Speedy DB commits to UH
Kevin Williams, a speedy corner from Los Medanos College (PIttsburg, Calif.), has accepted a UH football scholarship.
Williams is 5-10 and 175 pounds. He said he ran 40 yards in 4.34 seconds at a scouting combine at Chabot College the past summer.
He also can play slotback and running back. Some compare him to Ryan Mouton, at least potential-wise.
Comments are closed.
Good Morning Stephen.
awesome….speed we need speed and more of it.
any chance that his teammate jump ship too?
wr — michael lindsey, 4.3 also made a soft verbal to memphis st.
Not sure about Lindsey.
I hope he can contribute right away, these one year wonders put a lot of stress in transitioning from year to year…Dowling, E Rob and Roberts will be gone after one full year of competition and our D backs have been burnt a lot this season…
Hope springs eternal once again.
I think we should all have a field trip to Hope Springs one day.
hope springs????
is this another subliminal message?
isn’t hope springs near college of the desert?
well, ralph. it is hard to knock the jc cornerback/safety pickups since we have had a history of success with it. mouton, roberts, erob, newberry, gerard, moreland, and others.
we can with better planning as exampled by the mack era, recruit early and get those who will probably be qualified or already qualified to transfer
Good nite gentlemen. Great to hear the good news about adding some more speed to the team.
Speed Kills!!!!!
here’s a story on williams.
funny how he went from a four star to a two star now that we pick him up. there goes chris fetters again.
impressive stat is his ko return average of 40 yards. that and his passes defended numbers.
notice wears the same number as mouton.
Late night dinner at the Cal.
Line was long, food was average, service sucked.
The ladies both had Ox tail soup with mixed results
some meat was super soft, some was undercooked and tough.
Yona had NY Steak, nothing special, biggest complaint, only one scoop rice.
Chili and Rice, fresh from the can.
Won ton min, retarded waiter brought saimin instead.
French Fries, cold and not crispy
Many better places to spend Fifty bucks
LV ~ Bad ‘comfort’ food at the CAL…no surprise. That’s one reason why we’ll prolly stay at our Condo when we go up in Sep ’09. Mrs. & I usually prefer to cook our own most of the time. Much more efficient and time saving – which translates to more gaming time. The specialty restaurants are good tho…like your fave ones off the strip. We plan to hook up with everyone at the T-gate/game.
Diana prefers either the tables or the machines to football anyway. It’s hard for her to get much traction at the tables. Pit Bosses don’t like it when she gets too ‘lucky’ so they change dealers on her a lot.
top 20!
Welcome to the WARRIOR NATION Kevin Williams!
4.3=speed KILLS!!!
sorry….. Good morning Tsaikos! 🙂
thank you to all the servicemen and women for serving the GREAT ole USA!!!
Happy Belated Birthday Mrs. Bulla!
Lyn – i know bulla made it a special day for you and “made memories”.
MAHALO to Aunty Liz, MadeinHawaii, North ShoreFan and Manoa for your insights on clavicle injuries!!! I will relay the info. Very much appreciated! You guys are “da bestesest!!!”.
continued prayers for DrDoc.
W-Doc – please take care, also.
wish everyone the best today (even you sister sledge….. bwhahahahahaha).
A humongous mahalo to each and every one of our veterans who have served and continue to serve our great country. It is because of your tremendous sacrifices, so often unrecognized, disregarded, and disrespected, that we have the freedoms we enjoy today.
While the Constitution grants us freedoms we often take for granted the sweat and blood of our brave men and women of the US military who guarantee them.
So, today, on this Veterans Day, I ask that each of us take a moment to thank an active or retired serviceman and servicewoman, or visit a cemetery to pay your respect for their sacrifice. For each of their past, present and future sacrifices on our behalf. They truly live what President Kennedy said all those years ago, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”
Who will provide the answer? What must be done? How will we answer the call?
Looks like a great prospect … speed, speed, and more speed.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
Happy Veterans Day to all past and present military personnel. Thank you.
What the heck am I doing up so early?? It’s a holiday and no more practice. Time for me go back sleep. See you guys later.
Kekoa, looking forward to 9/09!!!!!
Thanks to ALL of our VETERANS, you too, Dad!
Welcome to the Warriors Kevin Williams!
Speed is needed in Mac’s D, 4.34 time is great, with that speed he will be able to be molded into an excellent contributor by the coaches.
Morning Tsaikos.
Thanks to all the veterans.
Have a great Holiday all.
Morning, Tsaiko-Nation and Tsai-Meister.
The future is starting to look brighter and brighter. I think under McMackin, our program will find permanent residence in the top 20 in a couple of years. It will take a couple of years to fill out the years that were lacking and to have at least two deep in every position on a steady basis.
Brett Favre’s nephew seems to be an excellent junior QB without a scholarship offer yet. I wonder if Mac or any of the other coaches have a link to Favre?
Happy Veterans Day to all of the veterans like my Dad.
My company is not giving me the day off today…I should complain to the President of my company!
Happy Veterans day to all who served so selflessly and are on this side of life or the other, to protect all of us who didn’t. Our gratitude is large, but is dwarfed by your sacrifices. Your history is long and illustrious.
Great Morning All!
A heartfelt salute to all Veterans this morning. Thank you all for your service and sacrifice.
Welcome to the Ohana, Kevin Williams. Another testament to Coach Rolo’s future in coaching that his favorable impression on Williams should endure this long and lead to another commit.
Speaking of speed, that same college which Mr. Williams goes to,(Los Medanos), is home to a speedy WR,(Myron Dillard-6’0″/195lbs/4.28-40.
He has offers from about 6+ BCS schools besides interest from UH.
On that note, there’s a UH prospect whose a QB, Tym Pearson-6’2″/200lbs/4.31-40, yeah!!, that’s speed for you!! and he’s a high school senior from Springfield, Oregon. If anything at all, he could probably move to cb, wr, or whatevers??..good size for a qb though, with speed.
Good morning tsaikos and a special good morning to all of our veterans, past and present. To our veterans, i salute you for all you have given to us and helping keep us safe from harm’s way. This is your day!!!!
morning gang!
Happy Veterans Day! much mahalos for your service
Happy Belated Birthday to Bulla’s better 1/4 !
Welcome to the Warriors Kevin, nice no.
just surfing around and ran across a commit to the warriors from down under. Jesse Williams, 6′ 5″, 310 lbs, DT. this was in rivals.com commit list for UH.
i forgot to add that i haven’t seen his name before, so that is why it got my attention. if he had been previously mentioned, pls excuse me. if not, is he a commit??
Good Morning Tsaiko gang!
I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all those who have served in the armed forces past and present and their families. Your sacrifices have given this great nation the opportunity to live the lives we do. Happy Veteran’s Day!
Good morning, all! I also salute all veterans today … and especially those in our Tsaiko ranks. *hand on heart* We owe you a huge debt of gratitude.
al, cool news link. Especially like the sound of the 40 yard ave return. Whoa, we could use some ‘o that!
ok, time to go, see you all later.
I actually hope we DON’T see Bulla on the blog until late today. Because that would mean he spent himself yesterday lavishing love and attention on his birthday girl. Heh.
Anyway, back later. Got two keiki home with me today.
Jesse has been a commit for awhile. The Advertiser (ST) had the commit news on 9/9/08.
Jesse has actually been basically a UH commit since September *2007*. Here are a couple of quotes from him on 9/20/07
Here is the news from 9/21/07 that Jesse committed to UH:
Aloha Kakahika!!!
Great news of Kevin Williams joining the Warriors.
Going holoholo w/ my cuz this morning… TTYL
This is one reason why I do my archive blog…it makes it so easy for me to look this stuff up!
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Welcome to the Warriors, Kevin!
Happy Vets Day to the respectful Vets.
My neighbors down the street decided to party hearty last night. I have to work today so at 11pm I asked them to tone it down so I could sleep.
I had to go out there and ask again at 12:45AM. They said they had the right to party and were not sympathetic to my forced insomnia and continued to make noise (playing ping pong in the carport and yelling out scores) and taunted me individually.
Then suddenly, they got quiet. Perhaps the cop next door asked them the same thing I did. But then I couldn’t sleep because the complete lack of aloha and bully approach (“I have to work at 6am” – “and I have to work at 5am” – and then shouting out fake scores when they were not playing any more and turning up their stereo) by a neighbor and their friends disturbed me more than the noise itself.
This neighbor is a military recruiter.
Aloha Peoples,
Been BZ just have bean lurking. I got peeved at the USU game the week before last and vented a little, but nothing but praise for the Warriors and the Coaches this week. There are still some things that need attention and I won’t repeat what most others have…lets just say that I am glad we are getting more players for the secondary, CB, SS, FS, its all good. Now where are the O-Line commits? =)
A hearty welcome to Mr. Kevin Williams and start preping for next year and I hope that he can come in this coming spring.
ST: Do you know where he is set to enroll here at UHM?
whitey: Jesse has been a commit (albeit) no LOI yet for a couple of years already. He basically has been waiting for UH as to when they want him to come in. I.E. greyshirt, etc.
Here is Sportsbow’s recruiting lists so you can check them out.
2009: http://forum.sportshawaii.com/sh/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=16674
jesse williams committed earlier year. must have been announced while your were chasing silvers and kings up north or chasing your retirement funds in the silver city or chasing darkside merchants.
Williams will be coming here in May, I believe.
Thanks ST for the 411.
Oh, wait. Which Williams are we talking about?
LoL, da Defensive back one =)
Kevin Williams comes here in May.
Good to see so many of you awake already this morning!
So the Princess’ first videos will be the ones from D.C.?
We are looking forward to your contributions to the UH family.
Hope all the good vibes you are receiving will make your WR team mate to consider joinging you in Hawaii.
AND, to all our vets – thank you for all your sacrifices at home and abroad. We would not be here today without YOU.
Generally not one to look a gift-horse in the mouth (and, no, I am not comparing the Princess with a horse’s mouth) why is it “they” refused to pay for the videos but then turn around and send the Princess out to DC for videos?
Personally, I am looking forward, with anticipation, to the Return of the Princess!
A hearty Warrior Welcome to Mr. Kevin Williams!
😆 😆 😆
Karaoke Call Survey
Karaoke Call for this Saturday evening, November 15 for yesterday’s birthday girl and the Bombers.
The question is WHERE, being last-minute. The “where” will depend on HOW MANY….so please
RSVP ASAP on the blog if you can attend.
Deadline is Wednesday noon. Estimate cost at $15 plus your beverages. This is very last minute so many facilities may not be available, depending on our count.
Current count: 11 (Bulla & Bombers [Lyn, Dee, Pammie, Peaches, Myki], midnight & Barbara, sj-macro, ST, SteveM)
We have a commitment already this Saturday. Not sure when that will wrap up but it’s a possibility that we could join you folks later.
Please post info when you figure out where it will be.
The Princess is already going on a trip to D.C. She’s then decided if she’s there, she’ll visit Colt.
Thank you Mr. Tsai, for the clarification! Seemed kind of odd at first glance.
I sure hope, then, they pay for part of her trip!
Interesting story in the Drudge Report.
According to “sources,” Bush is mad that Obama’s aides “leaked” details of their private chat yesterday.
Shouldn’t Obama be mad that Bush’s aids “leaked” details of Bush’s anger over Obama’s aides’ leaks?
Happy Veterans day to all who are sacrificing and have sacrificed for me, my family and every other American out there…non-americans too.
Days like this really make me miss my Uncle (moms 1st cousins husband). He was an enlisted man and he made his was up to the highest rank that he could get (Master sargent I believe) and served 2 tours in Vietnam and one in Korea. Very ‘samurai’ type of man, but with a BIG heart. When I was born and given my japanese middle name, little did my parents know that it was the same as uncle don (donald). He spoiled me rotten to the day he passed.
Man, time to book a flight back home and pay my respects….
who’s luckier?
THE Princess?
or all of us, as we get both in the return of THE videos?
oh yes, forgot what today was.
thank you to all of you veterans present and past.
also thank you to all the friends i’ve made through work over the last few years too.
and a great welcome back to my friend who has returned from the gulf!
Mahalo Stephen for the report on Williams..
I hope he puts away that Memphis jersey and get’s a Hawaii one…
When I first saw his picture he reminded me of CJ Hawthorne
Many heartfelt thanks to all the military men and women that have served and that are serving for our freedom and all you have done and are still doing for our country. We are forever grateful and you will
never be forgotten by me. I consider you all my HEROES !
To my former Air Force buddies some of whom went down in flames, as we used to gather around for a toast before a mission we hoist our glasses..”Here’s to us and all others wherever they may be”… you have not been forgotten..
A big aloha to Kevin Williams…Wow! 4.3 speed… another Ryan Mouton…Great news!
* Here’s to us and all others like us wherever they may be”
to the Tsaiko nation,
a BIG MAHALO 🙂 to all who wished my bride a Happy Birthday, thank you, thank you, thank you.
she was totally surprised at dinner at Bucca de Beppo last night, a wonderful time for all.
Mahalo to all of the veterans, their families for the sacrifices they have made for our country to allow us to do what we do. mahalo from the Eastman ohana.
Just a thought to pass out, a great book by Rick Warren called ‘The Purpose of Christmas’ is a very easy read, shoot…. I read it. haha
Anyway it comes down to 3 things in this season coming upon us
Celebration – the birth of Jesus Christ
Salvation – the greatest gift of all for each and everyone of us
Reconciliation – the chance to make things pono, make things right and to forgive others
I pray for peace and happiness for all the Tsaikos, and everyone else.
Good morning Tsai-kos!
Welcome to the Warrior ohana, Kevin Williams!
Thank you to all who serve and have served this country.
Conversation at breakfast this morning (“Bizarre Foods” on TV)
kid: “Do we have to watch this now?”
hubby: “Isn’t high definition great?”
K Dub,
Welcome to the Warrior Nation…
Although I see the reason we need immediate help in the secondary and defense in general, why are we not going out looking for more high school prospects rather than JC’s. Granted we lose many Seniors in key spots on the defense, and need help quick, but I think our DLine and Linebackers will still be sound…the secondary needs work. JoPierre should be ready to step in and the JC’s this year should contribute. Although K-Dub is a great addition with his speed, a high school prospect with 4 years of Miano coaching would be better in the long run. Regardless I applaud the recruiting efforts so far and hope on LOI day our boys sign the dotted line on the Hawaii Warrior paperwork!
DC is lucky to have ’em both! Mwahahahahahahahaha!!!
❗ Road Runner is migrating to a new web server and system.
My personal Tsai-kos web page now has a slightly different new address:
Please bookmark this new site address.
The main contents are 100% transferred to the new server, although the old address will work for a while (but not be updated). I need to fix the return links from the Photos and Misc. pages which resides on a separate dotmac server, but everything else should work otherwise.
Talking about Jesse Williams has made me wonder about Ray Hisatake. If J-Dub is being recruited to play DLine that would be a huge plug in the middle with his size. Ray Hisatake could maybe switch back to the DLine too. I mean where the heo has he been this year besides the bench??? How the heo did he go from competing for a starting position on the OLine to pulling a Houdini like Rego? I would hate for Hisatake to be wasted sitting behind Kia and Letuli, plus with LaCount supposedly showing up too. Hisatake with his size could help the DLine since we lose Watson, Leonard, Laeli, Veikune, Maka, and C.J. I know we got Geordon and Haku and possibly a slimmed down Quentin Beaver but Hisatake has experience on the DLine. He could really help Rocky, Vaughn, Keahi, Tufaga, and Leatigaga next year.
Happy Veterans’ Day to all those that have served in our armed forces. Thank you for sacrificing much to protect our freedom here in this great country. We also honor the memory of the many who made the ultimate sacrifice for that worthy cause.
More defensive backs are always good! Throw in the freshmen who are redshirting this year, and I really like the depth and talent that we have at cornerback.
Pauoa Boy: Mack talked about Hisatake once before on the radio, I think. My memory is a bit rusty, but I think he said something along the lines of, “Hisatake’s getting better, he’ll have a good chance to make an impact soon.” I think the talk about him being a potential starter was more of a, “Let’s give him reps and see if he’s ready” thing.
I think he can be a heck of a guard for us next year. He’s got the physical skills, just needs to put it all together. He’s athletic enough to play tackle too, but he didn’t look all that comfortable in space during fall camp. Maybe he’ll be better next year at that, but we’ll see. I don’t think we need to move him to the defensive line, though.
OMG! Now I know why I don’t read the comments on the regular HA stories. Trolls certainly multiply there. Sheesh. The story about the SF offering 2-for-1 fares for military had some ungrateful a**es spouting off their mouths. On today of all days! Get a life. 😡
Not to be negative but I’ve been thinking about this lately…
Next year kind of scares me with the current players we have on the roster playing in our secondary. Reason being is this year our secondary is Senior heavy and play pretty much the whole game. Our young guys have really had no game experience except maybe JoPierre and Mana Silva kind of. Besides that, this years so-called experienced group has been prone to giving up the big play on numerous occasions throughout the season. I really hope the JC’s will be able to step in and contribute right away but that’s asking alot so I will temper my expectations of this group. Coming back we have: Kawika Ornellas, JoPierre Davis, Richard Torres, Rykin Enos, Steve Stepter, Jeramy Bryant, Jordan Gomes, Chris Black, Spencer Smith, Viliami Nauahi, Kenny Estes, Lewis Walker, Steven Christian, Mana Silva, Christian Vasconcellos, and now Kevin Williams. Looking at this there is not much game experience besides special teams contributors. I think JoPierre will break out next year and Bryant, Black, and Smith will contribute. Stepter, Walker, and Christian were highly touted out of high school so lets hope they step it up quick!
Oops forgot about Mike Wadsworth too…
RE: Hisatake
My take on him is that it was JJ and our former O-line coach that probably felt he had a better future there. Not to say that Mack, Smith, and Gerke think otherwise, but….maybe JJ would have “forced” the transition more and we would have seen Ray take the Wayne Hunter route?
I hope he gets a chance to contribute next year somewhere. I figured playing DLine in junior college he could contribute more on the defensive side of the ball. I haven’t seen him at all this year I don’t think either at the tackle or guard spots. I’ve seen Ieru and Ginlack get in at guard before Hisatake which tells me he’s not being utilized. If that’s the case I could see him help the DLine out. I mean he’s a Senior next year and what a waste of a talented big man if he’s only looking at spot duty. Besides we got LaCount supposedly coming in, Manu-Olevao maybe, and incoming guys like Loeffler and Makainai. I dunno I’d rather see him running over guys and destroying QB’s instead of protecting one.
I could see at the time when JJ was here, that our DLine rotation was set with experienced guys and JJ thought he could help the OLine out which is probably why he redshirted last year to learn the position. In my opinion I don’t think it was a good move for Hisatake. Watching his JC highlight films it looked as if he could be an instant contributor on the DLine. I mean with the amount of injuries we’ve been experiencing on the DLine and his JC experience, he could really contribute. Besides he has the size at 6’3″ 315ish to plug holes and long arms to bat down passes. I dunno I hope to see what he can do next season on the line if he stays there but like I said I’d rather him be on D.
Not sure if anyone confirmed this since yesterday, but I called 1420 and they confirmed Call The Coach is still on and Rich Miano will be there and Coach Mack will be calling in from the mainland.
I think it’s unfair to Hisatake to move him right now. I don’t care if he’s a former defensive lineman, he’s been practicing on the offensive line for so long now. Better to see that through and give him a shot next year than to say, “We robbed you of two years when you could have contributed on the other side, now we want you to move back and re-adjust to something you haven’t played in a few years.”
Plus, maybe Hisatake prefers the offensive line. IDK if that’s the case, but it’s a possibility.
I guess in the end, while I understand the sentiment behind moving him back, I wouldn’t do it. I like his potential as an offensive lineman, even if it’s just for one year. He’s athletic enough where one good year as an OL could get him looks at the next level someplace, whether in the CFL, AFL, or NFL. I’m not sure he’s athletic enough where one good year on the DL can give him the same shot.
As for the secondary … I’m going to say it again, don’t forget Lewis Walker and Steven Christian. They both need to grow into their bodies, but you see why they were highly touted in the first place. Quick, fluid hips, great balance and footwork. I think they are a bit shorter than their listed heights, maybe more in the Myron Newberry or Gerard Lewis mold, but I still like their potential.
Good Afternoon Tsaikos!!
I’ll be at the Call the Associate Coach Show tonight. Hope to see some of you guys there.
About Hisatake that is what I feel has happened, he’s been robbed of playing his natural position which is DT. I feel you on not doing the merry-go-round position changes but they should have kept on the Defensive side regardless. Anyway, I have high hopes for him if he can stick it out on the OLine and do something next year.
Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about Walker or Christian. I’ve watched Christian a couple times in high school when I was in Sacramento. He played at Christian Brothers and Kennedy High. He also played some running back to I remember. Anyway, he’s got the tools but is still somewhat raw at the position. If he works hard and learns from Miano he will be great for us in the coming years. Christian is actually taller then Newberry and Lewis at a legit 6ft.
If there is one thing that is visible to the fans is that Ray Hisatake is not short of team spirit.
The guy is always animated on the sidelines and bumping heads and chests with fellow teammates as they run off the field.
No doubt…this is the mentality I feel he can use on the defensive side of the ball killing QB’s…IMO.
Pat Hill was asked about his job security yesterday. It is amazing to me that the preseason pick for the WAC title is now 2-3 in the conference. Fresno State sure is low on depth on the OL–because the starting LT is hurt, a freshman who was on the DL could start for them at LT vs. NMSU!
Looks like there will be a big problem filling the bowls this season and the lower-tier bowls could have some unattractive matchups. It is good for the WAC if they can get an extra bowl spot due to the Pac-10 not having enough bowl eligible teams, but more conferences than just the Pac-10 will have trouble filling their spots. It is possible that some bowls will NOT have a bowl eligible team to choose from!
Looks like Harrell will win the Heisman if Texas Tech beats Oklahoma.
Kazz, absolutely 100% true. And one thing late-arriving tailgaters might miss is that Ray is usually out on the field early going through footwork drills all by himself, always trying to get better. Talk about someone who has NEVER pouted, NEVER felt sorry for himself, and ALWAYS put the team first: that’s Ray Hisatake. I love this kid.
Nooners everyone. Hope everyone is enjoying their Veteran’s day.
I finally had a chance to watch The Coach Mack Show at their website. The Warriors have a nice group of singers amidst them. The week away looked like a very good bonding experience for all of them and it is amazing how “rice” gets a highlight on a football show, too. It was a nice visual look at the “road trip” experience.
I’m kind of disappointed that we haven’t seen Ray on the field, too. I hope he makes it into the lineup next season.
This is something that should NOT go unnoticed. With Keith AhSoon being a senior, that LG spot should be Hisatake’s for the taking next season.
I remember Coach Mack mentioning that he felt Hisatake was “not fast enough” to play in Coach Mack’s preferred defensive system (i.e. LBs to DEs and DEs to DTs) and we all know how Coach Mack prefers speed on defense so it really looks like Hisatake’s spot will be on the o-line and those wanting him back on defense may not see it in a UH uniform.
Hisatake looked good in the one on ones against the d line during the camps, but in 11-11s several people pointed out that he needed more time feeling his way on the o-line.
BillB thanks for the answer but don’t you think that DK would benefit from having a coach to teach him? I don’t think there are any coaches on the UH staff that are true kickers. I mean you have QB coaches, line coaches, D coaches to show and teach the right technics to the kids, so IMHO it would be good for DK to have someone who knows the in’s and outs of kicking. Kind of hard to be left on your own.
I think that you brought up a key point for Hisatake. Remember, he was recruited before Mac was at UH, and he probably would have been a big contributor in a different system. However, Mac turns LBs into DEs and DEs into DTs, so there isn’t much of a role for the traditional NT/DT. So, moving Hisatake to OL after Mac took the job made sense…plus, UH had a lot of DTs last year and at the start of this year.
Moving Josh Leonard from DE to DT and Francis Maka from DE to DT are examples of Mac’s emphasis on speed on the DL. I hope that Hisatake will be a solid contributor next season, as he’ll have the full spring and fall camps plus the summer to get ready.
That’s a good question. I kinda had the feeling for years that kickers and punters are on their own in terms of their positions and there is really no one on staff that is strictly a “kicker” coach. I mean you’d have a ST coach but he’s in charge of the unit as a whole and a few specs of each position and such, but is there really a coach that works with the kickers or the punters on their techniques?
I remember Coach K was previously listed as the guy “looking” over Dan Kelly, but that was the closest I’ve seen to one guy being specifically in charge of the kicker position.
I remember reading a recap of one Mac on the radio I think a few weeks after the season began that pointed something out about Dan Kelly. Mac said that he cut short the warmup ritual that Dan had before games for no particular reason other than Mac had always done things that way. Mac said that Dan would be allowed to have his regular pregame warmup that he had in past years, since he was struggling after the change.
I can’t find the reference to this right now…and I don’t have time to look it up now but I will search for it if I have time in the future. I can’t remember if that recap was posted here or on SportsHawaii, so it might take me a little while to find it. But it seems to me that Dan has been having trouble getting back the confidence and form that he had last year ever since his struggles early in the season…
Maybe they could borrow the soccer coach to help with kicking technique…oh wait nevermind wrong kine ball haha…
Nah, but they should bring in a kicking coach especially with Brett Symonds being the only kicker on the team next year unless someone walks-on so I’ve heard. We need a punter and Symonds 145lb frame needs Muscle Milk!
Speaking of speed on defense. I think Vaughn Meatoga will be a monster for us and CJ Allen-Jones has the skills and size that reminds me of Marcus Howard, just a little bigger I think. I think CJ runs a 4.7 40? He’d be a terror at DE… ask LaTech! Hahahahahahahaha!!!!
I can’t comment on Elliott Purcell though, I haven’t seen enough of him yet.
Man, I can already see myself missing David Veikune though. Can’t wait to see him on Sundays at LB, unless he puts on more weight to become more stereotypical NFL sized DE, but at his current size he’d have the potential to become a starting LB in the NFL within 2-3 years. Plus, he’s good on his feet and if I were him, I wouldn’t want to sacrifice speed for size.
NCAA teams are limited in the number of coaches they can have so I don’t know of any coaches that are specifically in charge of the kicker position. I also don’t know of many ex-kickers who are now NCAA coaches.
Back to work now…my boss gave me such a long list of tasks to finish on what is supposed to be a holiday!
Did you really write “fluid hips?” I thought we were talking about football here…
David Veikune is a stud and we’ll get to watch him play in the NFL. UH will definitely miss him, but the coaches have loaded up on LB/DE recruits in their first 2 classes and the D will be fine. I really look forward to seeing Meatoga play a lot for the Warriors–I was very happy when he decided to play for UH and he fits the profile for having a big career in Mac’s D.
Kay I hope he gets in the rotation next year if not the starting job at one of the guard spots. But lets say if so called LaCount ever gets over here and is as good as advertised, does that mean Letuli moves over to guard too? Woudn’t that be a nice huge line to be behind… LaCount, Letuli, Estes, Hisatake, Kia??? 6’7″ 300ish, 6’4″ 320, 6’2″ 300, 6’3″ 315ish, 6’5″ 300ish.
Garret, I never heard about that, but that’s something worth looking into. But Dan Kelly hasn’t been the same since with a few misses here and there.
Going back to what I mentioned before about Brian Kajiyama being assigned to the kickers/punters last year (not sure if it was previous years too), I wonder if this also has any bearing on Kelly’s kicking mishaps now that BK doesn’t have that responsibility this year.
Last season and earlier this season I saw that BK and Dan Kelly shared a lot of conversations before and after DK would be on the field kicking some FGs. Of course I can only speculate what they were talking about, but I’m sure there was a lot of football talk between the two.
Again, this is just an assumption.
Very few teams have a coach dedicated to kickers and punters. A lot of times, those players will attend camps in the off-season, working with specialists to improve their play. When you only have so many assistant coaching positions, it’s hard to set one aside just for kickers and punters. Usually, you just get one or two guys to run special teams, and have them study the science of kicking themselves in order to help the kickers.
Number 2 = speed.
I wouldn’t mind seeing Veikune as lead blocker on meat offense.
He will be a good DE in the NFL even with his current size. Travis LaBoy has the same build and motor at around 6’3″ 265ish…
Although I love the speed concept on defense I think a nice big athletic DT who can plug running lanes and move a pile is much needed. At times our DLine gets man-handled by opposing OLines and running backs have field days against us. We may have decent size for WAC competition but when we play the Georgias and Floridas of the world, it’s a different story. I’m hoping Jesse Williams will turn out to be a beast! Vaughn Meatoga and Rocky Savaiigaea barring injuries are going to be huge for use next year.
C.J. is a Senior right? He has been making some nice plays as of late. For his size he is definitely quick and has pretty impressive strength.
Maybe good ol Jason Elam will retire soon and come back to his alma mater and help our kickers out? Wait, I’m dreaming again…nevermind, only in a perfect world… 🙂
Don’t forget that Lafu should still be in the mix next season as well. He’s doing a consistent job at RG this season. So it would look like Kia, Letuli, Hisatake, Lafu Tuioti-Mariner, and LaCount competing for a starting spot. John Estes is a lock at center of course.
In the fall, after a few 11-11 reps, what looked like a good o-line was Letuli, AhSoon, Estes, Tuioti-Mariner, and Kia. With both Steinhoff and AhSoon leaving after this season the LG and RT spots will open up and the ever changing LT and LG spots will also be competed for but Kia and Letuli are already ahead of those currently on the roster. Kainoa LaCount will have to impress the coaches to get one of those spots and the same goes for the RG spot as Lafu has done well there. It seems that Hisatake would be fighting for the RG spot and just like LaCount, he’d have to beat out a guy who already has one full season as a starter.
#33 C.J. Allen-Jones is a sophomore, his brother #71 Cameron Allen-Jones is a senior. I think Cameron played a ***FEW*** snaps as a TE last season.
Isn’t Lafu a Senior this year too???
RE: Hisatake.
I know he came into UH at 315lbs but he looks more like a lean 285-290 lbs right now.
You sure? I think C.J. is a Senior already he’s been here for awhile. Cameron is the younger one.
Lafu is a Senior too, with Steiny and AhSoon.
I thought they had Histake at right guard but I do remember seeing Ieru in there the last game. I like Pepa at left guard.
C.J. Allen-Jones DL,6-3,240,Sr., Aberdeen, MD / Aberdeen HS
Cameron Allen-Jones DL,6-2,255,Jr., Aberdeen, MD / Marshall University
From UH’s site.
Per Hawaii Athletics.com:
HONOLULU – Peter McGonigle Wenner, a member of the University of Hawai‘i coed sailing team, died this morning as a result of injuries sustained in a boating accident Saturday afternoon.
Wenner, 19, was recreationally sailing with several team members on a private high performance skiff off of Waikiki and was admitted to Straub Hospital in critical condition early Saturday evening.
“My heartfelt condolences go out to P.J.’s family and friends,” Jim Donovan, UH Athletics Director said. “P.J. was a loved member of the UH Athletics Department ‘ohana. He touched so many lives at such a young age and we will miss him dearly.”
“Peter represented everything good about being an athlete, sailor, and student here at the University of Hawai‘i,” said Andy Johnson, UH sailing head coach. “He was the heart and soul of our team and we will all miss him immensely.”
A memorial service is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday at the Newman Center on the UH-Manoa campus. The service is open to the public. In addition, a family service will be held in Los Angeles, Calif., on Tuesday, Nov. 18.
Wenner, a sophomore, was a 2007 graduate of Loyola High School in Los Angeles. In September, he competed for the UH coed team at the Pacific Coast Conference Sailing Men’s Singlehanded Championships in San Diego, Calif., and took sixth place.
Last season, Wenner participated in several regattas including a fifth place showing at the Pacific Coast Conference Sailing Men’s Singlehanded Championships. He also competed on the UH team which placed sixth at the Inter-Collegiate Sailing Association Sloop National Championship in Fort Worth, Texas last November.
Peter’s brother, Matthew Wenner, is a freshman on the coed team. Peter Wenner was supposed to compete with the coed team this weekend at the PCCSC Fall Dinghy Championships in Santa Barbara, Calif.
We lost a Rainbow Warrior today. Prayers are out to his teammates, and his ohana.
My heartfelt condolences go out to P.J.’s family and friends
Condolences to the Wenner family.
Dayum 19yrs old…
So tragic just like bruddah Mitch Farney…R.I.P.
Howzit Pauoa Boy!
Enjoyed catching up on your insightful posts. Good stuff my Marine Corps Nephew. You have a keen eye for talent both on and off the field.
Shootz! You keeping track of so many prospects, they should put you on an expense account up there!
Hope you and the family are cruisin’ this Veterans Day, and much Mahalo for continuing to serve where us guys left off. You carry the banner high and tight!
Warmest aloha and condolences to Peter’s ohana.
My prayers and condolences to Peter’s ‘ohana as well.
Ouch!…So young!…My prayers to the family of Peter Wenner, it is a tragic occurance.
Warmest aloha and condolences to the family and loved ones of Peter McGonigle Wenner.
RE: C.J. Allen Jones, Cameron Allen-Jones, and Lafu Tuioti-Mariner.
I apologize to all three of them as I gave incorrect information.
Ok, I feel stupid now. This seriously affects post #118.
I dunno where the hell my mind is, but it’s been like that for a while. I blame the OLD Hawaii Athletics website 😆 . Steinhoff was listed as a “SO” going into 2007 and so was Lafu Tuioti-Mariner.
Also I blame another publication’s UH Football 2007 review that I bought at 7-11 last season which lists CJ as a “SO” and Cameron as a “SR”… I think…
Again I dunno where my head is at and my memory is giving way.
Which leads me to say that I am sad now that I realize CJ will not be here next year….
Kevin Williams’ photo show him in a #2 Memphis jersey. Didn’t he give them a “soft verbal” commitment? I hope his “verbal” commitment to UH is more solid than the one he gave to Memphis. I wonder if he took a picture in a UH jersey too? What happens if a PAC 10 team visits/offers him? Is he gonna give them a more solid “verbal” than he gave us or Memphis? I guess we’ll see come February…
Much Aloha to PJ and his family
Sail on high with the angels…Sail on
solid afternoon tsaiko ladies and gents. wishing everyone a good day off to rest, to recuperate, to enjoy life wherever and whoever you with.
belated hippo birdie two ewe capt. bomber (Lyn) know bulla treated you royally. also belated marine annerversary day to pboy and frank. finally a special mahalo to all the service personnel that guards the nation so we have the opportunity to enjoy our freedom. God keep you save and well.
reading a lot about new recruits and player waiting in the wings to get their shots. for one I would like to see hisatake moved back to dline so he can show his jc skills. imho he could be a big impact now.
Shannon, no worries I think K-Dub is a safe bet he’ll be in a Warrior uniform.
Howzit Kekoa,
I try to keep up as much as possible with who’s coming and going in a Warrior uniform. Hopefully when my career is done I can possibly get a job at UH and help recruit or coach maybe…
howzit koakane,
mahalos, and I feel the same about Hisatake too…
lizk no can look your web page any moa cause to much good fuud pics lately and get hungry all da time.
kekoa going send you email lattas about condo please check latta on this evening. thanks
pboy by chance you saw hisatake play in calif? some of the stuff I read on him said he was a dline terror. had some offers but wanted to come to 808 because of ohana. I played with his uncle joe if they related.
Deepest condolences to the Wenner family, Aloha
All I know is that the iceman is a very important cog in the wheels of the Warrior machine, an if I was coach Mac I would be looking for help to get him back to 100%, that’s why I suggested that BillB give Mac a call. Hey Bill you never know you might be the one person to help us get that bowl game win!!!!!! FG in Overtime.
Pauoa, I hope so… we need all we can get to replenish the DB’s…
My 2 cents
For obvious reasons, I hope Ray Hisatake becomes a Bonafide Backside OT next year.
He has the power and enough speed, I think he just needs the instincts to utilize his speed and power against quality DEs.
UH will have enough Guards, but no real OT prospects in the near future.
Maybe one of the coaches or alumni can contact Jason Elam so that JE can give DK some pointers to get him over his slump.
Nope never seen Hisatake play but I’ve seen some highlight videos on him as a DT. He was a terror a huge one in fact. He played at 320lbs. in JC, and was a force. He was a rated a 3 star DT coming out of JC. Pretty athletic and strong 23in vertical 286lb power clean…when he first came to UH. Plus in high school he didn’t play football cause his HS didn’t have a football team. He was into track…shot put and discus and played basketball too. He went to San Mateo JC for track but tried out for football and the rest is history. I read too that when he was younger he was always too big to play pop warner for his age group. So his football experience is only at the college level which is why I feel if he started at DT and was a highly rated DT coming out of JC than he should still be playing on that side of the ball. Being rated a 3-star is dayum good considering his experience level. 3-star players normally projects to be a multi-year starter with pro potential!
#146 my thoughts exactly…check # 117
Ok….this might change in a few seconds but right now the blog is white and everthing is “centered”… lemme hit refresh to see if it stays the same for the first time ever.
Ok… just like I thought… blog format back to normal…
lv on rhistake at rt I don’t think I in favor of it. he needs some reps now to be at ease at that position. don’t know if he even has oline experience before coming to UH. during spring ball and preseason he did not look comfortable at guard position. granted he has the power but he need to work on his finesse, his instincts and his speed which only game experience playing against live dlineman can provide. he may not have the time to “trust in his techniques” if he can’t get many live reps now.
Paoua Boy..
Sorry.. missed that one. Was struggling with the “centered” blog…
I wanna know.. who’s uploading pages without first running an HTML check on the new edits? Amazing how missing one half of a pair of HTML code can make everything go Kablooey.
pboy thanks for your post 147.
Iv hisatake should be placed back on dline and be part of a rotation to use his talents and raw power now. wasted to much time already.
It was JJ who moved Hisatake to Oline. He felt that Ray was more suited to play OT.
I swear.. if Jake Heun gets injured next season.. let’s go dress Ray in Jake’s number so he can go and at least block for the QB.
This article from our beloved blog host last year says it all about Hisatake and JJ moving him to OLine…
Lineman tackles crash course
Think your boss is understanding?
Ray Hisatake weighed 320 pounds when he reported to the University of Hawai’i football team in January. He was granted permission — encouraged, in fact — to gain weight.
“I’m about 330, 335 now,” said Hisatake, who is 6 feet 4. “It’s good weight for me. I can still move, and I’m getting bigger and stronger. I feel good.”
Now Hisatake, who transferred from the College of San Mateo (Calif.), is competing for playing time at left tackle. Last year’s starter, Tala Esera, completed his NCAA eligibility in December.
“Hisatake is doing very well for someone who has played the position for only five days,” head coach June Jones said.
Hisatake was a defensive tackle at San Mateo for two years — his only previous experience as a football player. Hisatake is a graduate of Westmoor High School (Daly City, Calif), which did not field a football team. Instead he competed in discus and shot put for four years and basketball as a senior.
Hisatake enrolled at San Mateo with the intention of trying out for the track and field team. Instead, he opted to fulfill a childhood ambition of playing football.
Last season, Rivals.com gave Hisatake a three-star rating as a defensive tackle. In December, he signed with the Warriors, who were looking to replenish their defensive line.
Hisatake enrolled at UH in January, and shortly before starting his training program, he was told he would move to the offensive line. Jones said Hisatake’s strength (286-pound power clean), agility (23-inch vertical jump) and long reach are suitable for playing left tackle.
“I told them I don’t mind moving,” Hisatake said. “If the team needs me to play tackle, I’ll play tackle. I’m doing it for the team. A team wouldn’t work unless there’s cooperation and a strong unit within itself. I’m giving it a shot.”
Hisatake said the most difficult adjustment is learning patience. As a defensive linemen, “I was lunging forward,” he said. “As an o-lineman, I have to be patient, keep my hands inside (the frame of an opponent) and let them come to you.”
Hisatake mostly competes on the second team, behind Aaron Kia.
“He’s ready now, and we haven’t even played a game,” Jones said. “It’s hard to say if he’s up to where everybody else is, but athletically he certainly is.”
Hisatake has a unique background. His great-grandfather was a Japanese man who moved to American Samoa.
“He married a full-blooded Samoan woman,” said Hisatake, whose grandfather and father also married Samoan women.
That makes Hisatake seven-eighth Samoan. Still, Hisatake said: “A lot of recruiters asked my coach (at San Mateo): ‘Are Japanese people really that big?’ My coach laughed and said, ‘He’s Polynesian, as well.’ ”
Hisatake’s father was born in American Samoa but moved to the Mainland to join the military. Hisatake has lived mostly on the Mainland.
But his sister lives in Hawai’i. He also is related to Joe Hisatake, a heralded running back from Damien Memorial School in the late 1960s.
Of his extended family in Hawai’i, he said, “I have yet to meet them.”
Hisatake, who earned his associate degree in December, has been busy. He has football training and a full load of classes. He plans to remain in Hawai’i this summer.
“I love it here,” he said. “I’m going to compete all spring and summer and see where it takes me.”
JJ said that Ray was athletically capable of playing the position but I have no idea what is holding him back now. Maybe if he just had some PY?????
Then and only then will we see opposing LBs walk off the field and quit his team right then and there.
lab rat,
My take is that he is raw and inexperienced as an OLineman. He is still learning footwork, technique, leverage and the rest of the nuances of being one. I feel if he stuck at DT he would probably be in the rotation already killing QB’s. Why change a 3-star rated DT who has 2 years to play and convert him to the OLine where he has no experience at all and will be sitting behind guys who have been playing it for years? His first taste of football was on the D and he must’ve been dayum good to get a 3-star rating with only 2 years football experience playing. Our DLine always takes injury hits every year and you can never have enough. To me I think he could’ve contributed big time on the DLine instead of the OLine. Regardless though I’m not the Coach so I hope this switch will benefit Hisatake next year. If he doesn’t start or get significant playing time, what a waste…
Nah, if Quentin Beaver was da big back den the oddah team wouldn’t even show up…
on oline his power will take him so far. his agility needs to be combined with the finesse of playing at that position. you may have heard that on a fball team there is athletic and skilled positions. well contrary to many belief I believe oline is a skilled position. you have to take all that rage inside you and harness it (patience) then combine it with the skills of a boxer. patience to know when use the boxer’s skill to deliver the knock out blow by keep your balance, moving your feet all the while your opponent is attacking. this imho comes only by being tested in the heat of battle.
kden nuff already before pride call me out. anyway going to get something to eat now.
my deepest sympathy to the wenner family. only 19 and just starting to enjoy his adult life.
Pomai & Kazz, having a kicking coach would be great as we all know PAT’s and field goals are crucial in close games.
Finding an experienced kicker that can coach & one with time is a challenge. Eric Hannum & Peter Kim come to mind, think both are on Oahu. Don’t believe either has the time being successful businessmen with very successful companies to run. Also I think there is some kind of NCAA restrictions on how many coaches you can have during the season, even if on a volunteer basis.
Like I said DK should be able to see what went wrong on film and make corrections as his problems were very basic technically. A coach would be ideal for feedback, working on mechanics and consistency. Best he can do now is to “brainstorm” with the red shirt freshman kicker in tape review and in practice.
you are right.
DC is lucky this week.
Speaking of kickers. Anybody know what’s happened to Justin Ayat?
The other teams would petition to go down to Div II.
Pau! Off to Call The Coach! My first one this season considering the ONE holiday I am off!!!!
Dunno but da braddah gave me “stink eye” back in intermediate… PC Highlands Intermediate… WOT?!
Heartfelt thanks to all the vets who came before and to the young’uns who hoist the battle flag now, so that we may enjoy an incredible day and unbelievable life in the best state in the greatest country on this planet!!!
My heart felt condolences to Peter Wenner’s family, may he sail with the angels to a better place in heaven…
Belated Birthday Wishes to Lyn…the “Waipahu Dynamo”. Her smile alone would light up the SSC…no need electricity!
Interesting developments regarding the BCS. First news is that Fox’s exclusive negotiating window for TV rights ended yesterday.
The new BCS deal would mean *no playoff* for an extended period of time. It appears that University Presidents do not want a playoff, and they can overrule Athletic Directors and coaches.
WOOO HOOO! NorthShoreFan going join us at the next tailgate (Cabana A)!!! The best tailgate on the island just gets bettah and bettah.
The ACC’s TV deal with ABC/ESPN is much richer than the one that ESPN gave the WAC:
Fox has a limited time to match or beat the offer from ABC/ESPN for the BCS games.
Interesting that the grudge match between Fox and ESPN over the BCS rights has resulted in ESPN not being able to show highlights from BCS games!
Contact me at tsaiko808 at(yahoodotcom). Got something for you.
So, if the TV negotiations wrap up in the next few days, the BCS TV deal would prevent a playoff system until 2015 or beyond! And with the amount of money being thrown around, University Presidents will have even less incentive to go to a playoff system.
Condolences to the Wenner ohana. So young…so tragic.
It’s a viscious circle… endless loop… pi and divide-by-zero story. The non-BCS schools need to band together and simply get better and start beating up on the BCS.
Not to be a sore loser, but regarding post #117 and #146 about the chance of Jason Elam helping out with our kickers….great idea, but since he left for the big time, I don’t think Jason Elam has looked back and remembered where his career started. I’ve read of his charities and donations to organizations in Georgia, but haven’t heard anything about giving back to UH or the state, let alone help our kickers. I hope I’m wrong on this…If anyone knows…it’ll be reassuring.
Condolences to the McGonigle Wenner Ohana. Sometimes it’s very difficult to see & understand His plan.
Interesting discussion today re: R. Hisatake but GEEZ!!! Why don’t you folks stick to the subject at hand….speedy DB recruits!
Fear the Sledge!
I think you may be right.
Recall hearing that the trade to the Falcons was partially due to his desire to finish his career close to Snellville.
Doesn’t seem like a retirement in Hawaii is in the cards.
If Boise goes, it would be partially our fault for not being able to kick their butts more than twice in the past 10 years.
If they go, they should go before the end of this year just after a BCS invite so the WAC can take all their BCS $$ as severance proceeds.
OOps that was in response to a rumor that Boise just received a MWC invite in one of the other Forums.. I put my response in the wrong comment box.. sowwy!
Condolences to the Wenner ohana on their tragic loss.
WAAAAAY OFF TOPIC, but wuz in Sears this afternoon and they had Christmas music playing. Um, excuse me, but wasn’t Halloween a week and a half ago? grrrrr.
jm2375: I was at Price Busters the other week, looking for Halloween candy to give to my Math Team kids. I turned down one aisle and found Thanksgiving stuff. Went down another aisle and found Christmas stuff. I was like, “Where’s the Halloween stuff?” 😀
What’s wrong with that? IMHO, as a consideration to shoppers and understanding the burdens that the current downturn in our economy has had on their living expenses, K-Mart and Sears have decided to bypass Thanksgiving this year.
See how thoughtful our department stores are?
By the way.. what does Thanksgiving music sound like, anyway?
Ho ho ho ho ho ho!
mih – 😆 🙄 ho ho ho!
#165 – Last I heard Justin Ayat has been training in Reno, NV at the kicking and punting combines for the past couple years. Scouts from the New York Jets gave him a try out last year but he didn’t make the cut.
Thanksgiving music – sent in by my cousin, turkey.
If you look closely, K. Benson is in the video clip!
A couple of the radio stations out here started dedicating all of their air-time playing Christmas music THE DAY BEFORE HALLOWEEN!!!!!
Needless to say I’ve dis-programmed them off my car radio dial until the middle of January.
Is “dis-programmed” even a word?????
jm and mih . . .
The stores up here had, believe it or not, big Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas displays up in early October. Yes, simultaneously. Talk about confusing.
Of course, you can now buy inexpensive Halloween candy along with your Thanksgiving and Christmas stuff. Truthfully, the day after Halloween several of the stores were already playing Christmas music. I guess they are really worried about the coming lackluster holiday spending season.
Let me be the first to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!
CRW . . .
I think you misunderestimated your language skills.
CRW – that’s brutal!!! 😆
[…] unknown wrote an interesting post today onThe Warrior Beat | UH football, University of Hawaii athletics …Here’s a quick excerptThe Warrior Beat, Stephen Tsai, University of Hawaii, football, sports, basketball, baseball, volley. […]
Deepest sympathy to the Wenner family, his friends, and UH team mates for their tragic loss.
post #200 is like a silly loop. Brings you right back here.
not much news since its the bye week.
mr. kekaula has a piece on daniel libre
mih, interesting read about bsu being possibly invited to mwc. the comments by their “fans” is hilarious, but some have excellent points. one fan said that bsu would not get the players they are getting if they join the mwc because tv coverage is very limited, but the wac gets much more exposure through espn (even though we get less money). bsu has an excellent fb program, but that is it. the rest of their programs are average and non existent, like baseball. do they have a team? what kind of women’s program do they have? average to below average. imho thinks that bsu would bring more baggage for the mwc and the only program that would help the mwc is fb. if this is enough, then go for it.
Hey, Colt called today.
We talked for about 30 minutes (there go my T-Mobile minutes).
Anyway, he reads the blog, and keeps up with UH still.
So, be nice in what you say about him.
Howdy, Stephen. Tell Colt to call me, I have plenty of T-Mobile minutes. 😉
along with the thought of expansion, i would like to see the WAC get a school from SoCal. possibly, UCI or UCF. the wac gets tremendous amount of their players from this area and what better way to keep up the recruiting for all wac schools than to have a member in the socal area. the other big plus is the huge number of UH families and fans in that area would be able to see their team. i would not try to get rid of any of the present wac members, but help them build their programs and in turn it makes the wac a conference that others want to join.
Oh, T-Mobile is my plan.
Colt has another plan.
the other possiblility if we get one in socal is to get sacramento state in the north. this is one of the most dynamic areas in no cal and at the rate they are growing, they could be a great member. plus our chancellor is from that area.
Aren’t you in his Fave 5 already?
November 11th, 2008 at 8:21 pm
the other possibility if we get one in socal is to get Sacramento state in the north. this is one of the most dynamic areas in no cal and at the rate they are growing, they could be a great member. plus our chancellor is from that area.
The problem here is that Sac State could not beat St. Louis….I went to school there..no way a good program
Per Wikipedia:
“BSU fields many different teams in sports. Its men’s teams include football, basketball, cross country, track and field, wrestling, golf, and tennis. Its women’s teams include volleyball, basketball, cross country, swimming and diving,soccer, track and field, gymnastics, golf and tennis. Most of these teams compete in the Western Athletic Conference (WAC). The wrestling team competes in the Pac-10 Conference.”
I think they would be better off staying in the WAC, but you would have thought that the presidents of the WAC schools would have learned their lesson the last time and put in some kind of penalty for a school that bolts the conference.
Stephen: Yeah, I’m just saying, I’m not an important reporter type. I can spare 30 minutes. 😀
UCI, Sacramento State, UC-Davis, etc. would need a LOT of time and a LOT of money to move to D-IA. There would need to build facilities, to get coaches and scholarship athletes, etc. That takes a lot of money in startup costs, and they will lose a lot of money for quite some time after they start.
Given this economy, and given the budget cuts that are coming to California (Our governor’s plan to raise sales tax to 9.25% isn’t going to raise enough money according to the latest figures), public universities probably cannot move up for 10+ years. The closest would be UC-Davis, they actually have a plan and wish to move to D-IA, but in my opinion they are at least 10 years away from getting to D-IA. Plus, with the stock market tanking, the rich donors have seen their net worth plummet and don’t have the money to fund the programs right now.
When considering the money (which is mainly what the conferences care about), the women’s sports (with exceptions like women’s volleyball at UH) and the men’s sports like baseball (it loses money) do not matter. Conference recognition and respect does not count those sports…basically, football and men’s basketball pay the bills for everything else and are all that the general public care hear about.
“general public care hear about” should be “general public hears about”
I am not shocked that the BSU would be invited by the MWC–anyone who has read my posts on this topic already knows that. But the timing doesn’t make sense to me…which is why I doubt this report.
It is in the MWC’s best interest to let BSU stay in the WAC another few years to have them go to a few more bowl games and maybe a BCS bowl. As long as BSU is in the WAC, is there any doubt that they would at least make their own bowl game? And if they stay on top of the WAC, that just strengthens the MWC’s case when BSU does join them. If BSU joins the MWC, their teams will be beating each other up…if BSU stays in the WAC, BSU will be a top 2 team in the WAC each year and the MWC will have one of their teams win the MWC.
There is no chance for the MWC to be a BCS conference until the next BCS review, which is in 4 years or so. So, they can wait another year or two. The University Presidents don’t even meet until after the season if I remember correctly, so who decided to invite BSU? Of course, it wouldn’t be the first time that the MWC Presidents made a quick decision…but the timing just doesn’t make sense to me.
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off-topic stuff.
Men who eat fast are 84% more likely to be overweight and women who eat fast are more than twice as likely to be overweight!
Sesame Street is moving to iTunes, YouTube, and Hulu.
British pilot suffered a stroke and became blind while flying…a military pilot was able to talk him through the landing.
Study found that spammers that send all those adult-related ads can earn nearly $7000 per day, with $3.5 million revenue per year. I didn’t realize that people were clicking on all of those ads!
Passengers on a crowded train going from Liverpool to London sat in silence as two passengers “occupied” themselves. These weren’t teenagers either–the man is 49 and the woman is 41.
Free play links pau.
Whitey Sac State fb stadium capacity is 21,195..to small…same conference with Weber State and in fb they are near the bottom of the conference….it’s like adding another Idaho and Utah State to the WAC
Did someone post this link? If so.. ignore.
DKC ranks us #47
So sorry to hear about PJ Wenner. My condolences go out to his ‘ohana.
It’s synchronistic to have a bye week this week. I can go to a hula conference this weekend…and basketball & VB games. Whee!
Ralph – #225
Sac State stadium capacity of 21k+ is O.K.
I think the rolling average attendance has to be 16k for D1A.
This stadium is bigger than Idaho’s.
It also has an Olympic grade track.
You are right – they are bottom feeders in the Big Sky fb.
But, they compete in WAC baseball.
I think it would be O.K. for them to be invited to join the WAC, because the WAC would need another member, in case Bozo St and/or La Tech leave.
If an invite is extended, then they will have a few years to ramp up to get qualified.
To maintain an at least 8-team conf., the WAC has to look for new members, now, and encourage then to get qualified.
tsaikos, great input about UCI, UCF, and Sac St. appreciate it.
then = them
I think it really strange for both U. Washington and Washington State to be doing so badly. I also thought it strange for them to hire the coaches that they did. Neither really had an impressive resume. Makes me even happier we managed to retain McMackin.
hey hey hey I’m back so whats da scoops on tuesday call the coach show. anybody doing a report and any big tsaiko winnas tonight?
Psst Koakane.. try here…
00ps sorry old one.. LOLOLOL
Yup, I’m glad we got McMackin.
Some people forget, or didn’t know, that he coached at very successful programs.
a. Miami Hurricanes, when they were contending for National Championships.
b. Seattle Seahawks, chronicled by ST.
c. Denver Gold
He also was around big time programs (Texas Tech), and, alas, the 49ers.
To be able to hire him at that late date was a big plus for Hawaii. After he was hired, he had a very short time frame to assemble a coaching staff, and to recruit. The results of his work should show some improvement in 2009, but will bear his stamp in 2010 and beyond.
My 2 centavos.
We could be where Washington State and U of Washington are today with some other coach. Phew… We’re really doing pretty good at 5-5 and Idaho and Washington State as our next two opponents at Aloha.
😆 😆 😆
Karaoke Call Survey
Karaoke Call for this Saturday evening, November 15 for yesterday’s birthday girl and the Bombers.
The question is WHERE, being last-minute. The “where” will depend on HOW MANY….so please
RSVP ASAP on the blog if you can attend.
Deadline is Wednesday noon. Estimate cost at $15 plus your beverages. This is very last minute so many facilities may not be available, depending on our count.
Current count: 13 (Bulla & Bombers [Lyn, Dee, Pammie, Peaches, Myki], midnight & Barbara, Pam & Russell, sj-macro, ST, SteveM)
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
1) Pam and Russell are Mei Ling’s sister and brother-in-law that closed Genji’s with us twice. They are rockin’ singers of the 60’s-80’s genre!
2) Krazy Karaoke blue room NOT available. Our numbers are in the teens. Genji large private room NOT available (general lounge available). Suggestions appreciated.
mih- post 200 is a spam generator that links to gambling. We should avoid clicking on the link or ready for a bunch of spam mail soon,
STEPHEN- so- did Colt visit CA during the bye and go hunting? Will he be getting more reps if Todd Collins’ ruptured eardrum is a problem?
I already get over 50 spam a day what’s a few more, eh?
😈 spam and eggs… mmm… 😆
mih mahalo plenty for the link up
i prefer a good spam musubi, at least 1/4″ thick, with homemade teri sauce. toasted ajisuke sushi nori.
Darn, Al… I can almost taste that spam musubi. Also making me think of a Hungry Lion “Triple M” with extra teri sauce… 🙁 Too late at night now.
BTW, Road Runner is migrating to a new web server and system.
My personal Tsai-kos web page has familiar-looking but different URL:
Please bookmark this new site address.
“Prospective student athletes who have verbally committed to playing sports for a specific college or university will start officially signing their letters of intent as early as tomorrow.
However, according to Amanda Paterson, the compliance coordinator for the University of Hawai‘i, other athletes may have the desire to play college sports, but don’t know how to go through the process of becoming eligible by NCAA’s standards.
She said the most common problems the coordinators run into is the athletes themselves don’t know exactly what to do.”
A fine morning to all!
This is going to be a Winnie-the-Pooh kind of day — blustery. Throw in a ton of rain, too. Still it is going to be a great day considering the alternatives.
I wonder why the high school counselors are not providing more assistance to those who want to play at the collegiate level.
good morning wafan, lizk
Hi whitey!
You are up early this morning. Hitting the links at sun up?
Time to whoosh out the door!!!
See all of you later.
morning gang!
Happy hump day
Aloha Kakahiaka Tsai-ko’s
My Nightmare. Massive unemployment across the once ‘fruited’ Planes. Major layoffs already happening almost daily. Cut to film at 11 by the Princess…from her trip to DC…talks of football shutting down due to fans being unable to afford coming to the games!
Yikes! More Drama for Obama. I’m going back to my cave….
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