Matthews expected to be promoted
All signs point to Luke Matthews being promoted from graduate assistant in charge of receivers to full-time coach. When that happens, here’s what it means:
> Continuity: With three newcomers to the full-time staff — defensive coordinator Kevin Clune, linebacker coach Kurt Gouveia and running back coach Wayne Moses — Matthews offers a measure of stability. He knows the system and the players; the players know him. Matthews, quarterback coach Jordan Wynn and receiver Quinton Pedroza were teammates at Utah. What’s more, head coach Norm Chow was the Utes’ offensive coordinator in 2011.
> By the numbers: Under Matthews, the Warriors showed statistical improvement from 2012 in yards-per-reception (12.2 from 11.0), touchdown catches (31 from 12), and “big plays” of 25 receiving yards or more (43 from 15). Each of those stats was the second-most since 2008. Last year, the Warriors had 27 drops in the first nine games, but only two in 79 passes in the final three games. The Warriors yards-after-catch average was 5.86.
> Youth movement: Cal Lee, who returned to Saint Louis School after more than a decade, noted that one of the big changes is most college recruiters to Hawaii appear to be in their 20s. Matthews, who is 24, joins the receivers in post-practice sprints and often demonstrates routes and techniques. “I never had a young coach like that,” said wideout Vasquez Haynes, who transferred from Blinn College last July. “Over the days, over the months, I was willing to learn, and he showed me a lot. I have much respect for him. He’s done a great job. He relates to us.”
> Inspiration: Matthews is a type-1 diabetic who wore an insulin pump when he played for the Utes. He’s a good example, especially for youths with diabetes, that there are restrictions but no limits.
Mornin’ Tom Mui.
In the ancient Persian Empire, the court officials and probably everyone else had long flowing beards.
When Alexander the Great showed up as an envoy for his father, the reaction was “how dare does Phillip send us a beardless youth?”
Alexander replied: “If you wanted a beard, we would have sent a billy-goat!”
It isn’t the age that matters, it is the ability to coach.
Congratulations to Luke Matthews!
And good morning Stephen!
Are you going overseas on your vacation? (Overseas includes Neighbor Islands).
Last observation of the day:
Michelle will not finish in the top ten today. Obviously her knee is troubling her.
I remember when she got catcalls because she didn’t finish, or was cut, or finished in the bottom ten.
Minus four isn’t anything to sneeze at.
I have five weeks of vacation. I’m trying to figure how to use them.
ST..the summer of ST!!!!
Luke – nuke the pass defenses!
I’m not that ambitious. Maybe I’ll read a magazine (instead of a book) and throw a Frisbee at my dog (instead of playing Frisbee-golf).
Congrats to Coach Matthews!! Kinda cool when your coach can run routes and sprints with his players.
Old School Dave:
Chris Naeole also looks like he can strap it up.
ST–if you don’t recall the entire episode, George was admitted to the hospital for total atrophy of his muscles, because of an extended period of non-movement…knock yourself out!
I was playing in a parents-vs.-students basketball game several years ago. I slipped, conked my head, and got a concussion. So, yep I have knocked myself out.
Stephen: Coach Naeole looks bigger than his players even when they are in pads. Years ago, I remember when Ed Riewerts was the O-Line coach for a couple of seasons under Dick Tomey, he used to work out with some of his linemen.
I’ve had three concussions in my life, which probably explains a lot about my random rantings.
Yep, sportswriting is a physical profession.
Old School Dave is going way back.
Speaking of back, back, back … we once played in a media softball game against the UH staff. Riewerts was like Dave Kingman, rocketing shots onto the tennis courts.
“dirty ambitions, dirty influence =s dirty place”
“how can you be immoral if you do not have any morals”?
I took a communications class with Riewerts and Larry Goeas. They were probably the smartest guys in the class.
It’s always a good idea to practice good moral hygiene.
14..OldschoolDave…I said the same thing while attending the Vegas game. Bruddha was visibly larger than all of the players in pads, he looked huge…..
I think that Ed Riewerts, aside from becoming a successful businessman after coaching, was also a national masters champion in the shot put or discus.
I’m getting nostalgic.
Good morning everyone!
Congrats to Luke Matthews for his achievements!
ST — 5 weeks vacation… got passport?
Stay-cation? How about the Arizona Memorial? Iolani Palace? If you haven’t been lately, time to go.
I don’t have a passport. I just got a copy of my birth certificate. No easy task. The hospital of my birth — St. Vincent’s — apparently has closed.
You know you’re old when you out-live hosptials. I can feel for the folks who were born at St. Francis.
Survived several Grad Parties of 2014 ~
Woke up feeling like I was coming out of a Grad induced ‘Blog’ coma. When the fog cleared I recognized a few WB faithful followers like Tom Mui, Col A-house and several others perched on top of my monitor. Good morning everybody! (Feeling slowly returning to my lower brain blog region…).
hurry down to eagle cafe…two more orders of their delicious roast pork n stuffing special with extra gravy.
gotta nap…grad party tonight, full on hawaiian food.
5 weeks vacation ? New Zealand is well worth it if you have that much time.
I spent 4 weeks touring the North Island in a medium size motor home. Two years later I went back and did the same on the South Island,beautiful country it is.
Al, is roast pork and stuffing always on the menu at Eagle? I love the pig!
Traveling by land or air (except U.S. states and possessions) requires a passport –even Mexico and Canada. A passcard is acceptable for Canada and Mexico, but the passcard goes through the same procedure as a passport and costs more (I have one I never used).
Only exception is a cruise departing and returning from a U.S. port in the Western hemisphere–then you can use a birth certificate provided you leave and return on the same ship.
Best advice is to “keep it simple” and just get a passport, whether you need it or not right now.
Last Call:
Did you rent the motor home?
RE: #31
Meant to say “…departing and returning to the same U.S. port…”
e.g. Alaska cruises out of Seattle
BTW, isn’t New Zealand entering it’s winter season right now (since the southern hemisphere has opposite seasons from us).
Utah hasn’t been to a bowl since 2011.
Good for Coach Matthews. I like the new hires so far. How many more days till camp?
When is the site shutting down for a week?
warrior dave…i know its on sundays daily specials as well as roast turkey.
Tomorrow or Tuesday.
Thank you.
Then again, if the weather doesn’t change, I’ll just cool off in the shade of this blog.
32 ) Yes, rented from a well known company call Maui Campervans New Zealand of all names. Long URL so I shortened it.
When I went the money exchange rate was really good for Americans not so good these days . Airlines fares were also a lot cheaper. Flew direct to Auckland on Air New Zealand. Driving on the other side of the road is very interesting.Their roads are very well maintained.
Yes it is winter months there right now I went in their late spring,weather was great.
Best web site that I found for exploring and information is newzealand . com
With three former Utes on the coaching staff, I guess this now means we can be referred to as the Hawaii Utes. What is a Ute? “Ute people are an indigenous people of the Great Basin, now living primarily in Utah and Colorado. The name of the state of Utah was derived from the name Ute.” Utah History 101.
Matthews, Wynn and Pedroza played at Utah but they aren’t from there.
My big concern is that Coach Wayne Moses, who I read is also coaching the TE’s, will have his hands full coaching 2 positions… of the 2 or both will suffer
Regarding yesterday’s mention of UCLA’s assistant coach pay… Good for Jeff Ulbrich! BUT WOW, talk about big time money in college football.. insane! Good luck to us have nots…:
UH qb was hot and quick last season, so Matthews has him to thanks also….
I did not type the s…
5 week vacation? Not when you are blogmeister… You are a victim of your own success.
Maybe you can “re-run” some of your old blogs for 5 weeks….
Howzit Tsaikos!
Congrats to Coach Matthews.
ST – you should think about getting a passport. That way you could venture into Mexico when you’re in SD this fall.
Offensive GA replacements for Wynn & Matthews?…..and well as defensive GA replacements for Torres and Vanderbeek?
He’s (ST), been through this before…he can do it again. Hoomanawaui .
sb Hoomanawanui…my bad
to make the top 60 is like taking candy from a _____
but wen u take da candy, ____ going cry and you goin get stink eye
and wen u get stink eye, u goin have to do sum diplomacy work
so on a beautiful day like today, u do the laundry.
and dat’s how u reach top 60
Yes Whitey, but how’s about top 61? 🙂