Who wants UH-Wisconsin tickets?
My pal, Christie Lee Williams, picked the winner … Crystal.
Please e-mail me at sstsai@hawaii.edu, and Wena will mail you the tickets.
Please join us for tomorrow’s contest.
* * * * *
Well, that’s the thing about sports. It’s unpredictable. (Hey, the Warriors always call a timeout when it’s fourth-and-1, which is why I’m glad I didn’t take my usual shi-shi break when they went for it in the fourth quarter. But I digress.) The point being is that it is regretful that many couldn’t enjoy the ride the past four weeks. At the heart, football is about entertainment, and it certainly has been entertaining.
• Coach McMackin said to give credit for the defensive strategy to line coach Dave Aranda. Aranda called dozens of coaches across the country seeking answers to defending the triple-option attack. He studied hours of videos. And, as the play-caller, he made several adjustments, including having cornerback Jeramy Bryant defend the pitch. Bryant made a big backfield tackle in the fourth quarter.
• Aranda, in turn, credited Rich Miano, George Lumpkin, Cal Lee, Chris Tormey and Mike Smith.
• I think we’re about to see an expanded role for Chizzy Dimude.
• Now fans know what they were missing when Blaze Soares was injured the past couple of years.
• I’ve always liked the idea of a national playoff in football. National titles should be won on the field. Then again, the bowl system fits UH best. In what other sport does a .500 team have a must-win regular-season finale? In Division I-A, there is justice for all.
* * * * *
Who the heck put a video ad on the blog page? Scared the blueberries out of me.
* * * * *
I’ve been in a lot of fender benders. There was prom night. (Sorry about the whiplash, Karyl Kurasaki.) There was the time I was dropping my kids off to school. Radio was on. Daughter was singing the Busta Rhymes’ part; I was Mariah Carey. I closed my eyes at one point, opened them and — bam! — hit a van driven by my son’s fourth-grade teacher. I told Devon: “I guess you’re going to be repeating fourth grade.” But I digress. Again. Point is sometimes we’ll wait more than an hour for an officer to show up. Tiger Woods gets two visits from Florida state troopers for a relatively minor accident. Too bad it didn’t occur in Hawai‘i.
* * * * *
Jean Yuriko Kubo Tsai would have been 75 today. We miss you, Mom.
Great win…
Shishi break
Happy memories, Stephen.
Loved that 4-stack!
Just imagine having to go no. 2!
~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ They be => W A R R I O R S !!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~
❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ Beautiful.Morning.Tsaikos.and.Warrior.Nation!!! ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀
Top 10
Aloha Kakahiaka!!!!
Getting LizK to airport.
Aloha kakahiaka!
Mahalo Ke Akua!
GO Warriors!
Byee- headin for the airport.
Eh… who left the puddle!?! 😈 d1島 😈 😆
Many think Soares was a one trick pony with that good game against BSU in 2007.
Of course, an impacted colon can alter one’s way of thinking if it’s not taken care of right away.
Haters talk and Blaze will play.
Defense was so dialed in, it’s difficult to even point out just one player without mentioning the 11 or 13 others that contributed.
LizK can probably fly home w/o the plane this awesome Sunday morning!!! 😀 😆 😀
(…and no…. no broom joke intended….) 😆
Oh whatta beautiful morning!! 😉
(carried over from previous blog)
STORY TIME!!!!!!!!
So amongst the chaos of the celebration, high-5’s and some hugs were being exchanged amongst us in our RAUCKOUS section 😉 and then there was this father (late 60’s) and son (30’s)…
Never saw them before. They sat to the right of us and in all the joy… These two locals… Looked heart-broken…
No NAVY colors on them, just some non-football related clothing.
Right before the Navy alma mater played, I went to them to say “good game”. The son said “lost money”.
For all the keiki out there, this is a lesson to be learned. Jim Donovan always quotes the late Stan Sheriff in saying “people vote with their wallets”. Well they also show their true colors. If most people like this had kids playing pop-warner and if there was a spread on that game and if the odds weren’t good for the team their son or daughter plays for, they’d bet against their own children.
I remain DEFIANT in refusing to understand betting against the home team and getting off when we lose.
It’s a sad situation, not that these dummies get all huffy when they lose their money to something they cannot control, but a sad situation of our local “support” for these student athletes.
Earlier I see Wafan saying something about Hawaii traditions, well… this is a long standing one and it ONLY contributes to the bandwagon effect.
Okay, this is the first team with a winning record that the Warriors beat. Hopefully, it’s not the last. They have at least one more to go, and that is going to be a monster of a game. I believe that if they play as they did last night, the win is possible. Anything less would dash the dream.
Great job last night. It’s taken a while but I have to say that the o-line has begun to gel. The run game is the best I’ve seen since we ran the all, ironically, with Coach Wags.
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~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ They be => W A R R I O R S !!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~
Brew . . .
Thanks for getting the last one over 400.
Dragged over . . .
Kazz . . .
The thing about traditions is the need for a solid and faithful fan base. Too many bandwagoneers right now. But, nothing several convincing and consecutive winning seasons would not cure.
JJ had some good ideas like the conch shells and such. Can you imagine last night if the shells were blowing during Navy’s last drive? WOW! That is the kinds of things the UH and the stadium need to look at doing because it will fire-up the crowd.
I think for some of us that have obsessed about the triple option over the past week, it’s a part of the “enjoyment” process that is football season.
Utah State was a great win as it was our first in a while and the offense came out to play.
NMSU… honestly… doo doo win.
SJSU was a THRILLER!!! Enough said! 😎
Last night… was EPIC! It was an equal celebration to that of BSU 2007 sans running on the field! 😯
For now, I’d rather worry and obsess about our opponent, because as ST mentioned earlier this week, in a matter of weeks, there will be NO football to think or worry about. At least with the obsessing and worrying, football is still on our minds.
Perhaps the theme at the T-Gate should be fondu?
Okay – brew messed up….but, last night… the WARRIORS didn’t and were awesome!!! 😆
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~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ They be => W A R R I O R S !!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~
Just finished defending the triple option. Next game will be smash-mouth
Something small… But last season the band started doing this new thing to the fight song.
After a touchdown, the band plays our fight song and after the first “verse” of “here’s to each valiant one”… there is usually just an intrumental break, but they added a chant/cheer of “W…. A…. R…. R… I-O-R-S………….. GOOOOOOOOO WARRIORS!!!” then it goes into the intrumental break and then a repeat of the verse.
The crowd has gotten into it lately. Of course more evident with an atmosphere like last night.
I don’t feel sorry for a team with front-running fans.
I feel for those who missed out on a chance to enjoy the past month of games.
There are only seven or eight days a year for a Hawai‘i fan to attend a UH home game. Like I said before, when it’s March, we’ll all be saying: I wish I could watch a football game.
Wafan #20,
Great idea. Playing cheese-head #2.
THAT’s what dvr’s are for…. 🙄
The large Wisconsin turnout will bring both the cheese and the “whine”.
The “whine” is of the 2004 fall season crafted in Big Ten country. 🙄
Good morning! Don’t you just love the mornings after great wins?!?!
Yep, great to see Blaze (aka Blake to the ESPN guys…what dodo’s)…anyway, great to see him have such a great game!!!
Kazz…with you on the betting thing. I hate it when people wager on student athletes, especially your own!
ST…I know, that pop up ad scared the blueberries out of me too and I don’t even eat blueberries!!!
Enjoy the day everyone!!!!
Actually, we’d be wishing for a UH football game the day after the last one. 😎
Good thing Mr. Tsai did not have to go shi-shi when the ad came on.
The ad came on the other night and I thought someone was in the house.
Ok… so I was watching some NFL preview one minute, then I look up at the TV on ESPN and their televising bowling… still.
It’s entertaining for the fact that they’re talking these guys up about injuries and adversity and stuff… bwhahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! 😆 REALLY?!?!?!?!?!?!??!
This one guy is complaining about back spasms…. Well, you should if most of your weight stay in the front!!! I know know… I should talk right? But jeez, I’m not making like I’m an “athlete” on TV.
Can we get ONE channel where we can stick NASCAR, golf, bowling, and poker all together?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 😆
Kazz . . .
Awesome! Gotta start somewhere — and a small start is better than none at all.
Someone awhile back suggested the resurrection of the Rain-Bows cheer using Imua-Warriors instead. Why not? Get the cheer staff to buy in and make cards and get it going.
Then again, it’s nice we’re actually trying to sell ads.
On constant remains… POOR OFFICIATING.
As if Greg Salas’ jersey was yanked by air… 🙄 (Hmmm… I should of asked Mr. and Mrs. Salas what they thought of that HORRIBLE non-call on pass interference by Navy)
My goodness…
People, expect more of the same against a big opponent from the BIG TEN, a conference with $$$$ and a history of hating on foreigners aka US.
Waiting to Go!
3 things during the post game euphoria.
1. Kazz was speechless and floating a few inches above the ground.
2. Upon meeting the Salas Ohana, Mrs. Salas, “LizKauai? You’re the positive one. ” 😆 I guess they read the blog!
3. Betty’s duboo soup. Mmmmmm!!!!
Speaking of signs… Saw two people with signs clamouring for Navy’s Coach Ken to “come back home” and coach for UH.
ONE of these signs got ripped away from it’s maker and was torn up in anger after the game, by a very large UH F-A-N. It caused a bit of trouble and HPD had to intervene.
Need to fix:
American and Hawaiian flags are frayed and need replacing.
Booth man must not play loud ads on the jumbo when UH is on offense and the game is going.
Vili should not have a cheering competition when UH is on offense. And fans should ignore him if he does.
The positive one…. 😀
Got back to speaking capacity once I had my post-game meal at Jack In The Box!
Hey! With more meals like that, I can get into the right shape to be a “pro” bowler and I get to be on ESPN!!! 🙄
LizK = T-H-E Positive One. 😎
Kudos to Coach Mack and crew. And loved seeing JD and VH on the field with Mack to thank everyone at the end. VH jumped in with the cheer squad to “paddle” during Hawaii 5-0 – which replaced the Band’s acapella alma mater.
I was wondering if you forgot about me ST 😉
Also- bhf2 was ignored by the constabulary who were busy with Navy fans in the area. He and his Bannah were on the Jumbo at the start of the game!
I’m not ignoring Vili.
Well, maybe if I get a running head start to my car! 😆
Kinda wished he speared Navy’s goat mascot though. 😎 Navy’s mascot was trying to get some kind of interaction going with Vili but making like he was gonna “ram” him, but looked like Vili had to hold back.
I think that old “Big AL” incident with Bama’s mascot is still in the back of his mind.
Big boo boo on both Vili and the Goat’s part when they were BOTH still in the end zone as Navy was returning our kick off after a TD.
Wisconsin cheese goes great with BIG 10 WHINE.
missed seeing Waimea’s own Kelly Joyce who is a Navy cheerleader. Her coach said she went home.
Future grins: seeing what SailorBlue will be wearing to next week’s T-Gate. 😆
Brew ~ Your Klassic Kekoa *Blue Boo Boo* will be forgiven aftah you complete 3 Hail Mary’s and one Our Father.
➡ Meanwhile SailorBlue remains in the Bettors Brig until the Wiscy T-gate when we celebrate the unveiling of his hottest holiday fashion wear.
➡ A tip of the ole Sailor hat to our resident “Officer & Gentleman” for calling me out! I needed to test my true belief in the mighty Warriors!
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
If I win, give ’em to one of the Maui guys….I going be in OR next weekend 🙂
(Kona Gold: Mahalo for the acknowledgement!)
Three wishes:
• Move the game to 3 p.m. It’ll be hot, but more importantly, with Senior night — and this being Ariel’s farewell — we don’t want to be going home at midnight.
• Select Blaze Soares, Greg Salas, John Estes, Mana Silva and Tuika Tufaga to the All-WAC first team.
• Have Willie K sing the national anthem and Hawai‘i Pono‘i and anything else he wants to sing.
So who’s sideline was Bob Wagner standing on last night?
Nope, Rog. Wena will be mailing it out.
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
….half time show…. special rendition of “Tricky”!!! 😯 😆 😆
Smile cheeeese
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Eh….who “cut da cheese”…. 😈
Sorry ST….Saturdays game will go National on ESPN….America will be
watching very closely…..Will it be FIVE!!!!….What a story…stay tuned….
glorious morning in the 808 and howzit to all tsaiko’s and warrior fans whoootahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
first big congrats to the warrior fball team on a outstanding win over the midshipman. the whole organization deserves praises from the coaches, the grad assistants and especially the player. congrats also should go out to the student section cause it was loud, rocking and they cheered their behinds off.
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Remember when the nuclear bomb was known as the H bomb?
Man, I’m old.
Just like yesterday. Leahey saw a Navy guy in uniform. He said: May I have an ice cream?
What ever happened to the Good Humor Man? What ever happened to companies named Good Humor?
“Will it be FIVE!!!!” => I thought it was on the deuce. Heheheheh… 😀
Wow! #60 is a very weird posting…. I think. 😕 🙄 😕
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Whoa! flashburn….blink.. blink..
I like that the euphoric feeling after a hard fought win lingers on.
[…] The Warrior Beat| UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]
Somebody named H bomb entered the drawing.
I’m thinking, that’s a fairly old phrase.
My local FOX affiliate is showing ‘skins/Eagles. Yuck! Good thing I have DirecTV! 😀
Hey… the ‘phins are tied & J-E-T-S are ahead….. so far… 😆
just want to wish the wahine vball team good luck today when the NCAA pick regional playoff teams. may the good fortune of the fball team spread their way.
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Great win! I’m excited to make the trip from Moku Nui to see the Wiscy game.
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
I gave the collage ‘postcard’ photo that sjmacro made for us to hawaiianbod. It’ll be his connection to the t-gate until he can join us again. Cheezy!
do i hear a prayer meeting kope hour being called?
❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ★ W A H I N E ★ V O L L E Y B A L L!!! ★ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
ST ~
Happy memories of your Mom. My Dad’s birthday was Christmas Day. JaM knows that he was a funny guy.
Smile and say, “Cheese”
stillwalking on air. what a game. what coaching!
ainokea if its 4th and inches and we line up in da shotgun. day did guuud!
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
FYI – the term used in #60, 66 is a red flag on certain search engines…..IMHO – it shouldn’t be used…. please. 😐
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
In the unlikely event I win . . .
Tickets go to the Tsai-kos who can most vigorously sing Co-Ed lyrics.
Are commercial messages played so loudly while our Warriors are performing their Ha’a for the fans?
Are commercial messages played so loudly during the coin toss? The ref’s voice was drowned out by the messages on the Tron!
Are commercial messages played at all during a football game? Did we not pay an admission fee to get in?…’nuff awreddy!!
Hmmm, I might have mis-read the directions.
Smile and say, “Cheese”.
Dan Hinxman (RGJ) is all huhu…. because the “bowl” picture for the WAC is all “whacky” due to the pending outcome of next week’s game – way out there in the middle of the Pacific! Heheheh…. 😆
Sheessh…. I don’t know why the ‘phins continue to pass to #19…. that guy can’t catch a cold! 😈
you can’t blame the Navy players for feeling all dejected, pooped out, crushed, just plain Armied out! 😀
dare is no way day going back to Annapolis feeling anything but beat up. da got Warriored last night. polite as heck, but Warriored out. and das a fakk!
I think the last time Whisky was in town, they brought about 5k fans. Are the same sort of numbers expected for this time? I hope they spend plenty of money and go home with happy vacation memories – except for the game results!!! 😀
LWJ took himself out of the game. I hope he’s not injured in anyway.
You know, woe-is-me entries don’t work.
We have cold-blooded pickers at the office. Nobody is meaner in the news business than female copy editors.
If UH actually wins Saturday, it messes up the WAC.
The WAC has to find bowls for Boise State, Idaho, Fresno State, Nevada and LaTech.
ST ~ Wasn’t the SDS radical fringe group popular on the UH campi during your student daze?
Maybe that’s what Brew is referring to in your posting @ 60/66.
Mr. Tsai . . .
No woe-is-me intended. Just a fact that I never win anything. Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
So, the lyrics and song are safe.
I just say “Snarl when you say,”Cheese.” 😈
Perhaps this is a good week for Chizzy Dimude to get really cheezy!!! with some big plays for the Warriors!!! 😆
I’ve met wafan …. and “woe-is-me” is appropriate! 😆
Post Thanksgiving thoughts:
➡ Bryant Moniz returned to the starting lineup and recorded his fourth career 300-yard passing game with 366 yards on 32-of-44 passing.
➡ Greg Salas extended his streak to 26 consecutive games with a reception dating back to last season.
➡ Salas finished with 10 receptions for 147 yards and his eighth 100-yard game of the year and ninth of his career.
➡ UH has had at least one 100-yard receiver in 10 of 12 games this year.
➡ With 103 receptions, Salas is the fourth player in school history to go over 100 receptions in a season, joining Davone Bess, Ryan Grice-Mullen and Chad Owens.
➡ Salas now ranks third in single-season receptions, behind Bess (108) and Grice-Mullen (106).
➡ Junior Alex Green recorded his first career touchdown reception with a 14-yard score in the third quarter that gave UH a 24-17 lead.
*Jez ran outta arrows!*
I want tickets to the UH game, but I would also need a plane ticket. Maybe mom can hook that up.
➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ Kekoa ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡
Eh…. where’s homey? 😕
¿ʎǝɯoɥ s,ǝɹǝɥʍ ˙˙˙˙ɥǝ
College Football Final this morning… 10 minutes WASTED on this media-fed Timothy Tebow nostalgia garbage…
These talking heads giggling like stupid school girls to a story about Tebow, laughing like a girl himself, about how he stepped on a cheerleader’s ankle during the post game celebration of a romp against a broken FSU program…
WE get it ESPN, you love Tebow and that is the final word according to you all… Greatest football player ever??? Sheesh… EVER? C’mon! 🙄
Almost threw up a perfectly good breakfast… 🙄
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Ralph – Is Amanda Tonga D1? 😕
OOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! “You Ku’uipo”!!!
On this island, I found a way….
How come Wena has to do everything??!! 🙄
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
CONGRATS WARRIORS; you control your destiny, no one else. On the way home from East Coast playoff game. Weber got smoked 38-0, the beast did well, got a lit of atention from the O line , haha. Still got 4 tackles, 2 solos, and 2 QB hurries despite the double/triple team action. He’s home on the 10th to 20th 🙂 CC to take place. GO WARRIORS
I vote for HOLY NIGHT
Howzit Bulla! I hear thick steaks are good for healing…. Yeah for da BEAST!!! (aka snowflake) 😀
Go Warriors
#109 – Bulla meant to say => Smile and say, “Cheese.” 😀
we sucked; 4 picks and 2 went for TD’s 🙁 I hate when players give up… Irritates me. NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVE UP. hold your head up and battle til the end….. Sheeesh
Brew ~ My homey recorded his single season record number of Green bottles yesterday. He is now performing Lawn Term Care @ Mililani Town.
Btw ~ Do you need a Filipino yard man?
Ok I got it
😳 #108….. and counting?
imua warriors x 2
Homey is my hero
Yes please – yardman needed. I got about 10,000 leaves in my yard blowing around. My technique is to wait long enough and see (hope) they blow into the neighbors yard…. where they %%##)*$(*@ came from!!! 😈
Oh… first there’s “guitar hero”, and now what get “Greenie hero” (aka homey)!??!! 🙄 😀
….and where does KK fit in…? 🙄 😆 🙄
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
first of all, I have to apologize to coach Mack for sounding like a ‘modern day bufoon’ by complaining + belittling even though they have been winning this past month. all i gotta say is.. wow! and wtf! where have they been! Win or lose in any game, if they come out and play every game the way they did last night, there is no need for bufooning. fans appreciate the coach’em up effort that brings out all that talent we have on this team and all the hard work that goes along with it. it just seemed like all that talent has been frustratingly coiled up for most of the season. Glad to see them spring it loose, together, with one heartbeat!
They showed up with a game plan on both sides of the ball and stuck with it unlike any game seen this year. all that hard work payed off. The new defensive scheme was gem! I had doubts, shame on me..
but they need to ‘bring it’ every game the way they did last night. dont have to win every game.. just bring it!
now, excuse me while i go roll in the grass for a hundred yards.. =)
you traveling this weekend coming up?
Thinking about our Warrior Seniors today…. and feeling a bit melancholy. Where has the time gone? Am I five years older already? I remember their first season, most were 18 or 19 year old boys, just youngsters. They came from all over, but soon became ours, our Warriors. They’ll be Warriors for life now and what an awesome group of men they have become. This class, they have given us some magical seasons and thrilling moments. I’m going to be there for their Senior Game. I hope you can too. This will be a “can’t miss/don’t miss” game. If you aren’t able to be there in person, I know you’ll send your vibes and your strength…. I have a good feeling about this one. I guess you can call it being optimistic. Anyway, here’s wishing that we will have a “full house” on Saturday nite and (our seniors will have two more games at home). Happy Sunday Warrior faithful!
Good job Chizzy.
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Good job Elliot, Tuika and the rest of the dline.
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Smile and say, “Chizzy.”
Uh… I mean… CHEEZE! 😀
Smile and say,”Cheese” Go WARRIORS!!!!!!!!!!!
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
The company which controls the Jumbotron is Aloha Sports Properties; the General Manage is Glen Higa. The company is owned by CBS Collegiate Sports Properties. His e-mail address is glen dot higa at cbscsp dot com
From their website:
The ads on the screen are part of Aloha Stadium’s’s revenue stream. I do not know for sure if UH gets a piece of the action, but I assume they do because a lot of other schools also have a relationship with them. Complaints should also be directed to Scott Chan and Jim Donovan.
As for Vili – again, please contact Scott & Jim – they’rey’re the ones who ultimately have the say about what he can domor shouldn’t do..
Meanwhile – congratulations to the University of Hawai`i Warriors. Enjoy your sweet victory for a couple of more hours before gearing up for Wisconsin. This is Boise squared – but don’t let that eat you up.
Any word on the Wahine regionals yet?
Smile and say, “cheese.”
from HA about 14 minutes ago…
“The University of Hawai’i women’s volleyball team will play New Mexico to open the NCAA Women’s Volleyball Championship, it was announced today. Hawai’i received a No. 12 seed and was placed in the Stanford regional.”
really 12th seeded?
Good morning Tsai-kos!!
Sundays are always better after a Warrior win.
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
So once again the No Clue At All idiots have snubbed the UH bid to host, gave them a 12 seed and sent them packing to USC. Betcha NCAA lose money at every site except UH. I know their RPI is somewhere in the high teens/low 20s, but shouldn’t their #3 ranking give them some respect? Oh wait, I’m talking about the NCAA, so what else is new? 😈
Wisconsin next..
Balanced attack … 55/45 rush/pass game.
about 403 yds and 31 points per game
45% of their points come in the second qtr
Weakest qtrs are 1st and 4th.
Warriors gotta come out of the gates firing on all cylinders and finish up strong.
If they can shut out or severely contain the Badgers in the second qtr, it will be a great night again!!
Warriors IMUA!!!
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Great Warrior win last night! Bring on Wisconsin. Our boys are fired up and ready to pound the cheese mongers!
Could the “expanded role” for Chizzy have anything to do with what looked like an injured Leon Wright-Jackson?
LWJ seemed to be holding his leg the last few plays that he was in.
jm2375 – yup. Almost as bad as the last 2 minutes of the Redskins games.
“It’s a sad situation, not that these dummies get all huffy when they lose their money to something they cannot control, but a sad situation of our local “support” for these student athletes.” says KAZZ.
True – their loyalities isn’t to Hawaii and its people but to their own selfish greed. Auwe!
Big Complaint: The game was not shown on Oceanic PFV but on some obscure ESPN channel and not rebroadcast on any Hawaii channels. Game is in Hawaii and played by our own UH. What gives?
(Can’t attend the UH games as my balance is lousy and there are no railings for the disabled escept on the concourse which is sold out!).
Smile and say “cheese”.
LizK – yup. At least the ‘Skins found the end zone today!! About time!
Question – why didn’t Davonne return punts today?
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Bring out the laulau heads!!! 🙂 CHEESE= soft Velveeta
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Go Warriors!! Awesome game last night!!! Hats off to coaches and players. Extremely well prepared on D. Love it!!!!!
Smile and say, “Cheese”
Rainbow Cliff:
Package received and we are totally OVER WHELMED!!!
Smile and say, “cheese”
Wahine VB seeded #12 in tournament. They are in the west coast
bracket.(Stanford regional)
updated my UH’s schedule of opponent’s schedules here:
The Rainbow Wahine Volleyball team again is a victim of their conference affiliation.
At least it’s on the West coast.
Sad to read about the end of the season for Weber.
Yep, I’ll be heading up to OR on Friday for Quarterfinal Round.
If not for the opportunity of seeing #2 son in a once-in-a-lifetime oppt’y., I’d be there with you to cheer on this Senior class. Thankfully, it’ll be shown on ESPN so we can be cheering from afar with all of you!
Very proud of our team last night. Equally proud of KN and his team. Navy has got to be one of the classiest football programs in the country.
In the second round of 32 teams, wahines get to play a TOP 16 team. USC
This has been happening frequently. HAWAII gets scr***d again.
The line from “Remember the Titans” comes to mind, “Leave no doubt!”
GO Wahine!
Florida St. gets the #3 seed and is ranked #14 by the polls. HAWAII gets
the #12 seed and is ranked #3 by the polls. Figure that one out.
Guess NCAA hates UH being in any post season tournaments.
It was a great game on Saturday.
A game decided on the last four downs.
It was a huge statement for a much maligned defense.
On any given day..
The underdog can rise and make you…
The only good news out of this is: NOT IN THE PENN ST. OR
I meant to say.. make you smile like you were saying..
heh heh.. heh…
“Cheeze ” with a pretty please on it..?
Cheeze.. cheeze.. my vie est cheeze..
Cheeze est ma vie.
Ma vie de fromage…
Saw many smiling faces after the game.
808ike – Nah…. Finals are in Tampa so the buffooN(CAA)s needed a regional host from FL…..They also needed a West Coast regional. 808 is not on their maps. 😈
……………….. 8) .. 8) .. 8) ………………..
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8) ………………………………………….. 8) .
8) ………………….. 😯 …………………. 8) .
8) ………. 😆 ……………… 😆 ………. 8) .
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………………. 8) .. 8) .. 8) ……………….
BCS Guru states what I wrote yesterday–BSU is in a BCS game *if* Texas beats Nebraska on Saturday. That would be good for the WAC since it would give money for each school and would open up a bowl spot.
Assuming Texas beats Nebraska, it looks like *both* BSU and TCU will have winnable games. Two SEC teams will be in BCS games but neither are projected to face BSU or TCU.
We all should ” Thank !!!!! ” Sailor Blue for volunteering his services ( looks
and physic ) in modeling the NEW 2009 CHRISTMAS FASHION DESIGN
at the next T-gate.
Designer: KEKOA
Ladies come and see Sailor Blue strut down the runway.
Aaron Kia,
your Oline, and particularly you sir, did an outstanding job against Navy. good for YOU! one game at a time. just like life. one day at a time.
Go Warriors!
P.S. Cut your hair.
j/k j/k
Mana Silva
you did goooood. reaallll gooood!
Valuable thoughts and advices. I read your topic with great interest.
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
I sure would love to eat Wisconsin cheese watching the final game…
Hopefully, we have a final date with JJ…
That would be a great Christmas present for us all… HOHOHOOooo
Watching last night UH Defense at the game gave us hope for Wisconsin smash mouth Offense. Bring on the Wisconsin Badgers.
Warriors defense will be smashing their runners dito Navy’s 3pple (cripple) Option.
and Stephen, I liked you car wreck story that was too much.
Coach Mack!
you did awesome! you let the kiddy coaches shine shine shine!
now get ready and beat da crap outta da
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
you guys shoulda seen Moniz come into da tunnel at halftime. huffin and puffin, all winded, looked all tired and stuff.
and look what he did in da second half. just just just awesome!
It really was a team effort! and you shoulda seen da kids by da tuinnel. love back and forth from the kids and players!
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Hana hou! Warriors
Awesome TEAM effort!
A very good win last night….the team is playing better the last 5 weeks. I thought they played pretty well at Nevada in a loss too and that was a winnable game on the road. They keys to beating Navy came to fruition:
1) Win the special teams – UH won that big time w/ a couple of good kickoff returns and great punting, a couple of times down to the 1 or 2 yard line.
2) Turnovers – UH held its own.
3) Big plays – scoring from outside the 10 yard line were big and holding down Navy to only 2 big runs, both from TDs.
The way the team has been playing of late should help some recruiting.
This week against Wisconsin will be difficult. They like to play smash ball if they can, but will throw it down the field too. Hawaii has the advantage of being at home and the crowd. It will come down to the same things as last week (I still say the defense has to score a defensive touchdown). We’ve beaten Northwestern and Michigan St. here at the ending part of the season in past years, but Wisconsin is a much better team and UH has had trouble beating them in the past. However, in the past, Wisconsin’s coach was Barry Alvarez who is no long there and we had a different coach too so maybe things will be different this time. Anyway, the way I see it, UH has a puncher chance because:
UH beat Navy, Navy beat Notre Dame, Notre Dame beat Purdue, Purdue beat Ohio St., Ohio St. beat Iowa, Iowa beat Penn St., Penn St. beat Minnesota, Minnesota beat Northwestern, Northwestern beat Wisconsin, Wisconsin beat Fresno St. 34-41 in overtime at home, Fresno St. beat Utah State at home 31-27, Utah St. beat Idaho, Idaho beat Northern Illinois, N. Illinois beat Purdue, Purdue beat Michigan, Michigan beat Notre Dame, Notre Dame beat Washington, Washington beat USC, USC beat Cal, Cal beat Stanford, Stanford beat Oregon, Oregon beat Arizona, and Arizona beat Oregon State, Oregon St. beat Stanford too, and Stanford beat Notre Dame. Poor Notre Dame. Just goes to show that on any given Saturday that you can win or lose if you don’t show up w/ your A game. Hawaii, you gotta believe. You have a lot to play for.
Relax, have fun, and enjoy the moments.
Last week, I said UH 38-37 over Navy. This week, the same, UH 31-30.
Go Warriors. I’ll be watching you from Vegas.
Cheese curds! Squeaky cheeze! Eat ‘um up!
Smile and say “Cheese”!
The team played a great game. Lots of work this week. One snap and clear. Next! GooooOOOOO WARRIORS!!!
The best information i have found exactly here. Keep going Thank you
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Got to win for a friend:
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
I’ve watched Wiscy play a few times on TV this year. I think it would be a mistake to defend them like a Ron Dayne-led type of team. They can move the ball and score thru the air quite well.
Another challenge for Mack and the Defensive braintrust…sure hope Coach Aranda’s video equipment is in good shape. And his long-distance phone lines!
Hmmm….I wonder if the Big Ten (plus one) get anyone who is as willing as LaTech Coach Droopy is to tattle on a fellow conference member?
Would that be like “Tell”-a-mook Cheese?
It is hard to overstate the importance of the next game! Not only should a big crowd show up for the Wisconsin game, a win would turn the Hawaii Bowl into a *huge* event! The national publicity would be huge for UH vs. SMU and the local fans would pack the stadium.
Even more important is that I believe UH would beat SMU pretty badly in the game. Not only would SMU be happy to make their first bowl game in 25+ years, but their players will not be used to all the bowl hoopla and could easily become distracted in Hawaii.
If we look at both of the rosters closely, UH is a *bad* matchup for SMU. I read that both of SMU’s starting CBs were out with injury…that would hurt them against UH! Things got so bad that a true freshman who was redshirting this season just burned his redshirt and was thrown into game yesterday…he burned his redshirt in their final regular season game!
A comparison of the experience of the rosters really seems to favor UH. 48 out of 66 of SMU’s travel roster are freshmen or sophomores and I read that injuries to several of their vets (such as the JC CB their coaching staff brought in) resulted in *42* out of their 66 players being freshmen or redshirt freshmen at their last road game. Their team will be better in the future…but relying on freshmen in a bowl game against the veteran-heavy UH team with a packed house being loudly for UH is a tough scenario to put the freshmen in.
So, if UH beats Wisconsin I believe they will beat SMU badly in the Hawaii Bowl with ESPN getting huge ratings across the country to watch it.
Gordy Shaw should have a *lot* of connections with Minnesota.
Tsaiko Food & Beverage Chairman ~
Life Saver Award for her Post Game Comfort Food goes to Mrs. Betty BG. Once again, for the folks who missed out…you snooze you lose!
Much mahalo to Mrs. SailorBlue for her most very awesome Ragin’-Cajun-Jambalaya-Hootchie-Coo-soup-du-jour-humma-humma!! (Sorry Jan, didn’t know what else to call it, but it was very tasty…)
After the game, it was great to see the Navy and UH players paying homage
to each song at the south end zone. During this event, saw something
disheartening; 1 UH player slowly strutting to the locker room as if he wanted
to be recognized as a black sheep and not being part of the team.
Don’t ask! Will not give out the #.
Smile and say “Cheese.”
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
IIRC, Coach Shaw was the last of the previous staff to leave MN.
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Saw 2 players myself; not gonna worry about their #’s though.
Smile and say, “Cheese.”.
Go Warriors and eat some cheese for dinner next Saturday.
Waiting to attain 200. When that post occurs, us old folks will be ready
RPI is overated in breWomans NCAA Volleyball
same two players that didn’t participate in the haka at SJSU, I presume?
Dang. Awoke a minute too late for 200.
Post 189: #18?
We may have to tolerate their rebellious attitude for 1 more game. If they
do not want to be part of the team, like Michael Jackson would say
Hmmm…I know a certain full time student at Cheese Cake U. Will have to press her into scout duty to gain inside info on the Badgers this week.
Must hard and sad to be on the outside and not be a part of the team. Even for religous reasons they could respectfully stand to the side rather than behave as if they are entitled. Reminds me of the kids who refuse to at least remain silent during the Pledge of Allegiance.
The sense of entitlement seems to pervasive in this generation. I sure hope they see the light before out society goes completely down the tubes.
Brew always gets the good #’s.
Wow – a special weekend for us Niners & Warriors fans!!! 😆 😆 😆
•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•:D 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 •~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•
•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•★ ★ NINERS!!! ★ ★ •~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•
•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•:D 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 •~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•
#202 ~ No, I don’t think it was the same two students. I saw a couple of guys signing autographs & talking to people while the team was gathering at the north end of the field for the alma mater. There was a guy I saw walking back to the tunnel; maybe he had to go to the restroom…? Who knows. Maybe the coaches & the team will get them in line.
The speculation as to why someone heads off to the locker room ahead of his teammates is bizarre. Speculating as to uni numbers and labeling as a “black sheep”, “rebellious” or entitled to whatever is pretty sad. Could a player be heading in for medical attention? Maybe to use the facilities? There are some real know-it-alls on The Warrior Beat.
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Mrs. Sailor Blue made gumbo!
If any of the T-gaters took home my ladle & tongs, please bring them back to the Wisc. T-gate, please. Label on the handles. Mahalo!
Oh yeah… Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Garret – Sugar Bowl: Florida/Alabama loser vs. Cincinnati/Pittsburgh winner.
If Pittsburgh wins, I believe Cincinnati will still go to a BCS Bowl which would leave Boise out.
Slugger – I’m innocent! (…at least regarding your missing ladle and tongs….) 😀 🙄 😉
Cards lost! 😀 (sorry Slugger) – Niners are two games back! Get chance….. 😯 😀
Oh, the memories are slowly coming back to me…
On Dunnachie’s last punt of the game where Wadsworth fielded it on Navy’s 1 yard line, there was a TV timeout. The crowd started getting REAL loud, all of our players were jumping up and down, pumping their fists, punching their helmets and getting REAL animated… except for one guy.
Statue-esque and un-fazed by the insanity from the Warrior nation and faithful in attendance, Blaze Soares aka the QB CRIPPLER… 😉 … just stood there as if to say, “**** dis I like play already…” 😆
Dey u go Blaze!
Let the haters hate. Let em! Den lick ’em when you meet ’em!
I saw that posted yesterday also, but I do not think that Cinci will be picked as an at-large BCS team if they lose their last game. It isn’t like they have a big fan base like a traditional power from a bigger (SEC, Big 10, Big 12, Pac-10 to me are ahead of ACC/Big East) conference, and voters will drop them quite a bit if they lose to Pitt.
To me, the only way BSU loses out (and UH loses out on the $$$) is if Texas loses to Nebraska.
Yes Cinny could still go to a BCS bowl. However the Fiesta bowl had hopes on Oklahoma St. being the at-large. OSU might not even be ranked after the loss to OU which opens the door up to Boise St.
If Pitt wins, they become conf champions and have the AQ. Cinncy probably wouldnt still be in the top 10 if the loss to a #15/16 ranked Pitt.
Off course if there is a will, there is a way…and the BCS will do everything in its power to prevent Boise from getting there.
Wouldn’t be surprised if they get shafted….but the controversy to *not* let in a top-10 Boise over
re: “national ranked” Wisconsin.
Bobby and Robert in the post-game fan phones show stated that we are playing a nationally ranked Wisconsin on Saturday. That might not be 100% accurate.
To my understanding they WERE a ranked team but that streak ended a couple weeks ago when they lost.
I guess technically every team is “nationally ranked 1-119” or whatever but you know what I mean.
Just wanted to clarify to some that may have been wondering about that comment.
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
smile and say cheese!
day after a win.
if you win. well, when you win the tickets, i’ll show you the secret route to your seats. in fact, you could get one of those special seats.
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Wisconsin favored by 13.
Warriors underestimated again this week!
UH basketball team needs to learn from the football team – to start playing for each other and believing in each other.
Warriors, Imua!
If you completely destroy your chairs at Aloha Stadium in what can be described as a “victory mosh pit”, will they be fixed in time for the next home game in seven days? 😯
Hmmm… If not, should be an interesting game next week… 😆
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
To create the atmosphere at the next game view it this way.
Wisconsin is going to a Bowl. Hawaii could have been going at 6 – 6. So, it’s simple, we’re in a Bowl game against Wisconsin. The great thing about it? If we win, we get another game. BUT, we need to look at this game as THE BOWL game as it will be tougher than if we were to win and then face SMU. As opponents go, there is no comparison between Wisconsin and SMU, no disrespect to SMU but if you were there the last time Wisconsin played here, there was so much red in the stadium that it really had the Bowl feel. Don’t think SMU can match that.
This game is going to be a terrific game! Be sure to be there.
Kazz . . .
That might be the beginning of a Warrior faithful tradition — standing the entire game.
Smile and say “cheese”
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Smile and say, “Cheese
Hello everyone, was good to see Pauoa boy and his family at the Tgate.
Garret/IWWTHM – that’s true about the fan base and the fact that they wouldn’t be ranked in the top 10 is they lost. I guess it depends on how they lose. If it’s a last second type of loss, they may sway some voters to keep them in the top 10 especially since they are from a BCS conference.
It’s going to be a interesting Saturday.
“to enter the drawing for two tickets, just write: Smile and say, “Cheese.” – see, you can teach (this) old dogs, new tricks…. 😆
Re: #14 – True fans would NEVER bet against the Warriors!
Slugger ~ I like my name for it better!…One has to work at the name in order to appreciate the goodness of ~ Ragin’-Cajun-Jambalaya-Hootchie-Coo-soup-du-jour-humma-humma!! Besides Gumbo sounds so, so Dumbo!
My label gives it much more Panache!
…and before I start a food fight with the Tsaiko cooks, Props to Frank25 for providing the rib-stickin’ awesome all-american Chili.
Hey!…Mrs. A-House, you forgot to save me some of your deelicioso Maki Sushi. (Good ting I was busy making my own ones).
Thank you JaM for da raw crab. Me, Slugger and LizK were racing to the bottom of the container aftah da game last nite!
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Kekoa – sounds more like the song SailorBlue might hula to at the next T-gate!!! 😯 😉 😆
Brew ~ A-Joe might have just the outfit for the Blue Sailor to Boogie to!
haven’t read through the blog today so I apoligize if this has been said already.
Dave Arranda is the brains for the D. he is an up and comer in the coaching ranks. I did notice that on the flight back from SJ, first time going bathroom, he was studying formations and making notes. another time I seen him watching film. he is worthy of getting the extra space during the plane ride. he is making the defensive calls but doesn’t have the title to usually get the “good” seat when the team flies. I guess that is like real life, the guys with titles let the other guys do the dirty work. he deserves all the credit for being prepared and making the calls. I wonder if the guys with titles were preparing on their flight back from SF since they got their 5 minutes head start??
Smile and say, “Cheese.” After we beat Wisky, don’t want the Sheraton Bowl peeps to invite SMU and their traitor coach. Get some better team with followers. Imua Warriors….
Whooaaahhh….”studying film” and “watching film” in the bathroom?!!! 😯 😯 😀
Jan goin’ tell you eets not jambalaya… heehee
Tanks for bringing the crab!!! so ono!
It was such a great game yesterday. Wonderful job by the team & the coaches. Garret wondered why Aranda was calling defensive plays. IMHO ~ Since Aranda was the one who did the research & called coaches on how to defend the triple option it would make sense to let him call the plays. He likely filled everyone in on what he learned, but the first-hand knowledge & hours of studying video would give him the advantage to make a quick decision. Just like Rolo calling the offensive (QB) plays because of his personal run-n-shoot experience. Heading up an organization/team, you can’t do everything yourself. Mack delegated and the coaches did an outstanding job.
Now for Wisconson… sounds like a BIG job for the linemen.
Agreed! From the first time I heard Coach Aranda speak at the first coachs clinic I believed he’d be a great teacher to his players. Thinkink ahead Coach Mack can’t afford to let Aranda slip away or lured to another job elsewhere!
Seen a few questioning what Dave Aranda’s worth is. Even when ST mentioned Aranda is an up and coming coach in D1, the know-it-all loud mouths immediately shut that notion down.
They’ll learn… Maybe not. No hope in the hopeless.
Agreed! From the first time I heard Coach Aranda speak at the first coachs clinic I believed he’d be a great teacher to his players. Thinkink ahead Coach Mack can’t afford to let Aranda slip away or lured to another job elsewhere!
Seen a few questioning what Dave Aranda’s worth is. Even when ST mentioned Aranda is an up and coming coach in D1, the know-it-all loud mouths immediately shut that notion down.
They’ll learn… Maybe not. No hope in the hopeless.
It was so good the first time Kazz had to say it again.
Smile and say “Beat Wisconsin'”
Coach Wagner was on the UH sidelines for the entire game as a guest of Na Koa.
Two years ago we contacted Coach Wagner about attending a Letterwinners fundraiser and he told me it was the first time anyone contacted him about participating in a UH function since he left. We flew Coach and his wife in, put them up at the Sheraton, and hosted them at the Hanohano Room fundraiser.
We (UHAD, Letterwinners, Na Koa) are changing how we treat former players and coaches.
Go Warriors! Beat Wisconsin!!!
Is it possible to get a copy of last night’s game from someone?
Nice job Don! It was nice to see Coach Wags back on the UH sidelines. I wonder how much input he had in some of the prep work for the Warrior D.
best wishes to the wahines and good luck on their quest. going to so calf. they has a good chance to advance to the finals.
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Just for sheer enterainment and musicality — Andre Rieu is on public TV. Always makes me want to get up and waltz.
Off to Wahine Basketball game! GO BOWS!!!
(Tsigh…can’t go to the Na Koa lunch tomorrow; have to be at the airport to pick up my friend ~ you’ll meet her at this Saturday’s t-gate.)
Are practices still closed?
Smile and say, “Cheese”.
Smile and say, “Cheese”.
Smile and say, “Cheese”
by the way, going for it on 4th and 1 with six minutes to go instead of kicking a field goal was plain stupid. That decision alone could have lost the game for UH and clearly shows that Coach Mac is not a head coach. Nice guy – good #2, but not a head coach. I can’t believe that decision hasn’t received more scrutiny. It was plain dumb – amateur hour! The field goal would have meant that Navy would need two scores to win the game. Navy proved that they could move the ball. Thank goodness for the defense who played exceptionally well. Am I the only one that feels this way?
#260 – nope!
i concur with the FG 100%
One last thought about that game… Its been nice to see a healthy Blaze Soares leaving his mark on the team once and for all. He’s a great hitter with a ferocious spirit, and he looked unstoppable yesterday. I’m most glad however, because I was given an indelible memory of him as player on that last play, when he threw down the blocker and crushed the QB to end the game. Perfect.
After all of the injuries and setbacks to this team, it would have been easy to write this season off. Here’s to Blaze and the rest of the Warriors, you guys have been amazing with all the heart you’ve shown and we are proud to have you as our team.
UH 35 Fondue U 31
In regards to the 4th down attempt, the coaching staff must have considered the possibility of missing a FG from that distance higher than the possibility of not converting 1 single yard for the 1st down.
Additionally, they were aware of the extra pluses of gaining a first down, as opposed to kicking the FG: they’d be able to chew up more clock, and if unsuccessful in getting a TD, at least shorten the distance Enos would have to kick for a FG.
Knowing how Enos has been inconsistent the past few weeks, missing several FG’s from the same range, McMackin and his assistants made the right decision.
If anything should be challenged, it’s the play called on that 4th and 1. Or the players’ execution of the play.
Smile and say, “Cheese”
Did LWJ get half his yardage on that fumble run? And half of that from the ball squirting forward? Luckily he was helped out by the D as he helped last week the with the winning TD run.
I thought Hawaii would match up well with Navy but as I watch the replay now on the DVR I got to say I really like what I saw. Disciplined and smart defense, good tackling, good protection for the QB, WRs catching the ball. Even the RBs caught a few passes.
The task is much tougher next week but they can go in with their heads held high and that is a good way to start.
yup. should have gone under center and followed estes/hisatake who out weighed the dline by 60 lbs. i am sure a half yard would have been had.
but, oh well.
if anything it made (gulp) for a fantastic, frenetic finish.
that was the most loudest we have been since beating boise state and uw.
i hope there were enough recruits last night.
JJ’s success should pay off for Hawaii as it puts the run and shoot on the map there and not everyone can – or would want to play at SMU. It would be interesting to see what high schools there switch to the run and shot.
and as predicted…st got his first wee wee break on fourth down early in the game. he should have gotten the second one, because that last fourth and one situation needed a timeout to gather their composure.
i am sure they would have gone under center. navy if they scouted well enough would have taken one guy from out of the middle knowing that we recently had a penchant to run our option from that set.
but, hind sight is 20/20.
i was thinking that june jones would have gone for it too. afterall his mantra was that a best defense was the run n shoot offense. he would have also figured that even if navy scored he could come back with the winning drive anyway.
Thank you Pete Jek. I cant believe that folks are calling for Mac’s head based on that play or anything else. I respect the intelligent views of my fellow bloggers, but in this case I respectfully disagree. We lost a great QB early in the season and were still able to come back with a decent finish. Granted, there appears to be some gaps in coaching consistency, but like Tsai says, lets just enjoy these last games.
it is hard to believe that the season is done to its last regular season game.
it is hard to believe that we are also playing for something. who’d have thought when we were 2-6?
okay, according to greg salas’ parents, who after the game came down to the tsaiko gate, the players never doubted that they could make this climb.
believe….they said.
when we lost bradley it shortened our passing routes.
and when pollard went down it got worst.
however, last night pilares and the ever improving jovonte taylor opened up the middle for everyone.
and wasn’t it about time that they threw that bubble to the running backs????
how come it took them sooooo long to realize that chizzy will make you dizzy????
hi kid.
hey you guys…
the players not sqwaking. so i’m not sqwaking. …
the players are trusting each other. the players are trusting the coaches. I’m scratching my head, wondering wtf
Beat Wisconsin! get it done! don’tpay me any attention. just get it done
howdy brother-
What a season, eh? I truly believe we can beat the Cheese Monsters. It will take our best game, but it can happen!
So, next weekend… are you taking the public school out of loyalty or do you really think Kahuku can win?
Have you suggested to the UH coaches that Beau Yap would be a fine addition somewhere on the team?
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Smile and say, “Cheese.
One thing I respect about the military teams is that when the other team is playing their alma mater, they will turn and stand until the song is over. I remember Army players running off the field and when they heard UH band playing, they stopped in their tracks. Navy did the same thing last night. I like that.
What I didn’t understand last night is the UH band playing the alma mater and there goes Mack telling the players to come over to the student section and celebrate during the song. WHAT??!!??
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Smile and say cheese !!
Go warriors !!
Smile and say,”Cheese”
so Coach Mack is a hick.
but he’s our hick. 😀 and he’s a lovable hick. and he likes being with us. and he’s feeling pretty good about himself. what the heck. allow him the fun. he’s deserved it. he earned a buncha mulligans last nite, all kidding aside. i just loved the way the Warriors were feeling about themselves. they couldn’t have done it without the coaches, starting at the top.
I have said this before
he reminds me of Carroll O’Connor, who played the General in the
movie Kelly’s Heroes. hey, if the players can all feel good about themselves because he’s leading the team and they played a brilliant game, then its all good for me! 😀
“but I digress….” 😆 NOT 😀
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Went to see “Blindside” this afternoon while keeed went to see “New Moon”. “Blindside” is a very good movie. I encourage everyone to see it. I hope the scene with the NCAA interrogator was only for dramatic effect and not real. Aiyah. Anyway, there was a little boy sitting next to me and really getting into the football scenes. I hope his parents are taking him to UH games….
Yah Smile and say, “Cheese.”
love reading the papers about quotes from Mr. Moniz and coach Rolo.
all gushing…. and for good reason. 😀
Great confidence booster for the team and fans last night. Great win at the right time I think. With this win, I can’t help but think THEY CAN WIN next week TOO no doubt.
1. Moniz looked real smooth running the offense for most part last night than he had all season. He will make adjustment on the series he could do better. As he gains confidence, the recievers will get better with him.
2. 4th and 1 call. Agree with the call but not the play but it is history, just got to run a better play. Maybe now they work on some plays to run if they are ever in that situation again. didn’t look like they any.
3 THE WARIORS are a dangerous team right now because their backs are agaisnt the wall. They think they can play anybody and win.That’s why I believe JJ enjoyed coaching here brcause there is a WARRIOR spirit that lurks in us, when stirred, it can do great things. Jus my humble opinion.
GO WARRIORS back to lurking
Kuehu goes down hard. Couldn’t see the replay of what happened here in the arena but its her right leg/knee.
Hard to see that in person with some of her family sitting next to us.
Smile and say, “Cheese”
Go Warriors :O)
Kuehu is back out behind the bench in a wheelchair and in uniform. Good sign that immediate medical attention doesn’t appear necessary?
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
Great win last night by the football team!
as in Wisconsin..Cheese?
or “Cheese” as in
the Swiss Cheese our Warriors will make of the Badgers?
Did I hear Dave Shoji say that the NCAA committee doesn’t know volleyball? I agree.
MIH – anykine cheese is okay, just as long as you don’t “cut the cheese”
Oliver Stoned:
I watched through my binocs the 2 UH players who went direct to the lockers after the New Mexico State game and they 1) were in no hurry to use the bathroom, and 2) was no indication they were in need of medical attention as they walked without any symptoms of any injury. It was a leisurely walk in the park.
They also did not play a “nano second” in any games this year; at least not to my knowledge as I did not see their numbers in any game.
From my perspective, if they not want to be a part of this team, they should ask Coach Mack for a release or Coach Mack should ask them to leave.
I recall a big 6’8″ Oline man who recrujited himself to UH from Wyoming, never saw a second in any games for 4 years, BUT he was still doing what ever it took to support his teammates including staying with the team for the alma mater.
I saw one of them last nite on the punt return team. He was a up blocker for Javonte.
i dunno about calling them out. It’ll take the whole team to get past Wisconsin. I’d wait till after their last game this season to say anything to them. I think these last four weeks, and watching Gret Alexander, i’d say its taken all of them this whole season, to get where we are now.
listening to my aunty and cousin talking about the team members they know, and listening to another parent talking about her son, and watching what we saw,, and especially listening to LizK about people working better with the positives,
I ain’t saying nothing junk about any Warriors. the reason is, I am all
EXCITED! VERY EXCITED. coches know inside demselves if they made a mistake. or not. we don’t know enough about the 4th down play.
but really, i do not care. no sirree! we won. we won. end of story!
and I got greaT hopeS for this coming game.
We’re playing for something. And Wisconsin knows it too!
It is really sad that Cleveland is not even using David Veikune on special teams like they were earlier this season. They drafted a DE to play OLB and then decided he would need to learn both the OLB and ILB positions, which slowed his development at both positions, then decided that they would use other players at ILB so they would put Veikune on the inactive list. I wish they would have just had him adjust to one of the positions instead of throwing everything at him during his rookie year.
There is some dispute between Cleveland’s coaching staff and the GM who picks the players…at least it seems that way to me when the coaches leave two 2nd round picks off the active roster.
Wisconsin is laying for something too. they’re thinking Outback Bowl.
this is gonna be a good game. loser goes home.
we’re playing to give me chance to yella the Traitor! 😀
okay, maybe Traitor is too harsh, TY Aiea. Howz about Dishonest. 😀
actually, all i like do is trow a chair at him, bring closure! 😆
Go Warriors!
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want to read the off-topic stuff.
Great story about how a Professor’s wife was diagnosed with MS and how he researched the disease to try to find a cure for her. His research seems to have found that MS is caused by the veins that drain blood from the brain and a simple angioplasty-like operation can cure MS! His wife has no symptoms now and trials are going on all over to verify this potential cure.
Study found that dogs are more likely to become nuisance barkers when they are bred in a home environment, have access to indoors or live with other dogs. It may turn out that homebred dogs bark more because they have greater separation anxiety because they are away from their owners…dogs apparently deal with separation anxiety by barking.
Study found that the way that people flip coins makes it more likely to land facing the same side on which it started. The probability ranged from 51% to 60% depending on the way the person flipped the coin, but it was always more likely to land on the same side that it started. Maybe this could give an edge to the player calling the coin flip…
Golf course opened in the Australian Outback that is over 848 miles long, stretching from South Australia to Western Australia! The par-72 course takes 3 or 4 days to complete a round.
Missing 13-year-old autistic boy spent 11 days wandering around the NY subway system–thankfully, he was found and had no medical problems from the 11 days he was missing.
Free play links pau.
Smile and say, “Cheese.”
[…] The Warrior Beat| UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]
Hehe, I have ALWAYS called whatever appears on the top of the coin. It works for me, at least. 😀
i don’t think we’re sinking anymore.
bring me more kool aid! 😎
tonight’s news
We have all been blessed.
Mahalo, Ke Akua!
Dave Shoji = Hawaii Volleyball.
Hawaii is where volleyball lives.
Shoji knows what he’s talking about.
Thanks for the news, chawan.
Night all! SWDs…
thank you so much for taking the time to make the videos.
makes my day. ir really does.
sorry kid….been away for awhile.
but, yah, and not yards after hit, just made the bet with the young lady because last year i lost a lunch bet with her. just trying to even up the score and you know she’s not taking anybody other than the kapalama kidz.
kamehameha is the favorite, no doubt. but, one can never count a kahuku team out of any game. mercado is a difference maker for the red raiders this year.
it will be an epic battle of the best of the best from the private schools and public education rep.
great job coaching staff. good job coach.
and to tall the Warrior ohana, thanks to you for backing up Hawaii!
bring on Wisconsin! dis is gonna be a sell out, and dis is gonna be fun!
Go Warriors!
Wisconsin blogs talking about us.
I thought Navy would romp over the Warriors.
I thought our defense could not consistantly play with discipline to control Navy’s option offense which takes advantage of any lapse of coverage.
I thought our coaches would not be able to handle the seldom seen option offense.
I thought the Warriors were going to amass a ton of penalties over the disciplined Midshipmen.
I thought our special teams would be normally disappointing and unspectacular.
I was wrong. I was wrong on all counts. The Warriors, coaches and players, put on their best performance in two seasons! The scoring drive before the half was simply amazing. At times, the fans were simply deafening. It was such a joy to be at the game. I came home exhausted and spent.
Well done Warriors, well done.
Has anyone heard of a replay of the game? I would like to experience eating crow again.
“The crowd definitely played a factor” Niumatalolo said. And it was so.
Wisconsin is gonna know that Hawaii loves football, and loves their Warriors. We got several several players to hold up in the spotlight. Not just because they’re great football players. We got GREAT people on the team. How about Medeiros, huh? what a role model/worker/stud.
Mad Dog,
google Honolulu Advertiser. Sports get highlights of each quarter, by quarters. punch em up for replays. you can enjoy da crow over and over. 😀 I did.
Thanks bhf2. I’ll do it right now before going to bed.
okay coaches. by the time you read this, it’ll be Monday.
you’re gonna have to FOCUS! you’re gonna have to be LEADERS.
you’re gonna have to put one physical guy to key on their 250# Clay.
really enjoyed how you played Mana up at da line alot. i’m sure you guyz going get a plan. i’m looking forward to this game. in more ways than one.
TyAiea and I have unfinished business we’d like to resolve. 😀
but first we gotta take care of business this weekend.
Don Weir,
was gonna mention,
awfully great that you are da front man for Na Koa! what a way to rep our school, for people like Wags. He is a great role model and mentor at Kamehameha Keaau. I’m sure he enjoyed his chicken skin moment at the Navy game. I’m sure the victory was as exhilirating for him as it was back in the day! you’re a class act, sir!
i’m gonna remind AHouse that you’re a class act, and not just on paper. 😆 btw, telling us what you did for M/M Wagner is just super cool, plus informative and brings us into your circle of friends. thank you. I’m sure your PR will pay dividends, in other ways too.
and the best part, i saw both bikes coming into the tunnel. i saw one on the UH sidelines. did you guys loan the other one to Navy? anyway, really cool that we played Navy, and Army next year.
maybe next year, Army can brng da battalion to back em up at da game.
dare gonna need sumptin sumptin, right?! 😀
NN and SWD!!!
well, time to get in anudda good nites sleep. laters Tsaikos.
Let’s have a rematch against LATech on New Year’s Eve at Aloha Stadium and call it the Saimin Bowl sponsored by Aiea Chop Suey. Kick off time at Lan Chah Wah.
missed you again,
t-shirts are with Mana’s parents in Hilo for you!
Mahalo for supporting 🙂
I’m counting on you, coaches, to show up this Saturday. We all are!
I’ve learned that no matter how good you are, you’re always gonna get detractors. get used to it. its part of life. there are idiots in the world. summa dem are here in Hawaii. so, stay FOCUSED, coaches. FOCUS.
Go Warriors!
Howzit howzit. missed you too. besides hanging with the Tsaikos at the cabanas for the Tgate, also hung with my cuz and his cheerleader daughter and friends in front of Gate 4. good fun. sorry i missed you. maybe see you this coming game.
and thanks for the info. gives me a chance to say hi to your in laws.
was a great game, huh! da man did GREAT!
Las Vegas,
how you been?
just saying hello.
coaches planning for a perfectly executed offense and defense packages for Wisconsin.
COMPLIANCE GROUP/Amanda Peterson working on da Satele package for NCAA so dat man don’t miss a step.
COMPLIANCE get da waiver papers ready for next year so day can use
Volunteers like Slugger to help dem wit da paperwork. no need da job,
just need da RESULTS! talkin and no action = lip service!
Chawan_Cut: Mahalo for the sports clips.
A Quick Note: The Men’s Summer School Scholarship Fund administered by Koa Anuenue will receive $30 later this week, thanks to those of you who hoisted high your cans & bottles – whether yesterday or at home or at work.
Next week’s beneficiary – the Women’s Summer School Scholarship Fund.
A stunning Wahine basketball loss this evening – sorry, but the coaches’ calling for deliberate fouls in the OT did not work. I know it’s SOP in tight games, but the Wahine have a monster running game which could not get started in overtime because the momentum kept being cut.
BTW – DrDoc has a must-attend meeting this Thursday so his ticket to the women’s basketball game is available. All tickets are General Adminission which means you can sit anywhere in the Stan Sheriff Arena. If you would like to have a free ticket, let me know so I can make arrangements to get it to you.
Also, this Saturday at 1 pm, the Wahine will be playing the BIG BYU up at the BYUH campus. We plan to drop off the recycling stuff at whatever cabana we’ve been assigned and then head on up to Lai`e. We’ll be back at the T-Gate by 4 pm. Anyone else planning to go? Or will it just be the two of us dressed in green & white?
Next, according to the Athletic Department website, the New Mexico/Hawai`i volleyball match will be 5 pm HItime this Friday with the winner meeting up with the USC/Oklahoma winner on SATURDAY at 5 pm. Talk about a conflict for sports fans.
Does anyone know if these first two rounds are going to be televised? If not, can we count on ESPN 1420 to broadcast at least the Friday match? Saturday will be impossible because the time will run right into the Wisconsin game.
Finally, anyone here going to either of the banquets Wednesday evening or next Sunday afternoon?
Happy Birthday to the late Mrs Jean Yuriko Kubo Tsai. Rest in Peace.
If a team member shows up at practice, on time, busts his tail in practice, does what the coaches ask of him and works hard in the off-season, what does it matter if he decides to head to the locker room early. How many players do the Warriors dress for home games? Making a big deal about a player or two, especially when you have no clue as to what is going on, is just plain stupid.
To see bloggers here trying to create a controversy where none may exist is shameful. If there is an attitude problem, then it’s up to the coaches and the team leaders to work out, not some hyper-sensitive know-it-all Warrior Beat bloggers. Remove the stick from your posterior please.
A good final day of November 2009 to everyone!
Congratulations Crystal!!!
The Seattle police are in a stand-off with the suspect who murdered four police officers. He is wounded. I hope they bring him in and put him alive.
Seems the crazies have run amok.
Prayers for the four murdered police officers, their families and the community.
ST article today mentions a new recruit.
Why would the WAC need to find a bowl game for La Tech? I thought they would be good this season, but they are 3-8 instead.
Good Morning All! Hope everyone makes it through another work week. Back to the grind after a long weekend makes it hard. Have a good one everybody!
Great Morning All!
Good news about another recruit.
Welcome to the Warriors, Travaun Nixon!
“Ferd” says it may be awhile before another Big Ten (plus one) team returns to Aloha Stadium. 👿
Another conference (SEC, the other) that speak with forked tongue about non-AQ conference SOS!
Another week, another favorite to knock off!
Have a terrific day erryboddy!
Good morning Tsaikos.
everything is good when you get coaches cranked and ready for RUMBLE!
nice article. things are looking up, when you’re winning.
yup, more kool aid for me!
Aloha Kakahiaka!
I hope when the players are watching Wisconsin video, they’re watching
Kraig Appleton and their receivers put up 37-0 against Purdue. his story is kinda like – mind strong.
pfttt, get em. 😀
Go Warriors!