Pair to grayshirt
It appears that Aiea’s Ualesi “Wesley” Sale and Kealakehe’s David Fangupo will grayshirt this season and join the Rainbow Warriors in January.
Sale was named to the Star-Advertiser’s 2012 all-state third team as a linebacker. He played at 6-3 and 225 pounds.
Fangupo, mostly a defensive lineman, was an Internet sensation after the You Tube release of his highlight video as a 350-pound running back.
* * * * *
Co-chair Princess Leila is offering two free tickets to Sunday’s REACH Out fund-raising event that will benefit after-school programs for middle-school students.
To enter, please post: I want to REACH Out.
Avis will select a (non-spam) winner.
The event is this Sunday, from 4:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., at the Pagoda Restaurant.
Food stations include: Pineapple Room by Alan Wong, Murphy’s Bar and Grill, JJ Dolans, JJ Bistro, Hanapa‘a Sushi, Honolulu Burger Col, Hawaiian King, Hukilau Cafe, Nalo Farms, Pint & Jigger, and Pagoda Restaurant.
Drink stations will offer: Beer, wine, and martinis.
Entertainment will include: Hoaikane, Anuhea, Justin Young, Weldon Kekauoha, Manoa DNA, Jon Yamasato, Micah G, Kama Kakaio, Funkshun, and Royal Kunia Street Ban.
If you don’t win, you can still attend by purchasing tickets at $75 apiece, with a portion tax deductible.
For details, click on the link: REACH Out
* * * * *
UH AD Ben Jay will meet the readers at 5 p.m. today at the ‘Ewa Hospitality Room in the Stan Sheriff Center.
Our resident judge, Tom Mui, will provide the details.
Good morning everybody!
Good morning. What time is UH football practice on weekday and weekend (Sat & Sun)? I’m visiting Honolulu for a few days and what to see the boys. Also, what are the details of the Chat with AD session today? Is this online chat or in-person meeting, and where can I go?
Good morning everyone!
Wow–top 5?
I think 7-on-7s are at 3:30 this afternoon.
If it’s just conditioning drills, there are sessions at 6 a.m., 8 a.m. and 1 p.m.
There will be no UH-superivsed drills next week. It’s what the NCAA calls a “discretionary” week. But players will be working out on their own.
Good afternoon!
Hey, top 100!
Thanks, Stephen. I’m here with the wife for a friend’s wedding. While she’s doing wedding stuff, I’m going to try to do official Warrior business. 7 on 7’s great!
boya_jr — do you reside in Hawaii or on the mainland? If mainland, please share your city and state. I will add it to the Tsai-ko Mainland/International list:
You also may attend the Meet the AD session this evening. Tom Mui will explain the details.
Hopefully the pair uses this year to get bigger stronger faster
I think one of them only needs to get stronger and faster.
SteveM, I live in San Francisco. Some of my UH alum friends and I try to make it to one or two away games a year. Last year we was @SDSU. I read Warriorbeat everyday. Thanks!!!
Leila is the co-chair of what? Reach Out? Why are they serving alcohol at a event for middle school students? Why not offer cigarettes as well. Or fatty foods.
Yes, I am just grouchy today.
Gray shirting is OK – main thing is get everything in order academically to be come eligible in January 2014.
ST, will they count for 2013 or 2014 if they gray shirt?
any more “coconut wireless” news of former local players who went off to the mainland and want to finish at UH?
or, BCS players who will be leaving or thinking of leaving or left their school and looking for a new home/start – UH maybe in the “middle of the Pacific”, but it is the best place on earth (IMHO)!
At least you’re not posting in triplicate.
Click on the link for details about the organization and the event.
Scholarship players who transfer to UH count as initials.
No player from Hawaii who went away to play on scholarship is expected to be added to the 2013 roster.
Hope a lot of Tsai-kettes and Tsai-kos show up to meet BJ the AD.
boya_jr — thanks! Please let me know what away games you plan to attend. Send me an email: stevem.hnl (at) if you hope to meet other Tsai-kos attending those games. The resource listing is at:
boya jr. is another excellent example of former Hawaii residents who will make every attempt to support the Warriors when they play on the mainland – thank you, thank you!
while we got smashed at SDSU, it was great to revisit the city as our last visit was for the Holiday Bowl in 1992 – old Spanish Town is so different today – we didn’t have the nerve to enter the ‘haunted” houses – too busy looking at all the “tourist items” for sale
Good luck to Princess Leila…hopefully the event is a HUGE success!!
I want to REACH Out.
And I also want to BEAT USC!!!
I Want to Reach out
Thanks, SteveM, let you know when I decide which games to attend. @Nevada might be the highest probability, but will email you anyways now, so you have my email.
A-House, @SDSU was a great roadie. I flew SFO to LAX, rented a car, drove down through Westminster to eat some authentic Vietnamese food (Brodard). Then, drive down I-5 to San Diego. I had a UH flag on my car rental. Saw and waved at other UH fans along the way. Met up with friends in SD who flew direct, tailgated at Qualcomm Stadium where I saw tons of Hawaii fans. Hung out by the UH merchandising booth, randomly saw people I knew. Game, not too good, but cool to be in NFL stadium. After the game ate at Phil’s BBQ, and then partied hard in Gaslamp. Woke up the next day drove back up to LA, met up with wifey in Santa Monica bc she was in LA for business and then checked out Din Tai Fung in Pasadena (xiaolongbao). UH road games are so fun. Reno will probably be golf, gambling, game (3G).
Sorry you (Stephen Tsai) will not be able to make it for the Tsaiko meet Ben Jay.
There isn’t much detail to give other than it may be the usual talk by the AD and some Q&A.
I would imagine that when we break up, everyone will rush to their favorite watering hole to eat, drink and talk story.
As Jim Leahey once asked about the Tsaikos – don’t you guys have a life?
Mr. Jay is probably wondering about it too.
Tom, if I can go, will be my first time. Where and when tonight for AD Q&A? Thank you.
boya jr:
We stayed at the Omni International hotel next to the Convention Center and Gas Lamp district and hotel had a walk-way to the Padres stadium.
Enjoyed the food near the hotel – especially the breakfast places where they served chonkers size bacon, 5 or 6 pieces, and huge pancakes for $6-7.
The train tracks were just across the street and its final stop was at Qualcom Stadium – I asked our tour guide why we didn’t take the train as the bus route was a pisser going through all the neighborhoods with narrow streets and getting out of the stadium parking lot was an unpleasant 45-55 minute adventure with cars continuously cutting us off – me thinks the driver didn’t know his way out of the stadium – our tour guide did not do a good job of checking out the area.
maybe will get to meet you tonight
ST, you are the master in deleting the “spam” so quickly!
I want to REACH Out.
boya_Jr #26
5:00PM ‘Ewa Hospitality Room in the Stan Sheriff Center.
Good morning,
I want to reach out
Go Warriors
Yesterday you said there were seven commits, but what about Fitou Fisiiahi of Kaiser? Is he still a verbal?
is Tigi Hill already here?
Calen will be attending and will take pictures with anyone who might want a pic.
Bring the big lens. Ha ha!
I want to REACH out!
I want to REACH Out.
Good Morning Gangeez!
Give those two gray shirts a year to develop and watch what they do! Study hard, work hard, Fangupo and Sale!
PolyMom don’t you mean the wide lens! My sons are Kailua grads who played baseball while Calen was there so I’ve seen him grow from a relatively skinny 215 or so to a guy I wouldn’t want to have to feed today. There was also at least one other Friel who attended Kailua. Are they his brothers? The one I remember stood about 6’4″ or so.
Welcome home boya_jr!
I’m sure that by now you have found SteveM’s site to be loaded with background info, historical stuff as well as hysterical stuff, showcasing the Tsaiko’s at play.
Enjoy your time on the Tsaiko ward today.
,Go Warriors!
What happened to the Warrior Beat banner at the top?
I want to REACH Out.
…ask the Blog Host?
Not Found
The requested URL /uhsportsextra/wp-content/themes/sb-blogs/images/rssLogo_header.gif was not found on this server.
I want to REACH Out.
If someone could tell Mr. Jay mahalo nui loa this afternoon for bringing back the Rainbow name I’d be much obliged.
Big Guys that use Guns, are compensating for “other” deficiencies in “size”…….hmmmm…..?
If you gonna execute somebody….”don’t chew blue gum”……
Yes, brain size.
You got to laugh at this “spammer” poor guy has not better to do to get attention, albeit negative attention, by concocting these rediculous messages. I believe most of us are numb to the inconvenience and only feel pity for the poor soul.
I wonder if Ben Jay can bring back the Warrior Beat banner.
Maybe it’s in Rich Sheriff’s office, along with the 2002 men’s volleyball banner.
I’m starting to like you Buffoman.
You have a very good perspective.
Wea a-joe stay. He can make one banna foa us guys.
Eh! Can o wat.
55 is a good number.
Out of practice.
Need to work on the accent.
Do not want to be called a kotonk . . . again.
The banner no stay on this server.
I thought it was katonk?
turf war that was his brother Corey. He played O Line at Pasadena City College. Several distractions back here in Hawaii ( girlfriend) calling 24/7 and lack pf support from friends here back home. One of the main reasons he left football was due to Joe Montana. His son Nate played with him as the QB. Mr. Montana’s constant harassment and demoralizing the Coaches and all the players on his team resulted in his loss for the love of the game. What parent goes in the tunnel and screams at the Coaches and other players. And you have to have a passion to play football.
BTW if you google the Montana boys you will see they go from school to school. Nate was a nice kid who wanted to play baseball.
RE: #56
wafan — speaking of “accent”, LizKauai shared this one…
…no forget set to “pidgin mode” 😛
–OK, maybe this is in bad taste, but funny… OK to delete, ST.
Found the logo:
Warrior Beat logo
Click on the above “Warrior Beat logo”
Kids at the amusement park must be having a great time in the thunderstorm — lightening strikes all over the place.
Disappointed that Fangupo won’t play in the fall. Seeing him run some guys over would have been entertaining in itself.
Thanks PolyMom. Interesting story. But yes I have absolutely witnessed parents affect the love of the game for their own kids and others. I will tell you Calen has a great demeanor about him and a smile that can brighten your day. Will be fun to see Calen and Chauncy bang heads again.
Manoa Mist #45 – you should come bye and tell him yourself!
Did anybody read the new novel Hawaii by Mark Panek? One of the story lines is the fixing of a UH football game (UH vs UNLV). UNLV DB was going to make sure UNLV didn’t make the spread. However, the double fix was in, a UH LB misses a tackle allowing UNLV to score and beat the spread… Novel is by a UH Hilo professor… lots of name dropping and inside rumors… kind of hard to read cuz of all the story lines switching back and forth… but i enjoyed…
I want to REACH OUT
@ 55
I think my number is better
!@$~%$~%#$@ spam stole my #
spoke too soon
The egg rolls used as a bribe must have been ono-licious.
At least I hope they were.
I want to REACH out
73 is a good number, too.
So is 74.
75 is better
All ahoy! I want to REACH Out.
I want to REACH Out.
Sorry we had to leave. We had to attend a family dinner as my Aunt died. Still planning the funeral for Saturday.
Conveyed your message – and he thanks you!
Woman: Do you drink beer?
Man: Yes
Woman: How many beers a day?
Man: Usually about 3
Woman: How much do you pay per beer?
Man: $5.00 which includes a tip
(This is where it gets scary !)
Woman: And how long have you been drinking?
Man: About 20 years, I suppose
Woman: So a beer costs $5 and you have 3 beers a day which puts your spending each month at $450. In one year, it would be approximately $5400 …correct?
Man: Correct
Woman: If in 1 year you spend $5400, not accounting for inflation, the past 20 years puts your spending at $108,000, correct?
Man: Correct
Woman: Do you know that if you didn’t drink so much beer, that money could have been put in a step-up interest savings account and after accounting for compound interest for the past 20 years, you could have now bought a Ferrari?
Man: Do you drink beer?
Woman: No
Man: Where’s your Ferrari?
If it’s not too late, I want to REACH Out
Mahalo to Ben Jay for giving us the time tonight. A very special thanks to Tommui for setting this all up.
It was informative to say the least.
time to run
Good Evening Folks!
I want to REACH Out.
SteveM, I have to work late shift Friday–so Hubs & I prolly won’t make it to Genji until 7:00pm!
Go Rainbow Warriors! BEAT USC!!!
Mahalo to the UHAD for investing time with the Tsaikos.
Unfortunately, I was indisposed and didn’t attend but am looking forward to the full scoops from those unbounded by journalistic ethics! 😈
I want to REACH Out
No problem, mo808 — I think everyone got the word and the web page announcement was updated the day you emailed.
Cruiser Call tomorrow. We will be discussing First-Cruise tips, caveats, and general experiences over dinner/pupus . Also Q&A for prospective cruisers. All Tsai-kos invited…RSVP not necessary.
Due to timing of this event, it is likely to evolve into a Karaoke Call around 9:00 pm. 🙄
I want to REACH Out.
I want to REACH Out again.
I want to REACH Out
Mr. Chicken Grease,
I know you are reading this (and posting all this spam) … I hope you realize that in the past I stood up for you… With every spam post you make, you make me look and feel horrible for doing that…
To the spammer: Mr. FIGEL, go work on your own Star Advertiser blog.
Figel finds false foundation faking faith.
warriorny, if Figel pretends to be a person of faith and does this, what makes you think he will care about any person other than himself? Alcoholism is sad and pretending to be a recovering addict is just as sad.
Good morning!
Nothing like a thunderstorm at night.
The capon was busy.
The high in Independence is supposed to be in the low 80’s. They are saying the humidity will be on the low side. Yesterday their “low” humidity was 91.
Funny, guys.
Oops, that is supposed to be the low 90’s.
I have kids who have not experienced the joys of Krispie Kreme.
We will be forced to stop and educate them.
How ’bout forecast high of 118 today in Phoenix.
I want to REACH out.
Re: Meeting W/AD
My overall impression is one of deep respect for the man. He kept us engaged in a 2 way conversation for a little over 2 hours! All the while, he very patiently revealed his vision for UH. He fielded our questions and concerns with the confidence of a man who really wants to get ‘er done!
It was a standing room only group of Tsaiko’s that met with the AD. There was much to be said by both parties as the discussion finally came to a reluctant conclusion. I say that only because the AD was so eager to give us a detailed plan of action, that he didn’t want to stop! BG & Tom Mui tried to bring the talk to a conclusion, but it apparently had triggered the real passion that this man has for his position. He continued engaging with small clusters of very appreciative Tsaiko’s for over 30 minutes after the room was cleared!
We didn’t solve all the troubles of a department that is struggling to keep it’s head above the fiscal flood of debt, but many great ideas were exchanged. He keyed on several issues that were problematic to him. Attendance was high on his list. He seemed surprised that we were on the same wave length when it came to solutions. One of several ideas included revitalizing the MWR ticketing program with our island military that had been so successful in the past. This is just an inkling of what transpired over the course of our discussion.
I’m convinced that we left a very good impression on the man with the plan. I don’t think he realized what a truly informative cross-section of dedicated individuals that make up this rag tag group of mild mannered Tsaiko’s.
ST ~ Please pass on our thanks (again!) to the AD for taking a huge chunk of his personal time to meet with us.
Oh…and a personal note to the wives: Your husband really was at a meeting that ran right thru the Happy Hour with the AD. He did not partake of any ‘adult beverages’ while on campus.
Mahalo Kekoa on last night meeting .
Morning All……..looking forward to our projected 114 today before the 117 weekend.
Stay cool AZ
Great Morning All!
Mahalo for the 411, Kekoa.
702WarriorFan ~
117? Yikes!
Are you being punished with the. Heat by the Casino Gods to drive you back indoors?
morning gang!
Uncle Kekoa – thank you for sharing
Kekoa –
The best and highest compliment I heard from a fellow Tsaiko as we were leaving the meeting was that our new AD is a “straight shooter”. Mr. Jay did not sugar coat any of the Athletic Department’s most pressing issues and he clearly has a handle on the situation.
There are more than a few inequities which need to be addressed if we want to give our scholar athletes the support they deserve and to give UH Athletics strong outlook going forward. As you said, Mr. Jay’s a man of confidence who wants to get ‘er done. He will need the support of the fans, the legislature and the upper campus to do so. I wish him every success as he faces the challenges, and I hope we can see a renewed push by everyone in the state as well as expats and supporters on the mainland, to help deliver the first rate Athletics program for the University of Hawai’i deserves.
Mahalo to Judge Mui for a very arranging informative evening with Mr. Jay! And thank, you, Ben Jay.
Casinos found a way to turn up the heat to keep everyone in doors especially our HI/CA visitors for the 4th celebration and locals too.
Was a cool 82 at 0600 for our walk.
Take care and be safe!
Thought I’d share this wonderful production.
Loa ~
You’re welcome. I’m glad ST and Tom set it up. You could feel the positive energy in the room…it really was rivieting.
Kekoa, DPK –
Thank you for your reports on the session with Ben Jay. I’m glad it was a productive and informative exchange.
Congrats to Tom Mui for coordinating the meeting.
And thank you to Ben Jay for taking the time from his busy schedule to meet with an important group of loyal UH fans.
“a strong outlook going forward” that should read above. Excuse any other errors above – I do not possess the 24/7 clarity which Kekoa so abundantly does.
@151 ~
What a great collaberation by our island musicians for a historical presentation of one of our most beloved songs. Mahalo for sharind 702WF!
Good Morning Folks!
Mahalo, Kekoa for the meeting highlights above! Wishing Mr. Jay every success!
Have a Happy Aloha Friday Everyone!
Dpk ~ So then what happens?…I immediately follow your complement with a mistake in typing the word ‘sharind’ instead of ‘sharing!’ Bwhahaha!
I’ll betcha “sharind” means something really neat and you don’t even realize it, Kekoa!
Speaking of Sharind… big MAHALO to 702WarriorFan for the link above! That was Awesome!
Kekoa…thank you. It’s awesome to hear so many Tsaikos cared enough to go to the meeting. You guys rock! Also, DPK, thank you for your words as well. Spelling smelling, you guys got the point across just fine.Tom Mui, thank you. ST, thank you as well. You have more than a job, I’m sure you realize. Feels like fans are finally starting to rally around the AD. I hope anyway. Go Bows!
Hawaiian Fuud at Hale Ikena today! I’m calling a CC.
Shucks, no can lunch today 🙁 Slugger…enjoy extra fo mo808 🙂
702WarriorFan, that was toooooooo goooooood. Thanks brah!
I will be sharinding all day today at Kapolei. Kekoa, thanks for the positive recap of da meeting. No worry, your house safe from errant golf balls. I no can hit dat far any moa.
Good morning everybody!
DPK, I just like give a shout out for your sharind. I looked it up in da dictionaryind and it means that you are the sharindest person. That means that you coooooollll man.
Have a sharind-dippety day papajoe!
just gotta keep watching it can stop…da bestest vidayoh!