Pare season
The numbers won’t be as large as in past years, but there will be a few players participating in spring practice who will not be invited to training camp in August. NCAA teams are limited to 105 players for training camp, although the Rainbow Warriors’ roster may expand on Aug. 25, the first day of the fall semester.
That means tomorrow’s Spring Fling could be the final time in a UH uniform — until the fall semester, at least — for about six or seven players.
Coach Norm Chow said paring the roster is difficult.
“Decisions have to be made,” Chow said. “They’re always hard. These guys give you everything they have.”
* * * * *
Hopeful thoughts and wishes to Jared Leaf, a former UH linebacker/running back who was critically injured in an apartment fire in San Jose on Wednesday.
Leaf transferred to San Jose State last year, and was projected to be a starting linebacker. He also is an aspiring actor.
Leaf’s step-father is Erin Hall, a former Saint Louis School quarterback.
Fast recovery JARED~
The Spring Fling should be fun. Although I’m not so sure why the gates open so early when the scrimmage is at 3:30.
Guud Morning Tsaikos…bootiful day.
T-gate…flag football? will concession be open?
I was going to do a bad-pun headline for the potential cuts, using something like, “Bittersweet Pare,” until I found out that “pare” is a real Filipino dish. The easiest way to start an argument is to make a bad pun about food.
There will be a concession stand. Where the money goes, well, that I do not know.
Not sure if there also will be a RainBowTique or H-Store stand.
It would be cool if parking were free, just like at a graduation ceremony. This is sort of like a graduation ceremony, right?
Good morning everybody!
Mahalo ST….I’ll empty my bank account just to be sure.
Not sure why it took so long for some peeps to realize that UH athletics should retain all rights to logos, merchandise and food concessions.
I remember UH does have a business school yeah? Marketing?..
Oh and a culinary school and a TIM program. Not sure why they can’t utilize these students as part of a training program.
Anyhoo, I digress from Warrior Football!….yeah!…some live football to the spring!
Maybe there should be live tv too….make some $ on the commercials.
btw….luv da big fonts.
If the LPGA tournament that Michelle Wie is playing in is called Swinging Skirts, why are most of the players wearing pants?
Cuz temperature is in the mid-50s.
Prayers of healing to Jared Leaf.
Also comfort to Trevor Davis. Jared is like a brother to him. Also Trevor’s teammate just passed away after collapsing in a spring day practice.
H-Zone? They say the space at ward will be larger yet will more sports have merchandise representing them to help enhance awareness of those programs-fostering support for other sports-thus helping possible bring in interest and donations to those programs-thus furthering the bottom line for the whole athletic department? or will the narrow-sightedness of the administration flounder around the same broken model over and over again?
Is the game at TC Ching Field? and is it at 3:30 for sure? Don’t want any confusion about starting times. Planning to be there.
Very sorry to read about Jared Leaf. Best wishes and prayers to he and his ohana.
good morning JM!
Good morning Tsaikos!
Good morning DPK!
Speedy healing to Jared Leaf.
Thanks for the link Bigwave. Arkansas coach has a great point about hurry up offenses and the risk to players of size. There’s a reason soccer players are not built like football players and vice versa. There is a very real risk in asking big linemen to constantly run to exhaustion. And as long as the NFL doesn’t change the way they play the game college kids will continue to get bigger to give themselves a chance at the league. This subject will blow up one day.
ST….just listen to a portion of BC call to Coach and there was something said about the possibility of SEC etc breaking away from the NCAA and that would be the end of UH Football. I didn’t hear the whole thing so I don’t know what the heck they were talking about. Do you know anything about this?
Schedule for tomorrow’s Spring Fling
12:00 p.m. Clarence T.C. Ching Athletics Complex gates open
1:00 p.m. Youth Clinic & Keiki Games
2:00 p.m. Alumni Flag Football Game
3:30 p.m. “Warrior Bowl” Intrasquad scrimmage
we also used the word Filipino “pare” to mean friend – like, whoeee, pare! wear you been stay go?
Prayers to Jared Leaf for a full and speedy recovery!
Too bad Trevor Davis and Jared Leaf didn’t choose to stay and play for UH…I really wonder who and why they were chased off.
Jared Leaf’s position at Hawaii was RB. Surprised that he was to be a starting LB for SJSU. Speedy recovery wishes to Jared. He and Trevor Davis came from the same high school – Alhambra HS, Martinez, CA
Don’t know any filipino food called pare but yeah A-House is correct. Pare is filipino version of friend or dude.
Thoughts, prayers, and a well recovery for Jared.
Good morning everyone!
Wishing a speedy recovery for Jared Leaf!
ST: Is John Ursua done with his 2 year mission and is he going 2 play 4 the Warriors this season.
Thanks Mike!
Kare-kare maybe the flip food ?
Praying for Jared.
Letseeeee… we’ve had Cattle Calls, Karaoke Calls, Tsaikogate TV Calls, Roadtrip Calls, Dinner & Movie Calls… but from yesterday’s blog, we’re looking for a Al’s BBQ House Call. 😕
How about it, Al? Set the date and time but don’t tell us where you live. We’ll find you. 👿
I got dibs on picking up DPK… besides I have to witness the last of my 3 great blog questions of 2007 resolved…
1. Will we ever meet Brew808 in person? [done]
2. Will DPK ever find his way into Al’s house and kitchen?
3. Will the Battlestar Galactica ever find Earth? [done]
ST, maybe you thinking of paria leaves, chicken paria, or maybe balatong with paria and crispy pork skin or lechon on top.
oooooo, kare kare wth hot rice topped with bagoong alamang. Brok da mouth!
Great Afternoon All!
Healing thoughts fro Mr. Leaf.
32…you buy the stuff, i’ll make um.
# 36….maybe me will agree with you….lets see what happens with the marketing
of their ‘new look’ boutique first….mr. bj said…they expect half million profits from that…
me thinks if done right…should be as much as their tv deal with oceanic….if not more…
al, i’ll donate the kula onions, but let me know when you need it.
ok, we now an early 21 1/2 underdog to the dogs. col a house, this might be worth while looking into on the next LAS trip. hahahhaaaa
expecting at least a hundred,,,
ncaa boards votes to give the big 5 conference the go ahead to start, but final vote will be in August. my take, ok, now the rest of the d1 conferences should break away, form their own playoff system, and develop their own tv rights. this is the same approach the AFC did to take down the NFL. No negotiate with the big 5 till they give equal status. Imagine them playing each other with no panty teams on their schedules and what will their record look like.
al, for a hundred, how many pounds kula onions, 25 lbs enough????
al, if need 50 lbs, going recruit duffer to help me. hahahahaaa
# 15…..if they only talking $500 K a year…not be doing to much me thinks…
maybe manager will make 100 K a year…that buy a lot of burgers n maui onions…
gosh whitey will be rich…he he he
whitey — no contributions unless you show up in person… 🙁
It is beyond me how anyone can say we are the laughing stock of all these entities. How does one determine and measure and in the know of such an attitude unless you are present at every conference meetings etc. Ok I know it is just a play on words and not to be taken literally but please these negative generalizations well pretty ridiculous. The UH does have financial problems but we are not the only institution that is going through similar woes. It is a very difficult task when it is a State run institution that has so many hands in the pot. If you tell your athletic department that is has to be financially solvent from the current revenue stream within the UH culture than it is a problem. I don’t know the answer to this problem but the culture needs to change. The athletic department cannot run like a business if their hands our tied.
Since the training table could use additional funding, why not hold an international food festival that coincides with the Spring Fling and invite local restaurants and produce farms to participate. Its a good way to establish a rapport with local business’ and might encourage them to donate to the UH athletics training table. They could hold the event across the street from the stadium (grass area) and vendors could set up their own booth and prepare various dishes, which would also be great exposure for them. It would attract every demographic,, whether a they’re a UH sports fan or not, as everyone loves to eat.
I just keep thinking that UH athletics has to get creative in fundraising if they want to be competitive aside from just asking for donations. The rising cost of maintaining a division I program isn’t getting cheaper.
Prayers to Jared Leaf and his family.
Yea ot-808….so very right on….
but the problem is….’the unknown source’ at the admin making decisions…n hiding behind
anonymity….only when they go ‘sugar bowl’ then all come out of the wood work….
Please we all have to consider…strings are being pulled…to most…if not all problems at UHAD…remember the ‘changing of the light bulb’ episode…..or the name change…where mr. bj got admonished for his actions…
The only salvation is for ne one associated with UHAD…is to fill the stadium…fill the stanley…fill murakami…then no ones arse will need to be kissed….but even that will not please some…
At least when Mr. Wally Fujiyama was there…you knew where the power was….good or bad…
Seems to me…we got ‘sold out’ with the mountain west deal…n JD was the one to pay for it..
For some people….they are ‘naturally bright’ n will never ask advice or seek counsel…example…on the ‘wonder’ debacle…a simple phone call to Mr. Tom Moffatt…n that entire fiasco would never have happen….sad part is we have ‘experts’ …in Hawaii…that would give advice ‘pro bono’ very many here would help….no one ask…n so we pay n pay…taxpayers foot the bill cuz Mr.Anonymous up there in ADMIN is ‘naturally bright’…..
You must be an old soul Trojan to remember Mr. Wally Fujiyama.
Shoko that is a very good suggestion. The marketing department at the UH is there but non existent. UH administrative powers seem to stifle creativity. I’ve read so many creative ideas from the Tsaikos and all have merit to be discussed by the UH Athlete department. I hope Ben Jay takes heart to the suggestions that are coming from this blog. These are suggestions from the heart and soul of individuals who care about UH athletics and the University.
athletics…no like get scolding from ST for bad spelling
not bad spelling wrong usage of a word in a sentence.
ha ha ot-808….if ST was a educator…i know me would never get a ‘F’…..there must be something worst then that…maybe expulsion…he he he
I want to see the spring game (or now practice). How can a fan who loves this team see this from the Mainland?
wow, wally fujiyama. one mean looking bugga, but had a heart of gold. the old days kinda avoided him cause thought he one mean bugga with plenty power, but how wrong was my judgement. he was a super nice guy who just couldn’t get the hang of karaoke. he told me he needs to improve his karaoke because of his connections to japan. true, true, true.
MR.SHOKO… belong or should be on the UHAD marketing team…n leading it…if they have one…excellent idea to get people involved….n don’t forget folks…when you attend….bring a canned or rice or cup of noodle….
Mr. Tsai maybe just maybe you might have your staff go back to some of these ideas and list them down and give it to Mr. Jay. In marketing you throw everything out the window and start brain storming and think out of the box because that’s what needs to happen for our UH Athletic Department to find their niche. We also need a creative marketing platform for the Asian Market. The Pac 10 or 12 or whatever they call themselves have been developing a plan for the Asian market.
“It’s Aloha Friday, No Work Till Monday…,doot, do,doo….”
“Pfssst, ahhhhh!” Firs sip is da bes!
Now, Let’s Go Bows!!
boya-jr….just maybe uhad marketing…can get a camera there…get some scaffold…n have sumone tape it…wont take much…i know the coaches will have tape for them to evaluate
the players…not sure if they will share it…but then of course….fans are not important…n sounds like a excellent idea…so don’t count on it…so it will go in the trash dept.for evaluation…should have answer by 2020…he he he
I have a pic of the FB Alums from the reception this evening. Someone want to let me know how to post photos??
send it to ST…he can post it.
Pac-12’s website will be broadcasting spring scrimmages for various schools. Something UH should do for the followers.
ST’s email address??
Everyone show up and support the football team. It will be good seeing them close up again. Kudos to new coaches working extremely hard.
# 65……..agree you…maybe that Mr.B dude from the ‘home team’ was alluding to that when he said. the uhad ‘leaving money on the table’….just small thingy…but does keep the fans connected…
stadium? les murakami? ching field?
grass area = soccer field? rwss?
btw, can anyone confirm that the aloha stadium has lost the small parking lot accross from richardson field to the rail.
Not too lucky with Hawaiian Air of late. First it was our LV to Hon flight getting diverted to LA last month. Currently sitting on my Hon to Maui flight refueling in Honolulu! What? The Short runway was too wet to land to let us land? OK, do I get extra miles for this. Hehe.
Please provide Spring Fling updates. Go Bows! Thanks.