely on the opinion of others.
Case in point, Transformers 1, 2, and 3 got HORRIBLE reviews. But follow the money!!! For me, and people of my age and a little older, Transformers was a huge deal when I was a little kid, yes it was a glorified 20-minute toy commercial, BUT it was a part of my youth and to see a current adaptation using current vehicles and whatnot was refreshing and FUN to watch.
In the end, that is all that counts. Transformers and movies that are just supposed to be FUN aren’t going to be 4 hour black and white foreign films you can go watch for $0.03 at some broken down theater. Movies are entertainment and can be a source of intellectual entertainment as well, but you can’t have it all in one way.
Film and music critics alike can go suck eggs while the rest of us leave the theater entertained.
It never hurts to have a wild array of interests, some of my favorite movies include:
-Jacka– 1, 2 and the 3-D one.
-The Shawshank Redemption
-Forest Gump
-Lucky Number Slevin
-40 Year Old Virgin
-Let’s Go To Prison
-Beer League
-Transformers 1-3
-Saving Private Ryan
-Terminator 2
-Rocky 1-4
-Ironman 1 and 2
-The Prestige
-Batman Begins and the Dark Knight
List goes on and on. Lots to choose from. From what snooty people like call “low-brow” comedies to the classics like “glory” and “shawshank redemption”… it dispells what critics call “good movies” when one is able to keep an open mind for the sake of real cinematic entertainment.
I didn’t mention Office Space, Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs because they deserve to mentioned in a seperate post. 😎
Gimme the free stuff………
U smell dat?????
Football right around da corner….
Gimme the free stuff.
so hot.. i’m getting sleepy.. sleepy..
#281 –
Went there. Did that.
yes, go see a movie only if you really want to.
My 78 yr old aunt saw Transformers with her 5 yr old grandson because it got 3 stars.
She hated it — the noise and violence got to her. She wanted to leave but stayed for her grandson’ sake.
Happy Birthday Rob!
My hubby is a movie buff and watches 2 movies a week on Netflix and 1 movie on Saturdays at the theater.
Me? ZERO movies. Just don’t have the patience for them.
Analysis of BYU’s 2011 prospects mentions their tough road schedule.
nah, no need Gimme the free stuff.
you asked what a view was for blog statistics.
Both the SA and my blog used WordPress.
A click of the mouse is considered a view, but I was told the blog host’s clicks on his/her own blog are not included in the statistics.
11 days to Wahine VB alumnae game, should be fun. Anxious to see how the new lineup jells in the opener against San Francisco.
Gimme the free stuff!
GG . . .
I guess a refresh is counted as a mouse click, then.
wafan, I believe so.
If wordpress counted only the number of visitors as opposed to number of clicks, then the number would be much smaller.
BCS conferences will expand and expand and then — BOOM! — it will all explode because, in the end, there just is a finite amount of TV money and interest.
The big problem? Too many people on the planet, not enough money.
and as ST mentioned, the number of clicks far exceeds the number of comments.
GG . . .
If that is true the slow days might have an amazing number of views as a result of regulars and lurkers who refresh.
Kind of odd.
Gimme the free stuff.
#286 Part of it you would think has to do with BYU being an independent. Instead of shopping around each year for 4 out-of-conference games, they have to find and schedule 12. Must be a good challenge during the late September through November period.
Oooooooooo, getting close to 300!
Folks getting ready to pounce?!?!
Shhh. Go for wafan.
300 — thanks!
U got it wafan. U da man.
Someone turned off the natural a/c.
Curt . . .
The Godfather
Kingdom of Heaven
The Green Mile
The Godfather Part 2
Cider House Rules
The Shawshank Redemption
Some of my faves.
I suppose we can add another F to the Tsai-ko list: Films
ditto roofer68 – WAHINE VOLLEYBALL!!! DANG. you had to remind me…
(Dish Network blues)
Nature has it’s way of balancing things out. I learned this, not from a “religious fanatic”, but from my physics professor in high school.
Way before all this 2012 stuff came out, he was smart enough to realize the path we are on.
Human advances in technology has more than tripled in the last decade. In the last decade we advanced in leaps and bounds compared to the previous 30 years.
Something will give. No doomsday references needed here, just common sense and following patterns as evidenced in the realm of measurable science.
We will have to answer to our own madness, our own arrogance and in my opinion I see NO EVIDENCE that we have the humility as a species to admit to our own faults. We’ll just keep on our path and BOOM!
Rome fell and it will fall again. There is no “i” technology that will prevent it.
On a lighter note, FOOTBALL IS IN THE AIR!!!
Porcelain does crack, so gold is more practical especially for a bottom molar.By the way who look into a person’s mouth when they laugh? If it were a front tooth or a eye tooth, maybe procelain, molar, gold is the way to go, will last longer. But it is your mouth and if you are happy with a porcelain crown that is the way to go.
gimme the free stuff
Gimme the free stuff!
Kaimuki kid..
Just lost a gold cap about a month ago… second to the last molar on the top left side of my mouth.. had it for 30 years… still have three more gold…all just as old.
I like to think that life is neither created or destroyed. That, barring any catastrophic event, there is always the same amount of life force on the planet at any given time. The more of one species there is, the less of some other or others. More humans, less trees, animals, etc.. One human life force being equivalent to tens of thousands of roaches. Live a bad life, come back as those tens of thousands of roaches as penance.
Some of us gonna get squished in our next life.
Stumbled on and watched the press conference re: Tomey hire.
Had a question that maybe our bloggers here could answer. One of the media people asked Mack if he would utilize Tomey as a point person to recruit (specifically the Samoan/Poly players). It was said by this media guy that Tomey is considered “Royalty” among the Samoan community because he encouraged many kids to play for his teams.
Mack said that recruits would get to meet almost all the coaches but that Tioiti would be the point person for these recruits.
Has anyone here heard the same about Tomey being well known/respected among Polynesian community?
Made in Hawaii,
I hope that you didn’t swallow it and have to go fishing for it , with gold being as high as it right now. Anyway I talked to dental tech friend who exclusively makes crowns for the dentists and he said that procelain is a type of glass and if you bite down wrong on something hard it will crack. He said gold is the way to go especially if it involves a molars. You chew and grind with your molars, if you bite down the wrong way, back to the dentist for a new crown. I have 2 gold crowns, didn’t mind the crowns but did mind the root canals that went along with them… Don’t like the sound of the dental drill…
Kaimuki Kid,
Thing is.. about 12 years ago I had a porcelain crown put in on the third tooth in.. right adjacent to the gold crown that came off.. apparently it was fitted too tightly and that caused me a lot of discomfort over the years, as well as bleeding, and eventually the metal post below the crown eroded and ended up looking like a mini golf tee. That corroding post may have entered my blood stream as raw toxic metal ions and contributed to my coronary disease. That and lau lau.
gimme free stuff
I guess 12 years ago they did not use titanium post, which I believe will not corrode. The implant that I have on my upper has a titanium post to secure a partial I have. Dental regrets, should have taken better care of my teeth.
You know what else is free?
Get some CRAZY kine mamaz ova’ dea!!
Cheee hooo!!!
(Howzit, gang!)
Gimme the free stuff.
If I win, give it to Garret.
Gimme the free stuff,
Happy Birthday Rob25!
#292 –
“The big problem? Too many people on the planet, not enough money.”
Money aint the problem. We can always kill a bunch o’ trees and print more money.
You’re pretty close though. The big problem? Too many people. Not enough planet.
In any case, we await further instructions, Tsai-rah.
Gimme the free stuff!
Oh wait would that be a procurement violation if I win?
Kaimuki Kid..
The metal post was from the gold crown so it was from 30 years ago.. probably stainless steel.. maybe an alloy … since the metal, as it eroded, had no where to go, it probably entered my blood stream and was carried out…with maybe a few ions going astray and contributing to my arterial plaque build-up.
Too many people, not enough planet…… or maybe just not enough compassion and too much greed? Dunno… not a moralist. But as the gap between haves and have nots increases, so does the possibility of discord and revolution.
Talking about discord and revolution..
Three cheers to the police and alert citizens for all the arrests that have been made over the past few days… it seems every armed robbery attempt this past week has resulted in arrests. Keep it up!
August 2nd, 2011 at 1:20 pm
Post about Austin Hansen’s situation on WSN.
I hope what the person said on WSN is on the level.
I hope his posts opens up a can a worms.
It’s a no wonder everything is hush hush about the Hansen situation.
In the end I hope Hansen gets a repreive and is allowed to play.
If not I hope he sues the school and doctor.
Clowns nose,
They say it would cost a half-million to file suit… and the negativity would affect NFL owner’s perspective of Hansen. Best he simply lets it ride out and gets to show his stuff come the bowl game and pro-day.
Implant, double ka-ching.
In the mean time, he can help coach the up and coming players.
mahalo, tsaikos, for the excellent conversation regarding crowns.
will have a talk with my dentist regarding an implant, as my molar is kind of loose.
The implant and crown I had done in 2006 cost me $3,200 total.
Auwe! Ka-ching!
if I do go this route, it will be the 2nd molar to get an implant.
I think that estimated $500,000.00 figure was based on filing a suit against the NCAA only.
IF that story is indeed true, then I think Hansen has every right to seek legal justice.
Like I mentioned above, while the majority of that story is horrible, the thing that sticks out to me is the alleged word that Hansen was “mis-diagnosed” by UH medical officials. Again, had this not been an issue, the rest would be non-existant.
Gimme the free stuff.
Hope I’m not too late!!
Mrs. d1shima says her dental experience tells her if aesthetics are not a biggie…Go for the Gold!
Attention Website Owner! I really like your blog, I found you on Google so I thought I’ll share this tip with you. There is a WordPress plugin for SEO that does automated Search optimization for your pages, automated SEO plugins like this are new in the blog scene so jumping on this now would give your page a huge traffic jump guaranteed. If you’re serious about helping your blog get more popular and make money then check it out by clicking my name.
No need the free stuff.
Hoping for good things to come Hansen’s way.
DPK – Who is Ronnie?
I can’t see why money matters for gigi…
Gimme the free stuff.
Gimme the free stuff
If my comment is awaiting moderation, why is it posted above?
Howzit, everyone! Very busy day today, and the next couple of days.
Gimme the free stuff (please)!
Happy birthday (again) Rob25! Hope you’re having a great day!
A-House – I don’t see it.
Posts pending moderation remains visible to the person that posted it, while others cannot.
A-House probably sees little green men too.
Is Austin allowed to at least be on the practice squad?
!Gimme the free stuff!
Gimme the free stuff!
We could use some extra competition at safety. Torres has one side locked down, but the other side is wide open.
Gimme the free stuff!
I know that there are many current and retired educators that read this blog:
Eh brah, you da best when you Gimme the free stuff.
hi ho izzy in da hale, howzit bro
Gimme the free stuff
Gimme the free stuff
Gimme the free stuff. Mahalo!
I heard someone say: “free.”
wow, Izzy is here!
From today’s H-Mail:
Any Tsaikos going to show up for the MM? How long is the Practice T-Gate going to last? Perhaps some of the folks who did the MM in previous years could go to both.
Garret: Mucho mahalos for the info about Austin Hansen.
Midnight. . .
g’nite all!
Satele signs with Oakland today! Happy days are here to stay, Roll Raiders, Hoist the Jolly Roger.
The SFGate reports “The Raiders confirmed the re-signing of Samson Satele and the signing of tackle Stephon Heyer, guard Justin Smiley and tackle Seth Wand.”
Read more:
Gimme the free stuff
Hi Izzy! are you here now???
Sure is good to see so many new names on the blog! I wonder how many new people they represent!
😈 😆
Yea Samson!
Thoughts from the Darkside mentioned that Heyer comes to Oakland from the ‘Skin because he did not fit in Shanahan’s zone blocking scheme, he is more suited to the anticipated power blocking scheme Oakland is said to be installing. Here we go again, come on out Pride, I know you have an opinion on both schemes because I mentioned that Satele had some bad press regarding a shift to the power blocking format of coach Hue Jackson and Bob Wylie.
re#156 melancholyone
As someone who has been banned for telling the truth about how money hungry SA is. I can tell you for a fact that there is a definite conservative slant you just do not see it because it is being covered up very well.
The stories I could tell you about how they they operate would send chills down your spine.
How do I know? Being an insider helps. Having heard directly from multiple parties involved. Being a victim helps.
Am I wanting to get back? No, I thank them for helping me to get out. I’m in a much better place now.
It’s just I know for a fact there are many others who are much worse off now. They deserve to have their stories heard too. But no one will tell them.
Is it censorship? Yes it most definitely is!
btw- Good luck to Austin Hansen.
I hate when lawsuits are necessary to get simple justice.
When my kids were finally diagnosed with learning difficulties that would have gotten them into Assets School they were already in high school and I was advised that it would cost about $300K per person and 3 years to sue the state to get they education they were legally entitled to.
speaking of disorders….
Gimme the free stuff.
“Gimme the free stuff.”
homey –
Someone I made up.
😳 Erm, um, ahem…
…Happy birthday to Rob25! 🙂
Gimme the free stuff
Gimme the free stuff.
RB: Sterling Jackson/Joey Iosefa
Here’s to another 1000 yard runner or two.
If you have any kind of break in the skin, wash immediately with bactericidal soap and water, apply a topical antibiotic ointment, and go see your doctor. If redness, warmth and pain to the area persist, go to your nearest ER for a possible incision and drainage of the wound and IV antibiotic therapy. It could be nothing more than a cellulitis or it could be a life threatening necrotizing fasciitis.
By Mayo Clinic staff
This reddened skin or rash may signal a deeper, more serious infection of the inner layers of skin. Once below your skin, the bacteria can spread rapidly, entering your lymph nodes and your bloodstream and spreading throughout your body. Recurrent episodes of cellulitis may actually damage the lymphatic drainage system and cause chronic swelling of the affected extremity.
In rare cases, the infection can spread to the deep layer of tissue called the fascial lining. Flesh-eating strep, also called necrotizing fasciitis, is an example of a deep-layer infection. It represents an extreme emergency.
#379 – I just went through that scenario a few weeks ago! Caught the strep in my foot at the cellulitis stage in the ER. Two days of IV antibiotics did it.
Looks like Ryan Mouton might be done for the year with an ACL tear. Sounds like he was on the verge of breaking out too. Bummaz!
I counted 32 names so far, and a lot that have not posted in a while.
Welcome to all the new people!
Welcome back to the others!
If you reside outside of Hawaii, please mention you city in you next post. Am listing the mainland people at:
…you might find other Tsai-ko Warrior fans in your area!
Wouldn’t that be awesome!!! With Lister, Leaf, and Gregory pushing for playing time, the RB position May turn out great for years to come. I know they are unproven at the DI level but they are young and I Think they will all be special.
Too bad for Mouton. Great guy and very talented. Hope all goes well and quickly.
Re-Austin Hansen
I wrote (e-mailed) to Andy Staples (college football writer for Sport’s to keep an eye on this story.
Can you keep an eye on this story? Maybe run a story someday accentuating the fact that so called big name schools get caught for cheating and receive slap on the wrist type penalties whereas athletes, like Hansen, didn’t appear to cheat faces the full wrath of the NCAA and has to sit out the season. It’s not fair.
And I’m hoping that you can craft a story that the public can see, so that the NCAA is shamed.
Oh no…. Blessings and healing to Ryan!
Ryan Mouton:
“I know that the man upstairs has a plan for me and I wont question him..injuries come with the game and its unfortunate..keep me in ur prayers Facebook fam”
btw… Shame is felt by individuals who know right from wrong. It may not be the best strategy to achieve justice from an organization.
Ouch! Sucks for Ryan Mouton. Healing thoughts for a full and speedy recovery.
Someone made mention of the “deal” that was made In Washington.
This is a brilliant framing of the underlying positions of the debate that roiled this past month.
Gimme the free stuff.
d1 – thanks for that link! Some eye-opening facts for our economic future.
i believe that poster on wsn recanted the story as he/she knew it.
i believe that poster was one of his parents, since, they have posted there before.
i believe if i recall correctly a little birdie sent me a copy of said parents rant before.
Happy Birthday Rob25!
healing prayers for Ryan Mouton.
best wishes for Austin Hansen.
welcome to the Gonda Ohana and all the new posters!
BG – thanks for your offer! Your generousity is endless. Hope all is well with you and Betty.
g’night all!
can’t sleep???
try these…for the old rockers.
Tsweet Dreams, bod… and everyone else!
#393 Are you talking about the Hansen story?
forgot to acknowledge SA management for awarding LizK with an online subscription. A much deserved gift for one of the most spiritual, warmest human being i kno.
Gimme the free stuff.
Best wishes to Ryan Mouton… speedy recovery, too!
G’night all…
I will dream the good dream..
…..zzzz…. Gimme the free stuff. …zzzz
Hey Gigi #185,
Hugs and kisses from my keiki…free, and priceless at the same time 🙂
Gimme the free stuff.
Austin Hansen is a sharp guy. Good luck to him this year. Hope he can play in the BYU game.
Prayers for healing to Ryan Mouton.
Night all!
Good morning Tsaikos…
Gimme the free stuff
Actually, give it to a Jason if he hasn’t subscribed already. I already subscribed for $10 for a year….I feel like I’m stealin’. Even includes Feb 29 2012…bonus! 🙂
For the pay wall programmers…how ’bout a “Welcome 99club” once you log in? Or better yet, a customizable welcome message, e.g, “Welcome, you l-l-l-l-l-o-o-k mahvelous…” You get the idea.
Have a great day everyone…just 31 days!
Aloha 99club!!
Mahalo for the link to that classic. I had a DJ friend tell me once that the reason that song was referred to as the “most requested song by DJ’s” was that it was long enough for one to run to the lua while it was playing. 🙂
Aloha to you too A-joe! Gotta go…early mornin’ meet with students today.
99club…one more shi shi break song.
in fact, could use it number two.
Al — here’s another by the Doors. The 7:08 version of Light My Fire… just too wake up…
Its so old I could play it on my guitar…way back then. Kinda. Sorta. 🙄
Gimme the free stuff!
Hi SteveM!
Gimme the free stuff.
I’m way out here in N’West Florida!
My kids (19 & 16) asked me, “Dad, what’s Motown mean? I think its related to music.” So we had an excursion through Motown artists on youtube and they dowloaded some Four Tops, Temptations, and Smoky Robinson to their ipods. Mission accomplished.
Category: Old guys rule. First game 1965 World Series, Sandy Koufax refuses starting job because it interfered with Yom Kippur. He ends up being respected by Jew and Gentile alike for his decision. Career ends at 30 due to arthritis, but already guaranteed himself the Hall of Fame.
gimmee da free stuff! KDEN!
Aloha from LA!
slenzi — what city in Florida? Unfortunately, the Florida Tsai-kos have been quiet since the passing of FloridaTed. Nice to know you are in the area.
Hi truegreen — long time…!
Good morning Tsaikos from hot & humid Orlando, FL! Supposed to be 95 degrees today. It’s 0830 and already 77 degrees. Off to Disney’s Blizzard Beach water park today. Plan to spend much time in the lazy river to soothe my aching feet.
Heal up Ryan Mouton.
Congrats to Liz on the subscription. Methinks “management” means ST, but I know she posts in the comment section of other stories too, so what do I know.
Gimmie the free stuff
August 2nd, 2011 at 8:57 pm
re#156 melancholyone
As someone who has been banned for telling the truth about how money hungry SA is. I can tell you for a fact that there is a definite conservative slant you just do not see it because it is being covered up very well.
The stories I could tell you about how they they operate would send chills down your spine.
How do I know? Being an insider helps. Having heard directly from multiple parties involved. Being a victim helps.
Am I wanting to get back? No, I thank them for helping me to get out. I’m in a much better place now.
It’s just I know for a fact there are many others who are much worse off now. They deserve to have their stories heard too. But no one will tell them.
Is it censorship? Yes it most definitely is!
Oh, I know it’s conservative. It’s just that it’s in a supposedly liberal rag.
It’s Orwellian. I think my banned comment had it as cyberpunkish, Orwellian, noir fiction.
But it’s true.
Nothing would surprise me. After they butchered and cannibalized the other daily, nothing would surprise me.
I tried that hyprocritical free press, free speech, censorship argument. Didn’t work.
But you know something that’s great?
They shut off the comments from those that don’t subscribe.
I won’t have to read as much now.
Less eye time.
People can click, refresh, and do whatever shenanigans they want to pad stats.
Does exclusivity extend or contract reach?
Gimme the free stuff
Gimme the free stuff
Premium content-suscribers only
Copy, cut, paste tile of article>google title>from google link can access premium content
If I wanted to cheat would I tell the techs this?
gimme the free stuff
Concerning DJ’s and shi shi songs…
I DJ’ed most nights while in the Army, from 1983-1990. Since most of that time was overseas in Korea, the two most requested songs from old rockers were “American Pie” by Don McLean and “Hotel California” by the Eagles.
Weirdest song was “Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport” by Rolf Harris… requested by some visiting Aussie Navy dudes.
Morning, everyone!
Healing prayers for Ryan Mouton!
Heat advisory issued for the rest of this week… 98 today and tomorrow, and 100 on Friday… and we’re just getting into August! My car a/c better not fail!
Gratz, Liz, on a well deserved freebie!
And gratz to the winners of the previous contests!
Testing, testing……hmmmm?, i’m confused???…good morning Tsaikos, be back after some eats.
Um… I used to live in the Metro Detroit area… and, my understanding of “Motown” is a shortened, nickname of “The Motor City”, as reflected by it’s (former) glory days as the automobile capital of the world.
Just relaying what was once told to me when I posed the same question to parents of friends of my oldest daughter.
Welcome, GondaOhana! Looking forward to seeing Warrior Josh!
Aloha Kakahiaka, all! Stay cool and safe, wherever you may roam!
Gimme the free stuff.
Gimme the free stuff.
Thanks from mauka kona in the coffeefields.
morning gang!
hey it works..neva have to log in yet
Gimme the free stuff…. for Stretch 🙂
Hawaiianbod – nice to see you posting
i hope the tireless beat writers get a raise from the paywall profits
ok gang, have a safe and happy day.. play nice
and oh yea before i forget … hiya jojo ® !
LizKauai – amc channel running the godfather films this week
ok really gotta go hi ho now
Sorry Avis, I already subscribed. (Someone tell the tech guys that viewing the terms deletes previously inputted information on the payment page).
ST: Great breakdown of the 2011 positions!
Gimmie the free stuff
hmmmmm…Good morning world.
gm homey
ST: I’m disappointed you used the term “gaudy statistics” in your reference to Moniz. That is BCS thinking.
Great Morning All Payers and Non-payers alike!
Hey DPK!
Hi Homey.
Hi Ronnie!
Gimme the free stuff
Gimme the free stuff — if I can transfer to a friend. I’ve already subscribed.