Still going
No rest for the recruiters.
The Warriors have made about 25 conditional offers, including to the top prospects in the state. So far, they have received one acceptance, from Kahuku lineman John Waa.
As always, the Warriors primary need is linemen.
* * * * *
The softball team’s popularity is reflected in the TV guide. The baseball and volleyball teams are playing Friday, but Oceanic has opted to show the softball game that night.
Not sure how the areas are divided at Oceanic, but I wonder if there is a way two UH events could be shown simultaneously on the cable channels.
* * * * *
San Mateo assistant head coach Tim Tulloch said there is “no decision yet” on where lineman Fehoko Fanaika will play this coming season. It’s still between UH and LSU.
ichiban! tasi! uno!
scout reporter mentioned UH has been in constant talks with Devin Holiday out of Mission Hills, CA
Gee – top 10!
GO WAIHINE! Wearing black tonight!
Good morning everyone!
The (Warrior) Beat goes on….
dang. more like niban, lua, dos. lol
so is today really the decision day for the big guy from san mateo?
I dunno, wouldn’t that cut into that Arts and Crafts show on Oc 16?
Too bad the yahoo’s only come around when they are winning……. Lose money
ST, I would think Oceanic could televise 2 UH events simultaneously, by using OC16, which is mainly devoted to high school sports. They have enough announcers to do it, if they wanted to.
one acceptance is a good start. main thing is that the UH coaches have already made at least 25 offers!
newsworthy note or is it a noteworthy news? anyway, Wahine sb moves up one to #18 in the coaches poll.
ST – I don’t think they have the equipment and personnel to pull it off – quantity wise, not quality wise.
Kevin, did you have any say in the color, since I have seen you only wear black, to the games. I am not criticizing you, since I normally wear black also, to the majority of the games. 😀
mcb, I tend to differ. Oceanic does have the equipment and personnel, to pull it off. Since they have televised UH events at the same time they are televising high school events, on OC16.
got equipment to broadcast 2 games simultaneously?
Black tonight will be in support of the softball student-athletes that are after-thoughts to those that are supposed to be supporting them.
Black tonight will be in defiance of “static” created by a simple request from the student-athletes to their fans.
I believe it is a contractual thing with UHAD. Not showing 2 athletic events at the same time.
Kevin, what do you mean by, defiance?
Anyone of the 25 leaning towards u.h. besides wa’a
well it is good to see that we can dvr the game on thursday too.
wow, dow, nasdaq, and s&p are soaring today.
is that a sign that ff will be soaring over to Hawaii?
Howzit, everyone!
Wishing and hoping for an outstanding week for Wahine Softball!
Met a big kid that says he tripped to Hawaii just to take the trip… think his name was something like TJ Holloman or something like that? From some Saint Something school in northern Georgia (at least north of where we live, which is kinda considered northern Georgia already). For some reason, I don’t remember hearing or reading his name of possible recruits. Or, maybe he just said it ’cause he saw my UH hat. Who knows?
Anyways, the car is in the shop, getting some work done… so there goes the tax return.
Can’t wait for Spring ball to start up! In the mean time…
Go, Wahine!
Texas applies pressure to all phases of the game:
Pitching, their ace Blaire Luna, will start against Hawai’i, 8-0, 0.71 ERA, 80 KOs in less than 50 innings.
Defense, .980 fielding average, 1 error every 2 games.
Team BA is .371 and the lady Longhorns are roadrunners on the basepaths–50/55 SBs.
While Ricketts has been suberb, she has issued 23 free passes in 75 innings.
She will have to bring her control.
This Tournament will provide a suberb test for wahine post season aspirations.
They will be facing talent, in some instances, that are US Olympic team level (Cal’s Valerie Arioto).
Just damn good talent in this field!
Spring ball started February 9th. We are 21-0 and #18/19 in the country.
Dear Oceanic… please share UH broadcasts with DISH…
Coach Coolen… please check out Saui’s little sister… she’s a gamer.
Good morning Tsaikos!
ST – have you heard from Alex Green and/or Greg Salas on how their rehabs are going? Jus’ wondering…
If you notice, the PAC 12 has 7 teams ahead of Hawaii in the rankings–and it will remain so, until we beat one of them. A victory over California, will shatter the glass ceiling for wahine movement towards a coveted, top 10 ranking.
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
Good. Isn’t black supposed to be slimming? 🙂
Mr. Tsai could make a lot of money in marketing. Slimming black tee-shirts with Ricketts’ number on them for example.
#9 cheepono. Hope he does accept but didn’t someone say that he was not going to make a decision until April 1?
“Black Outs” just don’t make sense to me??? Why don’t all us Warrior fans just wear Warrior Green to all games ??? Like ST said the last time a black out was called, it means the electricy goes out…
And, btw, the peeps at UH should make a firm decision on exactly what shade of green is Warrior Green. Ridiculous how many different shades of UH green shirts there are for sale. As for our athletic teams’ nickname??? don’t get me started………………….. too confused to cheer sometimes
Great job by the coaches in getting 25 early offers out…everyone else has gone to earlier and earlier offers so UH had to do the same. More importantly, UH needs to keep in constant contact whenever the NCAA recruiting rules allow for contact with recruits–offers without the effort to follow up with recruits is doing less than half of the job. From what I’ve heard, the coaches Coach Chow has picked will put in the hours and effort needed to do that as well or better than any other coaching staff UH has had.
The “team” is asking everyone to wear Black. If you don’t want to, then don’t. Gee whiz!
UTSA and UNC-Charlotte appear to be Karl Benson’s first targets for the Sun Belt’s expansion. Or, both schools could join the alliance instead of the Sun Belt. If UTSA leaves the WAC, I cannot see how the WAC will continue as a football conference. Either way, that has significant implications for UH…
UH has recruiting ties to the high school that this QB plays for. He missed most of a season to get his U.S. citizenship, but it sounds like he’ll be a special recruit and UH could use a QB like this.
Benson should merge the Sun with the WAC. Strength in numbers? I still can’t understand the Con. USA with Mountain West with no new TV deal.
Isn’t fehoko suppose to make his decision today
Good Morning All!
I hope the rest of the acceptances are secured for this recruiting class shortly! Looking forward to updates from FB spring camp as well!
Go Wahine & Go Warriors!
from what i read the black out was requested by the team.
also, the last i heard, the green used on the Warrior uniform is PMS 3435. don’t know if this has changed since shades of dark green look the same from my seat in the stadium.
#13. Time Warner Oceanic only has the one TV remote van (that they lease? rent? from KFVE) so I doubt they have the hardware to broadcast two events simultaneously.
#35. Who cares what color and what nickname. The name is HAWAII.
One of the softball games at Las Cruces Community College is on ESPNU March 30th.
#44 – Couch potato Hhhhmmmm does that tell you anything??????
Afternoon yall.
Pomai, yes, it tells me the team is proactive and wants to get the fans involved. it tells me there is or was a consistent green for Warrior uniforms. finally, it tells me that i no care what shade of green they wear as long they play like Warriors.
Syracuse center ruled ineligible for the NCAA tournament because of eligibility issues? If was Hawaii high school football would have forfieted the tournament games, ala Kahuku. Is our rules too strict?
otto (#45), if Oceanic is leasing a TV remote van from KFVE, then they have 2 TV remote vans, cause Oceanic has a TV remote van of their own. Which they use for high school events. Guess they are leasing KFVE’s van for UH events.
did the syracuse center participate in any bball games while he was ineligible?
This year is the FIRST time in years that the softball team got primary green jerseys.
The Under Armour deal gave them, classic Yankee gray w/green trim, black w/green trim, pinstripe white, and pure white with green trim. Pants were black, gray both w/green trim, green w/black trim, and pinstripe white.
Prior to the UA deal, they had a company called “Victory” do their uniforms with like 8 different combos and designs but mostly dark colors and heavily featured the silver… (YUCK) *There was some green or half green ones though.*
They debuted their new UA green tops vs Florida State. The outcome was self-explainatory.
#49 – cp – I ment the color code PMS- ####
Kevin, thanks for the sb uniform background. glad that ua is on the ball, so to speak.
Pomai, ummm, did the color change? so much for whoever is responsible for getting the word out. no matter though, i like different flavors of green. easier to pick from the drawer what t-shirt i like wear. 😆
Pomai, you at the RWSS yet, just wondering if Kelly is in the batting house. She is normally the first one in there.
Nurses at the State Hospital, please secure your patients. One wants to resume stalking.
What time today does FF have till to make his decision? Either way (LSU or UH) we need to move on. Can’t tie up a schollie forever.
FF = Frank Fasi Those were the interesting days..
Every politician should be required to show proficiency with a bulldozer.
Good or bad, Frank Fasi got it done.
I believe he could drive a bus too.
#BLACKOUT is trending WORLD-WIDE!!!!
Family and friends of our mainland and Australian Rainbow Wahine will be sporting BLACK tonight while watching the game via OcSports live stream!!!
cp, sorry if you still there waiting as I posted and stepped out. Yes, I beleive the Syracuse center played the whole season. He had almost 6 rebounds, 7+ points and 2+ blocked shots per game.
If we’re waiting for Frank Fasi’s decision, we might be waiting a looooong time.
Yes. I was too young to appreciate it, but by all accounts, Fasi was the man that urinated on what is the norm with the buearucratic process that makes Hawaii move at the pace of fresh honey mustard from the Big Island via Honey Glazed Hams of Hawaii.
It is good that the girls chose black, cause it is a very dominant color.
No worries, your concern was taken under advisement a while ago.
The color has NOT changed, if anything the only “changes” is getting all uniforms across the board to use PMS 3435. The away basketball uniforms that we rarely get to see are in the PMS 3435 even though they use Addidas. PMS 3435 is not relegated to UA apparel anyway.
Also, just a heads-up, there will be MORE UA sunglasses coming out for UH. The softball players rarely use them, but they will have some if they want it, or end up giving them away as promos or gifts. But they will supposedly by hitting the Rainbowtique stores soon.
Is there a Wahine Softball blog just like this one is for Warrior Football?
NMSU head coach wanted this game at 8pm to make it as cold as possible for us when we get there, but ESPN shut that down due to… guess what? Lack of adequate field lighting hence moving the game to 4pm.
NMSU’s field lights are comparable to that at the RWSS.
papajoe2, just read he was suspended for 3 games during the regular season. seems like there was some type of hand slapping.
Is there anyway to view the softball games on the Net? DirectTv doesn’t carry the Oceanic channel 12
When supporters wear the same exact color it shows school pride and unity. It shows the other team that we all stand for one team. So I got nothing against wearing all black shirts, I am definitely not the one who wears blue to a UH game. All I saying is it would look much more awesome if every fan of UH would wear the same shade of green to all games. Wearing all the same shade of green reinforces the unity and “creates a strong visual impact.” But unfortunately, in my opinion being all black shirts in the stands has no intimidation factor.
Looks to me that UH and all their supporters want to be “Big Time” but don’t know how to act and look “Big Time”. You think Texas fans wear all different shades of burnt orange? UW different purple? USC different shades???
UH is supposed to be Hawaii’s Pro Team. Maybe the University and its fans should start acting like one. Its kinda time to stop being small time, don’t ya think? Like everyone is saying, It’s Chow-time!!!
There is a WAC Softball Blog run by a Fresno State fan, where Stephanie Ricketts’ record breaking 83 win making her the all time winningest pitcher in UH history wasn’t mentioned but Michelle Moses’ one hitter streak kept getting attention.
You might want to check out Texas’ website then, UH has the exclusive deal with Oceanic so Oceanic live stream is the only non-televised choice other than live stats if you cannot watch on TV.
UH should have a policy if anyone license shirts or UH gear everything has to be in that green , PMS3435 color
I really don’t get this black-out thing ? Does black turn into the Oakland Raiders,does black make you meaner ?
On the flip side I also don’t get the green-out or white-out thing either.
How about a nudist night ?
That policy IS written into place as part of the marketing package licensed vendors receive and have to adhere by.
#77 – rooster – in this situation the team is wearing all black and they(the team) asked if the fans would also wear black, IMHO it dosen’t matter if it intimidates anyone what matters is that it shows the fans support for the team.
doesn’t matter if we get the black-out thing or not. the request was made by the team and if you want to comply then it’s up to you.
LOL – nudist night. Don’t know which team would benefit from that!
Whether black shows intimidation or not is in the eyes of the beholder.
If a team gets rattled about their opponents wearing black, then that team has no business being involved with competitive sports.
Nude fans would definitely rattle any team.
Talking about Oceanic and blackouts, my internet service provided by Oceanic Cable was down for about two hours in Wailuku. Its finally back in service.
there’s a difference in something perceived as a distraction vs. intimidating. a blue field is not intimidating. unless you have cyanophobia.
Like i said before, i got no problem wearing black i just don’t like it. can’t i have a different opinion? I would rather have fans wearing green. oh my, sorry i disagreed and shared my opinion. i didn’t mean to upset anyone. And by the way, i wore all black, even my shorts was black, at the UH basketball “black out” game last month. what were you wearing?
stevie boy wonder…no worry i’ll surprise you one day. i’ll be sitting in back of you for several innings while you hang out on the rail and then i’ll tap you on your shoulder and introduce myself to you. no worry, i know what you look like.
Speedo man… now that was distracting and piece of BRILLIANCE by the Duke fan!!!!!!
almost 5:00p.m. in norcal. maybe he’s gonna eat dinner to help decide. hope he’s eating food from polynesia.
Where does one find poly food in NorCal?
BTW, I’ll NEVER forgive California for RUINING the true essence of sushi. California Roll??? BLEH!!!!!
rooster, this is what started the whole black out responses to you:
“Black Outs” just don’t make sense to me??? Why don’t all us Warrior fans just wear Warrior Green to all games ???
me and others just posted that it was a request by the team. so in that sense it does make sense. they are not saying to not wear green.
family home cooked meal? hope the family isn’t cooking cajun.
Steve, no FCS Pacific unfortunately. I will buy the Texas game through Oceanic live stream… but they aren’t listing the Cal game as being offered. Had to sacrifice OC channel 12 if I wanted NFLNetwork. Thanks.
I’ve been visiting the blog all morning and early afternoon, blank! Only the post from yesterday.
closed my computer, came back, went to the Warrior Beat and wallah, new post up!
how U figga?
Mr. A-house – it’s called the refresh button…
jm2375 — I think the “closing the computer” step was the charm. That is PC fix #2 in the techie manual. 🙂
Susana Flury, see you had a few lunchtime martini’s.
softball game @ 6pm, wear black, show up nuff said
Is Coach Chow going to wait out the decision?
did coach tulloch mention when a decision would be made?
Tulloch didn’t say. He texted me.
On Sunday, Chow said today was the day. I’ll ask him when I talk to him later today.
Thanks, ST. U da man!
Mr Tsai,
Please text Tim Tulloch and tell him all the Menlo College Boys from Hawaii said he better persuade FF to come to Hawaii. Coach Tulloch used to party with all the Boys from Hawaii when he went to Menlo College. We made sure his Haole **s never get lickings when he went there.
decisions decisions. in the bayou it’s too late, send your fax to the 808.
Fehoko: Go with your heart. You know that you will be much happier in Hawaii. The University of awaii has produced linemen that have been drafted and played in the NFL. If that is going to be your future career then great. After its over you will still be able to come back and live in Hawaii and be part of the community and the Ohana. You know it will not be the same by going to Louisiana. Follow your heart.
March 13th, 2012 at 1:22 pm
Nude fans would definitely rattle any team.
I’d be more worried about those trampled in the stampede for the exits. I’ll be wearing that “slimming” black today.
well regardless of where fehoko fanaika signs on the dotted line…
that his decision has gone this far with hawaii still very much in the hunt should tell ahouse, mattyboy, and others that, there’s always a chance at the highest heights just need hope and a prayer.
I like Norm Chow and hopes he does well. But we in Hawaii have no pro sports. I got addicted to the run n shoot. It is like fantasy football. I know we can’t cry over spilled milk but June Jones idea of playing a game where every offensive play is a pass intrigues me and has me spoiled for the run n shoot for life. We will never see it again. I think Nick Rolovich will be a genius wunderkind one day. I am having withdrawals symptoms for football. Basketball is too fast and nerve wracking to watch. I love it when they have rivalries like Magic Johnson vs Larry Bird, or Wilt Chamberlain vs Bill Russell. Golfing is player vs hole, I like player vs player. At least put some mixed martial arts boxing. So boring during non football season. Yawn
Garret, re #38 and #70, it wouldn’t surprise me to see several WAC schools end up in the Sun Belt. UTSA (along with Charlotte) would expand the Sun Belt to 12 in football, which is Karl Benson’s stated goal; UT Arlington could be added as a second non-football member to balance Arkansas-Little Rock; and LaTech and Texas State could be invited to backfill if the MWC-CUSA Alliance takes North Texas and Florida International.
If the Alliance were to also take San Jose State and Utah State, the WAC would be finished as a football conference. Idaho might then decide to give up on playing at the FBS level and join the Big Sky. That would leave Boise State in the WAC with just Seattle, Denver and New Mexico State.
I think that would be good for Hawaii because it might convince the Broncos to give up on joining the Big East for football and the WAC for other sports. Instead Boise State could end up in the Alliance, bringing San Diego State along as well, which would help make the Alliance more marketable and increase the TV payout to all members including UH.
Roughriders have assigned Colt the jersey # 2
Alrighty then!
We in Hawaii like to be entertained. The Harlem Globetrotters play phony games but crowds love their clowning and funny antics. Albeit they are not as popular today as yesteryear, they are so very entertaining. Dick Tomeys offense was so boring to watch —2 runs and maybe a pass. A good man though. Dick Tomey is a Class guy. But the run n shoot. Golly miss Molly it was so fun to watch—-fantasy football.
liz that is my favorite number.
college of san mateo just had one of their linebackers sign with washington state for the 2012 class today. guess fehoko ain’t the only late signee coming out of csm this year.
reflecting on Fehoko today, I was wondering if he’s mobile enough for running plays, or is he just one dimentional, as in-pass-blocking?…that being said, isn’t coach Chow’s offense more running than passing? just wondering?
Good afternoon Tsaikos everywhere.
the power of prayer.
ummm… praying for one 3.5x8x14″ tray lined wit ti leaf covered wit layers of taro leaf or spinach, and topped wit cubed ulu, corned beef and covered with 1 can coconut milk, covered by tinfoil and let em cook in da umu, or in da oven, for about hourhalf.
by da time da bugga is ready, FF shuuda made his announcement.
seen da videos. brudda fanaika can execute da pancake on da run.
^ he was mauling guys on his highlight vid when they ran the ball.
#125 True his offense was a sleeper, but boy did I enjoy watching his defense and special teams. I think with his philosophy, the offense just needed to be in position to take advantage of what the defense and special teams would give them.
I think Coach Chow’s team will have an exciting offense (no run-n-shoot), a tough defense and a much improved special team.
Just have to see what happens and as a realist, I am not expecting a 10-2 season. The excitement will be in the improvements we’ll see in blocking and tackling, team discipline and the foundation for better things to come.
BIH2 and cheepono,
tanks 4 dat…i’m convinced.
meant, BHF2…….sorry ladat!
#129 BHF2 = definitely Samoan – but Lois will probably use uala because no one gives her breadfruit.
BHF2- you makin’ pan palusami? YUM!
RedZone- I think BHF2 likes that number too!
Stephen ~ Is there already a major coaching change brewing in the UH football office?
The Canary died before he could give me a name.
Dang BHF2, you started with pan lined with ti leaf and taro leaf and got me craving Mrs. Momo’s pan laulau. How much longer till da first t-gate? 🙁
wow. took a power nap an already tings stay shakin.
yup. pan palusami is da winna! an no waste cuz da dog get da gravy fo
da dry fuud. everybody is happy.
an wear FehokoF gonna fine dat kine stuff in LSU?
brudda gonna be dreamin of Hawaii insida weeks afta he get dare, ifn
das where his rascal pingers takes him. all i would say to dat is:
auwe wongway away.
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