Veikune impresses at combine

David Veikune bench pressed 225 pounds 35 times, placing fourth among all prospects at the NFL Scouting Combine.
Offensive lineman Louis Vasquez had 39 reps, followed by defensive linemen Terrance Taylor’s 37 and Roy Miller’s 36.

* * *

They say legends are made in the weight room, so here’s one.
Last week, wideout Rodney Bradley, a transfer from Navarro Junior College, was exercising in the UH weight room.
A coach asked: “How high can you jump?”
Bradley then touched the ceiling.
With his open palm.
The ceiling is about 11 1/2 feet from the ground.
Teammates also have marveled at his speed during unsupervised drills.
Bradley is competing at right wideout this spring.

* * *

By the way, with no deadline to erase the red ink, dropping a sport won’t even be a consideration for a while. Not that it should have been a consideration in the first place. But I digress.


  1. wayoutwest February 22, 2009 11:23 am


  2. Stretch February 22, 2009 11:23 am

    Good Morning Tsaikos!!

    ST – you not supposed to write these kinds of stuff, Nash might be lurking…

  3. A-House February 22, 2009 11:23 am


  4. wayoutwest February 22, 2009 11:25 am

    i’m looking at bradley to push lane for the spot opposite salas.

  5. A-House February 22, 2009 11:25 am

    OK, 3rd. bummers!

    ST, good neighbor:

    What’s happening on Coach Mack’s filling the last open GA position? any applicants?

  6. AlaWaiPipeLayer February 22, 2009 11:25 am

    Aloha Kakahiaka! Any word from the Combine about the 3 Warriors?

  7. Stephen Tsai February 22, 2009 11:30 am

    UH won’t announce GA until after such person is accepted into grad school. It’s not a done deal until then.

  8. A-House February 22, 2009 11:30 am

    Although the BB team lost to Irvine yesterday, they looked somewhat good in both losses.

    It looks like a good WAC year for this young team. Kolten Wong is a hitter!!! Reminds me a lot of Greg Oniate.

    Coach Nash knew that Irvine was a good 3-point shooting team, but did not call time out until they had hit 7 consecutive 3s. Also, I did not see any coach telling the guards or forwards to pressure the outside shooting – lost of clear shots. That, was the game for UH.

  9. A-House February 22, 2009 11:31 am

    lost = lots

  10. al ™ February 22, 2009 11:32 am

    touching 11 1/2′!!
    don’t tell mike wilton this.

  11. al ™ February 22, 2009 11:34 am

    so my early impact player predict is sounding even better by the day. he’s also a legit 4.4 guy.

  12. addahknowjoe February 22, 2009 11:41 am

    This is how legends are made!

    I no have to tell you. Right off that bat you’ll know who it is!

  13. letsgowarriors February 22, 2009 11:42 am

    NICE! bradley got the physical attributes. its good that he’s here in spring and hopefully he can pickup the offense. RWO, is that lane’s side?

  14. d1島 February 22, 2009 11:42 am

    I have days when I struggle touching two feet…my two feet!

  15. al ™ February 22, 2009 11:46 am

    wouldn’t his speed and 11 1/2′ touch mean an automatic td on a fade route inside the red zone?

    we could rename it the bradley zone.

  16. al ™ February 22, 2009 11:47 am

    hey wait a minute…open palm did you say?
    that equates to a 12′ touch for someone 6’1″….is awesome.

  17. Stephen Tsai February 22, 2009 11:48 am

    I’m embarrassed to say I remember that song.
    Oh, disco never really dies, does it?

  18. Stephen Tsai February 22, 2009 11:50 am

    I know Josh Walker is the same height and touches 11-6.
    Delano Thomas used to touch 12 feet, but he was 6-7.

  19. d1島 February 22, 2009 11:50 am


    Sometimes it take a little while for the mouse to start makin’ the wheel go ’round, eh?


  20. Stephen Tsai February 22, 2009 11:51 am

    But in the big news …. Gigi and Hubby reappeared?

  21. Stephen Tsai February 22, 2009 11:54 am

    Oh, wait, I read Gigi’s blog. I didn’t realize it wasn’t a WB event. My bad.

  22. warriorfanny February 22, 2009 12:03 pm

    Thanx ST about RB–good stuff!
    heard the same.
    Anyone who has seen Bradley shouldnt be surprised but the 60 M dollar Q is how well will his aptitude and athleticism translates on the field: given Hawaii’s O and its high learning curve requirement for its not-so- friendly-triple-option-route sytem for new arrivals.
    If Ron Lee can keep it simple, I suspect, Mr Bradley, will not end-up in a red-shirt room full be bewildered frosh and JUCO delights–like the much heralded 5 JUCO tranfers of 2008.

    keep it simple coach… so we can enjoy the blessed-talent you have wonderfully assembled. 🙂

  23. Stretch February 22, 2009 12:06 pm

    Stephen Tsai:
    February 22nd, 2009 at 11:54 am
    Oh, wait, I read Gigi’s blog. I didn’t realize it wasn’t a WB event. My bad.

    Since you didn’t make an appearance, it wasn’t “official”

  24. spike96822 February 22, 2009 12:08 pm

    Eh…Can speak go puanani?

  25. al ™ February 22, 2009 12:14 pm

    remember kamasami kong?
    was a popular dj here in 70’s(?) married a local japanese gal and went on to japan too i think.

    funny cuz he tried to act local, but, he was a longhaired blond, blue eyed, horned rim glasses, geek of a guy. nice dude though, he would push our night clubs on the air for free. back then a round of drinks would go a long way.

  26. al ™ February 22, 2009 12:17 pm

    yup, d1…i have had to hire a second mouse.

    the only thing that gets going is the hunger pangs. i thought we were going to visit aunty thelma today but the boss got one headache (sigh, again).

  27. al ™ February 22, 2009 12:17 pm

    st….i am really more curious about the early assessment of brett leonard, ikaika rodenhurst, bronson tiwanak.

  28. WarriorMojo February 22, 2009 12:20 pm

    Okay, I’m officially excited about our corp of receivers. Destin Stewart sounds like he will be a player. Jovonte showed flashes last year. Stutz 2.0 should be awesome. And we have Lane and Salas back.

  29. al ™ February 22, 2009 12:24 pm

    mojo….no forget blount the blazer. i also feel that ex-kapolei hurricane quarterback jon medeiros will challenge for some serious playing time.

  30. Stephen Tsai February 22, 2009 12:26 pm

    Let’s throw another possibility out there.
    Aaron Bradley, a wideout from Gahr High, is now going to be eligible. He’s really a track guy, which means he’s got good top-end speed. UH has an open scholarship. Should they go after him?

  31. al ™ February 22, 2009 12:27 pm

    and by my calculations….that was a WB event since it was held in honor of a tsaiko las vegas. mardi gras attire to remind folks of the warrior sugar bowl appearance and alternate attire was a tsaiko shirt.

    so, a former tsaiko and hubby did in fact attend a tsaiko/WB event. even though she refused to mention or give acknowledgment of the tsaikos or the WB.


  32. d1島 February 22, 2009 12:27 pm

    If the talent outside shows up early does that maybe push Salas in to a slot position? I recall some discussion last season that he might move but he was needed outside more at the time.

  33. letsgowarriors February 22, 2009 12:28 pm

    offer aaron bradley!

  34. al ™ February 22, 2009 12:29 pm

    i thought aaron bradley committed elsewhere?

  35. HawaiianKiko(Chief Lurker) February 22, 2009 12:33 pm

    i second the emotion…..Aaron Bradley last schollie !!!!

  36. Kaimuki Kid February 22, 2009 12:33 pm

    Kamasami Kong is broadcasting out of Osaka and still has ties to the islands. English broadcast that is popular with the Japanese wth an affinity for the islands…

  37. al ™ February 22, 2009 12:37 pm

    he actually had better stats than deondre powell. and he is bigger at 6’1″.

  38. al ™ February 22, 2009 12:38 pm

    letsgo… have been touting this kid for some time now haven’t you?

    wow, fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you………….yada, yada, yada.

    does this spell trouble for the other gahr hs wr???

  39. al ™ February 22, 2009 12:39 pm

    and he reminded me of jason rivers on a wr screen pass. no sked um just run with the ball.

  40. d1島 February 22, 2009 12:39 pm

    No Wayne Harada tribute for you Stephen?

  41. Stephen Tsai February 22, 2009 12:40 pm

    I believe he is a free agent

  42. d1島 February 22, 2009 12:41 pm


    Having someone who can be effective running that WR screen again would be great!

  43. d1島 February 22, 2009 12:43 pm

    …which sorta brings me back to Salas moving to a slot?

  44. letsgowarriors February 22, 2009 12:44 pm

    yup. aaron bradley would be a nice late pick up. he killed this season.

  45. Stephen Tsai February 22, 2009 12:45 pm

    He’s a great guy, and a very hard worker. An institution, really.
    I just don’t know him very well.

  46. d1島 February 22, 2009 12:50 pm


    Actually, I found it more interesting that Scott M. was tweeting from there…that guy gets around!

  47. Stephen Tsai February 22, 2009 12:52 pm

    It’s a company event. He’s goes to company functions.

  48. al ™ February 22, 2009 12:52 pm

    off to marukai….hunger pangs have won out.

  49. d1島 February 22, 2009 12:53 pm

    ….I mean, the adage, “speed kills” is true in so many ways.

    isn’t that WR screen so much more effective when the CB takes a big step back on the snap outta respect for a WR’s speed?

  50. d1島 February 22, 2009 12:56 pm


    Don’t you “stock” any food at your house? It seems like you are often going out to buy food for only that day’s meal.
    Just wondering?

  51. WarriorMojo February 22, 2009 1:03 pm

    Al, are you going to tape the baseball game before you go?

  52. Pomai February 22, 2009 1:09 pm

    Anyone heard from Ronnie??

  53. Stephen Tsai February 22, 2009 1:18 pm

    Veikune had the fourth-best bench press at the combine.

  54. Stephen Tsai February 22, 2009 1:21 pm

    Just spoke with Ronnie.
    She’s busy, but everything is OK.
    Her sister is fine.

  55. Pauoa Boy February 22, 2009 1:41 pm

    Veikune should be a first day guy, and it would be great to see him in a Cardinal Uniform alongside Travis Laboy, IMO…

  56. SteveM February 22, 2009 1:45 pm

    Good morning (?)….

    Thanks to all those who attended last night (and those who wanted to but fell ill). Great seeing las vegas again…and his family. We’ll see him again on Sept. 18 & 19 in Las Vegas, as he hosts the largest Tsai-ko karaoke call and tailgate to date.

    Lots of interesting side stories to tell but I have to wake up yet. Was there great singing? Yeah, but it might cause me problems when I try to reserve the private room–they want us all to sing in the main lounge now. 😐

    What a difference a year makes. las vegas san — last night was a tribute to you!

  57. bstunna2002 February 22, 2009 1:50 pm

    Thanks again for the tickets ST wish we would’ve come out on top but the seasts were great I even got too see the refs blow calls left and right up close I mean if I can see it from the stands well you know… But thanks again Stephen… Oh by the way offer Aaron Bradley…

  58. Da Punchbowl Kid February 22, 2009 1:59 pm

    *sniff… snark… snuff…* How can it be that this cold has gotten worse? 4weeks and counting…

    Looks like y’all had fun last night. What a happenin’ bunch the Tsaikos are, featured on two blogs even.

    Bradley looks great. It seems like a long time since we’ve had a great WR screen threat, even though it wasn’t that long ago.

  59. Rob25 February 22, 2009 2:00 pm

    Nice two run hit by Kevin MacDonald!!

    Go Bows!!

  60. Rob25 February 22, 2009 2:03 pm

    DPK…I know of three blogs it was featured on…OK it wasn’t featured here but talked about.

    Hope that you get better soon. It seems like this cold/flu bounces back a lot.

  61. Da Punchbowl Kid February 22, 2009 2:04 pm

    Rainbows takin’ out their frustration on the bug munchers of Irvine.

    I said it before, gonna say it again, there is nothin’ like havin Big’ Daddy Leahey callin’ a UH game of any kind. Baseball is a lot of fun, because he calls the game with Uncle Pal, who’s an institution in his own right.

  62. Da Punchbowl Kid February 22, 2009 2:06 pm

    Three blogs? Wow. That’s BIG media pimpin’!!! 😆

    Thanks Rob.

  63. Rob25 February 22, 2009 2:07 pm

    Nice double by Landon Harnandez!! Go boys go!

  64. Rob25 February 22, 2009 2:08 pm

    Might even be on the MomsLikeMe…maybe not since Cindy had to work today.

  65. Rob25 February 22, 2009 2:09 pm

    Now we’re kicking butt…Hernandez just scored!!

    Nice hitting today so far!

  66. Ralph February 22, 2009 2:14 pm

    I just saw Kazz in the stands…

  67. Rob25 February 22, 2009 2:25 pm

    Where is he sitting?

  68. Ralph February 22, 2009 2:29 pm

    upper deck to the right. just saw him again, wearing all green, shirt and hat…leahy and JD talking on the tube…friday night walk up traffic to the game waited in line and some did not get in until the 4th inning…bad start for bb…with the hype for a new field, seats, a good outlook for the team and the 9th ranked team in town and the stadium wasn’t ready to sell tickets for walk ups

  69. Ralph February 22, 2009 2:47 pm

    centerfield camera showed the stands, upper deck is nearly empty….had we beaten Irvine yesterday we might have a few more at the game…

  70. Ralph February 22, 2009 2:48 pm

    JD tells Leahy he can’t comment on Bolla….how long does it take to investigate an incident. trying to kick a female player, he pulled a kelly, he missed…

  71. Da Punchbowl Kid February 22, 2009 3:01 pm

    I thought that was the Kazz-ster… Great game by the Warriors. This is gonna be a team to watch. LM Stadium looks awesome.

  72. d1島 February 22, 2009 3:03 pm

    I commend JD for coming out less than 2 days after the tix humbug. Contrasting to the previous regime, it’s absolutely “night and day”.

    Being in a similar position of managing a department, I can say that given the times we are in it’s difficult to justify over-commiting resources without prior justification.
    In this case, being the first game of the season it would have been hard to plan for extra ticket outlets onsite. What’s important is how quickly and effectively his dept. responds and also communicates with his customers. On those counts, JD is doing great!

  73. Rob25 February 22, 2009 3:10 pm

    Just saw my sister and Charlie @ the game.

  74. Stephen Tsai February 22, 2009 3:20 pm

    JD is Tuesday’s (video) chat guest.
    Show starts at 2 p.m., because of scheduling conflicts.

  75. Jason February 22, 2009 3:22 pm

    What really disappointed me about Friday night was that there was a ticket window closed. When you have a long line like that, you’d think all of the windows would be open.

    Thankfully, I got there early enough where there wasn’t too long of a line. By the time I got my ticket, it had gotten really, really long.

  76. Stephen Tsai February 22, 2009 3:27 pm

    What did you say that got your comments X’d out of another blog?

  77. Jason February 22, 2009 3:29 pm

    I said that they should have said goodbye to everybody. E-V-E-R-Y-B-O-D-Y. And that it’s rude to just leave like that unannounced.

  78. Stephen Tsai February 22, 2009 3:33 pm

    Good point.
    I don’t think that should have been deleted.

  79. Rob25 February 22, 2009 3:49 pm

    That’s why I don’t go on her blog anymore. Grudges only serve the purpose of furthering ill will.

    I was surprised that she left…didn’t notice until I saw Myki and SJ sitting down.

    Gigi should just let the hurt go.

  80. Rob25 February 22, 2009 3:50 pm

    Guess you survived BB ST.

  81. Jack Flash February 22, 2009 3:52 pm

    Did the baseball Bows pull off the win today? I missed the end of the game on the radio!

  82. Ralph February 22, 2009 3:53 pm

    Jason you and Al are in the gg dog house forever 🙂

  83. Kekoa (iPhone) February 22, 2009 3:53 pm

    May I have the envelope please?…oops, I forgot! I nevah finish reading all da nominees yet! Try wait…

  84. JaM February 22, 2009 3:53 pm

    Baseball bows win 7-4

  85. Jack Flash February 22, 2009 3:56 pm

    NICE! Thanks JaM

  86. Stretch February 22, 2009 3:58 pm

    Rob25 – no worry, no guilt….

    BTW – Not sure if anyone mentioned that Calvin from Kona showed up last night….. sort of

  87. Jason February 22, 2009 4:01 pm

    James’ favorite YMCA girls showed up too … 😯

  88. Ralph February 22, 2009 4:06 pm

    JMxxx marquette and georgetown on espn 219 at 4 pm…

  89. al ™ February 22, 2009 4:08 pm

    yah, mojo i was taping the game.

    yup, rob25 is off the cc list for reporting scores and game highlights.

  90. al ™ February 22, 2009 4:09 pm

    ralph. i don’t understand your justification for my being on the gg s–t list.

  91. d1島 February 22, 2009 4:13 pm


    You getting one suit from gg?

  92. al ™ February 22, 2009 4:13 pm

    back to the house work….oh, wait i was napping.

    d1….salas will move to slot this spring.
    oh, we made a detour to sanoya’s. i thought i saw a tsaiko stumble out of the nearby karaoke bar. but, i am not telling.

    we actually have some kalbi and salmon going on for tonight which we bought yesterday at sam’s.

  93. d1島 February 22, 2009 4:20 pm

    Salmon!?!Not Chilean salmon, eh?

  94. d1島 February 22, 2009 4:34 pm

    Condolences to the Ohana of Barbara Marshall.

  95. Kekoa February 22, 2009 4:50 pm

    Al ~ I made it to Waikiki this afternoon. After our appointment, Diana wanted to take a tour of Camellia to make sure they were still serving fresh veggies and assorted meats.

    While she hit the chow line, I visited the Men’s room to wash my hands. As I entered, I spotted a Rat-tat-tooie scurrying across the floor towards the waste can. I had him cornered and slammed him with the can.

    Diana asked me how come I took the manager back in there to the restroom. I had to tell her the truth. She was turning a little green around the gills, but I assured her that I would not throw him on the grill. (The rat that is, not the manager!).

  96. al ™ February 22, 2009 5:04 pm

    d1….i heard about those chilean atlantic salmon. truth is they shouldn’t be advertising it as atlantic salmon but rather as pacific salmon.

  97. al ™ February 22, 2009 5:06 pm

    kekoa….did you get a discount for not telling?
    i bet he came up from the toilet.

    hmmm. i guess the next one will be at the moilili store.

  98. d1島 February 22, 2009 5:07 pm

    Makino’s sounding better and better…. 🙄

  99. TOM February 22, 2009 5:26 pm

    AL: It’s true that the Chileans should call it something as it is being raised in the Pacific Ocean but the species (genes etc) is Atlantic. Maybe A&P salmon.

    KEKOA: the beastie may have been the Chef! DId you see that movie – think it is up for the Oscar.

    JASON: not too smooth an idea to call someone’s lack of manners on their website without expecting to get SMU’d.

  100. wafan February 22, 2009 5:29 pm

    Kekoa . . .

    Now the flavors are going to be off. Wassamata you?!?!?!

  101. wafan February 22, 2009 5:30 pm

    Either that or there will be a new special tomorrow.


  102. Da Punchbowl Kid February 22, 2009 5:37 pm

    February 22nd, 2009 at 4:50 pm

    While she hit the chow line, I visited the Men’s room to wash my hands. As I entered, I spotted a Rat-tat-tooie scurrying across the floor towards the waste can. I had him cornered and slammed him with the can.

    “In other news today, a brilliant cooking career was cut tragically short when the body of Wo Fat Rat was discovered in the men’s restroom of Camelia’s Yakiniku Restaurant, where Mr. Rat was an up and coming star in the world of oriental cuisine.

    Mr. Rat, the the newly hired head chef at the restaurant, had just finished putting together some of his now legendary kalbi marinade, and had taken a smoke break when he was last seen heading to the restroom to wash his hands.

    Police did not disclose the details of his death, but an unidentified customer who would only list his address as “the ceded lands” has been declared a person of interest.

    Mr. Rat was 3 years old and is survived by two dozen children from three different mates.”


  103. wafan February 22, 2009 5:44 pm

    Coming up on the last week of February. Dang.

  104. jm2375 February 22, 2009 5:51 pm

    Ralph – that was *yesterday’s* game. I do not wish to relive the pain again… 🙁

    Condolences to Barbara Marshall’s family.

    I wonder who will run in the special election…

  105. al ™ February 22, 2009 5:52 pm

    i admit that i, too, perused the gg blog after st’s comments. there was another post by a “whatever” who blasted her selfish ways. har, har, har. i thought it was funny and was going to copy and paste. i should have it was funny and very typical.

  106. al ™ February 22, 2009 5:54 pm

    d1….makino’s is my favorite, really. i heard that the aiea/pearlridge location has stepped it up as well.


  107. al ™ February 22, 2009 6:00 pm

    tom….aren’t we farming maine lobster in kona?

  108. Jason February 22, 2009 6:02 pm

    I was never a fan of the Pearlridge location. But I too heard that they got better. Might want to check it out again for a re-review.

    I prefer Todai, though. I guess I like it there better cause I go more for sushi.

    Okay, I gotta run and get dinner.

  109. al ™ February 22, 2009 6:04 pm

    nearly bought some tilapia fish sticks yesterday. but, i kept thinking of the ones we used catch at the ewa pond at ala moana park.

    they would live for hours in our pan am bags without water. then we would bring them home and dump in a “tarai” full of clean water where after a few hours they would be as lively as when we caught them and the water would be as thick as mud. that didn’t deter our neighbor who enjoyed them.

  110. d1島 February 22, 2009 6:07 pm


    wagyu beef teppan (most recently a frequent White House menu item) was served last time I was at the Pearlridge Makino 😉

  111. al ™ February 22, 2009 6:07 pm


    perhaps a replacement is appointed?

  112. d1島 February 22, 2009 6:11 pm

    in our pan am bags


    wat al, you had one white plastic pocket protector, too? 😀

  113. al ™ February 22, 2009 6:12 pm

    d1…went last year for someone’s bday and the wagyu beef was served. cute presentation with a mini grill placed at your table and all the wagyu you could consume. went well with the lobsters.

    this was at aloha tower.

  114. jm2375 February 22, 2009 6:12 pm

    al – according to the news story, a special election will be held since there’s more than a year left in her term.

    I’ve been wanting to try Kyoto Osho. Is that a suitable spot for a cc? I know it’s not a buffet, but…

  115. al ™ February 22, 2009 6:14 pm

    j boy….when you graduate and get a real job you should experience some real sushi places. yohei, maguro-ya (yohei’s brother), tokkuri tei. of course you bring your visa card. but, it is real japanese sushi-ya with high grade stuff.

  116. al ™ February 22, 2009 6:17 pm

    jm….been to kyoto osho. my critique is that it is over priced much like tsukiji mkt and leaves you wanting something else. know what i mean.

  117. d1島 February 22, 2009 6:26 pm

    …and for those of you who didn’t make it to Genji last night, there apparently was a video camera present.

    Since it’s still early, we’ll show you one of the few PG-rated selections

  118. TOM February 22, 2009 6:39 pm

    AL: re Maine lobsters. The lobsters are caught in Maine and then flown into Kona where the water is brought in from the deep part of the ocean – I guess it would be akin to that ocean water that is now sold and very popular in Japan.

    The water that they are kept in flushes out the impurities etc.

    So technically, I guess you can say that the lobsters are transplants from Maine but not really farmed but “refreshed and rejuvinated” – I’m not certain but I think they are only in the Hawaii waters for a month or so.

  119. TOM February 22, 2009 6:43 pm

    DPK: cute! (the rat story, that is)

  120. SteveM February 22, 2009 7:02 pm

    d1島 — hehe, that was fun. I have never sung Rawhide –but I’ve howled along with Russ for a couple months now, so can augment him on most songs. Pam has done wonders with Peaches too 😉

    Glad you folks got to meet Russ and Pam last night. He was beaming and impressed that the Tsai-ko choir accompanied him.

    …and the event was rated G or PG (“PG” meaning don’t let your children see you jammin’). Might have been rated higher if our lead singer/dancer didn’t get ill (for real)…..not enough critical mass to get the dancing going. But great, great Tsinging!

  121. Mrs. A-House February 22, 2009 7:05 pm

    ST –

    From my own personal experience, a visit to the ENT will result in an examination of not only the particular area of complaint, the ear,nose or throat area, but all three, UNLESS you specifically request that the doctor check ONLY the area of concern. To do otherwise will place the ENT specialist in a position of being sued IF a serious debilitating condition existed in one or both of the other two areas not the focus of the patient’s complaint and went undetected. It’s a good thing that your ear infection was detected and is being attended to properly. I’m confident that in good time, your ENT will focus on your nose and treat your condition appropriately. Best wishes.

  122. Da Punchbowl Kid February 22, 2009 7:05 pm

    The Maine lobsters raised on Kona are renown for the fact that they can reach market size much more quickly than their Maine brethren. They grow bigger, meatier and cleaner in something like a third of the time.

  123. Mrs. A-House February 22, 2009 7:10 pm

    SteveM & Peaches –

    It was obvious how much time and effort went into the planning/coordination of the KK last evening honoring Mr. & Mrs. Las Vegas. Such a fun evening, and it was obvious that the honorees were enjoying every minute of it. Thanks very much for your efforts.

  124. Mrs. A-House February 22, 2009 7:15 pm

    Gigi and Mr. Gigi –

    Besides meeting and greeting the Tsaikos, I was especially pleased and so happy to see you both at the KK last evening. I’m so happy we arrived in time to exchange greetings. Mr. & Mrs. LV were probably just as pleased as our A-House ohana to see you there. Hope to see you both again at any other Tsaiko function you choose to attend. BTW, hope you lurk regularly so you have a chance to read this post. Take good care until we meet again.

  125. chawan_cut February 22, 2009 7:27 pm

    how did mouton and ingram do?

    and if you want to use these animated gifs for your signatures on other boards, etc., i made these here of the basketball dunks:

  126. Mrs. A-House February 22, 2009 8:07 pm

    I skimmed quickly over the previous posts, and I gleened an undertone of a continuing scrutiny of Gigi that goes beyond or contrary to the standards by which ST and the regulars of this blog hold ourselves…that of UNCONDITIONAL love, compassion, understanding, trust and concern for one another. Just seeing Gigi and her husband at the KK gave me such a good feeling of perhaps this being her way of conveying to us that she wants to try again to return to the WB blog. I was hopeful that the euphoria of being among friends, true friends, nonjudgemental friends, would be a good start. And this is why I was saddened and disappointed when I read previous posts chastising Gigi and her husband for leaving quietly without fanfare. If we are to use this standard of addressing everybody with a Hi and Bye as the only correct/proper way to enter/exit a Tsaiko function, then A-House and myself are to also be chastised about the manner in which we exited the function last evening. Our actions mirrored Mr. and Mrs. Gigi, and we stand by you, Mr. and Mrs. Gigi as being guilty of the offense.

    That being said, Gigi, perhaps we go back to square one…hopefully not. You are and always will be one of the premier Tsaikos who even ST has acknowledged as being one of the foundation blocks upon which the huge success of the WB Blog as it is today rests. Hope to see you again very soon.

  127. SteveM February 22, 2009 8:09 pm

    Mrs. A-House — thank you, but the planning was easy because we’ve done it before and everyone was on their own for food and beverages. las vegas took care of his own program–he’s been there more than me and a natural host. 🙂 But it was a pleasure to put out the word and take care of a few details for him.

    It was great to see you and Mr. A-House last night!
    Tom Mui too!

  128. al ™ February 22, 2009 8:29 pm


    February 22nd, 2009 at 6:11 pm
    in our pan am bags


    wat al, you had one white plastic pocket protector, too?

    no never me…. i think stevem had one of those, if i recall correctly.

  129. al ™ February 22, 2009 8:30 pm

    eh, mrs. ahouse.
    good deed on your part.
    the olive branch is always out there.

  130. Kekoa February 22, 2009 8:32 pm

    Al ~ The reaction to my extermination of said rat, tells me that the manager was guarding his cash register and not concerned about the overall cleanliness of his restaurant.

    I never asked for any type of discount, and didn’t really expect it. I think any manager with an eye out for the welfare of his customers would automatically not only ‘comp’ the meal, but invite that person back for a group discount of 20%.

    How did you handle such occurances when you were in charge?

  131. al ™ February 22, 2009 8:34 pm

    what other blog could one learn about local aquaculture than the warrior beat?

    thanks uncle tom.

  132. NorthShoreFan February 22, 2009 8:35 pm

    Aloha All..
    Took in the double header yesterday and I’m impressed with the 09 edition. Bows won today but it should have been 3 wins. The double header was there for the taking but some boo boo’s here and there, unable to move guys up with a bunt, untimely hitting. Both of those games were winable.
    Either the “Eaters” aren’t good as advertised or the Bows are better than advertised. Talent level up this year and pitching will be the key. Hope they stay healthy and when Alexander returns we should have a darn good team.
    Kolten Wong is going to be special. Kaha did a great job with him. He does not look like a freshman out there. Freshman All Wac guy.
    JD wqas talking about a “Express” ticket line. Walk up and get the number of tickets based on computer selecting the best available seats. No choosing first base, third base, here or there. Might speed things up.
    Should also discount a dollar or two. Might fill the house.
    Waiting for pics of the KK last night. Hope you guys took a lot.

  133. al ™ February 22, 2009 8:36 pm

    something tells me that we will be having a late recruit revealing sometime soon.

    i guess another scholie will be saved for some very deserving young man who is now paying his own way.

  134. al ™ February 22, 2009 8:45 pm

    kekoa….certainly a comp would have been in order followed by much gratitude and humbleness.

    then of course i’d be on the phone to the local exterminators.

  135. al ™ February 22, 2009 8:53 pm interviewed some of the draft hopefuls… of them was ryan mouton.

  136. Kekoa February 22, 2009 8:53 pm

    D-1 ~ I believe that the Video proves that the Blues Brothers never got the support that the Tsaiko’s provide. We do stuff on purpose to turn the ordinary song into the Grammy winner it should have been!

  137. Mrs. A-House February 22, 2009 8:53 pm

    Midnight & Barbara –

    It’s not often that I’m gifted with a random act of kindness, so I am very appreciative of your gift of the festive Mardi Gras beads. Added a special tough to the festive atmosphere at the KK…Mahalo!

  138. SteveM February 22, 2009 9:00 pm

    al ™:
    February 22nd, 2009 at 8:29 pm

    wat al, you had one white plastic pocket protector, too?

    no never me…. i think stevem had one of those, if i recall correctly.

    Yes, I did. Held 3 pencils, pen and mini slide rule and 2 sticks of gum. Didn’t impress my teachers though–they still gave me C’s and took away the gum.

    …of course, unlike Al, I used to wear shirts that had a pocket … 🙄

  139. Mrs. A-House February 22, 2009 9:02 pm

    Kazz –

    …and finally, thanks for sharing your snack with me. It filled up the empty spot in my tummy after eating my teriburger and fries. Overeating at bb games is my weakness, and it will take me the whole week to work off the couple of pounds I gained. It was worth it…even tho we lost.

    Did you see A-House romping around on the new Ching field turf? Brought out the kid in him as raced across the field, then stopped abruptly and assumed his “Heisman trophy pose”. No shame da guy. He was so proud and happy to finally have the field in place. BHF2, Tom Mui, Momotaro and all others who worked hard to get the wheels of progress in motion toward completion, you, too should also walk around on the field.

  140. Mrs. A-House February 22, 2009 9:02 pm

    Sorry, “tough” = “touch”.

  141. Ralph February 22, 2009 9:03 pm

    Mouton is now listed as 5’9, guys are getting shorter…..

  142. al ™ February 22, 2009 9:06 pm

    mouton was always 5’9″, why even st knew that.

  143. Ralph February 22, 2009 9:14 pm

    I thought he was listed at 5’10 +

  144. Jason February 22, 2009 9:15 pm

    al: I’ve been wanting to go to Yohei for the longest time. Whenever we pass by, I tell my Mom about that place. One of these days, definitely.

  145. Jason February 22, 2009 9:17 pm

    No, Mouton’s always been 5’9″.

  146. al ™ February 22, 2009 9:24 pm

    i take that back…..aaron bradley was 6’1″ in 2007 he is now an alleged 6’2″/175 all state long jumper and 110hh medalist.

  147. al ™ February 22, 2009 9:25 pm

    ralph, that may have been while wearing his rubber slippahs.

  148. Ralph February 22, 2009 9:32 pm

    i’m glad mouton embraced the local culture wearing rubber slippers.

  149. Jason February 22, 2009 9:34 pm

    Actually, I stand corrected — Ralph is right, they did list him at 5’10”. But he’s always been 5’9″. 😀

  150. Ralph February 22, 2009 9:35 pm

    UH reports 1000+ at the wbb game… i’ve seen in a long time….and baseball drew 2300+.

  151. Ralph February 22, 2009 9:37 pm

    is there a combine site with everyone’s performance to date

  152. MIke February 22, 2009 9:37 pm

    Unlike Nate Robinson, who’s listed at 5’9″ but is really, like, 5’6″. Bet he could touch the ceiling, too.

  153. TChahng February 22, 2009 9:37 pm


    Kamasami Kong does a radio show on 87.1 FM on Okinawa. Sounds like it’s a taped show, all easy listening music.

  154. MIke February 22, 2009 9:38 pm

    The actual turnstile count at the Wahine game is a little over 200. UH always goes with the tickets-issued figure.

  155. chawan_cut February 22, 2009 9:40 pm

    does that include the teams, coaches, score people and media?

  156. MIke February 22, 2009 9:43 pm

    The not-so-secret secret is that they never report a figure less than 200. It’s almost like their starting point. The theory at the sports desk is that it’s like taking the SAT: You get 200 just for getting your name right. Now, if they counted the crickets…

  157. Garret February 22, 2009 9:45 pm

    Great to hear about David Veikune’s show of strength at the combine!

  158. Ralph February 22, 2009 9:45 pm

    found site to combine on the sportshawaii board…

  159. al ™ February 22, 2009 9:46 pm

    mike….still that is double the crowd.

  160. Jason February 22, 2009 9:46 pm

    You know, the 200 just for getting your name right thing is actually false. Check out I actually believed that for the longest time. I heard about a golfer who got docked points cause her name couldn’t fit the name blank, but she got into Stanford anyways. In hindsight, I can never find that documented anywhere … 😛

  161. Garret February 22, 2009 9:47 pm

    I look forward to great things from Rodney Bradley. It is very good that he’ll be able to go through Spring Practice and can get as much chance as possible to get familiar with the system.

  162. Garret February 22, 2009 9:48 pm


    I believe that everyone starts with 200 points, whether or not they get their name correct. However, if the name is wrong the test can be lost or invalidated.

  163. MIke February 22, 2009 9:50 pm

    Dang, Jason, does that mean I really earned that 300 on my SAT?

    My new favorite thing to do is count the number of WBB fans who bring newspapers, books and other stuff to read during the game. It’s actually a nice place to read — quiet, empty, air-conditioned. And there’s beer.

  164. Garret February 22, 2009 9:51 pm

    Given the *large* cuts in funding for the UC and Cal State schools, plus the budgetary problems around the country, I wouldn’t be shocked if several schools dropped men’s volleyball within the next 5 years. If 2 or 3 do so, then men’s volleyball would probably cease as an NCAA D-IA sport…and UH would lose a sport. The trouble is, men’s volleyball could actually make money for UH.

  165. Garret February 22, 2009 9:51 pm

    Really cool story about how these guys met Shaq because they followed him on Twitter. It is awesome that he was so nice to them, and that he tipped his waiter $200.

  166. Garret February 22, 2009 9:52 pm

    Amazing story about how a high school team won the championship a year after 7 of their players died in a car accident. The only crash survivor from that team scored 25 points in the championship game, won the game MVP, and wore the number 7 in honor of his late friend.

  167. Garret February 22, 2009 9:53 pm

    Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off-topic stuff.

    Employees are more likely to steal from their employers when times are tough…but I cannot believe how a man would steal 32 laptops from his company and put them on eBay! Or a VP charging $4000 of Victoria’s Secret lingerie (not for his wife) to his corporate credit card!

  168. Garret February 22, 2009 9:53 pm

    Pretty amazing that this prehistoric whale apparently lived in the water but gave birth on land.

  169. Jason February 22, 2009 9:53 pm

    And there’s Wi-Fi for UH students/faculty to use! 😀

    According to the Snopes article, you can’t just fill out your name and turn it in with no answers; they’ll consider that a request to cancel your score. But yeah, while technically you do get those 200 points free, it’s not like they’re going to ever give you zero. But I’m talking about the myth that if you fill it out wrong, and they attribute it to you, that they’ll (1) deduct points, or (2) not give you all or part of the “free” 200.

  170. Garret February 22, 2009 9:53 pm

    The first step towards Star Trek-type transporters was achieved when quantum mechanics was used to transport atoms from one spot to another, using the principle of entanglement. This can’t be used on people yet because people have too many atoms to keep track of for now…but since they can do it for atoms now, I’m sure they will work on expanding the capabilities quickly and it will be interesting to see what they can come up with in the future! Of course, their current technique fails most of the time, so they have to get that success rate up before they can use it on anything living!

  171. Garret February 22, 2009 9:54 pm

    Study found that all the experiences a mother has, even as a child, affects the biology of her offspring. Events that occur decades before a mother gives birth can affect her kids for their entire lives!

  172. Garret February 22, 2009 9:54 pm

    Study (of 4,100 healthy non-depressed adolescents) found that each hour per day that a teenager watches TV has a statistically significant greater likelihood of developing depression in young adulthood.

  173. Garret February 22, 2009 9:54 pm

    Free play links pau.

  174. al ™ February 22, 2009 9:56 pm

    kamasami kong today……….

  175. Garret February 22, 2009 9:58 pm

    I kept this separate from the free play links on purpose because this is pretty important and some might find this extra interesting…especially considering the buffets the Tsaikos like to hit! They apparently have come up with a great alternative to gastric bypass surgery–avoiding any surgery at all.

    The device is inserted in the mouth and get into the stomach. Once there, it reduces the amount of nutrients that the body can absorb, so the body takes in less calories even though the person doesn’t change his/her eating habits! It can be removed in just 10 minutes by tugging on a drawstring!

    It has already been shown to work in rats and in a trial with 150 people…it rapidly reverses type II diabetes, even before the rapid weight loss takes place. If the more extensive human trial is successful, this can literally change the lives of a lot of people, providing a much cheaper, surgery-free alternative to gastric bypass surgery.

  176. chawan_cut February 22, 2009 10:00 pm

    maybe i should go back to wahine games.
    although i’d be the only one yelling. i’d probably disrupt all those people reading.
    and its kinda hard to hide in my orange jacket.

  177. Ralph February 22, 2009 10:01 pm

    Mike what was the actual attendance at the baseball game, or do you cover only the wbb and the city desk

  178. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER February 22, 2009 10:04 pm


    MAHALO to SteveM for another outstanding KK at Genji’s last night. Also to my hosts Mr. and Mrs. d1Shima for their kind hospitality. las vegas really knows how to throw a party. He brought his crew with him and the songs just got better and better. The Genji owners and staff became part of the crowd and it was just fantastic to see how much they were enjoying themselves by singing and singing along. las vegas had contests and prizes and Mr. and Mrs. SMOOTH- that Midnight pair- bedecked everyone with special Mardi Gras beads to add to the festive ambience.

    Jason was HOT HOT HOT with his crooning… and tommui’s son is a very pleasant baritone that gave Jason a run for his money. Good thing Pride. was there not only to do his 1 in a M but also to provide the vocals for Calvin’s video- the name of which still evades me.

    I had fun getting to know our newest Mom/Tsai-ko Cenn Cee and her hubby- and jumped up to say goodbye to gigi and her hubby just as they thought about leaving.

    The KK at Genji’s will always be a big chapter in my Tsai-ko experience- not only for their nabeyaki udon but also because it is such a classic neighborhood place. The staff there are Tsai-kos too – warm and ready to make the experience memorable.

    Got to get together with soul-sister MeiLing for some more karaoke practice…

    Hope to see Russ and Pam at a T-gate and a game too… expand their Tsai-Ko experience.

    Missed everyone who wasn’t there and enjoyed everyone who was… Mr. and Mrs. Ratcatcher 😆


  179. al ™ February 22, 2009 10:05 pm

    mouton is scheduled to go on tuesday.

  180. Stephen Tsai February 22, 2009 10:10 pm

    Yes, I know how tall Mouton is. I saw him almost every day from August through Christmas Day.

  181. Ralph February 22, 2009 10:11 pm

    I hope mouton’s 4.28 speed is legit, the wrs ran 4.3 to 4.4 this weekend. so anyone at UH claiming 4.4 to 4.5 speed at wr and slot got some wheels and I hope its true and not hype.

  182. al ™ February 22, 2009 10:13 pm

    so did you attend the wayne harada farewell?

  183. Stephen Tsai February 22, 2009 10:15 pm

    Mouton’s got a hamstring injury, but I’m sure he can run a low 4.4. He’s very fast.

  184. Ralph February 22, 2009 10:17 pm

    ST is mouton’s ankles healed, or was it his hammies?

  185. al ™ February 22, 2009 10:17 pm

    c’mon ralph…..lets try and be more of an optimist than a pessimist. after all its sunday.

  186. Stephen Tsai February 22, 2009 10:17 pm

    Nope. I didn’t attend his gig. Hey, he’s a great guy, and a great writer. But I don’t know him really well.
    Besides, did he attend our second anniversary party?

  187. Kekoa February 22, 2009 10:20 pm

    Liz ~ You are absolutely correct! The staff at Genji’s should be congratulated for their skill at keeping the Tsaiko’s well bevereged. Tina was everywhere at once!

    The food was tasty and plentiful. Our order of Shrimp Tempura was the best I’ve tasted in a long time. As I looked around the room, I saw several Tsaiko faces immersed in a plate of, or a bowl full of fuud!

    Mahalo Genji Tsaiko’s, you done yourselves proud!

    Mei Ling, you are an incredible singer! You hit and sustained those high notes like a professional! Thanks for the entertainment.

  188. al ™ February 22, 2009 10:21 pm

    i am watching the news….i didn’t realize it was such a huge event. i wonder who foot the bill? i hope it wasn’t the advertiser, unless that is where the 10% went. i would be pissed.

  189. al ™ February 22, 2009 10:24 pm

    lost in the shuffle….i know no one mentioned this but, i am looking forward jd’s chat come tuesday.

    he is in a tough situation with things inherited running in the red. still he has to be the “hatchet man”. two programs’ coaching staff under the microscope, okay lets make it three under the glass.

    tough decisions ahead for jd.

  190. Ralph February 22, 2009 10:25 pm

    how come a pessimist when I inquire about his hammies and we all know the stats are not always legit- like the wbb attendance revealed by Mike. if the fastest wr is 4.3 and they claim that is blazing, then Mouton’s reported 4.28 is phenomenal.

  191. Ralph February 22, 2009 10:27 pm

    during the NFL playoffs one of the teams had a 5’9 guy that Madden spoke highly of, got chance if he has the speed and hops…

  192. Stephen Tsai February 22, 2009 10:29 pm

    I’m watching Barbara Walters interview Anne Hathaway. How come they never mention Hathaway’s appearance in “Havoc.” That’s where she raps Tupac’s “How Do You Want It.”

  193. al ™ February 22, 2009 10:33 pm

    5’9″ is the minimal height for a cb if he has the other intangibles or would this be tangibles? 40 times, vertical, bench, shuttle, etc it appears he has those measurables and he has displayed the smarts and a lot of toughness at his size.

  194. Stephen Tsai February 22, 2009 10:34 pm

    Re: WBB attendance.
    As I’ve heard, the actual turnstile has been in the 100s.
    That’s a shame.

  195. Kekoa February 22, 2009 10:41 pm

    Oh and Al…the answer to an earlier question about my contributing songmanship to the celebration is a resounding, YES!

    I had requested the song, *Lean on Me* to begin my ‘comeback’ tour. By the time I was given a mic, someone had already started singing the song on another mic. So I had to settle for “He Aloha Mele as my consolation number. I can only assume that I did alright because no one headed out the back door to the parking lot!

  196. Ralph February 22, 2009 10:44 pm

    JD mentioned none of the women’s sports are on the blocks because of gender, but at least cut the red incrementally from 800K down to 500K as a goal…build a winning program and the revenue lost won’t hurt as bad…I don’t think it will ever reach the black but cut the losses…100 that’s primarily family and friends and very few others.

  197. Ralph February 22, 2009 10:46 pm

    gee if our next blog bash was held prior to a wbb game we could attend the game and double the attendance…

  198. al ™ February 22, 2009 10:46 pm

    lean on me…bill withers.

    that is a perfect song. many folks lean on you.

  199. Stephen Tsai February 22, 2009 10:51 pm

    UH was never going to cut any sports.
    I scolded JD for even mentioning that because all it did was excite our editors.
    Basically it was: If UH demanded that the debt be paid off yesterday, then sure a sport would be cut. Heck, they’d probably all sell their blood and extra organs for cash. But UH wasn’t going to make that demand.
    And now, for the next year, we’re going to have editors asking us: Did they cut a sport yet?

  200. Jason February 22, 2009 11:04 pm

    Hehe, after I serenaded Cindy with Love Me Tender, my next song came up. Only it was the wrong song — I wanted The Most Beautiful Girl (Charlie Rich), I got The Most Beautiful Girl in the World (Prince). Didn’t matter, Tom’s son grabbed the microphone from me anyways. 😛

    Ralph: We should have sang this song for you last night:

    You’ve got to accentuate the positive,
    Eliminate the negative,
    And latch on to the affirmative,
    Don’t mess with Mister In-Between

    Then again, I think al is the only one old enough to know this song. 😉

  201. Ralph February 22, 2009 11:06 pm

    I’m familiar with the Al green version of lean on me, got to check out the bill withers version

  202. al ™ February 22, 2009 11:07 pm


    obviously, they got to win and more will come. that is the first and foremost requisite to attendance increases. so one needs talent to win and one needs someone who can take the talent and coach em up to win.

    marketing efforts need to produce results. need to get more grassroots programs.

    so mbb has the little league kids team programs. that has always been successful, but, hey why not have free clinics throughout the year rotating locations or having them on campus on a regular basis. the players can also gain valuable comumnity relations mbb needs to recruit more of the local players that the locals can identify with and they will come to the stadium.

    wbb….ditto above. but, go to the community leagues, agena clinics, schools and offer free tickets. at least some of the concession money will increase. something is more than zero. again more local talent.

    mbb…the other one. ditto as well. gotta win. gotta keep the derrick low’s at home at all costs. if you are going to keep local kids on the roster, then give em some time on the court. again give away the tickets at tleast they will eat and drink.

  203. Ralph February 22, 2009 11:11 pm

    there aren’t too many positives in men and women basketball to accentuate, its not saying we just as well all keep quiet and keep on losing…we haven’t been competitive for the WAC title in a very long time and rarely make it to the NCAA. So, how do you keep the feeling positive when the team does is picked to finish about 6 or 7 every year…

  204. al ™ February 22, 2009 11:18 pm

    ralph….lean on me…bill withers the original artist.

  205. al ™ February 22, 2009 11:19 pm

    jace…i must be much younger than you think. i have never heard of those lyrics.

  206. PowderPuff February 22, 2009 11:20 pm

    ST – hope you feel better. Sure sounds like I missed the fun at the KK last night. Hope to catch up with the Tsai-kos very soon. Too much death and sadness at the top of the newscasts tonight…make everyday count!

  207. Ralph February 22, 2009 11:23 pm

    thanks Al but I like the Al green voice better, more mellow…

  208. SteveM February 22, 2009 11:26 pm

    Liz and Kekoa — yes, the side-story of the Genji staff was interesting. las vegas slipped in Thursday night and sang at the bar I hear. Was great because everyone knew him by Saturday. My cousin Gaye is half owner with Keiko, who we seldom see because she is usually on the bar side. Arthur (Art) is Gaye’s husband.

    Art is very good enka singer after 19 years of practice and hearing it all every night. But when he came in Saturday, he pointed to las vegas through the window and said, “Man–that guy can sing!”

    I invited Art to come and sing with us. He demured. Later I told las vegas and he went to whisper to Art. I saw Art bolt through the door and return–they reset the queue and put in his song next. Wow–when you are asked to sing by a master vocalist, it is an honor.

    Peaches said Keiko came through the door twice to watch las vegas and his older sister sing. Art came rushing out to listen too during the song–and a second time when Pam sang.

    Gaye and Dennis were busy cooking, but Dennis told me they could hear.

    That was quite a tribute to las vegas and family, coming from the owners of a long time Japanese Karaoke bar!

  209. Ralph February 22, 2009 11:29 pm

    girls state hs basketball starts this week, I hope the UH coaches show up and make their presence felt…they might find a gem, if not, at least PR to gain more fans for the wahines-coaches got to go out into the community, problem with von appen, herman frazier, maybe bolla and Trapasso….don’t hear or read about any community clinics except the summer clinics held once a year, whereas, kids play baseball year round in hawaii…

  210. Cindy (or cenn)andGreg February 22, 2009 11:30 pm

    Jason, I owe ya a song LOL!

  211. Ralph February 22, 2009 11:33 pm

    SteveM good to hear the news that the genji people appreciated LV and his ohana…next we need them to push thru the door when Tsai sings the lion sleeps tonight.

  212. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER February 23, 2009 12:03 am

    Kekoa- paybacks are a- another song in the cueue next time!

    Cheer of the night: “Hate Me”! Wow- that took me aback. Then iwonderwhytheyhateme started singing and I wondered no longer. Cool!

    OK. Nitey nite and sweet Warrior Dreams!

  213. Kekoa February 23, 2009 12:17 am

    Al, I love that song ‘Lean on Me’ and ‘Ain’t No Sunshine’ by Bill Withers. In fact, I kinda like songs that are uplifting and spiritual.

    Listen to “Oh Happy Day” from Sister Act II with Whoopie G and imagine what it would sound like with the entire Tsaiko Choir wrapping their vocal chords around it!

  214. al ™ February 23, 2009 12:23 am

    yah great song and great movie

  215. al ™ February 23, 2009 12:27 am

    kekoa….you might like this one.

  216. Kekoa February 23, 2009 12:27 am

    ST ~ Is it true that JJ lost his assistant coach, Tim Hundley, to the UCLA Deadbeat Bruins? Wow, that’s a surprise if it’s true.

  217. Frank25 February 23, 2009 12:29 am

    Hey Tsaikos

    Aloha….Missed another KK…thats okay at least my Wife was there,just stopped in real quick….to say hello….leaving soon for the Services for SPC Walters…sad…..Well everyone take care…send my Aloha…GO WARRIORS!!!!!

  218. Kekoa February 23, 2009 12:33 am

    Powerful song…but then I imagined it would be, coming from you Al.

  219. Kekoa February 23, 2009 12:39 am

    Howzit Frank! Take care braddah…we need more singers for the parties in Vegas when you get back!

    Give and an extra salute to SPC Walters at her Services from us Veterans back home.

    Warriors Never Forget!

  220. Mark22 February 23, 2009 12:42 am

    Does anyone know what Ingram did on Bench press? I’ve been looking all over for it and can’t find it anywhere. He ran a 5.02 40. Let me know the site or his numbers if anyone can find it!

  221. Frank25 February 23, 2009 12:58 am


    Cant wait for Karaoke in vegas…BBQ too!!!! I will give an extra Salute from all you Veterans back home…I love serving My country..and My State Of Hawaii…Represent the west side….okay got to go now….



  222. wafan February 23, 2009 4:11 am

    A fine morning to all!

  223. wafan February 23, 2009 4:13 am

    Looks like the natives have recovered from the KK. At least most of them have.

  224. jm2375 February 23, 2009 5:58 am

    Good morning Tsai-kos!! It’s Monday, do you know where your boss is? 🙂

    Liz, time fo get up. Dis your wake-up call!!! *banging on da door to da clubhouse*

    Morning wafan. How goes it up in the PNW?

  225. d1島 February 23, 2009 6:09 am

    Great Morning All!

    Hope to hear more news from the combine today.

    Have a great day erryboddy!


  226. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER February 23, 2009 6:36 am

    dang cats sleepin in again…

    Thanks, jm2375!

  227. Garret February 23, 2009 6:49 am

    ST ~ Is it true that JJ lost his assistant coach, Tim Hundley, to the UCLA Deadbeat Bruins? Wow, that’s a surprise if it’s true.


    It is true:

    UCLA coach Rick Neuheisel is going with experience and will hire SMU assistant head coach Tim Hundley as the Bruins’ new secondary coach, with an announcement coming as early as today, according to sources.

    Hundley spent six seasons as a UCLA assistant from 1990-95, and worked on Neuheisel’s staff at Colorado and Washington. The only thing holding up the announcement is Hundley’s official acceptance of the position, but that is expected, sources added.

    Hundley was chosen over former UCLA all-American James Washington and Temple assistant Paul Williams.

  228. Garret February 23, 2009 6:53 am

    He’s going from LB coach at SMU to secondary coach at UCLA.

  229. roysan16 February 23, 2009 7:03 am


    40 4.75

  230. Garret February 23, 2009 7:04 am

    By the way, that coach’s son plays for the San Diego Padres…so going to UCLA will move the family closer together and let him see his son’s games.

  231. roysan16 February 23, 2009 7:04 am

  232. Garret February 23, 2009 7:09 am

    In the discussion above about Mouton’s height, one thing Ralph should keep in mind is that Mouton isn’t even in the top 10 for the shortest players at the combine:

    WR Mike Thomas Arizona 5-7 7/8
    RB Tyrell Sutton Northwestern 5-8
    CB Ryan Palmer Texas 5-8 1/8
    RB Javon Ringer Michigan State 5-8 1/8
    CB Captain Munnerlyn South Carolina 5-8 1/2
    K Louie Sakoda Utah 5-8 1/2
    WR Quan Cosby Texas 5-8 5/8
    WR Lydell Sargeant Penn St. 5-8 7/8
    CB D.J. Moore Vanderbilt 5-8 7/8
    RB Jeremiah Johnson Oregon 5-8 7/8

  233. roysan16 February 23, 2009 8:03 am

    veikune, huh?

    look at one source

    40- 4.75

    look again

    40- 4.87

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