UH hires RB coach
Wayne Moses, who has coached at five Pac-12 schools, has been named the Rainbow Warriors’ new assistant coach in charge of running backs.
Moses most recently was with Army.
But he also was on the same staff with Norm Chow at UCLA and USC.
He is expected to join the team in time for Tuesday’s opening of spring training.
* * * * *
When Scott Harding — UH’s punter, punt returner, slotback and backup holder — has extended free time, it’s usually not spent indoors.
Harding has developed a passion for golf. This break, he has played on Kauai and Oahu. He hopes to play at Turtle Bay this weekend.
Harding said his handicap is “14-16.”
Harding is coming off a season in which opponents averaged 0.3 return yards per his 56 punts. Five of his hop-skip-jump punts resulted in lost fumbles.
* * * * *
Congrats to:
> Safety Charles Clay, who was invited to the NFL’s super regional combine in Detroit.
> Former UH cornerback Abraham Elimimian, who was hired as Simon Fraser’s defensive coordinator.
* * * * *
Quarterback Beau Reilly moves to Hawaii today. Although he does not go on scholarship until this summer, Reilly wanted to come to Hawaii early, at his own expense, to watch the Warriors’ spring training.
Who is Simon Fraser?
2. I’m second to no one.
I C… I’ve looked it up…
1st 5
Even at 53, you’re never to old to learn something.
Neti Pot — where have you been all my life?
american idol judge that drinks at cheers
ST – loved the Neti Pot, then graduated to the Neilmed Sinus Rinse for extra strength. Good stuff!
Joe’s brother…
I never knew about Neti Pot until I saw my son’s girlfriend carrying what appeared to be a mini teapot.
Guud Morning Tsaikos…bootiful day.
Neti Pot…what position will he play?
Good morning Tsaikos! Happy Aloha Friday!
Neti Poti sounds like an outside linebacker.
The point is, I can actually smell the coffee this morning.
my nose gets messed up once in a while…I go diving and it really helps..must be same principal…sometimes get bonus and find one tako.
It’s Aloha Friday…no work till Monday…except for ST.
#15 Nothing like the taste and smell of coffee in the morning – except maybe bacon.
Net Poti: Hybrid DE/OLB – great upside, motor that doesn’t quit, all the physical tools, big time playmaker, disruptive defensive player……..
And a bright Hawaii morning to Beau Reilly!
Sorry about that. Watching too much of Mel Kipper 🙁
Did somebody say bacon?
I feel like bacon now. And not those flimsy bacons they toss on burgers at fast-food places. I want the crispy kind that you can pick up with your fingers, bite off and start talking like a pirate.
And as Colin Cowherd pointed out this morning, whole-wheat bread has been found to not be so healthful.
Bring out the bacon.
Looks like most of the guys are working real hard in preparation for spring camp. No wonder why we only win one game. Where’s the dedication?
Good morning everyone!
Welcome to Hawaii, Beau Reilly!
Congrats to Elimimian!
Team actually had a really good offseason conditioning program.
Seven weeks of intense workouts. It ended last week because of this week’s spring break.
If UH struggles this year, it won’t be for a lack of hard work or conditioning.
Is Neti related to Pol?
Was there to watch a game and saw the team walk by softball stadium on their way to practice field for conditioning workouts. Many of them look to be in stellar physical condition thanks to Coach Beemer.
RE: #16
NorthShoreFan — I noticed that surfing with a cold really cleared my sinuses after a few wipe outs. Free saline sinus flushes. Of course, that was loooong ago when I was indestructible enough to surf with a cold.
So I skipped the Neti Pot and used the squeeze bottle as a wipe-out substitute. 🙂
I wonder if BigWave96744 uses a sinus flush?
st., i got introduced to the neti pot about 15 yrs ago, great tool, been using it ever since. if you using hawaiian salt, make sure it’s dissolved before use..lol
24- Whole wheat bread has never been healthy with high fructose corn syrup. Now whole grain bread without high fructose corn syrup is cool
27- So what your saying is if the team struggles it’s due to lack of coaching? Any other options there?
Bacon good–hmmmn: http://simply-delicious-food.com/2012/03/13/the-ultimate-blt-sandwich/
Congrats and best wishes to Charles Clay.
Happy Birthday wishes to LizKauai and papajoe2!
27. Coaching, not learning plays, not executing plays, talent difference, size, injury, union work slow down, etc….
today’s musings…
neti pot
…st, one hazard. don’t drown.
…is that to replace kona gold?
beau reilly
…i like that enthusiasm.
…making all the right moves.
…max who?
abe elimimian
…hoping he will one day coach at his alma mater
…could do damage on the recruit trails of inner city los angeles
…brother sol could be in the trail.
scott harding and Charles clay
…the pursuit of excellence continues
…hard work is mandatory
…cowboy bacon. can smell the buggah in my mind’s tastebuds.
…pair it with pupu pups, 4 eggs, steaming hot rice with mayonnaise and kikoman.
simon poti’s brother
happy big ones to liz and papajoe.
one’s out there fishing the coast of west Kauai and the other might be cruising the ocean somewhere.
…not to be denied. happy belated birthday to surfer girl cat toth.
@#2 Simon Fraser University in Canada; perhaps more well-known for its Pipe Marching Band then its football team. I love the sound of bagpipes – stirs one’s spirit. Congrats to Abe Elimimian.
one more…happy birthday to long time hanabata days friend hwnstln.
you old buggah.
remember playing tackle football on the side walks?
“run through the line”
#12 Nose guard
Ahhh, the blog topic brings a golf joke to mind and since it’s stupid joke Friday…
A husband comes home after spending 8 hours at the golf course and the wife confronts him, “Why did you take so long today?” He tells her, “Tom had a heart attack on the 2nd hole.” “Oh how awful that must have been”, she says.
He shoots back, “You’re telling me, after that all day long it was hit the ball, drag Tom, hit the ball, drag tom…”
neti pot warning:
best bacon we ever ate was in San Diego on the trip 2 years ago
thick-wild hickory smell and they gave 5 pieces with every serving – pancakes or eggs or whatever
#40 Al…reminds me of our young days of who could run thru the line. Talk about pounding and I still don’t get it to this day as to why that was fun especially when had hardly no grass and plenty of rocks. We had one slab of open field next to construction equipment where the Pearl Harbor Park is at but of course it was not a park back than.
old808…we played it on the sidewalk.
Happy Birthday!
If you’re out golfing…….hurry up before the big rain and wind comes.
And watch out for the Hail!
Have a fun day.
There was a guy who lived in the neighborhood who as a child was afflicted with polio. One arm was essentially useless as it was without muscle. His nickname was “Stick”. No kidding. The reason I mention him is that he was an incredible athlete with just one good arm. I can imagine what he could have done had he not been handicapped.
We used to find a yard and spend hours playing tackle football on a small sliver of grass. Touch football was played in the street, sometime with a regular football, sometimes with a tennis ball, sometimes with a ball wrapped with newspaper, wrapped with electric tape. We did a lot of “up the middle” stuff, too, just for the licks.
I don’t see any of this kind of activity today.
ST and so has every other D1 team in America. If you want to make up ground on the rest of the competition you can’t just do what everyone else is doing. Boise’s off season participation is almost 100%. Any coincidence that they are always on top? It’s the extra voluntary stuff that can make a difference. I don’t see chip shots and putting making a difference. Just my opinion.
35- IMO I can accept injuries as a legit reason. And difference in talent is evident through scheme, but I think the Warriors are or should be on par with the MW. So I think the rest is on the coaching staff.
49- Ditto.
49. Helps to have the Eye of the Tiger that walk ons have. The determination to succeed.
For bacon lovers –
your post about the UCLA “food closet” is very interesting and certainly can benefit a person like Parker (see yesterday’s post)
if the “biggies” such as UCLA or Texas or Oklahoma can do it why not UH?
being that it’s open to ALL students, we as “designated booster”, can contribute without any risk of a NCAA violation.
question is” who will create a plan and propose it to Chancellor Apple for his review/acceptance/execution – presumably there must a location designated and rules on days/time open, who will control, etc.
perhaps a good place to start is securing information from UCLA’s program and using this as the “base” of UH’s food closet
once established, KaLeo can be the “medium” to let all students know it exists, location, day/time open, etc.
since UH is known as a “commuter school” unsure how many will utilize it, but what the heck it’s a tremendous idea worth spending time working on
use any local media or tv station to bring this to the attention of all and anyone who wants to donate can do so at any large market on Oahu by dropping it into a container – one can here, another can there – soon many cans
I like this Reilly kid already. He’s eager to get into the starting QB race, even though he can’t participate officially yet.
off topic …
Mark Sanchez, released last Friday by the Jets, signed a one-year, $2.25 million contract. He can earn up to $4 million if he maxes out on his playing-time incentives.
He said he received offers from a “handful” of teams but chose the Eagles because of their offensive firepower and coach Chip Kelly’s “cutting edge” approach.
(I’m not a fan of Sanchise, but I think he will play better than he did, the past couple of seasons.)
Basebows leading…
Wahine Softbows leading…
it’s going to be tough year for the basebows with 3 teams ranked within the top 15 nationwide
hope the past history does not repeat as they normally “fade” in conference play – let this year be a new beginning for them!!!!!!!
Softbows win 7 – 3
Basebows win 3 – 1
I think with the big west having 3 game series instead 4, it really helps the rainbows with their bull pen which was an issue in the preseason. They have a solid pitcher that they can use in relief.
Is it permissible under NCAA rules for Beau to work out with the receivers – i.e. toss the ball around, assuming that there is no supervision by the coaches and not in an organized practice?
Max please come to Hawaii!!
Beau welcome to hawaii!!!!
#27 Study the play book,practice
fast and then play fast!!!!! Faster!!
I don’t see why not. Say if he went to a park and just so happens a few UH receivers were playing toss. He should be able to join in and throw some tight spirals.
Sheesh, Softbows finished their game before the Basebows yet there is no report of their win in the Star Advertiser updates. Guess the S’tizer staff are busy with other potential breaking news.
But their is an update on “Nut sales plunge for Hawaii’s biggest macadamia grower”. 🙄
Okay den, back to the NCAA bball championships. Have a good weekend and try to stay dry.
If you use Twitter, follow @NaWahineSB – UH rainbow wahine softball booster club twitter. Has over 4,900 UH Rainbow Wahine Softball related tweets to date and over 500 followers locally, nationally, and internationally. All the updates as deemed necessary and justifiable 25/8/366 all day every day.
Yes, there is enough going on to justify over 4,900 tweets about one program during the season and off season as well.
It’s about getting the word out. 😎
Welcome, Coach Moses. He’ll be here in time for the start of spring ball.
Kevin, I’m not in the twitterverse.
I wonder what Moses’ commandments are for running backs?
1. Thou shall not fumble.
2. The QB is god-like, protect him at all cost.
3. Run hard, run smart, don’t trip on the turf.
#46 we used to play the military kids from Magrew Point two hand touch football but we kept wiping them out so they asked to play tackle football. Those boys were a lot bigger than us small fries but we still beat them. We were just faster. One of our guys got hit from the side and you could hear his bone snap. That was the last time we played tackle football at Magrew Point.
Wayne Moses … link to …
Wayne Moses … link to … wiki p
If the online bios of Moses are correct, we probably don’t have to worry about giving him a 2-year contract. He doesn’t seem to stay at one school for longer than 1-2 years.
Well, Moses didn’t have much of a choice at Army, Idaho, UCLA and Stanford. He was let go because of coaching changes which isn’t a comforting trend. But, I think he brings a lot more experience at developing running backs than the last coach.
Might want to add his one year to Pittsburgh to the list of exits as a result of coaching changes.
Coach Wayne Moses, aloha and welcome to the Warriors.
Might want to add his one year at Cal to the list of exits as a result of a coaching change.
I better stop there…lol
Most times the new head coach wants to bring in his own guys anyway so I don’t know how much all of that should be put against him.
Hauoli Lahanau to all the birthday peeps in Tsaiko land….have a good one today.
trying to make it to the Garden Isle this summer…and Kona later…
Aloha & Welcome Coach Moses…show the path through the oline for our running backs..
he he he…hope there will be no more head coaching changes
the next several years for him…should try n break that
short 2 year streaks …surely must be hard on
his family….maybe he will out live the original
moses…(120) at hawaii…he he he
Welcome Coach Moses. Help Coach Chow lead us to the promise land!
congratulations to both basebows and softbows on their win this pm. excellent work and best to you on conference play.
BYU-Hawaii to phase out athletics over next 3 years
sad news indeed …..ai-eee-soos….many sports minded students
both kane n wahine be sad n hurt also I presume…..
Who was the last rb coach? And where did he go?
79. Wasn’t implying it was a negative in his ability to coach. Just pointing that out so folks wouldn’t think of him as a coach that can’t stay in one place. He had a couple of NFL RBs under his wing like Toby Gehart and Jonathan Franklin.
Here’s his Army bio:
Last RB coach was Wisehan who went to Temple.
Temple announcement of Wisehan hiring.
Byuh won a couple of national championships in volleyball, was runner up last year. Will be amongst the top ranked teams this year.
very sad to see byuh end its sports program in 2016. they have given our state lots of memories in sports and best to them in the future.
welcome aboard wayne moses.
sounds like a nice hire. recruits the inland empire (east l.a.) and the east bay (oakland, richmond. etc). two hotbeds loaded with talented young men.
nice resume,
Didn’t BYUH used to dominate in tennis?
i am afraid that with byuh sports biting the bullet it could take down hawaii-hilo and chaminade with it.k
i sure hope for the good of the program that the next assistant vacancy will be filled by a hawaii alumni who can recruit the hawaii schools, south pacific, new zealand, and australia. it would be nice to also have contacts in san diego, oceanside, etc.
don’t you hate the so called supporters of the program who instead of hoping for positive results will only anticipate doom n gloom?
today’s huge victory over no. 10 ucsb by the ‘bows on the road did wonders for all the true fans and supporters.
this year’s team has a lot of good pitching finally. a healthy club is showing the pundits what it could with their guns loaded. the spunk of the focuses around some little guys like alivado and ventimilla. flores has comeback in a flurry now that he doesn ‘t have to worry about fielding his position(left field back to first).
and how about that doi boy!
#94 – depends how serious, fast, and financially creative Rockne is.
With addition of Wayne Moses, spring staff is a little more complete. Something tells me tis way part of a plan all along with the departure of Wisehan…..odd timing. Does not matter he has had a bunch of stops along the way….that is not all that uncommon in that business and in order to remain at a school for a lengthy period it reqires chemistry and winning….I welcome the addition. Lots riding on the development and output at RB. The guy certainly has a wealth of experience
Good morning!
97….While expediency might have a role to play, in the end, and at this stage of the game, I’m not too sure how creative Rockne can be, or whether it would matter. The business plan has to be tethered to almost certain solvency and have the capacity for sustainability. I guess what I am saying, the numbers are the numbers, and at the end of the day, they will dictate decision-making.