“Nasti” to rejoin Warriors
UH head coach Greg McMackin confirmed that Nate “Nasti” Ilaoa is rejoining the Warriors as a student manager. McMackin said Ilaoa, who was drafted by the Philadelphia Eagles in 2007, has to complete one class to earn a bachelor’s degree.
* * *
Things are good between Jim Donovan and June Jones. Donovan has agreed to play in Jones’ golf tournament next month in Kona.
* * *
Did we mention that Dana Takahara-Dias and Corey Nielsen will be Tuesday’s guests on the Warrior Beat Show?
* * *
Robert Kekaula made a succesful, although painful, recovery from surgery to replace a pacemaker. He is resting at home.
Comments are closed.
numero uno
take it easy big guy, hope you have a restful sleep tonight…maybe Tsai can sing you a lullaby to put you sleep…
top five
I read Eric Dickerson, Louie Kelcher, Jerry LeVias and Welker will also be there…
JJ spent a lot of time on the golf courses the last few days- Byron Nelson and Colonial tournaments. He must be in good health to walk the course…
Hi ST!
1. Welcome back, Nasti!!!
2. Been following JJ’s tweets. Sure sounds like the JJ we love. Mr. Inspiration.
3. Yes- read your tweet
4. RK- prayers for your rapid recovery and good health!
Now Nitey Nite!
I wonder when we will hear from bhf2, haven’t heard from him in a while.
good to hear that all’s well with roberto. we need to talk story one day.
really great to hear that a lot of the warriors are coming back to complete their degree work.
i’ll bet that the nasti one would love to strap em on one day at practice. so will he be assisting brian smith or stutz1?
idk about tsai singing lullabies?
his reportoire borders more on inspirational music genre.
al, do you and RK have something in common?
top 15!
cheepono out.
ST: You wanted something from PIAA ?
Update on UH recruit on PIAA
Reeve Koehler / St Louis class of 2013 / OL 6’3 298.4
Coach Mack offered him last year as an 8th grader.
Mentioned in national sports news back then.
Auryte, nice to see Nate back at UH. One of my favorite running backs to wear the Warrior Uniform ever. I hope he gets healthy and gets himself back into an NFL camp somewhere. Or better yet I wish he still had some eligibility left to play for us again. Bruddah Colt Brennan was getting all the publicity but if wasn’t for his sidekick Nate Ilaoa, who knows if we would’ve seen the amount of success during those years?
Welcome back, Nasti.
Congrats on working on your degree.
Welcome back, Timmy Chang.
Congrats on working on your degree.
re #16
Didn’t Colt say “Nasti was the straw that sirs the drink” ,
or something like that.
And Colt treated his 5 OL & Nasti to pizza.
It was either on mondays or tuesdays, every week.
Colt showed his appreciation to his boys.
Remember ???
Aloha Tsai-kos:
Just received an email from SteveM. Good to hear from him.
I’m still on deployment. Should be back home sometime in August.
Great to hear about Dana. She’s a great players’ coach, but more importantly, she’s a great person. We were at UH at the same time and I recall how we (quite a few student-athletes) would go to watch the Wahines play. We also worked together while she worked in the Hannemann administration. She’s a pleasure to work with. I’m sure we’re going to get back to the glory days of the Vince Goo era.
I’m going to be bringing my family to a few games when I get back.
Anyway, I’m excited about the upcoming football season. Already have our reservations and plans for the Las Vegas game in September.
Aloha, K. Mark
K. Mark ~
“It all counts toward your 20!”
Keep busy, and the rest of your time will zip by ’till August. We’ll look for you in the Manoa Maniacs section at the season opener!
HB1500 made a hard landing, but we survived the crash. Hawaii’s loss. We were excepted with open arms on the mainland. Thanks for your support.
Go Warrior…get ‘er done and return safely to your Ohana.
fo shua, das why Colt Brennan is realleh one local bruddah in disguise. He is da coolest haole on the planet. Think about it, anybody who get pineapples shipped from Hawaii all the way to D.C. gotta be Ha-Y-N!
Aloha to Rep. Takai! I’m glad that you will be back for the football season and hope to see you in Vegas.
Pauoa Boy,
Nice to see you on the blog! I hope that everything is going well for you.
Great news about Robert Kekaula! I hope that he gets a lot of rest and is back to normal quickly.
It is great that Nate will be helping out the Warriors and getting his degree! I’m also glad that Timmy Chang will be getting his degree and helping out the compliance office…the compliance office needs all the manpower it can get and as a student assistant he (and Nate) won’t be making much.
Congratulations to Shawn Withy-Allen for leading his team to a win last night.
Article about how Chicago’s coach is happy that they signed Pisa.
Corey Nielsen I glad you on our team buleh. You get da kine of attitude that going rub off on your teammates and bring positive vibes. I like how the Coaches are recruiting not only great athletes, but great students, and role model type guys. I hope I can make it on Tuesday’s Chat for ask you some questions, but for now welcome to Da Warrior Nation!
Notes about the record-setting 25 inning game that Texas won yesterday. The good thing for them is that they are still undefeated in the regional, the lesser number of games should help their pitching staff. Texas was playing at home, so the fans actually stuck around for the 25 innings!
I feel badly for Boston College–they played a 25-inning game that ended last night and they have to play the early game today!
Good Sunday morning everyone!
Howzit Garret,
Now that we settled in and got a good operation tempo going, I try sneak in sometime to check out the news and blog. Anyway, the good thing is get Wifi out here so I should be able to catch some games online when the season starts. Plus there’s always some genius out here who knows how to Jimmy Rig some stuff so can watch ESPN and stuff.
Last day of May. Whoo-hoo!
PB . . .
Stay well. Good to see you here.
Great Morning All!
It’s a terrific time when you can welcome back a son….
The Warriors get a favorite son back in the fold. Welcome back Nasti! Finishing up and getting that degree is a terrific thing!
What is his major?
Welcome home, Nasti!
Good luck to you and Tim in your endeavors to complete your degrees. ‘attaway!!!
Aloha Pauoa Boy! Glad you folks stay settled in; only wish it didn’t need to be over there 🙁
Stay safe and hope da family is doing good.
Good to hear that TC is finishing up, too.
K. Mark,
Great to hear from you! Look forward to seeing you and your family at some Tsaikogates.
Dats a real local bruddah….talking about goin’ Vegas! as soon as he get back! 😆
d1 . . .
re: K. Mark
Nah. He really is a local guy because he is already dreaming of Las Vegas BEFORE he gets home.
Come home, greet the family, kiss the wife, pack for Las Vegas. From what I have seen it does not always happen in that order. Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Pauoa Boy are you in Kuwait or Iraq?
Did your wife give birth or got to wait a little longer?
Pauoa Boy,
If you have WiFi, I can hook you up with my Slingbox. That way you can watch the game live, or if you are busy then you can watch it from my DVR. E-mail me before the season starts…I’m looking to get a Slingbox set up in Hawaii so that there could be games available for Slingbox that I don’t get.
Looks like summoa warm weather for you, eh? #2 son said was hot in OR when he left.
K. Mark good to hear from you and stay safe in Kuwait….and tell your fellow legislators not to raid the 911 enhanced reserve fund, better yet, since the system is already in place and paid for, stop collecting the 911 tax in our cell bill. Also, do not raid the transit G.E. tax people having been paying for the last few years, if the system is a go, the State got to match the Federal funds…
d1 . . .
c_c will be very happy this week. By Wednesday it will be in the 80’s! Where I am we should get up to the mid to upper 80’s.
Good morning Tsaikos, D1, Ralph, wafan, Garret, PB, Mark K
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
Nice to hear from Mark Takai and our own Pauoa Boy.. Be safe both of you.
Excellent news about Nate, good for him and good for the team.
Hi Whitey!
How are the Blind Man and wife doing?
Praise the Lord for Bruddah Robert’s recovery and prognosis. Take it slow big fella.
today we honor our fallen heros and our family members who have passed on. we also thank all of them for being americans and thank them for their guidance through life. like the song says “God bless America, land that I love, stand beside her, and guide her”, on this day you are not forgotten.
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It’s nice to see P-Boy & K Mark posting from far away places. Mahalo for your service to our nation and values! Stay safe! 😀
morning DPK, brew808
Hey Tsaikos! If you get a chance, go visit Kelli’s new blog/home called “Real Life 101”. It took her two majors, Phi Beta Kappa, and countless Creative Writing classes to come up with the new blog title! 😆 😯 😀
whitey – chorizo vs. p-sausage contest? 😯 😆 🙄
Welcome home to our former Warrior stalwarts! It’s good to have our favorite sons back in the fold…and that includes D-1’s #2 back from the Republic of Oregon.
I’m glad to see Coach Dana Takahara-Dias & Corey Nielsen as guest on the Wai/Tsai Show – but don’t they each deserve their own episode? 🙄
I enjoyed all of Spencer Smith’s responses. I wish someone had asked him why he’s so different and toughing out staying in the 808 when so many others (East of the Rockies) have bailed. Kudos to him for that and another reason for this Tsaiko to pull for him! 😀
Howzit Whitey, Kekoa, brew, and wafan.
(whispering)somebuddy like let whitey know that, altho it’s a good ting to always remember them, Memorial Day was last week?
Howzit whitey! 🙂 😆 😀
Kekoa – Did you really have shaved ice yesterday?
I wonder if they have Jager shaved ice? 🙄 😀 😯
Space ships, time-warp, Maui time…. 😀
Mahalo! Trying fo’ wake him up now…get lots to do today
So…. do we cheer for UDub since they’re the only West coast team and non-SEC WSB remaining? Plenty of Canadians on their team. I wonder if they have those fancy driver’s licenses like wafan was
babbling aboutdescribing the other day? 🙄Go Wahine!!! 😆
So sorry Doris for not answering your post yesterday. I’m glad you enjoyed the Malasadas baked fresh from my Portuguese brick oven in my back yard. Like everything else I bake in it, I set it at 5 degrees for 3 days and it comes out perfect everytime!
Congrads on conducting another successful Combine. Young Abe was doing a great job as the “Bouncer” at the main entrance. It must have been heartwarming to have many of your former attendants come back to give you their support.
malasadas sound good…. I wonder where I can find some….. 😯 🙄 😕
Brew ~ Nah…I just wanted to ‘needle’ Wafan.
I was too busy conducting an emergency EIS at another infamous Sports bar with a rag-tag group of miscreants from the WB. We also calibrated their dart equipment while we were there. The owner claimed it was working “jez fine” before we got there.
Btw, next time you stop in at Baldwin’s for a tall cool Shaved Ice, the identity code word is “Burton.” Then, say, uncle George (Pops) sent me. That should get you the ‘student’ discount.
d1, nah, me i one old fart, so hard to change traditional things like memorial day, 4th of July, my birthday. oh, oh, now get dented cranium.
brew, hard to choose between good chorizo and p sausage, but i guess it would be an interesting taste contest.
Kekoa, Abe couldnt be a mean bouncer if he wanted to!! he just looks mean. He did a great job helping sort thru the walk in hopefuls! All the boys who came back to pay it forward did a great job! Every year its a new crop, eventually we’ll have more former h.s. players than players! Dalton Hilliard, Corey Nielsen, Benson Maafala, Bones Tuitele, Chauncy Makainai..just to name a few from this years graduating class.
Oh and let me tell you, Jacob Barit came to help – HUGE. Much taller and bigger than high school and not an ounce of fat on him! Cal made a big push for him so he decided home was better than Utah after all. I think we’ll all be happy about that soon enough.
Fou Purcell (Elliotts mom) has been helping me for 6 years now! Most of the parent volunteers dont have athletes in high school anymore, but are always there to help out. The ones with athletes still in school help out with the registration, the food, t-shirts – its great (they dont do measurements or timing). Chris Ma’afala came out to encourage the boys, some very dedicated high school coaches, And its always good to have the former Warriors there like Brad K and Chris B. I liked that Timmy Chang made it clear he was going back to school. These boys need to know and see that sometimes even the best of the best might not make it for long in the pros and the education is something they must have under their belt.
Missed your nephew though, his mom texted me and told me he had a slight injury and didnt want to get hurt – smart move. Luckily, overall it was an injury free day, just one ice pack all day long.
Next year I need 277 malasadas – putting in the order early. Just get the brick oven ready, Ill be over a week early to help you out.
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Good Morning everyone! It’s another beautiful day here in the inland northwest.
Best wishes to Robert K for a speedy recovery!!
Hope to see you soon at a Tsaiko function.
Hi Doris! Thank you for all that you do for 808 student-athletes! 😀
whitey – chorizo local moco w/ a side of upcountry p-sausage, a couple of malasadas, and some fresh kope….. Ahhhhhh….. that would be so sweet….. 😯 😆 😆 😆
just passing time, went back to check our 2009 recruit list. boing!!! we get plenty talent on the present team, but these recruits will push the team even higher. the incoming speed is most impressive.
Hey – A-House posted using the right blogger ID this AM…. 😯 😆 😀
Good to hear the kids are paying it forward to Doris, the PIAA, and the future Warriors.
We need more kids like this!
Mrs told me to be careful because there is a certain Tsaiko on the West Coast who keeps tabs on how many times I screw up – keeps this old fart mentally alert!
😀 A-House – Nah! We all keep track…. it’s Tsaiko tradition! 😆
First, K Mark and Pauoa Boy – trust in your training, experience, and instincts – we are looking forward to seeing both of you soon.
Second, “welcome back” to Timmy and Nate – great news that you will be finishing your academic work to secure that sheep skin – and, to helping the Warrior program.
Third, to ST, will this impact, favorably, with the APR when they graduate?
Fourth, great big thank you to Doris, hope to meet you one day, for all you do in helping the “local” boys in reaching their goals!
Okay Tsaikos – gotta head off and make some trouble elsewhere….
I’m a huge James Taylor fan…. and here’s an old tune that will put a smile on your face…. even Ralph! 😆
A-Joe! ~
Wake up Cuz…I got that video I promised you – starring the E-Trade baby and his pahtna. Check it out!
first time blogger? no worries mate, post what’s on your mind be it a question(s) or remark(s).
if can, come join us and put face to name – keeping watching blog for events – all welcome!
A-Sports ~
Here’s one for you since we missed you at the darts convention yesterday afternoon-night.
A-House ~ Am I sleep walking this morning? Or are you really encouraging a Spameister to join the WB?
Imagine if the #1 rated preseason football guru, Phil Steele, dropped his prediction for the 2009 WAC conference final standings on this blogsite–he would be accussed of being negative and of course attacked by curiousily fabricated screen names mimicking his monicor. LOL….wonder if he would make a cc.
Like I mentioned before–people who gamble dont chomp on sugar cane stalk. Phil Steele runs a business on forecasting for those who put their money where their speaking orafice opens….and they actually pay him for his college football knowledge–his ratings come only from being accurate, not sounding good.
Boise State, FSU, NEV, Lat and SJSU will be tough foes.
The later three, we play on the road–good luck.
The donks have their best OL since 2006. The rest of their lineup–ouch! BTW, nearly 100% of their team committed to train at their facility this summer—what was Hawaii’s figure?
Still waitin 4 PICs of Proof of our OL runnin in the hot sun….
Nev returns 2 rushers that combined were ranked #4 in D1A, plus they have a 3rd who DNP in 2008 and returns w 1,500 yards rushed in 2007. The General still rules in Reno–what was the score at Mackay Stadium in 2007, with a minute remaining?
FSU has a staple of QBs, something that has plaqued them for awhile. Their running attack is unrelenting and they are deep. Last year, on one play their OT drove one of our lightweight DEs, 15 yards into the endzone.
LaT, under Dooley gets better every year and keeps adding more transfers. Last time in Ruston, we got penalized for the Haka and it took Colt all of 4-quarters and a late kelly FG–didnt we wilt in the h &h?
Bulldogs won their last game in a bowl….we got smashed.
Dick Tomey has dialed up Hawaii’s number.
Last year he was so embarrassed with his V cuz Hawaii literally gave it to the sparts on silver platter–playing 4-corner O in the second-half and turning over the ball w aloha in the second half, esp the final quarter of play.
Now, Phil is aware of all this plus the fact we lose some pretty good players on D in the trenches and at LB and our OL returns with the same cast-of-OLM that broke records in ’08–but not the kind u like to brag about.
Sorry, I love the warriors, but kona koffee is best taken without sugar.
Stutz1, I like that, so Billy-Ray is Stutz2? Classic.
Oh man!
A-house! You see wat Kekoa was trying fo’ tell you?!? Now dey all goin’ start coming!
Tribiaarbila….. Thank goodness! I was just wondering where I could get information on Geisha prostitutes in Kiev. Not!
I’m also interested if anyone here was at the PIAA event yesterday. Any standouts besides Fehoko’s mindblowing bench press?
I’m also interested in who our first class of 2010 verbal will be. Do you think we’ll get an early one like Stutz, last year?
Corey Lau would be a nice compliment to Billy Ray as a slot….one good one that got away from Kalaepohaku.
hmmmmmmm, would it not be interesting if one shows up?
Eh, who was dat?
A-house or Mrs.?
Good morning everyone!
Speedy recovery wishes to RK!
Took Peaches to her first IMAX movie last night. I’ve been to several with a a lot of motion but didn’t think Museum had that much. But after the show and for a few hours, I felt a little seasick–for me, a slight discomfort behind the eyeballs. Then I had a second sea sickness symptom– I got hungry. 🙁
Peaches said her stomache was very slightly queasy during the show but ate well after too –no surprise for a cruiser, I guess. 😛
Robert Kekaula… rest up.. get better… better than ever. Good to know things went successfully, hope to see you on your feet soon.
96 days 8 hours and 15 minutes to kick off..
Reading Ferd’s column, he writes that Phil Steele forecasts a drought in Manoa.
Ferd:”Which is reason for concern now because, for 2009, he picks UH to tie for sixth place in the nine-member WAC with Utah State. A fate, if it were to pan out, that would mark UH’s worst finish in 10 seasons.”
Another publication: “We may be out on a limb here, but we feel Hawai’i is headed for their first losing season in several years.”
Of these predictions, I’d say it does sound like we’re in for some growing pains this upcoming season. It even sounds portentous. But let’s prove everyone wrong. And be optimistic.
To Coach Mack:
Now more than ever you have to be Machiavellian. For your stratagem has to incorporate some deception, where you catch the other teams off guard.
For example, remember the tale of the Trojan Horse, where soldiers concealed in the belly of a wooden horse, overtook the city of Troy. Likewise, your offense, defense or the the incoming players that nobody knows too much about has to present some element of surprise, too.
But truly I don’t care how you do it. I do know if we come in sixth, I’ll be sickened… or fifth… or fourth.. or third. I want the team vying for the conference title.
Keep the troops spirits high. And continue to strive with hard summer training and conditioning.
We’re all in this together, make us proud Coach Mack.
Good morning Tsai-kos! Happy Sunday!
Welcome back to TC and NI! Great to see them come back to complete their degrees. Life is definitely better with that degree in hand.
whitey – what kine chorizo – Spanish? Mexican? other? 6 weeks till I get some really good Spanish chorizo and more importantly, some really good Serrano ham. 😀
89 days till Wahine volleyball. 😀
wafan – keeed likes shave ice with lychee and mango syrups with li hing powder on top.
malasadas – you guys now got me craving it… mebbe I’ll go get some from Agnes’ to take to work on Tues (dey closed on Mondays). Thank people in advance for covering for me while I’m on vacation.
off topic – OMG! Nadal loses at the French Open. 😯 He’s human!
so where is everyone? Is there an EIS going on?
Kung Fu Panda on HBO. 😀
OK, so the blog is slow now? So we going back in time now?
jm2375 — last night at IMAX reminded me of a cruise tip… don’t worry about sea sickness…but just to be safe… take a free motion sickness pill (from the lobby counter) at 4:00 pm and one before bedtime. Don’t use more “heavy duty” medication. Won’t need it after Monday (if you need it at all) anyway, as you enter the Inside Passage.
SteveM – we took the ginger pill they offered for free on da Super Ferry when we went last year. Seemed to do the trick. Gotta remember to get choc covered mac nuts to take for the stewards. Forgot to mention it to family members. Mebbe I’ll get a case and give them a couple of boxes each for their stewards. Next issue is when to take puppy to dog-sitters. 🙂
I dunno about the others but I’m looking online for a reliable but cheap HDTV external TV Tuners for our flat screens so that I don’t have to fuss too much with what I choose to replace the old VCRs and DVD players that I have in the months to come. Problem is… there is no cheapo out there.
jm2375 — if you rode the Super Ferry, ate ginger and felt OK–then you shouldn’t need anything for a cruise ship. Peaches takes the candied ginger sometimes, but she eats it as a snack… 😆
brew808 #82:
Jellyman Kelly. Classic!
Jellyman Kelly… isn’t that the song he sings with his daughter?
Anybody ever try something like this? The Neuros OSD Media Center (6011000) . Records your TV programs directly to any media you choose? Compact Flash.. SD card… Hard Drive.. etc…
Brew I’ve got some James Taylor songs on my media play but not jellyman Kelly…never watched sesame street…
wow JMxxxx chased everyone away
excellent softball games on espn Georgia vs Washington and Florida vs Alabama…..
I started to watch the Ohio State vs Georgia baseball, after 3 innings Georgia lead 5-0 with the leadoff hitter hitting 2 homeruns, i switched to softball…just heard on ESPN Ohio State came back and won that game, now playing Florida State…that’s what we need from UH next season, come back from a deep hole and pull it out at the end…
hehe, just read ST twitter: he’s at the shell taking in the rays..
Projected super regional teams (nat’l top 8 seeds in paren):
1. LSU (3) v Rice
2. UC Irvine (6) v. Mississippi
3. Arkansas v. Flor St
4. CS Fullerton (2) v. Vandy
5. NS (4) v. East Carolina
6. Clemson v ASU (5)
7. Florida (8) v S Miss
8. *TEX (1)/Army v TCU
* Texas took 25 inn to beat BC, Army rebounded after 3-2 first-game loss to TEX and beat Texas State and BC and hold a 4-3 lead over Tex in the 4th. Cinderella storyline unfolding id cadets pull off this upset.
some days you just need good pitching.
Look at Texas and Boston College, 25 innings–total 5 runs.
That wouldnt be enuff to win in a WAC inning.
Speaking of Ohio State, Florida State beat them today 37-6.
FSU had 38 hits. Yikes!
Rice has to beat K-State twice today to advance….Cats been playing well lately and they have had some tough games in the big 12 to get to Houston.
Rice up in the first game 5-0 in the fifth…
great softball game, bama lead 5-2 into the bottom of 7th, florida load the bases, with 2 outs, grandslam homer..
bama walked two in the bottom 7th, a hit to load the bases…the homer was at the letters…batter was 0-9 in series…location, location keep the ball down.
Florida has scored 10 runs in the series to date, all on homers…plays the Washington vs georgia winner…
yep, i believe rice can do it–i projected them to win and face LSU.
Still, the best regional going is at Austin, Army leads 6-3, top of 5th. If they win today and tomorrow, they will upset the #1 seed in the NCAA T.
if u want to watch it live via NCAA free telecast….
Am on my way to Denali and sitting here typing away in Whitehorse.
We were in Juneau on Friday (5/29) and it was somewhere in the 60s and wet, wet, wet but they say wait for about ten minutes and the weather will change.
Cool and a little wet on Sat. as we headed in the the Sawyer/Tracy Arms. Couldn’t go all the way up because of too many icebergs.
Skagway was really cold yesterday and extremely windy but it was very nice this morning when we left over the White Pass – you should take this tour but go to the US Park Service in Skagway to get the history of the gold rush days so that the tour makes sense.
Typeing this in Whitehorse in the Yukon Territory as we head eventually for Denali.
Make sure you have warm clothing and rain gear – of course after telling you all this, it will be extrememly hot and dry!!!
Safe journey.
Phil Steele is actually better than most, but he places a lot of his stuff on last year and, let’s face it, we were the Keystone Cops a lot of times. He gave our incoming talent barely a glance.
This year things are organized, coaching is upgraded and everybody is much more hungry. We have some excellent talent added to the team,
Do you really think we’ll come in 5th or sixth? If we don’t come to play, it’s entirely possible, but I don’t think so. Third at the worst, but I feel we could content for a WAC title. This year we’ll find out that we now have a very good coaching stuff.
major Brian Ching article in espn.com
even if you’re not a soccer fan, it’s a good read about a local boy.
tom – thanks for the update! Hope the weather gets better for you!!
Florida Ted,
This year, no one knows what to expect from Coach Mac’s Defense. They kind of know what to expect from the offense.. just more of it and greater efficiency from last year. If last year we averaged just under 30 pts per game.. this year we should be at least 50% better, scoring-wise.
Defensively, can Hawaii keep the opponents under what our Offense can score? Mac did it in ’99 with a team that went 0-13 the year before without the benefit of a recruiting season. So, yeah, I think he can.
9-4 or better + a bowl win. That’s what I see. AND if that puts us in 5-6th place.. so be it.
…a year from now
all eyes will be on the Trap’s baseball team as they emerge from the regional and go onto a super regional
the sock puppets come to life
there’s excitement in the air
the band wagoners jump on again
the chancellor, with her cowboy attire in tow, join JD at the super regional
there’s electricity in the community
“I love Trap” bumpers stickers are seen everywhere
radio talk shows and blogs are a buzz
a banner near the castle junction reads, “Go Rainbows”
there’s a spike in beer sales
…and then it happens
the rainbows win the super regional
…and are now 1 of 8 teams heading to Omaha
smiles everywhere..finger pointers and haters are suppressed
leahey and pal with tears of joy
mufi heads to omaha and is seen later sporting a kukui nut lei and waving t-leafs
the players, led by two young pitching phenoms, continue playing inspired ball
bats come a live, like never seen before
and then it happens..
the rainbows making it to the deciding game
in the stands, fans, some screaming like they’ve never screamed before
others, adopted fans liking Hawaii, are sporting make believe leis and aloha shirts
the fans at home, too, on the edge of their seats
the long shadows of the afternoon extending on the field
the game is close
both sides fans engaged in pandemonium
the players fighting for the school’s honor and pride
and then it happens
..the rainbows are up by one
quicken heartbeats beat faster
beads of sweat pouring
they ain’t no way they scoring
hold, hold as the voodooers come to life
you’ve one out away from a national championship, go rainbows
and then it happened
a harmless groundball ends the game–and the rainbows win!!!!
a sea of players are jumping for joy–hats and glove are flying up in the air
Trap is holding back tears of joy
fans hugging and crying, too
media positioning for interviews
relatives of players rapidly taking pictures
…a history making moment surely, seemingly reserved in infamy for the rainbows
..a team landlocked far out on an island— that the rest of the country doesn’t care about—and wins it all—agains… the giants..
this is my dream, which I’d quickly trade for all my opulent .. ones…
Someone check to see if the Blog Host is still alive. Last I saw he was having his third heat stroke of the morning out at the Shell.
Congratulations, by the way, to Aaron Beshard, whose name I misspelled on the graduation card…
Make that Bechard…
Roysan.. Roysan…
wake up…wake up…
I think the streamers you put on your airconditioner are getting all wrapped up in the ribbing … sounds like thousands of fans applauding in the distance… and that big piece is making an ugly sounds… sort of.. ‘trap..trap..trap..trap..trap..trap..TRAP”….
Wake up!
Phil Steele might be right.
He might be wrong
Who knows.
All I know is that he wasn’t at any of the UH practices, he hasn’t seen any videos and he hasn’t talked to any coaches or players.
Based on last season, UH probably is in the middle. But there are some different factors: 1) Fresno State and Boise State have to play UH here; 2) Greg Salas is now a slotback; 3) Fonoti is going to have a breakout season.
As for the others preseason publications, I know two who wrote them, and between both, they attended ONE practice.
Maybe they know more, maybe they don’t.
One final thing, while we all appreciate wf2’s viewpoints, he does seem to try to separate himself from the regulars. News flash: he’s one of our most frequent posters. I think wf2 is a regular, not the exception.
Since I’m heatstroked and agitated, and I really don’t feel like being polite anymore, I’m going to start wagging the finger.
We let people express their opinions all the time. Most are fine; some are puffy. But whatever.
What’s not OK is to try to cut down others while making what might or might not be a valid point.
Or to make presumptive arguments. That’s jus wrong, because nobody speaks for anybody else, and certainly nobody speaks for me.
So let’s all play nicely, cuz I’m not in the mood.
so which school had a graduation that made you sit in the hot sun all morning and afternoon
at least the shell is close to the beach, after the ceremony, quick change and you’re off to the water…
And that’s because HMA, Damien and some others were bumped by “Mama Mia.” They all had reservations, but like some United flights, some reservations are more reserved than others.
howzit ted, hope everything is goin well 4 u and ohana.
it’s up to the boyz and men that coach them….trust me phil steele has very capable interns that do inside research and that includes stuff he doesnt discuss.
I made my points in #88.
Beat those teams and Hawaii moves up the WAC ladder.
I wonder what they see or do not see that has them figuring the Warriors finishing so low in the WAC. Or is it what they see or do not see in the other teams?
Next season on defense.. and even somewhat on offense…the Warriors may have to depend on fresh legs over talent in a number of positions. Just be unrelenting in pursuit and receiving runs.
watching Washington Huskies…..first 3 batters lefties, slap hitters getting hits thru the infield or over by bouncing it in front of and over the third base person..Huskies up 5-0 bottom second with Huskies at bat
Wafan we’re warrior fans, some more fanatic than others, we see our players as stellar athletics with outstanding credentials thru rose colored lenses…Phil Steele and others looking at the same personnel and see players with potential, inexperience at the D1 level, and unproven abilities, then they make an assessment of the team without having seen a single practice..but then again they haven’t seen a lot of other team practices either…its their opinion and their validity is justified in annual sales of their magazines…
“he does seem to try to separate himself from the regulars.”
Is that how u construct my opinions?
JFYI, I post to express my view not to necessarily agree or disagree.
That is juvenile.
Y are u singling me out?
Huskie Lawrie just threw a pitch at 68, its like a high ninety baseball pitch..these ladies got quick hands….
Georgia bulldogs, softball, have hit 85 homers so far this season…Coolen needs to add some power to the UH batting order…
Anyone pick-up on Neil Everett’s broadcast mentioning “Fred Lewis not Ferd Lewis” comment on yesterday’s Sportscenter. I’m sure he’s done that before, it just caught me by suprise.
Ralph . . .
I agree. I just would like to know what and how they generate their reviews. They must employ some sort of “proven” method. Naturally, being predictions there are many variables that ultimately affect the final outcome.
As Mr. Tsai reported they do not go to many practices if at all.
wf2 indicated the use of interns doing the bulk of the grunt work.
you mean no more, “me, myself, and i”?
Cindy Luis tweets that sportscasters are pronouncing Wichmann’s improperly, it should be VEESHman….maybe a lot of sportscaster didn’t take German as a language of choice or she was polite and never corrected them during their interviews.
did Mac and the coaches attend the combine yesterday?
wafan it is like statisticians, they look at numbers they or others have logged in and make reasonable assessments and finalize a report…forensic audits look at numbers and are able to detect patterns, etc to determine if a crime has been committed They don’t have to be at the actual site and have hands on or direct observation to come to some sort of conclusion…Think Marian Higa and her interns
who’s cindy luis?
Lawrie of Washington, a freshman and national POY, just hit 69…waiting to see her break the 70 barrier…
I’m tired of these so called gurus who usually prognisticate Hawaii sports’ rankings to be low. Research or not. Disrespect is what it is.
Who cares what Phil Steele thinks? It’ll all come out in the wash anyway.
Before we go singing praises of any sports analysts, let’s just remember what some so called “elite” sports analysts did to the reputation and prospects of our record breaking QB a few years back.
Just let the players play the games. This is a Warrior Sports blog. We wouldn’t be Warrior Fans if we didn’t tend to discount negative press about the Warriors, especially press that is generated before any games have been played. Yes, this year’s team will certainly face some challenges. The bottom line is, we have faith in the Warriors.
If Mr. Steele wants to send “interns” to practices and then make a prediction based on that, that’s his prerogative. If we have a lot more faith in our coaches and players and program than Mr. Steele currently does, that’s ours.
And Mr. Tsai works harder at his craft than any writer who follows UH Football. He has reasons for what he says.
You’re okay in my book. It bares repeating. People, like #152 socketpuppet, write that you come across as being vain. But that’s a misnomer compared to the rest–by far. I mean do we ever hear wf2 talk about his family, his job, what he had for dinner or his personal life…hardly never..right? And if there was any it comes in passing-like ciao-“I’ll be at the mokey bar”. This is innoucous, and people should lighten up with wf2 ..but they’d rather sulk and hide behind a different blog identity and attack him. Come to the realization that a person, can write, similar to how a dog barks and not bite–this is how see wf2.
huh? she is one of 8 sites on twitter that I follow volleyball with, hoping CW tweets and Shoji too…
Will the enlighten one provide better pics in his front yard than ST or will he provide first hand info to the students of Tsaiko?
Riley says hello! 🙂
Crying about sockpuppets?
Well, if it involves mostly stats I say we let jm99.99%, Garret, and Jason produce a set of Tsai-ko predictions.
Why not? The predictions may be just as valid, and the majority of fans would be far happier!
Rob Demello reports that Chad Owens has signed to play in the CFL with the Montreal Allouettes. Way to go Mighty Mouse!
warriorfanny2- don’t stop blogging, brah. Honestly, I may not agree with some of your views but I do enjoy and welcome them.
I must say, you do conjure up a huge influx of onetime new name bloggers that go after you. Unreal! =)
Hopefully one day we all can meet, sit down together, throw back a few and enjoy each others’ company and fellowship.
Good to hear Kekaula successfully had a new rhythm section installed. Hope to hear him jamming again soon on the news and at our next KK’s.
I guess chad’s knee is fully healed..cfl’s wide field should really help chad with his quick feet and field vision…i always liked the Allouettes of all the cfl teams now I have a reason to follow them more often..
Jason doesn’t have a job this summer, not going to school, no sports going on, I guess he has a lot of time to review all WAC teams and make his own prediction…what say young mathematician…JM2375 can chime in with her senior knowledge…powderpuff got a lot of UH stats at her disposal…
long quiet day for you a/joe…
Howzit Everybody,
I gotta say in regards to Phil Steele, I don’t take anything he says to heart because at the end of the day all it is, is a bunch of predictions and predictions is all he has at this point. If you look back to last year all of the magazines had us in the middle of the pack and look at where we finished. Even with breaking the sack record and not having the best offense last year we still finished 2nd. Even that second though was tied, even though we beat both of the teams we where tied with.
Well I guess the moral to this story is until the teams that are ahead of Hawaii can show that they can beat Hawaii, in my mind Hawaii will finish no lower than 2nd every year and that is just the bottom line. As I said before, predictions are predictions and that’s all it will ever be.
Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. Fact, gut or intuition, it’s all welcome here as long as it’s not nestled in an insult to anyone or group. As long as there’s no name calling or defamation of character bits. I could say our Warriors will go 14 and 0. Until the first loss, there’s no proof otherwise. And even after that, I still have a right to change my mind and make up an excuse as to why we lost… dang refs. We are fans. We all want to see our team win. We don’t want them to see us lose faith. I always have to think that it’s a game and as such, the team “always got chance.” And “always got chance” translates to “undefeated possibility” at the start of every season — regardless of the stats and probabilities — still get chance….
As I was taught a long time ago, games are won on the feild not the papers, so until LaTech, FSU, SJSU, and Nevada can prove to me that they can beat Hawaii, we really have nothing to discuss at this point. JMHO
good evening tsai-ko tribe, how was your day? man it was hot and I think it hit at least 90 by 10am. very busy today with assisting with sign in for PC project grad. had to get up at 4 this morning and right after putting in 12 hrs doing an EIS survey with kekoa, james, rob2 and ajoe. but happy to report we gave them a triple A rating.
Mark Takai and Pauoa Boy.. Be safe also same sentiments to our other bruddah Frank.
speedy recovery to rkekaula
well have a cooler evening and like st says “play nice”
oh yea psteele don’t know sh_t 😡
Just to follow up on #176,
If anyone feels that I am being over confident in Hawaii I am actually not trying to be. I say what I say because my predictions has proven itself for the past several years. The only team that has beat Hawaii in the past three or four seasons is SJSU and that was not because they were better, it was because we gave them the game on a silver platter and if anyone thinks that is not the case then all I gotta do is laugh at that thought.
What gets me kind of heated is that people actually use these types of magazines as arguments of why they think that Hawaii needs to step it up and why things need to change. I say you gotta be kidding me. These people get paid big bucks to write a bunch of junk and that all it is is a bunch of junk. There opinions come with nothing substantial to back them up and they called themselves experts. In my mind these people are not experts, they are a bunch of comedians trying to make people laugh but are not good at it and get tomatoes thrown at them. Like ST has said, they do not come to the practices, they do not even see the games in most instances, and there so called interns probably no nothing of what they speak of.
Congrats to Nate. Best Warrior running back in recent memory, at the very least.
Best wishes for Kekaula’s speedy recovery. I’ll know he’ll be ready for gametime color commentary…he helps make just listening to games a lot more entertaining.
KK can’t spell his own name, the EIS was too much last night
What a hot day at the shell. Aaron Bechard graduated from HMA and you know what a good “lei” is? A cold bottle of ice water!!
Glad Robert Kekaula is doing better. I was worried about him.
And then they put together these magazines a say stuff like it will be a rebuilding year for this and they do not have a proven that and then you have people that take these peoples word and use like a bible. This type of behavior just gets me going each and every year and you know what, the team could probably give a s**t (sorry for my language).
Now what the predictions should really come down too is if a team can beat another team and you know what I will sit here and say right now that none of those teams above Hawaii can actually say they can beat Hawaii except BSU because they have been there and done that for the past almost 10 seasons and SJSU but as I stated before, that was a joke.
So I guess what I am trying to say is that the Phil Steele’s of the world are just a bunch of hot air and Hawaii will be contending for the WAC title again this year with the WAC Champion coming from the BSU vs Hawaii game. And that is MY OPINION!!!!!!!!
Now lets write a magazine from that. LOL
Sawp Gang,
Garret, fo shua I let you know if I’m still here and have the luxury of the internet, if not no worries about it, I going have my wife DVR’em anyway.
wafan – trying for stay healthy but breathing in all this frikkin sand and dirt cannot be good for the lungs…
d1島 – yeah wish I could be back in the islands, trying to get back to K-Bay after this tour so can finish out at home but we’ll see. Anyway the fam is good…thanks for asking
Ralph – if I told you I would have to…nah nah I stay where Saddam once was. Anyway, the wife just gave birth on May 23rd to my baby girl, Kira Ann Kahealani.
Anyways wassup everybody…
PB congratulations on your new baby girl! just made a week old…
Re: Predictions.
I think preseason predictions are good offseason fodder for discussions.
What I find amusing is when somebody actually writes for one of the publications, then reports on it, without disclosing that fact.
If I wrote for Bowling Life magazine, I wouldn’t then write a story saying: “Bowling Life magazine predicted John Smith will finish fourth on the tour.”
That’s sorta Ricky Henderson-ish.
kama krab,
I’m with you on that. All the pre-season mags no mean nothing which is why I don’t buy or read it. Any team on any given day can be beat each other. It’s okay if the (anal)yst predicts our team to be at the bottom of the WAC, I take it with a grain of salt. Kind of funny how our team last year was second in the WAC and made it to yet another bowl game, with the same preseason prediction. Regardless if we are predicted at the mid to bottom, then to me it just means the WAC as a whole is getting that much better which is good. I mean we’ll still get the shaft for being a mid-major school but whatever. Coach Mack is steadily getting our football program where it needs to be. The talent overall is getting better at every position, our recruits coming in are a lot more talented than years past. Sooner than later we will become the powerhouse of the pacific, and lay down the can of whoop arse consistently, so I’m not worried…IMO
Robert Kekaula get healthy and back to KITV sports.
My favorite UH RB of all-time, Nasty Nate Ilaoa, should be in the League, but very happy to see Nate is working to finish his College Degree, thanks to coach Mac and opportunities for alumni to come back and finish their Degree requirements.
Also props to Timmy Chang for his desire to finish his Degree requirements, credit AD Jim Donovan and staff for opportunity granted within department.
Today was NOT a good day to run around at high noon fielding softballs at the park.
BTW, in UH-related news, saw Keoni Steinhoff playing some slow-pitch softball in Kahala today.
Apparently a lot of UH athletes participate in their free time. Brandon Adams and Bill Amis also play.
Phil Steele…
Is that the guy that predicted Joe Avery would start at WR last season and Victor Clore to be one of the starting DE’s last season too?
No wait… Phil Steele predicted that Tua Mahaley would be one of the starting DE’s last season.
Mahalos, yeah come to think of it she is a week old… I so lost on what time or day it is anyway, but it actually makes things better not knowing.
I wasn’t singling you out. I was trying to include you.
Sometimes — OK, often — you take a me-against-them tone. But as one of the most frequent posters, you’re in the “them” category. I mean, we don’t extend membership cards, but you’re part of the club.
Then again, we do extend memberships. So at our next gathering, we can get you a shirt, name tag and, if you’re really nice, Stretch can make you a shot glass.
So since these are your virtual brothers and sisters on the blog, you can state your opinions, you don’t have to argue them. We’re all in this together.
With Matthew Stafford and Knowshon Moreno back after beating us in the Sugar Bowl, Georgia was a lock at number 1 (yeah right) and was a lock to play in the BCS Championship game right??? (NOT!!!)
Evening Tsai-kos!!
re stats: as we say, you can torture the data until you get the answer you want. Predictions are just predictions and are definitely imprecise. Look at the weather reports. They use all kinds of sophisticated models to predict the weather, but are usually on right for the next day or two, anything longer and the odds of being right are really bad.
With June Jones, if his team were picked No. 1, he’d say that games aren’t played on paper and the only poll that matters is the final one.
If his team were picked last, he’d make a T-shirt.
OK, I have to fix my Roadrunner connection.
I’ll be back in a half hour.
Comment on PIAA article in the morning paper:
Waialua coach mentions that his DE has committed to BYU and Hatchie has offers from several PAC 10 schools and “other schools”.
If UH has offered, it appears it is in the “other schools” category and low on the list for consideration.
Fehoko doing 37 reps @ 225 is NFL caliber type numbers. Wonder why he would be transfering from Farrington to Kahuku though?
Fans hate preseason predictions…when the predictions are lower than what they think they should be. When the predictions are good, fans love the predictor. That is the nature of fan-hood. I’m sure the BSU fans were upset when Phil Steele predicted before the 2007 season that UH would win the WAC when BSU had won previously year after year.
BSU fans must like the predictions because they will be picked to win the WAC. Nevada fans must be pleased also, as they wouldn’t expect to be picked about BSU. From what I’ve read, the only group of WAC fans that have justifiable unhappiness with the preseason polls is UH fans, as 5th and 6th seems low–especially when you look at recent UH finishes in the WAC.
Past results and high hopes would lead to an expectation that the preseason predictions should have UH at #2 or #3 in the WAC. Even the most biased fans shouldn’t expect UH to be picked over BSU right now. However, UH *did* lose a lot of seniors last year and *does* have a lot of questions on the OL and with experience on D. Coach Shaw and Tormey could make the difference there, and the talent UH has recruited on D could come together, but if you were making an unbiased preseason prediction should you just assume that would happen or should you be skeptical? Preseason predictors cannot just have faith that things will work out, though fans of a team can.
I personally cannot see how they can justify putting UH 5th or 6th in their predictions. However, I wouldn’t predict a WAC title like some UH fans would, even though BSU is going to come to Aloha Stadium. I’ve read a lot about what has been going on with the other WAC teams (the other teams are working hard to improve too and they generally have a lot more experienced players returning) and wouldn’t put UH lower than 4th–if I had to predict, I’d put UH 3rd or 4th in the preseason. However, if the OL comes together and the D gets things going in the 3 games before the WAC season, UH could have a shot at the conference title because BSU will have a tough time winning at Aloha Stadium.
I hope that the low prediction will serve as additional motivation for the Warriors in the offseason. If the predictions had UH at #2 in the WAC then UH fans wouldn’t be upset but it really wouldn’t help the Warriors in their season. All the predictions have done is added motivation and will make things that much sweeter when UH exceeds those predictions.
Pauoa Boy,
Apparently Feheko’s grandfather is ill and he wants to be close to his grandfather.
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter Pauoa Boy! You must be so happy and wish you could be there to help your wife right now with her and your sons, but I know you’ll serve our country well and be home soon.
Article about which Miami players could get new contracts soon mentions Bess right away.
Nice to know that T.Chang and Nate are back. RK, glad that you are going to be much better. : )
If I recall, I think Gordy Shaw is in charge of the Waialua players.
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want to read the off-topic stuff.
The recession has resulted in a lot of US high school students choosing to go to Canadian Universities because they are a lot cheaper.
“Take our daughters and sons to work day” went horribly bad at these Florida prisons when more than 40 children (as young as 5 years old!) were shocked with stun guns! Three employees were fired and two others resigned.
Rolovich, I hear, is in charge of Leilehua.
Hmmm. Why would UH send a quarterback coach to Leilehua …
This Dallas woman’s 11-month-old twins got a DNA test and they found that twins had different fathers! This is a rare case of heteropaternal superfecundation. She admitted having an affair and her fiance says that he’ll stay with her and raise both twins as his sons.
Boston man was pulled over for driving to endanger because he was all over the road…because he was eating a bowl of cereal while driving.
Belgian bodybuilding championship was canceled when ALL 20 bodybuilders ran away when officials unexpectedly showed up to do steroids testing.
Free play links pau.
Pauoa Boy –
You’ve got mail. Didn’t expect to see your posts this evening, but so happy to see them!
Susan Boyle suffered an emotional breakdown after not winning Britain’s Got Talent and paramedics came to her hotel room and took her to a hospital.
Thanks knew it had to be something important for Fehoko. Anyway, the fam is good and I get to see her online through video chat, so it’s not so bad.
Howzit Momma A-House,
Yeah since things are slow, I’ve been checking out the blog keeping up with the news back home. Anyway, happy to see you on too…
Did Stanford offer Andrew Manley a schollie?
Seems like a thin group of schools “eyeing” Manley thus far.
When is the Dolphins going to realize that Davone is there best sure-handed receiver on the team? I will have no doubt that Davone can increase his numbers across the board this season if he gets to start. He has better hands and quickness then Ginn Jr. All Ginn Jr. got on Davone is he’s a little faster and came from Ohio State, wow…
I am wishing that this coming season builds more memories like this.
kama krab:
Right on with your posts #173, #178, #182!
Welcome back Nate!
Glad to hear things went well for RK!
Amazing…Texas played 25 innings the night before and then were behind 10-6 in the 9th inning today. They scored 8 runs in the bottom of the 9th inning to win the game, the last 4 on a grand slam to win the game from a guy who only hit 2 home runs this season.
Even more amazing to me: the Texas catcher and the Boston College catcher each caught all 25 innings yesterday and then played today.
Those coming from Hawai’i or the West Coast to see the La. Tech game on Sep. 30 might be interested to know that Allegiant Airlines flies nonstop from Shreveport to Vegas twice a week (Thursdays & Sundays) with fares starting from $79 one-way plus tax. The Thursday return to Vegas makes for an appealing stopover if folks don’t have to go back to work on Friday.
I’m not inferring anything.
*hint *hint
*wink *wink
Nice. The “original” Nasty Nate (Jackson) and Pisa wearing da Black and Green!
Nate Jackson was so entertaining to watch. When he was on the field anything was possible. Anyone know what he is up to nowadays?
heteropaternal superfecundation – try saying that 5 times fast 😆
That is the BYU QB getting his rib broken from Pisa.
I would rather try “brothers from other mothers”.
Pauoa Boy,
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter, Kira Ann Kahealani 🙂
Nate is still on Oahu he has a family.
Hey, your son does know my niece.
They were on the same flight.
d1島: Thanks, appreciate it…when I pau over here and get back stateside I going bring her home to the islands for lil bit. Throw shmall kine pa’ina for celebrate.
96 days until football.
Yes he does. Too bad Linfield didn’t support her chosen field of study.
btw, too bad I read your tweet too late to offer you a cool drink at Kapiolani Park this afternoon. It was really hot today out there….but then, of course, you already knew that. 🙄
Washington State Cougars
Randall Johnson, creator of the Cougar Head logo, passed away at the age of 91 in Spokane.
The story of how the logo came to be is well known. It was created by Johnson in July 1936 when he was a student at then named Washington State College.
Employed as a college sign painter that summer, Johnson, a fine arts major, was working for Fred Rounds, the college architect and head of the Department of Buildings and Grounds.
“Both of us saw the possibilities of what he (Rounds) called `some kind of trademark,’ to use instead of the lengthy official name,” Johnson wrote in describing the creation of the logo. “He authorized me to see what I could think up, maybe incorporating the Cougar-head shape.”
It took him three nights to create the logo that became the trademark of the university.
“I was just kind of doodling,” Johnson told the Spokesman-Review in a 2000 interview. “I wanted a cougar. I wanted it to be animated, directional and also carry at a distance. Finally, one night I got it hooked together the way I liked it.”
Cougar Pride Defined
“I can’t define it; I can’t tell somebody who isn’t a Cougar what it’s like. There’s something that happens at Washington State, you quietly and subtly become infected. There are very few people I’ve ever met who have gone to WSU and not come away with a favorable impression … Washington State was a passion. Being a Cougar was a passion.”
-Jim Walden Head Football Coach 1978-86
From his book “Tales from the Washington State Cougars Sideline”
Dats it for tonight….too much sun today.
Saw on Doris’s site that Fehoko did 37 reps like some of you. Is there anyone who can confirm that it was 225# and not 185#. Reason that I ask, it that it’s usual for high schoolers to use the lower weight Also, Fehoko was listed at 6′ and just over 200 (I think). I know that Sopoaga did 41 and he weighed over 300 and was super strong…still is. Fehoko’s 37 at 225 just doesn’t seem plausible.
That’s one nutz picture. Hopefully the boyz can bring back some of that nasty hitting back this year. Hopefully Blaze can do one rewind from 2007 with that pop that he had against Avery of BSU.
Hopefully we have boyz out there that love to cause pain against their opponents.
Also, does anyone know the basis for the 0.24 second correction when converting hand held timing to electronic? Been meaning to google it, but just haven’t gotten around to it. I have a hard time believing there’s more than 2/10’s of a second difference between hand and electronic. Example, someone timed in 4.4 would translate to 4.64 electronically. Distance would not matter because the correction is related to reaction time at the start and finish and not anything in between.
Can not wait till we take the feild for our first game to see what we have this year. There are alot of fimiliar names on the roster that have made big impacts in the HHSAA and I really hope that they can make the same kind of impact in a Warrior uni. If these boyz from the islands can do this than we are in for a big season.
With all the things that have been shown and talked about by ST, I think we should be fine this season.
O.k. it’s time for me to call it a night.
To the rest of the Tsaiko’s here and abroad, take care and I will see you all tomorrow for another great day.
Nuff Sed.
BG, just heard Kanoa Leahey on KHON ALSO say Fehoko did bench 225lbs.
just thinking….is k.mark takai in the same foothold as frank25?
i am thinking that the big guy will be back to work as early as friday.
sometimes we all need to remember that this blog is what it is because of the five f’s.
and lastly friends.
oh. and the blog host who allows those premises to be its creed.
and no forget….
we will have some of that f’s this wednesday at camellia’s in mccully at 1200.
come on down!
Looked up PIAA combine stats from Saturday, listed VJ Fehoko height 6’0 weight 211, Forty time 4.94, Vertical Jump 35″, Bench Press at 225 lbs – 31 repetitions.
and for others..
5 P’s
Poor Mouthing
having tim chang and rolo at the university could be pretty awesome for some hs qb recruits to meet on a trip.
I’m just totally speculating, but those bench press numbers might not be according to the same standard as the NFL Combine. You know, in terms of arms locking, whether the rep was “bounced,” etc.
Correction on VJ’s Bench Press top ten lists updated today = 37 repetitions.
Blaise, I hope he stays healthy this year. He is an animal on the field.
I am anxious to see what Funaki can do in his new role, I don’t want to even start thinking of the possibilities because I want to be blown away when it happens.
Mr. P ~
You may add:
Pugnacious & Pilau to your list of P’s.
Kekoa is in the house….check the title on your ceded land-make sure you didn’t get it from Ko Hawaii Pae Aina or paid them for an extended warranty… 🙂 also check your 401K if you invested in any treasury notes from them… 🙂 🙂
will…i predict funaki will have 5-6 td passes this year from a running back position and/or as a wildcat.
Pauoa Boy ~
Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl, Kahealani (Call of Heaven). Hope to see you back home next summer starting your Aloha tour.
I’m not going out on a limb and making any outrageous predictions. The truth is, the Warriors will have a winning season, period! Hawaii Bowl is probable, if not a higher calling. The resurgence of our fb to gain even more respect from the fans is a definite. Let them talk trash about my boys, Ainokea! I BELIEVE.
pauoa boy….congratulations brother.
oh well, keep trying for your middle linebacker. j/k.
Mahalos, I should actually be back in the islands during the holidays. Upon return, I taking a month off and bringing baby back home to see the ohana.
Congratulations Pauoa Boy!
No need worry about that I already get two boys. The oldest is big and already played football. The second boy is small but rough and rascal. I already grooming them into playing all sports for now until they find what they like. After that they going be in training camp day and night until they start making money for take care of us haha.
Thanks Jason, so what now you pau graduate…still going school like Kelli, or you taking off for now?
Fehoko did 225lbs. but even 37 reps @ 185lbs. is strong for one high school kid. Vili, must be feeding him planny of the Samoan steroid, corned beef…
M.Ed. from HPU starting this fall.
PB start your little guy into golf….look at tiger, big bucks 🙂
Get well soon Robert! Love listening to you on 1420’s internet feed.
Well we did have some golf clubs but instead of hitting golf balls, the kids rather hit everything else or toss em over the wall in the backyard. So needless to say, I think golf is out of the question for them. 🙂
Jason – Good luck, I dunno how you guys can finish 4 yrs of college and keep on going…
Good Morning Tsaikos! Hope everyone had a good weekend. Hope everone makes it through another work week.
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Hi early Ho!
Great Morning All!
If Coach Bulla was there monitoring the Bench, you can rest assured the rep counts woulda taken a hit! 😉
So much fun in da sun yesterday that I just wen crash last night.
But it’s back to work and welcome to June!
Erryboddy have a terrific day! 🙂
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
First! (To post after 6:30 AM)
Glad Nate is getting his degree. It keeps so many doors from being shut in your face. Lots of job searches will just immediately eliminate job applicants without a BA or BS degree. Its a good way to make the list shorter without a lot of work.
I think the key to success this year is to get back to the JJ offense, and few people know the RB position in that offense better than Nate.
wow, must be one busy monday morning…da blog is kinda quiet
Good morning Tsai-kos!
Where is everyone? *banging on the clubhouse door*
Short work week – 3 days, then vacation! 😀
PB – congrats on your baby girl.
morning tsai-ko country, 8) sun is out bright again and temp climbing should hit anoddah 90 in a few hours so head for the ac areas and chill out.
dj everyone must be melting to movement is limited, just standing outside the water just starts to pour out of the bodie 😳