On the road to North Texas
“Ferd” and the blog host will be arriving in Dallas/Arlington today to cover the national championship game.
We’ll have stories/columns/features and so forth on the event the next several days. And, yes, we’ll also provide ample coverage on Ohio State, too.
And, of course, we’ll provide barbecue photos.
Follow us on Twitter: Blog host tweets and “Ferd” tweets
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ST—Do I need Mrs. Boola to get you one script for your insomnia? Damn, one post in the dark of night….??!
That said, ekahi!!!
It was a sleepless flight over the Pacific. Sat next to a 350-pound guy who had an expired-milk aroma.
He kept eating, then using the bathroom, then eating … Rinse. Repeat.
ST—my condolences. In a former job, I use to travel around the south pacific, and well, lets say there were a lot of big poly folks on my flights, and I was often the seated in the middle seat for their folly and recreation.
WOW ST, all expense paid trip to the football Mecca to watch the Hawaiian Heisman go for the National Championship. Can it get any better than that?
Yes, PLEASE! pics and vids of the sights and sounds. ENJOY!
ST–if you have a free morning…you gotta go to–The Mecca — An old Dallas standard. Big-big breakfast, made fast. Pancakes are great, the biscuits and gravy wonderful. Huge homemade cinnamon rolls, bountiful omelets. 10422 Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas
Samoan size portions…
I see scout has Elu Aydon, DT, American Samoa, back on Hawaii’s prospect list. Guessing he will follow coach Chad Kaha’aha’a from Wisconsin to Oregon St. or even commit to Washington State where Joe Salave’a is D-Line coach.
ST and anyone else—are they going to just swap coaches–cray-cray!! See; http://bills.buffalonews.com/2015/01/07/rex-ryan-will-hold-court-with-the-pegulas/
Tsafe travels to you and Los Ferd, Stephen!
The good news is, your odds of sitting next to that guy on the return trip would be very, very low. Not to mention, boola has already got a nice eatery picked out for you – boola’s good that way. And finally – watching a homeboy Heisman winner win the NC is the next best thing to watching the Rainbow Warriors doing the same.
Oh yeah… and the Barbecue!
Oh, I thought Ben Jay scheduled a future Fball road game with the North Texas Mean Green
Maybe the UH coaches can pay ST under the table to recruit some Texas kids for Hawaii since they don’t know how…. Just hit up Blinn and Navarro and can find upgrades immediately. Just keep it on the DL.
It should be great to be in Dallas for the National Championship game…They do everything BIG in Dallas, so you may want to ask for the kiddie meals. Enjoy!
any of our coaches attending AFCA Coaching Convention? or we just gonna stay holed up and stick to having no connections.
So who did all the booking, you or Ferd or some hard working,
underpaid secretary at the SB? Hope you got nice seats…
up in the press box? 🙂
It will be a great game for spectators alike. I would like leave the blog with a few findings on Marcus Mariota (3%) and his stardom and impact on Hawai’i’s politics and sports. From a formula I came up with. Athletes or this part of the demographics and location will draw the most attention to the game on Jan. 12, 2015. 2:30 p.m. Not sure if I’ll be watching it yet.
Hawai’i; 1,404,059 people(2012)
Demographic studies,
1. High School statistics is most affected
-> Athletes or jocks (3% of the total population)
-> Popular clicks, proms and dances
-> Geeks and honor students
-> Surfers
-> other students
2. Adults, 3. Family of 4 or 5 4. Poor people 5. Rich, Millionaire and beyond.
Yo, Stephen. Did the guy you were sitting next to on the plane go by the first name, Jamie?
Marcus Mariota former St. Louis High School athlete/student 2010. Next year if he plays, he will be 23 years old man by his senior year. He is a Samoan decent and of Hawaiian ancestry and lived in Hawai’i all his life. He is 6-4 feet/inches tall man and on the Oregon Ducks football team in Dallas, Texas. St. Louis High School is located on Waialae avenue, just right off the University Of Hawai’i at Manoa in Manoa, and St. Louis H.S. is sharing a campus with Chaminade University. He will have passed all other athletes Hawai’i has ever known. Heisman trophy winner 2014 and 2015 season. No other collegiate athletes to date has ever passed his accomplishments in the sport of football. One small note of fact people have brought up. Marcus Mariota owns the top vote on college football accomplishments since anyone can remember. Heisman trophy is Marcus Mariota’s defining moment of accomplishments. We will see if he can put up one more, the national title in Dallas, Texas.
RE: #11
DPK — do you remember when ST thought of us and BBQ’s? 🙂
I was suprised to be included, but we decided that Al could be the executive chef and homey the bouncer. ST later decided the name of the restaurant should be “Have a Cow BBQ”
BTW, there were 374 blog comments that day.
But I digress.
15. We got connections…. Remember last year when we needed a RB and Norm called his friend from Cerritos? We landed the speedy Dominique Small…
Hawaii has connections..
#s 21 & 22:
Is small still on the team? did he red-shirt last year?
Don’t recall his name or I was just not paying attention.
aloha all !! wow lucky guys !! enjoy!! have fun and lets hope he saved his best game for last !! go ducks!! and to ST the win going make the ride home way mo better no matter flumes !! lol local boi all da way!!
Sonny Bryans is the best BBQ in all of Texas and we tried them all in our 5 years in Texas,
ST –
Be careful on the roads tomorrow and through the weekend. Texas drivers aren’t as good at driving in ice and snow as you and Ferd. 🙂
Duck fans asked to wear yellow. Buckeye fans asked to take off panties.
Don’t know if he’s still with the team……but definitely played last season…..against Northern Iowa (3 carries for 7 yards). While stats don’t indicate it, I recall that he got knocked out of the game on the same play that he fumbled the ball.
How about,
Unfortunately, Saltlick is a good 2.5 hours away…..closer to Austin–but, very good.
boola, duffer,
Red Rock Casino had a Saltlick a while back. Ate there several times and was not impressed.
Assume the TX locations better than what we experienced.
New post: http://hawaiiwarriorworld.com/?p=26953