Glennie Adams resigns as Chaminade coach
Former UH-Hilo volleyball standout Glennie Adams has resigned as head coach of Chaminade’s volleyball team.
Wouldn’t Tino Reyes, past associate head coach of the UH men’s volleyball team, make an outstanding successor? Reyes was once Chaminade’s head coach.
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Offensive tackle Kainoa LaCount said he has met the requirements to play for the Warriors this season. “Finally,” he said.
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Mahalo to Miss Hawai‘i Raeceen Woolford and David Veikune for appearing as today’s guests on the Warrior Beat Show.
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If you’re keeping track, Brashton Satele is down to 238 — a 26-pound weight loss since the start of summer. Here’s Brashton at yesterday’s unsupervised workouts:
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Happy birthday to DjMitcho.
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Also, birthday wishes to Ryan Henry and Jennifer Carey.
* * * *
And, if you’re going to get Ryan Henry a present, scratch off L.A. tattoo from the wish list.
article on offseason workouts in Colorado.
Good Morning Tsaiko Family!
One day closer to the start of football season!!!!! 😀
I can’t wait to watch the replay of the show when I get home from work.
Top 5 yeah!!!
Good Morning All
Go Warriors!
Happy Birtday djmitcho!!!
Prayers for your speedy recovery, SailorBlue!
Top 5! Chee Hoo!
Good article, letsgowarrors.
You know, I don’t recall seeing any trainers or medical staff at unsupervised workouts. Well, maybe the basketball trainer was there during the morning ones.
As Colt alluded to, most people watch the show at work.
I brought my son to the unsupervised workouts yesterday afternoon.
Our conclusion: It’s really hot out there.
Especially on the turf.
I can’t watch the show from work; our IT department has blocked streaming video feeds 🙁
sorry didnt mean to post Boulder info on a veikune chat.
its good to see that Mack is on par with getting recruits here by Summer Session 2.
hopefully we get up to par on the full participation. CU is going 11ons unsupervised.
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Happy birthday, djmitcho!
Mornin stephen-kos!!!
Hey stephen…have you gotten the chance to get that workout book yet? I still got 30 lbs to go. Maybe you can get Brashton to email me a handwritten note on his workout regimen. What do you think?
Get well soon, SailorBlue!
I won’t be able to watch the show live today; I’ll be getting a massage.
Question for Raeceen: Are you related to Ke’o Woolford?
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
ST – I DARE you to ask Miss Hawaii to dance. Let’s see it!!
I’m anxious to see a Dancing Queenmoment today!
Will you be on campus? Will there be an opportunity for a lucky fan to *cut* in?
Good morning Hawaii!
I’m up but not awake!
Top 25?
Happy Birthday Mr. Raw!
Lemme see here, tennis shoes, golf shoes, bowling shoes…”Diana, where the heck are my dancing shoes?”
Can anyone explain to me what happened after the Holiday Bowl in 1992 when Hawaii fell to 0-11? I was out of the country and the Internet was not too informative in those days.
Birthday greetings to a temporarily off island Warrior…*Mr. DJMitcho!*
Thanks Stretch,
What happened to Bob Wagner? Did the loss of Paul Johnson doom his tenure?
Happy Birthday DJMitchO!
It’s almost football time
Happy Birthday djmitcho!
Get well soon SailorBlue. Hope to see you at more of our upcoming events!
Good Morning Tsaikos and Tsaikettes!
Just realized the first game is on a Friday…duh.
*cough cough* I think I’ll be sick on that day.
jojo and A-Sports…Oxtail soup and Pho.
happy birthday djmitcho!
for raeceen….
congratulations! probably this is greater than any volleyball memory. you were most definitely the best!
i hear that you will be entering med school, that’s awesome, what field of medicine will you be pursuing and why?
another raeceen question…
you’re just a rare combination of beauty, grace, intellect, and athleticism. besides being a great example to the youth of hawaii, what is the one thing you would like to do for the na keiki o hawaii?
what would you tell a prospective female student/athlete about your university of hawaii experience and why should she become a member of the na wahine?
mahalo girl. we’ll be pulling for you in the main event.
Happy Birfday to DJMitchco!!!!
Sailor Blue needs TLC – take care fella; get well soon!!!
oxtail soup and pho?
hale viet nam serves that in one bowl.
david veikune…
congratulations on your nfl career dream come true!
when do you expect to graduate and what is your major?
what would you tell a prospective student/athlete about your university of hawaii experience and why should he become a member of the warrior football program?
good morning Tsaikos,
quick recovery to Sailor Blue, pleasure meeting you this past weekend.
congrats to brashton satele, lean and mean, pack on the muscle now.
ryan is on the same path, came home at 250 lbs, down from season playing weight 272 lbs, and getting quicker…..lean and mean takes you farther down the road to success….
last one for david……..
how is your transition going from a defensive end to a hybrid outside linebacker progressing?
what are the biggest challenges?
what has been the easiest adjustment?
are you comfortable with this change?
we’ll be pulling for you!
happy birthday to ryan and jen!
ah, jen carey one of my favorite na wahine.
UH Fans Invited To Audition For Football Commercial
It’s official for auditioning this weekend- any Tsaiko individually or group
Get well all!
Wagner got canned, Von Appen got hired and killed the program Thank you Hugh Yoshida
das some pretty thick arms for a receiver!
the days of old have evolved yah. in the old days, the skinniest and fastest guys were ends. the mantra was, just go deep.
today, receivers gotta be strong enough to fight off the defenders.
I wasn’t in Hawaii when this all happened and still an expat.
However continuing events led to hiring of JJ, HF(sorry another error) Sugar, HF replaced by JD and now Coach Mack.
Where we’ll be in the near future – I will continue to remain positive in my outlook.
Just a friendly reminder to limit each post to one question, although you may post multiple times.
David Veikune- what are the major surprises you have had moving to the NFL level?
Raceen- what kind of schedule of appearances will you have as Miss Hawaii?
Oops. Sorry ST
In short, after UH won the Holiday Bowl:
• UH stopped taking partial qualifiers.
• Other programs, such as Utah, San Diego State, New Mexico and Fresno State invested more money into the athletic program …
• … and UH did not.
• Paul Johnson eventually left.
i forgot that the princess could only manage to read one question at a time.
i’m joking.
al: Don’t you watch the show? You need to ask shorter questions, you’re giving the Princess a hard time. 😛
Just tell the Princess to skip those posted questions that are rambling & too long. Take the ones that are posted singly & to the point.
jason…but, that’s how i talk. i always have a prelude to what i am asking or stating. must be the pordagee blood in me.
i think if she just read my queries it would be just fine. i am always leading up to something before i ask.
gee slugger….i thought you were on my side.
i actually ask a lot of questions because many of you don’t and i am trying to save face for the blog.
know what i mean.
Hi al! and y’all….
And I really, really appreciate you asking all those questions! Sometimes it just trips me up, so it’s easier to ask one question at a time. Plus, I don’t really read the questions before I start asking them so I ramble a bunch off and it gets confusing for the guest.
Good morning everyone!
Some commentary leading up to the question is good if it needs the background information. For an interview show, too much preamble is, well, too much. One question per post is much easier to handle.
Long posts for the blog is great. That what this is for. Just not for interviews where you really want to hear the interviewee’s point of view.
ST ~ You should have PL just read the first question posted on a long single posting & then go to the next one. It’s like going to Krazy Karaoke & having one person put in 6 songs in a row & not letting the rest of the group get in there to sing. Mixing it up is a good thing.
I think that it is easier for the guests also when there is just one question asked at a time. I’ve seen that cause problems in the past, and then they have to ask for the other parts of the question.
So, I think it is best for the Princess *and* the guests to ask just one question at a time.
Discussion of the most valuable Dolphin players of course includes Bess.
Whoa! Brashton’s IN shape! Great pic, ST!
Please don’t take offense (or defense :)) It’s just in watching the show, it does slow the Princess down when there’s a long post w/ an embedded question.
What aspect of your training or preparation for UH games do you think was most helpful for the Miss Hawaii competition?
David Veikune,
What has been the hardest thing about adjusting to the inside and outside linebacker positions with the Browns?
ok, ok, ok.
i get the point.
the boss says i talk too much anyway.
more folks should ask questions.
sometimes, well, quite often the hosts are begging for questions.
my fear is that if i don’t ask more questions the show will just go away.
just here to support the program.
i guess i ask questions that seek answers that will get inside of the head of the guests and to do such i need to set it up.
well just my opinion.
on another note….
brashton is certainly making a statement to be strongly considered for his old position.
hey, he would be a great guest.
hi princess!
no worry.
you still my favorite princess.
Hi al! Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I really, truly appreciate the questions you and the other Tsai-kos are asking! Thank you so much. I think the guests like answering questions from people who are fans. Very different from us boring media types.
Al getting lickens this morning from Jason and slugger…don’t ramble on and on, a few more paragraphs and you’ll be writing as much as wassup doc and roysan16
Hi Raeceen, Ubduh uhhh duhh but yeah ahhhh uh….i mean uhhh ahhh bbbbdddahhh. And then bbbbbddddduhhh uhhhh ahhhh.
Darned cat.
Wassup-Al, great moniker for one of our knowledgeable tsaiko
Yeah, the Princess is kind of boring. Luckily ST is on the show.
for both of you,
if you could sum up your UH careers/experiences in one (or a few) word(s), what would it be?
ralph says all the cute things
pride. how are you doing?
good question.
say, we should discuss that over lunch on friday.
Princess Leila you are far from boring.
No can Friday, only Thursday.
Sitting here wondering if Brashton was ever asked whether he wanted to move to DE or not. Hmmmm.
Of course it’s none of my business though.
We need a LOT more questions for today’s show! I’m helping to moderate again. (How is this ending up to be my job every week? 😉 )
al: Thank you for your questions! The show would be short without all of yours! 😉
Thanks for posting, I really enjoyed that post, wish you would post more often
Good suggestion. Would be interesting to have Brashton on to find out what he’s working toward, what position he likes playing…
Having Grandma Pestana on, too, would be fun to hear a fan/’ohana’s point of view… 🙂
As athletic and competitive as you are, how did you cope with your limited playing time?
What is the one thing that you can say has helped you improve your game (mental or physical) since you left college?
pride. no can thursday. i’ll be in the no kaoi valley.
How did your playing sports help you in the pagent…if any?
Raeceen and David, what is the one most important lesson that you learned from your parents, that enabled you to be as successful as you are today?
Beau Bell was all over the field against the Warriors two years ago. How is he as a pro player and teammate?
With childhood obesity on the increase, how would you use your Miss Hawai’i position to get the children of Hawai’i started on life-long fitness?
i am thinking that brashton was “asked” one of those questions where a negative reply could be construed as not being a team player?
Since I know it’s coming
David –
If a whole section of fans stood up and did the Ha’a with the Warriors after the warm ups, what would the reaction be? From you…from the players?
hi shauna.
why don’t you just slip some questions in yourself?
#1. LGW, im not surprised u took the initiative to learn….kudos to u….now, u understand the reasoning for some predicting a 6-7 season….notice in the recent pic re our aussie punter there is no mention of his clock-time from snap to boot, his average hangtime over 10 punts or where he places the ball–ie, between the hashmarks or betw the hash and the sideline….just a caption that he is boomin da ball…..ZZZZZZZZZ.
What song are you going to sing for the vets when asked to sing at dinner during fall camp?
Do you still lift weights? If so, what kind of workout do you do and how often?
How much time have you gotten to spend in Cleveland and what have you enjoyed the most there, outside of football?
david…have you and kaluka maiava gotten together?
and he is back… i knew good things couldn’t last forever.
WF2 – YOU are welcome to join ST to watch the workouts with YOUR stopwatch, YOUR camera, YOUR notepad. Please do it so we can get all the info that YOU are requesting. Why criticize someone for getting info for us even if it’s not what YOU want. who cares what YOU want.
WF2. Great to see you! Keep posting.
are you serious?
Yea, guess you gotta do what the coach thinks best for the team. They have the ‘big picture’.
Off to get a massage…Esme & whoosh….
congratulations! you make hawaii proud!
what are your goals as miss hawaii?
Is question in #86 from BG for David or for BG??
al: I don’t follow sports so I wouldn’t know what to ask… Ssshh… 😉
perhaps you, melila, and kaluka will form the “hawaiian punch” or more aptly “da poi dogs” since the browns does have the dawgpound.
Princess Leila – So when are you walking down to my side again?
There, one question.
Miss Hawaii….
What was da celebration grindz after everything was over? Congrats and Good Luck!
Everybody is entitled to their opinion, even if that opinion is in opposition to mine. But, never be intimidated by anyone, and never back down from anyone.
Yeah, I aint sked of Pride…gulp.
#86 Thanks! LOL
I’ve decided to leave that one alone since I’ve received no response from the powers that be. No attitude here…I just like to prioritize things and try to be smart about what I can or can’t do. I have so many exciting things I want to do before the Good Lord calls me for the Ultimate Adventure.
Howzit Mr. Veikune!
So when you chatted with Kaluka…have you ever thought about asking him…”Why not UH?” Nah nah…no make. So where you planning on getting local grindz in Lebronland, OH?
Raeceen- what are you planning to do to “step it up” for the Miss America Pageant?
ok… gotta go chiro. Will have to catch the replay…
Question for David:
What was the most impressive *Welcome to the NFL* event on or off the field when you arrived in Cleveland, Ohio?
gee lizk….she looked pretty hot to me and more importantly she had the only intelligent answer during the contest.
808chef….careful now. your question was a bit lengthy.
Question for Miss Hawaii
Do you have plans to promote the UH Athletic Program during your travels?…How so?
no worry homey.
i bring a step ladder for you to go head to head with pride.
kekoa….please limit your questions to one per post.
damn… Al is the post police now…. hahahahahha
stretch….watch your choice of words. “damn” is not everday vernacular on this blog. i could report you to the smu policeman.
princess leila….even if you did hurt my feelings, no worry i still love you.
warriorfanny2…how you doing?
good to see you again.
what happened to tiger?
too bad mr. watson didn’t pull it off.
he did look too intense on the 18th.
…and will you please tell dpk that i am not you.
please pardon the slight delay.
i think st is still in the restroom.
Al ~ Now you making the Princess angry at you again for making tan-ta-run!
was that you kekoa or ralph?
FYI, I did submit those last several questions listed but for some reason it’s not showing up on the Cover It Live… I alerted our online team…
Al ~ It’s me…but I think the Princess was getting on your case. So don’t shoot, I’m only the Piano player!
Thanks Shauna…here’s a question for you. Do you prefer doing this show on campus or back at the HA Bat Cave?
((((sigh))) See what happens when I disappear??? Dangit!
ST: too late to claim my prize?
Awww…man……somebody give me lickens, please…….I can’t believe I totally missed it!!!
Homey! YOU was on da pink side this morning! Sheesh..why you neva’ tell me!
Kekoa: It doesn’t matter to me since I’m at my desk transferring the comments anyway… But I think I prefer it at the Bat Cave so there’s a potential to see some action. 😉 But the studio is definitely tucked away in the corner…
Not sure why Leila wasn’t given those other questions that didn’t go through… I guess there is a glitch. 🙁
David do you see yourself getting any playing time this year.
#117. good point and I wrote an article that wasnt very endearing of my hero or Golf in general.
I was getting tired of pundits claiming tiger was the best athlete on the planet and he could be a DB in the NFL. Lol.
He got beat by a 60 year old and was showed up by a 17 year old pup named the “bashful prince”. Now, show me, where a 60 year old or 17 year old can dominate an all pro NFL baller?
Look, golf is a skill sport which requires mucho skill and gray matter, but athletic wise–not when Tom Watson, right off of major hip surgey finishes in a tie for first in the biggest major in golf–give me a freeking break!
#93. more rice n gravy with 4 scoops sugar. 🙂
relax and learn–it will make u a wiser fan.
Ok… so opened up my Hmail today and apparently this Satuday’s event WILL be a tryout…
Hmmm… perhaps I’ll pass on this one… I don’t like “pressure” 😉
Ms. Woolford is as beautiful as they come and as a former Rainbow Wahine, what better representative could we have as “Miss. Hawai’i”?
(throws a shaka to Raeceen) dey u go!
hmmm….. i wonder if Raeceen’s fiancee is somehow realted to AJoe??
ST is a chicken!!! Come on ST, you still get time
I sense a disturbance in the force…..
no, it’s not that…..
or that….
…yes, the DOE Retiree is back ondarock!
Missed the show; will catch it later.
Happy BDay to Ryan Henry and Jenn Carey.
Happy Birthday to Princess Leila!!
did anyone else get their H-mail? Rep. Takai and 2 other UH graduates serving our country flew the UH flag at their Kuwait base.
I haven’t seen the show yet (buried under a pile of work for the past few hours), so I don’t know if David Veikune was asked about his contract situation. Here is what his agent said:
happy birthday princess!
The Vegas lines have been set and the over/under for UH wins this season is 5.5. So, if you bet on UH and UH goes 6-7 or better, you win the bet…Vegas sure doesn’t think very highly of UH this season.
The over/under for BSU wins is 10.5.
Happy Birthday Princess!
Happy birthday Princess Leila
Could be Garret is writing Happy Birthday to Koa-mahu.
happy brithday Leila, Tsai mentioned that you’re 28, it that right?
Veikune said he won’t report to camp until there is a resolution to his contract situation. He said he did not know how far apart the sides are .
Ralph – 1997 graduate of Kaiser High…do the math.
Ralph!…Shame on you…You know, she’s still a pup!
Nevah mine him Princess. Have a Happy Birthday today and don’t worry about Ralph trying to make you retirement age aurreddy.
Maybe David Veikune shoulda done the math!
Vegas lines are going to be off just enuff to make it happen for UH bettors who do this purely for entertainment purposes this season. Hehehe! 😳
Thanks for the birthday wishes…still TWO more days to remain in my 20s! Yikes!
Anyways, did you guys see this?
I’m think there are more than a few qualified Tsai-kos who could get involved in this.
ST ~ Easy day today. No video problems on my end. Audio levels go ballistic when Princess laughs. She really pegs the needles at times! No can help, get plenny enthusiasim!
Questions concerning the questions, caused some of the questions to disappear.
Happy birthday Princess!
And I’m with Kainoa on this one. Finally!
Whoa! Das one beeg buggah!
….and LaCount get pretty good size, too!
Good to see LaCount has his priorities in order.
Has Kainoa LaCount been working out? Im curious to see how effective he can be and if he can step in and compete for a starting position in training camp. I’d also like to see if he really is a legit 6’6″-6″7″ as mentioned.
Kekoa: Yikes. Sorry about that. I’ll try to lean away from the microphone the next time I’m about to laugh uncontrollably.
Welcome home to the Warrior team, Kainoa Lacount.
It’s been a long journey, but it’ll be worth it.
Good Luck, Kainoa.
hey princess
eh keep it down, some of us are already on the wrong side of 30 🙁
5.5 W’s for the warriors sure seems low
Princess Leila ~ Just trying to make a good show, an even better one. Thanks for being a good moderater. Someone has to give the show a little *Star Quality!*
princess leila….don’t mind ralph. he has a way with words when it comes to women.
whoa, princess you are rather tall aren’t you?
if raceen is the 5’7″ as she claims and leila is about an inch taller than she…….well, ralph better not stand next to them.
well, having kainoa in the house just made the competition stand up. his arrival is a bonus.
in fact, having kaniela tuipulotu come in next year is another bonus.
will Kainoa attend fall camp?
Joseph Napeahi – now you gotta get qualified.
Kainoa Lacount and Joseph Napeahi – woo – beeg buggahs,
and they have JC experience.
Looooking good — hope it gets better.
Tsai-kos have to try out to be Psychos?
What’s up with that!?!?
Oops. Sorry, wrong blog.
” labrat: July 21st, 2009 at 4:04 pm
will Kainoa attend fall camp? ”
It would be foolish NOT to have Kainoa in fall camp.
I think he will be in fall camp, they will make room.
fall camp – just a few weeks away …
Anyhow, I think it is just plain crazy.
On the other hand, they want the regular crazies as opposed to the irregular crazies there I suppose.
So, as Tsai-ko’s, are we the regular or irregular crazies?
and I think Kainoa has 2 to play 2; no more time on the clock.
lacount and tuipulotu will be bonuses for 2010. not sure what type of shape lacount is in, but our projected OL for 09 are all seniors. very, very worried about our OL in the future. we only got Makainai and Leonard last class, w/ Loeffler greyshirting. we got a good start on ’10 w/ Lefotu, Loyd, Shigematsu and Sapolu.
I think the issue with Joseph was his weight, not his grades.
re #171.
Right, I think you mentioned it before.
And I think another poster said that he was attending CC.
But I sure hope that he can get on board, in any scenario.
Happy birthday to dj, Ryan and Jennifer!
Howzit Everybody,
The O-line situation has just gotten a little bit more interesting. With a senior ladden front five this year, we are looking really stacked for next year and years to come.
We still got a lot of names in the cupboard to chose from once this senior class is gone. What these names need is a chance and they will get that chance once 09 is done. We should still be solid on the line for years to come. JMO
a whole new starting 5 + qb can be shaky. experience does count…and if they cant beat out the current starters even though they are underclassmen, it does not bold well….
who are these names you are thinking of? im curious bc i dont see any.
What I think we need for the O-line is more Brett Leonard, Kainoa LaCount type Offensive Tackles. That is one position that we are very slim at. It looks like we have some studs in waiting at the Guard and Center position, we just need the big boys, 6-5 and above. That would be a nice wish list each year. One or two per class would be great.
the key to our oline rests in the hands of one assistant coach gordy shaw. isn’t he the fourth or fifth oline coach in as many years?
i sure hope that he can make the transition from run oriented oline mentor to run n shoot pass happy oline guru. i believe the techniques and assignments are like apples n oranges.
…nuff said.
Hope agin’ hope…
I suddenly feel that I should DVR the K5 news at 6:30….
I was looking at guys like Drew Uperesa, Tui Tuiasosopo, Austin Hansen, Matagisila Lefiti. Even guys like Levi Legay and Ikaika Rodenhurst. All of these guys I have named all have big time potential and all could be better then the current starters we have but just need time to develop physically and mentally for the college game, which is why they are still not seing very much time. But I must say that once these guys get there chance, they will be animals on the field.
lacount, leonard, tui, rodenhurst, sila, ginlack, sapolu, uperesa, hansen will all get more reps in practice this year and may smell more game. you never know who will rise to the occasion.
we are also pursuing some jc prospects.
i say lets get through this year first. i do believe that we will top the vegas’ odds of 5.5 wins. i’ll chip in a few pesos on that bet.
what’s on at 6:30 pm other than an eclipse?
I think we have alot of talent that just needs to be coached up. I think that Shaw will bring the stability and knowledge it will take to push this talent over the top and bring us back to the days of Coach Cav.
I have total faith that this years o-line will be alot better than last, just because of the fact that they are getting the experienced coaching that they need.
Next total eclipse in Hawaii in 2106!
….darn! I’m booked. 🙁
A little “bookie” says, “an overdue ‘signing ceremony’.”
Rodenhurst is not on the 105.
#170, we got better athletes on DL that can switch to OL IF Shaw makes a case w MAC. There are several im thinkin about that could start in 2010 on the OL and contend. Otherwise it looks like rebuilding in 2010 not reloading….lacount will take at least a year to play himself back into shape and form…he has been out 2 years 2 many…..still wishin kainoa the best and congrads for qualifying, at this point continuing his education under a scholie is huge….gotta be rooting for the big guy from over the pali to dial-in.
And back to the names I just listed,
I did not even list the Juniors, that will be making there presence felt this year and the 09 recruited freshmen. Tell me, if this is not a pretty good cupboard to play with, then I don’t have much else to say.
Is there a chance he could be added back when the roster is expanded?
by the way Stephen,
Didn’t UH already update there roster, taking out the players not returning for fall. I ask because those that you have stated are leaving have already been deleted from the online roster and Rodenhurst is still there. Once again just wondering.
there are guys on the roster that are not part of the 105 that may/may not be invited back once fall semester starts.
Happy birthday Princess – though with that picture with Raeceen and the crown on your head – one could also call you a Queen!
Of course Raeceen is a lovely queen as well.
Signing ceremony complete. ST too a small kine hit from Colt over a certain photo.
Thanks for the tip D-1!
Wafan ~ I believe this audition for Warrior fans are for the ‘weekend’ part-time folks.
Hard core Tsaiko’s need not apply.
Sounds like the Chaminade HC position would be a good fit for Tino Reyes!
Hello Mr. Glennie Adams… You have to give me training of volleyball.
I’m glad that Kainoa LaCount can join the Warriors! It seems like the process has taken forever, but I’m glad he’s through it now.
Hopefully he’ll be ready to contribute by next season when the OL loses so many to graduation…though contributing this season would be nice too.
I’m glad that Colt finally got his autograph from Stephanie Lum.
I think Shaw will make a difference with the O-Line, but at the same time, I don’t expect any player new to the Warrior program to make an impact on the O-Line this year. I hope I’m wrong, but it just seems like there is a lot of adjustment in terms of athleticism, strength, toughness, competition, playing with new guys, learning a new offense and classwork.
Veikune’s agent seems a little frustrated with his recent comments…without the Browns trying to negotiate it is hard to make a deal! Here is another update about how Cleveland seems to be slow about negotiating with their high draft picks. It isn’t just that Cleveland isn’t trying to sign Veikune, they aren’t trying to sign ANY of their top 4 draft picks!
You mentioned in a recent blog that the SEC will eventually have their TV contract run out and they will have to be ready for the drop in revenue after that. That would be the case if they were negotiating a new deal now…but their new deal actually starts this season and goes on for *15* years!
For their football TV rights (not counting the local TV/radio deals that each team has), the SEC gets $55 million per year from CBS and $150 million per year from ESPN (ESPN gets the games CBS doesn’t want). That is $205 million per year for 15 years!
ESPN is trying to create a nationally syndicated TV network for the SEC–it might already have more coverage than the Big 10 Network. The SEC Network will show men’s and women’s basketball in additional to football…and would be huge for their recruiting and $$$. The “SEC Network” revenue is in *addition* to the $205 million per year they are getting from CBS/ESPN.
Given all that TV money, the SEC is going to be paying $1 million or more for home games against WAC, MWC, Sun Belt, MAC, and D-IAA teams who want the money and won’t require a home game in return. The SEC gets zero TV dollars for nonconference road games…so they could even pay more than $1 million soon.
Teams like SJSU who want paydays will go to the SEC first for the biggest offers, with the Big 10 offering the next most money since their TV deal gives a lot more than everyone else except the SEC. That probably explains why SJSU is getting $1 million for their SEC road game and $900k for their Big 10 road game.
I haven’t been keeping up with the times lately. How did Colt get his Stephanie Lum autograph?
It sounds like Jake Ingram has a real battle on his hands for the long-snapper position. The Patriots had a hole at that position and they got two good options to battle it out.
ST’s tweet (if you don’t follow him on Twitter or via Google Reader, you can see it at the top of this page in the right column) said:
Analysis about Bess by a Fantasy Sports site.
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want to read the off-topic stuff.
Amateur astronomy took a break from watching sports on TV on Sunday to use his backyard telescope and discovered an object hitting Jupiter…creating a scar on Jupiter the size of the Earth! With all of the expensive telescopes and professionals working around the world, some guy using a $10k telescope in his backyard was the only one to notice this object hitting Jupiter?
Taiwanese researchers developed an organic compound that can destroy the swine flu and bird flu.
Global warming has resulting in European fish stocks becoming just half as big as before. Also, smaller species are making up a larger proportion of European fish stocks, which affects predators higher up on the food chain.
Liverpool researchers showed that it is possible to develop an invisibility cloak to protect a building from earthquakes.
The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile crashed into the deck and garage of a home in Wisconsin.
Think the Stephanie Lum ‘graph will replay later?
My friend “Misa” just delivered my Barefoot League CB5/15 duo tone tee shirt.. Nice!
My kingdom for a massage therapist right now…
Free play links pau.
Note for iPhone, iTouch, BlackBerry, and PC users: If you download the free eReader from Barnes & Nobles, you will get free eBooks–BlackBerry users will get Dracula, Pride and Prejudice, Little Women, and the Merriam-Webster’s Pocket Dictionary for free. PC and iPhone/iTouch users will also get The Last of the Mohicans and Sense andSensibility for free.
ATT wireless signal is having a problem in Hawaii right now…
Liz . . .
Hope you find a good masseuse(r) soon!
The best things about the Jupiter article are the two updates. 😛
I guess I do not understand AT&T. If you want a credit for the disrupted service you have to notify them and hope they credit your account. Of course, they have the right to deny the credit.
duffer – if you didn’t already know, Cassy qualified for Match Play at the US Girls Junior Championship in New Jersey. Seeded higher than Kimberly Kim!!
thanks Garret
Yea, Colt coming up on K5!
Go Cassy!!!
wafan- I found one but he got away…
ST gets a shout out too! Shhhh….
d1: There will be a complete solar eclipse visible from Hawai`i on August 21, 2017.
I must remember to make a note to myself to be sure to pack my contact lenses. I left them in my hotel room for the July 11, 1991 eclipse which is when we launched our first ecotourism business – A Guided Tour of The Galaxy – which we for another 14 years.
Whoops!! …which we ran for another 14 years
What did we learn today from our two guests?
David Veikune:
1 – Work Hard
2 – Importance of focus on academics
Raeceen Woolford:
1 – Set goals
2 – Visualize yourself beeing successful
3 – Perservere through trials
4 – Work hard and show your coaches and teachers that you are focus and comitted
5 – Be positive
6 – Everybody can make a difference in the world so get out there and get active and volunteer.
7 – Get out and exercise, make it fun.
Thanks for today’s show.
Thanks for the tip but I’m lookin’ for totality…trying to juggle a few things for the 2106 event. Will keep you updated! 🙂
Why did Glennie Adams resign? Did she find another coaching job somewhere?
Mahalo Pride.,
Now the wait doesn’t seem so long!
Colt looked good on K5 with Stepanie Lum and company tonight. I can’t blame him for wanting her pic & autograph. I’d be happy with a signed photo from ST. 🙂
you forgot that raeceen also mentioned that she did her daily devotions before each game/event to help her focus and prepare.
Colt is being very crafty about his image by using his celebrity status to keep the media buzz going. Smart way to satisfy all those fans who are unable to attend his fundraisers and autograph sessions. It’s a great feel good moment for the masses.
It’s no wonder that even Miss Hawaii chose him after careful consideration. She chose Colt as her favorite UH athelete and personality.
Continued success to you Colt.
Nitey Nite and Sweet Warrior (cough*COLT*cough) Dreams!
10 more minutes to wish Po’okela Ahmad a Happy Birthday
Today on ESPN’s College Football Live’s 50 States Tour 2009 July 22
Hawaii/Idaho – Set your DVRs!
i’ll have the autograph transaction up soon.
You not only need the best ladders for the job but also the safest… meeting all regulatory requirements. Without making sure of safety you could leave yourself open to claims and legal action.