Sen. Tsutsui to chat today
State Sen. Shan Tsutsui, vice chair of the Ways and Means Committee (you know, the money folks), will be the chat guest today at 1 p.m.
Please join us.
* * *
Greg McMackin will now allow family members of the players to attend practices today and tomorrow.
He is closing practices to the general public to work on key strategy.
McMackin said the practices will be open to “the press.” Hey, I guess that’s too bad for TV folks, no? Kidding. We’re all in it together, so we’ll make sure TV folks also will be there.
* * *
It is indeed a wonderful experience to attend the Call the Coach Show.
There’s good food. Heinekens go for $1 a bottle. And they have prizes such as a UH football helmet. (By the way, is this a trick question: What high school DOES Michelle Wie attend?)
The best part is hearing ESPN 1420 as it was meant to be heard. Not sure about the rest of you, but Mr. Static always appears to be in the broadcast booth. Yeah, yeah, I know 1420 is available on digital cable, but my cable line isn’t long enough to attach to my car.
* * *
Wow. Did somebody clone a newspaper Web site? It’s funny. We copied them and now they copied us, which means they really copied themselves. I just wish we were red again. It matches the hibiscus logo.
It’s a great morning to be 1st!
Auryte Sen. Tsutsui…Maui Boy!
Hmm… who can I be related to?
Howzit duffer.
So did anyone we know win a prize?
Morning Guys,
Yes I agree with the Red look.
Go Warriors, have the Best’est of practice today. Countdown to Sat. is getting clooooose.
Good Morning d1!
Morning ST!
morning again gang!
$1 heinekens huh, hmm, getting thirsty already and its only wed
good thing no more dark side influences on the way home
The Ways need to be more creative as the Means start shrinking. Gonna be a challenging session next time. Already get one line forming for cuts
SJmacro won a prize.
Of course, he’s a winner every day since he’s been with myki.
Morning d1, ST, duffer, Mav and da mainland Tsaikos.
Have a great day! bbl. Off to work. *tsigh*
Stretch even made it down there last night.
I believe he had the first beer of his life.
… and the second.
… and the …
did you ever go to the volley match?
I’m sure you’ll have no trouble getting into Linfield practices.
Morning Tsaikos and Tsaikettes!
Are they going to open practices back up to the public again?
Good Morning Tsaiko Family!
It’s Wednesday. Yee Haw!
Yep, they’ll open it up again.
I guess they’re worried that a person was providing play-by-play of practices for another site. So they decided to close it for this week while they work on specific strategy. After this, everything they do will be out of the bag.
Shan Tsutsui is a cool dude.
Hi Ronnie!
Only a few more days! Yee Haw back atcha!
Thanks ST! I was thinking of attending practices in the near future.
True, but driving there is problematic despite the lower gas prices.
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere!
i no like talk about football today. too depressing the national news.
i wish i could blog at 1 today. i get a bunch of questoins for the $ guy. the first question I’d ask him is, have you been briefed on how much of the Hawaii housing market surplus is based on possible fraud based values? and, do you have any idea of how much $ we’re talking about?
the second question i’d ask him is, this 700B bailout, what effect will this have on federal expenditures to the States and other programs in the coming year?
the third question I’d ask him is, how will this package directly affect Hawaii?
and how did we get to such a dire predicament so quickly when just a couple of weeks ago, I heard our chief say “the economy is strong…”
Only twp thing makes me more angry then I was at the SB and Florida – the OSU game and increasing credit debts to go up up up with no plan to increase productivity at home, no plan to tap out our resources, like geothermal on the big island full blast and revising the pricing structure so that relief is spread across households across all islands…
come on guyz, we’re in this mess together.
i hope some of you who can blog today take the time to ask Sen Tstsui some good questions, beyond the Ching Cooke Field Fix and the visions of Manoa. I no like us wait till the last minute. gotta give people jobs, but we gotta get good value too.
hi ho hi ho. have a great day.
Good Morning Ronnie and all Tsaiko’s within the sound of my ‘puter. Having coffee with Pops and not feeling too good about not being at practice. Maybe can recover at Camillia’s for lunch.
Most on Oahu may not be familiar with Sen. Tsutsui
Here’s a little info:
University of Hawaii at Manoa, B.A. in Economics, 1994
Maui High School, 1989
Work Experience
Keiki Time – co-owner and operator, 2001 to present
UBS PaineWebber – Financial Advisor, 1998 to 2004
Prudential Securities – Financial Advisor, 1996 to 1998
Manulife Financial – 1994 to 1996
Political Experience
Vice-Chair, Senate Committee on Ways and Means, 2004 – Present
Vice-Chair, Senate Committee on Tourism – 2002 to 2004
Majority Caucus Leader, Hawaii State Senate – 2002 to Present
Member of the following Senate committees:
Intergovernmental and Military Affairs (Vice-Chair)
Ways and Means (Vice-Chair)
Tourism and Government Operations
Transportation and International Affairs
Rep. Ron Paul (R. Tx) on TV right now.
Have a great day erryboddy!
Good morning to Tsai-kos everywhere! I guess it’s a good thing that practice is closed to us non media, non family people ‘cuz it’s raining off and on right now. Not that it would have stopped us.
It was a small group at call the coach last night. The only good thing about that is, your chances of winning something are better! Stephen, thanks for the nice words about sj being a winner. Honestly, I’m the winner and I admit to it all the time!!!
‘sports, do try to come out for practice some time in the future. The plus thing about it , is you also get to know the families of the players .
I guess I’ll have to do laundry or something this morning..
Have a great hump day today and we can all look forward to the weekend.
Oh no! Will you have a Beck’s while you’re at it?
‘morning d1! No Becks for me. Besides it’s the wrong day, and much too early. On my second cup of coffee and looking forward to lunch with some of the ohana.
$1 Heinekens? Last time I was there I ordered the wrong beer.
asports – please let us know when you plan on attending practice so we can remind Stretch to use steel toe shoes 🙂
Listening to D-1 on the BC show on 1420…
asports – all kidding aside, i hear that the practices are fun to attend
d1,I’m going to start calling you “ff” = fast fingers. I can’t believe how often you get through on the radio!
I hope you’re feeling better, you still sound a bit nasal. sj was sooo generous and shared his cold with me. I feel like yesterday’s garbage but hoping to get rid of it soon.
aloha Tsaikos,
watch out for the raindrops, some of you might melt, haha
you wouldn’t believe how fast his fingers are……you know those musician types……
Howzit again Tsaikos.
can someone ask the Senator if the $ already appropriated for the Cooke Field Fix is still good to go? nice for some positive news for the Warriors.
i noticed today Advertiser says the State is pulling back on its $625M bond sale due to the
national bailout problem. Tv (Fox) is using words like “over leveraged” and “we’re headed for a hell of a downturn”: on a national scale, we all gotta be frugal. start with the tgate leftovers. 😀 me, i going lose weight, get dat frugal look going again. 😀
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
For real we will have to wait for the practice report from ST!!
Last night was the first time that I was in a 3-some with another guy. I was pretty disgusting…. I’ll let ST explain.
i figure with the economy the way it is, and if we go for the frugal look, i can call you small hilo, and i will be now known as bulla with the small b.
if i can lose more weight, my bonafide Tsaiko shirt could be donated as a homeless shelter possibly…..and there are other benefits to come.
our tsaiko-gates will now be filled with rice crackers and bottled water, with watercress and the essence of lemon grass….oh my, hold me back.
a recession is eating hamburger helper, a depression is not eating any meat….we’re doomed. i might have to go ethnic with my ever so lovely filipina bride…..wait, i just had green papaya and chicken last weekend, is that what you call a diuretic? i don’t know
rambling, just looking for who is awake in Warrior Land
Stretch –
In reply to your last sentence above.
They have chat rooms for that.
Stretch?…ST – someone has hacked into Stretch’s blog life this morning.
how you doing my brother, long time no smell, hope all is well with you and your ohana
Sorry for sharing my personal escapades of last night, but I hope it never happens, with those participants again….
i didn’t know Stretch was starting up the Clay Aiken fan club in honolulu….things i miss out on 🙁
i thought G-Nalo was your friend, along with his partner in crime
if i told you once i told you twice, you can’t hang out by that Houghtailing off ramp from H-1. once you take that right at the light, you’re in a very vulnerable area…need to ask James about that for more details
only joking, i heard stories from the ‘haunted house’ dayz, and you know being in upper kapalama heights, we had no control ovah da monarchs, but sure do love those butterflies
Stretch – shhhhhhhhh. Don’t tell! It’s our little secret, emphasis on little.
i am playing by myself, and not with myself, stretch….that is for YOUR clarity, haha
if i had a choice for a 3 some, i would settle with me, myself, and I….since it’s like that most of the time anyway. haha, those Gemini’s, they know how to party
i knew i would flush out da koa clan,
and den you clay aiken fan, howzit hanging?
is that what they call them now, chat rooms? i heard some of our Tsaikos were lost at a ‘relaxation spa’ looking for the massage chair…..whew, that could be scary
It’s amazing what ST does after drinking 1-1/3 Heinekens…..
back to football,
who is going to be the QB? that is the challenge of the day…it is wednesday, and someone needs to be taking full reps this morning. ST, what do you think, and sheeeeeeeeeesh, be quiet, we’ll tell no one.
now Stretch,
that is a photo op with ST and drinking…..were the Heine girls around to witness, or was it actually ‘body shots’ he was doing. he is so dedicated to his craft, the sacrifices ST makes just bloggles my mind
I gave up on the cloaking plan… mine seems to be defective .. so I am making waffles at home..pouring rain here
With the rain this morning, it reminds us how this Ching/Cooke Field fiasco is STUPID!! I hope none of the players get hurt during practice slipping on the grass fields.
Curveball ~ Have you thought about making an appearance at the Camillia CC for lunch?
I must warn you tho…SteveM has basically run himself out of his own kitchen. By his own admission he has dealt with a ‘small’ stove fire and over-extended the warranty on his microwave.
As a precaution, make sure you are not sharing the same grill with him. Also, review your basic fire safety tips before leaving home I thought I was going to be able to make it, but Mrs. K has ‘allowed’ me to help her install a special project today.
morning tsai-ko country be sure to have an underbrella to stay dry. we need the water so this is a blessing from the kahuna’s. how everyone doing anyhow? keep safe and play nice now.
watching office while staff have their meeting so you know what time it is.
The lovely Mrs. Curveball has already planned my lunch time today over on the east side..going to involve enchiladas….etc…
coach bulla with a ‘small’ b ~
After hearing from the Sacramento peeps about the visit bestowed upon their QB by the Snowbeast and his team members, I do believe they will not want a revisit from them again for a long time.
I think I will slip out as quietly as I slipped in. It’s not safe for youngsters today to be posting here. :-O
Greetings and Blessings, Warrior Nation. 🙂
Bulla with a small “b”? I aint touchin’ that one because I already know what perverts like Stretch and James are thinkin’. Emphasis is on little.
One very light drizzle this morning up here at Puowaena.
moning to bulla, kekoa, stretch eh only person missing is their uncle donald
eh how you fella’s doing. see already staring to get the villagers up in arms. going for cup #3 now
Curveball ~ Aloha to Mrs C!
I was just asking Sensei Al what he would recommend on island for good Mexican fuud. It’s like living in Auburn, CA. You may be above the fog and below the snow, but you have to go down the hill for the really good Mexican restaurants.
oh speaking of uncle donald hey hey hey dpk 😮
ST – re #12 – yes I did. Thank you very much. I took my mom. First time I ever attended a sporting event with her. Had a great time. Those were great seats. Perks of being a media person?
Koakane (Monitor) ~ Keep da Keiki on track. Make dem focus on pestering their parents about voting. Sometimes keeds can influence their parents in a very positive way by asking simple questions like who they going vote for, and can I go watch? I noticed that several parents showed up with their children. It really makes them feel comfortable about voting from an early age.
got your note, now i am even more worried about you and ST, haha. something about gravity, mother nature, and female octogenarians….whew, that’s a kodak moment.
have a good day
Thanks for bringing TGates out to Kaneohe Side… I’ll try to be there for that game… no can guarantee tho, gotta work some things out w/ the family, but would be nice to see all you guyses over there no? Anywayses, hope you all having a good day, an Remember… MAKE MEMORIES… but make em BIG, no need dis manini kine… 😉 ALOHA!
NEO out…
Roseville had the best mexican food but yes it was down the hill..this place is in Kailua ..I dont even know what it is called..
curveball – get several places in Kailua – Cisco’s, Los Garcias, Mexican Lindo and probably some others I can’t think of right now. Been to the first 2, but not for lunch. Both are good, but now great.
Way off topic, but for those interested in presidential candidates’ proposals for health insurance reform, click on my name. Very interesting. Not sure which way the think tank that wrote these analyses lean, but they say they are non-partisan.
mahalo neo for the shout out. wanted to extend out to all the tsaiko family. it is nice to see those who want to participate but can not always make the tgates and cc. mahalo to you for having the wessai, eastsai, central chaptas over. we going be dea kind long so if can can. kekoa and I really like the set up and hope the rest of da tsaikos like it to.
patnah kekoa we had betta turn out on our kid vote that the state. but den again we get one captured audience in da compound. speaking of parents, I still no understand why they think we are a social agency. just talked to a parent who wanted his kid keep here cause we have a health nurse to take care of situation. had to explain he needed more more extensiveate care than we can provide. temp high, constant coughing, vomiting the whole ten yards. finally had to talk to his supervisor about letting him off to take his kid to the doctor.
Uncle Donald sez howzit. God Bless you young man, for puttin’ da malama on da kamali’i dis mornin’. Chirrens need dat lovin’.
Sad to say, but Brand X’s site is still far more reader friendly. I wish it weren’t so but I’m afaraid it is…
jm2375 ~
Opinion of the info contained in #71. Thumbs up for Mexican fuud in Kailua. Thumbs down on the health insurance summations.
Are you in the health care industry?
DPK, you like Soda X?
I like da crackah.
You ARE da crackah! 😆
Send me a sample. I’ll get back to you.
wow the perks for monitoring ….. hot breakfast, special kofe blends, various fruits and pastries.
if you neva send your fuuud list to Kazz do so quickly. need to know if have to make bonfire for cooking. plan to stick around afta the game maybe going get surprise. I not talking about the warriors winning cause dey going but the fun, camaraderie we going have talking about the win.
no poget the condense cream on da beeeeg saloon pilot craka or mash um up and put in da saimin bowl filled with hot chocolate. yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy 😛
Anyone going Camellia’s for lunch today??
Koakane ~ Braddah! you having waaay too much fun. I gotta come monitor da monitor one day on an unannounced DOE inspection.
nahhhhhh only happens when office staff has to have meeting.
but pau now so back to the compound for me.
lattas for me esme outttttttttttttt whoooooooooooosh
lastly no for get to respond if want to be inclused in the Oct 4 tgate at murphys.
Kekoa – I have spent my professional life on the periphery of healthcare. I have worked in academia and research mostly in the fields of public health and clinical (not pharmaceutical) research as a data analyst (number cruncher). I now work in the insurance industry.
Sorry Folks…
I was in a wrong time zone yesterday when I said it was Kenny Estes’ birthday… It is in fact today…
Also Happy Birthday to former Warrior Punter Kurt Milne
jm2375 ~ Interesting. Would love to get your “insurance” perspective on a project near and dear to my heart. Are you coming over for the T-gate?
BigWave! We gotta drag out da bertday cake again for Kenny Estes? jm2375 wen stick her fingah in da frosting awrredy, forced to make ‘patch’ job!
Speaking of soda a and soda x, does anyone remembah RC Cola? No can find em anykine place anymore… I had one 20 oz. bottle from Walmart the oddah week… buggah was ono… dat and Nehi soda, used to be able to find em at the old Star Market by my house, but now since no more Star Market by my house, no can… we goin’ get Walgreens… kinna lame if you aks me… AAAANYway… back to work por me… hi ho hi ho (but for me, work is like play anyway so it’s all gud…) haha see you guys later!
Kekoa – probably not going tgate, but email me at the addy if you wish.
Neo – went to Walgreen’s this morning to get kope. Get machines that grind da beans first, then brew. Cheaper than Starbucks. Saw milk on sale for $4.49 gal/$2.20 half-gal and eggs for $2/dozen. Stuff not usually as cheap as Wal-Mart but they will give Longs a run for their money, if they don’t buy them out. Looking forward to them opening in Kaneohe. I never go to Longs to get drugs, they take waaaaay too long. All Walgreens, including the pharmacy, are open 24/7.
Walgreens ~ are faster yet if they have a drive-thru like in da mainland, just be sure to double check your order. You might get bert control pills instead of your anti-biotics for your sniffles DPK…on 2nd thought…Nah! Sweetie would cause you grave bodily harm. Nevah mine.
jm2375 ~ Yes! I will. Mahalo.
Interesting column on the emasculation of the NCAA infractions “committee”. More proof that the NCAA is irrelevant.
>I just wish we were red again.
Would that be “re-red”? 😆
jm-The Windward City Longs takes long time to fill up the prescriptions, but as of right now, they’re the only ones we trust… Walgreens because of the size of the company can have bigger and better sales than Longs, but I don’t think Walgreens is going to capture that “Longs mystique” I mean aunty Lee Cataluna wrote one book about em called “The people you meet at Longs” one of the best, funnest books I ever read… Try read em if you get chance… I know you guyses is busy so no pressure…
SMU DPK! SMUUUUU him!!! (Although he’s right about that at least, that’s what a little birdie told me.) 😉
DPK can never be smood. He is one of ST’s first.
Boom goes the DYNO-MITE! (See, I’m an old-timer too, to remember that. Does that mean I too have immunity?) 👿
I have decided to cede my SMU powers.
… to Stretch, Koakane, Liz, Jason, The Twins, James and Jesse James, Kekoa, D-1shima, etc.
They can decide from now on.
By the way, we’re taking back USC’s No. 50. He’s a nice kid, and I think Rich2176 can help land him a job in showbiz (but he’d better stay away from Paula…)
Well, it was an exciting practice.
They kept out the folks with signs.
See, I knew words are powerful.
No rent-a-cops.These are austere times, after all.
John Wilbur attended practice. I didn’t have the heart to tell Mack that Wilbur used to be Tomey’s special teams coach.
so ford island closed saturday for parking…
kina surprising to see they expect 37k saturday nite, less than 1,000 more than weber state for tomey and da opening of da wac schedule…
me tinks from what i’m hearing on da coconut wireless dat if blaze has a decent season this year (play well and injury free the rest of the year), he ain’t coming back next year, but that’s just me.
I’m so glad it’s Wednesday!
And I REALLY thankful that the game will be part of ESPN gameplan this weekend!!
It’s just me, but Blaze needs a good full season to consider moving on.
We all know he can play and he’s a hitter, but he hasn’t played a full season yet. The NFL is concerned about players who aren’t always healthy.
I think Ronnie needs to move back home.
Since I gave Aaron two birthdays this month, he should be old enough to graduate.
I agree!!! Although Ian made me promise not to move until he graduated next June.
happy lunchhafowa!
Hey, ST- can I get my last month’s prize soon? Redskins program, I believe.
You have mail!
Happee Birthday, Kenny Estes!
Hi Ronnie!
So, ST- how did Mr. Wilbur get in? Is he still working with Tomey – even unofficially?
ST, can you give updates on players with injuries or do the coaches want to keep it hush hush?
Hi Liz!
How are things going for you? BTW, your grandbaby is just beautiful!
I’m going to drop it off with the A-Houses today.
Yes, I know I’ve got a bunch of undelivered stuff here, so now my middle kid is in charge of reminding me.
Also, Stretch (after he finished his threesome) talked to Ben Yee last night, so your field passes will be set.
Ronnie- super busy at work – make up for all that vacation taken recently 😉
I miss little LiLu but am trying not to think about it too much. Got hands full with keeds at home- school- jobs- transportation- issues…
the normal stuff 🙂 HI HO!
I think everybody but Blaze will play this week. That’s no secret since coach Mack said it on his show yesterday.
ST- oh very cool, mahalo! So- field passes are for LATech, I hope??? That will free up two seats in the stands for others. Hopefully I won’t still be wearing muumuu by then!!!
That’s good news. I really hope Letuli can get in there since he is our second best OL.
You need to practice standing for four to five hours! 🙂
Plus you really need to PAY ATTENTION to the game, or you’ll get runover by some BIG person!
So, with Warrior fans wearing green and dog fans wearing red, the stands on Oct. 4th will look like Christmas. That will be great since it will feel like Christmas after we beat them at home!
is it pepa or kia at LT? by everybody, does that mean fale gets PT this week 2? hope fale and rocky are able to provide thatdepth every1 talked about in the preseason on da dline. need to make SJSU one dimensional and absolutely shut down yonus and that run game.
Oops.. Time to go home and blog from there… 😀
duffer- 10-4. USC50 treated me to passes for the hula bowl and I learned about jumping out of the way of cables and people. You guys coming for the game? (get 2 seats!)
It’s Kia for now, but Pepa also will play.
Same as left guard. Ginlack for now, Ralph also will play.
OK, in six minutes I’ll have the post for the senator.
Ask grueling questions, OK?
Heck, just ask questions.
OK, if a dress goes to the shin, is it still a muumuu?
ST- shorty muumuu or “tea-length” if it’s a Mamo. Byee!
Wat dat, I hear about Field Passes?!?!?!? Aunty, you like share? hahaha what a trip it would be to be on the field with our Warriors taking in the sights, smells and emotion of the game up close and personal… Thanks to the folks like ST, and BY, and the AHouse ohana and all the rest who make things like this even fathomable for us lowly Tsaikos… ROCK ON LIKE A ROCK LOBSTAH!!!
I’m waiting to see Liz run out on the field as Hawai‘i Five-0 plays.
ST – Gigi would know the answer to the Muumuu question
Gigi broke her addiction to this blog. I wonder if she secretly lurks.
Hi Ronnie! Getting ready for the Fresno game? The boys need to make my sign! ALOHA ROB25 on one side and HI TSAIKOS on the other side. I’m sure that we could get it on TV…I can just hear the cheers now from Murphy’s.
young teen
teen video