Rainy days and Tuesdays
It’s Tuesday, which meanr the Warriors went over videos of Utah State, this week’s opponent, and implement the game plan during a 75-minute practice.
The third Aggies on the Warriors’ schedule offer another complicated offense with multiple shifts and motions.
• Quarterback Bryant Moniz was allowed to leave early to participate in a class project. It was a much-needed rest for Moniz, who has been hobbling from the hits he absorbed during the Idaho game. He should be OK for Saturday’s game.
• Left wideout Darius Bright said he should be cleared to play this week. Bright did not play against Idaho because of a variety of ailments.
• Ailing linebackers Art Laurel (hand, shoulder0), Corey Paredes (knee) and Aaron Brown (knee, ankle) all practiced today. But George Daily-Lyles, who has had some knee issues, was in school clothes and did not practice.
• Offensive lineman Vince Manuwai attended practice. He was waived by the Jaguars this summer because of a knee injury. Manuwai is rehabbing. He has received a couple of NFL tryouts.
• It’s just for fun, but Warrior volleyball outside hitter J.P. Marks has been drilling long-distance kicks on his own. Marks has received tips from Scott Enos, the Warriors’ kicker the previous two seasons.
Heal up, Warriors!
Elua, Ni, Dos
Keep playing hard and finishing strong!
I’d love to see us come out strong and move them chains to get our offense in synch. Lots of quick, short, high-percentage strikes.
Keep it up, defense and special teams!!!
Good morning Tsaikos!
rainy morning to all, wishing all is well with everyone
have a good day
Get well wounded Warriors.
Morning Tsaikos everywhere!
Pomai, please put me down for: Warriors 42 Aggies (III) 28
If the LT was not doing his job, Mo would have fumbled much more than 2 times against Idaho.
The higher altitude aggies gonna be ready to play a strong game.
They are now in top shape.
The weak record does not reflect how this team really plays.
Need to spy this QB and keep the feet on the ground.
The fullback is a beast. Square up on him and smack him silly of the start.
Our left tackle is one of our best lineman who has done a good job. When UH went to 5 receivers and Idaho rushed 6 we were short one blocker and he got to Mos backside. It is on the qb and receivers to make the adjustment. All receivers on that play had their backs to Mo and he had no where to go with the ball.
Go Warriors!
Go Wahine!
Go UH!
Backin’ McMackin!
Believe in Moniz!
Love Hawaii!
Love my team!
Warriors no ka oi!
Great Morning All!
Happy All Saints’ Day!
Good morning, gang! Morning, ST!
Tis definitely a rainy morning above Manoa and in the neighborhood.
Heal up and work hard, Warriors. GO WARRIORS!!!
My goodness it’s the 1st of Nov already, only 5 games left in the season, sure would be nice if it was an all year sport.
38 – 14 wafan
38 – 22 Pomai
42 – 21 DPK
42 – 28 krump1
49 – 14 Tchanhng
59 – 28 d1shima
Let ’em shift, let ’em motion…
Wait for the snap den pound ’em!
Not many winners this season in the pix’s
People need to get off the o-line’s back. It was a pretty cheap shot for Mack to call out the o-line to block better. When have you ever heard him come out and say anything critical about any other part of the team? The most he says is “we have to play better.” He won’t say “the DB’s need to tackle better” or “the QB needs to work on his accuracy.” Nope. But he’ll say in the media that the o-line needs to block better? I don’t like it. They have not been as bad as people say they have. Last game was probably their worst.
Wet Morning and drive with care. Heavy rain is out there over Maui and Big Island.
It will be a wet thought the weekend and periods of heavy showers.
At least I don’t have to water my plants and lawn.
G’day Tsai-ko village people!
I’m in favor of “smacking ’em silly” every chance we get CoolEthan! In fact, thanks for the reminder. I like our defense, just because they did that on a coupla 4th ‘n one situations!
If we could only get our offense to play with that same intensity…
(Healing prayers to our wounded).
Let’s Rock Da Cazbah Saturday nite! Drag the neighbors out to the stadium. Tell everybody you know that they need to bring the family and help…
➡ Protect This Hale!
10- 4 Kekoa
Intimidation from the get-go is vital.
Separate the men from the boys.
Now come on Men, man up and smack ’em silly and get the win.
D-1 ~ Did I hear say you wuz goin’ Tell Ma?
A little word trickery this slippery morning D-1…say what?!
#23 Kekoa, You wait! I goin tell the supavaisa You goin get it man.
Yep. I going Tell Ma at 11:15!
I hope she can handle!
If you like see, try come….
I didn’t expect UNLV or SJSU to be our “trap game”…I think this one could be for us.
Hoping for the best and a 10 point victory.
The Big East has voted to add Houston, SMU and UCF (all sports) and Boise State, Air Force and Navy (football only).
Houston, SMU and UCF are expected to accept immediately whereas the others may take some time. My guess is that Boise State and Air Force are still trying to line up new homes for their non-football sports. If they can do that, they’re gone.
I agree, everyone on the team needs to step up.
Pomai: Another close one…I didn’t think the score would be so low in Idaho, but I knew it would be a close one. Utah State is dangerous after a bye week and thirsty for a win after losing several close encounters. UH has to come with its “A” game from the getgo or it may be a night of disappointment.
UH 20 – USU 17
The 10/31/11 Na Koa Lunch Report is up.
On another “non-sports” note, its amazing how a simple shoplifting case could be dragged into the papers…It seems that the court of “public opinion” is more important than the legal fact that a person ate merchandise/food and left the store without paying. Its too bad that the media has offered to provide the culprit with a forum to plead her case. I start to wonder if it was a “local” person who did the same deed, would we get the airplay that this person is getting…How you figgah?
been waiting for this smack down game.. playing an inch away from the edge is what I’m looking for in the offense. McRibs for the O line!
Win every WAC game no matter what!
Yep. Looks like a done deal to me too.
So long Boise and Air Force. Was looking forward to the half time show with the falcon. Oh wells.
Good morning everyone!
Weather forecast for Saturday looks fair so far.
Practices in the Manoa mist might be an advantage this week.
With Boise St and Air force probably gone, what does it leave left for the MWC?
It has ZERO chance of securing AQ status to qualify for a BCS game.
Is it better to continue to go MWC or go back to the WAC? Financially, it is better to go back to the WAC – keep PPV revenue, WAC year-end $$$, and no need pay travel expense for football.
Keep all other sports in the MPFS or BWC.
So, the movement is happening? Did it really start the the MWC commish raiding the WAC? Nah, started before that.
Moniz and Rolo to get their mojo back.
Warriors 45, Aggies 31
Go Warriors!
If Boise and AF go…seriously, it’s time to take another look at the WAC.
dilution added to more dilution does not = AQ
I dont see the Big East AQing
Interesting statistic.
“In sports, there are many myths hardened over time that simply aren’t true. In football, one of the greatest myths is that a bye week gives a team an advantage for its next game.
It makes sense. You get an extra week to rest your body, an extra week to prepare your game plan and an extra week to brush up on whatever element of your game that might be sagging.
But further research shows that simply isn’t the case. A Wall Street Journal analysis last year found teams don’t actually benefit from the week off. In fact, it might actually hurt.
The WSJ looked at the success of BCS programs after bye weeks since 2002 and found that those teams win only 48 percent of its game following a bye. That’s worse than break-even.”
So, although USU had a bye week, there is no guarantee that they will benefit. However, I will say the player that scares me the most is Richard Turbin. That dude can run.
I mean Robert Turbin.
A-House, I’m not sure of all the details, but I’m starting to agree with what you said in #36. Only the UH officers know what the details are. I kind of like what someone wrote a few days ago combining the MWC, CUSA, and the WAC to make 3 divisions. I think they should dissolve the 3 conferences and they should make a new conference with a new tv contract, and advantageous rules for each individiual school (like individual ppv), making the conference appealing to any school that want to move into the new conference. Sure, the existing tv stations will probably sue, but I’m sure there are ways that it could be done. A strict exit fee should also be included. The way things are going with the movement, I don’t think UH will ever be in a BCS. Maybe we hould just be satisfied with where we are. As long as we are in the black financially, that may be okay.
Go back to the WAC only if we can pull UNLV, UNR, CSUF, SDSU with us.
Because if we decide to stay with the WAC and MWC decides to take SJSU/Utah St./(School X in our place) then it’s gonna be nothing but Fail Whale.
silly me, i thought the big east was already an aq conference.
yeah, the Warriors lost after a bye week.
If Hawaii wins the WAC this season, that would make them the marque team for either the MWC or WAC. That should provide some clout. But they gotta win first. And that means winning out the rest of the WAC season.
conference chalk talk again. no use trying for figure it out or give solutions. going change anyway.
The bye week perks do not apply to us apparently. It only applies to schools we play.
It’s another NCAA Hawaii exemption. 😛
Me thinks its still probable!
Hawaii – 50
UTST – 0
You mean possible. Like, “It’s possible that I could catch a bullet with my hands but I’d probably lose a few fingers and a lot of blood.”
Redzone Moniz had one play throw the ball away.
28: HawaiiMongoose
Boise not going
Boise can go almost every year as they sit in the MWC. They would only be moving for football, where it would not be a guarantee that they’d go to a BCS bowl every year.
Question is: If they didn’t make it to a BCS game, would the football share they take home just from being in the Big Least be enough, compared to an almost guarantee to go as a non-AQ top dog?
Or can they be patient enough for a few MWC teams to raise their ratings to eventually qualify as a BCS AQ conference, and still be top dog?
I’d be inclined to think Boise isn’t going but if they get an invitation AND find a house to put their other sports, they are gone.
They don’t issue invitations to schools who they know aren’t going to accept. It’s a waste of time and it makes A.
The key here is finding that conference to take their other sports. That is probably the ONLY thing that matters at this point.
Here Comes the Rain
“The Idaho State Board of Education will hold an “Athletic Conference Discussion” about Boise State during its meeting Thursday in Boise.
Boise State needs approval from the state board to change conference affiliations and move to the Big East.”
So, Thursday might be the MWC’s D-Day.
A-joe, you sound pretty confident. Got a source?
“A source, a source, my kingdom for a source!”
(With apologies to William Shakespeare.)
There are several keys questions to ask that’s not being published in newsprints.
-If it’s such a good idea to move to the Big East, why hasn’t Boise jumped on the idea already?
-Why are so many Big East members defecting?
-Is Boise ready and big enough to handle the responsibility of being a conference savior?
Right now, Boise is being propositioned only for their status: “Here’s your 10 mil. Now sit down, keep quiet and look happy.”
Boise is not dumb. They want guarantees before they move.
-A bigger compensation and control of the pie.
-John Marinato fired and replaced with someone competent to right the conference ship.
Those demands would have to be approved by old school programs steep in basketball tradition. Having both demands met, it ‘aint happening.
Going back to a weaker WAC sans Fresno and Nevada? Yeah we won’t pay to play, but the loss of home ticket revenue and PPV sales for a dilapidated conference schedule and ultimately fan interest presents an issue I personally have a problem with.
If Hawaii goes back to the WAC, who’s to say Fresno and Nevada will still go foward to the MWC? They have little to nothing to gain. One or the other might be swayed to return …
The MWC TV contract will probably be among the worst after the exit of AF and BSU.
If we don’t join the MWC, will they take other WAC schools and kill the WAC?
Anyone know when and where the COACH MACK SHOW is available to view online? I am not in Hawaii, so therefor dont see it ON tv.
Okay.. now that’s a reverse scenario that might affect things in the WAC. The only reason the other schools might go is for the travel subsidies to Hawaii. La Tech might want to go though.
Wish these schools would stop defecting so we actually have a chance at building the conference up. Let that (soon-to-be) former AQ conference fall apart. That’s what all these big BCS conferences want us to keep doing… fighting amongst ourselves to get a seat at the table. We’ll have our own pie all to ourselves, if we bake it ourselves.
I don’t know if the MWC/C-USA football merger is the right thing at this point. But I’d like to see the whole MWC (somehow) work together at trying to raise each member school’s program.
Forget Boise for a moment. The problem lies with Big East commissioner, John Marinatto. In two years he’s managed to destroy what Dave Gavitt and Mike Tranghese have so passionately built since 1979.
For years the Big East has been in trouble of losing its AQ status. Year after year Mike Tranghese has had to call on his old boys network in the BCS to pull on some major ropes!
Well, Mike’s gone. John doesn’t have those back room ties. Even worse, Marinatto doesn’t have the programs to publicly qualify anymore. John’s totally reaching for straws. A SUPER MEGA Conference involving the MWC, CUSA and the BE?
Guess who’s brilliant idea was that. Guess who wanted total control without offering anything on the table.
Boise’s status along with a bunch of subpar programs will not be enough to save the Big East. The Big East will lose it’s AQ status.
Boise not going.
In their own words… in the MWC they won’t have to make the trip out to Hawaii.
Maybe Hawaii should try to renegotiate their travel subsidies if BSU and AF go. The incentive to join the MWC is lessened considerably by their departure. Pay 1/2? or nada?
Those things may be in the minds of the blue and orange. However my take is that the only thing that is of any real concern is finding a home for their other sports. Without that, they go nowhere.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the things you mentioned (except the Marinara resignation) are already worked out. They are details that just do not get reported in the paper as you said.
I think BSU is ready, AF not much. But if BSU isn’t ready, the infusion of cash will surely help them to be ready in a few years. But by that time the TV deal would be a lock and it wouldn’t matter.
Plus, they new Big LEast isn’t going to be a murderers row in terms of competition. If they were going to jump to the B12, I could see the dominance end in a heartbeat.
Replays of the Coach Mack Show might be available at HawaiiNewsNow’s website.
we need someone who was born on halloween to tell us what the future holds for conference alignments. in the meantime,
The Super Duper CUSABLEASTMWC wasn’t Marinara’s idea. It was Thompson and Banowsky who were going (or at least thought they were) to meet with Big LEast officials about the possibility of that monstrosity.
Greed will be taking over 10 fold in a few years when the BCS may not be around.
I can see the Big conferences breaking away completely to form their own thing.
I also can see the Big LEast NOT being part of that gang as the ACC etc etc will eventually all go to 16 and take the major market leftovers in the Big LEast like UConn and Rutgers.
In a few years, the Big LEast is going to be just another mid-major with a bigger TV deal.
Axing our travel subsidies is what got us left out of the original MWC. JD was involved and he knows his history. If there is value to be had in the new MW (with or without BSU and AFA), then UHAD needs to determine what costs necessary to achieve that value. Maybe it’s still full subsidy, 1/2, none?? Some highly compensated, qualified person(s) is/are figuring this out.
Now that I think about it, it would be in the best interest of AF and BSU to wait and see the outcome of the next BCS evaluation. If the MWC gets it waiver for aq qualification, this might turn the tide as whether the two schools would leave the conference. Just my take…
I still think BSU jump the gun to join MWC.
They should have wait for Big 12
BSU is Logistically and Comparable to rest of Big 12 Opponets
Beating Oklahoma at Tostitos Fiesta Bowl 2007 proved that
They should have gone to BCS Bowl game many times over since but passed over
In 2010 Fiesta Bowl #6 Boise State defeated #4 TCU when both school should have been matched up against BCS School. But BCS didn’t want any of that and a reapeat of 2007.
And both non-AQ school getting the glories for BCS Bowl Games.
In 2011 a sad game against Big East Champion Conn Huskies got routed by score of 48-20 by #7 Oklahoma Sooners. I don’t think Conn was even rated in the Top 10
I remember this was their 1st BCS Bowl appearance. And they sure didn’t deserve it.
BSU to Big East Too far East! Plus Big East is dying soon
They need to add what 6 – 7 teams for lost of West Virginia?
I think the movement of Big East is not over, I hear Rutgers wants to get into Big 10, well so does many other shool. Big reason Nebraska left for Big 10.
It’s the money…the TV money that’s driving Boise to the Big East. According to the BE projections, Boise would take home roughly $10M above what they’re making in the MW…that’s a lot of cash for their much needed stadium expansion plans. Boise needs to confirm how accurate are these projections since the BE has to still negotiate a new deal. Losing West Virginia doesn’t help. Is the Big 12 even done with taking BE teams? Does it dilute further if Louisville and/or Cincinnati are also gone?
It’s pretty obvious that Boise is the cornerstone of the new invites for the upcoming television deal.
Nope. It was Marinatto’s idea. After he saw what the MWC and CUSA was doing he knew the Big East wouldn’t have a chance. He called on Thompson and Banowsky and wanted in. BUT, Marinatto wanted control. Or at least, wanted to retain a bigger share of the pie for the existing BE members.
Take a closer look at the sacks. I believe both fumbles by Moniz were more a result of him holding on to the ball, then poor blocking by the LT. I think Moniz would be the first to admit it.
On average the pocket needs to hold for 3 seconds. That allows Moniz to go thru at least 2-3 of his progressions. Anything past that can’t totally be the blame of the lineman. Once Moniz goes thru his progressions, he needs to make the decision to either throw the ball away….or scramble out of the pocket.
If Moniz is getting hit, or having to leave the pocket within those 3 seconds…..then the “blame” lies with the protection.
I’d like to see Rolo use more roll-outs, giving Mo the pass-run option….or at least have the defense worry about his running ability.
Boise not going.
Worry about Hawaii.
Shoots Hawaii would go to the Big East if asked. They’d pay for charter flights too and still rake in more than tenfold what they get from the WAC.
gee, I was about to post why you thought or seem confident that Boise St will stay in the MWC, but wala, you posted 2x your reasoning – points well taken!
If that Boise St/Hawaii fan I met at the UNLV game is correct that most of the “major” corporations are leaving Bosie, what will be left in the community to support Boise St sports?
I know what Garret posted which rebutted my post, but a person who had lived in Boise until 2010 and moved to retire in Vegas surely must know something about the business climate in Boise.
Colorado State, New Mexico, UNLV and Wyoming at least have a chance to improve their programs. They’ve had success before…it is something that they’re at least capable of. The other WAC teams…not so sure about that. Conference affiliation should be looked at with a 20+ year window, not what have you done for me lately. Of course, if some AQ conference called our number, we’d chuck those allegiances, rally up cash for our exit fee, and high tail it over to our new home.
They say haste make waste and
Patient is Virtue
I think thats what AF and BSU should do
If TCU didn’t jumb the gun to Big East; MWC will be in a shoe to make AQ.
Then again Hawaii wouldn’t have been invited if TCU didn’t leave.
Guess its a he said she said kinda thing.
In any event, Big LEast killed that idea off pretty darn quick. Thank goodness for that too.
Btw, where did you hear/read that?
By the Year 2012 comes around who knows what schedule they will be playing in.
Every week a new Conference Movement Story is coming in
If the companies (boosters) are leaving BSU, they need that TV money the Big LEast is “promising” them more than ever.
BSU needs to find a home for its other sports. That is the #1 thing, the deal killer right now. All else does not matter imo.
Receivers need to get open for Moniz to throw the ball. There were more than a couple of replays that showed all 4 guys blanketed in coverage. If they were always open, we’d just pitch and catch our way down the field…kind of like what we did with our slots last year.
#52 iwwthm
Thanks for a ‘Laugh of the Day’
UH – 27
Utes – 35
this blog is about having fun and good times. 😛
If Boise and Air Force leave the MWC, which seems likely, I can’t see Hawaii returning to the WAC without Fresno and Nevada.
So how long before the “independent in football” argument resurfaces?
I think we should go independent…J/K
Independence? With the way conferences are going bigger and bigger, that will cut down on out of conference matchups for schools like us. You guys think playing maybe 1 D-IAA team now is bad, just wait until we can’t schedule any other D-IA teams due to BCS conference scheduling restrictions. If the MWC/C-USA football merger happens, that will take away most of those teams from end of regular season games as well… also due to conference champion playoffs.
We’ll be lucky to get any body-bag games to start the season, just to pay for the season. Then, we’ll be stuck with junk in the middle of the season, and begging D-II teams to come to enjoy the warm winter in Hawaii at the end of each season. No thanks.
Pretty sure JD & Co. have been number crunching since the rumors of BSU/AF surfaced.
The guy seems to have good business sense. I am sure the right decisions/changes will surface if need be.
Though I still think MWC is the right place to be.
Watching, THE EXPERTS. program on ESPNU this morning…most agreed that the success of the bigleast depends on what BSU does with regard changing conferences.
Without BSU in the big the bigeast conference, it’s just a matter of a short time for them to lose their bcs status.
for the SMU / Texas fans — if anyone cares
Rumor: QB Garrett Gilbert to transfer to SMU
There’s really no one source or link that sums it up. It’s from years of reading and keeping tabs on what others have reported. It’s also recognizing what’s NOT being printed.
Hawaii 38 Utah State 28
Agree with whomever said that we should really concentrate of Hawaii rather than “outside influences”.
This jogged my memory that in the Army, especially in war planning ( current ops and future ops ), you concentrate on your area of operation, but never forget about the area of interest which may have a large impact in your area of operation.
Guess, that’s why there is so much chatter, radio talk, about the Big East, Big 12, ACC, BIG 10, and SEC. Some appear more settled than others.
My only concern is what’s best for Hawaii. What UH needs to do to make itself totally attractive to the PAC 12 academically and athletically? Make this a part of any long term planning process; but, for heavens sake, create that plan!
No single person at UH can have all the skills to do this by himself or herself. It must include others and I mean many others including the general public – solicit ideas – some will be good, others just shooting for the “moon”. Remember that every idea has some merit; maybe not now but in the future. UH needs “thinkers” and “visionaries” to be an integral part of the committee.
Perhaps a start can be Pres. Greenwood appearing on Leahy & Leahy to discuss her vision(s) of where UH should be headed including athletics or an interview by a media person.
How independent is the Board of Regents?
Very astew of you. Too bad I am acurry. 😛
JD: Hey Carl I think we would like to come back to the WAC
Carl: Sure no problem, but ya know the guys say that they want you to pay for their travel if you come back.
JD: Ah never mind.
The above faux conversation is supposed to be between JD (Jim Donovan) and Karl (Karl Benson), not Carl as in Carl Clapp.
Utah St’s offense is ranked #26 while Hawaii is #38
http://www.ncaa.com/stats/football/fbs/ … am/1027/p1
Utah St. averages 450 yds per game & Hawaii averages 431 yds per game.
Defensively, Utah St. is #20 and Hawaii is #36.
http://www.ncaa.com/stats/football/fbs/ … /team/1042
Utah St. QB Chuckie Keeton is ranked #40 and Moniz is #45
http://www.ncaa.com/stats/football/fbs/ … idual/1005
If I was a Boise State fan or a decision maker, I would be thinking that BSU deserves better than the Big East based upon record and fame over the last ten years. Maybe hope and wait for an invitation from the Big 12 or the Pac 10, but to join the Big East at this time when it’s falling apart, forget it. BSU actually does deserve better than only getting an invite from the Big East.
#97 . . . Very good point. Soon Hawaii exemption will mean nothing.
Interesting finds.
UST’s losses have been heart breakers. They played tough in them all.
UST has a solid team. Just luck hasn’t been on their side.
#114 . . . they should hold out for a better conference. Didn’t the big east just agree to raise their exit fee to $10 mil? Or am I thinking of a different conference? If they commit to the big east and get offered by a better conference in the future, they shoot themselves in the foot.
Per CBS Sports, Boise State is “100% on board” to join the Big East. They just need approval from the Idaho Board of Education on Thursday. Air Force is expected to follow.
Hawaii better start renegotiating their MWC deal… our PPV is the money force in the MWC now.
Well another bad day for us. Boise State and AFA apparently going along with Navy to Big East for football only.
SMU, Houston, and Central Florida– all good TV markets, going for all sports– including big buck sharing in NCAA Tournament and Big East Tournament money from TV.
Big East will be announcing a big TV contract with big bucks for the new members.
If the Warriors play USU based on the W/L record, they will get spanked. Their true freshman QB is very poised and talented (no disrespect, but I can see why the St. Louis QB transferred to UH). They have two explosive running backs that can break it. Just hope UH takes them seriously and isn’t so laid back simply because they are at home.
Why do we continue to “look” for new kickers everywhere…. especially after a succesful weekend, we fill the need to bring up a volleyball player who apparently kicks…. Talk about not support the team “of the people” It may be ment as a fun fact, but what if kenton, kyle, or tyler were to read that….
those tid bits I feel arent needed!
Again, Congrats to CHUN on player of the week for WAC, and Congrats to HADDEN to hitting a huge FG this past week as well. Proud to call you warriors!
I realized after I posted that it’s not the PAC 10 any more. It’s the PAC 12. But it’s hard to keep track because of the changes. Is the old Big 10 the Big 11 now and the old Big 12, the Big 9? Should the Big East be called the Minor East or the Not So Big East?
if af and bsu leave…then more wac teams join the mwc.
utah st, sjsu, for example.
Our kickers just need to heal up. Hard to kick with injuries… especially when you have to deliver that kick within 2-3 seconds.
in a few more years the wac will be out of whack.
i forsee the two texas schools joining the cusa.
with the mwc-cusa holding hands the safety in numbers allows more breathing room as the poaching continues.
I’m thinking either Utah State or SJSU for sure. Possibly not both. Nine is a good number for football. The question for the MWC is whether eight is enough for Olympic sports.
mwc did whiff on attracting smu and houston.
soon the mwc will invite mbb to the program. but, it would have to be without travel subsidies.
it’s pretty bad when a 5-3 (3-1 WAC) team plays a 2-5 (0-2 WAC) at home and is currently only a 3.5 point favorite. Home field is worth 3 points. That means, if the game were to be played at a neutral site, it would be an even match up. Does that make sense??
wize guys know.
Yep, knew it.
“Following Tuesday’s Big East meeting in Philadelphia, representatives from those four schools – plus Navy – held a conference call. All four schools are “100 percent” on board in joining together with the only possible hang-up being Boise State finding a conference home for its Olympic sports – most likely the WAC or West Coast Conference.”
Vote NO to Big West expansion.
Let WCC have Boise if they want.
just for fun, hadden and chun were taking sets at outside hitter on the vb court under the tutelage of former outside hitter josh walker. do you feel the non-support? 😆
128…i guess that says something about ourselves doesn’t it.
i guess utah st’s near miss with auburn in their season opener says more about their team than does our losses against unlv, sjsu, for example.
Thompson should come out publicly and say he will actively pursue 4 FULL members from the WAC.
Invite San Jose, Utah St, and 2 others to some meeting at MWC headquarters.
Full court press.
Even if its not true and they only take 2, it might give Benson reason to not be so nice to Boise.
per ST’s header:
” … • It’s just for fun, but Warrior volleyball outside hitter J.P. Marks has been drilling long-distance kicks on his own. Marks has received tips from Scott Enos, the Warriors’ kicker the previous two seasons. … ”
We still need a long ball hitter. If this guy can root it into the end zone on kick-offs, let him play in the home games. Don’t know if the MVB coach will allow it, but …..
Let the guy kick-off, then run off the field, like the San Diego Charger used to do.
We still need 2 more wins to make it to the Halawa Bowl. All of our remaining games will
be tough. Need all the help we can muster up.
hoo boy – such imagination eh.
Thank goodness we only have 1 away game. That helps tilt the odds in our favor some.
drove through nimitz hwy today and looks like the grass is planted and the coconut and palm trees are ready to grow strong roots. APEC is coming!
also noticed a few homeless people back under the freeway near that paintball playground.
also also noticed more drivers that are not complying with carpool/zipper lane rules are being ticketed by HPD. that’s one way the state can add money to their general funds to pay for all the APEC manpower.
Watch all that grass and those trees turn brown and DEAD from lack of maintenance once APEC is pau.
BSU in the WCC? Good. Dont wanna pay to play them in the Big West for sure!
UH should have hosted APEC.
Would gotten brand new everything overnight.
UH 34 USU 26
when it’s all said and done i’d like to see the APEC expense report.
in case of a low scoring game,
Warriors 3 Aggies 2
Nap time!
nap time sounds good to me.
IF, and that is a BIG if, 2 or more current WAC members are invited to and accept an ivitation to the MWC and the “new” MWC members are all from the current WAC, should the MWC “force” UH into paying the travel subsidies for football? I say a big NO!!!!!!!!!
Travel subsidies were imposed when the old MWC had more members than the 3 new additions from the current WAC – UH, Reno and Fresno.
With the top tier of the MWC gone (BYU, Utah, TCU) and BSU and USAF soon to be gone, what is left for Thompson to watch over in 2012? Will ESPN look favorably at the MWC with all the big guns gone when the TV contract comes up in 2015 or 2016? Will the “new” MWC be better than the WAC if UH, Reno, and Fresno say they will stay in the WAC? Does this change the “bargin” power for UH to join the MWC?
I say renegotiate the MWC “entry” fee for UH – no travel subsidy or no PPV $$$ to the MWC.
Best wishes to Vince Manuwai for a successful rehab. Go Govs!
Good luck to Vince Manuwai. Hope he can hook up somewhere. Hopefully Pisa can land somewhere also. Both guys should still have a few games left in the tank.
TCU still stay in the MWC.
Seems like the MWC, Conference USA, and the WAC had better start talking stories. For some reason, I don’t believe we have seen the last of Ruston, LA, San Jose, CA or Utah.
You may be right.
I know this if off topic but I’m looking into starting my own blog and was wondering what all is needed to get set up? I’m assuming having a blog like yours would cost a pretty penny? I’m not very web smart so I’m not 100% certain. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated. Kudos
Sign marks up!!!!!!! 🙂 can’t wait for game day!!!!!!!! Go for 3-0 aganist aggies. Lbs get healthy. Going to need u guys esp this week….
Does anyone know why they name themselves “aggies”. Aggies are marbles according to one definition.
Na Wahine Soccer is the 3rd seed in the WAC tournament, coach Nagamine will lead her team against the 6th seed, New Mexico State, a team they loss to a week ago. Should they win, they face Fresno State, 2nd seeded, and resting with a first round bye.
Norm Chow it is time to come home!!
Na Wahine played a very physical game against the Aggies in Las Cruces, losing 1-0. UH was called for 16 fouls, including 4 yellow cards. NMST had 6 fouls and 4 yellow cards.
the Wahine only had 2 shots on goal and no corner kicks.
As of now, I stand corrected.
But until Friday-
Boise not going.
Bring on Utah State!!
Have you any solutions for taking donates? I`d like to give a dollar
Howdy! Quick question that’s completely off topic. Do you know how to make your site mobile friendly? My web site looks weird when viewing from my iphone 4. I’m trying to find a theme or plugin that might be able to fix this issue. If you have any suggestions, please share. Appreciate it!
Hawaii24 ~
Re: N. Chow’s homecoming.
E kala mai.
No ’nuff room for his ego on dis island. Da buggah acted like UH was below his lofty perch…pfftt!
Shots on goal are a rare commodity for the Na Wahine, what few chances they muster, they got to convert and play inspired defense for every minute of the game. No let down. IIRC NMSt scored in the first 5 minutes at the start of the second half. Team has to come out of the block ready to play.
Just found out I have to work all of next weekend and get day off only on Wednesday due to APEC.
On a better note, Good news is that 36 Oceanic Produced UH is to Telecast on Fox College Sports scheduled thru May 2012.
Here’s the List of Telecast on Fox:
I also found Alaska Airlines begin selling some seats to West coast as low as $298 per round trip. Covers only trvel Mondays through Thursdays.
I think it’s to Alaska, but I know they also flys to Oakland and San Jose and Seattle.
Hope this helps to bring down airfares ….
Alaska Airlines to expand Hawaii service. And I hope they can expand service to include WITHIN the islands.
Just finished watching “Unguarded” on ESPN. Great documentary about Chris Herren, the Fresno shooting/point guard who was a Rainbow-killer back in the late 90s, but struggled with drug addition throughout his college and pro career. Always seemed to be able stir up the Stan Sheriff crowd, then feed off their taunts and had some of his best games against the Bows. Highly recommended documentary.
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That makes sense. Being an aggie may sound better to some people than being a farmer. But then Molokai High are the farmers which is fine.
We headed to a new conference we just came from. Lol. Funny stuff.
“Shots on goal”… wow, haven’t heard that since I played hockey.
“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” -Wayne Gretzky
Too bad soccer isn’t like hockey. Dump and chase, throw the puck towards the front of the net and send your inforcers in there to deflect or bang it off a rebound. Plus a little spear of the stick to the ribcage (ala slight of hand) of an opposing player always helps too.
Hello! Do you use Twitter? I’d like to follow you if that would be ok. I’m absolutely enjoying your blog and look forward to new posts.
Thanks for all the insights. Good stuff; no easy answers just keep it simple.
Well considering the money he makes in a BCS conference, I don’t blame him for not being that interested in UH.
I think the best chance we had was 2008 where we were willing to do the $1M Coach thingy and June listed him as a person of interest.
I’m not sure if this was already posted, but Reagan Maui’a was re-signed by the Arizona Cardinals today.:)
Hawaii 59, Utah State 38
Oceanic through Fox Sports will televise 9 WBB, only 3 MVB, so I am guessing the UHAD expects the fans to come to the SSC to watch MVB while the Na Wahine hope somebody is watching either at the SSC or at home.
Pomai, please post:
UH 20 USU 17
I believe one of your advertisements triggered my browser to resize, you might want to put that on your blacklist.
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I thought that Regan Mauia had had a pretty good preseason. i was surprised when they let him go.
#19: I kno I’m late to the party…but I agree with u kev1
Greetings from Florida! I’m bored to death at work so I decided to check out your blog on my iphone during lunch break. I enjoy the knowledge you present here and can’t wait to take a look when I get home. I’m surprised at how fast your blog loaded on my mobile .. I’m not even using WIFI, just 3G .. Anyways, very good site!
I could have sworn you stated that you would post some photos of todays practice?
The WCC wouldn’t take BSU’s other sports because Boise doesn’t fit the profile of of the WCC. The WCC is compromised of private faith based schools. Let the MWC kick boise’s “olympic” sports out of the mwc and let them struggle to find a conference to join.
The key to this weekends game is controlling their QB by keeping him in the box. DEs need to turn plays into the big boys inside. Because the defense pursues so well, sometimes they over pursue and get burned. The QB almost single handedly beat Auburn their first game. Utah State is averaging about 36 points a game so they will score on us. Offense will also need to produce to come out with a win. May need to count on special teams again to pull this one out.
Being the networks are controlling the money the Big East will prevail over the MWC, C-USA, WAC.
The networks are determining the landscape of how college football will be shaped. The executives of the networks has strong ties for the BE to prevail. Why do you think they give them more TV money? If the networks gave the MWC the money they would be inviting the higher AQ teams to solidify the conference.
How funny would it be to have the MWC ask the remaining BE schools to join them? As long as the BE have network money advantage BE.
If all goes down and BSU and AF leaves the MWC, the MWC should just fold. All schools to go back to the WAC and negotiate a new TV contract at the mercy of ESPN and Fox. Have the MWC commissioner be the associate to Benson with Benson retiring in a year or two and have him succeed Benson.
West Division East Division
Nevada Wyoming
Fresno New Mexico
UNLV New Mexico St.
San Diego St. Utah State
San Jose St. Idaho
La Tech to C-USA hopefully. The 2 Texas schools to be divided as they see fit.
Heya i am for the initial time here. I located this board and I find It seriously useful & it helped me out considerably. I hope to give one thing back and assist others like you aided me.
4 reasons why the Hawaii offense is not as explosive as last year. #1 Greg Salas, #2 Kealoha Pilares, #3 Alex Green, #4 Scott Enos.
The top 3 are all in the NFL so what does that say. That means we lost a lot of production. Enos was pretty much money in his senior year.
So you can see that we are struggling to score more points. The defense last year was more opportunistic with more take aways. This year I think we have more sacks which is a good thing. Add everything in, that’s why Moniz had a better season last year, up to this point. He can change that by playing lights out the next 5 games. With only 2 returning starters on offense it is no surprise really. Also, the loss of Austin Hansen hurt a lot too. Still, this team is good enough that we should have a 7-1 record instead of being 5-3 right now. It still bothers me losing to UNLV and SJSU the way we did. Yeah it was on the road, but a real good team would not have lost those games. Last years team would not have lost those games. I don’t like the matchuup for this Saturday. The trends for Utah St. is that they have held leads at the beginning of the 4th quarter in all of their games, yet did not close most of them and lost 5 games. Sooner or later, they will have learned to put opponents away in the 4th quarter and I hope this week is not the week. We have played better at home, but……you never know, we might come out flat and Utah St. has nothing to lose and has the revenge factor after losing to us at their place big time, 45-7. Statistically, Utah St. is better than Hawaii and they have played a better schedule with Auburn, BYU, Fresno State, and La Tech. In my mind, Utah State is better than New Mexico State and NMSU gave us some problems. We have to stop Utah St’s rushing attack. If they control the time of possession our defense will get worn out. We certainly don’t want to be playing catch up as we have not been too good coming from behind.
Our O-line was a factor the last season, as well. When your QB is getting sacked on the blindside by Idaho, you have problems.
Good night folks!
…it’s been a long day.
The good news is that Hawaii is averaging 45 points at home while Utah State averages 27 points on the road. Utah State is also 0-3 on the road. Hawaii is 3-0 at home.
I want to believe in the law of averages…