Stutzmann returns

Sorry for the late post.

Traffic was bad because we had to drive around all the people thrown under the bus at yesterday’s hearing.

* * * * *

“Chipped up” is the designation for a player who has more than an ache but less than a serious injury. Yesterday, there were several chipped up players — Scott Harding, Justin Clapp, Mike Sellers, to name a few — but they should be ready to go for the BYU game.

The biggest surprise was the appearance of wideout Billy Ray Stutzmann, who came back 3 1/2 weeks earlier than expected following hand surgery. There still are eight pins and a plate in his left hand — he might need to show up at the airport and hour earlier tomorrow — but he appears to be back to normal. Paired with Trevor Davis, the Warriors can now stretch the field a little better.

Running back Joey Iosefa also should be available to play. He was held out of the Nevada game as a precaution after missing three of the four contact practices last week.

* * * * * *

At least ESPN Classic understands the importance of UH-BYU week. It showed the 2001 game.

Of note: 1) That field is really green. 2) Remember when the field used to be covered with newspaper streams? 3) Craig Stutzmann sure can punt a football.

* * * * *

Happy birthday to BigWave.


  1. Ipu Man September 25, 2012 8:36 am

    Hurray for Billy Ray!

  2. WarriorNY September 25, 2012 8:36 am

    Great Job Billy Ray!

  3. Abunai September 25, 2012 8:39 am

    Good going Billy Ray!!

  4. Stephen Tsai September 25, 2012 8:41 am

    I was going back and forth between the NFL game and the hearing.

    I think Donna Mercado Kim would make an excellent NFL commissioner.

  5. Kevin September 25, 2012 8:42 am

    Sorry for the late post.

    Traffic was bad because we had to drive around all the people thrown under the bus at yesterday’s hearing.

    Nice! 😆

  6. Abunai September 25, 2012 8:42 am

    BigWave! Happy birthday man! 

  7. Chicken Grease September 25, 2012 8:43 am

    Fast recovery! Welcome back, Stutzmann!

    Top 10? No worrie about late post, Tsai. Tuesday traffic = hell.

  8. WarriorNY September 25, 2012 8:48 am


    BYU-5690 HAWAII+3310….

  9. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 8:51 am

    Good to have BRS back!…

  10. Stephen Tsai September 25, 2012 8:51 am

    Actually, I’m at home, but I thought it was funny how easily everyone threw people under the bus.

    It was fascinating to learn of all of the back-room deals.

  11. RedZone September 25, 2012 8:51 am

    Happy to see that Stuz is back.

  12. jojo ® September 25, 2012 8:52 am


  13. Stephen Tsai September 25, 2012 8:52 am

    There are a lot of high-ranking people today saying: Heeeey. That was supposed to be a secret.

  14. Stephen Tsai September 25, 2012 8:53 am

    Dunnachie and Shutter are back, too, but because they were allowed to practice, it wasn’t like they really left.

  15. Ipu Man September 25, 2012 8:53 am

    What are the Friday scare cats afraid of?

    As long as we hang onto the ball and the legs of runners,

    no worry bacon curry…


  16. Stephen Tsai September 25, 2012 8:54 am

    BYU has two concerns: That Riley Nelson can’t play because he’s chipped up. Or that Riley Nelson can play.

  17. Pomai September 25, 2012 8:56 am

    I know for a fact that one of the things JD did not like about the AD job was all the politics of upper campus.

  18. d1shima September 25, 2012 8:56 am

    Speaking of “bacon”

    Stock up now; prices expected to skyrocket soon.

  19. Kekoa September 25, 2012 8:57 am

    Billy Ray! Extreme Warrior.

  20. greenthumb September 25, 2012 8:57 am

    Who was it who said “sunlight is the best disinfectant”? Glad Sen. Kim chaired this committee, no better choice when it comes to tenacity, and her colleagues were no slouches either. Props to the faculty members and students who provided written testimony!

  21. d1shima September 25, 2012 8:58 am

    Hope the Blog Host is right about stretching the defense with BRS coming back.

    Plus no need worry about testing out the hand on a fly route…the ball just drops right in! 🙂

  22. Wes'side Warrior September 25, 2012 8:58 am

    Howzit, everyone!

    Welcome back, Billy Ray!!!

    And everyone on the roads today…

    Welcome to the Thunder Dome!!!

    Remember, you always get more points for the bigger targets… bonus if they wearing running shoes!

  23. tommui September 25, 2012 8:58 am


    Good to hear about Billy Ray and Joey.

    Donna Mercado Kim – lovely smile and soft spoken – you never notice the stiletto until it’s too late! Would make a great trial attorney.

  24. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 8:59 am

    Why should anything that UH admins do be a secret? Especially things that have already been concluded? Unless it’s illegal or unethical? They are, after all, a State institution.

  25. Wes'side Warrior September 25, 2012 9:00 am

    Sounds like DMK has more sense… how about she Chair the BOR? Can? Or no can?

  26. Wes'side Warrior September 25, 2012 9:02 am

    Happy birthday, BigWave!!!

  27. postmanke September 25, 2012 9:03 am

    lol at traffic! amazing how people, leaders can have such a blatant disregard for peoples career, livelihood, just to save their own arse. In a public forum no less! Nice to see them exposed and squirm. How do you even go back to work after that? serious character issues that should have easliy been flagged in the hiring process. Finish em off DKM!

  28. Wes'side Warrior September 25, 2012 9:03 am

    Couldn’t pass this one up too…

    Stephen Tsai:

    September 25th, 2012 at 8:52 am

    There are a lot of high-ranking people today saying: Heeeey. That was supposed to be a secret.


    Erm… I mean…


  29. greenthumb September 25, 2012 9:05 am

    #23 tommui, totally concur, sir. Her questions of the first attorney about the fees should have been a clear sign to those who hadn’t had the pleasure of seeing her in “fact-finding” mode that there’s just no quit in her. Having seen her questioning before, I knew she was not going to move on until she got a figure.

    (As an aside, is that first firm’s bill actually capped at $50,000 or can it legally go higher?)

  30. Stephen Tsai September 25, 2012 9:07 am

    Bacon … poke …

    Sheesh. They’re sticking it to us land and sea.

  31. Stephen Tsai September 25, 2012 9:08 am


    Maybe the pins are magnetic.

  32. Stephen Tsai September 25, 2012 9:11 am

    I like how DMK knew the answers but wanted to hear the testifiers ‘fess up.

    It’s like your mom knowing you broke the vase and just waits and waits for you to admit it.

  33. d1shima September 25, 2012 9:11 am

    An e$$ential for sure.

    Kirk Matthews had it right this morning: Who orders a LT Sandwich?

  34. postmanke September 25, 2012 9:11 am

    after the dust settles, will JD ever be reinstated to AD? Would he consider even taking the job back?

  35. d1shima September 25, 2012 9:11 am


    Maybe they know what a “kicking ball” is in Provo!

  36. d1shima September 25, 2012 9:12 am

    If given a two-year early “golden parachute” would YOU go back into the kitchen?

  37. Ipu Man September 25, 2012 9:14 am

    In Japan, they used to serve cucumber sandwiches

    as a “morningu service”

    with your one tiny little cup of coffee…

  38. kev-1 September 25, 2012 9:15 am

    How the heck do you catch a football with pins and a plate in your hand? Props to the toughness though. I know that there have been people who have questioned his toughness before, but I think he is putting that myth to bed now.

    Good to have him back. He is needed. Our receivers have shown glimpses of what they can do, but have been inconsistent.

  39. d1shima September 25, 2012 9:15 am

    Incidentally, in defense of DIII refs, posted this on FB last night:

    You’re probably hearing a lot of people blaming “Division III refs” for what’s going on in the NFL these days, as if only Division III refs were calling these games. Truth is Monday night’s game featured two Division II officials, a Big 12 official, two Texas HS officials and a California HS/junior college officials.

    High school! 😯

  40. postmanke September 25, 2012 9:16 am

    I wouldnt consider that a golden parachute @ $200k? hardly some landing room. Didnt he purchase a house? gotta pay that sucker off! He so let UH off the hook. Solid Irish Character!

  41. tommui September 25, 2012 9:17 am

    32 ST – a good lawyer doesn’t ask a question at trial unless he knows the answer.

    #34postrmanke = in his testimony, JD said that he wanted to be reinstated as AD but the Upper Campus said no – take what we give you or forget it.

  42. postmanke September 25, 2012 9:20 am

    Yeah, I would go back in the kitchen.. but like i said in yesterdays post, dont try to give me chopped liver, durian fruit and bagoong to cook with. Let me choose the ingredients, let me stir it up. JD can cook it! Im confident he’ll have a line out the Aloha Staduim Kitchen.

  43. postmanke September 25, 2012 9:22 am

    Cant wait until we play for the Rolo Cup!

  44. Stephen Tsai September 25, 2012 9:23 am


    Sounds like an Iron Chef challenge.

  45. Stephen Tsai September 25, 2012 9:24 am

    So, I’m watching ESPN Classic’s replay of the 2001 UH-BYU game.

    There are fans holding R-O-L-O signs

    Brandon Doman was BYU’s QB. He’s now BYU’s offensive coordinator.

  46. (Jesse) James September 25, 2012 9:26 am

    Good Morning Tsaikos….

    Happy Birthday Bigwave!!!

    And a belated Happy Birthday to Hiflyer!!!

    #29, I believe the $50,000 is not a cap so to speak. The contract with Cades allows for additional charges if I remember correctly which is why Senators Slom and Kim kept asking the “fact-finder” if his “billables” would exceed the $50,000 and the “fact-finder” said, he would guess so but hadn’t billed the University yet. Which is why Senator Kim asked, “A lot more than $50,000?”

  47. Ipu Man September 25, 2012 9:27 am

    Maybe UH can leave an old jock strap on Wolfpack field next year…

  48. Ipu Man September 25, 2012 9:31 am


    …wrapped around a can of spam.

  49. iwonderwhytheyhateme September 25, 2012 9:34 am

    Some of you guys are too much. Lol

  50. Chicken Grease September 25, 2012 9:34 am


    Yeah. “Look at our lawyahs first, then, you can our brand of transparency.”

    There is no “I” in “transparency.

  51. tom-warriornation September 25, 2012 9:35 am

    Two 50 yd line TICKETS left at $29 each

    –game almost sold out!

    Hawaii-San Diego St in San Diego on Oct. 6:

    FIREWORKS SHOW right after the game! This will be a critical conference game and our boys need your support; so far we have almost 200 Warrior fans in our group; including Gary Allen, Tim Grasso & Nicky Clark.

    email me at:

    or call my cell: 415-385-1462.

  52. postmanke September 25, 2012 9:38 am

    We got billed $50k for task oriented work. process oriented work would have led to the button pusher. Quick hurry up give me something if you want more work done the road..

  53. Ha! September 25, 2012 9:39 am

    If Stutz catches a ball with freshly planted pins and a plate in his hand, what will everyone else’s excuse be for dropping it?

  54. A-House September 25, 2012 9:41 am

    like postmanke, I would like to see Jim D go back as the UHAD with strings attached regarding very limited interference from upper campus and concensus that his only “boss” is the Chancellor – I believe he would still take the opportunity to go back as the UHAD and after the hearings with a 3 or 5 year extension.

    an organizational chart makes it easier to understand “structure”, but that does not indicate clearly defined lines of authority – why? because human nature sucks and people, by nature, will always find or seek ways to get “hands on” or want people to know that they have their hands in – u know, the big ego thing!!!!!!!!

    while the current BOR chair made an ass out of him self yesterday, the BOR still has the RESPONSIBLITY for the University and all its related arms including the community colleges – that being said, the BOR must follow proper “protocall” in making its opinions known and abide by their own policies – unfortunately, yesterday, it became very apparent that the board chair himself is not knowledgable of the BOR’s written policies – very sad indeed!!!!!!!!

  55. gigi-hawaii September 25, 2012 9:43 am

    Looking forward to the game on Friday. Hubby is taking half day off from work to watch it.

    As usual, I’ll eat the turkey-avocado Subway special. ST has me hooked. Hubby hates avocado, though.

    Hope Chow and team had enough time to prepare for the game.

  56. chawan_cut September 25, 2012 9:43 am

    happy birthday!

  57. gigi-hawaii September 25, 2012 9:47 am


  58. LizKauai September 25, 2012 9:48 am

    Happy Birthday, BigWave!

    Mahalo, Ke Akua for Billy Ray… more proof of the power of prayer in the healing process.

    Time for UH to come clean and be pono from here on out…

    Healing energy to all those who were thrown under the bus. Better to be thrown than to throw, I say.


  59. gigi-hawaii September 25, 2012 9:50 am

    Wonder what this season would look like had JD been successful in awarding Mack a 5-year extension.

    Ah, the possibilities! Rolo would still be our OC…

  60. greenthumb September 25, 2012 9:53 am

    #46, thanks. It is interesting that the fact-finding concluded more than a month ago and the time sheets have not been crunched and the invoice(s) haven’t been sent yet. Still bothersome that he didn’t think it was necessary to interview the top admin official. Would have been nice to have those Q and As on the record from back then before the watchdogging began.

  61. John Fitzgerald Byers September 25, 2012 9:53 am

    This is what happens when you have wannabes making like they answer to only themselves with tax payer monies and interests.

    zero accountability. serious doubt most state universities experience this kind of nonsense.. had to be here.

  62. RedZone September 25, 2012 10:04 am

    I blame redacted. redacted did it.

  63. (Jesse) James September 25, 2012 10:07 am

    Congrats again to BRS…Prayers for continued healing and hope he is able to catch some.

  64. Matt September 25, 2012 10:12 am

    One thing that I didn’t know is that the BOR are not paid positions. They are all “volunteers” that are appointed. No money, but apparently lots of power.

  65. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 10:15 am

    Women’s volleyball against… “Toyota Auto Body”? … are they local?

  66. Kevin September 25, 2012 10:20 am

    Lots of power =GOOD… I’d like to have that!

    Wait… no pay???

    Ah… aikae. nevamind.

  67. Na Koa Mike September 25, 2012 10:20 am

    The 9/24/12 Na Koa lunch report is now up.

  68. Kevin September 25, 2012 10:20 am


    I believe that is the professional team from Japan that Kanani Danielson plays for now.

    BTW, she donated a HEFTY sum to the volleyball program recently.

  69. postmanke September 25, 2012 10:20 am

    64 – and whomever appoints those lolo’s put them on notice too – thats where it starts.

  70. Matt September 25, 2012 10:21 am

    Toyota Auto Body is Kanani Danielson’s pro team from Japan.

  71. postmanke September 25, 2012 10:22 am

    I’ll have whatever Stuz is eating, drikning. Fantastic recovery time!

  72. Matt September 25, 2012 10:23 am

    Appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Senate. I read somewhere that there is no mechanism to force them to step down.

  73. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 10:23 am

    Ah okay…

    Wouldn’t it be something if JD and Hinshaw were to show up to that match and lead the cheer like old times admidst all this Senate hearing madness.

  74. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 10:24 am


    I thought they had a prescribed number of years, renewable with Senate approval? Isn’t that why there was a big stink about Lingle’s friend who sat on the BOR beyond her term?

  75. Matt September 25, 2012 10:25 am

    Anyone wanna apply for the BOR?

  76. Matt September 25, 2012 10:25 am

    Five year terms.

  77. Kevin September 25, 2012 10:26 am

    I don’t think Jim Donovan has been seen at any UH game since all this started.

  78. papajoe2 September 25, 2012 10:26 am

    Interesting too that the firm hired to find out what happened to the money stopped after they traced it to Florida. I thought everybody and their sisters knew that UH wired the money to Florida. I hope they find out more than we traced it to Florida. Uummm.. like who in Florida? Where are they now.

  79. Matt September 25, 2012 10:28 am

    Governor could probably ask all of the “volunteers” to “voluntarily” step down if he wanted though. 😀

  80. papajoe2 September 25, 2012 10:29 am

    Kevin, JD said that he stopped anything and everything that had to do with the athletic department since he was put on leave. Maybe he will be back when he feels the time is right. After all, he is also an alumnist.

  81. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 10:29 am

    On yesterday’s comment that the selection of a new Dean for the Department of General Sciences being more important or bearing more weight than the AD of the Athletic Department, I am still torn by that. I think both are equally important for different reasons…. academic, PR and visibility and we need a UH president and BOR members who see it that way.

  82. Stephen Tsai September 25, 2012 10:30 am

    It seems redundant to redact.

    Wasn’t dact good enough?

  83. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 10:36 am

    I think it’s something like reiterating what you interated from the speech you gave earlier.

  84. Bleed Green and White September 25, 2012 10:38 am

    Senate Accountability Hearing:

    DMK – condescending know it all. dang, like her record is so damn good

    Tokuda – kindergarten teacher, that’s how she kept talking down to people

    Sam – I actually liked his approach

    Greenwood – mumblin’, stumblin’, bumblin’. Arrogant and ignorant. Absolutely clueless

    JD – dude, say what you want, you frickin blew it. Acting all surprised about wiring $200k, it was still your people, representing you and your department. Point all the fingers you want, threw as many people under the bus you want, it was still all your responsibility. A major project that you, yourself needed to take complete control over.

    Martinson – um, did you forget your spine at home?

    UH looked like a big loser!

    Granted, the concert idea was a good one, but c’mon, why was the arena manager put in charge. Isn’t his job to put the tera-flex down? Really?

    Bach channel butt kissing and such, scratching of each other’s backs, some things never change.

    The way it all played out, is Rockne Freitas pulling all the back-door strings….? It all smells so fishy!

  85. westwind September 25, 2012 10:43 am

    IMO the Legislative investigative session will probably have to lead to the Legislature to reconsider the idea of UH-Manoa autonomy. It appears that the current BOR cannot/will not do its due diligence. Based on what you heard yesterday, would you trust those same people to do what they were supposed to have been all along. Like DMK said, “I’m not a lawyer but JD’s new job contract looks like a $500K+ settlement.”(Which BOR Chairman Martinson and attorney Katz denied.)

  86. John Fitzgerald Byers September 25, 2012 10:47 am

    They do not and have not deserved autonomy in any fashion. The idea of autonomy may “seem” like a good one, but an idea is only as good as the execution of it and over how many administrations has this so-called semi-autonomy worked out well considering the use of the public’s taxes?

    UH is a state university pretending to be a private one with tax payer dollars… this is the result.

  87. hilosupaman September 25, 2012 10:47 am

    Turning 30 on Friday… only want one thing and only Coach Chow and the boyz can get it for me!

  88. postmanke September 25, 2012 10:49 am

    I think DMK could have her own Court TV show

  89. westwind September 25, 2012 10:53 am

    Too many costly attorneys. Too many costly PR damage control people. This makes it bad for the students/parents/taxpayers. Having to appear at information hearing “lawyered-up.” And we the people are paying for this. Makes me pissed!

  90. greenthumb September 25, 2012 10:54 am

    82 — Pete and Repeat were walking down the street….

    This one’s kind of fun:

  91. Da Punchbowl Kid September 25, 2012 10:55 am

    Good Morning Gangeez!

    Good for Billy Ray. Hope he gets a nice catch or two or half a dozen, this week.

  92. kakaako kid September 25, 2012 10:56 am

    Take the offer or there will be an investigation. Oh yea, I just remembered I forgot my Trading Places video in the VCR.

  93. Da Punchbowl Kid September 25, 2012 10:58 am

    BigWave –

    Happiest of birthdays to you!

  94. PowderPuff September 25, 2012 10:59 am

    YAY! Billy Ray, Joey, Alex…woooo hooo! Geev ‘um, Warriors! Nā Koa Mike, thanks for posting another fine report from Gareth on Coach Lee’s presentation at the Nā Koa Coach’s Luncheon yesterday. Looking forward to seeing the boys on TV on Friday!!!

  95. greenthumb September 25, 2012 11:11 am

    For the person looking for the archived ‘Olelo feed of the first UH hearing, this link takes you to the archive. Look for the SCA02 item. It is scrollable after the buffering completes.

  96. Old School Dave September 25, 2012 11:13 am

    BYU is apparently licking their chops and predicting that their RB Michael Alisa will also run wild against UH like Nevada’s Stephon Jefferson did. Hope Coach Kaumeyer can make the necessary adjustments and the D steps up.

  97. guest September 25, 2012 11:24 am

    Anyone listened to Bobby Curran this morning? Not one mention of the UH situation in 3 hours on the air. As voice of UH football/basketball, was he instructed to not bring the subject up? He was beating a dead horse with the replacement refs for 3 hours!

  98. SteveM [iPhone4] September 25, 2012 11:26 am

    Good morning everyone!

    I find the hearing comments informative since I am semi-isolated on a moving island where the major news is the next menu 😉

    Looking forward to seeing the UH-BYU game in Kahului this Friday. Sitting in Nawiliwili harbor today with an “early” departure time. Next stop Hilo.

  99. Annoddah Dave September 25, 2012 11:27 am

    ST & Tsaiko Blog Dogs:

    After reading the fact finder’s report, I do not believe JD will come back as AD since he made some errors in judgment regarding delegation of authority to RS to handle the concert project. CC and TC are JD’s direct reports and are superior to RS. They failed to provide sufficient oversight on what RS was doing. It appeared they became more cognizant when emails had them cc’d as the cheese started to bind. JD let RS run with the ball rather than allow CC and TC to be part of the process. I don’t think RS will be around very long or is persona non grata in the administration.

  100. Annoddah Dave September 25, 2012 11:37 am

    @97, agree. BC must belong to the officials union! I think he avoided the concert hearing because it is not “sports”. Although I found it like “fencing” with a lot of thrust and parry! LOL

  101. Hodad September 25, 2012 11:40 am

    If leg tries to restrict UH’s autonomy, look for the accredidation people to get invoved. All you UH grads won’t look to good with a degree from a non-accredidated university. They threatened Auburn over their Board of Trustees meddling.

  102. Chicken Grease September 25, 2012 11:47 am

    A Grease doesn’t think anything should be done to the Wolfpack logo (assuming that the Warriors do win) next season at Nevada. Should show that we’re concerned w/extraneous/extracurricular post-game antics that might result in a riot (I mean, let’s face it — other places do post-game riots on the Mainland. Never happens here and will never happen here).

    Have no cause to love Carrol or the Seahawks, but, heck, if the Packers were on offense those last seconds of the game last night? And the same play occurred? The discussion would be, “what a great play/21st century hail Mary play” you know?

    Call the coach show tonight?

  103. SAWARRIOR September 25, 2012 11:48 am

    hey WW, hi… about your 475 post yesterday, you may twist my words anyways you want my mainland bruddah. lol

  104. Old School Dave September 25, 2012 11:48 am

    What type of “investigation” was Greg McMackin threatened with in order to get him to agree to a $600K buyout?

  105. SAWARRIOR September 25, 2012 11:49 am

    i’m debating if i should go to a sports bar to watch Hawaii @ BYU or stay home and eat shoyu chicken and rice and mac salad. decisions, decisions.

  106. wafan September 25, 2012 11:53 am

    Huzzah for superior genes!

    ‘Attaway BRS!!!

  107. wafan September 25, 2012 11:53 am

    Happy birthday BigWave!


  108. Old School Dave September 25, 2012 12:05 pm

    In the Navy, when a ship is run aground, they usually fire the captain and EO. UH seems to be aground at the moment, but has anyone lost their job? Fingers must be getting tired pointing at each other, not to mention shoulders sore from all of that shrugging.

  109. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 12:06 pm

    Just leave a small bag of Purina Puppy CHOW on the field…. with a handwritten note that says.. “Don’t Wolf it down all at once, now..”

  110. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 12:08 pm


    They’ll probably show it at Windward Mall food court.. go there then you can have your shoyu chicken, mac salad, beer and enjoy the game all at the same time.

  111. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 12:09 pm

    Firing costs too much…

    Let’s just create a new position for the existing president… call it President non-meritous pre-exodusus…

  112. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 12:11 pm

    I know .. I know! … let’s make her the new assistant AD! … She might gain some valuable insight and appreciation for the department…

    Then again.. she might totally screw it up.. never mind…

  113. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 12:16 pm

    Furthermore, I’m not sure they negotiated the best deal into the MWC… it’s more like they bought their way in for 3 million a year (travel subsidies and PPV).

  114. SAWARRIOR September 25, 2012 12:16 pm

    110. i would love to do that, but i’m kinda stuck/living on da mainland.

  115. d1shima September 25, 2012 12:18 pm

    With the return of the X-man let’s see what an effective WR is able to do for an offense.

  116. Chicken Grease September 25, 2012 12:20 pm

    Old School Dave:

    September 25th, 2012 at 12:05 pm

    In the Navy, when a ship is run aground, they usually fire the captain and EO. UH seems to be aground at the moment, but has anyone lost their job? Fingers must be getting tired pointing at each other, not to mention shoulders sore from all of that shrugging.

    Thanks for your commitment to our country.

    Regarding “anyone lost their job?” You mean other than Donovan? Well, he DID get a “replacement job” w/basically the same salary.

    Donna Mercado Kim got some great jabs in, jabs that SHOULD be brought up to University types on a regular basis (paraphrasing: “what about the student body?” [should also add, “what about the student body who PAY their own tuition]) and, a Grease’s favorite, “you folks are highly paid and YOU COULDN’T figure out . . .”) And the hearings got “top of the newscast” attention.

    So . . . think there might be some change, despite M.[er]C.[y]’s “Senator Kim, you’ll have to [subpoena] me if you want more answers.”

    If not . . . think there’s enough for “the NEXT time this happens” to UH Admin’ the same way if another 9/11 happens.

    Bottom line, this administration should be embarrassed and concerned that $200,000 was stolen from this accredited university. “Concerts don’t end up going on sometimes” (Donovan) should not be the norm (pardon the UH athletic dept.-flavored pun).

  117. d1shima September 25, 2012 12:21 pm

    It was crucial that Billy Ray’s older bro was able to get good “lift” on that punt given his proximity to the stands. 😉

  118. hightide September 25, 2012 12:27 pm

    SEN.DONNA MERCADO KIM. FOR GOVERNOR! Fricken good job yesterday.

    Where do we go from here?. FIRE the board of regents and get a new president.

  119. John Fitzgerald Byers September 25, 2012 12:30 pm

    So what if Donna Mercado Kim seemed rude or whatevers? Considering the way administration has been condescending towards people they view beneath them under their own employ, it was a microscopic taste of payback.

    there should be more people answering legitimate questions about their policies and practices but they are not high enough on the chain but still high enough to make others that work for them and those that help out on their own time feel small and inferior.

  120. wafan September 25, 2012 12:35 pm

    Quite the can of worms, last night. At times it looked as if JD wanted to say more but held back. Greenwood kind of acted as if her position made her untouchable and infallible. The BOR president looked like a buffoon — how could he not know and understand the by-laws? Perhaps the administrations counsel had not yet had the time to explain things to him. He better meet with Greewood quickly to get their stories straight.

  121. wafan September 25, 2012 12:37 pm

    Are they calling Freitas and the counsel to administration to sit at the table?

    Those should be some really interesting questions and answers.

  122. papajoe2 September 25, 2012 12:41 pm

    I am a UH ppv buyer. If UH is getting very little $ and thus sacarificing attendance, maybe we should NOT have ppv for UH games. I wouldn’t go to most games but seems like more and more people enjoying at a friends’ or family’s place than attending the games. Can show the games delayed that same night like they did before. Can also ppv the road games, but then again, the MWC may be getting a huge cut from that. Also, the road games for free (no ppv) or delayed too. Now if UH is receiving a few million from ppv then………..

  123. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 12:44 pm


    PPV for football no longer makes sense since the money goes directly to the MWC..

  124. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 12:47 pm

    In essence, with PPV, UH is paying the MWC 3 million annually to play in that conference. That’s about $400,000 a game, home and away! That’s a lot of moolah to play in a non-AQ conference. I don’t know how much UH will get back in return as we are a football only member… just a small fraction of the total payout, I’m sure.

  125. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 12:47 pm

    Better to go back to delayed telecasting with K5 !

  126. Buffoman September 25, 2012 12:48 pm

    #59 Gigi – the record would have been the same. I don’t think the UH team under Mack would have beaten either USC or Nevada, sorry.

    That’s all in the past now. Time to cheer and support the new staff.

  127. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 12:48 pm

    If that’s possible, that is…

  128. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 12:49 pm


    I don’t think Mack’s defense would have surrendered 69 points, though… We might have lost, but we would have had more decent numbers both ways.

  129. Slugger September 25, 2012 12:55 pm

    Happy birthday, BigWaveDave! Great to see you with the keiki on Saturday.

    Be careful out there, Billy Ray. More healing energy your way.

  130. Slugger September 25, 2012 12:56 pm

    Lun-Chow-ah… shoyu pork from Masa’s!


  131. RedZone September 25, 2012 1:04 pm


  132. ai-eee-soos September 25, 2012 1:08 pm

    … has this been posted yet ?

    Search firm will help UH review AD applications

    By Ferd Lewis

    POSTED: 12:40 p.m. HST, Sep 25, 2012


    The University of Hawaii “has identified” a search firm to aid in its review of more than 60 applications for the athletic director job, the school said today.

    UH began advertising the AD position Sept. 12 and is still accepting applications although it was scheduled to begin reviewing them Sept. 21.

    “The retention of the search firm is subject to state and UH procurement procedures,” said Diane Chang, spokeswoman for the Manoa Chancellor’s office.

    Chang said, “private donations/funds are being solicited to pay for the search firm’s fees and expenses.”

    She said, “the committee is on schedule to submit a candidate’s name or candidates’ names to UH Mānoa Chancellor Tom Apple by the target date of early November 2012.”

    Earlier UH had previously announced “a firm target date of Nov. 1.”

    Rockne Freitas has served as acting AD since July 11 when Jim Donovan was placed on indefinite administrative leave. Donovan has since been assigned to a position in the Manoa chancellor’s office.

  133. ai-eee-soos September 25, 2012 1:11 pm

    ” … more than 60 applications for the AD job … ”

    Must be a lot of unemployed AD’s out there …

  134. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 1:30 pm


    They all want to work 3 years and get paid for 5…. or something like dat…

  135. truthbetold September 25, 2012 1:32 pm

    #104 Remember the “point shaving” allegations through an annonymous letter? Greenwood and the BOR chair marched into HPD to address allegations then held a press conference which was picked up nationally as “point shaving scandal at Hawaii?” Within the hour, HPD held a press conference stating there was no factual evidence to investigate, allegations totally unfounded, but the PR damage was done to UH. Nothing to investigate in a clean program but they kept trying to find cause. Another foolish display fueled by personal and political agendas and harming reputations of good people and the university. They could not get coach mack through their devious schemes, so they went to what any thug does, a shakedown threatening everything he cared about…his players, his program, his family. Coach was told they would play dirty, coach did not want any further harm to come to his players or his program, coach made an unselfish decision for the good of his team and his family. Also, Ferd’s article is wrong- the “ongoing” negotiations were for a contract extension not a buy out. Remember, coach mack offerred to take a significant salary cut with an extension. That’s what the negotiations were about that the BOR and MRC were unhappy with. Now how interesting it is that the Senate addresses the same kind of press conference which Greenwood calls “crisis management”…just another set-up and shake down like many times before, except this time they got caught. Did not work out quite like they planned this time. Greenwood+Frietas+Karr= Smoking guns! Shame on them!

  136. truthbetold September 25, 2012 1:36 pm

    One more thing….MRC received her contract extension from Karr….Karr heads the Athletic Director search committee….why?

  137. ai-eee-soos September 25, 2012 1:37 pm

    # 134 – Yup – the “word” is out.

  138. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 1:37 pm

    They want a patsy for an AD… they could care less about the Athletic Department.

  139. oldtimer808 September 25, 2012 1:40 pm

    The senate hearing has been an interesting show.

  140. wafan September 25, 2012 1:41 pm

    $90K to hire the search firm.

    Twice what most teachers get paid.

    Dang. We are in the wrong business.

  141. PowderPuff September 25, 2012 1:42 pm

    Hey wow…good job, Ferd and the rest of the S-A sports staff for your coverage. I was wondering what had happened to the UHAD search. But wow, $90K? Whew!

  142. PowderPuff September 25, 2012 1:43 pm

    truthbetold…re #136: uh huh.

  143. tommui September 25, 2012 1:44 pm

    #135 truthbetold If you look at the documents supplied to Senator Kim, you might find this interesting item on page 6, item 3

    That the University of Hawaii paid outside counsel from April 2011 to March 12, 2012, the sum of $2,192,842.20.

    I did not find – or looked that carefully – to whom it was paid and for what reason.

  144. oldtimer808 September 25, 2012 1:44 pm

    There is more to this than the SW fiasco. I hope the committee calls on Karr and Frietas. The cat is out of the bag.

  145. wafan September 25, 2012 1:47 pm

    $2+ million?!?!

    Dang. Where do they find the money?

    Oh yeah. They have easy prey . . . students.

  146. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 1:51 pm

    In all fairness, $2,192,842.20 only represents 2.3% of the total revenues that are channeled through UH from donations, research grants, tuition, state funds, Federal grants and such. I wonder if they spend as much in advertising?

  147. wafan September 25, 2012 1:53 pm

    The SW event (I think Greenwood used that word) is going to get really ugly. Those who are guilty must be scrambling like crazy to cover their backsides and identify those they hope will ultimately take the fall.

    Senator Kim and Co. did an excellent job last night making them squirm.

    Bravo senators!

  148. wafan September 25, 2012 1:55 pm

    mih . . .

    The 2.3% could have been used to repair facilities, upgrade programs, student services, . . .

  149. Don Weir (We-Ah) September 25, 2012 1:59 pm


    Volunteer is not exactly correct.

    BOR receives travel allowance + meeting stipend + meal allowance on UH business

    UH business is not always on O’ahu or the neighbor isles

  150. Buffoman September 25, 2012 1:59 pm

    That $2M+ may not have been necessary if things were more transparent from the start. That may be the definition of “window dressing”; that is, to keep the shades down and not let so much sun into the room.

    #128 Maybe true. New system (under Chow) learning curve still in process. The “old Warriors” could have minimized the spread (no pun intended).

  151. tommui September 25, 2012 2:00 pm

    #119 – I don’t think Senator Kim was rude at all. The witnesses all had lawyers holding their hands and yet all of them were evasive or having memory problems.

    If the Senator had to remind them of the law, statutes, UH policies, their own internal correspondence, or time and dates etc, I would imagine it was to refresh their memories or determine the extent of their knowledge as to the law, statutes, policies etc.

  152. Kevin September 25, 2012 2:03 pm


    September 25th, 2012 at 1:55 pm

    mih . . .

    The 2.3% could have been used to repair facilities, upgrade programs, student services, . . .

    address campus security concerns, help supplement a short-funded mens and womens equipment room staff/weight room staff, minor repairs to the bathrooms on the first floor of the athletic complex, etc……

    time for a champion, to soothe the soul of the land, mend the heart from the sea and sand until the sun comes up again…

  153. wowlaulau September 25, 2012 2:03 pm

    The dollar amount is not unusual but as tommui mentioned, who was it paid to. does a conflict of interest exists? were correct procedures to obtain legal counsel followed, needed, etc

  154. tommui September 25, 2012 2:04 pm

    Re 151 – the #151 did not apply to JD who testified without somewhat whispering in his ears.

    I get the impression from his testimony that he wanted to be reinstated as AD period. He had no intention of suing the UH – though his attorney a couple of weeks prior had threaten to do so.

    But the the powers-that-be, in their infinite wisdom, decided that he would be better off as Director of External Relations for three years, rather than permit him to serve as AD for another six months.

  155. tommui September 25, 2012 2:05 pm

    sorry: somewhat written in haste – should be “someone”.

  156. RedZone September 25, 2012 2:08 pm

    AS I recall I don’t want to tell you but if you want me to I will. What was Kim to do? Her job. And she did it well.

  157. Kaneohe Resident September 25, 2012 2:10 pm

    Watched the entire Senate telecast.

    Sen. Kim: Excellent job, extremely well prepared. Didn’t let any BS pass by the testifiers. Had everybody on their heels except for Donovan. His testimony was the clearest and most candid.

    Sen. Tokuda: She lost my vote (I wan’t planning to vote for her anyway). She kept asking? using the “good words”; a lot of jabbering but of little substance. She kept asking to see positive progress in fixing the problem when she knows (maybe not) that nothing will be done and she won’t be following up on anything she’s asking about. Just posturing for the TV cameras. She even had the nerve to ask the Fact Finder why he didn’t include any conclusions in his report!

    Sen Slom: Good straightforward questions even though he already knows UH isn’t going to fix any of the problems.

    Sens Ihara & Kouchi: Just followed up on Kim’s questions. Added very little substance.

    Pres. Greendoow: Too busy covering up the incompetence of Upper Campus personnel in this entire mess. I don’t think she understands what it takes to financially run a university. At one point in a speech of businessmen, she referred to the State as a minority shareholder in running the university. My God! Who does she think pays for all the benefits the faculty and staff receives? State retirement, lifetime medical coverage, etc.

    Donovan: Good straightforward answers. Seems to be an upstanding individual. Especially when directed by the previous Chair of the BOR about firing Mac and in reference to the “investigation” that was being done.

    BOR Chair Martinson: He totally embarassed himself. He should have stayed home, especially since his wasn’t subpoenaed to appear. Even if he wasn’t paid and the position is voluntary his actions as related in his testimony are pathetic. At one point, Sen Kim made the comment “I’m exasperated!” and turned the mike over to another senator.

    My conclusion after watching the entire telecast, the university is so poorly managed, administered…whatever, that it upsets me a lot. As a UH graduate, this is the first time I have every witnessed a prolong testimony of how the university is being run.

    By the way, an interesting fact I learned: At one time, the PR department had 20-21 positions while the General Counsel’s office had only 10. Gives me a clear idea where UH places its focus on its operations. Another point, Lynne Waters sitting directly in back of the testifiers, why? Who is she? I know, I know…she’s married to Clayton Hee. Big deal. Why was she even present?

  158. cocobean September 25, 2012 2:13 pm

    It’s laughable that UH is willing to pay that kind of money to a seach firm because going that route has produced such “winners” as Dobelle, Frazier, M.R.C. and Apple.

  159. RedZone September 25, 2012 2:18 pm

    I wish they would have brought in Amemiya.

  160. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 2:18 pm

    The AD is the position from which the average Hawaii citizen can see what it going on in upper campus. Obviously they want someone who will not expose the glaring weaknesses, poor support, and secret doings of the UH Administration. They want a yes man… someone like Herman Frasier who could not have hid 2 million in deficits while still collecting his bonuses without Upper campus’s assistance.

  161. d1shima September 25, 2012 2:28 pm

    A Wise Man once said: Athletics is the front porch of the University.

  162. greenthumb September 25, 2012 2:34 pm


    Seems like the people at UH who write and/or talk about contracts need to reflect a little more on some of the highlights of yesterday’s Senate hearing. According to the breaking news story,

    • There’s an exemption from procedure because of the need to find an AD quickly (less of a hurry if they had started earlier).

    • That $90K is only an approximate figure. Best would be a specified cap. Second-best, there should be a firm figure for the labor and most of the pass-through expenses. Call those out as line items and allow a REASONABLE buffer for things like travel costs if necessary. And really, how many of these expenses are unknown or subject to change?

  163. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 2:39 pm


    No hurry if they had let JD finish up for the year. I mean, he’s on payroll.. he’s got experience.. what the hey…

  164. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 2:40 pm

    If someone makes a mistake, they are less likely to repeat that mistake… JD would do a better job the second time around.. Didn’t Howard Hughes run with the same philosophy?

  165. Kevin September 25, 2012 2:40 pm

    and they sang:

    Black-robed judges bring the gavel down, goodbye tell me all the ways that I went wrong They’d lock us up forever, given half a chance

    Out of sight, out of mind, same old dance

    Keep the rebels down, kill their every sound

    The more you try to silence me, the more I’m gaining ground

    We’ve had enough, we’ll make ’em see

    They’ll never take another drop of blood from me

    And judge you all, one final bow YOU will be your end of days

    Blood in the streets, the royals fall we will do what it takes until we see them crawl up to where they will see, they will be their end of days

    Painted smile, glad hands, pick your pocket, money gone

    Laughing to themselves, and forget your name

    Make up any promise as they go and sell your future

    We all had a vote? Then tell me who’s to blame!

    Keep the rebels down, kill their every sound

    The more you try to silence me, the more the truth is gaining ground

    I’ve had enough, I’ll make ’em see

    They’ll never take another drop of blood from me..

    I’ll judge you all, one final bow YOU will be your end of days

  166. greenthumb September 25, 2012 2:45 pm

    Martinson referred to something he was going to give to the senators after the BOR did something (sorry to be vague, it was hard to understand that part of the archived feed, but something about Friday). Anyway, here is part of a press release from UH. Nowhere does it mention the committee members by name. Anyone know who they are?

    Posted: Sep. 5, 2012

    The Board of Regents today approved the formation of a special committee to evaluate the University’s operational and financial controls and oversight practices.

    The Operational and Financial Controls Improvement Advisory Task Group consists of five regents and four professionals in the field of business, audit and accounting. The task group intends to have a report by the October 18 regents meeting.

    Link to press release:

  167. RedZone September 25, 2012 2:55 pm

    I don’t know about this picture.

  168. huh? September 25, 2012 2:56 pm

    #59 huh?

    No clue, eh?

  169. what? September 25, 2012 2:58 pm

    #168. ‘fo realz.

  170. al September 25, 2012 2:59 pm

    90k…why spend all that to name the rock?

  171. Kevin September 25, 2012 3:04 pm

    To name Dwayne Johnson what?

  172. Don Weir (We-Ah) September 25, 2012 3:10 pm


    If memory serves me correctly, Martinson referred the audit and accounting portion to professionals who had done previous work and were currently doing work for UH.

    Fact finders had done previous work for UH

    Attorneys for the hearing had done previous work for UH

    PR firm hired by Attorneys for the hearings had done previous work for UH

  173. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 3:13 pm

    Don Weir,

    So what are you saying? Everyone else has done previous work and the only ones not doing their jobs are Martinson, the BOR and the UH admin? Can’t blame the BOR they are volunteers… right…

  174. cocobean September 25, 2012 3:14 pm

    An unpopular point of view…..

    The irony of all the things exposed by the on going concert fact finding is UH actually had the best man in place to take over the AD job but can’t afford to offer it to him any more.

    Hawaii is a who you know kind of State, what kind of “connections” do you have. Nobody at UH knew more people or had more”connections” than Freitas. He knew improtant people who knew other important people….”Uncle Danny can you talk to Neil about…” ” hey Duane can you and Peter get the boys at the Downtown Athletic Club to chip in a little extra to..” There’s a reason M.R.C. made him her right hand man. She may be incompent but not stupid.

    I really believe Freitas would’ve been his own man. He wouldn’t be intimidated by a “big shot” regent or donor calling to meddle in a hiring or firing decision. He has all the qualifications for the job plus he’s a “made man” in the old boys network. He can name drop with the best of them.

    I’ll rephrase something said earlier. He won’t have to jump through as many hoops as the next AD to get something done.

  175. greenthumb September 25, 2012 3:19 pm

    172, thank you! The lack of transparency in that Sept. 5 release is really something UH needs to be aware of. It mentions 5 regents serving on the task group. We can suppose that one of them is the chair, but who are the other 4 regents? And the 4 professionals from the community, who are they, and are they volunteering their time, etc.?

  176. greenthumb September 25, 2012 3:21 pm

    Speaking of regents, we the public may not find out who that one questioning voice on the board is that Martinson mentioned. (Sounded like Kim thought it was more than one, maybe?) But whoever you are, thank you from this alum.

  177. Annoddah Dave September 25, 2012 3:34 pm

    @#157 Kaneohe Resident – Lynne Waters is head of the public relations Dept for the UH. I guess she was there for damage control if someone put the foot in mouth! LOL

  178. Pomai September 25, 2012 3:43 pm

    The sad thing is that if all this mess is about the Athletic Department, can you imagine how the rest of UH is being handled or should I say mishandled? Could this be the “Opening of Pandora’s Box”?

  179. follower September 25, 2012 3:47 pm

    We have a game in 3 days. I come on this blog to read about the team, follow up on the players, the coaches and Warrior Football (even Wahine) fans…not all this stuff about the administration. Guess I should look for a “Dedicated to Warrior Football page”. Good Luck Warriors!!! Redeem yourselves!!

  180. kev-1 September 25, 2012 3:47 pm

    Who in their right mind would want to walk into the AD job with all of this nonsense going on? UH Athletics is screwed.

  181. Ipu Man September 25, 2012 3:55 pm

    Anyone who needs a job would take the AD position.

    The team and coaches in the next few years might make him/her look like a genious…

  182. Ipu Man September 25, 2012 4:01 pm

    Anyhow, I think Freitas and Ms. Greenwood, helped us get out of the WAC

    and got us a good coach…so we should give them a few more years to iron

    out the wrinkles. Hey, with JD in his new position, things may just get better

    not worse. The glass is half full and it tastes like lemonade.

  183. Ipu Man September 25, 2012 4:02 pm

    …a little expensive lemonade.

  184. kev-1 September 25, 2012 4:03 pm

    Okay, maybe I should rephrase that. Which qualified and worthy candidate would want the AD job with all of this nonsense going on?

    Your bosses (notice I said bosses, because obviously there are a lot of people telling the AD what to do and not to do) are all shady. They may either frame you, force you to take the fall for something, or try to get rid of you without you knowing. But of course, there is the beach and the weather? You interested?

  185. gigi-hawaii September 25, 2012 4:03 pm

    yaaah. Getting bored with all this talk about the senate investigation.

    let’s talk football. Warrior football.

    did anybody watch practice today?

  186. gigi-hawaii September 25, 2012 4:06 pm

    how was the na koa luncheon on Monday. did anybody attend it?

    who was the speaker?

  187. John Fitzgerald Byers September 25, 2012 4:08 pm

    To understand and follow what happens with the decision-makers at UH is to understand the state and the future of UH sports. Wonder why we cannot get top recruits? Wonder why facilities are the way they are? Wonder why things are the way they are on the field, court, etc? everything connects and everything falls from the top and then trickles down. This is good discussion about the real problems that have real life effects down to the way our teams perform.

  188. gigi-hawaii September 25, 2012 4:11 pm

    booorrring. too much rehash. REDUNDANT!

    I’ll be back later.


  189. Bigislandkurt September 25, 2012 4:12 pm

    Senator DMK was just on the Sports Animals show. One thing that stood out for me is that MRC Greenwood likes to spin it that monies (to pay fees, buyouts, attorneys and PR firms) are not coming from student tuition, but rather, a revolving fund. DMK opined: “Where does she think that revolving fund comes from?? It comes from student fees, ticket sales, etc.” So in this day and age, where students cannot graduate on time because not enough classes are being offered, I can only scratch my head at MRC’s statements. She and many more of the over-paid talking heads at UH continue to function from their sealed bubbles, often playing off the public like are just a bunch of fools. I really hope they get raked over the coals for this one. What a freek’n mess this has been.


  190. John Fitzgerald Byers September 25, 2012 4:15 pm

    Wouldn’t be anything new. coaches in many sports have been making athletic administrators look like genuises for decades at UH.

  191. Bigislandkurt September 25, 2012 4:19 pm

    Now all we need is for Moses Samia to get some of that magical juice Billy Ray just had. From surgery to the field in less than 3 weeks? Whatever Billyray and Adrian Petersen is drinking, please send some to Moses and Calen.


  192. d1shima September 25, 2012 4:25 pm

  193. Slugger September 25, 2012 4:25 pm

    Think about it…

    Recruits & their parents read this blog since they are trying to gauge the support UH football has in the community.

    Our current & former players probably read this blog.

    Other people in the community read this blog if they are interested in UH football.

    What does all of the bashing accomplish?

    “Think about it. “

  194. iwonderwhytheyhateme September 25, 2012 4:34 pm

    One day Scout or Rivals should commission a study as to how much random message boards and forums affect the decisions of recruits.

  195. John Fitzgerald Byers September 25, 2012 4:34 pm

    This is a public forum and people have the right to discuss the topics that are currently around. There has been enough ‘hush-hushing’ of things as evident by the events regarding the concert screw-up and the following dismissal of Jim Donovan, there needs to be air.

    If people want to join along with upper campus administration in keeping things under wraps, then that is their kuleana as well.

    This is not trolling like others have been doing, people are legitimately concerned and angry. People that have donated time, money, and faith are upset.

    This isn’t lawless name-calling like so many trollers after we lose a game.. no.. not even close.

    Think about that.

  196. Kevin September 25, 2012 4:38 pm


    September 25th, 2012 at 4:34 pm

    One day Scout or Rivals should commission a study as to how much random message boards and forums affect the decisions of recruits.

    They must form a committee first and perhaps seek out a mainland firm to… nevermind.

    But seriously, dunno if any sport would benefit from a recruit that makes their decisions off of message board chatter. Somethings I can see, like a fan with *ahem* stalker-like tendancies.., but simple chatter and discussions about factual instances, regardless of how others perceive it shouldn’t be enough to dissuade or persuade a prospect.

    If it is… ehhh… yikes. 🙄

  197. Chicken Grease September 25, 2012 4:40 pm


    September 25th, 2012 at 4:25 pm

    Think about it…

    Recruits & their parents read this blog since they are trying to gauge the support UH football has in the community.

    Our current & former players probably read this blog.

    Other people in the community read this blog if they are interested in UH football.

    What does all of the bashing accomplish?

    “Think about it. “

    If they’re reading this blog, they should participate.

    “What does all this bashing accomplish?” It’s not bashing. It’s offering our opinion. In the representative republic that is the United States of America. North Koreans be wishin’ they could come close to participating like this.

    Change is done on those who don’t do well for UH (Frazier, anybody). Greenwood next to go. Next step is to implement hiring without the easy giving of golden parachutes.

  198. Capitolist/WassupDoc September 25, 2012 4:40 pm

    My earlier comments are still “awaiting moderation” although nothing in it defiles people or attacks them or makes unwarranted accusations. I did call Stephen several hours ago to ask him to remove the “awaiting” restriction, but that has not yet happened.

  199. Pomai September 25, 2012 4:40 pm

    The fact of life is that this is about our sports programs at UH and needs to be talked about I don’t see anyone name calling or any of that, what they are doing is asking valid questions and making good points on what is going on.

    I agree with Mr. John Fitzgerald Byers: People that have donated time, money, and faith are upset.

  200. postmanke September 25, 2012 4:43 pm

    Using hired guns to find our AD – i’m all for that. $90k for expedite service? not bad, i guess? But why in Thomas Apple are we rushing this? whats a another month or so? So the temp agency has to hurry up, is going to do a quick yell out as stealth as possible, giddy-upping all over the country to do quick interviews, try to do their background checks, try to do their resume checks, rehab check-in’s, markers left in Vegas, Facebook, twitter scans… I would rather take the time, let the agency diligently select the candidates thats a perfect fit, etc.. Rushing this doesn’t make sense.

  201. postmanke September 25, 2012 4:47 pm

    can we put a stipulation in if the hired gun’s candidate bolts on us we can get our money back. good chance he / she will settle in and say, eff this!

  202. wafan September 25, 2012 4:50 pm

    Candidate cancellation insurance?

  203. postmanke September 25, 2012 4:51 pm

    lol yeah… I got a quote from my carrier, good enough?

  204. koakane September 25, 2012 4:55 pm

    I have no problem reading what is said here today. Needs to be addressed or UH stay in the same rut year after year. This has to be make know in order to move in a positive direction. DMK said it’

    “Where does she think that revolving fund comes from?? It comes from student fees, ticket sales, etc.” So in this day and age, where students cannot graduate on time because not enough classes are being offered, I can only scratch my head at MRC’s statements. She and many more of the over-paid talking heads at UH continue to function from their sealed bubbles, often playing off the public like are just a bunch of fools. I really hope they get raked over the coals for this one. What a freek’n mess this has been.”

    imho one of the many memorable and informational quotes

  205. koakane September 25, 2012 4:57 pm

    is this one of the smoking guns RF referred to when asked what he plans to do as the interim AD?

  206. fax machine September 25, 2012 4:59 pm

    Hah lah! The loi’s I get come through because the coaches do the work to recruit kids and show them around on their visits.

    I didnt know anonymous faceless people on blogs help recruit kids too!

    Im a fax machine, what do I know?

  207. Kevin September 25, 2012 5:02 pm

    Should feel confident that UH athletics secured a few letters of intent for this November’s LOI Day after this past weekend’s visits.

    I don’t think they had time to read blogs to help make their decision. 😎

  208. electrician September 25, 2012 5:02 pm

    u know only what others tell u. u can be unplugged to.

  209. Kevin September 25, 2012 5:02 pm

    Do guns even smoke anymore after firing?

  210. greenthumb September 25, 2012 5:03 pm

    With respect, it would be a lot simpler not to review and discuss the materials made public. The greater the focus, the more the frustration, frankly. But what the people who are seeking answers and sunlight are doing is trying to salvage, to restore, to build. It is probably easier to say, “well that is the way things are” whether it is this situation with UH, or the larger situation with the university.

    UH students are also speaking out, and we need to let them know we appreciate their courage and their voices. The student section of the testimony packet is just one example; there are other outlets where students are speaking up. This current dialog may have started with frustration, but hopefully it is building so that students and faculty and the community can come together to work for positive change. The public is finding what the faculty and others have said about areas at UH that need attention.

    The UH culture needs air and sunlight, and introducing them can be a painful process. I hope that prospective students, including student-athletes, see that by how our state’s community is seeking accountability and improvements at UH, they can choose to be part of the UH community and work for change.

  211. Kevin September 25, 2012 5:03 pm

    The office appliances have become self-aware.


  212. wafan September 25, 2012 5:06 pm

    Cold is still acting weird.


  213. koakane September 25, 2012 5:07 pm

    kevin that ficken cannon sure does and mighty loud if I may add

  214. Kevin September 25, 2012 5:09 pm

    Needs to be louder.

  215. Pomai September 25, 2012 5:10 pm

    The question is he a member of Optimus Primes group or Megatron’s?

  216. Pomai September 25, 2012 5:11 pm

    UH vs Bywhooo

    10    –    41    SAWARRIOR

    14    –    37    Koakane

    17    –    42    HiFlyer

    17    –    10    tommui

    17    –    55    Whats up

    20    –    56    Tyaiea

    21    –    31    3-Prong

    21    –    17    niho mano

    24    –    17    RedZone

    24    –    21    Rodney

    24    –    10    WarriorNY

    24    –    21    DPK

    24    –    17    oldtimer808

    27    –    13    Bugaz

    28    –    27    LizKauai

    31    –    24    AlaWai

    35    –    17    Pomai

    38    –    17    wafan

    48    –    10    IWWTHM

    48    –    10    IWWTHM

    56    –    10    Kekoa

    56    –    14    d1shima

  217. d1shima September 25, 2012 5:11 pm

    Did Iosefa practice today?

  218. d1shima September 25, 2012 5:12 pm

    Anyboddy else “dingy” at practice?

  219. d1shima September 25, 2012 5:13 pm


    Meant “chippy”

  220. Kevin September 25, 2012 5:21 pm


    I know a great promoter that can make that happen.

  221. tommui September 25, 2012 5:22 pm

    d1shima @220

    Ouch! 🙂

  222. greenthumb September 25, 2012 5:23 pm


    27 -21


  223. Pauoa Boy September 25, 2012 5:24 pm

    Wonder how the pins and plates in Billy Rays hands will affect his grasp of the football. Hope he can hold on to the ball like previously and there is not a drop off with his hands. If no can, Trevor Davis seems more than capable. I’d like to see more of Chris Gant though and whatever happened to Cecil Doe???

    Also, thank goodness Dunnachie is back. Now Scott Harding can focus on PR and catching footballs. Scott filled in nicely but I’d rather see Alex booming punts across the football field and pinning people deep.

  224. obachan September 25, 2012 5:25 pm

    @189 My sentiments exactly. My daughter graduated this past spring and is now attending graduate school. The quality of faculty at least in her major has deteriorated since I went to school. Tuition is sky high and no ceiling to it. Over paid Greenwood has a history of ethical lapses yet she was still hired. The Board of Regents appeared clueless and come across as a gaggle of rubber stampers. Time for accountability and change – may heads roll and let’s get rid of these incompetents.

  225. Pauoa Boy September 25, 2012 5:30 pm

    Plus hoping Iosefa is fully healed. Really missed his toughness and being able to pound the football. I really feel like he and Gregory can be a dominant thunder and lightning combo once the Oline gets in sync and starts to maul!

  226. Mokiboy September 25, 2012 5:31 pm

    Boo!!!!!!!! To the Hawaii fans did you see all the empty seats. Maybe if they had a large turn out and had the fans support the the score would be different .sicking to see Hawaii fans have the wait and see attitude , they only jump on the bandwagon if the team is winning SHAME ON YOU

  227. Kevin September 25, 2012 5:39 pm


    September 25th, 2012 at 5:31 pm

    Boo!!!!!!!! To the Hawaii fans did you see all the empty seats. Maybe if they had a large turn out and had the fans support the the score would be different .sicking to see Hawaii fans have the wait and see attitude , they only jump on the bandwagon if the team is winning SHAME ON YOU

    (Asian male enters room of his son)

    Father: YOU DOCTOR YET?!!???!?!?!?!

    Son: Dad, I’m 8.

    Father: TALK TO ME WHEN YOU DOCTOR! (slams door shut)

  228. Pauoa Boy September 25, 2012 5:40 pm

    Mokiboy, its always been that way. What happened to the days when our stadium was sold out, like when we whooped BYU’s ass back in Garrett Gabriel days. Or when we beat Boise State to win the outright WAC Championship??? Unless the team is putting out a winning product worth watching, most people not going come. Some of us die-hard bleed green fans will always watch no matter how sickening it is to see our boys get smashed. But still majority of the state rather watch on TV, plus not the same when get the people who all sensitive when you trying to have fun. The college atmosphere should be about getting nawts and getting into the game, not being told to sit down or be quiet. Das why some peeps no come to the games. I mean when you see stadiums rocking the whole game like the USC’s, Florida’s, Alabama’s, etc… that’s what its all about!

  229. obachan September 25, 2012 5:48 pm

    Just saw the story on KHON news that administrators like Greenwood are hired with guaranteed instant tenure meaning that they can opt to be a tenured professor at UH upon leaving their administrative position even if they lack the necessary teaching background or experience. Another example of UH guaranteeing a reward and job security irrespective of job performance.

  230. Moocher September 25, 2012 5:50 pm

    exactly…as mentioned put freitas’ okole on the chair.

    all presidents console, talk to, get advice from their vice presidents and freitas knows things if not helped orchestrate things.

    you put freitas on the stand and let DMK grill him we may just hear freitas scream out and say…

    “You want the truth, you can’t handle the truth…you’re damn right i ordered the code red.”

    put hinshaw as well, let’s get to the truth about the sabbatical…hinshaw must know something as well.

    i really think this is going to turn into a criminal conspiracy case before its all said and done.

    this is not about the wonder blunder…DMK knows that. She’s laying the foundation for bigger things, most likely perhaps to get the state full control at UH with no anonymity and with public approval of the move.

    Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  231. iwonderwhytheyhateme September 25, 2012 5:57 pm


    There is no requirement for any professor to have teaching experience.

  232. PowderPuff September 25, 2012 5:59 pm

    Oh my gosh, Sports Animals just gave out Roger Goddell’s phone number. HA! 🙂 Read that the NFL received 70,000 voicemails! Whose voicemail plan has that much storage?

  233. Kevin September 25, 2012 6:02 pm


    A fake one.

  234. PowderPuff September 25, 2012 6:05 pm

    Kevin, the number didn’t start with 555; well, the area code was 212 (New York). 🙂 I saw on the national news the referee who signaled TD reffed only high school and junior college before. Ai yah!!!! Sports Animals also said Marshawn Lynch was watching the replay at a bar/restaurant after the game, and his jaw dropped when he saw the replay. Those refs better not screw with “America’s Team” next Monday. HAHA!

  235. Kevin September 25, 2012 6:07 pm


    Fake as in it will take your message and then delete it afterwards.


  236. SAWARRIOR September 25, 2012 6:19 pm

    some of those refs that the NFL’s using got fired by the Lingerie Football League.

  237. Kevin September 25, 2012 6:22 pm

    Since I have no favorite NFL team, these replacements referees are the greatest thing I’ve seen in a while.

    HA! 😆

    Very entertaining!

  238. Don Weir (We-Ah) September 25, 2012 6:24 pm


    Response was to greenthumb’s request for information.

    ‘Previous work’ comments are meant to show a small group of vendors are getting repeat contracts. This was bought out in the hearings as questions to UH procurement processes.

  239. al September 25, 2012 6:25 pm

    i hope no one doubts how tough billy ray is.

    basically, the docs said he could try and practice if he can handle the pain.

    oh, yah, there is excruciating pain every time the flesh meets the metal plate and the screws holding everything in place.

    so billy ray is out there competing for his starting position.

    during the three and a half weeks of rest, ice, immobility, and elevation what did billy ray do? worked with sponge balls, rubber balls, so that he wouldn’t expeience atrophy.

    and dear old dad, billy, senior went out and bought some nerf footballs to toss at his son son he could maintain his form and hand-eye coordination.

    so you think you tough???

    billy ray the warrior.

    ,,,nuff said,

  240. tommui September 25, 2012 6:35 pm

    #173 and Don Weir #239.

    If I keep working for the same people, where does my loyalties lie? Can I maintain my objectivity as a counselor or am in the same bed as my employer?

  241. Will-I-Am September 25, 2012 6:41 pm

    Moocher #231,

    Well said. I feel the same way. She knows exactly what is going on, what has gone on, and what is going to happen.

  242. greenthumb September 25, 2012 6:46 pm

    239 and 241 — Some might be able to maintain objectivity. However, for UH right now, it seems wiser to make choices that encourage impartiality and transparency.

  243. kawika49 September 25, 2012 6:51 pm

    I took the 27 1/2 point.

  244. Don Weir (We-Ah) September 25, 2012 6:52 pm

    Tom Mui,

    I think that is the question coming out of the hearings. The lack of transparency in some of the previous proceedings by UH Admin/BOR has many questioning the ‘how’ decisions and hirings are done.

  245. kawika49 September 25, 2012 6:58 pm

    Amazing. how these malihini; accept the second tenet of being local, saving face. But, forget the first; honor.

  246. islandman September 25, 2012 7:07 pm

    There are 15 regents on the UH Board of Regents. Maybe that’s about how many other universities have, but that is too many regents. I say cut it down to around 8 .

  247. Will-I-Am September 25, 2012 7:11 pm

    Is it common practice that a D1 AD is not the person hiring the head coach?

    I always assumed that was their job.

  248. Will-I-Am September 25, 2012 7:12 pm

    It makes no sense to me that UH hires a committee to hire people.

  249. Ipu Man September 25, 2012 7:15 pm

    Ok, back to futball…

    Last year, Utah under Norm Chow as OC, beat BYU 54-10.

    1st qtr: Utes Defense scored first on a fumble in endzone.

    Laters, BYU kicked a 46yd FG.

    2nd qtr: BYU hit a 32yd td pass.

    Utah countered with a 30yd td pass.

    3rd qtr: Utah 59yd td pass.

    Utah 39yd FG.

    Utah 1yd run.

    4th qtr: Utah 20yd FG.

    Utah 62yd run.

    Utah 35yd run.

    Utah 57yd fumble return td by defense.

  250. Ipu Man September 25, 2012 7:16 pm

    BYU had 7 turnovers to Utah’s 2.

  251. Ipu Man September 25, 2012 7:18 pm

    BYU held the ball for 27min-17sec.

    Utah 32:43…

  252. Ipu Man September 25, 2012 7:22 pm


    UH 34 – BYU 17

  253. Rodney September 25, 2012 7:26 pm

    It’s like Watergate.Its not the Wonder blunder

    It’s the cover up!!!!

  254. Rodney September 25, 2012 7:26 pm

    It’s like Watergate.Its not the Wonder blunder

    It’s the cover up!!!!

  255. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 7:31 pm

    Utah has an excellent Defense minded head coach.

  256. Ipu Man September 25, 2012 7:36 pm

    But we got iron-hand-Stutzman to clinch cluthc passes in the endzone.

  257. Ipu Man September 25, 2012 7:36 pm

    thilly me…

    cluthc = clutch

  258. WarriorNY September 25, 2012 7:42 pm

    Just got done watching Inside Access. Nice Job Blog host! That segment was pretty awesome….

  259. tommui September 25, 2012 7:45 pm

    DON WEIR: @245. My comment was more rhetorical!

    As you know, the law is more based on adversary position – one side against the other – and should I be one of the people that the UH is always calling – and remember outside counsel retained by the UH amounted to over $2Mil – that amount might tend to sway my outlook!

    And when are you coming into town to break bread?

  260. islandman September 25, 2012 7:50 pm

    BYU is 12th in the nation in scoring defense so far, after four games, averaging 12.5 points allowed per game.

    They have given up only six TD’s so far and are 7th in Total Defense at 246 yds. per game.

  261. lava September 25, 2012 7:51 pm

    I am worried about the BYU game, not whether we win or lose, but whether we make the game entertaining. I correctly predicted that none of the first 3 games would be entertaining. It is not that I am a hater, but I have been very unimpressed with the team in practices. Friday has the making for what should be a competitive football game. If Chow’s team doesn’t show up, this is going to be a long season. Coach has already missed opportunities with recruits, and that is going to be a tougher sell if the losses outnumber the wins. Chow is looking more and more like Von Appen. WE need to at least play entertaining football. Friday should tell us a lot.

  262. link building September 25, 2012 7:56 pm

    Highly descriptive post, I liked that a lot. Will there be a part 2?

    link building

  263. Old School Dave September 25, 2012 7:59 pm

    I wonder if Randy Roth has enough material for another book?

    To more important matters – UH is going to put up a fight on Friday at Provo. The Cougars will get more than they bargained for.

  264. WarriorNY September 25, 2012 8:02 pm

    Ipu Man,

    Nice summary of last years Utah game. Utah dominated the running game and on defense.

    I feel like we are so close to breaking some really long runs. It’ll be good to see Iosefa back out there for our thunder and lightning combo.

    I don’t think our defense is as bad as people say. I just think we had issues with the pistol. Our defense against USC was really good in my opinion despite a couple of lapses.

  265. WarriorNY September 25, 2012 8:07 pm


    I think BYU’s issue is on offense. That Boise St game was painful to watch…

  266. Old School Dave September 25, 2012 8:08 pm

    Again, BYU is not as strong a team as Nevada. BYU has always had an inflated view of themselves, though.

    Maybe Augie T, Mel Cabang, and Andy Bumatai can put together a benefit concert for UH. Need some comic relief at the moment.

  267. WarriorNY September 25, 2012 8:14 pm

    Btw, how are we 27 point dogs? Sheesh, we have one bad game and people throw us under the bus…

    Money line is +3310…. For those nonbettors, that means Vegas is giving us 1/33 chance of winning this game.

    I’m sorry but if we play this game 33 times we would win more than one time…

  268. WarriorNY September 25, 2012 8:14 pm

    Btw, how are we 27 point dogs? Sheesh, we have one bad game and people throw us under the bus…

    Money line is +3310…. For those nonbettors, that means Vegas is giving us 1/33 chance of winning this game.

    I’m sorry but if we play this game 33 times we would win more than one time…

  269. Ipu Man September 25, 2012 8:14 pm

    Hi WarriorNY, yup Chow beat BYU recently and by The Grace of God,

    he can do it again…

    Your prediction 24 – 10 looks like you saw Boise holding them to low points

    and that maybe Chow can, too. I have UH at 34-17 like Pomai’s score of 35-17…

    Go Warriors!

  270. WarriorNY September 25, 2012 8:15 pm

    Sorry for double post guys… My freakin iPad does that sometimes..

  271. WarriorNY September 25, 2012 8:22 pm

    Ipu Man,

    That’s right. After watching the Boise St. game, I have no confidence in BYU offense… I’m taking an optimistic approach for our offense but I really think we’re close to clicking…

  272. Ipu Man September 25, 2012 8:28 pm

    Old School Dave, Mel Cabang would have lots of material for the show.

    I can just see him on stage (at the SSC?) in Pomai’s mascot warrior costume,

    with a guitar, and he says, “I can’t play this song I wrote for tonight because

    it has been redacted….”

  273. islandman September 25, 2012 8:31 pm

    The thing that worries is that Nevada was supposed to have had a not so good defense. We did score 24 pts. but only 7 in the second half with about 6 minutes remaining in the game.

    But BYU is supposed to have a very stingy defense, so how many points can UH score ?

  274. Rodney September 25, 2012 8:36 pm

    Dam schedule USC,Nevada,BYU

    San D State,Fresno State,Air Force

  275. Ipu Man September 25, 2012 8:37 pm

    UH has so many great players, defense all around, offense line et al, kick off teams, kick return teams, punt returners, and now UH got


  276. Ipu Man September 25, 2012 8:38 pm

    Just hope, other qb’s get in, maybe in special packages.

  277. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 8:38 pm


    Our defense didn’t do much to give our offense a chance to get back into rhythm in the second half..

  278. WarriorNY September 25, 2012 8:39 pm

    Island man,

    That’s a legitimate concern but we had a lot of dropped balls on Saturday. I think there were two that would have been TDs.

  279. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 8:43 pm


    Twice I was confronted with that question of where my loyalties lay…. and both times I decided that I was paid to do my job but my job did not entail me to sell my integrity by covering up or lying for someone else. I guess that’s why I didn’t last much longer at both positions before moving on, eh?

  280. WarriorNY September 25, 2012 8:44 pm


    I completely agree with you… I hope Graves gets in there with a wildcat package…

    I really like what Schroeder is doing but would like to see a change of pace every now and then…

  281. Ipu Man September 25, 2012 8:45 pm

    As we get older, it becomes clear that we have to get ready for that

    next big game in the sky…

  282. Rodney September 25, 2012 8:47 pm

    #182 Amen Bruddah!!!

  283. Huh? September 25, 2012 8:51 pm


  284. madeinhawaii September 25, 2012 8:51 pm

    Ipu Man…

    BYU’s stadium is pretty high up there… but I wouldn’t call it “in the sky”

    You must be referring to next year when we play Wyoming… 😉

  285. Ipu Man September 25, 2012 8:55 pm

    mih and rodney, just trying to say, “Good for you,Tommui.”

  286. protector September 25, 2012 8:59 pm


    Warriors 40 BYU 30

  287. Will-I-Am September 25, 2012 9:11 pm

    I have a feeling we will not have as many dropped balls. If we the D-line can hold ground we should be in good shape.

  288. tommui September 25, 2012 9:12 pm


    Reminds me of the punchline -transfer me at once, they’re getting to close to my price!

  289. WarriorNY September 25, 2012 9:30 pm

    Goodnight folks…

  290. Kaneohe Resident September 25, 2012 9:33 pm

    #178 Pomai:

    On today’s TV news, the former head of UHPA commented that what’s happening with interference from the Prez’ office in Athletics is already being experienced by the rest of the faculty in other deparments. That’s why they’re planning to take a vote of No Confidence with regards to the Prez.

  291. koakane September 25, 2012 9:41 pm


  292. Kaneohe Resident September 25, 2012 9:51 pm

    My reading of the 2011 UH Foundation’s annual report is approx. $9.6 million goes towards administering the foundation and $30.8 million goes to UH functions. That’s approx. 33% goes go overhead. 33%! Can you imagine if your favorite charity had 33% overhead expenses? By the way, I was told that UH foundation gets free office space on campus! 33%! I’m still scratching my head ever since I read that report. I’m waiting for the 2012 report.

  293. Kaneohe Resident September 25, 2012 9:59 pm

    While I’m at it, why not let the ENTIRE UH Manoa student body in free at home games. I sure the students will be clever enough to find empty seats to sit in. Continue the policy until fans start to purchase tickets then slowly reduce the number to “free” admission to students. Or would the administration rather see empty seats? Jeez! The students are already being dinged by their athletic fees.

  294. d1shima September 25, 2012 10:11 pm

    That’s why they’re planning to take a vote of No Confidence with regards to the Prez.

    I knew it! Senator Palpatine is behind all of this! :twisted

  295. koakane September 25, 2012 10:12 pm


  296. manoa#1 September 25, 2012 10:15 pm

    get ready for another beat down in provo. went to practice yesterday and the db’s were getting punished doing drops and rolls.

    Cougs – 62 warriors – 0

  297. Capitolist/WassupDoc September 25, 2012 10:18 pm

    The “awaiting moderation” statement is still on my first post so I am going to remove the various citations to see if my coomments can be posted


    I arrived at the Capitol shortly before noon (on Monday) expecting to find a big crowd there waiting for the doors to be unlocked. However, there were only two of us until about 12:20 pm when dozens of others started showing up.

    I had to leave at 6:20 pm to meet with DrDoc in Chinatown so I did not see the last 40 minutes or so of Eric Martinson’s appearance before the Senate Committee.

    As someone who has seen hundreds, if not thousands, of people testify before a variety of committees, I was tremendously impressed with Jim Donovan’s demeanor. Clearly, the Greenwood Administration wanted both him and Virginia Hinshaw out of the way.

    Remember, Greenwood’s appointment was extended to 2015 four and a half years earlier – in January, 2011.

    October 2’s hearing will definitely be interesting. 1 pm in Room 211 at the Capitol.

    The Board of Regents members are no longer directly appointed by the Governor but instead are screened by the Regents Candidates Advisory Council. The voters passed a Constitutional Amendment in 2006 establishing the concept with the 2007 Legislature creating the nutsnbolts of the Amendment.

    The RCAC has initiated the recruitment process for three seats on the University of Hawai‘i Board of Regents. Nominations are now being accepted for an At-Large seat, a Hawai‘i County seat and a Maui County seat.

    As mandated by law, the RCAC must present the names of at least two finalists for each seat to the governor within 120 days prior to the expiration of a term. Governor Abercrombie’s appointments from this list are subject to Hawai‘i State Senate consent and confirmation and will serve for five years beginning July 1, 2013.

    With the exception of the At-Large seat, candidates for the Hawai‘i County and Maui County seats must be residents of that county.

    Application materials, procedures and descriptions of regent’s responsibilities are available

    online. This information may also be requested by calling (808) 692-1218 Applications will be accepted through October 5, 2012.



    With respect to the semi-autonomous status of the University of Hawai`i System, restoring it took about 15 years starting with Presidents Albert Simone, Kenneth Mortimer and completed under Evan Dobelle’s term.

    According to Wikipedia: From 1986 to 2001, the President of the University of Hawaiʻi system also served as the Mānoa campus’s chancellor. In 2001, the position of Chancellor was recreated by then-UH president Evan Dobelle after several years of discussion around the possible conflict of interest that might arise in this dual role (being the president of a University system while concurrently being the chancellor of a specific campus within the system).

    Tom Apple 2012-present

    Virginia Hinshaw 2007-2012

    Denise Konan 2005-2007 interim

    Peter Englert 2002-2005

    Deane Neubauer 2001-2002 interim

    University president 1986-2002

    Kenneth P. Mortimer

    Albert J. Simone

    In other words, the Legislature was not involved in the decision to re-establish the UH -Manoa Chancellor. There are a total of 10 chancellors – six here on O`ahu, one on Kaua`i, one on Maui, and two on the Big Island.


    As for the comments made by earlier about the semi-autonomous status, the issues are both exceedingly complex and simple. In fact, the Manoa Campus has thrived despite the recession since 2002 using a variety of criteria.

    As for tuition rates, check out what in-state residents are paying in California, Texas, Indiana, Michigan, Tennessee, Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Washington, and any other state with great athletic programs and compare them with UH.

    For those of you who are interested in seeing the University of Hawai`i System – including the Manoa Campus – move forward, try to attend the Board of Regents meetings. The next one is tomorrow at the new UH-West O`ahu campus. The following meeting is on Thursday, October 18 and the John A Burns School of Medicine.


    Now let’s see if this can be posted.

  298. WarriorNY September 25, 2012 10:18 pm


    I say again… Why are you here???!!

  299. al September 25, 2012 10:27 pm


  300. Slugger September 25, 2012 10:29 pm

    Great idea, Kaneohe Resident!

    294.Kaneohe Resident:

    While I’m at it, why not let the ENTIRE UH Manoa student body in free at home games. I sure the students will be clever enough to find empty seats to sit in. Continue the policy until fans start to purchase tickets then slowly reduce the number to “free” admission to students. Or would the administration rather see empty seats? Jeez! The students are already being dinged by their athletic fees.

  301. BigWave96744 September 25, 2012 10:32 pm

    Mahalo all you crazy Tsaikos for the Birthday wishes…. 3 more months til Christmas 🙂

    Enjoying the Koolaid, Enjoying the Ride….

  302. Slugger September 25, 2012 10:33 pm

    Night, gang!

  303. cocobean September 25, 2012 10:34 pm

    I expect Chow to take a page from JJ. Use the pass to set up the run. Will also use more draw plays.

  304. al September 25, 2012 10:36 pm

    hey tom…if you are still up. i did go to teddy’s bigger burgers last week friday.

    i ordered a pastrami cheeseburger (regular size, 5 oz), large fries and a regular chocolate shake.

    i shook my head as my bill of sale was over $18.00. its no wonder that you no longer see lines at this place.

    but, i was a good boy since the order was for my old auntie who just come home from the hospital.

  305. al September 25, 2012 10:37 pm

    oh, i forgot that.

    happy birthday bigwave dave!!!

  306. tommui September 25, 2012 10:56 pm

    AL – too specialized a hamburger! Just get a hamburger with bacon.

    Have you tried Kiss My Grits? (Pike’s Alley) Bad for your diet but great chicken and the pull pork is really terrific.

    But it is Southern cooking which means butter, lard etc but ono!

  307. tommui September 25, 2012 11:09 pm

    NYWarrior @299

    Bottom of the ninth, Fenway Park, score is Yankees 1, Red Sox 0 and two down but the bases are loaded.

    The Sox batter hits a fly to center field. The outfielder looks at the ball and just puts his hands behind back and the ball drops harmlessly into the grass.

    The centerfielder gets boo’d and Yankee fans are throwing bottles, garbage whatever at the guy.

    You see, all he wanted was attention.

    End of story.

  308. HiFlyer September 25, 2012 11:43 pm

    anyone know if chancellor apple had any previous working relations with greenwood?

  309. BigWave96744 September 26, 2012 12:01 am

    Happy Birthday to my Libra Sister, UHFan808!!!!

  310. Wes'side Warrior September 26, 2012 1:55 am

    Happy birthday, UHFan808!!!

  311. Kekoa September 26, 2012 2:01 am

    Happy Birthday to UHFan808 & BigWaveDave. I salute you!

  312. wafan September 26, 2012 2:13 am

    It is a thrilling and exciting Hump Day already!

    Celebrate UHFan808’s 29th birthday!


  313. Moocher September 26, 2012 2:48 am

    the thing that worries me about chow is this…he wants to run a pro style offense. the last guy who tried to run a pro style west coast offense was von appen.

    we don’t have blue chippers. without them, can we run a pro offense?

  314. Lopaka September 26, 2012 3:15 am

    I wanted to see what everyones reaction was to the Senate hearing. Am I reading the same thing everyone else is? Some of you actually want JD back as an AD? OK, he is not a victim. He got a $200k a year job that he supposedly didn’t want. But took it anyway since he didn’t want it so bad. He had politicians trying to strong arm the administration on his behalf. How is he a victim? Sounds like he was going to get let go because he was bad as an AD and the Stevie Wonder thing was just the final straw. Mack wasn’t a victim either like JD wants to paint. He obviously took the lesser payout because he was afraid of the investigation of whatever they said they would get him on. The whole thing stinks! Too much politics and cronyism going on at UH. I’d like to see them dig deeper into how bad it is at UH.

  315. wafan September 26, 2012 3:23 am

    Aloha to Andy Williams.

  316. WarriorNY September 26, 2012 3:40 am


    Haha, good story…

  317. westwind September 26, 2012 5:23 am

    No. 315 According to the DMK at the Senate hearing hearing: JD got “glowing” performance apprisals including 360 apprisals for the last 2 years. This is a fact. This cannot be disputed. I don’t know the man. But he got removed without just cause. The UH president had her agenda and the BOR chairman rubberstamped it. This can be seen through their testimony. Telling the truth is alot easier than telling a lie. People got caught telling lies. Why do you think we are having these senate hearings? Why do you think the UHPA is planning on taking a no confidence vote against MRC Greenwood?

  318. westwind September 26, 2012 5:41 am

    IMO, we would still be with the run and shoot under Mac and Rolo if not for the “hidden agenda” carried out by the UH-Manoa Admin with BOR rubberstamping. Timeline: Chancellor Virginia Henshaw asked/forced to retire. Coach Mac forced to retire. AD JD placed on paid Administrative Leave. Then placed into another “created position”, even though he just wanted his remaining AD contract job, (7-8 months remaining). I guess this is what MRC Greenwood meant as “the perfect storm”. FYI,

  319. postmanke September 26, 2012 5:51 am

    thanks westwind. it would only make sense that they would create their own type of synergy within their circle w/ like minded individuals. JD had no chance no matter the debacle. whatch em scatter.

  320. postmanke September 26, 2012 5:55 am

    that’s one of the reasons im in favor of the temp agency hiring method. its the new way in admin athletics, im glad we’re jumping on that bus. time will tell

  321. d1shima September 26, 2012 6:05 am

    Great Morning All!

    Happy Birthday UHFan808! You still get da rice paddle? 😉

  322. d1shima September 26, 2012 6:10 am

    RIP Andy Williams.

  323. whateevrpasteher September 26, 2012 6:18 am


  324. mo808 September 26, 2012 6:34 am

    Good Morning Folks!

  325. mo808 September 26, 2012 6:34 am

    Happy Birthday UHFan808!

  326. al September 26, 2012 7:00 am

    kiss my girls?

    sounds like a winnah already.

  327. al September 26, 2012 7:00 am

    happy birthday uhfan808!

    i remember you.

  328. Kekoa September 26, 2012 7:07 am

    Westwind ~ Thanks for the link on MRC Greenwood. I’m appalled at the pattern of financial perks she managed to put in place for herself here at UH.

    Her sudden resignation for being accused of *favoritism* allowed her to pull out of the UC system before she was thrown>/i> out!

    This investigation should include the background check used to clear her, and who was responsible for recommending her for the position.

  329. Ipu Man September 26, 2012 7:30 am

    Andy Williams, now really “Beyond The Reef”…

  330. Ipu Man September 26, 2012 7:33 am

    “I’ll Weave A Lei of Stars For You”, AndyWilliams…

  331. Ipu Man September 26, 2012 7:37 am

    Andy singing “Aloha Oe”…

  332. Shoko September 26, 2012 7:38 am

    What I find curious is the investigation that was used to force Mac into retirement. The first thing that crossed my mind was the point-shaving allegation that was made by an annonymous person last season.

  333. Shoko September 26, 2012 7:45 am

    Oh, before I forget. Happy birthday to BigWave and UH808Fan!

    Have a great day folks!

  334. Ipu Man September 26, 2012 7:47 am

    New Tsai Post Up…

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