Who wants free Wahine volleyball tickets?
We’ve got five sets (two tickets per set) of tickets for tomorrow’s volleyball match between Nebraska and the Rainbow Wahine. If you want to enter the drawing, just write: I Wanna Enter. Drawing is tonight. You may enter as many times as you wish. But don’t keep hitting the refresh button. If you overload the system, Sandee, who donated the tickets, will spike you.
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Steele Jantz blasted a strut-off homer to help Tundakatz win the Super Games competition.
Tundakatz and Chut Yo Moutt were tied with 1,000 points apiece entering today’s final event, the home run hitting contest at Murakami Stadium.
“Home plate” was placed about 150 feet from the fence. Each batter was permitted two outs. Tennis balls were used in place of baseballs.
Joseph Malabuyoc, a linebacker from Canada, blasted a home run to give Chut Yo Moutt the apparent victory in regulation.
But safety Mana Silva, the last Tundakatz batter and down to his last swing, hit a home run to force overime.
The plate was moved up several feet.
After Chut Yo Moutt failed to homer, it was the Tundakatz’s turn. Jantz, a switch-hitter, batted left-handed during regulation. But he struggled in that appearance because he faced the rising sun. This time, he batted right-handed. He clobbered the winning homer, triggering a wild celebration. Aterward, the Tundakatz team, began singing “We Are The Champions.”
Tuika Tufaga is the captain. Team members are Silva, Jantz, Ray Hisatake, Raphael Ieru, Royce Pollard, Elliott Purcell, Art Laurel, Troy Lauduski, Daniel Otineru and Hogan Rosehill.
Here’s Steele Jantz:
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And the celebration …
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And the champions . . .
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Here’s Malabuyoc:
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Brashton Satele also homered, as expected. His girlfriend is UH softball player Malama Manuma:
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And here’s John Estes:
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Teammates insist that offensive linemen David Garness and Brett Leonard are lookalikes, giving them the collective nickname, The Smithys (in honor of assistant coach Brian Smith). Garness batted first. Later, when Leonard went to the plate, teammates yelled: “Hey, you batted already.”
Here Garness (or is it Leonard?)
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Princess Leila has a video story of today’s competition on the front page of our Web site.
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Princess Leila, who’s been busy, also has a video of the new UH football pants.
Hey Al – did you read the entire blog entry? LOL
Third, definitely!
sorry rich to have burst your bubble…..pop!
hey, how’s margo doing?
I read it all… Good for the man of Steele. Congrats to da ‘Katz!
Chutt Yo Mout continues to shine…
ummm. sure i did rich.
btw, what a season for AI. such a diverse group of talent. and how about that “young” marilyn monroe, eh?
top 10…maybe?
So now that Spring ball is about 2 weeks away, I’m curious to hear which player(s) will show improvement and challenge for playing time based on how much they committed to off-season training since the Hawaii Bowl debacle.
Top 10?
If DPK read it all, he’d know that Chutt Yo Moutt didn’t win.
I didn’t say they won… I just said they continue to shine. They have won a couple of times before.
shame on you DPK!
The super games vid is too funny. I guess alot of the big boys didn’t play baseball.
Not sure about the new white pants….
And if you READ my post, I did say congrats to da ‘Katz… 😆
I wish we still had arena ball here. I used to enjoy the games when the Islanders and Hammerheads played here.
Hammerhead would be a cool nickname for a linebacker.
Congratulations to Tundakatz for their victory and Steele and Mana for their home runs contributing to the victory!
UH used to have a safety nicknamed Torpedo Head.
But Falaniko Vitale kept getting hurt in practice, which is why he’s an MMA fighter now.
Ryan Mouton was asked about his chance to make it in the NFL, and I think he addressed the questions well.
afternoon all
any truth to a rumor i heard on the streets yesterday, hope it’s no where near the truth but did blaze get advice from his doctors that it might be best to not strap on the pads again…
This writer discusses how Washington doesn’t want to trade for Cutler but also doesn’t want to give Campbell a contract extension. In the middle of the article the writer took a shot at Colt!
Don’t think that’s true.
I saw him walking today. He’s not even limping.
At least DPK knows his faucet brands.
Tsaiko homerun derby sounds fun.
Good morningish everyone!
Looks like ST had an interesting morning.
I took a nap after breakfast and now it’s almost lunch time… 😐
Blaze, tell me it’s not so.
good jobs steele and silva for winning the homer derby for your team the tundakatz. mana silva you hit like your ex highschool teammate kolten wong.
It’s a beautiful morning! (The Rascals). Spring brings eternal optimism and hope. The Warriors need improvement in a host of places.
1. A better offensive line, in particular, the tackles.
2. A better running game and better drive blocking on short yardage situations.
3. To Alexander and any other QBs, don’t try to scramble when there is no opening. Throw the ball away!!! (This was also echoed by Bill Cowher). Better to have it incomplete, instead of losing yardage by a sack.
4. We need a big time receiver who can take it to the house.
5. Ball security. Too many turnovers last year.
6. Better place kicking. The “ice man” struggled last year.
7. Somebody who can kickoff deep into the end zone for touchbacks.
8. Better punt returns. We were terrible last year.
9. What happend to all the blocked kicks that Coach Mac said they would do?
10. Punting is a question mark. With a new punter, we need to find a good one who can be consistent. Also, directional punting to the corners
to help prevent returns.
11. Questions at new long snapper.
12. Defensive line needs to be re-tooled. With the exception for Fonoti there isn’t a lot of experience. I’m real concerned about this group.
13. Linebackers – we lost a lot of experience, but we have some talent in this group. But, they have to perform. Injuries has plagued this group.
14. Secondary – we lost a ton of players and the entire starting group. Again, we have some numbers, but short on experience. The questions are….are these new guys talented and can play?
15. Coaching – this group needs to improve big time. My observations is that they didn’t go a real good job that they should have. With 2 new coaches coming in, the jury is out.
16. Schemes – offensively, the team was very predictable. They did not implement new wrinkles game by game and tried to be innovative to better utilize the personnel’s strengths and weaknesses. With a new coaching staff I thought we would see a lot more new plays, but it was the same ol same ol. UH did not run a hurry up offense and no huddle.
I wasn’t too impressed w/ Ron Lee and Rolovich’s play calling.
I hope we don’t some bailout money!!!!! We just need a few good players!
afternoon gang!
wow, Steele is quite an athlete, noticed that he always finishes suicides first
Stephen – so did give you get a salute?
I also saw Veikune and Mouton today.
They look like they’re in good shape.
The kid shot a 37 from the tips!
And yes, whitey was SMILING! 🙂
Happy Belated Birthdays to Esme and Bighilofan !
OK, big apology to ST who was bustin butt at the “homerun derby” when I thought he was still in the “rack”.
What is the distance from home plate to the walls at the Wahine Softball Stadium? The “warriors” had to hit the softball only 150′ for a home run? hmmmmmmmmmmm.
I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here. Grammar errors just kill an argument.
Why is it that there is only 1 grounds keeper for lower campus? Any oneknow his job description?
Mrs A-House has the work clothes and tools ready to assist whenever the call goes out for help. Of course, I will be next to her!
Distance from plate to wall is 200 feet at Rainbow Wahine Stadium.
Stephen – is Ryan healed up and ready to run at pro day?
ST, any word on how Mike Washington did in yesterday’s Pitt Pro Day? Just wondering.
thanks for the pics and videos, tsai and wai. looks like estes got fooled by a change-up. and i likes the new pants.
Coolen mentioned that he was grateful and happy the admin sponsored a lower campus clean up day, to bad they didn’t ask for volunteers from the public….
I think Mouton is ready to go. He was breaking in some new running shoes today.
According to Mouton, Washington claimed to have run a sub-4.4 and bench-pressed 225 pounds 25 pounds.
LOL, funny stuff.
John Estes has the poorest hiting form as he looks to be lunging off his back foot…who cares, big John is our All-WAC center and he can hit any way he wants.:)
I think it was a department-bonding exercise.
But Coolen, Mr. Neatnik, sure can clean. That was like his Christmas.
If you watch Leila’s video, the fellas “pants’d” Steele.
Lametrius Davis: I thought I told you not to print a picture of me not wearing a shirt.
Mild-mannered reporter: Whoops.
i can just imagine how clean Coach Coolen’s office must be
LIke I said, Coolen vacuums his duster.
stephen, you think the WAC schedule will be released sometime soon? you mentioned that there was a tentative schedule circulating last week, but then i read about boise’s problem with the MAC (for the third straight year), so i guess more delays?
Stephen any word on the street on where Steele will be practicing next month? GREEN, WHITE, or RED jersey?
Good day Tsaikos. Happy belated birthdays to esme and bhf2.
are they hitting a softball or tennis ball?
Eh whitey,
al wanted to know if you got off the plane smiling? 🙂
the white pants look pretty good. idk if it will match with white pants, white jerseys and dark green helmets though. the helmet color doesnt match any of the green on the jersey or the pants so it may look a little funny. bring back the white helmets! also are they going to have the black pants with the tapa print as well?
Howzit, Tsai-ko gang!
Geez, where’s everyone today? Hanging from doin’ a jig last night?
I like the new white pants as long as they wear them on the road with the white jerseys. I don’t know if they’ll look good with the black home jerseys unless there a change in the way the jerseys look. Doing new black pants in the same style of the white would look good imho
you think all of us are going to go back and watch the video so we can see Steele’s underwear??!!?? Maybe the girls and JJ, but not me.
whitey – how’s it hanging??
Big C – How’s it hanging??
This morning I go to McDonald’s and get a free sandwich and a drink. The person on the speaker says “That’ll be $1.57”.
I drive forward to the window and give her $2.02. She tells me that it’s $1.57. I tell her that I just gave you $2.02, what do you want, exact amount? She gives me that dumb look and says, I can give you change…DUH!!!!
Anyone see the new Dell laptops? Adamo or something like that.
Oh, and would be kinda hard to see the tapa design on black pants.
I didn’t know that a free sandwhich and drink cost so much
Stretch – It was a daily special. And what makes it so special if they have it everyday?
Hi everyone…
Contrary to what Stephen said I edited over Steele with his pants down.
Thanks Leila – (J)J will be all habut now.
Princess Leila – how is ST going to get more hits from the ladies?? if any questions it, tell them it was a wardrobe malfunction.
oops.. anyone questions it,….
thanks Leila – J (J) would not be happy with me if i look at other men.
I was gonna say—I didn’t see any wardrobe malfunction on that video.
He/she/it returns.
Are there going to be any other football related tests before spring camp starts?
#64: Awwww…
Howzit, homey….I don’t hang..I bounce……
Just saw Jesse Jackson walk by at LAX
Belated birthday wishes to Esme and BHF2
Pancakes bounce?
LK – You sure it was Jesse Jackson? Does he have twitter?
LK – Was he a working as a porter?
If I had the time I’m sure I could come up with something clever. But ther’re buttoning-up this 757, and I gotta whoosh again. 😉
I think it matters what type of pancake it is – buttermilk, cottage cheese, single blueberry, mac nuts, whip cream topping……
White pants huh?
Didn’t Coach Mack say last year that Under Armour is planning on making all green jerseys for us in 2009?
It’s now 2009… The 100 year anniversary of UH football.
We have the white pants.
Waiting on the green jerseys…
People have wanted to see a “retro night”….
So far.. 50% complete.
LK – I don’t know, writing “Holmes” was pretty clever.
Stretch – Recall what Big C looks like. Now you know what kind pancake?
…and who eats cottage cheese pancakes???
stretch and duffer, sorry for not getting back, but am still hanging and smiling. what a trip!!! long plane ride tho, but all the beer is free.
homey….sounds like you went to the palolo mcd’s.
but, don’t mcd’s down, after all they were only one of two companies who posted an increase in their stock prices in ’08. the other was walmart.
eh whitey….hanging eh? smiling eh?
ok, see you later back to the road.
Hey gang…good afternoon…just wanted to stop by and see what was going on…gotta whoooooshhh for now…..KK, stretch, check your e-mail….talk to you guys later…
al – I’m sure there were some drug companies that posted stock gains in 2008.
Fav at McD’s is the double qtr #’r w/cheese, large fries and a large drink…side order hot fudge sundae.
thanx for the update on #53, i hope he’s able to have a healthy and productive senior campaign
Thanks, Garret for that piece on Colt.
I know that most, if not all of here really believe that Colt, if given a real shot could probably be a starter at that next level. Sure his excellent performance in last year’s pre-season was not against the best defense, but hey, isn’t that who the other higher drafted guys start out against?
Yes, I have a bias and believe that Colt can do it. I’m just hoping that the ‘Skins or someone else smart enough to see it give’s him a real shot (not just allow him one or two mistakes, yank him, and say, “I told you he could’nt do it”).
Just FYI, Smart Football is doing a series on the Run and Shoot this offseason. Here’s the first of the entries:
But, I am a big believer that the ‘shoot both can be a very viable offense in and of itself (hello June Jones!), and, even more than that, I think that understanding the offense is one of the best ways to really understand passing offense generally. This is evidenced by the fact that the offense’s concepts live on in the playbooks of every NFL team and a great swath of college and high school ones.
Well, at least the white pants have something on the sides. I’d need to see it on a mannequin first, though. Just keep James away … 😯
Great afternoon All!
Whew! Not the best of days today but nice to see the team ending up Super Games with one real Chrillah!
Boy, went to the HA homepage to look for Princess’ videos (Nice job, Leila!) and geez! Wat a messed up scene that front page is…shootings, beatings, layoffs, all kine pilikia 👿
Mo’ bettah jus’ stay hea! 🙂
Jason—Thanks for the article link.
Is there something about J(J) I’ve been missing since posting regularly on the WB?
I don’t mind paying an extra $10 for sideline tickets.
To follow up on how ST posted about an NBA player sending out a twitter message during halftime, this company is appealing a $12.6 million verdict against them because one of the jurors sent 8 twitter messages out *during the trial* that showed he was biased against them. Jurors sending twitter messages during a trail…why aren’t their cell phones taken away while they are in the courtroom?
I agree with d1shima, those videos by the Princess were great…and there is all kinds of depressing stuff on that homepage, just like most of the other news sites.
Tomorrow I’ll be offline all day for a business meeting. I go to the airport in San Diego, fly to the San Jose Airport, have a 2 hour meeting with the CEO of a high tech company (hopefully closing a deal), then go to my gate to wait for my flight back to San Diego. I’ve never had a business trip before where I never left the airport!
I hope we find a decent place to eat at the San Jose Airport…
CRW: You don’t want to know … and I don’t even know the full picture! 😉
Hi All!!
I wanna enter, please.
Thank you!!
I Wanna Enter. Drawing is tonight
so wait, lemme get this straight.
first THE Princess interviewed Coach Mack about the new PANTs and then THE Princess edited out the PANTsing of mr. jantz,
Pants/Jantz… coincidence???
HI Tsaikos:
I Wanna Enter.
Off to a meeting–sjmacro
Hmm. Interesting. Guess I’ll have to wait and see what unfolds…..
I want to enter. if win, give to al #2 son.
LK- my sister and hubby is flying from Pensacola to HNL. Houston was shut down and a few hours later the were back a few miles from Cola again because of bad weather. Hopefully they will get to HNL tomorrow. Hope your flts have better weather !
kden I want to enter
afternoon tsai-ko country, hope all had a good day
congrats to the wina wina chicken dinna group Tundakatz
Howzit Everybody,
I want to enter
Happy belated birthday to Esme and BigHilo.
I must say S.J. has won of the worst airports for food.
I would like to enter but I will not since I cannot use the tickets. Shucks.
Good luck to everyone. And, to the winners, cheer enthusiastically!!!
Worst airport food?
I nominate KCI. Dang. You can buy bagels and chips. The fruits look like they were brought out by car from California after they ripened on someone’s kitchen counter.
i wanna enter! 🙂
A little birdie told me to check the Warrior Beat blog…
I want to thank all of you who posted get well wishes, thoughts, and prayers and sent e-mail messages. Although I am not fully recovered and probably never will be 100% for the rest of my life I am making some improvement albeit slow in fighting this COPD (chronic bronchitis/asthma/emphysema) condition that I’ve had since 2005. As most of you know it’s an incurable condition so you just have to deal with it on a day to day basis and be glad you get up the next morning to live another day. I am hoping for the best and hope to make one of the next cattle calls, karaoke calls, tailgate or whatever Tsaiko function. You folks are the best friends! Take care of yourselves.. God Bless!
For the Naysayers in Washington. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Montana
6″2″ 205lbs sound familiar. I met Joe when he played a preseason game in Tokyo. At 5’11” I looked him eye to eye. If he was 205lbs I am Duane Johnson. The one thing he possessed according to Bill Walsh was a presence on the field for one purpose…WIN. A healthy Colt will light-up the pre-season. According to Zorn…that’s Colt’s season this year. If he does as expected, I don’t expect him to be holding the clip board for long. Maybe, Denver would Trade Cutler for Colt and a draft pick. Go Colt!
At the Spokane Shock game right now and it’s 21-7@ halftime. Jason Rivers has 2 catches and started the game. Hercules Satele is playing fullback and hasn’t got any carries yet
I wanna enter
Ope Sawp Gang…
The new white style pants no look to bad. Mo bettah keep the design simple and not too much stuffs. I dunno about all white uni’s though, need some color at least for look good. All white going look mento…
Only 150yds. you gotta be kidding me. I heard Dunnachie can punt at least half dat and deez baboozes can barely hit one tennis ball out da park…ah c’mon. Nah, must’ve been good fun and good thing nobody got hurt from flying bats.
150 feet, not yards.
eh howzit, what is that they playing in…da kine AF2 league ah???
Das what I meant haha even more worse…
I wanna enter
Jantz get pretty good size for one QB, is he also moving into the supposed TE role too???
How fast is R.J. Kiesel-Kauhane??? I know he strong and can jump and somebody said he was in 4.6 range??? Remind of Brad Kalilimoku…
Hey Mr. Stephen Tsai,
If Washington bench-pressed 225 pounds 25 pounds and Arnus did 6. Mike being 5′ 8″ and Bill 6′ 8″, 160 lbs to 230 lbs. Bill can do 20 chinups of up. Mike can do about 500 chinups of up?
hercules at fb…dang, lbs and dbs must be cringing-run the other way Hercules
PB ~ You’re ok wit dat numbah. McGuire & Bonds could hit 450 ft/150yds. LL Fields are 200 ft. to da fences.
Time for da Homey challenge. Who wants to take on the Waipahu Wondah in a Home Run derby?
$5 a try for 3 strikes Derby rules, enter as often as you like. Money to charity.
When is the boys having there Pro-Day in Carson???
Last I heard Pro-Day was on Apr. 2nd…right???
I wanna enter
I Wanna Enter.
Is that suppose to be a max of 250 or 225 25 times? I think 19 more than Bill Arrnmes holds true! I Looked at eyes, and free throw strokes; bench presses, and passing; (thought) triceps curls and outside shots; squats, straddles and jumping ability. The off-season showed, the proof was in the pudding.
Two good recruits, and more W’s for Nash or else (what I think will happen, ala Von Appen, Frank Arnold). Step down Nash, back to assistant or Aloha Ohe Nash.
I wasted too much time with Nash and his team. They sucked.
Great yo hear from you. 🙂
Always enjoy those late night anecdotes; but you take your time. When you ready, Freddy! 😉
I bet you heard about Jantz so that’s why you went to check it out, huh?? I thought it was only for (J)J and the ladies but I guess not.
I Wanna Enter
LTUH . . .
Good to see you !
afan . . .
Your #119 looked like the beginning of a good math problem.
i want to enter………. J (J) bwhahahahahahaha.
Re: Tsaiko’s Tourney Pick’em 09
I wonder if eggits is going to enter again this year?? I want to give him a chance to win his money back…..
Old Time UH Fan: Glad to hear from you. Take care of yourself.
MEILING: wrote about Studebakers and the aged!
Hate to tell her but I learned how to drive on the Old Pali Road (yea, the one from the Lookout to Kailua) on a Studebaker – the one with the torpedo nose!
Good evening Tsai-kos!
I wanna enter.
A-house – I will be sure to bang on da clubhouse door loudly tomorrow. Where’s bhf2 been lately? He not waking up da Keaau chikkens?
Been busy. All day meetings this week, plus projects due. 13 hour day yesterday. Took afternoon off to take keeed to orthodontist and get haircut. Also picked up her glasses. hehehe. Can you say “nerd”? Nah j/k.
I wanna enter
I want to enter the drawing.
I would like to enter
This message board doesn’t let you say the same thing.
I want to enter
I wanna enter the drawing
haha i wanna enter
I want to enter
I wanna enter the vball ticket drawing
I want to enter the drawing
Good evening Tsaikos everywhere.
so my Cali friend called today and said Happy Birthday. I feel honored, but its not my birthday. But thanks for the good wishes, gotta do some work and read up on today’s entries and will back atchu afta i watch American Idol. 😆
Good evening to all!
I wanna enter again, please!
Thank you!
I would like to enter please
I hear that Corey Parades is having a monster off-season work out schedule and may be pushing for significant playing time in 2009.
Yes, more Castle Knights playing for the Warriors!
I want to enter.
Thank you
hi y’all.
wife reminded me that today was our wedding anniversary. told her i didn’t need reminding. i was on da ball. 😀
Counting on you tomorow morning as I am out of the house by 5am and cannot make too much noise going down the street by ST’s house.
But we all know that if there is no new post that he is very busy working on something special – yea, but a new post would be good.
Just got home a little while ago from the Shock game. Jason Rivers had 3 catches and one tackle on a kick-off. One of the catches was on 3rd and long. Hercules Satele had one carry for 2 yards and a tackle on a kick-off.
PB, yup af2.
Ralph, FB in af2 is kinda like an extra lineman. Mostly past blocking with the occasional run or swing pass.
Both players looked good in this preseason game. Hopefully they did enough to stay with the team. There are 35 guys on the roster right now.
During the season, there are 22 guys on the roster with only 19 active.
Here are some photos..or you can click on my name
Hey, BHF2 and Mrs – happy wedding anniversary.
March was a good month for us too!
I want to enter the drawing tonight
I wanna enter.
Go Uconn! Soon to be tourney champs
i want to enter thank you
BYUH 28-23 over Pomona @ the break.
Akana with 3 trays.
Hey DrewHiro –
Wanna win some volleyball tickets?
Hey LTUHF! Good to see your post. Hang in there buddy. Get better soon!
I Wanna Enter
Haha yup. I’m overdoing it a bit, but hey gotta do what you gotta do.
I wanna enter
LTUHF – nice to hear from you. Just gotta take it one day at a time. 🙂
Good to see you on the blog! 🙂
Gotta get over to Maui soon!
Thanks for the pics, djmitcho. I pray those guys can get into the NFL somewhere, it’s where they belong. I’m surprised that more passes weren’t thrown to Jason Rivers. Don’t they know what he got? How big was the crowd? It looked sparse in the pics.
Thank you for the report from the Shock game! I’m glad that Jason and Hercules got to play, though 3 catches for Jason and 1 run for Hercules doesn’t sound like they got a lot of chances. Hopefully they will get more opportunities as the season goes on.
Long Time UH Fan,
Great to hear from you! I hope that your health situation gets better and that you can attend more events where the Tsaikos can enjoy your company.
Sadly, I think you are correct about the poor food options at the San Jose Airport. I just checked out the airport map and it doesn’t look like there are any good options outside of the secure area. Maybe I’ll tell the CEO to take me somewhere nearby (Santa Clara University is really close to the airport so I know a lot of places to eat near the airport), or I’ll just meet with him and then grab some fast food on the way to the airport.
At least Lori made a lot of poke today, so I will have some poke waiting for me when I get back. Plus, the family is picking me up from the airport and we’re going straight to our favorite pho place…my in-laws have tried a lot of pho places in Hawaii and they prefer this place in San Diego, which is great since it is $5 for a huge bowl with a ton of meat. Between the pho for dinner and the poke as a nighttime snack, I might decide to skip the San Jose Airport food.
I would like to enter again haha
Anyone know what time the drawing will be?
I wanna enter
I Wanna Enter.
I Wanna Enter
I would like to enter.
I wanna Enter.
psssst, pssst.
i wanna enter
I want to enter. thank you
i recall brashton satele being a pretty good baseball player in the days of his youth.
I want to enter the drawing.
I want to enter
Some days I wish I had the life of my 5-year-old. For examples, yesterday she was so happy to go to school–they really do an awesome job of teaching each kid at their own level. Faith has refused to miss school for Disneyland, Legoland, Hawaii, pretty much anything…in fact, the only thing that she and Mika say that they are happy to miss school for is a cruise (SteveM will appreciate that).
After school Faith had a play date with her two close friends from Kindergarten. They rotate houses each Tuesday and they enjoy the 2 hours after school together.
After that, we picked up Mika and brought the girls to their gymnastics class. They have so much fun!
After that, we went to Souplantation for dinner–the kids love that place and always eat well. The kids are just $1.69 and Lori and I had a buy-1-get-1-free coupon for us, so it was a cheap meal. We ate with the family of Faith’s best friend–they were inseparable in preschool and always appreciate seeing each other now. Faith and Nicole sat far away from the adults and just talked story and ate the entire time…it was so cute to watch them having such an animated conversation, kind of like a Cattle Call for 5-year-olds.
Then Faith slept very well last night (she was exhausted) and woke up happy because today she had PE at school. Watching her innocent happiness, I really appreciate how my girls are happy, healthy, and growing up so well.
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off-topic stuff.
The world’s first flying car made its first flight earlier this month.
DPK, Garrett
It was a pre-season game on a week night, so yeah the crowd was sparse. During season games it’s usually a sold out crowd of over 10,000. Actually J. Rivers started the game, played the first 2 series and then sat out the rest of the half. He played the entire 2nd half though. Except for the first 2 series, Rivers played with the 2nd and 3rd string qb’s who are rookies and still getting used to the system. Jason did play the decoy a lot, and threw a lot of good blocks.
Satele, while is playing FB, is actually more like an extra o-lineman. He played the 2nd quarter and the entire 2nd half and special teams.
It is nice that airports in Italy, Portugal, Poland and Nigeria have already purchased this MagShoe screening device, as it allows for passengers to leave their shoes on as they go through airport screening.
I Wanna Enter
It is sad how Zimbabwe is cut off from the Internet again, another sign of the problems their country has.
Porn stars are teaming up to get workers comp.
Researchers modified a Roomba so that it would back away from angry people!
Free play links pau.
Pomona comes from behind 59-58 with 3.5 sec left to beat BYUH– advances to the final 8.
Thank you very much for that additional information! I had forgotten that was a preseason game…stats don’t matter much in the preseason, as playing time is split then. The important thing is that Jason Rivers started the game and had the entire second half for experience. I’m sure that he blocked well–we saw how physical a blocker he was as a Warrior.
For Hercules, it is harder to tell how he did without watching the game tape, but I’m sure that he did well. A blocking FB role should give him a chance to utilize his mobility, especially since there really aren’t going to be the standard running plays that require pulling like he did with the Warriors.
Garret, re #180, what an enjoyable post; if we could be five all over again LOL.
I would like to be five again as well. Heck, I’d like to be 12, like the boy in church tonight who saw my midterm review sheet and asked me what I was studying. I said, “College math.” He said if I taught him, he could learn it. 😯
Well, he is pretty smart. But real analysis is kinda tricky, y’know? Especially when it comes to topology. Ugh, if only it were all “Show that this sequence converges,” or “Show that this function is continuous.” For once, I like epsilons and deltas … 😀
Okay, I better go to bed so I can study hard in the morning. Let’s see if anybody else even remotely understands the math I just talked about. Good night! 😛
Darn it, now I really want soup. Thanks a lot, Garret. We don’t have a Souplantation here, nor an Olive Garden with soup and breadsticks! :'(
ST ~ Please announce a winnah of those tickets ASAP. I want DPK’s good friend, DrewHiro to win, ASAP…maybe the ringing in my ear will stop!
Hey. I want to enter. Thanks
well if drewhiro doesn’t win at least one set of vb tickets, he or she should avoid las vegas at all cost…..
byu hawaii folded with 5 minutes to go like our warriors….got to play to win all game long and keep up the intensity on offense, transition and defense..I hear the same echo, wait until next year….
I want to enter
Na wahine open WAC softball at la tech, defending WAC champs, this saturday….
Friesen in NCAA diving championships at Texas A&M…good luck!
DrewHiro ~
Remember the last entry rule ST put in place?
Ralph – BYU-Hawaii had a good season. One bad game does not make one like our Warriors. Peace be with you.
Ralph – BYU-Hawaii had a good season. One bad game does not make one like our Warriors. Peace be with you.
Ralph – BYU-Hawaii had a good season. One bad game does not make one like our Warriors. Peace be with you.
Say good night…goodnight.
haha i was aware of that. Thus, I tried to space my entries out as much as possible.
I wanna enter
Homes ~ Sandee goin’ spank you instead of spike you!
oyasumina-tsai. See ya tomorrow.
Patnah face book addy neva work send again
I want to enter. or am I to late.
I want to enter.
I wanna enter.
I Wanna Enter. again
Good morning all!
I hope the vb ticket winners enjoy themselves at the game. Please cheer loudly for the rest of us who cannot be there!
Great Morning All!
Tough break for the Seasiders. Like the Poly coach said, if the ball bounces to the other side of the net, BYUH wins. 🙁
Have a great day erryboddy!
d1島 — why are you up so late/early?
Hmmm…why am I? 😐
Good night.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
So who is the winner?? I hope it is announced before 7pm tonight.
Stretch ~ Good morning!…you have to wait outside the SSC for the announcement because you must be present to win. Nah j/k…I’m guessing you going to Kauai this morning. Safe trip over & back.
d1島 ~ I was just thinking about how your little signature icon looks like a tiny little shopping cart. Cute!
morning gang!
is it too late to enter?
if not, i wanna enter for DrewHiro 🙂
Good morning Tsaikos. I see stretch and kekoa are up early. my body time clock is still out of whack from the trip.
good morning stretch, kekoa, loa
morning whitey
welcome home, did you win or donate?
my educational trip to the philippines was well worth it. going through customs and immigration in manila was relatively easy, but getting out of manila on the highway is an advance course in driving. if i had to drive in manila, i would never reach my destination.
whoops, i thought you went to las vegas
glad you enjoyed the education, heard it can be kinda dangerous
have a couple of workmates planning a visit later this year
in manila, driving lanes have no meaning. if a road is designed and marked for 2 lanes, they have 5 lanes of cars, trucks, buses, etc. how you survive in that kind of driving is unreal. i did not see one accident, but if they had one, no place to stop. it is a mad, mad, mad world of driving.
loa, outside of manila, the people are really nice. we had no problems, but we kinda stayed in the “open” and not put ourselves to risk. with the exception of driving, the cultural learning experience is very good. dang, only in that short while, i started to speak english like them. ai soos.
loa, where are they going to??? for us unfortunate one who are not married, angeles city is a very good place to learn about culture.
whitey – i heard the same thing about the people, i think angeles city too
loa, if they going angeles city, they might not come home. hahahahaaaaa. you might have to say goodbye to them for awhile.
now, got to get started on planning what to do for the April 11th scrimmage on Maui.
break time
whitey – i guess you and duffer gotta start doing some research before the 11th
ok, i betta get back to the books before Stretch gets on my case
Loa ~ That’s a clever strategy. Hook up with Drew, and be your own crew!
Howzit wafan! Got Snow?
Whitey ~ Eh! Welcome home Ambassador to the Phillipine Jungle!
My last excursion into P.I. in Feb. of ’86 was not to exchange pleasantries with Imelda and Ferdy. In fact, she was not happy to see me at all. It spelled the end of her shopping spree, that’s for sure!
So the planning for the T-gate continues. Me & Pops were going to ride over on the HSF, but now that these idiots starting ‘ackin up again, no mo chance. I’m not sure what we’ll do now. Several others have indicated that there was some small concerns about ground transportation and lodging. We look forward to your recommendations.
*banging on da clubhouse door* GOOD MORNING TSAI-KOS!!!
This is your wake-up call!! March Madness begins NOW!!!! 1st game on da terebi NOW!!! All day.
OK, so who’s playing hooky today and tomorrow? 😆
Kekoa – using new ‘putah, so send me email. I may have a solution to your interisland transportation problem.
ST – GET UP!!! You neva wen pick da winnas. So wen dat goin happen?!!
jmama ~ You got mail.
ST was overloaded by a certain individual yestaday…and Hi-Flyer dis morning.
it was the Tundakatz’s turn. Jantz, a switch-hitter, batted left-handed during regulation. But he struggled in that appearance because he faced the rising sun. This time, he batted right-handed. He clobbered the winning homer, triggering a wild celebration. Aterward, the Tundakatz team, began singing “We Are The Champions.”
And there was also a set of brothers. They played for 8 years together and would not talk to each other. They finally broke up for the Olympics this year. One of them played against the US team of Rogers/Dalhausser tonight. They showed a video of the brothers tonight. They would not even high five when one of them did something good.
Laciga brothers are from Switzerland.
Hey in this world there is nothing free and i hope in the future it won’t be distributed free.
volleyball is really very nice game usually people go for entertaining purpose especially.
I love volleyball game and my younger brother is playing professional and he is very happy from his profession and nature of game.
Really this is the great effort for beating the great warriors and i think it would not be so easy.
Really very cracking news,i m very crazy about such things….
it depends on the season and economy environment for people and the locations.
Has there ever been sisters on the same team in the olympics for beach volleyball?
Of course, if you want to give volleyball ticket then i have desire that you give me that ticket because volleyball is my favorite game and i loving it so so much.
He clobbered the winning homer, triggering a wild celebration. Aterward, the Tundakatz team, began singing “We Are The Champions.”
Tuika Tufaga is the captain. Team members are Silva, Jantz, Ray Hisatake, Raphael Ieru, Royce Pollard, Elliott Purcell,
With the immense popularity of Rainbow Warriors and Rainbow Wahine volleyball and basketball, not to mention the other awesome events that are held at the Stan Sheriff Center
Don´t watch the other players to see what they´re doing. Don´t worry about the score. Play your very best, every play, and the rest will take care of itself.
i think all the Guys are doing good practice and want to say about volleyball ticket that you send me that ticket………………….Ha ha ha…….
Yeah very nice,i m ready..
Give please. There are sadistic scientists who hurry to hunt down errors instead of establishing the truth.
I am from Chad and learning to speak English, please tell me right I wrote the following sentence: “Compare and search deals on flights, airline tickets and hotel deals to thousand of locations.”
With respect :-(, Raquel.