Reno, baby!
OK, “Reno, baby!” isn’t as catchy as the other Nevada’s cry.
Still, it’s a nice day in Reno for a walk-through.
The Rainbow Warriors arrived in town last night and after several activities โ meals, meetings, studying and shopping โ they will have a walk-through session at Mackay Stadium.
Pictures will be posted later (unless somebody wins MegaBucks. But “somebody” will make sure to invite each of you to his retirement party).
Comments are closed.
Ekahi, ichi, uno, have a good time in the casino.
huh… 1st?
It’s my dream. An elevator that opens in the casino.
ST – time to make your bundle!
Blazing 777
ST… being in Reno… you’re close to California. Just missed the $400 million powerball on Wednesday. Not that it matter since the winner was from the East Coast.
Anyways… MegaMillions is $145 million and the drawing is tonight… Better run down I-80, find a gas station in Cali and buy some tickets.
Former UH:
Heck, if I win MegaMillions, I’ll pay Colorado to play UH in Hawaii.
If you go all the way down I80 you’ll hit Auburn, Ikedas has some good burgers and bunch of other omiyage, plus you can mega millions while down there
good morning tsaikos. just back from the north country and read about sleeze’s locker design. mahalo sleeze, you da man.
Great Morning All!
Hoping the Blog Host wins big along widda team in Reno!
Howzit whitey! Welcome back!
It’s Aloha Friday but yet I ask,
d1, good morning. got out just in time, bad weather for the next few days.
where’s the fish? D-crabs? big catch? rough waters or only on land?
ST–remember, that whatever happens in Reno–well, is just not that exciting.
Good news!
The first twenty posters will be given a share of the blog host’s Mega Bucks winnings, should he in fact win!
No they won’t… I lied. Good luck with that Mr. blog host!
Go Warriors!
ST, nah, if you win, don’t pay Colorado.
Pay for charter flights for the team and the Tsaikos!!
And room and board would be sweet!
Oh, and gambling money…
Good morning Tsaikos!
ST – don’t forget, any contributions to the Screecher tuition fund are greatly appreciated. ๐
If you ever retire ST, what would we tsaikos do?
Hi Rolo.
Hi Ashley.
I will always be a fan. After we beat you of course.
Better yet, ST, if you win buy the Star Adver-tsai-er and give yourself a raise :>)
20—Hawaii Newspaper Agency has annual sales of about 139 million, so ST better win the powerball, just to cover his bases….
Go coaches and team. Do it your way!!!
Chow said the practice they had was just “OK..” ๐
I’m still betting on this being the turnaround point of the season. Woot!
ST, can you put $5 on 31 for me? Much mahalo! ๐
Since I can’t fly yet debating with the hub should we hop in the car and go to Reno.
DONT gamble too much…..hehe
25 PolyMom – don’t rush it – get 100% first!
morning all
after reading all the comments from what I posted yesterday seems everyone wants UH to play the game for the monies, to see if they can compete with the Pac 12 and or getting better recruits. Instead of having the opportunity winning the MW.
like the old tv laugh in comedy show ….. peeking out from behind a bush…mmmmm very interesting but (fill in the blank)
Just win, baby.
Continuing on a subject fromyesterday, that is, college athletics and its tension with academics, I poked around a bit, and found some info specific to Hawai’i and its football team; be aware it is not at all good, but hopefully being corrected with the current regime:
Bottom 10 GSR Scores (Football Bowl Subdivision)
(Score – School, in Ascending GSR order)
1.47 – Central Michigan
47 – Oklahoma
2.48 – San Jose State
3.48 – California
4.52 – Eastern Michigan
5.53 – Arizona
53 – South Florida
53 – Washington State
6.54 – Louisiana Monroe
7.55 – Arkansas
55 – Florida State
55 – Georgia Tech
55 – Houston
55 – South Carolina
8.57 – Akron
57 – Alabama Birmingham
57 – Ball State
57 – Southern California
57 – Troy
9.58 – Hawaii
58 – Kansas State
58 – Tennessee
58 – Texas
58 – UTEP
10.59 – Mississippi
59 – Purdue
59 – Louisiana Lafayette
Per a 2102, article in
col A house, all kinds, king, silver, pinkies, h’buts, lingcods, yellow eyes, and black bass. finally get rain in the ketchikan area, so the rivers are running and cohos are abundant. the bad side is the weather is nasty right now, but should get better next week.
go warriors.
Happy Aloha Friday!
Good luck, ST!
For folks who want to have some input in the future of the UH System – in particular the Manoa campus’s participation in inter-collegiate D-1A athletics – please attend community meetings to talk to members of the Board of Regents who are on the Presidential Selection Committee about your concerns and positions.
I attended a Neighborhood Board meeting the other night to hear what the public has to say about the UH’s future. About 40% of the statements made by the public dealt with NCAA athletics.
Good morning Tsaikos!!!
Woot Woot….If a certain blog host wins there will there be an “official” party to help celebrate??? ๐
What time does the game start tomorrow, (Hawaii time)?
I’m pulling for ya ST !!!!! Rainbow Warrior Nation. We Will!!
Steve P. 2pm
26 – 20 us Guys!!!
2nd worst score, tied with texas, tenn, and kansas st. i thought hawaii was improving.
purdue at the bottom?
40-Yes, this a prime example of pulling in some kids who are marginal qualifiers and placing them, without adequate institutional supports, in fairly competitive academic environments. It’s the dark side of college sports, especially at places like UT, CAL and Purdue–it’s flat out embarrassing.
Good morning everyone!
OK, good luck ST.
I am not as envious of retirement parties as I used to be, so will attend. ๐
Ipu Man — continue doing the same old stuff that they did since Blog Party 1 in December 2006: Cattle Calls, Karaoke Calls, tailgates (with or without game), someday a blog cruise (the ultimate weeklong cattle call/karaoke call/tailgate where nobody has to drive, cook, or cleanup). ๐
If you haven’t attended any Tsai-ko gathering, here’s your chance every home game this football season:
Who’s retiring? Where is the party?
40. We’re not tied for 2nd at bottom of GSR. Since this is a top 10 “worst” GSR rates, Central Michigan and Oklahoma are tied for the worst GSR rate, at 47%, tied for second (worst) is San Jose State and Cal. We’re a little bit more than marginally better than Cal at 58%, but still on the “worst” list.
Psst. What’s the password?
Was it affected because we had a lot of transfers out with the Coaching changes in football and basketball?
47–these type of studies are based on of increments of at least 5 years, thus goes back at least to Jj.
A lack of execution is the problem with this offense we had our fair share of opportunities to score or move the ball the problem is we have receivers dropping the ball, running the wrong routes and the qb is putting the receivers in bad positions to get lit up throwing into double to triple coverage (Colt did that but he put it in a spot where his guy would have the best chance to catch it i dont think Graham is doing that)
And, huzzah! It is the weekend.
NotNasti You have to E-mail Sailorblue to get the password.
When you email SB remember to use your real name and refer to your blog name.
Nick Saban to Texas or entertaining such thoughts?
Just hope the opposing team doesn’t have someone named “Burdock”….
Announcement may come Sunday on UH-Colorado game.
… lots of factors … mebbe the outcome of sat. game is one of the …?
SA breaking news.
Should have no PAC12 official clause.
#27 Tom Mui
He called the Doc and he said HELL NO! But would have loved to have gone.
Been up since 6 AM online buying Dodger play off tickets for my boys and the hub. And bought Britney Spears tickets for me and my girlie and one of her lucky friends. Dragging the hub along. Finally figured out Ticketmaster. Call 15 minutes before tix go on sale. Wait time 5 minutes. By the time I was done asking my multiple questions it was 10AM. So the nice rep got us 10th row seats for face value. Those tix were online prior to 10AM for 900 dollars each. That’s ridiculous.
Does anyone have the link for the game online? Or have a channel?
#67 – Polymom That’s a great tip for buying tickets on the phone! Gotta remember that one.
The game will be shown on Mountain West Network streaming. Check themwc dot com
Thanks so much! Going to get it now.
on line…
all late game links are not posted for Saturday
Tomorrow’s game will be shown for free on the MWC’s website:!/watch-live
Note: You may need to copy and paste the website into your internet browser.
Wahine going to rally scoring.
Let’s go Bows
Let’s go Bows
Let’s go Bows
Is there a link to the vball jimmy?
Fun game tonight… Boise at Fresno. Fresno favored by 3.5-4 points.
Let’s get this straight…. I hate Fresno St. Easily the worst town to visit on a road trip. Go Broncos… Btw I’m taking the under 68 total. Season tally now at 9-5
Wahine win in 5, PHEW!
Sorry so late 3-Prong, I was at the Wichita St. Athletics site.
Way to go Wahine. Next up Wahine soccer.
Here’s my take. Wait until Sunday for the UH-Reno results to make the decision on Colorado. If UH wins the game at Nevada, Jay will say that we will NOT play Colorado. His thinking is that at that point we have a chance to possibly win 6 games and qualify for the Hawaii Bowl. That’s the reward. If we lose to Nevada we are 0-3 and unlikely to qualify for a bowl game. To get the maximum out of the year, the reward for the team is to play another game, a 13th game at Colorado and get some revenue and get added experience for our young team. So, that’s it, win at Nevada stay at 12 games, lose at Nevada play a 13th game. Am I thinking like a Chinese guy!
Hey guys,
I hope you all are having a great Friday evening… I just wanted to point out that the Spread for tomorrow’s game is down to 7.5 (from 14)… Lots of people are picking Hawaii….
I truly think tomorrow will be the turning point in the Norm Chow era… I seriously think we will win convincingly… I think our defense will put our offense in good field position all game…
I think I said 45-10 or something like that…
I noticed you haven’t been posting the scores this week… Do you need some help? I’ll be happy to go back and put together the list..
Espn analyst Skip bayless said Johnny manziel is as good as Frank Tarkenton, Doug Flutie, Drew Brees, Bret Farve, Joe Namath and michael vick.
Manziel is a hell of a football player but i think they are hyping this kid way to much they are already discussing his nfl career. HE’S ONLY A SOPHOMORE what happens if he gets injured. So many things can happen.
Skip Bayless is just doing what he’s paid to do… He has to take any side of an argument and defend it. If everyone agreed with him, they’d have no show… I enjoy listening to him take irrational positions like how great Tim Tebow is as a QB…
WarriorNY your right I haven’t been posting the pix’s, sorry to say with all the crap on the blog I haven’t been coming on as much as before, and to be honest with all the negativity my heart just isn’t in it anymore. So if you would like to take it over that would be fine with me…
If you look at the last week, the blog has been incredibly good… But for sure, I’ll do it this week… Maybe someone else can do it next week and someone else after that…
Take some pressure off of one person… Thanks for posting it for such a long time…
Sorry to hear about that Pomai reading the scores was always a highlight for me on here. But yeah agree with you WarriorNY i do enjoy watching ESPN first take skip bayless and stephen a smith arguing was always entertaining.
Fresno vs Boise on espn right now 10-7 right now fresno in the lead
Hawaii 27 Nevada 16
Ok this is what i got so far…
07 – 42 John (Jackass Troll) – I figure I have to give a little commentaryโฆ ๐
10 – 24 Johnny Manziel is a War Criminal
20 – 13 Oldtimer808
23 – 17 HiFlyer
24 – 20 Former UH Athlete
24 – 21 99club
24 – 14 bowwar
24 – 35 What’s up
27 – 16 Haleakala
28 – 13 Sean
28 – 18 Mo808
31 – 14 Wafan
34 – 20 azwarrior22
38 – 14 Iwonderwhytheyhateme
36 – 20 UHfan808
45 – 10 WarriorNY
56 – 14 d1shima
I have a feeling people aren’t going to like my commentary…
Fresno State looks really good… I hope Boise comes back and beats them though…
Question for everyone, who is our biggest rival? Of course, for years its been BYU… But to be honest I think that rivalry is all but dead… I think Fresno St. and Nevada are our biggest rival…
What do you guys think???
#92 Hey, you’re from the Big Apple, it’s expected!
Kama scores first goal for UH. Arizona 2-1. 1st period.
Without a doubt Fresno and Nevada.
hahaha… People never suspect I’m actually from “The friendly isle…”
Not sure if I can do it every week… But I’d love to confront trolls every week…
Freakin’ MWC games on Friday night ruins my social life… LOL..
Ok well take it easy everyone…
And Sorry for taking over the blog a little bit folks…
WarriorNY #98:
Utah State and SJSU playing next Friday night…not helping with social life there, LOL…
SoccerBows down 3-1 @ half to AU.
Let’s Go Bows!
Let’s Go Bows!
Let’s Go Bows!
I agree, Fresno and Nevada have become our peer rivals.
USC our wanna be..
Boise … Idonnoh..
UNLV our embarrasment
any team in the PAC12 or BCS… our revenue
UH – 24
NV = 7
Thanks for filling in.
If you doing ’em again next week I let you know what my score is bumbai…
what is the reason craig stutzman is not with the team? saw on tv news that he was cleared medically to play and was at practice. there must be something between him and the coaches. craig can really help this team, the rest of the receivers are not so good, they don’t know their routes and cannot catch.
Farmers putting up a good fight against the potato pickers.
07 – 42 John (Jackass Troll) – I figure I have to give a little commentaryโฆ ๐
10 – 24 Johnny Manziel is a War Criminal
20 – 13 Oldtimer808
23 – 17 HiFlyer
24 – 07 Tommui
24 – 20 Former UH Athlete
24 – 21 99club
24 – 14 bowwar
24 – 35 What’s up
27 – 16 Haleakala
28 – 13 Sean
28 – 18 Mo808
31 – 14 Wafan
34 – 20 azwarrior22
38 – 14 Iwonderwhytheyhateme
36 – 20 UHfan808
45 – 10 WarriorNY
56 – 14 d1shima
Hey WNY! (i guess Pomai is MIA! Hehe!)
Tanks, heh! ๐
Wow! Fresno leading Boise!
game streaming on ESPN go …
BTW: Pomai, i thoroughly understand that you are in hiatus (me kinda too)!
I am feelin a win this weekend gang! Well, that’s my prayer anyway…
Go BOWS!!!
# 105 cause chow is an old Chinese bitch and is getting rid of Mc mackins recruit’s..!!
Craig is in Louisiana this weekend
Whew! Big W for CSU-F
#105 Innocent Observer: Craig Stutzman isn’t with the team because he graduated in like 2001 or something like that. The jury is out whether or not he knows all of Chow’s offense and the routes the receivers have to run.
#34 -27 WNY! You know who I’m pickin’! ๐
117 – do the current receivers know the routes, etc. from the first 2 games, looks like they did not know what they were doing, running into each other, dropping balls that should have been caught. craig brings game experience and maturity, the are sorely lacking here, craig can make a difference, but?
That failed 2nd qtr 2pt conversion by Boise hurt them in the end. Could have gone into overtime.
Fresno with a nice win. Pretty wild game. Now that they won… I hope they can run the table and get a BCS game so Hawaii can cash the BCS check. They’re schedule is really soft the rest of the way and all the teams don’t have the offensive talent to score enough points to hang with them.
91 points given up at home to two FBS teams doesn’t bode well for Fresno in the bowl game…
I think the 2006 and 2007 UH teams would handily beat this Fresno team on neutral field most of the time.
Good evening, Tsai-kos and Lurk-ers!
In training all day and couldn’t post until now ๐ lol
Training is the answer to fixing ALL workplace problems and issues!
Continue to faithfully train well, Warrior Team of players, staff, and coaches!
Tsai-meister –
Glad to read you all made it there safe and sound!
Post pics please!?
Btw, How’s da weather?
lol so you’re hoping they beat us next week?
Incidentally, if that “Someone” should happen to win the megabucks, then that certain “Someone” *can not* and *should not* ever consider retiring from his current j-o-b!
Do it for your own self-preservation and for the love of a whole bunch of certain Tsothers, certain “Someone”!
Hehe ๐
Another week in the Mountain Waste. Always a mystery where, if any, TV coverage is possible. Still cleaning up the malware from trying to get the Oregon State game. Go Bows.
Fresno State; did good, showed me how we (Hawaii) should play.
WarriorNY-24-17 rainbow warrior victory.
Huge upgrade defensively compared to last year ๐
Craig is really busy and he may be wondering the same thing about the receivers on his team.
WarriorNY — I figure if ST doesn’t like your commentary, he will delete it– the commentary that is, not the entire listing… so until then…. ๐
#105 & 119: You mean Billy Ray (Stutzman) and not Craig. While he was cleared medically, he just started practicing last week, having missed all of the fall camp. So less than two weeks of practice. Hopefully he will be able to work his way back into the lineup.
Happy Aloha And Pau Hana Friday Gangee! Tomorrow is Da Day!
Can tell I doing da 12 oz curls o-wat? Hehe
whitey: congrats on a nice mix bag, az how for Hanapa’a! Ever tried the lings panko style with tarter sauce? Mean fish sandwich. Thinking of visiting my #2 in Oregon and checking out the Fall King run.
WarriorNY . . .
UH 17, Nevada 10
btw, pretty cool of you to post the scores.
Exactly what I was thinking.
Awww man! Now you makin’ me jealous with the talk of going up to Mac.
Wildcats looked dang good last week. Annoddah big one tomorrow.
Go ‘Cats!
d1: Hope there’s a home game on the target week.
So, tomorrow is “Candy Bowl II?”
ST can you post this and make it a sticky if possible for gamedays….this is where we all can watch almost all the games online for FREE!!! ๐
sorry…forgot to also say including Hawaii’s
Look for the D to swarm today….I think the Wolfpack is looking forward to an easier game and still can not forget last years….not gonna happen. I normally do not predict but 31 to 24 sounds like a fair assessment…in favor of the Warriors….Go Warriors!!!!!
John – go do what you do best and flush yourself…Go Warriors !
Great Morning All!
FIre up da grill, no need Pupu Pups. Time for Wolf Pups!
Let’s Go Bows!
Good game day morning, Tsai-kos!
Go ‘Bows!!!
hopefully since a lot of people jumped off the bandwagon and made room, maybe fans-not just fair-weather fans will have room to come on board. it’s so easy to kick a coach, a team when they are down.
Anyway hawaii 42 reno 35—-yes, the lights come on this game ๐
Last? Waiting for Game Day post.
Fantastic game last night. Did anyone notice the physical condition of the Fresno players? That was muscle. They were in excellent physical condition. We need to get white rice out of our boys diet. It’s hard. You got to start with hapa rice. Then slowly progress to brown rice. Took my family a year on hapa rice.
Praying for no injuries for our Warrior team. Thanks for the links, we can hook it up on to our big screen TV.
GO WARRIORS! Beat the Wolf Pack!
Except for sushi, I’ll all behind brown rice.
Conjugation of the irregular noun โhaterโ:
I am a realist
You are an impatient fan
He/She is a hater
“After playing two of the top 15 teams in the nation with an FCS sandwiched in between, Nevada enters conference play with a โWhiteoutโ against Mountain West foe Hawai`i on Saturday at Mackay Stadium โฆ The Wolf Pack owns victories in the last two meetings against the Warriors, winning 42-28 in Reno in 2011 and last yearโs 69-24 victory at Aloha Stadium โฆThe game will be available digitally on the mainland at, and via pay-per-view in Hawai`i โฆ Nevada quarterback Cody Fajardo is 2-0 as a starter against Hawai`i but he did not start last week due to injury โฆ Nevada returns four players who earned All-Mountain West honors a year ago in WR Brandon Wimberly (first team), QB Cody Fajardo (second team), DE Brock Hekking (second team) and OL Joel Bitonio”
The point being those of us isolated on the mainland can hopefully watch the game via the website.
Somebody should wake up ST.
Must be doing ok at the tables.
Or still at the b’fast buffet.
Don’t bother ST…. think he hit the Mega Bucks… last night and still counting.. he he he
Needs Tiger Balm or Salonpas for his right shoulder and arm.
124… Not hoping… its’ basically a certainty. UH isn’t ready to compete with that type of offense yet. Still 1-2 years away. Defensively, UH is almost there, but the offense doesn’t have the ability to score enough points until the Oline gets fixed.
In order for Fresno to lose the rest of the way, somebody is going to have to score 40+ and Fresno to have an off night on offense. Their schedule is ridiculously easy the rest of the way. Boise was their only quality opponent this year. Much like Boise was the only real quality opponent in 2007 for UH. UH played down to competition several times in 2007 but managed to eek out the wins.
Remember, JJ and SMU completely shut down Nevada in the bowl game last year. The way to beat the spread offense (whether is RnS or Oregon style) is if the Dline dominates without blitzing. Margus Hunt was in the backfield all game vs Nevada. Quick DLine pressure throws the rhythm off for the spread offense, then the back 7 are free to chase the ball carrier down. Just look at what Justin Houston did to the Eagles offense on Thursday. He single handedly disrupted the Eagles offense by getting to Vick early and often. Much like Nick Fairley did to Oregon in the title game a few years ago. Look at what the Georgia DEs did to UH in the Sugar Bowl. If Kennedy is the athlete a lot of people say he is, he could potentially do the same to Fresno, along with Kory and Castro next year. I think UH will have the tools to beat the octane spread teams in the coming years, as the DLine talent is getting much better.
One thing defenses should do more vs Fresno is make a better effort in batting down passes and obstructing passing lanes. A lot of what Fresno does is really quick throws so the ball is out of Carr’s hand before any pressure can get to him… What the DLine can do is get their hands up and disrupt the throwing lanes. Tavita Woodard did a great job of that vs USC with 3 deflections. Deflections are fun for the defense as it could lead to pick 6’s. Even better, if the passing lanes are obstructed, it will force Carr to hold the ball, which throws off the timing of the quick passing game.
154, 155… hahaha.
“There’s no windows, there’s no clocks. He’s probably on a heater… And you never walk away from the table
when you’re on a heater.”