Tuesday’s practice
• Royce Pollard, who has a stress fracture in his left fibula, worked out today. He status remains iffy for Saturday’s game against Utah State.
• With Richard Torres out (pulled left hamstring), Spencer Smith is the nickelback. Mana Silva and Kenny Estes were the safeties.
* Quarterback Greg Alexander attended practice. Last month, he underwent surgery to repair two torn ligaments in his left knee. After that, he was hospitalized when the knee became infected. Alexander lost 30 pounds.
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Thanks to Bob Nash for serving as today’s chat guest on the Warrior Beat Show.
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Jeanne Farrell, who became a UH fan after living in Hawai‘i for a decade, sports the old-school attire when she attends road games.
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This UH fan who lives in California found a seemingly bottomless drink: a 100-ounce drink holder (it also doubles as a walking stick):
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And this Reno resident also became a Warrior fan … for a day:
Coach Nash,
How’s our outside shooting these days?
FIRST! Haha!
Please start sending in your questions!!
I’d like to see us play HPU…
Slugger: Aw, shucks! You beat me by a nanosecond!! 😉
Hi, Shauna! Sorry to ruin your entrance.
Coach Sellito alluded to the fact that he might not be coaching much longer, so I’d like to see UH play HPU while Sellito is still there.
Coach Nash, how’s Bobby doing?
Coach, any updates with the Miah Ostrowski situation
Go Warriors.
tpo ten…end story.
coach nash…..
many have predicted that we will land flat on our faces this year.
however, it seems that we can field a decent starting five. we have depth it seems with some “bigs”. aside from williams, lay, and thompson, are there any sleeper guards that may surprise this year?
Slugger: It’s OK…No. 2 on here is still good. 😉
coach nash,
on the recruiting front.
we all know how tough it is to recruit to hawaii. basketball may be the toughest. in an ideal world recruiting high school kids is priority, but, it seems that it is harder to let go your 18 year old to somewhere far as we are.
do you find that going back to the jc “well” may eventually be the route to go back to???
Coach Nash are there any Lance Takaki’s, John Spanogle or other walk ons that will develop into crowd favorites.
Hi Coach,
Is there any way to get the WAC and Karl Benson to allow the balloons to come back?
The student section is just not the same without them.
nash…how is zane johnson’s recovery coming along?
how are albrechtson and enos doing?
do you see any opportunities for them to jump in to the fire other than in mop up roles?
will the flex motion continue to be a part of our offensive sets?
with a healthy thompson and lay and williams on the court do you think we could run more?
top twenty?
whew! made it, the sky is blue again around Ala Moana.
We will start winning again this saturday!
Coach Nash,
When you first was hired, there was talk about a faster offense and a pressing defense…will this occur this year with the players you have?
Wow! Not one glitch on the WB show! Good job! Where were y’all taping from?
Heisman trivia:
Name the player, school, and year he won with a losing record.
Those who “google” are not eligible.
This will be a special year for da hoops team AND da football team. Mack and his playahs seem to be peaking and are havin good practices. Da O was clickin last week even though it nevah wen show on da scoreboard. I have dem goin bowlin.
re: EXPECTATIONS of Coach Mack
So I was listening to ESPN online (Tri-state local) and they posed an interesting and very thought provoking question about expectations and investment of coaches that I would like to ask all the Tsaikos here today.
It stands to reason that when we hire a coach we are actually investing in the future of the program, hopefully a long successful future. I stand with those saying give peace a chance and let him have another year to prove his value. What I would like to know is what exactly do we want him to prove to us…..so,
**The People of Hawaii have invested $1.1M for 5 years in Coach Mack, what are your EXPECTATIONS of him and the program he leads?**
1) What are your expectations w/in the WAC conference?
2) What are your expectations at the national level?
3) Amount of revenue generated.
4) Type of recruits both local, national, international etc.
5) Amount of fund raising and booster monies raised.
“pidgen english”
My speech prof said, way back, that he considers pidgen english a “dialact”, but because we do not have enough population it will not be recognized.
He used “Bronx”, “southern”, etc. as examples.
therefore, use of pidgen english is very useful – just got to know when and where to use it.
Slugger – I would love to see HPU vs UH basketball game! Your #5 made me laugh and brought back some fun memories from the past.
in 1992 or 93 I remember playing in the funniest, intense, NY streetball, trash talkin pick-up game at YMCA Atkinson. It was Phil Handy, Trevor Ruffin, 2 other UH players and myself vs John Strickland and 4 others from HPU. Strickland, being from NY, NY and not recruited, was laying out the trash streetball talk to the UH players telling them that they sucked and had no bidness playing D1 ball. It was awesome! 6’0 Trevor asked to clear out taking 6’8 Strickland to the hoop every time down the court as Strickland tells him “you suck”. It was priceless to watch. I dont think they liked each other all that much. HPU was coming off a national championship and Strickland felt he was the best player in Hawaii and you could tell that they had an extreme dislike for an NCAA team. Trevor would have none of that. The game ended on a Phil Handy explosive “ESPN And1 Streetball” baseline dunk over Strickland and another HPU player that had everyone yelling and running out of the gym. – I think that dunk shut Strickland up for about an hour. – ahh, the fond memories =)
Yes, lets see HPU vs UH!
Here is the 37-page press release that UH put out for the Utah State game.
Believer! =)
lol’s @ “peaking”
I will start and answer all 5.
1) Be competitive every single year and have the opportunity to play for the WAC championship….read: Stay competitive with Boise St.
2) A top 25 ranking once ever 3 years or in this case after his 5th year.
3) Hmmm maybe this is more responsibility of Jim Donovan. But I would like to see a average attendance record of 38,500 after the 5th year.
4) See a greater number of quality recruits that represent the more than DOUBLING of the recruiting budget along with the generosity of Hawaiian Airlines free flight vouchers. For me, that means quality recruits from *HIGH SCHOOL* who are ready to compete in div-1 after 1 redshirt+1year. A more aggressive outreach to high quality players regardless of “Hawaii Ties.”
5) Coach Mack is no June Jones and does not have the financial backing of some boosters he brought along to UH….but, I would like to see Mack try and set a goal of 5-10% increase over the previous year, every year in private monies to the program.
Realistic or not, these are things I think a $1M coach I think should be able to do in our conference.
Postmanke, you must be one hell of a basketball player if you were ballin’ with those names. Again, I find the Tsaikos to be a diverse and incredibly talented group of people.
SMU is 4-4, with 4 games to go, they feel that bowling is possible and a ponyfan sends his aloha our way.
I want to take this opportunity to thank
by CalallenStang » Tue Nov 03, 2009 1:55 pm
an instrumental person in June Jones’ departure from Hawaii for SMU.
Thanks Herman.
a picture of HF was on the ponyfan site but i guess it didn’t copy and paste to the WB
5 answers:
1) play for the WAC championship every year.
2) qualify to play in a BCS bowl game every 3 years and be invited to join a BCS conference.
3) average attendance above 42,000 each year.
4) compete for the very best each and every year.
5) within 5 years build a solid supporter base ( $$$ ) and increase donations by an average of 15-20% each year – use $$ donated in 2009 as the “start point”. Hopefully, there will be a large donor ($1 million + )each year to sustain the momentum or a bunch of smaller donors ( $10,000-$50,000 ). This will require the support of all the coaches, players, Na Koa, Tsaikos, etc.
Postmanke ~ Very descriptive @ #28! Sounds like a real *gym rat* moment…heheheh! Wish I could’ve seen that ‘dunk!’
I love your answer to #2!!! Sugar Bowl was just practice, the second one for sure we gonna be ready to tear it up!
i would love to see us play a Big-12 team in the Fiesta Bowl one year.
My island await you.
let the gentle tradewinds blow your drifting craft to my shore.
All the coconuts are free
Utah St. 45
Hawaii 17
Iwonderwhytheyhateme ~
I concur with your first 4 realistic goals. The only thing I would add to it is to see a more agressive approach to garnering additional donations at your item #5.
5a). After donating a cool million, perhaps an exclusive show stopper at the Blaisdell Arena from our more famous Alum like Bette Middler would add even more revenue! Every years she could test her new Vegas act on the local market first. Why not invite local stars to participate?
5b). The E-bay guy has already made a pledge to do a long term donation deal to Hawaii. He might want to consider diverting a few big dollars our way for UH athletics every year.
The 100oz walking stick/drink holder could also multi task as some other device too. All you need is a drill and some hoses! 🙂
5a) That is actually a REALLY darn good idea!!! A “Warriors Concert to Remember” staring Bette Middler, C&K, Caz Brothers etc etc…..That would be really awesome.
5b) The E-bay founder Pirre Omidyar did go to Punahou and Cayman is a Punahou graduate, also AOL’s Steve Case a Punahou graduate. Also Mack is poised to “recruit the heck out of Hawaii.” I think approaching Mr. Omidyar and even Case would be a terrific idea. A long term gift of $500,000-$1,000,000 a year per person would be awesome.
What was the biggest problem with handling Taste of Honolulu?….It wasn’t that it didn’t bring in a lot of money…it was because they did not have enough manpower/support to organize etc.
What if we did a “A Warriors Feast” held on Ching Field. Tons and Tons of parking and bring in restaurants etc etc….Utilize some rides from EK Fernandez (Punahou Alum).
Yep…lotta folks forget she wen grad from Radford and UH.
Wonder no more my friend! That’s another great fund raiser @#42!
God, now I am overly excited that something like a “A Warriors Feast”
1) Include a bunch of restaurants form around the island, even state.
2) Organization can be done by Na Koa and Athletics dept.
3) Manpower….did someone say Student Athletes and the Tsaikos?!
4) Ching Field is massive
5) $Free.99 parking at the gigantic parking structure.
6) Get real local entertainment like Kealii Raichel, Caz Brothers, Fiji, C&K
7) All by scripts, not by tickets.
8) “1st day event – VIP Tasting w/wine” ($2500-$5000/table of 10) Call upon our friends at Southern Wine, Better Brands, HSAR, Taniokas, Fujiokas, R.Field
9) Bring back our “NFL athletes” to wine and dine with the VIP spenders.
etc etc etc………
postmanke- hoops story is a classic!
Pidgin is, I think, called Hawaii Creole English by linguists.
Hi Ho desu
Howzit Everybody,
Iwwthm #45,
This could be a very feasible event to put on as a fundraiser for UH athletics and I am sure that most of this could be paid for by sponsors. Events of this proportion are actually pretty easy to put together just gotta have someone with the vision. Eh maybe this type of project could get someone like Wreck out from hiding.
This type of event could be a yearly thing and could bring in good money and it could also connect big time donors to the program. There are big time pluses that could happen from setting up events like this. It is these types of projects that will help the Athletic Department get to where we want them to be.
If you plan it they will come.
kama krab,
amen brother, amen.
who would be a good person to talk to about something like this?
#24 A-House
Paul Horning (spelling?)
Notre Dame
year??? I’m not old enough to remember
Always nice to see your starting quarterback in a vertical position. Hope the healing continues for Greg Alexander.
IWWTHM ~ Like Kama Krab said, Wreck would be one person I would want to involve. I would ask the key people behind the Punahou Carnival, and other large school functions for their input. Form a Hui, and get down to long term planning, with short term goals.
For entertainment, our own Tsaiko Songstress *Nalani* might even be interested, as her son Ka’hai is a valued member of the Warriors. Many of Hawaii’s famous entertainers would love to pitch in if asked in the right spirit.
Many of the logistical needs for UH facility support could be easily coordinated thru JD and staff. That is the biggest headache with putting on something as large as this would be. Since this will benefit them, I’m sure they would be happy to help.
Key people who run the SSC, like Rich S. are so accomodating and easy to work with…Ching &BB Field, and yes…even the parking structure. The soccer field area for rides and carnival games would be perfect!
A long term project for sure that begs for a template to be put in place for this annual event to continue.
Great visual story! I don’t know who those players are…but I’m sure it’s a game to remember.
When I spoke to Coach Sellito at the Maryknoll athletics awards program, it sounded like this might be his last season coaching at HPU. Guess I’ll have to go to see HPU at a home game.
The most memorable basketball game for me was winning a trip for 4 to a Phoenix Suns-Lakers game at the Staples Center. Well…maybe seeing my 5’5″ brother play center in a game under Sellito might be numbah one. Amazing to me…
mahalo for the words of wisdom. i will slowly get people together to see if this can become a reality.
go warriors!
Does SMU have a women’s volleyball team? 😯
hellooooo….helloooo….test…test… test…is anybody out there? Is this blog working? or is something wrong with my puter…..
Howzit TYaiea!
You on the 9th Island?
Either people are having din-din, or the blog is intermittently broken…no updates.
TYaiea ~ You are coming in loud & clear. Blog is running on tired blood.
Iwonderwhytheyhateme is on to something BIG. Maybe you could add to his list.
tonight’s news
but i know the blog all broke so we’ll see how many get to see it
spencer smith at nickel should be entertaining.
Worked for me C_C!
Blog clock off by 15 minutes. Slow refresh time.
Blog been slow since this afternoon.
Maybe it’s a good thing the blog is so slow—I need to get these papers graded. 😛
Hate Me- Rotary Club members are great volunteers…
WOW- So nice to see Greg Alexander again!
Sorry to hear about all the injuries- but happy to know Kenny Estes will be getting more action!!
ST- enjoy seeing the random Warrior fan pics too!
Nitey Nite and SWEET Warrior Dreams!
Wow- took a couplea minutes for my comment to load…
hey duffer…you out there?
its working but in slow motion.
Should the team even be risking having Pollard practicing with that stress fracture? I thought there were more than enough receivers; what about Tinoco? Is he in the doghouse or what?
Wow…I posted this at noon yesterday and it finally made it!
Nah…j/k I just posted it at 01:24 AM~Wed. morning.
Good Morning Blogmeister. The WB has been bogged down for hours, is this a sign that the Apocalypse is near!
A-House on #24,
I am totally in agreement with ‘chopsueyboy’ on #49. My guess for your trivia would be Paul Hornung, Notre Dame around 1964, Am I in the ballpark or am I in the wrong decade? My memory is not what it used to be.
Can you put me down for UH 38 Utah State 24?
Hope springs eternal!
what’s going on with this site? slooooooooooooooooooooooow
There is something wrong with the blog, takes forever to load!!
The blog seems to be working well now.
Who all is going to make the opening game for Wahine Softball?? Game starts at 5:00 PM this Friday.
it is taking 2 1/2 mins. to post comments, now thats slow, but it is only on the blog the rest of the advertiser sites are ok
Great Morning All!
Hope things go well in practice today.
Have a terrific day erryboddy!
(jic this takes a while to come out, I mean Wednesday. 🙄 )
Please contact me to get the ball rolling on this idea.
Na Koa has a marketing committee that has suggested a concert utilizing local talent; many of the ideas posed this morning are workable to stage a quality event. We have access to the facilities. We can handle the ‘inside’ paperwork and bureaucratic processes.
Let’s put our ideas down and put them in a priority order and get to work.
Just want to say thank you! for all the great info found on your blog, even helped me with my work recently 🙂 keep it up!