We're giving away 2 tickets; Galdeira returns
Want two tickets (Makai Orange section P, row 29) to Saturday’s UH-Louisiana Tech football game? If you’re post No. 350, they are all yours. Thanks to our editor, Mark Platte, for donating the tickets.
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One of the Warriors’ top special-team players in recent years, Guyton Galdeira, today rejoined the UH football team.
“I’m just happy to be on the team again,” Galdeira said.
Galdeira left the team in the spring after signing a contract to perform as a dancer/singer/actor in a Waikiki show. Because of the tough economic times, the show closed Friday.
But head coach Greg McMackin and associate head coach /Rich Miano invited Galdeira to rejoin the team. Galdeira took his medical examination and attended an orientation session. If things go according to plan, he might be able to suit up for this weekend’s game.
“It’s like Christmas in October,” Miano said of Galdeira’s return.
Linebacker Tyson Kafentzis said: “He is a juggernaut on special teams. He’s an impact player. Everybody waiting for him to come back — wishing, praying.And then it happened. It’s beautiful.”
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Brett Symonds and Dan Kelly watch the final phase of practice from the end-zone hill:
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Defensive tackle Rocky Savaiigaea said he might be able to decide this week the course of treatment he will need for his triceps injury.
Savaiigaea missed the first three games because of a partial tear to his left triceps. Against San Jose State, he suffered another tear, but this time to the outside portion of his left triceps. He said an MRI confirmed the latest tear.
He said if he has surgery, his season is over. If he continues with non-surgical rehabilitation, there is a possibility he might be able to play again this season. For sure, he will not play this week.
* * *
Blaze Soares said he wants to return for next week’s Boise State game.
He has not played this season because of a calf injury. He was cleared to practice two weeks ago, but aggravated the injury while running on a treadmill.
He said he will not be medically cleared to practice this week, but there is a possibility he will be activated next week.
* * *
For those who wondered, including a reporter new to town, Inoke Funaki said he is “full” Tongan. Both of his parents, he said, are “from the rock.”
Funaki said some have wondered if his surname is Japanese. The confusion, he said, heightened because Kazuyoshi Funaki (no relation) is a long-jump skier who won a gold medal in the 1998 Winter Olympics.
lurker turned first. awwright!!
Just a comment for ferd’s article. If UH is asked to subsidize, I think La Tech should be asked to do the same, IMHO.
Is it possible for the Rock to red shirt this year?
top ten
Man…that sucks about Rock and Blaze. Hopefully Rock can get that year back and Blaze makes it for Boise. Would love to have both of them for that game.
And I thought Funaki was a WWE wrestler rather than a skier. Ooops…
Oh snap…top 10? Nice. MORNING ALL from SJ! Still flying the UH colors in SJ. AINOKEA!!!
good morning tsaikos
no forget that get one small muu call tonight on Maui. place is Tiffanys in Wailuku and time is 7 pm. hope that sj, myki, hoohiki, and others will be able to make it.
dare I say top ten
Copying over from last blog.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
For those who are attending the Volleyball game on Friday with the Tsaiko group, I will be stopping by the ticket office today to check on our tickets. There is a UHAA golf tournament today, so as a good supporting alumni, I will sacrifice my time and participate. I will be emailing you guys later tonight when I get home.
There are a few extra tickets so if anyone is still interested in joining us, please email me at stretch6592 at yahoo.
i can’t believe that i am up at this hour.
shucks, i was already claiming funaki as my japanese brother. more like son, i guess. even inoke sounds japanese.
imagine he could become a cult hero in the land of the rising sun.
whitey….sj/myki will be there i am told. watch out those guys can eat. afterall, they never miss a cc, they are tsaiko.
rumor has it that myki will release sj for some darkside touring.
(jus jokin)
i personally don’t think blaze would be ready. perhaps if he has a good chance for it, he should take a medical redshirt. doesn’t he have redshirt available.
au’wryte made it
morning tsaiko country, anoddah beautiful day here on the wessai. hope sun is smiling on you where ever you are.
regarding Ferd’s commentary imho we should not be penalized for being in the pacific or for the poor economic state of the nation. our membership in the WAC has been exceptional. this conversation should not even occur. when tourny’s are held on the mainland we ante up and go. all members should know that travel is going to be a concern when playing in this conference. that should have been realized before joining up. I say if LaTech or others want to leave den see ya. UH should not be treated as a second class citizen any more. We have paid our dues and some. JD represent the 808, do not take the plantation mentality and bend. Onipa’a UH and Imua Warriors.
If Blaze can get a medical redshirt, that would be the best for him and the team. If he is not going to be 100% this season, it would be beneficial for him to rehab and be ready for next season. Adam and Sol are graduating this year and Brashton has been taking care of the middle. Next year, we can have Brashton and Blaze together and looks like RJ is picking it up.
Blaze was limping very noticeably at the San Jo game. I’m not doubting his toughness, but I have a hard time believing it would be good for him to play just two weeks later.
Couple of tidbits that PIAA Doris has posted on HSN. Corey and Deondre are making their official visits this weekend for the LaTech game. Let’s put on a good show for these early commiters.
George Kauwalu has apparently quit school and wants to walk on at UH, but will still need to earn an AA degree first. Kind of tough to do if you aren’t in school, though.
RE: #4
Good point, if UH is asked to subsidize travel costs, then LA Tech should do the same, exp. for UH.
RE: Blaze. IIRC, this is his last year UNLESS he shows significant progress towards his degree. I hope that I am wrong and he can redshirt because for him to just start playing half-way into the season, its not worth it imho. And I don’t know whats really going on with the trainers and stuff, but please do not let the players tell YOU they are ready…Blaze gets re-injured, Libre, Graunke…who else?
mornin all
don’t think a RS year is in the plans for Blaze from what i’ve been hearing even though that’s what makes the most sense for him and the team
go warriors
exp = esp
engineers have tough jobs. too bad they are encouraged by their bosses to participate in fundraisers such as golf. must be tough.
i do agree with one of them regarding blaze. and rj is proving his point.
mojo, remind yourself to check if there are more than two of those gahr hs recruits. i hear there is a third guy, wr type who got skills on that team. a trio would be good.
Ronnie yesterday Kelli was asking for tickets to attend the homecoming game seems all student tickets are gone. also I recall Al was looking for some moa tics. if they are reading this maybe they can contact you.
Eh nice pics of rob25, you and friend at the Fresno game. betcha was exciting especially cause we wen win babe. whooooooootahhhhhhhhhhhhh
I’d love to see Paipai Falemalu join that LB corps next season!
koakane….i found some very good tix on the 25yd line in the blue on the uh website. also, craigslist.com has some available at cost.
now if i can only remember to bring them with me on saturday i’ll be fine.
did you know that paipai is bigger, stronger, and faster than his cousin from kahuku/punahou?
you are right, i think he was the “steal” of the 08 recruit class.
disappointing news re: George Kauwalu, could you imagine him w/ Paipai. scary, that’d be lights out.
technically, blaze would have to petition for a medical redshirt if he sat out this year.
he is a junior this year by rule. having gone to hpu his first year of college, he actually would have to count that as year one of five to play four.
even he doesn’t get his medical r/s this year he will have next year to compete.
we seem to have a boatload of lb’s from last year’s recruits and those that have already committed for 09. i don’t see that as a weakness at all, but, rather as a future strength of the team.
also, as mack would say, we recruit lb’s and turn em into defensive ends. i drool at last year’s and this year’s lb’s. got size and speed.
(gurgle, drip, drool…)
good morning Tsaikos everywhere
and all Warrior Nation too.
Koakane, gonna be coming mid afternoon cuz get 1 hr practice at noon Hilo. but
(whistlin) I’llllllll be there…. to warm an comfort u….
ahem, we should hold our own groundbreakin at Ching Cooke Field Complex befo Logan goes buss up da field. maybe Sunday, Tsaikos bring shovels, we go dig up sum weeds in da field, take piccha, imake speeches put iin blog…..:D
Go Warriors.
God! I cant stand this dude. Steven Tsai is such a dooche! Not to mention the most unattractive person who works at the Honolulu Advertiser. I mean really dude, if your going to have your picture printed in the paper everyday, do the people who have to see your ugly mug a freaking favor…Drop a couple pounds (aprox. 50), grab some contact lenses and maybe get a hair cut. Please do us a favor and just start wearing a lucha libre mask. You are a horrible person and I really wish you would just go away and leave the important task of reporting the news to better looking people.
BHF2 will supply the gold paint for your shovels…
Blaze – follow Jake Huen’s path – Redshirt. No need risk it.
The guys have you covered for now, but next year is a different story.
You will be stronger for the ’09 season
Frank Dog,
Welcome to the blog.
I hope someday you can get over Wena choosing ST over you; she’s a really nice person and no doubt a big loss for you but you need to move on already….
Thanks, al, for the clarification about Blaze.
So he grad in 05….
05-06 at HPU (?)…
06-07 UH (Freshman)
07-08 UH (Soph)
08-09 UH (JR)
09-10 UH (SR?)
I think that is right, but I am still thinking that I heard since he went the HPU route (partial qualifier), the amount of years that he can play will be determined by his academic progress. Wharevers though, I just wish that he has at least one more year where he can be injury free and wreck havok.
Hi Al,
Good to hear about Paipai; LB corps looking real good next year.
Glad to hear you got tix for LA Tech game. We’re probabaly going to sit in North End Zone if we do go. So far , so good…
* Probably
ok bhf2 going represent, looking forward to seeing you this sat no matta wot time you come, we be here. we also have post game talk story, wind down and overall further family bonding. no need warming up cause if we punch dem in da face, kick their okole’s everyting going be good.
al had small cc at Thelma’s, d1 and mrs, kekoa, and me. tried to call you but no answer on phone. was supa gooooooooooooooood.
With so much interest in those tix, if they are in fact available perhaps a blog contest would be appropriate?
Did you try the lechon kawali ?
No tease him aftah da fack! Bumbai he going tell da Twins to throw some evil Mojo at us! 😯 😆
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Your son got tough game on Saturday against Whitworth…Wish him well and lots of luck…
koakane….you must have been so excited that you called the wrong number i think.
ltuh….see you there.
okay, gotta get going now.
Do not feed the troll !!!
Morning/afternoon, Tsaiko-Nation and Tsai-Meister.
Blaze and Rocky should reshirt, if available. Rocky can, but Blaze must be up to speed on school work to get another year to play. Not playing this year would allow him to get his school stuff in order. That won’t hurt him anyway, NFL is certainly no guarantee. If he has aspiration for the pro’s, he needs one year, injury free.
Our defense will be very formidable again and then some in 09.
D1 (Chinese Symbol)
You have got to be kidding me! You really can not argue with the logic that ST is the worst looking person on the Advertiser Staff. I mean really even the guys at the print shop in Kapolei maintain better hygene than your boy TS. So now you are also an honorary Douche! Congrats!
Practically everything we ate had lechon in it! Mmmmmm 😛
Yep. Gonna be exciting D3 Fball this week.
Only one more week before I head up fo’ watch ’em live! 😀
Tsaiko’s!…..It’s mid week and I can already smell the BBQ. Looks like an epic game this weekend. Can’t wait.
Howzit. Yeah, you’re right. Anyway, how could I hope to match such sparkling wit? 😉
Not sure about Blaze’s status but re: Rocky – kinda feel like the DL could use as much added depth as possible down the stretch of this season.
Oh forgot to mention 2 things….
1st – check the picture of Tua with the #90 jersey. Look behind him. That’s my son Kahai #65. He said he knew he was in the shot so he tried to copy Tua. Funny.
Also, Happy BDay (belated) to Mrs A House and all the other Libras on the blog. I too am an October baby. Made 42 on 10/3. No shame tell my age – it’s just a number. Anyway, great month to be born!!!
Haven’t had Filipino food in quite awhile. Last time we went to Sari Sari in Kalihi several years ago. The one at River Street not so good. Maybe take a trek out to Waipahu and check Thelma’s out. Lechon sounds good!
So you and wife going to see son play in Lewis & Clark game. My nephew went to Willamette U. so used to follow that league for a few years.
Wish the Linfield v. Whitworth game was in Spokane this year. Oh well, next year I guess.
jm2375, jason,
i like this site for team records. its a big database that someone has. you can query it for all types of searches.
oh, and i’m headed to the boise game next week. who’s going?
I remember that I met ST a couple of times and each time he was strager than the last. He always wears shirts with holes in them so that his chest hair sticks out. Then it looked like he had a harty plate lunch and used his holy shirt as his napkin. All praise be to Allah! ST gets the my vote for Douch of the Year 2008!
I remember that I met ST a couple of times and each time he was strager than the last. He always wears shirts with holes in them so that his chest hair sticks out. Then it looked like he had a harty plate lunch and used his holy shirt as his napkin. All praise be to Allah! ST gets the my vote for Douch of the Year 2008!
Lots of local ties throughout the NWC; esp. at Willamette (Lee brothers, to mention a few).
Yep, with the change in offense this year, Linfield is fortunate that they are in the Whitworth/Willamette at home rotation this year. Hopefully, by the time they hit the road for the season finale at PLU they’ll have the Offense rolling.
Happy Belated Birthday to Mrs. A-House and Wassup Doc!
Just back from the UH-beat-Fresno-down Victory Tour! Wow am I tired…all that shopping in Palm Springs put me over the top.
Two weeks and I hit the Austin/Dallas areas in Texas!
FYI, Frank Dog is not my Frank. I’m sure most Tsaikos know that.
Holy Crap Guys: You all here really mean to tell me that you all have banned together and formed some sort of cult revolving around the 2008 Douche of the Year! HA! Tsaikos huh…ST you are now a celebrity. Congrats! It still does not change the fact that you are a born loser.
C_C- Just booked my flight and hotel reservation for Boise. Arriving Thursday around 2 pm, leaving Saturday around 2 pm.
I’m going! Ronnie, d1 and son, committed road warrior are also attending. Check SteveM’s site for others I may have missed.
C_C –
I’m working on my flight plans now. I’ll be there. I plan to fly in on Friday and out on Saturday.
I sent email to you!
Some people should keep their “dog” on a shorter tether.
Hey waddayamean “Funaki-san” isn’t Japanese? Uso da yo!!
I even had his kanji all figured out… 猪木 舟木 <– see? Wildboar Tree … Boat(making) Tree.
Nice to see the Polynesian brethren getting along — Hawaiian, Samoans, Tongans, Tsaikos, …
Some people should keep their “dog” on a shorter tether.
It seems that I have angered some here with this rant. I do not mean to insult the good people here. The only point that I was trying to make is that I am tired of seeing that half assed sorry excuse for a reporter in the sports section. I mean really, you can ask anyone who works for the Advertiser, this guy is the biggest Douche in the world. He walks around with this large sense of accomplishment, when in reality he is just a douche. A sad, fat douche.
Boise-bound! 🙂
good morning…..good morning.
engineers have tough jobs. too bad they are encouraged by their bosses to participate in fundraisers such as golf. must be tough.
no doubt……………and its even tougher when no ‘mo golf skills. 🙂
Awesome news about Galdeira! Has he been enrolled in school all along?
Thelma’s sounds like a place to try, too bad stay far wessai??!!
my favorite place for filipino food is Jesse’s Bakery, N. King St.. went there yesterday but don’t order lechon, next time i’ll try theirs.
ooops….should be “didn’t order” not “don’t order”.
ok got a TOUGH job to do, everyone take care and enjoy.
Well, Alrighty then, Let’s all Welcome Frank Dog to the show.
Frank, why don’t you tell all of us about yourself before we move on with our other guests?
that is awesome news re: guyton. special teams wins and loses games, and as Dkelly mentioned yesterday on da animals- for these Hawaii teams he’s played on, special teams kind of dicate what kind of emotion the O and D play with.
When I was working in Japan, I went on my first and only Golf game with the company’s big wigs. My first drive was a doozy! After that, it was all down hill. No, wait! I did win the closest to the hole tee-off on a 153 yarder whose tee was on a steep hill overlooking a small creek of which the green lay on the other side. Somehow I put it 18 inches from the hole with a 5 iron. Only after I won did I realize that the Winner paid for drinks… grrrrr! Japanese got it all backwards. Did you know a hole-in-one in Japan can almost bankrupt a person! Aiyahh!
That’s great news regarding Guyton!
and much better than Washington St, which just had open tryouts for a scout team QB – because of injuries to that position.
nalo back to work we know you can but no like
ltuhf like d1 mentioned we tried everything. buffet pilipino fuud, very taste and good.
al checking numbs if phone no wrong den check with you on sat.
I could be mistaken, but I heard that the certain engineer who will sacrifice is a low handicapper. Did someone feed me the wrong info?
U no me, the gullible!
Guyton, welcome back!!
Sorry I could not meet you when your Aunty took you around our office several weeks ago.
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wow, so not only do we have Richard “little guyton” Torres, but the O.G. Guyton is back too?
Guyton Galdeira story…
At the Sugar Bowl, after the trophy celebration, the award ceremony and most the fans headed to the exits, he made his way along the UH sections and shook the hands of the fans that were still there along the first row wall. With Hawaiian Flag draped over his back he thanked each person, looked them in the eye and you could tell that he was truly appreciative of the fans that were there.
I’m glad that he is back with the team again.
WOW! So that was Guyton in Waikiki Nei after all!
As J-Dog mentioned, this should be good for this year’s service team unti to have someone that was a driving force last season return and not to mention having someone whom Richard Torres himself said he looked up to be back on the team.
This can only be a good thing!
Pull up your pants and get out of your room right this instant!
Everyone. My neighbor (who’s a lurker) alerted me to my sons behavior on this blog. I truly apologize for his disrespectful outbursts. Honestly, our family not like this.
Franklin or “Frankie” is my husband and I only child He’s usually a good kid. But, over the years he’s been acting up. Very rebellious. I think I’ve babied him too much.
My husband has past on so it’s just me and Frankie. At 43, Frankie still lives in his same room. His room is still plastered with aging Boy George and George Michael posters. (He so cute!)
Frankie’s developed split personalities. Sometimes he thinks he a young kid. Sometimes he thinks he’s a girl model. One time I caught him acting out a bikini pageant in his room. (at least he won, I think)
All this outbursts and changed behavior can be traced to a horrible revelation in Frankie’s life. In the 5th grade Frankie came home distraught. He told my husband he felt embarrassed getting undressed in front of his classmates during PE.
My husband asked why?
Frankie said, “dad, I the only one that get… you know… “hair” down there.”
My husband put his news paper down and sternly replied, “Of course, Franklin! What the hell do you expect! You 18 already!”
Psychologist agree our sons downward spiral can be attributed to this incident.
I’m so confused about my son. He’s never had a girlfriend. He’s lost touch with all his 5th grade classmates. They haven’t come over to visit him on their bikes in ages!
Stephen, I apologize for my sons remarks. You not ugly. (Although, you and I both could lose a few pounds for health reasons) You look like a handsome young man. I actually like your picture of you without glasses. You have nice eyes.
Say, wouldn’t that be funny? If you and I got together, Frankie would have to call you, “Dad.” Haha! But, sorry Stephen. I’m waaay too old for you. No one wants an old former 1951 Ms. Hawaii 3rd runner up anyways.
Aloha everyone!
Good morning-ish everyone!
So far, 6 Tsai-ko blogger names are listed for the Boise game. Arrival and departure times indicate feasibility of a cattle call besides game day tailgate.
Any additions, changes, restaurant info, tips, etc.? Post here or email me at the link on the page…
Wassabi Brethren and Sistren…
Guyton, sup my bruddah, glad to have you back. Need your experience and tenasity on special teams!
PaiPai Falemalu going be nawts! Garrans dis guy going be one All-Star real soon!
Hey more pics please, you must balance the text and the pictures 😀
Welcome Frank family! Very humorous!
Welcome back GG! The other gg still habut.
Rocky and Blaze, think about it and do what you gotta do…same with you PB.
Funaki isn’t Japanese? Next thing you know someone going tell me Russell Yamanoha is not Japanese too!
Happy Belated birthday Nalani! See you on Saturday!
You find cyper punks on every blog. Somehow these poor souls find a perverse pleasure in crossing the line of civity in expressing their views. They want to get the attention they are probably missing in their real lives. Cyber punks are cowards who can hide behind the anonimity of the internet.
I knew I forgot someone’s birthday.
But I do appreciate the readership from the Bay Area.
But I am proud of my three hairs on my chest … whoops, one just fell off. OK, I’m proud of both of my chest hairs.
I enjoyed Guyton’s performance in Waikiki Nei. Sorry that the show got cancelled, but glad to hear that GG is back playing for the Warriors. Good job Coach Mac and Miano!
Wow ST! You get 2 more chest hairs than me and 1 more than jojo!
Homey when did you look at Jojo’s chest, and you were looking for hairs?
It’s the Rogaine.
Happy belated B-day to Nalani.
Wow, maybe someday, we can form a Libra chapter of Tsaikos; just like the Wessai Chapter. The blind lady holding the scales can be our symbol – JUSTICE FOR ALL.L
wow lots of spam today & not enough on the plate.
Homey you lucky Jojo doesn’t read the blog everyday
Now THAT was funny !!!
Did I miss Nalani Choy’s birthday?
wow that new kicker is small. like father and son.
Frankie’s mom, you should have taken him to the Humane Society when he was in the fifth grade, the Humane Society has excellent obedience training and they would have taught him social skills he needs today. Frank pickup your poop and don’t eat it…
Two questions:
1) Is it “Brent” or Brett” Symonds?
2) Is he a vegetarian?
What are the roles of Brad Kalilimoku and Jake Patek on the team now? I saw them during the fall helping out with practices and on the sidelines at home games.
Are they GAs? Managers? I assume they do not get to travel with the team for away games though. Or do they?
Inoke Funaki reminds me of Se’e Poumele (remember him?)… similar style of play.
Kaliimoku and Patek are managers. They actually have tough jobs. Yesterday, they were working on football-stripping drills. Patek was getting pounded.
It’s Brett Symonds. Somebody can’t spell. Nice catch, Kazz.
Nah I wasn’t sure I could of sworn I saw his first name change a few times on the UH athletics website too so I didn’t know which was correct.
Kinda like when Antwan Mahaley was being referred to as “Tua” in the papers and I thought we had a new player at DE this season.
My nephew’s real name is Jazz. I must introduce you to him.
Happy belated birthday to Mrs. A-House and WassupDoc.
Was Galdeira going to school while working on the show?
RE: Mis-identification of Mahaley as E. Purcell
I taped the replay and watched it again and I assume that Pops and Yamanoha are looking at the same replay we are seeing and when Mahaley leaped up his jersey scrunched up in the back and the # 80 looked like a #90 at the end, so I assume this is where the mistake was.
I think Chawan or Jason mentioned also that they were using “spotters” to help them ID players due to their POOR location while calling the game.
So for all the Leahey haters lurking out there, JIM LEAHEY WILL NEVER RETIRE!!! …. The planetary allignment over the next couple of years is not ready yet!
Yes, he happened to be going to school, so he’s good to go. He graduates in December with a degree in economics.
Re: The block.
One of the spotters in the press box yelled out that he was sure there was a “4” on the jersey.
We assumed it was Desmond Thomas (No. 24) because of his slim build.
But it was Liz Chun, who was on the field, who correctly ID’d Mahaley.
Hi everyone!
Nice to see some other folks ponying up to go to the Boise game next week. Do any of you guys need a ticket (or an extra ticket) for the game? I’ve still got an extra ticket for this game. Just let me know if you like ’em.
Section 11 Row I
You do know football tickets are hot commodities in Boise, right? 🙂
One day sir. So can we assume you will make another cameo at a Tsaikogate sooner than later?
Ah, them Roosevelt grads are sharp ones eh? 😉
You need to borrow some chest hair?
in Leahey’s defense…they were on the roof of the stadium
Borrow? How does one “borrow” chesthair? Does that mean you come attached? Aiyahhh! That mental image just broke the lens in my photgraphic memory… sheesh!
borrow..he can use it when he needs it but I want it back someday
For real eh? When Fresno State comes here next season, we should place them on the bridge connecting the North end zone and the Mauka sideline bleachers….
OR we can send them to broadcast the game from inside the men’s bathroom.
GOOD LUCK F*****S!!!!
Want ’em back? What for?
Just pull those curly locks from somewhere else and tell ‘im it came from your chest… and if you rinse em first, no one would be the wiser and no one would ever notice they are gone — except you on cold nights when you have the cover below your knees.
Okay.. back to work.. off to Waikiki…
I prefer we have their announcers sit in Kalihi at a hostess bar and have to call the game while watching the K-5 pay-per-view broadcast.
made in Hawaii,
I don’t have hair anywhere else
Calvin – TMI
Ralph – Nothing to worry about because she doesn’t even go to the T-gates or CC’s.
chawan – yep, Brett does look like he could put on a good 60 lbs.
ST – Rogaine eh, nah when the time comes I rather spend the money on the blue pill. I would rather something else grow than grow hair.
How much birthday cakes are we going to have at the t-gate?
koakane – you bringing your wok?
GG looks good to go!
Frank Dog. Hmmmmm… Sounds like a cross between a hot dog and a weenie of some sort.
Don’t worry about him, Stephen. When you think about it, if he says you look like you need to lose 50 pounds and just had a “harty” meal, I mean, garsh, he coulda been talking about a lotta folks here. 😆
My chest hairs aren’t worthy of you Tsai-rah.
Great news about Guyton. Welcome back, Warrior!
ralph…..i can’t believe you said that!
ralph…..lurks every day.
of course guyton was in school.
st….good thing he didn’t spot the hairs sticking out of the ears.
mrs. f-dog…..i know who you are.
funaki…….not japanese. no problem.
aren’t japanese pacific islanders too? ahhhh so.
upon closer examination. change icecube to snowflake. bugga is skinny, almost translucent.
snowflake need to eat more pacific islander cuisine such a poi, green banana, and musubi.
….nuff said
Here’s my explanation for why Symonds is so small: He’s a child genius, he can’t be any older than 14.
Notice the UH web site doesn’t list his birthday? Conspiracy theorists can start going to work on that … 😉
(Yeah, doesn’t help when you’re sitting next to Dan Kelly. But for such a small guy, he’s not that bad a kicker.)
Yes, the Internet is back. And so is Guyton! Double awesome.
you mean :”how many…”
i was gonna drop her from the list already. everytime awol.
gg….you mean she when stay go.
We shouldn’t allow roaches into the Tsaiko House. Before you know it, the whole place is infested. This goes way beyond free speech and is just plain disgusting and should be erased immidiately. I don’t care what kind of dog they call themselves.
al – keep her on the list, one day, like Jesus, she will reappear.
ok homey. do we remove ralph now?
…back to work.
al – re ralph
First esme, now jojo, yep one more strike and I think ralph will be on the shiite list. 😆
Yep, you are right, it’s “how many”…
Just saw the Wahine Softball schedule and they have a killer season loaded with top teams from top conferences!
I miss KC Drive Inn’s Waffle Dogs.
RE: Wahine Softball.
The only chance I can get to watch them is on the weekend but their games seem to coincide with Rainbow Baseball.
I keep telling myself, “I’ll make it down there for a game”. But I can’t. Well one more season to make an attempt.
Of all things, waffle dogs?
At least you watch them live. I just watch them on that non-HD channel. I should make it a point to at least be at one home game this season.
Florida Ted:
People can say what they wish, but, come on, to spell my name wrong? That’s not good.
Symonds must have a genetically enhanced kicking leg cause he look like one melted Ice Cube. Hope he goes on the Muscle Milk diet soon…
PB – DK is 5 inches taller and 80 pounds heavier. I don’t know, I’m not buying the 5’10” that’s listed as his height. No worries, as long as he can kick the seams off the ball.
ahem…I shaved on Sunday, and I only shave once a month
Saw a few kicks from Symonds in practice and leg strength doesn’t seem to be a problem but as he keeps kicking and gets bigger it will get better.
It will be interesting to see him take the reigns next year as our kicker.
Hmm… now… what about that punter???
BTW is it true that Jake Ingram’s younger brother is 6’4″? He’ll be ready to go next season right?
Kazz, they make waffle dogs at Ka Lei Eggs on Waialae on certain days. I think the fresh eggs have something to do with the batter. But then again, I thought the Cubs were going to advance…
Do you guys want to have a contest now?
jojo – ummmm, thanks for the info.
Kazz – If not 6’4″ then he is a tall 6’3″. He is tall.
Howzit Rich,
Tried to find some stats on him since he went to Chapparal High I think in the Temecula area. He seems like a decent kicker…also played soccer so maybe he does have some power, just hope he’s accurate.
What kind of contest? Chest hairs? I’m out.
For reals what about punter? Grasso is gone too right? Is Brett going to be a dual threat?
OK, giving away two tickets to Saturday’s game. Makai Orange section, row 29. Rules are above.
No Homey
Toe hairs
so less than 200 more to go!
homey – Wouldn’t the majority of us be out… I thought Asians no moa hair on the chest???
It was kind of funny today. An autograph seeker mistook Grasso for Blaze.
Business is slow. I need to juice it up.
I thought Kelli was looking for tickets, and Al, and um, me.
KELLI, there’s a contest.
Eh I think it’s time for me to post and stop lurking.
Sorry to hear about Guyton’s show.
On the other hand — I was only kidding a few weeks back when I was asking if he was still eligible! And I guess he is! Welcome back to the team!
Wow! That’s pretty good seats!!! I’m in! Gonna lurk now.
Oh wait Okinawans is hairy…no???
Howzit everybody,
I’ll be back around 3:30 to see how the contest is going.
Pauoa Boy, those hairy lychees are Asian, too, right?
Contest for tickets…shutes I guess I can help out and get us to tree-fitty quick…
Long way to go to get them free tickets
Al and homey — I can vouch that jojo did not pull a jojo and was eating poke with jeje at my table last Saturday night. It’s all a matter of timing. Ohh well, another secret gone… 😐
I’m sure the winner will want to take JoJo.
Unless the winner is JoJo, then she can take Kelli.
PB – my boy has more chest hairs than me. But then again he get Okinawan DNA.
Kama – I guess you win the toe hair contest!
Was Guyton able to get a scholarship?
aiyah, I dunno…are they? 🙂
Grasso for Blaze, I don’t see the resemblance.
Whitey…Thanks for the invite to Tiffany’s. (I love their mochiko chicken and their miso butterfish; their portions are huge.) Unfortunately, I’m still here on Oahu and won’t be back home to Maui until tomorrow aftrnoon. Another missed opportunity for me to meet all you wonderful people. I’m sure this won’t be the last. Please keep me in mind when you have future gatherings.
ltuhf, g’nalo, d1….Did you guys ever try Max’s filipino restaurant in Waipahu? I’ve tried quite a few here in Honolulu, LA, SF and the Waipahu one seems to have the best tasting entrees to me, especially the lechon kawali or the crispy pata.
On to breaking news…wow, what a boost to morale, confidence and spirit for the warriors to have GG back. How does that work…since he left, didn’t someone get his scholarship? I didn’t realize that if you leave, you can reclaim your spot on the team.
If I win I’m gonna donate my regular tickets and take the contest tickets!
Is this game close to selling out? I thought I saw tickets still available online, but then again free tickets!!!
I’d heard Grasso had an understudy around spring training time…what happened after that?
Symonds looks like Kelly’s son in those pics
SteveM – BIO’s don’t count. For me and al she just pulls a jojo.
Eh Homey no tease. I went try cut um but always come back longer so i figure just leave and maybe next time I can braid um or a least make um look nice.
Bowsforever…I remember distinctly you alluding to GG maybe un-retiring after the first couple of games when our special teams was botching things up. Tsaich-ic!
SteveM outed me…but I got to meet Mei Ling! ah, everything balances out.
Hmmmm… was that a compliment for Grasso or an insult for Soares? 😆
Best available tickets online is in the sideline yellow sections.
Kama – Let um grow and you can weave a sandal.
ST, do you know if any recruits are visiting this weekend. I heard that Corey and Deondre will be at the game, any others?
Speaking of chest hair, where the heck is wreck?
Wreckineyez is busy trying to make it big in Hollywood, I guess.
that’s best available, there are other tickets in the end zones still available
From yesterday…
No read to much into what I was trying to say about Pilares. I know he could be one mean slot receiver for us, but I was just saying I no like see him sitting behind somebody when he should be starting. Nothing against Washington or Bain but Pilares should be starting somewhere, either at RB or WR. I would like to see him in the game ALOT… Libre and LWJ are good backs no doubt but Pilares style is smooth and fun to watch. I dunno to me if Pilares was a regular starter, he would be an ALL-WAC 1st teamer at the least. IMO
Maybe he is till trying to clean out the vomit I left in his ride.
jojo – when you go to the website and click on best available it gives you the yellow section.
corey is coming.
deondre has to wait. he didn’t take his sat. thats one of the requirements to going on a trip (don’t need to pass, just need to take it).
deondre is coming in december, i think.
Good afternoon Tsaikos & Tsaikettes, Lurkers & Lurkettes!
Heard there’s a contest for tickets! So exciting, I wonder who will win! lol
PB – I’m with you. Seeing that they are designing plays for Funaki, one would think they would create plays to make the best use of Pilares’ ability…reverses, motion sweeps, slot screens, RB screens, direct snaps…
Thanks for the info ST, do you know if any other officials have been setup yet?
I think some field passes would bump up this count
So if Solomon Koehler’s brother is in Junior High can he play too, he looks way older than Doogie Howser…I mean Brett Symonds.
Okay, not trying to be or act like a coach but just thinking out loud and writing it down…
He there UHfan808! How’s the fingers?
Hmmm…that was ST?
Response to #175 –
Just had my mom’s 75th b-day party there… food is good and reasonable!
Tsaikos: Has anyone heard of any “open” tailgate parties to buy into at the stadium for Homecoming this weekend?
Hmmm…was that ST?
still got a long way to go to get to 350
DrP – contact Kazz or click on SteveM’s name in one of his post and it will direct you to t-gate info.
Pauoa Boy: I think there’s too much talent to declare one person an outright starter at either slot or running back; that was what happened with Bess and Grice-Mullins, and look what happened when they left — their backups were lacking in game reps, and it has shown in the first few games. But getting Pilares in a rotation at both RB and slotback, IMO, is most beneficial for the team. It gets your weapons out there in many different ways, and it gives the offense different options with what it can do. I’m not sure Pilares is ready to start at slotback, but I can see him practicing at slot during the week and still getting the starting role and/or significant playing time at RB.
True maybe this years run and shoot should be shoots, go run… I know we use the pass to set up the run but with Funaki back there and Pilares in a hybrid back position that combination right there is dangerous. Then you add the north/south speed guy in LWJ, the scat back in Libre, da bruiser in Rego, and then the Stone Wall Blocker in Farmer…sheesh how you gonna act?
Got a couple of official visits coming up later this month from off-island prospects.
UH might be done recruiting in December.
Right on Homey!…
Big Mahalos….
Long time reader, second time poster. Just trying to bump for those tickets 🙂
No rule that says tickets must be won during work hours.
Wait, what are the work hours, anyway?
Afternoon Tsaikos!
wonder if we can reach 350 before I leave my office….
Awesome news about the return of Guyton!
How many more spots do we have to fill for 2009? We have 9 commits now but don’t know how many grayshirts will count for this class.
trying to get their before I have to leave 😉
Are we there yet?
Anybody going to see Styx tomorrow night?
No doubt I hear you brother…lots of talent to work with. Speaking of which I’m still waiting for my man LWJ to blow it up soon. I know he can be lethal but I dunno something seems to be holding him back? Any thoughts on that?
Oh and by the way,
Great to see Guyton back. Him and Torres will be a good combo along with Smith.
Just looked at SteveM’s site and noticed there is cow tongue on the menu! YES BABEEEEE!
wassabi sis, dayum that was hella hilarious watching your voodoo fingers going. I tink so I scared to make trouble to you now, haha… Nah, just make sure it is used during the games only… I still yet laughing, you are nawts!!! 😉 🙂
WM – Not me.
DrP — welcome back…I don’t recall seeing you since last December or so! If you would like to join us at the Tsai-ko tailgate, please email Kazz for details and directions. Kazz is at tsaikotailgate (at) gmail.com
Oh wait one more thing, somebody gotta invite this Brett kid to a couple of the Muu Calls to beef the bradda up.
Did koakane just pass out?
Yup, too bad for Waikiki Nei, but good for UH
Homey don’t play like that…hadn’t gone to see his site yet?
SteveM: Anybody ever asked you “How’s your tongue, baby?”
I used to work at Bernards of NY off of S. King and Univ when I was in school, and these little old Jewish men would always ask me “How’s your tongue today, baby?”…. YIPES!!!
Darn it, won’t be able to win the tickets. Daughter with only driver’s permit needs a ride to somewhere close that back in the day us old timers would walk or ride bike. Spoiled kids nowadays.
Koakane – what percentage of the kids call you Mr. Koakane and how much just call you Mister?
Pauoa Boy: IDK, I have high hopes for him. Maybe it’s the foot — arch injuries tend to linger.
SteveM: Just a couple small corrections, when you have time — Koala Moa chickens, not Mua. And rotisserie has one T. Sorry, I’m a bit picky when it comes to spelling.
You can do it KK
trying to help out
You too, that was funny…made my day watching that like 20 times bwahaha
but you guys get fast fingas
Not sure on the number of available scholies. I have to get my abacus.
Hi SteveM – I’ve been reading regularly…just not blogging…but the contest was enticing… I will look to email Kazz…
moa worst than putting down a bet at chicken fights
DrP – Well in that case, CHICKEN AND PORK BABEEEE!
at this rate maybe by six we get to 350
we’re getting warmer
Twin midori,
TY for letting me know about this contest!
Fingers are ready for Saturday…lol…knock, knock, knock on wood! WHOOO-O-O-O-O-O-OOOOO
ok we know the govs no can count
That last post was for homey….just a little short!
oh hippo birdie two ewe’s to Nalani
KK what you doing betting on chickens. You suppose to eat um not bet on um.
Jason – for some reason Stretch thinks I’m a stickler for spelling. It’s and engineer thing…choo chooooo!
awesome news for Galdeira. loved watching him knock some heads.
No, but go for it Babe!
LWJ had a miserable game at Fresno. I didn’t watch the whole replay, so I have no idea what was going on when he got stonewalled. Anyone know?
Curran and maybe Kekaula have mentioned that LWJ doesn’t get to use his “fifth gear” nearly enough in this offense. Would being a hybrid runner/receiver like Pilares help his productivity? And…I know this is a crazy thought…would it be completely wrong for the run-n-shoot to have _two_ running backs on the field?
Hmm…looks like next years incoming recruits, plus the greyshirts, plus the walk-ons, plus the redshirts…going make the Warriors a team to be reckoned with from now on! No more BS talk about wussy schedule, being in the WAC, blah blah blah… Coach Mack definitely got this team heat seeking the Top 25 very clearly and I can envision impact hitting very, very soon!
Hi Pauoa Boy!
What up bro! Only viewed the clip once. Kinda shame, but no can help when caught up in the game. Gotta cheer on our boys and do whatever it takes! Just relieved I didn’t swear when they called the running into the kicker.
kama krab,
Koakane is the one who always bet on da duck!
What number are we on???
I’m in between patients…
Did I read somewhere about “foot problem” from Pauoa Boy???
damien guy pilares should stay at running back get more touches and chances to run it to da house. pass game still not refined enought.
You know what…
It’s homecoming this week and if those little mascot safes for Hawaii Self Storage can get their act together and perform the 2007 Ha’a, then why can’t we????
Just wondering.
Wait the Waikiki Nei went out of business already? Didn’t it just open?
See if you can ask UH coaches why they aren’t recruiting former UH signee RB Gabe Tuata (now at Mt. San Antonio College). JMHO but Gabe would be perfect replacement for Daniel Libre next season.
UH apparently hasn’t even attempted to contact Gabe. Too bad ‘cuz Gabe wants to come home. Apparently Boise State showing interest in Gabe.
kama know what funnier is the guy who paid off the bet on da duck.
…and his pahtnah, Kekoa, makes sure da duck WINS!
What duck, duck duck goose!
Happy Belated Birthday Mrs. A-House! Sounded like you had a nice yesterday!
Shoots! Go Run!
howzit gang!
you should post more often
Level 4 is still there, though…
homey: All you ICS guys need to make sure of is that you use upper- and lower-case letters properly. Otherwise, you end up dividing by zero, and mathematicians need to get into action in order to save the universe from imploding.
Re: Wright-Jackson, I’ve always been partial of two different things — one, the Pistol. I think it’s perfect for him. And motioning him out as a third wideout would be really cool — imagine him and Lane attacking the same deep safety. But those are just my ideas. I still think there are things we can do in the R&S that can utilize his abilities. But running Tampa with him is not a good idea. Gotta be some quick hitting plays, even if it’s between the tackles. Let him run north and south and get him to top speed, he can break tackles with his momentum.
I wonder if there will be even more plays this week that will take advantage of Funakis abilities. Would love to see more option with him
that’s great news!
I’ll pass it along. But from what I understand, UH was kind of hurt when Tuata opted to go to a JC instead of grayshirting. If he had grayshirted, he would be playing this year.
kazz check email and get back to me
trying for post fishy, but still get 35 more minutes of work
I would love to see us run the pistol for LWJ. Took one to the house last year against Fresneck
koakane, my wild guess is that they’re trying to train up Pilares on the position whenever they can for the future (he could be a super-dangerous runner/receiver threat in the next two seasons). So far it seems Pilares has no real problem going back to the RB position when game time rolls around. He did seem to fade into the background later in the game when they moved him to slotback, but according to the stats he still ended up with 80 yards rushing and receiving.
did everyone get to watch the Michael Washington story on the Coach Mack show? – chicken skin
I was thinking that would freak the crap out of opposing defenses and make them she-she pants if we use two backs plus Funaki. I know I would be confused and go what da heo??? LWJ could probably move to slot in certain situations to get him some open field oppurtunities on screens and such… I dunno to me I like see him unleash the speed and take it to the house consistently…I know he can!
Whoops, I guess I’m making up for posting belated b-day wishes!
“Run ‘N Shoot”
“North Shore Offense”
“Shoots, go run”
Saaaamoan coach yelling at you: “EH NO LOOK ME, RON A PAUL (run the ball) !!!”
It’s all good.
what happened to trying to add more under center? we only use it in short yardage situations.
Hey Jojo!
good luck with the tickets
Now that I think about it, I’m not sure the pistol formation’s been run this whole season. Worked great for JJ when he “borrowed” it from Ault in 2007. Was it just JJ’s thing? Would it work for Funaki and his receivers if they didn’t try a run?
I never got why Gabe went to a JC.
pb we see the same thing. double threats plus pilares is a north south guy and doesn’t hesitate. hits the point of attack quickly…bam gone see yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bye bye
RE: Pilares at slot again.
“If it’s ain’t broke, no fix em”.
Well some HBs wen break (injuries to Libre, Farmer, Heun, and LWJ) so dey wen fix em (enter Pilares).
Now, da HBs stay fixed but Pilares was one good rent-a-car. Geeev da car back especially wen had good “mileage”?
These are the decisions I would NOT want to make.
hey, just checkin in
LOL, das okay I heard you enough to know that you would have gave the ref one earfull if you was at the game. Nah, no be shame dat was funny though. Me on the other hand, my video would have had a constant beeping tone throughout the whole thing haha!
Happy Belated Birthday WassupDoc!
Happy Belated Birthday Nalani! Nice meeting you during last Tsaiko-gate!
…May you all have many many many more!
Wasn’t there miscommunication about grayshirting between the coaches and Gabe’s parents?
would love to see Pilares at Slot with empty backfield and Pilares come in motion and Funaki hands it off to him
How many Tsaikos going to Boise State next week?
I think there are a lot of things the Warriors could do to supplement the standard R&S, things that I and many other fans would like to see; the question is whether they have the time to install such packages. The Funaki package installed during the bye week for SJSU worked a little bit that game, then really began to click the Fresno State game. But they had a bye week to install it — they had that extra time. I wonder if they would have the time to install additional small packages here and there, especially when you consider that they’re still trying to fully grasp and expand the Funaki package.
anything we can get from the slots (yac) would be good
Pilares — Always a credible run threat, was second-best blocker behind Farmer last year.
LWJ — he gets running room, the defense is toast.
Funaki — he’s Funaki. And if you break down the pocket, he only gets more dangerous.
AND three WRs. Three runners, two blockers, one QB, three receivers, six players. What’s not to like about that kinda offensive package? I’d love to see that get used once in a while.
any word on scott smith returning home?
practice 300
There’s always next year for this kinda package. =)
why does the oline go into the 3-point stance on run plays? it gives the heads up to the defense on what we’re going to do.
fo shua I’m saying it now Pilares will be ALL-WAC soon!
Same goes for PaiPai Falemalu, gut feeling says he is going to be a killah fo reallah!
Gabe Tuata,
Heard he was kind of ticked cause we wanted for him grayshirt but he wanted for play right away so he chose JC route and now like come back. Auwe dis kine buggahs so headache!
ok, good luck gang on the tickets
time for go practice, looks like rain on the central plains
What would really fake other teams out is if we put Funaki in motion and run the wild hog
with ford island being open the sports animals saying 35,000 plus tickets sold already. I hope there is at least 35 thousand plus peeps that show up in da stadium.
What’s going with the bolding??? Try again:
Happy, Happy, Happy Belated Birthday Nalani!!!
Did that work?
Wow Tree-Hunned came supah quick ah!
Speaking of new plays, too bad Mouton hasn’t been able to get involved on offense yet (aside from kick returns for touchdowns, that is). We don’t have the win cushion for that, but it’d sure be run to watch.
cowboys: Last I heard a couple months ago, there was talk about him transferring to Louisville.
pb keep him at rb and I say he definitely makes all wac at rb or at least utility back.
I would love to see Funaki line up at slot (while Graunke is at qb) and then motion and have it handed off to him and then do an option pass. A lil’ something to keep defenses on the their heels.
Wonder is we would ever use a Wing-T and have Farmer, LWJ, Libre or Pilares, plus Funaki all at the sametime…???
Inoke …the New pride of the North Shore
35,000, thats it? I was hoping for at least 40K.
Can’t wait to see Blaze Soares back on the field!
just trying to get tickets
is = if
koakane – my thoughts exactly
Way to step it up Special Teams!
i would love to see Mouton on offense, but i think we are risking a lot already. he’s too valuable on defense to risk getting hurt on offense and special teams.
<5 min
any idea on who the number 2 QB is yet?
I’m with ryan, the way the buzz has been going about, I would have thought 40,000 tickets were sold already. Only 35,000? Well, hopefully that number continues to go up. We had 36,000+ turnstile for both the Weber State and SJSU games.
Go U.H.!!!
350 yet…almost ho dah suspense stay building up
countdown begins………to kickoff!!!! WOOO!!! Go Warriors!
Hopefully the Warriors will step up on the Blue field in Boise.
Hi everyone!!!
whoa! almost there!!!
almost there
Frank Dog is a Wiener!!!
lucky 333? go warriors!
au’wryte getting closer and getting exciting
wat happened to homey. timing the post and just lingering den bang
I’m baa-aack!
Everybody lurking for the right moment to hit Tree-Fitty ah? Fingers ready for hit da entah button…
we close
getting warmer
ryan: I’m hoping we don’t have to even worry about who the #2 is, outside of who comes in first when we’re up big against [insert opponent here]. 😀
Hi Steven
it’s suppose to snow for the Boise game next week
wow… the blog is crazy slow.
feels like it’s gonna crash!
go! go! go!
maybe ill trade 4 in red QQ for 2 in orange
almost there!
give da 7
hello freddie
go Warriors!
Are We there yet?
Glad to see Galderia is back!
Am I the only one trying to make substantive posts for #350?
Well, then, I guess I should stop that. 😀
Winnah, winnah, chicken dinna! Numba 350?
(just practice)
whoo hoo!
I’d be disappointed if the attendance doesn’t break 40,000.
It’s Homecoming! It’s La Tech w/their coach who complained about the haka, talked trash to Davone on the sidelines & then offered advice to Georgia…
Come on Warrior fans! Let’s pack the stadium!
Hey gang,
Hope Rocky gets better… nevermind football, get better so he can do what he needs/wants to do with life. Good to hear that Galdeira is back… Psyched (Tsaiked) up about Saturday!!! 🙂
NEO hoping he’s 350
Jason I can see at LEAST 38K in the turnstile count and around 41K in actual sales for this Saturday.
The crowd at Weber State was good consider the big loss to Florida, but it was to Florida at Florida so the bandwagoners seemed “forgiving”. However the dropoff at SJSU was bad, but the student section seemed to turn out well considering though.
With a BIG win over Fresno State in the land of Garlic and HATE, this should be a good turn out with everyone (mostly everyone) feeling good about the team again.
Hopefully current UH coaches don’t hold grudges…especially against local kids. It’s been awhile for us both, but remember what it was like to be 18 years old and trying to make informed decisions….without alot of experience.
Main thing is for UH to at least take a good look at this local kid…before dismissing him….to Boise State. We all don’t want another repeat of the Kurt Gouveia situation.
In any case, Coach Ron Lee is the only offensive coach remaining from when Gabe originally signed his LOI back in February 2007 with JJ. Coach Mack and RB Coach Gerke weren’t even here at UH back then.
FYI…Gabe has tried to contact UH and left voice messages for RB Coach Gerke, BUT no courtesy return calls yet from UH back to Gabe.
Also FYI…pass on to UH coaches that former all-state (Kahuku Class of 2006) DT Joe Faifili is now at Eastern Arizona JC. With UH losing 3 top DTs (Leonard, Watson, Laeli) next season, JMHO that UH might need to tap the JC ranks again for DT depth for next season.
Did I actually win?
congrats ryan
Ah Man! Maybe next time!
Shoots! Go Run!
Congratulations Ryan!!! 🙂
OK, who broke my blog?
Congrats Ryan!
Wow I submitted my practice post after 336 and ended up at 358!
I agree with the coaches changing the R&S for Funaki but I don’t think we should do any drastic changes to the offense.
OK, Ryan, call me now at 525-8051.
Cool, thanks everyone. First time winning something 🙂
I see where we crashed the site.
ok, next contest.
Congratulations ryan!
Blog always breaks during a contest. Wow.
Frank Dog did it……….
Did I bachi myself at 4:00? 😕
congrats ryan
haha, eh Jason I’m with you on the posts, dayum buggahs onleh like mooch off of us ah? gunfunnit…good job ryan
Well Kelli, I tried to help a fellow student out. But ryan stole it from me. 😀
I think Stephen needs to notify the tech guys before every contest. 😛
Thanks again ST!
Congrats Ryan, now call and give Phil your information 😆
There was a contest? Duh. HA!
k what’s the next contest konna be?
Eh what happen to blog. I was close.
Congrats to Ryan!!
Wow. Where did everyone go?
No contest. No post?
Wow lau lau. Fair-weather posters. HA!
Warriors vs. Bullpups.
Go Warriors!
Wow you so sweet dis guy haha…nah onleh joke tone ket cracy!
I don’t think the HA will allow another contest on this site. The Tsaikos might crash all of the computers in the state.
I got this scolding from one of the bosses:
Mom, Ryan broke the blog.
Congrats dude
ST –
let us ALL tell your boss to stop being pake with this site and get real with real servers
Congratulations ryan! Are you the “ryan” that first posted way back in November 2006? It’s hard to tell with only first names… 😕
OK, Jason…I Moa’d the chicken and un-t’d the rotisserie. Thanks!
Wow Lau Lau 🙂
The next issue in negotiations between the HA and the unions: The Stephen Tsai Server Crash Fund.
yeah dang pake’s haha
Ryan actually is a double winner.
Princess Leila is in his neighborhood, and I’m going to try to get her to make the delivery.
This is too funny. Power to the Tsaikos! See you at the game Ryan. Congratulations.
CHEEEHOOO Tsaikos we wen crash em again boy!!! WOOHOOO!!! GOOD JOB GANGEE!!!!
NEO (stoked)
man long time for get back on and came oh so close.
congrats to ryan again and how to represent tsaikos we need this type of excitement all da time, at every tgate and at all the game.
bumby and till den esmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I swear so many haters out there…can’t afford the outages then dayumit get better equipment and stop being so pake!
i say we do it again.
I won 2 weeks ago and had a great time..still trying to go this week . it was my virgin trip to tailgate and game…Liz said it was her fault hahahha
Tell the bosses to get real… don’t they see what this is doing for the state and for Warrior football and athletics? they should be frickin’ proud of you for crashing the site, I mean people WANT the tickets because of what we’ve done here… they should be honored that we have done what we’ve done… Wise up HA bosses, wise up! Ha’aheo Warriors!!!
I’d mention that there should be a contest for the 100,000th post here on the new Warrior Beat, but IDK about having to read through a 4,000-post blog entry. 😉
Eh Ryan, can offer you one trade or what? You lucky buggah, get to have the Princess hand deliver to you…sheesh!
Why do WWII convoys come to mind? 🙄
PB – it’s probably a only $5 upgrade/ month with the servers.
Braddah Jason- We go crash em again… but if I die, I goin’ kill you brah! (Rap Reiplinger) hahahaha we go!
Das right buleh I’m with you on that!
Somewhere in the PNW a lame, young man is gnashing his teeth….
Oh man! The Princess will hand deliver the tickets?!?!?!
Better not let Chawan_Cut find out! The fit he will throw will register as a shallow 7-8 on the Richter Scale.
Great. Just what we need with him sitting nearly on the Juan de Fuca Fault line.
Hey, first snow fall of the season is forecast for tonight up in the Cascades!
Kind of glad I do not have to drive over the hill for anything.
Congrats to ryan!
Congrats to ryan!
Eh Ryan,
I won um during the Weber game and got to sit next to two handsome buggas in Koakane and Pride. Was the meannes experience ever. See you at Tgate.
Shucks. Kind of rude on my part.
Congratulations Ryan! Enjoy the game!!!
ST — you must be joking, right? That’s like saying you imperil everyone in your car when you accelerate to 35 MPH because this new blog car isn’t rated to go over 25…
Scott can prevent crashes? How? Unplug the server ethernet cable to take it off-line and prevent a software crash?
In this case the WARRIORS ARE KONNA BREAK DA DOGS!!!! …. and not da blogs
Eh since it’s homecoming for the Warrior’s are they going to have a homecoming court like high school kine king/queen??? I vote for Jason and Kelli… 🙂
Holy smokes!
Thinking that UH has/had uneasiness about its Offense?
Tommy Tuberville just fired his new OC citing lack of productivity.
Hopefully the weather in Boise isn’t gonna be too cold! Looks like their first snowfall of the season is expected later this week.
Gotta bust out the big jacket for that trip…..
ST tell boss you need your own server.
According to Ron Lee, the coaches have been working overtime to solve the 3rd down conversion puzzle. Against D1 teams, the Warriors have had, maybe two TD drives longer than 50 yards. It’s hard to sustain drives if you convert 3rd down less than 25% of the time. When ever the coaches have focused their full attention to solving an aspect of play, they’ve come through.
I expect to see Inoke leading some good, sustained TD drives this Sat.
Tell the boss get real. I rather the system crash then not have any hits at all. And tell upgrade the system so you need tell everytime you like have contest li dat. Full of balony I tell you.
wow- I missed a contest.
oh wait…I won sideline passes for this game!
What a long but enjoyable work day!
ryan, congrats and be sure to come to the T-Gate too!
wow das nuts but with the college competition nowadays where anybody can beat anybody and the gaps between Bull Crap System Teams and the rest of us closing in…everybody trying to win…like NOW! Remind me of the dayum Oakland “Al Davis is a Douche” Raiders who should have kept Lane Kiffin around instead of shit canning him.
Tuberville goes from backing the guy one day to firing him the next because of a “gut feeling” 😯
Wow Ryan,
I’m getting married this Sunday and the future wife said I couldn’t watch the game because I needed to make center pieces but since I won the tickets she’s allowing me to go and watch the game with my brother 🙂
Auburn’s problems are interesting, in light of this article:
Auburn’s offense might be bad, but don’t call it the spread, the Airraid, or the Tony Franklin System
last game you will see for the next couple of years …….hahahahhaha
Wow, ryan!
Congrats on your marriage and winning the tickets! Surprised the wife-to-be wen let you go to the game. Do I smell bachelor party???
Haha, you’re kidding, ryan! Congratulations (on winning the tickets and getting married)!
Hoo braddah Ryan,
You one lucky guy brah. I was lucky I got to watch my cousins basketball game the day before my wedding. Had to pull teeth.
10 day forcast for Boise shows next Friday with a High of 64 and a Low of 42. Not to bad for a night game in mid-October.
Ryan. Classic. Fate
We’re going to have some giveaway contests tomorrow.
The Twins are going to run it.
I was surprised too she said I could go. I was kinda scared to ask because she’s lately been acting like those girls on that show Bridezilla.
Eh Ryan,
And gotta agree with Curveball in saying this might be the last live game you will see in a while. Better look forward to buying the pay-per-view for a while. j/k
djmitcho: I guess those weather temperatures don’t sound too bad for a mid-October game in Boise. Out here in the desert around this time it’s still 90+ degrees during the day and ~70 at night.
Still gotta bring a coat or sweater…..something I FORGOT in Fresno! I was in t-shirt, shorts and slippahs for that game and it was a little nippy, especially towards the end and having to walk back to my car.
das ok. unless she was delivering with the game tickets some plane tickets, it wouldn’t have mattered.
i’ll still be watching the game via the internet just like all the rest of the mainland folks.
ok, back to wii fit’n….
That’s a lot warmer than what I’m expecting this weekend here in Spokane. Fall is here for sure.
Hoo Ryan watch out brah. My wife the night before our wedding almost got into one scrap because the next door neighbors had one party and never like shut up. Hopefully no more any parties around her house that night. If there is I feel bad for you. just kidding again.
Double Congrats to you and your bride to be.
We all remember last season’s game against LaTech and the crap that Dooley pulled off about the haka.
With our guys still on the field but NOT facing the opposing team while doing the Ha’a is there anything that Dooley will attempt to try to s**t on our homecoming and disrespect our home turf???
Like can he keep his team on the field as long as our guys (kinda like a game of chicken)?
wow, i just saw that Ryan is getting married Sunday.
Congrats! No let your fiance see THE Princess. Maybe Stephen should deliver the tickets instead. heh.
If Dooley pulls that c**p again, he better watch out. With homecoming and all, it’s going to get crazy. The boyz are going to be hipe and so will the crowd.
call da coach on now.
Kama Krab,
Fo real… now that Dooley is also the AD you’d think he’d show some respect on another team’s turf during homecoming right?
Well then again…
Thanks, lab rat!
Coach Mack talking about the “clarification” he got from Benson..
Married on Sunday? Why not have your bachelor party at your first TsaikoGate?
(hint: the entertainment might be pretty good 😉 )
L & L tonight?
Who Da guest?
hmmm….Dan Kelley?
broke again??
Ronnie- what did Benson clarify?
ryan- I hope your bride will find someone else to do the decorating and join you at the game!
Benson clarified that Hawaii ruined the WAC’s plans for their “Game of Year” in Fresno State vs Boise State for the WAC Title and a BCS berth….
Saw this from sportshawaii:
The Best Name in College Football
its slow.
Pauoa Boy, re: Gabe Tuata,
Heard he was kind of ticked cause we wanted for him grayshirt but he wanted for play right away so he chose JC route and now like come back. Auwe dis kine buggahs so headache!. thats not the reason, thats just the same rumor going around for the past year and half. I promise you. He always wanted to play at UH and still does. Gabe was a credit short in one class so he wasnt academically eligible, even with his good grades and good SAT scores. He was offered a greyshirt and would have taken it if it were really an option. Either way, I hope UH pickes him up.
Also, my bad on the Deondre report coming in. He took his SATs Oct 4th and scores wont be in on time so he’ll probably do december. When he initially called he said he was coming with Corey, the original plan. Uncle called back yesterday and said he wasnt. Oops.
If the coaches can fix that third down problem as good as they fixed the Funaki problem against LaTech, we should be in for a treat. Once we get this third down sputtering under control (the next step in our offensive evolution) we will be a very dangerous team again.
Funaki will show us if his tremendous progress is permanent and LaTech is good enough to give us a serious fight. So, this game will be a good gage to show us a lot of things about our team.
I think overall we’re very close to breaking through for good and this season has tons of promise left. The excitement is back and I expect at least 40,000 in the stands. I believe that walk-up sales will be very crisp.
Mahalo, Doris. I love it when we get facts to listen to!
Kazz- for real clarification or Kazzification??? 😈
Hi chawan!
Hi Ted!
Ted..sorry I did not get to go to practice today..darn work called again..so no report
Hi, Liz,
Have fun at the game this week, it wil be a winner, again.
Good night, Gang.
Thanks for caring, it’s cool. Hope somebody will have a report, the non-secret parts, lol.
Nitey-nite Ted! Sweet Warrior Dreams!
Hi curveball! Coming to the T-Gate?
Would not miss it for the world…WATERMELLON
Whaddayamean we spoiled their WAC showdown between Fresno and Boise? We meet Boise in two weeks. So by the time Fresno and Boise meet.. both will have 1 loss apiece… It’s still a showdown!
Curveball ~ Lifting the cloaking device just long enuff to give you 2 thumbs up and a double shaka on the Tex Mex place. Tell Mrs. *C* she needs to activiate the card.
Whooosh, Esme and out!
you never did actually tell me the name of the place…….
Thank again to ST who delivered my tickets. Where do you guys tailgate? maybe I’ll try to stop by
Wow, after going through hundreds of posts in what seemed like minutes, I come back after a couple hours of church and only 17 new posts. 😀
Okay, new contest: The person who hits post number 500 gets a special visit from Koa-mahu.
check SteveM’s site for details regarding the Tsai-kos tailgate parties.
ryan: E-mail Kazz for the info, tsaikotailgate (at) gmail (dot) com.
jm2375 ~ I am ready to accept an apology for you vandalizing the playhouse, but you must pay for the repair of the sprinkler system. I should warn you that Homey is not very happy about you spraying graffiti on his Poodles!
Might I suggest you make Ho’okupu at the T-gate this weekend before I have to send my people from the ceded lands to rearrange your assets before any hope of a bail-out.
I am excited about Kauwalu coming back, after watching him in 07 all star game with linebackers like Kamuela Foki and Josh Andrews (also on UH roster) obliterate the East All-stars team, giving them no points at all UH’s defensive future is looking very bright, George should bring intensity to the D that would be nothing but positive.
Inoke Funaki is an awesome name — but how exactly is the last syllable of “Inoke” pronounced? “kay”, “key” or something like “keh”?
Also, there’s something about the LaTech incident last year that just makes me wanna shout
Ahem. Well it is a home game, and it’s a ha’a now, but still. Good times.
Fortunately for me, this post will come wayyyy too soon for that!
Will be just lurking through the weekend because of work etc. so this is just a quick reminder about bringing your HI-5 cans and bottles from home to the T-Gate on Saturday. Please put them next to or into the recycling bin.
All proceeds go to Dole Middle School after-school cross-country program which focuses on speed & quickness for both boys and girlls. The program is run by Coach Alan Inaba.
Sidenote: DrDoc and I hope to find some corporate or foundation funding in order to initiate full programs in court, field and diamond sports – basketball, volleyball, football, soccer, softball, and baseball. The youth programs are out there, but the $$$$ costs to parents for uniforms, equipment, travel, etc., keeps many of Alan’s kids from participating.
BTW Homes ~ I got your message about the Turkey Tails. Yes! We will have them at the T-gate!
Curveball ~ Run your secret decoder ring over this link:
Kekoa – I sorry for messing up da playhouse, TURNING OFF da sprinkler system and getting Homey’s poodles WET, not painted. NOT!!! 😈 I may make an appearance at the t-gate, but am not going to da game, but I do have be in da Pearlridge area Sat pm. You can give me and Mrs. A-house dose coco puffs you owe us. 😀
BowsForever: I was going to say that ‘Inoke rhymes with poke, but many people mispronounce that poh-kee (like Hokey Pokey), so maybe not a good comparison. 😀
jm2375 ~ You are soooo lucky I’m in a really good mood right now. The Cocopuffs will be ready and waiting. You better come early because those puffs disappear quickly.
Your alliance with Mrs. A-House is the only reason why I will overlook the fact that you are borderline Tsaiko. Don’t forget the password!
Hiya Kekoa!
You ready for the Beeg Game???
So, sorry to Ryan, but it was me, not the Princess who showed up at his doorstep tonight.
Just back from Tiffany’s. A big mahalo to our Maui Tsaiko outpost members–Whitey, Duffer, Keyton, Al–great food, great company. We didn’t get to the “dark side” but boy was it dark outside going back to Kula 🙂 Leave tomorrow, see everyone Saturday.—sjmacro & myki
ST- you may have saved his impending marriage so no worries!
sjmacro- just follow the light! Bwahahaha! CU Sat!
howzit gangee… Ex-tsai-ted about Saturday’s game against the LT adobos… glad that Coach named Inoke the starter, and that there “is no qb controversy” gotta stick with one guy coach… let him lead us to the promised land. Inoke, if you read this, you’re like Moses… “LET MY PEOPLE GO!!!” bwaahahahahaha 🙂 Aloha Gangee…
NEO (watchin’ the puppy sniffin’ around the house)
Jason – i not for sale, silly. i’m all yours, honey.
for the record…..the “replacement cd” albeit personalized and autographed by one infamous blogger, singer bar none of a trio called na leo has been delivered.
needless to say, the recipent, one duffer of maui no ka oi was speechless upon receipt of said keepsake.
and yes, inquiring minds it did still smell of pearl harbor.
I told homey and Kekoa not to use it like a frisbee! But no, Kekoa had to fling it far — homey ended up having to jump into the waters to get it. It was a nice running jump, similar to Tua Mahaley (only better, because homey’s a couple feet shorter than him), with a nice catch. (Yes, duffer, that explains the teeth marks.)
Since the El Mariachi recommendation has been substantiated, should we plan a catered event from there for all Tsaikos – perhaps at the last T-Gate of the season on December 6 against Cincinnati. The restaurant is way too small to accommodate more than 15 or 16 X-Large persons of the Tsaiko persuasion.
Went to a fundraiser catered by them – broke da mout’ – and the cost for the food came in around $12 per person which included salads, entrees and desserts which I think would be very doable. If there’s any interest, let me know so I can bring some menus & prices to the Nevada T-Gate.
BTW- Mahalo for all the birthday good wishes. We went to the Call The Coach show to celebrate our birthdays, There was a really big crowd probably around 125 or so.
Back to work – have to turn in an amended third quarter report tomorrow.
sj and myki have been introduced to the culinary delights of the tiffany’s bar and grill.
the menu included;
for starters kim chee cabbage and daikon, wakame namasu, takuwan, bean sprouts, pickled maui onions.
two order of the state’s best kim chee fried rice served with an egg sunny side up.
two orders sizzlin teriyaki steaks under a bed of kula onions.
jumbo honey walnut shrimps served over manoa lettuce from upcountry maui.
korean seafood “pancake” w/tiffany’s dippin sauce
two orders of crispy roast chicken
two orders (yup, we was hungry) of miso butterfish served also on a sizzlin platter with kula onions.
some beverages.
picture this eh. ten, yes ten plates count em for the six of us.
whitey, duffer, keyton, sj, myki, and yours truly. hey it was 7:30 pm already we were hungry.
and inquiring minds wanting to know, myki asked, “just what is the darkside?”. mwahhahaha.
next sj come alone okay.
sorry no room for dessert.
Is el-mariachi still on Kam Hwy? I thought they were they moved over to Kahuhipa and took over another mexican food restaurant that went out of business there?
I see there is another homey @ post #481.
Congrats twice Ryan!
Jason – Nah, we can mix upper/lower case and only get syntax errors. No divide by zero problems. Therefore no need math gurus to mess things up.
BTW Jason, I plan to bring the football this Saturday and play “toss” with you so you can give me some pointers. We can get A-Sports to join us cause I think she can throw some mean bullet passes!
mmm… Tiffany’s… 😆
Hiya Ms. Lizzy! I am indeed ready for da beeg game! I’m wanting to contrive some kind of sign we might use to needle Coach Cry Baby when he comes out on the field. Maybe a sign showing Baby Huey doing the Ha’a in front of coach D.
Al ~ Did Duffer receive his 2nd place award?
Hiya xs-homey!
Wow, workin late again!
Kekoa- #495
Hey XLiz! I got your NA supply for Saturday! Pssssttttt…I also found another oyster supplier so I’ll be sneaking some in at the T-gate.
got it kekoa?
let’s eat em raw mo betta.
you still around lurking?
did you know you scared off ralphy?
how many tix you looking for?
2 or 3?
M-I-H ~ Yep! Right behind the Aloha Gas Station, near Lilipuna road… Small little place with about a dozen tables in it. I’m partial to Chile Rellenos, and you have a choice of their Lobster or shrimp filled combo. It satisfied our craving for Mexican food. Lots of other favorites on the menu, so it will take us a while to work our way from A-Z.
Note to Koakane: They don’t serve beer, but you are welcome to bring your own!
Speaking of crashing the blog, if the ‘Tizer staff did a stress test in the test phases of the new website/blogs then there would be no problem with crashes. They should have known that the traffic on ST’s Warrior Beat is high and arranged what goes on what servers accordingly. Plus they would know to provide sufficient bandwidth.
Sensei Al ~ Mahalo for assuring the delivery of the ‘goods.’ We try to keep our outer island brothers in da loop, don’t we?!
xs- shhh… don’t tell Rob25…. mmm…. oysters. I second al’s suggestions…. raw and wiggly…
al – I think jojo already took ralph out.
al & XLiz – Raw oyster poke!
15 minute patrol. BRB.
Any requests from Kauai? No kulolo, no salt…
Liz ~ Could you check with my cousin Eddie or any of the other Paniola for smoke meat? (I’ll call Arlene to fire up a flare to get their attention out on the range).
Jojo’s probably scratching her head, Ralph? It was Al and Homey talking about hair on her chest, not me…..bad boys, your days are numbered-Joje will defend mom and homey will be eating his football
hmmm. that would be a good one. ‘kden. will go hunting for smoke meat den! 😉
Hi Ralph!
eek. Joje is dangerous on the field of play. Add Myki and Calvin… phew.
BTW- is the beanbag horseshoes game coming back??? That was really cool!
Interesting news on CNN, they cite NY times editorial that McCain’s campaign is now using race baiting and xenophobia….Gergen stated that Palin is whipping up the intensity and her crowd is chanting terrorists and in one incident someone yelled kill him, and Palin makes no attempt to quiet such rhetoric…
Ralph- it shall run its course. I know who I am not voting for. Nuff said…
Yikes Liz!…Don’t tell Eddie I misspelled Paniolo! He will rope and make smoke meat outta me!
Kekoa- no worries… I’m falling asleep at the keyboard… just waiting to say nitey nite to xs-homey when he gets back from his rounds.
Sweet Kulolo dreams Liz…talk to ya later!
Ralph – The scales of justice just tipped over. You are a marked man.
I hope the bean bag game is back along with darts and QB clinic.
Oh, goodnight XLiz. I guess I should see what the commotion is down the road. Glass breaking is an interesting sound.
I wonder how deep does the McClain/Palin duo want their grave to be?
ah liz….kulolo is good.
alae is even better.
that authentic and true hawaiian salt is just subtle enough to make a great rub for some nice steak.
Okay, goodnight from the dark.
kekoa…..maui boys planning to come to either the wazzu or cincy game.
homey…..who is he trying to shove blame to? har, har.
i wonder if get the kona smoke meat still in da freezer?
Well, not dark anymore, strobe blue lights are dancing in the air. I’m not at a strip club!
Okay gotta go…long time no have big island smoke meat…
If anyone has a burning question to ask Karl Benson, here’s your chance…on the WAC website. Also, there’s a poll being taken amongst the WAC team members, who has the best game day tradition. Hawaii of course!!!There’s 4 day left to vote for our beloved Warriors. Lat I checked, there was one vote for Fresno, 1 for Utah and 1 vote for Hawaii, which was yours truly. There’s no one who does a beter ha’a or haka!!
Lat = last ; beter = better.
This is too late in the night for me….
nitey nite ka kou!
Al & Homey are you guys watching the Larry Doby story, very interesting time in baseball..brings back a lot of memories…recognize a lot of names on the Indians, dodgers and gaints
Next a win over LaTech for the homecoming
23 – 6 d1shima
27 – 13 Unkanesson
27 – 21 GGma
28 – 10 tommui
31 – 21 Hawaiianbod
32 – 29 g-nalo
34 – 17 Pomai
34 – 28 wafan
35 – 17 Da Punchbowl Kid
35 – 6 bighilofan2
35 – 14 HiFlyer
35 – 21 LizKauai
37 – 17 Pauoa Boy
37 – 14 las vegas
42 – 9 Kekoa
47 – 23 madeinhawaii
48 – 17 mp
49 – 17 TChahng
54 – 6 Mike Wedge
63 – 12 homey
left chichi itches
Woke up with my forehead against the monitor so it’s time to go beddybye. .
Note: DrDoc and I will be bringing a special cake honoring all the Libra Tsaikos this Saturday. If you’re one of them, drop by anytime after 2 pm.
last night’s news
sorry ralph….i don’t go back that far.
las vegas….um, what’s up with the left chichi? yours or who’s?
tks, ccut. now i can go sleep.
Mexican Oysters
A tourist from Ruston, Louisiana stopped at a local restaurant following a day roaming around in Tijuana, Mexico
While sipping his tequila, he noticed a sizzling, scrumptious looking platter being served at the next table. Not only did it look good, the smell was wonderful.
He asked the waiter, ‘What is that you just served?’
The waiter replied, ‘Ah senor, you have excellent taste! Those are called Cojones de Toro, bull’s testicles from the bull fight this morning. A delicacy!’
The big feller said, ‘What the heck, bring me an order.’
The waiter replied, ‘I am so sorry senor. There is only one serving per day because there is only one bull fight each morning. If you come early and place your order, we will be sure to save you this delicacy.’
The next morning, the big feller returned, placed his order, and that evening was served the one and only special delicacy of the day. After a few bites, inspecting his platter, he called to the waiter and said, ‘These are delicious, but they are much, much smaller than the ones I saw you serve yesterday.’
The waiter shrugged his shoulders and replied, ‘Si, Senor.
Sometimes the bull wins.’
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
Thanks again Chawan_cut for the news! really appreciated.
Frank Dog,
you come disrespek dis spot, wat you expek from well mannered respectfful souls like me? 😀 wat, you no mo da buns fo man up? 😆
just had fo fling dat one into da fiyah!
I see you guyz Sat. lookin forward to hang wit you befo an afta da game back at da spot,
my bannah is ready fo go. da wife like cum to da game too. goddangit, she going try outyell me 😀
Aunty Doris,
Mahalos for the clarification on Gabe Tuata…sorry I just went off a post from awhile back that had something about his dad saying UH did him wrong or something. I had hoped it wasn’t true. That would be great to get another Chad Owens type guy into the mix… Anyway, any new recruits flying under the radar that is going to be making some noise soon? Plus how’s the pilot doing, hooked up with any hot chicks yet, dayum pretty boys lol… 🙂
Oh by the way Alojah Kakahiakas errybody…
WOW it’s frikkin early….cockadoodle doo!
Good Morning Pauoa Boy,
Are you going to the Boise game?
morning gang!
congrats to ryan on the ticks and nuptials
Ronnie – got your voice back yet?
Good Morning Loa.
My voice is almost as good as new. Just in time to lose it again in Boise! 😀
Ronnie – was looking for your signs on the fresno broadcast but they didn’t show too much of shots of the Warrior fans, did you folks take any pics?
ho kinda slow in the locker room today
guess its a good time to get some work done
everyone have a safe and happy day
Loa – we held up our sign at the end of the game. I don’t have pictures yet, but I’ll take some and send them to SteveM. I just have to figure out how to take a posterboard to Boise in a backpack, since I promised Rob25 I would hold it up there too…
Any news on tickets?
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Hi curveball!
I left a message for my nephew last night and am about to email his wife. Since they just had a baby, I figure they may be busy this weekend 😉
Good Morning Ronnie, Loa, Pauoa Boy & the Tsaiko World!
Ronnie ~ Can you post a photo of your infamous *sign?* It’ll make it easer for our spotter to find you. Tank Q…
Loa ~ You going practice today? I’m trying to get Pops motivated right now. Gotta leave by 0630 or get ‘choke’ traffic aftah!
Pauoa Boy ~ I was lucky enuff to play interservice football for several years before the Army program was pulled in 1975. There were several players offered scholarships if they decided to ETS out. Like you, I was pushing 30 by then and with a family to support. GI Bill benefits were meager back in the day. Besides, I had already scratched the itch by then, so it was time to cut football loose.
Yesterday, that was my practical side saying consider the benefits of a secure retirement. But today, in my heart of hearts, I would say take the chance! Sometimes dreams have a way of producing unbelievable results down the road. Your new GI Bill financial benefits for college has been increased to a level that could help you tremendously. Combine that with a Scholly, and some support from your Ohana, and you could do it!
You’ve served with honor Marine. Your VA benefits are secured for the future. You’ve been in the recuitment business, so you know the pros and cons. A degree awaits you in the end, so maybe it’s time to dust off that dream package. Hey!…you got a built in cheering section of rabid Tsaiko’s to help carry you along, what more could you ask for?!
Good Morning Liz!
Nevah mine Ronnie, I see your #552!
Great Morning All!
Interesting “clarification” from the WAC on PI against Mouton. Basically saying the BJ blew it on that one.
Even more interesting that they still claim the running into the kicker was a “judgement call”. 😕 Lack of judgement, I’d say! 👿
Thankfully, the Warriors were able to overcome.
OK pau with doz Bullpups; next up La Tech…
Is it Saturday yet?
I knew it!…football practice is history. Mrs. K just pulled rank on me. She has other duties as assigned for me to pursue this morning. Pops is heading back to bed, he didn’t want to get caught in the cross-fire! Sadly, I have no back-up. Tsai…
Hi Kekoa!
We never did make it to Kinko’s – we decided to have a pre-game meal at Chili’s instead. The margaritas really helped loosen up the vocal chords 😉 I told Rob I would put her sign right below my Colt for Heisman sign in my entry way after the Boise game.
Oh boy! I already clicked “Submit” when I noticed the unfortunate wording in my previous comment.
I apologize in advance and go ahead Stretch. I know you’ll have a field day with that one 😉
Have a great day erryboddy.
d1 ~ I sent in a question to the “Ask the Commish” about the officiating in the WAC. I’m tired of the ‘after’ action statements, and all the rhetoric. I wanted to know when they were going to take more serious action on these types of calls. Let’s cull the bad seed, and build a quality staff of officials.
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