Four Warriors earn WAC honors; Wade hires assistant
UH center John Estes, linebacker Blaze Soares and left slotback Greg Salas were named to the All-WAC first team. Left tackle Aaron Kia was selected to the second team.
We interviewed them this morning. And, while all were happy about the honors, they insisted they were bittersweet in the aftermath of Saturday’s season-ending blowout loss.
Estes and Soares will sign with agents after the semester ends Dec. 18.
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Word on the street is Mike Smith will not return as graduate assistant next season. Smith, a former linebacker for the Baltimore Ravens and Texas Tech, was instrumental in scouting, crafting strategy and helping to refine Blaze Soares’ skills. Smith might have a couple of opportunities with NFL teams.
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But contrary to rumors, Cal Lee said he will return as defensive coordinator. Lee, who is one of UH’s top local recruiters, said there is no truth that he would leave for a job in the state system. “I already have a state job,” he said of his role with the Warrirors.
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At yesterday’s team banquet, left slotback Greg Salas was honored as the Warriors’ Offensive Player of the Year. Here he is with his parents and offensive lineman Joey Lipp (right). Salas and Lipp have been teammates since high school.
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Here’s Corey Paredes, who was named top special-team player:
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Here are the Williams — Kaulana, the UH softball team’s graduate assistant coach, and Chris, the football team’s video coordinator.
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From UH:
University of Hawai‘i men’s volleyball head coach Charlie Wade announced the hiring of Shelton Tang as assistant coach. Tang has spent the past 15 seasons as volunteer coach and video coordinator for the Rainbow Wahine volleyball program. “We’re very fortunate to acquire Shelton’s knowledge and experience on our staff,” Wade said. “I’ve known him for the better part of 15 years through his involvement with Hawai‘i volleyball. Shelton was originally going to join my staff as a video coordinator and now he’ll be able to help us in other areas of the program. This is essentially an entry-level, administrative position but what we’re getting is a 42-year old, professional who has the experience of a veteran volleyball coach.”
“This is a tremendous opportunity and I’m very fortunate to be able to be reunited with Charlie Wade,” Tang said. “To be able to work with the Rainbow Wahine volleyball program for the past 15 years, has given me the experience and knowledge to take on this new venture and I’m grateful for my time there. This is a new chapter in my career and I’m excited for the season to begin and to work with Charlie and Dan.”
For the past 15 seasons, Tang was the video coordinator on Dave Shoji’s staff, working primarily with scouting and breaking down film of UH’s opponents. He has been on staff of four NCAA Championship final four teams.
Since 2002, Tang has served as project coordinator for USA Volleyball High Performance for the Aloha Region. He’s coached various teams, including 18-under Aloha Region which took second place in the Youth National Team Division in 2003.
For the past decade, Tang has served as club director and coach for IMPACT Hawai‘i, a club he started in 2000. Among the players he’s coached include a dozen players currently playing Division I volleyball including Rainbow Wahine starting setter Dani Mafua and libero Elizabeth Ka‘aihue.
Outside of coaching, since 2005 Tang has served as tournament director for the Kaua‘i Challenge, a four-day, 32-team high school tournament. In addition for the last nine years he is the tournament director for the IMPACT Hawai‘i Spring Tournament which attracts club teams from Hawai‘i and the mainland across four different age divisions.
Tang has been involved with ‘Iolani School’s volleyball program from the time he graduated from UH. In two separate stints from 1992, he has served various roles such as intermediate coach, head junior varsity coach, and assistant varsity coach. As assistant varsity coach in 2009, the Raiders placed third in the Interscholastic League of Honolulu.
Tang’s extensive coaching experience includes stints at Maryknoll School (2000), Kaimukī High School (1999), Kalani High School (1990-91) and Saint Louis School (1985-89). Upon graduating from UH with a degree in electrical engineering, Tang worked at Hawaiian Tel for 11 years as a maintenance supervisor and senior engineer. He currently works for CCSI, a consulting firm for tw telecom as an engineer.
Tang is single and resides in Honolulu.
Tang joins Wade’s inaugural staff along with associate coach Dan Fisher, volunteer coach Tony McInerny, and graduate assistant Brian Beckwith.
good morning Tsaikos, Tgaters check your email 🙂
In order to hire the types of coordinators that LOL is asking for, UH will need to significantly increase the assistant coaching salary pool. Unless UH’s assistant coaching salary pool increases to close to what BSU’s assistants make (not even considering the lower cost of living there), it is hard for UH to pick up top assistant coaches from other teams. Right now the low assistant coaching salaries are not high enough to grab star assistants from other staffs…instead, UH is the target for raids when they have a star assistant (Cav, Mack after 1999).
Demanding that Mack shuffle his coaching staff and add some star assistants *without* getting the salary pool increased is asking the near impossible. But is there money to put out for the assistants…and will loyalty prevent outsiders from taking over a coordinator spot or two and demoting current coaches?
Best wishes to Mike Smith. That does open up a GA spot–it would be nice to see a former Warrior player there, preferably one who played in this offense.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
Are there going to be any other coaching changes?
Morning all!
Congrats to all the Warriors honored at the banquet.
Inoke is the first person to come to my mind when thinking of recent grads who could help teach at least one position on offense.
Good morning to all Tsai-kos here and everywhere!
Hope you all have a great week, enjoy each day and each other. See some of you at lunch today!!
Warrior fan now and always!
The only team that matters.
Warriors, thank you for your hard work and dedication!
Warrior fan FOR LIFE!
Here’s a little quiz (sorry no prize):
Name the 2 former UH athletes whose pics (small kine) appear in the December 14 issue of People (the one with Tiger on the cover).
I am very proud of our football team. The way the coaches and players handled themselves this year is a tribute to the coaches. There were a lot of ups and downs, but they always conducted themselves professionally.
Hopefully next year we can get our fifth and sixth year seniors back, because it will be a tough year.
I am proud to be a UH Warriors football fan.
another one of those BIO things?
I look at the coaching staff as a team. I want that team to remain intact. Too many changes every year is not good. It is very difficult to find star assistants who will remain here. Teams with more money will come a calling as they have in the past. I just hope UH can hang on to what they got for at least a few more years. It will get better.
I believe before there can be any shuffling of the assistant coaches, the head man has to have set an overall philosophy articulated in a clear, concise strategic plan of what his goals are, how he intends to get there, in what time frame, with what pieces.
When he has that and believes wholeheartedly in that strategy, he can then design the tactical elements to achieve that strategy. That would then determin the kind of coaches he would want to bring together the overall plan. THEN he would ahve to trust the plan such that he let’s those elements execute their plan, which he would have endorsed by hiring/retaining coaches and oversee the strategy, in other words, let the coaches coach.
Anything less would result in what we’ve seen in the past two years, noticeable chaos with clock management, personnel on field, players in position, questionable play calling in critical situations.
you all make very good points just now, and at the end of yesterday’s blog (earlier this morning by LOL). no doubt you, along with WarriorMojo and the rest of us, are die hard Warrior Fans. Thats why we pretty much filled the stadium and yelled out butts off, even with TV playing at home on Oahu.
My two cents is I expect more from our coaches. I keep going back to the UNLV game for my bellweather on the coaches. Recall at the end of the game, the whole team left the field without saying goodbye to the 10 thousand plus that made the trip from Hawaii to watch the Warriors play their hearts out. they just walked away, period. we also saw the field goal kick attempt and the rush job. many of us rookie footballites, even I, knew in our hearts at that time that that was a flub by the coach(es).
Saturday nite, i was watching a particular play when the receiver could have been intercepted… it was mentioned here already? What the hay?
Since our season is over, and we can now talk our piece, I say this. Its a given Coach is not going anywhere until the end of the contract. That is the Hawaii style. Entitlement. We’re not Republicans, we are Democrats. But even this diehard Democrat wants a better team, and that means playing the best, recruiting the best, giving schollies to the best, whether they be Republican or Democrat.
and that is why i said LOL was diplomatic early this morning. face it, summa our coaches are acting like they are looking for their high 3.
it suxx when it it appears on national tv that we didn’t put up a good fight, again…. on national tv….
Coach, you got over two months to say it right. and the earlier the better. good players are out there, who have not yet committed. some of them are here in Hawaii. to get them, you gotta walk the talk. and talk the talk. you gotta give Coach Cal some ammo. you gotta create the ammo. we’ve had two years of speed and quickness being run by two UH coaches. what have we gotten from that? the chance to showcase Hawaii talent for mainland teams? the chance for walkons to override schollies in two coaches eyes? you can have two runners side by side, but the positioning of the runners in the lanes does create an advantage of one of the other. so what are we doing? justifying the status quo?
I don’t know about you, coaches, but I’m planning for the Warriors to beat USC. it starts now. PROPER PRIOR PLANNING PREVENTS POOR PERFORMANCE? see the prize. vision the prize.
Good Morning All! It’s the begining of another week…and no Warrior Football to look forward this weekend makes it’s harder to make it through the week. Hope everyone has a good one
i dunno football like you guyz, i’ll admit. but i do know perception, and I do know about playing to the audience. very well, i’ll admit that too.
you have made it clear that Coach Mack has a good heart. I saw that in his interactions with us; he has always stuck up for his coaches and his players. Give him big time credit for that.
But if its a money thing, even he’ll have to admit he has wiggle room. Even with a tax guy he can make adjustments. The bottom line is, he’s got time to fix his boat so it can go faster.
I want a winner. Am I asking too much?
see you later this evening gang.
hi ho.
BC just said that the Senior night recognition ceremony was sold to a Credit Union???? I could only guess its UHFCU and Ariel Chun. Are they to blame to how sad it has turned out? Sure we lost the game and that emptied most of the crowd, but there was absolutely no one left in the stands except for family and friends. My group stayed but we felt so left out of it that we didn’t stay for long. Way to screw a good thing up.
No BIO thing!! Will see some of you at lunch today means not all of you have the opportunity to attend the Na Koa lunches. Not intending to exclude anyone.
I guess the question that is on the tips of those mentioned above is, “Does the UH have the wherewithal (nice word for b__ls) to do the right thing…the hard thing, evaluate and revise.
We all seem to be chanting in unison, but it may fall on deaf ears as we the people who buy tickets and fill seats are not the “experts”. Funny thing is that we really don’t care who is doing what with what offense or defense, all we want is a team that is respectable, and we did not have that in the past two seasons. None experts, particularly those on the bandwagon show discontent in the only way they know how, they don’t show up for games. AND, that they have to pay attention to.
There are no friends in competition. Look at the Bowden family and FSU. When it got to be a family affair and loyalty ensued, FSU started the downward spiral. I guess because it was family it took longer to make the obvious change. Now the head man is exiting the stage.
Well in all honesty Mack was selected and had very little time to hire a staff and get out on the recruiting trail, remember June took the whole offensive staff with him except for Ron Lee so Mack needed to replace guys who have been in the R&S system for 9 years, So Mack went with Rolo and Smith both who’ve had experience in the R&S as players, simply put Mack didn’t have the time to really wait around and see who was available because of recruiting needs so he did the best he could on short notice…now that he’s had some time he’s hired a bonafide oline coach with experience and another coach with head coaching experience but too much change too quickly is not a good thing so Mack needs to stabilize his staff if he does that we succeed.
Coach Mac had a very good attorney that negotiated his contract. The UH agreed to pay him x amount of dollars. I don’t know his financial circumstances – whether he has to assist his children financially or what not.
But BHF2 has a good point. Assuming Coach Mac has some wiggle room, he might consult his CPA or financial advisor or attorney whether some of the $$$ can be allocated to upgrading his staff.
If he is making 1.2M, his tax burden is around 400-500. He might consider giving some of that to his staff IF he can get away with it tax-wise.
Congratulations to all of the UH Warriors for playing with heart & fortitude. Good luck in your finals. See you next year.
overcast today but still a great place to be. good morning tsaikos and warrior faithful.
heard rkekaula’s comments on senior night repeated by bc and agree with ccut. imho agreement should have been previewed by someone and a compromised should have been made. also if revised add a clause to say the UH has the right to make alterations they deem necessary.
CC – it has been mentioned before, they should pass out the plaques at the team banquets. They can say the Senior Walk is sponsored by UHFCU and then just introduce and let the players walk around the stadium. Ariel is retiring this year. This would be the perfect time to make a change!
bc is mentioning that senior walk changes was made by coaches decision. st can you give some insight on this.
SJ-Macro ~
Your photos from the t-gates and other UH sporting events this season have chronicled the 5 f’s of each Tsaiko gathering.
Mahalo for capturing those moments for all to enjoy!
UH should let the players choose which way they want the Senior Walk to go. It’s THEIR time.
Good morning Tsai-kos!
Happy Monday, a little wet, but at least we’re not freezing our okoles off like some on CONUS.
re: Mac’s salary and the asst coaches. Don’t forget that it is a STATE contract and reducing it to give more to the assistants may mean RENEGOTIATING. I don’t think he can just give it up without a new contract. Mebbe ST and others closer to the situation can tell me if I’m way off base here.
Stretch, koakane,
yeah, i just heard that BC retracted his statement. uhfcu has sponsored that for a long time. it was a coaches decision to alter the format. i don’t think that was a good idea. i think they’ll get enough negative feedback that they’ll change it back next year.
Any ticket giveaways for the USC game?
Hiya homey!
It’s gonna be an interesting off season on the ole blog.
Da Punchbowl Kid, do I know you?
DPK ~ It already is! Homey is asking for ducats to the USC game 269 days away!
Hey homey, DPK, and Kekoa.
Go Wahine volleyball!
if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
this generally applies to all things.
why people try to re-invent the wheel is beyond me?
have a good flight back home. thanks for talking story with us at the last two tailgates. i can see why greg is such a humble kid off the field.
see you all next year.
again have a safe flight as you head for the (chino) hills.
Homey ~ The Ballet peeps heard of your performance of Swan Lake at the t-gate. Is there a chance that you will make a job change?
SailorBlue is in Russia, so I’m sure he won’t mind you borrowing his *tutu!*
Good morning Tsaikos. Another cold day in lv and hope it snows.
Good Morming Tsaiko Nation, raining like cats and dogs here in Los Angeles as I take a day’s rest from my athletic dominance and spend some good writing time with you good folks. The Warrior Football Season is over and HOPEFULLY we will be better for the next year.
The areas that NEEDS improvement we all know as the KEY to all of this is the return and maturation of players coming back and the NEW recruits that you bring in as it is evident that if you wanrt to win and play against the “BIG BOYS” you have to have “STUDS” and prime time players !
Skill, fast offensive and defensive linemen that can “HIT” and can do it over Two to 300 pounds. Moniz can GO and Salas can step it up with a running game that you DO have as hopefully Mac will use it early next year and he will have better command of the program as it is right now he needs to improve DRASTICALLY in this area.
USC will be LOADED next year and pissed off because what happen to them this year as the fall of GRACE from the college football best will be smarting during the off season as they will just RELOAD as FIVE high school studs are coming from my Al Wooten Center South Central Los Angeles area and I can tell you now ALL can play, hit, jump and run SO Hawaii better step it up QUICK or it will be a MASSACRE plain and simple !
I am told playing USC is just a money making game as you are guaranteed the “BIG BUCKS” so I gather from that winning is never an option as to a “BUTT KICKING” to get paid as SC will spend and bring the money to have a good time in Honolulu while smiling and laughing BLOWING us off the field as that is not a “HAPPY SITE” for me to witness !
Either way it goes I will be there ready to cheer as I am only an alumnus and booster to my Hawaii athletic teams and that good folks is FINE with me !
Hope Hawaii is not too wet as we are monsoon over here. Getting ready to go into the office as I gear myself and my lucky 25 kids who I choose to attend the Dodger Xmas Party at it’s Executive Club this Thursday. GREAT holiday venue with food, players and television cameras ALL at our disposal “FREE” !
Melekalekemaka !
Congratulations to Estes, Salas and Kia on their All-WAC recognition!!
Congratulations to Dunnachie so won the WAC Special Teams Player of the Week. He showed his potential after overcoming that first punt.
Jim Donovan is chatting live on
Correction, Jim Donovan is chatting live here on
back in the day we would have said….
“you don’t know do you!”
First I love this team, but now that the season is over it is time for a serious look at the program, from the top to the bottom in order to improve, an there is major room for improvement.
During the season I am a total Kool-Aid drinker, I feel you need to support what you have, also sort of giving them enough rope to hang themselves type of deal.
AD Jim – First thing IMO is you need to find someone who can market this team/school, someone who can think outside the box, who can come up with some creative ideas to sell your product (sports). The one thing I cannot understand is if you own a product an let others tell you how much your product is worth, seems like the tail wagging the dog. There are many areas that you need to improve on and again IMHO it’s not brain surgery.
Coach Mack – needs to step up, learn from your mistakes an you made quite a few, agree the first is your attitude towards the staff an players, as a person who was the number one guy, I can tell you for a fact “you cannot be your underlings friend, you have to be separated from them both on the field an off.
Even though we may not like it this (UH football program) is a business so it needs to be treated like one.
This next season is your time so show all the fans that you can in fact do your job, IMHO it’s not so much as your win/lost record but how you manage the team (don’t get me wrong the W/L is important to) but I want to see you manage this team like a Head Coach/CEO I want you to make the calls so that your management team (Ass’t coaches) can do their jobs and make a profit (wins).
Ass’t coaches – Time to step up an do your jobs, teach teach teach, and if they don’t get it flunk them. You also can’t be the players buddies, you need to be their supervisors, you need to install ethics into these young minds, they are not NFL pros, they are not super stars, they need goals set by you for them to reach. They need to learn their craft.
Now this is just a personal thing of mine but I think you need to teach them to act like they have been there before, it bugs the poop out of me that when they make a good play they act all big chest, with the high fives an chest bumping, I think that if you make a good play then your just doing your job right, save all the celebration for when you do your jobs for three or four years in a row.
Players – Boys you all need to put out 110% from today until the last gun sounds in the last game of the season, then start all over again. I guess the biggest thing is how bad do you want to play?? if it’s bad enough then you’ll do what the coaches ask you to do and then do a little more.
Fans – Show up, Stand up and get nuts, when the season starts it time to get it on, every game should be like the Navy game with us fans rock’en the stadium and show the team that we support them.
OK all pau
Kekoa – I saw a handicapped person sitting near you jump 2 rows down trying to catch a t-shirt projectile.
#1 no more??????
(J)J – I predict sales of Steinlager will go down this week.
Homey he dang near tackled curveball for that shirt. I don’t know how the kid gets to sit in the handicap seats cause he sure isn’t handicapped, I was standing cheering the team and the kid taps me on the shoulder an asked me to sit down cause he couldn’t see the play, so I told him to stand up if he wanted to see, your legs not broken. LOL
Pomai – LOL, ROTLMFAO! I was thinking the same thing! How did he get that seat? Well, in any case, though he didn’t show any outward physical disability or display any signs of pain or discomfort or blindness, I hope he recovers from that leap. I wish to see him next season…
wisconsin game sidebar….
and local folks just get so niele when it comes to a “beef”. during the heat (or lack of heat) of the game some local boys were getting into their own scrum in the seats below us.
i was laughing because how many of us stood up to watch the beef instead of the game. maybe we were checking it out in case was one of our ohana.
Hi Ho!
Tsai-kos are awesome. Great tailgate. Thanks to all that made it a successful event.
Plenty prayers please for my Uncle, LongTimeUHFan. He will go into surgery tomorrow at 7:30 A.M. and could certainly use the kokua from us all.
Whoosh. Where the heck did the season go? That was the fastest season that I have ever experienced.
List of some of the things that have been suggested to improve the team from people here.
1. Better coaching
2. Hire more experienced asst coaches
2a. Pay the asst coaches more
3. Better strategic plan
4. Better play calling
5. Improve clock management
6. Better recruiting
7. Fire the coach
These are pretty similar suggestions that about half of the football teams have from their fans. Of course our suggestions are much nicer being from Hawaii.
#57 Pride you can count on it!!!
Old Diver:
December 7th, 2009 at 10:57 am
List of some of the things that have been suggested to improve the team from people here.
1. Better coaching roger that
2. Hire more experienced asst coaches Nah need existing to step up
2a. Pay the asst coaches moreyep
3. Better strategic planyep
4. Better play callingyep
5. Improve clock managementyep
6. Better recruiting,a.yep
7. Fire the coachNOT
Kudos to Virginia on the hiring of Mike London as their new head football coach. Great, not only because he is a minority, but also because he is a good coach with a proven winning record.
There was a pretty good scrap at the bridge in the parking lot.
Why do I always miss out on the fights? Shucks.
Another minority hire on the FCS football level with Portland State most likely turning to Nevada’s Nigel Burton to head their program.
We need to remember that these games of musical chairs played by coaches every year sometimes affects our own coaches as well as those who once played or coached in Hawaii.
So fo reel den…Blaze not going entertain the possibility of anodda yea? Aida way…good luck boys! go rep da 808!
It’s great that Mack negotiated higher pay for his assistants. It was the right time and right place given the administration was willing to do almost anything for our next head coach…
I may be wrong but didn’t JJ at one point offer to use some of his own salary to pay for some of his assistants raises or bonuses like that? I think if we really need more money for better assistants for oh I dunno lets just say the Offensive Coordinator position as an example then maybe Mack could consider dishing out 10-15% of his salary. He has a right to all of that money but who knows, he might be willing to do it.
This is all assuming that it would be doable in terms of whatever University funding/salary policies are in place etc.
Oh! Ok,
I didn’t mean to imply I agree with those suggestions, I was just pointing out half of the schools are having this same discussion, so it’s not like the nation’s football problem’s are focused in Manoa. I do feel play calling was not one of our problems. The same guy who was calling the plays last week was calling the plays this week and the same holds true for defense.
And for those with a memory we were saying the same thing about JJ at times and JJ did not face this caliber of scheduling. That said I like everyone wants improvement next year and hope for the year after and that and it starts with making your donation to Na Koa.
there should’ve been a scrap at the porta potties. stupid drunk local guy cut with his sister or gf. line was long. he was like, she gotta pee. we all gotta pee. go stand in line. had one big local guy and his gf that was at the front of the line that was gonna knock that skinny drunk local guy out. drunk kept talkin, what you going do? what you going do? but it wasn’t worth it. someone called the radio last week with a great idea. get all these drunks with attitude like that all in the middle of the field and let them scrap and show how big body they really are. i like the band and all, but that would be some fun halftime entertainment.
Well wishes and prayers for LTUHF
Re: Pre-game senior ceremony:
One of the coaches told me that the team had to end warmups and go into the locker room for the ceremony. He looked at the scoreboard: there were 40 minutes left before kickoff. He said that defeated the purpose of warmups.
it appeared that the team came out of the locker room pre game quite a bit flat. after taking the kickoff and quickly moving for two firstdowns some life was restored until that pick. the air was starting to further leak out of the balloon.
when wisconsin methodically marched down the field you could see the air escaping even more.
we needed a lift, a turnover, a stop, a pick six, or something.
Was watching the ESPN replay and noticed about 10:24 left in the first quarter, there is a close up of “Santa Claus” cheering in the stands. Maybe he had to pee really bad and was running for the toilet in the locker room??
JJ asked UH to pony up more money for the coaches.
UH didn’t pony.
This is how it worked. UH administration says to JJ: “We’re not limiting your recruiting budget or salaries. Spend whatever you want.”
Reality: UH limited his overall budget. So, yes, JJ could have doubled his recruiting budget. But then he wouldn’t be able to buy DVDs to record games.
During a certain administrator’s second year, they limited the number of pens the staff could have. I went over there and dropped off a box of pens.
That was the same year “Ferd” sent a freedom-of-information request to get a copy of contracts. We received a bill for something like $8 for copier costs.
it seemed that administration (which includes coaches or coach) placed a bigger emphasis on the senior stuff.
this was the most critical game of the year.
yah, all the pregame hype w/the seniors and their families should have come after the game. all that early fanfare sort of reminded me of rocky 2 (?). where he forgets about the match/game itself.
lessons learned.
Blaze is not even considering another year? As much as I love Blaze and his hard work, I doubt any NFL team is going to use a draft pick on him. He hasn’t showed that he can endure a couple of college football seasons without injury. That would be a huge risk for an NFL team to pick somebody that is consistently injured. If he came back (at least petition) for another year and stayed healthy, that would show teams he is not injury prone.
now that the season is done…
let’s turn our attention to some good recruiting info.
it appears that we are nearly done, yet, there are some real big time talent locally who still may find their way to manoa. that would be nice.
i guess coaches now need to go out reaffirm the verbal commitments to prevent any “buyers remorse”.
Yes…all our prayers to Long Time UH fan, who is undergoing heart surgery tomorrow. I am told this procedure is very risky.
He reads the blog but does not post too often these days, so many may not know him. But I have always thought of Long Time UH Fan as the kindly grandfather of all the Tsai-ko’s. He is depicted in the original Tsai-ko caricature (back row with the straw hat) in his anonymous days before he and the Mrs. personally checked out Al and myself at a secret lunch back in early 2007. 🙂 He has since appeared at many events whenever his COPD condition would allow.
Prayers and best wishes to him!
regarding longtimer…
while any surgery is of risk, he has been told that the success ratio is still very high in his case. about ninety percent in fact. i.e. my 88yr old mom came through w/flying colors six months ago from that very same procedure. that is good.
the power of prayer is awesome. please help as others here have mentioned. the Lord is the greatest physician of them all.
afternoon gang!
prayers for LongTimeUHFan
Prayers from my wife and me for LongTimeUHFan … a successful surgery and speedy recovery to LTUF.
Blaze would like to play another year, and I think he’s got a great argument.
But UH hasn’t assured him that his case isn’t better than a long shot.
By the time, it makes a ruling — guess what? — it’s late summer. If it’s ruled against him, he would have wasted a whole year. And he’d have to pay his way to school since he graduates Dec 19, at which time he comes off scholarship.
So, time to train now.
He’s been told he’s a fourth-round guy.
LTUH, my thoughts are with you…
BTW, I’m a lover not a fighter.
Bless you LongTimeUHFan. The power of our prayers are with you.
Best wishes for LTUHF and for WassupDoc.
homey ℞: Did someone ‘jack’ your blog name? If you catch him, send down to where I sit. Me and *America’s Angriest Man* will throw him over the rail. (We’ll make it look like he dove for a t-shirt!)
Looks like Georgia Southern is going back to the future in search of a return to glory.
They hired former UH GA, Jeff Monken as their new HC. He was an assistant to Paul Johnson at Ga Southern, Navy and Ga Tech.
Go Wahine!!!
congrats to the Warriors for post season awards…..good job 🙂
Abu Ma’afala the defensive line coach at Louisville this season and was let go when Steve Kragthorpe was fired at the season’s end. He’ll be looking for a new job.
I’m not sure what Crag Stutzman’s status is right now but I would assume that he would be job hunting also. D1 would have more info on that situation.
Best wishes to Long Time UH fan…I hope that his heart surgery goes well.
Congratulations to Leonard Peters for scoring the winning points (in sudden-death overtime) to get the USA Rugby team its first win of the season! Nice photo of Peters with this article.
Punahou alumnus Keith Uperesa who was the offensive line coach at UNLV is also out of a job and will be hunting for an opening during this off season. Hopefully his health concerns will work out for the better.
from the WAC site
WAC Special Team’s player of the week
Dunnachie, a freshman from Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia (Marcellin College), punted six times for a 49.2-yard average in the game against Hawai‘i. He had four punts of at least 55 yards including a season-best 66-yarder in the first quarter. Two of his punts were downed inside the 20-yard line and three were returned for a total of just eight yards.
Great to see Dunnachie have a break out game. Imagine what a year in the weight rooms going to do in helping his game.Who knows maybe he’ll practice PK in the off season.
The NCAA is discussing the possible expansion of the Men’s basketball tournament to *96* teams!
Good afternoon Tsaikos…
Hope all is going well…busy, busy, busy for me today.
homey, yes, Steinlager sales will be down this week….LMAO
Prayers for LTUHF….
Saw Leonard Peters at a Longs Drugs store several years back and couldn’t help but notice two young co-eds screaming at the top of their lungs, “oh my God, you’re Leonard Peters, oh my God Leonard Peters is standing in the same line as me, oh my God I can’t believe you’re Leonard Peters”. Then they proceeded to text all of their friends that they were in Longs Drugs with Leonard Peters.
I had no idea that long hair made women so excited.
If we didn’t rules regarding hair length at work, I would have grown my hair long and put it in a ponytail a years ago.
Congratulations on Aaron Kia making second team all-WAC.
I would start pushing for Greg Salas for the Heisman in 2010.
You will be fine! 🙂 My prayers are with you.
Look forward to seeing you out at Genji’s again!
royvic @#96: Isn’t it great to be able to tell folks what we witnessed at his 1st few practice sessions in the Spring? Nobody seemed to believe us when we insisted that he was kicking rain makers!
Pomai ~ One word…Vindication.
I was pleasantly surprised myself with our Punter. After the first 8 yard punt all the others were really good. So good that I thought they had yanked Dun and put in a new guy.
I’m sold that he CAN do it :), but will wait until next year to see if he can be more consistent.
I did a spellcheck on SMU.
It is listed as an misspelled word.
The suggested word is: smug
NOW you tell me….
Alabama has a quarterback by the name of Greg McElroy, who’s dad was the starting right guard on that Hawaii team that took USC down to the wire in 1978. If Greg Sr.’s best friend Jeff Duva wouldn’t have dropped that pass from David Toloumu in the fourth quarter we would have beaten USC.
Come on Greg Sr., Ask Jeff, “what happened? what happened? The ball was right, in, your, hands?” Ugggghhhh.
Stretch, looks like your hair is growing though.
I just cut it again this morning. CRAP!!
IWWTHM ~ Just think, he’s only going to be a Soph. He has some seasoning yet, but he is quickly learning the American style of football.
Did you notice his little Rugby step over to his right on the last kick of the night? A lot more confident and controlled. Leonard Peters would be proud!
Prayers out for LTUHF. Got to sit with him & his wife at the 1st game of the year. Really nice couple. Hope everything works out.
Tony Tuioti at the Na Koa lunch. Can’t talk about recruits, but he did say that coaches are going to be making home visits this week. He showed us a slide of their defensive board and you can see graphically what the differences are between wins & loses.
There was a fight in the section I was sitting in at the game. After calling out for the cop standing on the field, I went back to watching the game. Hate those interruptions.
Yeah, I’ve overheard ST call someone Captain Kangaroo! What a meanie!
Knowing he has a couple more years left ahead of him is very promising. Hopefully over the year he can continue to work on punting unofficially with a coach off course. haha.
re: JJ and assistant pay
Did he or didn’t he offer his OWN salary to some of his assistants while he was here in Hawaii?
I could have sworn I read that somewhere. I don’t know if it actually happened due to the intricacies of his salary. 1/2 from the State 1/2 from donations….
This taken from the Star Bulletin Sunday Jan 6, 2008 re: Jones contract negotiations.
“Jones and Steinberg have said Jones was more interested in facility improvements, ***higher pay for his assistant coaches*** and other support for the program. Jones’ correspondence with his friends included 19 points of “things that have not been dealt with” by the UH administration.”
It seems as though from the article that these things were not a part of the discussion between Jones and Fail-zier..i mean Frazier.
However making this point public and one of the “reasons” for him leaving put Mack in a no-fail position to ask for it but ALSO put the University up against a wall having NO CHOICE but to address it to ease a whole lot of ticked off people.
I can’t see the administration NOT following through with assistants pay raises, facilities etc etc etc no matter who they brought in.
Don Weir,
Weren’t they supposed to give a bag of Big Island Cookies away at the Na Koa luncheon?
It’s great that Na Koa is starting to reach out to the former UH football alumni. Perhaps that same effort should be organized for each UH sport to build their supporter base.
just stopped by to check and see if all is ok, but there is some trouble in river city. it is snowing in summerlin and cold rain in downtown. hoping that it turns to snow soon. very dark. anyway, got to go back downstairs and look at the slots. have fun and play nicely.
Stephen Tsai, Don Wier or anyone,
1/2 of Jones salary came from donations from boosters…roughly $400,000. Now that his ENTIRE salary comes from the tax payers what happened to the $400k?
Has the money been donated to a different area of the program? The donations stopped? If the donations stopped I wouldn’t be surprised, its a tough economy out there.
Reason is $400,000 is A LOT of money and if it went towards a different area ex: recruiting or whatever it should make things a lot easier for the program.
No, JJ did not offer any portion of his salary to his assistant coaches.
Two reasons why that would be difficult:
1) The salary ranges of coaching positions are set by the Board of Regents.
2) JJ insisted that half of his salary be paid by outside sources. Now that money was funneled through Na Koa. Not sure how much of that share — $400,008 came from donations. Not sure if the money can be redistributed.
Now, I know some people wanted JJ to pay for his coaches’ bonuses. But, really, that’s a UH obligation.
Same as with McMackin’s salary. There’s a contract, and UH should honor at least the financial terms. If not, good luck ever hiring another coach. Nobody would be foolish to sign with disappearing ink.
I wonderwhy …
JJ was correct when he said the new coach would get everything JJ asked for.
That’s the way it is.
I think the administration has gone out of its way to help the football program. Except for the schedule — and that’s a WAC deal — the team has what it needs to be successful, especially when the new offices are completed in the spring.
Now the coaches have to win.
#119 – IWWTHM,
I worked at a state university and I was told by my director that I could not allocate an increase I was to receive to the people I managed. My salary was 1/2 state funds & 1/2 ‘local’ funds at that time. One of the problems was the availability of the funds for the subordinate positions in future years, since their positions were not funded at the higher level by the state. It’s not easy to do things in a government organization.
IWWTHM: Careful, ST had his chain jerked once already this afternoon. He frowns on us quoting articles from the SB. They represent The Articles of War in his universe.
Avoid hostile fire and quote stuff from Ladies Home Journal, or Reader’s Digest, k? Hehehe!
Stephen Tsai,
Thanks for clearing that up.
I am guessing the people like the Maloof Brothers donated to that $400K fund and I am 98% sure that people like Walter Dods gave some really big donations upon the hiring talks of Jones.
Assuming these are private donations that came from Hawaii fans and not those that Jones brought with him ex: Maloofs then I wonder if that money is still being pumped into the system. If so, I wonder where because that is honestly a boat load of money that could be put to good use.
Stay inside where it’s always 72 and a little hazy (with cig smoke).
I’ve been looking at the weather in the upper Midwest for this week and it looks like a massive storm system is gonna work it’s way all the way from SoCal to the Great Lakes dumping lots of rain and snow along the way! 😯
iwonderwhy …
The Maloofs donated to JJ’s charity, not to his salary. (Although — heh, heh — is there a difference?)
I know of two donors, one being Dods, although it was a five-figure donation, as I understand, because it came from his personal finances.
Stephen Tsai,
Didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to post a link from the SB. My apologies for that. I just wanted to cite where I got the info from and provide a link. Won’t happen again.
You’re free to call me
Then we won’t have to bore everyone else with this rather pointless point-by-point debate.
You, I like.
Sound points. Very polite.
You can do whatever you wish. Fine with me.
Have you ever been to the LV Ski Resort? I’ve always wondered if they have enough snow to ski. Never been there.
I always wondered what the June Jones foundation was all about. I didn’t know if it was for the community, for football or what not.
I wonder if they had to compete for donations with Na Koa…assuming it was mostly for football.
Whats good about our punting team is that both the punter and the long snapper are freshmen. I feel that next season they will be a killer on our punts, our gunners will be down there waiting for the ball to come down.
Another thing on our punter, if during the off season he gets into the weight room and with the right guidance his elevation could be even higher, with a hang time in the 5 – 6 seconds. Ouch!!!!!
Geez, I hate (I know, that’s a strong word) when folks use beeg words they no can spell and try fo’ make intellectual arguments wit’ bad mechanics. 👿
….not to mention how bad it is to have to use a bad mechanic! 😈
A very good start from the administration. What I fear is that UH football falls out of view because of the economy and the increased scrutiny of its “importance.”
I hope that our AD and coaches stand firm and insist that things continue on to improve in facilities and money as to not go back to the status quo.
It sounds so easy on paper but if every season ticket holder could stand to donate $25 or $50 OVER what they pay in premiums it could go a long way.
I hope that Na Koa but more so the University campaigns and solicits as aggressively as they can.
Maybe one day at the $25-100 level we can have some t-shirt companies donate gift in kinds to include a green UH warrior T-shirts. Do tables at the Stadium to see how it goes with membership (if they do that already then cool).
D1 – No forget to massage da toes. I bet da bugga still cold.
From the Hawaiian club advisor, Flagstaff, AZ:
Lucky they have a dome to play in, for football, basketball & track.
Pride I bet da toes wasn’t da only thing dat was cold************
I can attest thru most recent experience that the cold weather gets old real fast!
When you going change your name. Nobody wondering anymore.
How’s about ‘inokeaifyouhateme-reallyinokea-trustmeinogivea hoothowyoufeel’. Yeah tha would be one good name.
Don’t make me start worryin’ when you start looking at me and smilin’! 😯
Somebody donated all these Readers Digest to my temples bazaar some years ago.
The “seasoned” temple ladies aka the grandmothers were arguing. One side wanted to price them at 10 cents each, the other side said who in heck would buy Readers Digest from the 1990’s…
We honestly had about 12 years worth of the magazine…and at the end of the Bazaar had 12 years of magazines still.
The temple can never say “we don’t want your stuff.” But honestly sometimes I don’t believe the things that people donate sometimes. Frying pans with its handle broken off, a bag of used plastic shopping bags (O_o), ugggh used underwear…
OK, I’m off to run errands. I’ll be back on the blog at 5.
Any post directed to me between now and then will get zapped.
yes yes that would be a good one hahaha. but i get scoldings already for my name being to long as is.
Ok, bye Stephe…err, uh….
….never mind!
Bottom line is we need better players. Recruiting needs to restock the shelves.
We have good front-line, first teamers, but there is a HUGE drop-off from the second string and below.
Mack redshirted a ton of recruits and some of the incoming JC players. Hopefully next year that will increase the quality of depth.
No sked take Pride.’s suggestion. I would just shorten your name again to:
inkiyhmrinktmingarohyf 😉
So according to most of the pre-season progonosticators, Hawaii was predicted to come in fifth place. Now that the season is over, we see that Hawaii is in fifth place.
So did we have a good season or a poor season. Hmmmm.
Tough road schedule.
No returnees on defense.
Injuries to important returnees.
Tough season from the very start.
I agree. The intricacies of the way the government does its funding, allocations etc can be complicated. Not to mention regulated by law.
Hahaha true. Wait, so I can’t change it to iwonderwhytheyloveme? =P haha.
I assume Stephen left then…….:(
I guess we lived up to analysts guess at what we would do. We didn’t have a great season but we didn’t have a horrendous one either. Lived up to expectations I suppose.
There is always room for improvement and that’s all I am looking forward to next year.
Some experts believe that when you build a team, you build it down the middle.
Defensive Tackle(NT)
Safety(Strong or Free)
In Hawaii’s case this is what it looked like this year:
Center – Estes(productive year)
Quarterback – Alexander(injured)
Runningback – LWJ(seemed productive at times)
Defensive Tackle(NT) – Savaigaea/Meatoga(injured most of the year)
Linebacker(Mac) – Brashton Satele(injured all year)
Safety(Strong or Free) – Mana Silva(solid productivity)
So next year we should look like this.
Center – ???(Inexperienced)
Quarterback – Moniz(Experienced)
Runningback – Green/Dimude(Some Experience)
Defensive Tackle(NT) – Meatoga(Experienced)
Linebacker(Mac) – Satele(Experienced)
Safety(Strong or Free) – Mana Silva(Experienced)
By the way. Keeping that build down the middle model. Patriots weren’t very smart to let go of Richard Seymour.
Defensive Tackle(NT) – Richard Seymour
GM’s and owners always forget the value of your BIGS. You gotta have your BIGS.
Big guys on both sides of the ball. GM’s and owners sometimes forget where the game is played.
Build your team down the middle, six guys.
Add two more guys on offense and two more guys on defense.
Left tackle
Big play Wideout
Shut down corner
Outstanding Pass Rusher
That’s a total of ten guys, then you build your team around them.
Of course all of this is just my humble opinion.
Going by what you said, and I know I’m no expert, it seems like a pretty good making of a team for next season. We have Hansen and Letuli coming back. Wideouts in Bradley and Malcom as well as Bryant, Davis and PaiPai. How would you assess our chances next season?
I am sorry, I am getting tired of always reading about people wanting to get rid of Coach Mac. I know everyone has the right to their own opinion. I also agree that there are certain things that need to be adjusted and learned form this season, like clock management and decisive decision making at times.
Everyone has their faults, however, but they should have the opportunity to correct them. I keep going back to Mac’s mettle this season. He kept a team together through everything they’ve gone through this season. Injuries and crazy schedule would be enough to have a team pack it up and give up. That would be the easiest. No Mac sat them down with 5 games to go and lit a fire under them. Got them to win 4 straight game, granted 3 against the bottom of the WAC, that gave a shot at a going to a bowl game. Remember though one of those 3 was at San Jose where they’ve always had trouble playing and had their 4 QB of the season starting for them. (I am counting that Rausch didn’t play in that count)
Its too bad the season ended on a sour note, because the the last impressions are what everyone remembers and that is too bad. We need to remember the effort these players gave all season. They never gave up.
Remember also in this last game we got dominated by a ranked team that is very good. Its not like we got dominated by a New Mexico State or Utah State game. No offense to the team, because I believe in them, but this was a very tall mountain to climb. Yeah they could have played a better game, but Wisconsin came to play.
So please stop this bashing about Mac. Mac has a system has a plan that is going to take some time with recruiting to build the foundation. Lets put our support behind the team and hope they can quickly rebuild the line for next year because I think if you put this offense behind a good line it could be scary good.
If Mac is not the solution for some, maybe a coach like the one at New Mexico State is right person. 🙂 He doesn’t keep his players fighting to the end. I have never seen a coach give up on a game before. I still remember their game with us this year where he just quit. Yeah I guess that’s what we need a quitter rather than a fighter. 🙂
plus one good one who was limited to scout team this year.
You know what I found truly wonderful? Kia was named second team All WAC!
To those who said he was the worst and all that crap… wait for it… WOP YO JAWS!!! 😆
Congrats to the other WAC All Stars from the Warriors! Way to represent guys!
I agree with Tsai; Moniz should be getting Heisman hype the next two years…
Bess did so well against New England that they tried to double team him and still couldn’t stop him from getting 10 catches for 117 yards and a TD.
Bess is #2 in the NFL for first down receptions.
Moniz won’t win it, but with his numbers, UH might as well promote him.
There was no need to quote the other paper for info on JJ offering to give up some salary for the Warrior program. The *Advertiser* printed that on 1/8/08. My archive blog comes in handy at times…JJ offered to cut $300k from his $800k salary, that is a huge percentage.
JJ wanting the assistant coach salaries apparently *did* come up in negotiations with UH, as the other paper published on 1/4/08.
I do not think that time and money spent on a Moniz Heisman push would help, as he hasn’t even had a full season at QB yet. Projecting numbers won’t sway Heisman voters, especially after the last game.
If UH wants to make a big Heisman push, I think that Greg Salas has a case. He put up big numbers this season and did well the previous season also, so UH definitely has a case for him. Since Salas was among the national leaders and Moniz was not, I think that UH would be better served to push Salas.
JJ created a director of football operations job that was supposed to go to Cal Lee.
But Lee wanted to spend a final year with his senior class. That job then went to Bianca.
Then JJ wanted to create a job for Mouse as a fund-raiser. Administration balked, and Lorraine Leslie ended up filling that position. She has since left that job, which, I believe, went to Alvin Katahara, who used to be our paper’s marketing guy.
Please remove my comment at 3:32 pm….no longer pertinent.
Good point, Garret.
Then again, at UH, money is relative.
Whatever happened to John Estes’ tweets?
What the hay… promote both of them! 😆
(I’m just playing obviously)
I *lot* of schools cut off their support of football players tweeting because of a couple of unfortunately Twitter incidents during the season. The twitter stuff cost no money, but some really bad stuff happened elsewhere and that could have spooked UH.
DPK ~ a belated high 5 to you my KS paly for their great season. Nalani must still be beaming! Thought we could celebrate a bit at t-gate.
…and now Mouse sits and stews in Lake Oswego.
…as does a former Alum/GA
IWWTHM: Shoots! I was going donate all my Reader’s Digest mags (still inside da plastic shrink wrap) to da Temple!
No change yo name! It allows you to say whatever you want with impunity…sorta.
Interesting comments Tsaikos. Keep it up.
But anyone notice that UH football teams usually
look terrible on televised games?
Is it a curse?
Like a Sports Illustrated Cover curse?
Maybe we should demand not to be televised?
Less money but more wins?
Also, maybe we could put that psychological (tsaikological)
curse of the too early senior honor show on the opposing team.
You know, like next year, honor all the seniors on USC;s team
before the game and drag out all their emotions before the game
by some kind of ridiculous thing like making them do the hula
with a bunch of beautiful girls…
Just thinking…
I guess they play really good teams on national TV.
By the way, I love pecan pie. Every time we go to Houston, we get some. Know of any good ones in Hawaii?
lemme know if you run into some good pecan pie.
Congratulations to the Warriors and their recent awards!
Congratulations to new mvb coach Shelton Tang!
Prayers and positive thoughts to LTUHF!!!
Cheerio, sir!
Pride that is what i have always said. You draw that vertical line down the middle then build your team. The biggest hole I see right now and the greatest need is at center. Who will step up to take on the challenge. Then we will need to fill in the guards. The oline is usually formed in the spring which is only a few months from now.
Someone also needs to step up on defense to replace Tuika. If we can get Satele back I will feel a whole lot better.
Prayers for a successful surgery for WDoc, too!!!
Thank you for helping the Tsai-ko’s go green.
Don Quiote Kaheka street behind Kapiolani
bakes their own pecan pie. Pretty tasty.
Not too sweet. A bit powerful.
Bet you just can’t eat one slice…
If UH had heisman candidate I think it should be Salas.
d1 . . .
I trust everything thawed okay?
Thanks for the pecan pie tips.
ST: Yesterday, did you mention the offensive G.A. position as a running back’s position? If so, why are they wanting to hire a running back GA, when there already is a full time coach for that position?
Or, did I misread your blurb.
Forecast is for a bir of a chill tonight — 12-degrees.
Thank goodness there is no precip in the forecast! That would be really ugly.
Sure wish dj would come get his temperatures and take them to the other side of the hill where they belong. Sheesh!
Sorry folks I think it would be a mistake to make any mention of someone from UH to be up for the Heisman. Who ever gets a nod for a Heisman has to have four/three years of outstanding play against quality teams. I don’t think we have anyone who fits that bill, right at the moment. Who knows what’s down the road in a few years…..
Really cheap …
No, UH has to hire a GA for offense, not specific to one position.
What I mentioned yesterday is that a GA has to go through a selection process, which is ridiculous because the position pays the equivalent of a football scholarship. As an example, I said that would be like setting up a selection committee for recruits.
All is good.
Seems like the really cold stuff has moved south of you and is still hanging around McMinnville. Good for the Wildcats to get used to those temps as it appears that will be the conditions they will be in come Saturday in Wisconsin.
djmitcho, otoh, is apparently still roaming around in single digit temps!
Slugger, re your ski question. My friend used to go there and ski. They have ski lifts and everything. It’s in Lee Canyon about 30 miles from downtown. I’ve been to Lee Canyon, lower part, and people, mostly kids, were skiing with those McDonald’s trays. Search the web for las vegas snowboards and ski resort or just try lee canyon, las vegas.
The thought on a Heisman hype is to promote the program.
It’s not about merit, it’s about marketing.
Colt should have won the Heisman for 2006, when he had the highest pass efficiency rating in NCAA history.
In 2007, Tebow didn’t have stats that matched Colt or Chase Daniel. So Florida promoted Tebow’s total touchdown count. Thing is, Colt had more touchdowns produced in 2006. Florida did an outstanding marketing job, and Tebow won the Heisman.
Nice to see homey is visiting again!
I sure hope you’re kidding with this Heisman talk, unless you are telling us that there won’t be a QB competition next season.
That would really tick me off, considering the high caliber of talent we have at that position.
d1 . . .
So much for moderate temperatures because of the coast. Dang, when the winds blow down from the Frasier Valley (BC) it gets brutal. That is what is going on now.
BC should keep the cold since they will need it in a few months for the Winter Games.
Wow. Just noticed some have been Jetsoned. Oh well, tick off the wrong people once too often . . .
All most there!
Tebow up for Heisman again.
The next 170+ days will be tough and long.
School heaters were off over the weekend because of a power outage. It sure was cold this morning in my lab. It was not until nearly noon when it started to almost feel comfortable at 68. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow.
3rd century!!!
Time to check for cracks. Funny how too much warmth and too much cold make me sleepy. Heck, seems I am always sleepy. HA!
See you tomorrow morning!
A-House here. Are you still in LV?
WE are staying with MasaBoy. Was downtown this afternoon to see a certain Exec Chef and play some.
WE cannot believe how long it has been raining, the cold, and the wind!!! Dang, me walking around in bermuda shorts taking all kinds of trash talking from Mrs A-House and Midori7.
Will be picking up MasaBody around 11:45 to night and head to Market City for some ox-tail soup. Need the soup to keep me warm.
Whe hyou going home? We leave early Friday am.
Hawaii is a polynesian team. Moniz is perfect.
Funaki would have been, too. Maybe there were others
better than Timmy Chang, too. But he was perfect for Hawaii.
Local talent makes us feel good about the team. And that
includes the leader.
It is also good for marketing.
June Jones understood that perfectly.
Tell midori check her text message
tonight’s news
You people with creative minds..we need a blog name for Sliders upcoming baby sister, official announcement today.
how bout Knuckleball
col A House, am at Fremont as usual. weather is pretty neat and am hoping it snows tonight. it was snowing in summerlin today and hope the temp drops here in downtown, so can see a potential white christmas. hoooooooohaaaaaaa!!!!!
and here’s the 2nd to the last schedule of schedules update. navy has the last game of the regular season this week in their annual Army vs Navy game.
d1 and slugger, i love this weather. reminds me of a lot of things, but it really gets you in the mood for Christmas.
saw the BCS pairings and what stands out is that the major conferences are truly afraid of TCU and Boise State. This speakis very highly of the MWC and WAC teams. None of the BCS schools want to play them cause they know they are going to get beaten. How Iowa got into the BCS bowl is a bunch of bs. They do not deserve the berth and it should have gone to another team like Pitt. TCU and Boise should be playing Cincy and Ga Tech. The BCS said that they did a good job on selection, but they are lying.
Howzit Tsai-kos!
Congrats to the Warriors on their All-WAC selections. WTG!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery to WassupDoc and LTUHF.
Keed got her Christmas present early – new cell phone. The old one was essentially a paper weight the last few weeks.
the early line has not come out yet on the BCS games, but look for what the oddsmaker do for each game. It will shocks some, but what it will say is that the team is a bunch of opala.
I agree with the comment,
if we have a Heisman candidate, its Salas.
WIN! in choosing the qb, i wanna see the grades. WIN!
ok, brake time, going out to see if it is snowing, then run like hell back into the casino. only get rubba slippers and shorts. ho ho ho
one last thing, bhf2, the calvin n. are here in vegas and said they not going come to work this week cause they busy. hahahahahaaa
They let whitey in the casino without a shirt? 😆
shutb45 – #153
Your reasoning is okay until you get to the end where the conclusion makes your article loose it’s punch. Why would any of the bloggers suggesting a coach other than the present head coach want a coach as you described: a quitter? Why would the UH go out of its way to replace the present one with a known “quitter. That is so counter productive that your arguement makes no sense at that point.
Those who are questioning the present coach or want a change would want one better, not worse.
The Mac bashing may not make sense to you, but I’m quite certain the “bashers” if they could get one (a dream of course) one of the winning calibre like a Mack Brown, Nick Saban, (no way to afford these, of course) and not the likes of the coach you describe or one of our recent past coach.
I think the season seemed shorter because of the three away games clumped together at the start of the season. Didn’t seem like football had started until they got back.
Good stuff about JJ and Coach Mack regarding salary issues. Clears a lot of misconceptions. It’s good to know that Mack carried on JJ’s wishes in getting sizeable raises for all the coaching staff, as well as an increased recruiting budget. Really sad how Frazier dropped the ball, though.. real sad. One has to wonder if Frazier simply said “no” or if he even bothered to take it upstairs for discussion… What he cost our football program with his blunders, deficits, deceit, salary and bonuses, is hard to estimate… but it’s huge.
i do not want a quitter. I want a winner. Whitey, send doze buggaz homje. no rest fo da wicked. hahaha.
Thanks for your thoughtfulness but no more Readers Digest!….hahaha
It was really like a bad nightmare because every year we would get the previous years editions haha.
Regarding #221
I could be wrong but I think shutb45 was being sarcastic. I think he was saying Mack is a fighter not like the New Mexico State coach who he described as a quitter.
I knew that Hon Adv would have the same/similar write up but it was the first article that came up and so I went with it. Didn’t know there was a “battle” of sorts but now I do. Thanks though for the further quotes and posts 🙂
To be loved, to be hated….at least I know they care. hahaha. 😉
Regarding #222
I agree about the season seeming short, also not going to a post season bowl gives me the feeling that something is missing, almost a sense of loss.The only thing keeping me going is the Wahine VB team is still alive.
all foooooling assides…
more droppings on the hale… coach gotta take care of business.
if you gotta fumigate, you gotta fumigate… no monkeyh business.
Coaching Warriors is all about business. BIG BUSINESS. this is our house. you gotta protect our house! NO EXCUSES. and to do good this coming year. you gotta start now. We all know you are a great assistant coach. a super great defensive coordinator. the question I ask is: ARE YOU UP TO THE TOP JOB?
make the Hawaii line guys remember Al Noga. Jesse Sapolu. Russ Francis. The Hawaii players that played for Hawaii. Make them remember Hawaii. Be the best they could be. You guys not from Hawaii would not understand what I am saying. You can read the books to know what I’m saying, but you gotta have the heart to kinow what I’m saying and what I mean. I love Blaze and Inoke and Jon and Timmy because they are from Hawaii and they wanted to remain in Hawaii and play for us. I loved that, I really do. And we got samoa guyz like that. I like samoa guyz like that!
and one more thing about Senior night. If you want us to acknowledge the seniors, you gotta keep it short and before the game. no parents. just the players. you can post all kinds of things on the jumbo during halftime about the seniors, the parents names, yada yada, but you’re taking a chance on keeping the crowd around after the game.
i wouldn’t do that to seniors, ever again! what, you had 300 hundred in the stands besides the UHFCU employees?
good nite Warriors. thank you for a memorable season. the run at the end was good fun, full of excitement and hope. like your futures.
Good luck in life,Senior Warriors!
I am not an expert in pecan pie. Ive had it before and I like it but for what its worth heres my 2 cents.
Costco has pecan pie currently available next to the apple pies. I don’t know if its a seasonal thing and don’t know how it compares to some of the others mentioned. Though I don’t think it could compare with some artisanal pies.
I do know that its big and really heavy. I liked the apple pie and judging by that I would *think* that the pecan pie is passable at the very least.
If size is your thing go for the costco one (est $14 if i remember correctly). I doubt you could go wrong with that.
Come to think of it most of the baked goods and cooked foods (meatloaf, chicken, salads) that costco does taste pretty good especially considering the price and portion size.
Hatchie is going to U-Dub also? I hope what I read is not correct, as he is an OL recruit that the Warriors could really use!
I didn’t realize that McElroy from Alabama had a UH connection! The most impressive thing about McElroy is that he has won the last 29 games he’s started at QB, going all the way back to high school
donny q’s for pecan pie???
Judging from the answer to JD’s chat on SportsHawaii, it sounds like the non-BCS conferences really changed the way that BCS money is split up. I remember reading about the change, but did not realize it was so significant. The non-BCS conferences decided that they would split the money more evenly, so the conference that gets a team into the BCS doesn’t make as much.
So, everyone who has been counting on the BCS money from BSU getting to a BCS bowl will be sad to learn that UH might get just about $180k. BSU is getting about $3 million, which seems to be a LOT less than what UH got from its Sugar Bowl appearance.
Even worse is that the WAC will lose money because they have to send Nevada to the Hawaii Bowl, so UH will basically be losing some of that BCS money to pay for Nevada to fly to Hawaii!
It is hard for me to imagine this, but this one gambler lost $127 million at Caesar’s Palace and the Rio in 2007!
The man paid $112 million of his losses, but refused to pay the last $14.7 million so he could be going to jail for a long time.
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want to read the off-topic stuff.
Virgin Galactic’s commercial spacecraft, the SpaceShipTwo, will be revealed today. 300 customers have already paid the $200k ticket price or made a deposit for the 2.5-hour trips that includes about 5 minutes of weightlessness. They can carry 6 passengers at a time.
It has been thought that heart disease was due to our modern lifestyle and diet…but a study of mummies from as far back as 1530 B.C.E. indicates that the people mummified had a common sign of heart disease in nine out of 16 mummies, including seven of the eight who survived past the age of 45.
My kids would *love* to stay at this hotel in France that has a “Hamster Villa”, where guests feast on hamster grain, get a workout by running on a giant wheel and sleep in hay stacks.
After having their 400-pound tortoise named Mary for 50 years, the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo was shocked to find out that the turtle was actually a male!
Book kept in a guest bathroom in a UK home turned out to be a rare first edition of Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species”! It went for $172,630 as a recent auction.
A while back I read about his unusual gambling habits and was surprised to see that he had lost so much.
The $127 M apparently was negotiated down somewhat. With those who lose large sums of money in vegas (exact values unknown but surely in the $500k+ range) there is usually a prearranged and agreed upon “rebate on loss.”
The casinos will guarantee a rebate of lets say 10 or 20% of your loss exceeding such and such dollars…
The intricacies of a “whale” and the negotiations that go on to attract them are really interesting but pretty darn secretive.
Free play links pau.
Long interview with Bess on the Miami Herald website.
It is pretty neat that Henne threw passes to Bess at the NFL combine and is now his QB at Miami. I didn’t realize that Bess first met Henne because Colt is a close friend of Henne and introduced them.
Prayers for LTUHF and WassupDoc – both under “the knife”…
Re Heisman, I’m torn about campaigning another player while the team is rebuilding. Colt, as extraordinary an individual as he is, suffered a lot with all the extra travel and personal appearances. He could not keep his weight up and sacrificed a lot of sleep and rejuvenation time.
curveball granddaughter’s lineage: Na Wahine fastpitch- “riser”, “screwball” or a hitters choice- “slapper”
curveball – staying with the baseball/sports theme, not to mention she being a keiki wahine, how about bobbi sox.
prayers, good thoughts and well-wishes to LTUHF and W-Doc and their spouces.
good people with good hearts.
God Bless!
and to all a g’night
good site ya have thank you !!
another good one from Mr. Donovan 12/7 chat.
Jim Donovan
thank you for your candid comments and your fine leadership. I was too busy yesterday to get on to the live chat. You don’t have to answer; just think about these inquiries please.
“What skill set would you privately suggest that Coach Mack improve upon, if any?”
“What is your prediction about UH’s final ranking for next year, and if you don’t yet have a handle on that prediction, what is your time frame for making that kind of prediction?”
Mahalo Jim. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
A good morning to all!
It is 7-degrees outside and will probably drop a bit more in the next hour or so. Dang, I need to find my gloves.
Those weather people got it wrong. Again. They thought it was only going to get down to 9. They need to be fired and replaced with a top notch weather guy/gal. Someone from the East Coast and a big market would probably be best. Need to shake things up a bit and bring in some new blood.
I was being sarcastic at the end of #153. What we forget is that Jones struggled early on. Sure he had 9-4 in the first year, but he also struggled in the early going and along the way he had some losing seasons until he was able to solidify the foundation of the team and take them to the sugar bowl.
When I hear Mac being compared to the like of Von Appen, it makes me cringe. When I remember the feeling of that era compared to now, its completely different.
As to wanting to replace Mac with a dream coach if available, I would say I am happy with Mac. Besides, if you just told a coach, in any sport you are fired because we have a dream coach how would that help our hiring when the dream coach leaves or retires. Other coaches are going to have it in the back of their mind that this isn’t a secure job and that at any time when UH has someone they consider an upgrade, they will be gone. In process we might not get that one young coaching prodigy that would be good for the next 30 years.
Sportsbow reports that there is a 6’7 offensive tackle visiting UH this weekend…this is a need area for UH so this would literally be a huge recruit for the Warriors!
Nice blog.
Great Morning All!
It is a nice blog, indeed.
Have a terrific day erryboddy.
Good morning Tsai-kos!!
Where is everyone? Just the spambots out this am?
Anyone see the HA interactive poll? Evenly split between “They did the best they could” and “Extremely disappointing”. :evil:. People just look at the record and don’t pay attention to what’s going on with the team.
Good Morning All! Global Warming my okole…it’s currently 3 degrees here in Spokane. Doesn’t seem all that warm to me. Well, everyone have a good one today!
good morning to all the Tsaikos,
for those of you in America and are freezing, it’s pretty chilly up here in Makakilo right now also…….had to grab a blanket last night…whew.
congrats to the Warriors for the Post Season Awards.
good luck to the coaches in recruiting…’tis the season!
Well we have a curveball, a slider how about a sinker??
It’s not that warm here either.
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Great post mate! I’m actually thinking about getting my son into baseball.
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[…] The Warrior Beat| UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]
[…] The Warrior Beat| UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]
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