Quiet on the set
In only-in-Hawaii scenarios, Campus Security showed up twice last week to notify the coaches about a complaint that the morning spring practices were too loud.
The Warriors have muted the speakers and turned them away from the dormitories. There’s even less yelling at practices.
Still, there reportedly is a petition being circulated that seeks to move practices to a 9 a.m. start. The Warriors’ school-day practices begin at 7:15 a.m. They practice at 10:15 on Saturdays.
UH conducted 7 a.m. practices for nine years under June Jones and four years under Greg McMackin. Practices started at 3 p.m. in 2012, Norm Chow’s first season at UH, before reverting to the morning schedule last year at the request of the players’ leadership council.
Morning workouts enable players to practice, then participate in the training table before attending classes.
morning gang!
Shhhh. Keep it down. It’s early.
great morning all.
(tiptoes out…)
Howz It d1shima !
Up and early here in Los Angeles. Easter vacation finally over. Heading back to the bump and grind of work. Still living a BLESSED life !
monku, monku, monku!
life is full of bumps and large pot holes that one must navigate
Morning workouts I still can recall. Fresh air and that Hawaii morning mist. Love running sprints to loosen up the legs. Stretching upper and lower body. Still do it today EXCEPT for the sprints. Joints can’t deal with all that pounding !
Stephen – haha, my bad.
on the plus side – can sleep in a few more hours, negative side – traffic
Mr. A House sir, ABSOLUTELY !
Life is full of bumps and large pot holes as it is how you navigate through out the time by making good choices by proper decisions will pull you over the obstacle time after time. I believe it is called PERSEVERANCE as it does build CHARACTER !
Always a PLEASURE astute gentlemen and SIR !
Wow, letters got BIG all of a sudden. Can really read clearly now !
Who’s not up by 7:15?
Sounds like norms lost the students already! Doesn’t help that they built the new dormitory next to the field.
good morning folks!
auwe, how are they supposed to ramp it up without making a lot of noise? oh well, i hope they can get all concerned together on this! go warrior bows!
SMH… without a sound.
Long time no see, green mask. 😉
…here’s a novel idea….how about morning practice without “music”, you know how they used to practice before all the lights, camera, action of today. Students who don’t play football need to sleep too…
Simple answer, go to bed earlier—
Who started the petition ?
How long are the practices usually ?
Would they have time for current classes, if practice starts at 9 am ?
Can training table be earlier before practice, if practice starts at 9 ?
Who needs loudspeakers? Just practice, practice, practice till
you can clean your rifle blindfolded in under a minute. Sir.
The students in the dorms shouldn’t stay up so late.
Good morning just wanted to make a correction to St. Anthony Trojan about the UH/Nebraska game. The game was played on Sept. 17, 1955 not 1957. My cousin played in that game. It was a remarkable accomplishment after being trounced by Nebraska the year before.
There is another simple solution, students who are light sleepers and have to wake up at 9am need get some ear plugs. Ear plugs are very cheap and easy to find, just as easy as it’s finding those same students that are complaining, partying and staying up late and having the football practice wake them up with a hangover. Ok, maybe not all of them are staying up late or partying all night. But if the coaches and players are doing there do diligence and keeping practice as quiet as possible, then those premadonna students who sleep in until 9am can get ear plugs. Man, It must be nice to wake up at or around 9am? Wait until real life hits them in the okole and waking up at 9am is a luxury?
How sad to be doing a petition against the noise from the morning football practice. When you reside next to a campus or in the student dorms, I think you better adjust to the fact that there will always be activities close to you. It’s like living next to a freeway, you just have to live with it.
Why so much noise in Hawai`i ? Dogs that bark 24/7 while the lazy owners sit on their fat butts inside the house and do nothing.
Roosters crowing at all hours of the day and night,cars cruising the neighborhood with ear piercing boom boxes, dirt bikes with no mufflers flying up and down our streets ?
Don’t bother calling the cops they won’t do anything. Last time I call a cop about noise he said… “Well you can always move.”
My chair at USC, knowing my association with UH, reminded me of that game every class and meeting. He played for Nebraska!
With Clarke moving to LT and Afusia to C, who moved to one of the G spots. I assume Lefotu remains as one of the guard. Is Tupai or Waa now a guard? Not that it all matters as I understand it’s a very fluid situation and there will be lots of guys in the rotation. Just some clarity.
Practice those silent snaps.
We’re looking for more UH football alumni to play in the Alumni Flag Football Game to be held on Saturday, April 26th at 2:00 pm prior to the Spring Game.
Please contact Joyce at 956-4513 as soon as possible if you’re interested in participating in the game.
But June Jones and Greg McMackin practices did not have loud, boombox music.
ST, I respectfully suggest that you or someone else at the SA research and do a story on the proposed new governance structure being considered for adoption by the NCAA Board of Directors this week Thursday. A link to the proposal is here:
The proposal is lengthy but buried within it are details that are cleverly designed to give the five so-called “power conferences” (the Pac-12, Big 10, Big 12, SEC and ACC) significantly more recruiting and other competitive advantages over the other five FBS conferences (including the MWC) than they already possess.
The main feature of the proposal is that it would grant the power conferences autonomy to make rules changes in two categories. One category would be called “permissive” legislation and the other would be called “actionable” legislation.
The “permissive” category is not a problem. Any rule change that the power conferences decide to make in this category could also be adopted by other schools and conferences at their discretion. For example, this category includes any rule change pertaining to paying athletes full cost of attendence stipends. If the power conferences vote to do this, the MWC could vote to do it too, if it wished. So that’s fair and reasonable.
However, the “actionable” category is a big concern. Any rule change that the power conferences decide to make in this category could only be adopted outside the power conferences by a majority vote of all of the remaining 27 Division 1 conferences. So if the MWC wanted to adopt an “actionable” rule change to keep it on the same footing with the power conferences, it could only do so if the other non-power conferences agreed, even though most of them are non-football conferences whose members have more limited resources than the MWC schools.
The “actionable” category covers these areas:
– Rules related to terms of financial aid (e.g. making scholarships guaranteed, etc.)
– Rules related to covering pre-enrollment expenses (e.g. transportation to enroll, academic support, medical expenses, etc.)
– Rules related to athletic “dead periods” (e.g. academic redshirt, etc.)
– Rules related to recruiting (!!!)
– Rules to “better define coaching and support roles”
If this legislation is adopted as proposed, over the long term the power conferences are likely to make a variety of rule changes in the “actionable” category to make themselves more attractive to recruits. For example they could vote to guarantee four or five years of guaranteed scholarship assistance to athletes upon enrollment, regardless of whether those athletes remain on the team roster; allow more campus visits by recruits, including return visits, with expenses paid for more than immediate family; pay for all expenses associated with new enrollees moving from home to campus; and hire expanded team support staffs dedicated to helping athletes with academics, career counseling, financial counseling, etc. Meanwhile the MWC and other non-power FBS conferences would be unable to keep pace even if they had the means and desire to do so, because their right to do so would be under the control of the poorer non-FBS conferences who would likely reject such changes.
Another feature of the proposal is that, for all matters pertaining to FBS football rules, the power conferences have two votes per conference, and the MWC and other non-power conferences have only one vote per conference.
There is an ongoing discussion of the issues posed by the new governance proposal on the conference realignment message board, at this link:
IMHO the creation of the proposed “actionable” category of rule changes should be opposed by UH and every other FBS school outside the power conferences. Any rule changes the power conferences are allowed to make for themselves should be in the “permissive” category and hence adoptable by other schools and conferences at their discretion. Moreover, all FBS conferences should have equal voting rights on rules affecting FBS football. If Tom Apple and Ben Jay aren’t aware of this planned power grab and/or aren’t working with the other MWC school administrations to fight it, they aren’t doing their jobs.
Its a tough situation…. I’m not sure who’s complaining but it is possible that some of these students have night time jobs and have classes later in the day. Could be a good reason for sleeping in. But then again I’m sure that’s a small percentage. I do know that unless things changed all dorms have a 24-7 quiet hours it is not obscene for them to expect the noise outside to be the same.
This is another example why an on campus stadium might be hard to pull off. There is simply not enough space. Imagine trying to study while there is a bunch of noise coming from the outdoor stadium, music, cars, fans etc.
At the same time I do understand that there is a reason for having practices at the times they do. Maybe they (dorm management) and coaching staff could come to some agreement of noise level and maybe push practice to a middle ground of maybe 8 a.m? And have all students coming in sign an agreement coming in to the dorms that there is an expected level of noise that is going to happen if they live in certain areas. This would allow students who have night jobs or other reasons for late nights to get ear plugs, look for a different dorm or move off campus.
18…training table before practice?
not humanly possible to keep all that good food down in the belly during a two football practice.
Good morning Tsaikos!
Students need to deal with it. Get earplugs or whatever. One year, I lived in the dorm that was near the hospital and had to deal with the ambulance sirens at all hours. The dorm was an old building that only had a radiator that I couldn’t control, so I left my window open even in the dead of winter.
Polynesians and center go hand in hand.
The biggest benefit of early practice is so the boys are acclimated to mainland start times for games. If you practice 7 am, that’s like 10 am west coast and 11 am mountain. June did this cuz in the past our guys many times fell flat because their bodies and minds weren’t ready for away games.
i am wondering if its the students or the older community that is complaining?
then i realize most of the latter are up and about by 5:00 am.
Hey, you don’t need loud music to play football….the idea that everyone is supposed to concede everything just because the football team likes it, but has been getting its ass consistently kicked—despite the ear splitting music at all the practices for the last two and now three years, is a bit over the top. Loud music at that hour is insensitive to the needs of others.
okay, so if its the students…lets have the olinemen take one dorm, while the dlinemen take the other dorm and knock on every door to encourage them to sign an anti-petition of complaint.
then, to follow up have the cheerleaders and rainbow dancers go visit the known male occupants with the anti-petitions in hand and have the qb’s and db’s seek the same with the wahine residents.
…other words, if the loud music was a component that was helping them win, that’s one thing—-but it hasn’t.
#39 so slinger, in your paint, if they were winning, it would be ok to be insensitive to the needs of others?
People seem to be getting more sensitive and are more quick to complain than before. Maybe it is part of our human evolution. These young people who are complaining today about noise will be complaining about anything that irks in the future. I would not want to be their neighbor. It is interesting to note how our society is changing. I always wonder how things will be a hundred years from now. Will people be happier? I think not. I will not be around but I feel sorry for future generations.
Guud Morning Tsaikos…bootiful day
theres a cane haul road right in my back yard…during harvest season, trucks used to run by 24 hrs a day…slept like a baby…even with the house shaking as the trucks went by….noise?…..GET USED TO IT!…wimps..
Why can’t we be friends?
On the weekdays:
Why not begin practice at 7:00 am, no music, just practice.
Then, start the music at around 8:00 am to help players get into the second hour of practice!
Students, come on! Get your act together!! I thought breakfast is served from 6 or 6:30 to 8 am at the dormitory… So, they should be up by then.
But then again, students are paying higher and higher and tuition and they are now more vocal then the past!! Any slight dislikes, file a complaint! Any slight inconvenience, file a complaint! These complaints are also contagious, when one student filed one, others will follow. But face it, we are living in a society where lawyers rule! The adults are playing the same game, sue, sue, sue!
I think they do not start practice until later on Saturday, so there should be no problems there.
The complaints are coming from the freshmen dorms and the apartment dorms. Although when I lived there during the Jones years practices never really seemed to bother me. The new dorms shouldn’t be complaining. We had AC in those so they can just close the windows and mute the sounds with the AC.
Spring practice is almost pau.
Let the late sleepers rest after the practices are pau – then gear up for the Fall!
Many students get up early to study. The morning before a test I would get up at 4:30 or 5:00 to prep. It was quiet and no one would bother me. There was no loud music playing outside my window to interfere with my concentration. I would be pissed if there was.
There may be some psychological reason for playing loud music during practice, but I am not aware of any performance enhancing studies showing a correlation between practice music and win-loss record.
Has anyone asked the players if they would prefer to practice with or without music at 7 am? Seems to me a good number would choose the quiet. The coaches might feel otherwise.
The only reason to play the music I see is to prepare the offense to snap when game is at a loud stadium where they can’t hear the call. Spring ball is a bit early for this.
Put the football players in the rooms closest to the field.
A complicated issue, to be sure. I support the Warriors, but am not sure how I would feel if there was loud music blaring outside of my house at 7AM. There has to be a way to resolve this issue to everyone’s satisfaction.
The font’s too loud!
PurpleMaple, Coach Mack had loud music at his practices.
Ahhh, let it slide till Fall practice and then wait for a new petition. Maybe by that time the complainers would have moved to dorms across Dole St.
Or maybe play soothing music, the sounds of the ocean, forest, mellow streams…not.
48. Yeah that would be irritating if I lived at the dorms and didn’t have an early class.
Can always put wording in the dorms terms and conditions that no can complain about early morning student athlete practices.
Did Derek write G spot? 😯
Paintslinger, amen. There is no correlation between loud music at practice and winning games. So far, the record is 4-20.
#48 – Jimmah –
New age? Or maybe the sound of kitties mewing, baby ducklings or baby chicks a cheaping? Puppy sounds?
My apologies Jimmy – that should read “#49” above.
ot-808- thanks for correction…was two years after me graduated….my bad…
had a few on there that i knew….
Sat on the liquor commission several years ago…n the noise complaint was always brought up
when a new license applicant was on the agenda…my last meeting …as a gift to my fellow commissioners was to present them all with ear plugs…with advice to the complaints 2 use them…
Ear plugs was invented…by a white man in punchbowl i think….who had podogee neighbors…
he he he….
come on students…lighten up….this not last forever…it will stop soon…n most if not all have ‘ear buds’ on when they study ne way….
me thinks this is a conspiracy drummed up by fen jai n washington state…both don’t want to loose…sounds good huh…..???
when sum one.hands you a lemon….don’t complain….make lemon aide…get up to the music n do ur ‘zumba’ exercise….be healthy…dance more…it is good 4 you….just imagine…all the female students looking like the rainbow dancers maybe….whoo…whoo…just asking …who would be the ideal male model all the men can aspire to try n look like….??
I have a solution: Play loud elevator music. That way the people in the dorms will want to sleep more and the football players get loud distracting noise.
Good morning everyone!
Is the loud music to stimulate energy levels or to simulate crowd noise levels at games? Both? In any case, music should start no earlier than when the C&C Honolulu begins trash pick-up in the mornings. There was a noise issue about morning pickup times when I was growing up.
Hmmm, the day begins when the trash is picked up… 🙂
loud music/noise is to help the players adjust to loud fans on the mainland – has nothing to do with winning or losing
is this justifiable? don’t know – maybe a compromise – loud music/noise only the week preceding an away game.
if the “true” goal/objective is to TEACH during spring practices – is loud music/noise necessary? would not a quiet surrounding be more conducive to teaching?
is Spring ball like “basic training” were some of the trainers are always yelling? If a coach wants to make a strong point, talk directly into the ear of the player;
7 am practices, what was he thinking, thats crazy. Practices should start at 6 am.
58. LOL. No it doesn’t… Loud music at practice serves the exact same purpose that loud music would be played in a weight room. To amp the players up, increase focus and intensity.
I can see no loud music playing until 8am, I think 0715 to 0800 is 45mins of no loud music is reasonable for practice.
#40 so haka, what a fascinating question! Your searing logic has plundered my imagination and I’ll spend time today pondering this! ROFLMAO
If the team was winning, that petition probably would have never gotten off the ground.
Those complaining can go rent a waikiki apartment and pay to hear those damn garbage trucks, car alarms/horns, and other traffic early in the morning.
If they need to move practice to a latter time…raise the student fees to the median level of the mwc.
spoiled children in hawaii…wth
Maybe the football team should do some door knocking in an effort to gain the support of those students who don’t realize the dedication it takes to be a student athlete…
Max Wittek attended Texas’ spring game. Not likely coming here. Texas has QB problems. David Ash is coming off an injury in 2013 and Swoope looked terrible. Looks like a long season for the Longhorns and for new coach Charlie Strong.
At Washington, QB Jeff Lindquist looked sharp as he threw for 4 TDs. He’s clearly better than Redshirt freshman Troy Williams. Projected QB Cyler Miles is suspended indefinitely. Chris Peterson needs to replace Bishop Sankey (NFL draft), but they will do it by committee.
The top player in UWs spring gamee was Hauoli Kikaha (Jamora). He was unblockable and had 3.5 sacks.
Elijah Tupai, who was in an accident this past weekend, and Dejon Allen have been taking reps at left guard.
That’s a good spot for a young player — between Clarke and Afusia.
Music plays a significant role because it forces players to focus through external distractions.
Then again, the ROTC people are pretty loud, too.
When you party until 3:00 am, you need your beauty rest.
Partying late, I don’t even think an airhorn could wake me at that point.
68. How does playing music during stretching help focus on external distractions? The only time I’m buying that reason is if the team is scrimmaging and you need to communicate with loud music in the background…
If you’re stretching or going through drills, music just helps stay alert, gets you pumped up, etc.. Probably wakes the players up at 7 am..
#62 paintslinger, Yes, it was a question. Let’s give credit where credit is due. You wrote it. It’s your logic. Glad to give you a laugh! 🙂
Is Tuapi okay?
sorry, meant Tupai.
Congrats to the SandBows! On to the National Championships!
For those of us quietly rooting for Kolten Wong to hit his stride: http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20140421&content_id=72863254¬ebook_id=72864210&vkey=notebook_stl&c_id=stl.
Hello Everyone,
I am the individual who began working with the student body to address the noise issue. There is a administrative policy at UH regarding quiet hours in the dorms. It clearly states that ‘there is to be an absence of loud noises or distractions until after 9 a.m., 7 days a week in the student housing community. Due to the proximity of thousands of students’ apartments to the practice field, the loud music and air-horn penetrate our residences and effectively these sounds coming from the field qualify as loud noises and distractions. The administrations lack of responsiveness qualifies effectively as a breach of contract, and its continuation will constitute negligence to respecting pre-standing contractual obligations.
In clarification of the authors misinformation: There has been no request what-so ever to move the time of practice. There has been significant support from dormitory residents and the overall UH student body that there be interdepartmental respect in regards to the football teams activities and the living conditions of thousands of UH students in the dormitories.
I appreciate all of your interest in this important issue at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. This issue will continuously be addressed until the football administration reaches a compromise that is acceptable to the student housing community and effectively disengages in breach of contract and associated negligence. Thank you for taking the time to get more informed on this issue and for reading my statement.
Aloha nui,
The Petition Guy
I love the football team and I’d like to give Chow his shot, but got to back up the students on this one. Find a good compromise. I remember dorming and to this day, I no like wake up that early
only 2 more days of practice – tomorrow and Thursday.
Then you students? ?? can sleep-in.
So Petition Starter…What is acceptable?
The rules seem to pertain to within the dormitories…If that level is exceeded by external sources…what is you acceptable solution/compromise?
If it makes sense, maybe we could all get behind it.
How loud is loud? How loud is too loud? How loud is acceptable?
These policies are applicable to the residents of student housing. When residents fully comply with the entirety of this policy, we might discuss whether #18 can be construed to include the football team.
In response to #80.
What would be acceptable would be no loud noises or distractions in the dormatories before 9 a.m. as stated in the housing policy contracts.
Today practice was moved from the field directly next to the dorms, to the field in the center of the track. It was seen as a step forward until Brad Jones the football team administrator informed me that this does not reflect a change in policy, yet was a result of the weather today and the affected field conditions.
In response to #81
Loud is making buildings vibrate, filling residence halls, common areas, and apartments entirely with invasive sounds. The air horn can be heard as far as St. Luis Heights, and members of the wahine soccer team whom practice right next to the football team at the same time have stated that the loud music disrupts their ability to communicate on the field as well.
The rules as stated seem to pertain to dormitories yet, there is an expectation that the university will protect the rights offered in the housing polices just as much as it expects residents not to violate the rights of others. This is an interdepartmental issue which should be addressed by the entirety of the UH Manoa Community.
In conclusion the two simplest and most clear compromises would be to not make such excessive noises as the music and air horn prior to 9 a.m., or to change the practice location to the Ching field (the field surrounded by the track) so that the noise does not cause disturbances in the housing community.
Thank you for your questions.
We’ll NEVER be a top-notch program EVER!!!! Do we want a WINNER?? Yes? no? Everybody gotta be on the same page people.
#60 . . . getting pumped up, focused, and intense is a good enough reason for me to accept the music.
I get that it is irritating, but this is yet again another example of how UH’s own student body is disconnected from their own athletic program. Out of any group of people with football interests, UH students probably make up the smallest group. Whereas other schools across the country have fans that actually get pumped and support their teams.
I know there are students that show up and support. But really, it pales in comparison to many other programs across the country (I would imagine at all levels).
As I stated, the loud noise is not coming from the dormitory. It is from outside sources. The rules seem to suggest/pertain from activities within the dorm.
“There is a administrative policy at UH regarding quiet hours in the dorms. It clearly states that ‘there is to be an absence of loud noises or ..”
Are you suggesting the rules extend out of the dorms?
Any reports on Spring practices of our first two opponents?
In response to #86
The proximity and the facts that A. many members of the team signed dorm policies as they themselves are residents and B. the proximity implies that there should be more interdepartmental oversight to resolve conflicts of interest where standing policies are being violated by other departments within the the UH community.
I agree that the sounds are not coming from a dorm, yet they certainly are filling the dorms with the types of noise prohibited by UH policies, and so I am suggesting cooperation and interdepartmental respect that works to enable our football players to have efficient practices, and to encourage more support of the football team by the student body, as well as ensuring the rights of thousands of dorm residents which were granted to them in signing their housing policy contracts.
#88…there are city and health department regulation that govern noise levels within the confines of the city. If no relief is insight by the UH administration then, might I suggest you ask HD or the health department to monitor and possible take action if the levels are exceeded.
I opine this because “noise” or the “level of noise” is different to everyone. I live on a street that has a lot of children and when they all meet to play everyday it’s music to my ears but to some older folks it’s ..too much noise.
I caught a glimpse of Dancing with the Stars on the TV in the restaurant and saw a judge doing the shaka. Carrie Ann Inaba is a judge on an ABC show. I was pleasantly surprised to see another Hawaii person make it.
Thank you for your commentary, I understand that each person has a relative opinion as to what is loud or too loud. The petition currently holds over 600 signatures from students who deem that this situation does constitute as such and requires administrative attention. There has been contact with the health department, and those types of action are currently in progress. As well HPD has filed that there was a noise complaint. I appreciate your insights towards a compromise.
How about this…have all 600 get up and join in the schedule with the athletes who are training and maybe they’ll be and appreciation/understanding of what these athletes go through during school to play the sport they love and represent the school.
I know it’s difficult but these dedicated students athletes do it and then some. Some who don’t dorm wake at 4:00am to make the long commute to make practice, go to classes, then go to part time jobs then train and study. It would be nice if they could get a lot of support from the community.
I’m pretty sure if they had 600 of their fellow students out on the practice field encouraging them they might not need loud music.
Might be a great exercise program for students…train with the athletes at 7:00am…
I suppose there is a petition to ban traffic from Dole St., as well. Ban car alarms for those who park in the structure? Two more days of practice. Surely, the light-sleeping students can deal with it for two more days. I agree that 7am is too early for the loud music. I’d hope Coach will reconsider for future practices.
Its amazing what you can get used to if you decide not to be pissed about it. I live next to about 75 fighting cocks and a dozen hunting dogs. As soon as I didn’t let myself get worked up, I started to sleep.
97, he no can help cuz he one fei jai jai.
lmao at June Jones Crying Cuz he sucks
#96 I live right next to a cane haul road. Harvesting season the trucks run 24 hrs. a day. When they pass, the house shakes and on top of that I raised 12 fighting birds. Slept like a baby. One gets used to closing out noise.
Spring practice reports from Washington Huskies
Here are the headlines
The Dawgs’ quarterback position is wide open
Whoever starts at quarterback is going to have some help
Shaq Thompson is a monster — in a good way
Hau’oli Kikaha is primed for another big season
NorthShoreFan — FWIW, I agree with your #100 is possible. I can sleep with noise and light and I am usually up late at night. In my younger active duty days, I once shared a room with a Boatswain’s Mate who spent many years on very small USCG cutters…constant noise from the engines and close quarters. One could play a set of drums in the room and he could fall asleep. But, one little reading lamp light and he couldn’t sleep or would wake up. He rose at the crack of dawn.
I was eventually was assigned a room alone. I won’t tell you about the cook who had to get up at 0330 every morning…while I was up until 0200… 🙄
i sure hate to be this kid at age 50. already complaining about noise in college. welcome to the real world kid.
Excellent article, would completely agree with the majority on this one. Thanks for sharing!
Find a compromise and move on. Lived in the old athletic “dorm” next to the freeway…never bothered by the “noise” lotsa noise in life, but not worth alienating anybody if there is a reasonable solution…..really like the sounds of what is shaping up this spring. A lot more optimistic with what is going on. Watched the Washington final spring practice both impressed and not so impressed. Huskies are talented but not to the point that they can not be taken. I believe this 2014 version is a lot deeper bigger quicker and more talented than some of the rosters in the past, talking Warriors now….looking for a much improved effort and definitely some wins….Go Warriors
I’m siding with the students on this one. But 9am is kind of late.
I think the football team should watch videos in the morning of the previous practice or do weight training before 9am.
Why should it be any different, just follow C&C noise guidelines.