A bowl of rivalry
The coaching staffs have been divided — linebacker Adam Leonard and defensive tackle Keala Watson will lead one side, linebacker Solomon Elimimian and center John Estes will lead the other — and the smack-talking has started for tomorrow’s Scout Bowl.
“We’ll just dub them,” Leonard said of the Elimimian-Estes team, “the losing team.”
The Leonard-Watson (L-W) team believes it has the advantage. During the offseason conditioning program, 10 seniors had to draft teams for the Super Games competition.
“We all know how Super Games turned out,” Watson said, smiling. “I do have a good record as far as drafting goes.”
The L-W team plans to adopt an aggressive style.
“If I’ve got wide receivers, I want them to go out there and block the crap out of people,” Leonard said. “If we pass, I want them to run over people. I want a physical team.”
The Elimimian-Estes (E-E) team is going with the cerebral approach.
“The guys who know their stuff are the guys we’re going to pick,” Estes said.
Of the two, Estes is the silent partner.
“I’m the spokesman, John’s the bodyguard,” Elimimian said. “We’re a 1-2 punch.”
The E-E team already is ceding one player. Corey Paredes was Elimimian’s apprentice. But Paredes accepted an invitation to move from linebacker to running back.
“I don’t want Corey,” said Elimimian, who is living proof that time does not heal emotional wounds. “He wanted the glory and the pub, which is why he went to offense.”
* * *
Sure, these appear to be gloomy times for UH football fans.
But things have a way of correcting themselves. For the faithful, here are reasons for hope:
• Pop quiz: In the previous three seasons, how many games has running back David Farmer missed? Answer: Zip. “I was proud of that,” said Farmer, who has not played this season because of a dinged meniscus.
Farmer, like RC Cola, isn’t missed until he’s not there anymore. The plans for the revised four-wide offense called for a banger, a powerback to serve as a change to speed backs Leon Wright-Jackson, Daniel Libre and Kealoha Pilares. Jake Heun, who missed five weeks because of a herniated disc, was supposed to be that guy. Farmer is that guy. Plus, the Warriors miss Farmer’s backfield blocking. Farmer will be back for the San Jose State game. It will be no coincidence that the Warriors’ pass protection will improve.
• It always was believed that Josh Leonard was a temp, a fll-in until Rocky Savaiigaea or Fale Laeli was ready to take over. After back-to-back, three-TFL games, Leonard is established as a fixture on the defensive line. Always a weight-room guy, Leonard showed he is built for endurance. He played 81 of 86 snaps against a physical Oregon State O-line. He is on track for an All-WAC season.
• It was fun to watch flyweights Ryan Keomaka and Guyton Galdeira hunt down kick returners last season. The Warriors opened auditions yesterday, and it appears Richard Torres is a lock to serve the Keomaka-Galdeira role. But what UH has been lacking is a smackdown player on kick coverage, a position filled last year by Francis Maka and a few years ago by John Fonoti. The Warriors believe Erik “E-Rob” Robinson will be the answer. Kickoff coverage might be entertaining again.
• Everybody can do something. Wideout Malcolm Lane’s specialty is the inside screen, off a spinter’s start. UH hasn’t run that play that much. It’s only a matter of time.
• The UH offense has been taking heat for limiting its offensive plays this season. But there’s a method to the methodical manner. The Warriors weren’t going to tip their hand for essentially preseason games. But the Warriors and WAC opponents have history — and a lot of video of each other. The Warriors have been holding back. Expect them to open up the playbook in the next few games.
Hi ST!
Small typo:
“Guyton Galdeiro hunt down kick “
Interesting tidbit on the play calling… we’ll see.
ST – Is TGs injury pretty serious? Players always maintain they’ll be playing but with him not being able to extend his arm without pain, it sounds like this could make him miss a game or games. What do you think?
Whew! I’m glad the blog is working again.
LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER:
wow what a quilt.Nice job…..
sixt! 🙂
nint? tent?
Thank you for the post with all of those reasonable points for optimism!
I agree that Farmer will improve the pass protection–he’s an excellent blocker and was by far the best RB blocker last year.
I agree that Josh Leonard has been playing well. He has been impressive at holding the point at the line of scrimmage and even getting in the backfield at times. I didn’t realize that he (like Veikune) had 81 snaps against Oregon State!
It is good to know that the reason for some of the limited play calling was that the coaches were holding back. Unless we are talking about new plays, I’m not sure how big of a surprise it will be to the WAC coaches since they have seen so much on film already from past years. I had thought that UH was limiting their offense because of the new QBs and Tyler not practicing much, but I will be happy to be wrong about that.
There are always reasons to be optimistic. Thanks, Stephen.
One Australian punter was cut in the NFL, but several others (including McBriar) are still there.
‘Mornin everybody.
Go UH!
UH invited this player to their 2004 game at Fresno State…not surprisingly, he ended up having Fresno State as his first choice after that game. He’ll be starting at CB against Fresno State this week.
Fresno State added Illinois to their list of home-and-home deals with BCS-conference teams they announced last week. I hope that UH’s scheduling is going well and that travel prices aren’t preventing the pukas from getting filled.
Bess is still the starting slot receiver with Miami. The guy Miami gave a $6 mil or so bonus to in the offseason is now their #4 or #5 WR.
Bess is doing pretty well as Miami’s kick returner.
Last article I was able to find this morning–feature article on Mouse Davis.
Funny story about this game when JJ was the QB for Mouse Davis’ team and Mouse told his defensive coordinator to let the other team score so that they could get the ball back…and it worked, Portland State won the game.
I found a few more things that seem interesting enough to post. Cincinnati’s QB Mauk gave up after his 6th appeal was rejected and he’ll be joining a CFL team.
Good Morning Tsaikoland! Good to see the blog up and working again.
Wyoming might be moving a home game against Nebraska to Denver…for a LOT of money I assume.
Funny how Nike is branding everything…
RE: Methodical manner of the playbook this early in the season.
Good subject to talk about right now. With 2 games left at the end of the season OOC, and WAC play starts with the next game, how much do you open up this early in the season.
San Jose is already showing signs of improvement, and a win against them is as important as all the rest of the WAC teams.
UH needs to help fill the stadium as much as possible. The vantage of 12th man support begins NOW.
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
Dragging this over from the last post.
I agree with Ralph. We gotta give the team more time. This is a new team. Brand new.
And I’m optomistic about the SJSU game. I’m gonna be there and make sure there is no doubt that Warrior Nation has got da Warrior’s back!
plus, I goin make dat bannah, hope my fren finishes it fo da game! 😀
sure hope da JUMBOTRON camera guy luukz my way wen I stay proudly waving my new bannah. 😀
Looks like gigi-favorite Steve Nash is one of the owners of the new women’s pro soccer league. I hope that this one does well, as the WUSA had to close in 2003.
yup, i admit datz da idea.
i like rile da peeps up,
like i’m riled up. i like da booz
be da winnahz!!! peeps not
stupid, day going figah out
wats going on soon enuff.
an da bradda going wish he neva
mess wit Warrior Nation!
Go Warriors….
10-4 Bhf2-
Patience, patience, patience.
Mack was not handed down a team like Peterson at Boise was. Though Mack has high goals for every year, there are so many equations to put together with a new staff and new players in critical posistions.
At this point though, conservative play has been proven unsuccessful, so time to take the other fork in the road and don’t wallo. Or, you will get mowed over.
yep, i agree dat conservative play is a no go.
ahem, tell bradda Ron to make da QB call already!
If its Inoke, make da call. If not, no sweat. The team gave the two JCs and Inoke chances, didn’t they? Shooting stars coming along once in a while. Not everyone can be the star everytime. No be shame. The WAC is for the team, not for the players. The team deserves to be held up high. Thats what we’ve been saying, right? Right? So coaches and team, WALK THE TALK!
Be a Warrior. Make the best in Hawaii wanna play with you, on your team!
Go Warriors!
good to see the blog up, i thought Homey had an implosion, or was just flexing those forearms again 🙂
aloha kakahiaka tsai-ko country
annodda day is hawaii nei and make it better than yesterday
yep ralph and bhf2 need to let Mac work his magic and let the team find their identity. so be patient, be frustrated but be supportive also.
BHF2- Rausch never got a chance to start and has only got 2 series under his belt. I hope he gets a chance because I could never understand how your named a starter before the season and never start and than end up at the bottom of the depth chart.
Whatevah happened to da Media Blitz we wen axe for, hah?! All dis hulla-balloo about a “Media Guide” but what about one Blitzkreig in da media? Not ONE peep from da new guy. Whazzup wit dat!
We Tsaiko’s and Sports Hawaii folks seem to be carrying da load wen it comes to generating interest in the team. Shoots, here I was trying to get folks to come show some support for the team at da scrimmage. Why only me? Where’s da man who supposed to be getting the names and faces of the Warriors out in the public eye. Not enuff Promos across da ceded lands and outer islands.
I’m happy that coach Mack has let it be known that practice is open again. Now is your chance to get away from work or school in the morning. Come out and show some support, you’ll enjoy the opportunity to get “up front & personal!” The team seems to practice harder wen we’re there. I think that’s the pick-me-up they need right now.
Note to Al: What about some place aftah for one mini CC?
Go Warriors!
What if Coach Mack starts wearing a “Natsi” shirt everyday and lay down the law that the Best players get the starting job.
Nothing like dropping an Aama crab down the shorts to get some life going.
Great Morning All!
Yes, those tradewinds are definitely back again.
Mahalo Stephen for pointing out those things. In this case, 402 words are worth more than one picture. 😉
ok…ok…a few fluff pieces in da local papers. Whoopie! The drum beat starts with that stuff and supposed to get Louder and Longer with each passing day or week until the conclusion of the season!
Mack work his magic?
ahem, if you calling his slappahz “magic 1 and magic 2” i say put down da slippahz, buss out da Daisy. dass da kine move dat lets da braddaz no right now dat yu mean business.
but me, i’m new school. if yu really like da widouts work on separation, try using one ah dem new airsof AK47z.; hoboy, make em develop really speedy kine moves. 😛 😆
I shoulda been a coach. 😆
anyway, gotta go work. see yu laterzzzz
esme wooooossshhhhh
gooda morning kekoa see’s yu’s lattas
maverick ouch bwhaaaa
Fergot- gotta go doctah for chekup today. Few more mins to read 😉
Warriors are my ohana by choice. Jes like my own keeds. Sometimes good, sometimes need da slippah. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad. Sometimes healthy, sometimes get owie. Sometimes remembah to say “I love you, mom”, sometimes make mistake and sked to admit it.
No mattah what- still my keeds. Still love em. No mo conditions. Not going trow ’em away (but sometimes close…bwahahaha).
C’Mon Warriors,
Ryan –
I agree-
hence why this season so far is so confusing.
I would like to see Raushe’s potential at this coming home game with a supportive crowd. and even Alexanders.
I think Funaki has had his fair chance already. I like him as a backup, but to take the helm full on, doesn’t look good.
Aye-soos, they did name Rausch the starter in the beginning for a good reason, right?
Good Morning Tsaikos and Tsaikettes!
Just wanted to check in before I head out the door.
Hope everyone has a great day.
Like in the movie Dodgeball, where the old guy is throwing wrenches to hone their reflexes ?
Mack seems almost paranoid about not letting our WAC opponents know what we will be doing. So maybe there is something we have planned. However, whatever it is we have not seen if it works yet and we haven’t seen it executed under game conditions. So cautious optimism. Myself, I would like to see us just perfect our base offense so QB can throw and receivers can catch and we can run two or three “keep them honest” running plays from the shotgun hopefully– everything else good will follow once we can do that.
ryan and Maverick,
Rausch apparently had to sit out practice yesterday due to illness. So, Inoke and Alexander split the reps since Tyler had to miss practice also.
If Rausch is not getting any reps (he reportedly wasn’t getting any before Weber State or Oregon State), I don’t think he will be getting much playing time at all in the near future.
Garret –
Thanks for the info. Have I been missing that in the news lately?
Bummer. But atleast he is learning the system as any transfer needs to. He’s in it for the long run with Hawaii.
Hopefully we can see him on the field later/ end of the season.
Must have been the vog, the trade winds are back,
morning again gang!
i thought my puter was broke this morning when nothing was going thru
then i was thinking no way nobody when post after Whitey, and then there was light
i’m sure there are very good reasons why the depth chart changes, gotta trust the coaches, they see em everyday, they see the sweat, they see the film, they see the body language, they hear the words, they see the vets helping the newbies, they see the hustlers, …….
for those who can, take a short break tomorrow a.m. and do your own up close eye test with Kekoa, SJ, Myki, Stretch, DPK, curveball, ST, etc….
ok, nuf said (sorry Al, couldn’t resist) have a safe and happy day
Morning Tsaikos!
ST: thanks for your post today, optimism indeed!
Josh Leonard is one of my favorite players!
bhf2 by magic I mean this; cmac had some ideas, plans or whatever you want to call it to develop this team, its goals and how its going to be accomplished. While this was taking shape some things worked, some didn’t so adjustments are needed. Cmak is rethinking how to fix broken pieces and reshuffle some parts around so this machine can work smoother. It is just growing pains and once all what he wants to get done the team will be all good.
I too was frustrated and took my 48 hours plus one snap but had a hard time to clear. But will try to let mac play out his hand and try to see how his designing will unfold. And in the mean time I believe da team will defend their WAC title and play warrior ball and continue to support, support, support.
The news about Rausch was buried at the end of an article in some other paper. I’m glad that Rausch has 2 more years after this season, as a QB who could win the job before the season I would think has to be part of the future. Rausch had a sore arm, apparently has some illness now, and has a big adjustment after playing 8-man football fairly recently.
get done is finished the team
sorry but had small interruption and porgot to add some works.
hey midori 😀
Good morning everyone! …got more sleep last night with the blog broken again.
Thanks for filling in the pieces, ST. Things will certainly get more colorful as the WAC season starts.
Stretch ~ Shout out to Gigi and Hubby to come join me and my pahtna at Bay View Golf Club & Range to hit a bucket of balls and have lunch today.
i still miss Orange Crush.
i see it and RC Cola on the mainland still however.
and what does TFL mean?
David Veikune & Josh Leonard have been “studs” and have been two of the bright spots on D. I think if the Kickoff & Punting units neutralize our opponents, that alone would give fans a lift. In the OSU game it was depressing & demoralizing having OSU start near mid-field or in UH territory
on every drive. I’d love for Dick Tomey & the SJSU football team to experience true Warrior Ball at Aloha Stadium once again. Tomey has obvious reasons for being confident about beating UH; that goes out the window if UH can address the horrific Special Teams play (including the “thaw” of the “Iceman” who should now be called the “Human Torch” & the continued incompetence of our so-called punter) and can take care of the protections for any & all of our QBs whomever they are at game time.
btw, where’s gigi been?
i haven’t kept track, but i haven’t seen her around in awhile. did i miss something?
anyone going to mark takai’s fundraiser tonight?
Morning/afternoon, Tsaiko-Nation and Tsai-Meister.
Our major domo and fearless leader has spoken with the voice of wisdom. Thanks, Tsai-Meister, that was exactly what we needed to hear.
Anybody giving up on the team already, may as well leave, that would be crazy. There is so much season still to be battled.
As far as the coaches selecting starters goes, with a fairly new team and plenty of newcomers, that is not always easy. Before the season you only have practice to evaluate the players, but in many cases, a player that practices well, will not translate to game playing and vice versa. That is the main reason why very often teams, with a high personnel turn over, need several games to settle on a steady depth chart. I think this is happening with the Warriors at this time.
We have three games worth of film now and finding the correct players for all three phases and respective positions should me much easier from here on in.
The SanJose game is our watershed moment, it will show us most of what we need to know. Off course, a big key will be Tyler Graunke.
The coaches really need to work hard to get the JC’s up to speed, unfortunately, they can not rework the Offense to suit Inoki. As much as I love this guy and root for him, he just doesn’t see the field and he has been in the system so much longer than the JC’s. I think he will make a great coach one day. He understands the R&S, but playing it under game conditions is another story.
I hope Rausch returns from his illness quickly, I’m not favoring him, but I would like to see him with a little more playing time. I wish somebody would explain his total slide to the bottom. I would love to hear Coach Macks explanation, or Tsai-Meisters, for that matter.
The lingering pain of lopsided losses is gone from my system and I’m really looking forward to the rest of the season.
It is nice to read people are seeing what we always knew about Josh Leonard He will give you every inch he has and then go against them again
My senior year at St. Louis was Cal Lee’s first year back as head football coach (1982 football season). We didn’t do well that year but a dynasty was born. Will history repeat itself? Only time will tell and I BELIEVE.
morning tsaikos!
“The Warriors weren’t going to tip their hand for essentially preseason games.”
oh really……….
dunno about everyone else but i thought we would be using some of them plays seeing the 1st quarters on both florida/oregon st looked pretty competitive and ripe for a possible upset……oh wellz
Good morning Tsai-kos!
OK who broke da blog last night? I was trying to have some fun in da clubhouse, but no can. How long was it actually down for? I wen go nene around 12:45 and it was still down.
Have a great day! esme and out.
The UH-UNLV game is September 19, 2009 in Las Vegas. duffer & Al are coordinating with their Boyd Gaming friends possible travel packages that include AIR and/or ROOM-meals and/or GAME PACKAGE (ticket, hotel tailgate party, and stadium transfers). They will be gathering preliminary info and NUMBERS of interested travelers.
Once the number estimates are turned in (probably Dec-Jan), we will await availability and pricing info. There are other options via (Rich2176 & las vegas) for those not utilizing the package offerings and initial numbers for them will also be gathered.
Since the collection of potential traveler numbers will continue for several months, an on-line survey which will be available 24/7 has been posted…
Click Here to take the survey
Note this survey is for preliminary number estimates and is NOT a commitment or reservation.
This blog broke again?
Dave LetterMan-
I dig your outlook! I agree. 3 games don’t make a season. Nor a career!
I can’t wait till everything starts clicking. When the whole scheme starts to make sense to these young men. When they start to believe and trust one another and the system. Even more spooky when the Lee brothers entrench their game play into the system and the dynasty starts rolling.
I’m more than willing to take my lumps and punishment now with this team. A few losses here and there is fricken nuttin! Cause when that light goes on and everyone sees the big picture, all hell is gonna break loose! And we ain’t taking NO prisoners!
It’ll be glorious!
We riding up front with the horses! We’ll keep the wagon going and ready for any fair weather fans’ return.
Meantime, patience. I can wait.
chawan…but do you remember grap Nehi and Shasta sodas…..
Heard guys at the gym talking yesterday about the team didn’t do this and the team didn’t do that and the team sucks and time for changes in coaching and players….typical fair weather fan stuff. I was so irritated I wanted to say something…but those guys were bigger than me….
Before the season started, people were saying that the team would win seven games this year. That means they would lose six games. They lost two games so far (expected loses) and everyone’s upset. Granted it’s frustrating as a fan but we have a whole season in front of us. GO WARRIORS!
chawan – TFL = Time For Lunch
Hmmm, Warriors not tipping their hand? Does that mean we’ll see more play action plays? More QB under center plays? RB’s split out as WR’s? Two RB’s in the backfield? SB’s lining up as TE’s? Reverses? HB, SB and WR screens? Empty backfields? More crossing patterns? More structured pass patterns instead of read and proceed? Audibles? Veer and Power I plays?
For those that have been attending practices do you see the Warriors practicing different offensive plays and schemes?
I’m just wondering what different things we haven’t seen the last 3 years that we will see in the upcoming WAC games. I suppose it is a wait and see approach for me. I’m still waiting for play action plays from the QB (under center). If anyone noticed the other teams receivers got wide open because of play action plays. But then again, I’m not the coach and all I want to see is just a few things to either misdirect the defenders or cause match up problems.
Other than that…GO WARRIORS!
Good morning HAWAII!
Next time, jus no wipe down the machine for them.
Lemme guess… those mokes had “FOKAI” or “TAPOUT” shirts on and at least one loudmouth in that group had a “USC Football” shirt on? 👿
(J)J – Is it a shower thing?
Kazz – FYI, my daughter wants to put a “Tapout” sticker on our car. The car that I drive the most…
Homey…Put a TAPDIS sticker on your car…and it wasn’t a shower thing… I don’t look down…..mwahahahaha
(J)J – I wonder if they make a “TAP DANCER” sticker?
Another slow day…does that mean ST is making the trip out to Foster Village and piggybacking someone back to the blog?
Howzit El homey. Good to see ya back.
Hey Gigi, I see you walking around outside sometimes so I know you are at home. I also know you must lurk and see what’s up with the Tsaikos. Come back to the light, have a Becks, relax.
Homey….or “Beer Tap” sticker…
Everybody cover your eyes….DPK is back!!!
Just finished watching the practice news reels, thank you, chawan_cut.
There’s a whole lot of enthusiasm going on. If the team can maintain that spirit into the games, I have no worries.
almost lunc .5 hour hey tsai-ko’s play nice now
Conference play is always tough. Look what happened to USC last year with Stanford! Fix what needs fixing and defend the WAC Title like the Champions we all know you are!!!
sorry, i do not remember the good ol’ days of grap nehi and shasta.
homey, you’re right, its always TFL.
floridated (without the caps, it looks like i just went to the dentist and got my teeth floridated, i mean fluoridated, heh). you’re welcome. i’ll actually be on the road myself for a few weeks, and i’ll try to keep up the news uploading. i too want to see how things are going on at home.
OK, who’s going to the Scout Bowl tomorrow?
We just gotta put it all together. If the team can play with the same cohesion they had last year, the wins should follow.
Couple extra things from the Call the Coach show that weren’t already covered: Coach Mack mentioned that about half the team (including team captains!) do NOT do the ha’a, I think it had something to do with not knowing the words. Mack is bumping that up to 100% participation for team unity purposes, and making sure there’s printouts of the chant so there’s no excuse to not get involved. That’ll help team morale a bunch, I think.
Coach Mack also explained the three-runs-in-a-row-and-out situation during UH’s second offensive series. He said it was a situational thing because the first down run by Libre was very successful, for 8 yards (leaving 2nd and 2). They were close to the first down and figured they’d stick to what worked, but unfortunately Libre got stonewalled the next two plays. He also mentioned something about the OSU corners playing shallow which made the run seem like a better choice. Given Rego’s relative inexperience and the unavailability of a power-type back like Farmer (we’ll REALLY need him for pass pro!), I guess I’ll give Ron Lee the benefit of the doubt on that one. For some reason I don’t recall the first run yielding that many yards…
Jack Flash,
Ah… last season… sometimes watching the elite fall was nearly as good as watching our own boys fo 12-0.
I remember where I was when USC FELL to Stanford. We didn’t have a tgate for the Utah State home game, so I was in the lower Halawa lot and it started to pour as we huddled underneath our tent I could hear the radio proclaiming “STANFORD BEATS USC”!!! Like a God send, the clouds went away and the sun started shining again!!!
It was beautiful and I wanted to run naked around the lot in joy…
(Wait… where the heck am I going with this?????)
Btw, in case anyone was interested, Call the Coach Show replays start at noon on Wednesdays, so it’ll be on in 30 mins.
oh, i forgot to say thanks to SJ & Myki for the seat by them on the “reserved” table at the call the coach show last night. i felt so special.
mmmm, the willows always has super ono food.
it would be so nice to have videos of the scout bowl…. and reactions of players after the scout bowl…
oh we miss her, i mean the videos, so much…..
Vhawan- whay was on the buffet line?
btw, where’s the fundraiser at?
Your providing of the the Practice and Warrior Sports news reels is one of my favorite things you’re sharing with us and is truly appreciated by this Albino Hawaiian Mainlander, especially since we’re deprived of Princess Leilas videos.
Kazz- see what beer does to you? That’s funny!
I really miss those Advertiser videos. So many classics, from Mouton overstating his weight at the “Pro Day”, various Warriors doing camera work and questioning…
TFL=tackle for loss
Samson update. Unfortunately, not a good one.
There’s a vote today on whether the videos will return.
Interesting that the bailout of AIG means that the US government is now basically a big sponsor of pro soccer team Manchester United.
I vote for the videos! I think we all would vote for the videos! Of course, that is only if it makes sense for the Union and if negotiations are going well…
Who’s “her”?
Is it Leila or the Gigi?
I have to admit the three-runs-in-a-row-and-out series really disturbed me. Instant flashbacks to the Tomey days of watching the same–only difference was they made 2-3 yards a play before punting…days of the 7-3 final scores.
I have been looking for weaker wide-angle binoculars to watch the run-and-shoot live. Last year, my binoculars from the 70’s were too strong–was great for watching the backs hit the holes and sweep in the past, but too close-up for a wide open passing attack.
I have faith and will continue to look for a pair of good quality 4x or 6x binocs. Have pretty good seats and don’t really need them–but 40 year binocular habits are hard to break 🙂
Thank you for the update on the Scout Bowl staffs. I’m more concerned about the special teams right now (and some of the players playing in the Scout Bowl will probably be added to those special teams units), but hopefully the Scout Bowl serves as a nice team-building, morale-boosting event.
DPK – What you doing looking at my back?
(J)J – Esme’s sticker —> “Tappity tap”
Vhawan? Did chawan become a Thai or Indian citizen?
Scout Bowl – sounds interesting.
TFL – Tsaiko For Life.
i would like to vote too. one emphatic YAY for the return of THE Princess and HER videos.
and actually both.
i didn’t know gigi did videos. wait, lemme clarify that before these people go off on a tangent. videos from the sidelines at practice and at games.
thanks BG.
SteveM – Nothing wrong with 3 runs in a row especially after the first run picks up 8 yards. All you need is execution, desire, and attitude.
the call the coach show is usually on tuesdays at Willows on Hausten street. its the same place as the Na Koa lunch on Mondays.
Its $15. all you can eat “pupu” buffet. here’s last night’s line up:
tossed salad
ahi poke
mac/potato salad
chow fun
teriyaki chicken karaage (reaaaallly good)
pork stir fry
roast pork in bun
beef stew
coach and bobby are up on stage taking calls. i think the fans in the crowd can ask too. (this was my first time going). if you’re in town on a tuesday and don’t want to fight traffic to go home, stick around and head to the willows.
(btw, they’re repeating the broadcast now on kkea from 12-1pm)
The vote is tomorrow.
chawan – if gigi did videos you wouldn’t need a cold shower.
ST, are the Scout Bowl QB’s Steele and Shane?
I think the offense should do what it wants to do. But I wouldn’t have announced a no-three-runs-in-a-row policy. I mean, after consecutive runs, you don’t want a defense then bringing in six DBs.
That was the thing. Maybe we were caught up in the game but I just don’t remember how many yards Libre got on that play (didn’t watch the replay, only listened to the game). The three run plays in a row just shocked the heck out of me because JJ never, ever did that. If 2nd and 2 ever pops up again, I’d expect the possibility of a short pass or a swap-out for a power back.
Mack’s memory was mistaken or you might have typed things wrong.
First down Libre ran for 6 yards, so it was 2nd-and-4
Second down Libre ran for 3 yards, so it was 3rd-and-1
Third down Libre was stopeed for a 5 yard loss
If I remember correctly, all three runs were the same.
I didn’t mind them running 3 plays in a row, i just wished they didn’t run so many routes under 5 yards.
Kaluka was working out at your gym?
Agreed homey. It was just very disappointing at the time.
what timing. i guess no scout bowl videos. boo.
why does it need a vote? wasn’t it obvious how popular they all were? or is the obvious to some not so obvious to others?
i think you’re making gigi’s ears itch and burn. she might just have to return and let you know who’s the boss.
Let’s wait for the replay. 🙂 Yeah, I didn’t remember it being 2nd and 2 either.
Oh yeah…now that I’m relistening on the radio, Libre suffered a _low_ ankle sprain this time around according to Coach Mack, so I guess technically he didn’t re-aggravate his _high_ ankle sprain from before.
Not if I can’t take pictures/video.
Here comes that cheer!
I remember watching the defensive formation on that drive. First down they were definitely prepared for the pass and there was lots of room to run–so, the 6 yard run wasn’t surprising.
On 3rd-and-1, Oregon State was definitely lined up differently and seemed much more focused on the run. So, when the same running play was used, the D was there well before the play could develop and there was no chance for the first down.
and funny thing how Stephen refers back to the Super Games. watching those videos by THE Princess and Ke’ao were very entertaining and gave us insight as to how the players interact and grow as a team.
it just seems like everything is just a little off this year. someone needs to hit the reset button or give the season a kick to get it going.
Garret: Upon further review…yep, my recollection of the Mack calling it a “8” yard gain was correct. And yep, I recall hearing 2nd and 4 from Curran/Kekaula on the radio.
If I couldn’t remember a single-digit number for a series that had bothered me since Saturday, I’d be really worried. 🙂
Correction: “Mack”, not “the Mack”. 😛
I trust your memory. It might just be that the run on 3rd-and-1 was an automatic call. This was posted by Irse from SportsHawaii, about a previous Mack interview:
ESPN play-by-play list:
i think i’m too late as always.
we will be there tonight.
It’s good news to hear that the coaches are working to fix the “special teams”, but has anyone addressed the “kick return” situation where there are only other color uniforms surrounding our return guy at the 10 – 15 yard line? What happened to the blocking?? Happened all three games.
Does the special teams coach require a MINIMUM block time for all players? I would block until I hear the whistle. If my guy is down, go find another one to hit. If the other player is to big, hit him from an angle!
chawan – Some people get pleasure over burning and itching ears. For some that’s the only pleasure. BTW, whenever you go, have a nice trip. Another BTW, you are my ukulele hero. 😆
i will pass on the hero to one of the twins tonight.
I agree A-House, the blocking is not there, at all. There seems to be something missing or not happening in blocking. More blocking drills, please.
A-House – Observant you are. I’m making the assumption that the coaches have dissected the game films and noticed your concern. We’ll see the next game.
jojo – Well if you would come out and join us I’m sure the blocking will improve.
What the heck is chawan talking about? A hero sandwich?
jojo – I have no idea what chawan is talking about. You know ICS majors are weird people.
I don’t think my presence will improve blocking. I only know how to block people from eating my food, and that’s it.
For you Word of Life and Damien grads:
This Saturday, OC16 @ 7:00p.m – Word of Life vs Damien
And for you out of state alumni, I think they are streaming this on the web.
LMAO…eh, chawan, this is a family blog. We don’t want to hear about you giving your hero to the twins tonight….MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
jojo – we won’t know unless you come out.
(J)J – I want to hear about what the twins think about his hero because the hero he is giving the twins is my hero!
Hey Hoohiki…just wondering. Are you a Damien grad??
homey – surprised you didn’t make a comment about chawan’s post…
jojo – hmmmm….it might improve blocking, although I know you know how to block homey out from getting your food.
homey. ..ROTFLMAO….
Okay, so how about them Wahine V-Ball players? Kaufman has an evil serve! Couple of freshmen are stepping up! Houston looks to be getting her groove back. The setting is getting much better. Digging is awesome. After 2! yes 2! knee surgeries Nickie Thomas just amazes me, so much heart.
(J)J – for now, chawan is one of my best friends…
Did anyone mention or notice if UH men’s basketball star recruit is enrolled this semester?
last I’ve heard he was on his way over (three weeks ago), don’t know if he ever arrived. Tsai-Meister?
Good to see the team is having some fun with the scout bowl. That’s the best medicine right now.
Scout bowl anyone?
Homey, I called in to the Artie Wilson Show last month and he confirmed that Roderick Flemmings is at UH and ready to go.
Wahine VB, Stephanie Ferrell! She is awesome!
Nothing against Rocky or Fale, cause both are good players who we need in the rotation when both are completely healthy, but it didn’t take that many practices this fall to see that Josh was going to take that starting job and have an All-WAC season. He was one of the first guys I noticed. He came back bigger, stronger, yet still with the same speed. Amazing ability to shoot the gaps and cause havoc in the backfield. I just wish we could have him for another year or two. 😀
I wish I could make it to the Scout Bowl, but I’d have to leave early anyways for class at 9:00.
Kazz – thanks, I’m sure you or someone else posted that but you know me, can’t retain much info.
duffer – I heard Ferrell can lift some heavy weights. Not knocking her weight but if she lost say around 10-15 lbs. she would be a whole new animal on the court. Of course Kanani is special. She has an awesome all around game. Her quickness and explosiveness is nothing short of spectacular! Especially this being her first year at the D1 level. Kaufman has also made some huge strides. Did you notice how high her head is over the net when she goes up for a spike? Most improved so far has to be Mafua. Her sets are more consistent than last season. Maybe that has to do with the better digging???
And yes, I love that inside screen. I was going to ask Coach Mack about that at the Nā Koa lunch, but I forgot.
Jason…you go to class??? MWAHAHHAHAHA
Jason – You never cut class before?
Amber Kaufman’s performance behind the service line was not of this earth, it was simply stellar. Houston is looking like the Jaime Houston of old and its turing out to be a good comeback story for Nickie Thomas.
Kanani Herring is going to be the future of this team and Stephanie Ferrell is also stepping up.
Looks like Dani Mafua is settling into the setter position now that there seems to be no question she is the #1 setter.
However to me, the “quiet” driving force behind the spirit of this team seems to be on the shoulders of Stephanie Brandt. When she’s on the court she is far from quiet and her defensive efforts serve as an example of a winning program not to mention one of, if not the best and consistent server on this team.
Aneli Cubi-Otineru’s kill shots and serves are only going to get stronger and stronger and she also showed vast improvement on her serves and they’re not shooting out of bounds nearly as much as last season.
We still have yet to really see what Amanda Simmons and even Jayme Lee can do at the maximum potential. I think Lee is still injured? She was on the sidelines, but not in uniform in the past tournament. Same thing with Liz Ka’aihue as she did play a little this season so far but I know she is coming off an injury.
In the beginning I was worried about the height up front but, again so far so good.
Attendance counts in this class. 🙁
Kazz – yes you are quite right, I failed to mention the contributions of Aneli and Brandt.
I’m also noticing more back row attacks by Aneli, Kanani, and Houston. I especially like the one ala Yuval Katz from the right side.
Now the team has to keep focused as they go throught the WAC schedule and not play to their opponents level. They must keep the intensity and demolish all the WAC teams in 3 sets and not let them score more than 20 points in any game.
Jason – make up for it by acing the tests.
Sorry for turning this into “I Love Wahine Volleyball”…
Interesting that the unscientific poll conducted by the ‘Tizer has Panos leading Mufi by a very slight margin. Looks like it’s a rail issue with the voters. Kobayashi is trailing far behind. Seems that her new hairstyle didn’t influence the voters…or did it?
Sorry d1 for the politics.
Yay! It is back. Were the broke-chanics at it again?
I thought Hawai’i had silently slipped below the waves last night just after Whitey posted at 9:51. Sort of like Atlantis.
Good to see the guys are getting into the game tomorrow. They should have some fun and be able to blow off some of the frustration. Just as long as they do not injure themselves — as if we need more injuries. Heck, if any of them get injured bhf2 will probably be there with his slippahz to beat them back to health. HA!
It was mentioned to me that many successful college baseball programs have more local boys on the teams than UH does. Hmmmmm…
You really have a class that counts attendance? Ugh. Unless it is some type of class that requires class participation (literature, etc.), I never understood counting attendance…and I was a professor for quite some time. I figured I would make my lectures entertaining and informative, and if someone missed a class that was their choice.
I really appreciated how the classes I took at Stanford were videotaped so I could watch them at the library whenever I wanted. Or if you dormed, you could set the VCR/DVR and record the lectures. That was *very* helpful when I had a professor with a bad accent (Stanford had quite a few of them).
Videotaping classes was also great for being able to schedule classes. I once took 3 classes that were offered at the exact same time on Thursday morning, then 2 classes that were offered right after those. So, I’d go to 2 lectures and watch the other 3 on tape. It would be very nice if more schools, like UH for example, could tape their classes also…
Those little Chinese babies are suffering because of stupidity. Perhaps the guilty ones should drink the tainted baby formula as punishment. I cannot believe they deliberately did that to baby formula. Same thing happened last year with the dog/cat foods.
Sorry for the completely off-topic post.
Passing again will be the key for the wahine this year. Their defense has improved a lot with Kanani in the lineup. Aneli has also improved and is sometimes kept in the backrow when Dave decides to bring in Ferrel. Ferrel is a redshirt freshman who played in a few games last year until she got hurt. She looks to be 100 perecent and hits like Willouby.
Having Nickie back is huge and she is getting better with each game. Amanda just needs playing time. She almost won a starting job. Dave has a good set of middles to work with this year.
Garret: There’s not much participatory stuff, and when the prof asks questions, he doesn’t get much answers — at least from me, I’m a zombie at 9 AM.
I wish UH would do that too! Ugh, classes are always at bad times for me. Of my four classes, three are on Tuesday, and two are classes that I need. (The other is Probability, which is also recommended nowadays for those going into education.) It would be nice to be able to watch a video lecture online, or get podcasts on iTunes like some schools are doing.
BTW, the link below from Ka Leo (UH’s student newspaper) is for bighiilofan2 and anyone else interested in the Ching Field fiasco:
UH, contractors engage in turf war
for now????
Kazz, duffer, lab rat – can’t wait to see Kristiana Tuaniga next season! Hope she doesn’t change her mind.
Some biology and molecular biology classes were like that when I was at UH in the early 90s. My graduate program also taped all of the classes so that people who couldn’t make it to class because of work could borrow the videos from either the medical school library or Hamilton Library to watch the particularly lecture they missed. Too bad they don’t still do that.
chawan – my apologies, that was a typo.
(J)J – Was those videos in VHS or Beta? When al went to school and if he wanted lecture notes or video he would have to check out stone tablets from Hamilton Cave.
homey, two whole words wrong do not make a typo. although maybe that’s what happened when they hired HF. that’s the biggest mistake ever right there, telling HF that “you’re hired”. wish we could find a delorean, flux capacitor and some lightning and go back in time and smack some sense into that hiring committee.
maybe i’ll give the hero to someone else tonight…. heh.
james, they now put the .mp3 recording or powerpoint slides online for the kids to read/listen to.
Just back from armed escort duty with Koakane. We scouted the availability of a suitable TV-Gate location on the Windward side. For those of you familiar with the Bay View Golf and Driving Range, that is going to be ground zero for an upcoming TV-Gate.
Here is the link to the location, and more photos and ‘grinding’ details will be posted later.
A full blown EIS of the beverage quality is pending a special team of Tsaiko’s to conduct the very intense survey.
chawan – not actually a typo in the sense of misspelling but I just mistakenly started my phrase with a “for”. I was thinking about the Gettysburg Address, as I often do, when I started typing.
that must’ve really been a typo, because the Gettysburg Address started out:
Four score and seven years ago.
Good try though!
homey does that because he wishes he were as tall as Abraham Lincoln. That’s okay, you’re taller than the kids who recited the Gettysburg Address in Kindergarten Cop.
chawan…that’s how they spell “four” in Waipahu….mwahahahahahaaha
Chawan – So I had a syntax error, of all people you should know that syntax errors happen.
homey – stone tablets eh? So when you went to UH did they have super 8 film for you to watch?? It was VHS when I was at UH.
Jason…”I don’t have a Tooomah”
Girls have a … oh wait, I don’t want to get in trouble like AM 1500’s Rev. Felipe. Then again, I guess we Moanalua alumni are mavericks. He doesn’t get away with it cause he’s C/O 2006, and I’m 2005. 😀
Jason…I was gonna quote that line too…until I remembered this is a family blog….
homey ⑤:
“It was mentioned to me that many successful college baseball programs have more local boys on the teams than UH does. Hmmmmm”
I did not think the kids on this rock knew how to play baseball..ahahahahha
BTW, it’s “It’s not a tumor!”
jason, how do you know that movie? didn’t that come out before you were born? then again, no one knows how you know the songs you sing.
i understand syntax errors. i think i am one.
“A full blown EIS of the beverage quality is pending a special team of Tsaiko’s to conduct the very intense survey.”
I know it is a very dangerous mission but I volunteer
It came out in 1990! One of my favorite movies as a little kid. I think we taped it and I would watch it every so often.
Speaking of old songs, I finally got my shipment from Borders, after waiting forever. I now can say I own a Beatles CD. I can’t believe, all these years and I haven’t owned a Beatles CD. I listened to it on the way home from school today. Good stuff, brings back memories of listening to 107.9 with my Dad.
Nothing wrong with showing some blog love to the Wahine, just like the men of Manoa, they all give us something to be proud of no matter what!
It is awesome that UH taped bio and molecular bio classes and grad classes when you went there! With class conflicts and work schedules, plus how people will get sick, it is very helpful for students. I wonder why UH stopped doing that, especially since they already had the facilities set up for the taping?
I would guess they stopped because of money, but the money could be made back if more students take classes because they can watch the tapes if they have to work.
Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if that stopped after the budget crunch of the mid-90s.
But some profs do upload PowerPoints and PDFs online. Sometimes they have little info (forcing you to go to class), others give you everything. But nobody has ever done audio or video.
Check out the ACC’s record in BCS Bowl games…
The Bottom 10 for College Football.
To be honest, though, money right now is short everywhere. It seems that it’s all going into capital improvements right now. The music buildings are being renovated, Hamilton is getting more flood protection, there’s work being done in the area between Campus Center and Bachman, and I think they might still be doing damage repairs to Edmondson. I walked into my class today, and I noticed a big hole in the roof. My classmates reminded me that there was a big orange cone in the spot below it on Monday; I saw the cone, but not the hole in the roof. 😀
The Bottom 10 for the NFL:
OMFG, I almost choked up my soda reading this! 😆
NEO made a great post on the last blog entry (except we had four losses the past two seasons, not two, but we get the point):
actually i’m glad homey shows love to the wahine and not the kane.
its not that i was ignoring anyone……but i have been busy today on the no kaoi isle.
kekoa….i would love to engage you all in a cc be it mini or not. my problem….i will still be off island tomw. no shame gather the troops. only thing is the scrimmage may end 1000 hrs no? i guess big city diner would work.
i actually would have ignored one little buggah for that dig on when vhs and beta was around, allegedly not during my days. eh, at least we had 8 track by then and the old standard reel to reel stuff. we did have three color color tv too, what was it black, grey, and white?:
by any measure abraham lincoln was one tall dude and may have been twice the size of one home boy who used to be on the cattle call list.
but before some of you get off on my suspected age, realize this, some of you are older than i.
great news that the special teams shakeup is a reality. i was gonna guess at who comes off this team but i didn’t to express that here and now. gotta remember these are young men out there.
i was actually thinking that kiesel-kauhane could replace francis maka as the wedge buster. or perhaps a mana lolotai?
okay gotta get ready for the muu call.
does anyone know of an exercise to create more room for food?
I believe the best wedge-buster for service teams unit would be a shirtless Quinten Beaver flexing his biceps at the opposition.
Should be enough… 😎
Seriously speaking though… Can’t wait to see Richard Torres in action. He wears #18??? I think??? If so, how fitting as Guyton Galderia wore that # before him and according to the article in today’s Tizer he has big shoes to fill in the the ones occupied by Ryan Keomaka and Galderia.
Torres seems like he could be a firecraker on service teams and a great addition to the unit.
Gotta cheer for the little guy!!!
Richard Torres #19
Mana Lolotai, he’s a guy I’ve been watching closely since last fall. I’m not sure, but he might already be on special teams.
YIKES!!! Yup you’re right #19.
Shout out to my cousin’s brother-in-law, Chris Naole, for being re-signed by the Jacksonville Jaguars. I was hoping he would be picked up especially since both guards went down with injuries (including Vince Manuwai).
Also, it would help with my FF team (Fred Taylor is one of my running backs). I need all the help i can get since i’m 0-2.
whoooo hoooooo Rocky is back…
Better Kalapana song:
“Kona Daze” or “You Make It Hard” (NO LAUGH!!!)
evening gang!
my all time favorite wedge buster was semari ulufale
max maneifaiga was good too
Kazz – i gotta go with “you make it hard” since get one nice karaoke video 🙂
Is that the same video with our own Calvin From Kona in it??? 😛
Kazz – either one is good. Almost all the old Kalapana songs are good except Juliet. Da song is about his tape recorder. My favorite is Chase a Rainbow.
Kazz – not sure, but my friend always picks that song for the wahine in the video
al think it called doing a numba 2 before going to the muu call. 😆 bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaa
evening tsai-ko’s how you all doing? well we all made it to hump day without any casualties. bhf2 you still dea? blood pressa down? you get big day tomorrow so betta rest up.
wessai patnah kekoa and myself wen cruz to da windward green lands and checked out BVGC for a possible tgate cc. ike to spread the wealth and not always put the burden on others to make it ova da Koolau’s. au’wyrte we feel its looking good. talked to da managa and can reserve one section for 35-40 or more tsaikos next to da bar area. this area we looked at is enclosed and intimate enough for us to parte. she did mentioned they were planning to install a 62″ screen to go along with the 4-27″ already dea. looking at the Nov 8 game against the musubi team named after some wolf you know dem as NaMaSU. 😈 ……more info to follow along with da menu and pic of the place.
be back …. just one cup of kope and I come back
curveball ~ I’ll see you at the Warrior Bowl scrimmage in the AM. I will then issue you the EIS “Tsaikopatik Oath.” Just kiss the wife and tell her you will be going on a “parts unknown” mission when the balloon goes up! Hehehe!
ditto Loa Ulufale was the man
East always pest to yous da compact parking….
You park and den you compact… 🙂
The UH-UNLV game is September 19, 2009 in Las Vegas. duffer & Al are coordinating with their Boyd Gaming friends possible travel packages that include AIR and/or ROOM-meals and/or GAME PACKAGE (ticket, hotel tailgate party, and stadium transfers). They will be gathering preliminary info and NUMBERS of interested travelers.
Once the number estimates are turned in (probably Dec-Jan), we will await availability and pricing info. There are other options via (Rich2176 & las vegas) for those not utilizing the package offerings and initial numbers for them will also be gathered.
Since the collection of potential traveler numbers will continue for several months, an on-line survey which will be available 24/7 has been posted…
Click Here to take the survey
Note this survey is for preliminary number estimates and is NOT a commitment or reservation.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
If you have already responded to Al’s email poll, it is not necessary to respond to the survey above…but it can’t hurt 🙂
…and if you’re not on Al’s mailing list, here’s your chance… 😆
thanks for your 168 post on the TC Ching Field fix. I gotta learn how to log in so I can post a reply. But meanwhile, I’m going for the public bannah display at the SJSU game, and walking around the TGates and talking to people about the political problem.
Sorry folks, but I gotta vent. Got Freed Mac and Fannie Mae, but we don’t know what exactly is the fix. And we got Lehman, and all we know is thats not good. And we had Enron, and now we got AIG, and now we got the Pakistani’s saying they gotta act responsibly as a nuclear State and not just talk about shooting at Americans, maybe just blow the bugles somemore and signal to the creeps that the GI is coming. but our news doesn’t tell us all that.
And now we’ve got a Sadowski and his contractor’s board telling the State we gotta have real specialists to lay down turf, rather than saying the applicant’s gotta have 5 years experience laying down turf. these rules are designed to cost us more money, which we know from recent national news is getting hard to come by.
I am for backing UH Warriors. Fox the field, but hold tight UH. Fight Sadowski! We need fiscal responsibility, and we need people who are trying to rip us (State) off to know we will back our Warriors and stand for principal too. Meanwhile, let us continue on trying to wring da braddaz’ financial neck
plus, Hamocon has all the right legal arguments too, so we’re just setting ourselves up for the long run if we cave in now.
I;d like Tom Mui’s take on the article, please.
Go Warriors!!!!
~ East always pest to yous da compact parking….
You park and den you compact…
Good ting you wen ‘splain dat braddah Kazz. Now I know wen I park inside da space marked “Compact Only” east pest I follow ‘eggsackly wat da sign say. You was tops in your UH class I heard…Magnum 5-O. I’m empress Brah!
BHF2 ~ Time to rattle da Media director’s cage. Find out why he not saying chit about getting the field fixed. How come no fresh news from the upper campus. Hmmm…errybody taking cover all of a sudden. Nobody like get Sadowski gum stuck undah neet dere slippah or wat?
Anybody home?
hehehe *disarm da alarm, sneak in the clubhouse, give da schmoodles treats, make fort with da furniture, play with da supa soakers, raid da fridge, sneak back out, set da alarm*
Hey Esme, wanna have a water fight wit da supa soakers in da clubhouse? Nobody’s around? 😉
Wea dat slippah?
Wea da kaka-roach spray?
Howzit d1! Nice night, huh. Whatcha been up to? 😀
BHF2: Regarding your #220 message, Kris DeRego’s article sums up the Cooke Field problem quite well.
Quoting from Verna Oda’s article in the SB of August 7, 2008, Ms Oda as Executive Officer of the Contractors License Board stated that in the September and October 2007 board meeting, Sandowski stated his belief that the synthetic field surface required special skill not held by the average landscaping licensed people; the board chairman asked him to review the wording of the two classifications; and that (as of August 2008) the matter is still the subject of public discussion at the board.
The specialized license is C68FF. Under 16-77-28(d) gives the board authority to establish interim classifications under C-68 until the work is defined and a hearing is held to establish the proper classification.
A search of various websites shows that Sports Turf Hawaii has a landscape license which had been allowed to install synthetic turf.
As I wrote to you (BHF2) before, we really should show that Hawaii does not have legally a C68FF classification. It has never been properly subject to public hearing, approved and signed by the Governor and made into law.
I have been totally unsuccessful in finding any criteria for C68FF and if, as Ms Oda states: “…is still the subject of public discussion…” and if the work has never been defined and a hearing is held to establish the proper classification, then I would submit that the objections made by Applied Technology is “full of sound and fury (but) signifying a bunch of c**p.
So DeRego’s article is quite good and for the most part accurate.
Interestingly enough, the case cited by Applied Technology – Tanaka v. DLNR, though all the niceties were not observed, the Court allowed the contract to proceed on the basis that it was “for the best interest of the State.”
Da schmoodles are full and snoozing. hehehe
This YouTube video really shows a sad side of a certain professional athlete.
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off-topic stuff.
Concentrated solar power plants (also called solar thermal plants) could end up providing all of the power that our country needs.
George Mason and NSF have been working on finding the best strategies to support our science teachers who are being hired now with little or no training in education or teaching experience.
Italian woman was briefly awoken from a coma in order to get married…unfortunately this is not a fairy tale and there is no happily ever after for the married couple.
25-year-old man was caught messing around with the corpse of a 92-year-old woman…yuk!
I remember when I was trying to get the Engineering part of Santa Clara University covered with WiFi in 1998…people thought of me as a radical! Even when I got companies to offer to donate the equipment, it took SCU about 2 years to agree to let us put up WiFi. Now, it is amazing to read that 99% of US Universities will have WiFi coverage by 2013! Interesting that Universities are the biggest early adopters of 802.11n.
Free play links pau.
I’ve mentioned my neighbor before who grad from BYU and is my lawyer. He went to the BYU-UCLA game on Saturday, so he and I talked about our weekends. He had a lot more fun at his game than I had at the UH game!
i concur with semeri ulufale as being the ultimate wedge buster. the guy was impervious to pain.
Stephen Tsai
would you please point the media guy to Tom Mui’s post #230. well said Tom. I think whats missing from the post, however, is the emphasis on the point you’re making, namely, that the Contractor’s Board suggestion is not a rule nor a requirement, and there has been no public hearing within the meaning of Chapter 91 and therefore, assuming the sole issue is licensing, Hamocon dba Sports Turf Hawaii with RMU wins. But the mealy mouths are trying to present a moving target so you can’t just whack em square in the mouth. get2 mouts.
this is why I just luv Warrior Nation and UH Football. The team, the coaches, the players, the fans who support Warrior Nation, they give me hope for all of us, they really do. Our team brings out the good and hope from me. Beats the national perspective right now, doesn’t it? at least you know with Coach Mack and the Torres kid and all the other Warriors, they’re running on hope and adrenalin. Kinda neat, huh!
Go Warriors.
Hey, do we have another Ulufale on this years team?
It was just great fun to watch him run down the field and hurl his body into the wedge and watch players fly.
jm2375 ~ You makin’ trouble agin, hah? You and Esme, one pair! I gotta huddle up wit coach Mack to see what kine punishment he goin’ give you two. Prolly run gassers ’till your *Osh Gosh* Jammies get all bunched up!
mini muu call tonight. the duffer and son was under the weather.
we ended up at “a saigon cafe”. first, viet namese culinary experience for whitey.
we started with spring rolls with the lettuce wraps and stuff.
(back tracking…..we started with some beverages.)
had some garlic stif fried long green beans w/fresh mushrooms.
and in an experiement of sorts, we deviated from the pho and went with the goat n vegetable soup with imported noodles from san jose. a very interesting dish no doubt with ginseng, deep fried bean curd, daikon, some unidentifiable greens and goat parts. but, i must say it was very good.
then some viet namese coffee with condensed milk on ice.
oh…and some kahlua cake and rich vanilla bean ice cream.
this restaurant (yes, stretch it is a restaurnant and its located north of the darkside) was featured with rachel ray and another foodnetwork expose.
food was very tasty and surprisingly not spicy.
(no worry addahknowsports we still going to take you to hale viet nam, soon.)
Howzit Kekoa! Wassup? Nice night, huh. How ’bout some nice chocolate cake?
a-house…..and he did so with that “chestershire cat grin” of his. brother was kind of nutz.
Good Evening Tsaikos!!
Just checking in before going to bed. I hope to make it to the scrimmage tomorrow.
btw…..didn’t the noga’s play on special teams their first two years as well???
another favorite was david maeva and don’t forget levi stanley.
I am encouraged that the coaches are spending some bye week time engaging in team building exercises. The first three games have shown me the D, O and special teams haven’t bonded with each other YET. They haven’t played with the one team mentality with each unit supporting the other YET. When this happens the Warriors will be a TEAM to reckon with.
Good teams are always better than the sum of it’s parts. They can overcome injuries, win on the road and beat higher ranked foes. Ask Oklahoma if Boise was a good team in ’06. Ask the men’s basketball team if they played any good teams in the ’04 Olympics.
The Warriors have enough “good parts” to put together a pretty awesome team. It’s just a matter of time.
jm2375 ~ Oh no!!..you’ve stumbled onto my weakness, Chocolate cake!…yummy yum!
Chocolate cake? Out of my way, people! 😉
(Don’t you know, the chocolate cake is the best thing about the Nā Koa lunches.)
we all make critical decisions throughout our life. some make huge decisions that are life changing.
here’s one:
Shawn Ching leaving KITV to become lawyer
he once again proves that not all football players are jocks.
Best of luck to Shawn, he’s a guy that I truly respect… he’s smart, personable, and a true gentleman… Something all our warriors should strive to be… Good Luck Mr. Ching, I’m sure my “brother in law” will miss doing the tech. for your newscasts…
Stretch ~ See you at practice. Anyone else on da Wessai need a ride in, click on now, or send me an email before I leave Kapolei at “O-dark thirty!”
jm2375 ~ Think I could get an extra slice of that cake for my Pops! He’s coo coo for Coco Puffs too!
another great example of that would be none other than our own…,,pride.
and how about that michelle wie.
today she shot a 7-under 65 to roll into second place in that sectional qualifying tournament and once again refused any post round interviews. i guess she has her game face on now.
and…..Baldwin High grad Shayna Miyajima is tied at 27th.
kekoa…..you mean local kine coco puffs like from liliha bakery and not the messy cereal right?
with the chantilly frosting……….mmmmmm.
OK, I left da cake on the counter. Have at it! 😆
Oh yeah, it’s triple chocolate (choc. cake mix, choc pudding mix, choc chips, sour cream, butter and other stuff).
sour cream? you mean cream cheese?
nope. sour cream IN the cake batter
Yups jm…Liliha Bakery! Oh mouth watering already! Gotta make a pit stop on the way to practice.
Kekoa and Stretch,
I hope we can make it to practice but sj has been under the weather so I guess its a wait and see situation. He’s been asleep and snoring for quite awhile now so maybe he’ll feel better in the morning.
Hope to see you then.
Best of Luck to Sean Ching. A real Class act!
Back in the day, my Pops fed this poor under nurished young center whenever he came over to ‘lift’ with my nephews. He and Mitch K. helped anchor the O-line, and a half side of beef added to their heft!
Alright Myki!…I hope sj an overnight medical miracle. See ya!
Yikes! This brings back bad memories of getting run over by both Gigi and WD at the blog anniversary party. Who’d had ever thought that two such respectable ladies would go insane and commit mayhem just for a piece of cake?
Sorry to bring back traumatic experiences.
You know, I was kidding about the cake before, but now, I really do want some chocolate cake. 😛
Nitey Nite!
Just read through the blog and can’t keep my eyes open…
Sweet Warrior Victory Dreams!
new post is up.
hmmm…..piggy back time.
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